path: root/gcc-4.2.1/gcc/ada/g-alleve.adb
diff options
authorDan Albert <danalbert@google.com>2015-06-17 11:09:54 -0700
committerDan Albert <danalbert@google.com>2015-06-17 14:15:22 -0700
commitf378ebf14df0952eae870c9865bab8326aa8f137 (patch)
tree31794503eb2a8c64ea5f313b93100f1163afcffb /gcc-4.2.1/gcc/ada/g-alleve.adb
parent2c58169824949d3a597d9fa81931e001ef9b1bd0 (diff)
Delete old versions of GCC.
Change-Id: I710f125d905290e1024cbd67f48299861790c66c
Diffstat (limited to 'gcc-4.2.1/gcc/ada/g-alleve.adb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 5035 deletions
diff --git a/gcc-4.2.1/gcc/ada/g-alleve.adb b/gcc-4.2.1/gcc/ada/g-alleve.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2da86977c..000000000
--- a/gcc-4.2.1/gcc/ada/g-alleve.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5035 +0,0 @@
--- --
--- --
--- G N A T . A L T I V E C . L O W _ L E V E L _ V E C T O R S --
--- --
--- B o d y --
--- (Soft Binding Version) --
--- --
--- Copyright (C) 2004-2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
--- --
--- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
--- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
--- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
--- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
--- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
--- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
--- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
--- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
--- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
--- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
--- --
--- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
--- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
--- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
--- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
--- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
--- covered by the GNU Public License. --
--- --
--- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
--- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
--- --
--- ??? What is exactly needed for the soft case is still a bit unclear on
--- some accounts. The expected functional equivalence with the Hard binding
--- might require tricky things to be done on some targets.
--- Examples that come to mind are endianness variations or differences in the
--- base FP model while we need the operation results to be the same as what
--- the real AltiVec instructions would do on a PowerPC.
-with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions;
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-with System.Storage_Elements; use System.Storage_Elements;
-with GNAT.Altivec.Conversions; use GNAT.Altivec.Conversions;
-with GNAT.Altivec.Low_Level_Interface; use GNAT.Altivec.Low_Level_Interface;
-package body GNAT.Altivec.Low_Level_Vectors is
- -- This package assumes C_float is an IEEE single-precision float type
- pragma Assert (C_float'Machine_Radix = 2);
- pragma Assert (C_float'Machine_Mantissa = 24);
- pragma Assert (C_float'Machine_Emin = -125);
- pragma Assert (C_float'Machine_Emax = 128);
- pragma Assert (C_float'Machine_Rounds);
- pragma Assert (not C_float'Machine_Overflows);
- pragma Assert (C_float'Signed_Zeros);
- pragma Assert (C_float'Denorm);
- -- Pixel types. As defined in [PIM-2.1 Data types]:
- -- A 16-bit pixel is 1/5/5/5;
- -- A 32-bit pixel is 8/8/8/8.
- -- We use the following records as an intermediate representation, to
- -- ease computation.
- type Unsigned_1 is mod 2 ** 1;
- type Unsigned_5 is mod 2 ** 5;
- type Pixel_16 is record
- T : Unsigned_1;
- R : Unsigned_5;
- G : Unsigned_5;
- B : Unsigned_5;
- end record;
- type Pixel_32 is record
- T : unsigned_char;
- R : unsigned_char;
- G : unsigned_char;
- B : unsigned_char;
- end record;
- -- Conversions to/from the pixel records to the integer types that are
- -- actually stored into the pixel vectors:
- function To_Pixel (Source : unsigned_short) return Pixel_16;
- function To_unsigned_short (Source : Pixel_16) return unsigned_short;
- function To_Pixel (Source : unsigned_int) return Pixel_32;
- function To_unsigned_int (Source : Pixel_32) return unsigned_int;
- package C_float_Operations is
- new Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions (C_float);
- -- Model of the Vector Status and Control Register (VSCR), as
- -- defined in [PIM-4.1 Vector Status and Control Register]:
- VSCR : unsigned_int;
- -- Positions of the flags in VSCR(0 .. 31):
- NJ_POS : constant := 15;
- SAT_POS : constant := 31;
- -- To control overflows, integer operations are done on 64-bit types:
- SINT64_MIN : constant := -2 ** 63;
- SINT64_MAX : constant := 2 ** 63 - 1;
- UINT64_MAX : constant := 2 ** 64 - 1;
- type SI64 is range SINT64_MIN .. SINT64_MAX;
- type UI64 is mod UINT64_MAX + 1;
- type F64 is digits 15
- range -16#0.FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_F8#E+256 .. 16#0.FFFF_FFFF_FFFF_F8#E+256;
- function Bits
- (X : unsigned_int;
- Low : Natural;
- High : Natural) return unsigned_int;
- function Bits
- (X : unsigned_short;
- Low : Natural;
- High : Natural) return unsigned_short;
- function Bits
- (X : unsigned_char;
- Low : Natural;
- High : Natural) return unsigned_char;
- function Write_Bit
- (X : unsigned_int;
- Where : Natural;
- Value : Unsigned_1) return unsigned_int;
- function Write_Bit
- (X : unsigned_short;
- Where : Natural;
- Value : Unsigned_1) return unsigned_short;
- function Write_Bit
- (X : unsigned_char;
- Where : Natural;
- Value : Unsigned_1) return unsigned_char;
- function NJ_Truncate (X : C_float) return C_float;
- -- If NJ and A is a denormalized number, return zero
- function Bound_Align
- (X : Integer_Address;
- Y : Integer_Address) return Integer_Address;
- -- [PIM-4.3 Notations and Conventions]
- -- Align X in a y-byte boundary and return the result
- function Rnd_To_FP_Nearest (X : F64) return C_float;
- -- [PIM-4.3 Notations and Conventions]
- function Rnd_To_FPI_Near (X : F64) return F64;
- function Rnd_To_FPI_Trunc (X : F64) return F64;
- function FP_Recip_Est (X : C_float) return C_float;
- -- [PIM-4.3 Notations and Conventions]
- -- 12-bit accurate floating-point estimate of 1/x
- function ROTL
- (Value : unsigned_char;
- Amount : Natural) return unsigned_char;
- -- [PIM-4.3 Notations and Conventions]
- -- Rotate left
- function ROTL
- (Value : unsigned_short;
- Amount : Natural) return unsigned_short;
- function ROTL
- (Value : unsigned_int;
- Amount : Natural) return unsigned_int;
- function Recip_SQRT_Est (X : C_float) return C_float;
- function Shift_Left
- (Value : unsigned_char;
- Amount : Natural) return unsigned_char;
- -- [PIM-4.3 Notations and Conventions]
- -- Shift left
- function Shift_Left
- (Value : unsigned_short;
- Amount : Natural) return unsigned_short;
- function Shift_Left
- (Value : unsigned_int;
- Amount : Natural) return unsigned_int;
- function Shift_Right
- (Value : unsigned_char;
- Amount : Natural) return unsigned_char;
- -- [PIM-4.3 Notations and Conventions]
- -- Shift Right
- function Shift_Right
- (Value : unsigned_short;
- Amount : Natural) return unsigned_short;
- function Shift_Right
- (Value : unsigned_int;
- Amount : Natural) return unsigned_int;
- Signed_Bool_False : constant := 0;
- Signed_Bool_True : constant := -1;
- ------------------------------
- -- Signed_Operations (spec) --
- ------------------------------
- generic
- type Component_Type is range <>;
- type Index_Type is range <>;
- type Varray_Type is array (Index_Type) of Component_Type;
- package Signed_Operations is
- function Modular_Result (X : SI64) return Component_Type;
- function Saturate (X : SI64) return Component_Type;
- function Saturate (X : F64) return Component_Type;
- function Sign_Extend (X : c_int) return Component_Type;
- -- [PIM-4.3 Notations and Conventions]
- -- Sign-extend X
- function abs_vxi (A : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type;
- pragma Convention (LL_Altivec, abs_vxi);
- function abss_vxi (A : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type;
- pragma Convention (LL_Altivec, abss_vxi);
- function vaddsxs (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type;
- pragma Convention (LL_Altivec, vaddsxs);
- function vavgsx (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type;
- pragma Convention (LL_Altivec, vavgsx);
- function vcmpgtsx (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type;
- pragma Convention (LL_Altivec, vcmpgtsx);
- function lvexx (A : c_long; B : c_ptr) return Varray_Type;
- pragma Convention (LL_Altivec, lvexx);
- function vmaxsx (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type;
- pragma Convention (LL_Altivec, vmaxsx);
- function vmrghx (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type;
- pragma Convention (LL_Altivec, vmrghx);
- function vmrglx (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type;
- pragma Convention (LL_Altivec, vmrglx);
- function vminsx (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type;
- pragma Convention (LL_Altivec, vminsx);
- function vspltx (A : Varray_Type; B : c_int) return Varray_Type;
- pragma Convention (LL_Altivec, vspltx);
- function vspltisx (A : c_int) return Varray_Type;
- pragma Convention (LL_Altivec, vspltisx);
- type Bit_Operation is
- access function
- (Value : Component_Type;
- Amount : Natural) return Component_Type;
- function vsrax
- (A : Varray_Type;
- B : Varray_Type;
- Shift_Func : Bit_Operation) return Varray_Type;
- procedure stvexx (A : Varray_Type; B : c_int; C : c_ptr);
- pragma Convention (LL_Altivec, stvexx);
- function vsubsxs (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type;
- pragma Convention (LL_Altivec, vsubsxs);
- function Check_CR6 (A : c_int; D : Varray_Type) return c_int;
- -- If D is the result of a vcmp operation and A the flag for
- -- the kind of operation (e.g CR6_LT), check the predicate
- -- that corresponds to this flag.
- end Signed_Operations;
- ------------------------------
- -- Signed_Operations (body) --
- ------------------------------
- package body Signed_Operations is
- Bool_True : constant Component_Type := Signed_Bool_True;
- Bool_False : constant Component_Type := Signed_Bool_False;
- Number_Of_Elements : constant Integer :=
- VECTOR_BIT / Component_Type'Size;
- --------------------
- -- Modular_Result --
- --------------------
- function Modular_Result (X : SI64) return Component_Type is
- D : Component_Type;
- begin
- if X > 0 then
- D := Component_Type (UI64 (X)
- mod (UI64 (Component_Type'Last) + 1));
- else
- D := Component_Type ((-(UI64 (-X)
- mod (UI64 (Component_Type'Last) + 1))));
- end if;
- return D;
- end Modular_Result;
- --------------
- -- Saturate --
- --------------
- function Saturate (X : SI64) return Component_Type is
- D : Component_Type;
- begin
- -- Saturation, as defined in
- -- [PIM-4.1 Vector Status and Control Register]
- D := Component_Type (SI64'Max
- (SI64 (Component_Type'First),
- SI64'Min
- (SI64 (Component_Type'Last),
- X)));
- if SI64 (D) /= X then
- VSCR := Write_Bit (VSCR, SAT_POS, 1);
- end if;
- return D;
- end Saturate;
- function Saturate (X : F64) return Component_Type is
- D : Component_Type;
- begin
- -- Saturation, as defined in
- -- [PIM-4.1 Vector Status and Control Register]
- D := Component_Type (F64'Max
- (F64 (Component_Type'First),
- F64'Min
- (F64 (Component_Type'Last),
- X)));
- if F64 (D) /= X then
- VSCR := Write_Bit (VSCR, SAT_POS, 1);
- end if;
- return D;
- end Saturate;
- -----------------
- -- Sign_Extend --
- -----------------
- function Sign_Extend (X : c_int) return Component_Type is
- begin
- -- X is usually a 5-bits literal. In the case of the simulator,
- -- it is an integral parameter, so sign extension is straightforward.
