path: root/gcc-4.8.1/gcc/ada/s-interr-vms.adb
diff options
authorDan Albert <danalbert@google.com>2016-01-14 16:43:34 -0800
committerDan Albert <danalbert@google.com>2016-01-22 14:51:24 -0800
commit3186be22b6598fbd467b126347d1c7f48ccb7f71 (patch)
tree2b176d3ce027fa5340160978effeb88ec9054aaa /gcc-4.8.1/gcc/ada/s-interr-vms.adb
parenta45222a0e5951558bd896b0513bf638eb376e086 (diff)
Check in a pristine copy of GCC 4.8.1.
The copy of GCC that we use for Android is still not working for mingw. Rather than finding all the differences that have crept into our GCC, just check in a copy from ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gcc/gcc-4.9.3/gcc-4.8.1.tar.bz2. GCC 4.8.1 was chosen because it is what we have been using for mingw thus far, and the emulator doesn't yet work when upgrading to 4.9. Bug: http://b/26523949 Change-Id: Iedc0f05243d4332cc27ccd46b8a4b203c88dcaa3
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.8.1/gcc/ada/s-interr-vms.adb')
1 files changed, 1128 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.8.1/gcc/ada/s-interr-vms.adb b/gcc-4.8.1/gcc/ada/s-interr-vms.adb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c43b04368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gcc-4.8.1/gcc/ada/s-interr-vms.adb
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+-- --
+-- --
+-- S Y S T E M . I N T E R R U P T S --
+-- --
+-- B o d y --
+-- --
+-- Copyright (C) 1992-2009, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- GNARL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
+-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
+-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
+-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
+-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
+-- --
+-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
+-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
+-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
+-- --
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
+-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
+-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
+-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --
+-- --
+-- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University. --
+-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies, Inc. --
+-- --
+-- This is an OpenVMS/Alpha version of this package
+-- Invariants:
+-- Once we associate a Server_Task with an interrupt, the task never
+-- goes away, and we never remove the association.
+-- There is no more than one interrupt per Server_Task and no more than
+-- one Server_Task per interrupt.
+-- Within this package, the lock L is used to protect the various status
+-- tables. If there is a Server_Task associated with an interrupt, we use
+-- the per-task lock of the Server_Task instead so that we protect the
+-- status between Interrupt_Manager and Server_Task. Protection among
+-- service requests are done using User Request to Interrupt_Manager
+-- rendezvous.
+with Ada.Task_Identification;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
+with System.Task_Primitives;
+with System.Interrupt_Management;
+with System.Interrupt_Management.Operations;
+pragma Elaborate_All (System.Interrupt_Management.Operations);
+with System.Task_Primitives.Operations;
+with System.Task_Primitives.Interrupt_Operations;
+with System.Storage_Elements;
+with System.Tasking.Utilities;
+with System.Tasking.Rendezvous;
+pragma Elaborate_All (System.Tasking.Rendezvous);
+with System.Tasking.Initialization;
+with System.Parameters;
+package body System.Interrupts is
+ use Tasking;
+ use System.Parameters;
+ package POP renames System.Task_Primitives.Operations;
+ package PIO renames System.Task_Primitives.Interrupt_Operations;
+ package IMNG renames System.Interrupt_Management;
+ package IMOP renames System.Interrupt_Management.Operations;
+ function To_System is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Ada.Task_Identification.Task_Id, Task_Id);
+ -----------------
+ -- Local Tasks --
+ -----------------
+ -- WARNING: System.Tasking.Stages performs calls to this task with
+ -- low-level constructs. Do not change this spec without synchronizing it.
+ task Interrupt_Manager is
+ entry Detach_Interrupt_Entries (T : Task_Id);
+ entry Initialize (Mask : IMNG.Interrupt_Mask);
+ entry Attach_Handler
+ (New_Handler : Parameterless_Handler;
+ Interrupt : Interrupt_ID;
+ Static : Boolean;
+ Restoration : Boolean := False);
+ entry Exchange_Handler
+ (Old_Handler : out Parameterless_Handler;
+ New_Handler : Parameterless_Handler;
+ Interrupt : Interrupt_ID;
+ Static : Boolean);
+ entry Detach_Handler
+ (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID;
+ Static : Boolean);
+ entry Bind_Interrupt_To_Entry
+ (T : Task_Id;
+ E : Task_Entry_Index;
+ Interrupt : Interrupt_ID);
+ entry Block_Interrupt (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID);
+ entry Unblock_Interrupt (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID);
+ entry Ignore_Interrupt (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID);
+ entry Unignore_Interrupt (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID);
+ pragma Interrupt_Priority (System.Interrupt_Priority'Last);
+ end Interrupt_Manager;
+ task type Server_Task (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) is
+ pragma Priority (System.Interrupt_Priority'Last);
+ -- Note: the above pragma Priority is strictly speaking improper since
+ -- it is outside the range of allowed priorities, but the compiler
+ -- treats system units specially and does not apply this range checking
+ -- rule to system units.
