path: root/gcc-4.2.1-5666.3/gcc/gengtype-lex.l
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.2.1-5666.3/gcc/gengtype-lex.l')
1 files changed, 610 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.2.1-5666.3/gcc/gengtype-lex.l b/gcc-4.2.1-5666.3/gcc/gengtype-lex.l
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51cd95a63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.2.1-5666.3/gcc/gengtype-lex.l
@@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
+/* -*- indented-text -*- */
+/* Process source files and output type information.
+ Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GCC.
+GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+02110-1301, USA. */
+#include "bconfig.h"
+#include "coretypes.h"
+#include "system.h"
+#define malloc xmalloc
+#define realloc xrealloc
+#include "gengtype.h"
+#include "gengtype-yacc.h"
+#define YY_INPUT(BUF,RESULT,SIZE) ((RESULT) = macro_input (BUF,SIZE))
+static unsigned macro_input (char *buffer, unsigned);
+static const char *push_macro_expansion (const char *, unsigned,
+ const char *, unsigned);
+static char *mangle_macro_name (const char *, unsigned,
+ const char *, unsigned);
+static void update_lineno (const char *l, size_t len);
+struct fileloc lexer_line;
+int lexer_toplevel_done;
+static void
+update_lineno (const char *l, size_t len)
+ while (len-- > 0)
+ if (*l++ == '\n')
+ lexer_line.line++;
+ID [[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*
+WS [[:space:]]+
+IWORD short|long|(un)?signed|char|int|HOST_WIDE_INT|HOST_WIDEST_INT|bool|size_t|BOOL_BITFIELD
+%x in_struct in_struct_comment in_comment in_yacc_escape
+%option warn noyywrap nounput nodefault perf-report
+%option 8bit never-interactive
+[^[:alnum:]_]typedef{WS}(struct|union){WS}{ID}{WS}?[*[:space:]]{WS}?{ID}{WS}?";" {
+ char *tagstart;
+ size_t taglen;
+ char *namestart;
+ size_t namelen;
+ int is_pointer = 0;
+ struct type *t;
+ int union_p;
+ tagstart = yytext + strlen (" typedef ");
+ while (ISSPACE (*tagstart))
+ tagstart++;
+ union_p = tagstart[0] == 'u';
+ tagstart += strlen ("union ");
+ while (ISSPACE (*tagstart))
+ tagstart++;
+ for (taglen = 1; ISIDNUM (tagstart[taglen]); taglen++)
+ ;
+ for (namestart = tagstart + taglen;
+ ! ISIDNUM (*namestart);
+ namestart++)
+ if (*namestart == '*')
+ is_pointer = 1;
+ for (namelen = 1; ISIDNUM (namestart[namelen]); namelen++)
+ ;
+ t = find_structure ((const char *) xmemdup (tagstart, taglen, taglen+1),
+ union_p);
+ if (is_pointer)
+ t = create_pointer (t);
+ namestart = (char *) xmemdup (namestart, namelen, namelen+1);
+ /* temporary kludge - gentype doesn't handle cpp conditionals */
+ if (strcmp (namestart, "location_t") != 0
+ && strcmp (namestart, "expanded_location") != 0)
+ do_typedef (namestart, t, &lexer_line);
+ update_lineno (yytext, yyleng);
+[^[:alnum:]_]typedef{WS}{ITYPE}{WS}{ID}{WS}?";" {
+ char *namestart;
+ size_t namelen;
+ struct type *t;
