path: root/res
diff options
authorAbhisek Devkota <>2017-04-28 14:27:37 -0700
committerAbhisek Devkota <>2017-04-28 14:27:37 -0700
commit76cc0f38cf9c4fd9bce3222dfb5aa665160876d9 (patch)
tree87e95d24c32ec9ceecac18488ea4db3ec31a5cb5 /res
parent979a31b60e34b66189ad6783f70e61bf0b527aa8 (diff)
Automatic translation importreplicant-6.0-0001
Change-Id: I5ca8ef0d4afbad8b30ef9c576632c30956d1ecb5
Diffstat (limited to 'res')
17 files changed, 145 insertions, 266 deletions
diff --git a/res/values-ast-rES/cm_plurals.xml b/res/values-ast-rES/cm_plurals.xml
index 75d1a015b..47042241f 100644
--- a/res/values-ast-rES/cm_plurals.xml
+++ b/res/values-ast-rES/cm_plurals.xml
@@ -21,19 +21,19 @@
<item quantity="other">%d esbillaos</item>
<plurals name="ContactMultiImportConfirmation">
- <item quantity="one">Va importase %d contautu.</item>
- <item quantity="other">Van importase %d contautos.</item>
+ <item quantity="one">Importaráse %d contautu.</item>
+ <item quantity="other">Importaránse %d contautos.</item>
<plurals name="import_progress">
<item quantity="one">%d contautu importáu</item>
<item quantity="other">%d contautos importaos</item>
<plurals name="ContactMultiDeleteConfirmation">
- <item quantity="one">va desaniciase %d contautu</item>
- <item quantity="other">van desaniciase %d contautos</item>
+ <item quantity="one">Desaniciaráse %d contautu.</item>
+ <item quantity="other">Desaniciaránse %d contautos.</item>
<plurals name="spam_count_text">
- <item quantity="one">%d persona marcó esto como spam</item>
- <item quantity="other">%d persones marcaron esto como spam</item>
+ <item quantity="one">%d persona conseñó esto como spam</item>
+ <item quantity="other">%d persones conseñáron esto como spam</item>
diff --git a/res/values-ast-rES/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-ast-rES/cm_strings.xml
index f85ecb868..975e974dc 100644
--- a/res/values-ast-rES/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ast-rES/cm_strings.xml
@@ -18,24 +18,24 @@
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- Toast displayed when saving a contact to sim card failed -->
- <string name="contactSavedToSimCardError">Nun pudieron guardase los contautos seleicionaos na tarxeta SIM</string>
+ <string name="contactSavedToSimCardError">Nun pudieron guardase na tarxeta SIM los contautos esbillaos</string>
<string name="airplane_mode_on">Nun pue accedese a la tarxeta SIM mentanto\'l mou avión tea habilitáu</string>
- <string name="number_anr_too_long">El númberu ye enforma llargu</string>
- <string name="email_address_too_long">La direición de corréu ye enforma llarga</string>
+ <string name="number_anr_too_long">El númberu ye perllargu</string>
+ <string name="email_address_too_long">La direición de corréu ye perllarga</string>
<string name="sim_card_full">La tarxeta SIM ta enllena</string>
- <string name="tag_too_long">El nome del contautu ye enforma llargu</string>
- <string name="invalid_phone_number">El númberu de teléfonu ye inválidu</string>
- <string name="invalid_number_type">El tipu de númberu ye inválidu</string>
- <string name="no_phone_number_or_email">Introduz un númberu de teléfonu o direición de corréu-e.</string>
- <string name="memory_card_full">Nun pue guardase\'l contautu. Memoria de teléfonu enllena</string>
+ <string name="tag_too_long">El nome del contautu ye perllargu</string>
+ <string name="invalid_phone_number">El númberu telefónicu nun ye válidu</string>
+ <string name="invalid_number_type">Triba non válida de númberu</string>
+ <string name="no_phone_number_or_email">Inxerta\'l númberu telefónicu o direición de corréu, por favor.</string>
+ <string name="memory_card_full">Nun pudo guardase\'l contautu. La memoria\'l teléfonu ta enllena</string>
<!-- The title of "groups" tab. [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="contacts_groups_label">Grupos</string>
<string name="menu_moveGroupMembers">Mover miembros del grupu</string>
<string name="title_move_members">Mover miembros</string>
<string name="message_move_members">Moviendo miembros\u2026</string>
- <string name="message_can_not_move_members">Nun pue movese a los miembros</string>
+ <string name="message_can_not_move_members">Nun puen movese a los miembros</string>
<string name="edit_before_call">Editar númberu enantes de llamar</string>
- <string name="menu_sendViaSMS">Unviar contautu vía SMS</string>
+ <string name="menu_sendViaSMS">Unviar contautu per SMS</string>
<string name="select_all">Too</string>
<!-- Choose Sim Card to Import -->
<string name="import_sim_contacts_title">Importar contautos de SIM</string>
@@ -50,25 +50,25 @@
<string name="deleteConfirmation_title">Desaniciar contautu?</string>
<string name="too_many_contacts_add_to_group">Nun puen amestase más de <xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> contautos</string>
<!-- add for MemoryStatusActivity -->
- <string name="menu_memory_status">Estáu de la memoria</string>
+ <string name="menu_memory_status">Estáu de memoria</string>
<string name="memory_size">Total:</string>
- <string name="memory_used">Usáu:</string>
+ <string name="memory_used">Usao:</string>
<string name="calculating_status_now">Calculando estáu\u2026</string>
<string name="menu_copyTo">Copiar a <xliff:g id="destination">%s</xliff:g></string>
- <string name="no_empty_email_in_usim">Contautu USIM nun tien un campu de corréu-e disponible. Nun puen copiase los mensaxes.</string>
+ <string name="no_empty_email_in_usim">El contautu USIM nun tien un campu de corréu disponible. Nun puen copiase los mensaxes.</string>
<string name="voicemail">Buzón de voz</string>
- <string name="select_call_title">Seleicionar rexistros de llamaes</string>
+ <string name="select_call_title">Esbillar rexistros de llamaes</string>
<string name="delete_call_title">Desaniciar rexistros de llamaes</string>
<string name="delete_call_message">Desaniciando rexistros de llamaes\u2026</string>
- <string name="delete_call_alert">¿Desaniciar rexistros de llamaes esbillaes?</string>
+ <string name="delete_call_alert">¿Desaniciar rexistros esbillaos de llamaes?</string>
<string name="title_del_call">Desaniciar</string>
<string name="powered_by_provider">Cola potencia de <xliff:g id="provider">%s</xliff:g></string>
- <string name="sms_permission_rationale">Ríquese\'l permisu de SMS p\'amosar l\'historial de contautos de SMS.</string>
+ <string name="sms_permission_rationale">Ríquese\'l permisu de SMS p\'amosar l\'historial de contautos SMS.</string>
<string name="sms_rationale_view">VER</string>
<!-- InCall plugin directory search & invite -->
<string name="incall_plugin_directory_search">Guetar el direutoriu %1$s</string>
<string name="incall_plugin_invite">CONVIDAR</string>
<string name="incall_plugin_account_subheader">Nome de %1$s</string>
<string name="incall_plugin_call_error"><xliff:g id="name">%s</xliff:g> nun pue facer esta llamada</string>
- <string name="incall_plugin_intent_error">Nun pudo completase esta aición. Inténtalo dempués.</string>
+ <string name="incall_plugin_intent_error">Nun pue completase esta aición. Volvi tentalo más sero.</string>
diff --git a/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml b/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml
index f6750a01a..1f8ca4fac 100644
--- a/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml
@@ -28,495 +28,278 @@
<string name="shortcutContact">Contautu</string>
<!-- Name of activity that allows users to create shortcuts on the home screen to dial a contact.
