path: root/gcc-4.8.1/gcc/go/gofrontend/gogo.h
diff options
authorDan Albert <danalbert@google.com>2016-02-24 13:48:45 -0800
committerDan Albert <danalbert@google.com>2016-02-24 13:51:18 -0800
commitb9de1157289455b0ca26daff519d4a0ddcd1fa13 (patch)
tree4c56cc0a34b91f17033a40a455f26652304f7b8d /gcc-4.8.1/gcc/go/gofrontend/gogo.h
parent098157a754787181cfa10e71325832448ddcea98 (diff)
Update 4.8.1 to 4.8.3.
My previous drop was the wrong version. The platform mingw is currently using 4.8.3, not 4.8.1 (not sure how I got that wrong). From ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gcc/gcc-4.8.3/gcc-4.8.3.tar.bz2. Bug: http://b/26523949 Change-Id: Id85f1bdcbbaf78c7d0b5a69e74c798a08f341c35
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.8.1/gcc/go/gofrontend/gogo.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2939 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/gcc/go/gofrontend/gogo.h b/gcc-4.8.1/gcc/go/gofrontend/gogo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f96ffcdfd..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.8.1/gcc/go/gofrontend/gogo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2939 +0,0 @@
-// gogo.h -- Go frontend parsed representation. -*- C++ -*-
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-#ifndef GO_GOGO_H
-#define GO_GOGO_H
-#include "go-linemap.h"
-class Traverse;
-class Statement_inserter;
-class Type;
-class Type_hash_identical;
-class Type_equal;
-class Type_identical;
-class Typed_identifier;
-class Typed_identifier_list;
-class Function_type;
-class Expression;
-class Statement;
-class Temporary_statement;
-class Block;
-class Function;
-class Bindings;
-class Bindings_snapshot;
-class Package;
-class Variable;
-class Pointer_type;
-class Struct_type;
-class Struct_field;
-class Struct_field_list;
-class Array_type;
-class Map_type;
-class Channel_type;
-class Interface_type;
-class Named_type;
-class Forward_declaration_type;
-class Named_object;
-class Label;
-class Translate_context;
-class Backend;
-class Export;
-class Import;
-class Bexpression;
-class Bstatement;
-class Bblock;
-class Bvariable;
-class Blabel;
-// This file declares the basic classes used to hold the internal
-// representation of Go which is built by the parser.
-// An initialization function for an imported package. This is a
-// magic function which initializes variables and runs the "init"
-// function.
-class Import_init
- public:
- Import_init(const std::string& package_name, const std::string& init_name,
- int priority)
- : package_name_(package_name), init_name_(init_name), priority_(priority)
- { }
- // The name of the package being imported.
- const std::string&
- package_name() const
- { return this->package_name_; }
- // The name of the package's init function.
- const std::string&
- init_name() const
- { return this->init_name_; }
- // The priority of the initialization function. Functions with a
- // lower priority number must be run first.
- int
- priority() const
- { return this->priority_; }
- private:
- // The name of the package being imported.
- std::string package_name_;
- // The name of the package's init function.
- std::string init_name_;
- // The priority.
- int priority_;
-// For sorting purposes.
-inline bool
-operator<(const Import_init& i1, const Import_init& i2)
- if (i1.priority() < i2.priority())
- return true;
- if (i1.priority() > i2.priority())
- return false;
- if (i1.package_name() != i2.package_name())
- return i1.package_name() < i2.package_name();
- return i1.init_name() < i2.init_name();
-// The holder for the internal representation of the entire
-// compilation unit.
-class Gogo
- public:
- // Create the IR, passing in the sizes of the types "int" and
- // "uintptr" in bits.
- Gogo(Backend* backend, Linemap *linemap, int int_type_size, int pointer_size);
- // Get the backend generator.
- Backend*
- backend()
- { return this->backend_; }
- // Get the Location generator.
- Linemap*
- linemap()
- { return this->linemap_; }
- // Get the package name.
- const std::string&
- package_name() const;
- // Set the package name.
- void
- set_package_name(const std::string&, Location);
- // Return whether this is the "main" package.
- bool
- is_main_package() const;
- // If necessary, adjust the name to use for a hidden symbol. We add
- // the package name, so that hidden symbols in different packages do
- // not collide.
- std::string
- pack_hidden_name(const std::string& name, bool is_exported) const
- {
- return (is_exported
- ? name
- : '.' + this->pkgpath() + '.' + name);
- }
- // Unpack a name which may have been hidden. Returns the
- // user-visible name of the object.
- static std::string
- unpack_hidden_name(const std::string& name)
- { return name[0] != '.' ? name : name.substr(name.rfind('.') + 1); }
- // Return whether a possibly packed name is hidden.
- static bool
- is_hidden_name(const std::string& name)
- { return name[0] == '.'; }
- // Return the package path of a hidden name.
- static std::string
- hidden_name_pkgpath(const std::string& name)
- {
- go_assert(Gogo::is_hidden_name(name));
- return name.substr(1, name.rfind('.') - 1);
- }
- // Given a name which may or may not have been hidden, return the
- // name to use in an error message.
- static std::string
- message_name(const std::string& name);
- // Return whether a name is the blank identifier _.
- static bool
- is_sink_name(const std::string& name)
- {
- return (name[0] == '.'
- && name[name.length() - 1] == '_'
- && name[name.length() - 2] == '.');
- }
- // Convert a pkgpath into a string suitable for a symbol
- static std::string
- pkgpath_for_symbol(const std::string& pkgpath);
- // Return the package path to use for reflect.Type.PkgPath.
- const std::string&
- pkgpath() const;
- // Return the package path to use for a symbol name.
- const std::string&
- pkgpath_symbol() const;
- // Set the package path from a command line option.
- void
- set_pkgpath(const std::string&);
- // Set the prefix from a command line option.
- void
- set_prefix(const std::string&);
- // Return whether pkgpath was set from a command line option.
- bool
- pkgpath_from_option() const
- { return this->pkgpath_from_option_; }
- // Return the relative import path as set from the command line.
- // Returns an empty string if it was not set.
- const std::string&
- relative_import_path() const
- { return this->relative_import_path_; }
- // Set the relative import path from a command line option.
- void
- set_relative_import_path(const std::string& s)
- {this->relative_import_path_ = s; }
- // Return the priority to use for the package we are compiling.
- // This is two more than the largest priority of any package we
- // import.
- int
- package_priority() const;
- // Import a package. FILENAME is the file name argument, LOCAL_NAME
- // is the local name to give to the package. If LOCAL_NAME is empty
- // the declarations are added to the global scope.
- void
- import_package(const std::string& filename, const std::string& local_name,
- bool is_local_name_exported, Location);
- // Whether we are the global binding level.
- bool
- in_global_scope() const;
- // Look up a name in the current binding contours.
- Named_object*
- lookup(const std::string&, Named_object** pfunction) const;
- // Look up a name in the current block.
- Named_object*
- lookup_in_block(const std::string&) const;
- // Look up a name in the global namespace--the universal scope.
- Named_object*
- lookup_global(const char*) const;
- // Add a new imported package. REAL_NAME is the real name of the
- // package. ALIAS is the alias of the package; this may be the same
- // as REAL_NAME. This sets *PADD_TO_GLOBALS if symbols added to
- // this package should be added to the global namespace; this is
- // true if the alias is ".". LOCATION is the location of the import
- // statement. This returns the new package, or NULL on error.
- Package*
- add_imported_package(const std::string& real_name, const std::string& alias,
- bool is_alias_exported,
- const std::string& pkgpath,
- Location location,
- bool* padd_to_globals);
- // Register a package. This package may or may not be imported.
- // This returns the Package structure for the package, creating if
- // it necessary.
- Package*
- register_package(const std::string& pkgpath, Location);
- // Start compiling a function. ADD_METHOD_TO_TYPE is true if a
- // method function should be added to the type of its receiver.
- Named_object*
- start_function(const std::string& name, Function_type* type,
- bool add_method_to_type, Location);
- // Finish compiling a function.
- void
- finish_function(Location);
- // Return the current function.
- Named_object*
- current_function() const;
- // Return the current block.
- Block*
- current_block();
- // Start a new block. This is not initially associated with a
- // function.
- void
- start_block(Location);
- // Finish the current block and return it.
- Block*
- finish_block(Location);
- // Declare an erroneous name. This is used to avoid knock-on errors
- // after a parsing error.
- Named_object*
- add_erroneous_name(const std::string& name);
- // Declare an unknown name. This is used while parsing. The name
- // must be resolved by the end of the parse. Unknown names are
- // always added at the package level.
- Named_object*
- add_unknown_name(const std::string& name, Location);
- // Declare a function.
- Named_object*
- declare_function(const std::string&, Function_type*, Location);
- // Declare a function at the package level. This is used for
- // functions generated for a type.
- Named_object*
- declare_package_function(const std::string&, Function_type*, Location);
- // Add a label.
