path: root/gcc-4.3.1/gcc/ada/a-ztexio.adb
diff options
authorDan Albert <danalbert@google.com>2015-06-17 11:09:54 -0700
committerDan Albert <danalbert@google.com>2015-06-17 14:15:22 -0700
commitf378ebf14df0952eae870c9865bab8326aa8f137 (patch)
tree31794503eb2a8c64ea5f313b93100f1163afcffb /gcc-4.3.1/gcc/ada/a-ztexio.adb
parent2c58169824949d3a597d9fa81931e001ef9b1bd0 (diff)
Delete old versions of GCC.
Change-Id: I710f125d905290e1024cbd67f48299861790c66c
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.3.1/gcc/ada/a-ztexio.adb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1903 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.3.1/gcc/ada/a-ztexio.adb b/gcc-4.3.1/gcc/ada/a-ztexio.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 74a60f920..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.3.1/gcc/ada/a-ztexio.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1903 +0,0 @@
--- --
--- --
--- A D A . W I D E _ W I D E _ T E X T _ I O --
--- --
--- B o d y --
--- --
--- Copyright (C) 1992-2007, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
--- --
--- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
--- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
--- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
--- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
--- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
--- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
--- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
--- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
--- to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, --
--- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. --
--- --
--- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
--- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
--- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
--- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
--- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
--- covered by the GNU Public License. --
--- --
--- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
--- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
--- --
-with Ada.Streams; use Ada.Streams;
-with Interfaces.C_Streams; use Interfaces.C_Streams;
-with System.CRTL;
-with System.File_IO;
-with System.WCh_Cnv; use System.WCh_Cnv;
-with System.WCh_Con; use System.WCh_Con;
-with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
-with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
-pragma Elaborate_All (System.File_IO);
--- Needed because of calls to Chain_File in package body elaboration
-package body Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO is
- package FIO renames System.File_IO;
- subtype AP is FCB.AFCB_Ptr;
- function To_FCB is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (File_Mode, FCB.File_Mode);
- function To_TIO is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (FCB.File_Mode, File_Mode);
- use type FCB.File_Mode;
- use type System.CRTL.size_t;
- WC_Encoding : Character;
- pragma Import (C, WC_Encoding, "__gl_wc_encoding");
- -----------------------
- -- Local Subprograms --
- -----------------------
- function Getc_Immed (File : File_Type) return int;
- -- This routine is identical to Getc, except that the read is done in
- -- Get_Immediate mode (i.e. without waiting for a line return).
- function Get_Wide_Wide_Char_Immed
- (C : Character;
- File : File_Type) return Wide_Wide_Character;
- -- This routine is identical to Get_Wide_Wide_Char, except that the reads
- -- are done in Get_Immediate mode (i.e. without waiting for a line return).
- procedure Set_WCEM (File : in out File_Type);
- -- Called by Open and Create to set the wide character encoding method for
- -- the file, processing a WCEM form parameter if one is present. File is
- -- IN OUT because it may be closed in case of an error.
- -------------------
- -- AFCB_Allocate --
- -------------------
- function AFCB_Allocate
- (Control_Block : Wide_Wide_Text_AFCB) return FCB.AFCB_Ptr
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Control_Block);
- begin
- return new Wide_Wide_Text_AFCB;
- end AFCB_Allocate;
- ----------------
- -- AFCB_Close --
- ----------------
- procedure AFCB_Close (File : not null access Wide_Wide_Text_AFCB) is
- begin
- -- If the file being closed is one of the current files, then close
- -- the corresponding current file. It is not clear that this action
- -- is required (RM A.10.3(23)) but it seems reasonable, and besides
- -- ACVC test CE3208A expects this behavior.
- if File_Type (File) = Current_In then
- Current_In := null;
- elsif File_Type (File) = Current_Out then
- Current_Out := null;
- elsif File_Type (File) = Current_Err then
- Current_Err := null;
- end if;
- Terminate_Line (File_Type (File));
- end AFCB_Close;
- ---------------
- -- AFCB_Free --
- ---------------
- procedure AFCB_Free (File : not null access Wide_Wide_Text_AFCB) is
- type FCB_Ptr is access all Wide_Wide_Text_AFCB;
- FT : FCB_Ptr := FCB_Ptr (File);
- procedure Free is new
- Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Wide_Wide_Text_AFCB, FCB_Ptr);
- begin
- Free (FT);
- end AFCB_Free;
- -----------
- -- Close --
- -----------
- procedure Close (File : in out File_Type) is
- begin
- FIO.Close (AP (File));
- end Close;
- ---------
- -- Col --
- ---------
- -- Note: we assume that it is impossible in practice for the column
- -- to exceed the value of Count'Last, i.e. no check is required for
- -- overflow raising layout error.
- function Col (File : File_Type) return Positive_Count is
- begin
- FIO.Check_File_Open (AP (File));
- return File.Col;
- end Col;
- function Col return Positive_Count is
- begin
- return Col (Current_Out);
- end Col;
- ------------
- -- Create --
- ------------
- procedure Create
- (File : in out File_Type;
- Mode : File_Mode := Out_File;
- Name : String := "";
- Form : String := "")
- is
- Dummy_File_Control_Block : Wide_Wide_Text_AFCB;
- pragma Warnings (Off, Dummy_File_Control_Block);
- -- Yes, we know this is never assigned a value, only the tag
- -- is used for dispatching purposes, so that's expected.