+ char *typestart;
+ size_t typelen;
+ for (namestart = yytext + yyleng - 2; ISSPACE (*namestart); namestart--)
+ ;
+ for (namelen = 1; !ISSPACE (namestart[-namelen]); namelen++)
+ ;
+ namestart -= namelen - 1;
+ for (typestart = yytext + strlen (" typedef ");
+ ISSPACE(*typestart);
+ typestart++)
+ ;
+ for (typelen = namestart - typestart;
+ ISSPACE (typestart[typelen-1]);
+ typelen--)
+ ;
+ t = create_scalar_type (typestart, typelen);
+ do_typedef ((const char *) xmemdup (namestart, namelen, namelen+1), t,
+ &lexer_line);
+ update_lineno (yytext, yyleng);
+[^[:alnum:]_]typedef{WS}{ID}{WS}{ID}{WS}PARAMS {
+ char *namestart;
+ size_t namelen;
+ struct type *t;
+ for (namestart = yytext + yyleng - 7; ISSPACE (*namestart); namestart--)
+ ;
+ for (namelen = 1; !ISSPACE (namestart[-namelen]); namelen++)
+ ;
+ namestart -= namelen - 1;
+ t = create_scalar_type ("function type", sizeof ("function type")-1);
+ do_typedef ((const char *) xmemdup (namestart, namelen, namelen+1), t,
+ &lexer_line);
+ update_lineno (yytext, yyleng);
+[^[:alnum:]_]typedef{WS}{ID}{WS}{ID}{WS}"(" {
+ char *namestart;
+ size_t namelen;
+ struct type *t;
+ for (namestart = yytext + yyleng - 2; ISSPACE (*namestart); namestart--)
+ ;
+ for (namelen = 1; !ISSPACE (namestart[-namelen]); namelen++)
+ ;
+ namestart -= namelen - 1;
+ t = create_scalar_type ("function type", sizeof ("function type")-1);
+ do_typedef ((const char *) xmemdup (namestart, namelen, namelen+1), t,
+ &lexer_line);
+ update_lineno (yytext, yyleng);
+[^[:alnum:]_]typedef{WS}{ID}{WS}?"*"?{WS}?"("{WS}?"*"{WS}?{ID}{WS}?")"{WS}?PARAMS {
+ char *namestart;
+ size_t namelen;
+ struct type *t;
+ for (namestart = yytext + yyleng - 7; !ISIDNUM (*namestart); namestart--)
+ ;
+ for (namelen = 1; ISIDNUM (namestart[-namelen]); namelen++)
+ ;
+ namestart -= namelen - 1;
+ t = create_scalar_type ("function type", sizeof ("function type")-1);
+ do_typedef ((const char *) xmemdup (namestart, namelen, namelen+1), t,
+ &lexer_line);
+ update_lineno (yytext, yyleng);
+[^[:alnum:]_]typedef{WS}{ID}{WS}?"*"?{WS}?"("{WS}?"*"{WS}?{ID}{WS}?")"{WS}?"(" {
+ char *namestart;
+ size_t namelen;
+ struct type *t;
+ for (namestart = yytext + yyleng - 2; !ISIDNUM (*namestart); namestart--)
+ ;
+ for (namelen = 1; ISIDNUM (namestart[-namelen]); namelen++)
+ ;
+ namestart -= namelen - 1;
+ t = create_scalar_type ("function type", sizeof ("function type")-1);
+ do_typedef ((const char *) xmemdup (namestart, namelen, namelen+1), t,
+ &lexer_line);
+ update_lineno (yytext, yyleng);
+[^[:alnum:]_](typedef{WS})?(struct|union){WS}{ID}{WS}/"GTY" {
+ char *tagstart;
+ size_t taglen;
+ int typedef_p;
+ int union_p;
+ typedef_p = yytext[1] == 't';
+ if (typedef_p)
+ for (tagstart = yytext + strlen (" typedef ");
+ ISSPACE(*tagstart);
+ tagstart++)
+ ;
+ else
+ tagstart = yytext + 1;
+ union_p = tagstart[0] == 'u';
+ tagstart += strlen ("union ");
