path: root/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding
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diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/ascii85/ascii85.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/ascii85/ascii85.go
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index 705022792..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/ascii85/ascii85.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Package ascii85 implements the ascii85 data encoding
-// as used in the btoa tool and Adobe's PostScript and PDF document formats.
-package ascii85
-import (
- "io"
- "strconv"
- * Encoder
- */
-// Encode encodes src into at most MaxEncodedLen(len(src))
-// bytes of dst, returning the actual number of bytes written.
-// The encoding handles 4-byte chunks, using a special encoding
-// for the last fragment, so Encode is not appropriate for use on
-// individual blocks of a large data stream. Use NewEncoder() instead.
-// Often, ascii85-encoded data is wrapped in <~ and ~> symbols.
-// Encode does not add these.
-func Encode(dst, src []byte) int {
- if len(src) == 0 {
- return 0
- }
- n := 0
- for len(src) > 0 {
- dst[0] = 0
- dst[1] = 0
- dst[2] = 0
- dst[3] = 0
- dst[4] = 0
- // Unpack 4 bytes into uint32 to repack into base 85 5-byte.
- var v uint32
- switch len(src) {
- default:
- v |= uint32(src[3])
- fallthrough
- case 3:
- v |= uint32(src[2]) << 8
- fallthrough
- case 2:
- v |= uint32(src[1]) << 16
- fallthrough
- case 1:
- v |= uint32(src[0]) << 24
- }
- // Special case: zero (!!!!!) shortens to z.
- if v == 0 && len(src) >= 4 {
- dst[0] = 'z'
- dst = dst[1:]
- src = src[4:]
- n++
- continue
- }
- // Otherwise, 5 base 85 digits starting at !.
- for i := 4; i >= 0; i-- {
- dst[i] = '!' + byte(v%85)
- v /= 85
- }
- // If src was short, discard the low destination bytes.
- m := 5
- if len(src) < 4 {
- m -= 4 - len(src)
- src = nil
- } else {
- src = src[4:]
- }
- dst = dst[m:]
- n += m
- }
- return n
-// MaxEncodedLen returns the maximum length of an encoding of n source bytes.
-func MaxEncodedLen(n int) int { return (n + 3) / 4 * 5 }
-// NewEncoder returns a new ascii85 stream encoder. Data written to
-// the returned writer will be encoded and then written to w.
-// Ascii85 encodings operate in 32-bit blocks; when finished
-// writing, the caller must Close the returned encoder to flush any
-// trailing partial block.
-func NewEncoder(w io.Writer) io.WriteCloser { return &encoder{w: w} }
-type encoder struct {
- err error
- w io.Writer
- buf [4]byte // buffered data waiting to be encoded
- nbuf int // number of bytes in buf
- out [1024]byte // output buffer
-func (e *encoder) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
- if e.err != nil {
- return 0, e.err
- }
- // Leading fringe.
- if e.nbuf > 0 {
- var i int
- for i = 0; i < len(p) && e.nbuf < 4; i++ {
- e.buf[e.nbuf] = p[i]
- e.nbuf++
- }
- n += i
- p = p[i:]
- if e.nbuf < 4 {
- return
- }
- nout := Encode(e.out[0:], e.buf[0:])
- if _, e.err = e.w.Write(e.out[0:nout]); e.err != nil {
- return n, e.err
- }
- e.nbuf = 0
- }
- // Large interior chunks.
- for len(p) >= 4 {
- nn := len(e.out) / 5 * 4
- if nn > len(p) {
- nn = len(p)
- }
- nn -= nn % 4
- if nn > 0 {
- nout := Encode(e.out[0:], p[0:nn])
- if _, e.err = e.w.Write(e.out[0:nout]); e.err != nil {
- return n, e.err
- }
- }
- n += nn
- p = p[nn:]
- }
- // Trailing fringe.
- for i := 0; i < len(p); i++ {
- e.buf[i] = p[i]
- }
- e.nbuf = len(p)
- n += len(p)
- return
-// Close flushes any pending output from the encoder.
-// It is an error to call Write after calling Close.
-func (e *encoder) Close() error {
- // If there's anything left in the buffer, flush it out
- if e.err == nil && e.nbuf > 0 {
- nout := Encode(e.out[0:], e.buf[0:e.nbuf])
- e.nbuf = 0
- _, e.err = e.w.Write(e.out[0:nout])
- }
- return e.err
- * Decoder
- */
-type CorruptInputError int64
-func (e CorruptInputError) Error() string {
- return "illegal ascii85 data at input byte " + strconv.FormatInt(int64(e), 10)
-// Decode decodes src into dst, returning both the number
-// of bytes written to dst and the number consumed from src.
-// If src contains invalid ascii85 data, Decode will return the
-// number of bytes successfully written and a CorruptInputError.
-// Decode ignores space and control characters in src.
-// Often, ascii85-encoded data is wrapped in <~ and ~> symbols.
-// Decode expects these to have been stripped by the caller.
-// If flush is true, Decode assumes that src represents the
-// end of the input stream and processes it completely rather
-// than wait for the completion of another 32-bit block.
-// NewDecoder wraps an io.Reader interface around Decode.
-func Decode(dst, src []byte, flush bool) (ndst, nsrc int, err error) {
- var v uint32
- var nb int
- for i, b := range src {
- if len(dst)-ndst < 4 {
- return
- }
- switch {
- case b <= ' ':
- continue
- case b == 'z' && nb == 0:
- nb = 5
- v = 0
- case '!' <= b && b <= 'u':
- v = v*85 + uint32(b-'!')
- nb++
- default:
- return 0, 0, CorruptInputError(i)
- }
- if nb == 5 {
- nsrc = i + 1
- dst[ndst] = byte(v >> 24)
- dst[ndst+1] = byte(v >> 16)
- dst[ndst+2] = byte(v >> 8)
- dst[ndst+3] = byte(v)
- ndst += 4
- nb = 0
- v = 0
- }
- }
- if flush {
- nsrc = len(src)
- if nb > 0 {
- // The number of output bytes in the last fragment
- // is the number of leftover input bytes - 1:
- // the extra byte provides enough bits to cover
- // the inefficiency of the encoding for the block.
- if nb == 1 {
- return 0, 0, CorruptInputError(len(src))
- }
- for i := nb; i < 5; i++ {
- // The short encoding truncated the output value.
- // We have to assume the worst case values (digit 84)
- // in order to ensure that the top bits are correct.
- v = v*85 + 84
- }
- for i := 0; i < nb-1; i++ {
- dst[ndst] = byte(v >> 24)
- v <<= 8
- ndst++
- }
- }
- }
- return
-// NewDecoder constructs a new ascii85 stream decoder.
-func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) io.Reader { return &decoder{r: r} }
-type decoder struct {
- err error
- readErr error
- r io.Reader
- end bool // saw end of message
- buf [1024]byte // leftover input
- nbuf int
- out []byte // leftover decoded output
- outbuf [1024]byte
-func (d *decoder) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
- if len(p) == 0 {
- return 0, nil
- }
- if d.err != nil {
- return 0, d.err
- }
- for {
- // Copy leftover output from last decode.
- if len(d.out) > 0 {
- n = copy(p, d.out)
- d.out = d.out[n:]
- return
- }
- // Decode leftover input from last read.
- var nn, nsrc, ndst int
- if d.nbuf > 0 {
- ndst, nsrc, d.err = Decode(d.outbuf[0:], d.buf[0:d.nbuf], d.readErr != nil)
- if ndst > 0 {
- d.out = d.outbuf[0:ndst]
- d.nbuf = copy(d.buf[0:], d.buf[nsrc:d.nbuf])
- continue // copy out and return
- }
- }
- // Out of input, out of decoded output. Check errors.
- if d.err != nil {
- return 0, d.err
- }
- if d.readErr != nil {
- d.err = d.readErr
- return 0, d.err
- }
- // Read more data.
- nn, d.readErr = d.r.Read(d.buf[d.nbuf:])
- d.nbuf += nn
- }
- panic("unreachable")
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/ascii85/ascii85_test.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/ascii85/ascii85_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 42cf7e80e..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/ascii85/ascii85_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package ascii85
-import (
- "bytes"
- "io"
- "io/ioutil"
- "testing"
-type testpair struct {
- decoded, encoded string
-var pairs = []testpair{
- // Wikipedia example
- {
- "Man is distinguished, not only by his reason, but by this singular passion from " +
- "other animals, which is a lust of the mind, that by a perseverance of delight in " +
- "the continued and indefatigable generation of knowledge, exceeds the short " +
- "vehemence of any carnal pleasure.",
- "9jqo^BlbD-BleB1DJ+*+F(f,q/0JhKF<GL>Cj@.4Gp$d7F!,L7@<6@)/0JDEF<G%<+EV:2F!,\n" +
- "O<DJ+*.@<*K0@<6L(Df-\\0Ec5e;DffZ(EZee.Bl.9pF\"AGXBPCsi+DGm>@3BB/F*&OCAfu2/AKY\n" +
- "i(DIb:@FD,*)+C]U=@3BN#EcYf8ATD3s@q?d$AftVqCh[NqF<G:8+EV:.+Cf>-FD5W8ARlolDIa\n" +
- "l(DId<j@<?3r@:F%a+D58'ATD4$Bl@l3De:,-DJs`8ARoFb/0JMK@qB4^F!,R<AKZ&-DfTqBG%G\n" +
- ">uD.RTpAKYo'+CT/5+Cei#DII?(E,9)oF*2M7/c\n",
- },
- // Special case when shortening !!!!! to z.
- {
- "\000\000\000\000",
- "z",
- },
-var bigtest = pairs[len(pairs)-1]
-func testEqual(t *testing.T, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
- if args[len(args)-2] != args[len(args)-1] {
- t.Errorf(msg, args...)
- return false
- }
- return true
-func strip85(s string) string {
- t := make([]byte, len(s))
- w := 0
- for r := 0; r < len(s); r++ {
- c := s[r]
- if c > ' ' {
- t[w] = c
- w++
- }
- }
- return string(t[0:w])
-func TestEncode(t *testing.T) {
- for _, p := range pairs {
- buf := make([]byte, MaxEncodedLen(len(p.decoded)))
- n := Encode(buf, []byte(p.decoded))
- buf = buf[0:n]
- testEqual(t, "Encode(%q) = %q, want %q", p.decoded, strip85(string(buf)), strip85(p.encoded))
- }
-func TestEncoder(t *testing.T) {
- for _, p := range pairs {
- bb := &bytes.Buffer{}
- encoder := NewEncoder(bb)
- encoder.Write([]byte(p.decoded))
- encoder.Close()
- testEqual(t, "Encode(%q) = %q, want %q", p.decoded, strip85(bb.String()), strip85(p.encoded))
- }
-func TestEncoderBuffering(t *testing.T) {
- input := []byte(bigtest.decoded)
- for bs := 1; bs <= 12; bs++ {
- bb := &bytes.Buffer{}
- encoder := NewEncoder(bb)
- for pos := 0; pos < len(input); pos += bs {
- end := pos + bs
- if end > len(input) {
- end = len(input)
- }
- n, err := encoder.Write(input[pos:end])
- testEqual(t, "Write(%q) gave error %v, want %v", input[pos:end], err, error(nil))
- testEqual(t, "Write(%q) gave length %v, want %v", input[pos:end], n, end-pos)
- }
- err := encoder.Close()
- testEqual(t, "Close gave error %v, want %v", err, error(nil))
- testEqual(t, "Encoding/%d of %q = %q, want %q", bs, bigtest.decoded, strip85(bb.String()), strip85(bigtest.encoded))
- }
-func TestDecode(t *testing.T) {
- for _, p := range pairs {
- dbuf := make([]byte, 4*len(p.encoded))
- ndst, nsrc, err := Decode(dbuf, []byte(p.encoded), true)
- testEqual(t, "Decode(%q) = error %v, want %v", p.encoded, err, error(nil))
- testEqual(t, "Decode(%q) = nsrc %v, want %v", p.encoded, nsrc, len(p.encoded))
- testEqual(t, "Decode(%q) = ndst %v, want %v", p.encoded, ndst, len(p.decoded))
- testEqual(t, "Decode(%q) = %q, want %q", p.encoded, string(dbuf[0:ndst]), p.decoded)
- }
-func TestDecoder(t *testing.T) {
- for _, p := range pairs {
- decoder := NewDecoder(bytes.NewBufferString(p.encoded))
- dbuf, err := ioutil.ReadAll(decoder)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("Read failed", err)
- }
- testEqual(t, "Read from %q = length %v, want %v", p.encoded, len(dbuf), len(p.decoded))
- testEqual(t, "Decoding of %q = %q, want %q", p.encoded, string(dbuf), p.decoded)
- if err != nil {
- testEqual(t, "Read from %q = %v, want %v", p.encoded, err, io.EOF)
- }
- }
-func TestDecoderBuffering(t *testing.T) {
- for bs := 1; bs <= 12; bs++ {
- decoder := NewDecoder(bytes.NewBufferString(bigtest.encoded))
- buf := make([]byte, len(bigtest.decoded)+12)
- var total int
- for total = 0; total < len(bigtest.decoded); {
- n, err := decoder.Read(buf[total : total+bs])
- testEqual(t, "Read from %q at pos %d = %d, %v, want _, %v", bigtest.encoded, total, n, err, error(nil))
- total += n
- }
- testEqual(t, "Decoding/%d of %q = %q, want %q", bs, bigtest.encoded, string(buf[0:total]), bigtest.decoded)
- }
-func TestDecodeCorrupt(t *testing.T) {
- type corrupt struct {
- e string
- p int
- }
- examples := []corrupt{
- {"v", 0},
- {"!z!!!!!!!!!", 1},
- }
- for _, e := range examples {
- dbuf := make([]byte, 4*len(e.e))
- _, _, err := Decode(dbuf, []byte(e.e), true)
- switch err := err.(type) {
- case CorruptInputError:
- testEqual(t, "Corruption in %q at offset %v, want %v", e.e, int(err), e.p)
- default:
- t.Error("Decoder failed to detect corruption in", e)
- }
- }
-func TestBig(t *testing.T) {
- n := 3*1000 + 1
- raw := make([]byte, n)
- const alpha = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
- for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
- raw[i] = alpha[i%len(alpha)]
- }
- encoded := new(bytes.Buffer)
- w := NewEncoder(encoded)
- nn, err := w.Write(raw)
- if nn != n || err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Encoder.Write(raw) = %d, %v want %d, nil", nn, err, n)
- }
- err = w.Close()
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Encoder.Close() = %v want nil", err)
- }
- decoded, err := ioutil.ReadAll(NewDecoder(encoded))
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("io.ReadAll(NewDecoder(...)): %v", err)
- }
- if !bytes.Equal(raw, decoded) {
- var i int
- for i = 0; i < len(decoded) && i < len(raw); i++ {
- if decoded[i] != raw[i] {
- break
- }
- }
- t.Errorf("Decode(Encode(%d-byte string)) failed at offset %d", n, i)
- }
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/asn1/asn1.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/asn1/asn1.go
deleted file mode 100644
index cac9d64b5..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/asn1/asn1.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,853 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Package asn1 implements parsing of DER-encoded ASN.1 data structures,
-// as defined in ITU-T Rec X.690.
-// See also ``A Layman's Guide to a Subset of ASN.1, BER, and DER,''
-// http://luca.ntop.org/Teaching/Appunti/asn1.html.
-package asn1
-// ASN.1 is a syntax for specifying abstract objects and BER, DER, PER, XER etc
-// are different encoding formats for those objects. Here, we'll be dealing
-// with DER, the Distinguished Encoding Rules. DER is used in X.509 because
-// it's fast to parse and, unlike BER, has a unique encoding for every object.
-// When calculating hashes over objects, it's important that the resulting
-// bytes be the same at both ends and DER removes this margin of error.
-// ASN.1 is very complex and this package doesn't attempt to implement
-// everything by any means.
-import (
- "fmt"
- "math/big"
- "reflect"
- "time"
-// A StructuralError suggests that the ASN.1 data is valid, but the Go type
-// which is receiving it doesn't match.
-type StructuralError struct {
- Msg string
-func (e StructuralError) Error() string { return "ASN.1 structure error: " + e.Msg }
-// A SyntaxError suggests that the ASN.1 data is invalid.
-type SyntaxError struct {
- Msg string
-func (e SyntaxError) Error() string { return "ASN.1 syntax error: " + e.Msg }
-// We start by dealing with each of the primitive types in turn.
-func parseBool(bytes []byte) (ret bool, err error) {
- if len(bytes) != 1 {
- err = SyntaxError{"invalid boolean"}
- return
- }
- return bytes[0] != 0, nil
-// parseInt64 treats the given bytes as a big-endian, signed integer and
-// returns the result.
-func parseInt64(bytes []byte) (ret int64, err error) {
- if len(bytes) > 8 {
- // We'll overflow an int64 in this case.
- err = StructuralError{"integer too large"}
- return
- }
- for bytesRead := 0; bytesRead < len(bytes); bytesRead++ {
- ret <<= 8
- ret |= int64(bytes[bytesRead])
- }
- // Shift up and down in order to sign extend the result.
- ret <<= 64 - uint8(len(bytes))*8
- ret >>= 64 - uint8(len(bytes))*8
- return
-// parseInt treats the given bytes as a big-endian, signed integer and returns
-// the result.
-func parseInt32(bytes []byte) (int32, error) {
- ret64, err := parseInt64(bytes)
- if err != nil {
- return 0, err
- }
- if ret64 != int64(int32(ret64)) {
- return 0, StructuralError{"integer too large"}
- }
- return int32(ret64), nil
-var bigOne = big.NewInt(1)
-// parseBigInt treats the given bytes as a big-endian, signed integer and returns
-// the result.
-func parseBigInt(bytes []byte) *big.Int {
- ret := new(big.Int)
- if len(bytes) > 0 && bytes[0]&0x80 == 0x80 {
- // This is a negative number.
- notBytes := make([]byte, len(bytes))
- for i := range notBytes {
- notBytes[i] = ^bytes[i]
- }
- ret.SetBytes(notBytes)
- ret.Add(ret, bigOne)
- ret.Neg(ret)
- return ret
- }
- ret.SetBytes(bytes)
- return ret
-// BitString is the structure to use when you want an ASN.1 BIT STRING type. A
-// bit string is padded up to the nearest byte in memory and the number of
-// valid bits is recorded. Padding bits will be zero.
-type BitString struct {
- Bytes []byte // bits packed into bytes.
- BitLength int // length in bits.
-// At returns the bit at the given index. If the index is out of range it
-// returns false.
-func (b BitString) At(i int) int {
- if i < 0 || i >= b.BitLength {
- return 0
- }
- x := i / 8
- y := 7 - uint(i%8)
- return int(b.Bytes[x]>>y) & 1
-// RightAlign returns a slice where the padding bits are at the beginning. The
-// slice may share memory with the BitString.
-func (b BitString) RightAlign() []byte {
- shift := uint(8 - (b.BitLength % 8))
- if shift == 8 || len(b.Bytes) == 0 {
- return b.Bytes
- }
- a := make([]byte, len(b.Bytes))
- a[0] = b.Bytes[0] >> shift
- for i := 1; i < len(b.Bytes); i++ {
- a[i] = b.Bytes[i-1] << (8 - shift)
- a[i] |= b.Bytes[i] >> shift
- }
- return a
-// parseBitString parses an ASN.1 bit string from the given byte slice and returns it.
-func parseBitString(bytes []byte) (ret BitString, err error) {
- if len(bytes) == 0 {
- err = SyntaxError{"zero length BIT STRING"}
- return
- }
- paddingBits := int(bytes[0])
- if paddingBits > 7 ||
- len(bytes) == 1 && paddingBits > 0 ||
- bytes[len(bytes)-1]&((1<<bytes[0])-1) != 0 {
- err = SyntaxError{"invalid padding bits in BIT STRING"}
- return
- }
- ret.BitLength = (len(bytes)-1)*8 - paddingBits
- ret.Bytes = bytes[1:]
- return
-// An ObjectIdentifier represents an ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER.
-type ObjectIdentifier []int
-// Equal returns true iff oi and other represent the same identifier.
-func (oi ObjectIdentifier) Equal(other ObjectIdentifier) bool {
- if len(oi) != len(other) {
- return false
- }
- for i := 0; i < len(oi); i++ {
- if oi[i] != other[i] {
- return false
- }
- }
- return true
-// parseObjectIdentifier parses an OBJECT IDENTIFIER from the given bytes and
-// returns it. An object identifier is a sequence of variable length integers
-// that are assigned in a hierarchy.
-func parseObjectIdentifier(bytes []byte) (s []int, err error) {
- if len(bytes) == 0 {
- err = SyntaxError{"zero length OBJECT IDENTIFIER"}
- return
- }
- // In the worst case, we get two elements from the first byte (which is
- // encoded differently) and then every varint is a single byte long.
- s = make([]int, len(bytes)+1)
- // The first byte is 40*value1 + value2:
- s[0] = int(bytes[0]) / 40
- s[1] = int(bytes[0]) % 40
- i := 2
- for offset := 1; offset < len(bytes); i++ {
- var v int
- v, offset, err = parseBase128Int(bytes, offset)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- s[i] = v
- }
- s = s[0:i]
- return
-// An Enumerated is represented as a plain int.
-type Enumerated int
-// FLAG
-// A Flag accepts any data and is set to true if present.
-type Flag bool
-// parseBase128Int parses a base-128 encoded int from the given offset in the
-// given byte slice. It returns the value and the new offset.
-func parseBase128Int(bytes []byte, initOffset int) (ret, offset int, err error) {
- offset = initOffset
- for shifted := 0; offset < len(bytes); shifted++ {
- if shifted > 4 {
- err = StructuralError{"base 128 integer too large"}
- return
- }
- ret <<= 7
- b := bytes[offset]
- ret |= int(b & 0x7f)
- offset++
- if b&0x80 == 0 {
- return
- }
- }
- err = SyntaxError{"truncated base 128 integer"}
- return
-// UTCTime
-func parseUTCTime(bytes []byte) (ret time.Time, err error) {
- s := string(bytes)
- ret, err = time.Parse("0601021504Z0700", s)
- if err != nil {
- ret, err = time.Parse("060102150405Z0700", s)
- }
- if err == nil && ret.Year() >= 2050 {
- // UTCTime only encodes times prior to 2050. See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section-
- ret = ret.AddDate(-100, 0, 0)
- }
- return
-// parseGeneralizedTime parses the GeneralizedTime from the given byte slice
-// and returns the resulting time.
-func parseGeneralizedTime(bytes []byte) (ret time.Time, err error) {
- return time.Parse("20060102150405Z0700", string(bytes))
-// PrintableString
-// parsePrintableString parses a ASN.1 PrintableString from the given byte
-// array and returns it.
-func parsePrintableString(bytes []byte) (ret string, err error) {
- for _, b := range bytes {
- if !isPrintable(b) {
- err = SyntaxError{"PrintableString contains invalid character"}
- return
- }
- }
- ret = string(bytes)
- return
-// isPrintable returns true iff the given b is in the ASN.1 PrintableString set.
-func isPrintable(b byte) bool {
- return 'a' <= b && b <= 'z' ||
- 'A' <= b && b <= 'Z' ||
- '0' <= b && b <= '9' ||
- '\'' <= b && b <= ')' ||
- '+' <= b && b <= '/' ||
- b == ' ' ||
- b == ':' ||
- b == '=' ||
- b == '?' ||
- // This is technically not allowed in a PrintableString.
- // However, x509 certificates with wildcard strings don't
- // always use the correct string type so we permit it.
- b == '*'
-// IA5String
-// parseIA5String parses a ASN.1 IA5String (ASCII string) from the given
-// byte slice and returns it.
-func parseIA5String(bytes []byte) (ret string, err error) {
- for _, b := range bytes {
- if b >= 0x80 {
- err = SyntaxError{"IA5String contains invalid character"}
- return
- }
- }
- ret = string(bytes)
- return
-// T61String
-// parseT61String parses a ASN.1 T61String (8-bit clean string) from the given
-// byte slice and returns it.
-func parseT61String(bytes []byte) (ret string, err error) {
- return string(bytes), nil
-// UTF8String
-// parseUTF8String parses a ASN.1 UTF8String (raw UTF-8) from the given byte
-// array and returns it.
-func parseUTF8String(bytes []byte) (ret string, err error) {
- return string(bytes), nil
-// A RawValue represents an undecoded ASN.1 object.
-type RawValue struct {
- Class, Tag int
- IsCompound bool
- Bytes []byte
- FullBytes []byte // includes the tag and length
-// RawContent is used to signal that the undecoded, DER data needs to be
-// preserved for a struct. To use it, the first field of the struct must have
-// this type. It's an error for any of the other fields to have this type.
-type RawContent []byte
-// Tagging
-// parseTagAndLength parses an ASN.1 tag and length pair from the given offset
-// into a byte slice. It returns the parsed data and the new offset. SET and
-// SET OF (tag 17) are mapped to SEQUENCE and SEQUENCE OF (tag 16) since we
-// don't distinguish between ordered and unordered objects in this code.
-func parseTagAndLength(bytes []byte, initOffset int) (ret tagAndLength, offset int, err error) {
- offset = initOffset
- b := bytes[offset]
- offset++
- ret.class = int(b >> 6)
- ret.isCompound = b&0x20 == 0x20
- ret.tag = int(b & 0x1f)
- // If the bottom five bits are set, then the tag number is actually base 128
- // encoded afterwards
- if ret.tag == 0x1f {
- ret.tag, offset, err = parseBase128Int(bytes, offset)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- }
- if offset >= len(bytes) {
- err = SyntaxError{"truncated tag or length"}
- return
- }
- b = bytes[offset]
- offset++
- if b&0x80 == 0 {
- // The length is encoded in the bottom 7 bits.
- ret.length = int(b & 0x7f)
- } else {
- // Bottom 7 bits give the number of length bytes to follow.
- numBytes := int(b & 0x7f)
- if numBytes == 0 {
- err = SyntaxError{"indefinite length found (not DER)"}
- return
- }
- ret.length = 0
- for i := 0; i < numBytes; i++ {
- if offset >= len(bytes) {
- err = SyntaxError{"truncated tag or length"}
- return
- }
- b = bytes[offset]
- offset++
- if ret.length >= 1<<23 {
- // We can't shift ret.length up without
- // overflowing.
- err = StructuralError{"length too large"}
- return
- }
- ret.length <<= 8
- ret.length |= int(b)
- if ret.length == 0 {
- // DER requires that lengths be minimal.
- err = StructuralError{"superfluous leading zeros in length"}
- return
- }
- }
- }
- return
-// parseSequenceOf is used for SEQUENCE OF and SET OF values. It tries to parse
-// a number of ASN.1 values from the given byte slice and returns them as a
-// slice of Go values of the given type.
-func parseSequenceOf(bytes []byte, sliceType reflect.Type, elemType reflect.Type) (ret reflect.Value, err error) {
- expectedTag, compoundType, ok := getUniversalType(elemType)
- if !ok {
- err = StructuralError{"unknown Go type for slice"}
- return
- }
- // First we iterate over the input and count the number of elements,
- // checking that the types are correct in each case.
- numElements := 0
- for offset := 0; offset < len(bytes); {
- var t tagAndLength
- t, offset, err = parseTagAndLength(bytes, offset)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- // We pretend that GENERAL STRINGs are PRINTABLE STRINGs so
- // that a sequence of them can be parsed into a []string.
- if t.tag == tagGeneralString {
- t.tag = tagPrintableString
- }
- if t.class != classUniversal || t.isCompound != compoundType || t.tag != expectedTag {
- err = StructuralError{"sequence tag mismatch"}
- return
- }
- if invalidLength(offset, t.length, len(bytes)) {
- err = SyntaxError{"truncated sequence"}
- return
- }
- offset += t.length
- numElements++
- }
- ret = reflect.MakeSlice(sliceType, numElements, numElements)
- params := fieldParameters{}
- offset := 0
- for i := 0; i < numElements; i++ {
- offset, err = parseField(ret.Index(i), bytes, offset, params)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- }
- return
-var (
- bitStringType = reflect.TypeOf(BitString{})
- objectIdentifierType = reflect.TypeOf(ObjectIdentifier{})
- enumeratedType = reflect.TypeOf(Enumerated(0))
- flagType = reflect.TypeOf(Flag(false))
- timeType = reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{})
- rawValueType = reflect.TypeOf(RawValue{})
- rawContentsType = reflect.TypeOf(RawContent(nil))
- bigIntType = reflect.TypeOf(new(big.Int))
-// invalidLength returns true iff offset + length > sliceLength, or if the
-// addition would overflow.
-func invalidLength(offset, length, sliceLength int) bool {
- return offset+length < offset || offset+length > sliceLength
-// parseField is the main parsing function. Given a byte slice and an offset
-// into the array, it will try to parse a suitable ASN.1 value out and store it
-// in the given Value.
-func parseField(v reflect.Value, bytes []byte, initOffset int, params fieldParameters) (offset int, err error) {
- offset = initOffset
- fieldType := v.Type()
- // If we have run out of data, it may be that there are optional elements at the end.
- if offset == len(bytes) {
- if !setDefaultValue(v, params) {
- err = SyntaxError{"sequence truncated"}
- }
- return
- }
- // Deal with raw values.
- if fieldType == rawValueType {
- var t tagAndLength
- t, offset, err = parseTagAndLength(bytes, offset)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- if invalidLength(offset, t.length, len(bytes)) {
- err = SyntaxError{"data truncated"}
- return
- }
- result := RawValue{t.class, t.tag, t.isCompound, bytes[offset : offset+t.length], bytes[initOffset : offset+t.length]}
- offset += t.length
- v.Set(reflect.ValueOf(result))
- return
- }
- // Deal with the ANY type.
- if ifaceType := fieldType; ifaceType.Kind() == reflect.Interface && ifaceType.NumMethod() == 0 {
- var t tagAndLength
- t, offset, err = parseTagAndLength(bytes, offset)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- if invalidLength(offset, t.length, len(bytes)) {
- err = SyntaxError{"data truncated"}
- return
- }
- var result interface{}
- if !t.isCompound && t.class == classUniversal {
- innerBytes := bytes[offset : offset+t.length]
- switch t.tag {
- case tagPrintableString:
- result, err = parsePrintableString(innerBytes)
- case tagIA5String:
- result, err = parseIA5String(innerBytes)
- case tagT61String:
- result, err = parseT61String(innerBytes)
- case tagUTF8String:
- result, err = parseUTF8String(innerBytes)
- case tagInteger:
- result, err = parseInt64(innerBytes)
- case tagBitString:
- result, err = parseBitString(innerBytes)
- case tagOID:
- result, err = parseObjectIdentifier(innerBytes)
- case tagUTCTime:
- result, err = parseUTCTime(innerBytes)
- case tagOctetString:
- result = innerBytes
- default:
- // If we don't know how to handle the type, we just leave Value as nil.
- }
- }
- offset += t.length
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- if result != nil {
- v.Set(reflect.ValueOf(result))
- }
- return
- }
- universalTag, compoundType, ok1 := getUniversalType(fieldType)
- if !ok1 {
- err = StructuralError{fmt.Sprintf("unknown Go type: %v", fieldType)}
- return
- }
- t, offset, err := parseTagAndLength(bytes, offset)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- if params.explicit {
- expectedClass := classContextSpecific
- if params.application {
- expectedClass = classApplication
- }
- if t.class == expectedClass && t.tag == *params.tag && (t.length == 0 || t.isCompound) {
- if t.length > 0 {
- t, offset, err = parseTagAndLength(bytes, offset)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- } else {
- if fieldType != flagType {
- err = StructuralError{"Zero length explicit tag was not an asn1.Flag"}
- return
- }
- v.SetBool(true)
- return
- }
- } else {
- // The tags didn't match, it might be an optional element.
- ok := setDefaultValue(v, params)
- if ok {
- offset = initOffset
- } else {
- err = StructuralError{"explicitly tagged member didn't match"}
- }
- return
- }
- }
- // Special case for strings: all the ASN.1 string types map to the Go
- // type string. getUniversalType returns the tag for PrintableString
- // when it sees a string, so if we see a different string type on the
- // wire, we change the universal type to match.
- if universalTag == tagPrintableString {
- switch t.tag {
- case tagIA5String, tagGeneralString, tagT61String, tagUTF8String:
- universalTag = t.tag
- }
- }
- // Special case for time: UTCTime and GeneralizedTime both map to the
- // Go type time.Time.
- if universalTag == tagUTCTime && t.tag == tagGeneralizedTime {
- universalTag = tagGeneralizedTime
- }
- expectedClass := classUniversal
- expectedTag := universalTag
- if !params.explicit && params.tag != nil {
- expectedClass = classContextSpecific
- expectedTag = *params.tag
- }
- if !params.explicit && params.application && params.tag != nil {
- expectedClass = classApplication
- expectedTag = *params.tag
- }
- // We have unwrapped any explicit tagging at this point.
- if t.class != expectedClass || t.tag != expectedTag || t.isCompound != compoundType {
- // Tags don't match. Again, it could be an optional element.
- ok := setDefaultValue(v, params)
- if ok {
- offset = initOffset
- } else {
- err = StructuralError{fmt.Sprintf("tags don't match (%d vs %+v) %+v %s @%d", expectedTag, t, params, fieldType.Name(), offset)}
- }
- return
- }
- if invalidLength(offset, t.length, len(bytes)) {
- err = SyntaxError{"data truncated"}
- return
- }
- innerBytes := bytes[offset : offset+t.length]
- offset += t.length
- // We deal with the structures defined in this package first.
- switch fieldType {
- case objectIdentifierType:
- newSlice, err1 := parseObjectIdentifier(innerBytes)
- v.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(v.Type(), len(newSlice), len(newSlice)))
- if err1 == nil {
- reflect.Copy(v, reflect.ValueOf(newSlice))
- }
- err = err1
- return
- case bitStringType:
- bs, err1 := parseBitString(innerBytes)
- if err1 == nil {
- v.Set(reflect.ValueOf(bs))
- }
- err = err1
- return
- case timeType:
- var time time.Time
- var err1 error
- if universalTag == tagUTCTime {
- time, err1 = parseUTCTime(innerBytes)
- } else {
- time, err1 = parseGeneralizedTime(innerBytes)
- }
- if err1 == nil {
- v.Set(reflect.ValueOf(time))
- }
- err = err1
- return
- case enumeratedType:
- parsedInt, err1 := parseInt32(innerBytes)
- if err1 == nil {
- v.SetInt(int64(parsedInt))
- }
- err = err1
- return
- case flagType:
- v.SetBool(true)
- return
- case bigIntType:
- parsedInt := parseBigInt(innerBytes)
- v.Set(reflect.ValueOf(parsedInt))
- return
- }
- switch val := v; val.Kind() {
- case reflect.Bool:
- parsedBool, err1 := parseBool(innerBytes)
- if err1 == nil {
- val.SetBool(parsedBool)
- }
- err = err1
- return
- case reflect.Int, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
- if val.Type().Size() == 4 {
- parsedInt, err1 := parseInt32(innerBytes)
- if err1 == nil {
- val.SetInt(int64(parsedInt))
- }
- err = err1
- } else {
- parsedInt, err1 := parseInt64(innerBytes)
- if err1 == nil {
- val.SetInt(parsedInt)
- }
- err = err1
- }
- return
- // TODO(dfc) Add support for the remaining integer types
- case reflect.Struct:
- structType := fieldType
- if structType.NumField() > 0 &&
- structType.Field(0).Type == rawContentsType {
- bytes := bytes[initOffset:offset]
- val.Field(0).Set(reflect.ValueOf(RawContent(bytes)))
- }
- innerOffset := 0
- for i := 0; i < structType.NumField(); i++ {
- field := structType.Field(i)
- if i == 0 && field.Type == rawContentsType {
- continue
- }
- innerOffset, err = parseField(val.Field(i), innerBytes, innerOffset, parseFieldParameters(field.Tag.Get("asn1")))
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- }
- // We allow extra bytes at the end of the SEQUENCE because
- // adding elements to the end has been used in X.509 as the
- // version numbers have increased.
- return
- case reflect.Slice:
- sliceType := fieldType
- if sliceType.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
- val.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(sliceType, len(innerBytes), len(innerBytes)))
- reflect.Copy(val, reflect.ValueOf(innerBytes))
- return
- }
- newSlice, err1 := parseSequenceOf(innerBytes, sliceType, sliceType.Elem())
- if err1 == nil {
- val.Set(newSlice)
- }
- err = err1
- return
- case reflect.String:
- var v string
- switch universalTag {
- case tagPrintableString:
- v, err = parsePrintableString(innerBytes)
- case tagIA5String:
- v, err = parseIA5String(innerBytes)
- case tagT61String:
- v, err = parseT61String(innerBytes)
- case tagUTF8String:
- v, err = parseUTF8String(innerBytes)
- case tagGeneralString:
- // GeneralString is specified in ISO-2022/ECMA-35,
- // A brief review suggests that it includes structures
- // that allow the encoding to change midstring and
- // such. We give up and pass it as an 8-bit string.
- v, err = parseT61String(innerBytes)
- default:
- err = SyntaxError{fmt.Sprintf("internal error: unknown string type %d", universalTag)}
- }
- if err == nil {
- val.SetString(v)
- }
- return
- }
- err = StructuralError{"unsupported: " + v.Type().String()}
- return
-// setDefaultValue is used to install a default value, from a tag string, into
-// a Value. It is successful is the field was optional, even if a default value
-// wasn't provided or it failed to install it into the Value.
-func setDefaultValue(v reflect.Value, params fieldParameters) (ok bool) {
- if !params.optional {
- return
- }
- ok = true
- if params.defaultValue == nil {
- return
- }
- switch val := v; val.Kind() {
- case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
- val.SetInt(*params.defaultValue)
- }
- return
-// Unmarshal parses the DER-encoded ASN.1 data structure b
-// and uses the reflect package to fill in an arbitrary value pointed at by val.
-// Because Unmarshal uses the reflect package, the structs
-// being written to must use upper case field names.
-// An ASN.1 INTEGER can be written to an int, int32, int64,
-// or *big.Int (from the math/big package).
-// If the encoded value does not fit in the Go type,
-// Unmarshal returns a parse error.
-// An ASN.1 BIT STRING can be written to a BitString.
-// An ASN.1 OCTET STRING can be written to a []byte.
-// An ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER can be written to an
-// ObjectIdentifier.
-// An ASN.1 ENUMERATED can be written to an Enumerated.
-// An ASN.1 UTCTIME or GENERALIZEDTIME can be written to a time.Time.
-// An ASN.1 PrintableString or IA5String can be written to a string.
-// Any of the above ASN.1 values can be written to an interface{}.
-// The value stored in the interface has the corresponding Go type.
-// For integers, that type is int64.
-// An ASN.1 SEQUENCE OF x or SET OF x can be written
-// to a slice if an x can be written to the slice's element type.
-// An ASN.1 SEQUENCE or SET can be written to a struct
-// if each of the elements in the sequence can be
-// written to the corresponding element in the struct.
-// The following tags on struct fields have special meaning to Unmarshal:
-// optional marks the field as ASN.1 OPTIONAL
-// [explicit] tag:x specifies the ASN.1 tag number; implies ASN.1 CONTEXT SPECIFIC
-// default:x sets the default value for optional integer fields
-// If the type of the first field of a structure is RawContent then the raw
-// ASN1 contents of the struct will be stored in it.
-// Other ASN.1 types are not supported; if it encounters them,
-// Unmarshal returns a parse error.
-func Unmarshal(b []byte, val interface{}) (rest []byte, err error) {
- return UnmarshalWithParams(b, val, "")
-// UnmarshalWithParams allows field parameters to be specified for the
-// top-level element. The form of the params is the same as the field tags.
-func UnmarshalWithParams(b []byte, val interface{}, params string) (rest []byte, err error) {
- v := reflect.ValueOf(val).Elem()
- offset, err := parseField(v, b, 0, parseFieldParameters(params))
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return b[offset:], nil
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/asn1/asn1_test.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/asn1/asn1_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e98dcf0b..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/asn1/asn1_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,712 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package asn1
-import (
- "bytes"
- "math/big"
- "reflect"
- "testing"
- "time"
-type int64Test struct {
- in []byte
- ok bool
- out int64
-var int64TestData = []int64Test{
- {[]byte{0x00}, true, 0},
- {[]byte{0x7f}, true, 127},
- {[]byte{0x00, 0x80}, true, 128},
- {[]byte{0x01, 0x00}, true, 256},
- {[]byte{0x80}, true, -128},
- {[]byte{0xff, 0x7f}, true, -129},
- {[]byte{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}, true, -1},
- {[]byte{0xff}, true, -1},
- {[]byte{0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, true, -9223372036854775808},
- {[]byte{0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, false, 0},
-func TestParseInt64(t *testing.T) {
- for i, test := range int64TestData {
- ret, err := parseInt64(test.in)
- if (err == nil) != test.ok {
- t.Errorf("#%d: Incorrect error result (did fail? %v, expected: %v)", i, err == nil, test.ok)
- }
- if test.ok && ret != test.out {
- t.Errorf("#%d: Bad result: %v (expected %v)", i, ret, test.out)
- }
- }
-type int32Test struct {
- in []byte
- ok bool
- out int32
-var int32TestData = []int32Test{
- {[]byte{0x00}, true, 0},
- {[]byte{0x7f}, true, 127},
- {[]byte{0x00, 0x80}, true, 128},
- {[]byte{0x01, 0x00}, true, 256},
- {[]byte{0x80}, true, -128},
- {[]byte{0xff, 0x7f}, true, -129},
- {[]byte{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}, true, -1},
- {[]byte{0xff}, true, -1},
- {[]byte{0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, true, -2147483648},
- {[]byte{0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, false, 0},
-func TestParseInt32(t *testing.T) {
- for i, test := range int32TestData {
- ret, err := parseInt32(test.in)
- if (err == nil) != test.ok {
- t.Errorf("#%d: Incorrect error result (did fail? %v, expected: %v)", i, err == nil, test.ok)
- }
- if test.ok && int32(ret) != test.out {
- t.Errorf("#%d: Bad result: %v (expected %v)", i, ret, test.out)
- }
- }
-var bigIntTests = []struct {
- in []byte
- base10 string
- {[]byte{0xff}, "-1"},
- {[]byte{0x00}, "0"},
- {[]byte{0x01}, "1"},
- {[]byte{0x00, 0xff}, "255"},
- {[]byte{0xff, 0x00}, "-256"},
- {[]byte{0x01, 0x00}, "256"},
-func TestParseBigInt(t *testing.T) {
- for i, test := range bigIntTests {
- ret := parseBigInt(test.in)
- if ret.String() != test.base10 {
- t.Errorf("#%d: bad result from %x, got %s want %s", i, test.in, ret.String(), test.base10)
- }
- fw := newForkableWriter()
- marshalBigInt(fw, ret)
- result := fw.Bytes()
- if !bytes.Equal(result, test.in) {
- t.Errorf("#%d: got %x from marshaling %s, want %x", i, result, ret, test.in)
- }
- }
-type bitStringTest struct {
- in []byte
- ok bool
- out []byte
- bitLength int
-var bitStringTestData = []bitStringTest{
- {[]byte{}, false, []byte{}, 0},
- {[]byte{0x00}, true, []byte{}, 0},
- {[]byte{0x07, 0x00}, true, []byte{0x00}, 1},
- {[]byte{0x07, 0x01}, false, []byte{}, 0},
- {[]byte{0x07, 0x40}, false, []byte{}, 0},
- {[]byte{0x08, 0x00}, false, []byte{}, 0},
-func TestBitString(t *testing.T) {
- for i, test := range bitStringTestData {
- ret, err := parseBitString(test.in)
- if (err == nil) != test.ok {
- t.Errorf("#%d: Incorrect error result (did fail? %v, expected: %v)", i, err == nil, test.ok)
- }
- if err == nil {
- if test.bitLength != ret.BitLength || !bytes.Equal(ret.Bytes, test.out) {
- t.Errorf("#%d: Bad result: %v (expected %v %v)", i, ret, test.out, test.bitLength)
- }
- }
- }
-func TestBitStringAt(t *testing.T) {
- bs := BitString{[]byte{0x82, 0x40}, 16}
- if bs.At(0) != 1 {
- t.Error("#1: Failed")
- }
- if bs.At(1) != 0 {
- t.Error("#2: Failed")
- }
- if bs.At(6) != 1 {
- t.Error("#3: Failed")
- }
- if bs.At(9) != 1 {
- t.Error("#4: Failed")
- }
-type bitStringRightAlignTest struct {
- in []byte
- inlen int
- out []byte
-var bitStringRightAlignTests = []bitStringRightAlignTest{
- {[]byte{0x80}, 1, []byte{0x01}},
- {[]byte{0x80, 0x80}, 9, []byte{0x01, 0x01}},
- {[]byte{}, 0, []byte{}},
- {[]byte{0xce}, 8, []byte{0xce}},
- {[]byte{0xce, 0x47}, 16, []byte{0xce, 0x47}},
- {[]byte{0x34, 0x50}, 12, []byte{0x03, 0x45}},
-func TestBitStringRightAlign(t *testing.T) {
- for i, test := range bitStringRightAlignTests {
- bs := BitString{test.in, test.inlen}
- out := bs.RightAlign()
- if !bytes.Equal(out, test.out) {
- t.Errorf("#%d got: %x want: %x", i, out, test.out)
- }
- }
-type objectIdentifierTest struct {
- in []byte
- ok bool
- out []int
-var objectIdentifierTestData = []objectIdentifierTest{
- {[]byte{}, false, []int{}},
- {[]byte{85}, true, []int{2, 5}},
- {[]byte{85, 0x02}, true, []int{2, 5, 2}},
- {[]byte{85, 0x02, 0xc0, 0x00}, true, []int{2, 5, 2, 0x2000}},
- {[]byte{85, 0x02, 0xc0, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80}, false, []int{}},
-func TestObjectIdentifier(t *testing.T) {
- for i, test := range objectIdentifierTestData {
- ret, err := parseObjectIdentifier(test.in)
- if (err == nil) != test.ok {
- t.Errorf("#%d: Incorrect error result (did fail? %v, expected: %v)", i, err == nil, test.ok)
- }
- if err == nil {
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.out, ret) {
- t.Errorf("#%d: Bad result: %v (expected %v)", i, ret, test.out)
- }
- }
- }
-type timeTest struct {
- in string
- ok bool
- out time.Time
-var utcTestData = []timeTest{
- {"910506164540-0700", true, time.Date(1991, 05, 06, 16, 45, 40, 0, time.FixedZone("", -7*60*60))},
- {"910506164540+0730", true, time.Date(1991, 05, 06, 16, 45, 40, 0, time.FixedZone("", 7*60*60+30*60))},
- {"910506234540Z", true, time.Date(1991, 05, 06, 23, 45, 40, 0, time.UTC)},
- {"9105062345Z", true, time.Date(1991, 05, 06, 23, 45, 0, 0, time.UTC)},
- {"a10506234540Z", false, time.Time{}},
- {"91a506234540Z", false, time.Time{}},
- {"9105a6234540Z", false, time.Time{}},
- {"910506a34540Z", false, time.Time{}},
- {"910506334a40Z", false, time.Time{}},
- {"91050633444aZ", false, time.Time{}},
- {"910506334461Z", false, time.Time{}},
- {"910506334400Za", false, time.Time{}},
-func TestUTCTime(t *testing.T) {
- for i, test := range utcTestData {
- ret, err := parseUTCTime([]byte(test.in))
- if err != nil {
- if test.ok {
- t.Errorf("#%d: parseUTCTime(%q) = error %v", i, test.in, err)
- }
- continue
- }
- if !test.ok {
- t.Errorf("#%d: parseUTCTime(%q) succeeded, should have failed", i, test.in)
- continue
- }
- const format = "Jan _2 15:04:05 -0700 2006" // ignore zone name, just offset
- have := ret.Format(format)
- want := test.out.Format(format)
- if have != want {
- t.Errorf("#%d: parseUTCTime(%q) = %s, want %s", i, test.in, have, want)
- }
- }
-var generalizedTimeTestData = []timeTest{
- {"20100102030405Z", true, time.Date(2010, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 0, time.UTC)},
- {"20100102030405", false, time.Time{}},
- {"20100102030405+0607", true, time.Date(2010, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 0, time.FixedZone("", 6*60*60+7*60))},
- {"20100102030405-0607", true, time.Date(2010, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 0, time.FixedZone("", -6*60*60-7*60))},
-func TestGeneralizedTime(t *testing.T) {
- for i, test := range generalizedTimeTestData {
- ret, err := parseGeneralizedTime([]byte(test.in))
- if (err == nil) != test.ok {
- t.Errorf("#%d: Incorrect error result (did fail? %v, expected: %v)", i, err == nil, test.ok)
- }
- if err == nil {
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.out, ret) {
- t.Errorf("#%d: Bad result: %v (expected %v)", i, ret, test.out)
- }
- }
- }
-type tagAndLengthTest struct {
- in []byte
- ok bool
- out tagAndLength
-var tagAndLengthData = []tagAndLengthTest{
- {[]byte{0x80, 0x01}, true, tagAndLength{2, 0, 1, false}},
- {[]byte{0xa0, 0x01}, true, tagAndLength{2, 0, 1, true}},
- {[]byte{0x02, 0x00}, true, tagAndLength{0, 2, 0, false}},
- {[]byte{0xfe, 0x00}, true, tagAndLength{3, 30, 0, true}},
- {[]byte{0x1f, 0x01, 0x00}, true, tagAndLength{0, 1, 0, false}},
- {[]byte{0x1f, 0x81, 0x00, 0x00}, true, tagAndLength{0, 128, 0, false}},
- {[]byte{0x1f, 0x81, 0x80, 0x01, 0x00}, true, tagAndLength{0, 0x4001, 0, false}},
- {[]byte{0x00, 0x81, 0x01}, true, tagAndLength{0, 0, 1, false}},
- {[]byte{0x00, 0x82, 0x01, 0x00}, true, tagAndLength{0, 0, 256, false}},
- {[]byte{0x00, 0x83, 0x01, 0x00}, false, tagAndLength{}},
- {[]byte{0x1f, 0x85}, false, tagAndLength{}},
- {[]byte{0x30, 0x80}, false, tagAndLength{}},
- // Superfluous zeros in the length should be an error.
- {[]byte{0xa0, 0x82, 0x00, 0x01}, false, tagAndLength{}},
- // Lengths up to the maximum size of an int should work.
- {[]byte{0xa0, 0x84, 0x7f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}, true, tagAndLength{2, 0, 0x7fffffff, true}},
- // Lengths that would overflow an int should be rejected.
- {[]byte{0xa0, 0x84, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, false, tagAndLength{}},
-func TestParseTagAndLength(t *testing.T) {
- for i, test := range tagAndLengthData {
- tagAndLength, _, err := parseTagAndLength(test.in, 0)
- if (err == nil) != test.ok {
- t.Errorf("#%d: Incorrect error result (did pass? %v, expected: %v)", i, err == nil, test.ok)
- }
- if err == nil && !reflect.DeepEqual(test.out, tagAndLength) {
- t.Errorf("#%d: Bad result: %v (expected %v)", i, tagAndLength, test.out)
- }
- }
-type parseFieldParametersTest struct {
- in string
- out fieldParameters
-func newInt(n int) *int { return &n }
-func newInt64(n int64) *int64 { return &n }
-func newString(s string) *string { return &s }
-func newBool(b bool) *bool { return &b }
-var parseFieldParametersTestData []parseFieldParametersTest = []parseFieldParametersTest{
- {"", fieldParameters{}},
- {"ia5", fieldParameters{stringType: tagIA5String}},
- {"printable", fieldParameters{stringType: tagPrintableString}},
- {"optional", fieldParameters{optional: true}},
- {"explicit", fieldParameters{explicit: true, tag: new(int)}},
- {"application", fieldParameters{application: true, tag: new(int)}},
- {"optional,explicit", fieldParameters{optional: true, explicit: true, tag: new(int)}},
- {"default:42", fieldParameters{defaultValue: newInt64(42)}},
- {"tag:17", fieldParameters{tag: newInt(17)}},
- {"optional,explicit,default:42,tag:17", fieldParameters{optional: true, explicit: true, defaultValue: newInt64(42), tag: newInt(17)}},
- {"optional,explicit,default:42,tag:17,rubbish1", fieldParameters{true, true, false, newInt64(42), newInt(17), 0, false, false}},
- {"set", fieldParameters{set: true}},
-func TestParseFieldParameters(t *testing.T) {
- for i, test := range parseFieldParametersTestData {
- f := parseFieldParameters(test.in)
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(f, test.out) {
- t.Errorf("#%d: Bad result: %v (expected %v)", i, f, test.out)
- }
- }
-type TestObjectIdentifierStruct struct {
- OID ObjectIdentifier
-type TestContextSpecificTags struct {
- A int `asn1:"tag:1"`
-type TestContextSpecificTags2 struct {
- A int `asn1:"explicit,tag:1"`
- B int
-type TestElementsAfterString struct {
- S string
- A, B int
-type TestBigInt struct {
- X *big.Int
-var unmarshalTestData = []struct {
- in []byte
- out interface{}
- {[]byte{0x02, 0x01, 0x42}, newInt(0x42)},
- {[]byte{0x30, 0x08, 0x06, 0x06, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d}, &TestObjectIdentifierStruct{[]int{1, 2, 840, 113549}}},
- {[]byte{0x03, 0x04, 0x06, 0x6e, 0x5d, 0xc0}, &BitString{[]byte{110, 93, 192}, 18}},
- {[]byte{0x30, 0x09, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x01, 0x02, 0x02, 0x01, 0x03}, &[]int{1, 2, 3}},
- {[]byte{0x02, 0x01, 0x10}, newInt(16)},
- {[]byte{0x13, 0x04, 't', 'e', 's', 't'}, newString("test")},
- {[]byte{0x16, 0x04, 't', 'e', 's', 't'}, newString("test")},
- {[]byte{0x16, 0x04, 't', 'e', 's', 't'}, &RawValue{0, 22, false, []byte("test"), []byte("\x16\x04test")}},
- {[]byte{0x04, 0x04, 1, 2, 3, 4}, &RawValue{0, 4, false, []byte{1, 2, 3, 4}, []byte{4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4}}},
- {[]byte{0x30, 0x03, 0x81, 0x01, 0x01}, &TestContextSpecificTags{1}},
- {[]byte{0x30, 0x08, 0xa1, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x01, 0x02}, &TestContextSpecificTags2{1, 2}},
- {[]byte{0x01, 0x01, 0x00}, newBool(false)},
- {[]byte{0x01, 0x01, 0x01}, newBool(true)},
- {[]byte{0x30, 0x0b, 0x13, 0x03, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x6f, 0x02, 0x01, 0x22, 0x02, 0x01, 0x33}, &TestElementsAfterString{"foo", 0x22, 0x33}},
- {[]byte{0x30, 0x05, 0x02, 0x03, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56}, &TestBigInt{big.NewInt(0x123456)}},
-func TestUnmarshal(t *testing.T) {
- for i, test := range unmarshalTestData {
- pv := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(test.out).Elem())
- val := pv.Interface()
- _, err := Unmarshal(test.in, val)
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("Unmarshal failed at index %d %v", i, err)
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(val, test.out) {
- t.Errorf("#%d:\nhave %#v\nwant %#v", i, val, test.out)
- }
- }
-type Certificate struct {
- TBSCertificate TBSCertificate
- SignatureAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier
- SignatureValue BitString
-type TBSCertificate struct {
- Version int `asn1:"optional,explicit,default:0,tag:0"`
- SerialNumber RawValue
- SignatureAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier
- Issuer RDNSequence
- Validity Validity
- Subject RDNSequence
- PublicKey PublicKeyInfo
-type AlgorithmIdentifier struct {
- Algorithm ObjectIdentifier
-type RDNSequence []RelativeDistinguishedNameSET
-type RelativeDistinguishedNameSET []AttributeTypeAndValue
-type AttributeTypeAndValue struct {
- Type ObjectIdentifier
- Value interface{}
-type Validity struct {
- NotBefore, NotAfter time.Time
-type PublicKeyInfo struct {
- Algorithm AlgorithmIdentifier
- PublicKey BitString
-func TestCertificate(t *testing.T) {
- // This is a minimal, self-signed certificate that should parse correctly.
- var cert Certificate
- if _, err := Unmarshal(derEncodedSelfSignedCertBytes, &cert); err != nil {
- t.Errorf("Unmarshal failed: %v", err)
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(cert, derEncodedSelfSignedCert) {
- t.Errorf("Bad result:\ngot: %+v\nwant: %+v", cert, derEncodedSelfSignedCert)
- }
-func TestCertificateWithNUL(t *testing.T) {
- // This is the paypal NUL-hack certificate. It should fail to parse because
- // NUL isn't a permitted character in a PrintableString.
- var cert Certificate
- if _, err := Unmarshal(derEncodedPaypalNULCertBytes, &cert); err == nil {
- t.Error("Unmarshal succeeded, should not have")
- }
-type rawStructTest struct {
- Raw RawContent
- A int
-func TestRawStructs(t *testing.T) {
- var s rawStructTest
- input := []byte{0x30, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01, 0x50}
- rest, err := Unmarshal(input, &s)
- if len(rest) != 0 {
- t.Errorf("incomplete parse: %x", rest)
- return
- }
- if err != nil {
- t.Error(err)
- return
- }
- if s.A != 0x50 {
- t.Errorf("bad value for A: got %d want %d", s.A, 0x50)
- }
- if !bytes.Equal([]byte(s.Raw), input) {
- t.Errorf("bad value for Raw: got %x want %x", s.Raw, input)
- }
-var derEncodedSelfSignedCert = Certificate{
- TBSCertificate: TBSCertificate{
- Version: 0,
- SerialNumber: RawValue{Class: 0, Tag: 2, IsCompound: false, Bytes: []uint8{0x0, 0x8c, 0xc3, 0x37, 0x92, 0x10, 0xec, 0x2c, 0x98}, FullBytes: []byte{2, 9, 0x0, 0x8c, 0xc3, 0x37, 0x92, 0x10, 0xec, 0x2c, 0x98}},
- SignatureAlgorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier{Algorithm: ObjectIdentifier{1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 1, 5}},
- Issuer: RDNSequence{
- RelativeDistinguishedNameSET{AttributeTypeAndValue{Type: ObjectIdentifier{2, 5, 4, 6}, Value: "XX"}},
- RelativeDistinguishedNameSET{AttributeTypeAndValue{Type: ObjectIdentifier{2, 5, 4, 8}, Value: "Some-State"}},
- RelativeDistinguishedNameSET{AttributeTypeAndValue{Type: ObjectIdentifier{2, 5, 4, 7}, Value: "City"}},
- RelativeDistinguishedNameSET{AttributeTypeAndValue{Type: ObjectIdentifier{2, 5, 4, 10}, Value: "Internet Widgits Pty Ltd"}},
- RelativeDistinguishedNameSET{AttributeTypeAndValue{Type: ObjectIdentifier{2, 5, 4, 3}, Value: "false.example.com"}},
- RelativeDistinguishedNameSET{AttributeTypeAndValue{Type: ObjectIdentifier{1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 9, 1}, Value: "false@example.com"}},
- },
- Validity: Validity{
- NotBefore: time.Date(2009, 10, 8, 00, 25, 53, 0, time.UTC),
- NotAfter: time.Date(2010, 10, 8, 00, 25, 53, 0, time.UTC),
- },
- Subject: RDNSequence{
- RelativeDistinguishedNameSET{AttributeTypeAndValue{Type: ObjectIdentifier{2, 5, 4, 6}, Value: "XX"}},
- RelativeDistinguishedNameSET{AttributeTypeAndValue{Type: ObjectIdentifier{2, 5, 4, 8}, Value: "Some-State"}},
- RelativeDistinguishedNameSET{AttributeTypeAndValue{Type: ObjectIdentifier{2, 5, 4, 7}, Value: "City"}},
- RelativeDistinguishedNameSET{AttributeTypeAndValue{Type: ObjectIdentifier{2, 5, 4, 10}, Value: "Internet Widgits Pty Ltd"}},
- RelativeDistinguishedNameSET{AttributeTypeAndValue{Type: ObjectIdentifier{2, 5, 4, 3}, Value: "false.example.com"}},
- RelativeDistinguishedNameSET{AttributeTypeAndValue{Type: ObjectIdentifier{1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 9, 1}, Value: "false@example.com"}},
- },
- PublicKey: PublicKeyInfo{
- Algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier{Algorithm: ObjectIdentifier{1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 1, 1}},
- PublicKey: BitString{
- Bytes: []uint8{
- 0x30, 0x48, 0x2, 0x41, 0x0, 0xcd, 0xb7,
- 0x63, 0x9c, 0x32, 0x78, 0xf0, 0x6, 0xaa, 0x27, 0x7f, 0x6e, 0xaf, 0x42,
- 0x90, 0x2b, 0x59, 0x2d, 0x8c, 0xbc, 0xbe, 0x38, 0xa1, 0xc9, 0x2b, 0xa4,
- 0x69, 0x5a, 0x33, 0x1b, 0x1d, 0xea, 0xde, 0xad, 0xd8, 0xe9, 0xa5, 0xc2,
- 0x7e, 0x8c, 0x4c, 0x2f, 0xd0, 0xa8, 0x88, 0x96, 0x57, 0x72, 0x2a, 0x4f,
- 0x2a, 0xf7, 0x58, 0x9c, 0xf2, 0xc7, 0x70, 0x45, 0xdc, 0x8f, 0xde, 0xec,
- 0x35, 0x7d, 0x2, 0x3, 0x1, 0x0, 0x1,
- },
- BitLength: 592,
- },
- },
- },
- SignatureAlgorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier{Algorithm: ObjectIdentifier{1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 1, 5}},
- SignatureValue: BitString{
- Bytes: []uint8{
- 0xa6, 0x7b, 0x6, 0xec, 0x5e, 0xce,
- 0x92, 0x77, 0x2c, 0xa4, 0x13, 0xcb, 0xa3, 0xca, 0x12, 0x56, 0x8f, 0xdc, 0x6c,
- 0x7b, 0x45, 0x11, 0xcd, 0x40, 0xa7, 0xf6, 0x59, 0x98, 0x4, 0x2, 0xdf, 0x2b,
- 0x99, 0x8b, 0xb9, 0xa4, 0xa8, 0xcb, 0xeb, 0x34, 0xc0, 0xf0, 0xa7, 0x8c, 0xf8,
- 0xd9, 0x1e, 0xde, 0x14, 0xa5, 0xed, 0x76, 0xbf, 0x11, 0x6f, 0xe3, 0x60, 0xaa,
- 0xfa, 0x88, 0x21, 0x49, 0x4, 0x35,
- },
- BitLength: 512,
- },
-var derEncodedSelfSignedCertBytes = []byte{
- 0x30, 0x82, 0x02, 0x18, 0x30,
- 0x82, 0x01, 0xc2, 0x02, 0x09, 0x00, 0x8c, 0xc3, 0x37, 0x92, 0x10, 0xec, 0x2c,
- 0x98, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01,
- 0x05, 0x05, 0x00, 0x30, 0x81, 0x92, 0x31, 0x0b, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55,
- 0x04, 0x06, 0x13, 0x02, 0x58, 0x58, 0x31, 0x13, 0x30, 0x11, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55,
- 0x04, 0x08, 0x13, 0x0a, 0x53, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x2d, 0x53, 0x74, 0x61, 0x74,
- 0x65, 0x31, 0x0d, 0x30, 0x0b, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x07, 0x13, 0x04, 0x43,
- 0x69, 0x74, 0x79, 0x31, 0x21, 0x30, 0x1f, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x0a, 0x13,
- 0x18, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x65, 0x72, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x74, 0x20, 0x57, 0x69, 0x64,
- 0x67, 0x69, 0x74, 0x73, 0x20, 0x50, 0x74, 0x79, 0x20, 0x4c, 0x74, 0x64, 0x31,
- 0x1a, 0x30, 0x18, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x03, 0x13, 0x11, 0x66, 0x61, 0x6c,
- 0x73, 0x65, 0x2e, 0x65, 0x78, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x70, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f,
- 0x6d, 0x31, 0x20, 0x30, 0x1e, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d,
- 0x01, 0x09, 0x01, 0x16, 0x11, 0x66, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x73, 0x65, 0x40, 0x65, 0x78,
- 0x61, 0x6d, 0x70, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x30, 0x1e, 0x17, 0x0d,
- 0x30, 0x39, 0x31, 0x30, 0x30, 0x38, 0x30, 0x30, 0x32, 0x35, 0x35, 0x33, 0x5a,
- 0x17, 0x0d, 0x31, 0x30, 0x31, 0x30, 0x30, 0x38, 0x30, 0x30, 0x32, 0x35, 0x35,
- 0x33, 0x5a, 0x30, 0x81, 0x92, 0x31, 0x0b, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04,
- 0x06, 0x13, 0x02, 0x58, 0x58, 0x31, 0x13, 0x30, 0x11, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04,
- 0x08, 0x13, 0x0a, 0x53, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x2d, 0x53, 0x74, 0x61, 0x74, 0x65,
- 0x31, 0x0d, 0x30, 0x0b, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x07, 0x13, 0x04, 0x43, 0x69,
- 0x74, 0x79, 0x31, 0x21, 0x30, 0x1f, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x0a, 0x13, 0x18,
- 0x49, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x65, 0x72, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x74, 0x20, 0x57, 0x69, 0x64, 0x67,
- 0x69, 0x74, 0x73, 0x20, 0x50, 0x74, 0x79, 0x20, 0x4c, 0x74, 0x64, 0x31, 0x1a,
- 0x30, 0x18, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x03, 0x13, 0x11, 0x66, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x73,
- 0x65, 0x2e, 0x65, 0x78, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x70, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d,
- 0x31, 0x20, 0x30, 0x1e, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01,
- 0x09, 0x01, 0x16, 0x11, 0x66, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x73, 0x65, 0x40, 0x65, 0x78, 0x61,
- 0x6d, 0x70, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x30, 0x5c, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06,
- 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00, 0x03,
- 0x4b, 0x00, 0x30, 0x48, 0x02, 0x41, 0x00, 0xcd, 0xb7, 0x63, 0x9c, 0x32, 0x78,
- 0xf0, 0x06, 0xaa, 0x27, 0x7f, 0x6e, 0xaf, 0x42, 0x90, 0x2b, 0x59, 0x2d, 0x8c,
- 0xbc, 0xbe, 0x38, 0xa1, 0xc9, 0x2b, 0xa4, 0x69, 0x5a, 0x33, 0x1b, 0x1d, 0xea,
- 0xde, 0xad, 0xd8, 0xe9, 0xa5, 0xc2, 0x7e, 0x8c, 0x4c, 0x2f, 0xd0, 0xa8, 0x88,
- 0x96, 0x57, 0x72, 0x2a, 0x4f, 0x2a, 0xf7, 0x58, 0x9c, 0xf2, 0xc7, 0x70, 0x45,
- 0xdc, 0x8f, 0xde, 0xec, 0x35, 0x7d, 0x02, 0x03, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x30, 0x0d,
- 0x06, 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x05, 0x05, 0x00,
- 0x03, 0x41, 0x00, 0xa6, 0x7b, 0x06, 0xec, 0x5e, 0xce, 0x92, 0x77, 0x2c, 0xa4,
- 0x13, 0xcb, 0xa3, 0xca, 0x12, 0x56, 0x8f, 0xdc, 0x6c, 0x7b, 0x45, 0x11, 0xcd,
- 0x40, 0xa7, 0xf6, 0x59, 0x98, 0x04, 0x02, 0xdf, 0x2b, 0x99, 0x8b, 0xb9, 0xa4,
- 0xa8, 0xcb, 0xeb, 0x34, 0xc0, 0xf0, 0xa7, 0x8c, 0xf8, 0xd9, 0x1e, 0xde, 0x14,
- 0xa5, 0xed, 0x76, 0xbf, 0x11, 0x6f, 0xe3, 0x60, 0xaa, 0xfa, 0x88, 0x21, 0x49,
- 0x04, 0x35,
-var derEncodedPaypalNULCertBytes = []byte{
- 0x30, 0x82, 0x06, 0x44, 0x30,
- 0x82, 0x05, 0xad, 0xa0, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01, 0x02, 0x02, 0x03, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x9b,
- 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x05,
- 0x05, 0x00, 0x30, 0x82, 0x01, 0x12, 0x31, 0x0b, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55,
- 0x04, 0x06, 0x13, 0x02, 0x45, 0x53, 0x31, 0x12, 0x30, 0x10, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55,
- 0x04, 0x08, 0x13, 0x09, 0x42, 0x61, 0x72, 0x63, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x61,
- 0x31, 0x12, 0x30, 0x10, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x07, 0x13, 0x09, 0x42, 0x61,
- 0x72, 0x63, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x61, 0x31, 0x29, 0x30, 0x27, 0x06, 0x03,
- 0x55, 0x04, 0x0a, 0x13, 0x20, 0x49, 0x50, 0x53, 0x20, 0x43, 0x65, 0x72, 0x74,
- 0x69, 0x66, 0x69, 0x63, 0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x41, 0x75, 0x74,
- 0x68, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x69, 0x74, 0x79, 0x20, 0x73, 0x2e, 0x6c, 0x2e, 0x31, 0x2e,
- 0x30, 0x2c, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x0a, 0x14, 0x25, 0x67, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x65,
- 0x72, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x40, 0x69, 0x70, 0x73, 0x63, 0x61, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d,
- 0x20, 0x43, 0x2e, 0x49, 0x2e, 0x46, 0x2e, 0x20, 0x20, 0x42, 0x2d, 0x42, 0x36,
- 0x32, 0x32, 0x31, 0x30, 0x36, 0x39, 0x35, 0x31, 0x2e, 0x30, 0x2c, 0x06, 0x03,
- 0x55, 0x04, 0x0b, 0x13, 0x25, 0x69, 0x70, 0x73, 0x43, 0x41, 0x20, 0x43, 0x4c,
- 0x41, 0x53, 0x45, 0x41, 0x31, 0x20, 0x43, 0x65, 0x72, 0x74, 0x69, 0x66, 0x69,
- 0x63, 0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x41, 0x75, 0x74, 0x68, 0x6f, 0x72,
- 0x69, 0x74, 0x79, 0x31, 0x2e, 0x30, 0x2c, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x03, 0x13,
- 0x25, 0x69, 0x70, 0x73, 0x43, 0x41, 0x20, 0x43, 0x4c, 0x41, 0x53, 0x45, 0x41,
- 0x31, 0x20, 0x43, 0x65, 0x72, 0x74, 0x69, 0x66, 0x69, 0x63, 0x61, 0x74, 0x69,
- 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x41, 0x75, 0x74, 0x68, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x69, 0x74, 0x79, 0x31,
- 0x20, 0x30, 0x1e, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x09,
- 0x01, 0x16, 0x11, 0x67, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x72, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x40, 0x69, 0x70,
- 0x73, 0x63, 0x61, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x30, 0x1e, 0x17, 0x0d, 0x30, 0x39,
- 0x30, 0x32, 0x32, 0x34, 0x32, 0x33, 0x30, 0x34, 0x31, 0x37, 0x5a, 0x17, 0x0d,
- 0x31, 0x31, 0x30, 0x32, 0x32, 0x34, 0x32, 0x33, 0x30, 0x34, 0x31, 0x37, 0x5a,
- 0x30, 0x81, 0x94, 0x31, 0x0b, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x06, 0x13,
- 0x02, 0x55, 0x53, 0x31, 0x13, 0x30, 0x11, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x08, 0x13,
- 0x0a, 0x43, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x69, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6e, 0x69, 0x61, 0x31, 0x16,
- 0x30, 0x14, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x07, 0x13, 0x0d, 0x53, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x20,
- 0x46, 0x72, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x63, 0x69, 0x73, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x31, 0x11, 0x30, 0x0f,
- 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x0a, 0x13, 0x08, 0x53, 0x65, 0x63, 0x75, 0x72, 0x69,
- 0x74, 0x79, 0x31, 0x14, 0x30, 0x12, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x0b, 0x13, 0x0b,
- 0x53, 0x65, 0x63, 0x75, 0x72, 0x65, 0x20, 0x55, 0x6e, 0x69, 0x74, 0x31, 0x2f,
- 0x30, 0x2d, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x04, 0x03, 0x13, 0x26, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x2e,
- 0x70, 0x61, 0x79, 0x70, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x00, 0x73, 0x73,
- 0x6c, 0x2e, 0x73, 0x65, 0x63, 0x75, 0x72, 0x65, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x6e, 0x65,
- 0x63, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x63, 0x30, 0x81, 0x9f, 0x30, 0x0d,
- 0x06, 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x05, 0x00,
- 0x03, 0x81, 0x8d, 0x00, 0x30, 0x81, 0x89, 0x02, 0x81, 0x81, 0x00, 0xd2, 0x69,
- 0xfa, 0x6f, 0x3a, 0x00, 0xb4, 0x21, 0x1b, 0xc8, 0xb1, 0x02, 0xd7, 0x3f, 0x19,
- 0xb2, 0xc4, 0x6d, 0xb4, 0x54, 0xf8, 0x8b, 0x8a, 0xcc, 0xdb, 0x72, 0xc2, 0x9e,
- 0x3c, 0x60, 0xb9, 0xc6, 0x91, 0x3d, 0x82, 0xb7, 0x7d, 0x99, 0xff, 0xd1, 0x29,
- 0x84, 0xc1, 0x73, 0x53, 0x9c, 0x82, 0xdd, 0xfc, 0x24, 0x8c, 0x77, 0xd5, 0x41,
- 0xf3, 0xe8, 0x1e, 0x42, 0xa1, 0xad, 0x2d, 0x9e, 0xff, 0x5b, 0x10, 0x26, 0xce,
- 0x9d, 0x57, 0x17, 0x73, 0x16, 0x23, 0x38, 0xc8, 0xd6, 0xf1, 0xba, 0xa3, 0x96,
- 0x5b, 0x16, 0x67, 0x4a, 0x4f, 0x73, 0x97, 0x3a, 0x4d, 0x14, 0xa4, 0xf4, 0xe2,
- 0x3f, 0x8b, 0x05, 0x83, 0x42, 0xd1, 0xd0, 0xdc, 0x2f, 0x7a, 0xe5, 0xb6, 0x10,
- 0xb2, 0x11, 0xc0, 0xdc, 0x21, 0x2a, 0x90, 0xff, 0xae, 0x97, 0x71, 0x5a, 0x49,
- 0x81, 0xac, 0x40, 0xf3, 0x3b, 0xb8, 0x59, 0xb2, 0x4f, 0x02, 0x03, 0x01, 0x00,
- 0x01, 0xa3, 0x82, 0x03, 0x21, 0x30, 0x82, 0x03, 0x1d, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x03,
- 0x55, 0x1d, 0x13, 0x04, 0x02, 0x30, 0x00, 0x30, 0x11, 0x06, 0x09, 0x60, 0x86,
- 0x48, 0x01, 0x86, 0xf8, 0x42, 0x01, 0x01, 0x04, 0x04, 0x03, 0x02, 0x06, 0x40,
- 0x30, 0x0b, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x1d, 0x0f, 0x04, 0x04, 0x03, 0x02, 0x03, 0xf8,
- 0x30, 0x13, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x1d, 0x25, 0x04, 0x0c, 0x30, 0x0a, 0x06, 0x08,
- 0x2b, 0x06, 0x01, 0x05, 0x05, 0x07, 0x03, 0x01, 0x30, 0x1d, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55,
- 0x1d, 0x0e, 0x04, 0x16, 0x04, 0x14, 0x61, 0x8f, 0x61, 0x34, 0x43, 0x55, 0x14,
- 0x7f, 0x27, 0x09, 0xce, 0x4c, 0x8b, 0xea, 0x9b, 0x7b, 0x19, 0x25, 0xbc, 0x6e,
- 0x30, 0x1f, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x1d, 0x23, 0x04, 0x18, 0x30, 0x16, 0x80, 0x14,
- 0x0e, 0x07, 0x60, 0xd4, 0x39, 0xc9, 0x1b, 0x5b, 0x5d, 0x90, 0x7b, 0x23, 0xc8,
- 0xd2, 0x34, 0x9d, 0x4a, 0x9a, 0x46, 0x39, 0x30, 0x09, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x1d,
- 0x11, 0x04, 0x02, 0x30, 0x00, 0x30, 0x1c, 0x06, 0x03, 0x55, 0x1d, 0x12, 0x04,
- 0x15, 0x30, 0x13, 0x81, 0x11, 0x67, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x72, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x40,
- 0x69, 0x70, 0x73, 0x63, 0x61, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x30, 0x72, 0x06, 0x09,
- 0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x86, 0xf8, 0x42, 0x01, 0x0d, 0x04, 0x65, 0x16, 0x63,
- 0x4f, 0x72, 0x67, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x69, 0x7a, 0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x20,
- 0x49, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x4e,
- 0x4f, 0x54, 0x20, 0x56, 0x41, 0x4c, 0x49, 0x44, 0x41, 0x54, 0x45, 0x44, 0x2e,
- 0x20, 0x43, 0x4c, 0x41, 0x53, 0x45, 0x41, 0x31, 0x20, 0x53, 0x65, 0x72, 0x76,
- 0x65, 0x72, 0x20, 0x43, 0x65, 0x72, 0x74, 0x69, 0x66, 0x69, 0x63, 0x61, 0x74,
- 0x65, 0x20, 0x69, 0x73, 0x73, 0x75, 0x65, 0x64, 0x20, 0x62, 0x79, 0x20, 0x68,
- 0x74, 0x74, 0x70, 0x73, 0x3a, 0x2f, 0x2f, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x2e, 0x69, 0x70,
- 0x73, 0x63, 0x61, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x2f, 0x06, 0x09, 0x60,
- 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x86, 0xf8, 0x42, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x22, 0x16, 0x20, 0x68,
- 0x74, 0x74, 0x70, 0x73, 0x3a, 0x2f, 0x2f, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x2e, 0x69, 0x70,
- 0x73, 0x63, 0x61, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f, 0x69, 0x70, 0x73, 0x63, 0x61,
- 0x32, 0x30, 0x30, 0x32, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x43, 0x06, 0x09, 0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01,
- 0x86, 0xf8, 0x42, 0x01, 0x04, 0x04, 0x36, 0x16, 0x34, 0x68, 0x74, 0x74, 0x70,
- 0x73, 0x3a, 0x2f, 0x2f, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x2e, 0x69, 0x70, 0x73, 0x63, 0x61,
- 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f, 0x69, 0x70, 0x73, 0x63, 0x61, 0x32, 0x30, 0x30,
- 0x32, 0x2f, 0x69, 0x70, 0x73, 0x63, 0x61, 0x32, 0x30, 0x30, 0x32, 0x43, 0x4c,
- 0x41, 0x53, 0x45, 0x41, 0x31, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x72, 0x6c, 0x30, 0x46, 0x06, 0x09,
- 0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x86, 0xf8, 0x42, 0x01, 0x03, 0x04, 0x39, 0x16, 0x37,
- 0x68, 0x74, 0x74, 0x70, 0x73, 0x3a, 0x2f, 0x2f, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x2e, 0x69,
- 0x70, 0x73, 0x63, 0x61, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f, 0x69, 0x70, 0x73, 0x63,
- 0x61, 0x32, 0x30, 0x30, 0x32, 0x2f, 0x72, 0x65, 0x76, 0x6f, 0x63, 0x61, 0x74,
- 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x43, 0x4c, 0x41, 0x53, 0x45, 0x41, 0x31, 0x2e, 0x68, 0x74,
- 0x6d, 0x6c, 0x3f, 0x30, 0x43, 0x06, 0x09, 0x60, 0x86, 0x48, 0x01, 0x86, 0xf8,
- 0x42, 0x01, 0x07, 0x04, 0x36, 0x16, 0x34, 0x68, 0x74, 0x74, 0x70, 0x73, 0x3a,
- 0x2f, 0x2f, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x2e, 0x69, 0x70, 0x73, 0x63, 0x61, 0x2e, 0x63,
- 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f, 0x69, 0x70, 0x73, 0x63, 0x61, 0x32, 0x30, 0x30, 0x32, 0x2f,
- 0x72, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x77, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x43, 0x4c, 0x41, 0x53, 0x45, 0x41,
- 0x31, 0x2e, 0x68, 0x74, 0x6d, 0x6c, 0x3f, 0x30, 0x41, 0x06, 0x09, 0x60, 0x86,
- 0x48, 0x01, 0x86, 0xf8, 0x42, 0x01, 0x08, 0x04, 0x34, 0x16, 0x32, 0x68, 0x74,
- 0x74, 0x70, 0x73, 0x3a, 0x2f, 0x2f, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x2e, 0x69, 0x70, 0x73,
- 0x63, 0x61, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f, 0x69, 0x70, 0x73, 0x63, 0x61, 0x32,
- 0x30, 0x30, 0x32, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x6f, 0x6c, 0x69, 0x63, 0x79, 0x43, 0x4c, 0x41,
- 0x53, 0x45, 0x41, 0x31, 0x2e, 0x68, 0x74, 0x6d, 0x6c, 0x30, 0x81, 0x83, 0x06,
- 0x03, 0x55, 0x1d, 0x1f, 0x04, 0x7c, 0x30, 0x7a, 0x30, 0x39, 0xa0, 0x37, 0xa0,
- 0x35, 0x86, 0x33, 0x68, 0x74, 0x74, 0x70, 0x3a, 0x2f, 0x2f, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77,
- 0x2e, 0x69, 0x70, 0x73, 0x63, 0x61, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f, 0x69, 0x70,
- 0x73, 0x63, 0x61, 0x32, 0x30, 0x30, 0x32, 0x2f, 0x69, 0x70, 0x73, 0x63, 0x61,
- 0x32, 0x30, 0x30, 0x32, 0x43, 0x4c, 0x41, 0x53, 0x45, 0x41, 0x31, 0x2e, 0x63,
- 0x72, 0x6c, 0x30, 0x3d, 0xa0, 0x3b, 0xa0, 0x39, 0x86, 0x37, 0x68, 0x74, 0x74,
- 0x70, 0x3a, 0x2f, 0x2f, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x62, 0x61, 0x63, 0x6b, 0x2e, 0x69,
- 0x70, 0x73, 0x63, 0x61, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f, 0x69, 0x70, 0x73, 0x63,
- 0x61, 0x32, 0x30, 0x30, 0x32, 0x2f, 0x69, 0x70, 0x73, 0x63, 0x61, 0x32, 0x30,
- 0x30, 0x32, 0x43, 0x4c, 0x41, 0x53, 0x45, 0x41, 0x31, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x72, 0x6c,
- 0x30, 0x32, 0x06, 0x08, 0x2b, 0x06, 0x01, 0x05, 0x05, 0x07, 0x01, 0x01, 0x04,
- 0x26, 0x30, 0x24, 0x30, 0x22, 0x06, 0x08, 0x2b, 0x06, 0x01, 0x05, 0x05, 0x07,
- 0x30, 0x01, 0x86, 0x16, 0x68, 0x74, 0x74, 0x70, 0x3a, 0x2f, 0x2f, 0x6f, 0x63,
- 0x73, 0x70, 0x2e, 0x69, 0x70, 0x73, 0x63, 0x61, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f,
- 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x01, 0x05,
- 0x05, 0x00, 0x03, 0x81, 0x81, 0x00, 0x68, 0xee, 0x79, 0x97, 0x97, 0xdd, 0x3b,
- 0xef, 0x16, 0x6a, 0x06, 0xf2, 0x14, 0x9a, 0x6e, 0xcd, 0x9e, 0x12, 0xf7, 0xaa,
- 0x83, 0x10, 0xbd, 0xd1, 0x7c, 0x98, 0xfa, 0xc7, 0xae, 0xd4, 0x0e, 0x2c, 0x9e,
- 0x38, 0x05, 0x9d, 0x52, 0x60, 0xa9, 0x99, 0x0a, 0x81, 0xb4, 0x98, 0x90, 0x1d,
- 0xae, 0xbb, 0x4a, 0xd7, 0xb9, 0xdc, 0x88, 0x9e, 0x37, 0x78, 0x41, 0x5b, 0xf7,
- 0x82, 0xa5, 0xf2, 0xba, 0x41, 0x25, 0x5a, 0x90, 0x1a, 0x1e, 0x45, 0x38, 0xa1,
- 0x52, 0x58, 0x75, 0x94, 0x26, 0x44, 0xfb, 0x20, 0x07, 0xba, 0x44, 0xcc, 0xe5,
- 0x4a, 0x2d, 0x72, 0x3f, 0x98, 0x47, 0xf6, 0x26, 0xdc, 0x05, 0x46, 0x05, 0x07,
- 0x63, 0x21, 0xab, 0x46, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x78, 0xd5, 0x54, 0x5b, 0x3d, 0x0c, 0x1e,
- 0xc8, 0x64, 0x8c, 0xb5, 0x50, 0x23, 0x82, 0x6f, 0xdb, 0xb8, 0x22, 0x1c, 0x43,
- 0x96, 0x07, 0xa8, 0xbb,
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/asn1/common.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/asn1/common.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 33a117ece..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/asn1/common.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package asn1
-import (
- "reflect"
- "strconv"
- "strings"
-// ASN.1 objects have metadata preceding them:
-// the tag: the type of the object
-// a flag denoting if this object is compound or not
-// the class type: the namespace of the tag
-// the length of the object, in bytes
-// Here are some standard tags and classes
-const (
- tagBoolean = 1
- tagInteger = 2
- tagBitString = 3
- tagOctetString = 4
- tagOID = 6
- tagEnum = 10
- tagUTF8String = 12
- tagSequence = 16
- tagSet = 17
- tagPrintableString = 19
- tagT61String = 20
- tagIA5String = 22
- tagUTCTime = 23
- tagGeneralizedTime = 24
- tagGeneralString = 27
-const (
- classUniversal = 0
- classApplication = 1
- classContextSpecific = 2
- classPrivate = 3
-type tagAndLength struct {
- class, tag, length int
- isCompound bool
-// ASN.1 has IMPLICIT and EXPLICIT tags, which can be translated as "instead
-// of" and "in addition to". When not specified, every primitive type has a
-// default tag in the UNIVERSAL class.
-// For example: a BIT STRING is tagged [UNIVERSAL 3] by default (although ASN.1
-// doesn't actually have a UNIVERSAL keyword). However, by saying [IMPLICIT
-// CONTEXT-SPECIFIC 42], that means that the tag is replaced by another.
-// On the other hand, if it said [EXPLICIT CONTEXT-SPECIFIC 10], then an
-// /additional/ tag would wrap the default tag. This explicit tag will have the
-// compound flag set.
-// (This is used in order to remove ambiguity with optional elements.)
-// You can layer EXPLICIT and IMPLICIT tags to an arbitrary depth, however we
-// don't support that here. We support a single layer of EXPLICIT or IMPLICIT
-// tagging with tag strings on the fields of a structure.
-// fieldParameters is the parsed representation of tag string from a structure field.
-type fieldParameters struct {
- optional bool // true iff the field is OPTIONAL
- explicit bool // true iff an EXPLICIT tag is in use.
- application bool // true iff an APPLICATION tag is in use.
- defaultValue *int64 // a default value for INTEGER typed fields (maybe nil).
- tag *int // the EXPLICIT or IMPLICIT tag (maybe nil).
- stringType int // the string tag to use when marshaling.
- set bool // true iff this should be encoded as a SET
- omitEmpty bool // true iff this should be omitted if empty when marshaling.
- // Invariants:
- // if explicit is set, tag is non-nil.
-// Given a tag string with the format specified in the package comment,
-// parseFieldParameters will parse it into a fieldParameters structure,
-// ignoring unknown parts of the string.
-func parseFieldParameters(str string) (ret fieldParameters) {
- for _, part := range strings.Split(str, ",") {
- switch {
- case part == "optional":
- ret.optional = true
- case part == "explicit":
- ret.explicit = true
- if ret.tag == nil {
- ret.tag = new(int)
- }
- case part == "ia5":
- ret.stringType = tagIA5String
- case part == "printable":
- ret.stringType = tagPrintableString
- case part == "utf8":
- ret.stringType = tagUTF8String
- case strings.HasPrefix(part, "default:"):
- i, err := strconv.ParseInt(part[8:], 10, 64)
- if err == nil {
- ret.defaultValue = new(int64)
- *ret.defaultValue = i
- }
- case strings.HasPrefix(part, "tag:"):
- i, err := strconv.Atoi(part[4:])
- if err == nil {
- ret.tag = new(int)
- *ret.tag = i
- }
- case part == "set":
- ret.set = true
- case part == "application":
- ret.application = true
- if ret.tag == nil {
- ret.tag = new(int)
- }
- case part == "omitempty":
- ret.omitEmpty = true
- }
- }
- return
-// Given a reflected Go type, getUniversalType returns the default tag number
-// and expected compound flag.
-func getUniversalType(t reflect.Type) (tagNumber int, isCompound, ok bool) {
- switch t {
- case objectIdentifierType:
- return tagOID, false, true
- case bitStringType:
- return tagBitString, false, true
- case timeType:
- return tagUTCTime, false, true
- case enumeratedType:
- return tagEnum, false, true
- case bigIntType:
- return tagInteger, false, true
- }
- switch t.Kind() {
- case reflect.Bool:
- return tagBoolean, false, true
- case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
- return tagInteger, false, true
- case reflect.Struct:
- return tagSequence, true, true
- case reflect.Slice:
- if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
- return tagOctetString, false, true
- }
- if strings.HasSuffix(t.Name(), "SET") {
- return tagSet, true, true
- }
- return tagSequence, true, true
- case reflect.String:
- return tagPrintableString, false, true
- }
- return 0, false, false
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/asn1/marshal.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/asn1/marshal.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c216fdb3..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/asn1/marshal.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,582 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package asn1
-import (
- "bytes"
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "math/big"
- "reflect"
- "time"
- "unicode/utf8"
-// A forkableWriter is an in-memory buffer that can be
-// 'forked' to create new forkableWriters that bracket the
-// original. After
-// pre, post := w.fork();
-// the overall sequence of bytes represented is logically w+pre+post.
-type forkableWriter struct {
- *bytes.Buffer
- pre, post *forkableWriter
-func newForkableWriter() *forkableWriter {
- return &forkableWriter{new(bytes.Buffer), nil, nil}
-func (f *forkableWriter) fork() (pre, post *forkableWriter) {
- if f.pre != nil || f.post != nil {
- panic("have already forked")
- }
- f.pre = newForkableWriter()
- f.post = newForkableWriter()
- return f.pre, f.post
-func (f *forkableWriter) Len() (l int) {
- l += f.Buffer.Len()
- if f.pre != nil {
- l += f.pre.Len()
- }
- if f.post != nil {
- l += f.post.Len()
- }
- return
-func (f *forkableWriter) writeTo(out io.Writer) (n int, err error) {
- n, err = out.Write(f.Bytes())
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- var nn int
- if f.pre != nil {
- nn, err = f.pre.writeTo(out)
- n += nn
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- }
- if f.post != nil {
- nn, err = f.post.writeTo(out)
- n += nn
- }
- return
-func marshalBase128Int(out *forkableWriter, n int64) (err error) {
- if n == 0 {
- err = out.WriteByte(0)
- return
- }
- l := 0
- for i := n; i > 0; i >>= 7 {
- l++
- }
- for i := l - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
- o := byte(n >> uint(i*7))
- o &= 0x7f
- if i != 0 {
- o |= 0x80
- }
- err = out.WriteByte(o)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- }
- return nil
-func marshalInt64(out *forkableWriter, i int64) (err error) {
- n := int64Length(i)
- for ; n > 0; n-- {
- err = out.WriteByte(byte(i >> uint((n-1)*8)))
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- }
- return nil
-func int64Length(i int64) (numBytes int) {
- numBytes = 1
- for i > 127 {
- numBytes++
- i >>= 8
- }
- for i < -128 {
- numBytes++
- i >>= 8
- }
- return
-func marshalBigInt(out *forkableWriter, n *big.Int) (err error) {
- if n.Sign() < 0 {
- // A negative number has to be converted to two's-complement
- // form. So we'll subtract 1 and invert. If the
- // most-significant-bit isn't set then we'll need to pad the
- // beginning with 0xff in order to keep the number negative.
- nMinus1 := new(big.Int).Neg(n)
- nMinus1.Sub(nMinus1, bigOne)
- bytes := nMinus1.Bytes()
- for i := range bytes {
- bytes[i] ^= 0xff
- }
- if len(bytes) == 0 || bytes[0]&0x80 == 0 {
- err = out.WriteByte(0xff)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- }
- _, err = out.Write(bytes)
- } else if n.Sign() == 0 {
- // Zero is written as a single 0 zero rather than no bytes.
- err = out.WriteByte(0x00)
- } else {
- bytes := n.Bytes()
- if len(bytes) > 0 && bytes[0]&0x80 != 0 {
- // We'll have to pad this with 0x00 in order to stop it
- // looking like a negative number.