- begin
- FIO.Open (File_Ptr => AP (File),
- Dummy_FCB => Dummy_File_Control_Block,
- Mode => To_FCB (Mode),
- Name => Name,
- Form => Form,
- Amethod => 'W',
- Creat => True,
- Text => True);
- Set_WCEM (File);
- end Create;
- -------------------
- -- Current_Error --
- -------------------
- function Current_Error return File_Type is
- begin
- return Current_Err;
- end Current_Error;
- function Current_Error return File_Access is
- begin
- return Current_Err'Access;
- end Current_Error;
- -------------------
- -- Current_Input --
- -------------------
- function Current_Input return File_Type is
- begin
- return Current_In;
- end Current_Input;
- function Current_Input return File_Access is
- begin
- return Current_In'Access;
- end Current_Input;
- --------------------
- -- Current_Output --
- --------------------
- function Current_Output return File_Type is
- begin
- return Current_Out;
- end Current_Output;
- function Current_Output return File_Access is
- begin
- return Current_Out'Access;
- end Current_Output;
- ------------
- -- Delete --
- ------------
- procedure Delete (File : in out File_Type) is
- begin
- FIO.Delete (AP (File));
- end Delete;
- -----------------
- -- End_Of_File --
- -----------------
- function End_Of_File (File : File_Type) return Boolean is
- ch : int;
- begin
- FIO.Check_Read_Status (AP (File));
- if File.Before_Wide_Wide_Character then
- return False;
- elsif File.Before_LM then
- if File.Before_LM_PM then
- return Nextc (File) = EOF;
- end if;
- else
- ch := Getc (File);
- if ch = EOF then
- return True;
- elsif ch /= LM then
- Ungetc (ch, File);
- return False;
- else -- ch = LM
- File.Before_LM := True;
- end if;
- end if;
- -- Here we are just past the line mark with Before_LM set so that we
- -- do not have to try to back up past the LM, thus avoiding the need
- -- to back up more than one character.
- ch := Getc (File);
- if ch = EOF then
- return True;
- elsif ch = PM and then File.Is_Regular_File then
- File.Before_LM_PM := True;
- return Nextc (File) = EOF;
- -- Here if neither EOF nor PM followed end of line
- else
- Ungetc (ch, File);
- return False;
- end if;
- end End_Of_File;
- function End_Of_File return Boolean is
- begin
- return End_Of_File (Current_In);
- end End_Of_File;
- -----------------
- -- End_Of_Line --
- -----------------
- function End_Of_Line (File : File_Type) return Boolean is
- ch : int;
- begin
- FIO.Check_Read_Status (AP (File));
- if File.Before_Wide_Wide_Character then
- return False;
- elsif File.Before_LM then
- return True;
- else
- ch := Getc (File);
- if ch = EOF then
- return True;
- else
- Ungetc (ch, File);
- return (ch = LM);
- end if;
- end if;
- end End_Of_Line;
- function End_Of_Line return Boolean is
- begin
- return End_Of_Line (Current_In);
- end End_Of_Line;
- -----------------
- -- End_Of_Page --
- -----------------
- function End_Of_Page (File : File_Type) return Boolean is
- ch : int;
- begin
- FIO.Check_Read_Status (AP (File));
- if not File.Is_Regular_File then
- return False;
- elsif File.Before_Wide_Wide_Character then
- return False;
- elsif File.Before_LM then
- if File.Before_LM_PM then
- return True;
- end if;
- else
- ch := Getc (File);
- if ch = EOF then
- return True;
- elsif ch /= LM then
- Ungetc (ch, File);
- return False;
- else -- ch = LM
- File.Before_LM := True;
- end if;
- end if;
- -- Here we are just past the line mark with Before_LM set so that we
- -- do not have to try to back up past the LM, thus avoiding the need
- -- to back up more than one character.
- ch := Nextc (File);
- return ch = PM or else ch = EOF;
- end End_Of_Page;
- function End_Of_Page return Boolean is
- begin
- return End_Of_Page (Current_In);
- end End_Of_Page;
- -----------
- -- Flush --
- -----------
- procedure Flush (File : File_Type) is
- begin
- FIO.Flush (AP (File));
- end Flush;
- procedure Flush is
- begin
- Flush (Current_Out);
- end Flush;
- ----------
- -- Form --
- ----------
- function Form (File : File_Type) return String is
- begin
- return FIO.Form (AP (File));
- end Form;
- ---------
- -- Get --
- ---------
- procedure Get
- (File : File_Type;
- Item : out Wide_Wide_Character)
- is
- C : Character;
- begin
- FIO.Check_Read_Status (AP (File));
- if File.Before_Wide_Wide_Character then
- File.Before_Wide_Wide_Character := False;
- Item := File.Saved_Wide_Wide_Character;
- -- Ada.Text_IO checks Before_LM_PM here, shouldn't we do the same???