- return Component_Type (X);
- end Sign_Extend;
- -------------
- -- abs_vxi --
- -------------
- function abs_vxi (A : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type is
- D : Varray_Type;
- begin
- for K in Varray_Type'Range loop
- if A (K) /= Component_Type'First then
- D (K) := abs (A (K));
- else
- D (K) := Component_Type'First;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return D;
- end abs_vxi;
- --------------
- -- abss_vxi --
- --------------
- function abss_vxi (A : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type is
- D : Varray_Type;
- begin
- for K in Varray_Type'Range loop
- D (K) := Saturate (abs (SI64 (A (K))));
- end loop;
- return D;
- end abss_vxi;
- -------------
- -- vaddsxs --
- -------------
- function vaddsxs (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type is
- D : Varray_Type;
- begin
- for J in Varray_Type'Range loop
- D (J) := Saturate (SI64 (A (J)) + SI64 (B (J)));
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vaddsxs;
- ------------
- -- vavgsx --
- ------------
- function vavgsx (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type is
- D : Varray_Type;
- begin
- for J in Varray_Type'Range loop
- D (J) := Component_Type ((SI64 (A (J)) + SI64 (B (J)) + 1) / 2);
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vavgsx;
- --------------
- -- vcmpgtsx --
- --------------
- function vcmpgtsx
- (A : Varray_Type;
- B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type
- is
- D : Varray_Type;
- begin
- for J in Varray_Type'Range loop
- if A (J) > B (J) then
- D (J) := Bool_True;
- else
- D (J) := Bool_False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vcmpgtsx;
- -----------
- -- lvexx --
- -----------
- function lvexx (A : c_long; B : c_ptr) return Varray_Type is
- D : Varray_Type;
- S : Integer;
- EA : Integer_Address;
- J : Index_Type;
- begin
- S := 16 / Number_Of_Elements;
- EA := Bound_Align (Integer_Address (A) + To_Integer (B),
- Integer_Address (S));
- J := Index_Type (((EA mod 16) / Integer_Address (S))
- + Integer_Address (Index_Type'First));
- declare
- Component : Component_Type;
- for Component'Address use To_Address (EA);
- begin
- D (J) := Component;
- end;
- return D;
- end lvexx;
- ------------
- -- vmaxsx --
- ------------
- function vmaxsx (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type is
- D : Varray_Type;
- begin
- for J in Varray_Type'Range loop
- if A (J) > B (J) then
- D (J) := A (J);
- else
- D (J) := B (J);
- end if;
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vmaxsx;
- ------------
- -- vmrghx --
- ------------
- function vmrghx (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type is
- D : Varray_Type;
- Offset : constant Integer := Integer (Index_Type'First);
- M : constant Integer := Number_Of_Elements / 2;
- begin
- for J in 0 .. M - 1 loop
- D (Index_Type (2 * J + Offset)) := A (Index_Type (J + Offset));
- D (Index_Type (2 * J + Offset + 1)) := B (Index_Type (J + Offset));
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vmrghx;
- ------------
- -- vmrglx --
- ------------
- function vmrglx (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type is
- D : Varray_Type;
- Offset : constant Integer := Integer (Index_Type'First);
- M : constant Integer := Number_Of_Elements / 2;
- begin
- for J in 0 .. M - 1 loop
- D (Index_Type (2 * J + Offset)) := A (Index_Type (J + Offset + M));
- D (Index_Type (2 * J + Offset + 1)) :=
- B (Index_Type (J + Offset + M));
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vmrglx;
- ------------
- -- vminsx --
- ------------
- function vminsx (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type is
- D : Varray_Type;
- begin
- for J in Varray_Type'Range loop
- if A (J) < B (J) then
- D (J) := A (J);
- else
- D (J) := B (J);
- end if;
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vminsx;
- ------------
- -- vspltx --
- ------------
- function vspltx (A : Varray_Type; B : c_int) return Varray_Type is
- J : constant Integer :=
- Integer (B) mod Number_Of_Elements
- + Integer (Varray_Type'First);
- D : Varray_Type;
- begin
- for K in Varray_Type'Range loop
- D (K) := A (Index_Type (J));
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vspltx;
- --------------
- -- vspltisx --
- --------------
- function vspltisx (A : c_int) return Varray_Type is
- D : Varray_Type;
- begin
- for J in Varray_Type'Range loop
- D (J) := Sign_Extend (A);
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vspltisx;
- -----------
- -- vsrax --
- -----------
- function vsrax
- (A : Varray_Type;
- B : Varray_Type;
- Shift_Func : Bit_Operation) return Varray_Type
- is
- D : Varray_Type;
- S : constant Component_Type :=
- Component_Type (128 / Number_Of_Elements);
- begin
- for J in Varray_Type'Range loop
- D (J) := Shift_Func (A (J), Natural (B (J) mod S));
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vsrax;
- ------------
- -- stvexx --
- ------------
- procedure stvexx (A : Varray_Type; B : c_int; C : c_ptr) is
- S : Integer;
- EA : Integer_Address;
- J : Index_Type;
- begin
- S := 16 / Number_Of_Elements;
- EA := Bound_Align (Integer_Address (B) + To_Integer (C),
- Integer_Address (S));
- J := Index_Type ((EA mod 16) / Integer_Address (S)
- + Integer_Address (Index_Type'First));
- declare
- Component : Component_Type;
- for Component'Address use To_Address (EA);
- begin
- Component := A (J);
- end;
- end stvexx;
- -------------
- -- vsubsxs --
- -------------
- function vsubsxs (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type is
- D : Varray_Type;
- begin
- for J in Varray_Type'Range loop
- D (J) := Saturate (SI64 (A (J)) - SI64 (B (J)));
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vsubsxs;
- ---------------
- -- Check_CR6 --
- ---------------
- function Check_CR6 (A : c_int; D : Varray_Type) return c_int is
- All_Element : Boolean := True;
- Any_Element : Boolean := False;
- begin
- for J in Varray_Type'Range loop
- All_Element := All_Element and (D (J) = Bool_True);
- Any_Element := Any_Element or (D (J) = Bool_True);
- end loop;
- if A = CR6_LT then
- if All_Element then
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- end if;
- elsif A = CR6_EQ then
- if not Any_Element then
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- end if;
- elsif A = CR6_EQ_REV then
- if Any_Element then
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- end if;
- elsif A = CR6_LT_REV then
- if not All_Element then
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- end if;
- end if;
- return 0;
- end Check_CR6;
- end Signed_Operations;
- --------------------------------
- -- Unsigned_Operations (spec) --
- --------------------------------
- generic
- type Component_Type is mod <>;
- type Index_Type is range <>;
- type Varray_Type is array (Index_Type) of Component_Type;
- package Unsigned_Operations is
- function Bits
- (X : Component_Type;
- Low : Natural;
- High : Natural) return Component_Type;
- -- Return X [Low:High] as defined in [PIM-4.3 Notations and Conventions]
- -- using big endian bit ordering.
- function Write_Bit
- (X : Component_Type;
- Where : Natural;
- Value : Unsigned_1) return Component_Type;
- -- Write Value into X[Where:Where] (if it fits in) and return the result
- -- (big endian bit ordering).
- function Modular_Result (X : UI64) return Component_Type;
- function Saturate (X : UI64) return Component_Type;
- function Saturate (X : F64) return Component_Type;
- function Saturate (X : SI64) return Component_Type;
- function vadduxm (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type;
- function vadduxs (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type;
- function vavgux (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type;
- function vcmpequx (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type;
- function vcmpgtux (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type;
- function vmaxux (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type;
- function vminux (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type;
- type Bit_Operation is
- access function
- (Value : Component_Type;
- Amount : Natural) return Component_Type;
- function vrlx
- (A : Varray_Type;
- B : Varray_Type;
- ROTL : Bit_Operation) return Varray_Type;
- function vsxx
- (A : Varray_Type;
- B : Varray_Type;
- Shift_Func : Bit_Operation) return Varray_Type;
- -- Vector shift (left or right, depending on Shift_Func)
- function vsubuxm (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type;
- function vsubuxs (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type;
- function Check_CR6 (A : c_int; D : Varray_Type) return c_int;
- -- If D is the result of a vcmp operation and A the flag for
- -- the kind of operation (e.g CR6_LT), check the predicate
- -- that corresponds to this flag.
- end Unsigned_Operations;
- --------------------------------
- -- Unsigned_Operations (body) --
- --------------------------------
- package body Unsigned_Operations is
- Number_Of_Elements : constant Integer :=
- VECTOR_BIT / Component_Type'Size;
- Bool_True : constant Component_Type := Component_Type'Last;
- Bool_False : constant Component_Type := 0;
- --------------------
- -- Modular_Result --
- --------------------
- function Modular_Result (X : UI64) return Component_Type is
- D : Component_Type;
- begin
- D := Component_Type (X mod (UI64 (Component_Type'Last) + 1));
- return D;
- end Modular_Result;
- --------------
- -- Saturate --
- --------------
- function Saturate (X : UI64) return Component_Type is
- D : Component_Type;
- begin
- -- Saturation, as defined in
- -- [PIM-4.1 Vector Status and Control Register]
- D := Component_Type (UI64'Max
- (UI64 (Component_Type'First),
- UI64'Min
- (UI64 (Component_Type'Last),
- X)));
- if UI64 (D) /= X then
- VSCR := Write_Bit (VSCR, SAT_POS, 1);
- end if;
- return D;
- end Saturate;
- function Saturate (X : SI64) return Component_Type is
- D : Component_Type;
- begin
- -- Saturation, as defined in
- -- [PIM-4.1 Vector Status and Control Register]
- D := Component_Type (SI64'Max
- (SI64 (Component_Type'First),
- SI64'Min
- (SI64 (Component_Type'Last),
- X)));
- if SI64 (D) /= X then
- VSCR := Write_Bit (VSCR, SAT_POS, 1);
- end if;
- return D;
- end Saturate;
- function Saturate (X : F64) return Component_Type is
- D : Component_Type;
- begin
- -- Saturation, as defined in
- -- [PIM-4.1 Vector Status and Control Register]
- D := Component_Type (F64'Max
- (F64 (Component_Type'First),
- F64'Min
- (F64 (Component_Type'Last),
- X)));
- if F64 (D) /= X then
- VSCR := Write_Bit (VSCR, SAT_POS, 1);
- end if;
- return D;
- end Saturate;
- ----------
- -- Bits --
- ----------
- function Bits
- (X : Component_Type;
- Low : Natural;
- High : Natural) return Component_Type
- is
- Mask : Component_Type := 0;
- -- The Altivec ABI uses a big endian bit ordering, and we are
- -- using little endian bit ordering for extracting bits:
- Low_LE : constant Natural := Component_Type'Size - 1 - High;
- High_LE : constant Natural := Component_Type'Size - 1 - Low;
- begin
- pragma Assert (Low <= Component_Type'Size);
- pragma Assert (High <= Component_Type'Size);
- for J in Low_LE .. High_LE loop
- Mask := Mask or 2 ** J;
- end loop;
- return (X and Mask) / 2 ** Low_LE;
- end Bits;
- ---------------
- -- Write_Bit --
- ---------------
- function Write_Bit
- (X : Component_Type;
- Where : Natural;
- Value : Unsigned_1) return Component_Type
- is
- Result : Component_Type := 0;
- -- The Altivec ABI uses a big endian bit ordering, and we are
- -- using little endian bit ordering for extracting bits:
- Where_LE : constant Natural := Component_Type'Size - 1 - Where;
- begin
- pragma Assert (Where < Component_Type'Size);
- case Value is
- when 1 =>
- Result := X or 2 ** Where_LE;
- when 0 =>
- Result := X and not (2 ** Where_LE);
- end case;
- return Result;
- end Write_Bit;
- -------------
- -- vadduxm --
- -------------
- function vadduxm (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type is
- D : Varray_Type;
- begin
- for J in Varray_Type'Range loop
- D (J) := A (J) + B (J);
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vadduxm;
- -------------
- -- vadduxs --
- -------------
- function vadduxs (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type is
- D : Varray_Type;
- begin
- for J in Varray_Type'Range loop
- D (J) := Saturate (UI64 (A (J)) + UI64 (B (J)));
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vadduxs;
- ------------
- -- vavgux --
- ------------
- function vavgux (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type is
- D : Varray_Type;
- begin
- for J in Varray_Type'Range loop
- D (J) := Component_Type ((UI64 (A (J)) + UI64 (B (J)) + 1) / 2);
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vavgux;
- --------------
- -- vcmpequx --
- --------------
- function vcmpequx
- (A : Varray_Type;
- B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type
- is
- D : Varray_Type;
- begin
- for J in Varray_Type'Range loop
- if A (J) = B (J) then
- D (J) := Bool_True;
- else
- D (J) := Bool_False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vcmpequx;
- --------------
- -- vcmpgtux --
- --------------
- function vcmpgtux
- (A : Varray_Type;
- B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type
- is
- D : Varray_Type;
- begin
- for J in Varray_Type'Range loop
- if A (J) > B (J) then
- D (J) := Bool_True;
- else
- D (J) := Bool_False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vcmpgtux;
- ------------
- -- vmaxux --
- ------------
- function vmaxux (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type is
- D : Varray_Type;
- begin
- for J in Varray_Type'Range loop
- if A (J) > B (J) then
- D (J) := A (J);
- else
- D (J) := B (J);
- end if;
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vmaxux;
- ------------
- -- vminux --
- ------------
- function vminux (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type is
- D : Varray_Type;
- begin
- for J in Varray_Type'Range loop
- if A (J) < B (J) then
- D (J) := A (J);
- else
- D (J) := B (J);
- end if;
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vminux;
- ----------
- -- vrlx --
- ----------
- function vrlx
- (A : Varray_Type;
- B : Varray_Type;
- ROTL : Bit_Operation) return Varray_Type
- is
- D : Varray_Type;
- begin
- for J in Varray_Type'Range loop
- D (J) := ROTL (A (J), Natural (B (J)));
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vrlx;
- ----------
- -- vsxx --
- ----------
- function vsxx
- (A : Varray_Type;
- B : Varray_Type;
- Shift_Func : Bit_Operation) return Varray_Type
- is
- D : Varray_Type;
- S : constant Component_Type :=
- Component_Type (128 / Number_Of_Elements);
- begin
- for J in Varray_Type'Range loop
- D (J) := Shift_Func (A (J), Natural (B (J) mod S));
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vsxx;