- Label*
- add_label_definition(const std::string&, Location);
- // Add a label reference. ISSUE_GOTO_ERRORS is true if we should
- // report errors for a goto from the current location to the label
- // location.
- Label*
- add_label_reference(const std::string&, Location,
- bool issue_goto_errors);
- // Return a snapshot of the current binding state.
- Bindings_snapshot*
- bindings_snapshot(Location);
- // Add a statement to the current block.
- void
- add_statement(Statement*);
- // Add a block to the current block.
- void
- add_block(Block*, Location);
- // Add a constant.
- Named_object*
- add_constant(const Typed_identifier&, Expression*, int iota_value);
- // Add a type.
- void
- add_type(const std::string&, Type*, Location);
- // Add a named type. This is used for builtin types, and to add an
- // imported type to the global scope.
- void
- add_named_type(Named_type*);
- // Declare a type.
- Named_object*
- declare_type(const std::string&, Location);
- // Declare a type at the package level. This is used when the
- // parser sees an unknown name where a type name is required.
- Named_object*
- declare_package_type(const std::string&, Location);
- // Define a type which was already declared.
- void
- define_type(Named_object*, Named_type*);
- // Add a variable.
- Named_object*
- add_variable(const std::string&, Variable*);
- // Add a sink--a reference to the blank identifier _.
- Named_object*
- add_sink();
- // Add a type which needs to be verified. This is used for sink
- // types, just to give appropriate error messages.
- void
- add_type_to_verify(Type* type);
- // Add a named object to the current namespace. This is used for
- // import . "package".
- void
- add_named_object(Named_object*);
- // Add an identifier to the list of names seen in the file block.
- void
- add_file_block_name(const std::string& name, Location location)
- { this->file_block_names_[name] = location; }
- // Mark all local variables in current bindings as used. This is
- // used when there is a parse error to avoid useless errors.
- void
- mark_locals_used();
- // Return a name to use for a thunk function. A thunk function is
- // one we create during the compilation, for a go statement or a
- // defer statement or a method expression.
- static std::string
- thunk_name();
- // Return whether an object is a thunk.
- static bool
- is_thunk(const Named_object*);
- // Note that we've seen an interface type. This is used to build
- // all required interface method tables.
- void
- record_interface_type(Interface_type*);
- // Note that we need an initialization function.
- void
- set_need_init_fn()
- { this->need_init_fn_ = true; }
- // Clear out all names in file scope. This is called when we start
- // parsing a new file.
- void
- clear_file_scope();
- // Record that VAR1 must be initialized after VAR2. This is used
- // when VAR2 does not appear in VAR1's INIT or PREINIT.
- void
- record_var_depends_on(Variable* var1, Named_object* var2)
- {
- go_assert(this->var_deps_.find(var1) == this->var_deps_.end());
- this->var_deps_[var1] = var2;
- }
- // Return the variable that VAR depends on, or NULL if none.
- Named_object*
- var_depends_on(Variable* var) const
- {
- Var_deps::const_iterator p = this->var_deps_.find(var);
- return p != this->var_deps_.end() ? p->second : NULL;
- }
- // Queue up a type-specific function to be written out. This is
- // used when a type-specific function is needed when not at the top
- // level.
- void
- queue_specific_type_function(Type* type, Named_type* name,
- const std::string& hash_name,
- Function_type* hash_fntype,
- const std::string& equal_name,
- Function_type* equal_fntype);
- // Write out queued specific type functions.
- void
- write_specific_type_functions();
- // Whether we are done writing out specific type functions.
- bool
- specific_type_functions_are_written() const
- { return this->specific_type_functions_are_written_; }
- // Traverse the tree. See the Traverse class.
- void
- traverse(Traverse*);
- // Define the predeclared global names.
- void
- define_global_names();
- // Verify and complete all types.
- void
- verify_types();
- // Lower the parse tree.
- void
- lower_parse_tree();
- // Lower all the statements in a block.
- void
- lower_block(Named_object* function, Block*);
- // Lower an expression.
- void
- lower_expression(Named_object* function, Statement_inserter*, Expression**);
- // Lower a constant.
- void
- lower_constant(Named_object*);
- // Finalize the method lists and build stub methods for named types.
- void
- finalize_methods();
- // Work out the types to use for unspecified variables and
- // constants.
- void
- determine_types();
- // Type check the program.
- void
- check_types();
- // Check the types in a single block. This is used for complicated
- // go statements.
- void
- check_types_in_block(Block*);
- // Check for return statements.
- void
- check_return_statements();
- // Do all exports.
- void
- do_exports();
- // Add an import control function for an imported package to the
- // list.
- void
- add_import_init_fn(const std::string& package_name,
- const std::string& init_name, int prio);
- // Turn short-cut operators (&&, ||) into explicit if statements.
- void
- remove_shortcuts();
- // Use temporary variables to force order of evaluation.
- void
- order_evaluations();
- // Build thunks for functions which call recover.
- void
- build_recover_thunks();
- // Simplify statements which might use thunks: go and defer
- // statements.
- void
- simplify_thunk_statements();
- // Dump AST if -fgo-dump-ast is set
- void
- dump_ast(const char* basename);
- // Convert named types to the backend representation.
- void
- convert_named_types();
- // Convert named types in a list of bindings.
- void
- convert_named_types_in_bindings(Bindings*);
- // True if named types have been converted to the backend
- // representation.
- bool
- named_types_are_converted() const
- { return this->named_types_are_converted_; }
- // Write out the global values.
- void
- write_globals();
- // Create trees for implicit builtin functions.
- void
- define_builtin_function_trees();
- // Build a call to a builtin function. PDECL should point to a NULL
- // initialized static pointer which will hold the fndecl. NAME is
- // the name of the function. NARGS is the number of arguments.
- // RETTYPE is the return type. It is followed by NARGS pairs of
- // type and argument (both trees).
- static tree
- call_builtin(tree* pdecl, Location, const char* name, int nargs,
- tree rettype, ...);
- // Build a call to the runtime error function.
- tree
- runtime_error(int code, Location);
- // Build a builtin struct with a list of fields.
- static tree
- builtin_struct(tree* ptype, const char* struct_name, tree struct_type,
- int nfields, ...);
- // Mark a function declaration as a builtin library function.
- static void
- mark_fndecl_as_builtin_library(tree fndecl);
- // Build a constructor for a slice. SLICE_TYPE_TREE is the type of
- // the slice. VALUES points to the values. COUNT is the size,
- // CAPACITY is the capacity. If CAPACITY is NULL, it is set to
- // COUNT.
- static tree
- slice_constructor(tree slice_type_tree, tree values, tree count,
- tree capacity);
- // Build required interface method tables.
- void
- build_interface_method_tables();
- // Build an interface method table for a type: a list of function
- // pointers, one for each interface method. This returns a decl.
- tree
- interface_method_table_for_type(const Interface_type*, Type*,
- bool is_pointer);
- // Return a tree which allocate SIZE bytes to hold values of type
- // TYPE.
- tree
- allocate_memory(Type *type, tree size, Location);
- // Return a type to use for pointer to const char.
- static tree
- const_char_pointer_type_tree();
- // Build a string constant with the right type.
- static tree
- string_constant_tree(const std::string&);
- // Build a Go string constant. This returns a pointer to the
- // constant.
- tree
- go_string_constant_tree(const std::string&);
- // Receive a value from a channel.
- static tree
- receive_from_channel(tree type_tree, tree type_descriptor_tree, tree channel,
- Location);
- // Make a trampoline which calls FNADDR passing CLOSURE.
- tree
- make_trampoline(tree fnaddr, tree closure, Location);
- private:
- // During parsing, we keep a stack of functions. Each function on
- // the stack is one that we are currently parsing. For each
- // function, we keep track of the current stack of blocks.
- struct Open_function
- {
- // The function.
- Named_object* function;
- // The stack of active blocks in the function.
- std::vector<Block*> blocks;
- };
- // The stack of functions.
- typedef std::vector<Open_function> Open_functions;
- // Set up the built-in unsafe package.
- void
- import_unsafe(const std::string&, bool is_exported, Location);
- // Return the current binding contour.
- Bindings*
- current_bindings();
- const Bindings*
- current_bindings() const;
- // Get the name of the magic initialization function.
- const std::string&
- get_init_fn_name();
- // Get the decl for the magic initialization function.
- tree
- initialization_function_decl();
- // Write the magic initialization function.
- void
- write_initialization_function(tree fndecl, tree init_stmt_list);
- // Initialize imported packages.
- void
- init_imports(tree*);
- // Register variables with the garbage collector.
- void
- register_gc_vars(const std::vector<Named_object*>&, tree*);
- // Build a pointer to a Go string constant. This returns a pointer
- // to the pointer.
- tree
- ptr_go_string_constant_tree(const std::string&);
- // Return the type of a trampoline.
- static tree
- trampoline_type_tree();
- // Type used to map import names to packages.
- typedef std::map<std::string, Package*> Imports;
- // Type used to map package names to packages.
