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authorAbhisek Devkota <ciwrl@lineageos.org>2017-01-14 19:22:04 -0800
committerAbhisek Devkota <ciwrl@lineageos.org>2017-02-02 23:35:33 +0000
commitcedc79976b707f518b77056cf40f75d2b46e104f (patch)
parent1cd78ecb9b5eef38017459703564053b1cd97429 (diff)
Dexopt: Remove brand logo
Change-Id: Ia4279a8e56794372a393c879dcf03b66416e1ecb
2 files changed, 58 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/cm/res/res/drawable/dexopt_brand_logo.xml b/cm/res/res/drawable/dexopt_brand_logo.xml
index 07afe03..d23ca4a 100644
--- a/cm/res/res/drawable/dexopt_brand_logo.xml
+++ b/cm/res/res/drawable/dexopt_brand_logo.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Copyright (c) 2016 The CyanogenMod Project
+ Copyright (c) 2017 The LineageOS Project
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -21,15 +22,33 @@
+ android:pathData="M -1 -1 H 513 V 513 H -1 V -1 Z" />
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-c0-0.1,0-0.2,0-0.2H42.6z" />
+ android:pathData="M 418.56798,230.07889 a 39.92,39.92 0 0 0 -31.11,14.87 l -1.5,-0.6 a
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+0,0 0,0.09 0,0.13 l -1.72,0.38 a 293.48,293.48 0 0 0 -45.67,13.76 l -1.5,0.6 a
+40,40 0 1 0 7.39,14.28 l 0,0 a 277.33,277.33 0 0 1 43.1,-13 80,80 0 0 0 156.73,0
+277.3,277.3 0 0 1 43.11,13 l 0,0 a 40,40 0 1 0 38.56,-29.15 z m -320.000002,64 a
+24,24 0 1 1 24.000002,-24 24,24 0 0 1 -24.000002,24 z m 160.000002,0 a 64,64 0 1
+1 64,-64 64.07,64.07 0 0 1 -64,64 z m 160,0 a 24,24 0 1 1 24,-24 24,24 0 0 1
+-24,24 z m -128,-64 a 32,32 0 1 1 -32,-32 32,32 0 0 1 32,32 z m 68,124.36
+-10.7,0 0,5.5 9.63,0 0,3.93 -9.63,0 0,5.89 10.41,0 0,4 -15.09,0 0,-21.37 a
+1.74,1.74 0 0 1 0.59,-1.37 2,2 0 0 1 1.4,-0.52 l 13.39,0 0,3.94 z m -41.67,19.64
+a 11,11 0 0 1 -8.36,-3.19 11.93,11.93 0 0 1 -3.06,-8.62 12.12,12.12 0 0 1
+3.25,-8.89 11.56,11.56 0 0 1 8.62,-3.3 11.44,11.44 0 0 1 6,1.5 9,9 0 0 1
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+-27.95,-0.36 -2,-5.76 -8.49,0 -2,5.76 -4.85,0 7.87,-21.5 q 0.68,-1.85 3.15,-1.85
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+-2.89,8.62 z m -20.37,-9.64 -10.7,0 0,5.5 9.63,0 0,3.93 -9.63,0 0,5.89 10.4,0
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+0,3.94 z m -35.73,-3.94 4.26,0 0,22 a 1.23,1.23 0 0 1 -0.67,1.09 3.17,3.17 0 0 1
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+0,15.61 -4.32,0 0,-21.5 a 1.56,1.56 0 0 1 0.68,-1.4 3.18,3.18 0 0 1 1.79,-0.46
+3.59,3.59 0 0 1 1.9,0.39 5.91,5.91 0 0 1 1.41,1.56 l 9.72,13.59 -0.01,-15.37 z m
