path: root/gcc-4.8.1/gcc/ada/s-regexp.adb
diff options
authorDan Albert <danalbert@google.com>2016-01-14 16:43:34 -0800
committerDan Albert <danalbert@google.com>2016-01-22 14:51:24 -0800
commit3186be22b6598fbd467b126347d1c7f48ccb7f71 (patch)
tree2b176d3ce027fa5340160978effeb88ec9054aaa /gcc-4.8.1/gcc/ada/s-regexp.adb
parenta45222a0e5951558bd896b0513bf638eb376e086 (diff)
Check in a pristine copy of GCC 4.8.1.
The copy of GCC that we use for Android is still not working for mingw. Rather than finding all the differences that have crept into our GCC, just check in a copy from ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gcc/gcc-4.9.3/gcc-4.8.1.tar.bz2. GCC 4.8.1 was chosen because it is what we have been using for mingw thus far, and the emulator doesn't yet work when upgrading to 4.9. Bug: http://b/26523949 Change-Id: Iedc0f05243d4332cc27ccd46b8a4b203c88dcaa3
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.8.1/gcc/ada/s-regexp.adb')
1 files changed, 1670 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/gcc/ada/s-regexp.adb b/gcc-4.8.1/gcc/ada/s-regexp.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..56c38a8a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.8.1/gcc/ada/s-regexp.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,1670 @@
+-- --
+-- --
+-- S Y S T E M . R E G E X P --
+-- --
+-- B o d y --
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 1999-2012, AdaCore --
+-- --
+-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- --
+-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
+-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
+-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
+-- --
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
+-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
+-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
+-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --
+-- --
+-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
+-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
+-- --
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
+with System.Case_Util;
+package body System.Regexp is
+ Open_Paren : constant Character := '(';
+ Close_Paren : constant Character := ')';
+ Open_Bracket : constant Character := '[';
+ Close_Bracket : constant Character := ']';
+ type State_Index is new Natural;
+ type Column_Index is new Natural;
+ type Regexp_Array is array
+ (State_Index range <>, Column_Index range <>) of State_Index;
+ -- First index is for the state number
+ -- Second index is for the character type
+ -- Contents is the new State
+ type Regexp_Array_Access is access Regexp_Array;
+ -- Use this type through the functions Set below, so that it
+ -- can grow dynamically depending on the needs.
+ type Mapping is array (Character'Range) of Column_Index;
+ -- Mapping between characters and column in the Regexp_Array
+ type Boolean_Array is array (State_Index range <>) of Boolean;
+ type Regexp_Value
+ (Alphabet_Size : Column_Index;
+ Num_States : State_Index) is
+ record
+ Map : Mapping;
+ States : Regexp_Array (1 .. Num_States, 0 .. Alphabet_Size);
+ Is_Final : Boolean_Array (1 .. Num_States);
+ Case_Sensitive : Boolean;
+ end record;
+ -- Deterministic finite-state machine
+ -----------------------
+ -- Local Subprograms --
+ -----------------------
+ procedure Set
+ (Table : in out Regexp_Array_Access;
+ State : State_Index;
+ Column : Column_Index;
+ Value : State_Index);
+ -- Sets a value in the table. If the table is too small, reallocate it
+ -- dynamically so that (State, Column) is a valid index in it.
+ function Get
+ (Table : Regexp_Array_Access;
+ State : State_Index;
+ Column : Column_Index)
+ return State_Index;
+ -- Returns the value in the table at (State, Column).
+ -- If this index does not exist in the table, returns 0
+ procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Regexp_Array, Regexp_Array_Access);
+ ------------
+ -- Adjust --
+ ------------
+ procedure Adjust (R : in out Regexp) is
+ Tmp : Regexp_Access;
+ begin
+ if R.R /= null then
+ Tmp := new Regexp_Value (Alphabet_Size => R.R.Alphabet_Size,
+ Num_States => R.R.Num_States);
+ Tmp.all := R.R.all;
+ R.R := Tmp;
+ end if;
+ end Adjust;
+ -------------
+ -- Compile --
+ -------------
+ function Compile
+ (Pattern : String;
+ Glob : Boolean := False;
+ Case_Sensitive : Boolean := True)
+ return Regexp
+ is
+ S : String := Pattern;
+ -- The pattern which is really compiled (when the pattern is case
+ -- insensitive, we convert this string to lower-cases
+ Map : Mapping := (others => 0);
+ -- Mapping between characters and columns in the tables
+ Alphabet_Size : Column_Index := 0;
+ -- Number of significant characters in the regular expression.
+ -- This total does not include special operators, such as *, (, ...
+ procedure Check_Well_Formed_Pattern;
+ -- Check that the pattern to compile is well-formed, so that subsequent
+ -- code can rely on this without performing each time the checks to
+ -- avoid accessing the pattern outside its bounds. However, not all
+ -- well-formedness rules are checked. In particular, rules about special
+ -- characters not being treated as regular characters are not checked.
+ procedure Create_Mapping;
+ -- Creates a mapping between characters in the regexp and columns
+ -- in the tables representing the regexp. Test that the regexp is
+ -- well-formed Modifies Alphabet_Size and Map
+ procedure Create_Primary_Table
+ (Table : out Regexp_Array_Access;
+ Num_States : out State_Index;
+ Start_State : out State_Index;
+ End_State : out State_Index);
+ -- Creates the first version of the regexp (this is a non deterministic
+ -- finite state machine, which is unadapted for a fast pattern
+ -- matching algorithm). We use a recursive algorithm to process the
+ -- parenthesis sub-expressions.
