path: root/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/exp/ebnf/ebnf.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/exp/ebnf/ebnf.go')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 269 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/exp/ebnf/ebnf.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/exp/ebnf/ebnf.go
deleted file mode 100644
index cd8c83c92..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/exp/ebnf/ebnf.go
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@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Package ebnf is a library for EBNF grammars. The input is text ([]byte)
-// satisfying the following grammar (represented itself in EBNF):
-// Production = name "=" [ Expression ] "." .
-// Expression = Alternative { "|" Alternative } .
-// Alternative = Term { Term } .
-// Term = name | token [ "…" token ] | Group | Option | Repetition .
-// Group = "(" Expression ")" .
-// Option = "[" Expression "]" .
-// Repetition = "{" Expression "}" .
-// A name is a Go identifier, a token is a Go string, and comments
-// and white space follow the same rules as for the Go language.
-// Production names starting with an uppercase Unicode letter denote
-// non-terminal productions (i.e., productions which allow white-space
-// and comments between tokens); all other production names denote
-// lexical productions.
-package ebnf
-import (
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "text/scanner"
- "unicode"
- "unicode/utf8"
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Error handling
-type errorList []error
-func (list errorList) Err() error {
- if len(list) == 0 {
- return nil
- }
- return list
-func (list errorList) Error() string {
- switch len(list) {
- case 0:
- return "no errors"
- case 1:
- return list[0].Error()
- }
- return fmt.Sprintf("%s (and %d more errors)", list[0], len(list)-1)
-func newError(pos scanner.Position, msg string) error {
- return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", pos, msg))
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Internal representation
-type (
- // An Expression node represents a production expression.
- Expression interface {
- // Pos is the position of the first character of the syntactic construct
- Pos() scanner.Position
- }
- // An Alternative node represents a non-empty list of alternative expressions.
- Alternative []Expression // x | y | z
- // A Sequence node represents a non-empty list of sequential expressions.
- Sequence []Expression // x y z
- // A Name node represents a production name.
- Name struct {
- StringPos scanner.Position
- String string
- }
- // A Token node represents a literal.
- Token struct {
- StringPos scanner.Position
- String string
- }
- // A List node represents a range of characters.
- Range struct {
- Begin, End *Token // begin ... end
- }
- // A Group node represents a grouped expression.
- Group struct {
- Lparen scanner.Position
- Body Expression // (body)
- }
- // An Option node represents an optional expression.
- Option struct {
- Lbrack scanner.Position
- Body Expression // [body]
- }
- // A Repetition node represents a repeated expression.
- Repetition struct {
- Lbrace scanner.Position
- Body Expression // {body}
- }
- // A Production node represents an EBNF production.
- Production struct {
- Name *Name
- Expr Expression
- }
- // A Bad node stands for pieces of source code that lead to a parse error.
- Bad struct {
- TokPos scanner.Position
- Error string // parser error message
- }
- // A Grammar is a set of EBNF productions. The map
- // is indexed by production name.
- //
- Grammar map[string]*Production
-func (x Alternative) Pos() scanner.Position { return x[0].Pos() } // the parser always generates non-empty Alternative
-func (x Sequence) Pos() scanner.Position { return x[0].Pos() } // the parser always generates non-empty Sequences
-func (x *Name) Pos() scanner.Position { return x.StringPos }
-func (x *Token) Pos() scanner.Position { return x.StringPos }
-func (x *Range) Pos() scanner.Position { return x.Begin.Pos() }
-func (x *Group) Pos() scanner.Position { return x.Lparen }
-func (x *Option) Pos() scanner.Position { return x.Lbrack }
-func (x *Repetition) Pos() scanner.Position { return x.Lbrace }
-func (x *Production) Pos() scanner.Position { return x.Name.Pos() }
-func (x *Bad) Pos() scanner.Position { return x.TokPos }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Grammar verification
-func isLexical(name string) bool {
- ch, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(name)
- return !unicode.IsUpper(ch)
-type verifier struct {
- errors errorList
- worklist []*Production
- reached Grammar // set of productions reached from (and including) the root production
- grammar Grammar
-func (v *verifier) error(pos scanner.Position, msg string) {
- v.errors = append(v.errors, newError(pos, msg))
-func (v *verifier) push(prod *Production) {
- name := prod.Name.String
- if _, found := v.reached[name]; !found {
- v.worklist = append(v.worklist, prod)
- v.reached[name] = prod
- }
-func (v *verifier) verifyChar(x *Token) rune {
- s := x.String
- if utf8.RuneCountInString(s) != 1 {
- v.error(x.Pos(), "single char expected, found "+s)
- return 0
- }
- ch, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
- return ch
-func (v *verifier) verifyExpr(expr Expression, lexical bool) {
- switch x := expr.(type) {
- case nil:
- // empty expression
- case Alternative:
- for _, e := range x {
- v.verifyExpr(e, lexical)
- }
- case Sequence:
- for _, e := range x {
- v.verifyExpr(e, lexical)
- }
- case *Name:
- // a production with this name must exist;
- // add it to the worklist if not yet processed
- if prod, found := v.grammar[x.String]; found {
- v.push(prod)
- } else {
- v.error(x.Pos(), "missing production "+x.String)
- }
- // within a lexical production references
- // to non-lexical productions are invalid
- if lexical && !isLexical(x.String) {
- v.error(x.Pos(), "reference to non-lexical production "+x.String)
- }
- case *Token:
- // nothing to do for now
- case *Range:
- i := v.verifyChar(x.Begin)
- j := v.verifyChar(x.End)
- if i >= j {
- v.error(x.Pos(), "decreasing character range")
- }
- case *Group:
- v.verifyExpr(x.Body, lexical)
- case *Option:
- v.verifyExpr(x.Body, lexical)
- case *Repetition:
- v.verifyExpr(x.Body, lexical)
- case *Bad:
- v.error(x.Pos(), x.Error)
- default:
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("internal error: unexpected type %T", expr))
- }
-func (v *verifier) verify(grammar Grammar, start string) {
- // find root production
- root, found := grammar[start]
- if !found {
- var noPos scanner.Position
- v.error(noPos, "no start production "+start)
- return
- }
- // initialize verifier
- v.worklist = v.worklist[0:0]
- v.reached = make(Grammar)
- v.grammar = grammar
- // work through the worklist
- v.push(root)
- for {
- n := len(v.worklist) - 1
- if n < 0 {
- break
- }
- prod := v.worklist[n]
- v.worklist = v.worklist[0:n]
- v.verifyExpr(prod.Expr, isLexical(prod.Name.String))
- }
- // check if all productions were reached
- if len(v.reached) < len(v.grammar) {
- for name, prod := range v.grammar {
- if _, found := v.reached[name]; !found {
- v.error(prod.Pos(), name+" is unreachable")
- }
- }
- }
-// Verify checks that:
-// - all productions used are defined
-// - all productions defined are used when beginning at start
-// - lexical productions refer only to other lexical productions
-// Position information is interpreted relative to the file set fset.
-func Verify(grammar Grammar, start string) error {
- var v verifier
- v.verify(grammar, start)
- return v.errors.Err()