This shows up in a list of things like bookmark, folder, music playlist, etc -->
- <string name="shortcutDialContact">Llamada direuta</string>
+ <string name="shortcutDialContact">Marcación direuta</string>
<!-- Name of activity that allows users to create shortcuts on the home screen to message (SMS) a contact.
This shows up in a list of things like bookmark, folder, music playlist, etc -->
<string name="shortcutMessageContact">Mensaxe direutu</string>
<!-- Activity title when the user is selecting a contact for a shortcut. -->
- <string name="shortcutActivityTitle">Escoyer un accesu direutu pal contautu</string>
+ <string name="shortcutActivityTitle">Escoyer un atayu pal contautu</string>
<!-- Activity title when the user is selecting a contact for a direct dial shortcut. -->
- <string name="callShortcutActivityTitle">Escoyer un númberu pa la llamada</string>
<!-- Activity title when the user is selecting a contact for a direct message shortcut. -->
- <string name="messageShortcutActivityTitle">Escoyer un númberu pal mensaxe</string>
<!-- Activity title when the user is inserting into an existing contact, or creating a new one. [CHAR LIMIT=128] -->
+ <string name="contactInsertOrEditActivityTitle">Amestar al contautu</string>
<!-- Activity title when the user is selecting a contact. [CHAR LIMIT=128] -->
- <string name="contactPickerActivityTitle">Seleicionar un contautu</string>
<!-- Entry that prompts user to select a newly created contact. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="header_entry_contact_list_adapter_header_title">Crear contautu nuevu</string>
<!-- Title for the activity that shows only starred contacts -->
- <string name="starredList">Destacaos</string>
<!-- Title for the activity that shows only frequently contacted contacts -->
- <string name="frequentList">Frecuentes</string>
<!-- Title for the activity that shows a mix of starred contacts and frequently contacted
contacts. -->
<string name="strequentList">Favoritos</string>
<!-- The title bar when viewing the contact details activity -->
- <string name="viewContactTitle">Detalles del contautu</string>
<!-- The description presented to the user in the Intent choose when there are multiple activities that allow
editing a contact. This string represents the built in way to edit the contact. -->
- <string name="editContactDescription">Editar contautu</string>
<!-- The description presented to the user in the Intent choose when there are multiple activities that allow
creating a new contact. This string represents the built in way to create the contact. -->
- <string name="insertContactDescription">Crear contautu</string>
<!-- The description presented to the user in the Intent choose when there are multiple activities that allow
editing a group. This string represents the built in way to edit the group. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="editGroupDescription">Editar grupu</string>
<!-- The description presented to the user in the Intent choose when there are multiple activities that allow
creating a new group. This string represents the built in way to create the group. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="insertGroupDescription">Crear grupu</string>
<!-- The tab label for the contact detail activity that displays information about the contact [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
- <string name="contactDetailAbout">Información</string>
+ <string name="contactDetailAbout">Tocante a</string>
<!-- The tab label for the contact detail activity that displays information about the contact [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
- <string name="contactDetailUpdates">Actividá</string>
<!-- Hint text in the search box when the user hits the Search key while in the contacts app -->
- <string name="searchHint">Guetar contautos</string>
<!-- Menu item used to view the details for a specific contact -->
- <string name="menu_viewContact">Ver contautu</string>
<!-- Menu item used to add a star to a contact, which makes that contact show up at the top of favorites -->
- <string name="menu_addStar">Amestar a \"Favoritos\"</string>
<!-- Menu item used to remove a star from a contact, making the contact no longer show up at the top of favorites -->
- <string name="menu_removeStar">Desaniciar de \"Favoritos\"</string>
<!-- Description of what happens when you click on the unstar MenuItem. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="description_action_menu_remove_star">Desaniciáu de favoritos</string>
<!-- Description of what happens when you click on the star MenuItem. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="description_action_menu_add_star">Amestáu a favoritos</string>
<!-- Menu item used to edit a specific contact -->
- <string name="menu_editContact">Editar</string>
<!-- Menu item used to delete a specific contact -->
- <string name="menu_deleteContact">Desaniciar</string>
<!-- Menu item used to change the photo for a specific contact [CHAR LIMIT=30]-->
- <string name="menu_change_photo">Camudar semeya</string>
<!-- Menu item used to create a contact shortcut when viewing contact details. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="menu_create_contact_shortcut">Amestar al escritoriu</string>
<!-- Menu item used to call a specific contact when viewing the details of that contact. -->
- <string name="menu_call">Llamar al contautu</string>
<!-- Menu item used to send an SMS or MMS message to a specific phone number or a contacts default phone number -->
- <string name="menu_sendSMS">Unviar SMS al contautu</string>
<!-- Menu item that splits an item from the contact detail into a separate aggregate -->
- <string name="menu_splitAggregate">Dividir</string>
<!-- Menu item that edits the currently selected group [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="menu_editGroup">Editar</string>
<!-- Menu item that deletes the currently selected group [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
<string name="menu_deleteGroup">Desaniciar</string>
<!-- Menu item (in the action bar) that creates a new contact [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="menu_new_contact_action_bar">Amestar contautu</string>
<!-- Menu item (in the action bar) that creates a new group [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="menu_new_group_action_bar">Amestar grupu</string>
<!-- Title of the confirmation dialog for separating contacts into multiple instances [CHAR LIMIT=26] -->
- <string name="splitConfirmation_title">¿Dividir contautu?</string>
<!-- Confirmation dialog for separating contacts into multiple instances [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="splitConfirmation">Esti contautu va dividise en dellos contautos.</string>
<!-- Menu item that joins an aggregate with another aggregate -->
- <string name="menu_joinAggregate">Mecer</string>
<!-- Menu item (in the action bar) to indicate that changes should be saved [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="menu_save">Guardar</string>
<!-- Heading of the Join Contact screen -->
- <string name="titleJoinContactDataWith">Agrupar contautos</string>
<!-- Info blurb on the Join Contact screen [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]-->
- <string name="blurbJoinContactDataWith">Seleiciona\'l nome del contautu que quieras agrupar con <xliff:g id="NAME">%s</xliff:g>:</string>
<!-- An item in the Join Contact activity that opens up the full contact A-Z list -->
- <string name="showAllContactsJoinItem">Amosar tolos contautos</string>
<!-- List separator for the Join Contact list: Suggestions -->
- <string name="separatorJoinAggregateSuggestions">Contautos suxeríos</string>
<!-- List separator for the Join Contact list: A-Z -->
- <string name="separatorJoinAggregateAll">Tolos contautos</string>
<!-- Toast shown after two contacts have been joined by a user action. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="contactsJoinedMessage">Contautos mecíos</string>
<!-- Toast shown after contacts that the user has selected are deleted by a user action. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="contacts_deleted_toast">Contautos desaniciaos</string>
<!-- Menu item that opens the Options activity for a given contact [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
- <string name="menu_set_ring_tone">Afitar tonu</string>
+ <string name="menu_set_ring_tone">Afitar timbre</string>
<!-- Menu item that opens the Options activity for a given contact [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="menu_redirect_calls_to_vm">Al buzón de voz</string>
<!-- Warning dialog contents after users selects to delete a ReadOnly contact. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="readOnlyContactWarning">Nun pues desaniciar los contautos procedentes de les cuentes de namái-llectura, pero pues anubrilos nes llistes de contautos.</string>
<!-- Warning dialog contents after users selects to delete a contact with ReadOnly and Writable sources. -->
- <string name="readOnlyContactDeleteConfirmation">Esti contautu contién información de delles cuentes. La información de les cuentes de namái-llectura va anubrise nes llistes de contautos, pero nun va desaniciase.</string>
<!-- Warning dialog. Shown if user selects a single contact to merge. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="batch_merge_single_contact_warning">Precises polo menos dos contautos esbillaos pa facer una mecedura.</string>
<!-- Confirmation dialog. Shown after user selects to merge contacts. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="batch_merge_confirmation">Los contautos esbillaos meceránse nún.</string>
<!-- Confirmation dialog. Shown after user selects to delete writable contacts. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="batch_delete_confirmation">Desaniciaránse los contautos esbillaos.</string>
<!-- Confirmation dialog. Shown after user selects to delete readonly contacts. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="batch_delete_read_only_contact_confirmation">La información de cuentes de namái llectura anubriráse nes tos llistes de contautos, pero non desaniciase.</string>
<!-- Confirmation dialog. Shown after user selects to delete contacts from multiple accounts. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="batch_delete_multiple_accounts_confirmation">Estos contautos contienen información de múltiples cuentes, la información de cuentes de namái llectura anubriráse nes tos llistes de contautos, pero non desaniciase.</string>
<!-- Warning dialog contents after users selects to delete a contact with multiple Writable sources. -->
- <string name="multipleContactDeleteConfirmation">Si se desanicia esti contautu, va desaniciase la información de delles cuentes.</string>
<!-- Confirmation dialog contents after users selects to delete a Writable contact. -->
- <string name="deleteConfirmation">El contautu va desaniciase.</string>
<!-- Menu item to indicate you want to stop editing a contact and NOT save the changes you've made [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="menu_discard">Descartar cambeos</string>
<!-- Message displayed in a toast when you try to view the details of a contact that
for some reason doesn't exist anymore. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]-->
- <string name="invalidContactMessage">Esti contautu nun esiste.</string>
<!-- Message displayed in a toast after you create a contact shortcut in the launcher [CHAR LIMIT=NONE]-->
- <string name="createContactShortcutSuccessful">El widget de contautos amestóse al escritoriu.</string>
<!-- When picking a contact from a list of all contacts there is an entry at the top of the
list that allows the user to create a new contact, which this string is used for -->
- <string name="pickerNewContactHeader">Crear contautu nuevu</string>
<!-- Text for a "create new contact" button on the bottom of the contact picker screen.
