path: root/gcc-4.2.1/gcc/ada/s-finimp.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.2.1/gcc/ada/s-finimp.adb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 606 deletions
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--- --
--- --
--- S Y S T E M . F I N A L I Z A T I O N _ I M P L E M E N T A T I O N --
--- --
--- B o d y --
--- --
--- Copyright (C) 1992-2006, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
--- --
--- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
--- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
--- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
--- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
--- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
--- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
--- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
--- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
--- to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, --
--- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. --
--- --
--- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
--- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
--- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
--- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
--- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
--- covered by the GNU Public License. --
--- --
--- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
--- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
--- --
-with Ada.Exceptions;
-with Ada.Tags;
-with System.Storage_Elements;
-with System.Soft_Links;
-with Unchecked_Conversion;
-with System.Restrictions;
-package body System.Finalization_Implementation is
- use Ada.Exceptions;
- use System.Finalization_Root;
- package SSL renames System.Soft_Links;
- package SSE renames System.Storage_Elements;
- use type SSE.Storage_Offset;
- -----------------------
- -- Local Subprograms --
- -----------------------
- type RC_Ptr is access all Record_Controller;
- function To_RC_Ptr is
- new Unchecked_Conversion (Address, RC_Ptr);
- procedure Raise_Exception_No_Defer
- (E : Exception_Id;
- Message : String := "");
- pragma Import (Ada, Raise_Exception_No_Defer,
- "ada__exceptions__raise_exception_no_defer");
- pragma No_Return (Raise_Exception_No_Defer);
- -- Raise an exception without deferring abort. Note that we have to
- -- use this rather kludgy Ada Import interface, since this subprogram
- -- is not available in the visible spec of Ada.Exceptions.
- procedure Raise_From_Finalize
- (L : Finalizable_Ptr;
- From_Abort : Boolean;
- E_Occ : Exception_Occurrence);
- -- Deal with an exception raised during finalization of a list. L is a
- -- pointer to the list of element not yet finalized. From_Abort is true
- -- if the finalization actions come from an abort rather than a normal
- -- exit. E_Occ represents the exception being raised.
- function RC_Offset (T : Ada.Tags.Tag) return SSE.Storage_Offset;
- pragma Import (Ada, RC_Offset, "ada__tags__get_rc_offset");
- function Parent_Size (Obj : Address; T : Ada.Tags.Tag)
- return SSE.Storage_Count;
- pragma Import (Ada, Parent_Size, "ada__tags__parent_size");
- function Get_Deep_Controller (Obj : System.Address) return RC_Ptr;
- -- Given the address (obj) of a tagged object, return a
- -- pointer to the record controller of this object.
- ------------
- -- Adjust --
- ------------
- procedure Adjust (Object : in out Record_Controller) is
- First_Comp : Finalizable_Ptr;
- My_Offset : constant SSE.Storage_Offset :=
- Object.My_Address - Object'Address;
- procedure Ptr_Adjust (Ptr : in out Finalizable_Ptr);
- -- Subtract the offset to the pointer
- procedure Reverse_Adjust (P : Finalizable_Ptr);
- -- Ajust the components in the reverse order in which they are stored
- -- on the finalization list. (Adjust and Finalization are not done in
- -- the same order)
- ----------------
- -- Ptr_Adjust --
- ----------------
- procedure Ptr_Adjust (Ptr : in out Finalizable_Ptr) is
- begin
- if Ptr /= null then
- Ptr := To_Finalizable_Ptr (To_Addr (Ptr) - My_Offset);
- end if;
- end Ptr_Adjust;
- --------------------
- -- Reverse_Adjust --
- --------------------
- procedure Reverse_Adjust (P : Finalizable_Ptr) is
- begin
- if P /= null then
- Ptr_Adjust (P.Next);
- Reverse_Adjust (P.Next);
- Adjust (P.all);
- Object.F := P; -- Successfully adjusted, so place in list.
- end if;
- end Reverse_Adjust;
- -- Start of processing for Adjust
- begin
- -- Adjust the components and their finalization pointers next. We must
- -- protect against an exception in some call to Adjust, so we keep
- -- pointing to the list of successfully adjusted components, which can
- -- be finalized if an exception is raised.
- First_Comp := Object.F;
- Object.F := null; -- nothing adjusted yet.