+ while (ISSPACE (*tagstart))
+ tagstart++;
+ for (taglen = 1; ISIDNUM (tagstart[taglen]); taglen++)
+ ;
+ yylval.t = find_structure ((const char *) xmemdup (tagstart, taglen,
+ taglen + 1),
+ union_p);
+ BEGIN(in_struct);
+ update_lineno (yytext, yyleng);
+ return typedef_p ? ENT_TYPEDEF_STRUCT : ENT_STRUCT;
+[^[:alnum:]_](extern|static){WS}/"GTY" {
+ BEGIN(in_struct);
+ update_lineno (yytext, yyleng);
+^"%union"{WS}"{"{WS}/"GTY" {
+ BEGIN(in_struct);
+ update_lineno (yytext, yyleng);
+^"DEF_VEC_"[[:alnum:]_]*{WS}?"("{WS}?{ID}{WS}?(","{WS}?{ID}{WS}?)*")" {
+ char *macro, *arg;
+ unsigned macro_len, arg_len;
+ char *ptr = yytext;
+ const char *additional;
+ type_p t;
+ /* Find the macro name. */
+ for (macro = ptr; *ptr != '(' && !ISSPACE (*ptr); ptr++)
+ continue;
+ for (macro_len = ptr - macro; !(ISALNUM (*ptr) || *ptr == '_'); ptr++)
+ continue;
+ /* Find the argument(s). */
+ for (arg = ptr; *ptr != ')'; ptr++)
+ continue;
+ arg_len = ptr - arg;
+ /* Create the struct and typedef. */
+ ptr = mangle_macro_name ("VEC", 3, arg, arg_len);
+ t = find_structure (ptr, 0);
+ do_typedef (ptr, t, &lexer_line);
+ /* Push the macro for later expansion. */
+ additional = push_macro_expansion (macro, macro_len, arg, arg_len);
+ if (additional)
+ {
+ ptr = mangle_macro_name (ptr, strlen (ptr),
+ additional, strlen (additional));
+ t = find_structure (ptr, 0);
+ do_typedef (ptr, t, &lexer_line);
+ }
+"/*" { BEGIN(in_struct_comment); }
+^"%{" { BEGIN(in_yacc_escape); } /* } */
+{WS} { update_lineno (yytext, yyleng); }
+"const"/[^[:alnum:]_] /* don't care */
+"GTY"/[^[:alnum:]_] { return GTY_TOKEN; }
+"union"/[^[:alnum:]_] { return UNION; }
+"struct"/[^[:alnum:]_] { return STRUCT; }
+"enum"/[^[:alnum:]_] { return ENUM; }
+"ptr_alias"/[^[:alnum:]_] { return ALIAS; }
+"nested_ptr"/[^[:alnum:]_] { return NESTED_PTR; }
+[0-9]+ { return NUM; }
+"param"[0-9]*"_is"/[^[:alnum:]_] {
+ yylval.s = (const char *) xmemdup (yytext, yyleng, yyleng+1);
+ return PARAM_IS;
+{IWORD}({WS}{IWORD})*/[^[:alnum:]_] |
+"ENUM_BITFIELD"{WS}?"("{WS}?{ID}{WS}?")" {
+ size_t len;
+ for (len = yyleng; ISSPACE (yytext[len-1]); len--)
+ ;
+ yylval.t = create_scalar_type (yytext, len);
+ update_lineno (yytext, yyleng);
+ return SCALAR;
+"VEC"{WS}?"("{WS}?{ID}{WS}?(","{WS}?{ID}{WS}?)*")" {
+ char *macro, *arg;
+ unsigned macro_len, arg_len;
+ char *ptr = yytext;
+ /* Find the macro name */
+ for (macro = ptr; *ptr != '(' && !ISSPACE (*ptr); ptr++)
+ continue;
+ for (macro_len = ptr - macro; !(ISALNUM(*ptr) || *ptr == '_'); ptr++)
+ continue;
+ /* Find the arguments. */
+ for (arg = ptr; *ptr != ')'; ptr++)
+ continue;
+ arg_len = ptr - arg;
+ ptr = mangle_macro_name (macro, macro_len, arg, arg_len);
+ yylval.s = ptr;
+ return ID;
+{ID}/[^[:alnum:]_] {
+ yylval.s = (const char *) xmemdup (yytext, yyleng, yyleng+1);
+ return ID;
+\"([^"\\]|\\.)*\" {
+ yylval.s = (const char *) xmemdup (yytext+1, yyleng-2, yyleng-1);