The text will be all capitalized.
[CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="pickerNewContactText">Crear contautu nuevu</string>
<!-- The order of the items below is important, don't reorder without changing -->
<!-- The labels that are under the otherLabelsGroup when editing a contact. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string-array name="otherLabels">
- <!-- An organization associated with a contact -->
- <item>Organización</item>
- <!-- A note associated with a contact -->
- <item>Nota</item>
- </string-array>
<!-- Description in the dialog that appears if there are no pictures from which to create an icon for a contact -->
- <string name="photoPickerNotFoundText" product="tablet">Nun hai nenguna imaxe disponible na tablet.</string>
<!-- Description in the dialog that appears if there are no pictures from which to create an icon for a contact -->
- <string name="photoPickerNotFoundText" product="default">Nun hai nenguna imaxe disponible nel teléfonu.</string>
<!-- Description used in the attach photo Intent from third party apps [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="attach_photo_dialog_title">Semeya de contautu</string>
<!-- Title of the dialog used to set a custom label for a contact detail, like a phone number or email address.
For example, this may be used to set a phone number's label to "Vaction house" -->
- <string name="customLabelPickerTitle">Nome de campu personalizáu</string>
<!-- Check box label that allows calls to the contact to be sent directly to voicemail -->
- <string name="send_to_voicemail_checkbox">Unviar llamaes direutamente al buzón de voz</string>
<!-- The menu item that allows you to remove a photo from a contact [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="removePhoto">Desaniciar semeya</string>
<!-- The text displayed when the contacts list is empty while displaying all contacts [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="noContacts">Nun hai nengún contautu.</string>
<!-- The text displayed when the groups list is empty while displaying all groups [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="noGroups">Nun hai grupos</string>
<!-- The text displayed when the groups list is empty and no accounts are set on the device while displaying all groups [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="noAccounts">Pa poder crear grupos, necesites una cuenta.</string>
<!-- The text displayed when there are no members in the group while displaying the group detail page [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="emptyGroup">Esti grupu ta baleru.</string>
<!-- The text displayed to instruct users to add members to a group (when viewing a group detail page for a group with no members) [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="addPeopleToGroup">P\'amestar contautos al grupu, edítalu.</string>
<!-- Displayed in a spinner dialog after the user creates a contact and it's being saved to the database -->
- <string name="savingContact">Guardando contautu\u2026</string>
<!-- Toast displayed when a contact is saved [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="contactSavedToast">Guardóse\'l contautu.</string>
<!-- Toast displayed when saving a contact failed. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="contactSavedErrorToast">Nun se guardaron los cambeos del contautu.</string>
<!-- Toast displayed when saving a contact photo failed. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="contactPhotoSavedErrorToast">Nun pudieron guardase les camudancies de semeya del contautu.</string>
<!-- Toast displayed when a group is saved [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="groupSavedToast">Grupu guardáu</string>
<!-- Toast displayed when saving a group failed [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="groupSavedErrorToast">Nun se guardaron los cambeos del grupu.</string>
<!-- Displayed at the top of the contacts showing the total number of contacts visible when "Only contacts with phones" is selected -->
- <plurals name="listTotalPhoneContacts">
- <item quantity="one">Un (1) contautu con númberu de teléfonu</item>
- <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> contautos con númberos de teléfonu\"</item>
- </plurals>
<!-- Displayed at the top of the contacts showing the zero as total number of contacts visible when "Only contacts with phones" is selected [CHAR LIMIT=64]-->
- <string name="listTotalPhoneContactsZero">Nengún contautu con númberu de teléfonu</string>
<!-- Displayed at the top of the contacts showing the total number of contacts found when "Only contacts with phones" not selected [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <plurals name="listFoundAllContacts">
- <item quantity="one">1 alcontráu</item>
- <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> alcontraos</item>
- </plurals>
<!-- Displayed at the top of the contacts showing the zero total number of contacts found when "Only contacts with phones" not selected. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="listFoundAllContactsZero">Nun hai contautos.</string>
<!-- Displayed at the top of the contacts showing the total number of contacts found when typing search query -->
- <plurals name="searchFoundContacts">
- <item quantity="one">1 alcontráu</item>
- <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> alcontraos</item>
- </plurals>
<!-- The title of "all contacts" tab. [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
- <string name="all_contacts_tab_label">Tolos contautos</string>
<!-- The title of "favorites" tab. [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="favorites_tab_label">Favoritos</string>
<!-- Action string for calling back a number in the call log -->
- <string name="callBack">Llamar</string>
<!-- Action string for calling a number in the call log again -->
- <string name="callAgain">Volver a llamar</string>
<!-- Action string for returning a missed call in the call log -->
- <string name="returnCall">Devolver llamada</string>
<!-- Dialog message when prompting before creating a contact. Includes
the email address, e.g. "Add to contacts?" -->
- <string name="add_contact_dlg_message_fmt">¿Quies amestar \"<xliff:g id="EMAIL">%s</xliff:g>\" a Contautos?</string>
<!-- String describing the Contact Photo Image
Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the view.
- <string name="description_contact_photo">semeya de contautu</string>
<!-- String describing the Contact Editor Plus button
Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the button.
- <string name="description_plus_button">más</string>
<!-- Message in progress bar while exporting contact list to a file "(current number) of (total number) contacts" The order of "current number" and "total number" cannot be changed (like "total: (total number), current: (current number)")-->
- <string name="exporting_contact_list_progress"><xliff:g id="CURRENT_NUMBER">%s</xliff:g> de <xliff:g id="TOTAL_NUMBER">%s</xliff:g> contautos</string>
<!-- The string used to describe Contacts as a searchable item within system search settings. -->
- <string name="search_settings_description">Nomes de los tos contautos</string>
<!-- Shown as a toast when the user taps on a QuickContact icon, and no application
was found that could perform the selected action. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="quickcontact_missing_app">Nun se deteutó nenguna aplicación que pueda facer esta aición.</string>
<!-- Content description for the transparent views around the visible section of QuickContacts.