+ --
+ -- Table : at the end of the procedure : Column 0 is for any character
+ -- ('.') and the last columns are for no character (closure)
+ -- Num_States is set to the number of states in the table
+ -- Start_State is the number of the starting state in the regexp
+ -- End_State is the number of the final state when the regexp matches
+ procedure Create_Primary_Table_Glob
+ (Table : out Regexp_Array_Access;
+ Num_States : out State_Index;
+ Start_State : out State_Index;
+ End_State : out State_Index);
+ -- Same function as above, but it deals with the second possible
+ -- grammar for 'globbing pattern', which is a kind of subset of the
+ -- whole regular expression grammar.
+ function Create_Secondary_Table
+ (First_Table : Regexp_Array_Access;
+ Num_States : State_Index;
+ Start_State : State_Index;
+ End_State : State_Index)
+ return Regexp;
+ -- Creates the definitive table representing the regular expression
+ -- This is actually a transformation of the primary table First_Table,
+ -- where every state is grouped with the states in its 'no-character'
+ -- columns. The transitions between the new states are then recalculated
+ -- and if necessary some new states are created.
+ --
+ -- Note that the resulting finite-state machine is not optimized in
+ -- terms of the number of states : it would be more time-consuming to
+ -- add a third pass to reduce the number of states in the machine, with
+ -- no speed improvement...
+ procedure Raise_Exception (M : String; Index : Integer);
+ pragma No_Return (Raise_Exception);
+ -- Raise an exception, indicating an error at character Index in S
+ -------------------------------
+ -- Check_Well_Formed_Pattern --
+ -------------------------------
+ procedure Check_Well_Formed_Pattern is
+ J : Integer;
+ Past_Elmt : Boolean := False;
+ -- Set to True everywhere an elmt has been parsed, if Glob=False,
+ -- meaning there can be now an occurrence of '*', '+' and '?'.
+ Past_Term : Boolean := False;
+ -- Set to True everywhere a term has been parsed, if Glob=False,
+ -- meaning there can be now an occurrence of '|'.
+ Parenthesis_Level : Integer := 0;
+ Curly_Level : Integer := 0;
+ Last_Open : Integer := S'First - 1;
+ -- The last occurrence of an opening parenthesis, if Glob=False,
+ -- or the last occurrence of an opening curly brace, if Glob=True.
+ procedure Raise_Exception_If_No_More_Chars (K : Integer := 0);
+ -- If no more characters are raised, call Raise_Exception
+ --------------------------------------
+ -- Raise_Exception_If_No_More_Chars --
+ --------------------------------------
+ procedure Raise_Exception_If_No_More_Chars (K : Integer := 0) is
+ begin
+ if J + K > S'Last then
+ Raise_Exception ("Ill-formed pattern while parsing", J);
+ end if;
+ end Raise_Exception_If_No_More_Chars;
+ -- Start of processing for Check_Well_Formed_Pattern
+ begin
+ J := S'First;
+ while J <= S'Last loop
+ case S (J) is
+ when Open_Bracket =>
+ J := J + 1;
+ Raise_Exception_If_No_More_Chars;
+ if not Glob then
+ if S (J) = '^' then
+ J := J + 1;
+ Raise_Exception_If_No_More_Chars;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- The first character never has a special meaning
+ if S (J) = ']' or else S (J) = '-' then
+ J := J + 1;
+ Raise_Exception_If_No_More_Chars;
+ end if;
+ -- The set of characters cannot be empty
+ if S (J) = ']' then
+ Raise_Exception
+ ("Set of characters cannot be empty in regular "
+ & "expression", J);
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Possible_Range_Start : Boolean := True;
+ -- Set True everywhere a range character '-' can occur
+ begin
+ loop
+ exit when S (J) = Close_Bracket;
+ -- The current character should be followed by a
+ -- closing bracket.
+ Raise_Exception_If_No_More_Chars (1);
+ if S (J) = '-'
+ and then S (J + 1) /= Close_Bracket
+ then
+ if not Possible_Range_Start then
+ Raise_Exception
+ ("No mix of ranges is allowed in "
+ & "regular expression", J);
+ end if;
+ J := J + 1;
+ Raise_Exception_If_No_More_Chars;
+ -- Range cannot be followed by '-' character,
+ -- except as last character in the set.
+ Possible_Range_Start := False;
+ else
+ Possible_Range_Start := True;
+ end if;
+ if S (J) = '\' then
+ J := J + 1;
+ Raise_Exception_If_No_More_Chars;
+ end if;
+ J := J + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ -- A closing bracket can end an elmt or term
+ Past_Elmt := True;
+ Past_Term := True;
+ when Close_Bracket =>
+ -- A close bracket must follow a open_bracket, and cannot be
+ -- found alone on the line.