- typedef std::map<std::string, Package*> Packages;
- // Type used to map variables to the function calls that set them.
- // This is used for initialization dependency analysis.
- typedef std::map<Variable*, Named_object*> Var_deps;
- // Type used to map identifiers in the file block to the location
- // where they were defined.
- typedef Unordered_map(std::string, Location) File_block_names;
- // Type used to queue writing a type specific function.
- struct Specific_type_function
- {
- Type* type;
- Named_type* name;
- std::string hash_name;
- Function_type* hash_fntype;
- std::string equal_name;
- Function_type* equal_fntype;
- Specific_type_function(Type* atype, Named_type* aname,
- const std::string& ahash_name,
- Function_type* ahash_fntype,
- const std::string& aequal_name,
- Function_type* aequal_fntype)
- : type(atype), name(aname), hash_name(ahash_name),
- hash_fntype(ahash_fntype), equal_name(aequal_name),
- equal_fntype(aequal_fntype)
- { }
- };
- // The backend generator.
- Backend* backend_;
- // The object used to keep track of file names and line numbers.
- Linemap* linemap_;
- // The package we are compiling.
- Package* package_;
- // The list of currently open functions during parsing.
- Open_functions functions_;
- // The global binding contour. This includes the builtin functions
- // and the package we are compiling.
- Bindings* globals_;
- // The list of names we have seen in the file block.
- File_block_names file_block_names_;
- // Mapping from import file names to packages.
- Imports imports_;
- // Whether the magic unsafe package was imported.
- bool imported_unsafe_;
- // Mapping from package names we have seen to packages. This does
- // not include the package we are compiling.
- Packages packages_;
- // The functions named "init", if there are any.
- std::vector<Named_object*> init_functions_;
- // A mapping from variables to the function calls that initialize
- // them, if it is not stored in the variable's init or preinit.
- // This is used for dependency analysis.
- Var_deps var_deps_;
- // Whether we need a magic initialization function.
- bool need_init_fn_;
- // The name of the magic initialization function.
- std::string init_fn_name_;
- // A list of import control variables for packages that we import.
- std::set<Import_init> imported_init_fns_;
- // The package path used for reflection data.
- std::string pkgpath_;
- // The package path to use for a symbol name.
- std::string pkgpath_symbol_;
- // The prefix to use for symbols, from the -fgo-prefix option.
- std::string prefix_;
- // Whether pkgpath_ has been set.
- bool pkgpath_set_;
- // Whether an explicit package path was set by -fgo-pkgpath.
- bool pkgpath_from_option_;
- // Whether an explicit prefix was set by -fgo-prefix.
- bool prefix_from_option_;
- // The relative import path, from the -fgo-relative-import-path
- // option.
- std::string relative_import_path_;
- // A list of types to verify.
- std::vector<Type*> verify_types_;
- // A list of interface types defined while parsing.
- std::vector<Interface_type*> interface_types_;
- // Type specific functions to write out.
- std::vector<Specific_type_function*> specific_type_functions_;
- // Whether we are done writing out specific type functions.
- bool specific_type_functions_are_written_;
- // Whether named types have been converted.
- bool named_types_are_converted_;
-// A block of statements.
-class Block
- public:
- Block(Block* enclosing, Location);
- // Return the enclosing block.
- const Block*
- enclosing() const
- { return this->enclosing_; }
- // Return the bindings of the block.
- Bindings*
- bindings()
- { return this->bindings_; }
- const Bindings*
- bindings() const
- { return this->bindings_; }
- // Look at the block's statements.
- const std::vector<Statement*>*
- statements() const
- { return &this->statements_; }
- // Return the start location. This is normally the location of the
- // left curly brace which starts the block.
- Location
- start_location() const
- { return this->start_location_; }
- // Return the end location. This is normally the location of the
- // right curly brace which ends the block.
- Location
- end_location() const
- { return this->end_location_; }
- // Add a statement to the block.
- void
- add_statement(Statement*);
- // Add a statement to the front of the block.
- void
- add_statement_at_front(Statement*);
- // Replace a statement in a block.
- void
- replace_statement(size_t index, Statement*);
- // Add a Statement before statement number INDEX.
- void
- insert_statement_before(size_t index, Statement*);
- // Add a Statement after statement number INDEX.
- void
- insert_statement_after(size_t index, Statement*);
- // Set the end location of the block.
- void
- set_end_location(Location location)
- { this->end_location_ = location; }
- // Traverse the tree.
- int
- traverse(Traverse*);
- // Set final types for unspecified variables and constants.
- void
- determine_types();
- // Return true if execution of this block may fall through to the
- // next block.
- bool
- may_fall_through() const;
- // Convert the block to the backend representation.
- Bblock*
- get_backend(Translate_context*);
- // Iterate over statements.
- typedef std::vector<Statement*>::iterator iterator;
- iterator
- begin()
- { return this->statements_.begin(); }
- iterator
- end()
- { return this->statements_.end(); }
- private:
- // Enclosing block.
- Block* enclosing_;
- // Statements in the block.
- std::vector<Statement*> statements_;
- // Binding contour.
- Bindings* bindings_;
- // Location of start of block.
- Location start_location_;
- // Location of end of block.
- Location end_location_;
-// A function.
-class Function
- public:
- Function(Function_type* type, Function*, Block*, Location);
- // Return the function's type.
- Function_type*
- type() const
- { return this->type_; }
- // Return the enclosing function if there is one.
- Function*
- enclosing()
- { return this->enclosing_; }
- // Set the enclosing function. This is used when building thunks
- // for functions which call recover.
- void
- set_enclosing(Function* enclosing)
- {
- go_assert(this->enclosing_ == NULL);
- this->enclosing_ = enclosing;
- }
- // The result variables.
- typedef std::vector<Named_object*> Results;
- // Create the result variables in the outer block.
- void
- create_result_variables(Gogo*);
- // Update the named result variables when cloning a function which
- // calls recover.
- void
- update_result_variables();
- // Return the result variables.
- Results*
- result_variables()
- { return this->results_; }
- // Whether the result variables have names.
- bool
- results_are_named() const
- { return this->results_are_named_; }
- // Whether this method should not be included in the type
- // descriptor.
- bool
- nointerface() const
- {
- go_assert(this->is_method());
- return this->nointerface_;
- }
- // Record that this method should not be included in the type
- // descriptor.
- void
- set_nointerface()
- {
- go_assert(this->is_method());
- this->nointerface_ = true;
- }
- // Add a new field to the closure variable.
- void
- add_closure_field(Named_object* var, Location loc)
- { this->closure_fields_.push_back(std::make_pair(var, loc)); }
- // Whether this function needs a closure.
- bool
- needs_closure() const
- { return !this->closure_fields_.empty(); }
- // Return the closure variable, creating it if necessary. This is
- // passed to the function as a static chain parameter.
- Named_object*
- closure_var();
- // Set the closure variable. This is used when building thunks for
- // functions which call recover.
- void
- set_closure_var(Named_object* v)
- {
- go_assert(this->closure_var_ == NULL);
- this->closure_var_ = v;
- }
- // Return the variable for a reference to field INDEX in the closure
- // variable.
- Named_object*
- enclosing_var(unsigned int index)
- {
- go_assert(index < this->closure_fields_.size());
- return closure_fields_[index].first;
- }
- // Set the type of the closure variable if there is one.
- void
- set_closure_type();
- // Get the block of statements associated with the function.
- Block*
- block() const
- { return this->block_; }
- // Get the location of the start of the function.
- Location
- location() const
- { return this->location_; }
- // Return whether this function is actually a method.
- bool
- is_method() const;
- // Add a label definition to the function.
- Label*
- add_label_definition(Gogo*, const std::string& label_name, Location);
- // Add a label reference to a function. ISSUE_GOTO_ERRORS is true
- // if we should report errors for a goto from the current location
- // to the label location.
- Label*
- add_label_reference(Gogo*, const std::string& label_name,
- Location, bool issue_goto_errors);
- // Warn about labels that are defined but not used.
- void
- check_labels() const;
- // Note that a new local type has been added. Return its index.
- unsigned int
- new_local_type_index()
- { return this->local_type_count_++; }
- // Whether this function calls the predeclared recover function.
- bool
- calls_recover() const
- { return this->calls_recover_; }
- // Record that this function calls the predeclared recover function.
- // This is set during the lowering pass.
- void
- set_calls_recover()
- { this->calls_recover_ = true; }
- // Whether this is a recover thunk function.
- bool
- is_recover_thunk() const
- { return this->is_recover_thunk_; }
- // Record that this is a thunk built for a function which calls
- // recover.
- void
- set_is_recover_thunk()
- { this->is_recover_thunk_ = true; }
- // Whether this function already has a recover thunk.
- bool
- has_recover_thunk() const
- { return this->has_recover_thunk_; }
- // Record that this function already has a recover thunk.
- void
- set_has_recover_thunk()
- { this->has_recover_thunk_ = true; }
- // Mark the function as going into a unique section.