- -------------
- -- vsubuxm --
- -------------
- function vsubuxm (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type is
- D : Varray_Type;
- begin
- for J in Varray_Type'Range loop
- D (J) := A (J) - B (J);
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vsubuxm;
- -------------
- -- vsubuxs --
- -------------
- function vsubuxs (A : Varray_Type; B : Varray_Type) return Varray_Type is
- D : Varray_Type;
- begin
- for J in Varray_Type'Range loop
- D (J) := Saturate (SI64 (A (J)) - SI64 (B (J)));
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vsubuxs;
- ---------------
- -- Check_CR6 --
- ---------------
- function Check_CR6 (A : c_int; D : Varray_Type) return c_int is
- All_Element : Boolean := True;
- Any_Element : Boolean := False;
- begin
- for J in Varray_Type'Range loop
- All_Element := All_Element and (D (J) = Bool_True);
- Any_Element := Any_Element or (D (J) = Bool_True);
- end loop;
- if A = CR6_LT then
- if All_Element then
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- end if;
- elsif A = CR6_EQ then
- if not Any_Element then
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- end if;
- elsif A = CR6_EQ_REV then
- if Any_Element then
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- end if;
- elsif A = CR6_LT_REV then
- if not All_Element then
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- end if;
- end if;
- return 0;
- end Check_CR6;
- end Unsigned_Operations;
- --------------------------------------
- -- Signed_Merging_Operations (spec) --
- --------------------------------------
- generic
- type Component_Type is range <>;
- type Index_Type is range <>;
- type Varray_Type is array (Index_Type) of Component_Type;
- type Double_Component_Type is range <>;
- type Double_Index_Type is range <>;
- type Double_Varray_Type is array (Double_Index_Type)
- of Double_Component_Type;
- package Signed_Merging_Operations is
- pragma Assert (Integer (Varray_Type'First)
- = Integer (Double_Varray_Type'First));
- pragma Assert (Varray_Type'Length = 2 * Double_Varray_Type'Length);
- pragma Assert (2 * Component_Type'Size = Double_Component_Type'Size);
- function Saturate
- (X : Double_Component_Type) return Component_Type;
- function vmulxsx
- (Use_Even_Components : Boolean;
- A : Varray_Type;
- B : Varray_Type) return Double_Varray_Type;
- function vpksxss
- (A : Double_Varray_Type;
- B : Double_Varray_Type) return Varray_Type;
- pragma Convention (LL_Altivec, vpksxss);
- function vupkxsx
- (A : Varray_Type;
- Offset : Natural) return Double_Varray_Type;
- end Signed_Merging_Operations;
- --------------------------------------
- -- Signed_Merging_Operations (body) --
- --------------------------------------
- package body Signed_Merging_Operations is
- --------------
- -- Saturate --
- --------------
- function Saturate
- (X : Double_Component_Type) return Component_Type
- is
- D : Component_Type;
- begin
- -- Saturation, as defined in
- -- [PIM-4.1 Vector Status and Control Register]
- D := Component_Type (Double_Component_Type'Max
- (Double_Component_Type (Component_Type'First),
- Double_Component_Type'Min
- (Double_Component_Type (Component_Type'Last),
- X)));
- if Double_Component_Type (D) /= X then
- VSCR := Write_Bit (VSCR, SAT_POS, 1);
- end if;
- return D;
- end Saturate;
- -------------
- -- vmulsxs --
- -------------
- function vmulxsx
- (Use_Even_Components : Boolean;
- A : Varray_Type;
- B : Varray_Type) return Double_Varray_Type
- is
- Double_Offset : Double_Index_Type;
- Offset : Index_Type;
- D : Double_Varray_Type;
- N : constant Integer :=
- Integer (Double_Index_Type'Last)
- - Integer (Double_Index_Type'First) + 1;
- begin
- for J in 0 .. N - 1 loop
- if Use_Even_Components then
- Offset := Index_Type (2 * J + Integer (Index_Type'First));
- else
- Offset := Index_Type (2 * J + 1 + Integer (Index_Type'First));
- end if;
- Double_Offset :=
- Double_Index_Type (J + Integer (Double_Index_Type'First));
- D (Double_Offset) :=
- Double_Component_Type (A (Offset))
- * Double_Component_Type (B (Offset));
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vmulxsx;
- -------------
- -- vpksxss --
- -------------
- function vpksxss
- (A : Double_Varray_Type;
- B : Double_Varray_Type) return Varray_Type
- is
- N : constant Index_Type :=
- Index_Type (Double_Index_Type'Last);
- D : Varray_Type;
- Offset : Index_Type;
- Double_Offset : Double_Index_Type;
- begin
- for J in 0 .. N - 1 loop
- Offset := Index_Type (Integer (J) + Integer (Index_Type'First));
- Double_Offset :=
- Double_Index_Type (Integer (J)
- + Integer (Double_Index_Type'First));
- D (Offset) := Saturate (A (Double_Offset));
- D (Offset + N) := Saturate (B (Double_Offset));
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vpksxss;
- -------------
- -- vupkxsx --
- -------------
- function vupkxsx
- (A : Varray_Type;
- Offset : Natural) return Double_Varray_Type
- is
- K : Index_Type;
- D : Double_Varray_Type;
- begin
- for J in Double_Varray_Type'Range loop
- K := Index_Type (Integer (J)
- - Integer (Double_Index_Type'First)
- + Integer (Index_Type'First)
- + Offset);
- D (J) := Double_Component_Type (A (K));
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vupkxsx;
- end Signed_Merging_Operations;
- ----------------------------------------
- -- Unsigned_Merging_Operations (spec) --
- ----------------------------------------
- generic
- type Component_Type is mod <>;
- type Index_Type is range <>;
- type Varray_Type is array (Index_Type) of Component_Type;
- type Double_Component_Type is mod <>;
- type Double_Index_Type is range <>;
- type Double_Varray_Type is array (Double_Index_Type)
- of Double_Component_Type;
- package Unsigned_Merging_Operations is
- pragma Assert (Integer (Varray_Type'First)
- = Integer (Double_Varray_Type'First));
- pragma Assert (Varray_Type'Length = 2 * Double_Varray_Type'Length);
- pragma Assert (2 * Component_Type'Size = Double_Component_Type'Size);
- function UI_To_UI_Mod
- (X : Double_Component_Type;
- Y : Natural) return Component_Type;
- function Saturate (X : Double_Component_Type) return Component_Type;
- function vmulxux
- (Use_Even_Components : Boolean;
- A : Varray_Type;
- B : Varray_Type) return Double_Varray_Type;
- function vpkuxum
- (A : Double_Varray_Type;
- B : Double_Varray_Type) return Varray_Type;
- function vpkuxus
- (A : Double_Varray_Type;
- B : Double_Varray_Type) return Varray_Type;
- end Unsigned_Merging_Operations;
- ----------------------------------------
- -- Unsigned_Merging_Operations (body) --
- ----------------------------------------
- package body Unsigned_Merging_Operations is
- ------------------
- -- UI_To_UI_Mod --
- ------------------
- function UI_To_UI_Mod
- (X : Double_Component_Type;
- Y : Natural) return Component_Type is
- Z : Component_Type;
- begin
- Z := Component_Type (X mod 2 ** Y);
- return Z;
- end UI_To_UI_Mod;
- --------------
- -- Saturate --
- --------------
- function Saturate (X : Double_Component_Type) return Component_Type is
- D : Component_Type;
- begin
- -- Saturation, as defined in
- -- [PIM-4.1 Vector Status and Control Register]
- D := Component_Type (Double_Component_Type'Max
- (Double_Component_Type (Component_Type'First),
- Double_Component_Type'Min
- (Double_Component_Type (Component_Type'Last),
- X)));
- if Double_Component_Type (D) /= X then
- VSCR := Write_Bit (VSCR, SAT_POS, 1);
- end if;
- return D;
- end Saturate;
- -------------
- -- vmulxux --
- -------------
- function vmulxux
- (Use_Even_Components : Boolean;
- A : Varray_Type;
- B : Varray_Type) return Double_Varray_Type
- is
- Double_Offset : Double_Index_Type;
- Offset : Index_Type;
- D : Double_Varray_Type;
- N : constant Integer :=
- Integer (Double_Index_Type'Last)
- - Integer (Double_Index_Type'First) + 1;
- begin
- for J in 0 .. N - 1 loop
- if Use_Even_Components then
- Offset := Index_Type (2 * J + Integer (Index_Type'First));
- else
- Offset := Index_Type (2 * J + 1 + Integer (Index_Type'First));
- end if;
- Double_Offset :=
- Double_Index_Type (J + Integer (Double_Index_Type'First));
- D (Double_Offset) :=
- Double_Component_Type (A (Offset))
- * Double_Component_Type (B (Offset));
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vmulxux;
- -------------
- -- vpkuxum --
- -------------
- function vpkuxum
- (A : Double_Varray_Type;
- B : Double_Varray_Type) return Varray_Type
- is
- S : constant Natural :=
- Double_Component_Type'Size / 2;
- N : constant Index_Type :=
- Index_Type (Double_Index_Type'Last);
- D : Varray_Type;
- Offset : Index_Type;
- Double_Offset : Double_Index_Type;
- begin
- for J in 0 .. N - 1 loop
- Offset := Index_Type (Integer (J) + Integer (Index_Type'First));
- Double_Offset :=
- Double_Index_Type (Integer (J)
- + Integer (Double_Index_Type'First));
- D (Offset) := UI_To_UI_Mod (A (Double_Offset), S);
- D (Offset + N) := UI_To_UI_Mod (B (Double_Offset), S);
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vpkuxum;
- -------------
- -- vpkuxus --
- -------------
- function vpkuxus
- (A : Double_Varray_Type;
- B : Double_Varray_Type) return Varray_Type
- is
- N : constant Index_Type :=
- Index_Type (Double_Index_Type'Last);
- D : Varray_Type;
- Offset : Index_Type;
- Double_Offset : Double_Index_Type;
- begin
- for J in 0 .. N - 1 loop
- Offset := Index_Type (Integer (J) + Integer (Index_Type'First));
- Double_Offset :=
- Double_Index_Type (Integer (J)
- + Integer (Double_Index_Type'First));
- D (Offset) := Saturate (A (Double_Offset));
- D (Offset + N) := Saturate (B (Double_Offset));
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vpkuxus;
- end Unsigned_Merging_Operations;
- package LL_VSC_Operations is
- new Signed_Operations (signed_char,
- Vchar_Range,
- Varray_signed_char);
- package LL_VSS_Operations is
- new Signed_Operations (signed_short,
- Vshort_Range,
- Varray_signed_short);
- package LL_VSI_Operations is
- new Signed_Operations (signed_int,
- Vint_Range,
- Varray_signed_int);
- package LL_VUC_Operations is
- new Unsigned_Operations (unsigned_char,
- Vchar_Range,
- Varray_unsigned_char);
- package LL_VUS_Operations is
- new Unsigned_Operations (unsigned_short,
- Vshort_Range,
- Varray_unsigned_short);
- package LL_VUI_Operations is
- new Unsigned_Operations (unsigned_int,
- Vint_Range,
- Varray_unsigned_int);
- package LL_VSC_LL_VSS_Operations is
- new Signed_Merging_Operations (signed_char,
- Vchar_Range,
- Varray_signed_char,
- signed_short,
- Vshort_Range,
- Varray_signed_short);
- package LL_VSS_LL_VSI_Operations is
- new Signed_Merging_Operations (signed_short,
- Vshort_Range,
- Varray_signed_short,
- signed_int,
- Vint_Range,
- Varray_signed_int);
- package LL_VUC_LL_VUS_Operations is
- new Unsigned_Merging_Operations (unsigned_char,
- Vchar_Range,
- Varray_unsigned_char,
- unsigned_short,
- Vshort_Range,
- Varray_unsigned_short);
- package LL_VUS_LL_VUI_Operations is
- new Unsigned_Merging_Operations (unsigned_short,
- Vshort_Range,
- Varray_unsigned_short,
- unsigned_int,
- Vint_Range,
- Varray_unsigned_int);
- ----------
- -- Bits --
- ----------
- function Bits
- (X : unsigned_int;
- Low : Natural;
- High : Natural) return unsigned_int renames LL_VUI_Operations.Bits;
- function Bits
- (X : unsigned_short;
- Low : Natural;
- High : Natural) return unsigned_short renames LL_VUS_Operations.Bits;
- function Bits
- (X : unsigned_char;
- Low : Natural;
- High : Natural) return unsigned_char renames LL_VUC_Operations.Bits;
- ---------------
- -- Write_Bit --
- ---------------
- function Write_Bit
- (X : unsigned_int;
- Where : Natural;
- Value : Unsigned_1) return unsigned_int
- renames LL_VUI_Operations.Write_Bit;
- function Write_Bit
- (X : unsigned_short;
- Where : Natural;
- Value : Unsigned_1) return unsigned_short
- renames LL_VUS_Operations.Write_Bit;
- function Write_Bit
- (X : unsigned_char;
- Where : Natural;
- Value : Unsigned_1) return unsigned_char
- renames LL_VUC_Operations.Write_Bit;
- -----------------
- -- Bound_Align --
- -----------------
- function Bound_Align
- (X : Integer_Address;
- Y : Integer_Address) return Integer_Address
- is
- D : Integer_Address;
- begin
- D := X - X mod Y;
- return D;
- end Bound_Align;
- -----------------
- -- NJ_Truncate --
- -----------------
- function NJ_Truncate (X : C_float) return C_float is
- D : C_float;
- begin
- if (Bits (VSCR, NJ_POS, NJ_POS) = 1)
- and then abs (X) < 2.0 ** (-126)
- then
- if X < 0.0 then
- D := -0.0;
- else
- D := 0.0;
- end if;
- else
- D := X;
- end if;
- return D;
- end NJ_Truncate;
- -----------------------
- -- Rnd_To_FP_Nearest --
- -----------------------
- function Rnd_To_FP_Nearest (X : F64) return C_float is
- begin
- return C_float (X);
- end Rnd_To_FP_Nearest;
- ---------------------
- -- Rnd_To_FPI_Near --
- ---------------------
- function Rnd_To_FPI_Near (X : F64) return F64 is
- Result : F64;
- Ceiling : F64;
- begin
- Result := F64 (SI64 (X));
- if (F64'Ceiling (X) - X) = (X + 1.0 - F64'Ceiling (X)) then
- -- Round to even
- Ceiling := F64'Ceiling (X);
- if Rnd_To_FPI_Trunc (Ceiling / 2.0) * 2.0 = Ceiling then
- Result := Ceiling;
- else
- Result := Ceiling - 1.0;
- end if;
- end if;
- return Result;
- end Rnd_To_FPI_Near;
- ----------------------
- -- Rnd_To_FPI_Trunc --
- ----------------------
- function Rnd_To_FPI_Trunc (X : F64) return F64 is
- Result : F64;
- begin
- Result := F64'Ceiling (X);
- -- Rnd_To_FPI_Trunc rounds toward 0, 'Ceiling rounds toward
- -- +Infinity
- if X > 0.0
- and then Result /= X
- then
- Result := Result - 1.0;
- end if;
- return Result;
- end Rnd_To_FPI_Trunc;
- ------------------
- -- FP_Recip_Est --
- ------------------
- function FP_Recip_Est (X : C_float) return C_float is
- begin
- -- ??? [PIM-4.4 vec_re] "For result that are not +0, -0, +Inf,
- -- -Inf, or QNaN, the estimate has a relative error no greater
- -- than one part in 4096, that is:
- -- Abs ((estimate - 1 / x) / (1 / x)) < = 1/4096"
- return NJ_Truncate (1.0 / NJ_Truncate (X));
- end FP_Recip_Est;
- ----------
- -- ROTL --
- ----------
- function ROTL
- (Value : unsigned_char;
- Amount : Natural) return unsigned_char
- is
- Result : Unsigned_8;
- begin
- Result := Rotate_Left (Unsigned_8 (Value), Amount);
- return unsigned_char (Result);
- end ROTL;
- function ROTL
- (Value : unsigned_short;
- Amount : Natural) return unsigned_short
- is
- Result : Unsigned_16;
- begin
- Result := Rotate_Left (Unsigned_16 (Value), Amount);
- return unsigned_short (Result);
- end ROTL;
- function ROTL
- (Value : unsigned_int;
- Amount : Natural) return unsigned_int
- is
- Result : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- Result := Rotate_Left (Unsigned_32 (Value), Amount);
- return unsigned_int (Result);
- end ROTL;
- --------------------
- -- Recip_SQRT_Est --
- --------------------
- function Recip_SQRT_Est (X : C_float) return C_float is
- Result : C_float;
- begin
- -- ???
