path: root/gcc-4.9/gcc/go/gofrontend/lex.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.9/gcc/go/gofrontend/lex.h')
1 files changed, 502 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.9/gcc/go/gofrontend/lex.h b/gcc-4.9/gcc/go/gofrontend/lex.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..383a91787
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.9/gcc/go/gofrontend/lex.h
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+// lex.h -- Go frontend lexer. -*- C++ -*-
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#ifndef GO_LEX_H
+#define GO_LEX_H
+#include <mpfr.h>
+#include "operator.h"
+#include "go-linemap.h"
+struct Unicode_range;
+// The keywords. These must be in sorted order, other than
+// KEYWORD_INVALID. They must match the Keywords::mapping_ array in
+// lex.cc.
+enum Keyword
+ KEYWORD_INVALID, // Not a keyword.
+// A token returned from the lexer.
+class Token
+ public:
+ // Token classification.
+ enum Classification
+ {
+ // Token is invalid.
+ // Token indicates end of input.
+ // Token is a keyword.
+ // Token is an identifier.
+ // Token is a string of characters.
+ // Token is an operator.
+ // Token is a character constant.
+ // Token is an integer.
+ // Token is a floating point number.
+ // Token is an imaginary number.
+ };
+ ~Token();
+ Token(const Token&);
+ Token& operator=(const Token&);
+ // Get token classification.
+ Classification
+ classification() const
+ { return this->classification_; }
+ // Make a token for an invalid value.
+ static Token
+ make_invalid_token(Location location)
+ { return Token(TOKEN_INVALID, location); }
+ // Make a token representing end of file.
+ static Token
+ make_eof_token(Location location)
+ { return Token(TOKEN_EOF, location); }
+ // Make a keyword token.
+ static Token
+ make_keyword_token(Keyword keyword, Location location)
+ {
+ Token tok(TOKEN_KEYWORD, location);
+ tok.u_.keyword = keyword;
+ return tok;
+ }
+ // Make an identifier token.
+ static Token
+ make_identifier_token(const std::string& value, bool is_exported,
+ Location location)
+ {
+ Token tok(TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, location);
+ tok.u_.identifier_value.name = new std::string(value);
+ tok.u_.identifier_value.is_exported = is_exported;
+ return tok;
+ }
+ // Make a quoted string token.
+ static Token
+ make_string_token(const std::string& value, Location location)
+ {
+ Token tok(TOKEN_STRING, location);
+ tok.u_.string_value = new std::string(value);
+ return tok;
+ }
+ // Make an operator token.
+ static Token
+ make_operator_token(Operator op, Location location)
+ {
+ Token tok(TOKEN_OPERATOR, location);
+ tok.u_.op = op;
+ return tok;
+ }
+ // Make a character constant token.
+ static Token
+ make_character_token(mpz_t val, Location location)
+ {
+ Token tok(TOKEN_CHARACTER, location);
+ mpz_init(tok.u_.integer_value);
+ mpz_swap(tok.u_.integer_value, val);
+ return tok;
+ }
+ // Make an integer token.
+ static Token
+ make_integer_token(mpz_t val, Location location)
+ {
+ Token tok(TOKEN_INTEGER, location);
+ mpz_init(tok.u_.integer_value);
+ mpz_swap(tok.u_.integer_value, val);
+ return tok;
+ }
+ // Make a float token.
+ static Token
+ make_float_token(mpfr_t val, Location location)
+ {
+ Token tok(TOKEN_FLOAT, location);
+ mpfr_init(tok.u_.float_value);
+ mpfr_swap(tok.u_.float_value, val);
+ return tok;
+ }
+ // Make a token for an imaginary number.
+ static Token
+ make_imaginary_token(mpfr_t val, Location location)
+ {
+ Token tok(TOKEN_IMAGINARY, location);
+ mpfr_init(tok.u_.float_value);
+ mpfr_swap(tok.u_.float_value, val);
+ return tok;
+ }
+ // Get the location of the token.
+ Location
+ location() const
+ { return this->location_; }
+ // Return whether this is an invalid token.