- Ptr_Adjust (First_Comp); -- set addresss of first component.
- Reverse_Adjust (First_Comp);
- -- Then Adjust the controller itself
- Object.My_Address := Object'Address;
- exception
- when others =>
- -- Finalize those components that were successfully adjusted, and
- -- propagate exception. The object itself is not yet attached to
- -- global finalization list, so we cannot rely on the outer call to
- -- Clean to take care of these components.
- Finalize (Object);
- raise;
- end Adjust;
- --------------------------
- -- Attach_To_Final_List --
- --------------------------
- procedure Attach_To_Final_List
- (L : in out Finalizable_Ptr;
- Obj : in out Finalizable;
- Nb_Link : Short_Short_Integer)
- is
- begin
- -- Simple case: attachement to a one way list
- if Nb_Link = 1 then
- Obj.Next := L;
- L := Obj'Unchecked_Access;
- -- Dynamically allocated objects: they are attached to a doubly linked
- -- list, so that an element can be finalized at any moment by means of
- -- an unchecked deallocation. Attachement is protected against
- -- multi-threaded access.
- elsif Nb_Link = 2 then
- Locked_Processing : begin
- SSL.Lock_Task.all;
- Obj.Next := L.Next;
- Obj.Prev := L.Next.Prev;
- L.Next.Prev := Obj'Unchecked_Access;
- L.Next := Obj'Unchecked_Access;
- SSL.Unlock_Task.all;
- exception
- when others =>
- SSL.Unlock_Task.all;
- raise;
- end Locked_Processing;
- -- Attachement of arrays to the final list (used only for objects
- -- returned by function). Obj, in this case is the last element,
- -- but all other elements are already threaded after it. We just
- -- attach the rest of the final list at the end of the array list.
- elsif Nb_Link = 3 then
- declare
- P : Finalizable_Ptr := Obj'Unchecked_Access;
- begin
- while P.Next /= null loop
- P := P.Next;
- end loop;
- P.Next := L;
- L := Obj'Unchecked_Access;
- end;
- -- Make the object completely unattached (case of a library-level,
- -- Finalize_Storage_Only object).
- elsif Nb_Link = 4 then
- Obj.Prev := null;
- Obj.Next := null;
- end if;
- end Attach_To_Final_List;
- ---------------------
- -- Deep_Tag_Adjust --
- ---------------------
- procedure Deep_Tag_Adjust
- (L : in out SFR.Finalizable_Ptr;
- A : System.Address;
- B : Short_Short_Integer)
- is
- V : constant SFR.Finalizable_Ptr := To_Finalizable_Ptr (A);
- Controller : constant RC_Ptr := Get_Deep_Controller (A);
- begin
- if Controller /= null then
- Adjust (Controller.all);
- Attach_To_Final_List (L, Controller.all, B);
- end if;
- -- Is controlled
- if V.all in Finalizable then
- Adjust (V.all);
- Attach_To_Final_List (L, Finalizable (V.all), 1);
- end if;
- end Deep_Tag_Adjust;
- ---------------------
- -- Deep_Tag_Attach --
- ----------------------
- procedure Deep_Tag_Attach
- (L : in out SFR.Finalizable_Ptr;
- A : System.Address;
- B : Short_Short_Integer)
- is
- V : constant SFR.Finalizable_Ptr := To_Finalizable_Ptr (A);
- Controller : constant RC_Ptr := Get_Deep_Controller (A);
- begin
- if Controller /= null then
- Attach_To_Final_List (L, Controller.all, B);
- end if;
- -- Is controlled
- if V.all in Finalizable then
- Attach_To_Final_List (L, V.all, B);
- end if;
- end Deep_Tag_Attach;
- -----------------------
- -- Deep_Tag_Finalize --
- -----------------------
- procedure Deep_Tag_Finalize
- (L : in out SFR.Finalizable_Ptr;
- A : System.Address;
- B : Boolean)
- is
- pragma Warnings (Off, L);
- V : constant SFR.Finalizable_Ptr := To_Finalizable_Ptr (A);
- Controller : constant RC_Ptr := Get_Deep_Controller (A);
- begin
- if Controller /= null then
- if B then
- Finalize_One (Controller.all);
- else
- Finalize (Controller.all);
- end if;
- end if;
- -- Is controlled
- if V.all in Finalizable then
- if B then