+ end Server_Task;
+ type Server_Task_Access is access Server_Task;
+ -------------------------------
+ -- Local Types and Variables --
+ -------------------------------
+ type Entry_Assoc is record
+ T : Task_Id;
+ E : Task_Entry_Index;
+ end record;
+ type Handler_Assoc is record
+ H : Parameterless_Handler;
+ Static : Boolean; -- Indicates static binding;
+ end record;
+ User_Handler : array (Interrupt_ID'Range) of Handler_Assoc :=
+ (others => (null, Static => False));
+ pragma Volatile_Components (User_Handler);
+ -- Holds the protected procedure handler (if any) and its Static
+ -- information for each interrupt. A handler is a Static one if it is
+ -- specified through the pragma Attach_Handler. Attach_Handler. Otherwise,
+ -- not static)
+ User_Entry : array (Interrupt_ID'Range) of Entry_Assoc :=
+ (others => (T => Null_Task, E => Null_Task_Entry));
+ pragma Volatile_Components (User_Entry);
+ -- Holds the task and entry index (if any) for each interrupt
+ Blocked : constant array (Interrupt_ID'Range) of Boolean :=
+ (others => False);
+ -- ??? pragma Volatile_Components (Blocked);
+ -- True iff the corresponding interrupt is blocked in the process level
+ Ignored : array (Interrupt_ID'Range) of Boolean := (others => False);
+ pragma Volatile_Components (Ignored);
+ -- True iff the corresponding interrupt is blocked in the process level
+ Last_Unblocker : constant array (Interrupt_ID'Range) of Task_Id :=
+ (others => Null_Task);
+-- ??? pragma Volatile_Components (Last_Unblocker);
+ -- Holds the ID of the last Task which Unblocked this Interrupt.
+ -- It contains Null_Task if no tasks have ever requested the
+ -- Unblocking operation or the Interrupt is currently Blocked.
+ Server_ID : array (Interrupt_ID'Range) of Task_Id :=
+ (others => Null_Task);
+ pragma Atomic_Components (Server_ID);
+ -- Holds the Task_Id of the Server_Task for each interrupt. Task_Id is
+ -- needed to accomplish locking per Interrupt base. Also is needed to
+ -- decide whether to create a new Server_Task.
+ -- Type and Head, Tail of the list containing Registered Interrupt
+ -- Handlers. These definitions are used to register the handlers specified
+ -- by the pragma Interrupt_Handler.
+ type Registered_Handler;
+ type R_Link is access all Registered_Handler;
+ type Registered_Handler is record
+ H : System.Address := System.Null_Address;
+ Next : R_Link := null;
+ end record;
+ Registered_Handler_Head : R_Link := null;
+ Registered_Handler_Tail : R_Link := null;
+ Access_Hold : Server_Task_Access;
+ -- variable used to allocate Server_Task using "new"
+ -----------------------
+ -- Local Subprograms --
+ -----------------------
+ function Is_Registered (Handler : Parameterless_Handler) return Boolean;
+ -- See if the Handler has been "pragma"ed using Interrupt_Handler.
+ -- Always consider a null handler as registered.
+ --------------------------------
+ -- Register_Interrupt_Handler --
+ --------------------------------
+ procedure Register_Interrupt_Handler (Handler_Addr : System.Address) is
+ New_Node_Ptr : R_Link;
+ begin
+ -- This routine registers the Handler as usable for Dynamic
+ -- Interrupt Handler. Routines attaching and detaching Handler
+ -- dynamically should first consult if the Handler is registered.
+ -- A Program Error should be raised if it is not registered.
+ -- The pragma Interrupt_Handler can only appear in the library
+ -- level PO definition and instantiation. Therefore, we do not need
+ -- to implement Unregistering operation. Neither we need to
+ -- protect the queue structure using a Lock.
