path: root/gcc-4.9/gcc/ada/adabkend.adb
diff options
authorBen Cheng <bccheng@google.com>2014-03-25 22:37:19 -0700
committerBen Cheng <bccheng@google.com>2014-03-25 22:37:19 -0700
commit1bc5aee63eb72b341f506ad058502cd0361f0d10 (patch)
treec607e8252f3405424ff15bc2d00aa38dadbb2518 /gcc-4.9/gcc/ada/adabkend.adb
parent283a0bf58fcf333c58a2a92c3ebbc41fb9eb1fdb (diff)
Initial checkin of GCC 4.9.0 from trunk (r208799).
Change-Id: I48a3c08bb98542aa215912a75f03c0890e497dba
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.9/gcc/ada/adabkend.adb')
1 files changed, 297 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.9/gcc/ada/adabkend.adb b/gcc-4.9/gcc/ada/adabkend.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e1a2d9b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.9/gcc/ada/adabkend.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+-- --
+-- --
+-- A D A B K E N D --
+-- --
+-- B o d y --
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 2001-2013, AdaCore --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
+-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
+-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
+-- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. --
+-- --
+-- This is the version of the Back_End package for back ends written in Ada
+with Debug;
+with Lib;
+with Opt; use Opt;
+with Output; use Output;
+with Osint; use Osint;
+with Osint.C; use Osint.C;
+with Switch.C; use Switch.C;
+with Types; use Types;
+with System.OS_Lib; use System.OS_Lib;
+package body Adabkend is
+ use Switch;
+ -------------------
+ -- Call_Back_End --
+ -------------------
+ procedure Call_Back_End is
+ begin
+ if (Opt.Verbose_Mode or Opt.Full_List)
+ and then not Debug.Debug_Flag_7
+ then
+ Write_Eol;
+ Write_Str (Product_Name);
+ Write_Str (", Copyright ");
+ Write_Str (Copyright_Years);
+ Write_Str (" Ada Core Technologies, Inc.");
+ Write_Str (" (http://www.adacore.com)");
+ Write_Eol;
+ Write_Eol;
+ end if;
+ Driver (Lib.Cunit (Types.Main_Unit));
+ end Call_Back_End;
+ ------------------------
+ -- Scan_Compiler_Args --
+ ------------------------
+ procedure Scan_Compiler_Arguments is
+ Output_File_Name_Seen : Boolean := False;
+ -- Set to True after having scanned the file_name for switch
+ -- "-gnatO file_name"
+ Argument_Count : constant Integer := Arg_Count - 1;
+ -- Number of arguments (excluding program name)
+ Args : Argument_List (1 .. Argument_Count);
+ Next_Arg : Positive := 1;
+ procedure Scan_Back_End_Switches (Switch_Chars : String);
+ -- Procedure to scan out switches stored in Switch_Chars. The first
+ -- character is known to be a valid switch character, and there are no
+ -- blanks or other switch terminator characters in the string, so the
+ -- entire string should consist of valid switch characters, except that
+ -- an optional terminating NUL character is allowed.
+ --
+ -- If the switch is not valid, control will not return. The switches
+ -- must still be scanned to skip the "-o" arguments, or internal GCC
+ -- switches, which may be safely ignored by other back-ends.
+ ----------------------------
+ -- Scan_Back_End_Switches --
+ ----------------------------
+ procedure Scan_Back_End_Switches (Switch_Chars : String) is
+ First : constant Positive := Switch_Chars'First + 1;
+ Last : constant Natural := Switch_Last (Switch_Chars);
+ begin
+ -- Process any back end switches, returning if the switch does not
+ -- affect code generation or falling through if it does, so the
+ -- switch will get stored.
+ if Is_Internal_GCC_Switch (Switch_Chars) then
+ Next_Arg := Next_Arg + 1;
+ return; -- ignore this switch
+ -- Record that an object file name has been specified. The actual
+ -- file name argument is picked up and saved below by the main body
+ -- of Scan_Compiler_Arguments.
+ elsif Switch_Chars (First .. Last) = "o" then
+ if First = Last then
+ Opt.Output_File_Name_Present := True;
+ return;
+ else
+ Fail ("invalid switch: " & Switch_Chars);
+ end if;
+ -- Set optimization indicators appropriately. In gcc-based GNAT this
+ -- is picked up from imported variables set by the gcc driver, but
+ -- for compilers with non-gcc back ends we do it here to allow use
+ -- of these switches by the front end. Allowed optimization switches
+ -- are -Os (optimize for size), -O[0123], and -O (same as -O1).