- Finalize_One (V.all);
- else
- Finalize (V.all);
- end if;
- end if;
- end Deep_Tag_Finalize;
- -------------------------
- -- Deep_Tag_Initialize --
- -------------------------
- procedure Deep_Tag_Initialize
- (L : in out SFR.Finalizable_Ptr;
- A : System.Address;
- B : Short_Short_Integer)
- is
- V : constant SFR.Finalizable_Ptr := To_Finalizable_Ptr (A);
- Controller : constant RC_Ptr := Get_Deep_Controller (A);
- begin
- -- This procedure should not be called if the object has no
- -- controlled components
- if Controller = null then
- raise Program_Error;
- -- Has controlled components
- else
- Initialize (Controller.all);
- Attach_To_Final_List (L, Controller.all, B);
- end if;
- -- Is controlled
- if V.all in Finalizable then
- Initialize (V.all);
- Attach_To_Final_List (Controller.F, Finalizable (Controller.all), 1);
- end if;
- end Deep_Tag_Initialize;
- -----------------------------
- -- Detach_From_Final_List --
- -----------------------------
- -- We know that the detach object is neither at the beginning nor at the
- -- end of the list, thank's to the dummy First and Last Elements but the
- -- object may not be attached at all if it is Finalize_Storage_Only
- procedure Detach_From_Final_List (Obj : in out Finalizable) is
- begin
- -- When objects are not properly attached to a doubly linked list do
- -- not try to detach them. The only case where it can happen is when
- -- dealing with Finalize_Storage_Only objects which are not always
- -- attached to the finalization list.
- if Obj.Next /= null and then Obj.Prev /= null then
- SSL.Lock_Task.all;
- Obj.Next.Prev := Obj.Prev;
- Obj.Prev.Next := Obj.Next;
- SSL.Unlock_Task.all;
- end if;
- exception
- when others =>
- SSL.Unlock_Task.all;
- raise;
- end Detach_From_Final_List;
- --------------
- -- Finalize --
- --------------
- procedure Finalize (Object : in out Limited_Record_Controller) is
- begin
- Finalize_List (Object.F);
- end Finalize;
- --------------------------
- -- Finalize_Global_List --
- --------------------------
- procedure Finalize_Global_List is
- begin
- -- There are three case here:
- -- a. the application uses tasks, in which case Finalize_Global_Tasks
- -- will defer abort.
- -- b. the application doesn't use tasks but uses other tasking
- -- constructs, such as ATCs and protected objects. In this case,
- -- the binder will call Finalize_Global_List instead of
- -- Finalize_Global_Tasks, letting abort undeferred, and leading
- -- to assertion failures in the GNULL
- -- c. the application doesn't use any tasking construct in which case
- -- deferring abort isn't necessary.
- -- Until another solution is found to deal with case b, we need to
- -- call abort_defer here to pass the checks, but we do not need to
- -- undefer abort, since Finalize_Global_List is the last procedure
- -- called before exiting the partition.
- SSL.Abort_Defer.all;
- Finalize_List (Global_Final_List);
- end Finalize_Global_List;
- -------------------
- -- Finalize_List --
- -------------------
- procedure Finalize_List (L : Finalizable_Ptr) is
- P : Finalizable_Ptr := L;
- Q : Finalizable_Ptr;
- type Fake_Exception_Occurence is record
- Id : Exception_Id;
- end record;
- type Ptr is access all Fake_Exception_Occurence;
- function To_Ptr is new
- Unchecked_Conversion (Exception_Occurrence_Access, Ptr);
- X : Exception_Id := Null_Id;
- begin
- -- If abort is allowed, we get the current exception before starting
- -- to finalize in order to check if we are in the abort case if an
- -- exception is raised. When abort is not allowed, avoid accessing the
- -- current exception since this can be a pretty costly operation in
- -- programs using controlled types heavily.