- void
- set_in_unique_section()
- { this->in_unique_section_ = true; }
- // Swap with another function. Used only for the thunk which calls
- // recover.
- void
- swap_for_recover(Function *);
- // Traverse the tree.
- int
- traverse(Traverse*);
- // Determine types in the function.
- void
- determine_types();
- // Return the function's decl given an identifier.
- tree
- get_or_make_decl(Gogo*, Named_object*, tree id);
- // Return the function's decl after it has been built.
- tree
- get_decl() const
- {
- go_assert(this->fndecl_ != NULL);
- return this->fndecl_;
- }
- // Set the function decl to hold a tree of the function code.
- void
- build_tree(Gogo*, Named_object*);
- // Get the value to return when not explicitly specified. May also
- // add statements to execute first to STMT_LIST.
- tree
- return_value(Gogo*, Named_object*, Location, tree* stmt_list) const;
- // Get a tree for the variable holding the defer stack.
- Expression*
- defer_stack(Location);
- // Export the function.
- void
- export_func(Export*, const std::string& name) const;
- // Export a function with a type.
- static void
- export_func_with_type(Export*, const std::string& name,
- const Function_type*);
- // Import a function.
- static void
- import_func(Import*, std::string* pname, Typed_identifier** receiver,
- Typed_identifier_list** pparameters,
- Typed_identifier_list** presults, bool* is_varargs);
- private:
- // Type for mapping from label names to Label objects.
- typedef Unordered_map(std::string, Label*) Labels;
- tree
- make_receiver_parm_decl(Gogo*, Named_object*, tree);
- tree
- copy_parm_to_heap(Gogo*, Named_object*, tree);
- void
- build_defer_wrapper(Gogo*, Named_object*, tree*, tree*);
- typedef std::vector<std::pair<Named_object*,
- Location> > Closure_fields;
- // The function's type.
- Function_type* type_;
- // The enclosing function. This is NULL when there isn't one, which
- // is the normal case.
- Function* enclosing_;
- // The result variables, if any.
- Results* results_;
- // If there is a closure, this is the list of variables which appear
- // in the closure. This is created by the parser, and then resolved
- // to a real type when we lower parse trees.
- Closure_fields closure_fields_;
- // The closure variable, passed as a parameter using the static
- // chain parameter. Normally NULL.
- Named_object* closure_var_;
- // The outer block of statements in the function.
- Block* block_;
- // The source location of the start of the function.
- Location location_;
- // Labels defined or referenced in the function.
- Labels labels_;
- // The number of local types defined in this function.
- unsigned int local_type_count_;
- // The function decl.
- tree fndecl_;
- // The defer stack variable. A pointer to this variable is used to
- // distinguish the defer stack for one function from another. This
- // is NULL unless we actually need a defer stack.
- Temporary_statement* defer_stack_;
- // True if the result variables are named.
- bool results_are_named_;
- // True if this method should not be included in the type descriptor.
- bool nointerface_;
- // True if this function calls the predeclared recover function.
- bool calls_recover_;
- // True if this a thunk built for a function which calls recover.
- bool is_recover_thunk_;
- // True if this function already has a recover thunk.
- bool has_recover_thunk_;
- // True if this function should be put in a unique section. This is
- // turned on for field tracking.
- bool in_unique_section_ : 1;
-// A snapshot of the current binding state.
-class Bindings_snapshot
- public:
- Bindings_snapshot(const Block*, Location);
- // Report any errors appropriate for a goto from the current binding
- // state of B to this one.
- void
- check_goto_from(const Block* b, Location);
- // Report any errors appropriate for a goto from this binding state
- // to the current state of B.
- void
- check_goto_to(const Block* b);
- private:
- bool
- check_goto_block(Location, const Block*, const Block*, size_t*);
- void
- check_goto_defs(Location, const Block*, size_t, size_t);
- // The current block.
- const Block* block_;
- // The number of names currently defined in each open block.
- // Element 0 is this->block_, element 1 is
- // this->block_->enclosing(), etc.
- std::vector<size_t> counts_;
- // The location where this snapshot was taken.
- Location location_;
-// A function declaration.
-class Function_declaration
- public:
- Function_declaration(Function_type* fntype, Location location)
- : fntype_(fntype), location_(location), asm_name_(), fndecl_(NULL)
- { }
- Function_type*
- type() const
- { return this->fntype_; }
- Location
- location() const
- { return this->location_; }
- const std::string&
- asm_name() const
- { return this->asm_name_; }
- // Set the assembler name.
- void
- set_asm_name(const std::string& asm_name)
- { this->asm_name_ = asm_name; }
- // Return a decl for the function given an identifier.
- tree
- get_or_make_decl(Gogo*, Named_object*, tree id);
- // Export a function declaration.
- void
- export_func(Export* exp, const std::string& name) const
- { Function::export_func_with_type(exp, name, this->fntype_); }
- private:
- // The type of the function.
- Function_type* fntype_;
- // The location of the declaration.
- Location location_;
- // The assembler name: this is the name to use in references to the
- // function. This is normally empty.
- std::string asm_name_;
- // The function decl if needed.
- tree fndecl_;
-// A variable.
-class Variable
- public:
- Variable(Type*, Expression*, bool is_global, bool is_parameter,
- bool is_receiver, Location);
- // Get the type of the variable.
- Type*
- type();
- Type*
- type() const;
- // Return whether the type is defined yet.
- bool
- has_type() const;
- // Get the initial value.
- Expression*
- init() const
- { return this->init_; }
- // Return whether there are any preinit statements.
- bool
- has_pre_init() const
- { return this->preinit_ != NULL; }
- // Return the preinit statements if any.
- Block*
- preinit() const
- { return this->preinit_; }
- // Return whether this is a global variable.
- bool
- is_global() const
- { return this->is_global_; }
- // Return whether this is a function parameter.
- bool
- is_parameter() const
- { return this->is_parameter_; }
- // Return whether this is the receiver parameter of a method.
- bool
- is_receiver() const
- { return this->is_receiver_; }
- // Change this parameter to be a receiver. This is used when
- // creating the thunks created for functions which call recover.
- void
- set_is_receiver()
- {
- go_assert(this->is_parameter_);
- this->is_receiver_ = true;
- }
- // Change this parameter to not be a receiver. This is used when
- // creating the thunks created for functions which call recover.
- void
- set_is_not_receiver()
- {
- go_assert(this->is_parameter_);
- this->is_receiver_ = false;
- }
- // Return whether this is the varargs parameter of a function.
- bool
- is_varargs_parameter() const
- { return this->is_varargs_parameter_; }
- // Whether this variable's address is taken.
- bool
- is_address_taken() const
- { return this->is_address_taken_; }
- // Whether this variable should live in the heap.
- bool
- is_in_heap() const
- { return this->is_address_taken_ && !this->is_global_; }
- // Note that something takes the address of this variable.
- void
- set_address_taken()
- { this->is_address_taken_ = true; }
- // Return whether the address is taken but does not escape.
- bool
- is_non_escaping_address_taken() const
- { return this->is_non_escaping_address_taken_; }
- // Note that something takes the address of this variable such that
- // the address does not escape the function.
- void
- set_non_escaping_address_taken()
- { this->is_non_escaping_address_taken_ = true; }
- // Get the source location of the variable's declaration.
- Location
- location() const
- { return this->location_; }
- // Record that this is the varargs parameter of a function.
- void
- set_is_varargs_parameter()
- {
- go_assert(this->is_parameter_);
- this->is_varargs_parameter_ = true;
- }
- // Return whether the variable has been used.
- bool
- is_used() const
- { return this->is_used_; }
- // Mark that the variable has been used.
- void
- set_is_used()
- { this->is_used_ = true; }
- // Clear the initial value; used for error handling.
- void
- clear_init()
- { this->init_ = NULL; }
- // Set the initial value; used for converting shortcuts.
- void
- set_init(Expression* init)
- { this->init_ = init; }
- // Get the preinit block, a block of statements to be run before the
- // initialization expression.
- Block*
- preinit_block(Gogo*);
- // Add a statement to be run before the initialization expression.
- // This is only used for global variables.
- void
- add_preinit_statement(Gogo*, Statement*);
- // Lower the initialization expression after parsing is complete.
- void
- lower_init_expression(Gogo*, Named_object*, Statement_inserter*);
- // A special case: the init value is used only to determine the
- // type. This is used if the variable is defined using := with the
- // comma-ok form of a map index or a receive expression. The init
- // value is actually the map index expression or receive expression.
- // We use this because we may not know the right type at parse time.
- void
- set_type_from_init_tuple()
- { this->type_from_init_tuple_ = true; }
- // Another special case: the init value is used only to determine
- // the type. This is used if the variable is defined using := with
- // a range clause. The init value is the range expression. The
- // type of the variable is the index type of the range expression
- // (i.e., the first value returned by a range).
- void
- set_type_from_range_index()
- { this->type_from_range_index_ = true; }
- // Another special case: like set_type_from_range_index, but the
- // type is the value type of the range expression (i.e., the second
- // value returned by a range).
