path: root/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/finalize_13.f90
diff options
authorBen Cheng <bccheng@google.com>2014-03-25 22:37:19 -0700
committerBen Cheng <bccheng@google.com>2014-03-25 22:37:19 -0700
commit1bc5aee63eb72b341f506ad058502cd0361f0d10 (patch)
treec607e8252f3405424ff15bc2d00aa38dadbb2518 /gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/finalize_13.f90
parent283a0bf58fcf333c58a2a92c3ebbc41fb9eb1fdb (diff)
Initial checkin of GCC 4.9.0 from trunk (r208799).
Change-Id: I48a3c08bb98542aa215912a75f03c0890e497dba
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/finalize_13.f90')
1 files changed, 161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/finalize_13.f90 b/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/finalize_13.f90
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78b20acd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.9/gcc/testsuite/gfortran.dg/finalize_13.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+! { dg-do run }
+! PR fortran/37336
+module m
+ implicit none
+ type t
+ integer :: i
+ contains
+ final :: fini3, fini2, fini_elm
+ end type t
+ type, extends(t) :: t2
+ integer :: j
+ contains
+ final :: f2ini2, f2ini_elm
+ end type t2
+ logical :: elem_call
+ logical :: rank2_call
+ logical :: rank3_call
+ integer :: cnt, cnt2
+ integer :: fini_call
+ subroutine fini2 (x)
+ type(t), intent(in), contiguous :: x(:,:)
+ if (.not. rank2_call) call abort ()
+ if (size(x,1) /= 2 .or. size(x,2) /= 3) call abort()
+ !print *, 'fini2:', x%i
+ if (any (x%i /= reshape([11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32], [2,3]))) call abort()
+ fini_call = fini_call + 1
+ end subroutine
+ subroutine fini3 (x)
+ type(t), intent(in) :: x(2,2,*)
+ integer :: i,j,k
+ if (.not. elem_call) call abort ()
+ if (.not. rank3_call) call abort ()
+ if (cnt2 /= 9) call abort()
+ if (cnt /= 1) call abort()
+ do i = 1, 2
+ do j = 1, 2
+ do k = 1, 2
+ !print *, k,j,i,x(k,j,i)%i
+ if (x(k,j,i)%i /= k+10*j+100*i) call abort()
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ fini_call = fini_call + 1
+ end subroutine
+ impure elemental subroutine fini_elm (x)
+ type(t), intent(in) :: x
+ if (.not. elem_call) call abort ()
+ if (rank3_call) call abort ()
+ if (cnt2 /= 6) call abort()
+ if (cnt /= x%i) call abort()
+ !print *, 'fini_elm:', cnt, x%i
+ fini_call = fini_call + 1
+ cnt = cnt + 1
+ end subroutine
+ subroutine f2ini2 (x)
+ type(t2), intent(in), target :: x(:,:)
+ if (.not. rank2_call) call abort ()
+ if (size(x,1) /= 2 .or. size(x,2) /= 3) call abort()
+ !print *, 'f2ini2:', x%i
+ !print *, 'f2ini2:', x%j
+ if (any (x%i /= reshape([11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32], [2,3]))) call abort()
+ if (any (x%j /= 100*reshape([11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32], [2,3]))) call abort()
+ fini_call = fini_call + 1
+ end subroutine
+ impure elemental subroutine f2ini_elm (x)
+ type(t2), intent(in) :: x
+ integer, parameter :: exprected(*) &
+ = [111, 112, 121, 122, 211, 212, 221, 222]
+ if (.not. elem_call) call abort ()
+ !print *, 'f2ini_elm:', cnt2, x%i, x%j
+ if (rank3_call) then
+ if (x%i /= exprected(cnt2)) call abort ()
+ if (x%j /= 1000*exprected(cnt2)) call abort ()
+ else
+ if (cnt2 /= x%i .or. cnt2*10 /= x%j) call abort()
+ end if
+ cnt2 = cnt2 + 1
+ fini_call = fini_call + 1
+ end subroutine
+end module m
+program test
+ use m
+ implicit none
+ class(t), save, allocatable :: y(:), z(:,:), zz(:,:,:)
+ target :: z, zz
+ integer :: i,j,k
+ elem_call = .false.
+ rank2_call = .false.
+ rank3_call = .false.
+ allocate (t2 :: y(5))
+ select type (y)
+ type is (t2)
+ do i = 1, 5
+ y(i)%i = i
+ y(i)%j = i*10
+ end do
+ end select
+ cnt = 1
+ cnt2 = 1
+ fini_call = 0
+ elem_call = .true.
+ deallocate (y)
+ if (fini_call /= 10) call abort ()
+ elem_call = .false.
+ rank2_call = .false.
+ rank3_call = .false.
+ allocate (t2 :: z(2,3))
+ select type (z)
+ type is (t2)
+ do i = 1, 3
+ do j = 1, 2
+ z(j,i)%i = j+10*i
+ z(j,i)%j = (j+10*i)*100
+ end do
+ end do
+ end select
+ cnt = 1
+ cnt2 = 1
+ fini_call = 0
+ rank2_call = .true.
+ deallocate (z)
+ if (fini_call /= 2) call abort ()
+ elem_call = .false.
+ rank2_call = .false.
+ rank3_call = .false.
+ allocate (t2 :: zz(2,2,2))
+ select type (zz)
+ type is (t2)
+ do i = 1, 2
+ do j = 1, 2
+ do k = 1, 2
+ zz(k,j,i)%i = k+10*j+100*i
+ zz(k,j,i)%j = (k+10*j+100*i)*1000
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end select
+ cnt = 1
+ cnt2 = 1
+ fini_call = 0
+ rank3_call = .true.
+ elem_call = .true.
+ deallocate (zz)
+ if (fini_call /= 2*2*2+1) call abort ()
+end program test