- else
- Get_Character (File, C);
- Item := Get_Wide_Wide_Char (C, File);
- end if;
- end Get;
- procedure Get (Item : out Wide_Wide_Character) is
- begin
- Get (Current_In, Item);
- end Get;
- procedure Get
- (File : File_Type;
- Item : out Wide_Wide_String)
- is
- begin
- for J in Item'Range loop
- Get (File, Item (J));
- end loop;
- end Get;
- procedure Get (Item : out Wide_Wide_String) is
- begin
- Get (Current_In, Item);
- end Get;
- -------------------
- -- Get_Character --
- -------------------
- procedure Get_Character
- (File : File_Type;
- Item : out Character)
- is
- ch : int;
- begin
- if File.Before_LM then
- File.Before_LM := False;
- File.Before_LM_PM := False;
- File.Col := 1;
- if File.Before_LM_PM then
- File.Line := 1;
- File.Page := File.Page + 1;
- File.Before_LM_PM := False;
- else
- File.Line := File.Line + 1;
- end if;
- end if;
- loop
- ch := Getc (File);
- if ch = EOF then
- raise End_Error;
- elsif ch = LM then
- File.Line := File.Line + 1;
- File.Col := 1;
- elsif ch = PM and then File.Is_Regular_File then
- File.Page := File.Page + 1;
- File.Line := 1;
- else
- Item := Character'Val (ch);
- File.Col := File.Col + 1;
- return;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end Get_Character;
- -------------------
- -- Get_Immediate --
- -------------------
- procedure Get_Immediate
- (File : File_Type;
- Item : out Wide_Wide_Character)
- is
- ch : int;
- begin
- FIO.Check_Read_Status (AP (File));
- if File.Before_Wide_Wide_Character then
- File.Before_Wide_Wide_Character := False;
- Item := File.Saved_Wide_Wide_Character;
- elsif File.Before_LM then
- File.Before_LM := False;
- File.Before_LM_PM := False;
- Item := Wide_Wide_Character'Val (LM);
- else
- ch := Getc_Immed (File);
- if ch = EOF then
- raise End_Error;
- else
- Item := Get_Wide_Wide_Char_Immed (Character'Val (ch), File);
- end if;
- end if;
- end Get_Immediate;
- procedure Get_Immediate
- (Item : out Wide_Wide_Character)
- is
- begin
- Get_Immediate (Current_In, Item);
- end Get_Immediate;
- procedure Get_Immediate
- (File : File_Type;
- Item : out Wide_Wide_Character;
- Available : out Boolean)
- is
- ch : int;
- begin
- FIO.Check_Read_Status (AP (File));
- Available := True;
- if File.Before_Wide_Wide_Character then
- File.Before_Wide_Wide_Character := False;
- Item := File.Saved_Wide_Wide_Character;
- elsif File.Before_LM then
- File.Before_LM := False;
- File.Before_LM_PM := False;
- Item := Wide_Wide_Character'Val (LM);
- else
- -- Shouldn't we use getc_immediate_nowait here, like Text_IO???
- ch := Getc_Immed (File);
- if ch = EOF then
- raise End_Error;
- else
- Item := Get_Wide_Wide_Char_Immed (Character'Val (ch), File);
- end if;
- end if;
- end Get_Immediate;
- procedure Get_Immediate
- (Item : out Wide_Wide_Character;
- Available : out Boolean)
- is
- begin
- Get_Immediate (Current_In, Item, Available);
- end Get_Immediate;
- --------------
- -- Get_Line --
- --------------
- procedure Get_Line
- (File : File_Type;
- Item : out Wide_Wide_String;
- Last : out Natural)
- is
- begin
- FIO.Check_Read_Status (AP (File));
- Last := Item'First - 1;
- -- Immediate exit for null string, this is a case in which we do not
- -- need to test for end of file and we do not skip a line mark under
- -- any circumstances.
- if Last >= Item'Last then
- return;
- end if;
- -- Here we have at least one character, if we are immediately before
- -- a line mark, then we will just skip past it storing no characters.
- if File.Before_LM then
- File.Before_LM := False;
- File.Before_LM_PM := False;
- -- Otherwise we need to read some characters
- else
- -- If we are at the end of file now, it means we are trying to
- -- skip a file terminator and we raise End_Error (RM A.10.7(20))
- if Nextc (File) = EOF then
- raise End_Error;
- end if;
- -- Loop through characters in string
- loop
- -- Exit the loop if read is terminated by encountering line mark
- -- Note that the use of Skip_Line here ensures we properly deal
- -- with setting the page and line numbers.
- if End_Of_Line (File) then
- Skip_Line (File);
- return;
- end if;
- -- Otherwise store the character, note that we know that ch is
- -- something other than LM or EOF. It could possibly be a page
- -- mark if there is a stray page mark in the middle of a line,
- -- but this is not an official page mark in any case, since
- -- official page marks can only follow a line mark. The whole
- -- page business is pretty much nonsense anyway, so we do not
- -- want to waste time trying to make sense out of non-standard
- -- page marks in the file! This means that the behavior of
- -- Get_Line is different from repeated Get of a character, but
- -- that's too bad. We only promise that page numbers etc make
- -- sense if the file is formatted in a standard manner.
- -- Note: we do not adjust the column number because it is quicker
- -- to adjust it once at the end of the operation than incrementing
- -- it each time around the loop.
- Last := Last + 1;
- Get (File, Item (Last));
- -- All done if the string is full, this is the case in which
- -- we do not skip the following line mark. We need to adjust
- -- the column number in this case.
- if Last = Item'Last then
- File.Col := File.Col + Count (Item'Length);
- return;
- end if;
- -- Exit from the loop if we are at the end of file. This happens
- -- if we have a last line that is not terminated with a line mark.
- -- In this case we consider that there is an implied line mark;
- -- this is a non-standard file, but we will treat it nicely.
- exit when Nextc (File) = EOF;
- end loop;
- end if;
- end Get_Line;
- procedure Get_Line
- (Item : out Wide_Wide_String;
- Last : out Natural)
- is
- begin
- Get_Line (Current_In, Item, Last);
- end Get_Line;
- function Get_Line (File : File_Type) return Wide_Wide_String is
- Buffer : Wide_Wide_String (1 .. 500);
- Last : Natural;
- function Get_Rest (S : Wide_Wide_String) return Wide_Wide_String;
- -- This is a recursive function that reads the rest of the line and
- -- returns it. S is the part read so far.
- --------------
- -- Get_Rest --
- --------------
- function Get_Rest (S : Wide_Wide_String) return Wide_Wide_String is
- -- Each time we allocate a buffer the same size as what we have
- -- read so far. This limits us to a logarithmic number of calls
- -- to Get_Rest and also ensures only a linear use of stack space.
- Buffer : Wide_Wide_String (1 .. S'Length);
- Last : Natural;
- begin
- Get_Line (File, Buffer, Last);
- declare
- R : constant Wide_Wide_String := S & Buffer (1 .. Last);
- begin
- if Last < Buffer'Last then
- return R;
- else
- return Get_Rest (R);
- end if;
- end;
- end Get_Rest;
- -- Start of processing for Get_Line
- begin
- Get_Line (File, Buffer, Last);
- if Last < Buffer'Last then
- return Buffer (1 .. Last);
- else
- return Get_Rest (Buffer (1 .. Last));
- end if;
- end Get_Line;
- function Get_Line return Wide_Wide_String is
- begin
- return Get_Line (Current_In);
- end Get_Line;
- ------------------------
- -- Get_Wide_Wide_Char --
- ------------------------
- function Get_Wide_Wide_Char
- (C : Character;
- File : File_Type) return Wide_Wide_Character
- is
- function In_Char return Character;
- -- Function used to obtain additional characters it the wide character
- -- sequence is more than one character long.