Clicking this view causes Quick Contacts to close. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="quickcontact_transparent_view_description">Toca pa volver a la pantalla anterior</string>
<!-- When a contact has no data, we prompt the user to add a phone number for the contact. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="quickcontact_add_phone_number">Amestar númberu de teléfonu</string>
<!-- When a contact has no data, we prompt the user to add an email for the contact. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="quickcontact_add_email">Amestar corréu-e</string>
<!-- Shown as a toast when the user attempts an action (add contact, edit
contact, etc) and no application was found that could perform that
action. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="missing_app">Nun se deteutó nenguna aplicación que pueda facer esta aición.</string>
<!-- The menu item to share the currently viewed contact [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="menu_share">Compartir</string>
<!-- The menu item to add the the currently viewed contact to your contacts [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="menu_add_contact">Amestar a contautos</string>
<!-- Dialog title when picking the application to share a contact with. -->
- <string name="share_via">Compartir contautu a traviés de</string>
<!-- Title for the disambiguation dialog that requests the user choose an account for the new group to be created under [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="dialog_new_group_account">Crear grupu en cuenta</string>
<!-- Generic action string for starting an audio chat. Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the view. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="audio_chat">Chat de voz</string>
<!-- Generic action string for starting a video chat. Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the view. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="video_chat">Chat de videu</string>
<!-- Title for the list of all contact details that come from third-party sources (including a corporate directory) [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="connections">Conexones</string>
<!-- Label of the button to open the "add connection" popup where the user can invite a contact to other social networks or services [CHAR LIMIT=32] -->
- <string name="add_connection_button">Amestar conexón</string>
<!-- Section title for the page containing the contact's social updates on the contact card (this abbreviated version of "Recent updates" is used when "updates" is already shown as the title of the page) [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
- <string name="recent" msgid="2062236709538790412">Reciente</string>
<!-- Section title for the page containing the contact's social updates on the contact card [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
- <string name="recent_updates" msgid="2018245636796411442">Anovamientos recientes</string>
<!-- String describing which account type a contact came from when editing it -->
- <string name="account_type_format">Contautu de <xliff:g id="SOURCE">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- String describing that a contact came from the google account type when editing it. -->
- <string name="google_account_type_format">Cuenta de <xliff:g id="source" example="Google">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- String describing which account a contact came from when editing it -->
- <string name="from_account_format"><xliff:g id="source" example="">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Text used to explain that a contact cannot be edited from the People application since the data is read only [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="contact_read_only">Nun pue editase dende l\'aplicación.</string>
<!-- Text used to explain that a group cannot be edited since the data is read only [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
<string name="group_read_only">Nun pue editase nesti preséu.</string>
<!-- An option in the 'Contact photo' dialog, if there is no photo yet [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="take_photo">Facer una semeya</string>
<!-- An option in the 'Contact photo' dialog, if there is already a photo [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="take_new_photo">Facer una semeya nueva</string>
<!-- An option in the 'Contact photo' dialog, if there is no photo yet [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="pick_photo">Escoyer semeya</string>
<!-- An option in the 'Contact photo' dialog, if there is already a photo [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="pick_new_photo">Seleicionar semeya nueva</string>
<!-- Text shown in the contacts app while the background process updates contacts after a system upgrade [CHAR LIMIT=300] -->
- <string name="upgrade_in_progress">La llista de contautos ta anovándose.</string>
<!-- Title shown in the search result activity of contacts app while searching. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="search_results_searching">Guetando\u2026</string>
<!-- Label to display only selection in multiple picker -->
- <string name="menu_display_selected">"Amosar seleicionaos"</string>
<!-- Label to display all recipients in multiple picker -->
- <string name="menu_display_all">"Amosar toos"</string>
<!-- Label to select all contacts in multiple picker -->
- <string name="menu_select_all">"Seleicionar too"</string>
<!-- Label to clear all selection in multiple picker -->
- <string name="menu_select_none">"Desmarcalo too"</string>
<!-- The button to add another entry of a specific data type (i.e. email, phone, address) to a contact in the Raw Contact Editor [CHAR LIMIT=22] -->
- <string name="add_new_entry_for_section">Amestar nuevu</string>
<!-- The button to add an organization field to a contact in the Raw Contact Editor [CHAR LIMIT=22] -->
- <string name="add_organization">Amestar organización</string>
<!-- The button to add an organization field to a contact in the Raw Contact Editor [CHAR LIMIT=12] -->
- <string name="event_edit_field_hint_text">Data</string>
<!-- The button to add an organization field to a contact in the Raw Contact Editor [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
- <string name="group_edit_field_hint_text">Nome del grupu</string>
<!-- Button used for changing a photo in the Raw Contact Editor [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
<!-- RadioButton that determines whether a raw contact's photo should be used for the entire contact [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
<!-- String describing the Star/Favorite checkbox
Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the view.
- <string name="description_star">favoritos</string>
<!-- The title of the Edit-Contact screen -->
- <string name="edit_contact">Editar contautu</string>
<!-- Shows how many contacts have been merged. The value 1 is not shown but should be translated
anyway if we change our mind later -->
- <plurals name="merge_info">
- <item quantity="one">ensin fusionar</item>
- <item quantity="other">fusionaos dende <xliff:g id="COUNT">%0$d</xliff:g> fontes</item>
- </plurals>
<!-- The message in a confirmation dialog shown when the user selects a
contact aggregation suggestion in Contact editor. [CHAR LIMIT=512]-->
- <string name="aggregation_suggestion_join_dialog_message">¿Quies agrupar el contautu actual col contautu seleicionáu?</string>
<!-- The message in a confirmation dialog shown when the user selects a
contact aggregation suggestion in Contact editor. [CHAR LIMIT=512]-->
- <string name="aggregation_suggestion_edit_dialog_message">¿Quies editar el contautu seleicionáu? Va copiase la información qu\'introduxeras hasta\'l momentu.</string>
<!-- The button that creates a local copy of a corporate contact. [CHAR LIMIT=40]-->
- <string name="menu_copyContact">Copiar a los mios contautos</string>
<!-- The button that adds a contact to the predefined group "My Contacts" (as this is
mostly interesting for Google-contacts, this should have the same description as the
function of GMail/Contacts on the Web
[CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="add_to_my_contacts">Amestar a Los mios contautos</string>
<!-- The description of the directory where the contact was found [CHAR LIMIT=100]-->
- <string name="contact_directory_description">Direutoriu <xliff:g id="TYPE">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Contact list filter indicating that the list shows groups chosen by the user [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
- <string name="list_filter_custom">Personalizar</string>
<!-- Title of the settings activity [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
<string name="activity_title_settings">Axustes</string>
<!-- Menu item for the settings activity [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
<string name="menu_settings" msgid="377929915873428211">Axustes</string>
<!-- Menu item for invoking contextual Help & Feedback [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
- <string name="menu_help">Ayuda y feedback</string>
<!-- The preference section title for contact display options [CHAR LIMIT=128] -->
- <string name="preference_displayOptions">Opciones de visualización</string>
<!-- Text used to show a organization that has both a company and title. This is used in the Detail-View
of a Contact. This is mostly about the formatting of the two elements, so it should be kept small [CHAR LIMIT=79] -->
- <string name="organization_company_and_title"><xliff:g id="COMPANY_0">%2$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="COMPANY_1">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Title shown for the phone number when the number tries to call on a device that it not a phone [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="non_phone_caption">Númberu de teléfonu</string>
<!-- Button to add a phone number to contacts [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="non_phone_add_to_contacts">Amestar a contautos</string>
<!-- Title of the activity that allows the user to confirm the addition of a detail to 1 existing contact [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="activity_title_confirm_add_detail">Amestar al contautu</string>
<!-- Button to close without add a phone number to contacts [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="non_phone_close">Zarrar</string>
<!-- Format string that combines the name and the phonetic name for the widget. if the phonetic name is empty, only the display name is used instead [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="widget_name_and_phonetic"><xliff:g id="DISPLAY_NAME">%1$s</xliff:g> (<xliff:g id="PHONETIC_NAME">%2$s</xliff:g>)</string>
<!-- Checkbox whether to provide a year for a birthday [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="date_year_toggle">Introducir añu</string>
<!-- Label for the widget that shows picture and social status of a contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="social_widget_label">Contautu</string>
<!-- Message of widget while it is loading data [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="social_widget_loading">Cargando\u2026</string>
<!-- Button shown on the main contacts screen when there are no contacts on the device.