+ pragma Assert (Handler_Addr /= System.Null_Address);
+ New_Node_Ptr := new Registered_Handler;
+ New_Node_Ptr.H := Handler_Addr;
+ if Registered_Handler_Head = null then
+ Registered_Handler_Head := New_Node_Ptr;
+ Registered_Handler_Tail := New_Node_Ptr;
+ else
+ Registered_Handler_Tail.Next := New_Node_Ptr;
+ Registered_Handler_Tail := New_Node_Ptr;
+ end if;
+ end Register_Interrupt_Handler;
+ -------------------
+ -- Is_Registered --
+ -------------------
+ function Is_Registered (Handler : Parameterless_Handler) return Boolean is
+ type Fat_Ptr is record
+ Object_Addr : System.Address;
+ Handler_Addr : System.Address;
+ end record;
+ function To_Fat_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
+ (Parameterless_Handler, Fat_Ptr);
+ Ptr : R_Link;
+ Fat : Fat_Ptr;
+ begin
+ if Handler = null then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ Fat := To_Fat_Ptr (Handler);
+ Ptr := Registered_Handler_Head;
+ while Ptr /= null loop
+ if Ptr.H = Fat.Handler_Addr then
+ return True;
+ end if;
+ Ptr := Ptr.Next;
+ end loop;
+ return False;
+ end Is_Registered;
+ -----------------
+ -- Is_Reserved --
+ -----------------
+ function Is_Reserved (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ return IMNG.Reserve (IMNG.Interrupt_ID (Interrupt));
+ end Is_Reserved;
+ -----------------------
+ -- Is_Entry_Attached --
+ -----------------------
+ function Is_Entry_Attached (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ if Is_Reserved (Interrupt) then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Interrupt" & Interrupt_ID'Image (Interrupt) & " is reserved";
+ end if;
+ return User_Entry (Interrupt).T /= Null_Task;
+ end Is_Entry_Attached;
+ -------------------------
+ -- Is_Handler_Attached --
+ -------------------------
+ function Is_Handler_Attached (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ if Is_Reserved (Interrupt) then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Interrupt" & Interrupt_ID'Image (Interrupt) & " is reserved";
+ end if;
+ return User_Handler (Interrupt).H /= null;
+ end Is_Handler_Attached;
+ ----------------
+ -- Is_Blocked --
+ ----------------
+ function Is_Blocked (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ if Is_Reserved (Interrupt) then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Interrupt" & Interrupt_ID'Image (Interrupt) & " is reserved";
+ end if;
+ return Blocked (Interrupt);
+ end Is_Blocked;
+ ----------------
+ -- Is_Ignored --
+ ----------------
+ function Is_Ignored (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ if Is_Reserved (Interrupt) then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Interrupt" & Interrupt_ID'Image (Interrupt) & " is reserved";
+ end if;
+ return Ignored (Interrupt);
+ end Is_Ignored;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Current_Handler --
+ ---------------------
+ function Current_Handler
+ (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) return Parameterless_Handler
+ is
+ begin
+ if Is_Reserved (Interrupt) then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Interrupt" & Interrupt_ID'Image (Interrupt) & " is reserved";
+ end if;
+ -- ??? Since Parameterless_Handler is not Atomic, the current
+ -- implementation is wrong. We need a new service in Interrupt_Manager
+ -- to ensure atomicity.
+ return User_Handler (Interrupt).H;
+ end Current_Handler;
+ --------------------
+ -- Attach_Handler --
+ --------------------
+ -- Calling this procedure with New_Handler = null and Static = True
+ -- means we want to detach the current handler regardless of the
+ -- previous handler's binding status (i.e. do not care if it is a
+ -- dynamic or static handler).
+ -- This option is needed so that during the finalization of a PO, we
+ -- can detach handlers attached through pragma Attach_Handler.
+ procedure Attach_Handler
+ (New_Handler : Parameterless_Handler;
+ Interrupt : Interrupt_ID;
+ Static : Boolean := False) is
+ begin
+ if Is_Reserved (Interrupt) then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Interrupt" & Interrupt_ID'Image (Interrupt) & " is reserved";
+ end if;
+ Interrupt_Manager.Attach_Handler (New_Handler, Interrupt, Static);
+ end Attach_Handler;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Exchange_Handler --
+ ----------------------
+ -- Calling this procedure with New_Handler = null and Static = True means
+ -- we want to detach the current handler regardless of the previous
+ -- handler's binding status (i.e. do not care if it is dynamic or static
+ -- handler).
+ -- This option is needed so that during the finalization of a PO, we can
+ -- detach handlers attached through pragma Attach_Handler.