- function WC_In is new Char_Sequence_To_UTF_32 (In_Char);
- -------------
- -- In_Char --
- -------------
- function In_Char return Character is
- ch : constant Integer := Getc (File);
- begin
- if ch = EOF then
- raise End_Error;
- else
- return Character'Val (ch);
- end if;
- end In_Char;
- -- Start of processing for Get_Wide_Wide_Char
- begin
- return Wide_Wide_Character'Val (WC_In (C, File.WC_Method));
- end Get_Wide_Wide_Char;
- ------------------------------
- -- Get_Wide_Wide_Char_Immed --
- ------------------------------
- function Get_Wide_Wide_Char_Immed
- (C : Character;
- File : File_Type) return Wide_Wide_Character
- is
- function In_Char return Character;
- -- Function used to obtain additional characters it the wide character
- -- sequence is more than one character long.
- function WC_In is new Char_Sequence_To_UTF_32 (In_Char);
- -------------
- -- In_Char --
- -------------
- function In_Char return Character is
- ch : constant Integer := Getc_Immed (File);
- begin
- if ch = EOF then
- raise End_Error;
- else
- return Character'Val (ch);
- end if;
- end In_Char;
- -- Start of processing for Get_Wide_Wide_Char_Immed
- begin
- return Wide_Wide_Character'Val (WC_In (C, File.WC_Method));
- end Get_Wide_Wide_Char_Immed;
- ----------
- -- Getc --
- ----------
- function Getc (File : File_Type) return int is
- ch : int;
- begin
- ch := fgetc (File.Stream);
- if ch = EOF and then ferror (File.Stream) /= 0 then
- raise Device_Error;
- else
- return ch;
- end if;
- end Getc;
- ----------------
- -- Getc_Immed --
- ----------------
- function Getc_Immed (File : File_Type) return int is
- ch : int;
- end_of_file : int;
- procedure getc_immediate
- (stream : FILEs; ch : out int; end_of_file : out int);
- pragma Import (C, getc_immediate, "getc_immediate");
- begin
- FIO.Check_Read_Status (AP (File));
- if File.Before_LM then
- File.Before_LM := False;
- File.Before_LM_PM := False;
- ch := LM;
- else
- getc_immediate (File.Stream, ch, end_of_file);
- if ferror (File.Stream) /= 0 then
- raise Device_Error;
- elsif end_of_file /= 0 then
- return EOF;
- end if;
- end if;
- return ch;
- end Getc_Immed;
- -------------
- -- Is_Open --
- -------------
- function Is_Open (File : File_Type) return Boolean is
- begin
- return FIO.Is_Open (AP (File));
- end Is_Open;
- ----------
- -- Line --
- ----------
- -- Note: we assume that it is impossible in practice for the line
- -- to exceed the value of Count'Last, i.e. no check is required for
- -- overflow raising layout error.
- function Line (File : File_Type) return Positive_Count is
- begin
- FIO.Check_File_Open (AP (File));
- return File.Line;
- end Line;
- function Line return Positive_Count is
- begin
- return Line (Current_Out);
- end Line;
- -----------------
- -- Line_Length --
- -----------------
- function Line_Length (File : File_Type) return Count is
- begin
- FIO.Check_Write_Status (AP (File));
- return File.Line_Length;
- end Line_Length;
- function Line_Length return Count is
- begin
- return Line_Length (Current_Out);
- end Line_Length;
- ----------------
- -- Look_Ahead --
- ----------------
- procedure Look_Ahead
- (File : File_Type;
- Item : out Wide_Wide_Character;
- End_Of_Line : out Boolean)
- is
- ch : int;
- -- Start of processing for Look_Ahead
- begin
- FIO.Check_Read_Status (AP (File));
- -- If we are logically before a line mark, we can return immediately
- if File.Before_LM then
- End_Of_Line := True;
- Item := Wide_Wide_Character'Val (0);
- -- If we are before a wide character, just return it (this can happen
- -- if there are two calls to Look_Ahead in a row).
- elsif File.Before_Wide_Wide_Character then
- End_Of_Line := False;
- Item := File.Saved_Wide_Wide_Character;
- -- otherwise we must read a character from the input stream
- else
- ch := Getc (File);
- if ch = LM
- or else ch = EOF
- or else (ch = EOF and then File.Is_Regular_File)
- then
- End_Of_Line := True;
- Ungetc (ch, File);
- Item := Wide_Wide_Character'Val (0);
- -- Case where character obtained does not represent the start of an
- -- encoded sequence so it stands for itself and we can unget it with
- -- no difficulty.
- elsif not Is_Start_Of_Encoding
- (Character'Val (ch), File.WC_Method)
- then
- End_Of_Line := False;
- Ungetc (ch, File);
- Item := Wide_Wide_Character'Val (ch);
- -- For the start of an encoding, we read the character using the
- -- Get_Wide_Wide_Char routine. It will occupy more than one byte so
- -- we can't put it back with ungetc. Instead we save it in the
- -- control block, setting a flag that everyone interested in reading
- -- characters must test before reading the stream.