- void
- set_type_from_range_value()
- { this->type_from_range_value_ = true; }
- // Another special case: the init value is used only to determine
- // the type. This is used if the variable is defined using := with
- // a case in a select statement. The init value is the channel.
- // The type of the variable is the channel's element type.
- void
- set_type_from_chan_element()
- { this->type_from_chan_element_ = true; }
- // After we lower the select statement, we once again set the type
- // from the initialization expression.
- void
- clear_type_from_chan_element()
- {
- go_assert(this->type_from_chan_element_);
- this->type_from_chan_element_ = false;
- }
- // Note that this variable was created for a type switch clause.
- void
- set_is_type_switch_var()
- { this->is_type_switch_var_ = true; }
- // Mark the variable as going into a unique section.
- void
- set_in_unique_section()
- {
- go_assert(this->is_global_);
- this->in_unique_section_ = true;
- }
- // Traverse the initializer expression.
- int
- traverse_expression(Traverse*, unsigned int traverse_mask);
- // Determine the type of the variable if necessary.
- void
- determine_type();
- // Get the backend representation of the variable.
- Bvariable*
- get_backend_variable(Gogo*, Named_object*, const Package*,
- const std::string&);
- // Get the initial value of the variable as a tree. This may only
- // be called if has_pre_init() returns false.
- tree
- get_init_tree(Gogo*, Named_object* function);
- // Return a series of statements which sets the value of the
- // variable in DECL. This should only be called is has_pre_init()
- // returns true. DECL may be NULL for a sink variable.
- tree
- get_init_block(Gogo*, Named_object* function, tree decl);
- // Export the variable.
- void
- export_var(Export*, const std::string& name) const;
- // Import a variable.
- static void
- import_var(Import*, std::string* pname, Type** ptype);
- private:
- // The type of a tuple.
- Type*
- type_from_tuple(Expression*, bool) const;
- // The type of a range.
- Type*
- type_from_range(Expression*, bool, bool) const;
- // The element type of a channel.
- Type*
- type_from_chan_element(Expression*, bool) const;
- // The variable's type. This may be NULL if the type is set from
- // the expression.
- Type* type_;
- // The initial value. This may be NULL if the variable should be
- // initialized to the default value for the type.
- Expression* init_;
- // Statements to run before the init statement.
- Block* preinit_;
- // Location of variable definition.
- Location location_;
- // Backend representation.
- Bvariable* backend_;
- // Whether this is a global variable.
- bool is_global_ : 1;
- // Whether this is a function parameter.
- bool is_parameter_ : 1;
- // Whether this is the receiver parameter of a method.
- bool is_receiver_ : 1;
- // Whether this is the varargs parameter of a function.
- bool is_varargs_parameter_ : 1;
- // Whether this variable is ever referenced.
- bool is_used_ : 1;
- // Whether something takes the address of this variable. For a
- // local variable this implies that the variable has to be on the
- // heap.
- bool is_address_taken_ : 1;
- // Whether something takes the address of this variable such that
- // the address does not escape the function.
- bool is_non_escaping_address_taken_ : 1;
- // True if we have seen this variable in a traversal.
- bool seen_ : 1;
- // True if we have lowered the initialization expression.
- bool init_is_lowered_ : 1;
- // True if init is a tuple used to set the type.
- bool type_from_init_tuple_ : 1;
- // True if init is a range clause and the type is the index type.
- bool type_from_range_index_ : 1;
- // True if init is a range clause and the type is the value type.
- bool type_from_range_value_ : 1;
- // True if init is a channel and the type is the channel's element type.
- bool type_from_chan_element_ : 1;
- // True if this is a variable created for a type switch case.
- bool is_type_switch_var_ : 1;
- // True if we have determined types.
- bool determined_type_ : 1;
- // True if this variable should be put in a unique section. This is
- // used for field tracking.
- bool in_unique_section_ : 1;
-// A variable which is really the name for a function return value, or
-// part of one.
-class Result_variable
- public:
- Result_variable(Type* type, Function* function, int index,
- Location location)
- : type_(type), function_(function), index_(index), location_(location),
- backend_(NULL), is_address_taken_(false),
- is_non_escaping_address_taken_(false)
- { }
- // Get the type of the result variable.
- Type*
- type() const
- { return this->type_; }
- // Get the function that this is associated with.
- Function*
- function() const
- { return this->function_; }
- // Index in the list of function results.
- int
- index() const
- { return this->index_; }
- // The location of the variable definition.
- Location
- location() const
- { return this->location_; }
- // Whether this variable's address is taken.
- bool
- is_address_taken() const
- { return this->is_address_taken_; }
- // Note that something takes the address of this variable.
- void
- set_address_taken()
- { this->is_address_taken_ = true; }
- // Return whether the address is taken but does not escape.
- bool
- is_non_escaping_address_taken() const
- { return this->is_non_escaping_address_taken_; }
- // Note that something takes the address of this variable such that
- // the address does not escape the function.
- void
- set_non_escaping_address_taken()
- { this->is_non_escaping_address_taken_ = true; }
- // Whether this variable should live in the heap.
- bool
- is_in_heap() const
- { return this->is_address_taken_; }
- // Set the function. This is used when cloning functions which call
- // recover.
- void
- set_function(Function* function)
- { this->function_ = function; }
- // Get the backend representation of the variable.
- Bvariable*
- get_backend_variable(Gogo*, Named_object*, const std::string&);
- private:
- // Type of result variable.
- Type* type_;
- // Function with which this is associated.
- Function* function_;
- // Index in list of results.
- int index_;
- // Where the result variable is defined.
- Location location_;
- // Backend representation.
- Bvariable* backend_;
- // Whether something takes the address of this variable.
- bool is_address_taken_;
- // Whether something takes the address of this variable such that
- // the address does not escape the function.
- bool is_non_escaping_address_taken_;
-// The value we keep for a named constant. This lets us hold a type
-// and an expression.
-class Named_constant
- public:
- Named_constant(Type* type, Expression* expr, int iota_value,
- Location location)
- : type_(type), expr_(expr), iota_value_(iota_value), location_(location),
- lowering_(false)
- { }
- Type*
- type() const
- { return this->type_; }
- Expression*
- expr() const
- { return this->expr_; }
- int
- iota_value() const
- { return this->iota_value_; }
- Location
- location() const
- { return this->location_; }
- // Whether we are lowering.
- bool
- lowering() const
- { return this->lowering_; }
- // Set that we are lowering.
- void
- set_lowering()
- { this->lowering_ = true; }
- // We are no longer lowering.
- void
- clear_lowering()
- { this->lowering_ = false; }
- // Traverse the expression.
- int
- traverse_expression(Traverse*);
- // Determine the type of the constant if necessary.
- void
- determine_type();
- // Indicate that we found and reported an error for this constant.
- void
- set_error();
- // Export the constant.
- void
- export_const(Export*, const std::string& name) const;
- // Import a constant.
- static void
- import_const(Import*, std::string*, Type**, Expression**);
- private:
- // The type of the constant.
- Type* type_;
- // The expression for the constant.
- Expression* expr_;
- // If the predeclared constant iota is used in EXPR_, this is the
- // value it will have. We do this because at parse time we don't
- // know whether the name "iota" will refer to the predeclared
- // constant or to something else. We put in the right value in when
- // we lower.
- int iota_value_;
- // The location of the definition.
- Location location_;
- // Whether we are currently lowering this constant.
- bool lowering_;
-// A type declaration.
-class Type_declaration
- public:
- Type_declaration(Location location)
- : location_(location), in_function_(NULL), in_function_index_(0),
- methods_(), issued_warning_(false)
- { }
- // Return the location.
- Location
- location() const
- { return this->location_; }
- // Return the function in which this type is declared. This will
- // return NULL for a type declared in global scope.
- Named_object*
- in_function(unsigned int* pindex)
- {
- *pindex = this->in_function_index_;
- return this->in_function_;
- }
- // Set the function in which this type is declared.
- void
- set_in_function(Named_object* f, unsigned int index)
- {
- this->in_function_ = f;
- this->in_function_index_ = index;
- }
- // Add a method to this type. This is used when methods are defined
- // before the type.
- Named_object*
- add_method(const std::string& name, Function* function);
- // Add a method declaration to this type.
- Named_object*
- add_method_declaration(const std::string& name, Package*,
- Function_type* type, Location location);
- // Return whether any methods were defined.
- bool
- has_methods() const;
- // Return the methods.
- const std::vector<Named_object*>*
- methods() const
- { return &this->methods_; }
- // Define methods when the real type is known.
- void
- define_methods(Named_type*);
- // This is called if we are trying to use this type. It returns
- // true if we should issue a warning.
- bool
- using_type();
- private:
- // The location of the type declaration.
- Location location_;
- // If this type is declared in a function, a pointer back to the
- // function in which it is defined.
- Named_object* in_function_;
- // The index of this type in IN_FUNCTION_.