- err = out.WriteByte(0)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- }
- _, err = out.Write(bytes)
- }
- return
-func marshalLength(out *forkableWriter, i int) (err error) {
- n := lengthLength(i)
- for ; n > 0; n-- {
- err = out.WriteByte(byte(i >> uint((n-1)*8)))
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- }
- return nil
-func lengthLength(i int) (numBytes int) {
- numBytes = 1
- for i > 255 {
- numBytes++
- i >>= 8
- }
- return
-func marshalTagAndLength(out *forkableWriter, t tagAndLength) (err error) {
- b := uint8(t.class) << 6
- if t.isCompound {
- b |= 0x20
- }
- if t.tag >= 31 {
- b |= 0x1f
- err = out.WriteByte(b)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- err = marshalBase128Int(out, int64(t.tag))
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- } else {
- b |= uint8(t.tag)
- err = out.WriteByte(b)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- }
- if t.length >= 128 {
- l := lengthLength(t.length)
- err = out.WriteByte(0x80 | byte(l))
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- err = marshalLength(out, t.length)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- } else {
- err = out.WriteByte(byte(t.length))
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- }
- return nil
-func marshalBitString(out *forkableWriter, b BitString) (err error) {
- paddingBits := byte((8 - b.BitLength%8) % 8)
- err = out.WriteByte(paddingBits)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- _, err = out.Write(b.Bytes)
- return
-func marshalObjectIdentifier(out *forkableWriter, oid []int) (err error) {
- if len(oid) < 2 || oid[0] > 6 || oid[1] >= 40 {
- return StructuralError{"invalid object identifier"}
- }
- err = out.WriteByte(byte(oid[0]*40 + oid[1]))
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- for i := 2; i < len(oid); i++ {
- err = marshalBase128Int(out, int64(oid[i]))
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- }
- return
-func marshalPrintableString(out *forkableWriter, s string) (err error) {
- b := []byte(s)
- for _, c := range b {
- if !isPrintable(c) {
- return StructuralError{"PrintableString contains invalid character"}
- }
- }
- _, err = out.Write(b)
- return
-func marshalIA5String(out *forkableWriter, s string) (err error) {
- b := []byte(s)
- for _, c := range b {
- if c > 127 {
- return StructuralError{"IA5String contains invalid character"}
- }
- }
- _, err = out.Write(b)
- return
-func marshalUTF8String(out *forkableWriter, s string) (err error) {
- _, err = out.Write([]byte(s))
- return
-func marshalTwoDigits(out *forkableWriter, v int) (err error) {
- err = out.WriteByte(byte('0' + (v/10)%10))
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- return out.WriteByte(byte('0' + v%10))
-func marshalUTCTime(out *forkableWriter, t time.Time) (err error) {
- year, month, day := t.Date()
- switch {
- case 1950 <= year && year < 2000:
- err = marshalTwoDigits(out, int(year-1900))
- case 2000 <= year && year < 2050:
- err = marshalTwoDigits(out, int(year-2000))
- default:
- return StructuralError{"Cannot represent time as UTCTime"}
- }
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- err = marshalTwoDigits(out, int(month))
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- err = marshalTwoDigits(out, day)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- hour, min, sec := t.Clock()
- err = marshalTwoDigits(out, hour)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- err = marshalTwoDigits(out, min)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- err = marshalTwoDigits(out, sec)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- _, offset := t.Zone()
- switch {
- case offset/60 == 0:
- err = out.WriteByte('Z')
- return
- case offset > 0:
- err = out.WriteByte('+')
- case offset < 0:
- err = out.WriteByte('-')
- }
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- offsetMinutes := offset / 60
- if offsetMinutes < 0 {
- offsetMinutes = -offsetMinutes
- }
- err = marshalTwoDigits(out, offsetMinutes/60)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- err = marshalTwoDigits(out, offsetMinutes%60)
- return
-func stripTagAndLength(in []byte) []byte {
- _, offset, err := parseTagAndLength(in, 0)
- if err != nil {
- return in
- }
- return in[offset:]
-func marshalBody(out *forkableWriter, value reflect.Value, params fieldParameters) (err error) {
- switch value.Type() {
- case timeType:
- return marshalUTCTime(out, value.Interface().(time.Time))
- case bitStringType:
- return marshalBitString(out, value.Interface().(BitString))
- case objectIdentifierType:
- return marshalObjectIdentifier(out, value.Interface().(ObjectIdentifier))
- case bigIntType:
- return marshalBigInt(out, value.Interface().(*big.Int))
- }
- switch v := value; v.Kind() {
- case reflect.Bool:
- if v.Bool() {
- return out.WriteByte(255)
- } else {
- return out.WriteByte(0)
- }
- case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
- return marshalInt64(out, int64(v.Int()))
- case reflect.Struct:
- t := v.Type()
- startingField := 0
- // If the first element of the structure is a non-empty
- // RawContents, then we don't bother serializing the rest.
- if t.NumField() > 0 && t.Field(0).Type == rawContentsType {
- s := v.Field(0)
- if s.Len() > 0 {
- bytes := make([]byte, s.Len())
- for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ {
- bytes[i] = uint8(s.Index(i).Uint())
- }
- /* The RawContents will contain the tag and
- * length fields but we'll also be writing
- * those ourselves, so we strip them out of
- * bytes */
- _, err = out.Write(stripTagAndLength(bytes))
- return
- } else {
- startingField = 1
- }
- }
- for i := startingField; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
- var pre *forkableWriter
- pre, out = out.fork()
- err = marshalField(pre, v.Field(i), parseFieldParameters(t.Field(i).Tag.Get("asn1")))
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- }
- return
- case reflect.Slice:
- sliceType := v.Type()
- if sliceType.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
- bytes := make([]byte, v.Len())
- for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
- bytes[i] = uint8(v.Index(i).Uint())
- }
- _, err = out.Write(bytes)
- return
- }
- var params fieldParameters
- for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
- var pre *forkableWriter
- pre, out = out.fork()
- err = marshalField(pre, v.Index(i), params)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- }
- return
- case reflect.String:
- switch params.stringType {
- case tagIA5String:
- return marshalIA5String(out, v.String())
- case tagPrintableString:
- return marshalPrintableString(out, v.String())
- default:
- return marshalUTF8String(out, v.String())
- }
- return
- }
- return StructuralError{"unknown Go type"}
-func marshalField(out *forkableWriter, v reflect.Value, params fieldParameters) (err error) {
- // If the field is an interface{} then recurse into it.
- if v.Kind() == reflect.Interface && v.Type().NumMethod() == 0 {
- return marshalField(out, v.Elem(), params)
- }
- if v.Kind() == reflect.Slice && v.Len() == 0 && params.omitEmpty {
- return
- }
- if params.optional && reflect.DeepEqual(v.Interface(), reflect.Zero(v.Type()).Interface()) {
- return
- }
- if v.Type() == rawValueType {
- rv := v.Interface().(RawValue)
- if len(rv.FullBytes) != 0 {
- _, err = out.Write(rv.FullBytes)
- } else {
- err = marshalTagAndLength(out, tagAndLength{rv.Class, rv.Tag, len(rv.Bytes), rv.IsCompound})
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- _, err = out.Write(rv.Bytes)
- }
- return
- }
- tag, isCompound, ok := getUniversalType(v.Type())
- if !ok {
- err = StructuralError{fmt.Sprintf("unknown Go type: %v", v.Type())}
- return
- }
- class := classUniversal
- if params.stringType != 0 && tag != tagPrintableString {
- return StructuralError{"Explicit string type given to non-string member"}
- }
- if tag == tagPrintableString {
- if params.stringType == 0 {
- // This is a string without an explicit string type. We'll use
- // a PrintableString if the character set in the string is
- // sufficiently limited, otherwise we'll use a UTF8String.
- for _, r := range v.String() {
- if r >= utf8.RuneSelf || !isPrintable(byte(r)) {
- if !utf8.ValidString(v.String()) {
- return errors.New("asn1: string not valid UTF-8")
- }
- tag = tagUTF8String
- break
- }
- }
- } else {
- tag = params.stringType
- }
- }
- if params.set {
- if tag != tagSequence {
- return StructuralError{"Non sequence tagged as set"}
- }
- tag = tagSet
- }
- tags, body := out.fork()
- err = marshalBody(body, v, params)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- bodyLen := body.Len()
- var explicitTag *forkableWriter
- if params.explicit {
- explicitTag, tags = tags.fork()
- }
- if !params.explicit && params.tag != nil {
- // implicit tag.
- tag = *params.tag
- class = classContextSpecific
- }
- err = marshalTagAndLength(tags, tagAndLength{class, tag, bodyLen, isCompound})
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- if params.explicit {
- err = marshalTagAndLength(explicitTag, tagAndLength{
- class: classContextSpecific,
- tag: *params.tag,
- length: bodyLen + tags.Len(),
- isCompound: true,
- })
- }
- return nil
-// Marshal returns the ASN.1 encoding of val.
-func Marshal(val interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
- var out bytes.Buffer
- v := reflect.ValueOf(val)
- f := newForkableWriter()
- err := marshalField(f, v, fieldParameters{})
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- _, err = f.writeTo(&out)
- return out.Bytes(), nil
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/asn1/marshal_test.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/asn1/marshal_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index b4dbe71ef..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/asn1/marshal_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package asn1
-import (
- "bytes"
- "encoding/hex"
- "math/big"
- "testing"
- "time"
-type intStruct struct {
- A int
-type twoIntStruct struct {
- A int
- B int
-type bigIntStruct struct {
- A *big.Int
-type nestedStruct struct {
- A intStruct
-type rawContentsStruct struct {
- Raw RawContent
- A int
-type implicitTagTest struct {
- A int `asn1:"implicit,tag:5"`
-type explicitTagTest struct {
- A int `asn1:"explicit,tag:5"`
-type ia5StringTest struct {
- A string `asn1:"ia5"`
-type printableStringTest struct {
- A string `asn1:"printable"`
-type optionalRawValueTest struct {
- A RawValue `asn1:"optional"`
-type omitEmptyTest struct {
- A []string `asn1:"omitempty"`
-type testSET []int
-var PST = time.FixedZone("PST", -8*60*60)
-type marshalTest struct {
- in interface{}
- out string // hex encoded
-var marshalTests = []marshalTest{
- {10, "02010a"},
- {127, "02017f"},
- {128, "02020080"},
- {-128, "020180"},
- {-129, "0202ff7f"},
- {intStruct{64}, "3003020140"},
- {bigIntStruct{big.NewInt(0x123456)}, "30050203123456"},
- {twoIntStruct{64, 65}, "3006020140020141"},
- {nestedStruct{intStruct{127}}, "3005300302017f"},
- {[]byte{1, 2, 3}, "0403010203"},
- {implicitTagTest{64}, "3003850140"},
- {explicitTagTest{64}, "3005a503020140"},
- {time.Unix(0, 0).UTC(), "170d3730303130313030303030305a"},
- {time.Unix(1258325776, 0).UTC(), "170d3039313131353232353631365a"},
- {time.Unix(1258325776, 0).In(PST), "17113039313131353134353631362d30383030"},
- {BitString{[]byte{0x80}, 1}, "03020780"},
- {BitString{[]byte{0x81, 0xf0}, 12}, "03030481f0"},
- {ObjectIdentifier([]int{1, 2, 3, 4}), "06032a0304"},
- {ObjectIdentifier([]int{1, 2, 840, 133549, 1, 1, 5}), "06092a864888932d010105"},
- {"test", "130474657374"},
- {
- "" +
- "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" +
- "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" +
- "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" +
- "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", // This is 127 times 'x'
- "137f" +
- "7878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878" +
- "7878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878" +
- "7878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878" +
- "78787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878",
- },
- {
- "" +
- "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" +
- "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" +
- "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" +
- "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", // This is 128 times 'x'
- "138180" +
- "7878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878" +
- "7878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878" +
- "7878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878" +
- "7878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878787878",
- },
- {ia5StringTest{"test"}, "3006160474657374"},
- {optionalRawValueTest{}, "3000"},
- {printableStringTest{"test"}, "3006130474657374"},
- {printableStringTest{"test*"}, "30071305746573742a"},
- {rawContentsStruct{nil, 64}, "3003020140"},
- {rawContentsStruct{[]byte{0x30, 3, 1, 2, 3}, 64}, "3003010203"},
- {RawValue{Tag: 1, Class: 2, IsCompound: false, Bytes: []byte{1, 2, 3}}, "8103010203"},
- {testSET([]int{10}), "310302010a"},
- {omitEmptyTest{[]string{}}, "3000"},
- {omitEmptyTest{[]string{"1"}}, "30053003130131"},
- {"Σ", "0c02cea3"},
-func TestMarshal(t *testing.T) {
- for i, test := range marshalTests {
- data, err := Marshal(test.in)
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("#%d failed: %s", i, err)
- }
- out, _ := hex.DecodeString(test.out)
- if !bytes.Equal(out, data) {
- t.Errorf("#%d got: %x want %x\n\t%q\n\t%q", i, data, out, data, out)
- }
- }
-func TestInvalidUTF8(t *testing.T) {
- _, err := Marshal(string([]byte{0xff, 0xff}))
- if err == nil {
- t.Errorf("invalid UTF8 string was accepted")
- }
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/base32/base32.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/base32/base32.go
deleted file mode 100644
index dbefc48fa..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/base32/base32.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,387 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Package base32 implements base32 encoding as specified by RFC 4648.
-package base32
-import (
- "io"
- "strconv"
- * Encodings
- */
-// An Encoding is a radix 32 encoding/decoding scheme, defined by a
-// 32-character alphabet. The most common is the "base32" encoding
-// introduced for SASL GSSAPI and standardized in RFC 4648.
-// The alternate "base32hex" encoding is used in DNSSEC.
-type Encoding struct {
- encode string
- decodeMap [256]byte
-const encodeHex = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV"
-// NewEncoding returns a new Encoding defined by the given alphabet,
-// which must be a 32-byte string.
-func NewEncoding(encoder string) *Encoding {
- e := new(Encoding)
- e.encode = encoder
- for i := 0; i < len(e.decodeMap); i++ {
- e.decodeMap[i] = 0xFF
- }
- for i := 0; i < len(encoder); i++ {
- e.decodeMap[encoder[i]] = byte(i)
- }
- return e
-// StdEncoding is the standard base32 encoding, as defined in
-// RFC 4648.
-var StdEncoding = NewEncoding(encodeStd)
-// HexEncoding is the ``Extended Hex Alphabet'' defined in RFC 4648.
-// It is typically used in DNS.
-var HexEncoding = NewEncoding(encodeHex)
- * Encoder
- */
-// Encode encodes src using the encoding enc, writing
-// EncodedLen(len(src)) bytes to dst.
-// The encoding pads the output to a multiple of 8 bytes,
-// so Encode is not appropriate for use on individual blocks
-// of a large data stream. Use NewEncoder() instead.
-func (enc *Encoding) Encode(dst, src []byte) {
- if len(src) == 0 {
- return
- }
- for len(src) > 0 {
- dst[0] = 0
- dst[1] = 0
- dst[2] = 0
- dst[3] = 0
- dst[4] = 0
- dst[5] = 0
- dst[6] = 0
- dst[7] = 0
- // Unpack 8x 5-bit source blocks into a 5 byte
- // destination quantum
- switch len(src) {
- default:
- dst[7] |= src[4] & 0x1F
- dst[6] |= src[4] >> 5
- fallthrough
- case 4:
- dst[6] |= (src[3] << 3) & 0x1F
- dst[5] |= (src[3] >> 2) & 0x1F
- dst[4] |= src[3] >> 7
- fallthrough
- case 3:
- dst[4] |= (src[2] << 1) & 0x1F
- dst[3] |= (src[2] >> 4) & 0x1F
- fallthrough
- case 2:
- dst[3] |= (src[1] << 4) & 0x1F
- dst[2] |= (src[1] >> 1) & 0x1F
- dst[1] |= (src[1] >> 6) & 0x1F
- fallthrough
- case 1:
- dst[1] |= (src[0] << 2) & 0x1F
- dst[0] |= src[0] >> 3
- }
- // Encode 5-bit blocks using the base32 alphabet
- for j := 0; j < 8; j++ {
- dst[j] = enc.encode[dst[j]]
- }
- // Pad the final quantum
- if len(src) < 5 {
- dst[7] = '='
- if len(src) < 4 {
- dst[6] = '='
- dst[5] = '='
- if len(src) < 3 {
- dst[4] = '='
- if len(src) < 2 {
- dst[3] = '='
- dst[2] = '='
- }
- }
- }
- break
- }
- src = src[5:]
- dst = dst[8:]
- }
-// EncodeToString returns the base32 encoding of src.
-func (enc *Encoding) EncodeToString(src []byte) string {
- buf := make([]byte, enc.EncodedLen(len(src)))
- enc.Encode(buf, src)
- return string(buf)
-type encoder struct {
- err error
- enc *Encoding
- w io.Writer
- buf [5]byte // buffered data waiting to be encoded
- nbuf int // number of bytes in buf
- out [1024]byte // output buffer
-func (e *encoder) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
- if e.err != nil {
- return 0, e.err
- }
- // Leading fringe.
- if e.nbuf > 0 {
- var i int
- for i = 0; i < len(p) && e.nbuf < 5; i++ {
- e.buf[e.nbuf] = p[i]
- e.nbuf++
- }
- n += i
- p = p[i:]
- if e.nbuf < 5 {
- return
- }
- e.enc.Encode(e.out[0:], e.buf[0:])
- if _, e.err = e.w.Write(e.out[0:8]); e.err != nil {
- return n, e.err
- }
- e.nbuf = 0
- }
- // Large interior chunks.
- for len(p) >= 5 {
- nn := len(e.out) / 8 * 5
- if nn > len(p) {
- nn = len(p)
- }
- nn -= nn % 5
- if nn > 0 {
- e.enc.Encode(e.out[0:], p[0:nn])
- if _, e.err = e.w.Write(e.out[0 : nn/5*8]); e.err != nil {
- return n, e.err
- }
- }
- n += nn
- p = p[nn:]
- }
- // Trailing fringe.
- for i := 0; i < len(p); i++ {
- e.buf[i] = p[i]
- }
- e.nbuf = len(p)
- n += len(p)
- return
-// Close flushes any pending output from the encoder.
-// It is an error to call Write after calling Close.
-func (e *encoder) Close() error {
- // If there's anything left in the buffer, flush it out
- if e.err == nil && e.nbuf > 0 {
- e.enc.Encode(e.out[0:], e.buf[0:e.nbuf])
- e.nbuf = 0
- _, e.err = e.w.Write(e.out[0:8])
- }
- return e.err
-// NewEncoder returns a new base32 stream encoder. Data written to
-// the returned writer will be encoded using enc and then written to w.
-// Base32 encodings operate in 5-byte blocks; when finished
-// writing, the caller must Close the returned encoder to flush any
-// partially written blocks.
-func NewEncoder(enc *Encoding, w io.Writer) io.WriteCloser {
- return &encoder{enc: enc, w: w}
-// EncodedLen returns the length in bytes of the base32 encoding
-// of an input buffer of length n.
-func (enc *Encoding) EncodedLen(n int) int { return (n + 4) / 5 * 8 }
- * Decoder
- */
-type CorruptInputError int64
-func (e CorruptInputError) Error() string {
- return "illegal base32 data at input byte " + strconv.FormatInt(int64(e), 10)
-// decode is like Decode but returns an additional 'end' value, which
-// indicates if end-of-message padding was encountered and thus any
-// additional data is an error.
-func (enc *Encoding) decode(dst, src []byte) (n int, end bool, err error) {
- osrc := src
- for len(src) > 0 && !end {
- // Decode quantum using the base32 alphabet
- var dbuf [8]byte
- dlen := 8
- // do the top bytes contain any data?
- for j := 0; j < 8; {
- if len(src) == 0 {
- return n, false, CorruptInputError(len(osrc) - len(src) - j)
- }
- in := src[0]
- src = src[1:]
- if in == '\r' || in == '\n' {
- // Ignore this character.
- continue
- }
- if in == '=' && j >= 2 && len(src) < 8 {
- // We've reached the end and there's
- // padding, the rest should be padded
- for k := 0; k < 8-j-1; k++ {
- if len(src) > k && src[k] != '=' {
- return n, false, CorruptInputError(len(osrc) - len(src) + k - 1)
- }
- }
- dlen = j
- end = true
- break
- }
- dbuf[j] = enc.decodeMap[in]
- if dbuf[j] == 0xFF {
- return n, false, CorruptInputError(len(osrc) - len(src) - 1)
- }
- j++
- }
- // Pack 8x 5-bit source blocks into 5 byte destination
- // quantum
- switch dlen {
- case 7, 8:
- dst[4] = dbuf[6]<<5 | dbuf[7]
- fallthrough
- case 6, 5:
- dst[3] = dbuf[4]<<7 | dbuf[5]<<2 | dbuf[6]>>3
- fallthrough
- case 4:
- dst[2] = dbuf[3]<<4 | dbuf[4]>>1
- fallthrough
- case 3:
- dst[1] = dbuf[1]<<6 | dbuf[2]<<1 | dbuf[3]>>4
- fallthrough
- case 2:
- dst[0] = dbuf[0]<<3 | dbuf[1]>>2
- }
- dst = dst[5:]
- switch dlen {
- case 2:
- n += 1
- case 3, 4:
- n += 2
- case 5:
- n += 3
- case 6, 7:
- n += 4
- case 8:
- n += 5
- }
- }
- return n, end, nil
-// Decode decodes src using the encoding enc. It writes at most
-// DecodedLen(len(src)) bytes to dst and returns the number of bytes
-// written. If src contains invalid base32 data, it will return the
-// number of bytes successfully written and CorruptInputError.
-// New line characters (\r and \n) are ignored.
-func (enc *Encoding) Decode(dst, src []byte) (n int, err error) {
- n, _, err = enc.decode(dst, src)
- return
-// DecodeString returns the bytes represented by the base32 string s.
-func (enc *Encoding) DecodeString(s string) ([]byte, error) {
- dbuf := make([]byte, enc.DecodedLen(len(s)))
- n, err := enc.Decode(dbuf, []byte(s))
- return dbuf[:n], err
-type decoder struct {
- err error
- enc *Encoding
- r io.Reader
- end bool // saw end of message
- buf [1024]byte // leftover input
- nbuf int
- out []byte // leftover decoded output
- outbuf [1024 / 8 * 5]byte
-func (d *decoder) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
- if d.err != nil {
- return 0, d.err
- }
- // Use leftover decoded output from last read.
- if len(d.out) > 0 {
- n = copy(p, d.out)
- d.out = d.out[n:]
- return n, nil
- }
- // Read a chunk.
- nn := len(p) / 5 * 8
- if nn < 8 {
- nn = 8
- }
- if nn > len(d.buf) {
- nn = len(d.buf)
- }
- nn, d.err = io.ReadAtLeast(d.r, d.buf[d.nbuf:nn], 8-d.nbuf)
- d.nbuf += nn
- if d.nbuf < 8 {
- return 0, d.err
- }
- // Decode chunk into p, or d.out and then p if p is too small.
- nr := d.nbuf / 8 * 8
- nw := d.nbuf / 8 * 5
- if nw > len(p) {
- nw, d.end, d.err = d.enc.decode(d.outbuf[0:], d.buf[0:nr])
- d.out = d.outbuf[0:nw]
- n = copy(p, d.out)
- d.out = d.out[n:]
- } else {
- n, d.end, d.err = d.enc.decode(p, d.buf[0:nr])
- }
- d.nbuf -= nr
- for i := 0; i < d.nbuf; i++ {
- d.buf[i] = d.buf[i+nr]
- }
- if d.err == nil {
- d.err = err
- }
- return n, d.err
-// NewDecoder constructs a new base32 stream decoder.
-func NewDecoder(enc *Encoding, r io.Reader) io.Reader {
- return &decoder{enc: enc, r: r}
-// DecodedLen returns the maximum length in bytes of the decoded data
-// corresponding to n bytes of base32-encoded data.
-func (enc *Encoding) DecodedLen(n int) int { return n / 8 * 5 }
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/base32/base32_test.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/base32/base32_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 98365e18c..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/base32/base32_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package base32
-import (
- "bytes"
- "io"
- "io/ioutil"
- "testing"
-type testpair struct {
- decoded, encoded string
-var pairs = []testpair{
- // RFC 4648 examples
- {"", ""},
- {"f", "MY======"},
- {"fo", "MZXQ===="},
- {"foo", "MZXW6==="},
- {"foob", "MZXW6YQ="},
- {"fooba", "MZXW6YTB"},
- {"foobar", "MZXW6YTBOI======"},
- // Wikipedia examples, converted to base32
- {"sure.", "ON2XEZJO"},
- {"sure", "ON2XEZI="},
- {"sur", "ON2XE==="},
- {"su", "ON2Q===="},
- {"leasure.", "NRSWC43VOJSS4==="},
- {"easure.", "MVQXG5LSMUXA===="},
- {"asure.", "MFZXK4TFFY======"},
- {"sure.", "ON2XEZJO"},
-var bigtest = testpair{
- "Twas brillig, and the slithy toves",
-func testEqual(t *testing.T, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
- if args[len(args)-2] != args[len(args)-1] {
- t.Errorf(msg, args...)
- return false
- }
- return true
-func TestEncode(t *testing.T) {
- for _, p := range pairs {
- got := StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(p.decoded))
- testEqual(t, "Encode(%q) = %q, want %q", p.decoded, got, p.encoded)
- }
-func TestEncoder(t *testing.T) {
- for _, p := range pairs {
- bb := &bytes.Buffer{}
- encoder := NewEncoder(StdEncoding, bb)
- encoder.Write([]byte(p.decoded))
- encoder.Close()
- testEqual(t, "Encode(%q) = %q, want %q", p.decoded, bb.String(), p.encoded)
- }
-func TestEncoderBuffering(t *testing.T) {
- input := []byte(bigtest.decoded)
- for bs := 1; bs <= 12; bs++ {
- bb := &bytes.Buffer{}
- encoder := NewEncoder(StdEncoding, bb)
- for pos := 0; pos < len(input); pos += bs {
- end := pos + bs
- if end > len(input) {
- end = len(input)
- }
- n, err := encoder.Write(input[pos:end])
- testEqual(t, "Write(%q) gave error %v, want %v", input[pos:end], err, error(nil))
- testEqual(t, "Write(%q) gave length %v, want %v", input[pos:end], n, end-pos)
- }
- err := encoder.Close()
- testEqual(t, "Close gave error %v, want %v", err, error(nil))
- testEqual(t, "Encoding/%d of %q = %q, want %q", bs, bigtest.decoded, bb.String(), bigtest.encoded)
- }
-func TestDecode(t *testing.T) {
- for _, p := range pairs {
- dbuf := make([]byte, StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(p.encoded)))
- count, end, err := StdEncoding.decode(dbuf, []byte(p.encoded))
- testEqual(t, "Decode(%q) = error %v, want %v", p.encoded, err, error(nil))
- testEqual(t, "Decode(%q) = length %v, want %v", p.encoded, count, len(p.decoded))
- if len(p.encoded) > 0 {
- testEqual(t, "Decode(%q) = end %v, want %v", p.encoded, end, (p.encoded[len(p.encoded)-1] == '='))
- }
- testEqual(t, "Decode(%q) = %q, want %q", p.encoded,
- string(dbuf[0:count]),
- p.decoded)
- dbuf, err = StdEncoding.DecodeString(p.encoded)
- testEqual(t, "DecodeString(%q) = error %v, want %v", p.encoded, err, error(nil))
- testEqual(t, "DecodeString(%q) = %q, want %q", p.encoded, string(dbuf), p.decoded)
- }
-func TestDecoder(t *testing.T) {
- for _, p := range pairs {
- decoder := NewDecoder(StdEncoding, bytes.NewBufferString(p.encoded))
- dbuf := make([]byte, StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(p.encoded)))
- count, err := decoder.Read(dbuf)
- if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
- t.Fatal("Read failed", err)
- }
- testEqual(t, "Read from %q = length %v, want %v", p.encoded, count, len(p.decoded))
- testEqual(t, "Decoding of %q = %q, want %q", p.encoded, string(dbuf[0:count]), p.decoded)
- if err != io.EOF {
- count, err = decoder.Read(dbuf)
- }
- testEqual(t, "Read from %q = %v, want %v", p.encoded, err, io.EOF)
- }
-func TestDecoderBuffering(t *testing.T) {
- for bs := 1; bs <= 12; bs++ {
- decoder := NewDecoder(StdEncoding, bytes.NewBufferString(bigtest.encoded))
- buf := make([]byte, len(bigtest.decoded)+12)
- var total int
- for total = 0; total < len(bigtest.decoded); {
- n, err := decoder.Read(buf[total : total+bs])
- testEqual(t, "Read from %q at pos %d = %d, %v, want _, %v", bigtest.encoded, total, n, err, error(nil))
- total += n
- }
- testEqual(t, "Decoding/%d of %q = %q, want %q", bs, bigtest.encoded, string(buf[0:total]), bigtest.decoded)
- }
-func TestDecodeCorrupt(t *testing.T) {
- type corrupt struct {
- e string
- p int
- }
- examples := []corrupt{
- {"!!!!", 0},
- {"x===", 0},
- {"AA=A====", 2},
- {"AAA=AAAA", 3},
- {"MMMMMMMMM", 8},
- {"MMMMMM", 0},
- }
- for _, e := range examples {
- dbuf := make([]byte, StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(e.e)))
- _, err := StdEncoding.Decode(dbuf, []byte(e.e))
- switch err := err.(type) {
- case CorruptInputError:
- testEqual(t, "Corruption in %q at offset %v, want %v", e.e, int(err), e.p)
- default:
- t.Error("Decoder failed to detect corruption in", e)
- }
- }
-func TestBig(t *testing.T) {
- n := 3*1000 + 1
- raw := make([]byte, n)
- const alpha = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
- for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
- raw[i] = alpha[i%len(alpha)]
- }
- encoded := new(bytes.Buffer)
- w := NewEncoder(StdEncoding, encoded)
- nn, err := w.Write(raw)
- if nn != n || err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Encoder.Write(raw) = %d, %v want %d, nil", nn, err, n)
- }
- err = w.Close()
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Encoder.Close() = %v want nil", err)
- }
- decoded, err := ioutil.ReadAll(NewDecoder(StdEncoding, encoded))
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("ioutil.ReadAll(NewDecoder(...)): %v", err)
- }
- if !bytes.Equal(raw, decoded) {
- var i int
- for i = 0; i < len(decoded) && i < len(raw); i++ {
- if decoded[i] != raw[i] {
- break
- }
- }
- t.Errorf("Decode(Encode(%d-byte string)) failed at offset %d", n, i)
- }
-func TestNewLineCharacters(t *testing.T) {
- // Each of these should decode to the string "sure", without errors.
- const expected = "sure"
- examples := []string{
- "ON2XEZI=",
- "ON2XEZI=\r",
- "ON2XEZI=\n",
- "ON2XEZI=\r\n",
- "ON2XEZ\r\nI=",
- "ON2X\rEZ\nI=",
- "ON2X\nEZ\rI=",
- "ON2XEZ\nI=",
- "ON2XEZI\n=",
- }
- for _, e := range examples {
- buf, err := StdEncoding.DecodeString(e)
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("Decode(%q) failed: %v", e, err)
- continue
- }
- if s := string(buf); s != expected {
- t.Errorf("Decode(%q) = %q, want %q", e, s, expected)
- }
- }
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/base64/base64.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/base64/base64.go
deleted file mode 100644
index e66672a1c..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/base64/base64.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Package base64 implements base64 encoding as specified by RFC 4648.
-package base64
-import (
- "io"
- "strconv"
- * Encodings
- */
-// An Encoding is a radix 64 encoding/decoding scheme, defined by a
-// 64-character alphabet. The most common encoding is the "base64"
-// encoding defined in RFC 4648 and used in MIME (RFC 2045) and PEM
-// (RFC 1421). RFC 4648 also defines an alternate encoding, which is
-// the standard encoding with - and _ substituted for + and /.
-type Encoding struct {
- encode string
- decodeMap [256]byte
-const encodeStd = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
-const encodeURL = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_"
-// NewEncoding returns a new Encoding defined by the given alphabet,
-// which must be a 64-byte string.
-func NewEncoding(encoder string) *Encoding {
- e := new(Encoding)
- e.encode = encoder
- for i := 0; i < len(e.decodeMap); i++ {
- e.decodeMap[i] = 0xFF
- }
- for i := 0; i < len(encoder); i++ {
- e.decodeMap[encoder[i]] = byte(i)
- }
- return e
-// StdEncoding is the standard base64 encoding, as defined in
-// RFC 4648.
-var StdEncoding = NewEncoding(encodeStd)
-// URLEncoding is the alternate base64 encoding defined in RFC 4648.
-// It is typically used in URLs and file names.
-var URLEncoding = NewEncoding(encodeURL)
- * Encoder
- */
-// Encode encodes src using the encoding enc, writing
-// EncodedLen(len(src)) bytes to dst.
-// The encoding pads the output to a multiple of 4 bytes,
-// so Encode is not appropriate for use on individual blocks
-// of a large data stream. Use NewEncoder() instead.
-func (enc *Encoding) Encode(dst, src []byte) {
- if len(src) == 0 {
- return
- }
- for len(src) > 0 {
- dst[0] = 0
- dst[1] = 0
- dst[2] = 0
- dst[3] = 0
- // Unpack 4x 6-bit source blocks into a 4 byte
- // destination quantum
- switch len(src) {
- default:
- dst[3] |= src[2] & 0x3F
- dst[2] |= src[2] >> 6
- fallthrough
- case 2:
- dst[2] |= (src[1] << 2) & 0x3F
- dst[1] |= src[1] >> 4
- fallthrough
- case 1:
- dst[1] |= (src[0] << 4) & 0x3F
- dst[0] |= src[0] >> 2
- }
- // Encode 6-bit blocks using the base64 alphabet
- for j := 0; j < 4; j++ {
- dst[j] = enc.encode[dst[j]]
- }
- // Pad the final quantum
- if len(src) < 3 {
- dst[3] = '='
- if len(src) < 2 {
- dst[2] = '='
- }
- break
- }
- src = src[3:]
- dst = dst[4:]
- }
-// EncodeToString returns the base64 encoding of src.
-func (enc *Encoding) EncodeToString(src []byte) string {
- buf := make([]byte, enc.EncodedLen(len(src)))
- enc.Encode(buf, src)
- return string(buf)
-type encoder struct {
- err error
- enc *Encoding
- w io.Writer
- buf [3]byte // buffered data waiting to be encoded
- nbuf int // number of bytes in buf
- out [1024]byte // output buffer
-func (e *encoder) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
- if e.err != nil {
- return 0, e.err
- }
- // Leading fringe.
- if e.nbuf > 0 {
- var i int
- for i = 0; i < len(p) && e.nbuf < 3; i++ {
- e.buf[e.nbuf] = p[i]
- e.nbuf++
- }
- n += i
- p = p[i:]
- if e.nbuf < 3 {
- return
- }
- e.enc.Encode(e.out[0:], e.buf[0:])
- if _, e.err = e.w.Write(e.out[0:4]); e.err != nil {
- return n, e.err
- }
- e.nbuf = 0
- }
- // Large interior chunks.
- for len(p) >= 3 {
- nn := len(e.out) / 4 * 3
- if nn > len(p) {
- nn = len(p)
- }
- nn -= nn % 3
- if nn > 0 {
- e.enc.Encode(e.out[0:], p[0:nn])
- if _, e.err = e.w.Write(e.out[0 : nn/3*4]); e.err != nil {
- return n, e.err
- }
- }
- n += nn
- p = p[nn:]
- }
- // Trailing fringe.
- for i := 0; i < len(p); i++ {
- e.buf[i] = p[i]
- }
- e.nbuf = len(p)
- n += len(p)
- return
-// Close flushes any pending output from the encoder.
-// It is an error to call Write after calling Close.
-func (e *encoder) Close() error {
- // If there's anything left in the buffer, flush it out
- if e.err == nil && e.nbuf > 0 {
- e.enc.Encode(e.out[0:], e.buf[0:e.nbuf])
- e.nbuf = 0
- _, e.err = e.w.Write(e.out[0:4])
- }
- return e.err
-// NewEncoder returns a new base64 stream encoder. Data written to
-// the returned writer will be encoded using enc and then written to w.
-// Base64 encodings operate in 4-byte blocks; when finished
-// writing, the caller must Close the returned encoder to flush any
-// partially written blocks.
-func NewEncoder(enc *Encoding, w io.Writer) io.WriteCloser {
- return &encoder{enc: enc, w: w}
-// EncodedLen returns the length in bytes of the base64 encoding
-// of an input buffer of length n.
-func (enc *Encoding) EncodedLen(n int) int { return (n + 2) / 3 * 4 }
- * Decoder
- */
-type CorruptInputError int64
-func (e CorruptInputError) Error() string {
- return "illegal base64 data at input byte " + strconv.FormatInt(int64(e), 10)
-// decode is like Decode but returns an additional 'end' value, which
-// indicates if end-of-message padding was encountered and thus any
-// additional data is an error.
-func (enc *Encoding) decode(dst, src []byte) (n int, end bool, err error) {
- osrc := src
- for len(src) > 0 && !end {
- // Decode quantum using the base64 alphabet
- var dbuf [4]byte
- dlen := 4
- for j := 0; j < 4; {
- if len(src) == 0 {
- return n, false, CorruptInputError(len(osrc) - len(src) - j)
- }
- in := src[0]
- src = src[1:]
- if in == '\r' || in == '\n' {
- // Ignore this character.
- continue
- }
- if in == '=' && j >= 2 && len(src) < 4 {
- // We've reached the end and there's
- // padding
- if len(src) == 0 && j == 2 {
- // not enough padding
- return n, false, CorruptInputError(len(osrc))
- }
- if len(src) > 0 && src[0] != '=' {
- // incorrect padding
- return n, false, CorruptInputError(len(osrc) - len(src) - 1)
- }
- dlen = j
- end = true
- break
- }
- dbuf[j] = enc.decodeMap[in]
- if dbuf[j] == 0xFF {
- return n, false, CorruptInputError(len(osrc) - len(src) - 1)
- }
- j++
- }
- // Pack 4x 6-bit source blocks into 3 byte destination
- // quantum
- switch dlen {
- case 4:
- dst[2] = dbuf[2]<<6 | dbuf[3]
- fallthrough
- case 3:
- dst[1] = dbuf[1]<<4 | dbuf[2]>>2
- fallthrough
- case 2:
- dst[0] = dbuf[0]<<2 | dbuf[1]>>4
- }
- dst = dst[3:]
- n += dlen - 1
- }
- return n, end, nil
-// Decode decodes src using the encoding enc. It writes at most
-// DecodedLen(len(src)) bytes to dst and returns the number of bytes
-// written. If src contains invalid base64 data, it will return the
-// number of bytes successfully written and CorruptInputError.
-// New line characters (\r and \n) are ignored.
-func (enc *Encoding) Decode(dst, src []byte) (n int, err error) {
- n, _, err = enc.decode(dst, src)
- return
-// DecodeString returns the bytes represented by the base64 string s.
-func (enc *Encoding) DecodeString(s string) ([]byte, error) {
- dbuf := make([]byte, enc.DecodedLen(len(s)))
- n, err := enc.Decode(dbuf, []byte(s))
- return dbuf[:n], err
-type decoder struct {
- err error
- enc *Encoding
- r io.Reader
- end bool // saw end of message
- buf [1024]byte // leftover input
- nbuf int
- out []byte // leftover decoded output
- outbuf [1024 / 4 * 3]byte
-func (d *decoder) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
- if d.err != nil {
- return 0, d.err
- }
- // Use leftover decoded output from last read.
- if len(d.out) > 0 {
- n = copy(p, d.out)
- d.out = d.out[n:]
- return n, nil
- }
- // Read a chunk.
- nn := len(p) / 3 * 4
- if nn < 4 {
- nn = 4
- }
- if nn > len(d.buf) {
- nn = len(d.buf)
- }
- nn, d.err = io.ReadAtLeast(d.r, d.buf[d.nbuf:nn], 4-d.nbuf)
- d.nbuf += nn
- if d.err != nil || d.nbuf < 4 {
- return 0, d.err
- }
- // Decode chunk into p, or d.out and then p if p is too small.
- nr := d.nbuf / 4 * 4
- nw := d.nbuf / 4 * 3
- if nw > len(p) {
- nw, d.end, d.err = d.enc.decode(d.outbuf[0:], d.buf[0:nr])
- d.out = d.outbuf[0:nw]
- n = copy(p, d.out)
- d.out = d.out[n:]
- } else {
- n, d.end, d.err = d.enc.decode(p, d.buf[0:nr])
- }
- d.nbuf -= nr
- for i := 0; i < d.nbuf; i++ {
- d.buf[i] = d.buf[i+nr]
- }
- if d.err == nil {
- d.err = err
- }
- return n, d.err
-// NewDecoder constructs a new base64 stream decoder.
-func NewDecoder(enc *Encoding, r io.Reader) io.Reader {
- return &decoder{enc: enc, r: r}
-// DecodedLen returns the maximum length in bytes of the decoded data
-// corresponding to n bytes of base64-encoded data.
-func (enc *Encoding) DecodedLen(n int) int { return n / 4 * 3 }
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/base64/base64_test.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/base64/base64_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index f9b863c36..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/base64/base64_test.go
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@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package base64
-import (
- "bytes"
- "errors"
- "io"
- "io/ioutil"
- "testing"
- "time"
-type testpair struct {
- decoded, encoded string
-var pairs = []testpair{
- // RFC 3548 examples
- {"\x14\xfb\x9c\x03\xd9\x7e", "FPucA9l+"},
- {"\x14\xfb\x9c\x03\xd9", "FPucA9k="},
- {"\x14\xfb\x9c\x03", "FPucAw=="},
- // RFC 4648 examples
- {"", ""},
- {"f", "Zg=="},
- {"fo", "Zm8="},
- {"foo", "Zm9v"},
- {"foob", "Zm9vYg=="},
- {"fooba", "Zm9vYmE="},
- {"foobar", "Zm9vYmFy"},
- // Wikipedia examples
- {"sure.", "c3VyZS4="},
- {"sure", "c3VyZQ=="},
- {"sur", "c3Vy"},
- {"su", "c3U="},
- {"leasure.", "bGVhc3VyZS4="},
- {"easure.", "ZWFzdXJlLg=="},
- {"asure.", "YXN1cmUu"},
- {"sure.", "c3VyZS4="},
-var bigtest = testpair{
- "Twas brillig, and the slithy toves",
- "VHdhcyBicmlsbGlnLCBhbmQgdGhlIHNsaXRoeSB0b3Zlcw==",
-func testEqual(t *testing.T, msg string, args ...interface{}) bool {
- if args[len(args)-2] != args[len(args)-1] {
- t.Errorf(msg, args...)
- return false
- }
- return true
-func TestEncode(t *testing.T) {
- for _, p := range pairs {
- got := StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(p.decoded))
- testEqual(t, "Encode(%q) = %q, want %q", p.decoded, got, p.encoded)
- }
-func TestEncoder(t *testing.T) {
- for _, p := range pairs {
- bb := &bytes.Buffer{}
- encoder := NewEncoder(StdEncoding, bb)
- encoder.Write([]byte(p.decoded))
- encoder.Close()
- testEqual(t, "Encode(%q) = %q, want %q", p.decoded, bb.String(), p.encoded)
- }
-func TestEncoderBuffering(t *testing.T) {
- input := []byte(bigtest.decoded)
- for bs := 1; bs <= 12; bs++ {
- bb := &bytes.Buffer{}
- encoder := NewEncoder(StdEncoding, bb)
- for pos := 0; pos < len(input); pos += bs {
- end := pos + bs
- if end > len(input) {
- end = len(input)
- }
- n, err := encoder.Write(input[pos:end])
- testEqual(t, "Write(%q) gave error %v, want %v", input[pos:end], err, error(nil))
- testEqual(t, "Write(%q) gave length %v, want %v", input[pos:end], n, end-pos)
- }
- err := encoder.Close()
- testEqual(t, "Close gave error %v, want %v", err, error(nil))
- testEqual(t, "Encoding/%d of %q = %q, want %q", bs, bigtest.decoded, bb.String(), bigtest.encoded)
- }
-func TestDecode(t *testing.T) {
- for _, p := range pairs {
- dbuf := make([]byte, StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(p.encoded)))
- count, end, err := StdEncoding.decode(dbuf, []byte(p.encoded))
- testEqual(t, "Decode(%q) = error %v, want %v", p.encoded, err, error(nil))
- testEqual(t, "Decode(%q) = length %v, want %v", p.encoded, count, len(p.decoded))
- if len(p.encoded) > 0 {
- testEqual(t, "Decode(%q) = end %v, want %v", p.encoded, end, (p.encoded[len(p.encoded)-1] == '='))
- }
- testEqual(t, "Decode(%q) = %q, want %q", p.encoded, string(dbuf[0:count]), p.decoded)
- dbuf, err = StdEncoding.DecodeString(p.encoded)
- testEqual(t, "DecodeString(%q) = error %v, want %v", p.encoded, err, error(nil))
- testEqual(t, "DecodeString(%q) = %q, want %q", string(dbuf), p.decoded)
- }
-func TestDecoder(t *testing.T) {
- for _, p := range pairs {
- decoder := NewDecoder(StdEncoding, bytes.NewBufferString(p.encoded))
- dbuf := make([]byte, StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(p.encoded)))
- count, err := decoder.Read(dbuf)
- if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
- t.Fatal("Read failed", err)
- }
- testEqual(t, "Read from %q = length %v, want %v", p.encoded, count, len(p.decoded))
- testEqual(t, "Decoding of %q = %q, want %q", p.encoded, string(dbuf[0:count]), p.decoded)
- if err != io.EOF {
- count, err = decoder.Read(dbuf)
- }
- testEqual(t, "Read from %q = %v, want %v", p.encoded, err, io.EOF)
- }
-func TestDecoderBuffering(t *testing.T) {
- for bs := 1; bs <= 12; bs++ {
- decoder := NewDecoder(StdEncoding, bytes.NewBufferString(bigtest.encoded))
- buf := make([]byte, len(bigtest.decoded)+12)
- var total int
- for total = 0; total < len(bigtest.decoded); {
- n, err := decoder.Read(buf[total : total+bs])
- testEqual(t, "Read from %q at pos %d = %d, %v, want _, %v", bigtest.encoded, total, n, err, error(nil))
- total += n
- }
- testEqual(t, "Decoding/%d of %q = %q, want %q", bs, bigtest.encoded, string(buf[0:total]), bigtest.decoded)
- }
-func TestDecodeCorrupt(t *testing.T) {
- type corrupt struct {
- e string
- p int
- }
- examples := []corrupt{
- {"!!!!", 0},
- {"x===", 1},
- {"AA=A", 2},
- {"AAA=AAAA", 3},
- {"AAAAA", 4},
- {"AAAAAA", 4},
- {"A=", 1},
- {"AA=", 3},
- {"AAAAAA=", 7},
- }
- for _, e := range examples {
- dbuf := make([]byte, StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(e.e)))
- _, err := StdEncoding.Decode(dbuf, []byte(e.e))
- switch err := err.(type) {
- case CorruptInputError:
- testEqual(t, "Corruption in %q at offset %v, want %v", e.e, int(err), e.p)
- default:
- t.Error("Decoder failed to detect corruption in", e)
- }
- }
-func TestBig(t *testing.T) {
- n := 3*1000 + 1
- raw := make([]byte, n)
- const alpha = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
- for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
- raw[i] = alpha[i%len(alpha)]
- }
- encoded := new(bytes.Buffer)
- w := NewEncoder(StdEncoding, encoded)
- nn, err := w.Write(raw)
- if nn != n || err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Encoder.Write(raw) = %d, %v want %d, nil", nn, err, n)
- }
- err = w.Close()
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Encoder.Close() = %v want nil", err)
- }
- decoded, err := ioutil.ReadAll(NewDecoder(StdEncoding, encoded))
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("ioutil.ReadAll(NewDecoder(...)): %v", err)
- }
- if !bytes.Equal(raw, decoded) {
- var i int
- for i = 0; i < len(decoded) && i < len(raw); i++ {
- if decoded[i] != raw[i] {
- break
- }
- }
- t.Errorf("Decode(Encode(%d-byte string)) failed at offset %d", n, i)
- }
-func TestNewLineCharacters(t *testing.T) {
- // Each of these should decode to the string "sure", without errors.
- const expected = "sure"
- examples := []string{
- "c3VyZQ==",
- "c3VyZQ==\r",
- "c3VyZQ==\n",
- "c3VyZQ==\r\n",
- "c3VyZ\r\nQ==",
- "c3V\ryZ\nQ==",
- "c3V\nyZ\rQ==",
- "c3VyZ\nQ==",
- "c3VyZQ\n==",
- }
- for _, e := range examples {
- buf, err := StdEncoding.DecodeString(e)
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("Decode(%q) failed: %v", e, err)
- continue
- }
- if s := string(buf); s != expected {
- t.Errorf("Decode(%q) = %q, want %q", e, s, expected)
- }
- }
-type nextRead struct {
- n int // bytes to return
- err error // error to return
-// faultInjectReader returns data from source, rate-limited
-// and with the errors as written to nextc.
-type faultInjectReader struct {
- source string
- nextc <-chan nextRead
-func (r *faultInjectReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
- nr := <-r.nextc
- if len(p) > nr.n {
- p = p[:nr.n]
- }
- n := copy(p, r.source)
- r.source = r.source[n:]
- return n, nr.err
-// tests that we don't ignore errors from our underlying reader
-func TestDecoderIssue3577(t *testing.T) {
- next := make(chan nextRead, 10)
- wantErr := errors.New("my error")
- next <- nextRead{5, nil}
- next <- nextRead{10, wantErr}
- d := NewDecoder(StdEncoding, &faultInjectReader{
- source: "VHdhcyBicmlsbGlnLCBhbmQgdGhlIHNsaXRoeSB0b3Zlcw==", // twas brillig...
- nextc: next,
- })
- errc := make(chan error)
- go func() {
- _, err := ioutil.ReadAll(d)
- errc <- err
- }()
- select {
- case err := <-errc:
- if err != wantErr {
- t.Errorf("got error %v; want %v", err, wantErr)
- }
- case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
- t.Errorf("timeout; Decoder blocked without returning an error")
- }
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/binary/binary.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/binary/binary.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 04d5723c1..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/binary/binary.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,542 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Package binary implements translation between numbers and byte sequences
-// and encoding and decoding of varints.
-// Numbers are translated by reading and writing fixed-size values.
-// A fixed-size value is either a fixed-size arithmetic
-// type (int8, uint8, int16, float32, complex64, ...)
-// or an array or struct containing only fixed-size values.
-// Varints are a method of encoding integers using one or more bytes;
-// numbers with smaller absolute value take a smaller number of bytes.
-// For a specification, see http://code.google.com/apis/protocolbuffers/docs/encoding.html.
-package binary
-import (
- "errors"
- "io"
- "math"
- "reflect"
-// A ByteOrder specifies how to convert byte sequences into
-// 16-, 32-, or 64-bit unsigned integers.
-type ByteOrder interface {
- Uint16([]byte) uint16
- Uint32([]byte) uint32
- Uint64([]byte) uint64
- PutUint16([]byte, uint16)
- PutUint32([]byte, uint32)
- PutUint64([]byte, uint64)
- String() string
-// LittleEndian is the little-endian implementation of ByteOrder.
-var LittleEndian littleEndian
-// BigEndian is the big-endian implementation of ByteOrder.
-var BigEndian bigEndian
-type littleEndian struct{}
-func (littleEndian) Uint16(b []byte) uint16 { return uint16(b[0]) | uint16(b[1])<<8 }
-func (littleEndian) PutUint16(b []byte, v uint16) {
- b[0] = byte(v)
- b[1] = byte(v >> 8)
-func (littleEndian) Uint32(b []byte) uint32 {
- return uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24
-func (littleEndian) PutUint32(b []byte, v uint32) {
- b[0] = byte(v)
- b[1] = byte(v >> 8)
- b[2] = byte(v >> 16)
- b[3] = byte(v >> 24)
-func (littleEndian) Uint64(b []byte) uint64 {
- return uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 |
- uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56
-func (littleEndian) PutUint64(b []byte, v uint64) {
- b[0] = byte(v)
- b[1] = byte(v >> 8)
- b[2] = byte(v >> 16)
- b[3] = byte(v >> 24)
- b[4] = byte(v >> 32)
- b[5] = byte(v >> 40)
- b[6] = byte(v >> 48)
- b[7] = byte(v >> 56)
-func (littleEndian) String() string { return "LittleEndian" }
-func (littleEndian) GoString() string { return "binary.LittleEndian" }
-type bigEndian struct{}
-func (bigEndian) Uint16(b []byte) uint16 { return uint16(b[1]) | uint16(b[0])<<8 }
-func (bigEndian) PutUint16(b []byte, v uint16) {
- b[0] = byte(v >> 8)
- b[1] = byte(v)
-func (bigEndian) Uint32(b []byte) uint32 {
- return uint32(b[3]) | uint32(b[2])<<8 | uint32(b[1])<<16 | uint32(b[0])<<24
-func (bigEndian) PutUint32(b []byte, v uint32) {
- b[0] = byte(v >> 24)
- b[1] = byte(v >> 16)
- b[2] = byte(v >> 8)
- b[3] = byte(v)
-func (bigEndian) Uint64(b []byte) uint64 {
- return uint64(b[7]) | uint64(b[6])<<8 | uint64(b[5])<<16 | uint64(b[4])<<24 |
- uint64(b[3])<<32 | uint64(b[2])<<40 | uint64(b[1])<<48 | uint64(b[0])<<56
-func (bigEndian) PutUint64(b []byte, v uint64) {
- b[0] = byte(v >> 56)
- b[1] = byte(v >> 48)
- b[2] = byte(v >> 40)
- b[3] = byte(v >> 32)
- b[4] = byte(v >> 24)
- b[5] = byte(v >> 16)
- b[6] = byte(v >> 8)
- b[7] = byte(v)
-func (bigEndian) String() string { return "BigEndian" }
-func (bigEndian) GoString() string { return "binary.BigEndian" }
-// Read reads structured binary data from r into data.
-// Data must be a pointer to a fixed-size value or a slice
-// of fixed-size values.
-// Bytes read from r are decoded using the specified byte order
-// and written to successive fields of the data.
-// When reading into structs, the field data for fields with
-// blank (_) field names is skipped; i.e., blank field names
-// may be used for padding.
-func Read(r io.Reader, order ByteOrder, data interface{}) error {
- // Fast path for basic types.
- if n := intDestSize(data); n != 0 {
- var b [8]byte
- bs := b[:n]
- if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, bs); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- switch v := data.(type) {
- case *int8:
- *v = int8(b[0])
- case *uint8:
- *v = b[0]
- case *int16:
- *v = int16(order.Uint16(bs))
- case *uint16:
- *v = order.Uint16(bs)
- case *int32:
- *v = int32(order.Uint32(bs))
- case *uint32:
- *v = order.Uint32(bs)
- case *int64:
- *v = int64(order.Uint64(bs))
- case *uint64:
- *v = order.Uint64(bs)
- }
- return nil
- }
- // Fallback to reflect-based decoding.
- var v reflect.Value
- switch d := reflect.ValueOf(data); d.Kind() {
- case reflect.Ptr:
- v = d.Elem()
- case reflect.Slice:
- v = d
- default:
- return errors.New("binary.Read: invalid type " + d.Type().String())
- }
- size := dataSize(v)
- if size < 0 {
- return errors.New("binary.Read: invalid type " + v.Type().String())
- }
- d := &decoder{order: order, buf: make([]byte, size)}
- if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, d.buf); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- d.value(v)
- return nil
-// Write writes the binary representation of data into w.
-// Data must be a fixed-size value or a slice of fixed-size
-// values, or a pointer to such data.
-// Bytes written to w are encoded using the specified byte order
-// and read from successive fields of the data.
-// When writing structs, zero values are written for fields
-// with blank (_) field names.
-func Write(w io.Writer, order ByteOrder, data interface{}) error {
- // Fast path for basic types.
- var b [8]byte
- var bs []byte
- switch v := data.(type) {
- case *int8:
- bs = b[:1]
- b[0] = byte(*v)
- case int8:
- bs = b[:1]
- b[0] = byte(v)
- case *uint8:
- bs = b[:1]
- b[0] = *v
- case uint8:
- bs = b[:1]
- b[0] = byte(v)
- case *int16:
- bs = b[:2]
- order.PutUint16(bs, uint16(*v))
- case int16:
- bs = b[:2]
- order.PutUint16(bs, uint16(v))
- case *uint16:
- bs = b[:2]
- order.PutUint16(bs, *v)
- case uint16:
- bs = b[:2]
- order.PutUint16(bs, v)
- case *int32:
- bs = b[:4]
- order.PutUint32(bs, uint32(*v))
- case int32:
- bs = b[:4]
- order.PutUint32(bs, uint32(v))
- case *uint32:
- bs = b[:4]
- order.PutUint32(bs, *v)
- case uint32:
- bs = b[:4]
- order.PutUint32(bs, v)
- case *int64:
- bs = b[:8]
- order.PutUint64(bs, uint64(*v))
- case int64:
- bs = b[:8]
- order.PutUint64(bs, uint64(v))
- case *uint64:
- bs = b[:8]
- order.PutUint64(bs, *v)
- case uint64:
- bs = b[:8]
- order.PutUint64(bs, v)
- }
- if bs != nil {
- _, err := w.Write(bs)
- return err
- }
- // Fallback to reflect-based encoding.
- v := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(data))
- size := dataSize(v)
- if size < 0 {
- return errors.New("binary.Write: invalid type " + v.Type().String())
- }
- buf := make([]byte, size)
- e := &encoder{order: order, buf: buf}
- e.value(v)
- _, err := w.Write(buf)
- return err
-// Size returns how many bytes Write would generate to encode the value v, which
-// must be a fixed-size value or a slice of fixed-size values, or a pointer to such data.
-func Size(v interface{}) int {
- return dataSize(reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(v)))
-// dataSize returns the number of bytes the actual data represented by v occupies in memory.
-// For compound structures, it sums the sizes of the elements. Thus, for instance, for a slice
-// it returns the length of the slice times the element size and does not count the memory
-// occupied by the header.
-func dataSize(v reflect.Value) int {
- if v.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
- elem := sizeof(v.Type().Elem())
- if elem < 0 {
- return -1
- }
- return v.Len() * elem
- }
- return sizeof(v.Type())
-func sizeof(t reflect.Type) int {
- switch t.Kind() {
- case reflect.Array:
- n := sizeof(t.Elem())
- if n < 0 {
- return -1
- }
- return t.Len() * n
- case reflect.Struct:
- sum := 0
- for i, n := 0, t.NumField(); i < n; i++ {
- s := sizeof(t.Field(i).Type)
- if s < 0 {
- return -1
- }
- sum += s
- }
- return sum
- case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64,
- reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64,
- reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
- return int(t.Size())
- }
- return -1
-type coder struct {
- order ByteOrder
- buf []byte
-type decoder coder
-type encoder coder
-func (d *decoder) uint8() uint8 {
- x := d.buf[0]
- d.buf = d.buf[1:]
- return x
-func (e *encoder) uint8(x uint8) {
- e.buf[0] = x
- e.buf = e.buf[1:]
-func (d *decoder) uint16() uint16 {
- x := d.order.Uint16(d.buf[0:2])
- d.buf = d.buf[2:]
- return x
-func (e *encoder) uint16(x uint16) {
- e.order.PutUint16(e.buf[0:2], x)
- e.buf = e.buf[2:]
-func (d *decoder) uint32() uint32 {
- x := d.order.Uint32(d.buf[0:4])
- d.buf = d.buf[4:]
- return x
-func (e *encoder) uint32(x uint32) {
- e.order.PutUint32(e.buf[0:4], x)
- e.buf = e.buf[4:]
-func (d *decoder) uint64() uint64 {
- x := d.order.Uint64(d.buf[0:8])
- d.buf = d.buf[8:]
- return x
-func (e *encoder) uint64(x uint64) {
- e.order.PutUint64(e.buf[0:8], x)
- e.buf = e.buf[8:]
-func (d *decoder) int8() int8 { return int8(d.uint8()) }
-func (e *encoder) int8(x int8) { e.uint8(uint8(x)) }
-func (d *decoder) int16() int16 { return int16(d.uint16()) }
-func (e *encoder) int16(x int16) { e.uint16(uint16(x)) }
-func (d *decoder) int32() int32 { return int32(d.uint32()) }
-func (e *encoder) int32(x int32) { e.uint32(uint32(x)) }
-func (d *decoder) int64() int64 { return int64(d.uint64()) }
-func (e *encoder) int64(x int64) { e.uint64(uint64(x)) }
-func (d *decoder) value(v reflect.Value) {
- switch v.Kind() {
- case reflect.Array:
- l := v.Len()
- for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
- d.value(v.Index(i))
- }
- case reflect.Struct:
- t := v.Type()
- l := v.NumField()
- for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
- // Note: Calling v.CanSet() below is an optimization.
- // It would be sufficient to check the field name,
- // but creating the StructField info for each field is
- // costly (run "go test -bench=ReadStruct" and compare
- // results when making changes to this code).
- if v := v.Field(i); v.CanSet() || t.Field(i).Name != "_" {
- d.value(v)
- } else {
- d.skip(v)
- }
- }
- case reflect.Slice:
- l := v.Len()
- for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
- d.value(v.Index(i))
- }
- case reflect.Int8:
- v.SetInt(int64(d.int8()))
- case reflect.Int16:
- v.SetInt(int64(d.int16()))
- case reflect.Int32:
- v.SetInt(int64(d.int32()))
- case reflect.Int64:
- v.SetInt(d.int64())
- case reflect.Uint8:
- v.SetUint(uint64(d.uint8()))
- case reflect.Uint16:
- v.SetUint(uint64(d.uint16()))
- case reflect.Uint32:
- v.SetUint(uint64(d.uint32()))
- case reflect.Uint64:
- v.SetUint(d.uint64())
- case reflect.Float32:
- v.SetFloat(float64(math.Float32frombits(d.uint32())))
- case reflect.Float64:
- v.SetFloat(math.Float64frombits(d.uint64()))
- case reflect.Complex64:
- v.SetComplex(complex(
- float64(math.Float32frombits(d.uint32())),
- float64(math.Float32frombits(d.uint32())),
- ))
- case reflect.Complex128:
- v.SetComplex(complex(
- math.Float64frombits(d.uint64()),
- math.Float64frombits(d.uint64()),
- ))
- }
-func (e *encoder) value(v reflect.Value) {
- switch v.Kind() {
- case reflect.Array:
- l := v.Len()
- for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
- e.value(v.Index(i))
- }
- case reflect.Struct:
- t := v.Type()
- l := v.NumField()
- for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
- // see comment for corresponding code in decoder.value()
- if v := v.Field(i); v.CanSet() || t.Field(i).Name != "_" {
- e.value(v)
- } else {
- e.skip(v)
- }
- }
- case reflect.Slice:
- l := v.Len()
- for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
- e.value(v.Index(i))
- }
- case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
- switch v.Type().Kind() {
- case reflect.Int8:
- e.int8(int8(v.Int()))
- case reflect.Int16:
- e.int16(int16(v.Int()))
- case reflect.Int32:
- e.int32(int32(v.Int()))
- case reflect.Int64:
- e.int64(v.Int())
- }
- case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
- switch v.Type().Kind() {
- case reflect.Uint8:
- e.uint8(uint8(v.Uint()))
- case reflect.Uint16:
- e.uint16(uint16(v.Uint()))
- case reflect.Uint32:
- e.uint32(uint32(v.Uint()))
- case reflect.Uint64:
- e.uint64(v.Uint())
- }
- case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
- switch v.Type().Kind() {
- case reflect.Float32:
- e.uint32(math.Float32bits(float32(v.Float())))
- case reflect.Float64:
- e.uint64(math.Float64bits(v.Float()))
- }
- case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
- switch v.Type().Kind() {
- case reflect.Complex64:
- x := v.Complex()
- e.uint32(math.Float32bits(float32(real(x))))
- e.uint32(math.Float32bits(float32(imag(x))))
- case reflect.Complex128:
- x := v.Complex()
- e.uint64(math.Float64bits(real(x)))
- e.uint64(math.Float64bits(imag(x)))
- }
- }
-func (d *decoder) skip(v reflect.Value) {
- d.buf = d.buf[dataSize(v):]
-func (e *encoder) skip(v reflect.Value) {
- n := dataSize(v)
- for i := range e.buf[0:n] {
- e.buf[i] = 0
- }
- e.buf = e.buf[n:]
-// intDestSize returns the size of the integer that ptrType points to,
-// or 0 if the type is not supported.
-func intDestSize(ptrType interface{}) int {
- switch ptrType.(type) {
- case *int8, *uint8:
- return 1
- case *int16, *uint16:
- return 2
- case *int32, *uint32:
- return 4
- case *int64, *uint64:
- return 8
- }
- return 0
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/binary/binary_test.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/binary/binary_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index cfad8d36c..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/binary/binary_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package binary
-import (
- "bytes"
- "io"
- "math"
- "reflect"
- "testing"
-type Struct struct {
- Int8 int8
- Int16 int16
- Int32 int32
- Int64 int64
- Uint8 uint8
- Uint16 uint16
- Uint32 uint32
- Uint64 uint64
- Float32 float32
- Float64 float64
- Complex64 complex64
- Complex128 complex128
- Array [4]uint8
-type T struct {
- Int int
- Uint uint
- Uintptr uintptr
- Array [4]int
-var s = Struct{
- 0x01,
- 0x0203,
- 0x04050607,
- 0x08090a0b0c0d0e0f,
- 0x10,
- 0x1112,
- 0x13141516,
- 0x1718191a1b1c1d1e,
- math.Float32frombits(0x1f202122),
- math.Float64frombits(0x232425262728292a),
- complex(
- math.Float32frombits(0x2b2c2d2e),
- math.Float32frombits(0x2f303132),
- ),
- complex(
- math.Float64frombits(0x333435363738393a),
- math.Float64frombits(0x3b3c3d3e3f404142),
- ),
- [4]uint8{0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46},
-var big = []byte{
- 1,
- 2, 3,
- 4, 5, 6, 7,
- 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
- 16,
- 17, 18,
- 19, 20, 21, 22,
- 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
- 31, 32, 33, 34,
- 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,
- 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,
- 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66,
- 67, 68, 69, 70,
-var little = []byte{
- 1,
- 3, 2,
- 7, 6, 5, 4,
- 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8,
- 16,
- 18, 17,
- 22, 21, 20, 19,
- 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23,
- 34, 33, 32, 31,
- 42, 41, 40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35,
- 46, 45, 44, 43, 50, 49, 48, 47,
- 58, 57, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52, 51, 66, 65, 64, 63, 62, 61, 60, 59,
- 67, 68, 69, 70,
-var src = []byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
-var res = []int32{0x01020304, 0x05060708}
-func checkResult(t *testing.T, dir string, order ByteOrder, err error, have, want interface{}) {
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("%v %v: %v", dir, order, err)
- return
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(have, want) {
- t.Errorf("%v %v:\n\thave %+v\n\twant %+v", dir, order, have, want)
- }
-func testRead(t *testing.T, order ByteOrder, b []byte, s1 interface{}) {
- var s2 Struct
- err := Read(bytes.NewBuffer(b), order, &s2)
- checkResult(t, "Read", order, err, s2, s1)
-func testWrite(t *testing.T, order ByteOrder, b []byte, s1 interface{}) {
- buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
- err := Write(buf, order, s1)
- checkResult(t, "Write", order, err, buf.Bytes(), b)
-func TestLittleEndianRead(t *testing.T) { testRead(t, LittleEndian, little, s) }
-func TestLittleEndianWrite(t *testing.T) { testWrite(t, LittleEndian, little, s) }
-func TestLittleEndianPtrWrite(t *testing.T) { testWrite(t, LittleEndian, little, &s) }
-func TestBigEndianRead(t *testing.T) { testRead(t, BigEndian, big, s) }
-func TestBigEndianWrite(t *testing.T) { testWrite(t, BigEndian, big, s) }
-func TestBigEndianPtrWrite(t *testing.T) { testWrite(t, BigEndian, big, &s) }
-func TestReadSlice(t *testing.T) {
- slice := make([]int32, 2)
- err := Read(bytes.NewBuffer(src), BigEndian, slice)
- checkResult(t, "ReadSlice", BigEndian, err, slice, res)
-func TestWriteSlice(t *testing.T) {
- buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
- err := Write(buf, BigEndian, res)
- checkResult(t, "WriteSlice", BigEndian, err, buf.Bytes(), src)
-func TestWriteT(t *testing.T) {
- buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
- ts := T{}
- if err := Write(buf, BigEndian, ts); err == nil {
- t.Errorf("WriteT: have err == nil, want non-nil")
- }
- tv := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(ts))
- for i, n := 0, tv.NumField(); i < n; i++ {
- if err := Write(buf, BigEndian, tv.Field(i).Interface()); err == nil {
- t.Errorf("WriteT.%v: have err == nil, want non-nil", tv.Field(i).Type())
- }
- }
-type BlankFields struct {
- A uint32
- _ int32
- B float64
- _ [4]int16
- C byte
- _ [7]byte
- _ struct {
- f [8]float32
- }
-type BlankFieldsProbe struct {
- A uint32
- P0 int32
- B float64
- P1 [4]int16
- C byte
- P2 [7]byte
- P3 struct {
- F [8]float32
- }
-func TestBlankFields(t *testing.T) {
- buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
- b1 := BlankFields{A: 1234567890, B: 2.718281828, C: 42}
- if err := Write(buf, LittleEndian, &b1); err != nil {
- t.Error(err)
- }
- // zero values must have been written for blank fields
- var p BlankFieldsProbe
- if err := Read(buf, LittleEndian, &p); err != nil {
- t.Error(err)
- }
- // quick test: only check first value of slices
- if p.P0 != 0 || p.P1[0] != 0 || p.P2[0] != 0 || p.P3.F[0] != 0 {
- t.Errorf("non-zero values for originally blank fields: %#v", p)
- }
- // write p and see if we can probe only some fields
- if err := Write(buf, LittleEndian, &p); err != nil {
- t.Error(err)
- }
- // read should ignore blank fields in b2
- var b2 BlankFields
- if err := Read(buf, LittleEndian, &b2); err != nil {
- t.Error(err)
- }
- if b1.A != b2.A || b1.B != b2.B || b1.C != b2.C {
- t.Errorf("%#v != %#v", b1, b2)
- }
-type byteSliceReader struct {
- remain []byte
-func (br *byteSliceReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
- n := copy(p, br.remain)
- br.remain = br.remain[n:]
- return n, nil
-func BenchmarkReadSlice1000Int32s(b *testing.B) {
- bsr := &byteSliceReader{}
- slice := make([]int32, 1000)
- buf := make([]byte, len(slice)*4)
- b.SetBytes(int64(len(buf)))
- b.ResetTimer()
- for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
- bsr.remain = buf
- Read(bsr, BigEndian, slice)
- }
-func BenchmarkReadStruct(b *testing.B) {
- bsr := &byteSliceReader{}
- var buf bytes.Buffer
- Write(&buf, BigEndian, &s)
- n := dataSize(reflect.ValueOf(s))
- b.SetBytes(int64(n))
- t := s
- b.ResetTimer()
- for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
- bsr.remain = buf.Bytes()
- Read(bsr, BigEndian, &t)
- }
- b.StopTimer()
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(s, t) {
- b.Fatal("no match")
- }
-func BenchmarkReadInts(b *testing.B) {
- var ls Struct
- bsr := &byteSliceReader{}
- var r io.Reader = bsr
- b.SetBytes(2 * (1 + 2 + 4 + 8))
- b.ResetTimer()
- for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
- bsr.remain = big
- Read(r, BigEndian, &ls.Int8)
- Read(r, BigEndian, &ls.Int16)
- Read(r, BigEndian, &ls.Int32)
- Read(r, BigEndian, &ls.Int64)
- Read(r, BigEndian, &ls.Uint8)
- Read(r, BigEndian, &ls.Uint16)
- Read(r, BigEndian, &ls.Uint32)
- Read(r, BigEndian, &ls.Uint64)
- }
- want := s
- want.Float32 = 0
- want.Float64 = 0
- want.Complex64 = 0
- want.Complex128 = 0
- for i := range want.Array {
- want.Array[i] = 0
- }
- b.StopTimer()
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(ls, want) {
- panic("no match")
- }
-func BenchmarkWriteInts(b *testing.B) {
- buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
- var w io.Writer = buf
- b.SetBytes(2 * (1 + 2 + 4 + 8))
- b.ResetTimer()
- for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
- buf.Reset()
- Write(w, BigEndian, s.Int8)
- Write(w, BigEndian, s.Int16)
- Write(w, BigEndian, s.Int32)
- Write(w, BigEndian, s.Int64)
- Write(w, BigEndian, s.Uint8)
- Write(w, BigEndian, s.Uint16)
- Write(w, BigEndian, s.Uint32)
- Write(w, BigEndian, s.Uint64)
- }
- b.StopTimer()
- if !bytes.Equal(buf.Bytes(), big[:30]) {
- b.Fatalf("first half doesn't match: %x %x", buf.Bytes(), big[:30])
- }
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/binary/varint.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/binary/varint.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 7035529f2..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/binary/varint.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package binary
-// This file implements "varint" encoding of 64-bit integers.
-// The encoding is:
-// - unsigned integers are serialized 7 bits at a time, starting with the
-// least significant bits
-// - the most significant bit (msb) in each output byte indicates if there
-// is a continuation byte (msb = 1)
-// - signed integers are mapped to unsigned integers using "zig-zag"
-// encoding: Positive values x are written as 2*x + 0, negative values
-// are written as 2*(^x) + 1; that is, negative numbers are complemented
-// and whether to complement is encoded in bit 0.
-// Design note:
-// At most 10 bytes are needed for 64-bit values. The encoding could
-// be more dense: a full 64-bit value needs an extra byte just to hold bit 63.
-// Instead, the msb of the previous byte could be used to hold bit 63 since we
-// know there can't be more than 64 bits. This is a trivial improvement and
-// would reduce the maximum encoding length to 9 bytes. However, it breaks the
-// invariant that the msb is always the "continuation bit" and thus makes the
-// format incompatible with a varint encoding for larger numbers (say 128-bit).
-import (
- "errors"
- "io"
-// MaxVarintLenN is the maximum length of a varint-encoded N-bit integer.
-const (
- MaxVarintLen16 = 3
- MaxVarintLen32 = 5
- MaxVarintLen64 = 10
-// PutUvarint encodes a uint64 into buf and returns the number of bytes written.
-// If the buffer is too small, PutUvarint will panic.
-func PutUvarint(buf []byte, x uint64) int {
- i := 0
- for x >= 0x80 {
- buf[i] = byte(x) | 0x80
- x >>= 7
- i++
- }
- buf[i] = byte(x)
- return i + 1
-// Uvarint decodes a uint64 from buf and returns that value and the
-// number of bytes read (> 0). If an error occurred, the value is 0
-// and the number of bytes n is <= 0 meaning:
-// n == 0: buf too small
-// n < 0: value larger than 64 bits (overflow)
-// and -n is the number of bytes read
-func Uvarint(buf []byte) (uint64, int) {
- var x uint64
- var s uint
- for i, b := range buf {
- if b < 0x80 {
- if i > 9 || i == 9 && b > 1 {
- return 0, -(i + 1) // overflow
- }
- return x | uint64(b)<<s, i + 1
- }
- x |= uint64(b&0x7f) << s
- s += 7
- }
- return 0, 0
-// PutVarint encodes an int64 into buf and returns the number of bytes written.
-// If the buffer is too small, PutVarint will panic.
-func PutVarint(buf []byte, x int64) int {
- ux := uint64(x) << 1
- if x < 0 {
- ux = ^ux
- }
- return PutUvarint(buf, ux)
-// Varint decodes an int64 from buf and returns that value and the
-// number of bytes read (> 0). If an error occurred, the value is 0
-// and the number of bytes n is <= 0 with the following meaning:
-// n == 0: buf too small
-// n < 0: value larger than 64 bits (overflow)
-// and -n is the number of bytes read
-func Varint(buf []byte) (int64, int) {
- ux, n := Uvarint(buf) // ok to continue in presence of error
- x := int64(ux >> 1)
- if ux&1 != 0 {
- x = ^x
- }
- return x, n
-var overflow = errors.New("binary: varint overflows a 64-bit integer")
-// ReadUvarint reads an encoded unsigned integer from r and returns it as a uint64.
-func ReadUvarint(r io.ByteReader) (uint64, error) {
- var x uint64
- var s uint
- for i := 0; ; i++ {
- b, err := r.ReadByte()
- if err != nil {
- return x, err
- }
- if b < 0x80 {
- if i > 9 || i == 9 && b > 1 {
- return x, overflow
- }
- return x | uint64(b)<<s, nil
- }
- x |= uint64(b&0x7f) << s
- s += 7
- }
- panic("unreachable")
-// ReadVarint reads an encoded signed integer from r and returns it as an int64.
-func ReadVarint(r io.ByteReader) (int64, error) {
- ux, err := ReadUvarint(r) // ok to continue in presence of error
- x := int64(ux >> 1)
- if ux&1 != 0 {
- x = ^x
- }
- return x, err
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/binary/varint_test.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/binary/varint_test.go
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index 9476bd5fb..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/binary/varint_test.go
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@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package binary
-import (
- "bytes"
- "io"
- "testing"
-func testConstant(t *testing.T, w uint, max int) {
- buf := make([]byte, MaxVarintLen64)
- n := PutUvarint(buf, 1<<w-1)
- if n != max {
- t.Errorf("MaxVarintLen%d = %d; want %d", w, max, n)
- }
-func TestConstants(t *testing.T) {
- testConstant(t, 16, MaxVarintLen16)
- testConstant(t, 32, MaxVarintLen32)
- testConstant(t, 64, MaxVarintLen64)
-func testVarint(t *testing.T, x int64) {
- buf := make([]byte, MaxVarintLen64)
- n := PutVarint(buf, x)
- y, m := Varint(buf[0:n])
- if x != y {
- t.Errorf("Varint(%d): got %d", x, y)
- }
- if n != m {
- t.Errorf("Varint(%d): got n = %d; want %d", x, m, n)
- }
- y, err := ReadVarint(bytes.NewBuffer(buf))
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("ReadVarint(%d): %s", x, err)
- }
- if x != y {
- t.Errorf("ReadVarint(%d): got %d", x, y)
- }
-func testUvarint(t *testing.T, x uint64) {
- buf := make([]byte, MaxVarintLen64)
- n := PutUvarint(buf, x)
- y, m := Uvarint(buf[0:n])
- if x != y {
- t.Errorf("Uvarint(%d): got %d", x, y)
- }
- if n != m {
- t.Errorf("Uvarint(%d): got n = %d; want %d", x, m, n)
- }
- y, err := ReadUvarint(bytes.NewBuffer(buf))
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("ReadUvarint(%d): %s", x, err)
- }
- if x != y {
- t.Errorf("ReadUvarint(%d): got %d", x, y)
- }
-var tests = []int64{
- -1 << 63,
- -1<<63 + 1,
- -1,
- 0,
- 1,
- 2,
- 10,
- 20,
- 63,
- 64,
- 65,
- 127,
- 128,
- 129,
- 255,
- 256,
- 257,
- 1<<63 - 1,
-func TestVarint(t *testing.T) {
- for _, x := range tests {
- testVarint(t, x)
- testVarint(t, -x)
- }
- for x := int64(0x7); x != 0; x <<= 1 {
- testVarint(t, x)
- testVarint(t, -x)
- }
-func TestUvarint(t *testing.T) {
- for _, x := range tests {
- testUvarint(t, uint64(x))
- }
- for x := uint64(0x7); x != 0; x <<= 1 {
- testUvarint(t, x)
- }
-func TestBufferTooSmall(t *testing.T) {
- buf := []byte{0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80}
- for i := 0; i <= len(buf); i++ {
- buf := buf[0:i]
- x, n := Uvarint(buf)
- if x != 0 || n != 0 {
- t.Errorf("Uvarint(%v): got x = %d, n = %d", buf, x, n)
- }
- x, err := ReadUvarint(bytes.NewBuffer(buf))
- if x != 0 || err != io.EOF {
- t.Errorf("ReadUvarint(%v): got x = %d, err = %s", buf, x, err)
- }
- }
-func testOverflow(t *testing.T, buf []byte, n0 int, err0 error) {
- x, n := Uvarint(buf)
- if x != 0 || n != n0 {
- t.Errorf("Uvarint(%v): got x = %d, n = %d; want 0, %d", buf, x, n, n0)
- }
- x, err := ReadUvarint(bytes.NewBuffer(buf))
- if x != 0 || err != err0 {
- t.Errorf("ReadUvarint(%v): got x = %d, err = %s; want 0, %s", buf, x, err, err0)
- }
-func TestOverflow(t *testing.T) {
- testOverflow(t, []byte{0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x2}, -10, overflow)
- testOverflow(t, []byte{0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x1, 0, 0}, -13, overflow)
-func TestNonCanonicalZero(t *testing.T) {
- buf := []byte{0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0}
- x, n := Uvarint(buf)
- if x != 0 || n != 4 {
- t.Errorf("Uvarint(%v): got x = %d, n = %d; want 0, 4", buf, x, n)
- }
-func BenchmarkPutUvarint32(b *testing.B) {
- buf := make([]byte, MaxVarintLen32)
- b.SetBytes(4)
- for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
- for j := uint(0); j < MaxVarintLen32; j++ {
- PutUvarint(buf, 1<<(j*7))
- }
- }
-func BenchmarkPutUvarint64(b *testing.B) {
- buf := make([]byte, MaxVarintLen64)
- b.SetBytes(8)
- for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
- for j := uint(0); j < MaxVarintLen64; j++ {
- PutUvarint(buf, 1<<(j*7))
- }
- }
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/csv/reader.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/csv/reader.go
deleted file mode 100644
index db4d98852..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/csv/reader.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Package csv reads and writes comma-separated values (CSV) files.
-// A csv file contains zero or more records of one or more fields per record.
-// Each record is separated by the newline character. The final record may
-// optionally be followed by a newline character.
-// field1,field2,field3
-// White space is considered part of a field.
-// Carriage returns before newline characters are silently removed.
-// Blank lines are ignored. A line with only whitespace characters (excluding
-// the ending newline character) is not considered a blank line.
-// Fields which start and stop with the quote character " are called
-// quoted-fields. The beginning and ending quote are not part of the
-// field.
-// The source:
-// normal string,"quoted-field"
-// results in the fields
-// {`normal string`, `quoted-field`}
-// Within a quoted-field a quote character followed by a second quote
-// character is considered a single quote.
-// "the ""word"" is true","a ""quoted-field"""
-// results in
-// {`the "word" is true`, `a "quoted-field"`}
-// Newlines and commas may be included in a quoted-field
-// "Multi-line
-// field","comma is ,"
-// results in
-// {`Multi-line
-// field`, `comma is ,`}
-package csv
-import (
- "bufio"
- "bytes"
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "unicode"
-// A ParseError is returned for parsing errors.
-// The first line is 1. The first column is 0.
-type ParseError struct {
- Line int // Line where the error occurred
- Column int // Column (rune index) where the error occurred
- Err error // The actual error
-func (e *ParseError) Error() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("line %d, column %d: %s", e.Line, e.Column, e.Err)
-// These are the errors that can be returned in ParseError.Error
-var (
- ErrTrailingComma = errors.New("extra delimiter at end of line")
- ErrBareQuote = errors.New("bare \" in non-quoted-field")
- ErrQuote = errors.New("extraneous \" in field")
- ErrFieldCount = errors.New("wrong number of fields in line")
-// A Reader reads records from a CSV-encoded file.
-// As returned by NewReader, a Reader expects input conforming to RFC 4180.
-// The exported fields can be changed to customize the details before the
-// first call to Read or ReadAll.
-// Comma is the field delimiter. It defaults to ','.
-// Comment, if not 0, is the comment character. Lines beginning with the
-// Comment character are ignored.
-// If FieldsPerRecord is positive, Read requires each record to
-// have the given number of fields. If FieldsPerRecord is 0, Read sets it to
-// the number of fields in the first record, so that future records must
-// have the same field count. If FieldsPerRecord is negative, no check is
-// made and records may have a variable number of fields.
-// If LazyQuotes is true, a quote may appear in an unquoted field and a
-// non-doubled quote may appear in a quoted field.
-// If TrailingComma is true, the last field may be an unquoted empty field.
-// If TrimLeadingSpace is true, leading white space in a field is ignored.
-type Reader struct {
- Comma rune // Field delimiter (set to ',' by NewReader)
- Comment rune // Comment character for start of line
- FieldsPerRecord int // Number of expected fields per record
- LazyQuotes bool // Allow lazy quotes
- TrailingComma bool // Allow trailing comma
- TrimLeadingSpace bool // Trim leading space
- line int
- column int
- r *bufio.Reader
- field bytes.Buffer
-// NewReader returns a new Reader that reads from r.
-func NewReader(r io.Reader) *Reader {
- return &Reader{
- Comma: ',',
- r: bufio.NewReader(r),
- }
-// error creates a new ParseError based on err.
-func (r *Reader) error(err error) error {
- return &ParseError{
- Line: r.line,
- Column: r.column,
- Err: err,
- }
-// Read reads one record from r. The record is a slice of strings with each
-// string representing one field.
-func (r *Reader) Read() (record []string, err error) {
- for {
- record, err = r.parseRecord()
- if record != nil {
- break
- }
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- }
- if r.FieldsPerRecord > 0 {
- if len(record) != r.FieldsPerRecord {
- r.column = 0 // report at start of record
- return record, r.error(ErrFieldCount)
- }
- } else if r.FieldsPerRecord == 0 {
- r.FieldsPerRecord = len(record)
- }
- return record, nil
-// ReadAll reads all the remaining records from r.
-// Each record is a slice of fields.
-// A successful call returns err == nil, not err == EOF. Because ReadAll is
-// defined to read until EOF, it does not treat end of file as an error to be
-// reported.
-func (r *Reader) ReadAll() (records [][]string, err error) {
- for {
- record, err := r.Read()
- if err == io.EOF {
- return records, nil
- }
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- records = append(records, record)
- }
- panic("unreachable")
-// readRune reads one rune from r, folding \r\n to \n and keeping track
-// of how far into the line we have read. r.column will point to the start
-// of this rune, not the end of this rune.
-func (r *Reader) readRune() (rune, error) {
- r1, _, err := r.r.ReadRune()
- // Handle \r\n here. We make the simplifying assumption that
- // anytime \r is followed by \n that it can be folded to \n.
- // We will not detect files which contain both \r\n and bare \n.
- if r1 == '\r' {
- r1, _, err = r.r.ReadRune()
- if err == nil {
- if r1 != '\n' {
- r.r.UnreadRune()
- r1 = '\r'
- }
- }
- }
- r.column++
- return r1, err
-// unreadRune puts the last rune read from r back.
-func (r *Reader) unreadRune() {
- r.r.UnreadRune()
- r.column--
-// skip reads runes up to and including the rune delim or until error.
-func (r *Reader) skip(delim rune) error {
- for {
- r1, err := r.readRune()
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if r1 == delim {
- return nil
- }
- }
- panic("unreachable")
-// parseRecord reads and parses a single csv record from r.
-func (r *Reader) parseRecord() (fields []string, err error) {
- // Each record starts on a new line. We increment our line
- // number (lines start at 1, not 0) and set column to -1
- // so as we increment in readRune it points to the character we read.
- r.line++
- r.column = -1
- // Peek at the first rune. If it is an error we are done.
- // If we are support comments and it is the comment character
- // then skip to the end of line.
- r1, _, err := r.r.ReadRune()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- if r.Comment != 0 && r1 == r.Comment {
- return nil, r.skip('\n')
- }
- r.r.UnreadRune()
- // At this point we have at least one field.
- for {
- haveField, delim, err := r.parseField()
- if haveField {
- fields = append(fields, r.field.String())
- }
- if delim == '\n' || err == io.EOF {
- return fields, err
- } else if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- }
- panic("unreachable")
-// parseField parses the next field in the record. The read field is
-// located in r.field. Delim is the first character not part of the field
-// (r.Comma or '\n').
-func (r *Reader) parseField() (haveField bool, delim rune, err error) {
- r.field.Reset()
- r1, err := r.readRune()
- if err != nil {
- // If we have EOF and are not at the start of a line
- // then we return the empty field. We have already
- // checked for trailing commas if needed.
- if err == io.EOF && r.column != 0 {
- return true, 0, err
- }
- return false, 0, err
- }
- if r.TrimLeadingSpace {
- for r1 != '\n' && unicode.IsSpace(r1) {
- r1, err = r.readRune()
- if err != nil {
- return false, 0, err
- }
- }
- }
- switch r1 {
- case r.Comma:
- // will check below
- case '\n':
- // We are a trailing empty field or a blank line
- if r.column == 0 {
- return false, r1, nil
- }
- return true, r1, nil
- case '"':
- // quoted field
- Quoted:
- for {
- r1, err = r.readRune()
- if err != nil {
- if err == io.EOF {
- if r.LazyQuotes {
- return true, 0, err
- }
- return false, 0, r.error(ErrQuote)
- }
- return false, 0, err
- }
- switch r1 {
- case '"':
- r1, err = r.readRune()
- if err != nil || r1 == r.Comma {
- break Quoted
- }
- if r1 == '\n' {
- return true, r1, nil
- }
- if r1 != '"' {
- if !r.LazyQuotes {
- r.column--
- return false, 0, r.error(ErrQuote)
- }
- // accept the bare quote
- r.field.WriteRune('"')
- }
- case '\n':
- r.line++
- r.column = -1
- }
- r.field.WriteRune(r1)
- }
- default:
- // unquoted field
- for {
- r.field.WriteRune(r1)
- r1, err = r.readRune()
- if err != nil || r1 == r.Comma {
- break
- }
- if r1 == '\n' {
- return true, r1, nil
- }
- if !r.LazyQuotes && r1 == '"' {
- return false, 0, r.error(ErrBareQuote)
- }
- }
- }
- if err != nil {
- if err == io.EOF {
- return true, 0, err
- }
- return false, 0, err
- }
- if !r.TrailingComma {
- // We don't allow trailing commas. See if we
- // are at the end of the line (being mindful
- // of trimming spaces).