+ Raise_Exception
+ ("Incorrect character ']' in regular expression", J);
+ when '\' =>
+ if J < S'Last then
+ J := J + 1;
+ -- Any character can be an elmt or a term
+ Past_Elmt := True;
+ Past_Term := True;
+ else
+ -- \ not allowed at the end of the regexp
+ Raise_Exception
+ ("Incorrect character '\' in regular expression", J);
+ end if;
+ when Open_Paren =>
+ if not Glob then
+ Parenthesis_Level := Parenthesis_Level + 1;
+ Last_Open := J;
+ -- An open parenthesis does not end an elmt or term
+ Past_Elmt := False;
+ Past_Term := False;
+ end if;
+ when Close_Paren =>
+ if not Glob then
+ Parenthesis_Level := Parenthesis_Level - 1;
+ if Parenthesis_Level < 0 then
+ Raise_Exception
+ ("')' is not associated with '(' in regular "
+ & "expression", J);
+ end if;
+ if J = Last_Open + 1 then
+ Raise_Exception
+ ("Empty parentheses not allowed in regular "
+ & "expression", J);
+ end if;
+ if not Past_Term then
+ Raise_Exception
+ ("Closing parenthesis not allowed here in regular "
+ & "expression", J);
+ end if;
+ -- A closing parenthesis can end an elmt or term
+ Past_Elmt := True;
+ Past_Term := True;
+ end if;
+ when '{' =>
+ if Glob then
+ Curly_Level := Curly_Level + 1;
+ Last_Open := J;
+ else
+ -- Any character can be an elmt or a term
+ Past_Elmt := True;
+ Past_Term := True;
+ end if;
+ -- No need to check for ',' as the code always accepts them
+ when '}' =>
+ if Glob then
+ Curly_Level := Curly_Level - 1;
+ if Curly_Level < 0 then
+ Raise_Exception
+ ("'}' is not associated with '{' in regular "
+ & "expression", J);
+ end if;
+ if J = Last_Open + 1 then
+ Raise_Exception
+ ("Empty curly braces not allowed in regular "
+ & "expression", J);
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- Any character can be an elmt or a term
+ Past_Elmt := True;
+ Past_Term := True;
+ end if;
+ when '*' | '?' | '+' =>
+ if not Glob then
+ -- These operators must apply to an elmt sub-expression,
+ -- and cannot be found if one has not just been parsed.
+ if not Past_Elmt then
+ Raise_Exception
+ ("'*', '+' and '?' operators must be "
+ & "applied to an element in regular expression", J);
+ end if;
+ Past_Elmt := False;
+ Past_Term := True;
+ end if;
+ when '|' =>
+ if not Glob then
+ -- This operator must apply to a term sub-expression,
+ -- and cannot be found if one has not just been parsed.
+ if not Past_Term then
+ Raise_Exception
+ ("'|' operator must be "
+ & "applied to a term in regular expression", J);
+ end if;
+ Past_Elmt := False;
+ Past_Term := False;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ if not Glob then
+ -- Any character can be an elmt or a term
+ Past_Elmt := True;
+ Past_Term := True;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ J := J + 1;
+ end loop;
+ -- A closing parenthesis must follow an open parenthesis
+ if Parenthesis_Level /= 0 then
+ Raise_Exception
+ ("'(' must always be associated with a ')'", J);
+ end if;
+ -- A closing curly brace must follow an open curly brace
+ if Curly_Level /= 0 then
+ Raise_Exception
+ ("'{' must always be associated with a '}'", J);
+ end if;
+ end Check_Well_Formed_Pattern;
+ --------------------
+ -- Create_Mapping --
+ --------------------
+ procedure Create_Mapping is
+ procedure Add_In_Map (C : Character);
+ -- Add a character in the mapping, if it is not already defined
+ ----------------
+ -- Add_In_Map --
+ ----------------
+ procedure Add_In_Map (C : Character) is
+ begin
+ if Map (C) = 0 then
+ Alphabet_Size := Alphabet_Size + 1;
+ Map (C) := Alphabet_Size;
+ end if;
+ end Add_In_Map;
+ J : Integer := S'First;
+ Parenthesis_Level : Integer := 0;
+ Curly_Level : Integer := 0;
+ Last_Open : Integer := S'First - 1;
+ -- Start of processing for Create_Mapping
+ begin
+ while J <= S'Last loop
+ case S (J) is
+ when Open_Bracket =>
+ J := J + 1;
+ if S (J) = '^' then
+ J := J + 1;
+ end if;
+ if S (J) = ']' or else S (J) = '-' then
+ J := J + 1;
+ end if;
+ -- The first character never has a special meaning
+ loop
+ if J > S'Last then
+ Raise_Exception
+ ("Ran out of characters while parsing ", J);
+ end if;
+ exit when S (J) = Close_Bracket;
+ if S (J) = '-'
+ and then S (J + 1) /= Close_Bracket
+ then
+ declare
+ Start : constant Integer := J - 1;
+ begin
+ J := J + 1;
+ if S (J) = '\' then
+ J := J + 1;
+ end if;
+ for Char in S (Start) .. S (J) loop
+ Add_In_Map (Char);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ else
+ if S (J) = '\' then
+ J := J + 1;
+ end if;
+ Add_In_Map (S (J));
+ end if;
+ J := J + 1;
+ end loop;
+ -- A close bracket must follow a open_bracket,
+ -- and cannot be found alone on the line