+ bool
+ is_invalid() const
+ { return this->classification_ == TOKEN_INVALID; }
+ // Return whether this is the EOF token.
+ bool
+ is_eof() const
+ { return this->classification_ == TOKEN_EOF; }
+ // Return the keyword value for a keyword token.
+ Keyword
+ keyword() const
+ {
+ go_assert(this->classification_ == TOKEN_KEYWORD);
+ return this->u_.keyword;
+ }
+ // Return whether this is an identifier.
+ bool
+ is_identifier() const
+ { return this->classification_ == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER; }
+ // Return the identifier.
+ const std::string&
+ identifier() const
+ {
+ go_assert(this->classification_ == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER);
+ return *this->u_.identifier_value.name;
+ }
+ // Return whether the identifier is exported.
+ bool
+ is_identifier_exported() const
+ {
+ go_assert(this->classification_ == TOKEN_IDENTIFIER);
+ return this->u_.identifier_value.is_exported;
+ }
+ // Return whether this is a string.
+ bool
+ is_string() const
+ {
+ return this->classification_ == TOKEN_STRING;
+ }
+ // Return the value of a string. The returned value is a string of
+ // UTF-8 characters.
+ std::string
+ string_value() const
+ {
+ go_assert(this->classification_ == TOKEN_STRING);
+ return *this->u_.string_value;
+ }
+ // Return the value of a character constant.
+ const mpz_t*
+ character_value() const
+ {
+ go_assert(this->classification_ == TOKEN_CHARACTER);
+ return &this->u_.integer_value;
+ }
+ // Return the value of an integer.
+ const mpz_t*
+ integer_value() const
+ {
+ go_assert(this->classification_ == TOKEN_INTEGER);
+ return &this->u_.integer_value;
+ }
+ // Return the value of a float.
+ const mpfr_t*
+ float_value() const
+ {
+ go_assert(this->classification_ == TOKEN_FLOAT);
+ return &this->u_.float_value;
+ }
+ // Return the value of an imaginary number.
+ const mpfr_t*
+ imaginary_value() const
+ {
+ go_assert(this->classification_ == TOKEN_IMAGINARY);
+ return &this->u_.float_value;
+ }
+ // Return the operator value for an operator token.
+ Operator
+ op() const
+ {
+ go_assert(this->classification_ == TOKEN_OPERATOR);
+ return this->u_.op;
+ }
+ // Return whether this token is KEYWORD.
+ bool
+ is_keyword(Keyword keyword) const
+ {
+ return (this->classification_ == TOKEN_KEYWORD
+ && this->u_.keyword == keyword);
+ }
+ // Return whether this token is OP.
+ bool
+ is_op(Operator op) const
+ { return this->classification_ == TOKEN_OPERATOR && this->u_.op == op; }
+ // Print the token for debugging.
+ void
+ print(FILE*) const;
+ private:
+ // Private constructor used by make_..._token functions above.
+ Token(Classification, Location);
+ // Clear the token.
+ void
+ clear();
+ // The token classification.
+ Classification classification_;
+ union
+ {
+ // The keyword value for TOKEN_KEYWORD.
+ Keyword keyword;
+ // The token value for TOKEN_IDENTIFIER.
+ struct
+ {
+ // The name of the identifier. This has been mangled to only
+ // include ASCII characters.
+ std::string* name;
+ // Whether this name should be exported. This is true if the
+ // first letter in the name is upper case.
+ bool is_exported;
+ } identifier_value;
+ // The string value for TOKEN_STRING.
+ std::string* string_value;
+ // The token value for TOKEN_CHARACTER or TOKEN_INTEGER.
+ mpz_t integer_value;
+ // The token value for TOKEN_FLOAT or TOKEN_IMAGINARY.
+ mpfr_t float_value;
+ // The token value for TOKEN_OPERATOR or the keyword value
+ Operator op;
+ } u_;
+ // The source location.
+ Location location_;
+// The lexer itself.
+class Lex
+ public:
+ Lex(const char* input_file_name, FILE* input_file, Linemap *linemap);
+ ~Lex();
+ // Return the next token.