Creates a new contact. [CHAR LIMIT=128] -->
- <string name="contacts_unavailable_create_contact">Crear contautu nuevu</string>
<!-- Button shown on the main contacts screen when there are no contacts on the device.
Navigates to account setup [CHAR LIMIT=128] -->
- <string name="contacts_unavailable_add_account">Aniciar sesión nuna cuenta</string>
<!-- Button shown on the main contacts screen when there are no contacts on the device.
Initiates a contact import dialog [CHAR LIMIT=128] -->
- <string name="contacts_unavailable_import_contacts">Importar contautos</string>
<!-- Title of the dialog that allows creation of a contact group [CHAR LIMIT=128] -->
- <string name="create_group_dialog_title">Crear grupu nuevu</string>
<!-- An item in the popup list of groups that triggers creation of a contact group [CHAR LIMIT=128] -->
- <string name="create_group_item_label">Crear grupu nuevu</string>
<!-- Shows how many groups are from the specified account [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
- <plurals name="num_groups_in_account">
- <item quantity="one">Un grupu</item>
- <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="COUNT">%0$d</xliff:g> grupos</item>
- </plurals>
<!-- Confirmation message of the dialog that allows deletion of a contact group [CHAR LIMIT=256] -->
- <string name="delete_group_dialog_message">¿De xuru que quies desaniciar el grupu \"<xliff:g id="GROUP_LABEL">%1$s</xliff:g>\"? Los contautos nun van desaniciase.</string>
<!-- Subtitle of the group detail page that describes how many people are in the current group [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <plurals name="num_contacts_in_group">
- <item quantity="one"><xliff:g id="COUNT_0">%1$d</xliff:g> persona de <xliff:g id="ACCOUNT_TYPE">%2$s</xliff:g></item>
- <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="COUNT_0">%1$d</xliff:g> persones de <xliff:g id="ACCOUNT_TYPE">%2$s</xliff:g></item>
- </plurals>
<!-- Subtitle of a group (in the group list) that describes how many people are in the current group [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <plurals name="group_list_num_contacts_in_group">
- <item quantity="one"><xliff:g id="COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g> persona</item>
- <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g> persones</item>
- </plurals>
<!-- Toast displayed when the user creates a new contact and attempts to join it
with another before entering any data [CHAR LIMIT=256] -->
- <string name="toast_join_with_empty_contact">P\'agrupar el contautu, tienes d\'introducir el nome del otru contautu.</string>
<!-- Option displayed in context menu to copy long pressed item to clipboard [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
- <string name="copy_text">Copiar nel cartafueyu</string>
<!-- Option displayed in context menu to set long pressed item as default contact method [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
- <string name="set_default">Afitar como predetermináu</string>
<!-- Option displayed in context menu to clear long pressed item as default contact method [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
- <string name="clear_default">Desaniciar predetermináu</string>
<!-- Toast shown when text is copied to the clipboard [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
- <string name="toast_text_copied">Testu copiáu</string>
<!-- Contents of the alert dialog when the user hits the Cancel button in the editor [CHAR LIMIT=128] -->
- <string name="cancel_confirmation_dialog_message">¿De xuru que quies descartar los cambeos?</string>
<!-- Description of a call log entry, made of a call type and a date -->
- <string name="call_type_and_date"><xliff:g id="CALL_TYPE">%1$s</xliff:g> <xliff:g id="CALL_SHORT_DATE">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Text displayed in place of the display name for the contact that represents the user's
personal profile entry [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
- <string name="profile_display_name">Configurar el mio perfil</string>
<!-- Label to instruct the user to type in a contact's name to add the contact as a member of the current group. [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
- <string name="enter_contact_name">Escribi\'l nome de la persona</string>
<!-- Hint text in the group name box in the edit group view. [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
- <string name="group_name_hint">Nome del grupu</string>
<!-- Header label in the contact editor for a profile that is local to the device only (and not associated with any account) [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="local_profile_title">El mio perfil llocal</string>
<!-- Header label in the contact editor for a profile that comes from an external third-party app whose name is given by source [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="external_profile_title">El mio perfil de <xliff:g id="EXTERNAL_SOURCE">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Toast shown when the app starts showing all contacts regardless of its current
contact filter state. [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
- <string name="toast_displaying_all_contacts">Amosando tolos contautos</string>
<!-- Message in the standard "no account" prompt that encourages the user to add a Google account before continuing to use the People app [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="no_account_prompt">L\'aplicación Contautos funciona meyor con una cuenta de Google.\n\n\u2022 Consulta dende cualquier restolador web.\n\u2022 Fai copies de seguranza de los tos contautos de mou seguru.</string>
<!-- Message in the standard "no account" prompt that encourages the user to add any account (non Google-specific) before continuing to use the People app [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="generic_no_account_prompt">Caltén seguros los tos contautos, magar que pierdas el teléfonu: sincronízalos con un serviciu online.</string>
<!-- Title of the screen that encourages the user to add any account (non Google-specific) for a better Contacts app experience [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="generic_no_account_prompt_title">Amestar una cuenta</string>
<!-- Message in the contact editor prompt that notifies the user that the newly created contact will not be saved to any account, and prompts addition of an account [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="contact_editor_prompt_zero_accounts">Nun va facese una copia de seguranza del contautu nuevu. ¿Quies amestar una cuenta pa facer copies de seguranza online de los tos contautos?</string>
<!-- Message in the contact editor prompt that asks the user if it's okay to save the newly created contact to the account shown. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="contact_editor_prompt_one_account">El contautu nuevu va sincronizase con <xliff:g id="ACCOUNT_NAME">%1$s</xliff:g>.</string>
<!-- Message in the contact editor prompt that asks the user which account they want to save the newly created contact to. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="contact_editor_prompt_multiple_accounts">Pues sincronizar el to contautu nuevu con una de les siguientes cuentes. ¿Cuál quies usar?</string>
<!-- Title of the ContactEditorActivity when creating a new contact. The char
limit is short and cannot be increased, since this needs to be displayed in a single line
at a pre-determined text size. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="contact_editor_title_new_contact">Amestar contautu nuevu</string>
<!-- Title of the ContactEditorActivity when editing a contact that already exists. The char
limit is short and cannot be increased, since this needs to be displayed in a single line
at a pre-determined text size. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="contact_editor_title_existing_contact">Editar contautu</string>
<!-- Button label to indicate that the user wants to save the newly created contact locally (instead of backing it up online) [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
- <string name="keep_local">Guardar llocalmente</string>
<!-- Button label to prompt the user to add an account (when there are 0 existing accounts on the device) [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="add_account">Amestar cuenta</string>
<!-- Button label to prompt the user to add another account (when there are already existing accounts on the device) [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="add_new_account">Amestar una cuenta</string>
<!-- Menu item shown only when the special debug mode is enabled, which is used to send all contacts database files via email. [CHAR LIMI=NONE] -->
- <string name="menu_export_database">Esportar ficheros de base de datos</string>
<!-- Content description for the button that adds a new contact
- <string name="action_menu_add_new_contact_button">amestar contautu nuevu</string>
<!-- Button Label to see more on an ExpandingEntryCardView [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="expanding_entry_card_view_see_more">Ver más</string>
<!-- Button Label to see less on an ExpandingEntryCardView [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="expanding_entry_card_view_see_less">Ver menos</string>
<!-- Button Label to see all on an ExpandingEntryCardView [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="expanding_entry_card_view_see_all">Ver too</string>
<!-- Title of recent card. [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
- <string name="recent_card_title">Reciente</string>
<!-- Title of recent card. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
<string name="about_card_title">Tocante a</string>
<!-- Title of sms action entry. [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
- <string name="send_message">Unviar mensaxe</string>
<!-- Toast that appears when you are copying a directory contact into your personal contacts -->
- <string name="toast_making_personal_copy">Crear copia personal...</string>
<!-- Timestamp string for interactions from yesterday. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="yesterday">Ayeri</string>
- <string name="tomorrow">Mañana</string>
<!-- Timestamp string for interactions from today. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="today">Güei</string>
<!-- Text for an event starting on the current day with a start and end time.