- c := r.column
- r1, err = r.readRune()
- if r.TrimLeadingSpace {
- for r1 != '\n' && unicode.IsSpace(r1) {
- r1, err = r.readRune()
- if err != nil {
- break
- }
- }
- }
- if err == io.EOF || r1 == '\n' {
- r.column = c // report the comma
- return false, 0, r.error(ErrTrailingComma)
- }
- r.unreadRune()
- }
- return true, r1, nil
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/csv/reader_test.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/csv/reader_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fd84a76b..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/csv/reader_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package csv
-import (
- "reflect"
- "strings"
- "testing"
-var readTests = []struct {
- Name string
- Input string
- Output [][]string
- UseFieldsPerRecord bool // false (default) means FieldsPerRecord is -1
- // These fields are copied into the Reader
- Comma rune
- Comment rune
- FieldsPerRecord int
- LazyQuotes bool
- TrailingComma bool
- TrimLeadingSpace bool
- Error string
- Line int // Expected error line if != 0
- Column int // Expected error column if line != 0
- {
- Name: "Simple",
- Input: "a,b,c\n",
- Output: [][]string{{"a", "b", "c"}},
- },
- {
- Name: "CRLF",
- Input: "a,b\r\nc,d\r\n",
- Output: [][]string{{"a", "b"}, {"c", "d"}},
- },
- {
- Name: "BareCR",
- Input: "a,b\rc,d\r\n",
- Output: [][]string{{"a", "b\rc", "d"}},
- },
- {
- Name: "RFC4180test",
- UseFieldsPerRecord: true,
- Input: `#field1,field2,field3
- Output: [][]string{
- {"#field1", "field2", "field3"},
- {"aaa", "bb\nb", "ccc"},
- {"a,a", `b"bb`, "ccc"},
- {"zzz", "yyy", "xxx"},
- },
- },
- {
- Name: "NoEOLTest",
- Input: "a,b,c",
- Output: [][]string{{"a", "b", "c"}},
- },
- {
- Name: "Semicolon",
- Comma: ';',
- Input: "a;b;c\n",
- Output: [][]string{{"a", "b", "c"}},
- },
- {
- Name: "MultiLine",
- Input: `"two
-line","one line","three
- Output: [][]string{{"two\nline", "one line", "three\nline\nfield"}},
- },
- {
- Name: "BlankLine",
- Input: "a,b,c\n\nd,e,f\n\n",
- Output: [][]string{
- {"a", "b", "c"},
- {"d", "e", "f"},
- },
- },
- {
- Name: "TrimSpace",
- Input: " a, b, c\n",
- TrimLeadingSpace: true,
- Output: [][]string{{"a", "b", "c"}},
- },
- {
- Name: "LeadingSpace",
- Input: " a, b, c\n",
- Output: [][]string{{" a", " b", " c"}},
- },
- {
- Name: "Comment",
- Comment: '#',
- Input: "#1,2,3\na,b,c\n#comment",
- Output: [][]string{{"a", "b", "c"}},
- },
- {
- Name: "NoComment",
- Input: "#1,2,3\na,b,c",
- Output: [][]string{{"#1", "2", "3"}, {"a", "b", "c"}},
- },
- {
- Name: "LazyQuotes",
- LazyQuotes: true,
- Input: `a "word","1"2",a","b`,
- Output: [][]string{{`a "word"`, `1"2`, `a"`, `b`}},
- },
- {
- Name: "BareQuotes",
- LazyQuotes: true,
- Input: `a "word","1"2",a"`,
- Output: [][]string{{`a "word"`, `1"2`, `a"`}},
- },
- {
- Name: "BareDoubleQuotes",
- LazyQuotes: true,
- Input: `a""b,c`,
- Output: [][]string{{`a""b`, `c`}},
- },
- {
- Name: "BadDoubleQuotes",
- Input: `a""b,c`,
- Error: `bare " in non-quoted-field`, Line: 1, Column: 1,
- },
- {
- Name: "TrimQuote",
- Input: ` "a"," b",c`,
- TrimLeadingSpace: true,
- Output: [][]string{{"a", " b", "c"}},
- },
- {
- Name: "BadBareQuote",
- Input: `a "word","b"`,
- Error: `bare " in non-quoted-field`, Line: 1, Column: 2,
- },
- {
- Name: "BadTrailingQuote",
- Input: `"a word",b"`,
- Error: `bare " in non-quoted-field`, Line: 1, Column: 10,
- },
- {
- Name: "ExtraneousQuote",
- Input: `"a "word","b"`,
- Error: `extraneous " in field`, Line: 1, Column: 3,
- },
- {
- Name: "BadFieldCount",
- UseFieldsPerRecord: true,
- Input: "a,b,c\nd,e",
- Error: "wrong number of fields", Line: 2,
- },
- {
- Name: "BadFieldCount1",
- UseFieldsPerRecord: true,
- FieldsPerRecord: 2,
- Input: `a,b,c`,
- Error: "wrong number of fields", Line: 1,
- },
- {
- Name: "FieldCount",
- Input: "a,b,c\nd,e",
- Output: [][]string{{"a", "b", "c"}, {"d", "e"}},
- },
- {
- Name: "BadTrailingCommaEOF",
- Input: "a,b,c,",
- Error: "extra delimiter at end of line", Line: 1, Column: 5,
- },
- {
- Name: "BadTrailingCommaEOL",
- Input: "a,b,c,\n",
- Error: "extra delimiter at end of line", Line: 1, Column: 5,
- },
- {
- Name: "BadTrailingCommaSpaceEOF",
- TrimLeadingSpace: true,
- Input: "a,b,c, ",
- Error: "extra delimiter at end of line", Line: 1, Column: 5,
- },
- {
- Name: "BadTrailingCommaSpaceEOL",
- TrimLeadingSpace: true,
- Input: "a,b,c, \n",
- Error: "extra delimiter at end of line", Line: 1, Column: 5,
- },
- {
- Name: "BadTrailingCommaLine3",
- TrimLeadingSpace: true,
- Input: "a,b,c\nd,e,f\ng,hi,",
- Error: "extra delimiter at end of line", Line: 3, Column: 4,
- },
- {
- Name: "NotTrailingComma3",
- Input: "a,b,c, \n",
- Output: [][]string{{"a", "b", "c", " "}},
- },
- {
- Name: "CommaFieldTest",
- TrailingComma: true,
- Input: `x,y,z,w
- Output: [][]string{
- {"x", "y", "z", "w"},
- {"x", "y", "z", ""},
- {"x", "y", "", ""},
- {"x", "", "", ""},
- {"", "", "", ""},
- {"x", "y", "z", "w"},
- {"x", "y", "z", ""},
- {"x", "y", "", ""},
- {"x", "", "", ""},
- {"", "", "", ""},
- },
- },
- {
- Name: "Issue 2366",
- TrailingComma: true,
- TrimLeadingSpace: true,
- Input: "a,b,\nc,d,e",
- Output: [][]string{
- {"a", "b", ""},
- {"c", "d", "e"},
- },
- },
- {
- Name: "Issue 2366a",
- TrailingComma: false,
- TrimLeadingSpace: true,
- Input: "a,b,\nc,d,e",
- Error: "extra delimiter at end of line",
- },
-func TestRead(t *testing.T) {
- for _, tt := range readTests {
- r := NewReader(strings.NewReader(tt.Input))
- r.Comment = tt.Comment
- if tt.UseFieldsPerRecord {
- r.FieldsPerRecord = tt.FieldsPerRecord
- } else {
- r.FieldsPerRecord = -1
- }
- r.LazyQuotes = tt.LazyQuotes
- r.TrailingComma = tt.TrailingComma
- r.TrimLeadingSpace = tt.TrimLeadingSpace
- if tt.Comma != 0 {
- r.Comma = tt.Comma
- }
- out, err := r.ReadAll()
- perr, _ := err.(*ParseError)
- if tt.Error != "" {
- if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), tt.Error) {
- t.Errorf("%s: error %v, want error %q", tt.Name, err, tt.Error)
- } else if tt.Line != 0 && (tt.Line != perr.Line || tt.Column != perr.Column) {
- t.Errorf("%s: error at %d:%d expected %d:%d", tt.Name, perr.Line, perr.Column, tt.Line, tt.Column)
- }
- } else if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("%s: unexpected error %v", tt.Name, err)
- } else if !reflect.DeepEqual(out, tt.Output) {
- t.Errorf("%s: out=%q want %q", tt.Name, out, tt.Output)
- }
- }
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/csv/writer.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/csv/writer.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 1faecb664..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/csv/writer.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package csv
-import (
- "bufio"
- "io"
- "strings"
- "unicode"
- "unicode/utf8"
-// A Writer writes records to a CSV encoded file.
-// As returned by NewWriter, a Writer writes records terminated by a
-// newline and uses ',' as the field delimiter. The exported fields can be
-// changed to customize the details before the first call to Write or WriteAll.
-// Comma is the field delimiter.
-// If UseCRLF is true, the Writer ends each record with \r\n instead of \n.
-type Writer struct {
- Comma rune // Field delimiter (set to ',' by NewWriter)
- UseCRLF bool // True to use \r\n as the line terminator
- w *bufio.Writer
-// NewWriter returns a new Writer that writes to w.
-func NewWriter(w io.Writer) *Writer {
- return &Writer{
- Comma: ',',
- w: bufio.NewWriter(w),
- }
-// Writer writes a single CSV record to w along with any necessary quoting.
-// A record is a slice of strings with each string being one field.
-func (w *Writer) Write(record []string) (err error) {
- for n, field := range record {
- if n > 0 {
- if _, err = w.w.WriteRune(w.Comma); err != nil {
- return
- }
- }
- // If we don't have to have a quoted field then just
- // write out the field and continue to the next field.
- if !w.fieldNeedsQuotes(field) {
- if _, err = w.w.WriteString(field); err != nil {
- return
- }
- continue
- }
- if err = w.w.WriteByte('"'); err != nil {
- return
- }
- for _, r1 := range field {
- switch r1 {
- case '"':
- _, err = w.w.WriteString(`""`)
- case '\r':
- if !w.UseCRLF {
- err = w.w.WriteByte('\r')
- }
- case '\n':
- if w.UseCRLF {
- _, err = w.w.WriteString("\r\n")
- } else {
- err = w.w.WriteByte('\n')
- }
- default:
- _, err = w.w.WriteRune(r1)
- }
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- }
- if err = w.w.WriteByte('"'); err != nil {
- return
- }
- }
- if w.UseCRLF {
- _, err = w.w.WriteString("\r\n")
- } else {
- err = w.w.WriteByte('\n')
- }
- return
-// Flush writes any buffered data to the underlying io.Writer.
-// To check if an error occurred during the Flush, call Error.
-func (w *Writer) Flush() {
- w.w.Flush()
-// Error reports any error that has occurred during a previous Write or Flush.
-func (w *Writer) Error() error {
- _, err := w.w.Write(nil)
- return err
-// WriteAll writes multiple CSV records to w using Write and then calls Flush.
-func (w *Writer) WriteAll(records [][]string) (err error) {
- for _, record := range records {
- err = w.Write(record)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- return w.w.Flush()
-// fieldNeedsQuotes returns true if our field must be enclosed in quotes.
-// Empty fields, files with a Comma, fields with a quote or newline, and
-// fields which start with a space must be enclosed in quotes.
-func (w *Writer) fieldNeedsQuotes(field string) bool {
- if len(field) == 0 || strings.IndexRune(field, w.Comma) >= 0 || strings.IndexAny(field, "\"\r\n") >= 0 {
- return true
- }
- r1, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(field)
- return unicode.IsSpace(r1)
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/csv/writer_test.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/csv/writer_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 03ca6b093..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/csv/writer_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package csv
-import (
- "bytes"
- "errors"
- "testing"
-var writeTests = []struct {
- Input [][]string
- Output string
- UseCRLF bool
- {Input: [][]string{{"abc"}}, Output: "abc\n"},
- {Input: [][]string{{"abc"}}, Output: "abc\r\n", UseCRLF: true},
- {Input: [][]string{{`"abc"`}}, Output: `"""abc"""` + "\n"},
- {Input: [][]string{{`a"b`}}, Output: `"a""b"` + "\n"},
- {Input: [][]string{{`"a"b"`}}, Output: `"""a""b"""` + "\n"},
- {Input: [][]string{{" abc"}}, Output: `" abc"` + "\n"},
- {Input: [][]string{{"abc,def"}}, Output: `"abc,def"` + "\n"},
- {Input: [][]string{{"abc", "def"}}, Output: "abc,def\n"},
- {Input: [][]string{{"abc"}, {"def"}}, Output: "abc\ndef\n"},
- {Input: [][]string{{"abc\ndef"}}, Output: "\"abc\ndef\"\n"},
- {Input: [][]string{{"abc\ndef"}}, Output: "\"abc\r\ndef\"\r\n", UseCRLF: true},
-func TestWrite(t *testing.T) {
- for n, tt := range writeTests {
- b := &bytes.Buffer{}
- f := NewWriter(b)
- f.UseCRLF = tt.UseCRLF
- err := f.WriteAll(tt.Input)
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %s\n", err)
- }
- out := b.String()
- if out != tt.Output {
- t.Errorf("#%d: out=%q want %q", n, out, tt.Output)
- }
- }
-type errorWriter struct{}
-func (e errorWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
- return 0, errors.New("Test")
-func TestError(t *testing.T) {
- b := &bytes.Buffer{}
- f := NewWriter(b)
- f.Write([]string{"abc"})
- f.Flush()
- err := f.Error()
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %s\n", err)
- }
- f = NewWriter(errorWriter{})
- f.Write([]string{"abc"})
- f.Flush()
- err = f.Error()
- if err == nil {
- t.Error("Error should not be nil")
- }
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/codec_test.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/codec_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 482212b74..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/codec_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1480 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package gob
-import (
- "bytes"
- "errors"
- "flag"
- "math"
- "math/rand"
- "reflect"
- "strings"
- "testing"
- "time"
- "unsafe"
-var doFuzzTests = flag.Bool("gob.fuzz", false, "run the fuzz tests, which are large and very slow")
-// Guarantee encoding format by comparing some encodings to hand-written values
-type EncodeT struct {
- x uint64
- b []byte
-var encodeT = []EncodeT{
- {0x00, []byte{0x00}},
- {0x0F, []byte{0x0F}},
- {0xFF, []byte{0xFF, 0xFF}},
- {0xFFFF, []byte{0xFE, 0xFF, 0xFF}},
- {0xFFFFFF, []byte{0xFD, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}},
- {0xFFFFFFFF, []byte{0xFC, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}},
- {0xFFFFFFFFFF, []byte{0xFB, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}},
- {0xFFFFFFFFFFFF, []byte{0xFA, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}},
- {0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, []byte{0xF9, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}},
- {0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, []byte{0xF8, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}},
- {0x1111, []byte{0xFE, 0x11, 0x11}},
- {0x1111111111111111, []byte{0xF8, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11}},
- {0x8888888888888888, []byte{0xF8, 0x88, 0x88, 0x88, 0x88, 0x88, 0x88, 0x88, 0x88}},
- {1 << 63, []byte{0xF8, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}},
-// testError is meant to be used as a deferred function to turn a panic(gobError) into a
-// plain test.Error call.
-func testError(t *testing.T) {
- if e := recover(); e != nil {
- t.Error(e.(gobError).err) // Will re-panic if not one of our errors, such as a runtime error.
- }
- return
-// Test basic encode/decode routines for unsigned integers
-func TestUintCodec(t *testing.T) {
- defer testError(t)
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- encState := newEncoderState(b)
- for _, tt := range encodeT {
- b.Reset()
- encState.encodeUint(tt.x)
- if !bytes.Equal(tt.b, b.Bytes()) {
- t.Errorf("encodeUint: %#x encode: expected % x got % x", tt.x, tt.b, b.Bytes())
- }
- }
- decState := newDecodeState(b)
- for u := uint64(0); ; u = (u + 1) * 7 {
- b.Reset()
- encState.encodeUint(u)
- v := decState.decodeUint()
- if u != v {
- t.Errorf("Encode/Decode: sent %#x received %#x", u, v)
- }
- if u&(1<<63) != 0 {
- break
- }
- }
-func verifyInt(i int64, t *testing.T) {
- defer testError(t)
- var b = new(bytes.Buffer)
- encState := newEncoderState(b)
- encState.encodeInt(i)
- decState := newDecodeState(b)
- decState.buf = make([]byte, 8)
- j := decState.decodeInt()
- if i != j {
- t.Errorf("Encode/Decode: sent %#x received %#x", uint64(i), uint64(j))
- }
-// Test basic encode/decode routines for signed integers
-func TestIntCodec(t *testing.T) {
- for u := uint64(0); ; u = (u + 1) * 7 {
- // Do positive and negative values
- i := int64(u)
- verifyInt(i, t)
- verifyInt(-i, t)
- verifyInt(^i, t)
- if u&(1<<63) != 0 {
- break
- }
- }
- verifyInt(-1<<63, t) // a tricky case
-// The result of encoding a true boolean with field number 7
-var boolResult = []byte{0x07, 0x01}
-// The result of encoding a number 17 with field number 7
-var signedResult = []byte{0x07, 2 * 17}
-var unsignedResult = []byte{0x07, 17}
-var floatResult = []byte{0x07, 0xFE, 0x31, 0x40}
-// The result of encoding a number 17+19i with field number 7
-var complexResult = []byte{0x07, 0xFE, 0x31, 0x40, 0xFE, 0x33, 0x40}
-// The result of encoding "hello" with field number 7
-var bytesResult = []byte{0x07, 0x05, 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'}
-func newDecodeState(buf *bytes.Buffer) *decoderState {
- d := new(decoderState)
- d.b = buf
- d.buf = make([]byte, uint64Size)
- return d
-func newEncoderState(b *bytes.Buffer) *encoderState {
- b.Reset()
- state := &encoderState{enc: nil, b: b}
- state.fieldnum = -1
- return state
-// Test instruction execution for encoding.
-// Do not run the machine yet; instead do individual instructions crafted by hand.
-func TestScalarEncInstructions(t *testing.T) {
- var b = new(bytes.Buffer)
- // bool
- {
- data := struct{ a bool }{true}
- instr := &encInstr{encBool, 6, 0, 0}
- state := newEncoderState(b)
- instr.op(instr, state, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if !bytes.Equal(boolResult, b.Bytes()) {
- t.Errorf("bool enc instructions: expected % x got % x", boolResult, b.Bytes())
- }
- }
- // int
- {
- b.Reset()
- data := struct{ a int }{17}
- instr := &encInstr{encInt, 6, 0, 0}
- state := newEncoderState(b)
- instr.op(instr, state, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if !bytes.Equal(signedResult, b.Bytes()) {
- t.Errorf("int enc instructions: expected % x got % x", signedResult, b.Bytes())
- }
- }
- // uint
- {
- b.Reset()
- data := struct{ a uint }{17}
- instr := &encInstr{encUint, 6, 0, 0}
- state := newEncoderState(b)
- instr.op(instr, state, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if !bytes.Equal(unsignedResult, b.Bytes()) {
- t.Errorf("uint enc instructions: expected % x got % x", unsignedResult, b.Bytes())
- }
- }
- // int8
- {
- b.Reset()
- data := struct{ a int8 }{17}
- instr := &encInstr{encInt8, 6, 0, 0}
- state := newEncoderState(b)
- instr.op(instr, state, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if !bytes.Equal(signedResult, b.Bytes()) {
- t.Errorf("int8 enc instructions: expected % x got % x", signedResult, b.Bytes())
- }
- }
- // uint8
- {
- b.Reset()
- data := struct{ a uint8 }{17}
- instr := &encInstr{encUint8, 6, 0, 0}
- state := newEncoderState(b)
- instr.op(instr, state, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if !bytes.Equal(unsignedResult, b.Bytes()) {
- t.Errorf("uint8 enc instructions: expected % x got % x", unsignedResult, b.Bytes())
- }
- }
- // int16
- {
- b.Reset()
- data := struct{ a int16 }{17}
- instr := &encInstr{encInt16, 6, 0, 0}
- state := newEncoderState(b)
- instr.op(instr, state, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if !bytes.Equal(signedResult, b.Bytes()) {
- t.Errorf("int16 enc instructions: expected % x got % x", signedResult, b.Bytes())
- }
- }
- // uint16
- {
- b.Reset()
- data := struct{ a uint16 }{17}
- instr := &encInstr{encUint16, 6, 0, 0}
- state := newEncoderState(b)
- instr.op(instr, state, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if !bytes.Equal(unsignedResult, b.Bytes()) {
- t.Errorf("uint16 enc instructions: expected % x got % x", unsignedResult, b.Bytes())
- }
- }
- // int32
- {
- b.Reset()
- data := struct{ a int32 }{17}
- instr := &encInstr{encInt32, 6, 0, 0}
- state := newEncoderState(b)
- instr.op(instr, state, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if !bytes.Equal(signedResult, b.Bytes()) {
- t.Errorf("int32 enc instructions: expected % x got % x", signedResult, b.Bytes())
- }
- }
- // uint32
- {
- b.Reset()
- data := struct{ a uint32 }{17}
- instr := &encInstr{encUint32, 6, 0, 0}
- state := newEncoderState(b)
- instr.op(instr, state, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if !bytes.Equal(unsignedResult, b.Bytes()) {
- t.Errorf("uint32 enc instructions: expected % x got % x", unsignedResult, b.Bytes())
- }
- }
- // int64
- {
- b.Reset()
- data := struct{ a int64 }{17}
- instr := &encInstr{encInt64, 6, 0, 0}
- state := newEncoderState(b)
- instr.op(instr, state, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if !bytes.Equal(signedResult, b.Bytes()) {
- t.Errorf("int64 enc instructions: expected % x got % x", signedResult, b.Bytes())
- }
- }
- // uint64
- {
- b.Reset()
- data := struct{ a uint64 }{17}
- instr := &encInstr{encUint64, 6, 0, 0}
- state := newEncoderState(b)
- instr.op(instr, state, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if !bytes.Equal(unsignedResult, b.Bytes()) {
- t.Errorf("uint64 enc instructions: expected % x got % x", unsignedResult, b.Bytes())
- }
- }
- // float32
- {
- b.Reset()
- data := struct{ a float32 }{17}
- instr := &encInstr{encFloat32, 6, 0, 0}
- state := newEncoderState(b)
- instr.op(instr, state, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if !bytes.Equal(floatResult, b.Bytes()) {
- t.Errorf("float32 enc instructions: expected % x got % x", floatResult, b.Bytes())
- }
- }
- // float64
- {
- b.Reset()
- data := struct{ a float64 }{17}
- instr := &encInstr{encFloat64, 6, 0, 0}
- state := newEncoderState(b)
- instr.op(instr, state, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if !bytes.Equal(floatResult, b.Bytes()) {
- t.Errorf("float64 enc instructions: expected % x got % x", floatResult, b.Bytes())
- }
- }
- // bytes == []uint8
- {
- b.Reset()
- data := struct{ a []byte }{[]byte("hello")}
- instr := &encInstr{encUint8Array, 6, 0, 0}
- state := newEncoderState(b)
- instr.op(instr, state, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if !bytes.Equal(bytesResult, b.Bytes()) {
- t.Errorf("bytes enc instructions: expected % x got % x", bytesResult, b.Bytes())
- }
- }
- // string
- {
- b.Reset()
- data := struct{ a string }{"hello"}
- instr := &encInstr{encString, 6, 0, 0}
- state := newEncoderState(b)
- instr.op(instr, state, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if !bytes.Equal(bytesResult, b.Bytes()) {
- t.Errorf("string enc instructions: expected % x got % x", bytesResult, b.Bytes())
- }
- }
-func execDec(typ string, instr *decInstr, state *decoderState, t *testing.T, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- defer testError(t)
- v := int(state.decodeUint())
- if v+state.fieldnum != 6 {
- t.Fatalf("decoding field number %d, got %d", 6, v+state.fieldnum)
- }
- instr.op(instr, state, decIndirect(p, instr.indir))
- state.fieldnum = 6
-func newDecodeStateFromData(data []byte) *decoderState {
- b := bytes.NewBuffer(data)
- state := newDecodeState(b)
- state.fieldnum = -1
- return state
-// Test instruction execution for decoding.
-// Do not run the machine yet; instead do individual instructions crafted by hand.
-func TestScalarDecInstructions(t *testing.T) {
- ovfl := errors.New("overflow")
- // bool
- {
- var data struct {
- a bool
- }
- instr := &decInstr{decBool, 6, 0, 0, ovfl}
- state := newDecodeStateFromData(boolResult)
- execDec("bool", instr, state, t, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if data.a != true {
- t.Errorf("bool a = %v not true", data.a)
- }
- }
- // int
- {
- var data struct {
- a int
- }
- instr := &decInstr{decOpTable[reflect.Int], 6, 0, 0, ovfl}
- state := newDecodeStateFromData(signedResult)
- execDec("int", instr, state, t, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if data.a != 17 {
- t.Errorf("int a = %v not 17", data.a)
- }
- }
- // uint
- {
- var data struct {
- a uint
- }
- instr := &decInstr{decOpTable[reflect.Uint], 6, 0, 0, ovfl}
- state := newDecodeStateFromData(unsignedResult)
- execDec("uint", instr, state, t, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if data.a != 17 {
- t.Errorf("uint a = %v not 17", data.a)
- }
- }
- // int8
- {
- var data struct {
- a int8
- }
- instr := &decInstr{decInt8, 6, 0, 0, ovfl}
- state := newDecodeStateFromData(signedResult)
- execDec("int8", instr, state, t, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if data.a != 17 {
- t.Errorf("int8 a = %v not 17", data.a)
- }
- }
- // uint8
- {
- var data struct {
- a uint8
- }
- instr := &decInstr{decUint8, 6, 0, 0, ovfl}
- state := newDecodeStateFromData(unsignedResult)
- execDec("uint8", instr, state, t, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if data.a != 17 {
- t.Errorf("uint8 a = %v not 17", data.a)
- }
- }
- // int16
- {
- var data struct {
- a int16
- }
- instr := &decInstr{decInt16, 6, 0, 0, ovfl}
- state := newDecodeStateFromData(signedResult)
- execDec("int16", instr, state, t, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if data.a != 17 {
- t.Errorf("int16 a = %v not 17", data.a)
- }
- }
- // uint16
- {
- var data struct {
- a uint16
- }
- instr := &decInstr{decUint16, 6, 0, 0, ovfl}
- state := newDecodeStateFromData(unsignedResult)
- execDec("uint16", instr, state, t, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if data.a != 17 {
- t.Errorf("uint16 a = %v not 17", data.a)
- }
- }
- // int32
- {
- var data struct {
- a int32
- }
- instr := &decInstr{decInt32, 6, 0, 0, ovfl}
- state := newDecodeStateFromData(signedResult)
- execDec("int32", instr, state, t, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if data.a != 17 {
- t.Errorf("int32 a = %v not 17", data.a)
- }
- }
- // uint32
- {
- var data struct {
- a uint32
- }
- instr := &decInstr{decUint32, 6, 0, 0, ovfl}
- state := newDecodeStateFromData(unsignedResult)
- execDec("uint32", instr, state, t, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if data.a != 17 {
- t.Errorf("uint32 a = %v not 17", data.a)
- }
- }
- // uintptr
- {
- var data struct {
- a uintptr
- }
- instr := &decInstr{decOpTable[reflect.Uintptr], 6, 0, 0, ovfl}
- state := newDecodeStateFromData(unsignedResult)
- execDec("uintptr", instr, state, t, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if data.a != 17 {
- t.Errorf("uintptr a = %v not 17", data.a)
- }
- }
- // int64
- {
- var data struct {
- a int64
- }
- instr := &decInstr{decInt64, 6, 0, 0, ovfl}
- state := newDecodeStateFromData(signedResult)
- execDec("int64", instr, state, t, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if data.a != 17 {
- t.Errorf("int64 a = %v not 17", data.a)
- }
- }
- // uint64
- {
- var data struct {
- a uint64
- }
- instr := &decInstr{decUint64, 6, 0, 0, ovfl}
- state := newDecodeStateFromData(unsignedResult)
- execDec("uint64", instr, state, t, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if data.a != 17 {
- t.Errorf("uint64 a = %v not 17", data.a)
- }
- }
- // float32
- {
- var data struct {
- a float32
- }
- instr := &decInstr{decFloat32, 6, 0, 0, ovfl}
- state := newDecodeStateFromData(floatResult)
- execDec("float32", instr, state, t, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if data.a != 17 {
- t.Errorf("float32 a = %v not 17", data.a)
- }
- }
- // float64
- {
- var data struct {
- a float64
- }
- instr := &decInstr{decFloat64, 6, 0, 0, ovfl}
- state := newDecodeStateFromData(floatResult)
- execDec("float64", instr, state, t, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if data.a != 17 {
- t.Errorf("float64 a = %v not 17", data.a)
- }
- }
- // complex64
- {
- var data struct {
- a complex64
- }
- instr := &decInstr{decOpTable[reflect.Complex64], 6, 0, 0, ovfl}
- state := newDecodeStateFromData(complexResult)
- execDec("complex", instr, state, t, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if data.a != 17+19i {
- t.Errorf("complex a = %v not 17+19i", data.a)
- }
- }
- // complex128
- {
- var data struct {
- a complex128
- }
- instr := &decInstr{decOpTable[reflect.Complex128], 6, 0, 0, ovfl}
- state := newDecodeStateFromData(complexResult)
- execDec("complex", instr, state, t, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if data.a != 17+19i {
- t.Errorf("complex a = %v not 17+19i", data.a)
- }
- }
- // bytes == []uint8
- {
- var data struct {
- a []byte
- }
- instr := &decInstr{decUint8Slice, 6, 0, 0, ovfl}
- state := newDecodeStateFromData(bytesResult)
- execDec("bytes", instr, state, t, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if string(data.a) != "hello" {
- t.Errorf(`bytes a = %q not "hello"`, string(data.a))
- }
- }
- // string
- {
- var data struct {
- a string
- }
- instr := &decInstr{decString, 6, 0, 0, ovfl}
- state := newDecodeStateFromData(bytesResult)
- execDec("bytes", instr, state, t, unsafe.Pointer(&data))
- if data.a != "hello" {
- t.Errorf(`bytes a = %q not "hello"`, data.a)
- }
- }
-func TestEndToEnd(t *testing.T) {
- type T2 struct {
- T string
- }
- s1 := "string1"
- s2 := "string2"
- type T1 struct {
- A, B, C int
- M map[string]*float64
- EmptyMap map[string]int // to check that we receive a non-nil map.
- N *[3]float64
- Strs *[2]string
- Int64s *[]int64
- RI complex64
- S string
- Y []byte
- T *T2
- }
- pi := 3.14159
- e := 2.71828
- t1 := &T1{
- A: 17,
- B: 18,
- C: -5,
- M: map[string]*float64{"pi": &pi, "e": &e},
- EmptyMap: make(map[string]int),
- N: &[3]float64{1.5, 2.5, 3.5},
- Strs: &[2]string{s1, s2},
- Int64s: &[]int64{77, 89, 123412342134},
- RI: 17 - 23i,
- S: "Now is the time",
- Y: []byte("hello, sailor"),
- T: &T2{"this is T2"},
- }
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- err := NewEncoder(b).Encode(t1)
- if err != nil {
- t.Error("encode:", err)
- }
- var _t1 T1
- err = NewDecoder(b).Decode(&_t1)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode:", err)
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(t1, &_t1) {
- t.Errorf("encode expected %v got %v", *t1, _t1)
- }
- // Be absolutely sure the received map is non-nil.
- if t1.EmptyMap == nil {
- t.Errorf("nil map sent")
- }
- if _t1.EmptyMap == nil {
- t.Errorf("nil map received")
- }
-func TestOverflow(t *testing.T) {
- type inputT struct {
- Maxi int64
- Mini int64
- Maxu uint64
- Maxf float64
- Minf float64
- Maxc complex128
- Minc complex128
- }
- var it inputT
- var err error
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- // int8
- b.Reset()
- it = inputT{
- Maxi: math.MaxInt8 + 1,
- }
- type outi8 struct {
- Maxi int8
- Mini int8
- }
- var o1 outi8
- enc.Encode(it)
- err = dec.Decode(&o1)
- if err == nil || err.Error() != `value for "Maxi" out of range` {
- t.Error("wrong overflow error for int8:", err)
- }
- it = inputT{
- Mini: math.MinInt8 - 1,
- }
- b.Reset()
- enc.Encode(it)
- err = dec.Decode(&o1)
- if err == nil || err.Error() != `value for "Mini" out of range` {
- t.Error("wrong underflow error for int8:", err)
- }
- // int16
- b.Reset()
- it = inputT{
- Maxi: math.MaxInt16 + 1,
- }
- type outi16 struct {
- Maxi int16
- Mini int16
- }
- var o2 outi16
- enc.Encode(it)
- err = dec.Decode(&o2)
- if err == nil || err.Error() != `value for "Maxi" out of range` {
- t.Error("wrong overflow error for int16:", err)
- }
- it = inputT{
- Mini: math.MinInt16 - 1,
- }
- b.Reset()
- enc.Encode(it)
- err = dec.Decode(&o2)
- if err == nil || err.Error() != `value for "Mini" out of range` {
- t.Error("wrong underflow error for int16:", err)
- }
- // int32
- b.Reset()
- it = inputT{
- Maxi: math.MaxInt32 + 1,
- }
- type outi32 struct {
- Maxi int32
- Mini int32
- }
- var o3 outi32
- enc.Encode(it)
- err = dec.Decode(&o3)
- if err == nil || err.Error() != `value for "Maxi" out of range` {
- t.Error("wrong overflow error for int32:", err)
- }
- it = inputT{
- Mini: math.MinInt32 - 1,
- }
- b.Reset()
- enc.Encode(it)
- err = dec.Decode(&o3)
- if err == nil || err.Error() != `value for "Mini" out of range` {
- t.Error("wrong underflow error for int32:", err)
- }
- // uint8
- b.Reset()
- it = inputT{
- Maxu: math.MaxUint8 + 1,
- }
- type outu8 struct {
- Maxu uint8
- }
- var o4 outu8
- enc.Encode(it)
- err = dec.Decode(&o4)
- if err == nil || err.Error() != `value for "Maxu" out of range` {
- t.Error("wrong overflow error for uint8:", err)
- }
- // uint16
- b.Reset()
- it = inputT{
- Maxu: math.MaxUint16 + 1,
- }
- type outu16 struct {
- Maxu uint16
- }
- var o5 outu16
- enc.Encode(it)
- err = dec.Decode(&o5)
- if err == nil || err.Error() != `value for "Maxu" out of range` {
- t.Error("wrong overflow error for uint16:", err)
- }
- // uint32
- b.Reset()
- it = inputT{
- Maxu: math.MaxUint32 + 1,
- }
- type outu32 struct {
- Maxu uint32
- }
- var o6 outu32
- enc.Encode(it)
- err = dec.Decode(&o6)
- if err == nil || err.Error() != `value for "Maxu" out of range` {
- t.Error("wrong overflow error for uint32:", err)
- }
- // float32
- b.Reset()
- it = inputT{
- Maxf: math.MaxFloat32 * 2,
- }
- type outf32 struct {
- Maxf float32
- Minf float32
- }
- var o7 outf32
- enc.Encode(it)
- err = dec.Decode(&o7)
- if err == nil || err.Error() != `value for "Maxf" out of range` {
- t.Error("wrong overflow error for float32:", err)
- }
- // complex64
- b.Reset()
- it = inputT{
- Maxc: complex(math.MaxFloat32*2, math.MaxFloat32*2),
- }
- type outc64 struct {
- Maxc complex64
- Minc complex64
- }
- var o8 outc64
- enc.Encode(it)
- err = dec.Decode(&o8)
- if err == nil || err.Error() != `value for "Maxc" out of range` {
- t.Error("wrong overflow error for complex64:", err)
- }
-func TestNesting(t *testing.T) {
- type RT struct {
- A string
- Next *RT
- }
- rt := new(RT)
- rt.A = "level1"
- rt.Next = new(RT)
- rt.Next.A = "level2"
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- NewEncoder(b).Encode(rt)
- var drt RT
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- err := dec.Decode(&drt)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decoder error:", err)
- }
- if drt.A != rt.A {
- t.Errorf("nesting: encode expected %v got %v", *rt, drt)
- }
- if drt.Next == nil {
- t.Errorf("nesting: recursion failed")
- }
- if drt.Next.A != rt.Next.A {
- t.Errorf("nesting: encode expected %v got %v", *rt.Next, *drt.Next)
- }
-// These three structures have the same data with different indirections
-type T0 struct {
- A int
- B int
- C int
- D int
-type T1 struct {
- A int
- B *int
- C **int
- D ***int
-type T2 struct {
- A ***int
- B **int
- C *int
- D int
-func TestAutoIndirection(t *testing.T) {
- // First transfer t1 into t0
- var t1 T1
- t1.A = 17
- t1.B = new(int)
- *t1.B = 177
- t1.C = new(*int)
- *t1.C = new(int)
- **t1.C = 1777
- t1.D = new(**int)
- *t1.D = new(*int)
- **t1.D = new(int)
- ***t1.D = 17777
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- enc.Encode(t1)
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- var t0 T0
- dec.Decode(&t0)
- if t0.A != 17 || t0.B != 177 || t0.C != 1777 || t0.D != 17777 {
- t.Errorf("t1->t0: expected {17 177 1777 17777}; got %v", t0)
- }
- // Now transfer t2 into t0
- var t2 T2
- t2.D = 17777
- t2.C = new(int)
- *t2.C = 1777
- t2.B = new(*int)
- *t2.B = new(int)
- **t2.B = 177
- t2.A = new(**int)
- *t2.A = new(*int)
- **t2.A = new(int)
- ***t2.A = 17
- b.Reset()
- enc.Encode(t2)
- t0 = T0{}
- dec.Decode(&t0)
- if t0.A != 17 || t0.B != 177 || t0.C != 1777 || t0.D != 17777 {
- t.Errorf("t2->t0 expected {17 177 1777 17777}; got %v", t0)
- }
- // Now transfer t0 into t1
- t0 = T0{17, 177, 1777, 17777}
- b.Reset()
- enc.Encode(t0)
- t1 = T1{}
- dec.Decode(&t1)
- if t1.A != 17 || *t1.B != 177 || **t1.C != 1777 || ***t1.D != 17777 {
- t.Errorf("t0->t1 expected {17 177 1777 17777}; got {%d %d %d %d}", t1.A, *t1.B, **t1.C, ***t1.D)
- }
- // Now transfer t0 into t2
- b.Reset()
- enc.Encode(t0)
- t2 = T2{}
- dec.Decode(&t2)
- if ***t2.A != 17 || **t2.B != 177 || *t2.C != 1777 || t2.D != 17777 {
- t.Errorf("t0->t2 expected {17 177 1777 17777}; got {%d %d %d %d}", ***t2.A, **t2.B, *t2.C, t2.D)
- }
- // Now do t2 again but without pre-allocated pointers.
- b.Reset()
- enc.Encode(t0)
- ***t2.A = 0
- **t2.B = 0
- *t2.C = 0
- t2.D = 0
- dec.Decode(&t2)
- if ***t2.A != 17 || **t2.B != 177 || *t2.C != 1777 || t2.D != 17777 {
- t.Errorf("t0->t2 expected {17 177 1777 17777}; got {%d %d %d %d}", ***t2.A, **t2.B, *t2.C, t2.D)
- }
-type RT0 struct {
- A int
- B string
- C float64
-type RT1 struct {
- C float64
- B string
- A int
- NotSet string
-func TestReorderedFields(t *testing.T) {
- var rt0 RT0
- rt0.A = 17
- rt0.B = "hello"
- rt0.C = 3.14159
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- NewEncoder(b).Encode(rt0)
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- var rt1 RT1
- // Wire type is RT0, local type is RT1.
- err := dec.Decode(&rt1)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode error:", err)
- }
- if rt0.A != rt1.A || rt0.B != rt1.B || rt0.C != rt1.C {
- t.Errorf("rt1->rt0: expected %v; got %v", rt0, rt1)
- }
-// Like an RT0 but with fields we'll ignore on the decode side.
-type IT0 struct {
- A int64
- B string
- Ignore_d []int
- Ignore_e [3]float64
- Ignore_f bool
- Ignore_g string
- Ignore_h []byte
- Ignore_i *RT1
- Ignore_m map[string]int
- C float64
-func TestIgnoredFields(t *testing.T) {
- var it0 IT0
- it0.A = 17
- it0.B = "hello"
- it0.C = 3.14159
- it0.Ignore_d = []int{1, 2, 3}
- it0.Ignore_e[0] = 1.0
- it0.Ignore_e[1] = 2.0
- it0.Ignore_e[2] = 3.0
- it0.Ignore_f = true
- it0.Ignore_g = "pay no attention"
- it0.Ignore_h = []byte("to the curtain")
- it0.Ignore_i = &RT1{3.1, "hi", 7, "hello"}
- it0.Ignore_m = map[string]int{"one": 1, "two": 2}
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- NewEncoder(b).Encode(it0)
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- var rt1 RT1
- // Wire type is IT0, local type is RT1.
- err := dec.Decode(&rt1)
- if err != nil {
- t.Error("error: ", err)
- }
- if int(it0.A) != rt1.A || it0.B != rt1.B || it0.C != rt1.C {
- t.Errorf("rt0->rt1: expected %v; got %v", it0, rt1)
- }
-func TestBadRecursiveType(t *testing.T) {
- type Rec ***Rec
- var rec Rec
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- err := NewEncoder(b).Encode(&rec)
- if err == nil {
- t.Error("expected error; got none")
- } else if strings.Index(err.Error(), "recursive") < 0 {
- t.Error("expected recursive type error; got", err)
- }
- // Can't test decode easily because we can't encode one, so we can't pass one to a Decoder.
-type Bad0 struct {
- CH chan int
- C float64
-func TestInvalidField(t *testing.T) {
- var bad0 Bad0
- bad0.CH = make(chan int)
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- dummyEncoder := new(Encoder) // sufficient for this purpose.
- dummyEncoder.encode(b, reflect.ValueOf(&bad0), userType(reflect.TypeOf(&bad0)))
- if err := dummyEncoder.err; err == nil {
- t.Error("expected error; got none")
- } else if strings.Index(err.Error(), "type") < 0 {
- t.Error("expected type error; got", err)
- }
-type Indirect struct {
- A ***[3]int
- S ***[]int
- M ****map[string]int
-type Direct struct {
- A [3]int
- S []int
- M map[string]int
-func TestIndirectSliceMapArray(t *testing.T) {
- // Marshal indirect, unmarshal to direct.
- i := new(Indirect)
- i.A = new(**[3]int)
- *i.A = new(*[3]int)
- **i.A = new([3]int)
- ***i.A = [3]int{1, 2, 3}
- i.S = new(**[]int)
- *i.S = new(*[]int)
- **i.S = new([]int)
- ***i.S = []int{4, 5, 6}
- i.M = new(***map[string]int)
- *i.M = new(**map[string]int)
- **i.M = new(*map[string]int)
- ***i.M = new(map[string]int)
- ****i.M = map[string]int{"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3}
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- NewEncoder(b).Encode(i)
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- var d Direct
- err := dec.Decode(&d)
- if err != nil {
- t.Error("error: ", err)
- }
- if len(d.A) != 3 || d.A[0] != 1 || d.A[1] != 2 || d.A[2] != 3 {
- t.Errorf("indirect to direct: d.A is %v not %v", d.A, ***i.A)
- }
- if len(d.S) != 3 || d.S[0] != 4 || d.S[1] != 5 || d.S[2] != 6 {
- t.Errorf("indirect to direct: d.S is %v not %v", d.S, ***i.S)
- }
- if len(d.M) != 3 || d.M["one"] != 1 || d.M["two"] != 2 || d.M["three"] != 3 {
- t.Errorf("indirect to direct: d.M is %v not %v", d.M, ***i.M)
- }
- // Marshal direct, unmarshal to indirect.
- d.A = [3]int{11, 22, 33}
- d.S = []int{44, 55, 66}
- d.M = map[string]int{"four": 4, "five": 5, "six": 6}
- i = new(Indirect)
- b.Reset()
- NewEncoder(b).Encode(d)
- dec = NewDecoder(b)
- err = dec.Decode(&i)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("error: ", err)
- }
- if len(***i.A) != 3 || (***i.A)[0] != 11 || (***i.A)[1] != 22 || (***i.A)[2] != 33 {
- t.Errorf("direct to indirect: ***i.A is %v not %v", ***i.A, d.A)
- }
- if len(***i.S) != 3 || (***i.S)[0] != 44 || (***i.S)[1] != 55 || (***i.S)[2] != 66 {
- t.Errorf("direct to indirect: ***i.S is %v not %v", ***i.S, ***i.S)
- }
- if len(****i.M) != 3 || (****i.M)["four"] != 4 || (****i.M)["five"] != 5 || (****i.M)["six"] != 6 {
- t.Errorf("direct to indirect: ****i.M is %v not %v", ****i.M, d.M)
- }
-// An interface with several implementations
-type Squarer interface {
- Square() int
-type Int int
-func (i Int) Square() int {
- return int(i * i)
-type Float float64
-func (f Float) Square() int {
- return int(f * f)
-type Vector []int
-func (v Vector) Square() int {
- sum := 0
- for _, x := range v {
- sum += x * x
- }
- return sum
-type Point struct {
- X, Y int
-func (p Point) Square() int {
- return p.X*p.X + p.Y*p.Y
-// A struct with interfaces in it.
-type InterfaceItem struct {
- I int
- Sq1, Sq2, Sq3 Squarer
- F float64
- Sq []Squarer
-// The same struct without interfaces
-type NoInterfaceItem struct {
- I int
- F float64
-func TestInterface(t *testing.T) {
- iVal := Int(3)
- fVal := Float(5)
- // Sending a Vector will require that the receiver define a type in the middle of
- // receiving the value for item2.
- vVal := Vector{1, 2, 3}
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- item1 := &InterfaceItem{1, iVal, fVal, vVal, 11.5, []Squarer{iVal, fVal, nil, vVal}}
- // Register the types.
- Register(Int(0))
- Register(Float(0))
- Register(Vector{})
- err := NewEncoder(b).Encode(item1)
- if err != nil {
- t.Error("expected no encode error; got", err)
- }
- item2 := InterfaceItem{}
- err = NewDecoder(b).Decode(&item2)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode:", err)
- }
- if item2.I != item1.I {
- t.Error("normal int did not decode correctly")
- }
- if item2.Sq1 == nil || item2.Sq1.Square() != iVal.Square() {
- t.Error("Int did not decode correctly")
- }
- if item2.Sq2 == nil || item2.Sq2.Square() != fVal.Square() {
- t.Error("Float did not decode correctly")
- }
- if item2.Sq3 == nil || item2.Sq3.Square() != vVal.Square() {
- t.Error("Vector did not decode correctly")
- }
- if item2.F != item1.F {
- t.Error("normal float did not decode correctly")
- }
- // Now check that we received a slice of Squarers correctly, including a nil element
- if len(item1.Sq) != len(item2.Sq) {
- t.Fatalf("[]Squarer length wrong: got %d; expected %d", len(item2.Sq), len(item1.Sq))
- }
- for i, v1 := range item1.Sq {
- v2 := item2.Sq[i]
- if v1 == nil || v2 == nil {
- if v1 != nil || v2 != nil {
- t.Errorf("item %d inconsistent nils", i)
- }
- continue
- if v1.Square() != v2.Square() {
- t.Errorf("item %d inconsistent values: %v %v", i, v1, v2)
- }
- }
- }
-// A struct with all basic types, stored in interfaces.
-type BasicInterfaceItem struct {
- Int, Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64 interface{}
- Uint, Uint8, Uint16, Uint32, Uint64 interface{}
- Float32, Float64 interface{}
- Complex64, Complex128 interface{}
- Bool interface{}
- String interface{}
- Bytes interface{}
-func TestInterfaceBasic(t *testing.T) {
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- item1 := &BasicInterfaceItem{
- int(1), int8(1), int16(1), int32(1), int64(1),
- uint(1), uint8(1), uint16(1), uint32(1), uint64(1),
- float32(1), 1.0,
- complex64(1i), complex128(1i),
- true,
- "hello",
- []byte("sailor"),
- }
- err := NewEncoder(b).Encode(item1)
- if err != nil {
- t.Error("expected no encode error; got", err)
- }
- item2 := &BasicInterfaceItem{}
- err = NewDecoder(b).Decode(&item2)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode:", err)
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(item1, item2) {
- t.Errorf("encode expected %v got %v", item1, item2)
- }
- // Hand check a couple for correct types.
- if v, ok := item2.Bool.(bool); !ok || !v {
- t.Error("boolean should be true")
- }
- if v, ok := item2.String.(string); !ok || v != item1.String.(string) {
- t.Errorf("string should be %v is %v", item1.String, v)
- }
-type String string
-type PtrInterfaceItem struct {
- Str1 interface{} // basic
- Str2 interface{} // derived
-// We'll send pointers; should receive values.
-// Also check that we can register T but send *T.
-func TestInterfacePointer(t *testing.T) {
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- str1 := "howdy"
- str2 := String("kiddo")
- item1 := &PtrInterfaceItem{
- &str1,
- &str2,
- }
- // Register the type.
- Register(str2)
- err := NewEncoder(b).Encode(item1)
- if err != nil {
- t.Error("expected no encode error; got", err)
- }
- item2 := &PtrInterfaceItem{}
- err = NewDecoder(b).Decode(&item2)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode:", err)
- }
- // Hand test for correct types and values.
- if v, ok := item2.Str1.(string); !ok || v != str1 {
- t.Errorf("basic string failed: %q should be %q", v, str1)
- }
- if v, ok := item2.Str2.(String); !ok || v != str2 {
- t.Errorf("derived type String failed: %q should be %q", v, str2)
- }
-func TestIgnoreInterface(t *testing.T) {
- iVal := Int(3)
- fVal := Float(5)
- // Sending a Point will require that the receiver define a type in the middle of
- // receiving the value for item2.
- pVal := Point{2, 3}
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- item1 := &InterfaceItem{1, iVal, fVal, pVal, 11.5, nil}
- // Register the types.
- Register(Int(0))
- Register(Float(0))
- Register(Point{})
- err := NewEncoder(b).Encode(item1)
- if err != nil {
- t.Error("expected no encode error; got", err)
- }
- item2 := NoInterfaceItem{}
- err = NewDecoder(b).Decode(&item2)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode:", err)
- }
- if item2.I != item1.I {
- t.Error("normal int did not decode correctly")
- }
- if item2.F != item2.F {
- t.Error("normal float did not decode correctly")
- }
-type U struct {
- A int
- B string
- c float64
- D uint
-func TestUnexportedFields(t *testing.T) {
- var u0 U
- u0.A = 17
- u0.B = "hello"
- u0.c = 3.14159
- u0.D = 23
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- NewEncoder(b).Encode(u0)
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- var u1 U
- u1.c = 1234.
- err := dec.Decode(&u1)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode error:", err)
- }
- if u0.A != u0.A || u0.B != u1.B || u0.D != u1.D {
- t.Errorf("u1->u0: expected %v; got %v", u0, u1)
- }
- if u1.c != 1234. {
- t.Error("u1.c modified")
- }
-var singletons = []interface{}{
- true,
- 7,
- 3.2,
- "hello",
- [3]int{11, 22, 33},
- []float32{0.5, 0.25, 0.125},
- map[string]int{"one": 1, "two": 2},
-func TestDebugSingleton(t *testing.T) {
- if debugFunc == nil {
- return
- }
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- // Accumulate a number of values and print them out all at once.
- for _, x := range singletons {
- err := NewEncoder(b).Encode(x)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode:", err)
- }
- }
- debugFunc(b)
-// A type that won't be defined in the gob until we send it in an interface value.
-type OnTheFly struct {
- A int
-type DT struct {
- // X OnTheFly
- A int
- B string
- C float64
- I interface{}
- J interface{}
- I_nil interface{}
- M map[string]int
- T [3]int
- S []string
-func TestDebugStruct(t *testing.T) {
- if debugFunc == nil {
- return
- }
- Register(OnTheFly{})
- var dt DT
- dt.A = 17
- dt.B = "hello"
- dt.C = 3.14159
- dt.I = 271828
- dt.J = OnTheFly{3}
- dt.I_nil = nil
- dt.M = map[string]int{"one": 1, "two": 2}
- dt.T = [3]int{11, 22, 33}
- dt.S = []string{"hi", "joe"}
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- err := NewEncoder(b).Encode(dt)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode:", err)
- }
- debugBuffer := bytes.NewBuffer(b.Bytes())
- dt2 := &DT{}
- err = NewDecoder(b).Decode(&dt2)
- if err != nil {
- t.Error("decode:", err)
- }
- debugFunc(debugBuffer)
-func encFuzzDec(rng *rand.Rand, in interface{}) error {
- buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
- enc := NewEncoder(buf)
- if err := enc.Encode(&in); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- b := buf.Bytes()
- for i, bi := range b {
- if rng.Intn(10) < 3 {
- b[i] = bi + uint8(rng.Intn(256))
- }
- }
- dec := NewDecoder(buf)
- var e interface{}
- if err := dec.Decode(&e); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return nil
-// This does some "fuzz testing" by attempting to decode a sequence of random bytes.
-func TestFuzz(t *testing.T) {
- if !*doFuzzTests {
- t.Logf("disabled; run with -gob.fuzz to enable")
- return
- }
- // all possible inputs
- input := []interface{}{
- new(int),
- new(float32),
- new(float64),
- new(complex128),
- &ByteStruct{255},
- &ArrayStruct{},
- &StringStruct{"hello"},
- &GobTest1{0, &StringStruct{"hello"}},
- }
- testFuzz(t, time.Now().UnixNano(), 100, input...)
-func TestFuzzRegressions(t *testing.T) {
- if !*doFuzzTests {
- t.Logf("disabled; run with -gob.fuzz to enable")
- return
- }
- // An instance triggering a type name of length ~102 GB.
- testFuzz(t, 1328492090837718000, 100, new(float32))
- // An instance triggering a type name of 1.6 GB.
- // Note: can take several minutes to run.
- testFuzz(t, 1330522872628565000, 100, new(int))
-func testFuzz(t *testing.T, seed int64, n int, input ...interface{}) {
- for _, e := range input {
- t.Logf("seed=%d n=%d e=%T", seed, n, e)
- rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed))
- for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
- encFuzzDec(rng, e)
- }
- }
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/debug.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/debug.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 31d1351fc..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/debug.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,695 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Delete the next line to include in the gob package.
-// +build ignore
-package gob
-// This file is not normally included in the gob package. Used only for debugging the package itself.
-// Except for reading uints, it is an implementation of a reader that is independent of
-// the one implemented by Decoder.
-// To enable the Debug function, delete the +build ignore line above and do
-// go install
-import (
- "bytes"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "os"
- "strings"
- "sync"
-var dumpBytes = false // If true, print the remaining bytes in the input buffer at each item.
-// Init installs the debugging facility. If this file is not compiled in the
-// package, the tests in codec_test.go are no-ops.
-func init() {
- debugFunc = Debug
-var (
- blanks = bytes.Repeat([]byte{' '}, 3*10)
- empty = []byte(": <empty>\n")
- tabs = strings.Repeat("\t", 100)
-// tab indents itself when printed.
-type tab int
-func (t tab) String() string {
- n := int(t)
- if n > len(tabs) {
- n = len(tabs)
- }
- return tabs[0:n]
-func (t tab) print() {
- fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, t)
-// A peekReader wraps an io.Reader, allowing one to peek ahead to see
-// what's coming without stealing the data from the client of the Reader.
-type peekReader struct {
- r io.Reader
- data []byte // read-ahead data
-// newPeekReader returns a peekReader that wraps r.
-func newPeekReader(r io.Reader) *peekReader {
- return &peekReader{r: r}
-// Read is the usual method. It will first take data that has been read ahead.
-func (p *peekReader) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
- if len(p.data) == 0 {
- return p.r.Read(b)
- }
- // Satisfy what's possible from the read-ahead data.
- n = copy(b, p.data)
- // Move data down to beginning of slice, to avoid endless growth
- copy(p.data, p.data[n:])
- p.data = p.data[:len(p.data)-n]
- return
-// peek returns as many bytes as possible from the unread
-// portion of the stream, up to the length of b.
-func (p *peekReader) peek(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
- if len(p.data) > 0 {
- n = copy(b, p.data)
- if n == len(b) {
- return
- }
- b = b[n:]
- }
- if len(b) == 0 {
- return
- }
- m, e := io.ReadFull(p.r, b)
- if m > 0 {
- p.data = append(p.data, b[:m]...)
- }
- n += m
- if e == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
- // That means m > 0 but we reached EOF. If we got data
- // we won't complain about not being able to peek enough.
- if n > 0 {
- e = nil
- } else {
- e = io.EOF
- }
- }
- return n, e
-type debugger struct {
- mutex sync.Mutex
- remain int // the number of bytes known to remain in the input
- remainingKnown bool // the value of 'remain' is valid
- r *peekReader
- wireType map[typeId]*wireType
- tmp []byte // scratch space for decoding uints.
-// dump prints the next nBytes of the input.
-// It arranges to print the output aligned from call to
-// call, to make it easy to see what has been consumed.
-func (deb *debugger) dump(format string, args ...interface{}) {
- if !dumpBytes {
- return
- }
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, format+" ", args...)
- if !deb.remainingKnown {
- return
- }
- if deb.remain < 0 {
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "remaining byte count is negative! %d\n", deb.remain)
- return
- }
- data := make([]byte, deb.remain)
- n, _ := deb.r.peek(data)
- if n == 0 {
- os.Stderr.Write(empty)
- return
- }
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- fmt.Fprintf(b, "[%d]{\n", deb.remain)
- // Blanks until first byte
- lineLength := 0
- if n := len(data); n%10 != 0 {
- lineLength = 10 - n%10
- fmt.Fprintf(b, "\t%s", blanks[:lineLength*3])
- }
- // 10 bytes per line
- for len(data) > 0 {
- if lineLength == 0 {
- fmt.Fprint(b, "\t")
- }
- m := 10 - lineLength
- lineLength = 0
- if m > len(data) {
- m = len(data)
- }
- fmt.Fprintf(b, "% x\n", data[:m])
- data = data[m:]
- }
- fmt.Fprint(b, "}\n")
- os.Stderr.Write(b.Bytes())
-// Debug prints a human-readable representation of the gob data read from r.
-// It is a no-op unless debugging was enabled when the package was built.
-func Debug(r io.Reader) {
- err := debug(r)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "gob debug: %s\n", err)
- }
-// debug implements Debug, but catches panics and returns
-// them as errors to be printed by Debug.
-func debug(r io.Reader) (err error) {
- defer catchError(&err)
- fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Start of debugging")
- deb := &debugger{
- r: newPeekReader(r),
- wireType: make(map[typeId]*wireType),
- tmp: make([]byte, 16),
- }
- if b, ok := r.(*bytes.Buffer); ok {
- deb.remain = b.Len()
- deb.remainingKnown = true
- }
- deb.gobStream()
- return
-// note that we've consumed some bytes
-func (deb *debugger) consumed(n int) {
- if deb.remainingKnown {
- deb.remain -= n
- }
-// int64 decodes and returns the next integer, which must be present.
-// Don't call this if you could be at EOF.
-func (deb *debugger) int64() int64 {
- return toInt(deb.uint64())
-// uint64 returns and decodes the next unsigned integer, which must be present.
-// Don't call this if you could be at EOF.
-// TODO: handle errors better.
-func (deb *debugger) uint64() uint64 {
- n, w, err := decodeUintReader(deb.r, deb.tmp)
- if err != nil {
- errorf("debug: read error: %s", err)
- }
- deb.consumed(w)
- return n
-// GobStream:
-// DelimitedMessage* (until EOF)
-func (deb *debugger) gobStream() {
- // Make sure we're single-threaded through here.
- deb.mutex.Lock()
- defer deb.mutex.Unlock()
- for deb.delimitedMessage(0) {
- }
-// DelimitedMessage:
-// uint(lengthOfMessage) Message
-func (deb *debugger) delimitedMessage(indent tab) bool {
- for {
- n := deb.loadBlock(true)
- if n < 0 {
- return false
- }
- deb.dump("Delimited message of length %d", n)
- deb.message(indent)
- }
- return true
-// loadBlock preps us to read a message
-// of the length specified next in the input. It returns
-// the length of the block. The argument tells whether
-// an EOF is acceptable now. If it is and one is found,
-// the return value is negative.
-func (deb *debugger) loadBlock(eofOK bool) int {
- n64, w, err := decodeUintReader(deb.r, deb.tmp) // deb.uint64 will error at EOF
- if err != nil {
- if eofOK && err == io.EOF {
- return -1
- }
- errorf("debug: unexpected error: %s", err)
- }
- deb.consumed(w)
- n := int(n64)
- if n < 0 {
- errorf("huge value for message length: %d", n64)
- }
- return int(n)
-// Message:
-// TypeSequence TypedValue
-// TypeSequence
-// (TypeDefinition DelimitedTypeDefinition*)?
-// DelimitedTypeDefinition:
-// uint(lengthOfTypeDefinition) TypeDefinition
-// TypedValue:
-// int(typeId) Value
-func (deb *debugger) message(indent tab) bool {
- for {
- // Convert the uint64 to a signed integer typeId
- uid := deb.int64()
- id := typeId(uid)
- deb.dump("type id=%d", id)
- if id < 0 {
- deb.typeDefinition(indent, -id)
- n := deb.loadBlock(false)
- deb.dump("Message of length %d", n)
- continue
- } else {
- deb.value(indent, id)
- break
- }
- }
- return true
-// Helper methods to make it easy to scan a type descriptor.
-// common returns the CommonType at the input point.
-func (deb *debugger) common() CommonType {
- fieldNum := -1
- name := ""
- id := typeId(0)
- for {
- delta := deb.delta(-1)
- if delta == 0 {
- break
- }
- fieldNum += delta
- switch fieldNum {
- case 0:
- name = deb.string()
- case 1:
- // Id typeId
- id = deb.typeId()
- default:
- errorf("corrupted CommonType")
- }
- }
- return CommonType{name, id}
-// uint returns the unsigned int at the input point, as a uint (not uint64).
-func (deb *debugger) uint() uint {
- return uint(deb.uint64())
-// int returns the signed int at the input point, as an int (not int64).
-func (deb *debugger) int() int {
- return int(deb.int64())
-// typeId returns the type id at the input point.
-func (deb *debugger) typeId() typeId {
- return typeId(deb.int64())
-// string returns the string at the input point.
-func (deb *debugger) string() string {
- x := int(deb.uint64())
- b := make([]byte, x)
- nb, _ := deb.r.Read(b)
- if nb != x {
- errorf("corrupted type")
- }
- deb.consumed(nb)
- return string(b)
-// delta returns the field delta at the input point. The expect argument,
-// if non-negative, identifies what the value should be.
-func (deb *debugger) delta(expect int) int {
- delta := int(deb.uint64())
- if delta < 0 || (expect >= 0 && delta != expect) {
- errorf("decode: corrupted type: delta %d expected %d", delta, expect)
- }
- return delta
-// TypeDefinition:
-// [int(-typeId) (already read)] encodingOfWireType
-func (deb *debugger) typeDefinition(indent tab, id typeId) {
- deb.dump("type definition for id %d", id)
- // Encoding is of a wireType. Decode the structure as usual
- fieldNum := -1
- wire := new(wireType)
- // A wireType defines a single field.
- delta := deb.delta(-1)
- fieldNum += delta
- switch fieldNum {
- case 0: // array type, one field of {{Common}, elem, length}
- // Field number 0 is CommonType
- deb.delta(1)
- com := deb.common()
- // Field number 1 is type Id of elem
- deb.delta(1)
- id := deb.typeId()
- // Field number 3 is length
- deb.delta(1)
- length := deb.int()
- wire.ArrayT = &arrayType{com, id, length}
- case 1: // slice type, one field of {{Common}, elem}
- // Field number 0 is CommonType
- deb.delta(1)
- com := deb.common()
- // Field number 1 is type Id of elem
- deb.delta(1)
- id := deb.typeId()
- wire.SliceT = &sliceType{com, id}
- case 2: // struct type, one field of {{Common}, []fieldType}
- // Field number 0 is CommonType
- deb.delta(1)
- com := deb.common()
- // Field number 1 is slice of FieldType
- deb.delta(1)
- numField := int(deb.uint())
- field := make([]*fieldType, numField)
- for i := 0; i < numField; i++ {
- field[i] = new(fieldType)
- deb.delta(1) // field 0 of fieldType: name
- field[i].Name = deb.string()
- deb.delta(1) // field 1 of fieldType: id
- field[i].Id = deb.typeId()
- deb.delta(0) // end of fieldType
- }
- wire.StructT = &structType{com, field}
- case 3: // map type, one field of {{Common}, key, elem}
- // Field number 0 is CommonType
- deb.delta(1)
- com := deb.common()
- // Field number 1 is type Id of key
- deb.delta(1)
- keyId := deb.typeId()
- // Field number 2 is type Id of elem
- deb.delta(1)
- elemId := deb.typeId()
- wire.MapT = &mapType{com, keyId, elemId}
- case 4: // GobEncoder type, one field of {{Common}}
- // Field number 0 is CommonType
- deb.delta(1)
- com := deb.common()
- wire.GobEncoderT = &gobEncoderType{com}
- default:
- errorf("bad field in type %d", fieldNum)
- }
- deb.printWireType(indent, wire)
- deb.delta(0) // end inner type (arrayType, etc.)
- deb.delta(0) // end wireType
- // Remember we've seen this type.
- deb.wireType[id] = wire
-// Value:
-// SingletonValue | StructValue
-func (deb *debugger) value(indent tab, id typeId) {
- wire, ok := deb.wireType[id]
- if ok && wire.StructT != nil {
- deb.structValue(indent, id)
- } else {
- deb.singletonValue(indent, id)
- }
-// SingletonValue:
-// uint(0) FieldValue
-func (deb *debugger) singletonValue(indent tab, id typeId) {
- deb.dump("Singleton value")
- // is it a builtin type?
- wire := deb.wireType[id]
- _, ok := builtinIdToType[id]
- if !ok && wire == nil {
- errorf("type id %d not defined", id)
- }
- m := deb.uint64()
- if m != 0 {
- errorf("expected zero; got %d", m)
- }
- deb.fieldValue(indent, id)
-// InterfaceValue:
-// NilInterfaceValue | NonNilInterfaceValue
-func (deb *debugger) interfaceValue(indent tab) {
- deb.dump("Start of interface value")
- if nameLen := deb.uint64(); nameLen == 0 {
- deb.nilInterfaceValue(indent)
- } else {
- deb.nonNilInterfaceValue(indent, int(nameLen))
- }
-// NilInterfaceValue:
-// uint(0) [already read]
-func (deb *debugger) nilInterfaceValue(indent tab) int {
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%snil interface\n", indent)
- return 0
-// NonNilInterfaceValue:
-// ConcreteTypeName TypeSequence InterfaceContents
-// ConcreteTypeName:
-// uint(lengthOfName) [already read=n] name
-// InterfaceContents:
-// int(concreteTypeId) DelimitedValue
-// DelimitedValue:
-// uint(length) Value
-func (deb *debugger) nonNilInterfaceValue(indent tab, nameLen int) {
- // ConcreteTypeName
- b := make([]byte, nameLen)
- deb.r.Read(b) // TODO: CHECK THESE READS!!
- deb.consumed(nameLen)
- name := string(b)
- for {
- id := deb.typeId()
- if id < 0 {
- deb.typeDefinition(indent, -id)
- n := deb.loadBlock(false)
- deb.dump("Nested message of length %d", n)
- } else {
- // DelimitedValue
- x := deb.uint64() // in case we want to ignore the value; we don't.
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%sinterface value, type %q id=%d; valueLength %d\n", indent, name, id, x)
- deb.value(indent, id)
- break
- }
- }
-// printCommonType prints a common type; used by printWireType.
-func (deb *debugger) printCommonType(indent tab, kind string, common *CommonType) {
- indent.print()
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s %q id=%d\n", kind, common.Name, common.Id)
-// printWireType prints the contents of a wireType.
-func (deb *debugger) printWireType(indent tab, wire *wireType) {
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%stype definition {\n", indent)
- indent++
- switch {
- case wire.ArrayT != nil:
- deb.printCommonType(indent, "array", &wire.ArrayT.CommonType)
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%slen %d\n", indent+1, wire.ArrayT.Len)
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%selemid %d\n", indent+1, wire.ArrayT.Elem)
- case wire.MapT != nil:
- deb.printCommonType(indent, "map", &wire.MapT.CommonType)
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%skey id=%d\n", indent+1, wire.MapT.Key)
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%selem id=%d\n", indent+1, wire.MapT.Elem)
- case wire.SliceT != nil:
- deb.printCommonType(indent, "slice", &wire.SliceT.CommonType)
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%selem id=%d\n", indent+1, wire.SliceT.Elem)
- case wire.StructT != nil:
- deb.printCommonType(indent, "struct", &wire.StructT.CommonType)
- for i, field := range wire.StructT.Field {
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%sfield %d:\t%s\tid=%d\n", indent+1, i, field.Name, field.Id)
- }
- case wire.GobEncoderT != nil:
- deb.printCommonType(indent, "GobEncoder", &wire.GobEncoderT.CommonType)
- }
- indent--
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s}\n", indent)
-// fieldValue prints a value of any type, such as a struct field.
-// FieldValue:
-// builtinValue | ArrayValue | MapValue | SliceValue | StructValue | InterfaceValue
-func (deb *debugger) fieldValue(indent tab, id typeId) {
- _, ok := builtinIdToType[id]
- if ok {
- if id == tInterface {
- deb.interfaceValue(indent)
- } else {
- deb.printBuiltin(indent, id)
- }
- return
- }
- wire, ok := deb.wireType[id]
- if !ok {
- errorf("type id %d not defined", id)
- }
- switch {
- case wire.ArrayT != nil:
- deb.arrayValue(indent, wire)
- case wire.MapT != nil:
- deb.mapValue(indent, wire)
- case wire.SliceT != nil:
- deb.sliceValue(indent, wire)
- case wire.StructT != nil:
- deb.structValue(indent, id)
- case wire.GobEncoderT != nil:
- deb.gobEncoderValue(indent, id)
- default:
- panic("bad wire type for field")
- }
-// printBuiltin prints a value not of a fundamental type, that is,
-// one whose type is known to gobs at bootstrap time.
-func (deb *debugger) printBuiltin(indent tab, id typeId) {
- switch id {
- case tBool:
- x := deb.int64()
- if x == 0 {
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%sfalse\n", indent)
- } else {
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%strue\n", indent)
- }
- case tInt:
- x := deb.int64()
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s%d\n", indent, x)
- case tUint:
- x := deb.int64()
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s%d\n", indent, x)
- case tFloat:
- x := deb.uint64()
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s%g\n", indent, floatFromBits(x))
- case tComplex:
- r := deb.uint64()
- i := deb.uint64()
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s%g+%gi\n", indent, floatFromBits(r), floatFromBits(i))
- case tBytes:
- x := int(deb.uint64())
- b := make([]byte, x)
- deb.r.Read(b)
- deb.consumed(x)
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s{% x}=%q\n", indent, b, b)
- case tString:
- x := int(deb.uint64())
- b := make([]byte, x)
- deb.r.Read(b)
- deb.consumed(x)
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s%q\n", indent, b)
- default:
- panic("unknown builtin")
- }
-// ArrayValue:
-// uint(n) FieldValue*n
-func (deb *debugger) arrayValue(indent tab, wire *wireType) {
- elemId := wire.ArrayT.Elem
- u := deb.uint64()
- length := int(u)
- for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
- deb.fieldValue(indent, elemId)
- }
- if length != wire.ArrayT.Len {
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s(wrong length for array: %d should be %d)\n", indent, length, wire.ArrayT.Len)
- }
-// MapValue:
-// uint(n) (FieldValue FieldValue)*n [n (key, value) pairs]
-func (deb *debugger) mapValue(indent tab, wire *wireType) {
- keyId := wire.MapT.Key
- elemId := wire.MapT.Elem
- u := deb.uint64()
- length := int(u)
- for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
- deb.fieldValue(indent+1, keyId)
- deb.fieldValue(indent+1, elemId)
- }
-// SliceValue:
-// uint(n) (n FieldValue)
-func (deb *debugger) sliceValue(indent tab, wire *wireType) {
- elemId := wire.SliceT.Elem
- u := deb.uint64()
- length := int(u)
- deb.dump("Start of slice of length %d", length)
- for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
- deb.fieldValue(indent, elemId)
- }
-// StructValue:
-// (uint(fieldDelta) FieldValue)*
-func (deb *debugger) structValue(indent tab, id typeId) {
- deb.dump("Start of struct value of %q id=%d\n<<\n", id.name(), id)
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s%s struct {\n", indent, id.name())
- wire, ok := deb.wireType[id]
- if !ok {
- errorf("type id %d not defined", id)
- }
- strct := wire.StructT
- fieldNum := -1
- indent++
- for {
- delta := deb.uint64()
- if delta == 0 { // struct terminator is zero delta fieldnum
- break
- }
- fieldNum += int(delta)
- if fieldNum < 0 || fieldNum >= len(strct.Field) {
- deb.dump("field number out of range: prevField=%d delta=%d", fieldNum-int(delta), delta)
- break
- }
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%sfield %d:\t%s\n", indent, fieldNum, wire.StructT.Field[fieldNum].Name)
- deb.fieldValue(indent+1, strct.Field[fieldNum].Id)
- }
- indent--
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s} // end %s struct\n", indent, id.name())
- deb.dump(">> End of struct value of type %d %q", id, id.name())
-// GobEncoderValue:
-// uint(n) byte*n
-func (deb *debugger) gobEncoderValue(indent tab, id typeId) {
- len := deb.uint64()
- deb.dump("GobEncoder value of %q id=%d, length %d\n", id.name(), id, len)
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s%s (implements GobEncoder)\n", indent, id.name())
- data := make([]byte, len)
- _, err := deb.r.Read(data)
- if err != nil {
- errorf("gobEncoder data read: %s", err)
- }
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s[% .2x]\n", indent+1, data)
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/decode.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/decode.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a80d9f919..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/decode.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1302 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package gob
-// TODO(rsc): When garbage collector changes, revisit
-// the allocations in this file that use unsafe.Pointer.
-import (
- "bytes"
- "errors"
- "io"
- "math"
- "reflect"
- "unsafe"
-var (
- errBadUint = errors.New("gob: encoded unsigned integer out of range")
- errBadType = errors.New("gob: unknown type id or corrupted data")
- errRange = errors.New("gob: bad data: field numbers out of bounds")
-// decoderState is the execution state of an instance of the decoder. A new state
-// is created for nested objects.
-type decoderState struct {
- dec *Decoder
- // The buffer is stored with an extra indirection because it may be replaced
- // if we load a type during decode (when reading an interface value).
- b *bytes.Buffer
- fieldnum int // the last field number read.
- buf []byte
- next *decoderState // for free list
-// We pass the bytes.Buffer separately for easier testing of the infrastructure
-// without requiring a full Decoder.
-func (dec *Decoder) newDecoderState(buf *bytes.Buffer) *decoderState {
- d := dec.freeList
- if d == nil {
- d = new(decoderState)
- d.dec = dec
- d.buf = make([]byte, uint64Size)
- } else {
- dec.freeList = d.next
- }
- d.b = buf
- return d
-func (dec *Decoder) freeDecoderState(d *decoderState) {
- d.next = dec.freeList
- dec.freeList = d
-func overflow(name string) error {
- return errors.New(`value for "` + name + `" out of range`)
-// decodeUintReader reads an encoded unsigned integer from an io.Reader.
-// Used only by the Decoder to read the message length.
-func decodeUintReader(r io.Reader, buf []byte) (x uint64, width int, err error) {
- width = 1
- n, err := io.ReadFull(r, buf[0:width])
- if n == 0 {
- return
- }
- b := buf[0]
- if b <= 0x7f {
- return uint64(b), width, nil
- }
- n = -int(int8(b))
- if n > uint64Size {
- err = errBadUint
- return
- }
- width, err = io.ReadFull(r, buf[0:n])
- if err != nil {
- if err == io.EOF {
- err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
- }
- return
- }
- // Could check that the high byte is zero but it's not worth it.
- for _, b := range buf[0:width] {
- x = x<<8 | uint64(b)
- }
- width++ // +1 for length byte
- return
-// decodeUint reads an encoded unsigned integer from state.r.
-// Does not check for overflow.
-func (state *decoderState) decodeUint() (x uint64) {
- b, err := state.b.ReadByte()
- if err != nil {
- error_(err)
- }
- if b <= 0x7f {
- return uint64(b)
- }
- n := -int(int8(b))
- if n > uint64Size {
- error_(errBadUint)
- }
- width, err := state.b.Read(state.buf[0:n])
- if err != nil {
- error_(err)
- }
- // Don't need to check error; it's safe to loop regardless.
- // Could check that the high byte is zero but it's not worth it.
- for _, b := range state.buf[0:width] {
- x = x<<8 | uint64(b)
- }
- return x
-// decodeInt reads an encoded signed integer from state.r.
-// Does not check for overflow.
-func (state *decoderState) decodeInt() int64 {
- x := state.decodeUint()
- if x&1 != 0 {
- return ^int64(x >> 1)
- }
- return int64(x >> 1)
-// decOp is the signature of a decoding operator for a given type.
-type decOp func(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer)
-// The 'instructions' of the decoding machine
-type decInstr struct {
- op decOp
- field int // field number of the wire type
- indir int // how many pointer indirections to reach the value in the struct
- offset uintptr // offset in the structure of the field to encode
- ovfl error // error message for overflow/underflow (for arrays, of the elements)
-// Since the encoder writes no zeros, if we arrive at a decoder we have
-// a value to extract and store. The field number has already been read
-// (it's how we knew to call this decoder).
-// Each decoder is responsible for handling any indirections associated
-// with the data structure. If any pointer so reached is nil, allocation must
-// be done.
-// Walk the pointer hierarchy, allocating if we find a nil. Stop one before the end.
-func decIndirect(p unsafe.Pointer, indir int) unsafe.Pointer {
- for ; indir > 1; indir-- {
- if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) == nil {
- // Allocation required
- *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = unsafe.Pointer(new(unsafe.Pointer))
- }
- p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
- }
- return p
-// ignoreUint discards a uint value with no destination.
-func ignoreUint(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- state.decodeUint()
-// ignoreTwoUints discards a uint value with no destination. It's used to skip
-// complex values.
-func ignoreTwoUints(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- state.decodeUint()
- state.decodeUint()
-// decBool decodes a uint and stores it as a boolean through p.
-func decBool(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- if i.indir > 0 {
- if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) == nil {
- *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = unsafe.Pointer(new(bool))
- }
- p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
- }
- *(*bool)(p) = state.decodeUint() != 0
-// decInt8 decodes an integer and stores it as an int8 through p.
-func decInt8(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- if i.indir > 0 {
- if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) == nil {
- *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = unsafe.Pointer(new(int8))
- }
- p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
- }
- v := state.decodeInt()
- if v < math.MinInt8 || math.MaxInt8 < v {
- error_(i.ovfl)
- } else {
- *(*int8)(p) = int8(v)
- }
-// decUint8 decodes an unsigned integer and stores it as a uint8 through p.
-func decUint8(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- if i.indir > 0 {
- if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) == nil {
- *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = unsafe.Pointer(new(uint8))
- }
- p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
- }
- v := state.decodeUint()
- if math.MaxUint8 < v {
- error_(i.ovfl)
- } else {
- *(*uint8)(p) = uint8(v)
- }
-// decInt16 decodes an integer and stores it as an int16 through p.
-func decInt16(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- if i.indir > 0 {
- if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) == nil {
- *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = unsafe.Pointer(new(int16))
- }
- p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
- }
- v := state.decodeInt()
- if v < math.MinInt16 || math.MaxInt16 < v {
- error_(i.ovfl)
- } else {
- *(*int16)(p) = int16(v)
- }
-// decUint16 decodes an unsigned integer and stores it as a uint16 through p.
-func decUint16(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- if i.indir > 0 {
- if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) == nil {
- *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = unsafe.Pointer(new(uint16))
- }
- p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
- }
- v := state.decodeUint()
- if math.MaxUint16 < v {
- error_(i.ovfl)
- } else {
- *(*uint16)(p) = uint16(v)
- }
-// decInt32 decodes an integer and stores it as an int32 through p.
-func decInt32(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- if i.indir > 0 {
- if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) == nil {
- *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = unsafe.Pointer(new(int32))
- }
- p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
- }
- v := state.decodeInt()
- if v < math.MinInt32 || math.MaxInt32 < v {
- error_(i.ovfl)
- } else {
- *(*int32)(p) = int32(v)
- }
-// decUint32 decodes an unsigned integer and stores it as a uint32 through p.
-func decUint32(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- if i.indir > 0 {
- if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) == nil {
- *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = unsafe.Pointer(new(uint32))
- }
- p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
- }
- v := state.decodeUint()
- if math.MaxUint32 < v {
- error_(i.ovfl)
- } else {
- *(*uint32)(p) = uint32(v)
- }
-// decInt64 decodes an integer and stores it as an int64 through p.
-func decInt64(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- if i.indir > 0 {
- if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) == nil {
- *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = unsafe.Pointer(new(int64))
- }
- p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
- }
- *(*int64)(p) = int64(state.decodeInt())
-// decUint64 decodes an unsigned integer and stores it as a uint64 through p.
-func decUint64(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- if i.indir > 0 {
- if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) == nil {
- *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = unsafe.Pointer(new(uint64))
- }
- p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
- }
- *(*uint64)(p) = uint64(state.decodeUint())
-// Floating-point numbers are transmitted as uint64s holding the bits
-// of the underlying representation. They are sent byte-reversed, with
-// the exponent end coming out first, so integer floating point numbers
-// (for example) transmit more compactly. This routine does the
-// unswizzling.
-func floatFromBits(u uint64) float64 {
- var v uint64
- for i := 0; i < 8; i++ {
- v <<= 8
- v |= u & 0xFF
- u >>= 8
- }
- return math.Float64frombits(v)
-// storeFloat32 decodes an unsigned integer, treats it as a 32-bit floating-point
-// number, and stores it through p. It's a helper function for float32 and complex64.
-func storeFloat32(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- v := floatFromBits(state.decodeUint())
- av := v
- if av < 0 {
- av = -av
- }
- // +Inf is OK in both 32- and 64-bit floats. Underflow is always OK.
- if math.MaxFloat32 < av && av <= math.MaxFloat64 {
- error_(i.ovfl)
- } else {
- *(*float32)(p) = float32(v)
- }
-// decFloat32 decodes an unsigned integer, treats it as a 32-bit floating-point
-// number, and stores it through p.
-func decFloat32(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- if i.indir > 0 {
- if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) == nil {
- *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = unsafe.Pointer(new(float32))
- }
- p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
- }
- storeFloat32(i, state, p)
-// decFloat64 decodes an unsigned integer, treats it as a 64-bit floating-point
-// number, and stores it through p.
-func decFloat64(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- if i.indir > 0 {
- if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) == nil {
- *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = unsafe.Pointer(new(float64))
- }
- p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
- }
- *(*float64)(p) = floatFromBits(uint64(state.decodeUint()))
-// decComplex64 decodes a pair of unsigned integers, treats them as a
-// pair of floating point numbers, and stores them as a complex64 through p.
-// The real part comes first.
-func decComplex64(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- if i.indir > 0 {
- if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) == nil {
- *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = unsafe.Pointer(new(complex64))
- }
- p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
- }
- storeFloat32(i, state, p)
- storeFloat32(i, state, unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p)+unsafe.Sizeof(float32(0))))
-// decComplex128 decodes a pair of unsigned integers, treats them as a
-// pair of floating point numbers, and stores them as a complex128 through p.
-// The real part comes first.
-func decComplex128(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- if i.indir > 0 {
- if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) == nil {
- *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = unsafe.Pointer(new(complex128))
- }
- p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
- }
- real := floatFromBits(uint64(state.decodeUint()))
- imag := floatFromBits(uint64(state.decodeUint()))
- *(*complex128)(p) = complex(real, imag)
-// decUint8Slice decodes a byte slice and stores through p a slice header
-// describing the data.
-// uint8 slices are encoded as an unsigned count followed by the raw bytes.
-func decUint8Slice(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- if i.indir > 0 {
- if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) == nil {
- *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = unsafe.Pointer(new([]uint8))
- }
- p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
- }
- n := state.decodeUint()
- if n > uint64(state.b.Len()) {
- errorf("length of []byte exceeds input size (%d bytes)", n)
- }
- slice := (*[]uint8)(p)
- if uint64(cap(*slice)) < n {
- *slice = make([]uint8, n)
- } else {
- *slice = (*slice)[0:n]
- }
- if _, err := state.b.Read(*slice); err != nil {
- errorf("error decoding []byte: %s", err)
- }
-// decString decodes byte array and stores through p a string header
-// describing the data.
-// Strings are encoded as an unsigned count followed by the raw bytes.
-func decString(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- if i.indir > 0 {
- if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) == nil {
- *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = unsafe.Pointer(new(string))
- }
- p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
- }
- n := state.decodeUint()
- if n > uint64(state.b.Len()) {
- errorf("string length exceeds input size (%d bytes)", n)
- }
- b := make([]byte, n)
- state.b.Read(b)
- // It would be a shame to do the obvious thing here,
- // *(*string)(p) = string(b)
- // because we've already allocated the storage and this would
- // allocate again and copy. So we do this ugly hack, which is even
- // even more unsafe than it looks as it depends the memory
- // representation of a string matching the beginning of the memory
- // representation of a byte slice (a byte slice is longer).
- *(*string)(p) = *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b))
-// ignoreUint8Array skips over the data for a byte slice value with no destination.
-func ignoreUint8Array(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- b := make([]byte, state.decodeUint())
- state.b.Read(b)
-// Execution engine
-// The encoder engine is an array of instructions indexed by field number of the incoming
-// decoder. It is executed with random access according to field number.
-type decEngine struct {
- instr []decInstr
- numInstr int // the number of active instructions
-// allocate makes sure storage is available for an object of underlying type rtyp
-// that is indir levels of indirection through p.
-func allocate(rtyp reflect.Type, p uintptr, indir int) uintptr {
- if indir == 0 {
- return p
- }
- up := unsafe.Pointer(p)
- if indir > 1 {
- up = decIndirect(up, indir)
- }
- if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(up) == nil {
- // Allocate object.
- *(*unsafe.Pointer)(up) = unsafe.Pointer(reflect.New(rtyp).Pointer())
- }
- return *(*uintptr)(up)
-// decodeSingle decodes a top-level value that is not a struct and stores it through p.
-// Such values are preceded by a zero, making them have the memory layout of a
-// struct field (although with an illegal field number).
-func (dec *Decoder) decodeSingle(engine *decEngine, ut *userTypeInfo, basep uintptr) {
- state := dec.newDecoderState(&dec.buf)
- state.fieldnum = singletonField
- delta := int(state.decodeUint())
- if delta != 0 {
- errorf("decode: corrupted data: non-zero delta for singleton")
- }
- instr := &engine.instr[singletonField]
- if instr.indir != ut.indir {
- errorf("internal error: inconsistent indirection instr %d ut %d", instr.indir, ut.indir)
- }
- ptr := unsafe.Pointer(basep) // offset will be zero
- if instr.indir > 1 {
- ptr = decIndirect(ptr, instr.indir)
- }
- instr.op(instr, state, ptr)
- dec.freeDecoderState(state)
-// decodeStruct decodes a top-level struct and stores it through p.
-// Indir is for the value, not the type. At the time of the call it may
-// differ from ut.indir, which was computed when the engine was built.
-// This state cannot arise for decodeSingle, which is called directly
-// from the user's value, not from the innards of an engine.
-func (dec *Decoder) decodeStruct(engine *decEngine, ut *userTypeInfo, p uintptr, indir int) {
- p = allocate(ut.base, p, indir)
- state := dec.newDecoderState(&dec.buf)
- state.fieldnum = -1
- basep := p
- for state.b.Len() > 0 {
- delta := int(state.decodeUint())
- if delta < 0 {
- errorf("decode: corrupted data: negative delta")
- }
- if delta == 0 { // struct terminator is zero delta fieldnum
- break
- }
- fieldnum := state.fieldnum + delta
- if fieldnum >= len(engine.instr) {
- error_(errRange)
- break
- }
- instr := &engine.instr[fieldnum]
- p := unsafe.Pointer(basep + instr.offset)
- if instr.indir > 1 {
- p = decIndirect(p, instr.indir)
- }
- instr.op(instr, state, p)
- state.fieldnum = fieldnum
- }
- dec.freeDecoderState(state)
-// ignoreStruct discards the data for a struct with no destination.
-func (dec *Decoder) ignoreStruct(engine *decEngine) {
- state := dec.newDecoderState(&dec.buf)
- state.fieldnum = -1
- for state.b.Len() > 0 {
- delta := int(state.decodeUint())
- if delta < 0 {
- errorf("ignore decode: corrupted data: negative delta")
- }
- if delta == 0 { // struct terminator is zero delta fieldnum
- break
- }
- fieldnum := state.fieldnum + delta
- if fieldnum >= len(engine.instr) {
- error_(errRange)
- }
- instr := &engine.instr[fieldnum]
- instr.op(instr, state, unsafe.Pointer(nil))
- state.fieldnum = fieldnum
- }
- dec.freeDecoderState(state)
-// ignoreSingle discards the data for a top-level non-struct value with no
-// destination. It's used when calling Decode with a nil value.
-func (dec *Decoder) ignoreSingle(engine *decEngine) {
- state := dec.newDecoderState(&dec.buf)
- state.fieldnum = singletonField
- delta := int(state.decodeUint())
- if delta != 0 {
- errorf("decode: corrupted data: non-zero delta for singleton")
- }
- instr := &engine.instr[singletonField]
- instr.op(instr, state, unsafe.Pointer(nil))
- dec.freeDecoderState(state)
-// decodeArrayHelper does the work for decoding arrays and slices.
-func (dec *Decoder) decodeArrayHelper(state *decoderState, p uintptr, elemOp decOp, elemWid uintptr, length, elemIndir int, ovfl error) {
- instr := &decInstr{elemOp, 0, elemIndir, 0, ovfl}
- for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
- if state.b.Len() == 0 {
- errorf("decoding array or slice: length exceeds input size (%d elements)", length)
- }
- up := unsafe.Pointer(p)
- if elemIndir > 1 {
- up = decIndirect(up, elemIndir)
- }
- elemOp(instr, state, up)
- p += uintptr(elemWid)
- }
-// decodeArray decodes an array and stores it through p, that is, p points to the zeroth element.
-// The length is an unsigned integer preceding the elements. Even though the length is redundant
-// (it's part of the type), it's a useful check and is included in the encoding.
-func (dec *Decoder) decodeArray(atyp reflect.Type, state *decoderState, p uintptr, elemOp decOp, elemWid uintptr, length, indir, elemIndir int, ovfl error) {
- if indir > 0 {
- p = allocate(atyp, p, 1) // All but the last level has been allocated by dec.Indirect
- }
- if n := state.decodeUint(); n != uint64(length) {
- errorf("length mismatch in decodeArray")
- }
- dec.decodeArrayHelper(state, p, elemOp, elemWid, length, elemIndir, ovfl)
-// decodeIntoValue is a helper for map decoding. Since maps are decoded using reflection,
-// unlike the other items we can't use a pointer directly.
-func decodeIntoValue(state *decoderState, op decOp, indir int, v reflect.Value, ovfl error) reflect.Value {
- instr := &decInstr{op, 0, indir, 0, ovfl}
- up := unsafe.Pointer(unsafeAddr(v))
- if indir > 1 {
- up = decIndirect(up, indir)
- }
- op(instr, state, up)
- return v
-// decodeMap decodes a map and stores its header through p.
-// Maps are encoded as a length followed by key:value pairs.
-// Because the internals of maps are not visible to us, we must
-// use reflection rather than pointer magic.
-func (dec *Decoder) decodeMap(mtyp reflect.Type, state *decoderState, p uintptr, keyOp, elemOp decOp, indir, keyIndir, elemIndir int, ovfl error) {
- if indir > 0 {
- p = allocate(mtyp, p, 1) // All but the last level has been allocated by dec.Indirect
- }
- up := unsafe.Pointer(p)
- if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(up) == nil { // maps are represented as a pointer in the runtime
- // Allocate map.
- *(*unsafe.Pointer)(up) = unsafe.Pointer(reflect.MakeMap(mtyp).Pointer())
- }
- // Maps cannot be accessed by moving addresses around the way
- // that slices etc. can. We must recover a full reflection value for
- // the iteration.
- v := reflect.NewAt(mtyp, unsafe.Pointer(p)).Elem()
- n := int(state.decodeUint())
- for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
- key := decodeIntoValue(state, keyOp, keyIndir, allocValue(mtyp.Key()), ovfl)
- elem := decodeIntoValue(state, elemOp, elemIndir, allocValue(mtyp.Elem()), ovfl)
- v.SetMapIndex(key, elem)
- }
-// ignoreArrayHelper does the work for discarding arrays and slices.
-func (dec *Decoder) ignoreArrayHelper(state *decoderState, elemOp decOp, length int) {
- instr := &decInstr{elemOp, 0, 0, 0, errors.New("no error")}
- for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
- elemOp(instr, state, nil)
- }
-// ignoreArray discards the data for an array value with no destination.
-func (dec *Decoder) ignoreArray(state *decoderState, elemOp decOp, length int) {
- if n := state.decodeUint(); n != uint64(length) {
- errorf("length mismatch in ignoreArray")
- }
- dec.ignoreArrayHelper(state, elemOp, length)
-// ignoreMap discards the data for a map value with no destination.
-func (dec *Decoder) ignoreMap(state *decoderState, keyOp, elemOp decOp) {
- n := int(state.decodeUint())
- keyInstr := &decInstr{keyOp, 0, 0, 0, errors.New("no error")}
- elemInstr := &decInstr{elemOp, 0, 0, 0, errors.New("no error")}
- for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
- keyOp(keyInstr, state, nil)
- elemOp(elemInstr, state, nil)
- }
-// decodeSlice decodes a slice and stores the slice header through p.
-// Slices are encoded as an unsigned length followed by the elements.
-func (dec *Decoder) decodeSlice(atyp reflect.Type, state *decoderState, p uintptr, elemOp decOp, elemWid uintptr, indir, elemIndir int, ovfl error) {
- nr := state.decodeUint()
- n := int(nr)
- if indir > 0 {
- up := unsafe.Pointer(p)
- if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(up) == nil {
- // Allocate the slice header.
- *(*unsafe.Pointer)(up) = unsafe.Pointer(new([]unsafe.Pointer))
- }
- p = *(*uintptr)(up)
- }
- // Allocate storage for the slice elements, that is, the underlying array,
- // if the existing slice does not have the capacity.
- // Always write a header at p.
- hdrp := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(p))
- if hdrp.Cap < n {
- hdrp.Data = reflect.MakeSlice(atyp, n, n).Pointer()
- hdrp.Cap = n
- }
- hdrp.Len = n
- dec.decodeArrayHelper(state, hdrp.Data, elemOp, elemWid, n, elemIndir, ovfl)
-// ignoreSlice skips over the data for a slice value with no destination.
-func (dec *Decoder) ignoreSlice(state *decoderState, elemOp decOp) {
- dec.ignoreArrayHelper(state, elemOp, int(state.decodeUint()))
-// setInterfaceValue sets an interface value to a concrete value,
-// but first it checks that the assignment will succeed.
-func setInterfaceValue(ivalue reflect.Value, value reflect.Value) {
- if !value.Type().AssignableTo(ivalue.Type()) {
- errorf("cannot assign value of type %s to %s", value.Type(), ivalue.Type())
- }
- ivalue.Set(value)
-// decodeInterface decodes an interface value and stores it through p.
-// Interfaces are encoded as the name of a concrete type followed by a value.
-// If the name is empty, the value is nil and no value is sent.
-func (dec *Decoder) decodeInterface(ityp reflect.Type, state *decoderState, p uintptr, indir int) {
- // Create a writable interface reflect.Value. We need one even for the nil case.
- ivalue := allocValue(ityp)
- // Read the name of the concrete type.
- nr := state.decodeUint()
- if nr < 0 || nr > 1<<31 { // zero is permissible for anonymous types
- errorf("invalid type name length %d", nr)
- }
- b := make([]byte, nr)
- state.b.Read(b)
- name := string(b)
- if name == "" {
- // Copy the representation of the nil interface value to the target.
- // This is horribly unsafe and special.
- if indir > 0 {
- p = allocate(ityp, p, 1) // All but the last level has been allocated by dec.Indirect
- }
- *(*[2]uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(p)) = ivalue.InterfaceData()
- return
- }
- if len(name) > 1024 {
- errorf("name too long (%d bytes): %.20q...", len(name), name)
- }
- // The concrete type must be registered.
- registerLock.RLock()
- typ, ok := nameToConcreteType[name]
- registerLock.RUnlock()
- if !ok {
- errorf("name not registered for interface: %q", name)
- }
- // Read the type id of the concrete value.