- -- [PIM-4.4 vec_rsqrte] the estimate has a relative error in precision
- -- no greater than one part in 4096, that is:
- -- abs ((estimate - 1 / sqrt (x)) / (1 / sqrt (x)) <= 1 / 4096"
- Result := 1.0 / NJ_Truncate (C_float_Operations.Sqrt (NJ_Truncate (X)));
- return NJ_Truncate (Result);
- end Recip_SQRT_Est;
- ----------------
- -- Shift_Left --
- ----------------
- function Shift_Left
- (Value : unsigned_char;
- Amount : Natural) return unsigned_char
- is
- Result : Unsigned_8;
- begin
- Result := Shift_Left (Unsigned_8 (Value), Amount);
- return unsigned_char (Result);
- end Shift_Left;
- function Shift_Left
- (Value : unsigned_short;
- Amount : Natural) return unsigned_short
- is
- Result : Unsigned_16;
- begin
- Result := Shift_Left (Unsigned_16 (Value), Amount);
- return unsigned_short (Result);
- end Shift_Left;
- function Shift_Left
- (Value : unsigned_int;
- Amount : Natural) return unsigned_int
- is
- Result : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- Result := Shift_Left (Unsigned_32 (Value), Amount);
- return unsigned_int (Result);
- end Shift_Left;
- -----------------
- -- Shift_Right --
- -----------------
- function Shift_Right
- (Value : unsigned_char;
- Amount : Natural) return unsigned_char
- is
- Result : Unsigned_8;
- begin
- Result := Shift_Right (Unsigned_8 (Value), Amount);
- return unsigned_char (Result);
- end Shift_Right;
- function Shift_Right
- (Value : unsigned_short;
- Amount : Natural) return unsigned_short
- is
- Result : Unsigned_16;
- begin
- Result := Shift_Right (Unsigned_16 (Value), Amount);
- return unsigned_short (Result);
- end Shift_Right;
- function Shift_Right
- (Value : unsigned_int;
- Amount : Natural) return unsigned_int
- is
- Result : Unsigned_32;
- begin
- Result := Shift_Right (Unsigned_32 (Value), Amount);
- return unsigned_int (Result);
- end Shift_Right;
- -------------------
- -- Shift_Right_A --
- -------------------
- generic
- type Signed_Type is range <>;
- type Unsigned_Type is mod <>;
- with function Shift_Right (Value : Unsigned_Type; Amount : Natural)
- return Unsigned_Type;
- function Shift_Right_Arithmetic
- (Value : Signed_Type;
- Amount : Natural) return Signed_Type;
- function Shift_Right_Arithmetic
- (Value : Signed_Type;
- Amount : Natural) return Signed_Type
- is
- begin
- if Value > 0 then
- return Signed_Type (Shift_Right (Unsigned_Type (Value), Amount));
- else
- return -Signed_Type (Shift_Right (Unsigned_Type (-Value - 1), Amount)
- + 1);
- end if;
- end Shift_Right_Arithmetic;
- function Shift_Right_A is new Shift_Right_Arithmetic (signed_int,
- Unsigned_32,
- Shift_Right);
- function Shift_Right_A is new Shift_Right_Arithmetic (signed_short,
- Unsigned_16,
- Shift_Right);
- function Shift_Right_A is new Shift_Right_Arithmetic (signed_char,
- Unsigned_8,
- Shift_Right);
- --------------
- -- To_Pixel --
- --------------
- function To_Pixel (Source : unsigned_short) return Pixel_16 is
- -- This conversion should not depend on the host endianess;
- -- therefore, we cannot use an unchecked conversion.
- Target : Pixel_16;
- begin
- Target.T := Unsigned_1 (Bits (Source, 0, 0) mod 2 ** 1);
- Target.R := Unsigned_5 (Bits (Source, 1, 5) mod 2 ** 5);
- Target.G := Unsigned_5 (Bits (Source, 6, 10) mod 2 ** 5);
- Target.B := Unsigned_5 (Bits (Source, 11, 15) mod 2 ** 5);
- return Target;
- end To_Pixel;
- function To_Pixel (Source : unsigned_int) return Pixel_32 is
- -- This conversion should not depend on the host endianess;
- -- therefore, we cannot use an unchecked conversion.
- Target : Pixel_32;
- begin
- Target.T := unsigned_char (Bits (Source, 0, 7));
- Target.R := unsigned_char (Bits (Source, 8, 15));
- Target.G := unsigned_char (Bits (Source, 16, 23));
- Target.B := unsigned_char (Bits (Source, 24, 31));
- return Target;
- end To_Pixel;
- ---------------------
- -- To_unsigned_int --
- ---------------------
- function To_unsigned_int (Source : Pixel_32) return unsigned_int is
- -- This conversion should not depend on the host endianess;
- -- therefore, we cannot use an unchecked conversion.
- -- It should also be the same result, value-wise, on two hosts
- -- with the same endianess.
- Target : unsigned_int := 0;
- begin
- -- In big endian bit ordering, Pixel_32 looks like:
- -- -------------------------------------
- -- | T | R | G | B |
- -- -------------------------------------
- -- 0 (MSB) 7 15 23 32
- --
- -- Sizes of the components: (8/8/8/8)
- --
- Target := Target or unsigned_int (Source.T);
- Target := Shift_Left (Target, 8);
- Target := Target or unsigned_int (Source.R);
- Target := Shift_Left (Target, 8);
- Target := Target or unsigned_int (Source.G);
- Target := Shift_Left (Target, 8);
- Target := Target or unsigned_int (Source.B);
- return Target;
- end To_unsigned_int;
- -----------------------
- -- To_unsigned_short --
- -----------------------
- function To_unsigned_short (Source : Pixel_16) return unsigned_short is
- -- This conversion should not depend on the host endianess;
- -- therefore, we cannot use an unchecked conversion.
- -- It should also be the same result, value-wise, on two hosts
- -- with the same endianess.
- Target : unsigned_short := 0;
- begin
- -- In big endian bit ordering, Pixel_16 looks like:
- -- -------------------------------------
- -- | T | R | G | B |
- -- -------------------------------------
- -- 0 (MSB) 1 5 11 15
- --
- -- Sizes of the components: (1/5/5/5)
- --
- Target := Target or unsigned_short (Source.T);
- Target := Shift_Left (Target, 5);
- Target := Target or unsigned_short (Source.R);
- Target := Shift_Left (Target, 5);
- Target := Target or unsigned_short (Source.G);
- Target := Shift_Left (Target, 5);
- Target := Target or unsigned_short (Source.B);
- return Target;
- end To_unsigned_short;
- ---------------
- -- abs_v16qi --
- ---------------
- function abs_v16qi (A : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC is
- VA : constant VSC_View := To_View (A);
- begin
- return To_Vector ((Values =>
- LL_VSC_Operations.abs_vxi (VA.Values)));
- end abs_v16qi;
- --------------
- -- abs_v8hi --
- --------------
- function abs_v8hi (A : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VSS_View := To_View (A);
- begin
- return To_Vector ((Values =>
- LL_VSS_Operations.abs_vxi (VA.Values)));
- end abs_v8hi;
- --------------
- -- abs_v4si --
- --------------
- function abs_v4si (A : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VSI_View := To_View (A);
- begin
- return To_Vector ((Values =>
- LL_VSI_Operations.abs_vxi (VA.Values)));
- end abs_v4si;
- --------------
- -- abs_v4sf --
- --------------
- function abs_v4sf (A : LL_VF) return LL_VF is
- D : Varray_float;
- VA : constant VF_View := To_View (A);
- begin
- for J in Varray_float'Range loop
- D (J) := abs (VA.Values (J));
- end loop;
- return To_Vector ((Values => D));
- end abs_v4sf;
- ----------------
- -- abss_v16qi --
- ----------------
- function abss_v16qi (A : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC is
- VA : constant VSC_View := To_View (A);
- begin
- return To_Vector ((Values =>
- LL_VSC_Operations.abss_vxi (VA.Values)));
- end abss_v16qi;
- ---------------
- -- abss_v8hi --
- ---------------
- function abss_v8hi (A : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VSS_View := To_View (A);
- begin
- return To_Vector ((Values =>
- LL_VSS_Operations.abss_vxi (VA.Values)));
- end abss_v8hi;
- ---------------
- -- abss_v4si --
- ---------------
- function abss_v4si (A : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VSI_View := To_View (A);
- begin
- return To_Vector ((Values =>
- LL_VSI_Operations.abss_vxi (VA.Values)));
- end abss_v4si;
- -------------
- -- vaddubm --
- -------------
- function vaddubm (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC is
- UC : constant GNAT.Altivec.Low_Level_Vectors.LL_VUC :=
- To_LL_VUC (A);
- VA : constant VUC_View :=
- To_View (UC);
- VB : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (B));
- D : Varray_unsigned_char;
- begin
- D := LL_VUC_Operations.vadduxm (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSC (To_Vector (VUC_View'(Values => D)));
- end vaddubm;
- -------------
- -- vadduhm --
- -------------
- function vadduhm (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (A));
- VB : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (B));
- D : Varray_unsigned_short;
- begin
- D := LL_VUS_Operations.vadduxm (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSS (To_Vector (VUS_View'(Values => D)));
- end vadduhm;
- -------------
- -- vadduwm --
- -------------
- function vadduwm (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- VB : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (B));
- D : Varray_unsigned_int;
- begin
- D := LL_VUI_Operations.vadduxm (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (VUI_View'(Values => D)));
- end vadduwm;
- ------------
- -- vaddfp --
- ------------
- function vaddfp (A : LL_VF; B : LL_VF) return LL_VF is
- VA : constant VF_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VF_View := To_View (B);
- D : Varray_float;
- begin
- for J in Varray_float'Range loop
- D (J) := NJ_Truncate (NJ_Truncate (VA.Values (J))
- + NJ_Truncate (VB.Values (J)));
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (VF_View'(Values => D));
- end vaddfp;
- -------------
- -- vaddcuw --
- -------------
- function vaddcuw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- Addition_Result : UI64;
- D : VUI_View;
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- VB : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (B));
- begin
- for J in Varray_unsigned_int'Range loop
- Addition_Result :=
- UI64 (VA.Values (J)) + UI64 (VB.Values (J));
- if Addition_Result > UI64 (unsigned_int'Last) then
- D.Values (J) := 1;
- else
- D.Values (J) := 0;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vaddcuw;
- -------------
- -- vaddubs --
- -------------
- function vaddubs (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC is
- VA : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (A));
- VB : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (B));
- begin
- return To_LL_VSC (To_Vector
- (VUC_View'(Values =>
- (LL_VUC_Operations.vadduxs
- (VA.Values,
- VB.Values)))));
- end vaddubs;
- -------------
- -- vaddsbs --
- -------------
- function vaddsbs (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC is
- VA : constant VSC_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSC_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSC_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSC_Operations.vaddsxs (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vaddsbs;
- -------------
- -- vadduhs --
- -------------
- function vadduhs (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (A));
- VB : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (B));
- D : VUS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUS_Operations.vadduxs (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSS (To_Vector (D));
- end vadduhs;
- -------------
- -- vaddshs --
- -------------
- function vaddshs (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VSS_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSS_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSS_Operations.vaddsxs (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vaddshs;
- -------------
- -- vadduws --
- -------------
- function vadduws (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- VB : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (B));
- D : VUI_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUI_Operations.vadduxs (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vadduws;
- -------------
- -- vaddsws --
- -------------
- function vaddsws (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VSI_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSI_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSI_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSI_Operations.vaddsxs (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vaddsws;
- ----------
- -- vand --
- ----------
- function vand (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- VB : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (B));
- D : VUI_View;
- begin
- for J in Varray_unsigned_int'Range loop
- D.Values (J) := VA.Values (J) and VB.Values (J);
- end loop;
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vand;
- -----------
- -- vandc --
- -----------
- function vandc (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- VB : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (B));
- D : VUI_View;
- begin
- for J in Varray_unsigned_int'Range loop
- D.Values (J) := VA.Values (J) and not VB.Values (J);
- end loop;
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vandc;
- ------------
- -- vavgub --
- ------------
- function vavgub (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC is
- VA : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (A));
- VB : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (B));
- D : VUC_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUC_Operations.vavgux (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSC (To_Vector (D));
- end vavgub;
- ------------
- -- vavgsb --
- ------------
- function vavgsb (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC is
- VA : constant VSC_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSC_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSC_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSC_Operations.vavgsx (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vavgsb;
- ------------
- -- vavguh --
- ------------
- function vavguh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (A));
- VB : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (B));
- D : VUS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUS_Operations.vavgux (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSS (To_Vector (D));
- end vavguh;
- ------------
- -- vavgsh --
- ------------
- function vavgsh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VSS_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSS_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSS_Operations.vavgsx (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vavgsh;
- ------------
- -- vavguw --
- ------------
- function vavguw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- VB : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (B));
- D : VUI_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUI_Operations.vavgux (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vavguw;
- ------------
- -- vavgsw --
- ------------
- function vavgsw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VSI_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSI_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSI_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSI_Operations.vavgsx (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vavgsw;
- -----------
- -- vrfip --
- -----------
- function vrfip (A : LL_VF) return LL_VF is
- VA : constant VF_View := To_View (A);
- D : VF_View;
- begin
- for J in Varray_float'Range loop
- -- If A (J) is infinite, D (J) should be infinite; With
- -- IEEE floating points, we can use 'Ceiling for that purpose.
- D.Values (J) := C_float'Ceiling (NJ_Truncate (VA.Values (J)));
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vrfip;
- -------------
- -- vcmpbfp --
- -------------
- function vcmpbfp (A : LL_VF; B : LL_VF) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VF_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VF_View := To_View (B);
- D : VUI_View;
- K : Vint_Range;
- begin
- for J in Varray_float'Range loop
- K := Vint_Range (J);
- D.Values (K) := 0;
- if NJ_Truncate (VB.Values (J)) < 0.0 then
- -- [PIM-4.4 vec_cmpb] "If any single-precision floating-point
- -- word element in B is negative; the corresponding element in A
- -- is out of bounds.