- else
- Item := Get_Wide_Wide_Char (Character'Val (ch), File);
- End_Of_Line := False;
- File.Saved_Wide_Wide_Character := Item;
- File.Before_Wide_Wide_Character := True;
- end if;
- end if;
- end Look_Ahead;
- procedure Look_Ahead
- (Item : out Wide_Wide_Character;
- End_Of_Line : out Boolean)
- is
- begin
- Look_Ahead (Current_In, Item, End_Of_Line);
- end Look_Ahead;
- ----------
- -- Mode --
- ----------
- function Mode (File : File_Type) return File_Mode is
- begin
- return To_TIO (FIO.Mode (AP (File)));
- end Mode;
- ----------
- -- Name --
- ----------
- function Name (File : File_Type) return String is
- begin
- return FIO.Name (AP (File));
- end Name;
- --------------
- -- New_Line --
- --------------
- procedure New_Line
- (File : File_Type;
- Spacing : Positive_Count := 1)
- is
- begin
- -- Raise Constraint_Error if out of range value. The reason for this
- -- explicit test is that we don't want junk values around, even if
- -- checks are off in the caller.
- if not Spacing'Valid then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- FIO.Check_Write_Status (AP (File));
- for K in 1 .. Spacing loop
- Putc (LM, File);
- File.Line := File.Line + 1;
- if File.Page_Length /= 0
- and then File.Line > File.Page_Length
- then
- Putc (PM, File);
- File.Line := 1;
- File.Page := File.Page + 1;
- end if;
- end loop;
- File.Col := 1;
- end New_Line;
- procedure New_Line (Spacing : Positive_Count := 1) is
- begin
- New_Line (Current_Out, Spacing);
- end New_Line;
- --------------
- -- New_Page --
- --------------
- procedure New_Page (File : File_Type) is
- begin
- FIO.Check_Write_Status (AP (File));
- if File.Col /= 1 or else File.Line = 1 then
- Putc (LM, File);
- end if;
- Putc (PM, File);
- File.Page := File.Page + 1;
- File.Line := 1;
- File.Col := 1;
- end New_Page;
- procedure New_Page is
- begin
- New_Page (Current_Out);
- end New_Page;
- -----------
- -- Nextc --
- -----------
- function Nextc (File : File_Type) return int is
- ch : int;
- begin
- ch := fgetc (File.Stream);
- if ch = EOF then
- if ferror (File.Stream) /= 0 then
- raise Device_Error;
- end if;
- else
- if ungetc (ch, File.Stream) = EOF then
- raise Device_Error;
- end if;
- end if;
- return ch;
- end Nextc;
- ----------
- -- Open --
- ----------
- procedure Open
- (File : in out File_Type;
- Mode : File_Mode;
- Name : String;
- Form : String := "")
- is
- Dummy_File_Control_Block : Wide_Wide_Text_AFCB;
- pragma Warnings (Off, Dummy_File_Control_Block);
- -- Yes, we know this is never assigned a value, only the tag
- -- is used for dispatching purposes, so that's expected.
- begin
- FIO.Open (File_Ptr => AP (File),
- Dummy_FCB => Dummy_File_Control_Block,
- Mode => To_FCB (Mode),
- Name => Name,
- Form => Form,
- Amethod => 'W',
- Creat => False,
- Text => True);
- Set_WCEM (File);
- end Open;
- ----------
- -- Page --
- ----------
- -- Note: we assume that it is impossible in practice for the page
- -- to exceed the value of Count'Last, i.e. no check is required for
- -- overflow raising layout error.
- function Page (File : File_Type) return Positive_Count is
- begin
- FIO.Check_File_Open (AP (File));
- return File.Page;
- end Page;
- function Page return Positive_Count is
- begin
- return Page (Current_Out);
- end Page;
- -----------------
- -- Page_Length --
- -----------------
- function Page_Length (File : File_Type) return Count is
- begin
- FIO.Check_Write_Status (AP (File));
- return File.Page_Length;
- end Page_Length;
- function Page_Length return Count is
- begin
- return Page_Length (Current_Out);
- end Page_Length;
- ---------
- -- Put --
- ---------
- procedure Put
- (File : File_Type;
- Item : Wide_Wide_Character)
- is
- procedure Out_Char (C : Character);
- -- Procedure to output one character of a wide character sequence
- procedure WC_Out is new UTF_32_To_Char_Sequence (Out_Char);
- --------------
- -- Out_Char --
- --------------
- procedure Out_Char (C : Character) is
- begin
- Putc (Character'Pos (C), File);
- end Out_Char;
- -- Start of processing for Put
- begin
- WC_Out (Wide_Wide_Character'Pos (Item), File.WC_Method);
- File.Col := File.Col + 1;
- end Put;
- procedure Put (Item : Wide_Wide_Character) is
- begin
- Put (Current_Out, Item);
- end Put;
- ---------
- -- Put --
- ---------
- procedure Put
- (File : File_Type;
- Item : Wide_Wide_String)
- is
- begin
- for J in Item'Range loop
- Put (File, Item (J));
- end loop;
- end Put;
- procedure Put (Item : Wide_Wide_String) is
- begin
- Put (Current_Out, Item);
- end Put;
- --------------
- -- Put_Line --
- --------------
- procedure Put_Line
- (File : File_Type;
- Item : Wide_Wide_String)
- is
- begin
- Put (File, Item);
- New_Line (File);
- end Put_Line;
- procedure Put_Line (Item : Wide_Wide_String) is
- begin
- Put (Current_Out, Item);
- New_Line (Current_Out);
- end Put_Line;
- ----------
- -- Putc --
- ----------
- procedure Putc (ch : int; File : File_Type) is
- begin
- if fputc (ch, File.Stream) = EOF then
- raise Device_Error;
- end if;
- end Putc;
- ----------
- -- Read --
- ----------
- -- This is the primitive Stream Read routine, used when a Text_IO file
- -- is treated directly as a stream using Text_IO.Streams.Stream.