+ procedure Exchange_Handler
+ (Old_Handler : out Parameterless_Handler;
+ New_Handler : Parameterless_Handler;
+ Interrupt : Interrupt_ID;
+ Static : Boolean := False)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Is_Reserved (Interrupt) then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Interrupt" & Interrupt_ID'Image (Interrupt) & " is reserved";
+ end if;
+ Interrupt_Manager.Exchange_Handler
+ (Old_Handler, New_Handler, Interrupt, Static);
+ end Exchange_Handler;
+ --------------------
+ -- Detach_Handler --
+ --------------------
+ -- Calling this procedure with Static = True means we want to Detach the
+ -- current handler regardless of the previous handler's binding status
+ -- (i.e. do not care if it is a dynamic or static handler).
+ -- This option is needed so that during the finalization of a PO, we can
+ -- detach handlers attached through pragma Attach_Handler.
+ procedure Detach_Handler
+ (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID;
+ Static : Boolean := False)
+ is
+ begin
+ if Is_Reserved (Interrupt) then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Interrupt" & Interrupt_ID'Image (Interrupt) & " is reserved";
+ end if;
+ Interrupt_Manager.Detach_Handler (Interrupt, Static);
+ end Detach_Handler;
+ ---------------
+ -- Reference --
+ ---------------
+ function Reference (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) return System.Address is
+ begin
+ if Is_Reserved (Interrupt) then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Interrupt" & Interrupt_ID'Image (Interrupt) & " is reserved";
+ end if;
+ return Storage_Elements.To_Address
+ (Storage_Elements.Integer_Address (Interrupt));
+ end Reference;
+ -----------------------------
+ -- Bind_Interrupt_To_Entry --
+ -----------------------------
+ -- This procedure raises a Program_Error if it tries to
+ -- bind an interrupt to which an Entry or a Procedure is
+ -- already bound.
+ procedure Bind_Interrupt_To_Entry
+ (T : Task_Id;
+ E : Task_Entry_Index;
+ Int_Ref : System.Address)
+ is
+ Interrupt : constant Interrupt_ID :=
+ Interrupt_ID (Storage_Elements.To_Integer (Int_Ref));
+ begin
+ if Is_Reserved (Interrupt) then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Interrupt" & Interrupt_ID'Image (Interrupt) & " is reserved";
+ end if;
+ Interrupt_Manager.Bind_Interrupt_To_Entry (T, E, Interrupt);
+ end Bind_Interrupt_To_Entry;
+ ------------------------------
+ -- Detach_Interrupt_Entries --
+ ------------------------------
+ procedure Detach_Interrupt_Entries (T : Task_Id) is
+ begin
+ Interrupt_Manager.Detach_Interrupt_Entries (T);
+ end Detach_Interrupt_Entries;
+ ---------------------
+ -- Block_Interrupt --
+ ---------------------
+ procedure Block_Interrupt (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) is
+ begin
+ if Is_Reserved (Interrupt) then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Interrupt" & Interrupt_ID'Image (Interrupt) & " is reserved";
+ end if;
+ Interrupt_Manager.Block_Interrupt (Interrupt);
+ end Block_Interrupt;
+ -----------------------
+ -- Unblock_Interrupt --
+ -----------------------
+ procedure Unblock_Interrupt (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) is
+ begin
+ if Is_Reserved (Interrupt) then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Interrupt" & Interrupt_ID'Image (Interrupt) & " is reserved";
+ end if;
+ Interrupt_Manager.Unblock_Interrupt (Interrupt);
+ end Unblock_Interrupt;
+ ------------------
+ -- Unblocked_By --
+ ------------------
+ function Unblocked_By
+ (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) return System.Tasking.Task_Id is
+ begin
+ if Is_Reserved (Interrupt) then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Interrupt" & Interrupt_ID'Image (Interrupt) & " is reserved";
+ end if;
+ return Last_Unblocker (Interrupt);
+ end Unblocked_By;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Ignore_Interrupt --
+ ----------------------
+ procedure Ignore_Interrupt (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) is
+ begin
+ if Is_Reserved (Interrupt) then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Interrupt" & Interrupt_ID'Image (Interrupt) & " is reserved";
+ end if;
+ Interrupt_Manager.Ignore_Interrupt (Interrupt);
+ end Ignore_Interrupt;
+ ------------------------
+ -- Unignore_Interrupt --
+ ------------------------
+ procedure Unignore_Interrupt (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) is
+ begin
+ if Is_Reserved (Interrupt) then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Interrupt" & Interrupt_ID'Image (Interrupt) & " is reserved";
+ end if;
+ Interrupt_Manager.Unignore_Interrupt (Interrupt);
+ end Unignore_Interrupt;
+ -----------------------
+ -- Interrupt_Manager --
+ -----------------------
+ task body Interrupt_Manager is
+ --------------------
+ -- Local Routines --
+ --------------------
+ procedure Unprotected_Exchange_Handler
+ (Old_Handler : out Parameterless_Handler;
+ New_Handler : Parameterless_Handler;
+ Interrupt : Interrupt_ID;
+ Static : Boolean;
+ Restoration : Boolean := False);
+ procedure Unprotected_Detach_Handler
+ (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID;
+ Static : Boolean);
+ ----------------------------------
+ -- Unprotected_Exchange_Handler --
+ ----------------------------------
+ procedure Unprotected_Exchange_Handler
+ (Old_Handler : out Parameterless_Handler;
+ New_Handler : Parameterless_Handler;
+ Interrupt : Interrupt_ID;
+ Static : Boolean;
+ Restoration : Boolean := False)
+ is
+ begin
+ if User_Entry (Interrupt).T /= Null_Task then
+ -- In case we have an Interrupt Entry already installed.