+-36.17,23.22 0,-23.22 4.68,0 0,23.22 -4.68,0 z m -27.11,0 a 1.83,1.83 0 0 1
+-1.89,-1.89 l 0,-21.33 4.65,0 0,19.32 10.35,0 0,3.9 -13.11,0 z" />
diff --git a/cm/res/res/drawable/dexopt_brand_logo_alternative.xml b/cm/res/res/drawable/dexopt_brand_logo_alternative.xml
index 9326610..d23ca4a 100644
--- a/cm/res/res/drawable/dexopt_brand_logo_alternative.xml
+++ b/cm/res/res/drawable/dexopt_brand_logo_alternative.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Copyright (c) 2016 The CyanogenMod Project
+ Copyright (c) 2017 The LineageOS Project
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -21,8 +22,33 @@
+ android:pathData="M -1 -1 H 513 V 513 H -1 V -1 Z" />
+ <path
- android:pathData="M96,38.58V67.64c0,16.8-16.21,21.74-45.22,22H43.6v0c-28-.46-43.6-5.52-43.6-22V38.58c0-9,4.64-14.55,13.37-17.86L6.79,4.65A3.14,3.14,0,1,1,12.6,2.27l6.82,16.65c6.54-1.5,14.64-2.19,24.18-2.35h0c1.43,0,2.89,0,4.39,0v0h0v0c11.47,0,21.06
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+294.79,294.79 0 0 0 -47.39,-14.13 c 0,0 0,-0.09 0,-0.14 a 80,80 0 1 0 -160,0 c
+0,0 0,0.09 0,0.13 l -1.72,0.38 a 293.48,293.48 0 0 0 -45.67,13.76 l -1.5,0.6 a
+40,40 0 1 0 7.39,14.28 l 0,0 a 277.33,277.33 0 0 1 43.1,-13 80,80 0 0 0 156.73,0
+277.3,277.3 0 0 1 43.11,13 l 0,0 a 40,40 0 1 0 38.56,-29.15 z m -320.000002,64 a
+24,24 0 1 1 24.000002,-24 24,24 0 0 1 -24.000002,24 z m 160.000002,0 a 64,64 0 1
+1 64,-64 64.07,64.07 0 0 1 -64,64 z m 160,0 a 24,24 0 1 1 24,-24 24,24 0 0 1
+-24,24 z m -128,-64 a 32,32 0 1 1 -32,-32 32,32 0 0 1 32,32 z m 68,124.36
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+1.74,1.74 0 0 1 0.59,-1.37 2,2 0 0 1 1.4,-0.52 l 13.39,0 0,3.94 z m -41.67,19.64
+a 11,11 0 0 1 -8.36,-3.19 11.93,11.93 0 0 1 -3.06,-8.62 12.12,12.12 0 0 1
+3.25,-8.89 11.56,11.56 0 0 1 8.62,-3.3 11.44,11.44 0 0 1 6,1.5 9,9 0 0 1
+3.63,3.93 l -3.74,2 q -1.69,-3.41 -6,-3.41 a 6.53,6.53 0 0 0 -5.14,2.16
+8.58,8.58 0 0 0 -1.92,5.9 8.67,8.67 0 0 0 1.79,5.8 6.11,6.11 0 0 0 4.91,2.1
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+0,2.57 a 10.19,10.19 0 0 1 -3.12,7.72 11.12,11.12 0 0 1 -7.94,2.98 z m
+-27.95,-0.36 -2,-5.76 -8.49,0 -2,5.76 -4.85,0 7.87,-21.5 q 0.68,-1.85 3.15,-1.85
+2.47,0 3.19,1.89 l 7.87,21.46 -4.74,0 z m -9.11,-9.64 5.82,0 -2.93,-8.62
+-2.89,8.62 z m -20.37,-9.64 -10.7,0 0,5.5 9.63,0 0,3.93 -9.63,0 0,5.89 10.4,0
+0,4 -15.09,0 0,-21.37 a 1.74,1.74 0 0 1 0.59,-1.37 2,2 0 0 1 1.4,-0.52 l 13.4,0
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+-36.17,23.22 0,-23.22 4.68,0 0,23.22 -4.68,0 z m -27.11,0 a 1.83,1.83 0 0 1
+-1.89,-1.89 l 0,-21.33 4.65,0 0,19.32 10.35,0 0,3.9 -13.11,0 z" />