- concreteId := dec.decodeTypeSequence(true)
- if concreteId < 0 {
- error_(dec.err)
- }
- // Byte count of value is next; we don't care what it is (it's there
- // in case we want to ignore the value by skipping it completely).
- state.decodeUint()
- // Read the concrete value.
- value := allocValue(typ)
- dec.decodeValue(concreteId, value)
- if dec.err != nil {
- error_(dec.err)
- }
- // Allocate the destination interface value.
- if indir > 0 {
- p = allocate(ityp, p, 1) // All but the last level has been allocated by dec.Indirect
- }
- // Assign the concrete value to the interface.
- // Tread carefully; it might not satisfy the interface.
- setInterfaceValue(ivalue, value)
- // Copy the representation of the interface value to the target.
- // This is horribly unsafe and special.
- *(*[2]uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(p)) = ivalue.InterfaceData()
-// ignoreInterface discards the data for an interface value with no destination.
-func (dec *Decoder) ignoreInterface(state *decoderState) {
- // Read the name of the concrete type.
- b := make([]byte, state.decodeUint())
- _, err := state.b.Read(b)
- if err != nil {
- error_(err)
- }
- id := dec.decodeTypeSequence(true)
- if id < 0 {
- error_(dec.err)
- }
- // At this point, the decoder buffer contains a delimited value. Just toss it.
- state.b.Next(int(state.decodeUint()))
-// decodeGobDecoder decodes something implementing the GobDecoder interface.
-// The data is encoded as a byte slice.
-func (dec *Decoder) decodeGobDecoder(state *decoderState, v reflect.Value) {
- // Read the bytes for the value.
- b := make([]byte, state.decodeUint())
- _, err := state.b.Read(b)
- if err != nil {
- error_(err)
- }
- // We know it's a GobDecoder, so just call the method directly.
- err = v.Interface().(GobDecoder).GobDecode(b)
- if err != nil {
- error_(err)
- }
-// ignoreGobDecoder discards the data for a GobDecoder value with no destination.
-func (dec *Decoder) ignoreGobDecoder(state *decoderState) {
- // Read the bytes for the value.
- b := make([]byte, state.decodeUint())
- _, err := state.b.Read(b)
- if err != nil {
- error_(err)
- }
-// Index by Go types.
-var decOpTable = [...]decOp{
- reflect.Bool: decBool,
- reflect.Int8: decInt8,
- reflect.Int16: decInt16,
- reflect.Int32: decInt32,
- reflect.Int64: decInt64,
- reflect.Uint8: decUint8,
- reflect.Uint16: decUint16,
- reflect.Uint32: decUint32,
- reflect.Uint64: decUint64,
- reflect.Float32: decFloat32,
- reflect.Float64: decFloat64,
- reflect.Complex64: decComplex64,
- reflect.Complex128: decComplex128,
- reflect.String: decString,
-// Indexed by gob types. tComplex will be added during type.init().
-var decIgnoreOpMap = map[typeId]decOp{
- tBool: ignoreUint,
- tInt: ignoreUint,
- tUint: ignoreUint,
- tFloat: ignoreUint,
- tBytes: ignoreUint8Array,
- tString: ignoreUint8Array,
- tComplex: ignoreTwoUints,
-// decOpFor returns the decoding op for the base type under rt and
-// the indirection count to reach it.
-func (dec *Decoder) decOpFor(wireId typeId, rt reflect.Type, name string, inProgress map[reflect.Type]*decOp) (*decOp, int) {
- ut := userType(rt)
- // If the type implements GobEncoder, we handle it without further processing.
- if ut.isGobDecoder {
- return dec.gobDecodeOpFor(ut)
- }
- // If this type is already in progress, it's a recursive type (e.g. map[string]*T).
- // Return the pointer to the op we're already building.
- if opPtr := inProgress[rt]; opPtr != nil {
- return opPtr, ut.indir
- }
- typ := ut.base
- indir := ut.indir
- var op decOp
- k := typ.Kind()
- if int(k) < len(decOpTable) {
- op = decOpTable[k]
- }
- if op == nil {
- inProgress[rt] = &op
- // Special cases
- switch t := typ; t.Kind() {
- case reflect.Array:
- name = "element of " + name
- elemId := dec.wireType[wireId].ArrayT.Elem
- elemOp, elemIndir := dec.decOpFor(elemId, t.Elem(), name, inProgress)
- ovfl := overflow(name)
- op = func(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- state.dec.decodeArray(t, state, uintptr(p), *elemOp, t.Elem().Size(), t.Len(), i.indir, elemIndir, ovfl)
- }
- case reflect.Map:
- keyId := dec.wireType[wireId].MapT.Key
- elemId := dec.wireType[wireId].MapT.Elem
- keyOp, keyIndir := dec.decOpFor(keyId, t.Key(), "key of "+name, inProgress)
- elemOp, elemIndir := dec.decOpFor(elemId, t.Elem(), "element of "+name, inProgress)
- ovfl := overflow(name)
- op = func(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- up := unsafe.Pointer(p)
- state.dec.decodeMap(t, state, uintptr(up), *keyOp, *elemOp, i.indir, keyIndir, elemIndir, ovfl)
- }
- case reflect.Slice:
- name = "element of " + name
- if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
- op = decUint8Slice
- break
- }
- var elemId typeId
- if tt, ok := builtinIdToType[wireId]; ok {
- elemId = tt.(*sliceType).Elem
- } else {
- elemId = dec.wireType[wireId].SliceT.Elem
- }
- elemOp, elemIndir := dec.decOpFor(elemId, t.Elem(), name, inProgress)
- ovfl := overflow(name)
- op = func(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- state.dec.decodeSlice(t, state, uintptr(p), *elemOp, t.Elem().Size(), i.indir, elemIndir, ovfl)
- }
- case reflect.Struct:
- // Generate a closure that calls out to the engine for the nested type.
- enginePtr, err := dec.getDecEnginePtr(wireId, userType(typ))
- if err != nil {
- error_(err)
- }
- op = func(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- // indirect through enginePtr to delay evaluation for recursive structs.
- dec.decodeStruct(*enginePtr, userType(typ), uintptr(p), i.indir)
- }
- case reflect.Interface:
- op = func(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- state.dec.decodeInterface(t, state, uintptr(p), i.indir)
- }
- }
- }
- if op == nil {
- errorf("decode can't handle type %s", rt)
- }
- return &op, indir
-// decIgnoreOpFor returns the decoding op for a field that has no destination.
-func (dec *Decoder) decIgnoreOpFor(wireId typeId) decOp {
- op, ok := decIgnoreOpMap[wireId]
- if !ok {
- if wireId == tInterface {
- // Special case because it's a method: the ignored item might
- // define types and we need to record their state in the decoder.
- op = func(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- state.dec.ignoreInterface(state)
- }
- return op
- }
- // Special cases
- wire := dec.wireType[wireId]
- switch {
- case wire == nil:
- errorf("bad data: undefined type %s", wireId.string())
- case wire.ArrayT != nil:
- elemId := wire.ArrayT.Elem
- elemOp := dec.decIgnoreOpFor(elemId)
- op = func(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- state.dec.ignoreArray(state, elemOp, wire.ArrayT.Len)
- }
- case wire.MapT != nil:
- keyId := dec.wireType[wireId].MapT.Key
- elemId := dec.wireType[wireId].MapT.Elem
- keyOp := dec.decIgnoreOpFor(keyId)
- elemOp := dec.decIgnoreOpFor(elemId)
- op = func(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- state.dec.ignoreMap(state, keyOp, elemOp)
- }
- case wire.SliceT != nil:
- elemId := wire.SliceT.Elem
- elemOp := dec.decIgnoreOpFor(elemId)
- op = func(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- state.dec.ignoreSlice(state, elemOp)
- }
- case wire.StructT != nil:
- // Generate a closure that calls out to the engine for the nested type.
- enginePtr, err := dec.getIgnoreEnginePtr(wireId)
- if err != nil {
- error_(err)
- }
- op = func(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- // indirect through enginePtr to delay evaluation for recursive structs
- state.dec.ignoreStruct(*enginePtr)
- }
- case wire.GobEncoderT != nil:
- op = func(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- state.dec.ignoreGobDecoder(state)
- }
- }
- }
- if op == nil {
- errorf("bad data: ignore can't handle type %s", wireId.string())
- }
- return op
-// gobDecodeOpFor returns the op for a type that is known to implement
-// GobDecoder.
-func (dec *Decoder) gobDecodeOpFor(ut *userTypeInfo) (*decOp, int) {
- rcvrType := ut.user
- if ut.decIndir == -1 {
- rcvrType = reflect.PtrTo(rcvrType)
- } else if ut.decIndir > 0 {
- for i := int8(0); i < ut.decIndir; i++ {
- rcvrType = rcvrType.Elem()
- }
- }
- var op decOp
- op = func(i *decInstr, state *decoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- // Caller has gotten us to within one indirection of our value.
- if i.indir > 0 {
- if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) == nil {
- *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) = unsafe.Pointer(reflect.New(ut.base).Pointer())
- }
- }
- // Now p is a pointer to the base type. Do we need to climb out to
- // get to the receiver type?
- var v reflect.Value
- if ut.decIndir == -1 {
- v = reflect.NewAt(rcvrType, unsafe.Pointer(&p)).Elem()
- } else {
- v = reflect.NewAt(rcvrType, p).Elem()
- }
- state.dec.decodeGobDecoder(state, v)
- }
- return &op, int(ut.indir)
-// compatibleType asks: Are these two gob Types compatible?
-// Answers the question for basic types, arrays, maps and slices, plus
-// GobEncoder/Decoder pairs.
-// Structs are considered ok; fields will be checked later.
-func (dec *Decoder) compatibleType(fr reflect.Type, fw typeId, inProgress map[reflect.Type]typeId) bool {
- if rhs, ok := inProgress[fr]; ok {
- return rhs == fw
- }
- inProgress[fr] = fw
- ut := userType(fr)
- wire, ok := dec.wireType[fw]
- // If fr is a GobDecoder, the wire type must be GobEncoder.
- // And if fr is not a GobDecoder, the wire type must not be either.
- if ut.isGobDecoder != (ok && wire.GobEncoderT != nil) { // the parentheses look odd but are correct.
- return false
- }
- if ut.isGobDecoder { // This test trumps all others.
- return true
- }
- switch t := ut.base; t.Kind() {
- default:
- // chan, etc: cannot handle.
- return false
- case reflect.Bool:
- return fw == tBool
- case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
- return fw == tInt
- case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
- return fw == tUint
- case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
- return fw == tFloat
- case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
- return fw == tComplex
- case reflect.String:
- return fw == tString
- case reflect.Interface:
- return fw == tInterface
- case reflect.Array:
- if !ok || wire.ArrayT == nil {
- return false
- }
- array := wire.ArrayT
- return t.Len() == array.Len && dec.compatibleType(t.Elem(), array.Elem, inProgress)
- case reflect.Map:
- if !ok || wire.MapT == nil {
- return false
- }
- MapType := wire.MapT
- return dec.compatibleType(t.Key(), MapType.Key, inProgress) && dec.compatibleType(t.Elem(), MapType.Elem, inProgress)
- case reflect.Slice:
- // Is it an array of bytes?
- if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
- return fw == tBytes
- }
- // Extract and compare element types.
- var sw *sliceType
- if tt, ok := builtinIdToType[fw]; ok {
- sw, _ = tt.(*sliceType)
- } else if wire != nil {
- sw = wire.SliceT
- }
- elem := userType(t.Elem()).base
- return sw != nil && dec.compatibleType(elem, sw.Elem, inProgress)
- case reflect.Struct:
- return true
- }
- return true
-// typeString returns a human-readable description of the type identified by remoteId.
-func (dec *Decoder) typeString(remoteId typeId) string {
- if t := idToType[remoteId]; t != nil {
- // globally known type.
- return t.string()
- }
- return dec.wireType[remoteId].string()
-// compileSingle compiles the decoder engine for a non-struct top-level value, including
-// GobDecoders.
-func (dec *Decoder) compileSingle(remoteId typeId, ut *userTypeInfo) (engine *decEngine, err error) {
- rt := ut.user
- engine = new(decEngine)
- engine.instr = make([]decInstr, 1) // one item
- name := rt.String() // best we can do
- if !dec.compatibleType(rt, remoteId, make(map[reflect.Type]typeId)) {
- remoteType := dec.typeString(remoteId)
- // Common confusing case: local interface type, remote concrete type.
- if ut.base.Kind() == reflect.Interface && remoteId != tInterface {
- return nil, errors.New("gob: local interface type " + name + " can only be decoded from remote interface type; received concrete type " + remoteType)
- }
- return nil, errors.New("gob: decoding into local type " + name + ", received remote type " + remoteType)
- }
- op, indir := dec.decOpFor(remoteId, rt, name, make(map[reflect.Type]*decOp))
- ovfl := errors.New(`value for "` + name + `" out of range`)
- engine.instr[singletonField] = decInstr{*op, singletonField, indir, 0, ovfl}
- engine.numInstr = 1
- return
-// compileIgnoreSingle compiles the decoder engine for a non-struct top-level value that will be discarded.
-func (dec *Decoder) compileIgnoreSingle(remoteId typeId) (engine *decEngine, err error) {
- engine = new(decEngine)
- engine.instr = make([]decInstr, 1) // one item
- op := dec.decIgnoreOpFor(remoteId)
- ovfl := overflow(dec.typeString(remoteId))
- engine.instr[0] = decInstr{op, 0, 0, 0, ovfl}
- engine.numInstr = 1
- return
-// compileDec compiles the decoder engine for a value. If the value is not a struct,
-// it calls out to compileSingle.
-func (dec *Decoder) compileDec(remoteId typeId, ut *userTypeInfo) (engine *decEngine, err error) {
- rt := ut.base
- srt := rt
- if srt.Kind() != reflect.Struct ||
- ut.isGobDecoder {
- return dec.compileSingle(remoteId, ut)
- }
- var wireStruct *structType
- // Builtin types can come from global pool; the rest must be defined by the decoder.
- // Also we know we're decoding a struct now, so the client must have sent one.
- if t, ok := builtinIdToType[remoteId]; ok {
- wireStruct, _ = t.(*structType)
- } else {
- wire := dec.wireType[remoteId]
- if wire == nil {
- error_(errBadType)
- }
- wireStruct = wire.StructT
- }
- if wireStruct == nil {
- errorf("type mismatch in decoder: want struct type %s; got non-struct", rt)
- }
- engine = new(decEngine)
- engine.instr = make([]decInstr, len(wireStruct.Field))
- seen := make(map[reflect.Type]*decOp)
- // Loop over the fields of the wire type.
- for fieldnum := 0; fieldnum < len(wireStruct.Field); fieldnum++ {
- wireField := wireStruct.Field[fieldnum]
- if wireField.Name == "" {
- errorf("empty name for remote field of type %s", wireStruct.Name)
- }
- ovfl := overflow(wireField.Name)
- // Find the field of the local type with the same name.
- localField, present := srt.FieldByName(wireField.Name)
- // TODO(r): anonymous names
- if !present || !isExported(wireField.Name) {
- op := dec.decIgnoreOpFor(wireField.Id)
- engine.instr[fieldnum] = decInstr{op, fieldnum, 0, 0, ovfl}
- continue
- }
- if !dec.compatibleType(localField.Type, wireField.Id, make(map[reflect.Type]typeId)) {
- errorf("wrong type (%s) for received field %s.%s", localField.Type, wireStruct.Name, wireField.Name)
- }
- op, indir := dec.decOpFor(wireField.Id, localField.Type, localField.Name, seen)
- engine.instr[fieldnum] = decInstr{*op, fieldnum, indir, uintptr(localField.Offset), ovfl}
- engine.numInstr++
- }
- return
-// getDecEnginePtr returns the engine for the specified type.
-func (dec *Decoder) getDecEnginePtr(remoteId typeId, ut *userTypeInfo) (enginePtr **decEngine, err error) {
- rt := ut.user
- decoderMap, ok := dec.decoderCache[rt]
- if !ok {
- decoderMap = make(map[typeId]**decEngine)
- dec.decoderCache[rt] = decoderMap
- }
- if enginePtr, ok = decoderMap[remoteId]; !ok {
- // To handle recursive types, mark this engine as underway before compiling.
- enginePtr = new(*decEngine)
- decoderMap[remoteId] = enginePtr
- *enginePtr, err = dec.compileDec(remoteId, ut)
- if err != nil {
- delete(decoderMap, remoteId)
- }
- }
- return
-// emptyStruct is the type we compile into when ignoring a struct value.
-type emptyStruct struct{}
-var emptyStructType = reflect.TypeOf(emptyStruct{})
-// getDecEnginePtr returns the engine for the specified type when the value is to be discarded.
-func (dec *Decoder) getIgnoreEnginePtr(wireId typeId) (enginePtr **decEngine, err error) {
- var ok bool
- if enginePtr, ok = dec.ignorerCache[wireId]; !ok {
- // To handle recursive types, mark this engine as underway before compiling.
- enginePtr = new(*decEngine)
- dec.ignorerCache[wireId] = enginePtr
- wire := dec.wireType[wireId]
- if wire != nil && wire.StructT != nil {
- *enginePtr, err = dec.compileDec(wireId, userType(emptyStructType))
- } else {
- *enginePtr, err = dec.compileIgnoreSingle(wireId)
- }
- if err != nil {
- delete(dec.ignorerCache, wireId)
- }
- }
- return
-// decodeValue decodes the data stream representing a value and stores it in val.
-func (dec *Decoder) decodeValue(wireId typeId, val reflect.Value) {
- defer catchError(&dec.err)
- // If the value is nil, it means we should just ignore this item.
- if !val.IsValid() {
- dec.decodeIgnoredValue(wireId)
- return
- }
- // Dereference down to the underlying type.
- ut := userType(val.Type())
- base := ut.base
- var enginePtr **decEngine
- enginePtr, dec.err = dec.getDecEnginePtr(wireId, ut)
- if dec.err != nil {
- return
- }
- engine := *enginePtr
- if st := base; st.Kind() == reflect.Struct && !ut.isGobDecoder {
- if engine.numInstr == 0 && st.NumField() > 0 && len(dec.wireType[wireId].StructT.Field) > 0 {
- name := base.Name()
- errorf("type mismatch: no fields matched compiling decoder for %s", name)
- }
- dec.decodeStruct(engine, ut, uintptr(unsafeAddr(val)), ut.indir)
- } else {
- dec.decodeSingle(engine, ut, uintptr(unsafeAddr(val)))
- }
-// decodeIgnoredValue decodes the data stream representing a value of the specified type and discards it.
-func (dec *Decoder) decodeIgnoredValue(wireId typeId) {
- var enginePtr **decEngine
- enginePtr, dec.err = dec.getIgnoreEnginePtr(wireId)
- if dec.err != nil {
- return
- }
- wire := dec.wireType[wireId]
- if wire != nil && wire.StructT != nil {
- dec.ignoreStruct(*enginePtr)
- } else {
- dec.ignoreSingle(*enginePtr)
- }
-func init() {
- var iop, uop decOp
- switch reflect.TypeOf(int(0)).Bits() {
- case 32:
- iop = decInt32
- uop = decUint32
- case 64:
- iop = decInt64
- uop = decUint64
- default:
- panic("gob: unknown size of int/uint")
- }
- decOpTable[reflect.Int] = iop
- decOpTable[reflect.Uint] = uop
- // Finally uintptr
- switch reflect.TypeOf(uintptr(0)).Bits() {
- case 32:
- uop = decUint32
- case 64:
- uop = decUint64
- default:
- panic("gob: unknown size of uintptr")
- }
- decOpTable[reflect.Uintptr] = uop
-// Gob assumes it can call UnsafeAddr on any Value
-// in order to get a pointer it can copy data from.
-// Values that have just been created and do not point
-// into existing structs or slices cannot be addressed,
-// so simulate it by returning a pointer to a copy.
-// Each call allocates once.
-func unsafeAddr(v reflect.Value) uintptr {
- if v.CanAddr() {
- return v.UnsafeAddr()
- }
- x := reflect.New(v.Type()).Elem()
- x.Set(v)
- return x.UnsafeAddr()
-// Gob depends on being able to take the address
-// of zeroed Values it creates, so use this wrapper instead
-// of the standard reflect.Zero.
-// Each call allocates once.
-func allocValue(t reflect.Type) reflect.Value {
- return reflect.New(t).Elem()
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/decoder.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/decoder.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 04f706ca5..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/decoder.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package gob
-import (
- "bufio"
- "bytes"
- "errors"
- "io"
- "reflect"
- "sync"
-// A Decoder manages the receipt of type and data information read from the
-// remote side of a connection.
-type Decoder struct {
- mutex sync.Mutex // each item must be received atomically
- r io.Reader // source of the data
- buf bytes.Buffer // buffer for more efficient i/o from r
- wireType map[typeId]*wireType // map from remote ID to local description
- decoderCache map[reflect.Type]map[typeId]**decEngine // cache of compiled engines
- ignorerCache map[typeId]**decEngine // ditto for ignored objects
- freeList *decoderState // list of free decoderStates; avoids reallocation
- countBuf []byte // used for decoding integers while parsing messages
- tmp []byte // temporary storage for i/o; saves reallocating
- err error
-// NewDecoder returns a new decoder that reads from the io.Reader.
-// If r does not also implement io.ByteReader, it will be wrapped in a
-// bufio.Reader.
-func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) *Decoder {
- dec := new(Decoder)
- // We use the ability to read bytes as a plausible surrogate for buffering.
- if _, ok := r.(io.ByteReader); !ok {
- r = bufio.NewReader(r)
- }
- dec.r = r
- dec.wireType = make(map[typeId]*wireType)
- dec.decoderCache = make(map[reflect.Type]map[typeId]**decEngine)
- dec.ignorerCache = make(map[typeId]**decEngine)
- dec.countBuf = make([]byte, 9) // counts may be uint64s (unlikely!), require 9 bytes
- return dec
-// recvType loads the definition of a type.
-func (dec *Decoder) recvType(id typeId) {
- // Have we already seen this type? That's an error
- if id < firstUserId || dec.wireType[id] != nil {
- dec.err = errors.New("gob: duplicate type received")
- return
- }
- // Type:
- wire := new(wireType)
- dec.decodeValue(tWireType, reflect.ValueOf(wire))
- if dec.err != nil {
- return
- }
- // Remember we've seen this type.
- dec.wireType[id] = wire
-var errBadCount = errors.New("invalid message length")
-// recvMessage reads the next count-delimited item from the input. It is the converse
-// of Encoder.writeMessage. It returns false on EOF or other error reading the message.
-func (dec *Decoder) recvMessage() bool {
- // Read a count.
- nbytes, _, err := decodeUintReader(dec.r, dec.countBuf)
- if err != nil {
- dec.err = err
- return false
- }
- // Upper limit of 1GB, allowing room to grow a little without overflow.
- // TODO: We might want more control over this limit.
- if nbytes >= 1<<30 {
- dec.err = errBadCount
- return false
- }
- dec.readMessage(int(nbytes))
- return dec.err == nil
-// readMessage reads the next nbytes bytes from the input.
-func (dec *Decoder) readMessage(nbytes int) {
- // Allocate the dec.tmp buffer, up to 10KB.
- const maxBuf = 10 * 1024
- nTmp := nbytes
- if nTmp > maxBuf {
- nTmp = maxBuf
- }
- if cap(dec.tmp) < nTmp {
- nAlloc := nTmp + 100 // A little extra for growth.
- if nAlloc > maxBuf {
- nAlloc = maxBuf
- }
- dec.tmp = make([]byte, nAlloc)
- }
- dec.tmp = dec.tmp[:nTmp]
- // Read the data
- dec.buf.Grow(nbytes)
- for nbytes > 0 {
- if nbytes < nTmp {
- dec.tmp = dec.tmp[:nbytes]
- }
- var nRead int
- nRead, dec.err = io.ReadFull(dec.r, dec.tmp)
- if dec.err != nil {
- if dec.err == io.EOF {
- dec.err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
- }
- return
- }
- dec.buf.Write(dec.tmp)
- nbytes -= nRead
- }
-// toInt turns an encoded uint64 into an int, according to the marshaling rules.
-func toInt(x uint64) int64 {
- i := int64(x >> 1)
- if x&1 != 0 {
- i = ^i
- }
- return i
-func (dec *Decoder) nextInt() int64 {
- n, _, err := decodeUintReader(&dec.buf, dec.countBuf)
- if err != nil {
- dec.err = err
- }
- return toInt(n)
-func (dec *Decoder) nextUint() uint64 {
- n, _, err := decodeUintReader(&dec.buf, dec.countBuf)
- if err != nil {
- dec.err = err
- }
- return n
-// decodeTypeSequence parses:
-// TypeSequence
-// (TypeDefinition DelimitedTypeDefinition*)?
-// and returns the type id of the next value. It returns -1 at
-// EOF. Upon return, the remainder of dec.buf is the value to be
-// decoded. If this is an interface value, it can be ignored by
-// resetting that buffer.
-func (dec *Decoder) decodeTypeSequence(isInterface bool) typeId {
- for dec.err == nil {
- if dec.buf.Len() == 0 {
- if !dec.recvMessage() {
- break
- }
- }
- // Receive a type id.
- id := typeId(dec.nextInt())
- if id >= 0 {
- // Value follows.
- return id
- }
- // Type definition for (-id) follows.
- dec.recvType(-id)
- // When decoding an interface, after a type there may be a
- // DelimitedValue still in the buffer. Skip its count.
- // (Alternatively, the buffer is empty and the byte count
- // will be absorbed by recvMessage.)
- if dec.buf.Len() > 0 {
- if !isInterface {
- dec.err = errors.New("extra data in buffer")
- break
- }
- dec.nextUint()
- }
- }
- return -1
-// Decode reads the next value from the connection and stores
-// it in the data represented by the empty interface value.
-// If e is nil, the value will be discarded. Otherwise,
-// the value underlying e must be a pointer to the
-// correct type for the next data item received.
-func (dec *Decoder) Decode(e interface{}) error {
- if e == nil {
- return dec.DecodeValue(reflect.Value{})
- }
- value := reflect.ValueOf(e)
- // If e represents a value as opposed to a pointer, the answer won't
- // get back to the caller. Make sure it's a pointer.
- if value.Type().Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
- dec.err = errors.New("gob: attempt to decode into a non-pointer")
- return dec.err
- }
- return dec.DecodeValue(value)
-// DecodeValue reads the next value from the connection.
-// If v is the zero reflect.Value (v.Kind() == Invalid), DecodeValue discards the value.
-// Otherwise, it stores the value into v. In that case, v must represent
-// a non-nil pointer to data or be an assignable reflect.Value (v.CanSet())
-func (dec *Decoder) DecodeValue(v reflect.Value) error {
- if v.IsValid() {
- if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !v.IsNil() {
- // That's okay, we'll store through the pointer.
- } else if !v.CanSet() {
- return errors.New("gob: DecodeValue of unassignable value")
- }
- }
- // Make sure we're single-threaded through here.
- dec.mutex.Lock()
- defer dec.mutex.Unlock()
- dec.buf.Reset() // In case data lingers from previous invocation.
- dec.err = nil
- id := dec.decodeTypeSequence(false)
- if dec.err == nil {
- dec.decodeValue(id, v)
- }
- return dec.err
-// If debug.go is compiled into the program , debugFunc prints a human-readable
-// representation of the gob data read from r by calling that file's Debug function.
-// Otherwise it is nil.
-var debugFunc func(io.Reader)
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/doc.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/doc.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bd61b12e..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/doc.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-Package gob manages streams of gobs - binary values exchanged between an
-Encoder (transmitter) and a Decoder (receiver). A typical use is transporting
-arguments and results of remote procedure calls (RPCs) such as those provided by
-package "rpc".
-A stream of gobs is self-describing. Each data item in the stream is preceded by
-a specification of its type, expressed in terms of a small set of predefined
-types. Pointers are not transmitted, but the things they point to are
-transmitted; that is, the values are flattened. Recursive types work fine, but
-recursive values (data with cycles) are problematic. This may change.
-To use gobs, create an Encoder and present it with a series of data items as
-values or addresses that can be dereferenced to values. The Encoder makes sure
-all type information is sent before it is needed. At the receive side, a
-Decoder retrieves values from the encoded stream and unpacks them into local
-The source and destination values/types need not correspond exactly. For structs,
-fields (identified by name) that are in the source but absent from the receiving
-variable will be ignored. Fields that are in the receiving variable but missing
-from the transmitted type or value will be ignored in the destination. If a field
-with the same name is present in both, their types must be compatible. Both the
-receiver and transmitter will do all necessary indirection and dereferencing to
-convert between gobs and actual Go values. For instance, a gob type that is
- struct { A, B int }
-can be sent from or received into any of these Go types:
- struct { A, B int } // the same
- *struct { A, B int } // extra indirection of the struct
- struct { *A, **B int } // extra indirection of the fields
- struct { A, B int64 } // different concrete value type; see below
-It may also be received into any of these:
- struct { A, B int } // the same
- struct { B, A int } // ordering doesn't matter; matching is by name
- struct { A, B, C int } // extra field (C) ignored
- struct { B int } // missing field (A) ignored; data will be dropped
- struct { B, C int } // missing field (A) ignored; extra field (C) ignored.
-Attempting to receive into these types will draw a decode error:
- struct { A int; B uint } // change of signedness for B
- struct { A int; B float } // change of type for B
- struct { } // no field names in common
- struct { C, D int } // no field names in common
-Integers are transmitted two ways: arbitrary precision signed integers or
-arbitrary precision unsigned integers. There is no int8, int16 etc.
-discrimination in the gob format; there are only signed and unsigned integers. As
-described below, the transmitter sends the value in a variable-length encoding;
-the receiver accepts the value and stores it in the destination variable.
-Floating-point numbers are always sent using IEEE-754 64-bit precision (see
-Signed integers may be received into any signed integer variable: int, int16, etc.;
-unsigned integers may be received into any unsigned integer variable; and floating
-point values may be received into any floating point variable. However,
-the destination variable must be able to represent the value or the decode
-operation will fail.
-Structs, arrays and slices are also supported. Structs encode and
-decode only exported fields. Strings and arrays of bytes are supported
-with a special, efficient representation (see below). When a slice
-is decoded, if the existing slice has capacity the slice will be
-extended in place; if not, a new array is allocated. Regardless,
-the length of the resulting slice reports the number of elements
-Functions and channels cannot be sent in a gob. Attempting
-to encode a value that contains one will fail.
-The rest of this comment documents the encoding, details that are not important
-for most users. Details are presented bottom-up.
-An unsigned integer is sent one of two ways. If it is less than 128, it is sent
-as a byte with that value. Otherwise it is sent as a minimal-length big-endian
-(high byte first) byte stream holding the value, preceded by one byte holding the
-byte count, negated. Thus 0 is transmitted as (00), 7 is transmitted as (07) and
-256 is transmitted as (FE 01 00).
-A boolean is encoded within an unsigned integer: 0 for false, 1 for true.
-A signed integer, i, is encoded within an unsigned integer, u. Within u, bits 1
-upward contain the value; bit 0 says whether they should be complemented upon
-receipt. The encode algorithm looks like this:
- uint u;
- if i < 0 {
- u = (^i << 1) | 1 // complement i, bit 0 is 1
- } else {
- u = (i << 1) // do not complement i, bit 0 is 0
- }
- encodeUnsigned(u)
-The low bit is therefore analogous to a sign bit, but making it the complement bit
-instead guarantees that the largest negative integer is not a special case. For
-example, -129=^128=(^256>>1) encodes as (FE 01 01).
-Floating-point numbers are always sent as a representation of a float64 value.
-That value is converted to a uint64 using math.Float64bits. The uint64 is then
-byte-reversed and sent as a regular unsigned integer. The byte-reversal means the
-exponent and high-precision part of the mantissa go first. Since the low bits are
-often zero, this can save encoding bytes. For instance, 17.0 is encoded in only
-three bytes (FE 31 40).
-Strings and slices of bytes are sent as an unsigned count followed by that many
-uninterpreted bytes of the value.
-All other slices and arrays are sent as an unsigned count followed by that many
-elements using the standard gob encoding for their type, recursively.
-Maps are sent as an unsigned count followed by that many key, element
-pairs. Empty but non-nil maps are sent, so if the sender has allocated
-a map, the receiver will allocate a map even if no elements are
-Structs are sent as a sequence of (field number, field value) pairs. The field
-value is sent using the standard gob encoding for its type, recursively. If a
-field has the zero value for its type, it is omitted from the transmission. The
-field number is defined by the type of the encoded struct: the first field of the
-encoded type is field 0, the second is field 1, etc. When encoding a value, the
-field numbers are delta encoded for efficiency and the fields are always sent in
-order of increasing field number; the deltas are therefore unsigned. The
-initialization for the delta encoding sets the field number to -1, so an unsigned
-integer field 0 with value 7 is transmitted as unsigned delta = 1, unsigned value
-= 7 or (01 07). Finally, after all the fields have been sent a terminating mark
-denotes the end of the struct. That mark is a delta=0 value, which has
-representation (00).
-Interface types are not checked for compatibility; all interface types are
-treated, for transmission, as members of a single "interface" type, analogous to
-int or []byte - in effect they're all treated as interface{}. Interface values
-are transmitted as a string identifying the concrete type being sent (a name
-that must be pre-defined by calling Register), followed by a byte count of the
-length of the following data (so the value can be skipped if it cannot be
-stored), followed by the usual encoding of concrete (dynamic) value stored in
-the interface value. (A nil interface value is identified by the empty string
-and transmits no value.) Upon receipt, the decoder verifies that the unpacked
-concrete item satisfies the interface of the receiving variable.
-The representation of types is described below. When a type is defined on a given
-connection between an Encoder and Decoder, it is assigned a signed integer type
-id. When Encoder.Encode(v) is called, it makes sure there is an id assigned for
-the type of v and all its elements and then it sends the pair (typeid, encoded-v)
-where typeid is the type id of the encoded type of v and encoded-v is the gob
-encoding of the value v.
-To define a type, the encoder chooses an unused, positive type id and sends the
-pair (-type id, encoded-type) where encoded-type is the gob encoding of a wireType
-description, constructed from these types:
- type wireType struct {
- ArrayT *ArrayType
- SliceT *SliceType
- StructT *StructType
- MapT *MapType
- }
- type arrayType struct {
- CommonType
- Elem typeId
- Len int
- }
- type CommonType struct {
- Name string // the name of the struct type
- Id int // the id of the type, repeated so it's inside the type
- }
- type sliceType struct {
- CommonType
- Elem typeId
- }
- type structType struct {
- CommonType
- Field []*fieldType // the fields of the struct.
- }
- type fieldType struct {
- Name string // the name of the field.
- Id int // the type id of the field, which must be already defined
- }
- type mapType struct {
- CommonType
- Key typeId
- Elem typeId
- }
-If there are nested type ids, the types for all inner type ids must be defined
-before the top-level type id is used to describe an encoded-v.
-For simplicity in setup, the connection is defined to understand these types a
-priori, as well as the basic gob types int, uint, etc. Their ids are:
- bool 1
- int 2
- uint 3
- float 4
- []byte 5
- string 6
- complex 7
- interface 8
- // gap for reserved ids.
- WireType 16
- ArrayType 17
- CommonType 18
- SliceType 19
- StructType 20
- FieldType 21
- // 22 is slice of fieldType.
- MapType 23
-Finally, each message created by a call to Encode is preceded by an encoded
-unsigned integer count of the number of bytes remaining in the message. After
-the initial type name, interface values are wrapped the same way; in effect, the
-interface value acts like a recursive invocation of Encode.
-In summary, a gob stream looks like
- (byteCount (-type id, encoding of a wireType)* (type id, encoding of a value))*
-where * signifies zero or more repetitions and the type id of a value must
-be predefined or be defined before the value in the stream.
-See "Gobs of data" for a design discussion of the gob wire format:
-package gob
-Tokens starting with a lower case letter are terminals; int(n)
-and uint(n) represent the signed/unsigned encodings of the value n.
- DelimitedMessage*
- uint(lengthOfMessage) Message
- TypeSequence TypedValue
- (TypeDefinition DelimitedTypeDefinition*)?
- uint(lengthOfTypeDefinition) TypeDefinition
- int(typeId) Value
- int(-typeId) encodingOfWireType
- SingletonValue | StructValue
- uint(0) FieldValue
- builtinValue | ArrayValue | MapValue | SliceValue | StructValue | InterfaceValue
- NilInterfaceValue | NonNilInterfaceValue
- uint(0)
- ConcreteTypeName TypeSequence InterfaceContents
- uint(lengthOfName) [already read=n] name
- int(concreteTypeId) DelimitedValue
- uint(length) Value
- uint(n) FieldValue*n [n elements]
- uint(n) (FieldValue FieldValue)*n [n (key, value) pairs]
- uint(n) FieldValue*n [n elements]
- (uint(fieldDelta) FieldValue)*
-For implementers and the curious, here is an encoded example. Given
- type Point struct {X, Y int}
-and the value
- p := Point{22, 33}
-the bytes transmitted that encode p will be:
- 1f ff 81 03 01 01 05 50 6f 69 6e 74 01 ff 82 00
- 01 02 01 01 58 01 04 00 01 01 59 01 04 00 00 00
- 07 ff 82 01 2c 01 42 00
-They are determined as follows.
-Since this is the first transmission of type Point, the type descriptor
-for Point itself must be sent before the value. This is the first type
-we've sent on this Encoder, so it has type id 65 (0 through 64 are
- 1f // This item (a type descriptor) is 31 bytes long.
- ff 81 // The negative of the id for the type we're defining, -65.
- // This is one byte (indicated by FF = -1) followed by
- // ^-65<<1 | 1. The low 1 bit signals to complement the
- // rest upon receipt.
- // Now we send a type descriptor, which is itself a struct (wireType).
- // The type of wireType itself is known (it's built in, as is the type of
- // all its components), so we just need to send a *value* of type wireType
- // that represents type "Point".
- // Here starts the encoding of that value.
- // Set the field number implicitly to -1; this is done at the beginning
- // of every struct, including nested structs.
- 03 // Add 3 to field number; now 2 (wireType.structType; this is a struct).
- // structType starts with an embedded CommonType, which appears
- // as a regular structure here too.
- 01 // add 1 to field number (now 0); start of embedded CommonType.
- 01 // add 1 to field number (now 0, the name of the type)
- 05 // string is (unsigned) 5 bytes long
- 50 6f 69 6e 74 // wireType.structType.CommonType.name = "Point"
- 01 // add 1 to field number (now 1, the id of the type)
- ff 82 // wireType.structType.CommonType._id = 65
- 00 // end of embedded wiretype.structType.CommonType struct
- 01 // add 1 to field number (now 1, the field array in wireType.structType)
- 02 // There are two fields in the type (len(structType.field))
- 01 // Start of first field structure; add 1 to get field number 0: field[0].name
- 01 // 1 byte
- 58 // structType.field[0].name = "X"
- 01 // Add 1 to get field number 1: field[0].id
- 04 // structType.field[0].typeId is 2 (signed int).
- 00 // End of structType.field[0]; start structType.field[1]; set field number to -1.
- 01 // Add 1 to get field number 0: field[1].name
- 01 // 1 byte
- 59 // structType.field[1].name = "Y"
- 01 // Add 1 to get field number 1: field[1].id
- 04 // struct.Type.field[1].typeId is 2 (signed int).
- 00 // End of structType.field[1]; end of structType.field.
- 00 // end of wireType.structType structure
- 00 // end of wireType structure
-Now we can send the Point value. Again the field number resets to -1:
- 07 // this value is 7 bytes long
- ff 82 // the type number, 65 (1 byte (-FF) followed by 65<<1)
- 01 // add one to field number, yielding field 0
- 2c // encoding of signed "22" (0x22 = 44 = 22<<1); Point.x = 22
- 01 // add one to field number, yielding field 1
- 42 // encoding of signed "33" (0x42 = 66 = 33<<1); Point.y = 33
- 00 // end of structure
-The type encoding is long and fairly intricate but we send it only once.
-If p is transmitted a second time, the type is already known so the
-output will be just:
- 07 ff 82 01 2c 01 42 00
-A single non-struct value at top level is transmitted like a field with
-delta tag 0. For instance, a signed integer with value 3 presented as
-the argument to Encode will emit:
- 03 04 00 06
-Which represents:
- 03 // this value is 3 bytes long
- 04 // the type number, 2, represents an integer
- 00 // tag delta 0
- 06 // value 3
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/dump.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/dump.go
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index 17238c98d..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/dump.go
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-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// +build ignore
-package main
-// Need to compile package gob with debug.go to build this program.
-// See comments in debug.go for how to do this.
-import (
- "encoding/gob"
- "fmt"
- "os"
-func main() {
- var err error
- file := os.Stdin
- if len(os.Args) > 1 {
- file, err = os.Open(os.Args[1])
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "dump: %s\n", err)
- os.Exit(1)
- }
- }
- gob.Debug(file)
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/encode.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/encode.go
deleted file mode 100644
index ea37a6cbd..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/encode.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,750 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package gob
-import (
- "bytes"
- "math"
- "reflect"
- "unsafe"
-const uint64Size = int(unsafe.Sizeof(uint64(0)))
-// encoderState is the global execution state of an instance of the encoder.
-// Field numbers are delta encoded and always increase. The field
-// number is initialized to -1 so 0 comes out as delta(1). A delta of
-// 0 terminates the structure.
-type encoderState struct {
- enc *Encoder
- b *bytes.Buffer
- sendZero bool // encoding an array element or map key/value pair; send zero values
- fieldnum int // the last field number written.
- buf [1 + uint64Size]byte // buffer used by the encoder; here to avoid allocation.
- next *encoderState // for free list
-func (enc *Encoder) newEncoderState(b *bytes.Buffer) *encoderState {
- e := enc.freeList
- if e == nil {
- e = new(encoderState)
- e.enc = enc
- } else {
- enc.freeList = e.next
- }
- e.sendZero = false
- e.fieldnum = 0
- e.b = b
- return e
-func (enc *Encoder) freeEncoderState(e *encoderState) {
- e.next = enc.freeList
- enc.freeList = e
-// Unsigned integers have a two-state encoding. If the number is less
-// than 128 (0 through 0x7F), its value is written directly.
-// Otherwise the value is written in big-endian byte order preceded
-// by the byte length, negated.
-// encodeUint writes an encoded unsigned integer to state.b.
-func (state *encoderState) encodeUint(x uint64) {
- if x <= 0x7F {
- err := state.b.WriteByte(uint8(x))
- if err != nil {
- error_(err)
- }
- return
- }
- i := uint64Size
- for x > 0 {
- state.buf[i] = uint8(x)
- x >>= 8
- i--
- }
- state.buf[i] = uint8(i - uint64Size) // = loop count, negated
- _, err := state.b.Write(state.buf[i : uint64Size+1])
- if err != nil {
- error_(err)
- }
-// encodeInt writes an encoded signed integer to state.w.
-// The low bit of the encoding says whether to bit complement the (other bits of the)
-// uint to recover the int.
-func (state *encoderState) encodeInt(i int64) {
- var x uint64
- if i < 0 {
- x = uint64(^i<<1) | 1
- } else {
- x = uint64(i << 1)
- }
- state.encodeUint(uint64(x))
-// encOp is the signature of an encoding operator for a given type.
-type encOp func(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer)
-// The 'instructions' of the encoding machine
-type encInstr struct {
- op encOp
- field int // field number
- indir int // how many pointer indirections to reach the value in the struct
- offset uintptr // offset in the structure of the field to encode
-// update emits a field number and updates the state to record its value for delta encoding.
-// If the instruction pointer is nil, it does nothing
-func (state *encoderState) update(instr *encInstr) {
- if instr != nil {
- state.encodeUint(uint64(instr.field - state.fieldnum))
- state.fieldnum = instr.field
- }
-// Each encoder for a composite is responsible for handling any
-// indirections associated with the elements of the data structure.
-// If any pointer so reached is nil, no bytes are written. If the
-// data item is zero, no bytes are written. Single values - ints,
-// strings etc. - are indirected before calling their encoders.
-// Otherwise, the output (for a scalar) is the field number, as an
-// encoded integer, followed by the field data in its appropriate
-// format.
-// encIndirect dereferences p indir times and returns the result.
-func encIndirect(p unsafe.Pointer, indir int) unsafe.Pointer {
- for ; indir > 0; indir-- {
- p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p)
- if p == nil {
- return unsafe.Pointer(nil)
- }
- }
- return p
-// encBool encodes the bool with address p as an unsigned 0 or 1.
-func encBool(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- b := *(*bool)(p)
- if b || state.sendZero {
- state.update(i)
- if b {
- state.encodeUint(1)
- } else {
- state.encodeUint(0)
- }
- }
-// encInt encodes the int with address p.
-func encInt(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- v := int64(*(*int)(p))
- if v != 0 || state.sendZero {
- state.update(i)
- state.encodeInt(v)
- }
-// encUint encodes the uint with address p.
-func encUint(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- v := uint64(*(*uint)(p))
- if v != 0 || state.sendZero {
- state.update(i)
- state.encodeUint(v)
- }
-// encInt8 encodes the int8 with address p.
-func encInt8(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- v := int64(*(*int8)(p))
- if v != 0 || state.sendZero {
- state.update(i)
- state.encodeInt(v)
- }
-// encUint8 encodes the uint8 with address p.
-func encUint8(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- v := uint64(*(*uint8)(p))
- if v != 0 || state.sendZero {
- state.update(i)
- state.encodeUint(v)
- }
-// encInt16 encodes the int16 with address p.
-func encInt16(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- v := int64(*(*int16)(p))
- if v != 0 || state.sendZero {
- state.update(i)
- state.encodeInt(v)
- }
-// encUint16 encodes the uint16 with address p.
-func encUint16(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- v := uint64(*(*uint16)(p))
- if v != 0 || state.sendZero {
- state.update(i)
- state.encodeUint(v)
- }
-// encInt32 encodes the int32 with address p.
-func encInt32(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- v := int64(*(*int32)(p))
- if v != 0 || state.sendZero {
- state.update(i)
- state.encodeInt(v)
- }
-// encUint encodes the uint32 with address p.
-func encUint32(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- v := uint64(*(*uint32)(p))
- if v != 0 || state.sendZero {
- state.update(i)
- state.encodeUint(v)
- }
-// encInt64 encodes the int64 with address p.
-func encInt64(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- v := *(*int64)(p)
- if v != 0 || state.sendZero {
- state.update(i)
- state.encodeInt(v)
- }
-// encInt64 encodes the uint64 with address p.
-func encUint64(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- v := *(*uint64)(p)
- if v != 0 || state.sendZero {
- state.update(i)
- state.encodeUint(v)
- }
-// encUintptr encodes the uintptr with address p.
-func encUintptr(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- v := uint64(*(*uintptr)(p))
- if v != 0 || state.sendZero {
- state.update(i)
- state.encodeUint(v)
- }
-// floatBits returns a uint64 holding the bits of a floating-point number.
-// Floating-point numbers are transmitted as uint64s holding the bits
-// of the underlying representation. They are sent byte-reversed, with
-// the exponent end coming out first, so integer floating point numbers
-// (for example) transmit more compactly. This routine does the
-// swizzling.
-func floatBits(f float64) uint64 {
- u := math.Float64bits(f)
- var v uint64
- for i := 0; i < 8; i++ {
- v <<= 8
- v |= u & 0xFF
- u >>= 8
- }
- return v
-// encFloat32 encodes the float32 with address p.
-func encFloat32(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- f := *(*float32)(p)
- if f != 0 || state.sendZero {
- v := floatBits(float64(f))
- state.update(i)
- state.encodeUint(v)
- }
-// encFloat64 encodes the float64 with address p.
-func encFloat64(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- f := *(*float64)(p)
- if f != 0 || state.sendZero {
- state.update(i)
- v := floatBits(f)
- state.encodeUint(v)
- }
-// encComplex64 encodes the complex64 with address p.
-// Complex numbers are just a pair of floating-point numbers, real part first.
-func encComplex64(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- c := *(*complex64)(p)
- if c != 0+0i || state.sendZero {
- rpart := floatBits(float64(real(c)))
- ipart := floatBits(float64(imag(c)))
- state.update(i)
- state.encodeUint(rpart)
- state.encodeUint(ipart)
- }
-// encComplex128 encodes the complex128 with address p.
-func encComplex128(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- c := *(*complex128)(p)
- if c != 0+0i || state.sendZero {
- rpart := floatBits(real(c))
- ipart := floatBits(imag(c))
- state.update(i)
- state.encodeUint(rpart)
- state.encodeUint(ipart)
- }
-// encUint8Array encodes the byte slice whose header has address p.
-// Byte arrays are encoded as an unsigned count followed by the raw bytes.
-func encUint8Array(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- b := *(*[]byte)(p)
- if len(b) > 0 || state.sendZero {
- state.update(i)
- state.encodeUint(uint64(len(b)))
- state.b.Write(b)
- }
-// encString encodes the string whose header has address p.
-// Strings are encoded as an unsigned count followed by the raw bytes.
-func encString(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- s := *(*string)(p)
- if len(s) > 0 || state.sendZero {
- state.update(i)
- state.encodeUint(uint64(len(s)))
- state.b.WriteString(s)
- }
-// encStructTerminator encodes the end of an encoded struct
-// as delta field number of 0.
-func encStructTerminator(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- state.encodeUint(0)
-// Execution engine
-// encEngine an array of instructions indexed by field number of the encoding
-// data, typically a struct. It is executed top to bottom, walking the struct.
-type encEngine struct {
- instr []encInstr
-const singletonField = 0
-// encodeSingle encodes a single top-level non-struct value.
-func (enc *Encoder) encodeSingle(b *bytes.Buffer, engine *encEngine, basep uintptr) {
- state := enc.newEncoderState(b)
- state.fieldnum = singletonField
- // There is no surrounding struct to frame the transmission, so we must
- // generate data even if the item is zero. To do this, set sendZero.
- state.sendZero = true
- instr := &engine.instr[singletonField]
- p := unsafe.Pointer(basep) // offset will be zero
- if instr.indir > 0 {
- if p = encIndirect(p, instr.indir); p == nil {
- return
- }
- }
- instr.op(instr, state, p)
- enc.freeEncoderState(state)
-// encodeStruct encodes a single struct value.
-func (enc *Encoder) encodeStruct(b *bytes.Buffer, engine *encEngine, basep uintptr) {
- state := enc.newEncoderState(b)
- state.fieldnum = -1
- for i := 0; i < len(engine.instr); i++ {
- instr := &engine.instr[i]
- p := unsafe.Pointer(basep + instr.offset)
- if instr.indir > 0 {
- if p = encIndirect(p, instr.indir); p == nil {
- continue
- }
- }
- instr.op(instr, state, p)
- }
- enc.freeEncoderState(state)
-// encodeArray encodes the array whose 0th element is at p.
-func (enc *Encoder) encodeArray(b *bytes.Buffer, p uintptr, op encOp, elemWid uintptr, elemIndir int, length int) {
- state := enc.newEncoderState(b)
- state.fieldnum = -1
- state.sendZero = true
- state.encodeUint(uint64(length))
- for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
- elemp := p
- up := unsafe.Pointer(elemp)
- if elemIndir > 0 {
- if up = encIndirect(up, elemIndir); up == nil {
- errorf("encodeArray: nil element")
- }
- elemp = uintptr(up)
- }
- op(nil, state, unsafe.Pointer(elemp))
- p += uintptr(elemWid)
- }
- enc.freeEncoderState(state)
-// encodeReflectValue is a helper for maps. It encodes the value v.
-func encodeReflectValue(state *encoderState, v reflect.Value, op encOp, indir int) {
- for i := 0; i < indir && v.IsValid(); i++ {
- v = reflect.Indirect(v)
- }
- if !v.IsValid() {
- errorf("encodeReflectValue: nil element")
- }
- op(nil, state, unsafe.Pointer(unsafeAddr(v)))
-// encodeMap encodes a map as unsigned count followed by key:value pairs.
-// Because map internals are not exposed, we must use reflection rather than
-// addresses.
-func (enc *Encoder) encodeMap(b *bytes.Buffer, mv reflect.Value, keyOp, elemOp encOp, keyIndir, elemIndir int) {
- state := enc.newEncoderState(b)
- state.fieldnum = -1
- state.sendZero = true
- keys := mv.MapKeys()
- state.encodeUint(uint64(len(keys)))
- for _, key := range keys {
- encodeReflectValue(state, key, keyOp, keyIndir)
- encodeReflectValue(state, mv.MapIndex(key), elemOp, elemIndir)
- }
- enc.freeEncoderState(state)
-// encodeInterface encodes the interface value iv.
-// To send an interface, we send a string identifying the concrete type, followed
-// by the type identifier (which might require defining that type right now), followed
-// by the concrete value. A nil value gets sent as the empty string for the name,
-// followed by no value.
-func (enc *Encoder) encodeInterface(b *bytes.Buffer, iv reflect.Value) {
- // Gobs can encode nil interface values but not typed interface
- // values holding nil pointers, since nil pointers point to no value.
- elem := iv.Elem()
- if elem.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && elem.IsNil() {
- errorf("gob: cannot encode nil pointer of type %s inside interface", iv.Elem().Type())
- }
- state := enc.newEncoderState(b)
- state.fieldnum = -1
- state.sendZero = true
- if iv.IsNil() {
- state.encodeUint(0)
- return
- }
- ut := userType(iv.Elem().Type())
- registerLock.RLock()
- name, ok := concreteTypeToName[ut.base]
- registerLock.RUnlock()
- if !ok {
- errorf("type not registered for interface: %s", ut.base)
- }
- // Send the name.
- state.encodeUint(uint64(len(name)))
- _, err := state.b.WriteString(name)
- if err != nil {
- error_(err)
- }
- // Define the type id if necessary.
- enc.sendTypeDescriptor(enc.writer(), state, ut)
- // Send the type id.
- enc.sendTypeId(state, ut)
- // Encode the value into a new buffer. Any nested type definitions
- // should be written to b, before the encoded value.
- enc.pushWriter(b)
- data := new(bytes.Buffer)
- data.Write(spaceForLength)
- enc.encode(data, elem, ut)
- if enc.err != nil {
- error_(enc.err)
- }
- enc.popWriter()
- enc.writeMessage(b, data)
- if enc.err != nil {
- error_(err)
- }
- enc.freeEncoderState(state)
-// isZero returns whether the value is the zero of its type.
-func isZero(val reflect.Value) bool {
- switch val.Kind() {
- case reflect.Array:
- for i := 0; i < val.Len(); i++ {
- if !isZero(val.Index(i)) {
- return false
- }
- }
- return true
- case reflect.Map, reflect.Slice, reflect.String:
- return val.Len() == 0
- case reflect.Bool:
- return !val.Bool()
- case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
- return val.Complex() == 0
- case reflect.Chan, reflect.Func, reflect.Ptr:
- return val.IsNil()
- case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
- return val.Int() == 0
- case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
- return val.Float() == 0
- case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
- return val.Uint() == 0
- case reflect.Struct:
- for i := 0; i < val.NumField(); i++ {
- if !isZero(val.Field(i)) {
- return false
- }
- }
- return true
- }
- panic("unknown type in isZero " + val.Type().String())
-// encGobEncoder encodes a value that implements the GobEncoder interface.
-// The data is sent as a byte array.
-func (enc *Encoder) encodeGobEncoder(b *bytes.Buffer, v reflect.Value) {
- // TODO: should we catch panics from the called method?
- // We know it's a GobEncoder, so just call the method directly.
- data, err := v.Interface().(GobEncoder).GobEncode()
- if err != nil {
- error_(err)
- }
- state := enc.newEncoderState(b)
- state.fieldnum = -1
- state.encodeUint(uint64(len(data)))
- state.b.Write(data)
- enc.freeEncoderState(state)
-var encOpTable = [...]encOp{
- reflect.Bool: encBool,
- reflect.Int: encInt,
- reflect.Int8: encInt8,
- reflect.Int16: encInt16,
- reflect.Int32: encInt32,
- reflect.Int64: encInt64,
- reflect.Uint: encUint,
- reflect.Uint8: encUint8,
- reflect.Uint16: encUint16,
- reflect.Uint32: encUint32,
- reflect.Uint64: encUint64,
- reflect.Uintptr: encUintptr,
- reflect.Float32: encFloat32,
- reflect.Float64: encFloat64,
- reflect.Complex64: encComplex64,
- reflect.Complex128: encComplex128,
- reflect.String: encString,
-// encOpFor returns (a pointer to) the encoding op for the base type under rt and
-// the indirection count to reach it.
-func (enc *Encoder) encOpFor(rt reflect.Type, inProgress map[reflect.Type]*encOp) (*encOp, int) {
- ut := userType(rt)
- // If the type implements GobEncoder, we handle it without further processing.
- if ut.isGobEncoder {
- return enc.gobEncodeOpFor(ut)
- }
- // If this type is already in progress, it's a recursive type (e.g. map[string]*T).
- // Return the pointer to the op we're already building.
- if opPtr := inProgress[rt]; opPtr != nil {
- return opPtr, ut.indir
- }
- typ := ut.base
- indir := ut.indir
- k := typ.Kind()
- var op encOp
- if int(k) < len(encOpTable) {
- op = encOpTable[k]
- }
- if op == nil {
- inProgress[rt] = &op
- // Special cases
- switch t := typ; t.Kind() {
- case reflect.Slice:
- if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
- op = encUint8Array
- break
- }
- // Slices have a header; we decode it to find the underlying array.
- elemOp, indir := enc.encOpFor(t.Elem(), inProgress)
- op = func(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- slice := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(p)
- if !state.sendZero && slice.Len == 0 {
- return
- }
- state.update(i)
- state.enc.encodeArray(state.b, slice.Data, *elemOp, t.Elem().Size(), indir, int(slice.Len))
- }
- case reflect.Array:
- // True arrays have size in the type.
- elemOp, indir := enc.encOpFor(t.Elem(), inProgress)
- op = func(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- state.update(i)
- state.enc.encodeArray(state.b, uintptr(p), *elemOp, t.Elem().Size(), indir, t.Len())
- }
- case reflect.Map:
- keyOp, keyIndir := enc.encOpFor(t.Key(), inProgress)
- elemOp, elemIndir := enc.encOpFor(t.Elem(), inProgress)
- op = func(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- // Maps cannot be accessed by moving addresses around the way
- // that slices etc. can. We must recover a full reflection value for
- // the iteration.
- v := reflect.NewAt(t, unsafe.Pointer(p)).Elem()
- mv := reflect.Indirect(v)
- // We send zero-length (but non-nil) maps because the
- // receiver might want to use the map. (Maps don't use append.)
- if !state.sendZero && mv.IsNil() {
- return
- }
- state.update(i)
- state.enc.encodeMap(state.b, mv, *keyOp, *elemOp, keyIndir, elemIndir)
- }
- case reflect.Struct:
- // Generate a closure that calls out to the engine for the nested type.
- enc.getEncEngine(userType(typ))
- info := mustGetTypeInfo(typ)
- op = func(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- state.update(i)
- // indirect through info to delay evaluation for recursive structs
- state.enc.encodeStruct(state.b, info.encoder, uintptr(p))
- }
- case reflect.Interface:
- op = func(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- // Interfaces transmit the name and contents of the concrete
- // value they contain.
- v := reflect.NewAt(t, unsafe.Pointer(p)).Elem()
- iv := reflect.Indirect(v)
- if !state.sendZero && (!iv.IsValid() || iv.IsNil()) {
- return
- }
- state.update(i)
- state.enc.encodeInterface(state.b, iv)
- }
- }
- }
- if op == nil {
- errorf("can't happen: encode type %s", rt)
- }
- return &op, indir
-// gobEncodeOpFor returns the op for a type that is known to implement
-// GobEncoder.
-func (enc *Encoder) gobEncodeOpFor(ut *userTypeInfo) (*encOp, int) {
- rt := ut.user
- if ut.encIndir == -1 {
- rt = reflect.PtrTo(rt)
- } else if ut.encIndir > 0 {
- for i := int8(0); i < ut.encIndir; i++ {
- rt = rt.Elem()
- }
- }
- var op encOp
- op = func(i *encInstr, state *encoderState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
- var v reflect.Value
- if ut.encIndir == -1 {
- // Need to climb up one level to turn value into pointer.
- v = reflect.NewAt(rt, unsafe.Pointer(&p)).Elem()
- } else {
- v = reflect.NewAt(rt, p).Elem()
- }
- if !state.sendZero && isZero(v) {
- return
- }
- state.update(i)
- state.enc.encodeGobEncoder(state.b, v)
- }
- return &op, int(ut.encIndir) // encIndir: op will get called with p == address of receiver.
-// compileEnc returns the engine to compile the type.
-func (enc *Encoder) compileEnc(ut *userTypeInfo) *encEngine {
- srt := ut.base
- engine := new(encEngine)
- seen := make(map[reflect.Type]*encOp)
- rt := ut.base
- if ut.isGobEncoder {
- rt = ut.user
- }
- if !ut.isGobEncoder &&
- srt.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
- for fieldNum, wireFieldNum := 0, 0; fieldNum < srt.NumField(); fieldNum++ {
- f := srt.Field(fieldNum)
- if !isExported(f.Name) {
- continue
- }
- op, indir := enc.encOpFor(f.Type, seen)
- engine.instr = append(engine.instr, encInstr{*op, wireFieldNum, indir, uintptr(f.Offset)})
- wireFieldNum++
- }
- if srt.NumField() > 0 && len(engine.instr) == 0 {
- errorf("type %s has no exported fields", rt)
- }
- engine.instr = append(engine.instr, encInstr{encStructTerminator, 0, 0, 0})
- } else {
- engine.instr = make([]encInstr, 1)
- op, indir := enc.encOpFor(rt, seen)
- engine.instr[0] = encInstr{*op, singletonField, indir, 0} // offset is zero
- }
- return engine
-// getEncEngine returns the engine to compile the type.
-// typeLock must be held (or we're in initialization and guaranteed single-threaded).
-func (enc *Encoder) getEncEngine(ut *userTypeInfo) *encEngine {
- info, err1 := getTypeInfo(ut)
- if err1 != nil {
- error_(err1)
- }
- if info.encoder == nil {
- // Assign the encEngine now, so recursive types work correctly. But...
- info.encoder = new(encEngine)
- // ... if we fail to complete building the engine, don't cache the half-built machine.
- // Doing this here means we won't cache a type that is itself OK but
- // that contains a nested type that won't compile. The result is consistent
- // error behavior when Encode is called multiple times on the top-level type.
- ok := false
- defer func() {
- if !ok {
- info.encoder = nil
- }
- }()
- info.encoder = enc.compileEnc(ut)
- ok = true
- }
- return info.encoder
-// lockAndGetEncEngine is a function that locks and compiles.
-// This lets us hold the lock only while compiling, not when encoding.
-func (enc *Encoder) lockAndGetEncEngine(ut *userTypeInfo) *encEngine {
- typeLock.Lock()
- defer typeLock.Unlock()
- return enc.getEncEngine(ut)
-func (enc *Encoder) encode(b *bytes.Buffer, value reflect.Value, ut *userTypeInfo) {
- defer catchError(&enc.err)
- engine := enc.lockAndGetEncEngine(ut)
- indir := ut.indir
- if ut.isGobEncoder {
- indir = int(ut.encIndir)
- }
- for i := 0; i < indir; i++ {
- value = reflect.Indirect(value)
- }
- if !ut.isGobEncoder && value.Type().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
- enc.encodeStruct(b, engine, unsafeAddr(value))
- } else {
- enc.encodeSingle(b, engine, unsafeAddr(value))
- }
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/encoder.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/encoder.go
deleted file mode 100644
index f669c3d5b..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/encoder.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package gob
-import (
- "bytes"
- "errors"
- "io"
- "reflect"
- "sync"
-// An Encoder manages the transmission of type and data information to the
-// other side of a connection.
-type Encoder struct {
- mutex sync.Mutex // each item must be sent atomically
- w []io.Writer // where to send the data
- sent map[reflect.Type]typeId // which types we've already sent
- countState *encoderState // stage for writing counts
- freeList *encoderState // list of free encoderStates; avoids reallocation
- byteBuf bytes.Buffer // buffer for top-level encoderState
- err error
-// Before we encode a message, we reserve space at the head of the
-// buffer in which to encode its length. This means we can use the
-// buffer to assemble the message without another allocation.
-const maxLength = 9 // Maximum size of an encoded length.
-var spaceForLength = make([]byte, maxLength)
-// NewEncoder returns a new encoder that will transmit on the io.Writer.
-func NewEncoder(w io.Writer) *Encoder {
- enc := new(Encoder)
- enc.w = []io.Writer{w}
- enc.sent = make(map[reflect.Type]typeId)
- enc.countState = enc.newEncoderState(new(bytes.Buffer))
- return enc
-// writer() returns the innermost writer the encoder is using
-func (enc *Encoder) writer() io.Writer {
- return enc.w[len(enc.w)-1]
-// pushWriter adds a writer to the encoder.
-func (enc *Encoder) pushWriter(w io.Writer) {
- enc.w = append(enc.w, w)
-// popWriter pops the innermost writer.
-func (enc *Encoder) popWriter() {
- enc.w = enc.w[0 : len(enc.w)-1]
-func (enc *Encoder) badType(rt reflect.Type) {
- enc.setError(errors.New("gob: can't encode type " + rt.String()))
-func (enc *Encoder) setError(err error) {
- if enc.err == nil { // remember the first.
- enc.err = err
- }
-// writeMessage sends the data item preceded by a unsigned count of its length.
-func (enc *Encoder) writeMessage(w io.Writer, b *bytes.Buffer) {
- // Space has been reserved for the length at the head of the message.
- // This is a little dirty: we grab the slice from the bytes.Buffer and massage
- // it by hand.
- message := b.Bytes()
- messageLen := len(message) - maxLength
- // Encode the length.
- enc.countState.b.Reset()
- enc.countState.encodeUint(uint64(messageLen))
- // Copy the length to be a prefix of the message.
- offset := maxLength - enc.countState.b.Len()
- copy(message[offset:], enc.countState.b.Bytes())
- // Write the data.
- _, err := w.Write(message[offset:])
- // Drain the buffer and restore the space at the front for the count of the next message.
- b.Reset()
- b.Write(spaceForLength)
- if err != nil {
- enc.setError(err)
- }
-// sendActualType sends the requested type, without further investigation, unless
-// it's been sent before.
-func (enc *Encoder) sendActualType(w io.Writer, state *encoderState, ut *userTypeInfo, actual reflect.Type) (sent bool) {
- if _, alreadySent := enc.sent[actual]; alreadySent {
- return false
- }
- typeLock.Lock()
- info, err := getTypeInfo(ut)
- typeLock.Unlock()
- if err != nil {
- enc.setError(err)
- return
- }
- // Send the pair (-id, type)
- // Id:
- state.encodeInt(-int64(info.id))
- // Type:
- enc.encode(state.b, reflect.ValueOf(info.wire), wireTypeUserInfo)
- enc.writeMessage(w, state.b)
- if enc.err != nil {
- return
- }
- // Remember we've sent this type, both what the user gave us and the base type.
- enc.sent[ut.base] = info.id
- if ut.user != ut.base {
- enc.sent[ut.user] = info.id
- }
- // Now send the inner types
- switch st := actual; st.Kind() {
- case reflect.Struct:
- for i := 0; i < st.NumField(); i++ {
- if isExported(st.Field(i).Name) {
- enc.sendType(w, state, st.Field(i).Type)
- }
- }
- case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
- enc.sendType(w, state, st.Elem())
- case reflect.Map:
- enc.sendType(w, state, st.Key())
- enc.sendType(w, state, st.Elem())
- }
- return true
-// sendType sends the type info to the other side, if necessary.
-func (enc *Encoder) sendType(w io.Writer, state *encoderState, origt reflect.Type) (sent bool) {
- ut := userType(origt)
- if ut.isGobEncoder {
- // The rules are different: regardless of the underlying type's representation,
- // we need to tell the other side that the base type is a GobEncoder.
- return enc.sendActualType(w, state, ut, ut.base)
- }
- // It's a concrete value, so drill down to the base type.
- switch rt := ut.base; rt.Kind() {
- default:
- // Basic types and interfaces do not need to be described.
- return
- case reflect.Slice:
- // If it's []uint8, don't send; it's considered basic.
- if rt.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
- return
- }
- // Otherwise we do send.
- break
- case reflect.Array:
- // arrays must be sent so we know their lengths and element types.
- break
- case reflect.Map:
- // maps must be sent so we know their lengths and key/value types.
- break
- case reflect.Struct:
- // structs must be sent so we know their fields.
- break
- case reflect.Chan, reflect.Func:
- // Probably a bad field in a struct.
- enc.badType(rt)
- return
- }
- return enc.sendActualType(w, state, ut, ut.base)
-// Encode transmits the data item represented by the empty interface value,
-// guaranteeing that all necessary type information has been transmitted first.
-func (enc *Encoder) Encode(e interface{}) error {
- return enc.EncodeValue(reflect.ValueOf(e))
-// sendTypeDescriptor makes sure the remote side knows about this type.
-// It will send a descriptor if this is the first time the type has been
-// sent.
-func (enc *Encoder) sendTypeDescriptor(w io.Writer, state *encoderState, ut *userTypeInfo) {
- // Make sure the type is known to the other side.
- // First, have we already sent this type?
- rt := ut.base
- if ut.isGobEncoder {
- rt = ut.user
- }
- if _, alreadySent := enc.sent[rt]; !alreadySent {
- // No, so send it.
- sent := enc.sendType(w, state, rt)
- if enc.err != nil {
- return
- }
- // If the type info has still not been transmitted, it means we have
- // a singleton basic type (int, []byte etc.) at top level. We don't
- // need to send the type info but we do need to update enc.sent.
- if !sent {
- typeLock.Lock()
- info, err := getTypeInfo(ut)
- typeLock.Unlock()
- if err != nil {
- enc.setError(err)
- return
- }
- enc.sent[rt] = info.id
- }
- }
-// sendTypeId sends the id, which must have already been defined.
-func (enc *Encoder) sendTypeId(state *encoderState, ut *userTypeInfo) {
- // Identify the type of this top-level value.
- state.encodeInt(int64(enc.sent[ut.base]))
-// EncodeValue transmits the data item represented by the reflection value,
-// guaranteeing that all necessary type information has been transmitted first.
-func (enc *Encoder) EncodeValue(value reflect.Value) error {
- // Gobs contain values. They cannot represent nil pointers, which
- // have no value to encode.
- if value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && value.IsNil() {
- panic("gob: cannot encode nil pointer of type " + value.Type().String())
- }
- // Make sure we're single-threaded through here, so multiple
- // goroutines can share an encoder.
- enc.mutex.Lock()
- defer enc.mutex.Unlock()
- // Remove any nested writers remaining due to previous errors.
- enc.w = enc.w[0:1]
- ut, err := validUserType(value.Type())
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- enc.err = nil
- enc.byteBuf.Reset()
- enc.byteBuf.Write(spaceForLength)
- state := enc.newEncoderState(&enc.byteBuf)
- enc.sendTypeDescriptor(enc.writer(), state, ut)
- enc.sendTypeId(state, ut)
- if enc.err != nil {
- return enc.err
- }
- // Encode the object.
- enc.encode(state.b, value, ut)
- if enc.err == nil {
- enc.writeMessage(enc.writer(), state.b)
- }
- enc.freeEncoderState(state)
- return enc.err
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/encoder_test.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/encoder_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index b684772c6..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/encoder_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,844 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package gob
-import (
- "bytes"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "reflect"
- "strings"
- "testing"
-type ET2 struct {
- X string
-type ET1 struct {
- A int
- Et2 *ET2
- Next *ET1
-// Like ET1 but with a different name for a field
-type ET3 struct {
- A int
- Et2 *ET2
- DifferentNext *ET1
-// Like ET1 but with a different type for a field
-type ET4 struct {
- A int
- Et2 float64
- Next int
-func TestEncoderDecoder(t *testing.T) {
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- et1 := new(ET1)
- et1.A = 7
- et1.Et2 = new(ET2)
- err := enc.Encode(et1)
- if err != nil {
- t.Error("encoder fail:", err)
- }
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- newEt1 := new(ET1)
- err = dec.Decode(newEt1)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("error decoding ET1:", err)
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(et1, newEt1) {
- t.Fatalf("invalid data for et1: expected %+v; got %+v", *et1, *newEt1)
- }
- if b.Len() != 0 {
- t.Error("not at eof;", b.Len(), "bytes left")
- }
- enc.Encode(et1)
- newEt1 = new(ET1)
- err = dec.Decode(newEt1)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("round 2: error decoding ET1:", err)
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(et1, newEt1) {
- t.Fatalf("round 2: invalid data for et1: expected %+v; got %+v", *et1, *newEt1)
- }
- if b.Len() != 0 {
- t.Error("round 2: not at eof;", b.Len(), "bytes left")
- }
- // Now test with a running encoder/decoder pair that we recognize a type mismatch.
- err = enc.Encode(et1)
- if err != nil {
- t.Error("round 3: encoder fail:", err)
- }
- newEt2 := new(ET2)
- err = dec.Decode(newEt2)
- if err == nil {
- t.Fatal("round 3: expected `bad type' error decoding ET2")
- }
-// Run one value through the encoder/decoder, but use the wrong type.
-// Input is always an ET1; we compare it to whatever is under 'e'.
-func badTypeCheck(e interface{}, shouldFail bool, msg string, t *testing.T) {
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- et1 := new(ET1)
- et1.A = 7
- et1.Et2 = new(ET2)
- err := enc.Encode(et1)
- if err != nil {
- t.Error("encoder fail:", err)
- }
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- err = dec.Decode(e)
- if shouldFail && err == nil {
- t.Error("expected error for", msg)
- }
- if !shouldFail && err != nil {
- t.Error("unexpected error for", msg, err)
- }
-// Test that we recognize a bad type the first time.
-func TestWrongTypeDecoder(t *testing.T) {
- badTypeCheck(new(ET2), true, "no fields in common", t)
- badTypeCheck(new(ET3), false, "different name of field", t)
- badTypeCheck(new(ET4), true, "different type of field", t)
-func corruptDataCheck(s string, err error, t *testing.T) {
- b := bytes.NewBufferString(s)
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- err1 := dec.Decode(new(ET2))
- if err1 != err {
- t.Errorf("from %q expected error %s; got %s", s, err, err1)
- }
-// Check that we survive bad data.
-func TestBadData(t *testing.T) {
- corruptDataCheck("", io.EOF, t)
- corruptDataCheck("\x7Fhi", io.ErrUnexpectedEOF, t)
- corruptDataCheck("\x03now is the time for all good men", errBadType, t)
-// Types not supported by the Encoder.
-var unsupportedValues = []interface{}{
- make(chan int),
- func(a int) bool { return true },
-func TestUnsupported(t *testing.T) {
- var b bytes.Buffer
- enc := NewEncoder(&b)
- for _, v := range unsupportedValues {
- err := enc.Encode(v)
- if err == nil {
- t.Errorf("expected error for %T; got none", v)
- }
- }
-func encAndDec(in, out interface{}) error {
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- err := enc.Encode(in)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- err = dec.Decode(out)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return nil
-func TestTypeToPtrType(t *testing.T) {
- // Encode a T, decode a *T
- type Type0 struct {
- A int
- }
- t0 := Type0{7}
- t0p := new(Type0)
- if err := encAndDec(t0, t0p); err != nil {
- t.Error(err)
- }
-func TestPtrTypeToType(t *testing.T) {
- // Encode a *T, decode a T
- type Type1 struct {
- A uint
- }
- t1p := &Type1{17}
- var t1 Type1
- if err := encAndDec(t1, t1p); err != nil {
- t.Error(err)
- }
-func TestTypeToPtrPtrPtrPtrType(t *testing.T) {
- type Type2 struct {
- A ****float64
- }
- t2 := Type2{}
- t2.A = new(***float64)
- *t2.A = new(**float64)
- **t2.A = new(*float64)
- ***t2.A = new(float64)
- ****t2.A = 27.4
- t2pppp := new(***Type2)
- if err := encAndDec(t2, t2pppp); err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- if ****(****t2pppp).A != ****t2.A {
- t.Errorf("wrong value after decode: %g not %g", ****(****t2pppp).A, ****t2.A)
- }
-func TestSlice(t *testing.T) {
- type Type3 struct {
- A []string
- }
- t3p := &Type3{[]string{"hello", "world"}}
- var t3 Type3
- if err := encAndDec(t3, t3p); err != nil {
- t.Error(err)
- }
-func TestValueError(t *testing.T) {
- // Encode a *T, decode a T
- type Type4 struct {
- A int
- }
- t4p := &Type4{3}
- var t4 Type4 // note: not a pointer.
- if err := encAndDec(t4p, t4); err == nil || strings.Index(err.Error(), "pointer") < 0 {
- t.Error("expected error about pointer; got", err)
- }
-func TestArray(t *testing.T) {
- type Type5 struct {
- A [3]string
- B [3]byte
- }
- type Type6 struct {
- A [2]string // can't hold t5.a
- }
- t5 := Type5{[3]string{"hello", ",", "world"}, [3]byte{1, 2, 3}}
- var t5p Type5
- if err := encAndDec(t5, &t5p); err != nil {
- t.Error(err)
- }
- var t6 Type6
- if err := encAndDec(t5, &t6); err == nil {
- t.Error("should fail with mismatched array sizes")
- }
-func TestRecursiveMapType(t *testing.T) {
- type recursiveMap map[string]recursiveMap
- r1 := recursiveMap{"A": recursiveMap{"B": nil, "C": nil}, "D": nil}
- r2 := make(recursiveMap)
- if err := encAndDec(r1, &r2); err != nil {
- t.Error(err)
- }
-func TestRecursiveSliceType(t *testing.T) {
- type recursiveSlice []recursiveSlice
- r1 := recursiveSlice{0: recursiveSlice{0: nil}, 1: nil}
- r2 := make(recursiveSlice, 0)
- if err := encAndDec(r1, &r2); err != nil {
- t.Error(err)
- }
-// Regression test for bug: must send zero values inside arrays
-func TestDefaultsInArray(t *testing.T) {
- type Type7 struct {
- B []bool
- I []int
- S []string
- F []float64
- }
- t7 := Type7{
- []bool{false, false, true},
- []int{0, 0, 1},
- []string{"hi", "", "there"},
- []float64{0, 0, 1},
- }
- var t7p Type7
- if err := encAndDec(t7, &t7p); err != nil {
- t.Error(err)
- }
-var testInt int
-var testFloat32 float32
-var testString string
-var testSlice []string
-var testMap map[string]int
-var testArray [7]int
-type SingleTest struct {
- in interface{}
- out interface{}
- err string
-var singleTests = []SingleTest{
- {17, &testInt, ""},
- {float32(17.5), &testFloat32, ""},
- {"bike shed", &testString, ""},
- {[]string{"bike", "shed", "paint", "color"}, &testSlice, ""},
- {map[string]int{"seven": 7, "twelve": 12}, &testMap, ""},
- {[7]int{4, 55, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, &testArray, ""}, // case that once triggered a bug
- {[7]int{4, 55, 1, 44, 22, 66, 1234}, &testArray, ""},
- // Decode errors
- {172, &testFloat32, "type"},
-func TestSingletons(t *testing.T) {
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- for _, test := range singleTests {
- b.Reset()
- err := enc.Encode(test.in)
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("error encoding %v: %s", test.in, err)
- continue
- }
- err = dec.Decode(test.out)
- switch {
- case err != nil && test.err == "":
- t.Errorf("error decoding %v: %s", test.in, err)
- continue
- case err == nil && test.err != "":
- t.Errorf("expected error decoding %v: %s", test.in, test.err)
- continue
- case err != nil && test.err != "":
- if strings.Index(err.Error(), test.err) < 0 {
- t.Errorf("wrong error decoding %v: wanted %s, got %v", test.in, test.err, err)
- }
- continue
- }
- // Get rid of the pointer in the rhs
- val := reflect.ValueOf(test.out).Elem().Interface()
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.in, val) {
- t.Errorf("decoding singleton: expected %v got %v", test.in, val)
- }
- }
-func TestStructNonStruct(t *testing.T) {
- type Struct struct {
- A string
- }
- type NonStruct string
- s := Struct{"hello"}
- var sp Struct
- if err := encAndDec(s, &sp); err != nil {
- t.Error(err)
- }
- var ns NonStruct
- if err := encAndDec(s, &ns); err == nil {
- t.Error("should get error for struct/non-struct")
- } else if strings.Index(err.Error(), "type") < 0 {
- t.Error("for struct/non-struct expected type error; got", err)
- }
- // Now try the other way
- var nsp NonStruct
- if err := encAndDec(ns, &nsp); err != nil {
- t.Error(err)
- }
- if err := encAndDec(ns, &s); err == nil {
- t.Error("should get error for non-struct/struct")
- } else if strings.Index(err.Error(), "type") < 0 {
- t.Error("for non-struct/struct expected type error; got", err)
- }
-type interfaceIndirectTestI interface {
- F() bool
-type interfaceIndirectTestT struct{}
-func (this *interfaceIndirectTestT) F() bool {
- return true
-// A version of a bug reported on golang-nuts. Also tests top-level
-// slice of interfaces. The issue was registering *T caused T to be
-// stored as the concrete type.
-func TestInterfaceIndirect(t *testing.T) {
- Register(&interfaceIndirectTestT{})
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- w := []interfaceIndirectTestI{&interfaceIndirectTestT{}}
- err := NewEncoder(b).Encode(w)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode error:", err)
- }
- var r []interfaceIndirectTestI
- err = NewDecoder(b).Decode(&r)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode error:", err)
- }
-// Now follow various tests that decode into things that can't represent the
-// encoded value, all of which should be legal.
-// Also, when the ignored object contains an interface value, it may define
-// types. Make sure that skipping the value still defines the types by using
-// the encoder/decoder pair to send a value afterwards. If an interface
-// is sent, its type in the test is always NewType0, so this checks that the
-// encoder and decoder don't skew with respect to type definitions.
-type Struct0 struct {
- I interface{}
-type NewType0 struct {
- S string
-type ignoreTest struct {
- in, out interface{}
-var ignoreTests = []ignoreTest{
- // Decode normal struct into an empty struct
- {&struct{ A int }{23}, &struct{}{}},
- // Decode normal struct into a nil.
- {&struct{ A int }{23}, nil},
- // Decode singleton string into a nil.
- {"hello, world", nil},
- // Decode singleton slice into a nil.
- {[]int{1, 2, 3, 4}, nil},
- // Decode struct containing an interface into a nil.
- {&Struct0{&NewType0{"value0"}}, nil},
- // Decode singleton slice of interfaces into a nil.
- {[]interface{}{"hi", &NewType0{"value1"}, 23}, nil},
-func TestDecodeIntoNothing(t *testing.T) {
- Register(new(NewType0))
- for i, test := range ignoreTests {
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- err := enc.Encode(test.in)
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("%d: encode error %s:", i, err)
- continue
- }
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- err = dec.Decode(test.out)
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("%d: decode error: %s", i, err)
- continue
- }
- // Now see if the encoder and decoder are in a consistent state.
- str := fmt.Sprintf("Value %d", i)
- err = enc.Encode(&NewType0{str})
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("%d: NewType0 encode error: %s", i, err)
- }
- ns := new(NewType0)
- err = dec.Decode(ns)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("%d: NewType0 decode error: %s", i, err)
- }
- if ns.S != str {
- t.Fatalf("%d: expected %q got %q", i, str, ns.S)
- }
- }
-// Another bug from golang-nuts, involving nested interfaces.
-type Bug0Outer struct {
- Bug0Field interface{}
-type Bug0Inner struct {
- A int
-func TestNestedInterfaces(t *testing.T) {
- var buf bytes.Buffer
- e := NewEncoder(&buf)
- d := NewDecoder(&buf)
- Register(new(Bug0Outer))
- Register(new(Bug0Inner))
- f := &Bug0Outer{&Bug0Outer{&Bug0Inner{7}}}
- var v interface{} = f
- err := e.Encode(&v)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("Encode:", err)
- }
- err = d.Decode(&v)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("Decode:", err)
- }
- // Make sure it decoded correctly.
- outer1, ok := v.(*Bug0Outer)
- if !ok {
- t.Fatalf("v not Bug0Outer: %T", v)
- }
- outer2, ok := outer1.Bug0Field.(*Bug0Outer)
- if !ok {
- t.Fatalf("v.Bug0Field not Bug0Outer: %T", outer1.Bug0Field)
- }
- inner, ok := outer2.Bug0Field.(*Bug0Inner)
- if !ok {
- t.Fatalf("v.Bug0Field.Bug0Field not Bug0Inner: %T", outer2.Bug0Field)
- }
- if inner.A != 7 {
- t.Fatalf("final value %d; expected %d", inner.A, 7)
- }
-// The bugs keep coming. We forgot to send map subtypes before the map.
-type Bug1Elem struct {
- Name string
- Id int
-type Bug1StructMap map[string]Bug1Elem
-func bug1EncDec(in Bug1StructMap, out *Bug1StructMap) error {
- return nil
-func TestMapBug1(t *testing.T) {
- in := make(Bug1StructMap)
- in["val1"] = Bug1Elem{"elem1", 1}
- in["val2"] = Bug1Elem{"elem2", 2}
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- err := enc.Encode(in)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode:", err)
- }
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- out := make(Bug1StructMap)
- err = dec.Decode(&out)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode:", err)
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(in, out) {
- t.Errorf("mismatch: %v %v", in, out)
- }
-func TestGobMapInterfaceEncode(t *testing.T) {
- m := map[string]interface{}{
- "up": uintptr(0),
- "i0": []int{-1},
- "i1": []int8{-1},
- "i2": []int16{-1},
- "i3": []int32{-1},
- "i4": []int64{-1},
- "u0": []uint{1},
- "u1": []uint8{1},
- "u2": []uint16{1},
- "u3": []uint32{1},
- "u4": []uint64{1},
- "f0": []float32{1},
- "f1": []float64{1},
- "c0": []complex64{complex(2, -2)},
- "c1": []complex128{complex(2, float64(-2))},
- "us": []uintptr{0},
- "bo": []bool{false},
- "st": []string{"s"},
- }
- enc := NewEncoder(new(bytes.Buffer))
- err := enc.Encode(m)
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("encode map: %s", err)
- }
-func TestSliceReusesMemory(t *testing.T) {
- buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
- // Bytes
- {
- x := []byte("abcd")
- enc := NewEncoder(buf)
- err := enc.Encode(x)
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("bytes: encode: %s", err)
- }
- // Decode into y, which is big enough.
- y := []byte("ABCDE")
- addr := &y[0]
- dec := NewDecoder(buf)
- err = dec.Decode(&y)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("bytes: decode:", err)
- }
- if !bytes.Equal(x, y) {
- t.Errorf("bytes: expected %q got %q\n", x, y)
- }
- if addr != &y[0] {
- t.Errorf("bytes: unnecessary reallocation")
- }
- }
- // general slice
- {
- x := []rune("abcd")
- enc := NewEncoder(buf)
- err := enc.Encode(x)
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("ints: encode: %s", err)
- }
- // Decode into y, which is big enough.
- y := []rune("ABCDE")
- addr := &y[0]
- dec := NewDecoder(buf)
- err = dec.Decode(&y)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("ints: decode:", err)
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(x, y) {
- t.Errorf("ints: expected %q got %q\n", x, y)
- }
- if addr != &y[0] {
- t.Errorf("ints: unnecessary reallocation")
- }
- }
-// Used to crash: negative count in recvMessage.
-func TestBadCount(t *testing.T) {
- b := []byte{0xfb, 0xa5, 0x82, 0x2f, 0xca, 0x1}
- if err := NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(b)).Decode(nil); err == nil {
- t.Error("expected error from bad count")
- } else if err.Error() != errBadCount.Error() {
- t.Error("expected bad count error; got", err)
- }
-// Verify that sequential Decoders built on a single input will
-// succeed if the input implements ReadByte and there is no
-// type information in the stream.
-func TestSequentialDecoder(t *testing.T) {
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- const count = 10
- for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
- s := fmt.Sprintf("%d", i)
- if err := enc.Encode(s); err != nil {
- t.Error("encoder fail:", err)
- }
- }
- for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- var s string
- if err := dec.Decode(&s); err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decoder fail:", err)
- }
- if s != fmt.Sprintf("%d", i) {
- t.Fatalf("decode expected %d got %s", i, s)
- }
- }
-// Should be able to have unrepresentable fields (chan, func) as long as they
-// are unexported.
-type Bug2 struct {
- A int
- b chan int
-func TestUnexportedChan(t *testing.T) {
- b := Bug2{23, make(chan int)}
- var stream bytes.Buffer
- enc := NewEncoder(&stream)
- if err := enc.Encode(b); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("error encoding unexported channel: %s", err)
- }
-func TestSliceIncompatibility(t *testing.T) {
- var in = []byte{1, 2, 3}
- var out []int
- if err := encAndDec(in, &out); err == nil {
- t.Error("expected compatibility error")
- }
-// Mutually recursive slices of structs caused problems.
-type Bug3 struct {
- Num int
- Children []*Bug3
-func TestGobPtrSlices(t *testing.T) {
- in := []*Bug3{
- {1, nil},
- {2, nil},
- }
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- err := NewEncoder(b).Encode(&in)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode:", err)
- }
- var out []*Bug3
- err = NewDecoder(b).Decode(&out)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode:", err)
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(in, out) {
- t.Fatalf("got %v; wanted %v", out, in)
- }
-// getDecEnginePtr cached engine for ut.base instead of ut.user so we passed
-// a *map and then tried to reuse its engine to decode the inner map.
-func TestPtrToMapOfMap(t *testing.T) {
- Register(make(map[string]interface{}))
- subdata := make(map[string]interface{})
- subdata["bar"] = "baz"
- data := make(map[string]interface{})
- data["foo"] = subdata
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- err := NewEncoder(b).Encode(data)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode:", err)
- }
- var newData map[string]interface{}
- err = NewDecoder(b).Decode(&newData)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode:", err)
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(data, newData) {
- t.Fatalf("expected %v got %v", data, newData)
- }
-// A top-level nil pointer generates a panic with a helpful string-valued message.
-func TestTopLevelNilPointer(t *testing.T) {
- errMsg := topLevelNilPanic(t)
- if errMsg == "" {
- t.Fatal("top-level nil pointer did not panic")
- }
- if !strings.Contains(errMsg, "nil pointer") {
- t.Fatal("expected nil pointer error, got:", errMsg)
- }
-func topLevelNilPanic(t *testing.T) (panicErr string) {
- defer func() {
- e := recover()
- if err, ok := e.(string); ok {
- panicErr = err
- }
- }()
- var ip *int
- buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
- if err := NewEncoder(buf).Encode(ip); err != nil {
- t.Fatal("error in encode:", err)
- }
- return
-func TestNilPointerInsideInterface(t *testing.T) {
- var ip *int
- si := struct {
- I interface{}
- }{
- I: ip,
- }
- buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
- err := NewEncoder(buf).Encode(si)
- if err == nil {
- t.Fatal("expected error, got none")
- }
- errMsg := err.Error()
- if !strings.Contains(errMsg, "nil pointer") || !strings.Contains(errMsg, "interface") {
- t.Fatal("expected error about nil pointer and interface, got:", errMsg)
- }
-type Bug4Public struct {
- Name string
- Secret Bug4Secret
-type Bug4Secret struct {
- a int // error: no exported fields.
-// Test that a failed compilation doesn't leave around an executable encoder.
-// Issue 3273.
-func TestMutipleEncodingsOfBadType(t *testing.T) {
- x := Bug4Public{
- Name: "name",
- Secret: Bug4Secret{1},
- }
- buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
- enc := NewEncoder(buf)
- err := enc.Encode(x)
- if err == nil {
- t.Fatal("first encoding: expected error")
- }
- buf.Reset()
- enc = NewEncoder(buf)
- err = enc.Encode(x)
- if err == nil {
- t.Fatal("second encoding: expected error")
- }
- if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "no exported fields") {
- t.Errorf("expected error about no exported fields; got %v", err)
- }
-// There was an error check comparing the length of the input with the
-// length of the slice being decoded. It was wrong because the next
-// thing in the input might be a type definition, which would lead to
-// an incorrect length check. This test reproduces the corner case.
-type Z struct {
-func Test29ElementSlice(t *testing.T) {
- Register(Z{})
- src := make([]interface{}, 100) // Size needs to be bigger than size of type definition.
- for i := range src {
- src[i] = Z{}
- }
- buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
- err := NewEncoder(buf).Encode(src)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("encode: %v", err)
- return
- }
- var dst []interface{}
- err = NewDecoder(buf).Decode(&dst)
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("decode: %v", err)
- return
- }
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/error.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/error.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 92cc0c615..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/error.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package gob
-import "fmt"
-// Errors in decoding and encoding are handled using panic and recover.
-// Panics caused by user error (that is, everything except run-time panics
-// such as "index out of bounds" errors) do not leave the file that caused
-// them, but are instead turned into plain error returns. Encoding and
-// decoding functions and methods that do not return an error either use
-// panic to report an error or are guaranteed error-free.
-// A gobError is used to distinguish errors (panics) generated in this package.
-type gobError struct {
- err error
-// errorf is like error_ but takes Printf-style arguments to construct an error.
-// It always prefixes the message with "gob: ".
-func errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
- error_(fmt.Errorf("gob: "+format, args...))
-// error wraps the argument error and uses it as the argument to panic.