+ when Close_Bracket =>
+ Raise_Exception
+ ("Incorrect character ']' in regular expression", J);
+ when '\' =>
+ if J < S'Last then
+ J := J + 1;
+ Add_In_Map (S (J));
+ else
+ -- \ not allowed at the end of the regexp
+ Raise_Exception
+ ("Incorrect character '\' in regular expression", J);
+ end if;
+ when Open_Paren =>
+ if not Glob then
+ Parenthesis_Level := Parenthesis_Level + 1;
+ Last_Open := J;
+ else
+ Add_In_Map (Open_Paren);
+ end if;
+ when Close_Paren =>
+ if not Glob then
+ Parenthesis_Level := Parenthesis_Level - 1;
+ if Parenthesis_Level < 0 then
+ Raise_Exception
+ ("')' is not associated with '(' in regular "
+ & "expression", J);
+ end if;
+ if J = Last_Open + 1 then
+ Raise_Exception
+ ("Empty parenthesis not allowed in regular "
+ & "expression", J);
+ end if;
+ else
+ Add_In_Map (Close_Paren);
+ end if;
+ when '.' =>
+ if Glob then
+ Add_In_Map ('.');
+ end if;
+ when '{' =>
+ if not Glob then
+ Add_In_Map (S (J));
+ else
+ Curly_Level := Curly_Level + 1;
+ end if;
+ when '}' =>
+ if not Glob then
+ Add_In_Map (S (J));
+ else
+ Curly_Level := Curly_Level - 1;
+ end if;
+ when '*' | '?' =>
+ if not Glob then
+ if J = S'First then
+ Raise_Exception
+ ("'*', '+', '?' and '|' operators cannot be in "
+ & "first position in regular expression", J);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when '|' | '+' =>
+ if not Glob then
+ if J = S'First then
+ -- These operators must apply to a sub-expression,
+ -- and cannot be found at the beginning of the line
+ Raise_Exception
+ ("'*', '+', '?' and '|' operators cannot be in "
+ & "first position in regular expression", J);
+ end if;
+ else
+ Add_In_Map (S (J));
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Add_In_Map (S (J));
+ end case;
+ J := J + 1;
+ end loop;
+ -- A closing parenthesis must follow an open parenthesis
+ if Parenthesis_Level /= 0 then
+ Raise_Exception
+ ("'(' must always be associated with a ')'", J);
+ end if;
+ if Curly_Level /= 0 then
+ Raise_Exception
+ ("'{' must always be associated with a '}'", J);
+ end if;
+ end Create_Mapping;
+ --------------------------
+ -- Create_Primary_Table --
+ --------------------------
+ procedure Create_Primary_Table
+ (Table : out Regexp_Array_Access;
+ Num_States : out State_Index;
+ Start_State : out State_Index;
+ End_State : out State_Index)
+ is
+ Empty_Char : constant Column_Index := Alphabet_Size + 1;
+ Current_State : State_Index := 0;
+ -- Index of the last created state
+ procedure Add_Empty_Char
+ (State : State_Index;
+ To_State : State_Index);
+ -- Add a empty-character transition from State to To_State
+ procedure Create_Repetition
+ (Repetition : Character;
+ Start_Prev : State_Index;
+ End_Prev : State_Index;
+ New_Start : out State_Index;
+ New_End : in out State_Index);
+ -- Create the table in case we have a '*', '+' or '?'.
+ -- Start_Prev .. End_Prev should indicate respectively the start and
+ -- end index of the previous expression, to which '*', '+' or '?' is
+ -- applied.
+ procedure Create_Simple
+ (Start_Index : Integer;
+ End_Index : Integer;
+ Start_State : out State_Index;
+ End_State : out State_Index);
+ -- Fill the table for the regexp Simple.
+ -- This is the recursive procedure called to handle () expressions
+ -- If End_State = 0, then the call to Create_Simple creates an
+ -- independent regexp, not a concatenation
+ -- Start_Index .. End_Index is the starting index in the string S.
+ --
+ -- Warning: it may look like we are creating too many empty-string
+ -- transitions, but they are needed to get the correct regexp.
+ -- The table is filled as follow ( s means start-state, e means
+ -- end-state) :
+ --
+ -- regexp state_num | a b * empty_string
+ -- ------- ------------------------------
+ -- a 1 (s) | 2 - - -
+ -- 2 (e) | - - - -
+ --
+ -- ab 1 (s) | 2 - - -
+ -- 2 | - - - 3
+ -- 3 | - 4 - -
+ -- 4 (e) | - - - -
+ --
+ -- a|b 1 | 2 - - -
+ -- 2 | - - - 6
+ -- 3 | - 4 - -
+ -- 4 | - - - 6
+ -- 5 (s) | - - - 1,3
+ -- 6 (e) | - - - -
+ --
+ -- a* 1 | 2 - - -
+ -- 2 | - - - 4
+ -- 3 (s) | - - - 1,4
+ -- 4 (e) | - - - 3
+ --
+ -- (a) 1 (s) | 2 - - -
+ -- 2 (e) | - - - -
+ --
+ -- a+ 1 | 2 - - -
+ -- 2 | - - - 4
+ -- 3 (s) | - - - 1
+ -- 4 (e) | - - - 3
+ --
+ -- a? 1 | 2 - - -
+ -- 2 | - - - 4
+ -- 3 (s) | - - - 1,4
+ -- 4 (e) | - - - -
+ --
+ -- . 1 (s) | 2 2 2 -
+ -- 2 (e) | - - - -
+ function Next_Sub_Expression
+ (Start_Index : Integer;
+ End_Index : Integer)
+ return Integer;
+ -- Returns the index of the last character of the next sub-expression
+ -- in Simple. Index cannot be greater than End_Index.