+ -- raise a program error. (propagate it to the caller).
+ raise Program_Error with "An interrupt is already installed";
+ end if;
+ -- Note: A null handler with Static=True will pass the following
+ -- check. That is the case when we want to Detach a handler
+ -- regardless of the Static status of the current_Handler. We don't
+ -- check anything if Restoration is True, since we may be detaching
+ -- a static handler to restore a dynamic one.
+ if not Restoration and then not Static
+ -- Tries to overwrite a static Interrupt Handler with a
+ -- dynamic Handler
+ and then (User_Handler (Interrupt).Static
+ -- The new handler is not specified as an
+ -- Interrupt Handler by a pragma.
+ or else not Is_Registered (New_Handler))
+ then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Trying to overwrite a static Interrupt Handler with a " &
+ "dynamic Handler";
+ end if;
+ -- The interrupt should no longer be ignored if it was ever ignored
+ Ignored (Interrupt) := False;
+ -- Save the old handler
+ Old_Handler := User_Handler (Interrupt).H;
+ -- The new handler
+ User_Handler (Interrupt).H := New_Handler;
+ if New_Handler = null then
+ -- The null handler means we are detaching the handler
+ User_Handler (Interrupt).Static := False;
+ else
+ User_Handler (Interrupt).Static := Static;
+ end if;
+ -- Invoke a corresponding Server_Task if not yet created.
+ -- Place Task_Id info in Server_ID array.
+ if Server_ID (Interrupt) = Null_Task then
+ Access_Hold := new Server_Task (Interrupt);
+ Server_ID (Interrupt) := To_System (Access_Hold.all'Identity);
+ else
+ POP.Wakeup (Server_ID (Interrupt), Interrupt_Server_Idle_Sleep);
+ end if;
+ end Unprotected_Exchange_Handler;
+ --------------------------------
+ -- Unprotected_Detach_Handler --
+ --------------------------------
+ procedure Unprotected_Detach_Handler
+ (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID;
+ Static : Boolean)
+ is
+ begin
+ if User_Entry (Interrupt).T /= Null_Task then
+ -- In case we have an Interrupt Entry installed.
+ -- raise a program error. (propagate it to the caller).
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "An interrupt entry is already installed";
+ end if;
+ -- Note : Static = True will pass the following check. That is the
+ -- case when we want to detach a handler regardless of the static
+ -- status of the current_Handler.
+ if not Static and then User_Handler (Interrupt).Static then
+ -- Tries to detach a static Interrupt Handler.
+ -- raise a program error.
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "Trying to detach a static Interrupt Handler";
+ end if;
+ -- The interrupt should no longer be ignored if
+ -- it was ever ignored.
+ Ignored (Interrupt) := False;
+ -- The new handler
+ User_Handler (Interrupt).H := null;
+ User_Handler (Interrupt).Static := False;
+ IMOP.Interrupt_Self_Process (IMNG.Interrupt_ID (Interrupt));
+ end Unprotected_Detach_Handler;
+ -- Start of processing for Interrupt_Manager
+ begin
+ -- By making this task independent of master, when the process
+ -- goes away, the Interrupt_Manager will terminate gracefully.
+ System.Tasking.Utilities.Make_Independent;
+ -- Environment task gets its own interrupt mask, saves it,
+ -- and then masks all interrupts except the Keep_Unmasked set.
+ -- During rendezvous, the Interrupt_Manager receives the old
+ -- interrupt mask of the environment task, and sets its own
+ -- interrupt mask to that value.