- D.Values (K) := Write_Bit (D.Values (K), 0, 1);
- D.Values (K) := Write_Bit (D.Values (K), 1, 1);
- else
- if NJ_Truncate (VA.Values (J))
- <= NJ_Truncate (VB.Values (J)) then
- D.Values (K) := Write_Bit (D.Values (K), 0, 0);
- else
- D.Values (K) := Write_Bit (D.Values (K), 0, 1);
- end if;
- if NJ_Truncate (VA.Values (J))
- >= -NJ_Truncate (VB.Values (J)) then
- D.Values (K) := Write_Bit (D.Values (K), 1, 0);
- else
- D.Values (K) := Write_Bit (D.Values (K), 1, 1);
- end if;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vcmpbfp;
- --------------
- -- vcmpequb --
- --------------
- function vcmpequb (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC is
- VA : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (A));
- VB : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (B));
- D : VUC_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUC_Operations.vcmpequx (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSC (To_Vector (D));
- end vcmpequb;
- --------------
- -- vcmpequh --
- --------------
- function vcmpequh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (A));
- VB : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (B));
- D : VUS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUS_Operations.vcmpequx (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSS (To_Vector (D));
- end vcmpequh;
- --------------
- -- vcmpequw --
- --------------
- function vcmpequw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- VB : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (B));
- D : VUI_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUI_Operations.vcmpequx (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vcmpequw;
- --------------
- -- vcmpeqfp --
- --------------
- function vcmpeqfp (A : LL_VF; B : LL_VF) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VF_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VF_View := To_View (B);
- D : VUI_View;
- K : Vint_Range;
- begin
- for J in Varray_float'Range loop
- K := Vint_Range (J);
- if VA.Values (J) = VB.Values (J) then
- D.Values (K) := unsigned_int'Last;
- else
- D.Values (K) := 0;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vcmpeqfp;
- --------------
- -- vcmpgefp --
- --------------
- function vcmpgefp (A : LL_VF; B : LL_VF) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VF_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VF_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSI_View;
- K : Vint_Range;
- begin
- for J in Varray_float'Range loop
- K := Vint_Range (J);
- if VA.Values (J) >= VB.Values (J) then
- D.Values (K) := Signed_Bool_True;
- else
- D.Values (K) := Signed_Bool_False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vcmpgefp;
- --------------
- -- vcmpgtub --
- --------------
- function vcmpgtub (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC is
- VA : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (A));
- VB : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (B));
- D : VUC_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUC_Operations.vcmpgtux (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSC (To_Vector (D));
- end vcmpgtub;
- --------------
- -- vcmpgtsb --
- --------------
- function vcmpgtsb (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC is
- VA : constant VSC_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSC_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSC_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSC_Operations.vcmpgtsx (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vcmpgtsb;
- --------------
- -- vcmpgtuh --
- --------------
- function vcmpgtuh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (A));
- VB : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (B));
- D : VUS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUS_Operations.vcmpgtux (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSS (To_Vector (D));
- end vcmpgtuh;
- --------------
- -- vcmpgtsh --
- --------------
- function vcmpgtsh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VSS_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSS_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSS_Operations.vcmpgtsx (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vcmpgtsh;
- --------------
- -- vcmpgtuw --
- --------------
- function vcmpgtuw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- VB : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (B));
- D : VUI_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUI_Operations.vcmpgtux (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vcmpgtuw;
- --------------
- -- vcmpgtsw --
- --------------
- function vcmpgtsw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VSI_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSI_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSI_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSI_Operations.vcmpgtsx (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vcmpgtsw;
- --------------
- -- vcmpgtfp --
- --------------
- function vcmpgtfp (A : LL_VF; B : LL_VF) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VF_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VF_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSI_View;
- K : Vint_Range;
- begin
- for J in Varray_float'Range loop
- K := Vint_Range (J);
- if NJ_Truncate (VA.Values (J))
- > NJ_Truncate (VB.Values (J)) then
- D.Values (K) := Signed_Bool_True;
- else
- D.Values (K) := Signed_Bool_False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vcmpgtfp;
- -----------
- -- vcfux --
- -----------
- function vcfux (A : LL_VSI; B : c_int) return LL_VF is
- D : VF_View;
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- K : Vfloat_Range;
- begin
- for J in Varray_signed_int'Range loop
- K := Vfloat_Range (J);
- -- Note: The conversion to Integer is safe, as Integers are required
- -- to include the range -2 ** 15 + 1 .. 2 ** 15 + 1 and therefore
- -- include the range of B (should be 0 .. 255).
- D.Values (K) :=
- C_float (VA.Values (J)) / (2.0 ** Integer (B));
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vcfux;
- -----------
- -- vcfsx --
- -----------
- function vcfsx (A : LL_VSI; B : c_int) return LL_VF is
- VA : constant VSI_View := To_View (A);
- D : VF_View;
- K : Vfloat_Range;
- begin
- for J in Varray_signed_int'Range loop
- K := Vfloat_Range (J);
- D.Values (K) := C_float (VA.Values (J))
- / (2.0 ** Integer (B));
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vcfsx;
- ------------
- -- vctsxs --
- ------------
- function vctsxs (A : LL_VF; B : c_int) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VF_View := To_View (A);
- D : VSI_View;
- K : Vfloat_Range;
- begin
- for J in Varray_signed_int'Range loop
- K := Vfloat_Range (J);
- D.Values (J) :=
- LL_VSI_Operations.Saturate
- (F64 (NJ_Truncate (VA.Values (K)))
- * F64 (2.0 ** Integer (B)));
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vctsxs;
- ------------
- -- vctuxs --
- ------------
- function vctuxs (A : LL_VF; B : c_int) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VF_View := To_View (A);
- D : VUI_View;
- K : Vfloat_Range;
- begin
- for J in Varray_unsigned_int'Range loop
- K := Vfloat_Range (J);
- D.Values (J) :=
- LL_VUI_Operations.Saturate
- (F64 (NJ_Truncate (VA.Values (K)))
- * F64 (2.0 ** Integer (B)));
- end loop;
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vctuxs;
- ---------
- -- dss --
- ---------
- -- No-ops, as allowed by [PEM- Data Stream Touch (dst)]:
- procedure dss (A : c_int) is
- pragma Unreferenced (A);
- begin
- null;
- end dss;
- ------------
- -- dssall --
- ------------
- -- No-ops, as allowed by [PEM- Data Stream Touch (dst)]:
- procedure dssall is
- begin
- null;
- end dssall;
- ---------
- -- dst --
- ---------
- -- No-ops, as allowed by [PEM- Data Stream Touch (dst)]:
- procedure dst (A : c_ptr; B : c_int; C : c_int) is
- pragma Unreferenced (A);
- pragma Unreferenced (B);
- pragma Unreferenced (C);
- begin
- null;
- end dst;
- -----------
- -- dstst --
- -----------
- -- No-ops, as allowed by [PEM- Data Stream Touch (dst)]:
- procedure dstst (A : c_ptr; B : c_int; C : c_int) is
- pragma Unreferenced (A);
- pragma Unreferenced (B);
- pragma Unreferenced (C);
- begin
- null;
- end dstst;
- ------------
- -- dststt --
- ------------
- -- No-ops, as allowed by [PEM- Data Stream Touch (dst)]:
- procedure dststt (A : c_ptr; B : c_int; C : c_int) is
- pragma Unreferenced (A);
- pragma Unreferenced (B);
- pragma Unreferenced (C);
- begin
- null;
- end dststt;
- ----------
- -- dstt --
- ----------
- -- No-ops, as allowed by [PEM- Data Stream Touch (dst)]:
- procedure dstt (A : c_ptr; B : c_int; C : c_int) is
- pragma Unreferenced (A);
- pragma Unreferenced (B);
- pragma Unreferenced (C);
- begin
- null;
- end dstt;
- --------------
- -- vexptefp --
- --------------
- function vexptefp (A : LL_VF) return LL_VF is
- use C_float_Operations;
- VA : constant VF_View := To_View (A);
- D : VF_View;
- begin
- for J in Varray_float'Range loop
- -- ??? Check the precision of the operation.
- -- As described in [PEM-6 vexptefp]:
- -- If theorical_result is equal to 2 at the power of A (J) with
- -- infinite precision, we should have:
- -- abs ((D (J) - theorical_result) / theorical_result) <= 1/16
- D.Values (J) := 2.0 ** NJ_Truncate (VA.Values (J));
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vexptefp;
- -----------
- -- vrfim --
- -----------
- function vrfim (A : LL_VF) return LL_VF is
- VA : constant VF_View := To_View (A);
- D : VF_View;
- begin
- for J in Varray_float'Range loop
- -- If A (J) is infinite, D (J) should be infinite; With
- -- IEEE floating point, we can use 'Ceiling for that purpose.
- D.Values (J) := C_float'Ceiling (NJ_Truncate (VA.Values (J)));
- -- Vrfim rounds toward -Infinity, whereas 'Ceiling rounds toward
- -- +Infinity:
- if D.Values (J) /= VA.Values (J) then
- D.Values (J) := D.Values (J) - 1.0;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vrfim;
- ---------
- -- lvx --
- ---------
- function lvx (A : c_long; B : c_ptr) return LL_VSI is
- EA : Integer_Address;
- begin
- EA := Bound_Align (Integer_Address (A) + To_Integer (B), 16);
- declare
- D : LL_VSI;
- for D'Address use To_Address (EA);
- begin
- return D;
- end;
- end lvx;
- -----------
- -- lvebx --
- -----------
- function lvebx (A : c_long; B : c_ptr) return LL_VSC is
- D : VSC_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSC_Operations.lvexx (A, B);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end lvebx;
- -----------
- -- lvehx --
- -----------
- function lvehx (A : c_long; B : c_ptr) return LL_VSS is
- D : VSS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSS_Operations.lvexx (A, B);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end lvehx;
- -----------
- -- lvewx --
- -----------
- function lvewx (A : c_long; B : c_ptr) return LL_VSI is
- D : VSI_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSI_Operations.lvexx (A, B);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end lvewx;
- ----------
- -- lvxl --
- ----------
- function lvxl (A : c_long; B : c_ptr) return LL_VSI renames
- lvx;
- -------------
- -- vlogefp --
- -------------
- function vlogefp (A : LL_VF) return LL_VF is
- VA : constant VF_View := To_View (A);
- D : VF_View;
- begin
- for J in Varray_float'Range loop
- -- ??? Check the precision of the operation.
- -- As described in [PEM-6 vlogefp]:
- -- If theorical_result is equal to the log2 of A (J) with
- -- infinite precision, we should have:
- -- abs (D (J) - theorical_result) <= 1/32,
- -- unless abs(D(J) - 1) <= 1/8.
