path: root/gcc-4.9/gcc/config/arm/arm-ldmstm.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.9/gcc/config/arm/arm-ldmstm.ml')
1 files changed, 345 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.9/gcc/config/arm/arm-ldmstm.ml b/gcc-4.9/gcc/config/arm/arm-ldmstm.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2d8f9e267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.9/gcc/config/arm/arm-ldmstm.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+(* Auto-generate ARM ldm/stm patterns
+ Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ Contributed by CodeSourcery.
+ This file is part of GCC.
+ GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
+ version.
+ GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see
+ <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ This is an O'Caml program. The O'Caml compiler is available from:
+ http://caml.inria.fr/
+ Or from your favourite OS's friendly packaging system. Tested with version
+ 3.09.2, though other versions will probably work too.
+ Run with:
+ ocaml arm-ldmstm.ml >/path/to/gcc/config/arm/ldmstm.md
+type amode = IA | IB | DA | DB
+type optype = IN | OUT | INOUT
+let rec string_of_addrmode addrmode =
+ match addrmode with
+ IA -> "ia" | IB -> "ib" | DA -> "da" | DB -> "db"
+let rec initial_offset addrmode nregs =
+ match addrmode with
+ IA -> 0
+ | IB -> 4
+ | DA -> -4 * nregs + 4
+ | DB -> -4 * nregs
+let rec final_offset addrmode nregs =
+ match addrmode with
+ IA -> nregs * 4
+ | IB -> nregs * 4
+ | DA -> -4 * nregs
+ | DB -> -4 * nregs
+let constr thumb =
+ if thumb then "l" else "rk"
+let inout_constr op_type =
+ match op_type with
+ OUT -> "=&"
+ | INOUT -> "+&"
+ | IN -> ""
+let destreg nregs first op_type thumb =
+ if not first then
+ Printf.sprintf "(match_dup %d)" (nregs + 1)
+ else
+ Printf.sprintf ("(match_operand:SI %d \"s_register_operand\" \"%s%s\")")
+ (nregs + 1) (inout_constr op_type) (constr thumb)
+let reg_predicate thumb =
+ if thumb then "low_register_operand" else "arm_hard_general_register_operand"
+let write_ldm_set thumb nregs offset opnr first =
+ let indent = " " in
+ Printf.printf "%s" (if first then " [" else indent);
+ Printf.printf "(set (match_operand:SI %d \"%s\" \"\")\n" opnr (reg_predicate thumb);
+ Printf.printf "%s (mem:SI " indent;
+ begin if offset != 0 then Printf.printf "(plus:SI " end;
+ Printf.printf "%s" (destreg nregs first IN thumb);
+ begin if offset != 0 then Printf.printf "\n%s (const_int %d))" indent offset end;
+ Printf.printf "))"
+let write_stm_set thumb nregs offset opnr first =
+ let indent = " " in
+ Printf.printf "%s" (if first then " [" else indent);
+ Printf.printf "(set (mem:SI ";
+ begin if offset != 0 then Printf.printf "(plus:SI " end;
+ Printf.printf "%s" (destreg nregs first IN thumb);
+ begin if offset != 0 then Printf.printf " (const_int %d))" offset end;
+ Printf.printf ")\n%s (match_operand:SI %d \"%s\" \"\"))" indent opnr (reg_predicate thumb)
+let write_ldm_peep_set extra_indent nregs opnr first =
+ let indent = " " ^ extra_indent in
+ Printf.printf "%s" (if first then extra_indent ^ " [" else indent);
+ Printf.printf "(set (match_operand:SI %d \"s_register_operand\" \"\")\n" opnr;
+ Printf.printf "%s (match_operand:SI %d \"memory_operand\" \"\"))" indent (nregs + opnr)
+let write_stm_peep_set extra_indent nregs opnr first =