For ex, "Today at 5:00pm-6:00pm" [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="today_at_time_fmt">"Güei a les <xliff:g id="TIME_INTERVAL">%s</xliff:g>"</string>
<!-- Text for an event starting on the next day with a start and end time.
For ex, "Tomorrow at 5:00pm-6:00pm" [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="tomorrow_at_time_fmt">"Mañana a les <xliff:g id="TIME_INTERVAL">%s</xliff:g>"</string>
<!-- Format string for a date and time description. For ex:
"April 19, 2012, 3:00pm - 4:00pm" [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="date_time_fmt">"<xliff:g id="DATE">%s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="TIME_INTERVAL">%s</xliff:g>"</string>
<!-- Title for untitled calendar interactions [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="untitled_event">(Eventu ensin títulu)</string>
<!-- Name of the button in the date/time picker to accept the date/time change [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
- <string name="date_time_set">Afitar</string>
<!-- Header for the IM entry [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="header_im_entry">Chat</string>
<!-- Header for the Organization entry [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="header_organization_entry">Organización</string>
<!-- Header for the Nickname entry [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="header_nickname_entry">Nomatu</string>
<!-- Header for the Note entry [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="header_note_entry">Nota</string>
<!-- Header for the Website entry [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="header_website_entry">Sitiu web</string>
<!-- Header for the Event entry [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="header_event_entry">Eventu</string>
<!-- Header for the Relation entry [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="header_relation_entry">Rellación</string>
<!-- Content description for the account field header image. Example accounts listed in this field: Google, Hotmail and Exchange. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+ <string name="header_account_entry">Cuenta</string>
<!-- Content description for the name fields header entry [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<!-- Content description for the email fields header entry [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<!-- Content description for the phone fields header entry [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
@@ -524,23 +307,16 @@
<!-- Content description for the expand button inside the raw contact editor's header. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<!-- Content description for the collapse button inside the raw contact editor's header. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<!-- Content description for directions secondary button [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="content_description_directions">direiciones a llocalización</string>
<!-- Content description for recent sms interaction [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<!-- Header for the Relation entry [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="content_description_recent_call_type_incoming">entrante</string>
<!-- Header for the Relation entry [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="content_description_recent_call_type_outgoing">saliente</string>
<!-- Header for the Relation entry [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="content_description_recent_call_type_missed">perdíes</string>
<!-- Content description for recent sms interaction [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<!-- Prefix for messages that you sent [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
- <string name="message_from_you_prefix">Tu: <xliff:g id="sms_body">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- File Authority for the photo picker -->
<!-- When a user tries to create an IM Hangouts field, an alert dialog pops up displaying this message. We don't want users entering email addresses of phone numbers into the IM field. [CHAR LIMIT=200] -->
<!-- Button to expand the compact contact editor to show all available input fields. [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
<string name="compact_editor_more_fields">Más campos</string>
<!-- Content description for the compact contact editor photo overlay which, when clicked, shows a dialog with the options for changing the contact photo. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
- <string name="compact_editor_change_photo_content_description">Camudar semeya</string>
<!-- Quick contact display name with phonetic name -->
- <string name="quick_contact_display_name_with_phonetic"><xliff:g id="display_name">%s</xliff:g> (<xliff:g id="phonetic_name">%s</xliff:g>)</string>
diff --git a/res/values-en-rAU/cm_plurals.xml b/res/values-en-rAU/cm_plurals.xml
index 2b3e42dea..1cdf7196b 100644
--- a/res/values-en-rAU/cm_plurals.xml
+++ b/res/values-en-rAU/cm_plurals.xml
@@ -32,4 +32,8 @@
<item quantity="one">%d contact will be deleted.</item>
<item quantity="other">%d contacts will be deleted.</item>
+ <plurals name="spam_count_text">
+ <item quantity="one">%d person marked this as spam</item>
+ <item quantity="other">%d people marked this as spam</item>
+ </plurals>
diff --git a/res/values-en-rAU/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-en-rAU/cm_strings.xml
index deefc90bd..90ed60cfe 100644
--- a/res/values-en-rAU/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-en-rAU/cm_strings.xml
@@ -62,5 +62,13 @@
<string name="delete_call_message">Deleting call logs\u2026</string>
<string name="delete_call_alert">Delete selected call logs?</string>
<string name="title_del_call">Delete</string>
+ <string name="powered_by_provider">Powered by <xliff:g id="provider">%s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="sms_permission_rationale">SMS permission is required to display contact SMS history.</string>
+ <string name="sms_rationale_view">VIEW</string>
<!-- InCall plugin directory search & invite -->
+ <string name="incall_plugin_directory_search">Search %1$s directory</string>
+ <string name="incall_plugin_invite">INVITE</string>
+ <string name="incall_plugin_account_subheader">%1$s name</string>
+ <string name="incall_plugin_call_error"><xliff:g id="name">%s</xliff:g> cannot make this call</string>
+ <string name="incall_plugin_intent_error">Unable to complete this action. Try again later.</string>
diff --git a/res/values-en-rGB/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-en-rGB/cm_strings.xml
index 7e3e3f89d..4c92c273b 100644
--- a/res/values-en-rGB/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-en-rGB/cm_strings.xml
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- Toast displayed when saving a contact to sim card failed -->
<string name="contactSavedToSimCardError">Could not save the selected contacts to the SIM card</string>
- <string name="airplane_mode_on">SIM card can not be accessed while airplane mode is enabled</string>
+ <string name="airplane_mode_on">SIM card can not be accessed while aeroplane mode is enabled</string>
<string name="number_anr_too_long">Number is too long</string>
<string name="email_address_too_long">Email address is too long</string>
<string name="sim_card_full">SIM card is full</string>
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
<string name="menu_moveGroupMembers">Move group members</string>
<string name="title_move_members">Move members</string>
<string name="message_move_members">Moving members\u2026</string>
- <string name="message_can_not_move_members">Can not move members</string>
+ <string name="message_can_not_move_members">Cannot move members</string>