-func error_(err error) {
- panic(gobError{err})
-// catchError is meant to be used as a deferred function to turn a panic(gobError) into a
-// plain error. It overwrites the error return of the function that deferred its call.
-func catchError(err *error) {
- if e := recover(); e != nil {
- ge, ok := e.(gobError)
- if !ok {
- panic(e)
- }
- *err = ge.err
- }
- return
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/gobencdec_test.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/gobencdec_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 18f4450da..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/gobencdec_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,661 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 20011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// This file contains tests of the GobEncoder/GobDecoder support.
-package gob
-import (
- "bytes"
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "strings"
- "testing"
- "time"
-// Types that implement the GobEncoder/Decoder interfaces.
-type ByteStruct struct {
- a byte // not an exported field
-type StringStruct struct {
- s string // not an exported field
-type ArrayStruct struct {
- a [8192]byte // not an exported field
-type Gobber int
-type ValueGobber string // encodes with a value, decodes with a pointer.
-// The relevant methods
-func (g *ByteStruct) GobEncode() ([]byte, error) {
- b := make([]byte, 3)
- b[0] = g.a
- b[1] = g.a + 1
- b[2] = g.a + 2
- return b, nil
-func (g *ByteStruct) GobDecode(data []byte) error {
- if g == nil {
- return errors.New("NIL RECEIVER")
- }
- // Expect N sequential-valued bytes.
- if len(data) == 0 {
- return io.EOF
- }
- g.a = data[0]
- for i, c := range data {
- if c != g.a+byte(i) {
- return errors.New("invalid data sequence")
- }
- }
- return nil
-func (g *StringStruct) GobEncode() ([]byte, error) {
- return []byte(g.s), nil
-func (g *StringStruct) GobDecode(data []byte) error {
- // Expect N sequential-valued bytes.
- if len(data) == 0 {
- return io.EOF
- }
- a := data[0]
- for i, c := range data {
- if c != a+byte(i) {
- return errors.New("invalid data sequence")
- }
- }
- g.s = string(data)
- return nil
-func (a *ArrayStruct) GobEncode() ([]byte, error) {
- return a.a[:], nil
-func (a *ArrayStruct) GobDecode(data []byte) error {
- if len(data) != len(a.a) {
- return errors.New("wrong length in array decode")
- }
- copy(a.a[:], data)
- return nil
-func (g *Gobber) GobEncode() ([]byte, error) {
- return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("VALUE=%d", *g)), nil
-func (g *Gobber) GobDecode(data []byte) error {
- _, err := fmt.Sscanf(string(data), "VALUE=%d", (*int)(g))
- return err
-func (v ValueGobber) GobEncode() ([]byte, error) {
- return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("VALUE=%s", v)), nil
-func (v *ValueGobber) GobDecode(data []byte) error {
- _, err := fmt.Sscanf(string(data), "VALUE=%s", (*string)(v))
- return err
-// Structs that include GobEncodable fields.
-type GobTest0 struct {
- X int // guarantee we have something in common with GobTest*
- G *ByteStruct
-type GobTest1 struct {
- X int // guarantee we have something in common with GobTest*
- G *StringStruct
-type GobTest2 struct {
- X int // guarantee we have something in common with GobTest*
- G string // not a GobEncoder - should give us errors
-type GobTest3 struct {
- X int // guarantee we have something in common with GobTest*
- G *Gobber
-type GobTest4 struct {
- X int // guarantee we have something in common with GobTest*
- V ValueGobber
-type GobTest5 struct {
- X int // guarantee we have something in common with GobTest*
- V *ValueGobber
-type GobTest6 struct {
- X int // guarantee we have something in common with GobTest*
- V ValueGobber
- W *ValueGobber
-type GobTest7 struct {
- X int // guarantee we have something in common with GobTest*
- V *ValueGobber
- W ValueGobber
-type GobTestIgnoreEncoder struct {
- X int // guarantee we have something in common with GobTest*
-type GobTestValueEncDec struct {
- X int // guarantee we have something in common with GobTest*
- G StringStruct // not a pointer.
-type GobTestIndirectEncDec struct {
- X int // guarantee we have something in common with GobTest*
- G ***StringStruct // indirections to the receiver.
-type GobTestArrayEncDec struct {
- X int // guarantee we have something in common with GobTest*
- A ArrayStruct // not a pointer.
-type GobTestIndirectArrayEncDec struct {
- X int // guarantee we have something in common with GobTest*
- A ***ArrayStruct // indirections to a large receiver.
-func TestGobEncoderField(t *testing.T) {
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- // First a field that's a structure.
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- err := enc.Encode(GobTest0{17, &ByteStruct{'A'}})
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode error:", err)
- }
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- x := new(GobTest0)
- err = dec.Decode(x)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode error:", err)
- }
- if x.G.a != 'A' {
- t.Errorf("expected 'A' got %c", x.G.a)
- }
- // Now a field that's not a structure.
- b.Reset()
- gobber := Gobber(23)
- err = enc.Encode(GobTest3{17, &gobber})
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode error:", err)
- }
- y := new(GobTest3)
- err = dec.Decode(y)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode error:", err)
- }
- if *y.G != 23 {
- t.Errorf("expected '23 got %d", *y.G)
- }
-// Even though the field is a value, we can still take its address
-// and should be able to call the methods.
-func TestGobEncoderValueField(t *testing.T) {
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- // First a field that's a structure.
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- err := enc.Encode(GobTestValueEncDec{17, StringStruct{"HIJKL"}})
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode error:", err)
- }
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- x := new(GobTestValueEncDec)
- err = dec.Decode(x)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode error:", err)
- }
- if x.G.s != "HIJKL" {
- t.Errorf("expected `HIJKL` got %s", x.G.s)
- }
-// GobEncode/Decode should work even if the value is
-// more indirect than the receiver.
-func TestGobEncoderIndirectField(t *testing.T) {
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- // First a field that's a structure.
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- s := &StringStruct{"HIJKL"}
- sp := &s
- err := enc.Encode(GobTestIndirectEncDec{17, &sp})
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode error:", err)
- }
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- x := new(GobTestIndirectEncDec)
- err = dec.Decode(x)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode error:", err)
- }
- if (***x.G).s != "HIJKL" {
- t.Errorf("expected `HIJKL` got %s", (***x.G).s)
- }
-// Test with a large field with methods.
-func TestGobEncoderArrayField(t *testing.T) {
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- var a GobTestArrayEncDec
- a.X = 17
- for i := range a.A.a {
- a.A.a[i] = byte(i)
- }
- err := enc.Encode(a)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode error:", err)
- }
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- x := new(GobTestArrayEncDec)
- err = dec.Decode(x)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode error:", err)
- }
- for i, v := range x.A.a {
- if v != byte(i) {
- t.Errorf("expected %x got %x", byte(i), v)
- break
- }
- }
-// Test an indirection to a large field with methods.
-func TestGobEncoderIndirectArrayField(t *testing.T) {
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- var a GobTestIndirectArrayEncDec
- a.X = 17
- var array ArrayStruct
- ap := &array
- app := &ap
- a.A = &app
- for i := range array.a {
- array.a[i] = byte(i)
- }
- err := enc.Encode(a)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode error:", err)
- }
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- x := new(GobTestIndirectArrayEncDec)
- err = dec.Decode(x)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode error:", err)
- }
- for i, v := range (***x.A).a {
- if v != byte(i) {
- t.Errorf("expected %x got %x", byte(i), v)
- break
- }
- }
-// As long as the fields have the same name and implement the
-// interface, we can cross-connect them. Not sure it's useful
-// and may even be bad but it works and it's hard to prevent
-// without exposing the contents of the object, which would
-// defeat the purpose.
-func TestGobEncoderFieldsOfDifferentType(t *testing.T) {
- // first, string in field to byte in field
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- err := enc.Encode(GobTest1{17, &StringStruct{"ABC"}})
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode error:", err)
- }
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- x := new(GobTest0)
- err = dec.Decode(x)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode error:", err)
- }
- if x.G.a != 'A' {
- t.Errorf("expected 'A' got %c", x.G.a)
- }
- // now the other direction, byte in field to string in field
- b.Reset()
- err = enc.Encode(GobTest0{17, &ByteStruct{'X'}})
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode error:", err)
- }
- y := new(GobTest1)
- err = dec.Decode(y)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode error:", err)
- }
- if y.G.s != "XYZ" {
- t.Fatalf("expected `XYZ` got %c", y.G.s)
- }
-// Test that we can encode a value and decode into a pointer.
-func TestGobEncoderValueEncoder(t *testing.T) {
- // first, string in field to byte in field
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- err := enc.Encode(GobTest4{17, ValueGobber("hello")})
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode error:", err)
- }
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- x := new(GobTest5)
- err = dec.Decode(x)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode error:", err)
- }
- if *x.V != "hello" {
- t.Errorf("expected `hello` got %s", x.V)
- }
-// Test that we can use a value then a pointer type of a GobEncoder
-// in the same encoded value. Bug 4647.
-func TestGobEncoderValueThenPointer(t *testing.T) {
- v := ValueGobber("forty-two")
- w := ValueGobber("six-by-nine")
- // this was a bug: encoding a GobEncoder by value before a GobEncoder
- // pointer would cause duplicate type definitions to be sent.
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- if err := enc.Encode(GobTest6{42, v, &w}); err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode error:", err)
- }
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- x := new(GobTest6)
- if err := dec.Decode(x); err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode error:", err)
- }
- if got, want := x.V, v; got != want {
- t.Errorf("v = %q, want %q", got, want)
- }
- if got, want := x.W, w; got == nil {
- t.Errorf("w = nil, want %q", want)
- } else if *got != want {
- t.Errorf("w = %q, want %q", *got, want)
- }
-// Test that we can use a pointer then a value type of a GobEncoder
-// in the same encoded value.
-func TestGobEncoderPointerThenValue(t *testing.T) {
- v := ValueGobber("forty-two")
- w := ValueGobber("six-by-nine")
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- if err := enc.Encode(GobTest7{42, &v, w}); err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode error:", err)
- }
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- x := new(GobTest7)
- if err := dec.Decode(x); err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode error:", err)
- }
- if got, want := x.V, v; got == nil {
- t.Errorf("v = nil, want %q", want)
- } else if *got != want {
- t.Errorf("v = %q, want %q", got, want)
- }
- if got, want := x.W, w; got != want {
- t.Errorf("w = %q, want %q", got, want)
- }
-func TestGobEncoderFieldTypeError(t *testing.T) {
- // GobEncoder to non-decoder: error
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- err := enc.Encode(GobTest1{17, &StringStruct{"ABC"}})
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode error:", err)
- }
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- x := &GobTest2{}
- err = dec.Decode(x)
- if err == nil {
- t.Fatal("expected decode error for mismatched fields (encoder to non-decoder)")
- }
- if strings.Index(err.Error(), "type") < 0 {
- t.Fatal("expected type error; got", err)
- }
- // Non-encoder to GobDecoder: error
- b.Reset()
- err = enc.Encode(GobTest2{17, "ABC"})
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode error:", err)
- }
- y := &GobTest1{}
- err = dec.Decode(y)
- if err == nil {
- t.Fatal("expected decode error for mismatched fields (non-encoder to decoder)")
- }
- if strings.Index(err.Error(), "type") < 0 {
- t.Fatal("expected type error; got", err)
- }
-// Even though ByteStruct is a struct, it's treated as a singleton at the top level.
-func TestGobEncoderStructSingleton(t *testing.T) {
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- err := enc.Encode(&ByteStruct{'A'})
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode error:", err)
- }
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- x := new(ByteStruct)
- err = dec.Decode(x)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode error:", err)
- }
- if x.a != 'A' {
- t.Errorf("expected 'A' got %c", x.a)
- }
-func TestGobEncoderNonStructSingleton(t *testing.T) {
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- err := enc.Encode(Gobber(1234))
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode error:", err)
- }
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- var x Gobber
- err = dec.Decode(&x)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode error:", err)
- }
- if x != 1234 {
- t.Errorf("expected 1234 got %d", x)
- }
-func TestGobEncoderIgnoreStructField(t *testing.T) {
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- // First a field that's a structure.
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- err := enc.Encode(GobTest0{17, &ByteStruct{'A'}})
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode error:", err)
- }
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- x := new(GobTestIgnoreEncoder)
- err = dec.Decode(x)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode error:", err)
- }
- if x.X != 17 {
- t.Errorf("expected 17 got %c", x.X)
- }
-func TestGobEncoderIgnoreNonStructField(t *testing.T) {
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- // First a field that's a structure.
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- gobber := Gobber(23)
- err := enc.Encode(GobTest3{17, &gobber})
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode error:", err)
- }
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- x := new(GobTestIgnoreEncoder)
- err = dec.Decode(x)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode error:", err)
- }
- if x.X != 17 {
- t.Errorf("expected 17 got %c", x.X)
- }
-func TestGobEncoderIgnoreNilEncoder(t *testing.T) {
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- // First a field that's a structure.
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- err := enc.Encode(GobTest0{X: 18}) // G is nil
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode error:", err)
- }
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- x := new(GobTest0)
- err = dec.Decode(x)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode error:", err)
- }
- if x.X != 18 {
- t.Errorf("expected x.X = 18, got %v", x.X)
- }
- if x.G != nil {
- t.Errorf("expected x.G = nil, got %v", x.G)
- }
-type gobDecoderBug0 struct {
- foo, bar string
-func (br *gobDecoderBug0) String() string {
- return br.foo + "-" + br.bar
-func (br *gobDecoderBug0) GobEncode() ([]byte, error) {
- return []byte(br.String()), nil
-func (br *gobDecoderBug0) GobDecode(b []byte) error {
- br.foo = "foo"
- br.bar = "bar"
- return nil
-// This was a bug: the receiver has a different indirection level
-// than the variable.
-func TestGobEncoderExtraIndirect(t *testing.T) {
- gdb := &gobDecoderBug0{"foo", "bar"}
- buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
- e := NewEncoder(buf)
- if err := e.Encode(gdb); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("encode: %v", err)
- }
- d := NewDecoder(buf)
- var got *gobDecoderBug0
- if err := d.Decode(&got); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("decode: %v", err)
- }
- if got.foo != gdb.foo || got.bar != gdb.bar {
- t.Errorf("got = %q, want %q", got, gdb)
- }
-// Another bug: this caused a crash with the new Go1 Time type.
-// We throw in a gob-encoding array, to test another case of isZero
-type isZeroBug struct {
- T time.Time
- S string
- I int
- A isZeroBugArray
-type isZeroBugArray [2]uint8
-// Receiver is value, not pointer, to test isZero of array.
-func (a isZeroBugArray) GobEncode() (b []byte, e error) {
- b = append(b, a[:]...)
- return b, nil
-func (a *isZeroBugArray) GobDecode(data []byte) error {
- if len(data) != len(a) {
- return io.EOF
- }
- a[0] = data[0]
- a[1] = data[1]
- return nil
-func TestGobEncodeIsZero(t *testing.T) {
- x := isZeroBug{time.Now(), "hello", -55, isZeroBugArray{1, 2}}
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- err := enc.Encode(x)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode:", err)
- }
- var y isZeroBug
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- err = dec.Decode(&y)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode:", err)
- }
- if x != y {
- t.Fatalf("%v != %v", x, y)
- }
-func TestGobEncodePtrError(t *testing.T) {
- var err error
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- err = enc.Encode(&err)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode:", err)
- }
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- err2 := fmt.Errorf("foo")
- err = dec.Decode(&err2)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode:", err)
- }
- if err2 != nil {
- t.Fatalf("expected nil, got %v", err2)
- }
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/timing_test.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/timing_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a0e51d1f..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/timing_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package gob
-import (
- "bytes"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "os"
- "runtime"
- "testing"
-type Bench struct {
- A int
- B float64
- C string
- D []byte
-func benchmarkEndToEnd(r io.Reader, w io.Writer, b *testing.B) {
- b.StopTimer()
- enc := NewEncoder(w)
- dec := NewDecoder(r)
- bench := &Bench{7, 3.2, "now is the time", []byte("for all good men")}
- b.StartTimer()
- for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
- if enc.Encode(bench) != nil {
- panic("encode error")
- }
- if dec.Decode(bench) != nil {
- panic("decode error")
- }
- }
-func BenchmarkEndToEndPipe(b *testing.B) {
- r, w, err := os.Pipe()
- if err != nil {
- b.Fatal("can't get pipe:", err)
- }
- benchmarkEndToEnd(r, w, b)
-func BenchmarkEndToEndByteBuffer(b *testing.B) {
- var buf bytes.Buffer
- benchmarkEndToEnd(&buf, &buf, b)
-func TestCountEncodeMallocs(t *testing.T) {
- defer runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.GOMAXPROCS(1))
- var buf bytes.Buffer
- enc := NewEncoder(&buf)
- bench := &Bench{7, 3.2, "now is the time", []byte("for all good men")}
- memstats := new(runtime.MemStats)
- runtime.ReadMemStats(memstats)
- mallocs := 0 - memstats.Mallocs
- const count = 1000
- for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
- err := enc.Encode(bench)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode:", err)
- }
- }
- runtime.ReadMemStats(memstats)
- mallocs += memstats.Mallocs
- fmt.Printf("mallocs per encode of type Bench: %d\n", mallocs/count)
-func TestCountDecodeMallocs(t *testing.T) {
- defer runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.GOMAXPROCS(1))
- var buf bytes.Buffer
- enc := NewEncoder(&buf)
- bench := &Bench{7, 3.2, "now is the time", []byte("for all good men")}
- const count = 1000
- for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
- err := enc.Encode(bench)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("encode:", err)
- }
- }
- dec := NewDecoder(&buf)
- memstats := new(runtime.MemStats)
- runtime.ReadMemStats(memstats)
- mallocs := 0 - memstats.Mallocs
- for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
- *bench = Bench{}
- err := dec.Decode(&bench)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal("decode:", err)
- }
- }
- runtime.ReadMemStats(memstats)
- mallocs += memstats.Mallocs
- fmt.Printf("mallocs per decode of type Bench: %d\n", mallocs/count)
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/type.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/type.go
deleted file mode 100644
index ea0db4eac..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/type.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,827 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package gob
-import (
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "os"
- "reflect"
- "sync"
- "unicode"
- "unicode/utf8"
-// userTypeInfo stores the information associated with a type the user has handed
-// to the package. It's computed once and stored in a map keyed by reflection
-// type.
-type userTypeInfo struct {
- user reflect.Type // the type the user handed us
- base reflect.Type // the base type after all indirections
- indir int // number of indirections to reach the base type
- isGobEncoder bool // does the type implement GobEncoder?
- isGobDecoder bool // does the type implement GobDecoder?
- encIndir int8 // number of indirections to reach the receiver type; may be negative
- decIndir int8 // number of indirections to reach the receiver type; may be negative
-var (
- // Protected by an RWMutex because we read it a lot and write
- // it only when we see a new type, typically when compiling.
- userTypeLock sync.RWMutex
- userTypeCache = make(map[reflect.Type]*userTypeInfo)
-// validType returns, and saves, the information associated with user-provided type rt.
-// If the user type is not valid, err will be non-nil. To be used when the error handler
-// is not set up.
-func validUserType(rt reflect.Type) (ut *userTypeInfo, err error) {
- userTypeLock.RLock()
- ut = userTypeCache[rt]
- userTypeLock.RUnlock()
- if ut != nil {
- return
- }
- // Now set the value under the write lock.
- userTypeLock.Lock()
- defer userTypeLock.Unlock()
- if ut = userTypeCache[rt]; ut != nil {
- // Lost the race; not a problem.
- return
- }
- ut = new(userTypeInfo)
- ut.base = rt
- ut.user = rt
- // A type that is just a cycle of pointers (such as type T *T) cannot
- // be represented in gobs, which need some concrete data. We use a
- // cycle detection algorithm from Knuth, Vol 2, Section 3.1, Ex 6,
- // pp 539-540. As we step through indirections, run another type at
- // half speed. If they meet up, there's a cycle.
- slowpoke := ut.base // walks half as fast as ut.base
- for {
- pt := ut.base
- if pt.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
- break
- }
- ut.base = pt.Elem()
- if ut.base == slowpoke { // ut.base lapped slowpoke
- // recursive pointer type.
- return nil, errors.New("can't represent recursive pointer type " + ut.base.String())
- }
- if ut.indir%2 == 0 {
- slowpoke = slowpoke.Elem()
- }
- ut.indir++
- }
- ut.isGobEncoder, ut.encIndir = implementsInterface(ut.user, gobEncoderInterfaceType)
- ut.isGobDecoder, ut.decIndir = implementsInterface(ut.user, gobDecoderInterfaceType)
- userTypeCache[rt] = ut
- return
-var (
- gobEncoderInterfaceType = reflect.TypeOf((*GobEncoder)(nil)).Elem()
- gobDecoderInterfaceType = reflect.TypeOf((*GobDecoder)(nil)).Elem()
-// implementsInterface reports whether the type implements the
-// gobEncoder/gobDecoder interface.
-// It also returns the number of indirections required to get to the
-// implementation.
-func implementsInterface(typ, gobEncDecType reflect.Type) (success bool, indir int8) {
- if typ == nil {
- return
- }
- rt := typ
- // The type might be a pointer and we need to keep
- // dereferencing to the base type until we find an implementation.
- for {
- if rt.Implements(gobEncDecType) {
- return true, indir
- }
- if p := rt; p.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
- indir++
- if indir > 100 { // insane number of indirections
- return false, 0
- }
- rt = p.Elem()
- continue
- }
- break
- }
- // No luck yet, but if this is a base type (non-pointer), the pointer might satisfy.
- if typ.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
- // Not a pointer, but does the pointer work?
- if reflect.PtrTo(typ).Implements(gobEncDecType) {
- return true, -1
- }
- }
- return false, 0
-// userType returns, and saves, the information associated with user-provided type rt.
-// If the user type is not valid, it calls error.
-func userType(rt reflect.Type) *userTypeInfo {
- ut, err := validUserType(rt)
- if err != nil {
- error_(err)
- }
- return ut
-// A typeId represents a gob Type as an integer that can be passed on the wire.
-// Internally, typeIds are used as keys to a map to recover the underlying type info.
-type typeId int32
-var nextId typeId // incremented for each new type we build
-var typeLock sync.Mutex // set while building a type
-const firstUserId = 64 // lowest id number granted to user
-type gobType interface {
- id() typeId
- setId(id typeId)
- name() string
- string() string // not public; only for debugging
- safeString(seen map[typeId]bool) string
-var types = make(map[reflect.Type]gobType)
-var idToType = make(map[typeId]gobType)
-var builtinIdToType map[typeId]gobType // set in init() after builtins are established
-func setTypeId(typ gobType) {
- // When building recursive types, someone may get there before us.
- if typ.id() != 0 {
- return
- }
- nextId++
- typ.setId(nextId)
- idToType[nextId] = typ
-func (t typeId) gobType() gobType {
- if t == 0 {
- return nil
- }
- return idToType[t]
-// string returns the string representation of the type associated with the typeId.
-func (t typeId) string() string {
- if t.gobType() == nil {
- return "<nil>"
- }
- return t.gobType().string()
-// Name returns the name of the type associated with the typeId.
-func (t typeId) name() string {
- if t.gobType() == nil {
- return "<nil>"
- }
- return t.gobType().name()
-// CommonType holds elements of all types.
-// It is a historical artifact, kept for binary compatibility and exported
-// only for the benefit of the package's encoding of type descriptors. It is
-// not intended for direct use by clients.
-type CommonType struct {
- Name string
- Id typeId
-func (t *CommonType) id() typeId { return t.Id }
-func (t *CommonType) setId(id typeId) { t.Id = id }
-func (t *CommonType) string() string { return t.Name }
-func (t *CommonType) safeString(seen map[typeId]bool) string {
- return t.Name
-func (t *CommonType) name() string { return t.Name }
-// Create and check predefined types
-// The string for tBytes is "bytes" not "[]byte" to signify its specialness.
-var (
- // Primordial types, needed during initialization.
- // Always passed as pointers so the interface{} type
- // goes through without losing its interfaceness.
- tBool = bootstrapType("bool", (*bool)(nil), 1)
- tInt = bootstrapType("int", (*int)(nil), 2)
- tUint = bootstrapType("uint", (*uint)(nil), 3)
- tFloat = bootstrapType("float", (*float64)(nil), 4)
- tBytes = bootstrapType("bytes", (*[]byte)(nil), 5)
- tString = bootstrapType("string", (*string)(nil), 6)
- tComplex = bootstrapType("complex", (*complex128)(nil), 7)
- tInterface = bootstrapType("interface", (*interface{})(nil), 8)
- // Reserve some Ids for compatible expansion
- tReserved7 = bootstrapType("_reserved1", (*struct{ r7 int })(nil), 9)
- tReserved6 = bootstrapType("_reserved1", (*struct{ r6 int })(nil), 10)
- tReserved5 = bootstrapType("_reserved1", (*struct{ r5 int })(nil), 11)
- tReserved4 = bootstrapType("_reserved1", (*struct{ r4 int })(nil), 12)
- tReserved3 = bootstrapType("_reserved1", (*struct{ r3 int })(nil), 13)
- tReserved2 = bootstrapType("_reserved1", (*struct{ r2 int })(nil), 14)
- tReserved1 = bootstrapType("_reserved1", (*struct{ r1 int })(nil), 15)
-// Predefined because it's needed by the Decoder
-var tWireType = mustGetTypeInfo(reflect.TypeOf(wireType{})).id
-var wireTypeUserInfo *userTypeInfo // userTypeInfo of (*wireType)
-func init() {
- // Some magic numbers to make sure there are no surprises.
- checkId(16, tWireType)
- checkId(17, mustGetTypeInfo(reflect.TypeOf(arrayType{})).id)
- checkId(18, mustGetTypeInfo(reflect.TypeOf(CommonType{})).id)
- checkId(19, mustGetTypeInfo(reflect.TypeOf(sliceType{})).id)
- checkId(20, mustGetTypeInfo(reflect.TypeOf(structType{})).id)
- checkId(21, mustGetTypeInfo(reflect.TypeOf(fieldType{})).id)
- checkId(23, mustGetTypeInfo(reflect.TypeOf(mapType{})).id)
- builtinIdToType = make(map[typeId]gobType)
- for k, v := range idToType {
- builtinIdToType[k] = v
- }
- // Move the id space upwards to allow for growth in the predefined world
- // without breaking existing files.
- if nextId > firstUserId {
- panic(fmt.Sprintln("nextId too large:", nextId))
- }
- nextId = firstUserId
- registerBasics()
- wireTypeUserInfo = userType(reflect.TypeOf((*wireType)(nil)))
-// Array type
-type arrayType struct {
- CommonType
- Elem typeId
- Len int
-func newArrayType(name string) *arrayType {
- a := &arrayType{CommonType{Name: name}, 0, 0}
- return a
-func (a *arrayType) init(elem gobType, len int) {
- // Set our type id before evaluating the element's, in case it's our own.
- setTypeId(a)
- a.Elem = elem.id()
- a.Len = len
-func (a *arrayType) safeString(seen map[typeId]bool) string {
- if seen[a.Id] {
- return a.Name
- }
- seen[a.Id] = true
- return fmt.Sprintf("[%d]%s", a.Len, a.Elem.gobType().safeString(seen))
-func (a *arrayType) string() string { return a.safeString(make(map[typeId]bool)) }
-// GobEncoder type (something that implements the GobEncoder interface)
-type gobEncoderType struct {
- CommonType
-func newGobEncoderType(name string) *gobEncoderType {
- g := &gobEncoderType{CommonType{Name: name}}
- setTypeId(g)
- return g
-func (g *gobEncoderType) safeString(seen map[typeId]bool) string {
- return g.Name
-func (g *gobEncoderType) string() string { return g.Name }
-// Map type
-type mapType struct {
- CommonType
- Key typeId
- Elem typeId
-func newMapType(name string) *mapType {
- m := &mapType{CommonType{Name: name}, 0, 0}
- return m
-func (m *mapType) init(key, elem gobType) {
- // Set our type id before evaluating the element's, in case it's our own.
- setTypeId(m)
- m.Key = key.id()
- m.Elem = elem.id()
-func (m *mapType) safeString(seen map[typeId]bool) string {
- if seen[m.Id] {
- return m.Name
- }
- seen[m.Id] = true
- key := m.Key.gobType().safeString(seen)
- elem := m.Elem.gobType().safeString(seen)
- return fmt.Sprintf("map[%s]%s", key, elem)
-func (m *mapType) string() string { return m.safeString(make(map[typeId]bool)) }
-// Slice type
-type sliceType struct {
- CommonType
- Elem typeId
-func newSliceType(name string) *sliceType {
- s := &sliceType{CommonType{Name: name}, 0}
- return s
-func (s *sliceType) init(elem gobType) {
- // Set our type id before evaluating the element's, in case it's our own.
- setTypeId(s)
- // See the comments about ids in newTypeObject. Only slices and
- // structs have mutual recursion.
- if elem.id() == 0 {
- setTypeId(elem)
- }
- s.Elem = elem.id()
-func (s *sliceType) safeString(seen map[typeId]bool) string {
- if seen[s.Id] {
- return s.Name
- }
- seen[s.Id] = true
- return fmt.Sprintf("[]%s", s.Elem.gobType().safeString(seen))
-func (s *sliceType) string() string { return s.safeString(make(map[typeId]bool)) }
-// Struct type
-type fieldType struct {
- Name string
- Id typeId
-type structType struct {
- CommonType
- Field []*fieldType
-func (s *structType) safeString(seen map[typeId]bool) string {
- if s == nil {
- return "<nil>"
- }
- if _, ok := seen[s.Id]; ok {
- return s.Name
- }
- seen[s.Id] = true
- str := s.Name + " = struct { "
- for _, f := range s.Field {
- str += fmt.Sprintf("%s %s; ", f.Name, f.Id.gobType().safeString(seen))
- }
- str += "}"
- return str
-func (s *structType) string() string { return s.safeString(make(map[typeId]bool)) }
-func newStructType(name string) *structType {
- s := &structType{CommonType{Name: name}, nil}
- // For historical reasons we set the id here rather than init.
- // See the comment in newTypeObject for details.
- setTypeId(s)
- return s
-// newTypeObject allocates a gobType for the reflection type rt.
-// Unless ut represents a GobEncoder, rt should be the base type
-// of ut.
-// This is only called from the encoding side. The decoding side
-// works through typeIds and userTypeInfos alone.
-func newTypeObject(name string, ut *userTypeInfo, rt reflect.Type) (gobType, error) {
- // Does this type implement GobEncoder?
- if ut.isGobEncoder {
- return newGobEncoderType(name), nil
- }
- var err error
- var type0, type1 gobType
- defer func() {
- if err != nil {
- delete(types, rt)
- }
- }()
- // Install the top-level type before the subtypes (e.g. struct before
- // fields) so recursive types can be constructed safely.
- switch t := rt; t.Kind() {
- // All basic types are easy: they are predefined.
- case reflect.Bool:
- return tBool.gobType(), nil
- case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
- return tInt.gobType(), nil
- case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
- return tUint.gobType(), nil
- case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
- return tFloat.gobType(), nil
- case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128:
- return tComplex.gobType(), nil
- case reflect.String:
- return tString.gobType(), nil
- case reflect.Interface:
- return tInterface.gobType(), nil
- case reflect.Array:
- at := newArrayType(name)
- types[rt] = at
- type0, err = getBaseType("", t.Elem())
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- // Historical aside:
- // For arrays, maps, and slices, we set the type id after the elements
- // are constructed. This is to retain the order of type id allocation after
- // a fix made to handle recursive types, which changed the order in
- // which types are built. Delaying the setting in this way preserves
- // type ids while allowing recursive types to be described. Structs,
- // done below, were already handling recursion correctly so they
- // assign the top-level id before those of the field.
- at.init(type0, t.Len())
- return at, nil
- case reflect.Map:
- mt := newMapType(name)
- types[rt] = mt
- type0, err = getBaseType("", t.Key())
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- type1, err = getBaseType("", t.Elem())
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- mt.init(type0, type1)
- return mt, nil
- case reflect.Slice:
- // []byte == []uint8 is a special case
- if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
- return tBytes.gobType(), nil
- }
- st := newSliceType(name)
- types[rt] = st
- type0, err = getBaseType(t.Elem().Name(), t.Elem())
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- st.init(type0)
- return st, nil
- case reflect.Struct:
- st := newStructType(name)
- types[rt] = st
- idToType[st.id()] = st
- for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
- f := t.Field(i)
- if !isExported(f.Name) {
- continue
- }
- typ := userType(f.Type).base
- tname := typ.Name()
- if tname == "" {
- t := userType(f.Type).base
- tname = t.String()
- }
- gt, err := getBaseType(tname, f.Type)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- // Some mutually recursive types can cause us to be here while
- // still defining the element. Fix the element type id here.
- // We could do this more neatly by setting the id at the start of
- // building every type, but that would break binary compatibility.
- if gt.id() == 0 {
- setTypeId(gt)
- }
- st.Field = append(st.Field, &fieldType{f.Name, gt.id()})
- }
- return st, nil
- default:
- return nil, errors.New("gob NewTypeObject can't handle type: " + rt.String())
- }
- return nil, nil
-// isExported reports whether this is an exported - upper case - name.
-func isExported(name string) bool {
- rune, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(name)
- return unicode.IsUpper(rune)
-// getBaseType returns the Gob type describing the given reflect.Type's base type.
-// typeLock must be held.
-func getBaseType(name string, rt reflect.Type) (gobType, error) {
- ut := userType(rt)
- return getType(name, ut, ut.base)
-// getType returns the Gob type describing the given reflect.Type.
-// Should be called only when handling GobEncoders/Decoders,
-// which may be pointers. All other types are handled through the
-// base type, never a pointer.
-// typeLock must be held.
-func getType(name string, ut *userTypeInfo, rt reflect.Type) (gobType, error) {
- typ, present := types[rt]
- if present {
- return typ, nil
- }
- typ, err := newTypeObject(name, ut, rt)
- if err == nil {
- types[rt] = typ
- }
- return typ, err
-func checkId(want, got typeId) {
- if want != got {
- fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "checkId: %d should be %d\n", int(got), int(want))
- panic("bootstrap type wrong id: " + got.name() + " " + got.string() + " not " + want.string())
- }
-// used for building the basic types; called only from init(). the incoming
-// interface always refers to a pointer.
-func bootstrapType(name string, e interface{}, expect typeId) typeId {
- rt := reflect.TypeOf(e).Elem()
- _, present := types[rt]
- if present {
- panic("bootstrap type already present: " + name + ", " + rt.String())
- }
- typ := &CommonType{Name: name}
- types[rt] = typ
- setTypeId(typ)
- checkId(expect, nextId)
- userType(rt) // might as well cache it now
- return nextId
-// Representation of the information we send and receive about this type.
-// Each value we send is preceded by its type definition: an encoded int.
-// However, the very first time we send the value, we first send the pair
-// (-id, wireType).
-// For bootstrapping purposes, we assume that the recipient knows how
-// to decode a wireType; it is exactly the wireType struct here, interpreted
-// using the gob rules for sending a structure, except that we assume the
-// ids for wireType and structType etc. are known. The relevant pieces
-// are built in encode.go's init() function.
-// To maintain binary compatibility, if you extend this type, always put
-// the new fields last.
-type wireType struct {
- ArrayT *arrayType
- SliceT *sliceType
- StructT *structType
- MapT *mapType
- GobEncoderT *gobEncoderType
-func (w *wireType) string() string {
- const unknown = "unknown type"
- if w == nil {
- return unknown
- }
- switch {
- case w.ArrayT != nil:
- return w.ArrayT.Name
- case w.SliceT != nil:
- return w.SliceT.Name
- case w.StructT != nil:
- return w.StructT.Name
- case w.MapT != nil:
- return w.MapT.Name
- case w.GobEncoderT != nil:
- return w.GobEncoderT.Name
- }
- return unknown
-type typeInfo struct {
- id typeId
- encoder *encEngine
- wire *wireType
-var typeInfoMap = make(map[reflect.Type]*typeInfo) // protected by typeLock
-// typeLock must be held.
-func getTypeInfo(ut *userTypeInfo) (*typeInfo, error) {
- rt := ut.base
- if ut.isGobEncoder {
- // We want the user type, not the base type.
- rt = ut.user
- }
- info, ok := typeInfoMap[rt]
- if ok {
- return info, nil
- }
- info = new(typeInfo)
- gt, err := getBaseType(rt.Name(), rt)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- info.id = gt.id()
- if ut.isGobEncoder {
- userType, err := getType(rt.Name(), ut, rt)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- info.wire = &wireType{GobEncoderT: userType.id().gobType().(*gobEncoderType)}
- typeInfoMap[ut.user] = info
- return info, nil
- }
- t := info.id.gobType()
- switch typ := rt; typ.Kind() {
- case reflect.Array:
- info.wire = &wireType{ArrayT: t.(*arrayType)}
- case reflect.Map:
- info.wire = &wireType{MapT: t.(*mapType)}
- case reflect.Slice:
- // []byte == []uint8 is a special case handled separately
- if typ.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 {
- info.wire = &wireType{SliceT: t.(*sliceType)}
- }
- case reflect.Struct:
- info.wire = &wireType{StructT: t.(*structType)}
- }
- typeInfoMap[rt] = info
- return info, nil
-// Called only when a panic is acceptable and unexpected.
-func mustGetTypeInfo(rt reflect.Type) *typeInfo {
- t, err := getTypeInfo(userType(rt))
- if err != nil {
- panic("getTypeInfo: " + err.Error())
- }
- return t
-// GobEncoder is the interface describing data that provides its own
-// representation for encoding values for transmission to a GobDecoder.
-// A type that implements GobEncoder and GobDecoder has complete
-// control over the representation of its data and may therefore
-// contain things such as private fields, channels, and functions,
-// which are not usually transmissible in gob streams.
-// Note: Since gobs can be stored permanently, It is good design
-// to guarantee the encoding used by a GobEncoder is stable as the
-// software evolves. For instance, it might make sense for GobEncode
-// to include a version number in the encoding.
-type GobEncoder interface {
- // GobEncode returns a byte slice representing the encoding of the
- // receiver for transmission to a GobDecoder, usually of the same
- // concrete type.
- GobEncode() ([]byte, error)
-// GobDecoder is the interface describing data that provides its own
-// routine for decoding transmitted values sent by a GobEncoder.
-type GobDecoder interface {
- // GobDecode overwrites the receiver, which must be a pointer,
- // with the value represented by the byte slice, which was written
- // by GobEncode, usually for the same concrete type.
- GobDecode([]byte) error
-var (
- registerLock sync.RWMutex
- nameToConcreteType = make(map[string]reflect.Type)
- concreteTypeToName = make(map[reflect.Type]string)
-// RegisterName is like Register but uses the provided name rather than the
-// type's default.
-func RegisterName(name string, value interface{}) {
- if name == "" {
- // reserved for nil
- panic("attempt to register empty name")
- }
- registerLock.Lock()
- defer registerLock.Unlock()
- ut := userType(reflect.TypeOf(value))
- // Check for incompatible duplicates. The name must refer to the
- // same user type, and vice versa.
- if t, ok := nameToConcreteType[name]; ok && t != ut.user {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("gob: registering duplicate types for %q: %s != %s", name, t, ut.user))
- }
- if n, ok := concreteTypeToName[ut.base]; ok && n != name {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("gob: registering duplicate names for %s: %q != %q", ut.user, n, name))
- }
- // Store the name and type provided by the user....
- nameToConcreteType[name] = reflect.TypeOf(value)
- // but the flattened type in the type table, since that's what decode needs.
- concreteTypeToName[ut.base] = name
-// Register records a type, identified by a value for that type, under its
-// internal type name. That name will identify the concrete type of a value
-// sent or received as an interface variable. Only types that will be
-// transferred as implementations of interface values need to be registered.
-// Expecting to be used only during initialization, it panics if the mapping
-// between types and names is not a bijection.
-func Register(value interface{}) {
- // Default to printed representation for unnamed types
- rt := reflect.TypeOf(value)
- name := rt.String()
- // But for named types (or pointers to them), qualify with import path (but see inner comment).
- // Dereference one pointer looking for a named type.
- star := ""
- if rt.Name() == "" {
- if pt := rt; pt.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
- star = "*"
- // NOTE: The following line should be rt = pt.Elem() to implement
- // what the comment above claims, but fixing it would break compatibility
- // with existing gobs.
- //
- // Given package p imported as "full/p" with these definitions:
- // package p
- // type T1 struct { ... }
- // this table shows the intended and actual strings used by gob to
- // name the types:
- //
- // Type Correct string Actual string
- //
- // T1 full/p.T1 full/p.T1
- // *T1 *full/p.T1 *p.T1
- //
- // The missing full path cannot be fixed without breaking existing gob decoders.
- rt = pt
- }
- }
- if rt.Name() != "" {
- if rt.PkgPath() == "" {
- name = star + rt.Name()
- } else {
- name = star + rt.PkgPath() + "." + rt.Name()
- }
- }
- RegisterName(name, value)
-func registerBasics() {
- Register(int(0))
- Register(int8(0))
- Register(int16(0))
- Register(int32(0))
- Register(int64(0))
- Register(uint(0))
- Register(uint8(0))
- Register(uint16(0))
- Register(uint32(0))
- Register(uint64(0))
- Register(float32(0))
- Register(float64(0))
- Register(complex64(0i))
- Register(complex128(0i))
- Register(uintptr(0))
- Register(false)
- Register("")
- Register([]byte(nil))
- Register([]int(nil))
- Register([]int8(nil))
- Register([]int16(nil))
- Register([]int32(nil))
- Register([]int64(nil))
- Register([]uint(nil))
- Register([]uint8(nil))
- Register([]uint16(nil))
- Register([]uint32(nil))
- Register([]uint64(nil))
- Register([]float32(nil))
- Register([]float64(nil))
- Register([]complex64(nil))
- Register([]complex128(nil))
- Register([]uintptr(nil))
- Register([]bool(nil))
- Register([]string(nil))
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/type_test.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/type_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index e230d22d4..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/gob/type_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package gob
-import (
- "bytes"
- "reflect"
- "testing"
-type typeT struct {
- id typeId
- str string
-var basicTypes = []typeT{
- {tBool, "bool"},
- {tInt, "int"},
- {tUint, "uint"},
- {tFloat, "float"},
- {tBytes, "bytes"},
- {tString, "string"},
-func getTypeUnlocked(name string, rt reflect.Type) gobType {
- typeLock.Lock()
- defer typeLock.Unlock()
- t, err := getBaseType(name, rt)
- if err != nil {
- panic("getTypeUnlocked: " + err.Error())
- }
- return t
-// Sanity checks
-func TestBasic(t *testing.T) {
- for _, tt := range basicTypes {
- if tt.id.string() != tt.str {
- t.Errorf("checkType: expected %q got %s", tt.str, tt.id.string())
- }
- if tt.id == 0 {
- t.Errorf("id for %q is zero", tt.str)
- }
- }
-// Reregister some basic types to check registration is idempotent.
-func TestReregistration(t *testing.T) {
- newtyp := getTypeUnlocked("int", reflect.TypeOf(int(0)))
- if newtyp != tInt.gobType() {
- t.Errorf("reregistration of %s got new type", newtyp.string())
- }
- newtyp = getTypeUnlocked("uint", reflect.TypeOf(uint(0)))
- if newtyp != tUint.gobType() {
- t.Errorf("reregistration of %s got new type", newtyp.string())
- }
- newtyp = getTypeUnlocked("string", reflect.TypeOf("hello"))
- if newtyp != tString.gobType() {
- t.Errorf("reregistration of %s got new type", newtyp.string())
- }
-func TestArrayType(t *testing.T) {
- var a3 [3]int
- a3int := getTypeUnlocked("foo", reflect.TypeOf(a3))
- newa3int := getTypeUnlocked("bar", reflect.TypeOf(a3))
- if a3int != newa3int {
- t.Errorf("second registration of [3]int creates new type")
- }
- var a4 [4]int
- a4int := getTypeUnlocked("goo", reflect.TypeOf(a4))
- if a3int == a4int {
- t.Errorf("registration of [3]int creates same type as [4]int")
- }
- var b3 [3]bool
- a3bool := getTypeUnlocked("", reflect.TypeOf(b3))
- if a3int == a3bool {
- t.Errorf("registration of [3]bool creates same type as [3]int")
- }
- str := a3bool.string()
- expected := "[3]bool"
- if str != expected {
- t.Errorf("array printed as %q; expected %q", str, expected)
- }
-func TestSliceType(t *testing.T) {
- var s []int
- sint := getTypeUnlocked("slice", reflect.TypeOf(s))
- var news []int
- newsint := getTypeUnlocked("slice1", reflect.TypeOf(news))
- if sint != newsint {
- t.Errorf("second registration of []int creates new type")
- }
- var b []bool
- sbool := getTypeUnlocked("", reflect.TypeOf(b))
- if sbool == sint {
- t.Errorf("registration of []bool creates same type as []int")
- }
- str := sbool.string()
- expected := "[]bool"
- if str != expected {
- t.Errorf("slice printed as %q; expected %q", str, expected)
- }
-func TestMapType(t *testing.T) {
- var m map[string]int
- mapStringInt := getTypeUnlocked("map", reflect.TypeOf(m))
- var newm map[string]int
- newMapStringInt := getTypeUnlocked("map1", reflect.TypeOf(newm))
- if mapStringInt != newMapStringInt {
- t.Errorf("second registration of map[string]int creates new type")
- }
- var b map[string]bool
- mapStringBool := getTypeUnlocked("", reflect.TypeOf(b))
- if mapStringBool == mapStringInt {
- t.Errorf("registration of map[string]bool creates same type as map[string]int")
- }
- str := mapStringBool.string()
- expected := "map[string]bool"
- if str != expected {
- t.Errorf("map printed as %q; expected %q", str, expected)
- }
-type Bar struct {
- X string
-// This structure has pointers and refers to itself, making it a good test case.
-type Foo struct {
- A int
- B int32 // will become int
- C string
- D []byte
- E *float64 // will become float64
- F ****float64 // will become float64
- G *Bar
- H *Bar // should not interpolate the definition of Bar again
- I *Foo // will not explode
-func TestStructType(t *testing.T) {
- sstruct := getTypeUnlocked("Foo", reflect.TypeOf(Foo{}))
- str := sstruct.string()
- // If we can print it correctly, we built it correctly.
- expected := "Foo = struct { A int; B int; C string; D bytes; E float; F float; G Bar = struct { X string; }; H Bar; I Foo; }"
- if str != expected {
- t.Errorf("struct printed as %q; expected %q", str, expected)
- }
-// Should be OK to register the same type multiple times, as long as they're
-// at the same level of indirection.
-func TestRegistration(t *testing.T) {
- type T struct{ a int }
- Register(new(T))
- Register(new(T))
-type N1 struct{}
-type N2 struct{}
-// See comment in type.go/Register.
-func TestRegistrationNaming(t *testing.T) {
- testCases := []struct {
- t interface{}
- name string
- }{
- {&N1{}, "*gob.N1"},
- {N2{}, "encoding/gob.N2"},
- }
- for _, tc := range testCases {
- Register(tc.t)
- tct := reflect.TypeOf(tc.t)
- registerLock.RLock()
- ct := nameToConcreteType[tc.name]
- registerLock.RUnlock()
- if ct != tct {
- t.Errorf("nameToConcreteType[%q] = %v, want %v", tc.name, ct, tct)
- }
- // concreteTypeToName is keyed off the base type.
- if tct.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
- tct = tct.Elem()
- }
- if n := concreteTypeToName[tct]; n != tc.name {
- t.Errorf("concreteTypeToName[%v] got %v, want %v", tct, n, tc.name)
- }
- }
-func TestStressParallel(t *testing.T) {
- type T2 struct{ A int }
- c := make(chan bool)
- const N = 10
- for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
- go func() {
- p := new(T2)
- Register(p)
- b := new(bytes.Buffer)
- enc := NewEncoder(b)
- err := enc.Encode(p)
- if err != nil {
- t.Error("encoder fail:", err)
- }
- dec := NewDecoder(b)
- err = dec.Decode(p)
- if err != nil {
- t.Error("decoder fail:", err)
- }
- c <- true
- }()
- }
- for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
- <-c
- }
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/hex/hex.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/hex/hex.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 167d00e03..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/hex/hex.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Package hex implements hexadecimal encoding and decoding.
-package hex
-import (
- "bytes"
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "io"
-const hextable = "0123456789abcdef"
-// EncodedLen returns the length of an encoding of n source bytes.
-func EncodedLen(n int) int { return n * 2 }
-// Encode encodes src into EncodedLen(len(src))
-// bytes of dst. As a convenience, it returns the number
-// of bytes written to dst, but this value is always EncodedLen(len(src)).
-// Encode implements hexadecimal encoding.
-func Encode(dst, src []byte) int {
- for i, v := range src {
- dst[i*2] = hextable[v>>4]
- dst[i*2+1] = hextable[v&0x0f]
- }
- return len(src) * 2
-// ErrLength results from decoding an odd length slice.
-var ErrLength = errors.New("encoding/hex: odd length hex string")
-// InvalidByteError values describe errors resulting from an invalid byte in a hex string.
-type InvalidByteError byte
-func (e InvalidByteError) Error() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("encoding/hex: invalid byte: %#U", rune(e))
-func DecodedLen(x int) int { return x / 2 }
-// Decode decodes src into DecodedLen(len(src)) bytes, returning the actual
-// number of bytes written to dst.
-// If Decode encounters invalid input, it returns an error describing the failure.
-func Decode(dst, src []byte) (int, error) {
- if len(src)%2 == 1 {
- return 0, ErrLength
- }
- for i := 0; i < len(src)/2; i++ {
- a, ok := fromHexChar(src[i*2])
- if !ok {
- return 0, InvalidByteError(src[i*2])
- }
- b, ok := fromHexChar(src[i*2+1])
- if !ok {
- return 0, InvalidByteError(src[i*2+1])
- }
- dst[i] = (a << 4) | b
- }
- return len(src) / 2, nil
-// fromHexChar converts a hex character into its value and a success flag.
-func fromHexChar(c byte) (byte, bool) {
- switch {
- case '0' <= c && c <= '9':
- return c - '0', true
- case 'a' <= c && c <= 'f':
- return c - 'a' + 10, true
- case 'A' <= c && c <= 'F':
- return c - 'A' + 10, true
- }
- return 0, false
-// EncodeToString returns the hexadecimal encoding of src.
-func EncodeToString(src []byte) string {
- dst := make([]byte, EncodedLen(len(src)))
- Encode(dst, src)
- return string(dst)
-// DecodeString returns the bytes represented by the hexadecimal string s.
-func DecodeString(s string) ([]byte, error) {
- src := []byte(s)
- dst := make([]byte, DecodedLen(len(src)))
- _, err := Decode(dst, src)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return dst, nil
-// Dump returns a string that contains a hex dump of the given data. The format
-// of the hex dump matches the output of `hexdump -C` on the command line.
-func Dump(data []byte) string {
- var buf bytes.Buffer
- dumper := Dumper(&buf)
- dumper.Write(data)
- dumper.Close()
- return string(buf.Bytes())
-// Dumper returns a WriteCloser that writes a hex dump of all written data to
-// w. The format of the dump matches the output of `hexdump -C` on the command
-// line.
-func Dumper(w io.Writer) io.WriteCloser {
- return &dumper{w: w}
-type dumper struct {
- w io.Writer
- rightChars [18]byte
- buf [14]byte
- used int // number of bytes in the current line
- n uint // number of bytes, total
-func toChar(b byte) byte {
- if b < 32 || b > 126 {
- return '.'
- }
- return b
-func (h *dumper) Write(data []byte) (n int, err error) {
- // Output lines look like:
- // 00000010 2e 2f 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 3c 3d |./0123456789:;<=|
- // ^ offset ^ extra space ^ ASCII of line.
- for i := range data {
- if h.used == 0 {
- // At the beginning of a line we print the current
- // offset in hex.
- h.buf[0] = byte(h.n >> 24)
- h.buf[1] = byte(h.n >> 16)
- h.buf[2] = byte(h.n >> 8)
- h.buf[3] = byte(h.n)
- Encode(h.buf[4:], h.buf[:4])
- h.buf[12] = ' '
- h.buf[13] = ' '
- _, err = h.w.Write(h.buf[4:])
- }
- Encode(h.buf[:], data[i:i+1])
- h.buf[2] = ' '
- l := 3
- if h.used == 7 {
- // There's an additional space after the 8th byte.
- h.buf[3] = ' '
- l = 4
- } else if h.used == 15 {
- // At the end of the line there's an extra space and
- // the bar for the right column.
- h.buf[3] = ' '
- h.buf[4] = '|'
- l = 5
- }
- _, err = h.w.Write(h.buf[:l])
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- n++
- h.rightChars[h.used] = toChar(data[i])
- h.used++
- h.n++
- if h.used == 16 {
- h.rightChars[16] = '|'
- h.rightChars[17] = '\n'
- _, err = h.w.Write(h.rightChars[:])
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- h.used = 0
- }
- }
- return
-func (h *dumper) Close() (err error) {
- // See the comments in Write() for the details of this format.
- if h.used == 0 {
- return
- }
- h.buf[0] = ' '
- h.buf[1] = ' '
- h.buf[2] = ' '
- h.buf[3] = ' '
- h.buf[4] = '|'
- nBytes := h.used
- for h.used < 16 {
- l := 3
- if h.used == 7 {
- l = 4
- } else if h.used == 15 {
- l = 5
- }
- _, err = h.w.Write(h.buf[:l])
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- h.used++
- }
- h.rightChars[nBytes] = '|'
- h.rightChars[nBytes+1] = '\n'
- _, err = h.w.Write(h.rightChars[:nBytes+2])
- return
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/hex/hex_test.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/hex/hex_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 356f590f0..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/hex/hex_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package hex
-import (
- "bytes"
- "testing"
-type encDecTest struct {
- enc string
- dec []byte
-var encDecTests = []encDecTest{
- {"", []byte{}},
- {"0001020304050607", []byte{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}},
- {"08090a0b0c0d0e0f", []byte{8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}},
- {"f0f1f2f3f4f5f6f7", []byte{0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7}},
- {"f8f9fafbfcfdfeff", []byte{0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff}},
- {"67", []byte{'g'}},
- {"e3a1", []byte{0xe3, 0xa1}},
-func TestEncode(t *testing.T) {
- for i, test := range encDecTests {
- dst := make([]byte, EncodedLen(len(test.dec)))
- n := Encode(dst, test.dec)
- if n != len(dst) {
- t.Errorf("#%d: bad return value: got: %d want: %d", i, n, len(dst))
- }
- if string(dst) != test.enc {
- t.Errorf("#%d: got: %#v want: %#v", i, dst, test.enc)
- }
- }
-func TestDecode(t *testing.T) {
- for i, test := range encDecTests {
- dst := make([]byte, DecodedLen(len(test.enc)))
- n, err := Decode(dst, []byte(test.enc))
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("#%d: bad return value: got:%d want:%d", i, n, len(dst))
- } else if !bytes.Equal(dst, test.dec) {
- t.Errorf("#%d: got: %#v want: %#v", i, dst, test.dec)
- }
- }
-func TestEncodeToString(t *testing.T) {
- for i, test := range encDecTests {
- s := EncodeToString(test.dec)
- if s != test.enc {
- t.Errorf("#%d got:%s want:%s", i, s, test.enc)
- }
- }
-func TestDecodeString(t *testing.T) {
- for i, test := range encDecTests {
- dst, err := DecodeString(test.enc)
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("#%d: unexpected err value: %s", i, err)
- continue
- }
- if !bytes.Equal(dst, test.dec) {
- t.Errorf("#%d: got: %#v want: #%v", i, dst, test.dec)
- }
- }
-type errTest struct {
- in string
- err string
-var errTests = []errTest{
- {"0", "encoding/hex: odd length hex string"},
- {"0g", "encoding/hex: invalid byte: U+0067 'g'"},
- {"0\x01", "encoding/hex: invalid byte: U+0001"},
-func TestInvalidErr(t *testing.T) {
- for i, test := range errTests {
- dst := make([]byte, DecodedLen(len(test.in)))
- _, err := Decode(dst, []byte(test.in))
- if err == nil {
- t.Errorf("#%d: expected error; got none", i)
- } else if err.Error() != test.err {
- t.Errorf("#%d: got: %v want: %v", i, err, test.err)
- }
- }
-func TestInvalidStringErr(t *testing.T) {
- for i, test := range errTests {
- _, err := DecodeString(test.in)
- if err == nil {
- t.Errorf("#%d: expected error; got none", i)
- } else if err.Error() != test.err {
- t.Errorf("#%d: got: %v want: %v", i, err, test.err)
- }
- }
-func TestDumper(t *testing.T) {
- var in [40]byte
- for i := range in {
- in[i] = byte(i + 30)
- }
- for stride := 1; stride < len(in); stride++ {
- var out bytes.Buffer
- dumper := Dumper(&out)
- done := 0
- for done < len(in) {
- todo := done + stride
- if todo > len(in) {
- todo = len(in)
- }
- dumper.Write(in[done:todo])
- done = todo
- }
- dumper.Close()
- if !bytes.Equal(out.Bytes(), expectedHexDump) {
- t.Errorf("stride: %d failed. got:\n%s\nwant:\n%s", stride, out.Bytes(), expectedHexDump)
- }
- }
-func TestDump(t *testing.T) {
- var in [40]byte
- for i := range in {
- in[i] = byte(i + 30)
- }
- out := []byte(Dump(in[:]))
- if !bytes.Equal(out, expectedHexDump) {
- t.Errorf("got:\n%s\nwant:\n%s", out, expectedHexDump)
- }
-var expectedHexDump = []byte(`00000000 1e 1f 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2a 2b 2c 2d |.. !"#$%&'()*+,-|
-00000010 2e 2f 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 3c 3d |./0123456789:;<=|
-00000020 3e 3f 40 41 42 43 44 45 |>?@ABCDE|
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/bench_test.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/bench_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 29dbc26d4..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/bench_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Large data benchmark.
-// The JSON data is a summary of agl's changes in the
-// go, webkit, and chromium open source projects.
-// We benchmark converting between the JSON form
-// and in-memory data structures.
-package json
-import (
- "bytes"
- "compress/gzip"
- "io/ioutil"
- "os"
- "testing"
-type codeResponse struct {
- Tree *codeNode `json:"tree"`
- Username string `json:"username"`
-type codeNode struct {
- Name string `json:"name"`
- Kids []*codeNode `json:"kids"`
- CLWeight float64 `json:"cl_weight"`
- Touches int `json:"touches"`
- MinT int64 `json:"min_t"`
- MaxT int64 `json:"max_t"`
- MeanT int64 `json:"mean_t"`
-var codeJSON []byte
-var codeStruct codeResponse
-func codeInit() {
- f, err := os.Open("testdata/code.json.gz")
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- defer f.Close()
- gz, err := gzip.NewReader(f)
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(gz)
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- codeJSON = data
- if err := Unmarshal(codeJSON, &codeStruct); err != nil {
- panic("unmarshal code.json: " + err.Error())
- }
- if data, err = Marshal(&codeStruct); err != nil {
- panic("marshal code.json: " + err.Error())
- }
- if !bytes.Equal(data, codeJSON) {
- println("different lengths", len(data), len(codeJSON))
- for i := 0; i < len(data) && i < len(codeJSON); i++ {
- if data[i] != codeJSON[i] {
- println("re-marshal: changed at byte", i)
- println("orig: ", string(codeJSON[i-10:i+10]))
- println("new: ", string(data[i-10:i+10]))
- break
- }
- }
- panic("re-marshal code.json: different result")
- }
-func BenchmarkCodeEncoder(b *testing.B) {
- if codeJSON == nil {
- b.StopTimer()
- codeInit()
- b.StartTimer()
- }
- enc := NewEncoder(ioutil.Discard)
- for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
- if err := enc.Encode(&codeStruct); err != nil {
- b.Fatal("Encode:", err)
- }
- }
- b.SetBytes(int64(len(codeJSON)))
-func BenchmarkCodeMarshal(b *testing.B) {
- if codeJSON == nil {
- b.StopTimer()
- codeInit()
- b.StartTimer()
- }
- for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
- if _, err := Marshal(&codeStruct); err != nil {
- b.Fatal("Marshal:", err)
- }
- }
- b.SetBytes(int64(len(codeJSON)))
-func BenchmarkCodeDecoder(b *testing.B) {
- if codeJSON == nil {
- b.StopTimer()
- codeInit()
- b.StartTimer()
- }
- var buf bytes.Buffer
- dec := NewDecoder(&buf)
- var r codeResponse
- for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
- buf.Write(codeJSON)
- // hide EOF
- buf.WriteByte('\n')
- buf.WriteByte('\n')
- buf.WriteByte('\n')
- if err := dec.Decode(&r); err != nil {
- b.Fatal("Decode:", err)
- }
- }
- b.SetBytes(int64(len(codeJSON)))
-func BenchmarkCodeUnmarshal(b *testing.B) {
- if codeJSON == nil {
- b.StopTimer()
- codeInit()
- b.StartTimer()
- }
- for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
- var r codeResponse
- if err := Unmarshal(codeJSON, &r); err != nil {
- b.Fatal("Unmmarshal:", err)
- }
- }
- b.SetBytes(int64(len(codeJSON)))
-func BenchmarkCodeUnmarshalReuse(b *testing.B) {
- if codeJSON == nil {
- b.StopTimer()
- codeInit()
- b.StartTimer()
- }
- var r codeResponse
- for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
- if err := Unmarshal(codeJSON, &r); err != nil {
- b.Fatal("Unmmarshal:", err)
- }
- }
-func BenchmarkUnmarshalString(b *testing.B) {
- data := []byte(`"hello, world"`)
- var s string
- for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
- if err := Unmarshal(data, &s); err != nil {
- b.Fatal("Unmarshal:", err)
- }
- }
-func BenchmarkUnmarshalFloat64(b *testing.B) {
- var f float64
- data := []byte(`3.14`)
- for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
- if err := Unmarshal(data, &f); err != nil {
- b.Fatal("Unmarshal:", err)
- }
- }
-func BenchmarkUnmarshalInt64(b *testing.B) {
- var x int64
- data := []byte(`3`)
- for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
- if err := Unmarshal(data, &x); err != nil {
- b.Fatal("Unmarshal:", err)
- }
- }
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/decode.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/decode.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 95e912091..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/decode.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,988 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Represents JSON data structure using native Go types: booleans, floats,
-// strings, arrays, and maps.
-package json
-import (
- "encoding/base64"
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "reflect"
- "runtime"
- "strconv"
- "strings"
- "unicode"
- "unicode/utf16"
- "unicode/utf8"
-// Unmarshal parses the JSON-encoded data and stores the result
-// in the value pointed to by v.
-// Unmarshal uses the inverse of the encodings that
-// Marshal uses, allocating maps, slices, and pointers as necessary,
-// with the following additional rules:
-// To unmarshal JSON into a pointer, Unmarshal first handles the case of
-// the JSON being the JSON literal null. In that case, Unmarshal sets
-// the pointer to nil. Otherwise, Unmarshal unmarshals the JSON into
-// the value pointed at by the pointer. If the pointer is nil, Unmarshal
-// allocates a new value for it to point to.
-// To unmarshal JSON into an interface value, Unmarshal unmarshals
-// the JSON into the concrete value contained in the interface value.
-// If the interface value is nil, that is, has no concrete value stored in it,
-// Unmarshal stores one of these in the interface value:
-// bool, for JSON booleans
-// float64, for JSON numbers
-// string, for JSON strings
-// []interface{}, for JSON arrays
-// map[string]interface{}, for JSON objects
-// nil for JSON null
-// If a JSON value is not appropriate for a given target type,
-// or if a JSON number overflows the target type, Unmarshal
-// skips that field and completes the unmarshalling as best it can.
-// If no more serious errors are encountered, Unmarshal returns
-// an UnmarshalTypeError describing the earliest such error.
-func Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error {
- d := new(decodeState).init(data)
- // Quick check for well-formedness.
- // Avoids filling out half a data structure
- // before discovering a JSON syntax error.
- err := checkValid(data, &d.scan)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return d.unmarshal(v)
-// Unmarshaler is the interface implemented by objects
-// that can unmarshal a JSON description of themselves.
-// The input can be assumed to be a valid encoding of
-// a JSON value. UnmarshalJSON must copy the JSON data
-// if it wishes to retain the data after returning.
-type Unmarshaler interface {
- UnmarshalJSON([]byte) error
-// An UnmarshalTypeError describes a JSON value that was
-// not appropriate for a value of a specific Go type.
-type UnmarshalTypeError struct {
- Value string // description of JSON value - "bool", "array", "number -5"
- Type reflect.Type // type of Go value it could not be assigned to
-func (e *UnmarshalTypeError) Error() string {
- return "json: cannot unmarshal " + e.Value + " into Go value of type " + e.Type.String()
-// An UnmarshalFieldError describes a JSON object key that
-// led to an unexported (and therefore unwritable) struct field.
-// (No longer used; kept for compatibility.)
-type UnmarshalFieldError struct {
- Key string
- Type reflect.Type
- Field reflect.StructField
-func (e *UnmarshalFieldError) Error() string {
- return "json: cannot unmarshal object key " + strconv.Quote(e.Key) + " into unexported field " + e.Field.Name + " of type " + e.Type.String()
-// An InvalidUnmarshalError describes an invalid argument passed to Unmarshal.
-// (The argument to Unmarshal must be a non-nil pointer.)
-type InvalidUnmarshalError struct {
- Type reflect.Type
-func (e *InvalidUnmarshalError) Error() string {
- if e.Type == nil {
- return "json: Unmarshal(nil)"
- }
- if e.Type.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
- return "json: Unmarshal(non-pointer " + e.Type.String() + ")"
- }
- return "json: Unmarshal(nil " + e.Type.String() + ")"
-func (d *decodeState) unmarshal(v interface{}) (err error) {
- defer func() {
- if r := recover(); r != nil {
- if _, ok := r.(runtime.Error); ok {
- panic(r)
- }
- err = r.(error)
- }
- }()
- rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
- if rv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || rv.IsNil() {
- return &InvalidUnmarshalError{reflect.TypeOf(v)}
- }
- d.scan.reset()
- // We decode rv not rv.Elem because the Unmarshaler interface
- // test must be applied at the top level of the value.
- d.value(rv)
- return d.savedError
-// A Number represents a JSON number literal.
-type Number string
-// String returns the literal text of the number.
-func (n Number) String() string { return string(n) }
-// Float64 returns the number as a float64.
-func (n Number) Float64() (float64, error) {
- return strconv.ParseFloat(string(n), 64)
-// Int64 returns the number as an int64.
-func (n Number) Int64() (int64, error) {
- return strconv.ParseInt(string(n), 10, 64)
-// decodeState represents the state while decoding a JSON value.
-type decodeState struct {
- data []byte
- off int // read offset in data
- scan scanner
- nextscan scanner // for calls to nextValue
- savedError error
- tempstr string // scratch space to avoid some allocations
- useNumber bool
-// errPhase is used for errors that should not happen unless
-// there is a bug in the JSON decoder or something is editing
-// the data slice while the decoder executes.
-var errPhase = errors.New("JSON decoder out of sync - data changing underfoot?")
-func (d *decodeState) init(data []byte) *decodeState {
- d.data = data
- d.off = 0
- d.savedError = nil
- return d
-// error aborts the decoding by panicking with err.
-func (d *decodeState) error(err error) {
- panic(err)
-// saveError saves the first err it is called with,
-// for reporting at the end of the unmarshal.
-func (d *decodeState) saveError(err error) {
- if d.savedError == nil {
- d.savedError = err
- }
-// next cuts off and returns the next full JSON value in d.data[d.off:].
-// The next value is known to be an object or array, not a literal.
-func (d *decodeState) next() []byte {
- c := d.data[d.off]
- item, rest, err := nextValue(d.data[d.off:], &d.nextscan)
- if err != nil {
- d.error(err)
- }
- d.off = len(d.data) - len(rest)
- // Our scanner has seen the opening brace/bracket
- // and thinks we're still in the middle of the object.
- // invent a closing brace/bracket to get it out.
- if c == '{' {
- d.scan.step(&d.scan, '}')
- } else {
- d.scan.step(&d.scan, ']')
- }
- return item
-// scanWhile processes bytes in d.data[d.off:] until it
-// receives a scan code not equal to op.
-// It updates d.off and returns the new scan code.
-func (d *decodeState) scanWhile(op int) int {
- var newOp int
- for {
- if d.off >= len(d.data) {
- newOp = d.scan.eof()
- d.off = len(d.data) + 1 // mark processed EOF with len+1
- } else {
- c := int(d.data[d.off])
- d.off++
- newOp = d.scan.step(&d.scan, c)
- }
- if newOp != op {
- break
- }
- }
- return newOp
-// value decodes a JSON value from d.data[d.off:] into the value.
-// it updates d.off to point past the decoded value.
-func (d *decodeState) value(v reflect.Value) {
- if !v.IsValid() {
- _, rest, err := nextValue(d.data[d.off:], &d.nextscan)
- if err != nil {
- d.error(err)
- }
- d.off = len(d.data) - len(rest)
- // d.scan thinks we're still at the beginning of the item.
- // Feed in an empty string - the shortest, simplest value -
- // so that it knows we got to the end of the value.
- if d.scan.redo {
- // rewind.
- d.scan.redo = false
- d.scan.step = stateBeginValue
- }
- d.scan.step(&d.scan, '"')
- d.scan.step(&d.scan, '"')
- return
- }
- switch op := d.scanWhile(scanSkipSpace); op {
- default:
- d.error(errPhase)
- case scanBeginArray:
- d.array(v)
- case scanBeginObject:
- d.object(v)
- case scanBeginLiteral:
- d.literal(v)
- }
-// indirect walks down v allocating pointers as needed,
-// until it gets to a non-pointer.
-// if it encounters an Unmarshaler, indirect stops and returns that.
-// if decodingNull is true, indirect stops at the last pointer so it can be set to nil.
-func (d *decodeState) indirect(v reflect.Value, decodingNull bool) (Unmarshaler, reflect.Value) {
- // If v is a named type and is addressable,
- // start with its address, so that if the type has pointer methods,
- // we find them.
- if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr && v.Type().Name() != "" && v.CanAddr() {
- v = v.Addr()
- }
- for {
- // Load value from interface, but only if the result will be
- // usefully addressable.
- if v.Kind() == reflect.Interface && !v.IsNil() {
- e := v.Elem()
- if e.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !e.IsNil() && (!decodingNull || e.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Ptr) {
- v = e
- continue
- }
- }
- if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
- break
- }
- if v.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Ptr && decodingNull && v.CanSet() {
- break
- }
- if v.IsNil() {
- v.Set(reflect.New(v.Type().Elem()))
- }
- if v.Type().NumMethod() > 0 {
- if unmarshaler, ok := v.Interface().(Unmarshaler); ok {
- return unmarshaler, reflect.Value{}
- }
- }
- v = v.Elem()
- }
- return nil, v
-// array consumes an array from d.data[d.off-1:], decoding into the value v.
-// the first byte of the array ('[') has been read already.
-func (d *decodeState) array(v reflect.Value) {
- // Check for unmarshaler.
- unmarshaler, pv := d.indirect(v, false)
- if unmarshaler != nil {
- d.off--
- err := unmarshaler.UnmarshalJSON(d.next())
- if err != nil {
- d.error(err)
- }
- return
- }
- v = pv
- // Check type of target.
- switch v.Kind() {
- case reflect.Interface:
- if v.NumMethod() == 0 {
- // Decoding into nil interface? Switch to non-reflect code.
- v.Set(reflect.ValueOf(d.arrayInterface()))
- return
- }
- // Otherwise it's invalid.
- fallthrough
- default:
- d.saveError(&UnmarshalTypeError{"array", v.Type()})
- d.off--
- d.next()
- return
- case reflect.Array:
- case reflect.Slice:
- break
- }
- i := 0
- for {
- // Look ahead for ] - can only happen on first iteration.
- op := d.scanWhile(scanSkipSpace)
- if op == scanEndArray {
- break
- }
- // Back up so d.value can have the byte we just read.
- d.off--
- d.scan.undo(op)
- // Get element of array, growing if necessary.
- if v.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
- // Grow slice if necessary
- if i >= v.Cap() {
- newcap := v.Cap() + v.Cap()/2
- if newcap < 4 {
- newcap = 4
- }
- newv := reflect.MakeSlice(v.Type(), v.Len(), newcap)
- reflect.Copy(newv, v)
- v.Set(newv)
- }
- if i >= v.Len() {
- v.SetLen(i + 1)
- }
- }
- if i < v.Len() {
- // Decode into element.
- d.value(v.Index(i))
- } else {
- // Ran out of fixed array: skip.
- d.value(reflect.Value{})
- }
- i++
- // Next token must be , or ].
- op = d.scanWhile(scanSkipSpace)
- if op == scanEndArray {
- break
- }
- if op != scanArrayValue {
- d.error(errPhase)
- }
- }
- if i < v.Len() {
- if v.Kind() == reflect.Array {
- // Array. Zero the rest.
- z := reflect.Zero(v.Type().Elem())
- for ; i < v.Len(); i++ {
- v.Index(i).Set(z)
- }
- } else {
- v.SetLen(i)
- }
- }
- if i == 0 && v.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
- v.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(v.Type(), 0, 0))
- }
-// object consumes an object from d.data[d.off-1:], decoding into the value v.
-// the first byte of the object ('{') has been read already.
-func (d *decodeState) object(v reflect.Value) {
- // Check for unmarshaler.
- unmarshaler, pv := d.indirect(v, false)
- if unmarshaler != nil {
- d.off--
- err := unmarshaler.UnmarshalJSON(d.next())
- if err != nil {
- d.error(err)
- }
- return
- }
- v = pv
- // Decoding into nil interface? Switch to non-reflect code.
- if v.Kind() == reflect.Interface && v.NumMethod() == 0 {
- v.Set(reflect.ValueOf(d.objectInterface()))
- return
- }
- // Check type of target: struct or map[string]T
- switch v.Kind() {
- case reflect.Map:
- // map must have string kind
- t := v.Type()
- if t.Key().Kind() != reflect.String {
- d.saveError(&UnmarshalTypeError{"object", v.Type()})
- break
- }
- if v.IsNil() {
- v.Set(reflect.MakeMap(t))
- }
- case reflect.Struct:
- default:
- d.saveError(&UnmarshalTypeError{"object", v.Type()})
- d.off--
- d.next() // skip over { } in input
- return
- }
- var mapElem reflect.Value
- for {
- // Read opening " of string key or closing }.
- op := d.scanWhile(scanSkipSpace)
- if op == scanEndObject {
- // closing } - can only happen on first iteration.
- break
- }
- if op != scanBeginLiteral {
- d.error(errPhase)
- }
- // Read string key.
- start := d.off - 1
- op = d.scanWhile(scanContinue)
- item := d.data[start : d.off-1]
- key, ok := unquote(item)
- if !ok {
- d.error(errPhase)
- }
- // Figure out field corresponding to key.
- var subv reflect.Value
- destring := false // whether the value is wrapped in a string to be decoded first
- if v.Kind() == reflect.Map {
- elemType := v.Type().Elem()
- if !mapElem.IsValid() {
- mapElem = reflect.New(elemType).Elem()
- } else {
- mapElem.Set(reflect.Zero(elemType))
- }
- subv = mapElem
- } else {
- var f *field
- fields := cachedTypeFields(v.Type())
- for i := range fields {
- ff := &fields[i]
- if ff.name == key {
- f = ff
- break
- }
- if f == nil && strings.EqualFold(ff.name, key) {
- f = ff
- }
- }
- if f != nil {
- subv = v
- destring = f.quoted
- for _, i := range f.index {
- if subv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
- if subv.IsNil() {
- subv.Set(reflect.New(subv.Type().Elem()))
- }
- subv = subv.Elem()
- }
- subv = subv.Field(i)
- }
- }
- }
- // Read : before value.
- if op == scanSkipSpace {
- op = d.scanWhile(scanSkipSpace)
- }
- if op != scanObjectKey {
- d.error(errPhase)
- }
- // Read value.
- if destring {
- d.value(reflect.ValueOf(&d.tempstr))
- d.literalStore([]byte(d.tempstr), subv, true)
- } else {
- d.value(subv)
- }
- // Write value back to map;
- // if using struct, subv points into struct already.
- if v.Kind() == reflect.Map {
- kv := reflect.ValueOf(key).Convert(v.Type().Key())
- v.SetMapIndex(kv, subv)
- }
- // Next token must be , or }.
- op = d.scanWhile(scanSkipSpace)
- if op == scanEndObject {
- break
- }
- if op != scanObjectValue {
- d.error(errPhase)
- }
- }
-// literal consumes a literal from d.data[d.off-1:], decoding into the value v.
-// The first byte of the literal has been read already
-// (that's how the caller knows it's a literal).
-func (d *decodeState) literal(v reflect.Value) {
- // All bytes inside literal return scanContinue op code.
- start := d.off - 1
- op := d.scanWhile(scanContinue)
- // Scan read one byte too far; back up.
- d.off--
- d.scan.undo(op)
- d.literalStore(d.data[start:d.off], v, false)
-// convertNumber converts the number literal s to a float64 or a Number
-// depending on the setting of d.useNumber.
-func (d *decodeState) convertNumber(s string) (interface{}, error) {
- if d.useNumber {
- return Number(s), nil
- }
- f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, &UnmarshalTypeError{"number " + s, reflect.TypeOf(0.0)}
- }
- return f, nil
-var numberType = reflect.TypeOf(Number(""))
-// literalStore decodes a literal stored in item into v.
-// fromQuoted indicates whether this literal came from unwrapping a
-// string from the ",string" struct tag option. this is used only to
-// produce more helpful error messages.
-func (d *decodeState) literalStore(item []byte, v reflect.Value, fromQuoted bool) {
- // Check for unmarshaler.
- if len(item) == 0 {
- //Empty string given
- d.saveError(fmt.Errorf("json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal %q into %v", item, v.Type()))
- return
- }
- wantptr := item[0] == 'n' // null
- unmarshaler, pv := d.indirect(v, wantptr)
- if unmarshaler != nil {
- err := unmarshaler.UnmarshalJSON(item)
- if err != nil {
- d.error(err)
- }
- return
- }
- v = pv
- switch c := item[0]; c {
- case 'n': // null
- switch v.Kind() {
- case reflect.Interface, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice:
- v.Set(reflect.Zero(v.Type()))
- // otherwise, ignore null for primitives/string
- }
- case 't', 'f': // true, false
- value := c == 't'
- switch v.Kind() {
- default:
- if fromQuoted {
- d.saveError(fmt.Errorf("json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal %q into %v", item, v.Type()))
- } else {
- d.saveError(&UnmarshalTypeError{"bool", v.Type()})
- }
- case reflect.Bool:
- v.SetBool(value)
- case reflect.Interface:
- if v.NumMethod() == 0 {
- v.Set(reflect.ValueOf(value))
- } else {
- d.saveError(&UnmarshalTypeError{"bool", v.Type()})
- }
- }
- case '"': // string
- s, ok := unquoteBytes(item)
- if !ok {
- if fromQuoted {
- d.error(fmt.Errorf("json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal %q into %v", item, v.Type()))
- } else {
- d.error(errPhase)
- }
- }
- switch v.Kind() {
- default:
- d.saveError(&UnmarshalTypeError{"string", v.Type()})
- case reflect.Slice:
- if v.Type() != byteSliceType {
- d.saveError(&UnmarshalTypeError{"string", v.Type()})
- break
- }
- b := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(s)))
- n, err := base64.StdEncoding.Decode(b, s)
- if err != nil {
- d.saveError(err)
- break
- }
- v.Set(reflect.ValueOf(b[0:n]))
- case reflect.String:
- v.SetString(string(s))
- case reflect.Interface:
- if v.NumMethod() == 0 {
- v.Set(reflect.ValueOf(string(s)))
- } else {
- d.saveError(&UnmarshalTypeError{"string", v.Type()})
- }
- }
- default: // number
- if c != '-' && (c < '0' || c > '9') {
- if fromQuoted {
- d.error(fmt.Errorf("json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal %q into %v", item, v.Type()))
- } else {
- d.error(errPhase)
- }
- }
- s := string(item)
- switch v.Kind() {
- default:
- if v.Kind() == reflect.String && v.Type() == numberType {
- v.SetString(s)
- break
- }
- if fromQuoted {
- d.error(fmt.Errorf("json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal %q into %v", item, v.Type()))
- } else {
- d.error(&UnmarshalTypeError{"number", v.Type()})
- }
- case reflect.Interface:
- n, err := d.convertNumber(s)
- if err != nil {
- d.saveError(err)
- break
- }
- if v.NumMethod() != 0 {
- d.saveError(&UnmarshalTypeError{"number", v.Type()})
- break
- }
- v.Set(reflect.ValueOf(n))
- case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
- n, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 64)
- if err != nil || v.OverflowInt(n) {
- d.saveError(&UnmarshalTypeError{"number " + s, v.Type()})
- break
- }
- v.SetInt(n)
- case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
- n, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 64)
- if err != nil || v.OverflowUint(n) {
- d.saveError(&UnmarshalTypeError{"number " + s, v.Type()})
- break
- }
- v.SetUint(n)
- case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
- n, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, v.Type().Bits())
- if err != nil || v.OverflowFloat(n) {
- d.saveError(&UnmarshalTypeError{"number " + s, v.Type()})
- break
- }
- v.SetFloat(n)
- }
- }
-// The xxxInterface routines build up a value to be stored
-// in an empty interface. They are not strictly necessary,
-// but they avoid the weight of reflection in this common case.
-// valueInterface is like value but returns interface{}
-func (d *decodeState) valueInterface() interface{} {
- switch d.scanWhile(scanSkipSpace) {
- default:
- d.error(errPhase)
- case scanBeginArray:
- return d.arrayInterface()
- case scanBeginObject:
- return d.objectInterface()
- case scanBeginLiteral:
- return d.literalInterface()
- }
- panic("unreachable")
-// arrayInterface is like array but returns []interface{}.
-func (d *decodeState) arrayInterface() []interface{} {
- var v []interface{}
- for {
- // Look ahead for ] - can only happen on first iteration.
- op := d.scanWhile(scanSkipSpace)
- if op == scanEndArray {
- break
- }
- // Back up so d.value can have the byte we just read.
- d.off--
- d.scan.undo(op)
- v = append(v, d.valueInterface())
- // Next token must be , or ].
- op = d.scanWhile(scanSkipSpace)
- if op == scanEndArray {
- break
- }
- if op != scanArrayValue {
- d.error(errPhase)
- }
- }
- return v
-// objectInterface is like object but returns map[string]interface{}.
-func (d *decodeState) objectInterface() map[string]interface{} {
- m := make(map[string]interface{})
- for {
- // Read opening " of string key or closing }.
- op := d.scanWhile(scanSkipSpace)
- if op == scanEndObject {
- // closing } - can only happen on first iteration.
- break
- }
- if op != scanBeginLiteral {
- d.error(errPhase)
- }
- // Read string key.
- start := d.off - 1
- op = d.scanWhile(scanContinue)
- item := d.data[start : d.off-1]
- key, ok := unquote(item)
- if !ok {
- d.error(errPhase)
- }
- // Read : before value.
- if op == scanSkipSpace {
- op = d.scanWhile(scanSkipSpace)
- }
- if op != scanObjectKey {
- d.error(errPhase)
- }
- // Read value.
- m[key] = d.valueInterface()
- // Next token must be , or }.
- op = d.scanWhile(scanSkipSpace)
- if op == scanEndObject {
- break
- }
- if op != scanObjectValue {
- d.error(errPhase)
- }
- }
- return m
-// literalInterface is like literal but returns an interface value.
-func (d *decodeState) literalInterface() interface{} {
- // All bytes inside literal return scanContinue op code.
- start := d.off - 1
- op := d.scanWhile(scanContinue)
- // Scan read one byte too far; back up.
- d.off--
- d.scan.undo(op)
- item := d.data[start:d.off]
- switch c := item[0]; c {
- case 'n': // null
- return nil
- case 't', 'f': // true, false
- return c == 't'
- case '"': // string
- s, ok := unquote(item)
- if !ok {
- d.error(errPhase)
- }
- return s
- default: // number
- if c != '-' && (c < '0' || c > '9') {
- d.error(errPhase)
- }
- n, err := d.convertNumber(string(item))
- if err != nil {
- d.saveError(err)
- }
- return n
- }
- panic("unreachable")
-// getu4 decodes \uXXXX from the beginning of s, returning the hex value,
-// or it returns -1.
-func getu4(s []byte) rune {
- if len(s) < 6 || s[0] != '\\' || s[1] != 'u' {
- return -1
- }
- r, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(s[2:6]), 16, 64)
- if err != nil {
- return -1
- }
- return rune(r)
-// unquote converts a quoted JSON string literal s into an actual string t.
-// The rules are different than for Go, so cannot use strconv.Unquote.
-func unquote(s []byte) (t string, ok bool) {
- s, ok = unquoteBytes(s)
- t = string(s)
- return
-func unquoteBytes(s []byte) (t []byte, ok bool) {
- if len(s) < 2 || s[0] != '"' || s[len(s)-1] != '"' {
- return
- }
- s = s[1 : len(s)-1]
- // Check for unusual characters. If there are none,
- // then no unquoting is needed, so return a slice of the
- // original bytes.
- r := 0
- for r < len(s) {
- c := s[r]
- if c == '\\' || c == '"' || c < ' ' {
- break
- }
- if c < utf8.RuneSelf {
- r++
- continue
- }
- rr, size := utf8.DecodeRune(s[r:])
- if rr == utf8.RuneError && size == 1 {
- break
- }
- r += size
- }
- if r == len(s) {
- return s, true
- }
- b := make([]byte, len(s)+2*utf8.UTFMax)
- w := copy(b, s[0:r])
- for r < len(s) {
- // Out of room? Can only happen if s is full of
- // malformed UTF-8 and we're replacing each
- // byte with RuneError.
- if w >= len(b)-2*utf8.UTFMax {
- nb := make([]byte, (len(b)+utf8.UTFMax)*2)
- copy(nb, b[0:w])
- b = nb
- }
- switch c := s[r]; {
- case c == '\\':
- r++
- if r >= len(s) {
- return
- }
- switch s[r] {
- default:
- return
- case '"', '\\', '/', '\'':
- b[w] = s[r]
- r++
- w++
- case 'b':
- b[w] = '\b'
- r++
- w++
- case 'f':
- b[w] = '\f'
- r++
- w++
- case 'n':
- b[w] = '\n'
- r++
- w++
- case 'r':
- b[w] = '\r'
- r++
- w++
- case 't':
- b[w] = '\t'
- r++
- w++
- case 'u':
- r--
- rr := getu4(s[r:])
- if rr < 0 {
- return
- }
- r += 6
- if utf16.IsSurrogate(rr) {
- rr1 := getu4(s[r:])
- if dec := utf16.DecodeRune(rr, rr1); dec != unicode.ReplacementChar {
- // A valid pair; consume.
- r += 6
- w += utf8.EncodeRune(b[w:], dec)
- break
- }
- // Invalid surrogate; fall back to replacement rune.
- rr = unicode.ReplacementChar
- }
- w += utf8.EncodeRune(b[w:], rr)
- }
- // Quote, control characters are invalid.
- case c == '"', c < ' ':
- return
- // ASCII
- case c < utf8.RuneSelf:
- b[w] = c
- r++
- w++
- // Coerce to well-formed UTF-8.
- default:
- rr, size := utf8.DecodeRune(s[r:])
- r += size
- w += utf8.EncodeRune(b[w:], rr)
- }
- }
- return b[0:w], true
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/decode_test.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/decode_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a91c6da01..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/decode_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1109 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package json
-import (
- "bytes"
- "fmt"
- "image"
- "reflect"
- "strings"
- "testing"
-type T struct {
- X string
- Y int
- Z int `json:"-"`
-type U struct {
- Alphabet string `json:"alpha"`
-type V struct {
- F1 interface{}
- F2 int32
- F3 Number
-// ifaceNumAsFloat64/ifaceNumAsNumber are used to test unmarshalling with and
-// without UseNumber
-var ifaceNumAsFloat64 = map[string]interface{}{
- "k1": float64(1),
- "k2": "s",
- "k3": []interface{}{float64(1), float64(2.0), float64(3e-3)},
- "k4": map[string]interface{}{"kk1": "s", "kk2": float64(2)},
-var ifaceNumAsNumber = map[string]interface{}{
- "k1": Number("1"),
- "k2": "s",
- "k3": []interface{}{Number("1"), Number("2.0"), Number("3e-3")},
- "k4": map[string]interface{}{"kk1": "s", "kk2": Number("2")},
-type tx struct {
- x int
-var txType = reflect.TypeOf((*tx)(nil)).Elem()
-// A type that can unmarshal itself.
-type unmarshaler struct {
- T bool
-func (u *unmarshaler) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
- *u = unmarshaler{true} // All we need to see that UnmarshalJson is called.
- return nil
-type ustruct struct {
- M unmarshaler
-var (
- um0, um1 unmarshaler // target2 of unmarshaling
- ump = &um1
- umtrue = unmarshaler{true}
- umslice = []unmarshaler{{true}}
- umslicep = new([]unmarshaler)
- umstruct = ustruct{unmarshaler{true}}
-// Test data structures for anonymous fields.
-type Point struct {
- Z int
-type Top struct {
- Level0 int
- Embed0
- *Embed0a
- *Embed0b `json:"e,omitempty"` // treated as named
- Embed0c `json:"-"` // ignored
- Loop
- Embed0p // has Point with X, Y, used
- Embed0q // has Point with Z, used
-type Embed0 struct {
- Level1a int // overridden by Embed0a's Level1a with json tag
- Level1b int // used because Embed0a's Level1b is renamed
- Level1c int // used because Embed0a's Level1c is ignored
- Level1d int // annihilated by Embed0a's Level1d
- Level1e int `json:"x"` // annihilated by Embed0a.Level1e
-type Embed0a struct {
- Level1a int `json:"Level1a,omitempty"`
- Level1b int `json:"LEVEL1B,omitempty"`
- Level1c int `json:"-"`
- Level1d int // annihilated by Embed0's Level1d
- Level1f int `json:"x"` // annihilated by Embed0's Level1e
-type Embed0b Embed0
-type Embed0c Embed0
-type Embed0p struct {
- image.Point
-type Embed0q struct {
- Point
-type Loop struct {
- Loop1 int `json:",omitempty"`
- Loop2 int `json:",omitempty"`
- *Loop
-// From reflect test:
-// The X in S6 and S7 annihilate, but they also block the X in S8.S9.
-type S5 struct {
- S6
- S7
- S8
-type S6 struct {
- X int
-type S7 S6
-type S8 struct {
- S9
-type S9 struct {
- X int
- Y int
-// From reflect test:
-// The X in S11.S6 and S12.S6 annihilate, but they also block the X in S13.S8.S9.
-type S10 struct {
- S11
- S12
- S13
-type S11 struct {
- S6
-type S12 struct {
- S6
-type S13 struct {
- S8
-type unmarshalTest struct {
- in string
- ptr interface{}
- out interface{}
- err error
- useNumber bool
-type Ambig struct {
- // Given "hello", the first match should win.
- First int `json:"HELLO"`
- Second int `json:"Hello"`
-var unmarshalTests = []unmarshalTest{
- // basic types
- {in: `true`, ptr: new(bool), out: true},
- {in: `1`, ptr: new(int), out: 1},
- {in: `1.2`, ptr: new(float64), out: 1.2},
- {in: `-5`, ptr: new(int16), out: int16(-5)},
- {in: `2`, ptr: new(Number), out: Number("2"), useNumber: true},
- {in: `2`, ptr: new(Number), out: Number("2")},
- {in: `2`, ptr: new(interface{}), out: float64(2.0)},
- {in: `2`, ptr: new(interface{}), out: Number("2"), useNumber: true},
- {in: `"a\u1234"`, ptr: new(string), out: "a\u1234"},
- {in: `"http:\/\/"`, ptr: new(string), out: "http://"},
- {in: `"g-clef: \uD834\uDD1E"`, ptr: new(string), out: "g-clef: \U0001D11E"},
- {in: `"invalid: \uD834x\uDD1E"`, ptr: new(string), out: "invalid: \uFFFDx\uFFFD"},
- {in: "null", ptr: new(interface{}), out: nil},
- {in: `{"X": [1,2,3], "Y": 4}`, ptr: new(T), out: T{Y: 4}, err: &UnmarshalTypeError{"array", reflect.TypeOf("")}},
- {in: `{"x": 1}`, ptr: new(tx), out: tx{}},
- {in: `{"F1":1,"F2":2,"F3":3}`, ptr: new(V), out: V{F1: float64(1), F2: int32(2), F3: Number("3")}},
- {in: `{"F1":1,"F2":2,"F3":3}`, ptr: new(V), out: V{F1: Number("1"), F2: int32(2), F3: Number("3")}, useNumber: true},
- {in: `{"k1":1,"k2":"s","k3":[1,2.0,3e-3],"k4":{"kk1":"s","kk2":2}}`, ptr: new(interface{}), out: ifaceNumAsFloat64},
- {in: `{"k1":1,"k2":"s","k3":[1,2.0,3e-3],"k4":{"kk1":"s","kk2":2}}`, ptr: new(interface{}), out: ifaceNumAsNumber, useNumber: true},
- // raw values with whitespace
- {in: "\n true ", ptr: new(bool), out: true},
- {in: "\t 1 ", ptr: new(int), out: 1},
- {in: "\r 1.2 ", ptr: new(float64), out: 1.2},
- {in: "\t -5 \n", ptr: new(int16), out: int16(-5)},
- {in: "\t \"a\\u1234\" \n", ptr: new(string), out: "a\u1234"},
- // Z has a "-" tag.