- unsigned int in_function_index_;
- // Methods defined before the type is defined.
- std::vector<Named_object*> methods_;
- // True if we have issued a warning about a use of this type
- // declaration when it is undefined.
- bool issued_warning_;
-// An unknown object. These are created by the parser for forward
-// references to names which have not been seen before. In a correct
-// program, these will always point to a real definition by the end of
-// the parse. Because they point to another Named_object, these may
-// only be referenced by Unknown_expression objects.
-class Unknown_name
- public:
- Unknown_name(Location location)
- : location_(location), real_named_object_(NULL)
- { }
- // Return the location where this name was first seen.
- Location
- location() const
- { return this->location_; }
- // Return the real named object that this points to, or NULL if it
- // was never resolved.
- Named_object*
- real_named_object() const
- { return this->real_named_object_; }
- // Set the real named object that this points to.
- void
- set_real_named_object(Named_object* no);
- private:
- // The location where this name was first seen.
- Location location_;
- // The real named object when it is known.
- Named_object*
- real_named_object_;
-// A named object named. This is the result of a declaration. We
-// don't use a superclass because they all have to be handled
-// differently.
-class Named_object
- public:
- enum Classification
- {
- // An uninitialized Named_object. We should never see this.
- // An erroneous name. This indicates a parse error, to avoid
- // later errors about undefined references.
- // An unknown name. This is used for forward references. In a
- // correct program, these will all be resolved by the end of the
- // parse.
- // A const.
- // A type.
- // A forward type declaration.
- // A var.
- // A result variable in a function.
- // The blank identifier--the special variable named _.
- // A func.
- // A forward func declaration.
- // A package.
- };
- // Return the classification.
- Classification
- classification() const
- { return this->classification_; }
- // Classifiers.
- bool
- is_erroneous() const
- { return this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_ERRONEOUS; }
- bool
- is_unknown() const
- { return this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_UNKNOWN; }
- bool
- is_const() const
- { return this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_CONST; }
- bool
- is_type() const
- { return this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_TYPE; }
- bool
- is_type_declaration() const
- { return this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_TYPE_DECLARATION; }
- bool
- is_variable() const
- { return this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_VAR; }
- bool
- is_result_variable() const
- { return this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_RESULT_VAR; }
- bool
- is_sink() const
- { return this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_SINK; }
- bool
- is_function() const
- { return this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_FUNC; }
- bool
- is_function_declaration() const
- { return this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_FUNC_DECLARATION; }
- bool
- is_package() const
- { return this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_PACKAGE; }
- // Creators.
- static Named_object*
- make_erroneous_name(const std::string& name)
- { return new Named_object(name, NULL, NAMED_OBJECT_ERRONEOUS); }
- static Named_object*
- make_unknown_name(const std::string& name, Location);
- static Named_object*
- make_constant(const Typed_identifier&, const Package*, Expression*,
- int iota_value);
- static Named_object*
- make_type(const std::string&, const Package*, Type*, Location);
- static Named_object*
- make_type_declaration(const std::string&, const Package*, Location);
- static Named_object*
- make_variable(const std::string&, const Package*, Variable*);
- static Named_object*
- make_result_variable(const std::string&, Result_variable*);
- static Named_object*
- make_sink();
- static Named_object*
- make_function(const std::string&, const Package*, Function*);
- static Named_object*
- make_function_declaration(const std::string&, const Package*, Function_type*,
- Location);
- static Named_object*
- make_package(const std::string& alias, Package* package);
- // Getters.
- Unknown_name*
- unknown_value()
- {
- go_assert(this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_UNKNOWN);
- return this->u_.unknown_value;
- }
- const Unknown_name*
- unknown_value() const
- {
- go_assert(this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_UNKNOWN);
- return this->u_.unknown_value;
- }
- Named_constant*
- const_value()
- {
- go_assert(this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_CONST);
- return this->u_.const_value;
- }
- const Named_constant*
- const_value() const
- {
- go_assert(this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_CONST);
- return this->u_.const_value;
- }
- Named_type*
- type_value()
- {
- go_assert(this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_TYPE);
- return this->u_.type_value;
- }
- const Named_type*
- type_value() const
- {
- go_assert(this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_TYPE);
- return this->u_.type_value;
- }
- Type_declaration*
- type_declaration_value()
- {
- go_assert(this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_TYPE_DECLARATION);
- return this->u_.type_declaration;
- }
- const Type_declaration*
- type_declaration_value() const
- {
- go_assert(this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_TYPE_DECLARATION);
- return this->u_.type_declaration;
- }
- Variable*
- var_value()
- {
- go_assert(this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_VAR);
- return this->u_.var_value;
- }
- const Variable*
- var_value() const
- {
- go_assert(this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_VAR);
- return this->u_.var_value;
- }
- Result_variable*
- result_var_value()
- {
- go_assert(this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_RESULT_VAR);
- return this->u_.result_var_value;
- }
- const Result_variable*
- result_var_value() const
- {
- go_assert(this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_RESULT_VAR);
- return this->u_.result_var_value;
- }
- Function*
- func_value()
- {
- go_assert(this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_FUNC);
- return this->u_.func_value;
- }
- const Function*
- func_value() const
- {
- go_assert(this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_FUNC);
- return this->u_.func_value;
- }
- Function_declaration*
- func_declaration_value()
- {
- go_assert(this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_FUNC_DECLARATION);
- return this->u_.func_declaration_value;
- }
- const Function_declaration*
- func_declaration_value() const
- {
- go_assert(this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_FUNC_DECLARATION);
- return this->u_.func_declaration_value;
- }
- Package*
- package_value()
- {
- go_assert(this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_PACKAGE);
- return this->u_.package_value;
- }
- const Package*
- package_value() const
- {
- go_assert(this->classification_ == NAMED_OBJECT_PACKAGE);
- return this->u_.package_value;
- }
- const std::string&
- name() const
- { return this->name_; }
- // Return the name to use in an error message. The difference is
- // that if this Named_object is defined in a different package, this
- // will return PACKAGE.NAME.
- std::string
- message_name() const;
- const Package*
- package() const
- { return this->package_; }
- // Resolve an unknown value if possible. This returns the same
- // Named_object or a new one.
- Named_object*
- resolve()
- {
- Named_object* ret = this;
- if (this->is_unknown())
- {
- Named_object* r = this->unknown_value()->real_named_object();
- if (r != NULL)
- ret = r;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- const Named_object*
- resolve() const
- {
- const Named_object* ret = this;
- if (this->is_unknown())
- {
- const Named_object* r = this->unknown_value()->real_named_object();
- if (r != NULL)
- ret = r;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- // The location where this object was defined or referenced.
- Location
- location() const;
- // Convert a variable to the backend representation.
- Bvariable*
- get_backend_variable(Gogo*, Named_object* function);
- // Return a tree for the external identifier for this object.
- tree
- get_id(Gogo*);
- // Return a tree representing this object.
- tree
- get_tree(Gogo*, Named_object* function);
- // Define a type declaration.
- void
- set_type_value(Named_type*);
- // Define a function declaration.
- void
- set_function_value(Function*);
- // Declare an unknown name as a type declaration.
- void
- declare_as_type();
- // Export this object.
- void
- export_named_object(Export*) const;
- private:
- Named_object(const std::string&, const Package*, Classification);
- // The name of the object.
- std::string name_;
- // The package that this object is in. This is NULL if it is in the
- // file we are compiling.
- const Package* package_;
- // The type of object this is.
- Classification classification_;
- // The real data.
- union
- {
- Unknown_name* unknown_value;
- Named_constant* const_value;
- Named_type* type_value;
- Type_declaration* type_declaration;
- Variable* var_value;
- Result_variable* result_var_value;
- Function* func_value;
- Function_declaration* func_declaration_value;
- Package* package_value;
- } u_;
- // The DECL tree for this object if we have already converted it.
- tree tree_;
-// A binding contour. This binds names to objects.
-class Bindings
- public:
- // Type for mapping from names to objects.
- typedef Unordered_map(std::string, Named_object*) Contour;
- Bindings(Bindings* enclosing);
- // Add an erroneous name.
- Named_object*
- add_erroneous_name(const std::string& name)
- { return this->add_named_object(Named_object::make_erroneous_name(name)); }
- // Add an unknown name.
- Named_object*
- add_unknown_name(const std::string& name, Location location)
- {
- return this->add_named_object(Named_object::make_unknown_name(name,
- location));
- }
- // Add a constant.
- Named_object*
- add_constant(const Typed_identifier& tid, const Package* package,
- Expression* expr, int iota_value)
- {
- return this->add_named_object(Named_object::make_constant(tid, package,
- expr,
- iota_value));
- }
- // Add a type.
- Named_object*
- add_type(const std::string& name, const Package* package, Type* type,
- Location location)
- {
- return this->add_named_object(Named_object::make_type(name, package, type,
- location));
- }
- // Add a named type. This is used for builtin types, and to add an
- // imported type to the global scope.