<string name="edit_before_call">Edit number before call</string>
<string name="menu_sendViaSMS">Send contact via SMS</string>
<string name="select_all">All</string>
diff --git a/res/values-en-rIN/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-en-rIN/cm_strings.xml
index fd7ef42cc..7e3e3f89d 100644
--- a/res/values-en-rIN/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-en-rIN/cm_strings.xml
@@ -63,5 +63,12 @@
<string name="delete_call_alert">Delete selected call logs?</string>
<string name="title_del_call">Delete</string>
<string name="powered_by_provider">Powered by <xliff:g id="provider">%s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="sms_permission_rationale">SMS permission is required to display contact SMS history.</string>
+ <string name="sms_rationale_view">VIEW</string>
<!-- InCall plugin directory search & invite -->
+ <string name="incall_plugin_directory_search">Search %1$s directory</string>
+ <string name="incall_plugin_invite">INVITE</string>
+ <string name="incall_plugin_account_subheader">%1$s name</string>
+ <string name="incall_plugin_call_error"><xliff:g id="name">%s</xliff:g> cannot make this call</string>
+ <string name="incall_plugin_intent_error">Unable to complete this action. Try again later.</string>
diff --git a/res/values-es-rUS/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-es-rUS/cm_strings.xml
index 7d391d471..9035ac6fb 100644
--- a/res/values-es-rUS/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-es-rUS/cm_strings.xml
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@
<string name="importConfirmation_title">¿Importar contacto?</string>
<string name="import_finish">Importación finalizada</string>
<!-- Multi Delete Contacts related strings -->
- <string name="delete_contacts_title">Eliminar contactos</string>
+ <string name="delete_contacts_title">Borrar contactos</string>
<string name="delete_contacts_message">Eliminando contactos\u2026</string>
<!-- Confirmation dialog title after users selects to delete a contact. [CHAR LIMIT=25]-->
- <string name="deleteConfirmation_title">¿Eliminar contacto?</string>
+ <string name="deleteConfirmation_title">¿Borrar contacto?</string>
<string name="too_many_contacts_add_to_group">No se pueden añadir más de <xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> contactos</string>
<!-- add for MemoryStatusActivity -->
<string name="menu_memory_status">Estado de la memoria</string>
@@ -58,10 +58,10 @@
<string name="no_empty_email_in_usim">El contacto USIM no tiene un campo de correo electrónico disponible, no se pueden copiar los mensajes.</string>
<string name="voicemail">Correo de voz</string>
<string name="select_call_title">Seleccionar registros de llamadas</string>
- <string name="delete_call_title">Eliminar registros de llamadas</string>
+ <string name="delete_call_title">Borrar registros de llamadas</string>
<string name="delete_call_message">Eliminando registro de llamadas\u2026</string>
- <string name="delete_call_alert">¿Eliminar los registros de llamadas seleccionados?</string>
- <string name="title_del_call">Eliminar</string>
+ <string name="delete_call_alert">¿Borrar los registros de llamadas seleccionados?</string>
+ <string name="title_del_call">Borrar</string>
<string name="powered_by_provider">Con tecnología <xliff:g id="provider">%s</xliff:g></string>
<string name="sms_permission_rationale">Se requiere el permiso de SMS para mostrar el historial de SMS de contactos.</string>
<string name="sms_rationale_view">VER</string>
diff --git a/res/values-ja/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-ja/cm_strings.xml
index fe918b146..7cfd3bbaf 100644
--- a/res/values-ja/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ja/cm_strings.xml
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
<string name="invalid_phone_number">電話番号が無効です</string>
<string name="invalid_number_type">番号の種類が無効です</string>
<string name="no_phone_number_or_email">電話番号またはメールアドレスを入力してください。</string>
- <string name="memory_card_full">連絡先を保存できませんでした、携帯電話のメモリがいっぱいです</string>
+ <string name="memory_card_full">連絡先を保存できませんでした。端末のメモリがいっぱいです</string>
<!-- The title of "groups" tab. [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
<string name="contacts_groups_label">グループ</string>
<string name="menu_moveGroupMembers">グループのメンバーを移動</string>
diff --git a/res/values-ko/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-ko/cm_strings.xml
index 5d3953bdd..cabee3aa7 100644
--- a/res/values-ko/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ko/cm_strings.xml
@@ -63,6 +63,8 @@
<string name="delete_call_alert">선택된 통화 기록을 삭제할까요?</string>
<string name="title_del_call">삭제</string>
<string name="powered_by_provider"><xliff:g id="provider">%s</xliff:g>이(가) 제공함</string>
+ <string name="sms_permission_rationale">연락처 SMS 기록을 보려면 SMS 권한이 필요합니다.</string>
+ <string name="sms_rationale_view">보기</string>
<!-- InCall plugin directory search & invite -->
<string name="incall_plugin_directory_search">%1$s 디렉터리 검색</string>
<string name="incall_plugin_invite">초대</string>
diff --git a/res/values-nl/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-nl/cm_strings.xml
index c8cbdef30..270801add 100644
--- a/res/values-nl/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-nl/cm_strings.xml
@@ -57,6 +57,10 @@
<string name="menu_copyTo">Kopiëren naar <xliff:g id="destination">%s</xliff:g></string>
<string name="no_empty_email_in_usim">USIM-contact heeft geen e-mailveld beschikbaar, kan berichten niet kopiëren.</string>
<string name="voicemail">Voicemail</string>
+ <string name="select_call_title">Oproepen selecteren</string>
+ <string name="delete_call_title">Oproepen verwijderen</string>
+ <string name="delete_call_message">Oproepen verwijderen\u2026</string>
+ <string name="delete_call_alert">Geselecteerde oproepen verwijderen?</string>
<string name="title_del_call">Verwijderen</string>
<string name="powered_by_provider">Mogelijk gemaakt door <xliff:g id="provider">%s</xliff:g></string>
<string name="sms_permission_rationale">Sms-machtiging is nodig om sms-geschiedenis van contacten weer te geven.</string>
diff --git a/res/values-pl/cm_plurals.xml b/res/values-pl/cm_plurals.xml
index 52634bf24..e3d82079f 100644
--- a/res/values-pl/cm_plurals.xml
+++ b/res/values-pl/cm_plurals.xml
@@ -31,4 +31,14 @@
<item quantity="few">Zaimpotowano %d kontakty</item>
<item quantity="other">Zaimpotowano %d kontaktów</item>
+ <plurals name="ContactMultiDeleteConfirmation">
+ <item quantity="one">%d kontakt zostanie usunięty.</item>
+ <item quantity="few">%d kontakty zostaną usunięte.</item>
+ <item quantity="other">%d kontaktów zostanie usuniętych.</item>
+ </plurals>
+ <plurals name="spam_count_text">
+ <item quantity="one">%d osoba oznaczona jako spam</item>
+ <item quantity="few">%d osoby oznaczone jako spam</item>
+ <item quantity="other">%d osób oznaczono jako spam</item>
+ </plurals>
diff --git a/res/values-sq-rAL/cm_plurals.xml b/res/values-sq-rAL/cm_plurals.xml
index 352f189bb..fa3ce3c35 100644
--- a/res/values-sq-rAL/cm_plurals.xml
+++ b/res/values-sq-rAL/cm_plurals.xml
@@ -15,4 +15,25 @@
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
-<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"></resources>
+<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
+ <plurals name="contacts_selected">
+ <item quantity="one">%d i zgjedhur</item>
+ <item quantity="other">%d të zgjedhur</item>
+ </plurals>
+ <plurals name="ContactMultiImportConfirmation">
+ <item quantity="one">%d kontakt do të importohet.</item>
+ <item quantity="other">%d kontakte do të importohen.</item>
+ </plurals>
+ <plurals name="import_progress">
+ <item quantity="one">%d kontakt u importua</item>
+ <item quantity="other">%d kontakte u importuan</item>