- {in: `{"Y": 1, "Z": 2}`, ptr: new(T), out: T{Y: 1}},
- {in: `{"alpha": "abc", "alphabet": "xyz"}`, ptr: new(U), out: U{Alphabet: "abc"}},
- {in: `{"alpha": "abc"}`, ptr: new(U), out: U{Alphabet: "abc"}},
- {in: `{"alphabet": "xyz"}`, ptr: new(U), out: U{}},
- // syntax errors
- {in: `{"X": "foo", "Y"}`, err: &SyntaxError{"invalid character '}' after object key", 17}},
- {in: `[1, 2, 3+]`, err: &SyntaxError{"invalid character '+' after array element", 9}},
- {in: `{"X":12x}`, err: &SyntaxError{"invalid character 'x' after object key:value pair", 8}, useNumber: true},
- // raw value errors
- {in: "\x01 42", err: &SyntaxError{"invalid character '\\x01' looking for beginning of value", 1}},
- {in: " 42 \x01", err: &SyntaxError{"invalid character '\\x01' after top-level value", 5}},
- {in: "\x01 true", err: &SyntaxError{"invalid character '\\x01' looking for beginning of value", 1}},
- {in: " false \x01", err: &SyntaxError{"invalid character '\\x01' after top-level value", 8}},
- {in: "\x01 1.2", err: &SyntaxError{"invalid character '\\x01' looking for beginning of value", 1}},
- {in: " 3.4 \x01", err: &SyntaxError{"invalid character '\\x01' after top-level value", 6}},
- {in: "\x01 \"string\"", err: &SyntaxError{"invalid character '\\x01' looking for beginning of value", 1}},
- {in: " \"string\" \x01", err: &SyntaxError{"invalid character '\\x01' after top-level value", 11}},
- // array tests
- {in: `[1, 2, 3]`, ptr: new([3]int), out: [3]int{1, 2, 3}},
- {in: `[1, 2, 3]`, ptr: new([1]int), out: [1]int{1}},
- {in: `[1, 2, 3]`, ptr: new([5]int), out: [5]int{1, 2, 3, 0, 0}},
- // composite tests
- {in: allValueIndent, ptr: new(All), out: allValue},
- {in: allValueCompact, ptr: new(All), out: allValue},
- {in: allValueIndent, ptr: new(*All), out: &allValue},
- {in: allValueCompact, ptr: new(*All), out: &allValue},
- {in: pallValueIndent, ptr: new(All), out: pallValue},
- {in: pallValueCompact, ptr: new(All), out: pallValue},
- {in: pallValueIndent, ptr: new(*All), out: &pallValue},
- {in: pallValueCompact, ptr: new(*All), out: &pallValue},
- // unmarshal interface test
- {in: `{"T":false}`, ptr: &um0, out: umtrue}, // use "false" so test will fail if custom unmarshaler is not called
- {in: `{"T":false}`, ptr: &ump, out: &umtrue},
- {in: `[{"T":false}]`, ptr: &umslice, out: umslice},
- {in: `[{"T":false}]`, ptr: &umslicep, out: &umslice},
- {in: `{"M":{"T":false}}`, ptr: &umstruct, out: umstruct},
- {
- in: `{
- "Level0": 1,
- "Level1b": 2,
- "Level1c": 3,
- "x": 4,
- "Level1a": 5,
- "LEVEL1B": 6,
- "e": {
- "Level1a": 8,
- "Level1b": 9,
- "Level1c": 10,
- "Level1d": 11,
- "x": 12
- },
- "Loop1": 13,
- "Loop2": 14,
- "X": 15,
- "Y": 16,
- "Z": 17
- }`,
- ptr: new(Top),
- out: Top{
- Level0: 1,
- Embed0: Embed0{
- Level1b: 2,
- Level1c: 3,
- },
- Embed0a: &Embed0a{
- Level1a: 5,
- Level1b: 6,
- },
- Embed0b: &Embed0b{
- Level1a: 8,
- Level1b: 9,
- Level1c: 10,
- Level1d: 11,
- Level1e: 12,
- },
- Loop: Loop{
- Loop1: 13,
- Loop2: 14,
- },
- Embed0p: Embed0p{
- Point: image.Point{X: 15, Y: 16},
- },
- Embed0q: Embed0q{
- Point: Point{Z: 17},
- },
- },
- },
- {
- in: `{"hello": 1}`,
- ptr: new(Ambig),
- out: Ambig{First: 1},
- },
- {
- in: `{"X": 1,"Y":2}`,
- ptr: new(S5),
- out: S5{S8: S8{S9: S9{Y: 2}}},
- },
- {
- in: `{"X": 1,"Y":2}`,
- ptr: new(S10),
- out: S10{S13: S13{S8: S8{S9: S9{Y: 2}}}},
- },
-func TestMarshal(t *testing.T) {
- b, err := Marshal(allValue)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Marshal allValue: %v", err)
- }
- if string(b) != allValueCompact {
- t.Errorf("Marshal allValueCompact")
- diff(t, b, []byte(allValueCompact))
- return
- }
- b, err = Marshal(pallValue)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Marshal pallValue: %v", err)
- }
- if string(b) != pallValueCompact {
- t.Errorf("Marshal pallValueCompact")
- diff(t, b, []byte(pallValueCompact))
- return
- }
-func TestMarshalBadUTF8(t *testing.T) {
- s := "hello\xffworld"
- b, err := Marshal(s)
- if err == nil {
- t.Fatal("Marshal bad UTF8: no error")
- }
- if len(b) != 0 {
- t.Fatal("Marshal returned data")
- }
- if _, ok := err.(*InvalidUTF8Error); !ok {
- t.Fatalf("Marshal did not return InvalidUTF8Error: %T %v", err, err)
- }
-func TestMarshalNumberZeroVal(t *testing.T) {
- var n Number
- out, err := Marshal(n)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- outStr := string(out)
- if outStr != "0" {
- t.Fatalf("Invalid zero val for Number: %q", outStr)
- }
-func TestUnmarshal(t *testing.T) {
- for i, tt := range unmarshalTests {
- var scan scanner
- in := []byte(tt.in)
- if err := checkValid(in, &scan); err != nil {
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(err, tt.err) {
- t.Errorf("#%d: checkValid: %#v", i, err)
- continue
- }
- }
- if tt.ptr == nil {
- continue
- }
- // v = new(right-type)
- v := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(tt.ptr).Elem())
- dec := NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(in))
- if tt.useNumber {
- dec.UseNumber()
- }
- if err := dec.Decode(v.Interface()); !reflect.DeepEqual(err, tt.err) {
- t.Errorf("#%d: %v want %v", i, err, tt.err)
- continue
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(v.Elem().Interface(), tt.out) {
- t.Errorf("#%d: mismatch\nhave: %#+v\nwant: %#+v", i, v.Elem().Interface(), tt.out)
- data, _ := Marshal(v.Elem().Interface())
- println(string(data))
- data, _ = Marshal(tt.out)
- println(string(data))
- continue
- }
- // Check round trip.
- if tt.err == nil {
- enc, err := Marshal(v.Interface())
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("#%d: error re-marshaling: %v", i, err)
- continue
- }
- vv := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(tt.ptr).Elem())
- dec = NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(enc))
- if tt.useNumber {
- dec.UseNumber()
- }
- if err := dec.Decode(vv.Interface()); err != nil {
- t.Errorf("#%d: error re-unmarshaling: %v", i, err)
- continue
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(v.Elem().Interface(), vv.Elem().Interface()) {
- t.Errorf("#%d: mismatch\nhave: %#+v\nwant: %#+v", i, v.Elem().Interface(), vv.Elem().Interface())
- continue
- }
- }
- }
-func TestUnmarshalMarshal(t *testing.T) {
- initBig()
- var v interface{}
- if err := Unmarshal(jsonBig, &v); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Unmarshal: %v", err)
- }
- b, err := Marshal(v)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Marshal: %v", err)
- }
- if !bytes.Equal(jsonBig, b) {
- t.Errorf("Marshal jsonBig")
- diff(t, b, jsonBig)
- return
- }
-var numberTests = []struct {
- in string
- i int64
- intErr string
- f float64
- floatErr string
- {in: "-1.23e1", intErr: "strconv.ParseInt: parsing \"-1.23e1\": invalid syntax", f: -1.23e1},
- {in: "-12", i: -12, f: -12.0},
- {in: "1e1000", intErr: "strconv.ParseInt: parsing \"1e1000\": invalid syntax", floatErr: "strconv.ParseFloat: parsing \"1e1000\": value out of range"},
-// Independent of Decode, basic coverage of the accessors in Number
-func TestNumberAccessors(t *testing.T) {
- for _, tt := range numberTests {
- n := Number(tt.in)
- if s := n.String(); s != tt.in {
- t.Errorf("Number(%q).String() is %q", tt.in, s)
- }
- if i, err := n.Int64(); err == nil && tt.intErr == "" && i != tt.i {
- t.Errorf("Number(%q).Int64() is %d", tt.in, i)
- } else if (err == nil && tt.intErr != "") || (err != nil && err.Error() != tt.intErr) {
- t.Errorf("Number(%q).Int64() wanted error %q but got: %v", tt.in, tt.intErr, err)
- }
- if f, err := n.Float64(); err == nil && tt.floatErr == "" && f != tt.f {
- t.Errorf("Number(%q).Float64() is %g", tt.in, f)
- } else if (err == nil && tt.floatErr != "") || (err != nil && err.Error() != tt.floatErr) {
- t.Errorf("Number(%q).Float64() wanted error %q but got: %v", tt.in, tt.floatErr, err)
- }
- }
-func TestLargeByteSlice(t *testing.T) {
- s0 := make([]byte, 2000)
- for i := range s0 {
- s0[i] = byte(i)
- }
- b, err := Marshal(s0)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Marshal: %v", err)
- }
- var s1 []byte
- if err := Unmarshal(b, &s1); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Unmarshal: %v", err)
- }
- if !bytes.Equal(s0, s1) {
- t.Errorf("Marshal large byte slice")
- diff(t, s0, s1)
- }
-type Xint struct {
- X int
-func TestUnmarshalInterface(t *testing.T) {
- var xint Xint
- var i interface{} = &xint
- if err := Unmarshal([]byte(`{"X":1}`), &i); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Unmarshal: %v", err)
- }
- if xint.X != 1 {
- t.Fatalf("Did not write to xint")
- }
-func TestUnmarshalPtrPtr(t *testing.T) {
- var xint Xint
- pxint := &xint
- if err := Unmarshal([]byte(`{"X":1}`), &pxint); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Unmarshal: %v", err)
- }
- if xint.X != 1 {
- t.Fatalf("Did not write to xint")
- }
-func TestEscape(t *testing.T) {
- const input = `"foobar"<html>`
- const expected = `"\"foobar\"\u003chtml\u003e"`
- b, err := Marshal(input)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Marshal error: %v", err)
- }
- if s := string(b); s != expected {
- t.Errorf("Encoding of [%s] was [%s], want [%s]", input, s, expected)
- }
-// WrongString is a struct that's misusing the ,string modifier.
-type WrongString struct {
- Message string `json:"result,string"`
-type wrongStringTest struct {
- in, err string
-var wrongStringTests = []wrongStringTest{
- {`{"result":"x"}`, `json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal "x" into string`},
- {`{"result":"foo"}`, `json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal "foo" into string`},
- {`{"result":"123"}`, `json: invalid use of ,string struct tag, trying to unmarshal "123" into string`},
-// If people misuse the ,string modifier, the error message should be
-// helpful, telling the user that they're doing it wrong.
-func TestErrorMessageFromMisusedString(t *testing.T) {
- for n, tt := range wrongStringTests {
- r := strings.NewReader(tt.in)
- var s WrongString
- err := NewDecoder(r).Decode(&s)
- got := fmt.Sprintf("%v", err)
- if got != tt.err {
- t.Errorf("%d. got err = %q, want %q", n, got, tt.err)
- }
- }
-func noSpace(c rune) rune {
- if isSpace(c) {
- return -1
- }
- return c
-type All struct {
- Bool bool
- Int int
- Int8 int8
- Int16 int16
- Int32 int32
- Int64 int64
- Uint uint
- Uint8 uint8
- Uint16 uint16
- Uint32 uint32
- Uint64 uint64
- Uintptr uintptr
- Float32 float32
- Float64 float64
- Foo string `json:"bar"`
- Foo2 string `json:"bar2,dummyopt"`
- IntStr int64 `json:",string"`
- PBool *bool
- PInt *int
- PInt8 *int8
- PInt16 *int16
- PInt32 *int32
- PInt64 *int64
- PUint *uint
- PUint8 *uint8
- PUint16 *uint16
- PUint32 *uint32
- PUint64 *uint64
- PUintptr *uintptr
- PFloat32 *float32
- PFloat64 *float64
- String string
- PString *string
- Map map[string]Small
- MapP map[string]*Small
- PMap *map[string]Small
- PMapP *map[string]*Small
- EmptyMap map[string]Small
- NilMap map[string]Small
- Slice []Small
- SliceP []*Small
- PSlice *[]Small
- PSliceP *[]*Small
- EmptySlice []Small
- NilSlice []Small
- StringSlice []string
- ByteSlice []byte
- Small Small
- PSmall *Small
- PPSmall **Small
- Interface interface{}
- PInterface *interface{}
- unexported int
-type Small struct {
- Tag string
-var allValue = All{
- Bool: true,
- Int: 2,
- Int8: 3,
- Int16: 4,
- Int32: 5,
- Int64: 6,
- Uint: 7,
- Uint8: 8,
- Uint16: 9,
- Uint32: 10,
- Uint64: 11,
- Uintptr: 12,
- Float32: 14.1,
- Float64: 15.1,
- Foo: "foo",
- Foo2: "foo2",
- IntStr: 42,
- String: "16",
- Map: map[string]Small{
- "17": {Tag: "tag17"},
- "18": {Tag: "tag18"},
- },
- MapP: map[string]*Small{
- "19": {Tag: "tag19"},
- "20": nil,
- },
- EmptyMap: map[string]Small{},
- Slice: []Small{{Tag: "tag20"}, {Tag: "tag21"}},
- SliceP: []*Small{{Tag: "tag22"}, nil, {Tag: "tag23"}},
- EmptySlice: []Small{},
- StringSlice: []string{"str24", "str25", "str26"},
- ByteSlice: []byte{27, 28, 29},
- Small: Small{Tag: "tag30"},
- PSmall: &Small{Tag: "tag31"},
- Interface: 5.2,
-var pallValue = All{
- PBool: &allValue.Bool,
- PInt: &allValue.Int,
- PInt8: &allValue.Int8,
- PInt16: &allValue.Int16,
- PInt32: &allValue.Int32,
- PInt64: &allValue.Int64,
- PUint: &allValue.Uint,
- PUint8: &allValue.Uint8,
- PUint16: &allValue.Uint16,
- PUint32: &allValue.Uint32,
- PUint64: &allValue.Uint64,
- PUintptr: &allValue.Uintptr,
- PFloat32: &allValue.Float32,
- PFloat64: &allValue.Float64,
- PString: &allValue.String,
- PMap: &allValue.Map,
- PMapP: &allValue.MapP,
- PSlice: &allValue.Slice,
- PSliceP: &allValue.SliceP,
- PPSmall: &allValue.PSmall,
- PInterface: &allValue.Interface,
-var allValueIndent = `{
- "Bool": true,
- "Int": 2,
- "Int8": 3,
- "Int16": 4,
- "Int32": 5,
- "Int64": 6,
- "Uint": 7,
- "Uint8": 8,
- "Uint16": 9,
- "Uint32": 10,
- "Uint64": 11,
- "Uintptr": 12,
- "Float32": 14.1,
- "Float64": 15.1,
- "bar": "foo",
- "bar2": "foo2",
- "IntStr": "42",
- "PBool": null,
- "PInt": null,
- "PInt8": null,
- "PInt16": null,
- "PInt32": null,
- "PInt64": null,
- "PUint": null,
- "PUint8": null,
- "PUint16": null,
- "PUint32": null,
- "PUint64": null,
- "PUintptr": null,
- "PFloat32": null,
- "PFloat64": null,
- "String": "16",
- "PString": null,
- "Map": {
- "17": {
- "Tag": "tag17"
- },
- "18": {
- "Tag": "tag18"
- }
- },
- "MapP": {
- "19": {
- "Tag": "tag19"
- },
- "20": null
- },
- "PMap": null,
- "PMapP": null,
- "EmptyMap": {},
- "NilMap": null,
- "Slice": [
- {
- "Tag": "tag20"
- },
- {
- "Tag": "tag21"
- }
- ],
- "SliceP": [
- {
- "Tag": "tag22"
- },
- null,
- {
- "Tag": "tag23"
- }
- ],
- "PSlice": null,
- "PSliceP": null,
- "EmptySlice": [],
- "NilSlice": null,
- "StringSlice": [
- "str24",
- "str25",
- "str26"
- ],
- "ByteSlice": "Gxwd",
- "Small": {
- "Tag": "tag30"
- },
- "PSmall": {
- "Tag": "tag31"
- },
- "PPSmall": null,
- "Interface": 5.2,
- "PInterface": null
-var allValueCompact = strings.Map(noSpace, allValueIndent)
-var pallValueIndent = `{
- "Bool": false,
- "Int": 0,
- "Int8": 0,
- "Int16": 0,
- "Int32": 0,
- "Int64": 0,
- "Uint": 0,
- "Uint8": 0,
- "Uint16": 0,
- "Uint32": 0,
- "Uint64": 0,
- "Uintptr": 0,
- "Float32": 0,
- "Float64": 0,
- "bar": "",
- "bar2": "",
- "IntStr": "0",
- "PBool": true,
- "PInt": 2,
- "PInt8": 3,
- "PInt16": 4,
- "PInt32": 5,
- "PInt64": 6,
- "PUint": 7,
- "PUint8": 8,
- "PUint16": 9,
- "PUint32": 10,
- "PUint64": 11,
- "PUintptr": 12,
- "PFloat32": 14.1,
- "PFloat64": 15.1,
- "String": "",
- "PString": "16",
- "Map": null,
- "MapP": null,
- "PMap": {
- "17": {
- "Tag": "tag17"
- },
- "18": {
- "Tag": "tag18"
- }
- },
- "PMapP": {
- "19": {
- "Tag": "tag19"
- },
- "20": null
- },
- "EmptyMap": null,
- "NilMap": null,
- "Slice": null,
- "SliceP": null,
- "PSlice": [
- {
- "Tag": "tag20"
- },
- {
- "Tag": "tag21"
- }
- ],
- "PSliceP": [
- {
- "Tag": "tag22"
- },
- null,
- {
- "Tag": "tag23"
- }
- ],
- "EmptySlice": null,
- "NilSlice": null,
- "StringSlice": null,
- "ByteSlice": null,
- "Small": {
- "Tag": ""
- },
- "PSmall": null,
- "PPSmall": {
- "Tag": "tag31"
- },
- "Interface": null,
- "PInterface": 5.2
-var pallValueCompact = strings.Map(noSpace, pallValueIndent)
-func TestRefUnmarshal(t *testing.T) {
- type S struct {
- // Ref is defined in encode_test.go.
- R0 Ref
- R1 *Ref
- }
- want := S{
- R0: 12,
- R1: new(Ref),
- }
- *want.R1 = 12
- var got S
- if err := Unmarshal([]byte(`{"R0":"ref","R1":"ref"}`), &got); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Unmarshal: %v", err)
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
- t.Errorf("got %+v, want %+v", got, want)
- }
-// Test that the empty string doesn't panic decoding when ,string is specified
-// Issue 3450
-func TestEmptyString(t *testing.T) {
- type T2 struct {
- Number1 int `json:",string"`
- Number2 int `json:",string"`
- }
- data := `{"Number1":"1", "Number2":""}`
- dec := NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(data))
- var t2 T2
- err := dec.Decode(&t2)
- if err == nil {
- t.Fatal("Decode: did not return error")
- }
- if t2.Number1 != 1 {
- t.Fatal("Decode: did not set Number1")
- }
-func intp(x int) *int {
- p := new(int)
- *p = x
- return p
-func intpp(x *int) **int {
- pp := new(*int)
- *pp = x
- return pp
-var interfaceSetTests = []struct {
- pre interface{}
- json string
- post interface{}
- {"foo", `"bar"`, "bar"},
- {"foo", `2`, 2.0},
- {"foo", `true`, true},
- {"foo", `null`, nil},
- {nil, `null`, nil},
- {new(int), `null`, nil},
- {(*int)(nil), `null`, nil},
- {new(*int), `null`, new(*int)},
- {(**int)(nil), `null`, nil},
- {intp(1), `null`, nil},
- {intpp(nil), `null`, intpp(nil)},
- {intpp(intp(1)), `null`, intpp(nil)},
-func TestInterfaceSet(t *testing.T) {
- for _, tt := range interfaceSetTests {
- b := struct{ X interface{} }{tt.pre}
- blob := `{"X":` + tt.json + `}`
- if err := Unmarshal([]byte(blob), &b); err != nil {
- t.Errorf("Unmarshal %#q: %v", blob, err)
- continue
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(b.X, tt.post) {
- t.Errorf("Unmarshal %#q into %#v: X=%#v, want %#v", blob, tt.pre, b.X, tt.post)
- }
- }
-// JSON null values should be ignored for primitives and string values instead of resulting in an error.
-// Issue 2540
-func TestUnmarshalNulls(t *testing.T) {
- jsonData := []byte(`{
- "Bool" : null,
- "Int" : null,
- "Int8" : null,
- "Int16" : null,
- "Int32" : null,
- "Int64" : null,
- "Uint" : null,
- "Uint8" : null,
- "Uint16" : null,
- "Uint32" : null,
- "Uint64" : null,
- "Float32" : null,
- "Float64" : null,
- "String" : null}`)
- nulls := All{
- Bool: true,
- Int: 2,
- Int8: 3,
- Int16: 4,
- Int32: 5,
- Int64: 6,
- Uint: 7,
- Uint8: 8,
- Uint16: 9,
- Uint32: 10,
- Uint64: 11,
- Float32: 12.1,
- Float64: 13.1,
- String: "14"}
- err := Unmarshal(jsonData, &nulls)
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("Unmarshal of null values failed: %v", err)
- }
- if !nulls.Bool || nulls.Int != 2 || nulls.Int8 != 3 || nulls.Int16 != 4 || nulls.Int32 != 5 || nulls.Int64 != 6 ||
- nulls.Uint != 7 || nulls.Uint8 != 8 || nulls.Uint16 != 9 || nulls.Uint32 != 10 || nulls.Uint64 != 11 ||
- nulls.Float32 != 12.1 || nulls.Float64 != 13.1 || nulls.String != "14" {
- t.Errorf("Unmarshal of null values affected primitives")
- }
-func TestStringKind(t *testing.T) {
- type stringKind string
- type aMap map[stringKind]int
- var m1, m2 map[stringKind]int
- m1 = map[stringKind]int{
- "foo": 42,
- }
- data, err := Marshal(m1)
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("Unexpected error marshalling: %v", err)
- }
- err = Unmarshal(data, &m2)
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("Unexpected error unmarshalling: %v", err)
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(m1, m2) {
- t.Error("Items should be equal after encoding and then decoding")
- }
-var decodeTypeErrorTests = []struct {
- dest interface{}
- src string
- {new(string), `{"user": "name"}`}, // issue 4628.
- {new(error), `{}`}, // issue 4222
- {new(error), `[]`},
- {new(error), `""`},
- {new(error), `123`},
- {new(error), `true`},
-func TestUnmarshalTypeError(t *testing.T) {
- for _, item := range decodeTypeErrorTests {
- err := Unmarshal([]byte(item.src), item.dest)
- if _, ok := err.(*UnmarshalTypeError); !ok {
- t.Errorf("expected type error for Unmarshal(%q, type %T): got %T",
- item.src, item.dest, err)
- }
- }
-var unmarshalSyntaxTests = []string{
- "tru",
- "fals",
- "nul",
- "123e",
- `"hello`,
- `[1,2,3`,
- `{"key":1`,
- `{"key":1,`,
-func TestUnmarshalSyntax(t *testing.T) {
- var x interface{}
- for _, src := range unmarshalSyntaxTests {
- err := Unmarshal([]byte(src), &x)
- if _, ok := err.(*SyntaxError); !ok {
- t.Errorf("expected syntax error for Unmarshal(%q): got %T", src, err)
- }
- }
-// Test handling of unexported fields that should be ignored.
-// Issue 4660
-type unexportedFields struct {
- Name string
- m map[string]interface{} `json:"-"`
- m2 map[string]interface{} `json:"abcd"`
-func TestUnmarshalUnexported(t *testing.T) {
- input := `{"Name": "Bob", "m": {"x": 123}, "m2": {"y": 456}, "abcd": {"z": 789}}`
- want := &unexportedFields{Name: "Bob"}
- out := &unexportedFields{}
- err := Unmarshal([]byte(input), out)
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("got error %v, expected nil", err)
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(out, want) {
- t.Errorf("got %q, want %q", out, want)
- }
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/encode.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/encode.go
deleted file mode 100644
index fb57f1d51..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/encode.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,706 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Package json implements encoding and decoding of JSON objects as defined in
-// RFC 4627.
-// See "JSON and Go" for an introduction to this package:
-// http://golang.org/doc/articles/json_and_go.html
-package json
-import (
- "bytes"
- "encoding/base64"
- "math"
- "reflect"
- "runtime"
- "sort"
- "strconv"
- "strings"
- "sync"
- "unicode"
- "unicode/utf8"
-// Marshal returns the JSON encoding of v.
-// Marshal traverses the value v recursively.
-// If an encountered value implements the Marshaler interface
-// and is not a nil pointer, Marshal calls its MarshalJSON method
-// to produce JSON. The nil pointer exception is not strictly necessary
-// but mimics a similar, necessary exception in the behavior of
-// UnmarshalJSON.
-// Otherwise, Marshal uses the following type-dependent default encodings:
-// Boolean values encode as JSON booleans.
-// Floating point, integer, and Number values encode as JSON numbers.
-// String values encode as JSON strings, with each invalid UTF-8 sequence
-// replaced by the encoding of the Unicode replacement character U+FFFD.
-// The angle brackets "<" and ">" are escaped to "\u003c" and "\u003e"
-// to keep some browsers from misinterpreting JSON output as HTML.
-// Array and slice values encode as JSON arrays, except that
-// []byte encodes as a base64-encoded string, and a nil slice
-// encodes as the null JSON object.
-// Struct values encode as JSON objects. Each exported struct field
-// becomes a member of the object unless
-// - the field's tag is "-", or
-// - the field is empty and its tag specifies the "omitempty" option.
-// The empty values are false, 0, any
-// nil pointer or interface value, and any array, slice, map, or string of
-// length zero. The object's default key string is the struct field name
-// but can be specified in the struct field's tag value. The "json" key in
-// the struct field's tag value is the key name, followed by an optional comma
-// and options. Examples:
-// // Field is ignored by this package.
-// Field int `json:"-"`
-// // Field appears in JSON as key "myName".
-// Field int `json:"myName"`
-// // Field appears in JSON as key "myName" and
-// // the field is omitted from the object if its value is empty,
-// // as defined above.
-// Field int `json:"myName,omitempty"`
-// // Field appears in JSON as key "Field" (the default), but
-// // the field is skipped if empty.
-// // Note the leading comma.
-// Field int `json:",omitempty"`
-// The "string" option signals that a field is stored as JSON inside a
-// JSON-encoded string. It applies only to fields of string, floating point,
-// or integer types. This extra level of encoding is sometimes used when
-// communicating with JavaScript programs:
-// Int64String int64 `json:",string"`
-// The key name will be used if it's a non-empty string consisting of
-// only Unicode letters, digits, dollar signs, percent signs, hyphens,
-// underscores and slashes.
-// Anonymous struct fields are usually marshaled as if their inner exported fields
-// were fields in the outer struct, subject to the usual Go visibility rules.
-// An anonymous struct field with a name given in its JSON tag is treated as
-// having that name instead of as anonymous.
-// Handling of anonymous struct fields is new in Go 1.1.
-// Prior to Go 1.1, anonymous struct fields were ignored. To force ignoring of
-// an anonymous struct field in both current and earlier versions, give the field
-// a JSON tag of "-".
-// Map values encode as JSON objects.
-// The map's key type must be string; the object keys are used directly
-// as map keys.
-// Pointer values encode as the value pointed to.
-// A nil pointer encodes as the null JSON object.
-// Interface values encode as the value contained in the interface.
-// A nil interface value encodes as the null JSON object.
-// Channel, complex, and function values cannot be encoded in JSON.
-// Attempting to encode such a value causes Marshal to return
-// an UnsupportedTypeError.
-// JSON cannot represent cyclic data structures and Marshal does not
-// handle them. Passing cyclic structures to Marshal will result in
-// an infinite recursion.
-func Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
- e := &encodeState{}
- err := e.marshal(v)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return e.Bytes(), nil
-// MarshalIndent is like Marshal but applies Indent to format the output.
-func MarshalIndent(v interface{}, prefix, indent string) ([]byte, error) {
- b, err := Marshal(v)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- var buf bytes.Buffer
- err = Indent(&buf, b, prefix, indent)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return buf.Bytes(), nil
-// HTMLEscape appends to dst the JSON-encoded src with <, >, and &
-// characters inside string literals changed to \u003c, \u003e, \u0026
-// so that the JSON will be safe to embed inside HTML <script> tags.
-// For historical reasons, web browsers don't honor standard HTML
-// escaping within <script> tags, so an alternative JSON encoding must
-// be used.
-func HTMLEscape(dst *bytes.Buffer, src []byte) {
- // < > & can only appear in string literals,
- // so just scan the string one byte at a time.
- start := 0
- for i, c := range src {
- if c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '&' {
- if start < i {
- dst.Write(src[start:i])
- }
- dst.WriteString(`\u00`)
- dst.WriteByte(hex[c>>4])
- dst.WriteByte(hex[c&0xF])
- start = i + 1
- }
- }
- if start < len(src) {
- dst.Write(src[start:])
- }
-// Marshaler is the interface implemented by objects that
-// can marshal themselves into valid JSON.
-type Marshaler interface {
- MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
-// An UnsupportedTypeError is returned by Marshal when attempting
-// to encode an unsupported value type.
-type UnsupportedTypeError struct {
- Type reflect.Type
-func (e *UnsupportedTypeError) Error() string {
- return "json: unsupported type: " + e.Type.String()
-type UnsupportedValueError struct {
- Value reflect.Value
- Str string
-func (e *UnsupportedValueError) Error() string {
- return "json: unsupported value: " + e.Str
-type InvalidUTF8Error struct {
- S string
-func (e *InvalidUTF8Error) Error() string {
- return "json: invalid UTF-8 in string: " + strconv.Quote(e.S)
-type MarshalerError struct {
- Type reflect.Type
- Err error
-func (e *MarshalerError) Error() string {
- return "json: error calling MarshalJSON for type " + e.Type.String() + ": " + e.Err.Error()
-var hex = "0123456789abcdef"
-// An encodeState encodes JSON into a bytes.Buffer.
-type encodeState struct {
- bytes.Buffer // accumulated output
- scratch [64]byte
-func (e *encodeState) marshal(v interface{}) (err error) {
- defer func() {
- if r := recover(); r != nil {
- if _, ok := r.(runtime.Error); ok {
- panic(r)
- }
- err = r.(error)
- }
- }()
- e.reflectValue(reflect.ValueOf(v))
- return nil
-func (e *encodeState) error(err error) {
- panic(err)
-var byteSliceType = reflect.TypeOf([]byte(nil))
-func isEmptyValue(v reflect.Value) bool {
- switch v.Kind() {
- case reflect.Array, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice, reflect.String:
- return v.Len() == 0
- case reflect.Bool:
- return !v.Bool()
- case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
- return v.Int() == 0
- case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
- return v.Uint() == 0
- case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
- return v.Float() == 0
- case reflect.Interface, reflect.Ptr:
- return v.IsNil()
- }
- return false
-func (e *encodeState) reflectValue(v reflect.Value) {
- e.reflectValueQuoted(v, false)
-// reflectValueQuoted writes the value in v to the output.
-// If quoted is true, the serialization is wrapped in a JSON string.
-func (e *encodeState) reflectValueQuoted(v reflect.Value, quoted bool) {
- if !v.IsValid() {
- e.WriteString("null")
- return
- }
- m, ok := v.Interface().(Marshaler)
- if !ok {
- // T doesn't match the interface. Check against *T too.
- if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr && v.CanAddr() {
- m, ok = v.Addr().Interface().(Marshaler)
- if ok {
- v = v.Addr()
- }
- }
- }
- if ok && (v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || !v.IsNil()) {
- b, err := m.MarshalJSON()
- if err == nil {
- // copy JSON into buffer, checking validity.
- err = compact(&e.Buffer, b, true)
- }
- if err != nil {
- e.error(&MarshalerError{v.Type(), err})
- }
- return
- }
- writeString := (*encodeState).WriteString
- if quoted {
- writeString = (*encodeState).string
- }
- switch v.Kind() {
- case reflect.Bool:
- x := v.Bool()
- if x {
- writeString(e, "true")
- } else {
- writeString(e, "false")
- }
- case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
- b := strconv.AppendInt(e.scratch[:0], v.Int(), 10)
- if quoted {
- writeString(e, string(b))
- } else {
- e.Write(b)
- }
- case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
- b := strconv.AppendUint(e.scratch[:0], v.Uint(), 10)
- if quoted {
- writeString(e, string(b))
- } else {
- e.Write(b)
- }
- case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
- f := v.Float()
- if math.IsInf(f, 0) || math.IsNaN(f) {
- e.error(&UnsupportedValueError{v, strconv.FormatFloat(f, 'g', -1, v.Type().Bits())})
- }
- b := strconv.AppendFloat(e.scratch[:0], f, 'g', -1, v.Type().Bits())
- if quoted {
- writeString(e, string(b))
- } else {
- e.Write(b)
- }
- case reflect.String:
- if v.Type() == numberType {
- numStr := v.String()
- if numStr == "" {
- numStr = "0" // Number's zero-val
- }
- e.WriteString(numStr)
- break
- }
- if quoted {
- sb, err := Marshal(v.String())
- if err != nil {
- e.error(err)
- }
- e.string(string(sb))
- } else {
- e.string(v.String())
- }
- case reflect.Struct:
- e.WriteByte('{')
- first := true
- for _, f := range cachedTypeFields(v.Type()) {
- fv := fieldByIndex(v, f.index)
- if !fv.IsValid() || f.omitEmpty && isEmptyValue(fv) {
- continue
- }
- if first {
- first = false
- } else {
- e.WriteByte(',')
- }
- e.string(f.name)
- e.WriteByte(':')
- e.reflectValueQuoted(fv, f.quoted)
- }
- e.WriteByte('}')
- case reflect.Map:
- if v.Type().Key().Kind() != reflect.String {
- e.error(&UnsupportedTypeError{v.Type()})
- }
- if v.IsNil() {
- e.WriteString("null")
- break
- }
- e.WriteByte('{')
- var sv stringValues = v.MapKeys()
- sort.Sort(sv)
- for i, k := range sv {
- if i > 0 {
- e.WriteByte(',')
- }
- e.string(k.String())
- e.WriteByte(':')
- e.reflectValue(v.MapIndex(k))
- }
- e.WriteByte('}')
- case reflect.Slice:
- if v.IsNil() {
- e.WriteString("null")
- break
- }
- if v.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
- // Byte slices get special treatment; arrays don't.
- s := v.Bytes()
- e.WriteByte('"')
- if len(s) < 1024 {
- // for small buffers, using Encode directly is much faster.
- dst := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.EncodedLen(len(s)))
- base64.StdEncoding.Encode(dst, s)
- e.Write(dst)
- } else {
- // for large buffers, avoid unnecessary extra temporary
- // buffer space.
- enc := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding, e)
- enc.Write(s)
- enc.Close()
- }
- e.WriteByte('"')
- break
- }
- // Slices can be marshalled as nil, but otherwise are handled
- // as arrays.
- fallthrough
- case reflect.Array:
- e.WriteByte('[')
- n := v.Len()
- for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
- if i > 0 {
- e.WriteByte(',')
- }
- e.reflectValue(v.Index(i))
- }
- e.WriteByte(']')
- case reflect.Interface, reflect.Ptr:
- if v.IsNil() {
- e.WriteString("null")
- return
- }
- e.reflectValue(v.Elem())
- default:
- e.error(&UnsupportedTypeError{v.Type()})
- }
- return
-func isValidTag(s string) bool {
- if s == "" {
- return false
- }
- for _, c := range s {
- switch {
- case strings.ContainsRune("!#$%&()*+-./:<=>?@[]^_{|}~ ", c):
- // Backslash and quote chars are reserved, but
- // otherwise any punctuation chars are allowed
- // in a tag name.
- default:
- if !unicode.IsLetter(c) && !unicode.IsDigit(c) {
- return false
- }
- }
- }
- return true
-func fieldByIndex(v reflect.Value, index []int) reflect.Value {
- for _, i := range index {
- if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
- if v.IsNil() {
- return reflect.Value{}
- }
- v = v.Elem()
- }
- v = v.Field(i)
- }
- return v
-// stringValues is a slice of reflect.Value holding *reflect.StringValue.
-// It implements the methods to sort by string.
-type stringValues []reflect.Value
-func (sv stringValues) Len() int { return len(sv) }
-func (sv stringValues) Swap(i, j int) { sv[i], sv[j] = sv[j], sv[i] }
-func (sv stringValues) Less(i, j int) bool { return sv.get(i) < sv.get(j) }
-func (sv stringValues) get(i int) string { return sv[i].String() }
-func (e *encodeState) string(s string) (int, error) {
- len0 := e.Len()
- e.WriteByte('"')
- start := 0
- for i := 0; i < len(s); {
- if b := s[i]; b < utf8.RuneSelf {
- if 0x20 <= b && b != '\\' && b != '"' && b != '<' && b != '>' {
- i++
- continue
- }
- if start < i {
- e.WriteString(s[start:i])
- }
- switch b {
- case '\\', '"':
- e.WriteByte('\\')
- e.WriteByte(b)
- case '\n':
- e.WriteByte('\\')
- e.WriteByte('n')
- case '\r':
- e.WriteByte('\\')
- e.WriteByte('r')
- default:
- // This encodes bytes < 0x20 except for \n and \r,
- // as well as < and >. The latter are escaped because they
- // can lead to security holes when user-controlled strings
- // are rendered into JSON and served to some browsers.
- e.WriteString(`\u00`)
- e.WriteByte(hex[b>>4])
- e.WriteByte(hex[b&0xF])
- }
- i++
- start = i
- continue
- }
- c, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[i:])
- if c == utf8.RuneError && size == 1 {
- e.error(&InvalidUTF8Error{s})
- }
- i += size
- }
- if start < len(s) {
- e.WriteString(s[start:])
- }
- e.WriteByte('"')
- return e.Len() - len0, nil
-// A field represents a single field found in a struct.
-type field struct {
- name string
- tag bool
- index []int
- typ reflect.Type
- omitEmpty bool
- quoted bool
-// byName sorts field by name, breaking ties with depth,
-// then breaking ties with "name came from json tag", then
-// breaking ties with index sequence.
-type byName []field
-func (x byName) Len() int { return len(x) }
-func (x byName) Swap(i, j int) { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] }
-func (x byName) Less(i, j int) bool {
- if x[i].name != x[j].name {
- return x[i].name < x[j].name
- }
- if len(x[i].index) != len(x[j].index) {
- return len(x[i].index) < len(x[j].index)
- }
- if x[i].tag != x[j].tag {
- return x[i].tag
- }
- return byIndex(x).Less(i, j)
-// byIndex sorts field by index sequence.
-type byIndex []field
-func (x byIndex) Len() int { return len(x) }
-func (x byIndex) Swap(i, j int) { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] }
-func (x byIndex) Less(i, j int) bool {
- for k, xik := range x[i].index {
- if k >= len(x[j].index) {
- return false
- }
- if xik != x[j].index[k] {
- return xik < x[j].index[k]
- }
- }
- return len(x[i].index) < len(x[j].index)
-// typeFields returns a list of fields that JSON should recognize for the given type.
-// The algorithm is breadth-first search over the set of structs to include - the top struct
-// and then any reachable anonymous structs.
-func typeFields(t reflect.Type) []field {
- // Anonymous fields to explore at the current level and the next.
- current := []field{}
- next := []field{{typ: t}}
- // Count of queued names for current level and the next.
- count := map[reflect.Type]int{}
- nextCount := map[reflect.Type]int{}
- // Types already visited at an earlier level.
- visited := map[reflect.Type]bool{}
- // Fields found.
- var fields []field
- for len(next) > 0 {
- current, next = next, current[:0]
- count, nextCount = nextCount, map[reflect.Type]int{}
- for _, f := range current {
- if visited[f.typ] {
- continue
- }
- visited[f.typ] = true
- // Scan f.typ for fields to include.
- for i := 0; i < f.typ.NumField(); i++ {
- sf := f.typ.Field(i)
- if sf.PkgPath != "" { // unexported
- continue
- }
- tag := sf.Tag.Get("json")
- if tag == "-" {
- continue
- }
- name, opts := parseTag(tag)
- if !isValidTag(name) {
- name = ""
- }
- index := make([]int, len(f.index)+1)
- copy(index, f.index)
- index[len(f.index)] = i
- ft := sf.Type
- if ft.Name() == "" && ft.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
- // Follow pointer.
- ft = ft.Elem()
- }
- // Record found field and index sequence.
- if name != "" || !sf.Anonymous || ft.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
- tagged := name != ""
- if name == "" {
- name = sf.Name
- }
- fields = append(fields, field{name, tagged, index, ft,
- opts.Contains("omitempty"), opts.Contains("string")})
- if count[f.typ] > 1 {
- // If there were multiple instances, add a second,
- // so that the annihilation code will see a duplicate.
- // It only cares about the distinction between 1 or 2,
- // so don't bother generating any more copies.
- fields = append(fields, fields[len(fields)-1])
- }
- continue
- }
- // Record new anonymous struct to explore in next round.
- nextCount[ft]++
- if nextCount[ft] == 1 {
- next = append(next, field{name: ft.Name(), index: index, typ: ft})
- }
- }
- }
- }
- sort.Sort(byName(fields))
- // Remove fields with annihilating name collisions
- // and also fields shadowed by fields with explicit JSON tags.
- name := ""
- out := fields[:0]
- for _, f := range fields {
- if f.name != name {
- name = f.name
- out = append(out, f)
- continue
- }
- if n := len(out); n > 0 && out[n-1].name == name && (!out[n-1].tag || f.tag) {
- out = out[:n-1]
- }
- }
- fields = out
- sort.Sort(byIndex(fields))
- return fields
-var fieldCache struct {
- sync.RWMutex
- m map[reflect.Type][]field
-// cachedTypeFields is like typeFields but uses a cache to avoid repeated work.
-func cachedTypeFields(t reflect.Type) []field {
- fieldCache.RLock()
- f := fieldCache.m[t]
- fieldCache.RUnlock()
- if f != nil {
- return f
- }
- // Compute fields without lock.
- // Might duplicate effort but won't hold other computations back.
- f = typeFields(t)
- if f == nil {
- f = []field{}
- }
- fieldCache.Lock()
- if fieldCache.m == nil {
- fieldCache.m = map[reflect.Type][]field{}
- }
- fieldCache.m[t] = f
- fieldCache.Unlock()
- return f
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/encode_test.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/encode_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index be74c997c..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/encode_test.go
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@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package json
-import (
- "bytes"
- "math"
- "reflect"
- "testing"
-type Optionals struct {
- Sr string `json:"sr"`
- So string `json:"so,omitempty"`
- Sw string `json:"-"`
- Ir int `json:"omitempty"` // actually named omitempty, not an option
- Io int `json:"io,omitempty"`
- Slr []string `json:"slr,random"`
- Slo []string `json:"slo,omitempty"`
- Mr map[string]interface{} `json:"mr"`
- Mo map[string]interface{} `json:",omitempty"`
-var optionalsExpected = `{
- "sr": "",
- "omitempty": 0,
- "slr": null,
- "mr": {}
-func TestOmitEmpty(t *testing.T) {
- var o Optionals
- o.Sw = "something"
- o.Mr = map[string]interface{}{}
- o.Mo = map[string]interface{}{}
- got, err := MarshalIndent(&o, "", " ")
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- if got := string(got); got != optionalsExpected {
- t.Errorf(" got: %s\nwant: %s\n", got, optionalsExpected)
- }
-type StringTag struct {
- BoolStr bool `json:",string"`
- IntStr int64 `json:",string"`
- StrStr string `json:",string"`
-var stringTagExpected = `{
- "BoolStr": "true",
- "IntStr": "42",
- "StrStr": "\"xzbit\""
-func TestStringTag(t *testing.T) {
- var s StringTag
- s.BoolStr = true
- s.IntStr = 42
- s.StrStr = "xzbit"
- got, err := MarshalIndent(&s, "", " ")
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- if got := string(got); got != stringTagExpected {
- t.Fatalf(" got: %s\nwant: %s\n", got, stringTagExpected)
- }
- // Verify that it round-trips.
- var s2 StringTag
- err = NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(got)).Decode(&s2)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Decode: %v", err)
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(s, s2) {
- t.Fatalf("decode didn't match.\nsource: %#v\nEncoded as:\n%s\ndecode: %#v", s, string(got), s2)
- }
-// byte slices are special even if they're renamed types.
-type renamedByte byte
-type renamedByteSlice []byte
-type renamedRenamedByteSlice []renamedByte
-func TestEncodeRenamedByteSlice(t *testing.T) {
- s := renamedByteSlice("abc")
- result, err := Marshal(s)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- expect := `"YWJj"`
- if string(result) != expect {
- t.Errorf(" got %s want %s", result, expect)
- }
- r := renamedRenamedByteSlice("abc")
- result, err = Marshal(r)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- if string(result) != expect {
- t.Errorf(" got %s want %s", result, expect)
- }
-var unsupportedValues = []interface{}{
- math.NaN(),
- math.Inf(-1),
- math.Inf(1),
-func TestUnsupportedValues(t *testing.T) {
- for _, v := range unsupportedValues {
- if _, err := Marshal(v); err != nil {
- if _, ok := err.(*UnsupportedValueError); !ok {
- t.Errorf("for %v, got %T want UnsupportedValueError", v, err)
- }
- } else {
- t.Errorf("for %v, expected error", v)
- }
- }
-// Ref has Marshaler and Unmarshaler methods with pointer receiver.
-type Ref int
-func (*Ref) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
- return []byte(`"ref"`), nil
-func (r *Ref) UnmarshalJSON([]byte) error {
- *r = 12
- return nil
-// Val has Marshaler methods with value receiver.
-type Val int
-func (Val) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
- return []byte(`"val"`), nil
-func TestRefValMarshal(t *testing.T) {
- var s = struct {
- R0 Ref
- R1 *Ref
- V0 Val
- V1 *Val
- }{
- R0: 12,
- R1: new(Ref),
- V0: 13,
- V1: new(Val),
- }
- const want = `{"R0":"ref","R1":"ref","V0":"val","V1":"val"}`
- b, err := Marshal(&s)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Marshal: %v", err)
- }
- if got := string(b); got != want {
- t.Errorf("got %q, want %q", got, want)
- }
-// C implements Marshaler and returns unescaped JSON.
-type C int
-func (C) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
- return []byte(`"<&>"`), nil
-func TestMarshalerEscaping(t *testing.T) {
- var c C
- const want = `"\u003c\u0026\u003e"`
- b, err := Marshal(c)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Marshal: %v", err)
- }
- if got := string(b); got != want {
- t.Errorf("got %q, want %q", got, want)
- }
-type IntType int
-type MyStruct struct {
- IntType
-func TestAnonymousNonstruct(t *testing.T) {
- var i IntType = 11
- a := MyStruct{i}
- const want = `{"IntType":11}`
- b, err := Marshal(a)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Marshal: %v", err)
- }
- if got := string(b); got != want {
- t.Errorf("got %q, want %q", got, want)
- }
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/indent.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/indent.go
deleted file mode 100644
index e8dfa4ec4..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/indent.go
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-// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package json
-import "bytes"
-// Compact appends to dst the JSON-encoded src with
-// insignificant space characters elided.
-func Compact(dst *bytes.Buffer, src []byte) error {
- return compact(dst, src, false)
-func compact(dst *bytes.Buffer, src []byte, escape bool) error {
- origLen := dst.Len()
- var scan scanner
- scan.reset()
- start := 0
- for i, c := range src {
- if escape && (c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '&') {
- if start < i {
- dst.Write(src[start:i])
- }
- dst.WriteString(`\u00`)
- dst.WriteByte(hex[c>>4])
- dst.WriteByte(hex[c&0xF])
- start = i + 1
- }
- v := scan.step(&scan, int(c))
- if v >= scanSkipSpace {
- if v == scanError {
- break
- }
- if start < i {
- dst.Write(src[start:i])
- }
- start = i + 1
- }
- }
- if scan.eof() == scanError {
- dst.Truncate(origLen)
- return scan.err
- }
- if start < len(src) {
- dst.Write(src[start:])
- }
- return nil
-func newline(dst *bytes.Buffer, prefix, indent string, depth int) {
- dst.WriteByte('\n')
- dst.WriteString(prefix)
- for i := 0; i < depth; i++ {
- dst.WriteString(indent)
- }
-// Indent appends to dst an indented form of the JSON-encoded src.
-// Each element in a JSON object or array begins on a new,
-// indented line beginning with prefix followed by one or more
-// copies of indent according to the indentation nesting.
-// The data appended to dst has no trailing newline, to make it easier
-// to embed inside other formatted JSON data.
-func Indent(dst *bytes.Buffer, src []byte, prefix, indent string) error {
- origLen := dst.Len()
- var scan scanner
- scan.reset()
- needIndent := false
- depth := 0
- for _, c := range src {
- scan.bytes++
- v := scan.step(&scan, int(c))
- if v == scanSkipSpace {
- continue
- }
- if v == scanError {
- break
- }
- if needIndent && v != scanEndObject && v != scanEndArray {
- needIndent = false
- depth++
- newline(dst, prefix, indent, depth)
- }
- // Emit semantically uninteresting bytes
- // (in particular, punctuation in strings) unmodified.
- if v == scanContinue {
- dst.WriteByte(c)
- continue
- }
- // Add spacing around real punctuation.
- switch c {
- case '{', '[':
- // delay indent so that empty object and array are formatted as {} and [].
- needIndent = true
- dst.WriteByte(c)
- case ',':
- dst.WriteByte(c)
- newline(dst, prefix, indent, depth)
- case ':':
- dst.WriteByte(c)
- dst.WriteByte(' ')
- case '}', ']':
- if needIndent {
- // suppress indent in empty object/array
- needIndent = false
- } else {
- depth--
- newline(dst, prefix, indent, depth)
- }
- dst.WriteByte(c)
- default:
- dst.WriteByte(c)
- }
- }
- if scan.eof() == scanError {
- dst.Truncate(origLen)
- return scan.err
- }
- return nil
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/scanner.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/scanner.go
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index 054b6b3d5..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/scanner.go
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-// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package json
-// JSON value parser state machine.
-// Just about at the limit of what is reasonable to write by hand.
-// Some parts are a bit tedious, but overall it nicely factors out the
-// otherwise common code from the multiple scanning functions
-// in this package (Compact, Indent, checkValid, nextValue, etc).
-// This file starts with two simple examples using the scanner
-// before diving into the scanner itself.
-import "strconv"
-// checkValid verifies that data is valid JSON-encoded data.
-// scan is passed in for use by checkValid to avoid an allocation.
-func checkValid(data []byte, scan *scanner) error {
- scan.reset()
- for _, c := range data {
- scan.bytes++
- if scan.step(scan, int(c)) == scanError {
- return scan.err
- }
- }
- if scan.eof() == scanError {
- return scan.err
- }
- return nil
-// nextValue splits data after the next whole JSON value,
-// returning that value and the bytes that follow it as separate slices.
-// scan is passed in for use by nextValue to avoid an allocation.
-func nextValue(data []byte, scan *scanner) (value, rest []byte, err error) {
- scan.reset()
- for i, c := range data {
- v := scan.step(scan, int(c))
- if v >= scanEnd {
- switch v {
- case scanError:
- return nil, nil, scan.err
- case scanEnd:
- return data[0:i], data[i:], nil
- }
- }
- }
- if scan.eof() == scanError {
- return nil, nil, scan.err
- }
- return data, nil, nil
-// A SyntaxError is a description of a JSON syntax error.
-type SyntaxError struct {
- msg string // description of error
- Offset int64 // error occurred after reading Offset bytes
-func (e *SyntaxError) Error() string { return e.msg }
-// A scanner is a JSON scanning state machine.
-// Callers call scan.reset() and then pass bytes in one at a time
-// by calling scan.step(&scan, c) for each byte.
-// The return value, referred to as an opcode, tells the
-// caller about significant parsing events like beginning
-// and ending literals, objects, and arrays, so that the
-// caller can follow along if it wishes.
-// The return value scanEnd indicates that a single top-level
-// JSON value has been completed, *before* the byte that
-// just got passed in. (The indication must be delayed in order
-// to recognize the end of numbers: is 123 a whole value or
-// the beginning of 12345e+6?).
-type scanner struct {
- // The step is a func to be called to execute the next transition.
- // Also tried using an integer constant and a single func
- // with a switch, but using the func directly was 10% faster
- // on a 64-bit Mac Mini, and it's nicer to read.
- step func(*scanner, int) int
- // Reached end of top-level value.
- endTop bool
- // Stack of what we're in the middle of - array values, object keys, object values.
- parseState []int
- // Error that happened, if any.
- err error
- // 1-byte redo (see undo method)
- redo bool
- redoCode int
- redoState func(*scanner, int) int
- // total bytes consumed, updated by decoder.Decode
- bytes int64
-// These values are returned by the state transition functions
-// assigned to scanner.state and the method scanner.eof.
-// They give details about the current state of the scan that
-// callers might be interested to know about.
-// It is okay to ignore the return value of any particular
-// call to scanner.state: if one call returns scanError,
-// every subsequent call will return scanError too.
-const (
- // Continue.
- scanContinue = iota // uninteresting byte
- scanBeginLiteral // end implied by next result != scanContinue
- scanBeginObject // begin object
- scanObjectKey // just finished object key (string)
- scanObjectValue // just finished non-last object value
- scanEndObject // end object (implies scanObjectValue if possible)
- scanBeginArray // begin array
- scanArrayValue // just finished array value
- scanEndArray // end array (implies scanArrayValue if possible)
- scanSkipSpace // space byte; can skip; known to be last "continue" result
- // Stop.
- scanEnd // top-level value ended *before* this byte; known to be first "stop" result
- scanError // hit an error, scanner.err.
-// These values are stored in the parseState stack.
-// They give the current state of a composite value
-// being scanned. If the parser is inside a nested value
-// the parseState describes the nested state, outermost at entry 0.
-const (
- parseObjectKey = iota // parsing object key (before colon)
- parseObjectValue // parsing object value (after colon)
- parseArrayValue // parsing array value
-// reset prepares the scanner for use.
-// It must be called before calling s.step.
-func (s *scanner) reset() {
- s.step = stateBeginValue
- s.parseState = s.parseState[0:0]
- s.err = nil
- s.redo = false
- s.endTop = false
-// eof tells the scanner that the end of input has been reached.
-// It returns a scan status just as s.step does.
-func (s *scanner) eof() int {
- if s.err != nil {
- return scanError
- }
- if s.endTop {
- return scanEnd
- }
- s.step(s, ' ')
- if s.endTop {
- return scanEnd
- }
- if s.err == nil {
- s.err = &SyntaxError{"unexpected end of JSON input", s.bytes}
- }
- return scanError
-// pushParseState pushes a new parse state p onto the parse stack.
-func (s *scanner) pushParseState(p int) {
- s.parseState = append(s.parseState, p)
-// popParseState pops a parse state (already obtained) off the stack
-// and updates s.step accordingly.
-func (s *scanner) popParseState() {
- n := len(s.parseState) - 1
- s.parseState = s.parseState[0:n]
- s.redo = false
- if n == 0 {
- s.step = stateEndTop
- s.endTop = true
- } else {
- s.step = stateEndValue
- }
-func isSpace(c rune) bool {
- return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n'
-// stateBeginValueOrEmpty is the state after reading `[`.
-func stateBeginValueOrEmpty(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if c <= ' ' && isSpace(rune(c)) {
- return scanSkipSpace
- }
- if c == ']' {
- return stateEndValue(s, c)
- }
- return stateBeginValue(s, c)
-// stateBeginValue is the state at the beginning of the input.
-func stateBeginValue(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if c <= ' ' && isSpace(rune(c)) {
- return scanSkipSpace
- }
- switch c {
- case '{':
- s.step = stateBeginStringOrEmpty
- s.pushParseState(parseObjectKey)
- return scanBeginObject
- case '[':
- s.step = stateBeginValueOrEmpty
- s.pushParseState(parseArrayValue)
- return scanBeginArray
- case '"':
- s.step = stateInString
- return scanBeginLiteral
- case '-':
- s.step = stateNeg
- return scanBeginLiteral
- case '0': // beginning of 0.123
- s.step = state0
- return scanBeginLiteral
- case 't': // beginning of true
- s.step = stateT
- return scanBeginLiteral
- case 'f': // beginning of false
- s.step = stateF
- return scanBeginLiteral
- case 'n': // beginning of null
- s.step = stateN
- return scanBeginLiteral
- }
- if '1' <= c && c <= '9' { // beginning of 1234.5
- s.step = state1
- return scanBeginLiteral
- }
- return s.error(c, "looking for beginning of value")
-// stateBeginStringOrEmpty is the state after reading `{`.
-func stateBeginStringOrEmpty(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if c <= ' ' && isSpace(rune(c)) {
- return scanSkipSpace
- }
- if c == '}' {
- n := len(s.parseState)
- s.parseState[n-1] = parseObjectValue
- return stateEndValue(s, c)
- }
- return stateBeginString(s, c)
-// stateBeginString is the state after reading `{"key": value,`.
-func stateBeginString(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if c <= ' ' && isSpace(rune(c)) {
- return scanSkipSpace
- }
- if c == '"' {
- s.step = stateInString
- return scanBeginLiteral
- }
- return s.error(c, "looking for beginning of object key string")
-// stateEndValue is the state after completing a value,
-// such as after reading `{}` or `true` or `["x"`.
-func stateEndValue(s *scanner, c int) int {
- n := len(s.parseState)
- if n == 0 {
- // Completed top-level before the current byte.
- s.step = stateEndTop
- s.endTop = true
- return stateEndTop(s, c)
- }
- if c <= ' ' && isSpace(rune(c)) {
- s.step = stateEndValue
- return scanSkipSpace
- }
- ps := s.parseState[n-1]
- switch ps {
- case parseObjectKey:
- if c == ':' {
- s.parseState[n-1] = parseObjectValue
- s.step = stateBeginValue
- return scanObjectKey
- }
- return s.error(c, "after object key")
- case parseObjectValue:
- if c == ',' {
- s.parseState[n-1] = parseObjectKey
- s.step = stateBeginString
- return scanObjectValue
- }
- if c == '}' {
- s.popParseState()
- return scanEndObject
- }
- return s.error(c, "after object key:value pair")
- case parseArrayValue:
- if c == ',' {
- s.step = stateBeginValue
- return scanArrayValue
- }
- if c == ']' {
- s.popParseState()
- return scanEndArray
- }
- return s.error(c, "after array element")
- }
- return s.error(c, "")
-// stateEndTop is the state after finishing the top-level value,
-// such as after reading `{}` or `[1,2,3]`.
-// Only space characters should be seen now.
-func stateEndTop(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\r' && c != '\n' {
- // Complain about non-space byte on next call.
- s.error(c, "after top-level value")
- }
- return scanEnd
-// stateInString is the state after reading `"`.
-func stateInString(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if c == '"' {
- s.step = stateEndValue
- return scanContinue
- }
- if c == '\\' {
- s.step = stateInStringEsc
- return scanContinue
- }
- if c < 0x20 {
- return s.error(c, "in string literal")
- }
- return scanContinue
-// stateInStringEsc is the state after reading `"\` during a quoted string.
-func stateInStringEsc(s *scanner, c int) int {
- switch c {
- case 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't', '\\', '/', '"':
- s.step = stateInString
- return scanContinue
- }
- if c == 'u' {
- s.step = stateInStringEscU
- return scanContinue
- }
- return s.error(c, "in string escape code")
-// stateInStringEscU is the state after reading `"\u` during a quoted string.
-func stateInStringEscU(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if '0' <= c && c <= '9' || 'a' <= c && c <= 'f' || 'A' <= c && c <= 'F' {
- s.step = stateInStringEscU1
- return scanContinue
- }
- // numbers
- return s.error(c, "in \\u hexadecimal character escape")
-// stateInStringEscU1 is the state after reading `"\u1` during a quoted string.
-func stateInStringEscU1(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if '0' <= c && c <= '9' || 'a' <= c && c <= 'f' || 'A' <= c && c <= 'F' {
- s.step = stateInStringEscU12
- return scanContinue
- }
- // numbers
- return s.error(c, "in \\u hexadecimal character escape")
-// stateInStringEscU12 is the state after reading `"\u12` during a quoted string.
-func stateInStringEscU12(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if '0' <= c && c <= '9' || 'a' <= c && c <= 'f' || 'A' <= c && c <= 'F' {
- s.step = stateInStringEscU123
- return scanContinue
- }
- // numbers
- return s.error(c, "in \\u hexadecimal character escape")
-// stateInStringEscU123 is the state after reading `"\u123` during a quoted string.
-func stateInStringEscU123(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if '0' <= c && c <= '9' || 'a' <= c && c <= 'f' || 'A' <= c && c <= 'F' {
- s.step = stateInString
- return scanContinue
- }
- // numbers
- return s.error(c, "in \\u hexadecimal character escape")
-// stateInStringEscU123 is the state after reading `-` during a number.
-func stateNeg(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if c == '0' {
- s.step = state0
- return scanContinue
- }
- if '1' <= c && c <= '9' {
- s.step = state1
- return scanContinue
- }
- return s.error(c, "in numeric literal")
-// state1 is the state after reading a non-zero integer during a number,
-// such as after reading `1` or `100` but not `0`.
-func state1(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if '0' <= c && c <= '9' {
- s.step = state1
- return scanContinue
- }
- return state0(s, c)
-// state0 is the state after reading `0` during a number.
-func state0(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if c == '.' {
- s.step = stateDot
- return scanContinue
- }
- if c == 'e' || c == 'E' {
- s.step = stateE
- return scanContinue
- }
- return stateEndValue(s, c)
-// stateDot is the state after reading the integer and decimal point in a number,
-// such as after reading `1.`.
-func stateDot(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if '0' <= c && c <= '9' {
- s.step = stateDot0
- return scanContinue
- }
- return s.error(c, "after decimal point in numeric literal")
-// stateDot0 is the state after reading the integer, decimal point, and subsequent
-// digits of a number, such as after reading `3.14`.
-func stateDot0(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if '0' <= c && c <= '9' {
- s.step = stateDot0
- return scanContinue
- }
- if c == 'e' || c == 'E' {
- s.step = stateE
- return scanContinue
- }
- return stateEndValue(s, c)
-// stateE is the state after reading the mantissa and e in a number,
-// such as after reading `314e` or `0.314e`.
-func stateE(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if c == '+' {
- s.step = stateESign
- return scanContinue
- }
- if c == '-' {
- s.step = stateESign
- return scanContinue
- }
- return stateESign(s, c)
-// stateESign is the state after reading the mantissa, e, and sign in a number,
-// such as after reading `314e-` or `0.314e+`.
-func stateESign(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if '0' <= c && c <= '9' {
- s.step = stateE0
- return scanContinue
- }
- return s.error(c, "in exponent of numeric literal")
-// stateE0 is the state after reading the mantissa, e, optional sign,
-// and at least one digit of the exponent in a number,
-// such as after reading `314e-2` or `0.314e+1` or `3.14e0`.
-func stateE0(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if '0' <= c && c <= '9' {
- s.step = stateE0
- return scanContinue
- }
- return stateEndValue(s, c)
-// stateT is the state after reading `t`.
-func stateT(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if c == 'r' {
- s.step = stateTr
- return scanContinue
- }
- return s.error(c, "in literal true (expecting 'r')")
-// stateTr is the state after reading `tr`.
-func stateTr(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if c == 'u' {
- s.step = stateTru
- return scanContinue
- }
- return s.error(c, "in literal true (expecting 'u')")
-// stateTru is the state after reading `tru`.
-func stateTru(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if c == 'e' {
- s.step = stateEndValue
- return scanContinue
- }
- return s.error(c, "in literal true (expecting 'e')")
-// stateF is the state after reading `f`.
-func stateF(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if c == 'a' {
- s.step = stateFa
- return scanContinue
- }
- return s.error(c, "in literal false (expecting 'a')")
-// stateFa is the state after reading `fa`.
-func stateFa(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if c == 'l' {
- s.step = stateFal
- return scanContinue
- }
- return s.error(c, "in literal false (expecting 'l')")
-// stateFal is the state after reading `fal`.
-func stateFal(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if c == 's' {
- s.step = stateFals
- return scanContinue
- }
- return s.error(c, "in literal false (expecting 's')")
-// stateFals is the state after reading `fals`.
-func stateFals(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if c == 'e' {
- s.step = stateEndValue
- return scanContinue
- }
- return s.error(c, "in literal false (expecting 'e')")
-// stateN is the state after reading `n`.
-func stateN(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if c == 'u' {
- s.step = stateNu
- return scanContinue
- }
- return s.error(c, "in literal null (expecting 'u')")
-// stateNu is the state after reading `nu`.
-func stateNu(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if c == 'l' {
- s.step = stateNul
- return scanContinue
- }
- return s.error(c, "in literal null (expecting 'l')")
-// stateNul is the state after reading `nul`.
-func stateNul(s *scanner, c int) int {
- if c == 'l' {
- s.step = stateEndValue
- return scanContinue
- }
- return s.error(c, "in literal null (expecting 'l')")
-// stateError is the state after reaching a syntax error,
-// such as after reading `[1}` or `5.1.2`.
-func stateError(s *scanner, c int) int {
- return scanError
-// error records an error and switches to the error state.
-func (s *scanner) error(c int, context string) int {
- s.step = stateError
- s.err = &SyntaxError{"invalid character " + quoteChar(c) + " " + context, s.bytes}
- return scanError
-// quoteChar formats c as a quoted character literal
-func quoteChar(c int) string {
- // special cases - different from quoted strings
- if c == '\'' {
- return `'\''`
- }
- if c == '"' {
- return `'"'`
- }
- // use quoted string with different quotation marks
- s := strconv.Quote(string(c))
- return "'" + s[1:len(s)-1] + "'"
-// undo causes the scanner to return scanCode from the next state transition.
-// This gives callers a simple 1-byte undo mechanism.
-func (s *scanner) undo(scanCode int) {
- if s.redo {
- panic("json: invalid use of scanner")
- }
- s.redoCode = scanCode
- s.redoState = s.step
- s.step = stateRedo
- s.redo = true
-// stateRedo helps implement the scanner's 1-byte undo.
-func stateRedo(s *scanner, c int) int {
- s.redo = false
- s.step = s.redoState
- return s.redoCode
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/scanner_test.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/scanner_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index adb35715b..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/scanner_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package json
-import (
- "bytes"
- "math"
- "math/rand"
- "reflect"
- "testing"
-// Tests of simple examples.
-type example struct {
- compact string
- indent string
-var examples = []example{
- {`1`, `1`},
- {`{}`, `{}`},
- {`[]`, `[]`},
- {`{"":2}`, "{\n\t\"\": 2\n}"},
- {`[3]`, "[\n\t3\n]"},
- {`[1,2,3]`, "[\n\t1,\n\t2,\n\t3\n]"},
- {`{"x":1}`, "{\n\t\"x\": 1\n}"},
- {ex1, ex1i},
-var ex1 = `[true,false,null,"x",1,1.5,0,-5e+2]`
-var ex1i = `[
- true,
- false,
- null,
- "x",
- 1,
- 1.5,
- 0,
- -5e+2
-func TestCompact(t *testing.T) {
- var buf bytes.Buffer
- for _, tt := range examples {
- buf.Reset()
- if err := Compact(&buf, []byte(tt.compact)); err != nil {
- t.Errorf("Compact(%#q): %v", tt.compact, err)
- } else if s := buf.String(); s != tt.compact {
- t.Errorf("Compact(%#q) = %#q, want original", tt.compact, s)
- }
- buf.Reset()
- if err := Compact(&buf, []byte(tt.indent)); err != nil {
- t.Errorf("Compact(%#q): %v", tt.indent, err)
- continue
- } else if s := buf.String(); s != tt.compact {
- t.Errorf("Compact(%#q) = %#q, want %#q", tt.indent, s, tt.compact)
- }
- }
-func TestIndent(t *testing.T) {
- var buf bytes.Buffer
- for _, tt := range examples {
- buf.Reset()
- if err := Indent(&buf, []byte(tt.indent), "", "\t"); err != nil {
- t.Errorf("Indent(%#q): %v", tt.indent, err)
- } else if s := buf.String(); s != tt.indent {
- t.Errorf("Indent(%#q) = %#q, want original", tt.indent, s)
- }
- buf.Reset()
- if err := Indent(&buf, []byte(tt.compact), "", "\t"); err != nil {
- t.Errorf("Indent(%#q): %v", tt.compact, err)
- continue
- } else if s := buf.String(); s != tt.indent {
- t.Errorf("Indent(%#q) = %#q, want %#q", tt.compact, s, tt.indent)
- }
- }
-// Tests of a large random structure.
-func TestCompactBig(t *testing.T) {
- initBig()
- var buf bytes.Buffer
- if err := Compact(&buf, jsonBig); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Compact: %v", err)
- }
- b := buf.Bytes()
- if !bytes.Equal(b, jsonBig) {
- t.Error("Compact(jsonBig) != jsonBig")
- diff(t, b, jsonBig)
- return
- }
-func TestIndentBig(t *testing.T) {
- initBig()
- var buf bytes.Buffer
- if err := Indent(&buf, jsonBig, "", "\t"); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Indent1: %v", err)
- }
- b := buf.Bytes()
- if len(b) == len(jsonBig) {
- // jsonBig is compact (no unnecessary spaces);
- // indenting should make it bigger
- t.Fatalf("Indent(jsonBig) did not get bigger")
- }
- // should be idempotent
- var buf1 bytes.Buffer
- if err := Indent(&buf1, b, "", "\t"); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Indent2: %v", err)
- }
- b1 := buf1.Bytes()
- if !bytes.Equal(b1, b) {
- t.Error("Indent(Indent(jsonBig)) != Indent(jsonBig)")
- diff(t, b1, b)
- return
- }
- // should get back to original
- buf1.Reset()
- if err := Compact(&buf1, b); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Compact: %v", err)
- }
- b1 = buf1.Bytes()
- if !bytes.Equal(b1, jsonBig) {
- t.Error("Compact(Indent(jsonBig)) != jsonBig")
- diff(t, b1, jsonBig)
- return
- }
-type indentErrorTest struct {
- in string
- err error
-var indentErrorTests = []indentErrorTest{
- {`{"X": "foo", "Y"}`, &SyntaxError{"invalid character '}' after object key", 17}},
- {`{"X": "foo" "Y": "bar"}`, &SyntaxError{"invalid character '\"' after object key:value pair", 13}},
-func TestIndentErrors(t *testing.T) {
- for i, tt := range indentErrorTests {
- slice := make([]uint8, 0)
- buf := bytes.NewBuffer(slice)
- if err := Indent(buf, []uint8(tt.in), "", ""); err != nil {
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(err, tt.err) {
- t.Errorf("#%d: Indent: %#v", i, err)
- continue
- }
- }
- }
-func TestNextValueBig(t *testing.T) {
- initBig()
- var scan scanner
- item, rest, err := nextValue(jsonBig, &scan)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("nextValue: %s", err)
- }
- if len(item) != len(jsonBig) || &item[0] != &jsonBig[0] {
- t.Errorf("invalid item: %d %d", len(item), len(jsonBig))
- }
- if len(rest) != 0 {
- t.Errorf("invalid rest: %d", len(rest))
- }
- item, rest, err = nextValue(append(jsonBig, "HELLO WORLD"...), &scan)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("nextValue extra: %s", err)
- }
- if len(item) != len(jsonBig) {
- t.Errorf("invalid item: %d %d", len(item), len(jsonBig))
- }
- if string(rest) != "HELLO WORLD" {
- t.Errorf("invalid rest: %d", len(rest))
- }
-var benchScan scanner
-func BenchmarkSkipValue(b *testing.B) {
- initBig()
- for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
- nextValue(jsonBig, &benchScan)
- }
- b.SetBytes(int64(len(jsonBig)))
-func diff(t *testing.T, a, b []byte) {
- for i := 0; ; i++ {
- if i >= len(a) || i >= len(b) || a[i] != b[i] {
- j := i - 10
- if j < 0 {
- j = 0
- }
- t.Errorf("diverge at %d: «%s» vs «%s»", i, trim(a[j:]), trim(b[j:]))
- return
- }
- }
-func trim(b []byte) []byte {
- if len(b) > 20 {
- return b[0:20]
- }
- return b
-// Generate a random JSON object.
-var jsonBig []byte
-const (
- big = 10000
- small = 100
-func initBig() {
- n := big
- if testing.Short() {
- n = small
- }
- if len(jsonBig) != n {
- b, err := Marshal(genValue(n))
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- jsonBig = b
- }
-func genValue(n int) interface{} {
- if n > 1 {
- switch rand.Intn(2) {
- case 0:
- return genArray(n)
- case 1:
- return genMap(n)
- }
- }
- switch rand.Intn(3) {
- case 0:
- return rand.Intn(2) == 0
- case 1:
- return rand.NormFloat64()
- case 2:
- return genString(30)
- }
- panic("unreachable")
-func genString(stddev float64) string {
- n := int(math.Abs(rand.NormFloat64()*stddev + stddev/2))
- c := make([]rune, n)
- for i := range c {
- f := math.Abs(rand.NormFloat64()*64 + 32)
- if f > 0x10ffff {
- f = 0x10ffff
- }
- c[i] = rune(f)
- }
- return string(c)
-func genArray(n int) []interface{} {
- f := int(math.Abs(rand.NormFloat64()) * math.Min(10, float64(n/2)))
- if f > n {
- f = n
- }
- if n > 0 && f == 0 {
- f = 1
- }
- x := make([]interface{}, f)
- for i := range x {
- x[i] = genValue(((i+1)*n)/f - (i*n)/f)
- }
- return x
-func genMap(n int) map[string]interface{} {
- f := int(math.Abs(rand.NormFloat64()) * math.Min(10, float64(n/2)))
- if f > n {
- f = n
- }
- if n > 0 && f == 0 {
- f = 1
- }
- x := make(map[string]interface{})
- for i := 0; i < f; i++ {
- x[genString(10)] = genValue(((i+1)*n)/f - (i*n)/f)
- }
- return x
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/stream.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/stream.go
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index 00f4726cf..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/stream.go
+++ /dev/null
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-// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package json
-import (
- "bytes"
- "errors"
- "io"
-// A Decoder reads and decodes JSON objects from an input stream.
-type Decoder struct {
- r io.Reader
- buf []byte
- d decodeState
- scan scanner
- err error
-// NewDecoder returns a new decoder that reads from r.
-// The decoder introduces its own buffering and may
-// read data from r beyond the JSON values requested.
-func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) *Decoder {
- return &Decoder{r: r}
-// UseNumber causes the Decoder to unmarshal a number into an interface{} as a
-// Number instead of as a float64.
-func (dec *Decoder) UseNumber() { dec.d.useNumber = true }
-// Decode reads the next JSON-encoded value from its
-// input and stores it in the value pointed to by v.
-// See the documentation for Unmarshal for details about
-// the conversion of JSON into a Go value.
-func (dec *Decoder) Decode(v interface{}) error {
- if dec.err != nil {
- return dec.err
- }
- n, err := dec.readValue()
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- // Don't save err from unmarshal into dec.err:
- // the connection is still usable since we read a complete JSON
- // object from it before the error happened.
- dec.d.init(dec.buf[0:n])
- err = dec.d.unmarshal(v)
- // Slide rest of data down.
- rest := copy(dec.buf, dec.buf[n:])
- dec.buf = dec.buf[0:rest]
- return err
-// Buffered returns a reader of the data remaining in the Decoder's
-// buffer. The reader is valid until the next call to Decode.
-func (dec *Decoder) Buffered() io.Reader {
- return bytes.NewReader(dec.buf)
-// readValue reads a JSON value into dec.buf.
-// It returns the length of the encoding.
-func (dec *Decoder) readValue() (int, error) {
- dec.scan.reset()
- scanp := 0
- var err error
- for {
- // Look in the buffer for a new value.
- for i, c := range dec.buf[scanp:] {
- dec.scan.bytes++
- v := dec.scan.step(&dec.scan, int(c))
- if v == scanEnd {
- scanp += i
- break Input
- }
- // scanEnd is delayed one byte.
- // We might block trying to get that byte from src,
- // so instead invent a space byte.
- if (v == scanEndObject || v == scanEndArray) && dec.scan.step(&dec.scan, ' ') == scanEnd {
- scanp += i + 1
- break Input
- }
- if v == scanError {
- dec.err = dec.scan.err
- return 0, dec.scan.err
- }
- }
- scanp = len(dec.buf)
- // Did the last read have an error?
- // Delayed until now to allow buffer scan.
- if err != nil {
- if err == io.EOF {
- if dec.scan.step(&dec.scan, ' ') == scanEnd {
- break Input
- }
- if nonSpace(dec.buf) {
- err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
- }
- }
- dec.err = err
- return 0, err
- }
- // Make room to read more into the buffer.
- const minRead = 512
- if cap(dec.buf)-len(dec.buf) < minRead {
- newBuf := make([]byte, len(dec.buf), 2*cap(dec.buf)+minRead)
- copy(newBuf, dec.buf)
- dec.buf = newBuf
- }
- // Read. Delay error for next iteration (after scan).
- var n int
- n, err = dec.r.Read(dec.buf[len(dec.buf):cap(dec.buf)])
- dec.buf = dec.buf[0 : len(dec.buf)+n]
- }
- return scanp, nil
-func nonSpace(b []byte) bool {
- for _, c := range b {
- if !isSpace(rune(c)) {
- return true
- }
- }
- return false
-// An Encoder writes JSON objects to an output stream.
-type Encoder struct {
- w io.Writer
- e encodeState
- err error
-// NewEncoder returns a new encoder that writes to w.
-func NewEncoder(w io.Writer) *Encoder {
- return &Encoder{w: w}
-// Encode writes the JSON encoding of v to the connection.
-// See the documentation for Marshal for details about the
-// conversion of Go values to JSON.
-func (enc *Encoder) Encode(v interface{}) error {
- if enc.err != nil {
- return enc.err
- }
- enc.e.Reset()
- err := enc.e.marshal(v)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- // Terminate each value with a newline.
- // This makes the output look a little nicer
- // when debugging, and some kind of space
- // is required if the encoded value was a number,
- // so that the reader knows there aren't more
- // digits coming.
- enc.e.WriteByte('\n')
- if _, err = enc.w.Write(enc.e.Bytes()); err != nil {
- enc.err = err
- }
- return err
-// RawMessage is a raw encoded JSON object.
-// It implements Marshaler and Unmarshaler and can
-// be used to delay JSON decoding or precompute a JSON encoding.
-type RawMessage []byte
-// MarshalJSON returns *m as the JSON encoding of m.
-func (m *RawMessage) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
- return *m, nil
-// UnmarshalJSON sets *m to a copy of data.
-func (m *RawMessage) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
- if m == nil {
- return errors.New("json.RawMessage: UnmarshalJSON on nil pointer")
- }
- *m = append((*m)[0:0], data...)
- return nil
-var _ Marshaler = (*RawMessage)(nil)
-var _ Unmarshaler = (*RawMessage)(nil)
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/stream_test.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/stream_test.go
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index 07c9e1d39..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/stream_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package json
-import (
- "bytes"
- "io/ioutil"
- "net"
- "reflect"
- "strings"
- "testing"
-// Test values for the stream test.
-// One of each JSON kind.
-var streamTest = []interface{}{
- 0.1,
- "hello",
- nil,
- true,
- false,
- []interface{}{"a", "b", "c"},
- map[string]interface{}{"K": "Kelvin", "ß": "long s"},
- 3.14, // another value to make sure something can follow map
-var streamEncoded = `0.1
-{"ß":"long s","K":"Kelvin"}
-func TestEncoder(t *testing.T) {
- for i := 0; i <= len(streamTest); i++ {
- var buf bytes.Buffer
- enc := NewEncoder(&buf)
- for j, v := range streamTest[0:i] {
- if err := enc.Encode(v); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("encode #%d: %v", j, err)
- }
- }
- if have, want := buf.String(), nlines(streamEncoded, i); have != want {
- t.Errorf("encoding %d items: mismatch", i)
- diff(t, []byte(have), []byte(want))
- break
- }
- }
-func TestDecoder(t *testing.T) {
- for i := 0; i <= len(streamTest); i++ {
- // Use stream without newlines as input,
- // just to stress the decoder even more.
- // Our test input does not include back-to-back numbers.
- // Otherwise stripping the newlines would
- // merge two adjacent JSON values.
- var buf bytes.Buffer
- for _, c := range nlines(streamEncoded, i) {
- if c != '\n' {
- buf.WriteRune(c)
- }
- }
- out := make([]interface{}, i)
- dec := NewDecoder(&buf)
- for j := range out {
- if err := dec.Decode(&out[j]); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("decode #%d/%d: %v", j, i, err)
- }
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(out, streamTest[0:i]) {
- t.Errorf("decoding %d items: mismatch", i)
- for j := range out {
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(out[j], streamTest[j]) {
- t.Errorf("#%d: have %v want %v", j, out[j], streamTest[j])
- }
- }
- break
- }
- }
-func TestDecoderBuffered(t *testing.T) {
- r := strings.NewReader(`{"Name": "Gopher"} extra `)
- var m struct {
- Name string
- }
- d := NewDecoder(r)
- err := d.Decode(&m)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- if m.Name != "Gopher" {
- t.Errorf("Name = %q; want Gopher", m.Name)
- }
- rest, err := ioutil.ReadAll(d.Buffered())
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- if g, w := string(rest), " extra "; g != w {
- t.Errorf("Remaining = %q; want %q", g, w)
- }
-func nlines(s string, n int) string {
- if n <= 0 {
- return ""
- }
- for i, c := range s {
- if c == '\n' {
- if n--; n == 0 {
- return s[0 : i+1]
- }
- }
- }
- return s
-func TestRawMessage(t *testing.T) {
- // TODO(rsc): Should not need the * in *RawMessage
- var data struct {
- X float64
- Id *RawMessage
- Y float32
- }
- const raw = `["\u0056",null]`
- const msg = `{"X":0.1,"Id":["\u0056",null],"Y":0.2}`
- err := Unmarshal([]byte(msg), &data)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Unmarshal: %v", err)
- }
- if string([]byte(*data.Id)) != raw {
- t.Fatalf("Raw mismatch: have %#q want %#q", []byte(*data.Id), raw)
- }
- b, err := Marshal(&data)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Marshal: %v", err)
- }
- if string(b) != msg {
- t.Fatalf("Marshal: have %#q want %#q", b, msg)
- }
-func TestNullRawMessage(t *testing.T) {
- // TODO(rsc): Should not need the * in *RawMessage
- var data struct {
- X float64
- Id *RawMessage
- Y float32
- }
- data.Id = new(RawMessage)
- const msg = `{"X":0.1,"Id":null,"Y":0.2}`
- err := Unmarshal([]byte(msg), &data)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Unmarshal: %v", err)
- }
- if data.Id != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Raw mismatch: have non-nil, want nil")
- }
- b, err := Marshal(&data)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Marshal: %v", err)
- }
- if string(b) != msg {
- t.Fatalf("Marshal: have %#q want %#q", b, msg)
- }
-var blockingTests = []string{
- `{"x": 1}`,
- `[1, 2, 3]`,
-func TestBlocking(t *testing.T) {
- for _, enc := range blockingTests {
- r, w := net.Pipe()
- go w.Write([]byte(enc))
- var val interface{}
- // If Decode reads beyond what w.Write writes above,
- // it will block, and the test will deadlock.
- if err := NewDecoder(r).Decode(&val); err != nil {
- t.Errorf("decoding %s: %v", enc, err)
- }
- r.Close()
- w.Close()
- }
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/tagkey_test.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/tagkey_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 23e71c752..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/tagkey_test.go
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@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package json
-import (
- "testing"
-type basicLatin2xTag struct {
- V string `json:"$%-/"`
-type basicLatin3xTag struct {
- V string `json:"0123456789"`
-type basicLatin4xTag struct {
- V string `json:"ABCDEFGHIJKLMO"`
-type basicLatin5xTag struct {
- V string `json:"PQRSTUVWXYZ_"`
-type basicLatin6xTag struct {
- V string `json:"abcdefghijklmno"`
-type basicLatin7xTag struct {
- V string `json:"pqrstuvwxyz"`
-type miscPlaneTag struct {
- V string `json:"色は匂へど"`
-type percentSlashTag struct {
- V string `json:"text/html%"` // http://golang.org/issue/2718
-type punctuationTag struct {
- V string `json:"!#$%&()*+-./:<=>?@[]^_{|}~"` // http://golang.org/issue/3546
-type emptyTag struct {
- W string
-type misnamedTag struct {
- X string `jsom:"Misnamed"`
-type badFormatTag struct {
- Y string `:"BadFormat"`
-type badCodeTag struct {
- Z string `json:" !\"#&'()*+,."`
-type spaceTag struct {
- Q string `json:"With space"`
-type unicodeTag struct {
- W string `json:"Ελλάδα"`
-var structTagObjectKeyTests = []struct {
- raw interface{}
- value string
- key string
- {basicLatin2xTag{"2x"}, "2x", "$%-/"},
- {basicLatin3xTag{"3x"}, "3x", "0123456789"},
- {basicLatin4xTag{"4x"}, "4x", "ABCDEFGHIJKLMO"},
- {basicLatin5xTag{"5x"}, "5x", "PQRSTUVWXYZ_"},
- {basicLatin6xTag{"6x"}, "6x", "abcdefghijklmno"},
- {basicLatin7xTag{"7x"}, "7x", "pqrstuvwxyz"},
- {miscPlaneTag{"いろはにほへと"}, "いろはにほへと", "色は匂へど"},
- {emptyTag{"Pour Moi"}, "Pour Moi", "W"},
- {misnamedTag{"Animal Kingdom"}, "Animal Kingdom", "X"},
- {badFormatTag{"Orfevre"}, "Orfevre", "Y"},
- {badCodeTag{"Reliable Man"}, "Reliable Man", "Z"},
- {percentSlashTag{"brut"}, "brut", "text/html%"},
- {punctuationTag{"Union Rags"}, "Union Rags", "!#$%&()*+-./:<=>?@[]^_{|}~"},
- {spaceTag{"Perreddu"}, "Perreddu", "With space"},
- {unicodeTag{"Loukanikos"}, "Loukanikos", "Ελλάδα"},
-func TestStructTagObjectKey(t *testing.T) {
- for _, tt := range structTagObjectKeyTests {
- b, err := Marshal(tt.raw)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Marshal(%#q) failed: %v", tt.raw, err)
- }
- var f interface{}
- err = Unmarshal(b, &f)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Unmarshal(%#q) failed: %v", b, err)
- }
- for i, v := range f.(map[string]interface{}) {
- switch i {
- case tt.key:
- if s, ok := v.(string); !ok || s != tt.value {
- t.Fatalf("Unexpected value: %#q, want %v", s, tt.value)
- }
- default:
- t.Fatalf("Unexpected key: %#q, from %#q", i, b)
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/tags.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/tags.go
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--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/tags.go
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@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package json
-import (
- "strings"
-// tagOptions is the string following a comma in a struct field's "json"
-// tag, or the empty string. It does not include the leading comma.
-type tagOptions string
-// parseTag splits a struct field's json tag into its name and
-// comma-separated options.
-func parseTag(tag string) (string, tagOptions) {
- if idx := strings.Index(tag, ","); idx != -1 {
- return tag[:idx], tagOptions(tag[idx+1:])
- }
- return tag, tagOptions("")
-// Contains returns whether checks that a comma-separated list of options
-// contains a particular substr flag. substr must be surrounded by a
-// string boundary or commas.
-func (o tagOptions) Contains(optionName string) bool {
- if len(o) == 0 {
- return false
- }
- s := string(o)
- for s != "" {
- var next string
- i := strings.Index(s, ",")
- if i >= 0 {
- s, next = s[:i], s[i+1:]
- }
- if s == optionName {
- return true
- }
- s = next
- }
- return false
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index 91fb18831..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/tags_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package json
-import (
- "testing"
-func TestTagParsing(t *testing.T) {
- name, opts := parseTag("field,foobar,foo")
- if name != "field" {
- t.Fatalf("name = %q, want field", name)
- }
- for _, tt := range []struct {
- opt string
- want bool
- }{
- {"foobar", true},
- {"foo", true},
- {"bar", false},
- } {
- if opts.Contains(tt.opt) != tt.want {
- t.Errorf("Contains(%q) = %v", tt.opt, !tt.want)
- }
- }
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/testdata/code.json.gz b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/testdata/code.json.gz
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e2895b53..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/json/testdata/code.json.gz
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/pem/pem.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/pem/pem.go
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index 8ff7ee8c3..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/pem/pem.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Package pem implements the PEM data encoding, which originated in Privacy
-// Enhanced Mail. The most common use of PEM encoding today is in TLS keys and
-// certificates. See RFC 1421.
-package pem
-import (
- "bytes"
- "encoding/base64"
- "io"
- "sort"
-// A Block represents a PEM encoded structure.
-// The encoded form is:
-// -----BEGIN Type-----
-// Headers
-// base64-encoded Bytes
-// -----END Type-----
-// where Headers is a possibly empty sequence of Key: Value lines.
-type Block struct {
- Type string // The type, taken from the preamble (i.e. "RSA PRIVATE KEY").
- Headers map[string]string // Optional headers.
- Bytes []byte // The decoded bytes of the contents. Typically a DER encoded ASN.1 structure.
-// getLine results the first \r\n or \n delineated line from the given byte
-// array. The line does not include trailing whitespace or the trailing new
-// line bytes. The remainder of the byte array (also not including the new line
-// bytes) is also returned and this will always be smaller than the original
-// argument.
-func getLine(data []byte) (line, rest []byte) {
- i := bytes.Index(data, []byte{'\n'})
- var j int
- if i < 0 {
- i = len(data)
- j = i
- } else {
- j = i + 1
- if i > 0 && data[i-1] == '\r' {
- i--
- }
- }
- return bytes.TrimRight(data[0:i], " \t"), data[j:]
-// removeWhitespace returns a copy of its input with all spaces, tab and
-// newline characters removed.
-func removeWhitespace(data []byte) []byte {
- result := make([]byte, len(data))
- n := 0
- for _, b := range data {
- if b == ' ' || b == '\t' || b == '\r' || b == '\n' {
- continue
- }
- result[n] = b
- n++
- }
- return result[0:n]
-var pemStart = []byte("\n-----BEGIN ")
-var pemEnd = []byte("\n-----END ")
-var pemEndOfLine = []byte("-----")
-// Decode will find the next PEM formatted block (certificate, private key
-// etc) in the input. It returns that block and the remainder of the input. If
-// no PEM data is found, p is nil and the whole of the input is returned in
-// rest.
-func Decode(data []byte) (p *Block, rest []byte) {
- // pemStart begins with a newline. However, at the very beginning of
- // the byte array, we'll accept the start string without it.
- rest = data
- if bytes.HasPrefix(data, pemStart[1:]) {
- rest = rest[len(pemStart)-1 : len(data)]
- } else if i := bytes.Index(data, pemStart); i >= 0 {
- rest = rest[i+len(pemStart) : len(data)]
- } else {
- return nil, data
- }
- typeLine, rest := getLine(rest)
- if !bytes.HasSuffix(typeLine, pemEndOfLine) {
- return decodeError(data, rest)
- }
- typeLine = typeLine[0 : len(typeLine)-len(pemEndOfLine)]
- p = &Block{
- Headers: make(map[string]string),
- Type: string(typeLine),
- }
- for {
- // This loop terminates because getLine's second result is
- // always smaller than its argument.
- if len(rest) == 0 {
- return nil, data
- }
- line, next := getLine(rest)
- i := bytes.Index(line, []byte{':'})
- if i == -1 {
- break
- }
- // TODO(agl): need to cope with values that spread across lines.