- Named_object*
- add_named_type(Named_type* named_type);
- // Add a type declaration.
- Named_object*
- add_type_declaration(const std::string& name, const Package* package,
- Location location)
- {
- Named_object* no = Named_object::make_type_declaration(name, package,
- location);
- return this->add_named_object(no);
- }
- // Add a variable.
- Named_object*
- add_variable(const std::string& name, const Package* package,
- Variable* variable)
- {
- return this->add_named_object(Named_object::make_variable(name, package,
- variable));
- }
- // Add a result variable.
- Named_object*
- add_result_variable(const std::string& name, Result_variable* result)
- {
- return this->add_named_object(Named_object::make_result_variable(name,
- result));
- }
- // Add a function.
- Named_object*
- add_function(const std::string& name, const Package*, Function* function);
- // Add a function declaration.
- Named_object*
- add_function_declaration(const std::string& name, const Package* package,
- Function_type* type, Location location);
- // Add a package. The location is the location of the import
- // statement.
- Named_object*
- add_package(const std::string& alias, Package* package)
- {
- Named_object* no = Named_object::make_package(alias, package);
- return this->add_named_object(no);
- }
- // Define a type which was already declared.
- void
- define_type(Named_object*, Named_type*);
- // Add a method to the list of objects. This is not added to the
- // lookup table.
- void
- add_method(Named_object*);
- // Add a named object to this binding.
- Named_object*
- add_named_object(Named_object* no)
- { return this->add_named_object_to_contour(&this->bindings_, no); }
- // Clear all names in file scope from the bindings.
- void
- clear_file_scope(Gogo*);
- // Look up a name in this binding contour and in any enclosing
- // binding contours. This returns NULL if the name is not found.
- Named_object*
- lookup(const std::string&) const;
- // Look up a name in this binding contour without looking in any
- // enclosing binding contours. Returns NULL if the name is not found.
- Named_object*
- lookup_local(const std::string&) const;
- // Remove a name.
- void
- remove_binding(Named_object*);
- // Mark all variables as used. This is used for some types of parse
- // error.
- void
- mark_locals_used();
- // Traverse the tree. See the Traverse class.
- int
- traverse(Traverse*, bool is_global);
- // Iterate over definitions. This does not include things which
- // were only declared.
- typedef std::vector<Named_object*>::const_iterator
- const_definitions_iterator;
- const_definitions_iterator
- begin_definitions() const
- { return this->named_objects_.begin(); }
- const_definitions_iterator
- end_definitions() const
- { return this->named_objects_.end(); }
- // Return the number of definitions.
- size_t
- size_definitions() const
- { return this->named_objects_.size(); }
- // Return whether there are no definitions.
- bool
- empty_definitions() const
- { return this->named_objects_.empty(); }
- // Iterate over declarations. This is everything that has been
- // declared, which includes everything which has been defined.
- typedef Contour::const_iterator const_declarations_iterator;
- const_declarations_iterator
- begin_declarations() const
- { return this->bindings_.begin(); }
- const_declarations_iterator
- end_declarations() const
- { return this->bindings_.end(); }
- // Return the number of declarations.
- size_t
- size_declarations() const
- { return this->bindings_.size(); }
- // Return whether there are no declarations.
- bool
- empty_declarations() const
- { return this->bindings_.empty(); }
- // Return the first declaration.
- Named_object*
- first_declaration()
- { return this->bindings_.empty() ? NULL : this->bindings_.begin()->second; }
- private:
- Named_object*
- add_named_object_to_contour(Contour*, Named_object*);
- Named_object*
- new_definition(Named_object*, Named_object*);
- // Enclosing bindings.
- Bindings* enclosing_;
- // The list of objects.
- std::vector<Named_object*> named_objects_;
- // The mapping from names to objects.
- Contour bindings_;
-// A label.
-class Label
- public:
- Label(const std::string& name)
- : name_(name), location_(Linemap::unknown_location()), snapshot_(NULL),
- refs_(), is_used_(false), blabel_(NULL)
- { }
- // Return the label's name.
- const std::string&
- name() const
- { return this->name_; }
- // Return whether the label has been defined.
- bool
- is_defined() const
- { return !Linemap::is_unknown_location(this->location_); }
- // Return whether the label has been used.
- bool
- is_used() const
- { return this->is_used_; }
- // Record that the label is used.
- void
- set_is_used()
- { this->is_used_ = true; }
- // Return the location of the definition.
- Location
- location() const
- { return this->location_; }
- // Return the bindings snapshot.
- Bindings_snapshot*
- snapshot() const
- { return this->snapshot_; }
- // Add a snapshot of a goto which refers to this label.
- void
- add_snapshot_ref(Bindings_snapshot* snapshot)
- {
- go_assert(Linemap::is_unknown_location(this->location_));
- this->refs_.push_back(snapshot);
- }
- // Return the list of snapshots of goto statements which refer to
- // this label.
- const std::vector<Bindings_snapshot*>&
- refs() const
- { return this->refs_; }
- // Clear the references.
- void
- clear_refs();
- // Define the label at LOCATION with the given bindings snapshot.
- void
- define(Location location, Bindings_snapshot* snapshot)
- {
- go_assert(Linemap::is_unknown_location(this->location_)
- && this->snapshot_ == NULL);
- this->location_ = location;
- this->snapshot_ = snapshot;
- }
- // Return the backend representation for this label.
- Blabel*
- get_backend_label(Translate_context*);
- // Return an expression for the address of this label. This is used
- // to get the return address of a deferred function to see whether
- // the function may call recover.
- Bexpression*
- get_addr(Translate_context*, Location location);
- private:
- // The name of the label.
- std::string name_;
- // The location of the definition. This is 0 if the label has not
- // yet been defined.
- Location location_;
- // A snapshot of the set of bindings defined at this label, used to
- // issue errors about invalid goto statements.
- Bindings_snapshot* snapshot_;
- // A list of snapshots of goto statements which refer to this label.
- std::vector<Bindings_snapshot*> refs_;
- // Whether the label has been used.
- bool is_used_;
- // The backend representation.
- Blabel* blabel_;
-// An unnamed label. These are used when lowering loops.
-class Unnamed_label
- public:
- Unnamed_label(Location location)
- : location_(location), blabel_(NULL)
- { }
- // Get the location where the label is defined.
- Location
- location() const
- { return this->location_; }
- // Set the location where the label is defined.
- void
- set_location(Location location)
- { this->location_ = location; }
- // Return a statement which defines this label.
- Bstatement*
- get_definition(Translate_context*);
- // Return a goto to this label from LOCATION.
- Bstatement*
- get_goto(Translate_context*, Location location);
- private:
- // Return the backend representation.
- Blabel*
- get_blabel(Translate_context*);
- // The location where the label is defined.
- Location location_;
- // The backend representation of this label.
- Blabel* blabel_;
-// An imported package.
-class Package
- public:
- Package(const std::string& pkgpath, Location location);
- // Get the package path used for all symbols exported from this
- // package.
- const std::string&
- pkgpath() const
- { return this->pkgpath_; }
- // Return the package path to use for a symbol name.
- const std::string&
- pkgpath_symbol() const
- { return this->pkgpath_symbol_; }
- // Return the location of the import statement.
- Location
- location() const
- { return this->location_; }
- // Return whether we know the name of this package yet.
- bool
- has_package_name() const
- { return !this->package_name_.empty(); }
- // The name that this package uses in its package clause. This may
- // be different from the name in the associated Named_object if the
- // import statement used an alias.
- const std::string&
- package_name() const
- {
- go_assert(!this->package_name_.empty());
- return this->package_name_;
- }
- // The priority of this package. The init function of packages with
- // lower priority must be run before the init function of packages
- // with higher priority.
- int
- priority() const
- { return this->priority_; }
- // Set the priority.
- void
- set_priority(int priority);
- // Return the bindings.
- Bindings*
- bindings()
- { return this->bindings_; }
- // Whether some symbol from the package was used.
- bool
- used() const
- { return this->used_; }
- // Note that some symbol from this package was used.
- void
- set_used() const
- { this->used_ = true; }
- // Clear the used field for the next file.
- void
- clear_used()
- { this->used_ = false; }
- // Whether this package was imported in the current file.
- bool
- is_imported() const
- { return this->is_imported_; }
- // Note that this package was imported in the current file.
- void
- set_is_imported()
- { this->is_imported_ = true; }
- // Clear the imported field for the next file.
- void
- clear_is_imported()
- { this->is_imported_ = false; }
- // Whether this package was imported with a name of "_".
- bool
- uses_sink_alias() const
- { return this->uses_sink_alias_; }
- // Note that this package was imported with a name of "_".
- void
- set_uses_sink_alias()
- { this->uses_sink_alias_ = true; }
- // Clear the sink alias field for the next file.
- void
- clear_uses_sink_alias()
- { this->uses_sink_alias_ = false; }
- // Look up a name in the package. Returns NULL if the name is not
- // found.