+ return STRING;
+"["[^\[\]]*"]" {
+ yylval.s = (const char *) xmemdup (yytext+1, yyleng-2, yyleng-1);
+ return ARRAY;
+^"%"{ID} {
+ yylval.s = (const char *) xmemdup (yytext+1, yyleng-1, yyleng);
+ return PERCENT_ID;
+"'"("\\".|[^\\])"'" {
+ yylval.s = (const char *) xmemdup (yytext+1, yyleng-2, yyleng);
+ return CHAR;
+[(){},*:<>] { return yytext[0]; }
+[;=] {
+ if (lexer_toplevel_done)
+ {
+ lexer_toplevel_done = 0;
+ }
+ return yytext[0];
+^"%%" {
+"#define"[^\n]*\n {lexer_line.line++;}
+. {
+ error_at_line (&lexer_line, "unexpected character `%s'", yytext);
+"/*" { BEGIN(in_comment); }
+\n { lexer_line.line++; }
+{ID} |
+"'"("\\".|[^\\])"'" |
+[^"/\n] /* do nothing */
+\"([^"\\]|\\.|\\\n)*\" { update_lineno (yytext, yyleng); }
+"/"/[^*] /* do nothing */
+\n { lexer_line.line++; }
+[^*\n]{16} |
+[^*\n] /* do nothing */
+"*"/[^/] /* do nothing */
+<in_comment>"*/" { BEGIN(INITIAL); }
+<in_struct_comment>"*/" { BEGIN(in_struct); }
+\n { lexer_line.line++; }
+[^%]{16} |
+[^%] /* do nothing */
+"%"/[^}] /* do nothing */
+"%}" { BEGIN(in_struct); }
+"%" {
+ error_at_line (&lexer_line,
+ "unterminated %%{; unexpected EOF");
+["/] |
+<in_struct_comment,in_comment>"*" {
+ error_at_line (&lexer_line,
+ "unterminated comment or string; unexpected EOF");
+^"#define"{WS}"GTY(" /* do nothing */
+{WS}"GTY"{WS}?"(" {
+ error_at_line (&lexer_line, "stray GTY marker");
+/* Deal with the expansion caused by the DEF_VEC_x macros. */
+/* Mangle a macro and argument list as done by cpp concatenation in
+ the compiler proper. */
+static char *
+mangle_macro_name (const char *macro, unsigned macro_len,
+ const char *arg, unsigned arg_len)
+ char *ptr = (char *) xmemdup (macro, macro_len, macro_len + arg_len + 2);
+ /* Now copy and concatenate each argument */
+ while (arg_len)
+ {
+ ptr[macro_len++] = '_';
+ for (; arg_len && (ISALNUM(*arg) || *arg == '_'); arg_len--)
+ ptr[macro_len++] = *arg++;
+ for (; arg_len && !(ISALNUM(*arg) || *arg == '_'); arg_len--)
+ arg++;
+ }
+ ptr[macro_len] = 0;
+ return ptr;
+typedef struct macro_def
+ const char *name;
+ const char *expansion;
+ const char *additional;
+} macro_def_t;
+typedef struct macro
+ const macro_def_t *def;
+ struct macro *next;
+ const char *args[10];
+} macro_t;
+static const macro_def_t macro_defs[] =
+#define IN_GENGTYPE 1
+#include "vec.h"
+/* Chain of macro expansions to do at end of scanning. */
+static macro_t *macro_expns;
+static macro_t *macro_expns_end;
+/* Push macro NAME (NAME_LEN) with argument ARG (ARG_LEN) onto the
+ expansion queue. We ensure NAME is known at this point. */
+static const char *
+push_macro_expansion (const char *name, unsigned name_len,
+ const char *arg, unsigned arg_len)
+ unsigned ix;
+ for (ix = 0; macro_defs[ix].name; ix++)
+ if (strlen (macro_defs[ix].name) == name_len
+ && !memcmp (name, macro_defs[ix].name, name_len))
+ {
+ macro_t *expansion = XNEW (macro_t);