+ -- The environment task will call the entry of Interrupt_Manager some
+ -- during elaboration of the body of this package.
+ accept Initialize (Mask : IMNG.Interrupt_Mask) do
+ pragma Warnings (Off, Mask);
+ null;
+ end Initialize;
+ -- Note: All tasks in RTS will have all the Reserve Interrupts
+ -- being masked (except the Interrupt_Manager) and Keep_Unmasked
+ -- unmasked when created.
+ -- Abort_Task_Interrupt is one of the Interrupt unmasked
+ -- in all tasks. We mask the Interrupt in this particular task
+ -- so that "sigwait" is possible to catch an explicitly sent
+ -- Abort_Task_Interrupt from the Server_Tasks.
+ -- This sigwaiting is needed so that we make sure a Server_Task is
+ -- out of its own sigwait state. This extra synchronization is
+ -- necessary to prevent following scenarios.
+ -- 1) Interrupt_Manager sends an Abort_Task_Interrupt to the
+ -- Server_Task then changes its own interrupt mask (OS level).
+ -- If an interrupt (corresponding to the Server_Task) arrives
+ -- in the mean time we have the Interrupt_Manager unmasked and
+ -- the Server_Task waiting on sigwait.
+ -- 2) For unbinding handler, we install a default action in the
+ -- Interrupt_Manager. POSIX.1c states that the result of using
+ -- "sigwait" and "sigaction" simultaneously on the same interrupt
+ -- is undefined. Therefore, we need to be informed from the
+ -- Server_Task of the fact that the Server_Task is out of its
+ -- sigwait stage.
+ loop
+ -- A block is needed to absorb Program_Error exception
+ declare
+ Old_Handler : Parameterless_Handler;
+ begin
+ select
+ accept Attach_Handler
+ (New_Handler : Parameterless_Handler;
+ Interrupt : Interrupt_ID;
+ Static : Boolean;
+ Restoration : Boolean := False)
+ do
+ Unprotected_Exchange_Handler
+ (Old_Handler, New_Handler, Interrupt, Static, Restoration);
+ end Attach_Handler;
+ or accept Exchange_Handler
+ (Old_Handler : out Parameterless_Handler;
+ New_Handler : Parameterless_Handler;
+ Interrupt : Interrupt_ID;
+ Static : Boolean)
+ do
+ Unprotected_Exchange_Handler
+ (Old_Handler, New_Handler, Interrupt, Static);
+ end Exchange_Handler;
+ or accept Detach_Handler
+ (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID;
+ Static : Boolean)
+ do
+ Unprotected_Detach_Handler (Interrupt, Static);
+ end Detach_Handler;
+ or accept Bind_Interrupt_To_Entry
+ (T : Task_Id;
+ E : Task_Entry_Index;
+ Interrupt : Interrupt_ID)
+ do
+ -- if there is a binding already (either a procedure or an
+ -- entry), raise Program_Error (propagate it to the caller).
+ if User_Handler (Interrupt).H /= null
+ or else User_Entry (Interrupt).T /= Null_Task
+ then
+ raise Program_Error with
+ "A binding for this interrupt is already present";
+ end if;
+ -- The interrupt should no longer be ignored if
+ -- it was ever ignored.
+ Ignored (Interrupt) := False;
+ User_Entry (Interrupt) := Entry_Assoc'(T => T, E => E);
+ -- Indicate the attachment of Interrupt Entry in ATCB.
+ -- This is need so that when an Interrupt Entry task
+ -- terminates the binding can be cleaned.
+ -- The call to unbinding must be
+ -- make by the task before it terminates.
+ T.Interrupt_Entry := True;
+ -- Invoke a corresponding Server_Task if not yet created.
+ -- Place Task_Id info in Server_ID array.
+ if Server_ID (Interrupt) = Null_Task then
+ Access_Hold := new Server_Task (Interrupt);
+ Server_ID (Interrupt) :=
+ To_System (Access_Hold.all'Identity);
+ else
+ POP.Wakeup (Server_ID (Interrupt),
+ Interrupt_Server_Idle_Sleep);
+ end if;
+ end Bind_Interrupt_To_Entry;
+ or accept Detach_Interrupt_Entries (T : Task_Id)
+ do
+ for J in Interrupt_ID'Range loop
+ if not Is_Reserved (J) then
+ if User_Entry (J).T = T then
+ -- The interrupt should no longer be ignored if
+ -- it was ever ignored.