- Named_object*
- lookup(const std::string& name) const
- { return this->bindings_->lookup(name); }
- // Set the name of the package.
- void
- set_package_name(const std::string& name, Location);
- // Set the location of the package. This is used to record the most
- // recent import location.
- void
- set_location(Location location)
- { this->location_ = location; }
- // Add a constant to the package.
- Named_object*
- add_constant(const Typed_identifier& tid, Expression* expr)
- { return this->bindings_->add_constant(tid, this, expr, 0); }
- // Add a type to the package.
- Named_object*
- add_type(const std::string& name, Type* type, Location location)
- { return this->bindings_->add_type(name, this, type, location); }
- // Add a type declaration to the package.
- Named_object*
- add_type_declaration(const std::string& name, Location location)
- { return this->bindings_->add_type_declaration(name, this, location); }
- // Add a variable to the package.
- Named_object*
- add_variable(const std::string& name, Variable* variable)
- { return this->bindings_->add_variable(name, this, variable); }
- // Add a function declaration to the package.
- Named_object*
- add_function_declaration(const std::string& name, Function_type* type,
- Location loc)
- { return this->bindings_->add_function_declaration(name, this, type, loc); }
- // Determine types of constants.
- void
- determine_types();
- private:
- // The package path for type reflection data.
- std::string pkgpath_;
- // The package path for symbol names.
- std::string pkgpath_symbol_;
- // The name that this package uses in the package clause. This may
- // be the empty string if it is not yet known.
- std::string package_name_;
- // The names in this package.
- Bindings* bindings_;
- // The priority of this package. A package has a priority higher
- // than the priority of all of the packages that it imports. This
- // is used to run init functions in the right order.
- int priority_;
- // The location of the import statement.
- Location location_;
- // True if some name from this package was used. This is mutable
- // because we can use a package even if we have a const pointer to
- // it.
- mutable bool used_;
- // True if this package was imported in the current file.
- bool is_imported_;
- // True if this package was imported with a name of "_".
- bool uses_sink_alias_;
-// Return codes for the traversal functions. This is not an enum
-// because we want to be able to declare traversal functions in other
-// header files without including this one.
-// Continue traversal as usual.
-const int TRAVERSE_CONTINUE = -1;
-// Exit traversal.
-const int TRAVERSE_EXIT = 0;
-// Continue traversal, but skip components of the current object.
-// E.g., if this is returned by Traverse::statement, we do not
-// traverse the expressions in the statement even if
-// traverse_expressions is set in the traverse_mask.
-// This class is used when traversing the parse tree. The caller uses
-// a subclass which overrides functions as desired.
-class Traverse
- public:
- // These bitmasks say what to traverse.
- static const unsigned int traverse_variables = 0x1;
- static const unsigned int traverse_constants = 0x2;
- static const unsigned int traverse_functions = 0x4;
- static const unsigned int traverse_blocks = 0x8;
- static const unsigned int traverse_statements = 0x10;
- static const unsigned int traverse_expressions = 0x20;
- static const unsigned int traverse_types = 0x40;
- Traverse(unsigned int traverse_mask)
- : traverse_mask_(traverse_mask), types_seen_(NULL), expressions_seen_(NULL)
- { }
- virtual ~Traverse();
- // The bitmask of what to traverse.
- unsigned int
- traverse_mask() const
- { return this->traverse_mask_; }
- // Record that we are going to traverse a type. This returns true
- // if the type has already been seen in this traversal. This is
- // required because types, unlike expressions, can form a circular
- // graph.
- bool
- remember_type(const Type*);
- // Record that we are going to see an expression. This returns true
- // if the expression has already been seen in this traversal. This
- // is only needed for cases where multiple expressions can point to
- // a single one.
- bool
- remember_expression(const Expression*);
- // These functions return one of the TRAVERSE codes defined above.
- // If traverse_variables is set in the mask, this is called for
- // every variable in the tree.
- virtual int
- variable(Named_object*);
- // If traverse_constants is set in the mask, this is called for
- // every named constant in the tree. The bool parameter is true for
- // a global constant.
- virtual int
- constant(Named_object*, bool);
- // If traverse_functions is set in the mask, this is called for
- // every function in the tree.
- virtual int
- function(Named_object*);
- // If traverse_blocks is set in the mask, this is called for every
- // block in the tree.
- virtual int
- block(Block*);
- // If traverse_statements is set in the mask, this is called for
- // every statement in the tree.
- virtual int
- statement(Block*, size_t* index, Statement*);
- // If traverse_expressions is set in the mask, this is called for
- // every expression in the tree.
- virtual int
- expression(Expression**);
- // If traverse_types is set in the mask, this is called for every
- // type in the tree.
- virtual int
- type(Type*);
- private:
- // A hash table for types we have seen during this traversal. Note
- // that this uses the default hash functions for pointers rather
- // than Type_hash_identical and Type_identical. This is because for
- // traversal we care about seeing a specific type structure. If
- // there are two separate instances of identical types, we want to
- // traverse both.
- typedef Unordered_set(const Type*) Types_seen;
- typedef Unordered_set(const Expression*) Expressions_seen;
- // Bitmask of what sort of objects to traverse.
- unsigned int traverse_mask_;
- // Types which have been seen in this traversal.
- Types_seen* types_seen_;
- // Expressions which have been seen in this traversal.
- Expressions_seen* expressions_seen_;
-// A class which makes it easier to insert new statements before the
-// current statement during a traversal.
-class Statement_inserter
- public:
- // Empty constructor.
- Statement_inserter()
- : block_(NULL), pindex_(NULL), gogo_(NULL), var_(NULL)
- { }
- // Constructor for a statement in a block.
- Statement_inserter(Block* block, size_t *pindex)
- : block_(block), pindex_(pindex), gogo_(NULL), var_(NULL)
- { }
- // Constructor for a global variable.
- Statement_inserter(Gogo* gogo, Variable* var)
- : block_(NULL), pindex_(NULL), gogo_(gogo), var_(var)
- { go_assert(var->is_global()); }
- // We use the default copy constructor and assignment operator.
- // Insert S before the statement we are traversing, or before the
- // initialization expression of a global variable.
- void
- insert(Statement* s);
- private:
- // The block that the statement is in.
- Block* block_;
- // The index of the statement that we are traversing.
- size_t* pindex_;
- // The IR, needed when looking at an initializer expression for a
- // global variable.
- Gogo* gogo_;
- // The global variable, when looking at an initializer expression.
- Variable* var_;
-// When translating the gogo IR into the backend data structure, this
-// is the context we pass down the blocks and statements.
-class Translate_context
- public:
- Translate_context(Gogo* gogo, Named_object* function, Block* block,
- Bblock* bblock)
- : gogo_(gogo), backend_(gogo->backend()), function_(function),
- block_(block), bblock_(bblock), is_const_(false)
- { }
- // Accessors.
- Gogo*
- gogo()
- { return this->gogo_; }
- Backend*
- backend()
- { return this->backend_; }
- Named_object*
- function()
- { return this->function_; }
- Block*
- block()
- { return this->block_; }
- Bblock*
- bblock()
- { return this->bblock_; }
- bool
- is_const()
- { return this->is_const_; }
- // Make a constant context.
- void
- set_is_const()
- { this->is_const_ = true; }
- private:
- // The IR for the entire compilation unit.
- Gogo* gogo_;
- // The generator for the backend data structures.
- Backend* backend_;
- // The function we are currently translating. NULL if not in a
- // function, e.g., the initializer of a global variable.
- Named_object* function_;
- // The block we are currently translating. NULL if not in a
- // function.
- Block *block_;
- // The backend representation of the current block. NULL if block_
- // is NULL.
- Bblock* bblock_;
- // Whether this is being evaluated in a constant context. This is
- // used for type descriptor initializers.
- bool is_const_;
-// Runtime error codes. These must match the values in
-// libgo/runtime/go-runtime-error.c.
-// Slice index out of bounds: negative or larger than the length of
-// the slice.
-// Array index out of bounds.
-// String index out of bounds.
-// Slice slice out of bounds: negative or larger than the length of
-// the slice or high bound less than low bound.
-// Array slice out of bounds.
-// String slice out of bounds.
-// Dereference of nil pointer. This is used when there is a
-// dereference of a pointer to a very large struct or array, to ensure
-// that a gigantic array is not used a proxy to access random memory
-// locations.
-static const int RUNTIME_ERROR_NIL_DEREFERENCE = 6;
-// Slice length or capacity out of bounds in make: negative or
-// overflow or length greater than capacity.
-// Map capacity out of bounds in make: negative or overflow.
-// Channel capacity out of bounds in make: negative or overflow.
-// Division by zero.
-static const int RUNTIME_ERROR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO = 10;
-// This is used by some of the langhooks.
-extern Gogo* go_get_gogo();
-// Whether we have seen any errors. FIXME: Replace with a backend
-// interface.
-extern bool saw_errors();
-#endif // !defined(GO_GOGO_H)