+ --------------------
+ -- Add_Empty_Char --
+ --------------------
+ procedure Add_Empty_Char
+ (State : State_Index;
+ To_State : State_Index)
+ is
+ J : Column_Index := Empty_Char;
+ begin
+ while Get (Table, State, J) /= 0 loop
+ J := J + 1;
+ end loop;
+ Set (Table, State, J, To_State);
+ end Add_Empty_Char;
+ -----------------------
+ -- Create_Repetition --
+ -----------------------
+ procedure Create_Repetition
+ (Repetition : Character;
+ Start_Prev : State_Index;
+ End_Prev : State_Index;
+ New_Start : out State_Index;
+ New_End : in out State_Index)
+ is
+ begin
+ New_Start := Current_State + 1;
+ if New_End /= 0 then
+ Add_Empty_Char (New_End, New_Start);
+ end if;
+ Current_State := Current_State + 2;
+ New_End := Current_State;
+ Add_Empty_Char (End_Prev, New_End);
+ Add_Empty_Char (New_Start, Start_Prev);
+ if Repetition /= '+' then
+ Add_Empty_Char (New_Start, New_End);
+ end if;
+ if Repetition /= '?' then
+ Add_Empty_Char (New_End, New_Start);
+ end if;
+ end Create_Repetition;
+ -------------------
+ -- Create_Simple --
+ -------------------
+ procedure Create_Simple
+ (Start_Index : Integer;
+ End_Index : Integer;
+ Start_State : out State_Index;
+ End_State : out State_Index)
+ is
+ J : Integer := Start_Index;
+ Last_Start : State_Index := 0;
+ begin
+ Start_State := 0;
+ End_State := 0;
+ while J <= End_Index loop
+ case S (J) is
+ when Open_Paren =>
+ declare
+ J_Start : constant Integer := J + 1;
+ Next_Start : State_Index;
+ Next_End : State_Index;
+ begin
+ J := Next_Sub_Expression (J, End_Index);
+ Create_Simple (J_Start, J - 1, Next_Start, Next_End);
+ if J < End_Index
+ and then (S (J + 1) = '*' or else
+ S (J + 1) = '+' or else
+ S (J + 1) = '?')
+ then
+ J := J + 1;
+ Create_Repetition
+ (S (J),
+ Next_Start,
+ Next_End,
+ Last_Start,
+ End_State);
+ else
+ Last_Start := Next_Start;
+ if End_State /= 0 then
+ Add_Empty_Char (End_State, Last_Start);
+ end if;
+ End_State := Next_End;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when '|' =>
+ declare
+ Start_Prev : constant State_Index := Start_State;
+ End_Prev : constant State_Index := End_State;
+ Start_J : constant Integer := J + 1;
+ Start_Next : State_Index := 0;
+ End_Next : State_Index := 0;
+ begin
+ J := Next_Sub_Expression (J, End_Index);
+ -- Create a new state for the start of the alternative
+ Current_State := Current_State + 1;
+ Last_Start := Current_State;
+ Start_State := Last_Start;
+ -- Create the tree for the second part of alternative
+ Create_Simple (Start_J, J, Start_Next, End_Next);
+ -- Create the end state
+ Add_Empty_Char (Last_Start, Start_Next);
+ Add_Empty_Char (Last_Start, Start_Prev);
+ Current_State := Current_State + 1;
+ End_State := Current_State;
+ Add_Empty_Char (End_Prev, End_State);
+ Add_Empty_Char (End_Next, End_State);
+ end;
+ when Open_Bracket =>
+ Current_State := Current_State + 1;
+ declare
+ Next_State : State_Index := Current_State + 1;
+ begin
+ J := J + 1;
+ if S (J) = '^' then
+ J := J + 1;
+ Next_State := 0;
+ for Column in 0 .. Alphabet_Size loop
+ Set (Table, Current_State, Column,
+ Value => Current_State + 1);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ -- Automatically add the first character
+ if S (J) = '-' or else S (J) = ']' then
+ Set (Table, Current_State, Map (S (J)),
+ Value => Next_State);
+ J := J + 1;
+ end if;
+ -- Loop till closing bracket found
+ loop
+ exit when S (J) = Close_Bracket;
+ if S (J) = '-'
+ and then S (J + 1) /= ']'
+ then
+ declare
+ Start : constant Integer := J - 1;
+ begin
+ J := J + 1;
+ if S (J) = '\' then
+ J := J + 1;
+ end if;
+ for Char in S (Start) .. S (J) loop
+ Set (Table, Current_State, Map (Char),
+ Value => Next_State);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ else
+ if S (J) = '\' then
+ J := J + 1;
+ end if;
+ Set (Table, Current_State, Map (S (J)),
+ Value => Next_State);
+ end if;
+ J := J + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ Current_State := Current_State + 1;
+ -- If the next symbol is a special symbol
+ if J < End_Index
+ and then (S (J + 1) = '*' or else
+ S (J + 1) = '+' or else
+ S (J + 1) = '?')
+ then
+ J := J + 1;
+ Create_Repetition
+ (S (J),
+ Current_State - 1,
+ Current_State,
+ Last_Start,
+ End_State);
+ else
+ Last_Start := Current_State - 1;
+ if End_State /= 0 then
+ Add_Empty_Char (End_State, Last_Start);
+ end if;
+ End_State := Current_State;
+ end if;
+ when '*' | '+' | '?' | Close_Paren | Close_Bracket =>
+ Raise_Exception
+ ("Incorrect character in regular expression :", J);
+ when others =>
+ Current_State := Current_State + 1;
+ -- Create the state for the symbol S (J)
+ if S (J) = '.' then
+ for K in 0 .. Alphabet_Size loop
+ Set (Table, Current_State, K,
+ Value => Current_State + 1);
+ end loop;
+ else
+ if S (J) = '\' then
+ J := J + 1;
+ end if;
+ Set (Table, Current_State, Map (S (J)),
+ Value => Current_State + 1);
+ end if;
+ Current_State := Current_State + 1;
+ -- If the next symbol is a special symbol
+ if J < End_Index
+ and then (S (J + 1) = '*' or else
+ S (J + 1) = '+' or else
+ S (J + 1) = '?')