+ let indent = " " ^ extra_indent in
+ Printf.printf "%s" (if first then extra_indent ^ " [" else indent);
+ Printf.printf "(set (match_operand:SI %d \"memory_operand\" \"\")\n" (nregs + opnr);
+ Printf.printf "%s (match_operand:SI %d \"s_register_operand\" \"\"))" indent opnr
+let write_any_load optype nregs opnr first =
+ let indent = " " in
+ Printf.printf "%s" (if first then " [" else indent);
+ Printf.printf "(set (match_operand:SI %d \"s_register_operand\" \"\")\n" opnr;
+ Printf.printf "%s (match_operand:SI %d \"%s\" \"\"))" indent (nregs * 2 + opnr) optype
+let write_const_store nregs opnr first =
+ let indent = " " in
+ Printf.printf "%s(set (match_operand:SI %d \"memory_operand\" \"\")\n" indent (nregs + opnr);
+ Printf.printf "%s (match_dup %d))" indent opnr
+let write_const_stm_peep_set nregs opnr first =
+ write_any_load "const_int_operand" nregs opnr first;
+ Printf.printf "\n";
+ write_const_store nregs opnr false
+let rec write_pat_sets func opnr offset first n_left =
+ func offset opnr first;
+ begin
+ if n_left > 1 then begin
+ Printf.printf "\n";
+ write_pat_sets func (opnr + 1) (offset + 4) false (n_left - 1);
+ end else
+ Printf.printf "]"
+ end
+let rec write_peep_sets func opnr first n_left =
+ func opnr first;
+ begin
+ if n_left > 1 then begin
+ Printf.printf "\n";
+ write_peep_sets func (opnr + 1) false (n_left - 1);
+ end
+ end
+let can_thumb addrmode update is_store =
+ match addrmode, update, is_store with
+ (* Thumb1 mode only supports IA with update. However, for LDMIA,
+ if the address register also appears in the list of loaded
+ registers, the loaded value is stored, hence the RTL pattern
+ to describe such an insn does not have an update. We check
+ in the match_parallel predicate that the condition described
+ above is met. *)
+ IA, _, false -> true
+ | IA, true, true -> true
+ | _ -> false
+exception InvalidAddrMode of string;;
+let target addrmode thumb =
+ match addrmode, thumb with
+ IA, true -> "TARGET_THUMB1"
+ | IA, false -> "TARGET_32BIT"
+ | DB, false -> "TARGET_32BIT"
+ | _, false -> "TARGET_ARM"
+ | _, _ -> raise (InvalidAddrMode "ERROR: Invalid Addressing mode for Thumb1.")
+let write_pattern_1 name ls addrmode nregs write_set_fn update thumb =
+ let astr = string_of_addrmode addrmode in
+ Printf.printf "(define_insn \"*%s%s%d_%s%s\"\n"
+ (if thumb then "thumb_" else "") name nregs astr
+ (if update then "_update" else "");
+ Printf.printf " [(match_parallel 0 \"%s_multiple_operation\"\n" ls;
+ begin
+ if update then begin
+ Printf.printf " [(set %s\n (plus:SI %s"
+ (destreg nregs true INOUT thumb) (destreg nregs false IN thumb);
+ Printf.printf " (const_int %d)))\n"
+ (final_offset addrmode nregs)
+ end
+ end;
+ write_pat_sets
+ (write_set_fn thumb nregs) 1
+ (initial_offset addrmode nregs)
+ (not update) nregs;
+ Printf.printf ")]\n \"%s && XVECLEN (operands[0], 0) == %d\"\n"
+ (target addrmode thumb)
+ (if update then nregs + 1 else nregs);
+ Printf.printf " \"%s%%(%s%%)\\t%%%d%s, {"
+ name astr (nregs + 1) (if update then "!" else "");
+ for n = 1 to nregs; do
+ Printf.printf "%%%d%s" n (if n < nregs then ", " else "")
+ done;
+ Printf.printf "}\"\n";
+ Printf.printf " [(set_attr \"type\" \"%s%d\")" ls nregs;
+ if not thumb then begin
+ Printf.printf "\n (set_attr \"predicable\" \"yes\")";