+ Ignored (J) := False;
+ User_Entry (J) :=
+ Entry_Assoc'(T => Null_Task, E => Null_Task_Entry);
+ IMOP.Interrupt_Self_Process (IMNG.Interrupt_ID (J));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ -- Indicate in ATCB that no Interrupt Entries are attached
+ T.Interrupt_Entry := False;
+ end Detach_Interrupt_Entries;
+ or accept Block_Interrupt (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) do
+ pragma Warnings (Off, Interrupt);
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end Block_Interrupt;
+ or accept Unblock_Interrupt (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) do
+ pragma Warnings (Off, Interrupt);
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end Unblock_Interrupt;
+ or accept Ignore_Interrupt (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) do
+ pragma Warnings (Off, Interrupt);
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end Ignore_Interrupt;
+ or accept Unignore_Interrupt (Interrupt : Interrupt_ID) do
+ pragma Warnings (Off, Interrupt);
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end Unignore_Interrupt;
+ end select;
+ exception
+ -- If there is a program error we just want to propagate it
+ -- to the caller and do not want to stop this task.
+ when Program_Error =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ pragma Assert (False);
+ null;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ end Interrupt_Manager;
+ -----------------
+ -- Server_Task --
+ -----------------
+ task body Server_Task is
+ Self_ID : constant Task_Id := Self;
+ Tmp_Handler : Parameterless_Handler;
+ Tmp_ID : Task_Id;
+ Tmp_Entry_Index : Task_Entry_Index;
+ Intwait_Mask : aliased IMNG.Interrupt_Mask;
+ begin
+ -- By making this task independent of master, when the process
+ -- goes away, the Server_Task will terminate gracefully.
+ System.Tasking.Utilities.Make_Independent;
+ -- Install default action in system level
+ IMOP.Install_Default_Action (IMNG.Interrupt_ID (Interrupt));
+ -- Set up the mask (also clears the event flag)
+ IMOP.Empty_Interrupt_Mask (Intwait_Mask'Access);
+ IMOP.Add_To_Interrupt_Mask
+ (Intwait_Mask'Access, IMNG.Interrupt_ID (Interrupt));
+ -- Remember the Interrupt_ID for Abort_Task
+ PIO.Set_Interrupt_ID (IMNG.Interrupt_ID (Interrupt), Self_ID);
+ -- Note: All tasks in RTS will have all the Reserve Interrupts
+ -- being masked (except the Interrupt_Manager) and Keep_Unmasked
+ -- unmasked when created.
+ loop
+ System.Tasking.Initialization.Defer_Abort (Self_ID);
+ -- A Handler or an Entry is installed. At this point all tasks
+ -- mask for the Interrupt is masked. Catch the Interrupt using
+ -- sigwait.
+ -- This task may wake up from sigwait by receiving an interrupt
+ -- (Abort_Task_Interrupt) from the Interrupt_Manager for unbinding
+ -- a Procedure Handler or an Entry. Or it could be a wake up
+ -- from status change (Unblocked -> Blocked). If that is not
+ -- the case, we should execute the attached Procedure or Entry.
+ if Single_Lock then
+ POP.Lock_RTS;
+ end if;
+ POP.Write_Lock (Self_ID);
+ if User_Handler (Interrupt).H = null
+ and then User_Entry (Interrupt).T = Null_Task
+ then
+ -- No Interrupt binding. If there is an interrupt,
+ -- Interrupt_Manager will take default action.
+ Self_ID.Common.State := Interrupt_Server_Idle_Sleep;
+ POP.Sleep (Self_ID, Interrupt_Server_Idle_Sleep);
+ Self_ID.Common.State := Runnable;
+ else
+ Self_ID.Common.State := Interrupt_Server_Blocked_On_Event_Flag;
+ Self_ID.Common.State := Runnable;
+ if not (Self_ID.Deferral_Level = 0
+ and then Self_ID.Pending_ATC_Level
+ < Self_ID.ATC_Nesting_Level)
+ then
+ if User_Handler (Interrupt).H /= null then
+ Tmp_Handler := User_Handler (Interrupt).H;
+ -- RTS calls should not be made with self being locked
+ POP.Unlock (Self_ID);
+ if Single_Lock then
+ POP.Unlock_RTS;
+ end if;
+ Tmp_Handler.all;
+ if Single_Lock then
+ POP.Lock_RTS;
+ end if;
+ POP.Write_Lock (Self_ID);
+ elsif User_Entry (Interrupt).T /= Null_Task then
+ Tmp_ID := User_Entry (Interrupt).T;
+ Tmp_Entry_Index := User_Entry (Interrupt).E;
+ -- RTS calls should not be made with self being locked
+ POP.Unlock (Self_ID);
+ if Single_Lock then
+ POP.Unlock_RTS;
+ end if;
+ System.Tasking.Rendezvous.Call_Simple
+ (Tmp_ID, Tmp_Entry_Index, System.Null_Address);
+ if Single_Lock then
+ POP.Lock_RTS;
+ end if;
+ POP.Write_Lock (Self_ID);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ POP.Unlock (Self_ID);
+ if Single_Lock then
+ POP.Unlock_RTS;
+ end if;
+ System.Tasking.Initialization.Undefer_Abort (Self_ID);
+ -- Undefer abort here to allow a window for this task
+ -- to be aborted at the time of system shutdown.