+ then
+ J := J + 1;
+ Create_Repetition
+ (S (J),
+ Current_State - 1,
+ Current_State,
+ Last_Start,
+ End_State);
+ else
+ Last_Start := Current_State - 1;
+ if End_State /= 0 then
+ Add_Empty_Char (End_State, Last_Start);
+ end if;
+ End_State := Current_State;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ if Start_State = 0 then
+ Start_State := Last_Start;
+ end if;
+ J := J + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end Create_Simple;
+ -------------------------
+ -- Next_Sub_Expression --
+ -------------------------
+ function Next_Sub_Expression
+ (Start_Index : Integer;
+ End_Index : Integer)
+ return Integer
+ is
+ J : Integer := Start_Index;
+ Start_On_Alter : Boolean := False;
+ begin
+ if S (J) = '|' then
+ Start_On_Alter := True;
+ end if;
+ loop
+ exit when J = End_Index;
+ J := J + 1;
+ case S (J) is
+ when '\' =>
+ J := J + 1;
+ when Open_Bracket =>
+ loop
+ J := J + 1;
+ exit when S (J) = Close_Bracket;
+ if S (J) = '\' then
+ J := J + 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ when Open_Paren =>
+ J := Next_Sub_Expression (J, End_Index);
+ when Close_Paren =>
+ return J;
+ when '|' =>
+ if Start_On_Alter then
+ return J - 1;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ return J;
+ end Next_Sub_Expression;
+ -- Start of Create_Primary_Table
+ begin
+ Table.all := (others => (others => 0));
+ Create_Simple (S'First, S'Last, Start_State, End_State);
+ Num_States := Current_State;
+ end Create_Primary_Table;
+ -------------------------------
+ -- Create_Primary_Table_Glob --
+ -------------------------------
+ procedure Create_Primary_Table_Glob
+ (Table : out Regexp_Array_Access;
+ Num_States : out State_Index;
+ Start_State : out State_Index;
+ End_State : out State_Index)
+ is
+ Empty_Char : constant Column_Index := Alphabet_Size + 1;
+ Current_State : State_Index := 0;
+ -- Index of the last created state
+ procedure Add_Empty_Char
+ (State : State_Index;
+ To_State : State_Index);
+ -- Add a empty-character transition from State to To_State
+ procedure Create_Simple
+ (Start_Index : Integer;
+ End_Index : Integer;
+ Start_State : out State_Index;
+ End_State : out State_Index);
+ -- Fill the table for the S (Start_Index .. End_Index).
+ -- This is the recursive procedure called to handle () expressions
+ --------------------
+ -- Add_Empty_Char --
+ --------------------
+ procedure Add_Empty_Char
+ (State : State_Index;
+ To_State : State_Index)
+ is
+ J : Column_Index := Empty_Char;
+ begin
+ while Get (Table, State, J) /= 0 loop
+ J := J + 1;
+ end loop;
+ Set (Table, State, J,
+ Value => To_State);
+ end Add_Empty_Char;
+ -------------------
+ -- Create_Simple --
+ -------------------
+ procedure Create_Simple
+ (Start_Index : Integer;
+ End_Index : Integer;
+ Start_State : out State_Index;
+ End_State : out State_Index)
+ is
+ J : Integer := Start_Index;
+ Last_Start : State_Index := 0;
+ begin
+ Start_State := 0;
+ End_State := 0;
+ while J <= End_Index loop
+ case S (J) is
+ when Open_Bracket =>
+ Current_State := Current_State + 1;
+ declare
+ Next_State : State_Index := Current_State + 1;
+ begin
+ J := J + 1;
+ if S (J) = '^' then
+ J := J + 1;
+ Next_State := 0;
+ for Column in 0 .. Alphabet_Size loop
+ Set (Table, Current_State, Column,
+ Value => Current_State + 1);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ -- Automatically add the first character
+ if S (J) = '-' or else S (J) = ']' then
+ Set (Table, Current_State, Map (S (J)),
+ Value => Current_State);
+ J := J + 1;
+ end if;
+ -- Loop till closing bracket found
+ loop
+ exit when S (J) = Close_Bracket;
+ if S (J) = '-'
+ and then S (J + 1) /= ']'
+ then
+ declare
+ Start : constant Integer := J - 1;
+ begin
+ J := J + 1;
+ if S (J) = '\' then
+ J := J + 1;
+ end if;
+ for Char in S (Start) .. S (J) loop
+ Set (Table, Current_State, Map (Char),
+ Value => Next_State);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ else
+ if S (J) = '\' then
+ J := J + 1;
+ end if;
+ Set (Table, Current_State, Map (S (J)),
+ Value => Next_State);
+ end if;
+ J := J + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ Last_Start := Current_State;
+ Current_State := Current_State + 1;
+ if End_State /= 0 then
+ Add_Empty_Char (End_State, Last_Start);
+ end if;
+ End_State := Current_State;
+ when '{' =>
+ declare
+ End_Sub : Integer;
+ Start_Regexp_Sub : State_Index;
+ End_Regexp_Sub : State_Index;
+ Create_Start : State_Index := 0;
+ Create_End : State_Index := 0;
+ -- Initialized to avoid junk warning
+ begin
+ while S (J) /= '}' loop
+ -- First step : find sub pattern
+ End_Sub := J + 1;
+ while S (End_Sub) /= ','
+ and then S (End_Sub) /= '}'
+ loop
+ End_Sub := End_Sub + 1;