+ Token
+ next_token();
+ // Return the contents of any current //extern comment.
+ const std::string&
+ extern_name() const
+ { return this->extern_; }
+ // Return whether we have seen a //go:nointerface comment, clearing
+ // the flag.
+ bool
+ get_and_clear_nointerface()
+ {
+ bool ret = this->saw_nointerface_;
+ this->saw_nointerface_ = false;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // Return whether the identifier NAME should be exported. NAME is a
+ // mangled name which includes only ASCII characters.
+ static bool
+ is_exported_name(const std::string& name);
+ // Return whether the identifier NAME is invalid. When we see an
+ // invalid character we still build an identifier, but we use a
+ // magic string to indicate that the identifier is invalid. We then
+ // use this to avoid knockon errors.
+ static bool
+ is_invalid_identifier(const std::string& name);
+ // A helper function. Append V to STR. IS_CHARACTER is true if V
+ // is a Unicode character which should be converted into UTF-8,
+ // false if it is a byte value to be appended directly. The
+ // location is used to warn about an out of range character.
+ static void
+ append_char(unsigned int v, bool is_charater, std::string* str,
+ Location);
+ // A helper function. Fetch a UTF-8 character from STR and store it
+ // in *VALUE. Return the number of bytes read from STR. Return 0
+ // if STR does not point to a valid UTF-8 character.
+ static int
+ fetch_char(const char* str, unsigned int *value);
+ // Return whether C is a Unicode or "C" locale space character.
+ static bool
+ is_unicode_space(unsigned int c);
+ private:
+ ssize_t
+ get_line();
+ bool
+ require_line();
+ // The current location.
+ Location
+ location() const;
+ // A position CHARS column positions before the current location.
+ Location
+ earlier_location(int chars) const;
+ static bool
+ is_hex_digit(char);
+ static unsigned char
+ octal_value(char c)
+ { return c - '0'; }
+ Token
+ make_invalid_token()
+ { return Token::make_invalid_token(this->location()); }
+ Token
+ make_eof_token()
+ { return Token::make_eof_token(this->location()); }
+ Token
+ make_operator(Operator op, int chars)
+ { return Token::make_operator_token(op, this->earlier_location(chars)); }
+ Token
+ gather_identifier();
+ static bool
+ could_be_exponent(const char*, const char*);
+ Token
+ gather_number();
+ Token
+ gather_character();
+ Token
+ gather_string();
+ Token
+ gather_raw_string();
+ const char*
+ advance_one_utf8_char(const char*, unsigned int*, bool*);
+ const char*
+ advance_one_char(const char*, bool, unsigned int*, bool*);
+ static bool
+ is_unicode_digit(unsigned int c);
+ static bool
+ is_unicode_letter(unsigned int c);
+ static bool
+ is_unicode_uppercase(unsigned int c);
+ static bool
+ is_in_unicode_range(unsigned int C, const Unicode_range* ranges,
+ size_t range_size);
+ Operator
+ three_character_operator(char, char, char);
+ Operator
+ two_character_operator(char, char);
+ Operator
+ one_character_operator(char);
+ bool
+ skip_c_comment();
+ void
+ skip_cpp_comment();
+ // The input file name.
+ const char* input_file_name_;
+ // The input file.
+ FILE* input_file_;
+ // The object used to keep track of file names and line numbers.
+ Linemap* linemap_;
+ // The line buffer. This holds the current line.
+ char* linebuf_;
+ // The size of the line buffer.
+ size_t linebufsize_;
+ // The nmber of characters in the current line.
+ size_t linesize_;
+ // The current offset in linebuf_.
+ size_t lineoff_;
+ // The current line number.
+ size_t lineno_;
+ // Whether to add a semicolon if we see a newline now.
+ bool add_semi_at_eol_;
+ // Whether we just saw a magic go:nointerface comment.
+ bool saw_nointerface_;
+ // The external name to use for a function declaration, from a magic
+ // //extern comment.
+ std::string extern_;
+#endif // !defined(GO_LEX_H)