- key, val := line[0:i], line[i+1:]
- key = bytes.TrimSpace(key)
- val = bytes.TrimSpace(val)
- p.Headers[string(key)] = string(val)
- rest = next
- }
- i := bytes.Index(rest, pemEnd)
- if i < 0 {
- return decodeError(data, rest)
- }
- base64Data := removeWhitespace(rest[0:i])
- p.Bytes = make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(base64Data)))
- n, err := base64.StdEncoding.Decode(p.Bytes, base64Data)
- if err != nil {
- return decodeError(data, rest)
- }
- p.Bytes = p.Bytes[0:n]
- _, rest = getLine(rest[i+len(pemEnd):])
- return
-func decodeError(data, rest []byte) (*Block, []byte) {
- // If we get here then we have rejected a likely looking, but
- // ultimately invalid PEM block. We need to start over from a new
- // position. We have consumed the preamble line and will have consumed
- // any lines which could be header lines. However, a valid preamble
- // line is not a valid header line, therefore we cannot have consumed
- // the preamble line for the any subsequent block. Thus, we will always
- // find any valid block, no matter what bytes precede it.
- //
- // For example, if the input is
- //
- // junk that may look like header lines
- // or data lines, but no END line
- //
- // -----BEGIN ACTUAL BLOCK-----
- // realdata
- // -----END ACTUAL BLOCK-----
- //
- // we've failed to parse using the first BEGIN line
- // and now will try again, using the second BEGIN line.
- p, rest := Decode(rest)
- if p == nil {
- rest = data
- }
- return p, rest
-const pemLineLength = 64
-type lineBreaker struct {
- line [pemLineLength]byte
- used int
- out io.Writer
-func (l *lineBreaker) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
- if l.used+len(b) < pemLineLength {
- copy(l.line[l.used:], b)
- l.used += len(b)
- return len(b), nil
- }
- n, err = l.out.Write(l.line[0:l.used])
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- excess := pemLineLength - l.used
- l.used = 0
- n, err = l.out.Write(b[0:excess])
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- n, err = l.out.Write([]byte{'\n'})
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- return l.Write(b[excess:])
-func (l *lineBreaker) Close() (err error) {
- if l.used > 0 {
- _, err = l.out.Write(l.line[0:l.used])
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- _, err = l.out.Write([]byte{'\n'})
- }
- return
-func writeHeader(out io.Writer, k, v string) error {
- _, err := out.Write([]byte(k + ": " + v + "\n"))
- return err
-func Encode(out io.Writer, b *Block) error {
- if _, err := out.Write(pemStart[1:]); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if _, err := out.Write([]byte(b.Type + "-----\n")); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if len(b.Headers) > 0 {
- const procType = "Proc-Type"
- h := make([]string, 0, len(b.Headers))
- hasProcType := false
- for k := range b.Headers {
- if k == procType {
- hasProcType = true
- continue
- }
- h = append(h, k)
- }
- // The Proc-Type header must be written first.
- // See RFC 1421, section
- if hasProcType {
- if err := writeHeader(out, procType, b.Headers[procType]); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- // For consistency of output, write other headers sorted by key.
- sort.Strings(h)
- for _, k := range h {
- if err := writeHeader(out, k, b.Headers[k]); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- if _, err := out.Write([]byte{'\n'}); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- var breaker lineBreaker
- breaker.out = out
- b64 := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding, &breaker)
- if _, err := b64.Write(b.Bytes); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- b64.Close()
- breaker.Close()
- if _, err := out.Write(pemEnd[1:]); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- _, err := out.Write([]byte(b.Type + "-----\n"))
- return err
-func EncodeToMemory(b *Block) []byte {
- var buf bytes.Buffer
- Encode(&buf, b)
- return buf.Bytes()
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/pem/pem_test.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/pem/pem_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index ccce42cf1..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/pem/pem_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package pem
-import (
- "bytes"
- "reflect"
- "testing"
-type GetLineTest struct {
- in, out1, out2 string
-var getLineTests = []GetLineTest{
- {"abc", "abc", ""},
- {"abc\r", "abc\r", ""},
- {"abc\n", "abc", ""},
- {"abc\r\n", "abc", ""},
- {"abc\nd", "abc", "d"},
- {"abc\r\nd", "abc", "d"},
- {"\nabc", "", "abc"},
- {"\r\nabc", "", "abc"},
-func TestGetLine(t *testing.T) {
- for i, test := range getLineTests {
- x, y := getLine([]byte(test.in))
- if string(x) != test.out1 || string(y) != test.out2 {
- t.Errorf("#%d got:%+v,%+v want:%s,%s", i, x, y, test.out1, test.out2)
- }
- }
-func TestDecode(t *testing.T) {
- result, remainder := Decode([]byte(pemData))
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(result, certificate) {
- t.Errorf("#0 got:%#v want:%#v", result, certificate)
- }
- result, remainder = Decode(remainder)
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(result, privateKey) {
- t.Errorf("#1 got:%#v want:%#v", result, privateKey)
- }
- result, _ = Decode([]byte(pemPrivateKey2))
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(result, privateKey2) {
- t.Errorf("#2 got:%#v want:%#v", result, privateKey2)
- }
-func TestEncode(t *testing.T) {
- r := EncodeToMemory(privateKey2)
- if string(r) != pemPrivateKey2 {
- t.Errorf("got:%s want:%s", r, pemPrivateKey2)
- }
-type lineBreakerTest struct {
- in, out string
-const sixtyFourCharString = "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123"
-var lineBreakerTests = []lineBreakerTest{
- {"", ""},
- {"a", "a\n"},
- {"ab", "ab\n"},
- {sixtyFourCharString, sixtyFourCharString + "\n"},
- {sixtyFourCharString + "X", sixtyFourCharString + "\nX\n"},
- {sixtyFourCharString + sixtyFourCharString, sixtyFourCharString + "\n" + sixtyFourCharString + "\n"},
-func TestLineBreaker(t *testing.T) {
- for i, test := range lineBreakerTests {
- buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
- var breaker lineBreaker
- breaker.out = buf
- _, err := breaker.Write([]byte(test.in))
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("#%d: error from Write: %s", i, err)
- continue
- }
- err = breaker.Close()
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("#%d: error from Close: %s", i, err)
- continue
- }
- if string(buf.Bytes()) != test.out {
- t.Errorf("#%d: got:%s want:%s", i, string(buf.Bytes()), test.out)
- }
- }
- for i, test := range lineBreakerTests {
- buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
- var breaker lineBreaker
- breaker.out = buf
- for i := 0; i < len(test.in); i++ {
- _, err := breaker.Write([]byte(test.in[i : i+1]))
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("#%d: error from Write (byte by byte): %s", i, err)
- continue
- }
- }
- err := breaker.Close()
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("#%d: error from Close (byte by byte): %s", i, err)
- continue
- }
- if string(buf.Bytes()) != test.out {
- t.Errorf("#%d: (byte by byte) got:%s want:%s", i, string(buf.Bytes()), test.out)
- }
- }
-var pemData = `verify return:0
-Certificate chain
- 0 s:/C=AU/ST=Somewhere/L=Someplace/O=Foo Bar/CN=foo.example.com
- i:/C=ZA/O=CA Inc./CN=CA Inc
- 1 s:/C=ZA/O=Ca Inc./CN=CA Inc
-Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
-DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,80C7C7A09690757A
-var certificate = &Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE",
- Headers: map[string]string{},
- Bytes: []uint8{0x30, 0x82, 0x3, 0xe9, 0x30, 0x82, 0x3, 0x52, 0x2, 0x1,
- 0x1, 0x30, 0xd, 0x6, 0x9, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0xd,
- 0x1, 0x1, 0x5, 0x5, 0x0, 0x30, 0x81, 0x8b, 0x31, 0xb, 0x30,
- 0x9, 0x6, 0x3, 0x55, 0x4, 0x6, 0x13, 0x2, 0x55, 0x53, 0x31,
- 0x13, 0x30, 0x11, 0x6, 0x3, 0x55, 0x4, 0x8, 0x13, 0xa, 0x43,
- 0x61, 0x6c, 0x69, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6e, 0x69, 0x61, 0x31,
- 0x16, 0x30, 0x14, 0x6, 0x3, 0x55, 0x4, 0x7, 0x13, 0xd, 0x53,
- 0x61, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x46, 0x72, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x63, 0x69, 0x73,
- 0x63, 0x6f, 0x31, 0x14, 0x30, 0x12, 0x6, 0x3, 0x55, 0x4, 0xa,
- 0x13, 0xb, 0x47, 0x6f, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x20, 0x49,
- 0x6e, 0x63, 0x2e, 0x31, 0xc, 0x30, 0xa, 0x6, 0x3, 0x55, 0x4,
- 0xb, 0x13, 0x3, 0x45, 0x6e, 0x67, 0x31, 0xc, 0x30, 0xa, 0x6,
- 0x3, 0x55, 0x4, 0x3, 0x13, 0x3, 0x61, 0x67, 0x6c, 0x31, 0x1d,
- 0x30, 0x1b, 0x6, 0x9, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0xd, 0x1,
- 0x9, 0x1, 0x16, 0xe, 0x61, 0x67, 0x6c, 0x40, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6f,
- 0x67, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x30, 0x1e, 0x17,
- 0xd, 0x30, 0x39, 0x30, 0x39, 0x30, 0x39, 0x32, 0x32, 0x30,
- 0x35, 0x34, 0x33, 0x5a, 0x17, 0xd, 0x31, 0x30, 0x30, 0x39,
- 0x30, 0x39, 0x32, 0x32, 0x30, 0x35, 0x34, 0x33, 0x5a, 0x30,
- 0x6a, 0x31, 0xb, 0x30, 0x9, 0x6, 0x3, 0x55, 0x4, 0x6, 0x13,
- 0x2, 0x41, 0x55, 0x31, 0x13, 0x30, 0x11, 0x6, 0x3, 0x55, 0x4,
- 0x8, 0x13, 0xa, 0x53, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x2d, 0x53, 0x74, 0x61,
- 0x74, 0x65, 0x31, 0x21, 0x30, 0x1f, 0x6, 0x3, 0x55, 0x4, 0xa,
- 0x13, 0x18, 0x49, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x65, 0x72, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x74,
- 0x20, 0x57, 0x69, 0x64, 0x67, 0x69, 0x74, 0x73, 0x20, 0x50,
- 0x74, 0x79, 0x20, 0x4c, 0x74, 0x64, 0x31, 0x23, 0x30, 0x21,
- 0x6, 0x3, 0x55, 0x4, 0x3, 0x13, 0x1a, 0x65, 0x75, 0x72, 0x6f,
- 0x70, 0x61, 0x2e, 0x73, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x72,
- 0x70, 0x2e, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x2e, 0x63,
- 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x30, 0x82, 0x2, 0x22, 0x30, 0xd, 0x6, 0x9, 0x2a,
- 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0xd, 0x1, 0x1, 0x1, 0x5, 0x0, 0x3,
- 0x82, 0x2, 0xf, 0x0, 0x30, 0x82, 0x2, 0xa, 0x2, 0x82, 0x2, 0x1,
- 0x0, 0xba, 0xa6, 0x6, 0x2d, 0xef, 0xf1, 0x22, 0x6c, 0x10, 0xee,
- 0x98, 0x4, 0x85, 0xf9, 0x2d, 0x2a, 0xbe, 0xa7, 0x4b, 0xfd,
- 0xff, 0xa7, 0xa2, 0xe2, 0x70, 0xd9, 0x3d, 0x50, 0x73, 0xc1,
- 0xa6, 0x5c, 0x5f, 0xe2, 0x89, 0x47, 0x2b, 0xb2, 0xc, 0xe1,
- 0xfc, 0x57, 0x7c, 0xa4, 0x38, 0x73, 0xfd, 0x3f, 0x7a, 0x42,
- 0xf, 0x48, 0xc9, 0x1e, 0x33, 0xb6, 0xe7, 0x36, 0x31, 0x7a,
- 0xe6, 0x3e, 0xb6, 0xbe, 0xcc, 0xb, 0x92, 0x7f, 0x96, 0xde,
- 0xbc, 0x54, 0x5e, 0x4a, 0xab, 0xe9, 0x22, 0xdf, 0x3, 0xba,
- 0xfd, 0x7, 0x6c, 0x36, 0xdc, 0xaa, 0xcf, 0xd7, 0x28, 0xf7,
- 0xc1, 0xb8, 0xc0, 0xde, 0xfa, 0x87, 0xfb, 0x6b, 0xd1, 0x82,
- 0xcb, 0xb, 0xc0, 0x67, 0x86, 0x54, 0x25, 0xca, 0x74, 0xb6,
- 0x1a, 0x83, 0xf5, 0xf2, 0x93, 0x4e, 0x35, 0x16, 0x38, 0x1c,
- 0xc7, 0x63, 0x5b, 0x8d, 0x13, 0x84, 0x62, 0xb6, 0xb8, 0x66,
- 0x24, 0x2a, 0xdb, 0x4, 0x65, 0xdb, 0x27, 0x6e, 0x3d, 0x6e,
- 0xf8, 0x26, 0x6f, 0xb8, 0xe0, 0x74, 0x89, 0xc7, 0xd8, 0xf5,
- 0x3b, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x79, 0x86, 0xe8, 0xef, 0x3a, 0x82, 0x2c,
- 0x41, 0x6d, 0xa8, 0xb1, 0x70, 0x45, 0x46, 0xea, 0xf8, 0xa4,
- 0x5d, 0x70, 0x99, 0x58, 0x78, 0x5b, 0x89, 0x53, 0x2c, 0x3e,
- 0xa9, 0x8d, 0xf2, 0xc, 0x51, 0xc3, 0xb, 0x20, 0x21, 0xc4, 0x5c,
- 0x43, 0x7b, 0xdc, 0xf0, 0xe2, 0x73, 0xc2, 0x92, 0xdc, 0x4b,
- 0x4d, 0x60, 0x2c, 0x28, 0x22, 0x57, 0x7e, 0xb6, 0x92, 0x1,
- 0x8c, 0x4d, 0x50, 0x39, 0xbd, 0x4a, 0x3b, 0x2b, 0x89, 0x4,
- 0xd5, 0xba, 0x12, 0xcc, 0x3d, 0x0, 0xb6, 0x67, 0xee, 0xcb,
- 0x56, 0x75, 0x87, 0x4, 0xa8, 0xc, 0x2f, 0xbf, 0x6d, 0x1e, 0x80,
- 0xdd, 0xad, 0x11, 0x7a, 0xa3, 0xed, 0xe, 0x3f, 0xd5, 0xc7,
- 0x32, 0x3d, 0x97, 0x37, 0x3d, 0x8, 0x2, 0xdc, 0x52, 0x7c, 0x5,
- 0xed, 0xa6, 0xb6, 0x59, 0x4c, 0xfb, 0xcd, 0x2a, 0x7f, 0x87,
- 0x40, 0x69, 0xf, 0xdf, 0x5a, 0xf0, 0xad, 0x3a, 0xb4, 0x39,
- 0xa6, 0x77, 0xde, 0xf6, 0x3b, 0x90, 0xbc, 0x2a, 0x3c, 0x63,
- 0x45, 0x46, 0x94, 0x57, 0x2b, 0x4b, 0x2b, 0x3f, 0x33, 0x34,
- 0xa0, 0xf4, 0xb2, 0x7f, 0xdb, 0x88, 0xd9, 0x56, 0xc, 0xd0,
- 0xbd, 0xe7, 0x7f, 0x42, 0xea, 0x6c, 0xa7, 0xcf, 0x70, 0x56,
- 0x27, 0x70, 0x23, 0x38, 0xed, 0xf9, 0x67, 0x52, 0x7f, 0x25,
- 0x9f, 0x1f, 0x4f, 0xef, 0xd5, 0xa4, 0xb, 0xbe, 0xee, 0x5c,
- 0x31, 0x8b, 0x96, 0xff, 0xf0, 0xb4, 0x5b, 0x69, 0xe5, 0x63,
- 0x38, 0x8b, 0xe5, 0xb9, 0x44, 0x4e, 0x7b, 0x4c, 0xf0, 0xcc,
- 0xb6, 0xc9, 0xb3, 0x40, 0x47, 0x2d, 0xc8, 0x8, 0x7c, 0x42, 0x6,
- 0xfd, 0x91, 0x36, 0xd3, 0xc8, 0x59, 0x5, 0x66, 0xf8, 0x4f,
- 0x7f, 0x5b, 0x9a, 0xf0, 0x87, 0x62, 0x9, 0x47, 0x80, 0xc7,
- 0x9f, 0x62, 0xc7, 0xc1, 0x45, 0x66, 0x4f, 0xf8, 0x47, 0x35,
- 0x37, 0x41, 0x2e, 0x5e, 0x54, 0x87, 0xa, 0xf8, 0x59, 0xce,
- 0xc9, 0x84, 0x4e, 0xc0, 0x56, 0xa6, 0xf5, 0xe2, 0x95, 0x4d,
- 0xcf, 0x59, 0x6b, 0xe6, 0x3c, 0x6c, 0xa7, 0xff, 0xe7, 0x70,
- 0x8c, 0x1f, 0xb5, 0xbe, 0xe6, 0x65, 0xd, 0xc3, 0x17, 0x4d,
- 0xd8, 0x9d, 0xaf, 0xa3, 0x26, 0x1a, 0x73, 0xc7, 0xc0, 0x90,
- 0xa1, 0xe2, 0xd3, 0xe9, 0xa4, 0x2, 0x1f, 0x2c, 0xe6, 0x1f,
- 0xaf, 0xc, 0xac, 0x71, 0xd3, 0xe0, 0xc0, 0xb, 0x3f, 0x25, 0x2c,
- 0x3e, 0x89, 0xa3, 0x9f, 0xbd, 0x46, 0x35, 0x3b, 0x43, 0x79,
- 0x60, 0x17, 0x89, 0xb8, 0xc2, 0x81, 0xd2, 0xfa, 0x88, 0x70,
- 0x2, 0x8, 0x5e, 0x87, 0xb5, 0xb9, 0x74, 0xcc, 0x69, 0x46, 0xd0,
- 0xe0, 0xa, 0xf9, 0xb7, 0x67, 0xd1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x1, 0x0, 0x1,
- 0x30, 0xd, 0x6, 0x9, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0xd, 0x1,
- 0x1, 0x5, 0x5, 0x0, 0x3, 0x81, 0x81, 0x0, 0xe2, 0xa7, 0x40,
- 0x3b, 0x6a, 0x5, 0x5d, 0xb8, 0xbd, 0x5a, 0xaf, 0x7a, 0xc2,
- 0xf9, 0x76, 0x79, 0xb2, 0x16, 0x91, 0x4f, 0x5c, 0x19, 0xf7,
- 0x59, 0xd1, 0x5f, 0xc0, 0x3e, 0x83, 0xcc, 0x46, 0xf6, 0xd5,
- 0x45, 0x46, 0xe6, 0x4a, 0xe6, 0x26, 0x2b, 0xbe, 0x56, 0x28,
- 0xa9, 0x39, 0x12, 0x4f, 0x18, 0xc9, 0x20, 0xa0, 0xbe, 0x81,
- 0x8d, 0x4d, 0xb5, 0x5c, 0x8f, 0x79, 0x55, 0x6, 0xee, 0x9f,
- 0x93, 0xfc, 0xbe, 0xf8, 0x3c, 0x67, 0xe1, 0x67, 0x16, 0xcb,
- 0xd1, 0x15, 0x8d, 0xde, 0xd4, 0x20, 0xb3, 0x1, 0x54, 0x18,
- 0x66, 0xc5, 0x24, 0x2f, 0xd, 0x88, 0xef, 0x32, 0x3f, 0x74,
- 0xd9, 0x56, 0x74, 0x1f, 0x17, 0xa7, 0xbb, 0xfe, 0xdf, 0xf,
- 0x6c, 0x5f, 0x93, 0x77, 0x27, 0xf5, 0xae, 0x27, 0x52, 0x8e,
- 0x3b, 0x99, 0xb6, 0xea, 0x44, 0x65, 0x1d, 0xa, 0x3b, 0x13,
- 0x34, 0xf7, 0xf7, 0xbe, 0x20,
- },
-var privateKey = &Block{Type: "RSA PRIVATE KEY",
- Headers: map[string]string{"DEK-Info": "DES-EDE3-CBC,80C7C7A09690757A", "Proc-Type": "4,ENCRYPTED"},
- Bytes: []uint8{0x79, 0xa, 0x79, 0x66, 0x41, 0xfa, 0xb,
- 0x21, 0xc1, 0xcf, 0xb0, 0x59, 0x7d, 0x43, 0xf1, 0xc8, 0xb0,
- 0x82, 0x99, 0xfb, 0x6c, 0x4, 0x9e, 0xc7, 0x96, 0xa1, 0x9b,
- 0xf0, 0xb7, 0x76, 0xd5, 0xc4, 0xb0, 0x9f, 0x35, 0x99, 0xe3,
- 0xf4, 0x88, 0x96, 0x1c, 0xab, 0x52, 0xdb, 0x1f, 0xc3, 0xb5,
- 0x51, 0xd9, 0x34, 0xf0, 0x3, 0xea, 0x1d, 0xa3, 0xd7, 0xb1,
- 0xec, 0x67, 0x71, 0x39, 0x36, 0x87, 0xf2, 0x86, 0x45, 0xba,
- 0x62, 0x11, 0xa2, 0x21, 0x23, 0x1e, 0xc9, 0x3c, 0x53, 0xb0,
- 0x61, 0x9e, 0xda, 0x7e, 0x7a, 0x49, 0xf, 0x3f, 0xbf, 0x71,
- 0xba, 0x79, 0xcd, 0xee, 0x16, 0xfb, 0x86, 0x48, 0x6b, 0xc8,
- 0x60, 0xd0, 0x66, 0x0, 0x3b, 0xb3, 0x67, 0x10, 0x1d, 0xe,
- 0xf5, 0xbf, 0x78, 0x30, 0x4f, 0x60, 0x40, 0x8, 0x7, 0xed,
- 0xdb, 0xa8, 0xc2, 0x8d, 0xb3, 0x35, 0xc2, 0x3, 0x73, 0x6,
- 0x72, 0x7c, 0x33, 0x44, 0x73, 0x9f, 0xaf, 0x18, 0x5a, 0xa6,
- 0x8f, 0xb5, 0xd0, 0x6e, 0xf2, 0xa6, 0xff, 0xcd, 0x54, 0x79,
- 0x24, 0x1d, 0x66, 0x9e, 0xab, 0xd3, 0x49, 0xb1, 0x6c, 0x7c,
- 0x5e, 0x72, 0x31, 0xce, 0xa8, 0xd9, 0x64, 0x3d, 0x8c, 0x90,
- 0xa5, 0xe8, 0xac, 0xa9, 0x9c, 0xc9, 0x7e, 0x6, 0x92, 0xfe,
- 0x76, 0x5b, 0xdd, 0x8d, 0x85, 0x4a, 0xe2, 0x5f, 0x65, 0x62,
- 0xc0, 0x75, 0x1e, 0xcd, 0xdd, 0xfb, 0x30, 0xc1, 0x6d, 0x6c,
- 0x68, 0xb3, 0xcd, 0x7c, 0xcf, 0x38, 0x52, 0xf3, 0xfc, 0xba,
- 0x78, 0x87, 0xe2, 0x48, 0x6d, 0xbb, 0x72, 0xaa, 0xdb, 0x85,
- 0x44, 0x5b, 0x9a, 0x8, 0x92, 0x7c, 0x35, 0xe3, 0x9d, 0xc2,
- 0xb8, 0x9b, 0xfa, 0x4b, 0x71, 0xe, 0xe6, 0x98, 0x12, 0xfa,
- 0x98, 0x53, 0xab, 0xdc, 0xf8, 0xf8, 0x8d, 0xea, 0x73, 0x80,
- 0xe8, 0x85, 0x44, 0xbe, 0x8c, 0x28, 0x4f, 0xff, 0x87, 0xad,
- 0x9f, 0x66, 0xf2, 0x35, 0x12, 0xb6, 0x2b, 0xf1, 0x5b, 0xa7,
- 0x1c, 0x4c, 0xa4, 0x80, 0xa3, 0x61, 0xa, 0x10, 0xef, 0x6f,
- 0x54, 0x4e, 0xe8, 0xb1, 0x1f, 0xa8, 0xa0, 0x6e, 0xf8, 0x8b,
- 0xf0, 0x4c, 0x1e, 0x9f, 0x6, 0x15, 0xb7, 0x4c, 0x22, 0xcc,
- 0x9d, 0x53, 0xd8, 0x56, 0x86, 0x30, 0x3, 0xe7, 0xc7, 0x35,
- 0x39, 0x99, 0x66, 0x6f, 0x1, 0x12, 0x89, 0xe5, 0x20, 0xc7,
- 0xc8, 0xf8, 0xa9, 0x2d, 0x8d, 0x65, 0x20, 0xe0, 0xe8, 0x9a,
- 0xf8, 0xd2, 0x3a, 0xbc, 0xa7, 0xf, 0xa4, 0x5a, 0x31, 0x85,
- 0x29, 0xe5, 0x1a, 0x0, 0xad, 0xbd, 0xf1, 0x1a, 0xab, 0x9f,
- 0xc7, 0xe2, 0x41, 0xc9, 0xa7, 0xde, 0x5e, 0x3a, 0x99, 0xc5,
- 0xb0, 0xbb, 0xe2, 0xc3, 0x6b, 0x1e, 0x1c, 0xd9, 0x33, 0xfc,
- 0xbc, 0x49, 0x31, 0x13, 0xf5, 0x5f, 0x8d, 0xbc, 0xf8, 0x3a,
- 0x58, 0x5b, 0xf4, 0x3, 0xff, 0x42, 0x54, 0xb4, 0x94, 0xae,
- 0xb, 0xfa, 0xbd, 0x15, 0x41, 0xcb, 0xe9, 0x12, 0x37, 0xbb,
- 0xf0, 0x2c, 0xae, 0xff, 0x29, 0x9, 0xbe, 0x3e, 0xf, 0xb8,
- 0xb5, 0x8d, 0x6f, 0xc0, 0x30, 0x87, 0x49, 0x4e, 0xdc, 0x9c,
- 0x38, 0x6b, 0x1b, 0x3f, 0x14, 0x0, 0xef, 0x21, 0xcc, 0x5a,
- 0xe8, 0xc7, 0x99, 0xe6, 0xf5, 0x5, 0x38, 0x87, 0x70, 0xbd,
- 0xec, 0xdc, 0xaa, 0xc9, 0xbb, 0x5b, 0xc3, 0x56, 0xbb, 0x21,
- 0xbf, 0x17, 0xe7, 0xcf, 0xbd, 0x4a, 0x4d, 0xe3, 0x67, 0x64,
- 0x7f, 0x14, 0x6c, 0xea, 0x93, 0xe6, 0x2e, 0xdf, 0x3c, 0x6c,
- 0x97, 0xb5, 0x8d, 0x57, 0x25, 0xd7, 0x5c, 0x6c, 0x8f, 0xd0,
- 0xea, 0xd5, 0xdf, 0xc0, 0x71, 0x6c, 0x65, 0xcd, 0xb4, 0x4f,
- 0x34, 0x9d, 0xb1, 0x52, 0xc1, 0xb7, 0x9, 0x2c, 0x51, 0xa7,
- 0x29, 0x6c, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x70, 0x45, 0x4c, 0x72, 0xd9, 0xcd,
- 0xac, 0x1f, 0x5, 0x22, 0xb0, 0x77, 0xbd, 0x91, 0x2f, 0xf5,
- 0xd, 0x19, 0xd5, 0x57, 0x98, 0xee, 0x79, 0x93, 0xa4, 0x5f,
- 0xba, 0x6b, 0xec, 0xf6, 0x3f, 0xb6, 0x9c, 0x2f, 0xb8, 0xfa,
- 0x3, 0xa3, 0xeb, 0xdf, 0xea, 0xbc, 0x3f, 0xd0, 0x8f, 0x88,
- 0xf0, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0x5a, 0x27, 0x57, 0x3b, 0x95, 0x3f, 0x20,
- 0x7c, 0x19, 0xc8, 0x46, 0x47, 0x68, 0x72, 0xb7, 0x28, 0x8e,
- 0x56, 0x9b, 0x83, 0xf7, 0xe9, 0x3c, 0x85, 0xcb, 0xb0, 0x65,
- 0x60, 0x1a, 0x52, 0x85, 0x6d, 0x58, 0x84, 0x39, 0xd9, 0xa2,
- 0x92, 0xd2, 0x9d, 0x7d, 0x1b, 0xdf, 0x61, 0x85, 0xbf, 0x88,
- 0x54, 0x3, 0x42, 0xe1, 0xa9, 0x24, 0x74, 0x75, 0x78, 0x48,
- 0xff, 0x22, 0xec, 0xc5, 0x4d, 0x66, 0x17, 0xd4, 0x9a,
- },
-var privateKey2 = &Block{
- Headers: map[string]string{
- "Proc-Type": "4,ENCRYPTED",
- "DEK-Info": "AES-128-CBC,BFCD243FEDBB40A4AA6DDAA1335473A4",
- "Content-Domain": "RFC822",
- },
- Bytes: []uint8{
- 0xa8, 0x35, 0xcc, 0x2b, 0xb9, 0xcb, 0x21, 0xab, 0xc0,
- 0x9d, 0x76, 0x61, 0x0, 0xf4, 0x81, 0xad, 0x69, 0xd2,
- 0xc0, 0x42, 0x41, 0x3b, 0xe4, 0x3c, 0xaf, 0x59, 0x5e,
- 0x6d, 0x2a, 0x3c, 0x9c, 0xa1, 0xa4, 0x5e, 0x68, 0x37,
- 0xc4, 0x8c, 0x70, 0x1c, 0xa9, 0x18, 0xe6, 0xc2, 0x2b,
- 0x8a, 0x91, 0xdc, 0x2d, 0x1f, 0x8, 0x23, 0x39, 0xf1,
- 0x4b, 0x8b, 0x1b, 0x2f, 0x46, 0xb, 0xb2, 0x26, 0xba,
- 0x4f, 0x40, 0x80, 0x39, 0xc4, 0xb1, 0xcb, 0x3b, 0xb4,
- 0x65, 0x3f, 0x1b, 0xb2, 0xf7, 0x8, 0xd2, 0xc6, 0xd5,
- 0xa8, 0x9f, 0x23, 0x69, 0xb6, 0x3d, 0xf9, 0xac, 0x1c,
- 0xb3, 0x13, 0x87, 0x64, 0x4, 0x37, 0xdb, 0x40, 0xc8,
- 0x82, 0xc, 0xd0, 0xf8, 0x21, 0x7c, 0xdc, 0xbd, 0x9, 0x4,
- 0x20, 0x16, 0xb0, 0x97, 0xe2, 0x6d, 0x56, 0x1d, 0xe3,
- 0xec, 0xf0, 0xfc, 0xe2, 0x56, 0xad, 0xa4, 0x3, 0x70,
- 0x6d, 0x63, 0x3c, 0x1, 0xbe, 0x3e, 0x28, 0x38, 0x6f,
- 0xc0, 0xe6, 0xfd, 0x85, 0xd1, 0x53, 0xa8, 0x9b, 0xcb,
- 0xd4, 0x4, 0xb1, 0x73, 0xb9, 0x73, 0x32, 0xd6, 0x7a,
- 0xc6, 0x29, 0x25, 0xa5, 0xda, 0x17, 0x93, 0x7a, 0x10,
- 0xe8, 0x41, 0xfb, 0xa5, 0x17, 0x20, 0xf8, 0x4e, 0xe9,
- 0xe3, 0x8f, 0x51, 0x20, 0x13, 0xbb, 0xde, 0xb7, 0x93,
- 0xae, 0x13, 0x8a, 0xf6, 0x9, 0xf4, 0xa6, 0x41, 0xe0,
- 0x2b, 0x51, 0x1a, 0x30, 0x38, 0xd, 0xb1, 0x3b, 0x67,
- 0x87, 0x64, 0xf5, 0xca, 0x32, 0x67, 0xd1, 0xc8, 0xa5,
- 0x3d, 0x23, 0x72, 0xc4, 0x6, 0xaf, 0x8f, 0x7b, 0x26,
- 0xac, 0x3c, 0x75, 0x91, 0xa1, 0x0, 0x13, 0xc6, 0x5c,
- 0x49, 0xd5, 0x3c, 0xe7, 0xb2, 0xb2, 0x99, 0xe0, 0xd5,
- 0x25, 0xfa, 0xe2, 0x12, 0x80, 0x37, 0x85, 0xcf, 0x92,
- 0xca, 0x1b, 0x9f, 0xf3, 0x4e, 0xd8, 0x80, 0xef, 0x3c,
- 0xce, 0xcd, 0xf5, 0x90, 0x9e, 0xf9, 0xa7, 0xb2, 0xc,
- 0x49, 0x4, 0xf1, 0x9, 0x8f, 0xea, 0x63, 0xd2, 0x70,
- 0xbb, 0x86, 0xbf, 0x34, 0xab, 0xb2, 0x3, 0xb1, 0x59,
- 0x33, 0x16, 0x17, 0xb0, 0xdb, 0x77, 0x38, 0xf4, 0xb4,
- 0x94, 0xb, 0x25, 0x16, 0x7e, 0x22, 0xd4, 0xf9, 0x22,
- 0xb9, 0x78, 0xa3, 0x4, 0x84, 0x4, 0xd2, 0xda, 0x84,
- 0x2d, 0x63, 0xdd, 0xf8, 0x50, 0x6a, 0xf6, 0xe3, 0xf5,
- 0x65, 0x40, 0x7c, 0xa9,
- },
-var pemPrivateKey2 = `-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
-Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
-Content-Domain: RFC822
-DEK-Info: AES-128-CBC,BFCD243FEDBB40A4AA6DDAA1335473A4
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/xml/atom_test.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/xml/atom_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a71284312..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/xml/atom_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package xml
-import "time"
-var atomValue = &Feed{
- XMLName: Name{"http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom", "feed"},
- Title: "Example Feed",
- Link: []Link{{Href: "http://example.org/"}},
- Updated: ParseTime("2003-12-13T18:30:02Z"),
- Author: Person{Name: "John Doe"},
- Id: "urn:uuid:60a76c80-d399-11d9-b93C-0003939e0af6",
- Entry: []Entry{
- {
- Title: "Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok",
- Link: []Link{{Href: "http://example.org/2003/12/13/atom03"}},
- Id: "urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb-aaaa-80da344efa6a",
- Updated: ParseTime("2003-12-13T18:30:02Z"),
- Summary: NewText("Some text."),
- },
- },
-var atomXml = `` +
- `<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" updated="2003-12-13T18:30:02Z">` +
- `<title>Example Feed</title>` +
- `<id>urn:uuid:60a76c80-d399-11d9-b93C-0003939e0af6</id>` +
- `<link href="http://example.org/"></link>` +
- `<author><name>John Doe</name><uri></uri><email></email></author>` +
- `<entry>` +
- `<title>Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok</title>` +
- `<id>urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb-aaaa-80da344efa6a</id>` +
- `<link href="http://example.org/2003/12/13/atom03"></link>` +
- `<updated>2003-12-13T18:30:02Z</updated>` +
- `<author><name></name><uri></uri><email></email></author>` +
- `<summary>Some text.</summary>` +
- `</entry>` +
- `</feed>`
-func ParseTime(str string) time.Time {
- t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, str)
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- return t
-func NewText(text string) Text {
- return Text{
- Body: text,
- }
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/xml/marshal.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/xml/marshal.go
deleted file mode 100644
index aacb50c9c..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/xml/marshal.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,466 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package xml
-import (
- "bufio"
- "bytes"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "reflect"
- "strconv"
- "strings"
- "time"
-const (
- // A generic XML header suitable for use with the output of Marshal.
- // This is not automatically added to any output of this package,
- // it is provided as a convenience.
- Header = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>` + "\n"
-// Marshal returns the XML encoding of v.
-// Marshal handles an array or slice by marshalling each of the elements.
-// Marshal handles a pointer by marshalling the value it points at or, if the
-// pointer is nil, by writing nothing. Marshal handles an interface value by
-// marshalling the value it contains or, if the interface value is nil, by
-// writing nothing. Marshal handles all other data by writing one or more XML
-// elements containing the data.
-// The name for the XML elements is taken from, in order of preference:
-// - the tag on the XMLName field, if the data is a struct
-// - the value of the XMLName field of type xml.Name
-// - the tag of the struct field used to obtain the data
-// - the name of the struct field used to obtain the data
-// - the name of the marshalled type
-// The XML element for a struct contains marshalled elements for each of the
-// exported fields of the struct, with these exceptions:
-// - the XMLName field, described above, is omitted.
-// - a field with tag "-" is omitted.
-// - a field with tag "name,attr" becomes an attribute with
-// the given name in the XML element.
-// - a field with tag ",attr" becomes an attribute with the
-// field name in the XML element.
-// - a field with tag ",chardata" is written as character data,
-// not as an XML element.
-// - a field with tag ",innerxml" is written verbatim, not subject
-// to the usual marshalling procedure.
-// - a field with tag ",comment" is written as an XML comment, not
-// subject to the usual marshalling procedure. It must not contain
-// the "--" string within it.
-// - a field with a tag including the "omitempty" option is omitted
-// if the field value is empty. The empty values are false, 0, any
-// nil pointer or interface value, and any array, slice, map, or
-// string of length zero.
-// - an anonymous struct field is handled as if the fields of its
-// value were part of the outer struct.
-// If a field uses a tag "a>b>c", then the element c will be nested inside
-// parent elements a and b. Fields that appear next to each other that name
-// the same parent will be enclosed in one XML element.
-// See MarshalIndent for an example.
-// Marshal will return an error if asked to marshal a channel, function, or map.
-func Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
- var b bytes.Buffer
- if err := NewEncoder(&b).Encode(v); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return b.Bytes(), nil
-// MarshalIndent works like Marshal, but each XML element begins on a new
-// indented line that starts with prefix and is followed by one or more
-// copies of indent according to the nesting depth.
-func MarshalIndent(v interface{}, prefix, indent string) ([]byte, error) {
- var b bytes.Buffer
- enc := NewEncoder(&b)
- enc.prefix = prefix
- enc.indent = indent
- if err := enc.Encode(v); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return b.Bytes(), nil
-// An Encoder writes XML data to an output stream.
-type Encoder struct {
- printer
-// NewEncoder returns a new encoder that writes to w.
-func NewEncoder(w io.Writer) *Encoder {
- return &Encoder{printer{Writer: bufio.NewWriter(w)}}
-// Encode writes the XML encoding of v to the stream.
-// See the documentation for Marshal for details about the conversion
-// of Go values to XML.
-func (enc *Encoder) Encode(v interface{}) error {
- err := enc.marshalValue(reflect.ValueOf(v), nil)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return enc.Flush()
-type printer struct {
- *bufio.Writer
- indent string
- prefix string
- depth int
- indentedIn bool
-// marshalValue writes one or more XML elements representing val.
-// If val was obtained from a struct field, finfo must have its details.
-func (p *printer) marshalValue(val reflect.Value, finfo *fieldInfo) error {
- if !val.IsValid() {
- return nil
- }
- if finfo != nil && finfo.flags&fOmitEmpty != 0 && isEmptyValue(val) {
- return nil
- }
- kind := val.Kind()
- typ := val.Type()
- // Drill into pointers/interfaces
- if kind == reflect.Ptr || kind == reflect.Interface {
- if val.IsNil() {
- return nil
- }
- return p.marshalValue(val.Elem(), finfo)
- }
- // Slices and arrays iterate over the elements. They do not have an enclosing tag.
- if (kind == reflect.Slice || kind == reflect.Array) && typ.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 {
- for i, n := 0, val.Len(); i < n; i++ {
- if err := p.marshalValue(val.Index(i), finfo); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- return nil
- }
- tinfo, err := getTypeInfo(typ)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- // Precedence for the XML element name is:
- // 1. XMLName field in underlying struct;
- // 2. field name/tag in the struct field; and
- // 3. type name
- var xmlns, name string
- if tinfo.xmlname != nil {
- xmlname := tinfo.xmlname
- if xmlname.name != "" {
- xmlns, name = xmlname.xmlns, xmlname.name
- } else if v, ok := xmlname.value(val).Interface().(Name); ok && v.Local != "" {
- xmlns, name = v.Space, v.Local
- }
- }
- if name == "" && finfo != nil {
- xmlns, name = finfo.xmlns, finfo.name
- }
- if name == "" {
- name = typ.Name()
- if name == "" {
- return &UnsupportedTypeError{typ}
- }
- }
- p.writeIndent(1)
- p.WriteByte('<')
- p.WriteString(name)
- if xmlns != "" {
- p.WriteString(` xmlns="`)
- // TODO: EscapeString, to avoid the allocation.
- Escape(p, []byte(xmlns))
- p.WriteByte('"')
- }
- // Attributes
- for i := range tinfo.fields {
- finfo := &tinfo.fields[i]
- if finfo.flags&fAttr == 0 {
- continue
- }
- fv := finfo.value(val)
- if finfo.flags&fOmitEmpty != 0 && isEmptyValue(fv) {
- continue
- }
- p.WriteByte(' ')
- p.WriteString(finfo.name)
- p.WriteString(`="`)
- if err := p.marshalSimple(fv.Type(), fv); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- p.WriteByte('"')
- }
- p.WriteByte('>')
- if val.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
- err = p.marshalStruct(tinfo, val)
- } else {
- err = p.marshalSimple(typ, val)
- }
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- p.writeIndent(-1)
- p.WriteByte('<')
- p.WriteByte('/')
- p.WriteString(name)
- p.WriteByte('>')
- return p.cachedWriteError()
-var timeType = reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{})
-func (p *printer) marshalSimple(typ reflect.Type, val reflect.Value) error {
- // Normally we don't see structs, but this can happen for an attribute.
- if val.Type() == timeType {
- p.WriteString(val.Interface().(time.Time).Format(time.RFC3339Nano))
- return nil
- }
- switch val.Kind() {
- case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
- p.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(val.Int(), 10))
- case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
- p.WriteString(strconv.FormatUint(val.Uint(), 10))
- case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
- p.WriteString(strconv.FormatFloat(val.Float(), 'g', -1, val.Type().Bits()))
- case reflect.String:
- // TODO: Add EscapeString.
- Escape(p, []byte(val.String()))
- case reflect.Bool:
- p.WriteString(strconv.FormatBool(val.Bool()))
- case reflect.Array:
- // will be [...]byte
- bytes := make([]byte, val.Len())
- for i := range bytes {
- bytes[i] = val.Index(i).Interface().(byte)
- }
- Escape(p, bytes)
- case reflect.Slice:
- // will be []byte
- Escape(p, val.Bytes())
- default:
- return &UnsupportedTypeError{typ}
- }
- return p.cachedWriteError()
-var ddBytes = []byte("--")
-func (p *printer) marshalStruct(tinfo *typeInfo, val reflect.Value) error {
- if val.Type() == timeType {
- _, err := p.WriteString(val.Interface().(time.Time).Format(time.RFC3339Nano))
- return err
- }
- s := parentStack{printer: p}
- for i := range tinfo.fields {
- finfo := &tinfo.fields[i]
- if finfo.flags&(fAttr) != 0 {
- continue
- }
- vf := finfo.value(val)
- switch finfo.flags & fMode {
- case fCharData:
- var scratch [64]byte
- switch vf.Kind() {
- case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
- Escape(p, strconv.AppendInt(scratch[:0], vf.Int(), 10))
- case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
- Escape(p, strconv.AppendUint(scratch[:0], vf.Uint(), 10))
- case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
- Escape(p, strconv.AppendFloat(scratch[:0], vf.Float(), 'g', -1, vf.Type().Bits()))
- case reflect.Bool:
- Escape(p, strconv.AppendBool(scratch[:0], vf.Bool()))
- case reflect.String:
- Escape(p, []byte(vf.String()))
- case reflect.Slice:
- if elem, ok := vf.Interface().([]byte); ok {
- Escape(p, elem)
- }
- case reflect.Struct:
- if vf.Type() == timeType {
- Escape(p, []byte(vf.Interface().(time.Time).Format(time.RFC3339Nano)))
- }
- }
- continue
- case fComment:
- k := vf.Kind()
- if !(k == reflect.String || k == reflect.Slice && vf.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8) {
- return fmt.Errorf("xml: bad type for comment field of %s", val.Type())
- }
- if vf.Len() == 0 {
- continue
- }
- p.writeIndent(0)
- p.WriteString("<!--")
- dashDash := false
- dashLast := false
- switch k {
- case reflect.String:
- s := vf.String()
- dashDash = strings.Index(s, "--") >= 0
- dashLast = s[len(s)-1] == '-'
- if !dashDash {
- p.WriteString(s)
- }
- case reflect.Slice:
- b := vf.Bytes()
- dashDash = bytes.Index(b, ddBytes) >= 0
- dashLast = b[len(b)-1] == '-'
- if !dashDash {
- p.Write(b)
- }
- default:
- panic("can't happen")
- }
- if dashDash {
- return fmt.Errorf(`xml: comments must not contain "--"`)
- }
- if dashLast {
- // "--->" is invalid grammar. Make it "- -->"
- p.WriteByte(' ')
- }
- p.WriteString("-->")
- continue
- case fInnerXml:
- iface := vf.Interface()
- switch raw := iface.(type) {
- case []byte:
- p.Write(raw)
- continue
- case string:
- p.WriteString(raw)
- continue
- }
- case fElement, fElement | fAny:
- s.trim(finfo.parents)
- if len(finfo.parents) > len(s.stack) {
- if vf.Kind() != reflect.Ptr && vf.Kind() != reflect.Interface || !vf.IsNil() {
- s.push(finfo.parents[len(s.stack):])
- }
- }
- }
- if err := p.marshalValue(vf, finfo); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- s.trim(nil)
- return p.cachedWriteError()
-// return the bufio Writer's cached write error
-func (p *printer) cachedWriteError() error {
- _, err := p.Write(nil)
- return err
-func (p *printer) writeIndent(depthDelta int) {
- if len(p.prefix) == 0 && len(p.indent) == 0 {
- return
- }
- if depthDelta < 0 {
- p.depth--
- if p.indentedIn {
- p.indentedIn = false
- return
- }
- p.indentedIn = false
- }
- p.WriteByte('\n')
- if len(p.prefix) > 0 {
- p.WriteString(p.prefix)
- }
- if len(p.indent) > 0 {
- for i := 0; i < p.depth; i++ {
- p.WriteString(p.indent)
- }
- }
- if depthDelta > 0 {
- p.depth++
- p.indentedIn = true
- }
-type parentStack struct {
- *printer
- stack []string
-// trim updates the XML context to match the longest common prefix of the stack
-// and the given parents. A closing tag will be written for every parent
-// popped. Passing a zero slice or nil will close all the elements.
-func (s *parentStack) trim(parents []string) {
- split := 0
- for ; split < len(parents) && split < len(s.stack); split++ {
- if parents[split] != s.stack[split] {
- break
- }
- }
- for i := len(s.stack) - 1; i >= split; i-- {
- s.writeIndent(-1)
- s.WriteString("</")
- s.WriteString(s.stack[i])
- s.WriteByte('>')
- }
- s.stack = parents[:split]
-// push adds parent elements to the stack and writes open tags.
-func (s *parentStack) push(parents []string) {
- for i := 0; i < len(parents); i++ {
- s.writeIndent(1)
- s.WriteByte('<')
- s.WriteString(parents[i])
- s.WriteByte('>')
- }
- s.stack = append(s.stack, parents...)
-// A MarshalXMLError is returned when Marshal encounters a type
-// that cannot be converted into XML.
-type UnsupportedTypeError struct {
- Type reflect.Type
-func (e *UnsupportedTypeError) Error() string {
- return "xml: unsupported type: " + e.Type.String()
-func isEmptyValue(v reflect.Value) bool {
- switch v.Kind() {
- case reflect.Array, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice, reflect.String:
- return v.Len() == 0
- case reflect.Bool:
- return !v.Bool()
- case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
- return v.Int() == 0
- case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
- return v.Uint() == 0
- case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
- return v.Float() == 0
- case reflect.Interface, reflect.Ptr:
- return v.IsNil()
- }
- return false
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/xml/marshal_test.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/xml/marshal_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 67fcfd9ed..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/xml/marshal_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,947 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package xml
-import (
- "bytes"
- "errors"
- "io"
- "reflect"
- "strconv"
- "strings"
- "testing"
- "time"
-type DriveType int
-const (
- HyperDrive DriveType = iota
- ImprobabilityDrive
-type Passenger struct {
- Name []string `xml:"name"`
- Weight float32 `xml:"weight"`
-type Ship struct {
- XMLName struct{} `xml:"spaceship"`
- Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
- Pilot string `xml:"pilot,attr"`
- Drive DriveType `xml:"drive"`
- Age uint `xml:"age"`
- Passenger []*Passenger `xml:"passenger"`
- secret string
-type NamedType string
-type Port struct {
- XMLName struct{} `xml:"port"`
- Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
- Comment string `xml:",comment"`
- Number string `xml:",chardata"`
-type Domain struct {
- XMLName struct{} `xml:"domain"`
- Country string `xml:",attr,omitempty"`
- Name []byte `xml:",chardata"`
- Comment []byte `xml:",comment"`
-type Book struct {
- XMLName struct{} `xml:"book"`
- Title string `xml:",chardata"`
-type Event struct {
- XMLName struct{} `xml:"event"`
- Year int `xml:",chardata"`
-type Movie struct {
- XMLName struct{} `xml:"movie"`
- Length uint `xml:",chardata"`
-type Pi struct {
- XMLName struct{} `xml:"pi"`
- Approximation float32 `xml:",chardata"`
-type Universe struct {
- XMLName struct{} `xml:"universe"`
- Visible float64 `xml:",chardata"`
-type Particle struct {
- XMLName struct{} `xml:"particle"`
- HasMass bool `xml:",chardata"`
-type Departure struct {
- XMLName struct{} `xml:"departure"`
- When time.Time `xml:",chardata"`
-type SecretAgent struct {
- XMLName struct{} `xml:"agent"`
- Handle string `xml:"handle,attr"`
- Identity string
- Obfuscate string `xml:",innerxml"`
-type NestedItems struct {
- XMLName struct{} `xml:"result"`
- Items []string `xml:">item"`
- Item1 []string `xml:"Items>item1"`
-type NestedOrder struct {
- XMLName struct{} `xml:"result"`
- Field1 string `xml:"parent>c"`
- Field2 string `xml:"parent>b"`
- Field3 string `xml:"parent>a"`
-type MixedNested struct {
- XMLName struct{} `xml:"result"`
- A string `xml:"parent1>a"`
- B string `xml:"b"`
- C string `xml:"parent1>parent2>c"`
- D string `xml:"parent1>d"`
-type NilTest struct {
- A interface{} `xml:"parent1>parent2>a"`
- B interface{} `xml:"parent1>b"`
- C interface{} `xml:"parent1>parent2>c"`
-type Service struct {
- XMLName struct{} `xml:"service"`
- Domain *Domain `xml:"host>domain"`
- Port *Port `xml:"host>port"`
- Extra1 interface{}
- Extra2 interface{} `xml:"host>extra2"`
-var nilStruct *Ship
-type EmbedA struct {
- EmbedC
- EmbedB EmbedB
- FieldA string
-type EmbedB struct {
- FieldB string
- *EmbedC
-type EmbedC struct {
- FieldA1 string `xml:"FieldA>A1"`
- FieldA2 string `xml:"FieldA>A2"`
- FieldB string
- FieldC string
-type NameCasing struct {
- XMLName struct{} `xml:"casing"`
- Xy string
- XY string
- XyA string `xml:"Xy,attr"`
- XYA string `xml:"XY,attr"`
-type NamePrecedence struct {
- XMLName Name `xml:"Parent"`
- FromTag XMLNameWithoutTag `xml:"InTag"`
- FromNameVal XMLNameWithoutTag
- FromNameTag XMLNameWithTag
- InFieldName string
-type XMLNameWithTag struct {
- XMLName Name `xml:"InXMLNameTag"`
- Value string `xml:",chardata"`
-type XMLNameWithoutTag struct {
- XMLName Name
- Value string `xml:",chardata"`
-type NameInField struct {
- Foo Name `xml:"ns foo"`
-type AttrTest struct {
- Int int `xml:",attr"`
- Named int `xml:"int,attr"`
- Float float64 `xml:",attr"`
- Uint8 uint8 `xml:",attr"`
- Bool bool `xml:",attr"`
- Str string `xml:",attr"`
- Bytes []byte `xml:",attr"`
-type OmitAttrTest struct {
- Int int `xml:",attr,omitempty"`
- Named int `xml:"int,attr,omitempty"`
- Float float64 `xml:",attr,omitempty"`
- Uint8 uint8 `xml:",attr,omitempty"`
- Bool bool `xml:",attr,omitempty"`
- Str string `xml:",attr,omitempty"`
- Bytes []byte `xml:",attr,omitempty"`
-type OmitFieldTest struct {
- Int int `xml:",omitempty"`
- Named int `xml:"int,omitempty"`
- Float float64 `xml:",omitempty"`
- Uint8 uint8 `xml:",omitempty"`
- Bool bool `xml:",omitempty"`
- Str string `xml:",omitempty"`
- Bytes []byte `xml:",omitempty"`
- Ptr *PresenceTest `xml:",omitempty"`
-type AnyTest struct {
- XMLName struct{} `xml:"a"`
- Nested string `xml:"nested>value"`
- AnyField AnyHolder `xml:",any"`
-type AnyOmitTest struct {
- XMLName struct{} `xml:"a"`
- Nested string `xml:"nested>value"`
- AnyField *AnyHolder `xml:",any,omitempty"`
-type AnySliceTest struct {
- XMLName struct{} `xml:"a"`
- Nested string `xml:"nested>value"`
- AnyField []AnyHolder `xml:",any"`
-type AnyHolder struct {
- XMLName Name
- XML string `xml:",innerxml"`
-type RecurseA struct {
- A string
- B *RecurseB
-type RecurseB struct {
- A *RecurseA
- B string
-type PresenceTest struct {
- Exists *struct{}
-type IgnoreTest struct {
- PublicSecret string `xml:"-"`
-type MyBytes []byte
-type Data struct {
- Bytes []byte
- Attr []byte `xml:",attr"`
- Custom MyBytes
-type Plain struct {
- V interface{}
-// Unless explicitly stated as such (or *Plain), all of the
-// tests below are two-way tests. When introducing new tests,
-// please try to make them two-way as well to ensure that
-// marshalling and unmarshalling are as symmetrical as feasible.
-var marshalTests = []struct {
- Value interface{}
- ExpectXML string
- MarshalOnly bool
- UnmarshalOnly bool
- // Test nil marshals to nothing
- {Value: nil, ExpectXML: ``, MarshalOnly: true},
- {Value: nilStruct, ExpectXML: ``, MarshalOnly: true},
- // Test value types
- {Value: &Plain{true}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>true</V></Plain>`},
- {Value: &Plain{false}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>false</V></Plain>`},
- {Value: &Plain{int(42)}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>42</V></Plain>`},
- {Value: &Plain{int8(42)}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>42</V></Plain>`},
- {Value: &Plain{int16(42)}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>42</V></Plain>`},
- {Value: &Plain{int32(42)}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>42</V></Plain>`},
- {Value: &Plain{uint(42)}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>42</V></Plain>`},
- {Value: &Plain{uint8(42)}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>42</V></Plain>`},
- {Value: &Plain{uint16(42)}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>42</V></Plain>`},
- {Value: &Plain{uint32(42)}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>42</V></Plain>`},
- {Value: &Plain{float32(1.25)}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>1.25</V></Plain>`},
- {Value: &Plain{float64(1.25)}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>1.25</V></Plain>`},
- {Value: &Plain{uintptr(0xFFDD)}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>65501</V></Plain>`},
- {Value: &Plain{"gopher"}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>gopher</V></Plain>`},
- {Value: &Plain{[]byte("gopher")}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>gopher</V></Plain>`},
- {Value: &Plain{"</>"}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>&lt;/&gt;</V></Plain>`},
- {Value: &Plain{[]byte("</>")}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>&lt;/&gt;</V></Plain>`},
- {Value: &Plain{[3]byte{'<', '/', '>'}}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>&lt;/&gt;</V></Plain>`},
- {Value: &Plain{NamedType("potato")}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>potato</V></Plain>`},
- {Value: &Plain{[]int{1, 2, 3}}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>1</V><V>2</V><V>3</V></Plain>`},
- {Value: &Plain{[3]int{1, 2, 3}}, ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>1</V><V>2</V><V>3</V></Plain>`},
- // Test time.
- {
- Value: &Plain{time.Unix(1e9, 123456789).UTC()},
- ExpectXML: `<Plain><V>2001-09-09T01:46:40.123456789Z</V></Plain>`,
- },
- // A pointer to struct{} may be used to test for an element's presence.
- {
- Value: &PresenceTest{new(struct{})},
- ExpectXML: `<PresenceTest><Exists></Exists></PresenceTest>`,
- },
- {
- Value: &PresenceTest{},
- ExpectXML: `<PresenceTest></PresenceTest>`,
- },
- // A pointer to struct{} may be used to test for an element's presence.
- {
- Value: &PresenceTest{new(struct{})},
- ExpectXML: `<PresenceTest><Exists></Exists></PresenceTest>`,
- },
- {
- Value: &PresenceTest{},
- ExpectXML: `<PresenceTest></PresenceTest>`,
- },
- // A []byte field is only nil if the element was not found.
- {
- Value: &Data{},
- ExpectXML: `<Data></Data>`,
- UnmarshalOnly: true,
- },
- {
- Value: &Data{Bytes: []byte{}, Custom: MyBytes{}, Attr: []byte{}},
- ExpectXML: `<Data Attr=""><Bytes></Bytes><Custom></Custom></Data>`,
- UnmarshalOnly: true,
- },
- // Check that []byte works, including named []byte types.
- {
- Value: &Data{Bytes: []byte("ab"), Custom: MyBytes("cd"), Attr: []byte{'v'}},
- ExpectXML: `<Data Attr="v"><Bytes>ab</Bytes><Custom>cd</Custom></Data>`,
- },
- // Test innerxml
- {
- Value: &SecretAgent{
- Handle: "007",
- Identity: "James Bond",
- Obfuscate: "<redacted/>",
- },
- ExpectXML: `<agent handle="007"><Identity>James Bond</Identity><redacted/></agent>`,
- MarshalOnly: true,
- },
- {
- Value: &SecretAgent{
- Handle: "007",
- Identity: "James Bond",
- Obfuscate: "<Identity>James Bond</Identity><redacted/>",
- },
- ExpectXML: `<agent handle="007"><Identity>James Bond</Identity><redacted/></agent>`,
- UnmarshalOnly: true,
- },
- // Test structs
- {Value: &Port{Type: "ssl", Number: "443"}, ExpectXML: `<port type="ssl">443</port>`},
- {Value: &Port{Number: "443"}, ExpectXML: `<port>443</port>`},
- {Value: &Port{Type: "<unix>"}, ExpectXML: `<port type="&lt;unix&gt;"></port>`},
- {Value: &Port{Number: "443", Comment: "https"}, ExpectXML: `<port><!--https-->443</port>`},
- {Value: &Port{Number: "443", Comment: "add space-"}, ExpectXML: `<port><!--add space- -->443</port>`, MarshalOnly: true},
- {Value: &Domain{Name: []byte("google.com&friends")}, ExpectXML: `<domain>google.com&amp;friends</domain>`},
- {Value: &Domain{Name: []byte("google.com"), Comment: []byte(" &friends ")}, ExpectXML: `<domain>google.com<!-- &friends --></domain>`},
- {Value: &Book{Title: "Pride & Prejudice"}, ExpectXML: `<book>Pride &amp; Prejudice</book>`},
- {Value: &Event{Year: -3114}, ExpectXML: `<event>-3114</event>`},
- {Value: &Movie{Length: 13440}, ExpectXML: `<movie>13440</movie>`},
- {Value: &Pi{Approximation: 3.14159265}, ExpectXML: `<pi>3.1415927</pi>`},
- {Value: &Universe{Visible: 9.3e13}, ExpectXML: `<universe>9.3e+13</universe>`},
- {Value: &Particle{HasMass: true}, ExpectXML: `<particle>true</particle>`},
- {Value: &Departure{When: ParseTime("2013-01-09T00:15:00-09:00")}, ExpectXML: `<departure>2013-01-09T00:15:00-09:00</departure>`},
- {Value: atomValue, ExpectXML: atomXml},
- {
- Value: &Ship{
- Name: "Heart of Gold",
- Pilot: "Computer",
- Age: 1,
- Drive: ImprobabilityDrive,
- Passenger: []*Passenger{
- {
- Name: []string{"Zaphod", "Beeblebrox"},
- Weight: 7.25,
- },
- {
- Name: []string{"Trisha", "McMillen"},
- Weight: 5.5,
- },
- {
- Name: []string{"Ford", "Prefect"},
- Weight: 7,
- },
- {
- Name: []string{"Arthur", "Dent"},
- Weight: 6.75,
- },
- },
- },
- ExpectXML: `<spaceship name="Heart of Gold" pilot="Computer">` +
- `<drive>` + strconv.Itoa(int(ImprobabilityDrive)) + `</drive>` +
- `<age>1</age>` +
- `<passenger>` +
- `<name>Zaphod</name>` +
- `<name>Beeblebrox</name>` +
- `<weight>7.25</weight>` +
- `</passenger>` +
- `<passenger>` +
- `<name>Trisha</name>` +
- `<name>McMillen</name>` +
- `<weight>5.5</weight>` +
- `</passenger>` +
- `<passenger>` +
- `<name>Ford</name>` +
- `<name>Prefect</name>` +
- `<weight>7</weight>` +
- `</passenger>` +
- `<passenger>` +
- `<name>Arthur</name>` +
- `<name>Dent</name>` +
- `<weight>6.75</weight>` +
- `</passenger>` +
- `</spaceship>`,
- },
- // Test a>b
- {
- Value: &NestedItems{Items: nil, Item1: nil},
- ExpectXML: `<result>` +
- `<Items>` +
- `</Items>` +
- `</result>`,
- },
- {
- Value: &NestedItems{Items: []string{}, Item1: []string{}},
- ExpectXML: `<result>` +
- `<Items>` +
- `</Items>` +
- `</result>`,
- MarshalOnly: true,
- },
- {
- Value: &NestedItems{Items: nil, Item1: []string{"A"}},
- ExpectXML: `<result>` +
- `<Items>` +
- `<item1>A</item1>` +
- `</Items>` +
- `</result>`,
- },
- {
- Value: &NestedItems{Items: []string{"A", "B"}, Item1: nil},
- ExpectXML: `<result>` +
- `<Items>` +
- `<item>A</item>` +
- `<item>B</item>` +
- `</Items>` +
- `</result>`,
- },
- {
- Value: &NestedItems{Items: []string{"A", "B"}, Item1: []string{"C"}},
- ExpectXML: `<result>` +
- `<Items>` +
- `<item>A</item>` +
- `<item>B</item>` +
- `<item1>C</item1>` +
- `</Items>` +
- `</result>`,
- },
- {
- Value: &NestedOrder{Field1: "C", Field2: "B", Field3: "A"},
- ExpectXML: `<result>` +
- `<parent>` +
- `<c>C</c>` +
- `<b>B</b>` +
- `<a>A</a>` +
- `</parent>` +
- `</result>`,
- },
- {
- Value: &NilTest{A: "A", B: nil, C: "C"},
- ExpectXML: `<NilTest>` +
- `<parent1>` +
- `<parent2><a>A</a></parent2>` +
- `<parent2><c>C</c></parent2>` +
- `</parent1>` +
- `</NilTest>`,
- MarshalOnly: true, // Uses interface{}
- },
- {
- Value: &MixedNested{A: "A", B: "B", C: "C", D: "D"},
- ExpectXML: `<result>` +
- `<parent1><a>A</a></parent1>` +
- `<b>B</b>` +
- `<parent1>` +
- `<parent2><c>C</c></parent2>` +
- `<d>D</d>` +
- `</parent1>` +
- `</result>`,
- },
- {
- Value: &Service{Port: &Port{Number: "80"}},
- ExpectXML: `<service><host><port>80</port></host></service>`,
- },
- {
- Value: &Service{},
- ExpectXML: `<service></service>`,
- },
- {
- Value: &Service{Port: &Port{Number: "80"}, Extra1: "A", Extra2: "B"},
- ExpectXML: `<service>` +
- `<host><port>80</port></host>` +
- `<Extra1>A</Extra1>` +
- `<host><extra2>B</extra2></host>` +
- `</service>`,
- MarshalOnly: true,
- },
- {
- Value: &Service{Port: &Port{Number: "80"}, Extra2: "example"},
- ExpectXML: `<service>` +
- `<host><port>80</port></host>` +
- `<host><extra2>example</extra2></host>` +
- `</service>`,
- MarshalOnly: true,
- },
- // Test struct embedding
- {
- Value: &EmbedA{
- EmbedC: EmbedC{
- FieldA1: "", // Shadowed by A.A
- FieldA2: "", // Shadowed by A.A
- FieldB: "A.C.B",
- FieldC: "A.C.C",
- },
- EmbedB: EmbedB{
- FieldB: "A.B.B",
- EmbedC: &EmbedC{
- FieldA1: "A.B.C.A1",
- FieldA2: "A.B.C.A2",
- FieldB: "", // Shadowed by A.B.B
- FieldC: "A.B.C.C",
- },
- },
- FieldA: "A.A",
- },
- ExpectXML: `<EmbedA>` +
- `<FieldB>A.C.B</FieldB>` +
- `<FieldC>A.C.C</FieldC>` +
- `<EmbedB>` +
- `<FieldB>A.B.B</FieldB>` +
- `<FieldA>` +
- `<A1>A.B.C.A1</A1>` +
- `<A2>A.B.C.A2</A2>` +
- `</FieldA>` +
- `<FieldC>A.B.C.C</FieldC>` +
- `</EmbedB>` +
- `<FieldA>A.A</FieldA>` +
- `</EmbedA>`,
- },
- // Test that name casing matters
- {
- Value: &NameCasing{Xy: "mixed", XY: "upper", XyA: "mixedA", XYA: "upperA"},
- ExpectXML: `<casing Xy="mixedA" XY="upperA"><Xy>mixed</Xy><XY>upper</XY></casing>`,
- },
- // Test the order in which the XML element name is chosen
- {
- Value: &NamePrecedence{
- FromTag: XMLNameWithoutTag{Value: "A"},
- FromNameVal: XMLNameWithoutTag{XMLName: Name{Local: "InXMLName"}, Value: "B"},
- FromNameTag: XMLNameWithTag{Value: "C"},
- InFieldName: "D",
- },
- ExpectXML: `<Parent>` +
- `<InTag>A</InTag>` +
- `<InXMLName>B</InXMLName>` +
- `<InXMLNameTag>C</InXMLNameTag>` +
- `<InFieldName>D</InFieldName>` +
- `</Parent>`,
- MarshalOnly: true,
- },
- {
- Value: &NamePrecedence{
- XMLName: Name{Local: "Parent"},
- FromTag: XMLNameWithoutTag{XMLName: Name{Local: "InTag"}, Value: "A"},
- FromNameVal: XMLNameWithoutTag{XMLName: Name{Local: "FromNameVal"}, Value: "B"},
- FromNameTag: XMLNameWithTag{XMLName: Name{Local: "InXMLNameTag"}, Value: "C"},
- InFieldName: "D",
- },
- ExpectXML: `<Parent>` +
- `<InTag>A</InTag>` +
- `<FromNameVal>B</FromNameVal>` +
- `<InXMLNameTag>C</InXMLNameTag>` +
- `<InFieldName>D</InFieldName>` +
- `</Parent>`,
- UnmarshalOnly: true,
- },
- // xml.Name works in a plain field as well.
- {
- Value: &NameInField{Name{Space: "ns", Local: "foo"}},
- ExpectXML: `<NameInField><foo xmlns="ns"></foo></NameInField>`,
- },
- {
- Value: &NameInField{Name{Space: "ns", Local: "foo"}},
- ExpectXML: `<NameInField><foo xmlns="ns"><ignore></ignore></foo></NameInField>`,
- UnmarshalOnly: true,
- },
- // Marshaling zero xml.Name uses the tag or field name.
- {
- Value: &NameInField{},
- ExpectXML: `<NameInField><foo xmlns="ns"></foo></NameInField>`,
- MarshalOnly: true,
- },
- // Test attributes
- {
- Value: &AttrTest{
- Int: 8,
- Named: 9,
- Float: 23.5,
- Uint8: 255,
- Bool: true,
- Str: "str",
- Bytes: []byte("byt"),
- },
- ExpectXML: `<AttrTest Int="8" int="9" Float="23.5" Uint8="255"` +
- ` Bool="true" Str="str" Bytes="byt"></AttrTest>`,
- },
- {
- Value: &AttrTest{Bytes: []byte{}},
- ExpectXML: `<AttrTest Int="0" int="0" Float="0" Uint8="0"` +
- ` Bool="false" Str="" Bytes=""></AttrTest>`,
- },
- {
- Value: &OmitAttrTest{
- Int: 8,
- Named: 9,
- Float: 23.5,
- Uint8: 255,
- Bool: true,
- Str: "str",
- Bytes: []byte("byt"),
- },
- ExpectXML: `<OmitAttrTest Int="8" int="9" Float="23.5" Uint8="255"` +
- ` Bool="true" Str="str" Bytes="byt"></OmitAttrTest>`,
- },
- {
- Value: &OmitAttrTest{},
- ExpectXML: `<OmitAttrTest></OmitAttrTest>`,
- },
- // omitempty on fields
- {
- Value: &OmitFieldTest{
- Int: 8,
- Named: 9,
- Float: 23.5,
- Uint8: 255,
- Bool: true,
- Str: "str",
- Bytes: []byte("byt"),
- Ptr: &PresenceTest{},
- },
- ExpectXML: `<OmitFieldTest>` +
- `<Int>8</Int>` +
- `<int>9</int>` +
- `<Float>23.5</Float>` +
- `<Uint8>255</Uint8>` +
- `<Bool>true</Bool>` +
- `<Str>str</Str>` +
- `<Bytes>byt</Bytes>` +
- `<Ptr></Ptr>` +
- `</OmitFieldTest>`,
- },
- {
- Value: &OmitFieldTest{},
- ExpectXML: `<OmitFieldTest></OmitFieldTest>`,
- },
- // Test ",any"
- {
- ExpectXML: `<a><nested><value>known</value></nested><other><sub>unknown</sub></other></a>`,
- Value: &AnyTest{
- Nested: "known",
- AnyField: AnyHolder{
- XMLName: Name{Local: "other"},
- XML: "<sub>unknown</sub>",
- },
- },
- },
- {
- Value: &AnyTest{Nested: "known",
- AnyField: AnyHolder{
- XML: "<unknown/>",
- XMLName: Name{Local: "AnyField"},
- },
- },
- ExpectXML: `<a><nested><value>known</value></nested><AnyField><unknown/></AnyField></a>`,
- },
- {
- ExpectXML: `<a><nested><value>b</value></nested></a>`,
- Value: &AnyOmitTest{
- Nested: "b",
- },
- },
- {
- ExpectXML: `<a><nested><value>b</value></nested><c><d>e</d></c><g xmlns="f"><h>i</h></g></a>`,
- Value: &AnySliceTest{
- Nested: "b",
- AnyField: []AnyHolder{
- {
- XMLName: Name{Local: "c"},
- XML: "<d>e</d>",
- },
- {
- XMLName: Name{Space: "f", Local: "g"},
- XML: "<h>i</h>",
- },
- },
- },
- },
- {
- ExpectXML: `<a><nested><value>b</value></nested></a>`,
- Value: &AnySliceTest{
- Nested: "b",
- },
- },
- // Test recursive types.
- {
- Value: &RecurseA{
- A: "a1",
- B: &RecurseB{
- A: &RecurseA{"a2", nil},
- B: "b1",
- },
- },
- ExpectXML: `<RecurseA><A>a1</A><B><A><A>a2</A></A><B>b1</B></B></RecurseA>`,
- },
- // Test ignoring fields via "-" tag
- {
- ExpectXML: `<IgnoreTest></IgnoreTest>`,
- Value: &IgnoreTest{},
- },
- {
- ExpectXML: `<IgnoreTest></IgnoreTest>`,
- Value: &IgnoreTest{PublicSecret: "can't tell"},
- MarshalOnly: true,
- },
- {
- ExpectXML: `<IgnoreTest><PublicSecret>ignore me</PublicSecret></IgnoreTest>`,
- Value: &IgnoreTest{},
- UnmarshalOnly: true,
- },
- // Test escaping.
- {
- ExpectXML: `<a><nested><value>dquote: &#34;; squote: &#39;; ampersand: &amp;; less: &lt;; greater: &gt;;</value></nested><empty></empty></a>`,
- Value: &AnyTest{
- Nested: `dquote: "; squote: '; ampersand: &; less: <; greater: >;`,
- AnyField: AnyHolder{XMLName: Name{Local: "empty"}},
- },
- },
- {
- ExpectXML: `<a><nested><value>newline: &#xA;; cr: &#xD;; tab: &#x9;;</value></nested><AnyField></AnyField></a>`,
- Value: &AnyTest{
- Nested: "newline: \n; cr: \r; tab: \t;",
- AnyField: AnyHolder{XMLName: Name{Local: "AnyField"}},
- },
- },
- {
- ExpectXML: "<a><nested><value>1\r2\r\n3\n\r4\n5</value></nested></a>",
- Value: &AnyTest{
- Nested: "1\n2\n3\n\n4\n5",
- },
- UnmarshalOnly: true,
- },
-func TestMarshal(t *testing.T) {
- for idx, test := range marshalTests {
- if test.UnmarshalOnly {
- continue
- }
- data, err := Marshal(test.Value)
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("#%d: Error: %s", idx, err)
- continue
- }
- if got, want := string(data), test.ExpectXML; got != want {
- if strings.Contains(want, "\n") {
- t.Errorf("#%d: marshal(%#v):\nHAVE:\n%s\nWANT:\n%s", idx, test.Value, got, want)
- } else {
- t.Errorf("#%d: marshal(%#v):\nhave %#q\nwant %#q", idx, test.Value, got, want)
- }
- }
- }
-var marshalErrorTests = []struct {
- Value interface{}
- Err string
- Kind reflect.Kind
- {
- Value: make(chan bool),
- Err: "xml: unsupported type: chan bool",
- Kind: reflect.Chan,
- },
- {
- Value: map[string]string{
- "question": "What do you get when you multiply six by nine?",
- "answer": "42",
- },
- Err: "xml: unsupported type: map[string]string",
- Kind: reflect.Map,
- },
- {
- Value: map[*Ship]bool{nil: false},
- Err: "xml: unsupported type: map[*xml.Ship]bool",
- Kind: reflect.Map,
- },
- {
- Value: &Domain{Comment: []byte("f--bar")},
- Err: `xml: comments must not contain "--"`,
- },
-func TestMarshalErrors(t *testing.T) {
- for idx, test := range marshalErrorTests {
- _, err := Marshal(test.Value)
- if err == nil || err.Error() != test.Err {
- t.Errorf("#%d: marshal(%#v) = [error] %v, want %v", idx, test.Value, err, test.Err)
- }
- if test.Kind != reflect.Invalid {
- if kind := err.(*UnsupportedTypeError).Type.Kind(); kind != test.Kind {
- t.Errorf("#%d: marshal(%#v) = [error kind] %s, want %s", idx, test.Value, kind, test.Kind)
- }
- }
- }
-// Do invertibility testing on the various structures that we test
-func TestUnmarshal(t *testing.T) {
- for i, test := range marshalTests {
- if test.MarshalOnly {
- continue
- }
- if _, ok := test.Value.(*Plain); ok {
- continue
- }
- vt := reflect.TypeOf(test.Value)
- dest := reflect.New(vt.Elem()).Interface()
- err := Unmarshal([]byte(test.ExpectXML), dest)
- switch fix := dest.(type) {
- case *Feed:
- fix.Author.InnerXML = ""
- for i := range fix.Entry {
- fix.Entry[i].Author.InnerXML = ""
- }
- }
- if err != nil {
- t.Errorf("#%d: unexpected error: %#v", i, err)
- } else if got, want := dest, test.Value; !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
- t.Errorf("#%d: unmarshal(%q):\nhave %#v\nwant %#v", i, test.ExpectXML, got, want)
- }
- }
-type limitedBytesWriter struct {
- w io.Writer
- remain int // until writes fail
-func (lw *limitedBytesWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
- if lw.remain <= 0 {
- println("error")
- return 0, errors.New("write limit hit")
- }
- if len(p) > lw.remain {
- p = p[:lw.remain]
- n, _ = lw.w.Write(p)
- lw.remain = 0
- return n, errors.New("write limit hit")
- }
- n, err = lw.w.Write(p)
- lw.remain -= n
- return n, err
-func TestMarshalWriteErrors(t *testing.T) {
- var buf bytes.Buffer
- const writeCap = 1024
- w := &limitedBytesWriter{&buf, writeCap}
- enc := NewEncoder(w)
- var err error
- var i int
- const n = 4000
- for i = 1; i <= n; i++ {
- err = enc.Encode(&Passenger{
- Name: []string{"Alice", "Bob"},
- Weight: 5,
- })
- if err != nil {
- break
- }
- }
- if err == nil {
- t.Error("expected an error")
- }
- if i == n {
- t.Errorf("expected to fail before the end")
- }
- if buf.Len() != writeCap {
- t.Errorf("buf.Len() = %d; want %d", buf.Len(), writeCap)
- }
-func BenchmarkMarshal(b *testing.B) {
- for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
- Marshal(atomValue)
- }
-func BenchmarkUnmarshal(b *testing.B) {
- xml := []byte(atomXml)
- for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
- Unmarshal(xml, &Feed{})
- }
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/xml/read.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/xml/read.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 344ab514e..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/xml/read.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,521 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package xml
-import (
- "bytes"
- "errors"
- "reflect"
- "strconv"
- "strings"
- "time"
-// BUG(rsc): Mapping between XML elements and data structures is inherently flawed:
-// an XML element is an order-dependent collection of anonymous
-// values, while a data structure is an order-independent collection
-// of named values.
-// See package json for a textual representation more suitable
-// to data structures.
-// Unmarshal parses the XML-encoded data and stores the result in
-// the value pointed to by v, which must be an arbitrary struct,
-// slice, or string. Well-formed data that does not fit into v is
-// discarded.
-// Because Unmarshal uses the reflect package, it can only assign
-// to exported (upper case) fields. Unmarshal uses a case-sensitive
-// comparison to match XML element names to tag values and struct
-// field names.
-// Unmarshal maps an XML element to a struct using the following rules.
-// In the rules, the tag of a field refers to the value associated with the
-// key 'xml' in the struct field's tag (see the example above).
-// * If the struct has a field of type []byte or string with tag
-// ",innerxml", Unmarshal accumulates the raw XML nested inside the
-// element in that field. The rest of the rules still apply.
-// * If the struct has a field named XMLName of type xml.Name,
-// Unmarshal records the element name in that field.
-// * If the XMLName field has an associated tag of the form
-// "name" or "namespace-URL name", the XML element must have
-// the given name (and, optionally, name space) or else Unmarshal
-// returns an error.
-// * If the XML element has an attribute whose name matches a
-// struct field name with an associated tag containing ",attr" or
-// the explicit name in a struct field tag of the form "name,attr",
-// Unmarshal records the attribute value in that field.
-// * If the XML element contains character data, that data is
-// accumulated in the first struct field that has tag "chardata".
-// The struct field may have type []byte or string.
-// If there is no such field, the character data is discarded.
-// * If the XML element contains comments, they are accumulated in
-// the first struct field that has tag ",comments". The struct
-// field may have type []byte or string. If there is no such
-// field, the comments are discarded.
-// * If the XML element contains a sub-element whose name matches
-// the prefix of a tag formatted as "a" or "a>b>c", unmarshal
-// will descend into the XML structure looking for elements with the
-// given names, and will map the innermost elements to that struct
-// field. A tag starting with ">" is equivalent to one starting
-// with the field name followed by ">".
-// * If the XML element contains a sub-element whose name matches
-// a struct field's XMLName tag and the struct field has no
-// explicit name tag as per the previous rule, unmarshal maps
-// the sub-element to that struct field.
-// * If the XML element contains a sub-element whose name matches a
-// field without any mode flags (",attr", ",chardata", etc), Unmarshal
-// maps the sub-element to that struct field.
-// * If the XML element contains a sub-element that hasn't matched any
-// of the above rules and the struct has a field with tag ",any",
-// unmarshal maps the sub-element to that struct field.
-// * An anonymous struct field is handled as if the fields of its
-// value were part of the outer struct.
-// * A struct field with tag "-" is never unmarshalled into.
-// Unmarshal maps an XML element to a string or []byte by saving the
-// concatenation of that element's character data in the string or
-// []byte. The saved []byte is never nil.
-// Unmarshal maps an attribute value to a string or []byte by saving
-// the value in the string or slice.
-// Unmarshal maps an XML element to a slice by extending the length of
-// the slice and mapping the element to the newly created value.
-// Unmarshal maps an XML element or attribute value to a bool by
-// setting it to the boolean value represented by the string.
-// Unmarshal maps an XML element or attribute value to an integer or
-// floating-point field by setting the field to the result of
-// interpreting the string value in decimal. There is no check for
-// overflow.
-// Unmarshal maps an XML element to an xml.Name by recording the
-// element name.
-// Unmarshal maps an XML element to a pointer by setting the pointer
-// to a freshly allocated value and then mapping the element to that value.
-func Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error {
- return NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(data)).Decode(v)
-// Decode works like xml.Unmarshal, except it reads the decoder
-// stream to find the start element.
-func (d *Decoder) Decode(v interface{}) error {
- return d.DecodeElement(v, nil)
-// DecodeElement works like xml.Unmarshal except that it takes
-// a pointer to the start XML element to decode into v.
-// It is useful when a client reads some raw XML tokens itself
-// but also wants to defer to Unmarshal for some elements.
-func (d *Decoder) DecodeElement(v interface{}, start *StartElement) error {
- val := reflect.ValueOf(v)
- if val.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
- return errors.New("non-pointer passed to Unmarshal")
- }
- return d.unmarshal(val.Elem(), start)
-// An UnmarshalError represents an error in the unmarshalling process.
-type UnmarshalError string
-func (e UnmarshalError) Error() string { return string(e) }
-// Unmarshal a single XML element into val.
-func (p *Decoder) unmarshal(val reflect.Value, start *StartElement) error {
- // Find start element if we need it.
- if start == nil {
- for {
- tok, err := p.Token()
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if t, ok := tok.(StartElement); ok {
- start = &t
- break
- }
- }
- }
- if pv := val; pv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
- if pv.IsNil() {
- pv.Set(reflect.New(pv.Type().Elem()))
- }
- val = pv.Elem()
- }
- var (
- data []byte
- saveData reflect.Value
- comment []byte
- saveComment reflect.Value
- saveXML reflect.Value
- saveXMLIndex int
- saveXMLData []byte
- saveAny reflect.Value
- sv reflect.Value
- tinfo *typeInfo
- err error
- )
- switch v := val; v.Kind() {
- default:
- return errors.New("unknown type " + v.Type().String())
- case reflect.Interface:
- // TODO: For now, simply ignore the field. In the near
- // future we may choose to unmarshal the start
- // element on it, if not nil.
- return p.Skip()
- case reflect.Slice:
- typ := v.Type()
- if typ.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
- // []byte
- saveData = v
- break
- }
- // Slice of element values.
- // Grow slice.
- n := v.Len()
- if n >= v.Cap() {
- ncap := 2 * n
- if ncap < 4 {
- ncap = 4
- }
- new := reflect.MakeSlice(typ, n, ncap)
- reflect.Copy(new, v)
- v.Set(new)
- }
- v.SetLen(n + 1)
- // Recur to read element into slice.
- if err := p.unmarshal(v.Index(n), start); err != nil {
- v.SetLen(n)
- return err
- }
- return nil
- case reflect.Bool, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr, reflect.String:
- saveData = v
- case reflect.Struct:
- typ := v.Type()
- if typ == nameType {
- v.Set(reflect.ValueOf(start.Name))
- break
- }
- if typ == timeType {
- saveData = v
- break
- }
- sv = v
- tinfo, err = getTypeInfo(typ)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- // Validate and assign element name.
- if tinfo.xmlname != nil {
- finfo := tinfo.xmlname
- if finfo.name != "" && finfo.name != start.Name.Local {
- return UnmarshalError("expected element type <" + finfo.name + "> but have <" + start.Name.Local + ">")
- }
- if finfo.xmlns != "" && finfo.xmlns != start.Name.Space {
- e := "expected element <" + finfo.name + "> in name space " + finfo.xmlns + " but have "
- if start.Name.Space == "" {
- e += "no name space"
- } else {
- e += start.Name.Space
- }
- return UnmarshalError(e)
- }
- fv := finfo.value(sv)
- if _, ok := fv.Interface().(Name); ok {
- fv.Set(reflect.ValueOf(start.Name))
- }
- }
- // Assign attributes.
- // Also, determine whether we need to save character data or comments.
- for i := range tinfo.fields {
- finfo := &tinfo.fields[i]
- switch finfo.flags & fMode {
- case fAttr:
- strv := finfo.value(sv)
- // Look for attribute.
- for _, a := range start.Attr {
- if a.Name.Local == finfo.name {
- copyValue(strv, []byte(a.Value))
- break
- }
- }
- case fCharData:
- if !saveData.IsValid() {
- saveData = finfo.value(sv)
- }
- case fComment:
- if !saveComment.IsValid() {
- saveComment = finfo.value(sv)
- }
- case fAny, fAny | fElement:
- if !saveAny.IsValid() {
- saveAny = finfo.value(sv)
- }
- case fInnerXml:
- if !saveXML.IsValid() {
- saveXML = finfo.value(sv)
- if p.saved == nil {
- saveXMLIndex = 0
- p.saved = new(bytes.Buffer)
- } else {
- saveXMLIndex = p.savedOffset()
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Find end element.
- // Process sub-elements along the way.
- for {
- var savedOffset int
- if saveXML.IsValid() {
- savedOffset = p.savedOffset()
- }
- tok, err := p.Token()
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- switch t := tok.(type) {
- case StartElement:
- consumed := false
- if sv.IsValid() {
- consumed, err = p.unmarshalPath(tinfo, sv, nil, &t)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if !consumed && saveAny.IsValid() {
- consumed = true
- if err := p.unmarshal(saveAny, &t); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- }
- if !consumed {
- if err := p.Skip(); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- case EndElement:
- if saveXML.IsValid() {
- saveXMLData = p.saved.Bytes()[saveXMLIndex:savedOffset]
- if saveXMLIndex == 0 {
- p.saved = nil
- }
- }
- break Loop
- case CharData:
- if saveData.IsValid() {
- data = append(data, t...)
- }
- case Comment:
- if saveComment.IsValid() {
- comment = append(comment, t...)
- }
- }
- }
- if err := copyValue(saveData, data); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- switch t := saveComment; t.Kind() {
- case reflect.String:
- t.SetString(string(comment))
- case reflect.Slice:
- t.Set(reflect.ValueOf(comment))
- }
- switch t := saveXML; t.Kind() {
- case reflect.String:
- t.SetString(string(saveXMLData))
- case reflect.Slice:
- t.Set(reflect.ValueOf(saveXMLData))
- }
- return nil
-func copyValue(dst reflect.Value, src []byte) (err error) {
- if dst.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
- if dst.IsNil() {
- dst.Set(reflect.New(dst.Type().Elem()))
- }
- dst = dst.Elem()
- }
- // Save accumulated data.
- switch dst.Kind() {
- case reflect.Invalid:
- // Probably a commendst.
- default:
- return errors.New("cannot happen: unknown type " + dst.Type().String())
- case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
- itmp, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(src), 10, dst.Type().Bits())
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- dst.SetInt(itmp)
- case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr:
- utmp, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(src), 10, dst.Type().Bits())
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- dst.SetUint(utmp)
- case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
- ftmp, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(src), dst.Type().Bits())
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- dst.SetFloat(ftmp)
- case reflect.Bool:
- value, err := strconv.ParseBool(strings.TrimSpace(string(src)))
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- dst.SetBool(value)
- case reflect.String:
- dst.SetString(string(src))
- case reflect.Slice:
- if len(src) == 0 {
- // non-nil to flag presence
- src = []byte{}
- }
- dst.SetBytes(src)
- case reflect.Struct:
- if dst.Type() == timeType {
- tv, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, string(src))
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- dst.Set(reflect.ValueOf(tv))
- }
- }
- return nil
-// unmarshalPath walks down an XML structure looking for wanted
-// paths, and calls unmarshal on them.
-// The consumed result tells whether XML elements have been consumed
-// from the Decoder until start's matching end element, or if it's
-// still untouched because start is uninteresting for sv's fields.
-func (p *Decoder) unmarshalPath(tinfo *typeInfo, sv reflect.Value, parents []string, start *StartElement) (consumed bool, err error) {
- recurse := false
- for i := range tinfo.fields {
- finfo := &tinfo.fields[i]
- if finfo.flags&fElement == 0 || len(finfo.parents) < len(parents) {
- continue
- }
- for j := range parents {
- if parents[j] != finfo.parents[j] {
- continue Loop
- }
- }
- if len(finfo.parents) == len(parents) && finfo.name == start.Name.Local {
- // It's a perfect match, unmarshal the field.
- return true, p.unmarshal(finfo.value(sv), start)
- }
- if len(finfo.parents) > len(parents) && finfo.parents[len(parents)] == start.Name.Local {
- // It's a prefix for the field. Break and recurse
- // since it's not ok for one field path to be itself
- // the prefix for another field path.
- recurse = true
- // We can reuse the same slice as long as we
- // don't try to append to it.
- parents = finfo.parents[:len(parents)+1]
- break
- }
- }
- if !recurse {
- // We have no business with this element.
- return false, nil
- }
- // The element is not a perfect match for any field, but one
- // or more fields have the path to this element as a parent
- // prefix. Recurse and attempt to match these.
- for {
- var tok Token
- tok, err = p.Token()
- if err != nil {
- return true, err
- }
- switch t := tok.(type) {
- case StartElement:
- consumed2, err := p.unmarshalPath(tinfo, sv, parents, &t)
- if err != nil {
- return true, err
- }
- if !consumed2 {
- if err := p.Skip(); err != nil {
- return true, err
- }
- }
- case EndElement:
- return true, nil
- }
- }
- panic("unreachable")
-// Skip reads tokens until it has consumed the end element
-// matching the most recent start element already consumed.
-// It recurs if it encounters a start element, so it can be used to
-// skip nested structures.
-// It returns nil if it finds an end element matching the start
-// element; otherwise it returns an error describing the problem.
-func (d *Decoder) Skip() error {
- for {
- tok, err := d.Token()
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- switch tok.(type) {
- case StartElement:
- if err := d.Skip(); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- case EndElement:
- return nil
- }
- }
- panic("unreachable")
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/xml/read_test.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/xml/read_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index b45e2f0e6..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/xml/read_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,401 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package xml
-import (
- "reflect"
- "testing"
- "time"
-// Stripped down Atom feed data structures.
-func TestUnmarshalFeed(t *testing.T) {
- var f Feed
- if err := Unmarshal([]byte(atomFeedString), &f); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Unmarshal: %s", err)
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(f, atomFeed) {
- t.Fatalf("have %#v\nwant %#v", f, atomFeed)
- }
-// hget http://codereview.appspot.com/rss/mine/rsc
-const atomFeedString = `
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xml:lang="en-us" updated="2009-10-04T01:35:58+00:00"><title>Code Review - My issues</title><link href="http://codereview.appspot.com/" rel="alternate"></link><link href="http://codereview.appspot.com/rss/mine/rsc" rel="self"></link><id>http://codereview.appspot.com/</id><author><name>rietveld&lt;&gt;</name></author><entry><title>rietveld: an attempt at pubsubhubbub
-</title><link href="http://codereview.appspot.com/126085" rel="alternate"></link><updated>2009-10-04T01:35:58+00:00</updated><author><name>email-address-removed</name></author><id>urn:md5:134d9179c41f806be79b3a5f7877d19a</id><summary type="html">
- An attempt at adding pubsubhubbub support to Rietveld.
-The server side of the protocol is trivial:
- 1. add a &amp;lt;link rel=&amp;quot;hub&amp;quot; href=&amp;quot;hub-server&amp;quot;&amp;gt; tag to all
- feeds that will be pubsubhubbubbed.
- 2. every time one of those feeds changes, tell the hub
- with a simple POST request.
-I have tested this by adding debug prints to a local hub
-server and checking that the server got the right publish
-I can&amp;#39;t quite get the server to work, but I think the bug
-is not in my code. I think that the server expects to be
-able to grab the feed and see the feed&amp;#39;s actual URL in
-the link rel=&amp;quot;self&amp;quot;, but the default value for that drops
-the :port from the URL, and I cannot for the life of me
-figure out how to get the Atom generator deep inside
-django not to do that, or even where it is doing that,
-or even what code is running to generate the Atom feed.
-(I thought I knew but I added some assert False statements
-and it kept running!)
-Ignoring that particular problem, I would appreciate
-feedback on the right way to get the two values at
-the top of feeds.py marked NOTE(rsc).
-</summary></entry><entry><title>rietveld: correct tab handling
-</title><link href="http://codereview.appspot.com/124106" rel="alternate"></link><updated>2009-10-03T23:02:17+00:00</updated><author><name>email-address-removed</name></author><id>urn:md5:0a2a4f19bb815101f0ba2904aed7c35a</id><summary type="html">
- This fixes the buggy tab rendering that can be seen at
-The fundamental problem was that the tab code was
-not being told what column the text began in, so it
-didn&amp;#39;t know where to put the tab stops. Another problem
-was that some of the code assumed that string byte
-offsets were the same as column offsets, which is only
-true if there are no tabs.