+ end loop;
+ -- Second step : create a sub pattern
+ Create_Simple
+ (J + 1,
+ End_Sub - 1,
+ Start_Regexp_Sub,
+ End_Regexp_Sub);
+ J := End_Sub;
+ -- Third step : create an alternative
+ if Create_Start = 0 then
+ Current_State := Current_State + 1;
+ Create_Start := Current_State;
+ Add_Empty_Char (Create_Start, Start_Regexp_Sub);
+ Current_State := Current_State + 1;
+ Create_End := Current_State;
+ Add_Empty_Char (End_Regexp_Sub, Create_End);
+ else
+ Current_State := Current_State + 1;
+ Add_Empty_Char (Current_State, Create_Start);
+ Create_Start := Current_State;
+ Add_Empty_Char (Create_Start, Start_Regexp_Sub);
+ Add_Empty_Char (End_Regexp_Sub, Create_End);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if End_State /= 0 then
+ Add_Empty_Char (End_State, Create_Start);
+ end if;
+ End_State := Create_End;
+ Last_Start := Create_Start;
+ end;
+ when '*' =>
+ Current_State := Current_State + 1;
+ if End_State /= 0 then
+ Add_Empty_Char (End_State, Current_State);
+ end if;
+ Add_Empty_Char (Current_State, Current_State + 1);
+ Add_Empty_Char (Current_State, Current_State + 3);
+ Last_Start := Current_State;
+ Current_State := Current_State + 1;
+ for K in 0 .. Alphabet_Size loop
+ Set (Table, Current_State, K,
+ Value => Current_State + 1);
+ end loop;
+ Current_State := Current_State + 1;
+ Add_Empty_Char (Current_State, Current_State + 1);
+ Current_State := Current_State + 1;
+ Add_Empty_Char (Current_State, Last_Start);
+ End_State := Current_State;
+ when others =>
+ Current_State := Current_State + 1;
+ if S (J) = '?' then
+ for K in 0 .. Alphabet_Size loop
+ Set (Table, Current_State, K,
+ Value => Current_State + 1);
+ end loop;
+ else
+ if S (J) = '\' then
+ J := J + 1;
+ end if;
+ -- Create the state for the symbol S (J)
+ Set (Table, Current_State, Map (S (J)),
+ Value => Current_State + 1);
+ end if;
+ Last_Start := Current_State;
+ Current_State := Current_State + 1;
+ if End_State /= 0 then
+ Add_Empty_Char (End_State, Last_Start);
+ end if;
+ End_State := Current_State;
+ end case;
+ if Start_State = 0 then
+ Start_State := Last_Start;
+ end if;
+ J := J + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end Create_Simple;
+ -- Start of processing for Create_Primary_Table_Glob
+ begin
+ Table.all := (others => (others => 0));
+ Create_Simple (S'First, S'Last, Start_State, End_State);
+ Num_States := Current_State;
+ end Create_Primary_Table_Glob;
+ ----------------------------
+ -- Create_Secondary_Table --
+ ----------------------------
+ function Create_Secondary_Table
+ (First_Table : Regexp_Array_Access;
+ Num_States : State_Index;
+ Start_State : State_Index;
+ End_State : State_Index) return Regexp
+ is
+ pragma Warnings (Off, Num_States);
+ Last_Index : constant State_Index := First_Table'Last (1);
+ type Meta_State is array (1 .. Last_Index) of Boolean;
+ Table : Regexp_Array (1 .. Last_Index, 0 .. Alphabet_Size) :=
+ (others => (others => 0));
+ Meta_States : array (1 .. Last_Index + 1) of Meta_State :=
+ (others => (others => False));
+ Temp_State_Not_Null : Boolean;
+ Is_Final : Boolean_Array (1 .. Last_Index) := (others => False);
+ Current_State : State_Index := 1;
+ Nb_State : State_Index := 1;
+ procedure Closure
+ (State : in out Meta_State;
+ Item : State_Index);
+ -- Compute the closure of the state (that is every other state which
+ -- has a empty-character transition) and add it to the state
+ -------------
+ -- Closure --
+ -------------
+ procedure Closure
+ (State : in out Meta_State;
+ Item : State_Index)
+ is
+ begin
+ if State (Item) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ State (Item) := True;
+ for Column in Alphabet_Size + 1 .. First_Table'Last (2) loop
+ if First_Table (Item, Column) = 0 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Closure (State, First_Table (Item, Column));
+ end loop;
+ end Closure;
+ -- Start of processing for Create_Secondary_Table
+ begin
+ -- Create a new state
+ Closure (Meta_States (Current_State), Start_State);
+ while Current_State <= Nb_State loop
+ -- If this new meta-state includes the primary table end state,
+ -- then this meta-state will be a final state in the regexp
+ if Meta_States (Current_State)(End_State) then
+ Is_Final (Current_State) := True;
+ end if;
+ -- For every character in the regexp, calculate the possible
+ -- transitions from Current_State
+ for Column in 0 .. Alphabet_Size loop
+ Meta_States (Nb_State + 1) := (others => False);
+ Temp_State_Not_Null := False;
+ for K in Meta_States (Current_State)'Range loop
+ if Meta_States (Current_State)(K)
+ and then First_Table (K, Column) /= 0
+ then
+ Closure
+ (Meta_States (Nb_State + 1), First_Table (K, Column));