+ end loop;
+ end Server_Task;
+ -------------------------------------
+ -- Has_Interrupt_Or_Attach_Handler --
+ -------------------------------------
+ function Has_Interrupt_Or_Attach_Handler
+ (Object : access Dynamic_Interrupt_Protection) return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Warnings (Off, Object);
+ begin
+ return True;
+ end Has_Interrupt_Or_Attach_Handler;
+ --------------
+ -- Finalize --
+ --------------
+ procedure Finalize (Object : in out Static_Interrupt_Protection) is
+ begin
+ -- ??? loop to be executed only when we're not doing library level
+ -- finalization, since in this case all interrupt tasks are gone.
+ if not Interrupt_Manager'Terminated then
+ for N in reverse Object.Previous_Handlers'Range loop
+ Interrupt_Manager.Attach_Handler
+ (New_Handler => Object.Previous_Handlers (N).Handler,
+ Interrupt => Object.Previous_Handlers (N).Interrupt,
+ Static => Object.Previous_Handlers (N).Static,
+ Restoration => True);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ Tasking.Protected_Objects.Entries.Finalize
+ (Tasking.Protected_Objects.Entries.Protection_Entries (Object));
+ end Finalize;
+ -------------------------------------
+ -- Has_Interrupt_Or_Attach_Handler --
+ -------------------------------------
+ function Has_Interrupt_Or_Attach_Handler
+ (Object : access Static_Interrupt_Protection) return Boolean
+ is
+ pragma Warnings (Off, Object);
+ begin
+ return True;
+ end Has_Interrupt_Or_Attach_Handler;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Install_Handlers --
+ ----------------------
+ procedure Install_Handlers
+ (Object : access Static_Interrupt_Protection;
+ New_Handlers : New_Handler_Array)
+ is
+ begin
+ for N in New_Handlers'Range loop
+ -- We need a lock around this ???
+ Object.Previous_Handlers (N).Interrupt := New_Handlers (N).Interrupt;
+ Object.Previous_Handlers (N).Static := User_Handler
+ (New_Handlers (N).Interrupt).Static;
+ -- We call Exchange_Handler and not directly Interrupt_Manager.
+ -- Exchange_Handler so we get the Is_Reserved check.
+ Exchange_Handler
+ (Old_Handler => Object.Previous_Handlers (N).Handler,
+ New_Handler => New_Handlers (N).Handler,
+ Interrupt => New_Handlers (N).Interrupt,
+ Static => True);
+ end loop;
+ end Install_Handlers;
+ ---------------------------------
+ -- Install_Restricted_Handlers --
+ ---------------------------------
+ procedure Install_Restricted_Handlers (Handlers : New_Handler_Array) is
+ begin
+ for N in Handlers'Range loop
+ Attach_Handler (Handlers (N).Handler, Handlers (N).Interrupt, True);
+ end loop;
+ end Install_Restricted_Handlers;
+-- Elaboration code for package System.Interrupts
+ -- Get Interrupt_Manager's ID so that Abort_Interrupt can be sent
+ Interrupt_Manager_ID := To_System (Interrupt_Manager'Identity);
+ -- During the elaboration of this package body we want RTS to inherit the
+ -- interrupt mask from the Environment Task.
+ -- The Environment Task should have gotten its mask from the enclosing
+ -- process during the RTS start up. (See in s-inmaop.adb). Pass the
+ -- Interrupt_Mask of the Environment task to the Interrupt_Manager.
+ -- Note : At this point we know that all tasks (including RTS internal
+ -- servers) are masked for non-reserved signals (see s-taprop.adb). Only
+ -- the Interrupt_Manager will have masks set up differently inheriting the
+ -- original Environment Task's mask.
+ Interrupt_Manager.Initialize (IMOP.Environment_Mask);
+end System.Interrupts;