+ if addrmode == IA || addrmode == DB then
+ Printf.printf "\n (set_attr \"predicable_short_it\" \"no\")";
+ end;
+ Printf.printf "])\n\n"
+let write_ldm_pattern addrmode nregs update =
+ write_pattern_1 "ldm" "load" addrmode nregs write_ldm_set update false;
+ begin if can_thumb addrmode update false then
+ write_pattern_1 "ldm" "load" addrmode nregs write_ldm_set update true;
+ end
+let write_stm_pattern addrmode nregs update =
+ write_pattern_1 "stm" "store" addrmode nregs write_stm_set update false;
+ begin if can_thumb addrmode update true then
+ write_pattern_1 "stm" "store" addrmode nregs write_stm_set update true;
+ end
+let write_ldm_commutative_peephole thumb =
+ let nregs = 2 in
+ Printf.printf "(define_peephole2\n";
+ write_peep_sets (write_ldm_peep_set "" nregs) 0 true nregs;
+ let indent = " " in
+ if thumb then begin
+ Printf.printf "\n%s(set (match_operand:SI %d \"s_register_operand\" \"\")\n" indent (nregs * 2);
+ Printf.printf "%s (match_operator:SI %d \"commutative_binary_operator\"\n" indent (nregs * 2 + 1);
+ Printf.printf "%s [(match_operand:SI %d \"s_register_operand\" \"\")\n" indent (nregs * 2 + 2);
+ Printf.printf "%s (match_operand:SI %d \"s_register_operand\" \"\")]))]\n" indent (nregs * 2 + 3)
+ end else begin
+ Printf.printf "\n%s(parallel\n" indent;
+ Printf.printf "%s [(set (match_operand:SI %d \"s_register_operand\" \"\")\n" indent (nregs * 2);
+ Printf.printf "%s (match_operator:SI %d \"commutative_binary_operator\"\n" indent (nregs * 2 + 1);
+ Printf.printf "%s [(match_operand:SI %d \"s_register_operand\" \"\")\n" indent (nregs * 2 + 2);
+ Printf.printf "%s (match_operand:SI %d \"s_register_operand\" \"\")]))\n" indent (nregs * 2 + 3);
+ Printf.printf "%s (clobber (reg:CC CC_REGNUM))])]\n" indent
+ end;
+ Printf.printf " \"((((REGNO (operands[%d]) == REGNO (operands[0]))\n" (nregs * 2 + 2);
+ Printf.printf " && (REGNO (operands[%d]) == REGNO (operands[1])))\n" (nregs * 2 + 3);
+ Printf.printf " || ((REGNO (operands[%d]) == REGNO (operands[0]))\n" (nregs * 2 + 3);
+ Printf.printf " && (REGNO (operands[%d]) == REGNO (operands[1]))))\n" (nregs * 2 + 2);
+ Printf.printf " && (peep2_regno_dead_p (%d, REGNO (operands[0]))\n" (nregs + 1);
+ Printf.printf " || (REGNO (operands[0]) == REGNO (operands[%d])))\n" (nregs * 2);
+ Printf.printf " && (peep2_regno_dead_p (%d, REGNO (operands[1]))\n" (nregs + 1);
+ Printf.printf " || (REGNO (operands[1]) == REGNO (operands[%d]))))\"\n" (nregs * 2);
+ begin
+ if thumb then
+ Printf.printf " [(set (match_dup %d) (match_op_dup %d [(match_dup %d) (match_dup %d)]))]\n"
+ (nregs * 2) (nregs * 2 + 1) (nregs * 2 + 2) (nregs * 2 + 3)
+ else begin
+ Printf.printf " [(parallel\n";
+ Printf.printf " [(set (match_dup %d) (match_op_dup %d [(match_dup %d) (match_dup %d)]))\n"
+ (nregs * 2) (nregs * 2 + 1) (nregs * 2 + 2) (nregs * 2 + 3);
+ Printf.printf " (clobber (reg:CC CC_REGNUM))])]\n"
+ end
+ end;
+ Printf.printf "{\n if (!gen_ldm_seq (operands, %d, true))\n FAIL;\n" nregs;
+ Printf.printf "})\n\n"
+let write_ldm_peephole nregs =
+ Printf.printf "(define_peephole2\n";
+ write_peep_sets (write_ldm_peep_set "" nregs) 0 true nregs;
+ Printf.printf "]\n \"\"\n [(const_int 0)]\n{\n";
+ Printf.printf " if (gen_ldm_seq (operands, %d, false))\n DONE;\n else\n FAIL;\n})\n\n" nregs