- D.Values (J) :=
- C_float_Operations.Log (NJ_Truncate (VA.Values (J)), 2.0);
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vlogefp;
- ----------
- -- lvsl --
- ----------
- function lvsl (A : c_long; B : c_ptr) return LL_VSC is
- type bit4_type is mod 16#F# + 1;
- for bit4_type'Alignment use 1;
- EA : Integer_Address;
- D : VUC_View;
- SH : bit4_type;
- begin
- EA := Integer_Address (A) + To_Integer (B);
- SH := bit4_type (EA mod 2 ** 4);
- for J in D.Values'Range loop
- D.Values (J) := unsigned_char (SH) + unsigned_char (J)
- - unsigned_char (D.Values'First);
- end loop;
- return To_LL_VSC (To_Vector (D));
- end lvsl;
- ----------
- -- lvsr --
- ----------
- function lvsr (A : c_long; B : c_ptr) return LL_VSC is
- type bit4_type is mod 16#F# + 1;
- for bit4_type'Alignment use 1;
- EA : Integer_Address;
- D : VUC_View;
- SH : bit4_type;
- begin
- EA := Integer_Address (A) + To_Integer (B);
- SH := bit4_type (EA mod 2 ** 4);
- for J in D.Values'Range loop
- D.Values (J) := (16#F# - unsigned_char (SH)) + unsigned_char (J);
- end loop;
- return To_LL_VSC (To_Vector (D));
- end lvsr;
- -------------
- -- vmaddfp --
- -------------
- function vmaddfp (A : LL_VF; B : LL_VF; C : LL_VF) return LL_VF is
- VA : constant VF_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VF_View := To_View (B);
- VC : constant VF_View := To_View (C);
- D : VF_View;
- begin
- for J in Varray_float'Range loop
- D.Values (J) :=
- Rnd_To_FP_Nearest (F64 (VA.Values (J))
- * F64 (VB.Values (J))
- + F64 (VC.Values (J)));
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vmaddfp;
- ---------------
- -- vmhaddshs --
- ---------------
- function vmhaddshs (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS; C : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VSS_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSS_View := To_View (B);
- VC : constant VSS_View := To_View (C);
- D : VSS_View;
- begin
- for J in Varray_signed_short'Range loop
- D.Values (J) := LL_VSS_Operations.Saturate
- ((SI64 (VA.Values (J)) * SI64 (VB.Values (J)))
- / SI64 (2 ** 15) + SI64 (VC.Values (J)));
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vmhaddshs;
- ------------
- -- vmaxub --
- ------------
- function vmaxub (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC is
- VA : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (A));
- VB : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (B));
- D : VUC_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUC_Operations.vmaxux (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSC (To_Vector (D));
- end vmaxub;
- ------------
- -- vmaxsb --
- ------------
- function vmaxsb (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC is
- VA : constant VSC_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSC_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSC_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSC_Operations.vmaxsx (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vmaxsb;
- ------------
- -- vmaxuh --
- ------------
- function vmaxuh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (A));
- VB : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (B));
- D : VUS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUS_Operations.vmaxux (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSS (To_Vector (D));
- end vmaxuh;
- ------------
- -- vmaxsh --
- ------------
- function vmaxsh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VSS_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSS_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSS_Operations.vmaxsx (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vmaxsh;
- ------------
- -- vmaxuw --
- ------------
- function vmaxuw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- VB : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (B));
- D : VUI_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUI_Operations.vmaxux (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vmaxuw;
- ------------
- -- vmaxsw --
- ------------
- function vmaxsw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VSI_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSI_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSI_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSI_Operations.vmaxsx (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vmaxsw;
- --------------
- -- vmaxsxfp --
- --------------
- function vmaxfp (A : LL_VF; B : LL_VF) return LL_VF is
- VA : constant VF_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VF_View := To_View (B);
- D : VF_View;
- begin
- for J in Varray_float'Range loop
- if VA.Values (J) > VB.Values (J) then
- D.Values (J) := VA.Values (J);
- else
- D.Values (J) := VB.Values (J);
- end if;
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vmaxfp;
- ------------
- -- vmrghb --
- ------------
- function vmrghb (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC is
- VA : constant VSC_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSC_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSC_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSC_Operations.vmrghx (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vmrghb;
- ------------
- -- vmrghh --
- ------------
- function vmrghh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VSS_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSS_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSS_Operations.vmrghx (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vmrghh;
- ------------
- -- vmrghw --
- ------------
- function vmrghw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VSI_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSI_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSI_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSI_Operations.vmrghx (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vmrghw;
- ------------
- -- vmrglb --
- ------------
- function vmrglb (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC is
- VA : constant VSC_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSC_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSC_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSC_Operations.vmrglx (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vmrglb;
- ------------
- -- vmrglh --
- ------------
- function vmrglh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VSS_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSS_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSS_Operations.vmrglx (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vmrglh;
- ------------
- -- vmrglw --
- ------------
- function vmrglw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VSI_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSI_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSI_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSI_Operations.vmrglx (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vmrglw;
- ------------
- -- mfvscr --
- ------------
- function mfvscr return LL_VSS is
- D : VUS_View;
- begin
- for J in Varray_unsigned_short'Range loop
- D.Values (J) := 0;
- end loop;
- D.Values (Varray_unsigned_short'Last) :=
- unsigned_short (VSCR mod 2 ** unsigned_short'Size);
- D.Values (Varray_unsigned_short'Last - 1) :=
- unsigned_short (VSCR / 2 ** unsigned_short'Size);
- return To_LL_VSS (To_Vector (D));
- end mfvscr;
- ------------
- -- vminfp --
- ------------
- function vminfp (A : LL_VF; B : LL_VF) return LL_VF is
- VA : constant VF_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VF_View := To_View (B);
- D : VF_View;
- begin
- for J in Varray_float'Range loop
- if VA.Values (J) < VB.Values (J) then
- D.Values (J) := VA.Values (J);
- else
- D.Values (J) := VB.Values (J);
- end if;
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vminfp;
- ------------
- -- vminsb --
- ------------
- function vminsb (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC is
- VA : constant VSC_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSC_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSC_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSC_Operations.vminsx (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vminsb;
- ------------
- -- vminub --
- ------------
- function vminub (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC is
- VA : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (A));
- VB : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (B));
- D : VUC_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUC_Operations.vminux (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSC (To_Vector (D));
- end vminub;
- ------------
- -- vminsh --
- ------------
- function vminsh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VSS_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSS_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSS_Operations.vminsx (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vminsh;
- ------------
- -- vminuh --
- ------------
- function vminuh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (A));
- VB : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (B));
- D : VUS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUS_Operations.vminux (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSS (To_Vector (D));
- end vminuh;
- ------------
- -- vminsw --
- ------------
- function vminsw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VSI_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSI_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSI_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSI_Operations.vminsx (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vminsw;
- ------------
- -- vminuw --
- ------------
- function vminuw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- VB : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (B));
- D : VUI_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUI_Operations.vminux (VA.Values,
- VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vminuw;
- ---------------
- -- vmladduhm --
- ---------------
- function vmladduhm (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS; C : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (A));
- VB : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (B));
- VC : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (C));
- D : VUS_View;
- begin
- for J in Varray_unsigned_short'Range loop
- D.Values (J) := VA.Values (J) * VB.Values (J)
- + VC.Values (J);
- end loop;
- return To_LL_VSS (To_Vector (D));
- end vmladduhm;
- ----------------
- -- vmhraddshs --
- ----------------
- function vmhraddshs (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS; C : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VSS_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSS_View := To_View (B);
- VC : constant VSS_View := To_View (C);
- D : VSS_View;
- begin
- for J in Varray_signed_short'Range loop
- D.Values (J) :=
- LL_VSS_Operations.Saturate (((SI64 (VA.Values (J))
- * SI64 (VB.Values (J))
- + 2 ** 14)
- / 2 ** 15
- + SI64 (VC.Values (J))));
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vmhraddshs;
- --------------
- -- vmsumubm --
- --------------
- function vmsumubm (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC; C : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- Offset : Vchar_Range;
- VA : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (A));
- VB : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (B));
- VC : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (C));
- D : VUI_View;
- begin
- for J in 0 .. 3 loop
- Offset := Vchar_Range (4 * J + Integer (Vchar_Range'First));
- D.Values (Vint_Range
- (J + Integer (Vint_Range'First))) :=
- (unsigned_int (VA.Values (Offset))
- * unsigned_int (VB.Values (Offset)))
- + (unsigned_int (VA.Values (Offset + 1))
- * unsigned_int (VB.Values (1 + Offset)))
- + (unsigned_int (VA.Values (2 + Offset))
- * unsigned_int (VB.Values (2 + Offset)))
- + (unsigned_int (VA.Values (3 + Offset))
- * unsigned_int (VB.Values (3 + Offset)))
- + VC.Values (Vint_Range
- (J + Integer (Varray_unsigned_int'First)));
- end loop;
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vmsumubm;
- --------------
- -- vmsumumbm --
- --------------
- function vmsummbm (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC; C : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- Offset : Vchar_Range;
- VA : constant VSC_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (B));
- VC : constant VSI_View := To_View (C);
- D : VSI_View;
- begin
- for J in 0 .. 3 loop
- Offset := Vchar_Range (4 * J + Integer (Vchar_Range'First));
- D.Values (Vint_Range
- (J + Integer (Varray_unsigned_int'First))) := 0
- + LL_VSI_Operations.Modular_Result (SI64 (VA.Values (Offset))
- * SI64 (VB.Values (Offset)))
- + LL_VSI_Operations.Modular_Result (SI64 (VA.Values (Offset + 1))
- * SI64 (VB.Values
- (1 + Offset)))
- + LL_VSI_Operations.Modular_Result (SI64 (VA.Values (2 + Offset))
- * SI64 (VB.Values
- (2 + Offset)))
- + LL_VSI_Operations.Modular_Result (SI64 (VA.Values (3 + Offset))
- * SI64 (VB.Values
- (3 + Offset)))
- + VC.Values (Vint_Range
- (J + Integer (Varray_unsigned_int'First)));
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vmsummbm;
- --------------
- -- vmsumuhm --
- --------------
- function vmsumuhm (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS; C : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- Offset : Vshort_Range;
- VA : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (A));
- VB : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (B));
- VC : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (C));
- D : VUI_View;
- begin
- for J in 0 .. 3 loop
- Offset :=
- Vshort_Range (2 * J + Integer (Vshort_Range'First));
- D.Values (Vint_Range
- (J + Integer (Varray_unsigned_int'First))) :=
- (unsigned_int (VA.Values (Offset))
- * unsigned_int (VB.Values (Offset)))
- + (unsigned_int (VA.Values (Offset + 1))
- * unsigned_int (VB.Values (1 + Offset)))
- + VC.Values (Vint_Range
- (J + Integer (Vint_Range'First)));
- end loop;
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vmsumuhm;
- --------------
- -- vmsumshm --
- --------------
- function vmsumshm (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS; C : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VSS_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSS_View := To_View (B);
- VC : constant VSI_View := To_View (C);
- Offset : Vshort_Range;
- D : VSI_View;
- begin
- for J in 0 .. 3 loop
- Offset :=
- Vshort_Range (2 * J + Integer (Varray_signed_char'First));
- D.Values (Vint_Range
- (J + Integer (Varray_unsigned_int'First))) := 0
- + LL_VSI_Operations.Modular_Result (SI64 (VA.Values (Offset))
- * SI64 (VB.Values (Offset)))
- + LL_VSI_Operations.Modular_Result (SI64 (VA.Values (Offset + 1))
- * SI64 (VB.Values
- (1 + Offset)))
- + VC.Values (Vint_Range
- (J + Integer (Varray_unsigned_int'First)));
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vmsumshm;
- --------------
- -- vmsumuhs --
- --------------
- function vmsumuhs (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS; C : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- Offset : Vshort_Range;
- VA : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (A));
- VB : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (B));
- VC : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (C));
- D : VUI_View;
- begin
- for J in 0 .. 3 loop
- Offset :=
- Vshort_Range (2 * J + Integer (Varray_signed_short'First));
- D.Values (Vint_Range
- (J + Integer (Varray_unsigned_int'First))) :=
- LL_VUI_Operations.Saturate
- (UI64 (VA.Values (Offset))
- * UI64 (VB.Values (Offset))
- + UI64 (VA.Values (Offset + 1))
- * UI64 (VB.Values (1 + Offset))
- + UI64 (VC.Values
- (Vint_Range
- (J + Integer (Varray_unsigned_int'First)))));
- end loop;
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vmsumuhs;
- --------------
- -- vmsumshs --
- --------------
- function vmsumshs (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS; C : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VSS_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSS_View := To_View (B);
- VC : constant VSI_View := To_View (C);
- Offset : Vshort_Range;
- D : VSI_View;
- begin
- for J in 0 .. 3 loop
- Offset :=
- Vshort_Range (2 * J + Integer (Varray_signed_short'First));
- D.Values (Vint_Range
- (J + Integer (Varray_signed_int'First))) :=
- LL_VSI_Operations.Saturate
- (SI64 (VA.Values (Offset))
- * SI64 (VB.Values (Offset))
- + SI64 (VA.Values (Offset + 1))
- * SI64 (VB.Values (1 + Offset))
- + SI64 (VC.Values
- (Vint_Range
- (J + Integer (Varray_signed_int'First)))));
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vmsumshs;
- ------------
- -- mtvscr --
- ------------
- procedure mtvscr (A : LL_VSI) is
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- begin
- VSCR := VA.Values (Varray_unsigned_int'Last);
- end mtvscr;
- -------------
- -- vmuleub --
- -------------
- function vmuleub (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (A));
- VB : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (B));
- D : VUS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUC_LL_VUS_Operations.vmulxux (True,
- VA.Values,
- VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSS (To_Vector (D));
- end vmuleub;
- -------------
- -- vmuleuh --
- -------------
- function vmuleuh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (A));
- VB : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (B));
- D : VUI_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUS_LL_VUI_Operations.vmulxux (True,
- VA.Values,
- VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vmuleuh;
- -------------
- -- vmulesb --
- -------------
- function vmulesb (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VSC_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSC_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSC_LL_VSS_Operations.vmulxsx (True,
- VA.Values,
- VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vmulesb;
- -------------
- -- vmulesh --
- -------------
- function vmulesh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VSS_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSS_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSI_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSS_LL_VSI_Operations.vmulxsx (True,
- VA.Values,
- VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vmulesh;
- -------------
- -- vmuloub --
- -------------
- function vmuloub (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (A));
- VB : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (B));
- D : VUS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUC_LL_VUS_Operations.vmulxux (False,
- VA.Values,
- VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSS (To_Vector (D));
- end vmuloub;
- -------------
- -- vmulouh --
- -------------
- function vmulouh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (A));
- VB : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (B));
- D : VUI_View;
- begin
- D.Values :=
- LL_VUS_LL_VUI_Operations.vmulxux (False, VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vmulouh;
- -------------
- -- vmulosb --
- -------------
- function vmulosb (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VSC_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSC_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSC_LL_VSS_Operations.vmulxsx (False,
- VA.Values,
- VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vmulosb;
- -------------
- -- vmulosh --
- -------------
- function vmulosh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VSS_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSS_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSI_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSS_LL_VSI_Operations.vmulxsx (False,
- VA.Values,
- VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vmulosh;
- --------------
- -- vnmsubfp --
- --------------
- function vnmsubfp (A : LL_VF; B : LL_VF; C : LL_VF) return LL_VF is
- VA : constant VF_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VF_View := To_View (B);
- VC : constant VF_View := To_View (C);
- D : VF_View;
- begin
- for J in Vfloat_Range'Range loop
- D.Values (J) :=
- -Rnd_To_FP_Nearest (F64 (VA.Values (J))
- * F64 (VB.Values (J))
- - F64 (VC.Values (J)));
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vnmsubfp;
- ----------
- -- vnor --
- ----------
- function vnor (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- VB : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (B));
- D : VUI_View;
- begin
- for J in Vint_Range'Range loop
- D.Values (J) := not (VA.Values (J) or VB.Values (J));
- end loop;
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vnor;
- ----------
- -- vor --
- ----------
- function vor (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- VB : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (B));
- D : VUI_View;
- begin
- for J in Vint_Range'Range loop
- D.Values (J) := VA.Values (J) or VB.Values (J);
- end loop;
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vor;
- -------------
- -- vpkuhum --
- -------------
- function vpkuhum (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSC is
- VA : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (A));
- VB : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (B));
- D : VUC_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUC_LL_VUS_Operations.vpkuxum (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSC (To_Vector (D));
- end vpkuhum;
- -------------
- -- vpkuwum --
- -------------
- function vpkuwum (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- VB : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (B));
- D : VUS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUS_LL_VUI_Operations.vpkuxum (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSS (To_Vector (D));
- end vpkuwum;
- -----------
- -- vpkpx --
- -----------
- function vpkpx (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- VB : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (B));
- D : VUS_View;
- Offset : Vint_Range;
- P16 : Pixel_16;
- P32 : Pixel_32;
- begin
- for J in 0 .. 3 loop
- Offset := Vint_Range (J + Integer (Vshort_Range'First));
- P32 := To_Pixel (VA.Values (Offset));
- P16.T := Unsigned_1 (P32.T mod 2 ** 1);
- P16.R := Unsigned_5 (Shift_Right (P32.R, 3) mod 2 ** 5);
- P16.G := Unsigned_5 (Shift_Right (P32.G, 3) mod 2 ** 5);
- P16.B := Unsigned_5 (Shift_Right (P32.B, 3) mod 2 ** 5);
- D.Values (Vshort_Range (Offset)) := To_unsigned_short (P16);
- P32 := To_Pixel (VB.Values (Offset));
- P16.T := Unsigned_1 (P32.T mod 2 ** 1);
- P16.R := Unsigned_5 (Shift_Right (P32.R, 3) mod 2 ** 5);
- P16.G := Unsigned_5 (Shift_Right (P32.G, 3) mod 2 ** 5);
- P16.B := Unsigned_5 (Shift_Right (P32.B, 3) mod 2 ** 5);
- D.Values (Vshort_Range (Offset) + 4) := To_unsigned_short (P16);
- end loop;
- return To_LL_VSS (To_Vector (D));
- end vpkpx;
- -------------
- -- vpkuhus --
- -------------
- function vpkuhus (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSC is
- VA : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (A));
- VB : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (B));
- D : VUC_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUC_LL_VUS_Operations.vpkuxus (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSC (To_Vector (D));
- end vpkuhus;
- -------------
- -- vpkuwus --
- -------------
- function vpkuwus (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- VB : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (B));
- D : VUS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUS_LL_VUI_Operations.vpkuxus (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSS (To_Vector (D));
- end vpkuwus;
- -------------
- -- vpkshss --
- -------------
- function vpkshss (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSC is
- VA : constant VSS_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSS_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSC_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSC_LL_VSS_Operations.vpksxss (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vpkshss;
- -------------
- -- vpkswss --
- -------------
- function vpkswss (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VSI_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSI_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSS_LL_VSI_Operations.vpksxss (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vpkswss;
- -------------
- -- vpksxus --
- -------------
- generic
- type Signed_Component_Type is range <>;
- type Signed_Index_Type is range <>;
- type Signed_Varray_Type is
- array (Signed_Index_Type) of Signed_Component_Type;
- type Unsigned_Component_Type is mod <>;
- type Unsigned_Index_Type is range <>;
- type Unsigned_Varray_Type is
- array (Unsigned_Index_Type) of Unsigned_Component_Type;
- function vpksxus
- (A : Signed_Varray_Type;
- B : Signed_Varray_Type) return Unsigned_Varray_Type;
- function vpksxus
- (A : Signed_Varray_Type;
- B : Signed_Varray_Type) return Unsigned_Varray_Type
- is
- N : constant Unsigned_Index_Type :=
- Unsigned_Index_Type (Signed_Index_Type'Last);
- Offset : Unsigned_Index_Type;
- Signed_Offset : Signed_Index_Type;
- D : Unsigned_Varray_Type;
- function Saturate
- (X : Signed_Component_Type) return Unsigned_Component_Type;
- -- Saturation, as defined in
- -- [PIM-4.1 Vector Status and Control Register]
- --------------
- -- Saturate --
- --------------
- function Saturate
- (X : Signed_Component_Type) return Unsigned_Component_Type
- is
- D : Unsigned_Component_Type;
- begin
- D := Unsigned_Component_Type
- (Signed_Component_Type'Max
- (Signed_Component_Type (Unsigned_Component_Type'First),
- Signed_Component_Type'Min
- (Signed_Component_Type (Unsigned_Component_Type'Last),
- X)));
- if Signed_Component_Type (D) /= X then
- VSCR := Write_Bit (VSCR, SAT_POS, 1);
- end if;
- return D;
- end Saturate;
- -- Start of processing for vpksxus
- begin
- for J in 0 .. N - 1 loop
- Offset :=
- Unsigned_Index_Type (Integer (J)
- + Integer (Unsigned_Index_Type'First));
- Signed_Offset :=
- Signed_Index_Type (Integer (J)
- + Integer (Signed_Index_Type'First));
- D (Offset) := Saturate (A (Signed_Offset));
- D (Offset + N) := Saturate (B (Signed_Offset));
- end loop;
- return D;
- end vpksxus;
- -------------
- -- vpkshus --
- -------------
- function vpkshus (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSC is
- function vpkshus_Instance is
- new vpksxus (signed_short,
- Vshort_Range,
- Varray_signed_short,
- unsigned_char,
- Vchar_Range,
- Varray_unsigned_char);
- VA : constant VSS_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSS_View := To_View (B);
- D : VUC_View;
- begin
- D.Values := vpkshus_Instance (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSC (To_Vector (D));
- end vpkshus;
- -------------
- -- vpkswus --
- -------------
- function vpkswus (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSS is
- function vpkswus_Instance is
- new vpksxus (signed_int,
- Vint_Range,
- Varray_signed_int,
- unsigned_short,
- Vshort_Range,
- Varray_unsigned_short);
- VA : constant VSI_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSI_View := To_View (B);
- D : VUS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := vpkswus_Instance (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSS (To_Vector (D));
- end vpkswus;
- ---------------
- -- vperm_4si --
- ---------------
- function vperm_4si (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI; C : LL_VSC) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (A));
- VB : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (B));
- VC : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (C));
- J : Vchar_Range;
- D : VUC_View;
- begin
- for N in Vchar_Range'Range loop
- J := Vchar_Range (Integer (Bits (VC.Values (N), 4, 7))
- + Integer (Vchar_Range'First));
- if Bits (VC.Values (N), 3, 3) = 0 then
- D.Values (N) := VA.Values (J);
- else
- D.Values (N) := VB.Values (J);
- end if;
- end loop;
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vperm_4si;
- -----------
- -- vrefp --
- -----------
- function vrefp (A : LL_VF) return LL_VF is
- VA : constant VF_View := To_View (A);
- D : VF_View;
- begin
- for J in Vfloat_Range'Range loop
- D.Values (J) := FP_Recip_Est (VA.Values (J));
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vrefp;
- ----------
- -- vrlb --
- ----------
- function vrlb (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC is
- VA : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (A));
- VB : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (B));
- D : VUC_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUC_Operations.vrlx (VA.Values, VB.Values, ROTL'Access);
- return To_LL_VSC (To_Vector (D));
- end vrlb;
- ----------
- -- vrlh --
- ----------
- function vrlh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (A));
- VB : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (B));
- D : VUS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUS_Operations.vrlx (VA.Values, VB.Values, ROTL'Access);
- return To_LL_VSS (To_Vector (D));
- end vrlh;
- ----------
- -- vrlw --
- ----------
- function vrlw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- VB : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (B));
- D : VUI_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUI_Operations.vrlx (VA.Values, VB.Values, ROTL'Access);
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vrlw;
- -----------
- -- vrfin --
- -----------
- function vrfin (A : LL_VF) return LL_VF is
- VA : constant VF_View := To_View (A);
- D : VF_View;
- begin
- for J in Vfloat_Range'Range loop
- D.Values (J) := C_float (Rnd_To_FPI_Near (F64 (VA.Values (J))));
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vrfin;
- ---------------
- -- vrsqrtefp --
- ---------------
- function vrsqrtefp (A : LL_VF) return LL_VF is
- VA : constant VF_View := To_View (A);
- D : VF_View;
- begin
- for J in Vfloat_Range'Range loop
- D.Values (J) := Recip_SQRT_Est (VA.Values (J));
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vrsqrtefp;
- --------------
- -- vsel_4si --
- --------------
- function vsel_4si (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI; C : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- VB : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (B));
- VC : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (C));
- D : VUI_View;
- begin
- for J in Vint_Range'Range loop
- D.Values (J) := ((not VC.Values (J)) and VA.Values (J))
- or (VC.Values (J) and VB.Values (J));
- end loop;
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vsel_4si;
- ----------
- -- vslb --
- ----------
- function vslb (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC is
- VA : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (A));
- VB : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (B));
- D : VUC_View;
- begin
- D.Values :=
- LL_VUC_Operations.vsxx (VA.Values, VB.Values, Shift_Left'Access);
- return To_LL_VSC (To_Vector (D));
- end vslb;
- ----------
- -- vslh --
- ----------
- function vslh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (A));
- VB : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (B));
- D : VUS_View;
- begin
- D.Values :=
- LL_VUS_Operations.vsxx (VA.Values, VB.Values, Shift_Left'Access);
- return To_LL_VSS (To_Vector (D));
- end vslh;
- ----------
- -- vslw --
- ----------
- function vslw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- VB : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (B));
- D : VUI_View;
- begin
- D.Values :=
- LL_VUI_Operations.vsxx (VA.Values, VB.Values, Shift_Left'Access);
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vslw;
- ----------------
- -- vsldoi_4si --
- ----------------
- function vsldoi_4si (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI; C : c_int) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (A));
- VB : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (B));
- Offset : c_int;
- Bound : c_int;
- D : VUC_View;
- begin
- for J in Vchar_Range'Range loop
- Offset := c_int (J) + C;
- Bound := c_int (Vchar_Range'First)
- + c_int (Varray_unsigned_char'Length);
- if Offset < Bound then
- D.Values (J) := VA.Values (Vchar_Range (Offset));
- else
- D.Values (J) :=
- VB.Values (Vchar_Range (Offset - Bound
- + c_int (Vchar_Range'First)));
- end if;
- end loop;
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vsldoi_4si;
- ----------------
- -- vsldoi_8hi --
- ----------------
- function vsldoi_8hi (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS; C : c_int) return LL_VSS is
- begin
- return To_LL_VSS (vsldoi_4si (To_LL_VSI (A), To_LL_VSI (B), C));
- end vsldoi_8hi;
- -----------------
- -- vsldoi_16qi --
- -----------------
- function vsldoi_16qi (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC; C : c_int) return LL_VSC is
- begin
- return To_LL_VSC (vsldoi_4si (To_LL_VSI (A), To_LL_VSI (B), C));
- end vsldoi_16qi;
- ----------------
- -- vsldoi_4sf --
- ----------------
- function vsldoi_4sf (A : LL_VF; B : LL_VF; C : c_int) return LL_VF is
- begin
- return To_LL_VF (vsldoi_4si (To_LL_VSI (A), To_LL_VSI (B), C));
- end vsldoi_4sf;
- ---------
- -- vsl --
- ---------
- function vsl (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- VB : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (B));
- D : VUI_View;
- M : constant Natural :=
- Natural (Bits (VB.Values (Vint_Range'Last), 29, 31));
- -- [PIM-4.4 vec_sll] "Note that the three low-order byte elements in B
- -- must be the same. Otherwise the value placed into D is undefined."
- -- ??? Shall we add a optional check for B?
- begin
- for J in Vint_Range'Range loop
- D.Values (J) := 0;
- D.Values (J) := D.Values (J) + Shift_Left (VA.Values (J), M);
- if J /= Vint_Range'Last then
- D.Values (J) :=
- D.Values (J) + Shift_Right (VA.Values (J + 1),
- signed_int'Size - M);
- end if;
- end loop;
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vsl;
- ----------
- -- vslo --
- ----------
- function vslo (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (A));
- VB : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (B));
- D : VUC_View;
- M : constant Natural :=
- Natural (Bits (VB.Values (Vchar_Range'Last), 1, 4));
- J : Natural;
- begin
- for N in Vchar_Range'Range loop
- J := Natural (N) + M;
- if J <= Natural (Vchar_Range'Last) then
- D.Values (N) := VA.Values (Vchar_Range (J));
- else
- D.Values (N) := 0;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vslo;
- ------------
- -- vspltb --
- ------------
- function vspltb (A : LL_VSC; B : c_int) return LL_VSC is
- VA : constant VSC_View := To_View (A);
- D : VSC_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSC_Operations.vspltx (VA.Values, B);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vspltb;
- ------------
- -- vsplth --
- ------------
- function vsplth (A : LL_VSS; B : c_int) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VSS_View := To_View (A);
- D : VSS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSS_Operations.vspltx (VA.Values, B);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vsplth;
- ------------
- -- vspltw --
- ------------
- function vspltw (A : LL_VSI; B : c_int) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VSI_View := To_View (A);
- D : VSI_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSI_Operations.vspltx (VA.Values, B);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vspltw;
- --------------
- -- vspltisb --
- --------------
- function vspltisb (A : c_int) return LL_VSC is
- D : VSC_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSC_Operations.vspltisx (A);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vspltisb;
- --------------
- -- vspltish --
- --------------
- function vspltish (A : c_int) return LL_VSS is
- D : VSS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSS_Operations.vspltisx (A);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vspltish;