+ char *args;
+ unsigned argno, last_arg;
+ expansion->def = &macro_defs[ix];
+ expansion->next = NULL;
+ args = (char *) xmemdup (arg, arg_len, arg_len+1);
+ args[arg_len] = 0;
+ for (argno = 0; *args;)
+ {
+ expansion->args[argno++] = args;
+ while (*args && (ISALNUM (*args) || *args == '_'))
+ args++;
+ if (argno == 1)
+ expansion->args[argno++] = "base";
+ if (!*args)
+ break;
+ *args++ = 0;
+ while (*args && !(ISALNUM (*args) || *args == '_'))
+ args++;
+ }
+ last_arg = argno;
+ for (; argno != 10; argno++)
+ expansion->args[argno] = NULL;
+ if (macro_expns_end)
+ macro_expns_end->next = expansion;
+ else
+ macro_expns = expansion;
+ macro_expns_end = expansion;
+ if (macro_defs[ix].additional)
+ {
+ macro_t *expn2 = XNEW (macro_t);
+ memcpy (expn2, expansion, sizeof (*expn2));
+ expansion = expn2;
+ expansion->def += 1;
+ expansion->args[last_arg++] = macro_defs[ix].additional;
+ macro_expns_end->next = expansion;
+ macro_expns_end = expansion;
+ }
+ if (last_arg > 2 && strcmp (expansion->args[last_arg - 1], "heap"))
+ expansion->args[last_arg++] = "GTY (())";
+ return macro_defs[ix].additional;
+ }
+ error_at_line (&lexer_line, "unrecognized macro `%.*s(%.*s)'",
+ name_len, name, arg_len, arg);
+ return NULL;
+/* Attempt to read some input. Use fread until we're at the end of
+ file. At end of file expand the next queued macro. We presume the
+ buffer is large enough for the entire expansion. */
+static unsigned
+macro_input (char *buffer, unsigned size)
+ unsigned result;
+ result = fread (buffer, 1, size, yyin);
+ if (result)
+ /*NOP*/;
+ else if (ferror (yyin))
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR ("read of source file failed");
+ else if (macro_expns)
+ {
+ const char *expn;
+ unsigned len;
+ for (expn = macro_expns->def->expansion; *expn; expn++)
+ {
+ if (*expn == '#')
+ {
+ int argno;
+ argno = expn[1] - '0';
+ expn += 1;
+ /* Remove inserted space? */
+ if (buffer[result-1] == ' ' && buffer[result-2] == '_')
+ result--;
+ /* Insert the argument value */
+ if (macro_expns->args[argno])
+ {
+ len = strlen (macro_expns->args[argno]);
+ memcpy (&buffer[result], macro_expns->args[argno], len);
+ result += len;
+ }
+ /* Skip next space? */
+ if (expn[1] == ' ' && expn[2] == '_')
+ expn++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ buffer[result++] = *expn;
+ if (*expn == ';' || *expn == '{')
+ buffer[result++] = '\n';
+ }
+ }
+ if (result > size)
+ YY_FATAL_ERROR ("buffer too small to expand macro");
+ macro_expns = macro_expns->next;
+ if (!macro_expns)
+ macro_expns_end = NULL;
+ }
+ return result;
+yyerror (const char *s)
+ error_at_line (&lexer_line, s);
+parse_file (const char *fname)
+ yyin = fopen (fname, "r");
+ lexer_line.file = fname;
+ lexer_line.line = 1;
+ if (yyin == NULL)
+ {
+ perror (fname);
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ if (yyparse() != 0)
+ exit (1);
+ fclose (yyin);