- procedure Read
- (File : in out Wide_Wide_Text_AFCB;
- Item : out Stream_Element_Array;
- Last : out Stream_Element_Offset)
- is
- Discard_ch : int;
- pragma Unreferenced (Discard_ch);
- begin
- -- Need to deal with Before_Wide_Wide_Character ???
- if File.Mode /= FCB.In_File then
- raise Mode_Error;
- end if;
- -- Deal with case where our logical and physical position do not match
- -- because of being after an LM or LM-PM sequence when in fact we are
- -- logically positioned before it.
- if File.Before_LM then
- -- If we are before a PM, then it is possible for a stream read
- -- to leave us after the LM and before the PM, which is a bit
- -- odd. The easiest way to deal with this is to unget the PM,
- -- so we are indeed positioned between the characters. This way
- -- further stream read operations will work correctly, and the
- -- effect on text processing is a little weird, but what can
- -- be expected if stream and text input are mixed this way?
- if File.Before_LM_PM then
- Discard_ch := ungetc (PM, File.Stream);
- File.Before_LM_PM := False;
- end if;
- File.Before_LM := False;
- Item (Item'First) := Stream_Element (Character'Pos (ASCII.LF));
- if Item'Length = 1 then
- Last := Item'Last;
- else
- Last :=
- Item'First +
- Stream_Element_Offset
- (fread (buffer => Item'Address,
- index => size_t (Item'First + 1),
- size => 1,
- count => Item'Length - 1,
- stream => File.Stream));
- end if;
- return;
- end if;
- -- Now we do the read. Since this is a text file, it is normally in
- -- text mode, but stream data must be read in binary mode, so we
- -- temporarily set binary mode for the read, resetting it after.
- -- These calls have no effect in a system (like Unix) where there is
- -- no distinction between text and binary files.
- set_binary_mode (fileno (File.Stream));
- Last :=
- Item'First +
- Stream_Element_Offset
- (fread (Item'Address, 1, Item'Length, File.Stream)) - 1;
- if Last < Item'Last then
- if ferror (File.Stream) /= 0 then
- raise Device_Error;
- end if;
- end if;
- set_text_mode (fileno (File.Stream));
- end Read;
- -----------
- -- Reset --
- -----------
- procedure Reset
- (File : in out File_Type;
- Mode : File_Mode)
- is
- begin
- -- Don't allow change of mode for current file (RM A.10.2(5))
- if (File = Current_In or else
- File = Current_Out or else
- File = Current_Error)
- and then To_FCB (Mode) /= File.Mode
- then
- raise Mode_Error;
- end if;
- Terminate_Line (File);
- FIO.Reset (AP (File), To_FCB (Mode));
- File.Page := 1;
- File.Line := 1;
- File.Col := 1;
- File.Line_Length := 0;
- File.Page_Length := 0;
- File.Before_LM := False;
- File.Before_LM_PM := False;
- end Reset;
- procedure Reset (File : in out File_Type) is
- begin
- Terminate_Line (File);
- FIO.Reset (AP (File));
- File.Page := 1;
- File.Line := 1;
- File.Col := 1;
- File.Line_Length := 0;
- File.Page_Length := 0;
- File.Before_LM := False;
- File.Before_LM_PM := False;
- end Reset;
- -------------
- -- Set_Col --
- -------------
- procedure Set_Col
- (File : File_Type;
- To : Positive_Count)
- is
- ch : int;
- begin
- -- Raise Constraint_Error if out of range value. The reason for this
- -- explicit test is that we don't want junk values around, even if
- -- checks are off in the caller.
- if not To'Valid then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- FIO.Check_File_Open (AP (File));
- if To = File.Col then
- return;
- end if;
- if Mode (File) >= Out_File then
- if File.Line_Length /= 0 and then To > File.Line_Length then
- raise Layout_Error;
- end if;
- if To < File.Col then
- New_Line (File);
- end if;
- while File.Col < To loop
- Put (File, ' ');
- end loop;
- else
- loop
- ch := Getc (File);
- if ch = EOF then
- raise End_Error;
- elsif ch = LM then
- File.Line := File.Line + 1;
- File.Col := 1;
- elsif ch = PM and then File.Is_Regular_File then
- File.Page := File.Page + 1;
- File.Line := 1;
- File.Col := 1;
- elsif To = File.Col then
- Ungetc (ch, File);
- return;
- else
- File.Col := File.Col + 1;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- end Set_Col;
- procedure Set_Col (To : Positive_Count) is
- begin
- Set_Col (Current_Out, To);
- end Set_Col;
- ---------------
- -- Set_Error --
- ---------------
- procedure Set_Error (File : File_Type) is
- begin
- FIO.Check_Write_Status (AP (File));
- Current_Err := File;
- end Set_Error;
- ---------------
- -- Set_Input --
- ---------------
- procedure Set_Input (File : File_Type) is
- begin
- FIO.Check_Read_Status (AP (File));
- Current_In := File;
- end Set_Input;
- --------------
- -- Set_Line --
- --------------
- procedure Set_Line
- (File : File_Type;
- To : Positive_Count)
- is
- begin
- -- Raise Constraint_Error if out of range value. The reason for this
- -- explicit test is that we don't want junk values around, even if
- -- checks are off in the caller.
- if not To'Valid then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- FIO.Check_File_Open (AP (File));
- if To = File.Line then
- return;
- end if;
- if Mode (File) >= Out_File then
- if File.Page_Length /= 0 and then To > File.Page_Length then
- raise Layout_Error;
- end if;
- if To < File.Line then
- New_Page (File);
- end if;
- while File.Line < To loop
- New_Line (File);
- end loop;
- else
- while To /= File.Line loop
- Skip_Line (File);
- end loop;
- end if;
- end Set_Line;
- procedure Set_Line (To : Positive_Count) is
- begin
- Set_Line (Current_Out, To);
- end Set_Line;
- ---------------------
- -- Set_Line_Length --
- ---------------------
- procedure Set_Line_Length (File : File_Type; To : Count) is
- begin
- -- Raise Constraint_Error if out of range value. The reason for this
- -- explicit test is that we don't want junk values around, even if
- -- checks are off in the caller.