+ </plurals>
+ <plurals name="ContactMultiDeleteConfirmation">
+ <item quantity="one">%d kontakt do të fshihet.</item>
+ <item quantity="other">%d kontakte do të fshihen.</item>
+ </plurals>
+ <plurals name="spam_count_text">
+ <item quantity="one">%d person e shënoi këtë si spam</item>
+ <item quantity="other">%d persona e shënuan këtë si spam</item>
+ </plurals>
diff --git a/res/values-sq-rAL/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-sq-rAL/cm_strings.xml
index fed032ce5..595c8c588 100644
--- a/res/values-sq-rAL/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-sq-rAL/cm_strings.xml
@@ -18,11 +18,57 @@
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- Toast displayed when saving a contact to sim card failed -->
+ <string name="contactSavedToSimCardError">Kontaktet e zgjedhur nuk mund të ruheshin në kartën SIM</string>
+ <string name="airplane_mode_on">Karta SIM nuk mund të aksesohet kur profili Avion është i aktivizuar</string>
+ <string name="number_anr_too_long">Numri është shumë i gjatë</string>
+ <string name="email_address_too_long">Adresa e email-it është shumë e gjatë</string>
+ <string name="sim_card_full">Karta SIM është plot</string>
+ <string name="tag_too_long">Emri i kontaktit është shumë i gjatë</string>
+ <string name="invalid_phone_number">Numri i telefonit nuk është i saktë</string>
+ <string name="invalid_number_type">Lloji i numrit nuk është i saktë</string>
+ <string name="no_phone_number_or_email">Vendosni numrin e telefonit ose adresën e email-it.</string>
+ <string name="memory_card_full">Kontakti nuk u ruajt dot. Memoria e telefonit është plot</string>
<!-- The title of "groups" tab. [CHAR LIMIT=14] -->
+ <string name="contacts_groups_label">Grupet</string>
+ <string name="menu_moveGroupMembers">Zhvendos pjesëtarët e grupit</string>
+ <string name="title_move_members">Zhvendos pjesëtarët</string>
+ <string name="message_move_members">Duke zhvendosur pjesëtarët\u2026</string>
+ <string name="message_can_not_move_members">Pjesëtarët nuk mund të zhvendosen</string>
+ <string name="edit_before_call">Redakto numrin përpara se t\'i biesh</string>
+ <string name="menu_sendViaSMS">Dërgo kontaktin me SMS</string>
+ <string name="select_all">Të gjithë</string>
<!-- Choose Sim Card to Import -->
+ <string name="import_sim_contacts_title">Importo kontaktet e kartës SIM</string>
+ <string name="import_sim_contacts_message">Duke importuar kontaktet e kartës SIM\u2026</string>
<!-- Confirmation dialog title after users selects to import a contact. [CHAR LIMIT=25]-->
+ <string name="importConfirmation_title">Dëshiron të importosh kontaktin?</string>
+ <string name="import_finish">Importimi mbaroi</string>
<!-- Multi Delete Contacts related strings -->
+ <string name="delete_contacts_title">Fshi kontaktet</string>
+ <string name="delete_contacts_message">Duke fshirë kontaktet\u2026</string>
<!-- Confirmation dialog title after users selects to delete a contact. [CHAR LIMIT=25]-->
+ <string name="deleteConfirmation_title">Dëshiron ta fshish kontaktin?</string>
+ <string name="too_many_contacts_add_to_group">Nuk mund të shtohen më shumë se <xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> kontakte</string>
<!-- add for MemoryStatusActivity -->
+ <string name="menu_memory_status">Statusi i memories</string>
+ <string name="memory_size">Në total:</string>
+ <string name="memory_used">Përdorur:</string>
+ <string name="calculating_status_now">Duke llogaritur statusin\u2026</string>
+ <string name="menu_copyTo">Kopjo në <xliff:g id="destination">%s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="no_empty_email_in_usim">Kontakti USIM nuk ka një fushë email-i të disponueshme. Kopjimi i mesazheve nuk mund të kryhet.</string>
+ <string name="voicemail">Posta zanore</string>
+ <string name="select_call_title">Zgjidh listat e thirrjeve</string>
+ <string name="delete_call_title">Fshi listat e thirrjeve</string>
+ <string name="delete_call_message">Duke fshirë listat e thirrjeve\u2026</string>
+ <string name="delete_call_alert">Do që të fshish listën e zgjedhur të thirrjeve?</string>
+ <string name="title_del_call">Fshi</string>
+ <string name="powered_by_provider">Mundësuar nga <xliff:g id="provider">%s</xliff:g></string>
+ <string name="sms_permission_rationale">Leja SMS nevojitet për të shfaqur historikun e mesazheve SMS të kontakteve.</string>
+ <string name="sms_rationale_view">SHIKO</string>
<!-- InCall plugin directory search & invite -->
+ <string name="incall_plugin_directory_search">Kërko dosjen %1$s</string>
+ <string name="incall_plugin_invite">FTO</string>
+ <string name="incall_plugin_account_subheader">emri i %1$s</string>
+ <string name="incall_plugin_call_error"><xliff:g id="name">%s</xliff:g> nuk mund ta bëjë dot këtë thirrje</string>
+ <string name="incall_plugin_intent_error">E pamundur për ta kryer këtë veprim. Provo përsëri më vonë.</string>
diff --git a/res/values-sv/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-sv/cm_strings.xml
index f33624aad..9b0b60c15 100644
--- a/res/values-sv/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-sv/cm_strings.xml
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
<string name="powered_by_provider">Drivs av <xliff:g id="provider">%s</xliff:g></string>
<string name="sms_rationale_view">VISA</string>
<!-- InCall plugin directory search & invite -->
+ <string name="incall_plugin_directory_search">Sök efter %1$s mapp</string>
<string name="incall_plugin_invite">BJUD IN</string>
<string name="incall_plugin_account_subheader">%1$s namn</string>
<string name="incall_plugin_call_error"><xliff:g id="name">%s</xliff:g> kan inte ringa det här samtalet</string>
diff --git a/res/values-uk/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-uk/cm_strings.xml
index 47190ab79..98ab61637 100644
--- a/res/values-uk/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-uk/cm_strings.xml
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- Toast displayed when saving a contact to sim card failed -->
- <string name="contactSavedToSimCardError">Не вдалося зберегти вибрані контакти на SIM-картці</string>
- <string name="airplane_mode_on">SIM-картка не доступна коли активовано режим польоту</string>
+ <string name="contactSavedToSimCardError">Не вдалося зберегти вибрані контакти на SIM-карті</string>
+ <string name="airplane_mode_on">SIM-карта недоступна коли активовано режим польоту</string>
<string name="number_anr_too_long">Номер задовгий</string>
<string name="email_address_too_long">Адреса електронної пошти задовга</string>
- <string name="sim_card_full">SIM-картка заповнена</string>
+ <string name="sim_card_full">SIM-карта заповнена</string>
<string name="tag_too_long">Задовге ім\'я контакту</string>
<string name="invalid_phone_number">Неприпустимий номер телефону</string>
<string name="invalid_number_type">Неприпустимий тип номера</string>
diff --git a/res/values-zh-rTW/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-zh-rTW/cm_strings.xml
index 4a3487931..b18464766 100644
--- a/res/values-zh-rTW/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-zh-rTW/cm_strings.xml
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
<string name="delete_contacts_message">正在刪除聯絡人\u2026</string>
<!-- Confirmation dialog title after users selects to delete a contact. [CHAR LIMIT=25]-->
<string name="deleteConfirmation_title">刪除聯絡人?</string>
- <string name="too_many_contacts_add_to_group">不可以新增超過 <xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> 個聯絡人</string>
+ <string name="too_many_contacts_add_to_group">不可新增超過 <xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> 個聯絡人</string>
<!-- add for MemoryStatusActivity -->
<string name="menu_memory_status">記憶體狀態</string>
<string name="memory_size">總計:</string>