- if System.Restrictions.Abort_Allowed then
- X := To_Ptr (System.Soft_Links.Get_Current_Excep.all).Id;
- end if;
- while P /= null loop
- Q := P.Next;
- Finalize (P.all);
- P := Q;
- end loop;
- exception
- when E_Occ : others =>
- Raise_From_Finalize (
- Q,
- X = Standard'Abort_Signal'Identity,
- E_Occ);
- end Finalize_List;
- ------------------
- -- Finalize_One --
- ------------------
- procedure Finalize_One (Obj : in out Finalizable) is
- begin
- Detach_From_Final_List (Obj);
- Finalize (Obj);
- exception
- when E_Occ : others => Raise_From_Finalize (null, False, E_Occ);
- end Finalize_One;
- -------------------------
- -- Get_Deep_Controller --
- -------------------------
- function Get_Deep_Controller (Obj : System.Address) return RC_Ptr is
- The_Tag : Ada.Tags.Tag := To_Finalizable_Ptr (Obj)'Tag;
- Offset : SSE.Storage_Offset := RC_Offset (The_Tag);
- begin
- -- Fetch the controller from the Parent or above if necessary
- -- when there are no controller at this level
- while Offset = -2 loop
- The_Tag := Ada.Tags.Parent_Tag (The_Tag);
- Offset := RC_Offset (The_Tag);
- end loop;
- -- No Controlled component case
- if Offset = 0 then
- return null;
- -- The _controller Offset is known statically
- elsif Offset > 0 then
- return To_RC_Ptr (Obj + Offset);
- -- At this stage, we know that the controller is part of the
- -- ancestor corresponding to the tag "The_Tag" and that its parent
- -- is variable sized. We assume that the _controller is the first
- -- compoment right after the parent.
- -- ??? note that it may not be true if there are new discriminants
- else -- Offset = -1
- declare
- -- define a faked record controller to avoid generating
- -- unnecessary expanded code for controlled types
- type Faked_Record_Controller is record
- Tag, Prec, Next : Address;
- end record;
- -- Reconstruction of a type with characteristics
- -- comparable to the original type
- D : constant := SSE.Storage_Offset (Storage_Unit - 1);
- type Parent_Type is new SSE.Storage_Array
- (1 .. (Parent_Size (Obj, The_Tag) + D) /
- SSE.Storage_Offset (Storage_Unit));
- for Parent_Type'Alignment use Address'Alignment;
- type Faked_Type_Of_Obj is record
- Parent : Parent_Type;
- Controller : Faked_Record_Controller;
- end record;
- type Obj_Ptr is access all Faked_Type_Of_Obj;
- function To_Obj_Ptr is
- new Unchecked_Conversion (Address, Obj_Ptr);
- begin
- return To_RC_Ptr (To_Obj_Ptr (Obj).Controller'Address);
- end;
- end if;
- end Get_Deep_Controller;
- ----------------
- -- Initialize --
- ----------------
- procedure Initialize (Object : in out Limited_Record_Controller) is
- pragma Warnings (Off, Object);
- begin
- null;
- end Initialize;
- procedure Initialize (Object : in out Record_Controller) is
- begin
- Object.My_Address := Object'Address;
- end Initialize;
- -------------------------
- -- Raise_From_Finalize --
- -------------------------
- procedure Raise_From_Finalize
- (L : Finalizable_Ptr;
- From_Abort : Boolean;
- E_Occ : Exception_Occurrence)
- is
- Msg : constant String := Exception_Message (E_Occ);
- P : Finalizable_Ptr := L;
- Q : Finalizable_Ptr;
- begin
- -- We already got an exception. We now finalize the remainder of
- -- the list, ignoring all further exceptions.
- while P /= null loop
- Q := P.Next;
- begin
- Finalize (P.all);
- exception
- when others => null;
- end;
- P := Q;
- end loop;
- -- If finalization from an Abort, then nothing to do
- if From_Abort then
- null;
- -- If no message, then add our own message saying what happened
- elsif Msg = "" then
- Raise_Exception_No_Defer
- (E => Program_Error'Identity,
- Message => "exception " &
- Exception_Name (E_Occ) &
- " raised during finalization");
- -- If there was a message, pass it on
- else
- Raise_Exception_No_Defer (Program_Error'Identity, Msg);
- end if;
- end Raise_From_Finalize;
--- Initialization of package, set Adafinal soft link
- SSL.Finalize_Global_List := Finalize_Global_List'Access;
-end System.Finalization_Implementation;