- if not To'Valid then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- FIO.Check_Write_Status (AP (File));
- File.Line_Length := To;
- end Set_Line_Length;
- procedure Set_Line_Length (To : Count) is
- begin
- Set_Line_Length (Current_Out, To);
- end Set_Line_Length;
- ----------------
- -- Set_Output --
- ----------------
- procedure Set_Output (File : File_Type) is
- begin
- FIO.Check_Write_Status (AP (File));
- Current_Out := File;
- end Set_Output;
- ---------------------
- -- Set_Page_Length --
- ---------------------
- procedure Set_Page_Length (File : File_Type; To : Count) is
- begin
- -- Raise Constraint_Error if out of range value. The reason for this
- -- explicit test is that we don't want junk values around, even if
- -- checks are off in the caller.
- if not To'Valid then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- FIO.Check_Write_Status (AP (File));
- File.Page_Length := To;
- end Set_Page_Length;
- procedure Set_Page_Length (To : Count) is
- begin
- Set_Page_Length (Current_Out, To);
- end Set_Page_Length;
- --------------
- -- Set_WCEM --
- --------------
- procedure Set_WCEM (File : in out File_Type) is
- Start : Natural;
- Stop : Natural;
- begin
- File.WC_Method := WCEM_Brackets;
- FIO.Form_Parameter (File.Form.all, "wcem", Start, Stop);
- if Start = 0 then
- File.WC_Method := WCEM_Brackets;
- elsif Start /= 0 then
- if Stop = Start then
- for J in WC_Encoding_Letters'Range loop
- if File.Form (Start) = WC_Encoding_Letters (J) then
- File.WC_Method := J;
- return;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- Close (File);
- raise Use_Error with "invalid WCEM form parameter";
- end if;
- end Set_WCEM;
- ---------------
- -- Skip_Line --
- ---------------
- procedure Skip_Line
- (File : File_Type;
- Spacing : Positive_Count := 1)
- is
- ch : int;
- begin
- -- Raise Constraint_Error if out of range value. The reason for this
- -- explicit test is that we don't want junk values around, even if
- -- checks are off in the caller.
- if not Spacing'Valid then
- raise Constraint_Error;
- end if;
- FIO.Check_Read_Status (AP (File));
- for L in 1 .. Spacing loop
- if File.Before_LM then
- File.Before_LM := False;
- File.Before_LM_PM := False;
- else
- ch := Getc (File);
- -- If at end of file now, then immediately raise End_Error. Note
- -- that we can never be positioned between a line mark and a page
- -- mark, so if we are at the end of file, we cannot logically be
- -- before the implicit page mark that is at the end of the file.
- -- For the same reason, we do not need an explicit check for a
- -- page mark. If there is a FF in the middle of a line, the file
- -- is not in canonical format and we do not care about the page
- -- numbers for files other than ones in canonical format.
- if ch = EOF then
- raise End_Error;
- end if;
- -- If not at end of file, then loop till we get to an LM or EOF.
- -- The latter case happens only in non-canonical files where the
- -- last line is not terminated by LM, but we don't want to blow
- -- up for such files, so we assume an implicit LM in this case.
- loop
- exit when ch = LM or ch = EOF;
- ch := Getc (File);
- end loop;
- end if;
- -- We have got past a line mark, now, for a regular file only,
- -- see if a page mark immediately follows this line mark and
- -- if so, skip past the page mark as well. We do not do this
- -- for non-regular files, since it would cause an undesirable
- -- wait for an additional character.
- File.Col := 1;
- File.Line := File.Line + 1;
- if File.Before_LM_PM then
- File.Page := File.Page + 1;
- File.Line := 1;
- File.Before_LM_PM := False;
- elsif File.Is_Regular_File then
- ch := Getc (File);
- -- Page mark can be explicit, or implied at the end of the file
- if (ch = PM or else ch = EOF)
- and then File.Is_Regular_File
- then
- File.Page := File.Page + 1;
- File.Line := 1;
- else
- Ungetc (ch, File);
- end if;
- end if;
- end loop;
- File.Before_Wide_Wide_Character := False;
- end Skip_Line;
- procedure Skip_Line (Spacing : Positive_Count := 1) is
- begin
- Skip_Line (Current_In, Spacing);
- end Skip_Line;
- ---------------
- -- Skip_Page --
- ---------------
- procedure Skip_Page (File : File_Type) is
- ch : int;
- begin
- FIO.Check_Read_Status (AP (File));
- -- If at page mark already, just skip it
- if File.Before_LM_PM then
- File.Before_LM := False;
- File.Before_LM_PM := False;
- File.Page := File.Page + 1;
- File.Line := 1;
- File.Col := 1;
- return;
- end if;
- -- This is a bit tricky, if we are logically before an LM then
- -- it is not an error if we are at an end of file now, since we
- -- are not really at it.
- if File.Before_LM then
- File.Before_LM := False;
- File.Before_LM_PM := False;
- ch := Getc (File);
- -- Otherwise we do raise End_Error if we are at the end of file now
- else
- ch := Getc (File);
- if ch = EOF then
- raise End_Error;
- end if;
- end if;
- -- Now we can just rumble along to the next page mark, or to the
- -- end of file, if that comes first. The latter case happens when
- -- the page mark is implied at the end of file.