+ Temp_State_Not_Null := True;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- If at least one transition existed
+ if Temp_State_Not_Null then
+ -- Check if this new state corresponds to an old one
+ for K in 1 .. Nb_State loop
+ if Meta_States (K) = Meta_States (Nb_State + 1) then
+ Table (Current_State, Column) := K;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- If not, create a new state
+ if Table (Current_State, Column) = 0 then
+ Nb_State := Nb_State + 1;
+ Table (Current_State, Column) := Nb_State;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Current_State := Current_State + 1;
+ end loop;
+ -- Returns the regexp
+ declare
+ R : Regexp_Access;
+ begin
+ R := new Regexp_Value (Alphabet_Size => Alphabet_Size,
+ Num_States => Nb_State);
+ R.Map := Map;
+ R.Is_Final := Is_Final (1 .. Nb_State);
+ R.Case_Sensitive := Case_Sensitive;
+ for State in 1 .. Nb_State loop
+ for K in 0 .. Alphabet_Size loop
+ R.States (State, K) := Table (State, K);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ return (Ada.Finalization.Controlled with R => R);
+ end;
+ end Create_Secondary_Table;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Raise_Exception --
+ ---------------------
+ procedure Raise_Exception (M : String; Index : Integer) is
+ begin
+ raise Error_In_Regexp with M & " at offset" & Index'Img;
+ end Raise_Exception;
+ -- Start of processing for Compile
+ begin
+ -- Special case for the empty string: it always matches, and the
+ -- following processing would fail on it.
+ if S = "" then
+ return (Ada.Finalization.Controlled with
+ R => new Regexp_Value'
+ (Alphabet_Size => 0,
+ Num_States => 1,
+ Map => (others => 0),
+ States => (others => (others => 1)),
+ Is_Final => (others => True),
+ Case_Sensitive => True));
+ end if;
+ if not Case_Sensitive then
+ System.Case_Util.To_Lower (S);
+ end if;
+ -- Check the pattern is well-formed before any treatment
+ Check_Well_Formed_Pattern;
+ Create_Mapping;
+ -- Creates the primary table
+ declare
+ Table : Regexp_Array_Access;
+ Num_States : State_Index;
+ Start_State : State_Index;
+ End_State : State_Index;
+ R : Regexp;
+ begin
+ Table := new Regexp_Array (1 .. 100,
+ 0 .. Alphabet_Size + 10);
+ if not Glob then
+ Create_Primary_Table (Table, Num_States, Start_State, End_State);
+ else
+ Create_Primary_Table_Glob
+ (Table, Num_States, Start_State, End_State);
+ end if;
+ -- Creates the secondary table
+ R := Create_Secondary_Table
+ (Table, Num_States, Start_State, End_State);
+ Free (Table);
+ return R;
+ end;
+ end Compile;
+ --------------
+ -- Finalize --
+ --------------
+ procedure Finalize (R : in out Regexp) is
+ procedure Free is new
+ Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Regexp_Value, Regexp_Access);
+ begin
+ Free (R.R);
+ end Finalize;
+ ---------
+ -- Get --
+ ---------
+ function Get
+ (Table : Regexp_Array_Access;
+ State : State_Index;
+ Column : Column_Index) return State_Index
+ is
+ begin
+ if State <= Table'Last (1)
+ and then Column <= Table'Last (2)
+ then
+ return Table (State, Column);
+ else
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ end Get;
+ -----------
+ -- Match --
+ -----------
+ function Match (S : String; R : Regexp) return Boolean is
+ Current_State : State_Index := 1;
+ begin
+ if R.R = null then
+ raise Constraint_Error;
+ end if;
+ for Char in S'Range loop
+ if R.R.Case_Sensitive then
+ Current_State := R.R.States (Current_State, R.R.Map (S (Char)));
+ else
+ Current_State :=
+ R.R.States (Current_State,
+ R.R.Map (System.Case_Util.To_Lower (S (Char))));
+ end if;
+ if Current_State = 0 then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return R.R.Is_Final (Current_State);
+ end Match;
+ ---------
+ -- Set --
+ ---------
+ procedure Set
+ (Table : in out Regexp_Array_Access;
+ State : State_Index;
+ Column : Column_Index;
+ Value : State_Index)
+ is
+ New_Lines : State_Index;
+ New_Columns : Column_Index;
+ New_Table : Regexp_Array_Access;
+ begin
+ if State <= Table'Last (1)
+ and then Column <= Table'Last (2)
+ then
+ Table (State, Column) := Value;
+ else
+ -- Doubles the size of the table until it is big enough that
+ -- (State, Column) is a valid index
+ New_Lines := Table'Last (1) * (State / Table'Last (1) + 1);
+ New_Columns := Table'Last (2) * (Column / Table'Last (2) + 1);
+ New_Table := new Regexp_Array (Table'First (1) .. New_Lines,
+ Table'First (2) .. New_Columns);
+ New_Table.all := (others => (others => 0));
+ for J in Table'Range (1) loop
+ for K in Table'Range (2) loop
+ New_Table (J, K) := Table (J, K);
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ Free (Table);
+ Table := New_Table;
+ Table (State, Column) := Value;
+ end if;
+ end Set;
+end System.Regexp;