+ elsif Switch_Chars (First) = 'O' then
+ if First = Last then
+ Optimization_Level := 1;
+ elsif Last - First = 1 then
+ if Switch_Chars (Last) = 's' then
+ Optimize_Size := 1;
+ Optimization_Level := 2; -- Consistent with gcc setting
+ elsif Switch_Chars (Last) in '0' .. '3' then
+ Optimization_Level :=
+ Character'Pos (Switch_Chars (Last)) - Character'Pos ('0');
+ else
+ Fail ("invalid switch: " & Switch_Chars);
+ end if;
+ else
+ Fail ("invalid switch: " & Switch_Chars);
+ end if;
+ elsif Switch_Chars (First .. Last) = "quiet" then
+ return; -- ignore this switch
+ elsif Switch_Chars (First .. Last) = "c" then
+ return; -- ignore this switch
+ -- The -x switch and its language name argument will generally be
+ -- ignored by non-gcc back ends (e.g. the GNAAMP back end). In any
+ -- case, we save the switch and argument in the compilation switches.
+ elsif Switch_Chars (First .. Last) = "x" then
+ Lib.Store_Compilation_Switch (Switch_Chars);
+ Next_Arg := Next_Arg + 1;
+ declare
+ Argv : constant String := Args (Next_Arg).all;
+ begin
+ if Is_Switch (Argv) then
+ Fail ("language name missing after -x");
+ else
+ Lib.Store_Compilation_Switch (Argv);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ return;
+ -- Special check, the back end switch -fno-inline also sets the
+ -- front end flag to entirely inhibit all inlining. So we store it
+ -- and set the appropriate flag.
+ elsif Switch_Chars (First .. Last) = "fno-inline" then
+ Lib.Store_Compilation_Switch (Switch_Chars);
+ Opt.Suppress_All_Inlining := True;
+ return;
+ -- Similar processing for -fpreserve-control-flow
+ elsif Switch_Chars (First .. Last) = "fpreserve-control-flow" then
+ Lib.Store_Compilation_Switch (Switch_Chars);
+ Opt.Suppress_Control_Flow_Optimizations := True;
+ return;
+ -- Ignore all other back end switches
+ elsif Is_Back_End_Switch (Switch_Chars) then
+ null;
+ -- Give error for junk switch
+ else
+ Fail ("invalid switch: " & Switch_Chars);
+ end if;
+ -- Store any other GCC switches
+ Lib.Store_Compilation_Switch (Switch_Chars);
+ end Scan_Back_End_Switches;
+ -- Start of processing for Scan_Compiler_Args
+ begin
+ -- Put all the arguments in argument list Args
+ for Arg in 1 .. Argument_Count loop
+ declare
+ Argv : String (1 .. Len_Arg (Arg));
+ begin
+ Fill_Arg (Argv'Address, Arg);
+ Args (Arg) := new String'(Argv);
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ -- Loop through command line arguments, storing them for later access
+ while Next_Arg <= Argument_Count loop
+ Look_At_Arg : declare
+ Argv : constant String := Args (Next_Arg).all;
+ begin
+ if Argv'Length = 0 then
+ Fail ("Empty argument");
+ end if;
+ -- If the previous switch has set the Output_File_Name_Present
+ -- flag (that is we have seen a -gnatO), then the next argument
+ -- is the name of the output object file.
+ if Opt.Output_File_Name_Present
+ and then not Output_File_Name_Seen
+ then
+ if Is_Switch (Argv) then
+ Fail ("Object file name missing after -gnatO");
+ -- In GNATprove_Mode, such an object file is never written, and
+ -- the call to Set_Output_Object_File_Name may fail (e.g. when
+ -- the object file name does not have the expected suffix). So
+ -- we skip that call when GNATprove_Mode is set.
+ elsif GNATprove_Mode then
+ Output_File_Name_Seen := True;
+ else
+ Set_Output_Object_File_Name (Argv);
+ Output_File_Name_Seen := True;
+ end if;
+ -- If the previous switch has set the Search_Directory_Present
+ -- flag (that is if we have just seen -I), then the next
+ -- argument is a search directory path.
+ elsif Search_Directory_Present then
+ if Is_Switch (Argv) then
+ Fail ("search directory missing after -I");
+ else
+ Add_Src_Search_Dir (Argv);
+ -- Add directory to lib search so that back-end can take as
+ -- input ALI files if needed. Otherwise this won't have any
+ -- impact on the compiler.
+ Add_Lib_Search_Dir (Argv);
+ Search_Directory_Present := False;
+ end if;
+ -- If not a switch, must be a file name
+ elsif not Is_Switch (Argv) then
+ Add_File (Argv);
+ -- We must recognize -nostdinc to suppress visibility on the
+ -- standard GNAT RTL sources.
+ elsif Argv (Argv'First + 1 .. Argv'Last) = "nostdinc" then
+ Opt.No_Stdinc := True;
+ -- Front end switch
+ elsif Is_Front_End_Switch (Argv) then
+ Scan_Front_End_Switches (Argv, Args, Next_Arg);
+ -- All non-front-end switches are back-end switches
+ else
+ Scan_Back_End_Switches (Argv);
+ end if;
+ end Look_At_Arg;
+ Next_Arg := Next_Arg + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end Scan_Compiler_Arguments;
+end Adabkend;