-In the process of fixing this, I cleaned up the arguments
-to Fold and ExpandTabs and renamed them Break and
-_ExpandTabs so that I could be sure that I found all the
-call sites. I also wanted to verify that ExpandTabs was
-not being used from outside intra_region_diff.py.
-</summary></entry></feed> `
-type Feed struct {
- XMLName Name `xml:"http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom feed"`
- Title string `xml:"title"`
- Id string `xml:"id"`
- Link []Link `xml:"link"`
- Updated time.Time `xml:"updated,attr"`
- Author Person `xml:"author"`
- Entry []Entry `xml:"entry"`
-type Entry struct {
- Title string `xml:"title"`
- Id string `xml:"id"`
- Link []Link `xml:"link"`
- Updated time.Time `xml:"updated"`
- Author Person `xml:"author"`
- Summary Text `xml:"summary"`
-type Link struct {
- Rel string `xml:"rel,attr,omitempty"`
- Href string `xml:"href,attr"`
-type Person struct {
- Name string `xml:"name"`
- URI string `xml:"uri"`
- Email string `xml:"email"`
- InnerXML string `xml:",innerxml"`
-type Text struct {
- Type string `xml:"type,attr,omitempty"`
- Body string `xml:",chardata"`
-var atomFeed = Feed{
- XMLName: Name{"http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom", "feed"},
- Title: "Code Review - My issues",
- Link: []Link{
- {Rel: "alternate", Href: "http://codereview.appspot.com/"},
- {Rel: "self", Href: "http://codereview.appspot.com/rss/mine/rsc"},
- },
- Id: "http://codereview.appspot.com/",
- Updated: ParseTime("2009-10-04T01:35:58+00:00"),
- Author: Person{
- Name: "rietveld<>",
- InnerXML: "<name>rietveld&lt;&gt;</name>",
- },
- Entry: []Entry{
- {
- Title: "rietveld: an attempt at pubsubhubbub\n",
- Link: []Link{
- {Rel: "alternate", Href: "http://codereview.appspot.com/126085"},
- },
- Updated: ParseTime("2009-10-04T01:35:58+00:00"),
- Author: Person{
- Name: "email-address-removed",
- InnerXML: "<name>email-address-removed</name>",
- },
- Id: "urn:md5:134d9179c41f806be79b3a5f7877d19a",
- Summary: Text{
- Type: "html",
- Body: `
- An attempt at adding pubsubhubbub support to Rietveld.
-The server side of the protocol is trivial:
- 1. add a &lt;link rel=&quot;hub&quot; href=&quot;hub-server&quot;&gt; tag to all
- feeds that will be pubsubhubbubbed.
- 2. every time one of those feeds changes, tell the hub
- with a simple POST request.
-I have tested this by adding debug prints to a local hub
-server and checking that the server got the right publish
-I can&#39;t quite get the server to work, but I think the bug
-is not in my code. I think that the server expects to be
-able to grab the feed and see the feed&#39;s actual URL in
-the link rel=&quot;self&quot;, but the default value for that drops
-the :port from the URL, and I cannot for the life of me
-figure out how to get the Atom generator deep inside
-django not to do that, or even where it is doing that,
-or even what code is running to generate the Atom feed.
-(I thought I knew but I added some assert False statements
-and it kept running!)
-Ignoring that particular problem, I would appreciate
-feedback on the right way to get the two values at
-the top of feeds.py marked NOTE(rsc).
- },
- },
- {
- Title: "rietveld: correct tab handling\n",
- Link: []Link{
- {Rel: "alternate", Href: "http://codereview.appspot.com/124106"},
- },
- Updated: ParseTime("2009-10-03T23:02:17+00:00"),
- Author: Person{
- Name: "email-address-removed",
- InnerXML: "<name>email-address-removed</name>",
- },
- Id: "urn:md5:0a2a4f19bb815101f0ba2904aed7c35a",
- Summary: Text{
- Type: "html",
- Body: `
- This fixes the buggy tab rendering that can be seen at
-The fundamental problem was that the tab code was
-not being told what column the text began in, so it
-didn&#39;t know where to put the tab stops. Another problem
-was that some of the code assumed that string byte
-offsets were the same as column offsets, which is only
-true if there are no tabs.
-In the process of fixing this, I cleaned up the arguments
-to Fold and ExpandTabs and renamed them Break and
-_ExpandTabs so that I could be sure that I found all the
-call sites. I also wanted to verify that ExpandTabs was
-not being used from outside intra_region_diff.py.
- },
- },
- },
-const pathTestString = `
- <Before>1</Before>
- <Items>
- <Item1>
- <Value>A</Value>
- </Item1>
- <Item2>
- <Value>B</Value>
- </Item2>
- <Item1>
- <Value>C</Value>
- <Value>D</Value>
- </Item1>
- <_>
- <Value>E</Value>
- </_>
- </Items>
- <After>2</After>
-type PathTestItem struct {
- Value string
-type PathTestA struct {
- Items []PathTestItem `xml:">Item1"`
- Before, After string
-type PathTestB struct {
- Other []PathTestItem `xml:"Items>Item1"`
- Before, After string
-type PathTestC struct {
- Values1 []string `xml:"Items>Item1>Value"`
- Values2 []string `xml:"Items>Item2>Value"`
- Before, After string
-type PathTestSet struct {
- Item1 []PathTestItem
-type PathTestD struct {
- Other PathTestSet `xml:"Items"`
- Before, After string
-type PathTestE struct {
- Underline string `xml:"Items>_>Value"`
- Before, After string
-var pathTests = []interface{}{
- &PathTestA{Items: []PathTestItem{{"A"}, {"D"}}, Before: "1", After: "2"},
- &PathTestB{Other: []PathTestItem{{"A"}, {"D"}}, Before: "1", After: "2"},
- &PathTestC{Values1: []string{"A", "C", "D"}, Values2: []string{"B"}, Before: "1", After: "2"},
- &PathTestD{Other: PathTestSet{Item1: []PathTestItem{{"A"}, {"D"}}}, Before: "1", After: "2"},
- &PathTestE{Underline: "E", Before: "1", After: "2"},
-func TestUnmarshalPaths(t *testing.T) {
- for _, pt := range pathTests {
- v := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(pt).Elem()).Interface()
- if err := Unmarshal([]byte(pathTestString), v); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Unmarshal: %s", err)
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(v, pt) {
- t.Fatalf("have %#v\nwant %#v", v, pt)
- }
- }
-type BadPathTestA struct {
- First string `xml:"items>item1"`
- Other string `xml:"items>item2"`
- Second string `xml:"items"`
-type BadPathTestB struct {
- Other string `xml:"items>item2>value"`
- First string `xml:"items>item1"`
- Second string `xml:"items>item1>value"`
-type BadPathTestC struct {
- First string
- Second string `xml:"First"`
-type BadPathTestD struct {
- BadPathEmbeddedA
- BadPathEmbeddedB
-type BadPathEmbeddedA struct {
- First string
-type BadPathEmbeddedB struct {
- Second string `xml:"First"`
-var badPathTests = []struct {
- v, e interface{}
- {&BadPathTestA{}, &TagPathError{reflect.TypeOf(BadPathTestA{}), "First", "items>item1", "Second", "items"}},
- {&BadPathTestB{}, &TagPathError{reflect.TypeOf(BadPathTestB{}), "First", "items>item1", "Second", "items>item1>value"}},
- {&BadPathTestC{}, &TagPathError{reflect.TypeOf(BadPathTestC{}), "First", "", "Second", "First"}},
- {&BadPathTestD{}, &TagPathError{reflect.TypeOf(BadPathTestD{}), "First", "", "Second", "First"}},
-func TestUnmarshalBadPaths(t *testing.T) {
- for _, tt := range badPathTests {
- err := Unmarshal([]byte(pathTestString), tt.v)
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(err, tt.e) {
- t.Fatalf("Unmarshal with %#v didn't fail properly:\nhave %#v,\nwant %#v", tt.v, err, tt.e)
- }
- }
-const OK = "OK"
-const withoutNameTypeData = `
-<?xml version="1.0" charset="utf-8"?>
-<Test3 Attr="OK" />`
-type TestThree struct {
- XMLName Name `xml:"Test3"`
- Attr string `xml:",attr"`
-func TestUnmarshalWithoutNameType(t *testing.T) {
- var x TestThree
- if err := Unmarshal([]byte(withoutNameTypeData), &x); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Unmarshal: %s", err)
- }
- if x.Attr != OK {
- t.Fatalf("have %v\nwant %v", x.Attr, OK)
- }
-func TestUnmarshalAttr(t *testing.T) {
- type ParamVal struct {
- Int int `xml:"int,attr"`
- }
- type ParamPtr struct {
- Int *int `xml:"int,attr"`
- }
- type ParamStringPtr struct {
- Int *string `xml:"int,attr"`
- }
- x := []byte(`<Param int="1" />`)
- p1 := &ParamPtr{}
- if err := Unmarshal(x, p1); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Unmarshal: %s", err)
- }
- if p1.Int == nil {
- t.Fatalf("Unmarshal failed in to *int field")
- } else if *p1.Int != 1 {
- t.Fatalf("Unmarshal with %s failed:\nhave %#v,\n want %#v", x, p1.Int, 1)
- }
- p2 := &ParamVal{}
- if err := Unmarshal(x, p2); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Unmarshal: %s", err)
- }
- if p2.Int != 1 {
- t.Fatalf("Unmarshal with %s failed:\nhave %#v,\n want %#v", x, p2.Int, 1)
- }
- p3 := &ParamStringPtr{}
- if err := Unmarshal(x, p3); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("Unmarshal: %s", err)
- }
- if p3.Int == nil {
- t.Fatalf("Unmarshal failed in to *string field")
- } else if *p3.Int != "1" {
- t.Fatalf("Unmarshal with %s failed:\nhave %#v,\n want %#v", x, p3.Int, 1)
- }
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/xml/typeinfo.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/xml/typeinfo.go
deleted file mode 100644
index bbeb28d87..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/xml/typeinfo.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package xml
-import (
- "fmt"
- "reflect"
- "strings"
- "sync"
-// typeInfo holds details for the xml representation of a type.
-type typeInfo struct {
- xmlname *fieldInfo
- fields []fieldInfo
-// fieldInfo holds details for the xml representation of a single field.
-type fieldInfo struct {
- idx []int
- name string
- xmlns string
- flags fieldFlags
- parents []string
-type fieldFlags int
-const (
- fElement fieldFlags = 1 << iota
- fAttr
- fCharData
- fInnerXml
- fComment
- fAny
- fOmitEmpty
- fMode = fElement | fAttr | fCharData | fInnerXml | fComment | fAny
-var tinfoMap = make(map[reflect.Type]*typeInfo)
-var tinfoLock sync.RWMutex
-var nameType = reflect.TypeOf(Name{})
-// getTypeInfo returns the typeInfo structure with details necessary
-// for marshalling and unmarshalling typ.
-func getTypeInfo(typ reflect.Type) (*typeInfo, error) {
- tinfoLock.RLock()
- tinfo, ok := tinfoMap[typ]
- tinfoLock.RUnlock()
- if ok {
- return tinfo, nil
- }
- tinfo = &typeInfo{}
- if typ.Kind() == reflect.Struct && typ != nameType {
- n := typ.NumField()
- for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
- f := typ.Field(i)
- if f.PkgPath != "" || f.Tag.Get("xml") == "-" {
- continue // Private field
- }
- // For embedded structs, embed its fields.
- if f.Anonymous {
- t := f.Type
- if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
- t = t.Elem()
- }
- if t.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
- continue
- }
- inner, err := getTypeInfo(t)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- for _, finfo := range inner.fields {
- finfo.idx = append([]int{i}, finfo.idx...)
- if err := addFieldInfo(typ, tinfo, &finfo); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- }
- continue
- }
- finfo, err := structFieldInfo(typ, &f)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- if f.Name == "XMLName" {
- tinfo.xmlname = finfo
- continue
- }
- // Add the field if it doesn't conflict with other fields.
- if err := addFieldInfo(typ, tinfo, finfo); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- }
- }
- tinfoLock.Lock()
- tinfoMap[typ] = tinfo
- tinfoLock.Unlock()
- return tinfo, nil
-// structFieldInfo builds and returns a fieldInfo for f.
-func structFieldInfo(typ reflect.Type, f *reflect.StructField) (*fieldInfo, error) {
- finfo := &fieldInfo{idx: f.Index}
- // Split the tag from the xml namespace if necessary.
- tag := f.Tag.Get("xml")
- if i := strings.Index(tag, " "); i >= 0 {
- finfo.xmlns, tag = tag[:i], tag[i+1:]
- }
- // Parse flags.
- tokens := strings.Split(tag, ",")
- if len(tokens) == 1 {
- finfo.flags = fElement
- } else {
- tag = tokens[0]
- for _, flag := range tokens[1:] {
- switch flag {
- case "attr":
- finfo.flags |= fAttr
- case "chardata":
- finfo.flags |= fCharData
- case "innerxml":
- finfo.flags |= fInnerXml
- case "comment":
- finfo.flags |= fComment
- case "any":
- finfo.flags |= fAny
- case "omitempty":
- finfo.flags |= fOmitEmpty
- }
- }
- // Validate the flags used.
- valid := true
- switch mode := finfo.flags & fMode; mode {
- case 0:
- finfo.flags |= fElement
- case fAttr, fCharData, fInnerXml, fComment, fAny:
- if f.Name == "XMLName" || tag != "" && mode != fAttr {
- valid = false
- }
- default:
- // This will also catch multiple modes in a single field.
- valid = false
- }
- if finfo.flags&fMode == fAny {
- finfo.flags |= fElement
- }
- if finfo.flags&fOmitEmpty != 0 && finfo.flags&(fElement|fAttr) == 0 {
- valid = false
- }
- if !valid {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("xml: invalid tag in field %s of type %s: %q",
- f.Name, typ, f.Tag.Get("xml"))
- }
- }
- // Use of xmlns without a name is not allowed.
- if finfo.xmlns != "" && tag == "" {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("xml: namespace without name in field %s of type %s: %q",
- f.Name, typ, f.Tag.Get("xml"))
- }
- if f.Name == "XMLName" {
- // The XMLName field records the XML element name. Don't
- // process it as usual because its name should default to
- // empty rather than to the field name.
- finfo.name = tag
- return finfo, nil
- }
- if tag == "" {
- // If the name part of the tag is completely empty, get
- // default from XMLName of underlying struct if feasible,
- // or field name otherwise.
- if xmlname := lookupXMLName(f.Type); xmlname != nil {
- finfo.xmlns, finfo.name = xmlname.xmlns, xmlname.name
- } else {
- finfo.name = f.Name
- }
- return finfo, nil
- }
- // Prepare field name and parents.
- tokens = strings.Split(tag, ">")
- if tokens[0] == "" {
- tokens[0] = f.Name
- }
- if tokens[len(tokens)-1] == "" {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("xml: trailing '>' in field %s of type %s", f.Name, typ)
- }
- finfo.name = tokens[len(tokens)-1]
- if len(tokens) > 1 {
- finfo.parents = tokens[:len(tokens)-1]
- }
- // If the field type has an XMLName field, the names must match
- // so that the behavior of both marshalling and unmarshalling
- // is straightforward and unambiguous.
- if finfo.flags&fElement != 0 {
- ftyp := f.Type
- xmlname := lookupXMLName(ftyp)
- if xmlname != nil && xmlname.name != finfo.name {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("xml: name %q in tag of %s.%s conflicts with name %q in %s.XMLName",
- finfo.name, typ, f.Name, xmlname.name, ftyp)
- }
- }
- return finfo, nil
-// lookupXMLName returns the fieldInfo for typ's XMLName field
-// in case it exists and has a valid xml field tag, otherwise
-// it returns nil.
-func lookupXMLName(typ reflect.Type) (xmlname *fieldInfo) {
- for typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
- typ = typ.Elem()
- }
- if typ.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
- return nil
- }
- for i, n := 0, typ.NumField(); i < n; i++ {
- f := typ.Field(i)
- if f.Name != "XMLName" {
- continue
- }
- finfo, err := structFieldInfo(typ, &f)
- if finfo.name != "" && err == nil {
- return finfo
- }
- // Also consider errors as a non-existent field tag
- // and let getTypeInfo itself report the error.
- break
- }
- return nil
-func min(a, b int) int {
- if a <= b {
- return a
- }
- return b
-// addFieldInfo adds finfo to tinfo.fields if there are no
-// conflicts, or if conflicts arise from previous fields that were
-// obtained from deeper embedded structures than finfo. In the latter
-// case, the conflicting entries are dropped.
-// A conflict occurs when the path (parent + name) to a field is
-// itself a prefix of another path, or when two paths match exactly.
-// It is okay for field paths to share a common, shorter prefix.
-func addFieldInfo(typ reflect.Type, tinfo *typeInfo, newf *fieldInfo) error {
- var conflicts []int
- // First, figure all conflicts. Most working code will have none.
- for i := range tinfo.fields {
- oldf := &tinfo.fields[i]
- if oldf.flags&fMode != newf.flags&fMode {
- continue
- }
- minl := min(len(newf.parents), len(oldf.parents))
- for p := 0; p < minl; p++ {
- if oldf.parents[p] != newf.parents[p] {
- continue Loop
- }
- }
- if len(oldf.parents) > len(newf.parents) {
- if oldf.parents[len(newf.parents)] == newf.name {
- conflicts = append(conflicts, i)
- }
- } else if len(oldf.parents) < len(newf.parents) {
- if newf.parents[len(oldf.parents)] == oldf.name {
- conflicts = append(conflicts, i)
- }
- } else {
- if newf.name == oldf.name {
- conflicts = append(conflicts, i)
- }
- }
- }
- // Without conflicts, add the new field and return.
- if conflicts == nil {
- tinfo.fields = append(tinfo.fields, *newf)
- return nil
- }
- // If any conflict is shallower, ignore the new field.
- // This matches the Go field resolution on embedding.
- for _, i := range conflicts {
- if len(tinfo.fields[i].idx) < len(newf.idx) {
- return nil
- }
- }
- // Otherwise, if any of them is at the same depth level, it's an error.
- for _, i := range conflicts {
- oldf := &tinfo.fields[i]
- if len(oldf.idx) == len(newf.idx) {
- f1 := typ.FieldByIndex(oldf.idx)
- f2 := typ.FieldByIndex(newf.idx)
- return &TagPathError{typ, f1.Name, f1.Tag.Get("xml"), f2.Name, f2.Tag.Get("xml")}
- }
- }
- // Otherwise, the new field is shallower, and thus takes precedence,
- // so drop the conflicting fields from tinfo and append the new one.
- for c := len(conflicts) - 1; c >= 0; c-- {
- i := conflicts[c]
- copy(tinfo.fields[i:], tinfo.fields[i+1:])
- tinfo.fields = tinfo.fields[:len(tinfo.fields)-1]
- }
- tinfo.fields = append(tinfo.fields, *newf)
- return nil
-// A TagPathError represents an error in the unmarshalling process
-// caused by the use of field tags with conflicting paths.
-type TagPathError struct {
- Struct reflect.Type
- Field1, Tag1 string
- Field2, Tag2 string
-func (e *TagPathError) Error() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("%s field %q with tag %q conflicts with field %q with tag %q", e.Struct, e.Field1, e.Tag1, e.Field2, e.Tag2)
-// value returns v's field value corresponding to finfo.
-// It's equivalent to v.FieldByIndex(finfo.idx), but initializes
-// and dereferences pointers as necessary.
-func (finfo *fieldInfo) value(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value {
- for i, x := range finfo.idx {
- if i > 0 {
- t := v.Type()
- if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
- if v.IsNil() {
- v.Set(reflect.New(v.Type().Elem()))
- }
- v = v.Elem()
- }
- }
- v = v.Field(x)
- }
- return v
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/xml/xml.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/xml/xml.go
deleted file mode 100644
index decb2bec6..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/xml/xml.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1777 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// Package xml implements a simple XML 1.0 parser that
-// understands XML name spaces.
-package xml
-// References:
-// Annotated XML spec: http://www.xml.com/axml/testaxml.htm
-// XML name spaces: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/
-// TODO(rsc):
-// Test error handling.
-import (
- "bufio"
- "bytes"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "strconv"
- "strings"
- "unicode"
- "unicode/utf8"
-// A SyntaxError represents a syntax error in the XML input stream.
-type SyntaxError struct {
- Msg string
- Line int
-func (e *SyntaxError) Error() string {
- return "XML syntax error on line " + strconv.Itoa(e.Line) + ": " + e.Msg
-// A Name represents an XML name (Local) annotated
-// with a name space identifier (Space).
-// In tokens returned by Decoder.Token, the Space identifier
-// is given as a canonical URL, not the short prefix used
-// in the document being parsed.
-type Name struct {
- Space, Local string
-// An Attr represents an attribute in an XML element (Name=Value).
-type Attr struct {
- Name Name
- Value string
-// A Token is an interface holding one of the token types:
-// StartElement, EndElement, CharData, Comment, ProcInst, or Directive.
-type Token interface{}
-// A StartElement represents an XML start element.
-type StartElement struct {
- Name Name
- Attr []Attr
-func (e StartElement) Copy() StartElement {
- attrs := make([]Attr, len(e.Attr))
- copy(attrs, e.Attr)
- e.Attr = attrs
- return e
-// An EndElement represents an XML end element.
-type EndElement struct {
- Name Name
-// A CharData represents XML character data (raw text),
-// in which XML escape sequences have been replaced by
-// the characters they represent.
-type CharData []byte
-func makeCopy(b []byte) []byte {
- b1 := make([]byte, len(b))
- copy(b1, b)
- return b1
-func (c CharData) Copy() CharData { return CharData(makeCopy(c)) }
-// A Comment represents an XML comment of the form <!--comment-->.
-// The bytes do not include the <!-- and --> comment markers.
-type Comment []byte
-func (c Comment) Copy() Comment { return Comment(makeCopy(c)) }
-// A ProcInst represents an XML processing instruction of the form <?target inst?>
-type ProcInst struct {
- Target string
- Inst []byte
-func (p ProcInst) Copy() ProcInst {
- p.Inst = makeCopy(p.Inst)
- return p
-// A Directive represents an XML directive of the form <!text>.
-// The bytes do not include the <! and > markers.
-type Directive []byte
-func (d Directive) Copy() Directive { return Directive(makeCopy(d)) }
-// CopyToken returns a copy of a Token.
-func CopyToken(t Token) Token {
- switch v := t.(type) {
- case CharData:
- return v.Copy()
- case Comment:
- return v.Copy()
- case Directive:
- return v.Copy()
- case ProcInst:
- return v.Copy()
- case StartElement:
- return v.Copy()
- }
- return t
-// A Decoder represents an XML parser reading a particular input stream.
-// The parser assumes that its input is encoded in UTF-8.
-type Decoder struct {
- // Strict defaults to true, enforcing the requirements
- // of the XML specification.
- // If set to false, the parser allows input containing common
- // mistakes:
- // * If an element is missing an end tag, the parser invents
- // end tags as necessary to keep the return values from Token
- // properly balanced.
- // * In attribute values and character data, unknown or malformed
- // character entities (sequences beginning with &) are left alone.
- //
- // Setting:
- //
- // d.Strict = false;
- // d.AutoClose = HTMLAutoClose;
- // d.Entity = HTMLEntity
- //
- // creates a parser that can handle typical HTML.
- Strict bool
- // When Strict == false, AutoClose indicates a set of elements to
- // consider closed immediately after they are opened, regardless
- // of whether an end element is present.
- AutoClose []string
- // Entity can be used to map non-standard entity names to string replacements.
- // The parser behaves as if these standard mappings are present in the map,
- // regardless of the actual map content:
- //
- // "lt": "<",
- // "gt": ">",
- // "amp": "&",
- // "apos": "'",
- // "quot": `"`,
- Entity map[string]string
- // CharsetReader, if non-nil, defines a function to generate
- // charset-conversion readers, converting from the provided
- // non-UTF-8 charset into UTF-8. If CharsetReader is nil or
- // returns an error, parsing stops with an error. One of the
- // the CharsetReader's result values must be non-nil.
- CharsetReader func(charset string, input io.Reader) (io.Reader, error)
- r io.ByteReader
- buf bytes.Buffer
- saved *bytes.Buffer
- stk *stack
- free *stack
- needClose bool
- toClose Name
- nextToken Token
- nextByte int
- ns map[string]string
- err error
- line int
-// NewDecoder creates a new XML parser reading from r.
-func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) *Decoder {
- d := &Decoder{
- ns: make(map[string]string),
- nextByte: -1,
- line: 1,
- Strict: true,
- }
- d.switchToReader(r)
- return d
-// Token returns the next XML token in the input stream.
-// At the end of the input stream, Token returns nil, io.EOF.
-// Slices of bytes in the returned token data refer to the
-// parser's internal buffer and remain valid only until the next
-// call to Token. To acquire a copy of the bytes, call CopyToken
-// or the token's Copy method.
-// Token expands self-closing elements such as <br/>
-// into separate start and end elements returned by successive calls.
-// Token guarantees that the StartElement and EndElement
-// tokens it returns are properly nested and matched:
-// if Token encounters an unexpected end element,
-// it will return an error.
-// Token implements XML name spaces as described by
-// http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/. Each of the
-// Name structures contained in the Token has the Space
-// set to the URL identifying its name space when known.
-// If Token encounters an unrecognized name space prefix,
-// it uses the prefix as the Space rather than report an error.
-func (d *Decoder) Token() (t Token, err error) {
- if d.nextToken != nil {
- t = d.nextToken
- d.nextToken = nil
- } else if t, err = d.RawToken(); err != nil {
- return
- }
- if !d.Strict {
- if t1, ok := d.autoClose(t); ok {
- d.nextToken = t
- t = t1
- }
- }
- switch t1 := t.(type) {
- case StartElement:
- // In XML name spaces, the translations listed in the
- // attributes apply to the element name and
- // to the other attribute names, so process
- // the translations first.
- for _, a := range t1.Attr {
- if a.Name.Space == "xmlns" {
- v, ok := d.ns[a.Name.Local]
- d.pushNs(a.Name.Local, v, ok)
- d.ns[a.Name.Local] = a.Value
- }
- if a.Name.Space == "" && a.Name.Local == "xmlns" {
- // Default space for untagged names
- v, ok := d.ns[""]
- d.pushNs("", v, ok)
- d.ns[""] = a.Value
- }
- }
- d.translate(&t1.Name, true)
- for i := range t1.Attr {
- d.translate(&t1.Attr[i].Name, false)
- }
- d.pushElement(t1.Name)
- t = t1
- case EndElement:
- d.translate(&t1.Name, true)
- if !d.popElement(&t1) {
- return nil, d.err
- }
- t = t1
- }
- return
-// Apply name space translation to name n.
-// The default name space (for Space=="")
-// applies only to element names, not to attribute names.
-func (d *Decoder) translate(n *Name, isElementName bool) {
- switch {
- case n.Space == "xmlns":
- return
- case n.Space == "" && !isElementName:
- return
- case n.Space == "" && n.Local == "xmlns":
- return
- }
- if v, ok := d.ns[n.Space]; ok {
- n.Space = v
- }
-func (d *Decoder) switchToReader(r io.Reader) {
- // Get efficient byte at a time reader.
- // Assume that if reader has its own
- // ReadByte, it's efficient enough.
- // Otherwise, use bufio.
- if rb, ok := r.(io.ByteReader); ok {
- d.r = rb
- } else {
- d.r = bufio.NewReader(r)
- }
-// Parsing state - stack holds old name space translations
-// and the current set of open elements. The translations to pop when
-// ending a given tag are *below* it on the stack, which is
-// more work but forced on us by XML.
-type stack struct {
- next *stack
- kind int
- name Name
- ok bool
-const (
- stkStart = iota
- stkNs
-func (d *Decoder) push(kind int) *stack {
- s := d.free
- if s != nil {
- d.free = s.next
- } else {
- s = new(stack)
- }
- s.next = d.stk
- s.kind = kind
- d.stk = s
- return s
-func (d *Decoder) pop() *stack {
- s := d.stk
- if s != nil {
- d.stk = s.next
- s.next = d.free
- d.free = s
- }
- return s
-// Record that we are starting an element with the given name.
-func (d *Decoder) pushElement(name Name) {
- s := d.push(stkStart)
- s.name = name
-// Record that we are changing the value of ns[local].
-// The old value is url, ok.
-func (d *Decoder) pushNs(local string, url string, ok bool) {
- s := d.push(stkNs)
- s.name.Local = local
- s.name.Space = url
- s.ok = ok
-// Creates a SyntaxError with the current line number.
-func (d *Decoder) syntaxError(msg string) error {
- return &SyntaxError{Msg: msg, Line: d.line}
-// Record that we are ending an element with the given name.
-// The name must match the record at the top of the stack,
-// which must be a pushElement record.
-// After popping the element, apply any undo records from
-// the stack to restore the name translations that existed
-// before we saw this element.
-func (d *Decoder) popElement(t *EndElement) bool {
- s := d.pop()
- name := t.Name
- switch {
- case s == nil || s.kind != stkStart:
- d.err = d.syntaxError("unexpected end element </" + name.Local + ">")
- return false
- case s.name.Local != name.Local:
- if !d.Strict {
- d.needClose = true
- d.toClose = t.Name
- t.Name = s.name
- return true
- }
- d.err = d.syntaxError("element <" + s.name.Local + "> closed by </" + name.Local + ">")
- return false
- case s.name.Space != name.Space:
- d.err = d.syntaxError("element <" + s.name.Local + "> in space " + s.name.Space +
- "closed by </" + name.Local + "> in space " + name.Space)
- return false
- }
- // Pop stack until a Start is on the top, undoing the
- // translations that were associated with the element we just closed.
- for d.stk != nil && d.stk.kind != stkStart {
- s := d.pop()
- if s.ok {
- d.ns[s.name.Local] = s.name.Space
- } else {
- delete(d.ns, s.name.Local)
- }
- }
- return true
-// If the top element on the stack is autoclosing and
-// t is not the end tag, invent the end tag.
-func (d *Decoder) autoClose(t Token) (Token, bool) {
- if d.stk == nil || d.stk.kind != stkStart {
- return nil, false
- }
- name := strings.ToLower(d.stk.name.Local)
- for _, s := range d.AutoClose {
- if strings.ToLower(s) == name {
- // This one should be auto closed if t doesn't close it.
- et, ok := t.(EndElement)
- if !ok || et.Name.Local != name {
- return EndElement{d.stk.name}, true
- }
- break
- }
- }
- return nil, false
-// RawToken is like Token but does not verify that
-// start and end elements match and does not translate
-// name space prefixes to their corresponding URLs.
-func (d *Decoder) RawToken() (Token, error) {
- if d.err != nil {
- return nil, d.err
- }
- if d.needClose {
- // The last element we read was self-closing and
- // we returned just the StartElement half.
- // Return the EndElement half now.
- d.needClose = false
- return EndElement{d.toClose}, nil
- }
- b, ok := d.getc()
- if !ok {
- return nil, d.err
- }
- if b != '<' {
- // Text section.
- d.ungetc(b)
- data := d.text(-1, false)
- if data == nil {
- return nil, d.err
- }
- return CharData(data), nil
- }
- if b, ok = d.mustgetc(); !ok {
- return nil, d.err
- }
- switch b {
- case '/':
- // </: End element
- var name Name
- if name, ok = d.nsname(); !ok {
- if d.err == nil {
- d.err = d.syntaxError("expected element name after </")
- }
- return nil, d.err
- }
- d.space()
- if b, ok = d.mustgetc(); !ok {
- return nil, d.err
- }
- if b != '>' {
- d.err = d.syntaxError("invalid characters between </" + name.Local + " and >")
- return nil, d.err
- }
- return EndElement{name}, nil
- case '?':
- // <?: Processing instruction.
- // TODO(rsc): Should parse the <?xml declaration to make sure
- // the version is 1.0 and the encoding is UTF-8.
- var target string
- if target, ok = d.name(); !ok {
- if d.err == nil {
- d.err = d.syntaxError("expected target name after <?")
- }
- return nil, d.err
- }
- d.space()
- d.buf.Reset()
- var b0 byte
- for {
- if b, ok = d.mustgetc(); !ok {
- return nil, d.err
- }
- d.buf.WriteByte(b)
- if b0 == '?' && b == '>' {
- break
- }
- b0 = b
- }
- data := d.buf.Bytes()
- data = data[0 : len(data)-2] // chop ?>
- if target == "xml" {
- enc := procInstEncoding(string(data))
- if enc != "" && enc != "utf-8" && enc != "UTF-8" {
- if d.CharsetReader == nil {
- d.err = fmt.Errorf("xml: encoding %q declared but Decoder.CharsetReader is nil", enc)
- return nil, d.err
- }
- newr, err := d.CharsetReader(enc, d.r.(io.Reader))
- if err != nil {
- d.err = fmt.Errorf("xml: opening charset %q: %v", enc, err)
- return nil, d.err
- }
- if newr == nil {
- panic("CharsetReader returned a nil Reader for charset " + enc)
- }
- d.switchToReader(newr)
- }
- }
- return ProcInst{target, data}, nil
- case '!':
- // <!: Maybe comment, maybe CDATA.
- if b, ok = d.mustgetc(); !ok {
- return nil, d.err
- }
- switch b {
- case '-': // <!-
- // Probably <!-- for a comment.
- if b, ok = d.mustgetc(); !ok {
- return nil, d.err
- }
- if b != '-' {
- d.err = d.syntaxError("invalid sequence <!- not part of <!--")
- return nil, d.err
- }
- // Look for terminator.
- d.buf.Reset()
- var b0, b1 byte
- for {
- if b, ok = d.mustgetc(); !ok {
- return nil, d.err
- }
- d.buf.WriteByte(b)
- if b0 == '-' && b1 == '-' && b == '>' {
- break
- }
- b0, b1 = b1, b
- }
- data := d.buf.Bytes()
- data = data[0 : len(data)-3] // chop -->
- return Comment(data), nil
- case '[': // <![
- // Probably <![CDATA[.
- for i := 0; i < 6; i++ {
- if b, ok = d.mustgetc(); !ok {
- return nil, d.err
- }
- if b != "CDATA["[i] {
- d.err = d.syntaxError("invalid <![ sequence")
- return nil, d.err
- }
- }
- // Have <![CDATA[. Read text until ]]>.
- data := d.text(-1, true)
- if data == nil {
- return nil, d.err
- }
- return CharData(data), nil
- }
- // Probably a directive: <!DOCTYPE ...>, <!ENTITY ...>, etc.
- // We don't care, but accumulate for caller. Quoted angle
- // brackets do not count for nesting.
- d.buf.Reset()
- d.buf.WriteByte(b)
- inquote := uint8(0)
- depth := 0
- for {
- if b, ok = d.mustgetc(); !ok {
- return nil, d.err
- }
- if inquote == 0 && b == '>' && depth == 0 {
- break
- }
- HandleB:
- d.buf.WriteByte(b)
- switch {
- case b == inquote:
- inquote = 0
- case inquote != 0:
- // in quotes, no special action
- case b == '\'' || b == '"':
- inquote = b
- case b == '>' && inquote == 0:
- depth--
- case b == '<' && inquote == 0:
- // Look for <!-- to begin comment.
- s := "!--"
- for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
- if b, ok = d.mustgetc(); !ok {
- return nil, d.err
- }
- if b != s[i] {
- for j := 0; j < i; j++ {
- d.buf.WriteByte(s[j])
- }
- depth++
- goto HandleB
- }
- }
- // Remove < that was written above.
- d.buf.Truncate(d.buf.Len() - 1)
- // Look for terminator.
- var b0, b1 byte
- for {
- if b, ok = d.mustgetc(); !ok {
- return nil, d.err
- }
- if b0 == '-' && b1 == '-' && b == '>' {
- break
- }
- b0, b1 = b1, b
- }
- }
- }
- return Directive(d.buf.Bytes()), nil
- }
- // Must be an open element like <a href="foo">
- d.ungetc(b)
- var (
- name Name
- empty bool
- attr []Attr
- )
- if name, ok = d.nsname(); !ok {
- if d.err == nil {
- d.err = d.syntaxError("expected element name after <")
- }
- return nil, d.err
- }
- attr = make([]Attr, 0, 4)
- for {
- d.space()
- if b, ok = d.mustgetc(); !ok {
- return nil, d.err
- }
- if b == '/' {
- empty = true
- if b, ok = d.mustgetc(); !ok {
- return nil, d.err
- }
- if b != '>' {
- d.err = d.syntaxError("expected /> in element")
- return nil, d.err
- }
- break
- }
- if b == '>' {
- break
- }
- d.ungetc(b)
- n := len(attr)
- if n >= cap(attr) {
- nattr := make([]Attr, n, 2*cap(attr))
- copy(nattr, attr)
- attr = nattr
- }
- attr = attr[0 : n+1]
- a := &attr[n]
- if a.Name, ok = d.nsname(); !ok {
- if d.err == nil {
- d.err = d.syntaxError("expected attribute name in element")
- }
- return nil, d.err
- }
- d.space()
- if b, ok = d.mustgetc(); !ok {
- return nil, d.err
- }
- if b != '=' {
- if d.Strict {
- d.err = d.syntaxError("attribute name without = in element")
- return nil, d.err
- } else {
- d.ungetc(b)
- a.Value = a.Name.Local
- }
- } else {
- d.space()
- data := d.attrval()
- if data == nil {
- return nil, d.err
- }
- a.Value = string(data)
- }
- }
- if empty {
- d.needClose = true
- d.toClose = name
- }
- return StartElement{name, attr}, nil
-func (d *Decoder) attrval() []byte {
- b, ok := d.mustgetc()
- if !ok {
- return nil
- }
- // Handle quoted attribute values
- if b == '"' || b == '\'' {
- return d.text(int(b), false)
- }
- // Handle unquoted attribute values for strict parsers
- if d.Strict {
- d.err = d.syntaxError("unquoted or missing attribute value in element")
- return nil
- }
- // Handle unquoted attribute values for unstrict parsers
- d.ungetc(b)
- d.buf.Reset()
- for {
- b, ok = d.mustgetc()
- if !ok {
- return nil
- }
- // http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/intro/sgmltut.html#h-3.2.2
- if 'a' <= b && b <= 'z' || 'A' <= b && b <= 'Z' ||
- '0' <= b && b <= '9' || b == '_' || b == ':' || b == '-' {
- d.buf.WriteByte(b)
- } else {
- d.ungetc(b)
- break
- }
- }
- return d.buf.Bytes()
-// Skip spaces if any
-func (d *Decoder) space() {
- for {
- b, ok := d.getc()
- if !ok {
- return
- }
- switch b {
- case ' ', '\r', '\n', '\t':
- default:
- d.ungetc(b)
- return
- }
- }
-// Read a single byte.
-// If there is no byte to read, return ok==false
-// and leave the error in d.err.
-// Maintain line number.
-func (d *Decoder) getc() (b byte, ok bool) {
- if d.err != nil {
- return 0, false
- }
- if d.nextByte >= 0 {
- b = byte(d.nextByte)
- d.nextByte = -1
- } else {
- b, d.err = d.r.ReadByte()
- if d.err != nil {
- return 0, false
- }
- if d.saved != nil {
- d.saved.WriteByte(b)
- }
- }
- if b == '\n' {
- d.line++
- }
- return b, true
-// Return saved offset.
-// If we did ungetc (nextByte >= 0), have to back up one.
-func (d *Decoder) savedOffset() int {
- n := d.saved.Len()
- if d.nextByte >= 0 {
- n--
- }
- return n
-// Must read a single byte.
-// If there is no byte to read,
-// set d.err to SyntaxError("unexpected EOF")
-// and return ok==false
-func (d *Decoder) mustgetc() (b byte, ok bool) {
- if b, ok = d.getc(); !ok {
- if d.err == io.EOF {
- d.err = d.syntaxError("unexpected EOF")
- }
- }
- return
-// Unread a single byte.
-func (d *Decoder) ungetc(b byte) {
- if b == '\n' {
- d.line--
- }
- d.nextByte = int(b)
-var entity = map[string]int{
- "lt": '<',
- "gt": '>',
- "amp": '&',
- "apos": '\'',
- "quot": '"',
-// Read plain text section (XML calls it character data).
-// If quote >= 0, we are in a quoted string and need to find the matching quote.
-// If cdata == true, we are in a <![CDATA[ section and need to find ]]>.
-// On failure return nil and leave the error in d.err.
-func (d *Decoder) text(quote int, cdata bool) []byte {
- var b0, b1 byte
- var trunc int
- d.buf.Reset()
- for {
- b, ok := d.getc()
- if !ok {
- if cdata {
- if d.err == io.EOF {
- d.err = d.syntaxError("unexpected EOF in CDATA section")
- }
- return nil
- }
- break Input
- }
- // <![CDATA[ section ends with ]]>.
- // It is an error for ]]> to appear in ordinary text.
- if b0 == ']' && b1 == ']' && b == '>' {
- if cdata {
- trunc = 2
- break Input
- }
- d.err = d.syntaxError("unescaped ]]> not in CDATA section")
- return nil
- }
- // Stop reading text if we see a <.
- if b == '<' && !cdata {
- if quote >= 0 {
- d.err = d.syntaxError("unescaped < inside quoted string")
- return nil
- }
- d.ungetc('<')
- break Input
- }
- if quote >= 0 && b == byte(quote) {
- break Input
- }
- if b == '&' && !cdata {
- // Read escaped character expression up to semicolon.
- // XML in all its glory allows a document to define and use
- // its own character names with <!ENTITY ...> directives.
- // Parsers are required to recognize lt, gt, amp, apos, and quot
- // even if they have not been declared.
- before := d.buf.Len()
- d.buf.WriteByte('&')
- var ok bool
- var text string
- var haveText bool
- if b, ok = d.mustgetc(); !ok {
- return nil
- }
- if b == '#' {
- d.buf.WriteByte(b)
- if b, ok = d.mustgetc(); !ok {
- return nil
- }
- base := 10
- if b == 'x' {
- base = 16
- d.buf.WriteByte(b)
- if b, ok = d.mustgetc(); !ok {
- return nil
- }
- }
- start := d.buf.Len()
- for '0' <= b && b <= '9' ||
- base == 16 && 'a' <= b && b <= 'f' ||
- base == 16 && 'A' <= b && b <= 'F' {
- d.buf.WriteByte(b)
- if b, ok = d.mustgetc(); !ok {
- return nil
- }
- }
- if b != ';' {
- d.ungetc(b)
- } else {
- s := string(d.buf.Bytes()[start:])
- d.buf.WriteByte(';')
- n, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, base, 64)
- if err == nil && n <= unicode.MaxRune {
- text = string(n)
- haveText = true
- }
- }
- } else {
- d.ungetc(b)
- if !d.readName() {
- if d.err != nil {
- return nil
- }
- ok = false
- }
- if b, ok = d.mustgetc(); !ok {
- return nil
- }
- if b != ';' {
- d.ungetc(b)
- } else {
- name := d.buf.Bytes()[before+1:]
- d.buf.WriteByte(';')
- if isName(name) {
- s := string(name)
- if r, ok := entity[s]; ok {
- text = string(r)
- haveText = true
- } else if d.Entity != nil {
- text, haveText = d.Entity[s]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if haveText {
- d.buf.Truncate(before)
- d.buf.Write([]byte(text))
- b0, b1 = 0, 0
- continue Input
- }
- if !d.Strict {
- b0, b1 = 0, 0
- continue Input
- }
- ent := string(d.buf.Bytes()[before])
- if ent[len(ent)-1] != ';' {
- ent += " (no semicolon)"
- }
- d.err = d.syntaxError("invalid character entity " + ent)
- return nil
- }
- // We must rewrite unescaped \r and \r\n into \n.
- if b == '\r' {
- d.buf.WriteByte('\n')
- } else if b1 == '\r' && b == '\n' {
- // Skip \r\n--we already wrote \n.
- } else {
- d.buf.WriteByte(b)
- }
- b0, b1 = b1, b
- }
- data := d.buf.Bytes()
- data = data[0 : len(data)-trunc]
- // Inspect each rune for being a disallowed character.
- buf := data
- for len(buf) > 0 {
- r, size := utf8.DecodeRune(buf)
- if r == utf8.RuneError && size == 1 {
- d.err = d.syntaxError("invalid UTF-8")
- return nil
- }
- buf = buf[size:]
- if !isInCharacterRange(r) {
- d.err = d.syntaxError(fmt.Sprintf("illegal character code %U", r))
- return nil
- }
- }
- return data
-// Decide whether the given rune is in the XML Character Range, per
-// the Char production of http://www.xml.com/axml/testaxml.htm,
-// Section 2.2 Characters.
-func isInCharacterRange(r rune) (inrange bool) {
- return r == 0x09 ||
- r == 0x0A ||
- r == 0x0D ||
- r >= 0x20 && r <= 0xDF77 ||
- r >= 0xE000 && r <= 0xFFFD ||
- r >= 0x10000 && r <= 0x10FFFF
-// Get name space name: name with a : stuck in the middle.
-// The part before the : is the name space identifier.
-func (d *Decoder) nsname() (name Name, ok bool) {
- s, ok := d.name()
- if !ok {
- return
- }
- i := strings.Index(s, ":")
- if i < 0 {
- name.Local = s
- } else {
- name.Space = s[0:i]
- name.Local = s[i+1:]
- }
- return name, true
-// Get name: /first(first|second)*/
-// Do not set d.err if the name is missing (unless unexpected EOF is received):
-// let the caller provide better context.
-func (d *Decoder) name() (s string, ok bool) {
- d.buf.Reset()
- if !d.readName() {
- return "", false
- }
- // Now we check the characters.
- s = d.buf.String()
- if !isName([]byte(s)) {
- d.err = d.syntaxError("invalid XML name: " + s)
- return "", false
- }
- return s, true
-// Read a name and append its bytes to d.buf.
-// The name is delimited by any single-byte character not valid in names.
-// All multi-byte characters are accepted; the caller must check their validity.
-func (d *Decoder) readName() (ok bool) {
- var b byte
- if b, ok = d.mustgetc(); !ok {
- return
- }
- if b < utf8.RuneSelf && !isNameByte(b) {
- d.ungetc(b)
- return false
- }
- d.buf.WriteByte(b)
- for {
- if b, ok = d.mustgetc(); !ok {
- return
- }
- if b < utf8.RuneSelf && !isNameByte(b) {
- d.ungetc(b)
- break
- }
- d.buf.WriteByte(b)
- }
- return true
-func isNameByte(c byte) bool {
- return 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' ||
- 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' ||
- '0' <= c && c <= '9' ||
- c == '_' || c == ':' || c == '.' || c == '-'
-func isName(s []byte) bool {
- if len(s) == 0 {
- return false
- }
- c, n := utf8.DecodeRune(s)
- if c == utf8.RuneError && n == 1 {
- return false
- }
- if !unicode.Is(first, c) {
- return false
- }
- for n < len(s) {
- s = s[n:]
- c, n = utf8.DecodeRune(s)
- if c == utf8.RuneError && n == 1 {
- return false
- }
- if !unicode.Is(first, c) && !unicode.Is(second, c) {
- return false
- }
- }
- return true
-// These tables were generated by cut and paste from Appendix B of
-// the XML spec at http://www.xml.com/axml/testaxml.htm
-// and then reformatting. First corresponds to (Letter | '_' | ':')
-// and second corresponds to NameChar.
-var first = &unicode.RangeTable{
- R16: []unicode.Range16{
- {0x003A, 0x003A, 1},
- {0x0041, 0x005A, 1},
- {0x005F, 0x005F, 1},
- {0x0061, 0x007A, 1},
- {0x00C0, 0x00D6, 1},
- {0x00D8, 0x00F6, 1},
- {0x00F8, 0x00FF, 1},
- {0x0100, 0x0131, 1},
- {0x0134, 0x013E, 1},
- {0x0141, 0x0148, 1},
- {0x014A, 0x017E, 1},
- {0x0180, 0x01C3, 1},
- {0x01CD, 0x01F0, 1},
- {0x01F4, 0x01F5, 1},
- {0x01FA, 0x0217, 1},
- {0x0250, 0x02A8, 1},
- {0x02BB, 0x02C1, 1},
- {0x0386, 0x0386, 1},
- {0x0388, 0x038A, 1},
- {0x038C, 0x038C, 1},
- {0x038E, 0x03A1, 1},
- {0x03A3, 0x03CE, 1},
- {0x03D0, 0x03D6, 1},
- {0x03DA, 0x03E0, 2},
- {0x03E2, 0x03F3, 1},
- {0x0401, 0x040C, 1},
- {0x040E, 0x044F, 1},
- {0x0451, 0x045C, 1},
- {0x045E, 0x0481, 1},
- {0x0490, 0x04C4, 1},
- {0x04C7, 0x04C8, 1},
- {0x04CB, 0x04CC, 1},
- {0x04D0, 0x04EB, 1},
- {0x04EE, 0x04F5, 1},
- {0x04F8, 0x04F9, 1},
- {0x0531, 0x0556, 1},
- {0x0559, 0x0559, 1},
- {0x0561, 0x0586, 1},
- {0x05D0, 0x05EA, 1},
- {0x05F0, 0x05F2, 1},
- {0x0621, 0x063A, 1},
- {0x0641, 0x064A, 1},
- {0x0671, 0x06B7, 1},
- {0x06BA, 0x06BE, 1},
- {0x06C0, 0x06CE, 1},
- {0x06D0, 0x06D3, 1},
- {0x06D5, 0x06D5, 1},
- {0x06E5, 0x06E6, 1},
- {0x0905, 0x0939, 1},
- {0x093D, 0x093D, 1},
- {0x0958, 0x0961, 1},
- {0x0985, 0x098C, 1},
- {0x098F, 0x0990, 1},
- {0x0993, 0x09A8, 1},
- {0x09AA, 0x09B0, 1},
- {0x09B2, 0x09B2, 1},
- {0x09B6, 0x09B9, 1},
- {0x09DC, 0x09DD, 1},
- {0x09DF, 0x09E1, 1},
- {0x09F0, 0x09F1, 1},
- {0x0A05, 0x0A0A, 1},
- {0x0A0F, 0x0A10, 1},
- {0x0A13, 0x0A28, 1},
- {0x0A2A, 0x0A30, 1},
- {0x0A32, 0x0A33, 1},
- {0x0A35, 0x0A36, 1},
- {0x0A38, 0x0A39, 1},
- {0x0A59, 0x0A5C, 1},
- {0x0A5E, 0x0A5E, 1},
- {0x0A72, 0x0A74, 1},
- {0x0A85, 0x0A8B, 1},
- {0x0A8D, 0x0A8D, 1},
- {0x0A8F, 0x0A91, 1},
- {0x0A93, 0x0AA8, 1},
- {0x0AAA, 0x0AB0, 1},
- {0x0AB2, 0x0AB3, 1},
- {0x0AB5, 0x0AB9, 1},
- {0x0ABD, 0x0AE0, 0x23},
- {0x0B05, 0x0B0C, 1},
- {0x0B0F, 0x0B10, 1},
- {0x0B13, 0x0B28, 1},
- {0x0B2A, 0x0B30, 1},
- {0x0B32, 0x0B33, 1},
- {0x0B36, 0x0B39, 1},
- {0x0B3D, 0x0B3D, 1},
- {0x0B5C, 0x0B5D, 1},
- {0x0B5F, 0x0B61, 1},
- {0x0B85, 0x0B8A, 1},
- {0x0B8E, 0x0B90, 1},
- {0x0B92, 0x0B95, 1},
- {0x0B99, 0x0B9A, 1},
- {0x0B9C, 0x0B9C, 1},
- {0x0B9E, 0x0B9F, 1},
- {0x0BA3, 0x0BA4, 1},
- {0x0BA8, 0x0BAA, 1},
- {0x0BAE, 0x0BB5, 1},
- {0x0BB7, 0x0BB9, 1},
- {0x0C05, 0x0C0C, 1},
- {0x0C0E, 0x0C10, 1},
- {0x0C12, 0x0C28, 1},
- {0x0C2A, 0x0C33, 1},
- {0x0C35, 0x0C39, 1},
- {0x0C60, 0x0C61, 1},
- {0x0C85, 0x0C8C, 1},
- {0x0C8E, 0x0C90, 1},
- {0x0C92, 0x0CA8, 1},
- {0x0CAA, 0x0CB3, 1},
- {0x0CB5, 0x0CB9, 1},
- {0x0CDE, 0x0CDE, 1},
- {0x0CE0, 0x0CE1, 1},
- {0x0D05, 0x0D0C, 1},
- {0x0D0E, 0x0D10, 1},
- {0x0D12, 0x0D28, 1},
- {0x0D2A, 0x0D39, 1},
- {0x0D60, 0x0D61, 1},
- {0x0E01, 0x0E2E, 1},
- {0x0E30, 0x0E30, 1},
- {0x0E32, 0x0E33, 1},
- {0x0E40, 0x0E45, 1},
- {0x0E81, 0x0E82, 1},
- {0x0E84, 0x0E84, 1},
- {0x0E87, 0x0E88, 1},
- {0x0E8A, 0x0E8D, 3},
- {0x0E94, 0x0E97, 1},
- {0x0E99, 0x0E9F, 1},
- {0x0EA1, 0x0EA3, 1},
- {0x0EA5, 0x0EA7, 2},
- {0x0EAA, 0x0EAB, 1},
- {0x0EAD, 0x0EAE, 1},
- {0x0EB0, 0x0EB0, 1},
- {0x0EB2, 0x0EB3, 1},
- {0x0EBD, 0x0EBD, 1},
- {0x0EC0, 0x0EC4, 1},
- {0x0F40, 0x0F47, 1},
- {0x0F49, 0x0F69, 1},
- {0x10A0, 0x10C5, 1},
- {0x10D0, 0x10F6, 1},
- {0x1100, 0x1100, 1},
- {0x1102, 0x1103, 1},
- {0x1105, 0x1107, 1},
- {0x1109, 0x1109, 1},
- {0x110B, 0x110C, 1},
- {0x110E, 0x1112, 1},
- {0x113C, 0x1140, 2},
- {0x114C, 0x1150, 2},
- {0x1154, 0x1155, 1},
- {0x1159, 0x1159, 1},
- {0x115F, 0x1161, 1},
- {0x1163, 0x1169, 2},
- {0x116D, 0x116E, 1},
- {0x1172, 0x1173, 1},
- {0x1175, 0x119E, 0x119E - 0x1175},
- {0x11A8, 0x11AB, 0x11AB - 0x11A8},
- {0x11AE, 0x11AF, 1},
- {0x11B7, 0x11B8, 1},
- {0x11BA, 0x11BA, 1},
- {0x11BC, 0x11C2, 1},
- {0x11EB, 0x11F0, 0x11F0 - 0x11EB},
- {0x11F9, 0x11F9, 1},
- {0x1E00, 0x1E9B, 1},
- {0x1EA0, 0x1EF9, 1},
- {0x1F00, 0x1F15, 1},
- {0x1F18, 0x1F1D, 1},
- {0x1F20, 0x1F45, 1},
- {0x1F48, 0x1F4D, 1},
- {0x1F50, 0x1F57, 1},
- {0x1F59, 0x1F5B, 0x1F5B - 0x1F59},
- {0x1F5D, 0x1F5D, 1},
- {0x1F5F, 0x1F7D, 1},
- {0x1F80, 0x1FB4, 1},
- {0x1FB6, 0x1FBC, 1},
- {0x1FBE, 0x1FBE, 1},
- {0x1FC2, 0x1FC4, 1},
- {0x1FC6, 0x1FCC, 1},
- {0x1FD0, 0x1FD3, 1},
- {0x1FD6, 0x1FDB, 1},
- {0x1FE0, 0x1FEC, 1},
- {0x1FF2, 0x1FF4, 1},
- {0x1FF6, 0x1FFC, 1},
- {0x2126, 0x2126, 1},
- {0x212A, 0x212B, 1},
- {0x212E, 0x212E, 1},
- {0x2180, 0x2182, 1},
- {0x3007, 0x3007, 1},
- {0x3021, 0x3029, 1},
- {0x3041, 0x3094, 1},
- {0x30A1, 0x30FA, 1},
- {0x3105, 0x312C, 1},
- {0x4E00, 0x9FA5, 1},
- {0xAC00, 0xD7A3, 1},
- },
-var second = &unicode.RangeTable{
- R16: []unicode.Range16{
- {0x002D, 0x002E, 1},
- {0x0030, 0x0039, 1},
- {0x00B7, 0x00B7, 1},
- {0x02D0, 0x02D1, 1},
- {0x0300, 0x0345, 1},
- {0x0360, 0x0361, 1},
- {0x0387, 0x0387, 1},
- {0x0483, 0x0486, 1},
- {0x0591, 0x05A1, 1},
- {0x05A3, 0x05B9, 1},
- {0x05BB, 0x05BD, 1},
- {0x05BF, 0x05BF, 1},
- {0x05C1, 0x05C2, 1},
- {0x05C4, 0x0640, 0x0640 - 0x05C4},
- {0x064B, 0x0652, 1},
- {0x0660, 0x0669, 1},
- {0x0670, 0x0670, 1},
- {0x06D6, 0x06DC, 1},
- {0x06DD, 0x06DF, 1},
- {0x06E0, 0x06E4, 1},
- {0x06E7, 0x06E8, 1},
- {0x06EA, 0x06ED, 1},
- {0x06F0, 0x06F9, 1},
- {0x0901, 0x0903, 1},
- {0x093C, 0x093C, 1},
- {0x093E, 0x094C, 1},
- {0x094D, 0x094D, 1},
- {0x0951, 0x0954, 1},
- {0x0962, 0x0963, 1},
- {0x0966, 0x096F, 1},
- {0x0981, 0x0983, 1},
- {0x09BC, 0x09BC, 1},
- {0x09BE, 0x09BF, 1},
- {0x09C0, 0x09C4, 1},
- {0x09C7, 0x09C8, 1},
- {0x09CB, 0x09CD, 1},
- {0x09D7, 0x09D7, 1},
- {0x09E2, 0x09E3, 1},
- {0x09E6, 0x09EF, 1},
- {0x0A02, 0x0A3C, 0x3A},
- {0x0A3E, 0x0A3F, 1},
- {0x0A40, 0x0A42, 1},
- {0x0A47, 0x0A48, 1},
- {0x0A4B, 0x0A4D, 1},
- {0x0A66, 0x0A6F, 1},
- {0x0A70, 0x0A71, 1},
- {0x0A81, 0x0A83, 1},
- {0x0ABC, 0x0ABC, 1},
- {0x0ABE, 0x0AC5, 1},
- {0x0AC7, 0x0AC9, 1},
- {0x0ACB, 0x0ACD, 1},
- {0x0AE6, 0x0AEF, 1},
- {0x0B01, 0x0B03, 1},
- {0x0B3C, 0x0B3C, 1},
- {0x0B3E, 0x0B43, 1},
- {0x0B47, 0x0B48, 1},
- {0x0B4B, 0x0B4D, 1},
- {0x0B56, 0x0B57, 1},
- {0x0B66, 0x0B6F, 1},
- {0x0B82, 0x0B83, 1},
- {0x0BBE, 0x0BC2, 1},
- {0x0BC6, 0x0BC8, 1},
- {0x0BCA, 0x0BCD, 1},
- {0x0BD7, 0x0BD7, 1},
- {0x0BE7, 0x0BEF, 1},
- {0x0C01, 0x0C03, 1},
- {0x0C3E, 0x0C44, 1},
- {0x0C46, 0x0C48, 1},
- {0x0C4A, 0x0C4D, 1},
- {0x0C55, 0x0C56, 1},
- {0x0C66, 0x0C6F, 1},
- {0x0C82, 0x0C83, 1},
- {0x0CBE, 0x0CC4, 1},
- {0x0CC6, 0x0CC8, 1},
- {0x0CCA, 0x0CCD, 1},
- {0x0CD5, 0x0CD6, 1},
- {0x0CE6, 0x0CEF, 1},
- {0x0D02, 0x0D03, 1},
- {0x0D3E, 0x0D43, 1},
- {0x0D46, 0x0D48, 1},
- {0x0D4A, 0x0D4D, 1},
- {0x0D57, 0x0D57, 1},
- {0x0D66, 0x0D6F, 1},
- {0x0E31, 0x0E31, 1},
- {0x0E34, 0x0E3A, 1},
- {0x0E46, 0x0E46, 1},
- {0x0E47, 0x0E4E, 1},
- {0x0E50, 0x0E59, 1},
- {0x0EB1, 0x0EB1, 1},
- {0x0EB4, 0x0EB9, 1},
- {0x0EBB, 0x0EBC, 1},
- {0x0EC6, 0x0EC6, 1},
- {0x0EC8, 0x0ECD, 1},
- {0x0ED0, 0x0ED9, 1},
- {0x0F18, 0x0F19, 1},
- {0x0F20, 0x0F29, 1},
- {0x0F35, 0x0F39, 2},
- {0x0F3E, 0x0F3F, 1},
- {0x0F71, 0x0F84, 1},
- {0x0F86, 0x0F8B, 1},
- {0x0F90, 0x0F95, 1},
- {0x0F97, 0x0F97, 1},
- {0x0F99, 0x0FAD, 1},
- {0x0FB1, 0x0FB7, 1},
- {0x0FB9, 0x0FB9, 1},
- {0x20D0, 0x20DC, 1},
- {0x20E1, 0x3005, 0x3005 - 0x20E1},
- {0x302A, 0x302F, 1},
- {0x3031, 0x3035, 1},
- {0x3099, 0x309A, 1},
- {0x309D, 0x309E, 1},
- {0x30FC, 0x30FE, 1},
- },
-// HTMLEntity is an entity map containing translations for the
-// standard HTML entity characters.
-var HTMLEntity = htmlEntity
-var htmlEntity = map[string]string{
- /*
- hget http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/sgml/entities.html |
- ssam '
- ,y /\&gt;/ x/\&lt;(.|\n)+/ s/\n/ /g
- ,x v/^\&lt;!ENTITY/d
- ,s/\&lt;!ENTITY ([^ ]+) .*U\+([0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F]) .+/ "\1": "\\u\2",/g
- '
- */
- "nbsp": "\u00A0",
- "iexcl": "\u00A1",
- "cent": "\u00A2",
- "pound": "\u00A3",
- "curren": "\u00A4",
- "yen": "\u00A5",
- "brvbar": "\u00A6",
- "sect": "\u00A7",
- "uml": "\u00A8",
- "copy": "\u00A9",
- "ordf": "\u00AA",
- "laquo": "\u00AB",
- "not": "\u00AC",
- "shy": "\u00AD",
- "reg": "\u00AE",
- "macr": "\u00AF",
- "deg": "\u00B0",
- "plusmn": "\u00B1",
- "sup2": "\u00B2",
- "sup3": "\u00B3",
- "acute": "\u00B4",
- "micro": "\u00B5",
- "para": "\u00B6",
- "middot": "\u00B7",
- "cedil": "\u00B8",
- "sup1": "\u00B9",
- "ordm": "\u00BA",
- "raquo": "\u00BB",
- "frac14": "\u00BC",
- "frac12": "\u00BD",
- "frac34": "\u00BE",
- "iquest": "\u00BF",
- "Agrave": "\u00C0",
- "Aacute": "\u00C1",
- "Acirc": "\u00C2",
- "Atilde": "\u00C3",
- "Auml": "\u00C4",
- "Aring": "\u00C5",
- "AElig": "\u00C6",
- "Ccedil": "\u00C7",
- "Egrave": "\u00C8",
- "Eacute": "\u00C9",
- "Ecirc": "\u00CA",
- "Euml": "\u00CB",
- "Igrave": "\u00CC",
- "Iacute": "\u00CD",
- "Icirc": "\u00CE",
- "Iuml": "\u00CF",
- "ETH": "\u00D0",
- "Ntilde": "\u00D1",
- "Ograve": "\u00D2",
- "Oacute": "\u00D3",
- "Ocirc": "\u00D4",
- "Otilde": "\u00D5",
- "Ouml": "\u00D6",
- "times": "\u00D7",
- "Oslash": "\u00D8",
- "Ugrave": "\u00D9",
- "Uacute": "\u00DA",
- "Ucirc": "\u00DB",
- "Uuml": "\u00DC",
- "Yacute": "\u00DD",
- "THORN": "\u00DE",
- "szlig": "\u00DF",
- "agrave": "\u00E0",
- "aacute": "\u00E1",
- "acirc": "\u00E2",
- "atilde": "\u00E3",
- "auml": "\u00E4",
- "aring": "\u00E5",
- "aelig": "\u00E6",
- "ccedil": "\u00E7",
- "egrave": "\u00E8",
- "eacute": "\u00E9",
- "ecirc": "\u00EA",
- "euml": "\u00EB",
- "igrave": "\u00EC",
- "iacute": "\u00ED",
- "icirc": "\u00EE",
- "iuml": "\u00EF",
- "eth": "\u00F0",
- "ntilde": "\u00F1",
- "ograve": "\u00F2",
- "oacute": "\u00F3",
- "ocirc": "\u00F4",
- "otilde": "\u00F5",
- "ouml": "\u00F6",
- "divide": "\u00F7",
- "oslash": "\u00F8",
- "ugrave": "\u00F9",
- "uacute": "\u00FA",
- "ucirc": "\u00FB",
- "uuml": "\u00FC",
- "yacute": "\u00FD",
- "thorn": "\u00FE",
- "yuml": "\u00FF",
- "fnof": "\u0192",
- "Alpha": "\u0391",
- "Beta": "\u0392",
- "Gamma": "\u0393",
- "Delta": "\u0394",
- "Epsilon": "\u0395",
- "Zeta": "\u0396",
- "Eta": "\u0397",
- "Theta": "\u0398",
- "Iota": "\u0399",
- "Kappa": "\u039A",
- "Lambda": "\u039B",
- "Mu": "\u039C",
- "Nu": "\u039D",
- "Xi": "\u039E",
- "Omicron": "\u039F",
- "Pi": "\u03A0",
- "Rho": "\u03A1",
- "Sigma": "\u03A3",
- "Tau": "\u03A4",
- "Upsilon": "\u03A5",
- "Phi": "\u03A6",
- "Chi": "\u03A7",
- "Psi": "\u03A8",
- "Omega": "\u03A9",
- "alpha": "\u03B1",
- "beta": "\u03B2",
- "gamma": "\u03B3",
- "delta": "\u03B4",
- "epsilon": "\u03B5",
- "zeta": "\u03B6",
- "eta": "\u03B7",
- "theta": "\u03B8",
- "iota": "\u03B9",
- "kappa": "\u03BA",
- "lambda": "\u03BB",
- "mu": "\u03BC",
- "nu": "\u03BD",
- "xi": "\u03BE",
- "omicron": "\u03BF",
- "pi": "\u03C0",
- "rho": "\u03C1",
- "sigmaf": "\u03C2",
- "sigma": "\u03C3",
- "tau": "\u03C4",
- "upsilon": "\u03C5",
- "phi": "\u03C6",
- "chi": "\u03C7",
- "psi": "\u03C8",
- "omega": "\u03C9",
- "thetasym": "\u03D1",
- "upsih": "\u03D2",
- "piv": "\u03D6",
- "bull": "\u2022",
- "hellip": "\u2026",
- "prime": "\u2032",
- "Prime": "\u2033",
- "oline": "\u203E",
- "frasl": "\u2044",
- "weierp": "\u2118",
- "image": "\u2111",
- "real": "\u211C",
- "trade": "\u2122",
- "alefsym": "\u2135",
- "larr": "\u2190",
- "uarr": "\u2191",
- "rarr": "\u2192",
- "darr": "\u2193",
- "harr": "\u2194",
- "crarr": "\u21B5",
- "lArr": "\u21D0",
- "uArr": "\u21D1",
- "rArr": "\u21D2",
- "dArr": "\u21D3",
- "hArr": "\u21D4",
- "forall": "\u2200",
- "part": "\u2202",
- "exist": "\u2203",
- "empty": "\u2205",
- "nabla": "\u2207",
- "isin": "\u2208",
- "notin": "\u2209",
- "ni": "\u220B",
- "prod": "\u220F",
- "sum": "\u2211",
- "minus": "\u2212",
- "lowast": "\u2217",
- "radic": "\u221A",
- "prop": "\u221D",
- "infin": "\u221E",
- "ang": "\u2220",
- "and": "\u2227",
- "or": "\u2228",
- "cap": "\u2229",
- "cup": "\u222A",
- "int": "\u222B",
- "there4": "\u2234",
- "sim": "\u223C",
- "cong": "\u2245",
- "asymp": "\u2248",
- "ne": "\u2260",
- "equiv": "\u2261",
- "le": "\u2264",
- "ge": "\u2265",
- "sub": "\u2282",
- "sup": "\u2283",
- "nsub": "\u2284",
- "sube": "\u2286",
- "supe": "\u2287",
- "oplus": "\u2295",
- "otimes": "\u2297",
- "perp": "\u22A5",
- "sdot": "\u22C5",
- "lceil": "\u2308",
- "rceil": "\u2309",
- "lfloor": "\u230A",
- "rfloor": "\u230B",
- "lang": "\u2329",
- "rang": "\u232A",
- "loz": "\u25CA",
- "spades": "\u2660",
- "clubs": "\u2663",
- "hearts": "\u2665",
- "diams": "\u2666",
- "quot": "\u0022",
- "amp": "\u0026",
- "lt": "\u003C",
- "gt": "\u003E",
- "OElig": "\u0152",
- "oelig": "\u0153",
- "Scaron": "\u0160",
- "scaron": "\u0161",
- "Yuml": "\u0178",
- "circ": "\u02C6",
- "tilde": "\u02DC",
- "ensp": "\u2002",
- "emsp": "\u2003",
- "thinsp": "\u2009",
- "zwnj": "\u200C",
- "zwj": "\u200D",
- "lrm": "\u200E",
- "rlm": "\u200F",
- "ndash": "\u2013",
- "mdash": "\u2014",
- "lsquo": "\u2018",
- "rsquo": "\u2019",
- "sbquo": "\u201A",
- "ldquo": "\u201C",
- "rdquo": "\u201D",
- "bdquo": "\u201E",
- "dagger": "\u2020",
- "Dagger": "\u2021",
- "permil": "\u2030",
- "lsaquo": "\u2039",
- "rsaquo": "\u203A",
- "euro": "\u20AC",
-// HTMLAutoClose is the set of HTML elements that
-// should be considered to close automatically.
-var HTMLAutoClose = htmlAutoClose
-var htmlAutoClose = []string{
- /*
- hget http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd |
- 9 sed -n 's/<!ELEMENT (.*) - O EMPTY.+/ "\1",/p' | tr A-Z a-z
- */
- "basefont",
- "br",
- "area",
- "link",
- "img",
- "param",
- "hr",
- "input",
- "col ",
- "frame",
- "isindex",
- "base",
- "meta",
-var (
- esc_quot = []byte("&#34;") // shorter than "&quot;"
- esc_apos = []byte("&#39;") // shorter than "&apos;"
- esc_amp = []byte("&amp;")
- esc_lt = []byte("&lt;")
- esc_gt = []byte("&gt;")
- esc_tab = []byte("&#x9;")
- esc_nl = []byte("&#xA;")
- esc_cr = []byte("&#xD;")
-// Escape writes to w the properly escaped XML equivalent
-// of the plain text data s.
-func Escape(w io.Writer, s []byte) {
- var esc []byte
- last := 0
- for i, c := range s {
- switch c {
- case '"':
- esc = esc_quot
- case '\'':
- esc = esc_apos
- case '&':
- esc = esc_amp
- case '<':
- esc = esc_lt
- case '>':
- esc = esc_gt
- case '\t':
- esc = esc_tab
- case '\n':
- esc = esc_nl
- case '\r':
- esc = esc_cr
- default:
- continue
- }
- w.Write(s[last:i])
- w.Write(esc)
- last = i + 1
- }
- w.Write(s[last:])
-// procInstEncoding parses the `encoding="..."` or `encoding='...'`
-// value out of the provided string, returning "" if not found.
-func procInstEncoding(s string) string {
- // TODO: this parsing is somewhat lame and not exact.
- // It works for all actual cases, though.
- idx := strings.Index(s, "encoding=")
- if idx == -1 {
- return ""
- }
- v := s[idx+len("encoding="):]
- if v == "" {
- return ""
- }
- if v[0] != '\'' && v[0] != '"' {
- return ""
- }
- idx = strings.IndexRune(v[1:], rune(v[0]))
- if idx == -1 {
- return ""
- }
- return v[1 : idx+1]
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/xml/xml_test.go b/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/xml/xml_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 981d35203..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/libgo/go/encoding/xml/xml_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,691 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package xml
-import (
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "reflect"
- "strings"
- "testing"
-const testInput = `
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-<body xmlns:foo="ns1" xmlns="ns2" xmlns:tag="ns3" ` +
- "\r\n\t" + ` >
- <hello lang="en">World &lt;&gt;&apos;&quot; &#x767d;&#40300;翔</hello>
- <query>&何; &is-it;</query>
- <goodbye />
- <outer foo:attr="value" xmlns:tag="ns4">
- <inner/>
- </outer>
- <tag:name>
- <![CDATA[Some text here.]]>
- </tag:name>
-</body><!-- missing final newline -->`
-var testEntity = map[string]string{"何": "What", "is-it": "is it?"}
-var rawTokens = []Token{
- CharData("\n"),
- ProcInst{"xml", []byte(`version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"`)},
- CharData("\n"),
- Directive(`DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"`),
- CharData("\n"),
- StartElement{Name{"", "body"}, []Attr{{Name{"xmlns", "foo"}, "ns1"}, {Name{"", "xmlns"}, "ns2"}, {Name{"xmlns", "tag"}, "ns3"}}},
- CharData("\n "),
- StartElement{Name{"", "hello"}, []Attr{{Name{"", "lang"}, "en"}}},
- CharData("World <>'\" 白鵬翔"),
- EndElement{Name{"", "hello"}},
- CharData("\n "),
- StartElement{Name{"", "query"}, []Attr{}},
- CharData("What is it?"),
- EndElement{Name{"", "query"}},
- CharData("\n "),
- StartElement{Name{"", "goodbye"}, []Attr{}},
- EndElement{Name{"", "goodbye"}},
- CharData("\n "),
- StartElement{Name{"", "outer"}, []Attr{{Name{"foo", "attr"}, "value"}, {Name{"xmlns", "tag"}, "ns4"}}},
- CharData("\n "),
- StartElement{Name{"", "inner"}, []Attr{}},
- EndElement{Name{"", "inner"}},
- CharData("\n "),
- EndElement{Name{"", "outer"}},
- CharData("\n "),
- StartElement{Name{"tag", "name"}, []Attr{}},
- CharData("\n "),
- CharData("Some text here."),
- CharData("\n "),
- EndElement{Name{"tag", "name"}},
- CharData("\n"),
- EndElement{Name{"", "body"}},
- Comment(" missing final newline "),
-var cookedTokens = []Token{
- CharData("\n"),
- ProcInst{"xml", []byte(`version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"`)},
- CharData("\n"),
- Directive(`DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"`),
- CharData("\n"),
- StartElement{Name{"ns2", "body"}, []Attr{{Name{"xmlns", "foo"}, "ns1"}, {Name{"", "xmlns"}, "ns2"}, {Name{"xmlns", "tag"}, "ns3"}}},
- CharData("\n "),
- StartElement{Name{"ns2", "hello"}, []Attr{{Name{"", "lang"}, "en"}}},
- CharData("World <>'\" 白鵬翔"),
- EndElement{Name{"ns2", "hello"}},
- CharData("\n "),
- StartElement{Name{"ns2", "query"}, []Attr{}},
- CharData("What is it?"),
- EndElement{Name{"ns2", "query"}},
- CharData("\n "),
- StartElement{Name{"ns2", "goodbye"}, []Attr{}},
- EndElement{Name{"ns2", "goodbye"}},
- CharData("\n "),
- StartElement{Name{"ns2", "outer"}, []Attr{{Name{"ns1", "attr"}, "value"}, {Name{"xmlns", "tag"}, "ns4"}}},
- CharData("\n "),
- StartElement{Name{"ns2", "inner"}, []Attr{}},
- EndElement{Name{"ns2", "inner"}},
- CharData("\n "),
- EndElement{Name{"ns2", "outer"}},
- CharData("\n "),
- StartElement{Name{"ns3", "name"}, []Attr{}},
- CharData("\n "),
- CharData("Some text here."),
- CharData("\n "),
- EndElement{Name{"ns3", "name"}},
- CharData("\n"),
- EndElement{Name{"ns2", "body"}},
- Comment(" missing final newline "),
-const testInputAltEncoding = `
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="x-testing-uppercase"?>
-var rawTokensAltEncoding = []Token{
- CharData("\n"),
- ProcInst{"xml", []byte(`version="1.0" encoding="x-testing-uppercase"`)},
- CharData("\n"),
- StartElement{Name{"", "tag"}, []Attr{}},
- CharData("value"),
- EndElement{Name{"", "tag"}},
-var xmlInput = []string{
- // unexpected EOF cases
- "<",
- "<t",
- "<t ",
- "<t/",
- "<!",
- "<!-",
- "<!--",
- "<!--c-",
- "<!--c--",
- "<!d",
- "<t></",
- "<t></t",
- "<?",
- "<?p",
- "<t a",
- "<t a=",
- "<t a='",
- "<t a=''",
- "<t/><![",
- "<t/><![C",
- "<t/><![CDATA[d",
- "<t/><![CDATA[d]",
- "<t/><![CDATA[d]]",
- // other Syntax errors
- "<>",
- "<t/a",
- "<0 />",
- "<?0 >",
- // "<!0 >", // let the Token() caller handle
- "</0>",
- "<t 0=''>",
- "<t a='&'>",
- "<t a='<'>",
- "<t>&nbspc;</t>",
- "<t a>",
- "<t a=>",
- "<t a=v>",
- // "<![CDATA[d]]>", // let the Token() caller handle
- "<t></e>",
- "<t></>",
- "<t></t!",
- "<t>cdata]]></t>",
-func TestRawToken(t *testing.T) {
- d := NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(testInput))
- d.Entity = testEntity
- testRawToken(t, d, rawTokens)
-const nonStrictInput = `
-var nonStringEntity = map[string]string{"": "oops!", "0a": "oops!"}
-var nonStrictTokens = []Token{
- CharData("\n"),
- StartElement{Name{"", "tag"}, []Attr{}},
- CharData("non&entity"),
- EndElement{Name{"", "tag"}},
- CharData("\n"),
- StartElement{Name{"", "tag"}, []Attr{}},
- CharData("&unknown;entity"),
- EndElement{Name{"", "tag"}},
- CharData("\n"),
- StartElement{Name{"", "tag"}, []Attr{}},
- CharData("&#123"),
- EndElement{Name{"", "tag"}},
- CharData("\n"),
- StartElement{Name{"", "tag"}, []Attr{}},
- CharData("&#zzz;"),
- EndElement{Name{"", "tag"}},
- CharData("\n"),
- StartElement{Name{"", "tag"}, []Attr{}},
- CharData("&なまえ3;"),
- EndElement{Name{"", "tag"}},
- CharData("\n"),
- StartElement{Name{"", "tag"}, []Attr{}},
- CharData("&lt-gt;"),
- EndElement{Name{"", "tag"}},
- CharData("\n"),
- StartElement{Name{"", "tag"}, []Attr{}},
- CharData("&;"),
- EndElement{Name{"", "tag"}},
- CharData("\n"),
- StartElement{Name{"", "tag"}, []Attr{}},
- CharData("&0a;"),
- EndElement{Name{"", "tag"}},
- CharData("\n"),
-func TestNonStrictRawToken(t *testing.T) {
- d := NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(nonStrictInput))
- d.Strict = false
- testRawToken(t, d, nonStrictTokens)
-type downCaser struct {
- t *testing.T
- r io.ByteReader
-func (d *downCaser) ReadByte() (c byte, err error) {
- c, err = d.r.ReadByte()
- if c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' {
- c += 'a' - 'A'
- }
- return
-func (d *downCaser) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
- d.t.Fatalf("unexpected Read call on downCaser reader")
- panic("unreachable")
-func TestRawTokenAltEncoding(t *testing.T) {
- sawEncoding := ""
- d := NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(testInputAltEncoding))
- d.CharsetReader = func(charset string, input io.Reader) (io.Reader, error) {
- sawEncoding = charset
- if charset != "x-testing-uppercase" {
- t.Fatalf("unexpected charset %q", charset)
- }
- return &downCaser{t, input.(io.ByteReader)}, nil
- }
- testRawToken(t, d, rawTokensAltEncoding)
-func TestRawTokenAltEncodingNoConverter(t *testing.T) {
- d := NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(testInputAltEncoding))
- token, err := d.RawToken()
- if token == nil {
- t.Fatalf("expected a token on first RawToken call")
- }
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- token, err = d.RawToken()
- if token != nil {
- t.Errorf("expected a nil token; got %#v", token)
- }
- if err == nil {
- t.Fatalf("expected an error on second RawToken call")
- }
- const encoding = "x-testing-uppercase"
- if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), encoding) {
- t.Errorf("expected error to contain %q; got error: %v",
- encoding, err)
- }
-func testRawToken(t *testing.T, d *Decoder, rawTokens []Token) {
- for i, want := range rawTokens {
- have, err := d.RawToken()
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("token %d: unexpected error: %s", i, err)
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(have, want) {
- var shave, swant string
- if _, ok := have.(CharData); ok {
- shave = fmt.Sprintf("CharData(%q)", have)
- } else {
- shave = fmt.Sprintf("%#v", have)
- }
- if _, ok := want.(CharData); ok {
- swant = fmt.Sprintf("CharData(%q)", want)
- } else {
- swant = fmt.Sprintf("%#v", want)
- }
- t.Errorf("token %d = %s, want %s", i, shave, swant)
- }
- }
-// Ensure that directives (specifically !DOCTYPE) include the complete
-// text of any nested directives, noting that < and > do not change
-// nesting depth if they are in single or double quotes.
-var nestedDirectivesInput = `
-<!DOCTYPE [<!ENTITY rdf "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">]>
-<!DOCTYPE [<!ENTITY xlt ">">]>
-<!DOCTYPE [<!ENTITY xlt "<">]>
-<!DOCTYPE [<!ENTITY xlt '>'>]>
-<!DOCTYPE [<!ENTITY xlt '<'>]>
-<!DOCTYPE [<!ENTITY xlt '">'>]>
-<!DOCTYPE [<!ENTITY xlt "'<">]>
-var nestedDirectivesTokens = []Token{
- CharData("\n"),
- Directive(`DOCTYPE [<!ENTITY rdf "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">]`),
- CharData("\n"),
- Directive(`DOCTYPE [<!ENTITY xlt ">">]`),
- CharData("\n"),
- Directive(`DOCTYPE [<!ENTITY xlt "<">]`),
- CharData("\n"),
- Directive(`DOCTYPE [<!ENTITY xlt '>'>]`),
- CharData("\n"),
- Directive(`DOCTYPE [<!ENTITY xlt '<'>]`),
- CharData("\n"),
- Directive(`DOCTYPE [<!ENTITY xlt '">'>]`),
- CharData("\n"),
- Directive(`DOCTYPE [<!ENTITY xlt "'<">]`),
- CharData("\n"),
-func TestNestedDirectives(t *testing.T) {
- d := NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(nestedDirectivesInput))
- for i, want := range nestedDirectivesTokens {
- have, err := d.Token()
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("token %d: unexpected error: %s", i, err)
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(have, want) {
- t.Errorf("token %d = %#v want %#v", i, have, want)
- }
- }
-func TestToken(t *testing.T) {
- d := NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(testInput))
- d.Entity = testEntity
- for i, want := range cookedTokens {
- have, err := d.Token()
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("token %d: unexpected error: %s", i, err)
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(have, want) {
- t.Errorf("token %d = %#v want %#v", i, have, want)
- }
- }
-func TestSyntax(t *testing.T) {
- for i := range xmlInput {
- d := NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(xmlInput[i]))
- var err error
- for _, err = d.Token(); err == nil; _, err = d.Token() {
- }
- if _, ok := err.(*SyntaxError); !ok {
- t.Fatalf(`xmlInput "%s": expected SyntaxError not received`, xmlInput[i])
- }
- }
-type allScalars struct {
- True1 bool
- True2 bool
- False1 bool
- False2 bool
- Int int
- Int8 int8
- Int16 int16
- Int32 int32
- Int64 int64
- Uint int
- Uint8 uint8
- Uint16 uint16
- Uint32 uint32
- Uint64 uint64
- Uintptr uintptr
- Float32 float32
- Float64 float64
- String string
- PtrString *string
-var all = allScalars{
- True1: true,
- True2: true,
- False1: false,
- False2: false,
- Int: 1,
- Int8: -2,
- Int16: 3,
- Int32: -4,
- Int64: 5,
- Uint: 6,
- Uint8: 7,
- Uint16: 8,
- Uint32: 9,
- Uint64: 10,
- Uintptr: 11,
- Float32: 13.0,
- Float64: 14.0,
- String: "15",
- PtrString: &sixteen,
-var sixteen = "16"
-const testScalarsInput = `<allscalars>
- <True1>true</True1>
- <True2>1</True2>
- <False1>false</False1>
- <False2>0</False2>
- <Int>1</Int>
- <Int8>-2</Int8>
- <Int16>3</Int16>
- <Int32>-4</Int32>
- <Int64>5</Int64>
- <Uint>6</Uint>
- <Uint8>7</Uint8>
- <Uint16>8</Uint16>
- <Uint32>9</Uint32>
- <Uint64>10</Uint64>
- <Uintptr>11</Uintptr>
- <Float>12.0</Float>
- <Float32>13.0</Float32>
- <Float64>14.0</Float64>
- <String>15</String>
- <PtrString>16</PtrString>
-func TestAllScalars(t *testing.T) {
- var a allScalars
- err := Unmarshal([]byte(testScalarsInput), &a)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(a, all) {
- t.Errorf("have %+v want %+v", a, all)
- }
-type item struct {
- Field_a string
-func TestIssue569(t *testing.T) {
- data := `<item><Field_a>abcd</Field_a></item>`
- var i item
- err := Unmarshal([]byte(data), &i)
- if err != nil || i.Field_a != "abcd" {
- t.Fatal("Expecting abcd")
- }
-func TestUnquotedAttrs(t *testing.T) {
- data := "<tag attr=azAZ09:-_\t>"
- d := NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(data))
- d.Strict = false
- token, err := d.Token()
- if _, ok := err.(*SyntaxError); ok {
- t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
- }
- if token.(StartElement).Name.Local != "tag" {
- t.Errorf("Unexpected tag name: %v", token.(StartElement).Name.Local)
- }
- attr := token.(StartElement).Attr[0]
- if attr.Value != "azAZ09:-_" {
- t.Errorf("Unexpected attribute value: %v", attr.Value)
- }
- if attr.Name.Local != "attr" {
- t.Errorf("Unexpected attribute name: %v", attr.Name.Local)
- }
-func TestValuelessAttrs(t *testing.T) {
- tests := [][3]string{
- {"<p nowrap>", "p", "nowrap"},
- {"<p nowrap >", "p", "nowrap"},
- {"<input checked/>", "input", "checked"},
- {"<input checked />", "input", "checked"},
- }
- for _, test := range tests {
- d := NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(test[0]))
- d.Strict = false
- token, err := d.Token()
- if _, ok := err.(*SyntaxError); ok {
- t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
- }
- if token.(StartElement).Name.Local != test[1] {
- t.Errorf("Unexpected tag name: %v", token.(StartElement).Name.Local)
- }
- attr := token.(StartElement).Attr[0]
- if attr.Value != test[2] {
- t.Errorf("Unexpected attribute value: %v", attr.Value)
- }
- if attr.Name.Local != test[2] {
- t.Errorf("Unexpected attribute name: %v", attr.Name.Local)
- }
- }
-func TestCopyTokenCharData(t *testing.T) {
- data := []byte("same data")
- var tok1 Token = CharData(data)
- tok2 := CopyToken(tok1)
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(tok1, tok2) {
- t.Error("CopyToken(CharData) != CharData")
- }
- data[1] = 'o'
- if reflect.DeepEqual(tok1, tok2) {
- t.Error("CopyToken(CharData) uses same buffer.")
- }
-func TestCopyTokenStartElement(t *testing.T) {
- elt := StartElement{Name{"", "hello"}, []Attr{{Name{"", "lang"}, "en"}}}
- var tok1 Token = elt
- tok2 := CopyToken(tok1)
- if tok1.(StartElement).Attr[0].Value != "en" {
- t.Error("CopyToken overwrote Attr[0]")
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(tok1, tok2) {
- t.Error("CopyToken(StartElement) != StartElement")
- }
- tok1.(StartElement).Attr[0] = Attr{Name{"", "lang"}, "de"}
- if reflect.DeepEqual(tok1, tok2) {
- t.Error("CopyToken(CharData) uses same buffer.")
- }
-func TestSyntaxErrorLineNum(t *testing.T) {
- testInput := "<P>Foo<P>\n\n<P>Bar</>\n"
- d := NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(testInput))
- var err error
- for _, err = d.Token(); err == nil; _, err = d.Token() {
- }
- synerr, ok := err.(*SyntaxError)
- if !ok {
- t.Error("Expected SyntaxError.")
- }
- if synerr.Line != 3 {
- t.Error("SyntaxError didn't have correct line number.")
- }
-func TestTrailingRawToken(t *testing.T) {
- input := `<FOO></FOO> `
- d := NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(input))
- var err error
- for _, err = d.RawToken(); err == nil; _, err = d.RawToken() {
- }
- if err != io.EOF {
- t.Fatalf("d.RawToken() = _, %v, want _, io.EOF", err)
- }
-func TestTrailingToken(t *testing.T) {
- input := `<FOO></FOO> `
- d := NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(input))
- var err error
- for _, err = d.Token(); err == nil; _, err = d.Token() {
- }
- if err != io.EOF {
- t.Fatalf("d.Token() = _, %v, want _, io.EOF", err)
- }
-func TestEntityInsideCDATA(t *testing.T) {
- input := `<test><![CDATA[ &val=foo ]]></test>`
- d := NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(input))
- var err error
- for _, err = d.Token(); err == nil; _, err = d.Token() {
- }
- if err != io.EOF {
- t.Fatalf("d.Token() = _, %v, want _, io.EOF", err)
- }
-// The last three tests (respectively one for characters in attribute
-// names and two for character entities) pass not because of code
-// changed for issue 1259, but instead pass with the given messages
-// from other parts of xml.Decoder. I provide these to note the
-// current behavior of situations where one might think that character
-// range checking would detect the error, but it does not in fact.
-var characterTests = []struct {
- in string
- err string
- {"\x12<doc/>", "illegal character code U+0012"},
- {"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\x0b<doc/>", "illegal character code U+000B"},
- {"\xef\xbf\xbe<doc/>", "illegal character code U+FFFE"},
- {"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><doc>\r\n<hiya/>\x07<toots/></doc>", "illegal character code U+0007"},
- {"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><doc \x12='value'>what's up</doc>", "expected attribute name in element"},
- {"<doc>&\x01;</doc>", "invalid character entity & (no semicolon)"},
- {"<doc>&\xef\xbf\xbe;</doc>", "invalid character entity & (no semicolon)"},
-func TestDisallowedCharacters(t *testing.T) {
- for i, tt := range characterTests {
- d := NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(tt.in))
- var err error
- for err == nil {
- _, err = d.Token()
- }
- synerr, ok := err.(*SyntaxError)
- if !ok {
- t.Fatalf("input %d d.Token() = _, %v, want _, *SyntaxError", i, err)
- }
- if synerr.Msg != tt.err {
- t.Fatalf("input %d synerr.Msg wrong: want '%s', got '%s'", i, tt.err, synerr.Msg)
- }
- }
-type procInstEncodingTest struct {
- expect, got string
-var procInstTests = []struct {
- input, expect string
- {`version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"`, "utf-8"},
- {`version="1.0" encoding='utf-8'`, "utf-8"},
- {`version="1.0" encoding='utf-8' `, "utf-8"},
- {`version="1.0" encoding=utf-8`, ""},
- {`encoding="FOO" `, "FOO"},
-func TestProcInstEncoding(t *testing.T) {
- for _, test := range procInstTests {
- got := procInstEncoding(test.input)
- if got != test.expect {
- t.Errorf("procInstEncoding(%q) = %q; want %q", test.input, got, test.expect)
- }
- }
-// Ensure that directives with comments include the complete
-// text of any nested directives.
-var directivesWithCommentsInput = `
-<!DOCTYPE [<!-- a comment --><!ENTITY rdf "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">]>
-<!DOCTYPE [<!ENTITY go "Golang"><!-- a comment-->]>
-<!DOCTYPE <!-> <!> <!----> <!-->--> <!--->--> [<!ENTITY go "Golang"><!-- a comment-->]>
-var directivesWithCommentsTokens = []Token{
- CharData("\n"),
- Directive(`DOCTYPE [<!ENTITY rdf "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">]`),
- CharData("\n"),
- Directive(`DOCTYPE [<!ENTITY go "Golang">]`),
- CharData("\n"),
- Directive(`DOCTYPE <!-> <!> [<!ENTITY go "Golang">]`),
- CharData("\n"),
-func TestDirectivesWithComments(t *testing.T) {
- d := NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(directivesWithCommentsInput))
- for i, want := range directivesWithCommentsTokens {
- have, err := d.Token()
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("token %d: unexpected error: %s", i, err)
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(have, want) {
- t.Errorf("token %d = %#v want %#v", i, have, want)
- }
- }