+let write_ldm_peephole_b nregs =
+ if nregs > 2 then begin
+ Printf.printf "(define_peephole2\n";
+ write_ldm_peep_set "" nregs 0 true;
+ Printf.printf "\n (parallel\n";
+ write_peep_sets (write_ldm_peep_set " " nregs) 1 true (nregs - 1);
+ Printf.printf "])]\n \"\"\n [(const_int 0)]\n{\n";
+ Printf.printf " if (gen_ldm_seq (operands, %d, false))\n DONE;\n else\n FAIL;\n})\n\n" nregs
+ end
+let write_stm_peephole nregs =
+ Printf.printf "(define_peephole2\n";
+ write_peep_sets (write_stm_peep_set "" nregs) 0 true nregs;
+ Printf.printf "]\n \"\"\n [(const_int 0)]\n{\n";
+ Printf.printf " if (gen_stm_seq (operands, %d))\n DONE;\n else\n FAIL;\n})\n\n" nregs
+let write_stm_peephole_b nregs =
+ if nregs > 2 then begin
+ Printf.printf "(define_peephole2\n";
+ write_stm_peep_set "" nregs 0 true;
+ Printf.printf "\n (parallel\n";
+ write_peep_sets (write_stm_peep_set "" nregs) 1 true (nregs - 1);
+ Printf.printf "]\n \"\"\n [(const_int 0)]\n{\n";
+ Printf.printf " if (gen_stm_seq (operands, %d))\n DONE;\n else\n FAIL;\n})\n\n" nregs
+ end
+let write_const_stm_peephole_a nregs =
+ Printf.printf "(define_peephole2\n";
+ write_peep_sets (write_const_stm_peep_set nregs) 0 true nregs;
+ Printf.printf "]\n \"\"\n [(const_int 0)]\n{\n";
+ Printf.printf " if (gen_const_stm_seq (operands, %d))\n DONE;\n else\n FAIL;\n})\n\n" nregs
+let write_const_stm_peephole_b nregs =
+ Printf.printf "(define_peephole2\n";
+ write_peep_sets (write_any_load "const_int_operand" nregs) 0 true nregs;
+ Printf.printf "\n";
+ write_peep_sets (write_const_store nregs) 0 false nregs;
+ Printf.printf "]\n \"\"\n [(const_int 0)]\n{\n";
+ Printf.printf " if (gen_const_stm_seq (operands, %d))\n DONE;\n else\n FAIL;\n})\n\n" nregs
+let patterns () =
+ let addrmodes = [ IA; IB; DA; DB ] in
+ let sizes = [ 4; 3; 2] in
+ List.iter
+ (fun n ->
+ List.iter
+ (fun addrmode ->
+ write_ldm_pattern addrmode n false;
+ write_ldm_pattern addrmode n true;
+ write_stm_pattern addrmode n false;
+ write_stm_pattern addrmode n true)
+ addrmodes;
+ write_ldm_peephole n;
+ write_ldm_peephole_b n;
+ write_const_stm_peephole_a n;
+ write_const_stm_peephole_b n;
+ write_stm_peephole n;)
+ sizes;
+ write_ldm_commutative_peephole false;
+ write_ldm_commutative_peephole true
+let print_lines = List.iter (fun s -> Format.printf "%s@\n" s)
+(* Do it. *)
+let _ =
+ print_lines [
+"/* ARM ldm/stm instruction patterns. This file was automatically generated";
+" using arm-ldmstm.ml. Please do not edit manually.";
+" Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.";
+" Contributed by CodeSourcery.";
+" This file is part of GCC.";
+" GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it";
+" under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published";
+" by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your";
+" option) any later version.";
+" GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT";
+" ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY";
+" or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public";
+" License for more details.";
+" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and";
+" a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;";
+" see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see";
+" <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */";
+ patterns ();