- loop
- exit when ch = EOF
- or else (ch = PM and then File.Is_Regular_File);
- ch := Getc (File);
- end loop;
- File.Page := File.Page + 1;
- File.Line := 1;
- File.Col := 1;
- File.Before_Wide_Wide_Character := False;
- end Skip_Page;
- procedure Skip_Page is
- begin
- Skip_Page (Current_In);
- end Skip_Page;
- --------------------
- -- Standard_Error --
- --------------------
- function Standard_Error return File_Type is
- begin
- return Standard_Err;
- end Standard_Error;
- function Standard_Error return File_Access is
- begin
- return Standard_Err'Access;
- end Standard_Error;
- --------------------
- -- Standard_Input --
- --------------------
- function Standard_Input return File_Type is
- begin
- return Standard_In;
- end Standard_Input;
- function Standard_Input return File_Access is
- begin
- return Standard_In'Access;
- end Standard_Input;
- ---------------------
- -- Standard_Output --
- ---------------------
- function Standard_Output return File_Type is
- begin
- return Standard_Out;
- end Standard_Output;
- function Standard_Output return File_Access is
- begin
- return Standard_Out'Access;
- end Standard_Output;
- --------------------
- -- Terminate_Line --
- --------------------
- procedure Terminate_Line (File : File_Type) is
- begin
- FIO.Check_File_Open (AP (File));
- -- For file other than In_File, test for needing to terminate last line
- if Mode (File) /= In_File then
- -- If not at start of line definition need new line
- if File.Col /= 1 then
- New_Line (File);
- -- For files other than standard error and standard output, we
- -- make sure that an empty file has a single line feed, so that
- -- it is properly formatted. We avoid this for the standard files
- -- because it is too much of a nuisance to have these odd line
- -- feeds when nothing has been written to the file.
- elsif (File /= Standard_Err and then File /= Standard_Out)
- and then (File.Line = 1 and then File.Page = 1)
- then
- New_Line (File);
- end if;
- end if;
- end Terminate_Line;
- ------------
- -- Ungetc --
- ------------
- procedure Ungetc (ch : int; File : File_Type) is
- begin
- if ch /= EOF then
- if ungetc (ch, File.Stream) = EOF then
- raise Device_Error;
- end if;
- end if;
- end Ungetc;
- -----------
- -- Write --
- -----------
- -- This is the primitive Stream Write routine, used when a Text_IO file
- -- is treated directly as a stream using Text_IO.Streams.Stream.
- procedure Write
- (File : in out Wide_Wide_Text_AFCB;
- Item : Stream_Element_Array)
- is
- pragma Warnings (Off, File);
- -- Because in this implementation we don't need IN OUT, we only read
- Siz : constant size_t := Item'Length;
- begin
- if File.Mode = FCB.In_File then
- raise Mode_Error;
- end if;
- -- Now we do the write. Since this is a text file, it is normally in
- -- text mode, but stream data must be written in binary mode, so we
- -- temporarily set binary mode for the write, resetting it after.
- -- These calls have no effect in a system (like Unix) where there is
- -- no distinction between text and binary files.
- set_binary_mode (fileno (File.Stream));
- if fwrite (Item'Address, 1, Siz, File.Stream) /= Siz then
- raise Device_Error;
- end if;
- set_text_mode (fileno (File.Stream));
- end Write;
- -- Use "preallocated" strings to avoid calling "new" during the
- -- elaboration of the run time. This is needed in the tasking case to
- -- avoid calling Task_Lock too early. A filename is expected to end with
- -- a null character in the runtime, here the null characters are added
- -- just to have a correct filename length.
- Err_Name : aliased String := "*stderr" & ASCII.Nul;
- In_Name : aliased String := "*stdin" & ASCII.Nul;
- Out_Name : aliased String := "*stdout" & ASCII.Nul;
- -------------------------------
- -- Initialize Standard Files --
- -------------------------------
- for J in WC_Encoding_Method loop
- if WC_Encoding = WC_Encoding_Letters (J) then
- Default_WCEM := J;
- end if;
- end loop;
- -- Note: the names in these files are bogus, and probably it would be
- -- better for these files to have no names, but the ACVC test insist!
- -- We use names that are bound to fail in open etc.
- Standard_Err.Stream := stderr;
- Standard_Err.Name := Err_Name'Access;
- Standard_Err.Form := Null_Str'Unrestricted_Access;
- Standard_Err.Mode := FCB.Out_File;
- Standard_Err.Is_Regular_File := is_regular_file (fileno (stderr)) /= 0;
- Standard_Err.Is_Temporary_File := False;
- Standard_Err.Is_System_File := True;
- Standard_Err.Is_Text_File := True;
- Standard_Err.Access_Method := 'T';
- Standard_Err.WC_Method := Default_WCEM;
- Standard_In.Stream := stdin;
- Standard_In.Name := In_Name'Access;
- Standard_In.Form := Null_Str'Unrestricted_Access;
- Standard_In.Mode := FCB.In_File;
- Standard_In.Is_Regular_File := is_regular_file (fileno (stdin)) /= 0;
- Standard_In.Is_Temporary_File := False;
- Standard_In.Is_System_File := True;
- Standard_In.Is_Text_File := True;
- Standard_In.Access_Method := 'T';
- Standard_In.WC_Method := Default_WCEM;
- Standard_Out.Stream := stdout;
- Standard_Out.Name := Out_Name'Access;
- Standard_Out.Form := Null_Str'Unrestricted_Access;
- Standard_Out.Mode := FCB.Out_File;
- Standard_Out.Is_Regular_File := is_regular_file (fileno (stdout)) /= 0;
- Standard_Out.Is_Temporary_File := False;
- Standard_Out.Is_System_File := True;
- Standard_Out.Is_Text_File := True;
- Standard_Out.Access_Method := 'T';
- Standard_Out.WC_Method := Default_WCEM;
- FIO.Chain_File (AP (Standard_In));
- FIO.Chain_File (AP (Standard_Out));
- FIO.Chain_File (AP (Standard_Err));
- FIO.Make_Unbuffered (AP (Standard_Out));
- FIO.Make_Unbuffered (AP (Standard_Err));
-end Ada.Wide_Wide_Text_IO;