- --------------
- -- vspltisw --
- --------------
- function vspltisw (A : c_int) return LL_VSI is
- D : VSI_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSI_Operations.vspltisx (A);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vspltisw;
- ----------
- -- vsrb --
- ----------
- function vsrb (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC is
- VA : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (A));
- VB : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (B));
- D : VUC_View;
- begin
- D.Values :=
- LL_VUC_Operations.vsxx (VA.Values, VB.Values, Shift_Right'Access);
- return To_LL_VSC (To_Vector (D));
- end vsrb;
- ----------
- -- vsrh --
- ----------
- function vsrh (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (A));
- VB : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (B));
- D : VUS_View;
- begin
- D.Values :=
- LL_VUS_Operations.vsxx (VA.Values, VB.Values, Shift_Right'Access);
- return To_LL_VSS (To_Vector (D));
- end vsrh;
- ----------
- -- vsrw --
- ----------
- function vsrw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- VB : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (B));
- D : VUI_View;
- begin
- D.Values :=
- LL_VUI_Operations.vsxx (VA.Values, VB.Values, Shift_Right'Access);
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vsrw;
- -----------
- -- vsrab --
- -----------
- function vsrab (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC is
- VA : constant VSC_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSC_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSC_View;
- begin
- D.Values :=
- LL_VSC_Operations.vsrax (VA.Values, VB.Values, Shift_Right_A'Access);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vsrab;
- -----------
- -- vsrah --
- -----------
- function vsrah (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VSS_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSS_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSS_View;
- begin
- D.Values :=
- LL_VSS_Operations.vsrax (VA.Values, VB.Values, Shift_Right_A'Access);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vsrah;
- -----------
- -- vsraw --
- -----------
- function vsraw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VSI_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSI_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSI_View;
- begin
- D.Values :=
- LL_VSI_Operations.vsrax (VA.Values, VB.Values, Shift_Right_A'Access);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vsraw;
- ---------
- -- vsr --
- ---------
- function vsr (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- VB : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (B));
- M : constant Natural :=
- Natural (Bits (VB.Values (Vint_Range'Last), 29, 31));
- D : VUI_View;
- begin
- for J in Vint_Range'Range loop
- D.Values (J) := 0;
- D.Values (J) := D.Values (J) + Shift_Right (VA.Values (J), M);
- if J /= Vint_Range'First then
- D.Values (J) :=
- D.Values (J)
- + Shift_Left (VA.Values (J - 1), signed_int'Size - M);
- end if;
- end loop;
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vsr;
- ----------
- -- vsro --
- ----------
- function vsro (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (A));
- VB : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (B));
- M : constant Natural :=
- Natural (Bits (VB.Values (Vchar_Range'Last), 1, 4));
- J : Natural;
- D : VUC_View;
- begin
- for N in Vchar_Range'Range loop
- J := Natural (N) - M;
- if J >= Natural (Vchar_Range'First) then
- D.Values (N) := VA.Values (Vchar_Range (J));
- else
- D.Values (N) := 0;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vsro;
- ----------
- -- stvx --
- ----------
- procedure stvx (A : LL_VSI; B : c_int; C : c_ptr) is
- EA : Integer_Address;
- begin
- EA := Bound_Align (Integer_Address (B) + To_Integer (C), 16);
- declare
- D : LL_VSI;
- for D'Address use To_Address (EA);
- begin
- D := A;
- end;
- end stvx;
- ------------
- -- stvewx --
- ------------
- procedure stvebx (A : LL_VSC; B : c_int; C : c_ptr) is
- VA : constant VSC_View := To_View (A);
- begin
- LL_VSC_Operations.stvexx (VA.Values, B, C);
- end stvebx;
- ------------
- -- stvehx --
- ------------
- procedure stvehx (A : LL_VSS; B : c_int; C : c_ptr) is
- VA : constant VSS_View := To_View (A);
- begin
- LL_VSS_Operations.stvexx (VA.Values, B, C);
- end stvehx;
- ------------
- -- stvewx --
- ------------
- procedure stvewx (A : LL_VSI; B : c_int; C : c_ptr) is
- VA : constant VSI_View := To_View (A);
- begin
- LL_VSI_Operations.stvexx (VA.Values, B, C);
- end stvewx;
- -----------
- -- stvxl --
- -----------
- procedure stvxl (A : LL_VSI; B : c_int; C : c_ptr) renames stvx;
- -------------
- -- vsububm --
- -------------
- function vsububm (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC is
- VA : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (A));
- VB : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (B));
- D : VUC_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUC_Operations.vsubuxm (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSC (To_Vector (D));
- end vsububm;
- -------------
- -- vsubuhm --
- -------------
- function vsubuhm (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (A));
- VB : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (B));
- D : VUS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUS_Operations.vsubuxm (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSS (To_Vector (D));
- end vsubuhm;
- -------------
- -- vsubuwm --
- -------------
- function vsubuwm (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- VB : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (B));
- D : VUI_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUI_Operations.vsubuxm (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vsubuwm;
- ------------
- -- vsubfp --
- ------------
- function vsubfp (A : LL_VF; B : LL_VF) return LL_VF is
- VA : constant VF_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VF_View := To_View (B);
- D : VF_View;
- begin
- for J in Vfloat_Range'Range loop
- D.Values (J) :=
- NJ_Truncate (NJ_Truncate (VA.Values (J))
- - NJ_Truncate (VB.Values (J)));
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vsubfp;
- -------------
- -- vsubcuw --
- -------------
- function vsubcuw (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- Subst_Result : SI64;
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- VB : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (B));
- D : VUI_View;
- begin
- for J in Vint_Range'Range loop
- Subst_Result := SI64 (VA.Values (J)) - SI64 (VB.Values (J));
- if Subst_Result < SI64 (unsigned_int'First) then
- D.Values (J) := 0;
- else
- D.Values (J) := 1;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vsubcuw;
- -------------
- -- vsububs --
- -------------
- function vsububs (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC is
- VA : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (A));
- VB : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (B));
- D : VUC_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUC_Operations.vsubuxs (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSC (To_Vector (D));
- end vsububs;
- -------------
- -- vsubsbs --
- -------------
- function vsubsbs (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSC) return LL_VSC is
- VA : constant VSC_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSC_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSC_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSC_Operations.vsubsxs (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vsubsbs;
- -------------
- -- vsubuhs --
- -------------
- function vsubuhs (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (A));
- VB : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (B));
- D : VUS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUS_Operations.vsubuxs (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSS (To_Vector (D));
- end vsubuhs;
- -------------
- -- vsubshs --
- -------------
- function vsubshs (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSS) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VSS_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSS_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSS_Operations.vsubsxs (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vsubshs;
- -------------
- -- vsubuws --
- -------------
- function vsubuws (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- VB : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (B));
- D : VUI_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VUI_Operations.vsubuxs (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vsubuws;
- -------------
- -- vsubsws --
- -------------
- function vsubsws (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VSI_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSI_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSI_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSI_Operations.vsubsxs (VA.Values, VB.Values);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vsubsws;
- --------------
- -- vsum4ubs --
- --------------
- function vsum4ubs (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUC_View := To_View (To_LL_VUC (A));
- VB : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (B));
- Offset : Vchar_Range;
- D : VUI_View;
- begin
- for J in 0 .. 3 loop
- Offset := Vchar_Range (4 * J + Integer (Vchar_Range'First));
- D.Values (Vint_Range (J + Integer (Vint_Range'First))) :=
- LL_VUI_Operations.Saturate
- (UI64 (VA.Values (Offset))
- + UI64 (VA.Values (Offset + 1))
- + UI64 (VA.Values (Offset + 2))
- + UI64 (VA.Values (Offset + 3))
- + UI64 (VB.Values (Vint_Range (J + Integer (Vint_Range'First)))));
- end loop;
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vsum4ubs;
- --------------
- -- vsum4sbs --
- --------------
- function vsum4sbs (A : LL_VSC; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VSC_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSI_View := To_View (B);
- Offset : Vchar_Range;
- D : VSI_View;
- begin
- for J in 0 .. 3 loop
- Offset := Vchar_Range (4 * J + Integer (Vchar_Range'First));
- D.Values (Vint_Range (J + Integer (Vint_Range'First))) :=
- LL_VSI_Operations.Saturate
- (SI64 (VA.Values (Offset))
- + SI64 (VA.Values (Offset + 1))
- + SI64 (VA.Values (Offset + 2))
- + SI64 (VA.Values (Offset + 3))
- + SI64 (VB.Values (Vint_Range (J + Integer (Vint_Range'First)))));
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vsum4sbs;
- --------------
- -- vsum4shs --
- --------------
- function vsum4shs (A : LL_VSS; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VSS_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSI_View := To_View (B);
- Offset : Vshort_Range;
- D : VSI_View;
- begin
- for J in 0 .. 3 loop
- Offset := Vshort_Range (2 * J + Integer (Vchar_Range'First));
- D.Values (Vint_Range (J + Integer (Vint_Range'First))) :=
- LL_VSI_Operations.Saturate
- (SI64 (VA.Values (Offset))
- + SI64 (VA.Values (Offset + 1))
- + SI64 (VB.Values (Vint_Range (J + Integer (Vint_Range'First)))));
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vsum4shs;
- --------------
- -- vsum2sws --
- --------------
- function vsum2sws (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VSI_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSI_View := To_View (B);
- Offset : Vint_Range;
- D : VSI_View;
- begin
- for J in 0 .. 1 loop
- Offset := Vint_Range (2 * J + Integer (Vchar_Range'First));
- D.Values (Offset) := 0;
- D.Values (Offset + 1) :=
- LL_VSI_Operations.Saturate
- (SI64 (VA.Values (Offset))
- + SI64 (VA.Values (Offset + 1))
- + SI64 (VB.Values (Vint_Range (Offset + 1))));
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vsum2sws;
- -------------
- -- vsumsws --
- -------------
- function vsumsws (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VSI_View := To_View (A);
- VB : constant VSI_View := To_View (B);
- D : VSI_View;
- Sum_Buffer : SI64 := 0;
- begin
- for J in Vint_Range'Range loop
- D.Values (J) := 0;
- Sum_Buffer := Sum_Buffer + SI64 (VA.Values (J));
- end loop;
- Sum_Buffer := Sum_Buffer + SI64 (VB.Values (Vint_Range'Last));
- D.Values (Vint_Range'Last) := LL_VSI_Operations.Saturate (Sum_Buffer);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vsumsws;
- -----------
- -- vrfiz --
- -----------
- function vrfiz (A : LL_VF) return LL_VF is
- VA : constant VF_View := To_View (A);
- D : VF_View;
- begin
- for J in Vfloat_Range'Range loop
- D.Values (J) := C_float (Rnd_To_FPI_Trunc (F64 (VA.Values (J))));
- end loop;
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vrfiz;
- -------------
- -- vupkhsb --
- -------------
- function vupkhsb (A : LL_VSC) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VSC_View := To_View (A);
- D : VSS_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSC_LL_VSS_Operations.vupkxsx (VA.Values, 0);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vupkhsb;
- -------------
- -- vupkhsh --
- -------------
- function vupkhsh (A : LL_VSS) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VSS_View := To_View (A);
- D : VSI_View;
- begin
- D.Values := LL_VSS_LL_VSI_Operations.vupkxsx (VA.Values, 0);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vupkhsh;
- -------------
- -- vupkxpx --
- -------------
- function vupkxpx (A : LL_VSS; Offset : Natural) return LL_VSI;
- -- For vupkhpx and vupklpx (depending on Offset)
- function vupkxpx (A : LL_VSS; Offset : Natural) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUS_View := To_View (To_LL_VUS (A));
- K : Vshort_Range;
- D : VUI_View;
- P16 : Pixel_16;
- P32 : Pixel_32;
- function Sign_Extend (X : Unsigned_1) return unsigned_char;
- function Sign_Extend (X : Unsigned_1) return unsigned_char is
- begin
- if X = 1 then
- return 16#FF#;
- else
- return 16#00#;
- end if;
- end Sign_Extend;
- begin
- for J in Vint_Range'Range loop
- K := Vshort_Range (Integer (J)
- - Integer (Vint_Range'First)
- + Integer (Vshort_Range'First)
- + Offset);
- P16 := To_Pixel (VA.Values (K));
- P32.T := Sign_Extend (P16.T);
- P32.R := unsigned_char (P16.R);
- P32.G := unsigned_char (P16.G);
- P32.B := unsigned_char (P16.B);
- D.Values (J) := To_unsigned_int (P32);
- end loop;
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vupkxpx;
- -------------
- -- vupkhpx --
- -------------
- function vupkhpx (A : LL_VSS) return LL_VSI is
- begin
- return vupkxpx (A, 0);
- end vupkhpx;
- -------------
- -- vupklsb --
- -------------
- function vupklsb (A : LL_VSC) return LL_VSS is
- VA : constant VSC_View := To_View (A);
- D : VSS_View;
- begin
- D.Values :=
- LL_VSC_LL_VSS_Operations.vupkxsx (VA.Values,
- Varray_signed_short'Length);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vupklsb;
- -------------
- -- vupklsh --
- -------------
- function vupklsh (A : LL_VSS) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VSS_View := To_View (A);
- D : VSI_View;
- begin
- D.Values :=
- LL_VSS_LL_VSI_Operations.vupkxsx (VA.Values,
- Varray_signed_int'Length);
- return To_Vector (D);
- end vupklsh;
- -------------
- -- vupklpx --
- -------------
- function vupklpx (A : LL_VSS) return LL_VSI is
- begin
- return vupkxpx (A, Varray_signed_int'Length);
- end vupklpx;
- ----------
- -- vxor --
- ----------
- function vxor (A : LL_VSI; B : LL_VSI) return LL_VSI is
- VA : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (A));
- VB : constant VUI_View := To_View (To_LL_VUI (B));
- D : VUI_View;
- begin
- for J in Vint_Range'Range loop
- D.Values (J) := VA.Values (J) xor VB.Values (J);
- end loop;
- return To_LL_VSI (To_Vector (D));
- end vxor;
- ----------------
- -- vcmpequb_p --
- ----------------
- function vcmpequb_p (A : c_int; B : LL_VSC; C : LL_VSC) return c_int is
- D : LL_VSC;
- begin
- D := vcmpequb (B, C);
- return LL_VSC_Operations.Check_CR6 (A, To_View (D).Values);
- end vcmpequb_p;
- ----------------
- -- vcmpequh_p --
- ----------------
- function vcmpequh_p (A : c_int; B : LL_VSS; C : LL_VSS) return c_int is
- D : LL_VSS;
- begin
- D := vcmpequh (B, C);
- return LL_VSS_Operations.Check_CR6 (A, To_View (D).Values);
- end vcmpequh_p;
- ----------------
- -- vcmpequw_p --
- ----------------
- function vcmpequw_p (A : c_int; B : LL_VSI; C : LL_VSI) return c_int is
- D : LL_VSI;
- begin
- D := vcmpequw (B, C);
- return LL_VSI_Operations.Check_CR6 (A, To_View (D).Values);
- end vcmpequw_p;
- ----------------
- -- vcmpeqfp_p --
- ----------------
- function vcmpeqfp_p (A : c_int; B : LL_VF; C : LL_VF) return c_int is
- D : LL_VSI;
- begin
- D := vcmpeqfp (B, C);
- return LL_VSI_Operations.Check_CR6 (A, To_View (D).Values);
- end vcmpeqfp_p;
- ----------------
- -- vcmpgtub_p --
- ----------------
- function vcmpgtub_p (A : c_int; B : LL_VSC; C : LL_VSC) return c_int is
- D : LL_VSC;
- begin
- D := vcmpgtub (B, C);
- return LL_VSC_Operations.Check_CR6 (A, To_View (D).Values);
- end vcmpgtub_p;
- ----------------
- -- vcmpgtuh_p --
- ----------------
- function vcmpgtuh_p (A : c_int; B : LL_VSS; C : LL_VSS) return c_int is
- D : LL_VSS;
- begin
- D := vcmpgtuh (B, C);
- return LL_VSS_Operations.Check_CR6 (A, To_View (D).Values);
- end vcmpgtuh_p;
- ----------------
- -- vcmpgtuw_p --
- ----------------
- function vcmpgtuw_p (A : c_int; B : LL_VSI; C : LL_VSI) return c_int is
- D : LL_VSI;
- begin
- D := vcmpgtuw (B, C);
- return LL_VSI_Operations.Check_CR6 (A, To_View (D).Values);
- end vcmpgtuw_p;
- ----------------
- -- vcmpgtsb_p --
- ----------------
- function vcmpgtsb_p (A : c_int; B : LL_VSC; C : LL_VSC) return c_int is
- D : LL_VSC;
- begin
- D := vcmpgtsb (B, C);
- return LL_VSC_Operations.Check_CR6 (A, To_View (D).Values);
- end vcmpgtsb_p;
- ----------------
- -- vcmpgtsh_p --
- ----------------
- function vcmpgtsh_p (A : c_int; B : LL_VSS; C : LL_VSS) return c_int is
- D : LL_VSS;
- begin
- D := vcmpgtsh (B, C);
- return LL_VSS_Operations.Check_CR6 (A, To_View (D).Values);
- end vcmpgtsh_p;
- ----------------
- -- vcmpgtsw_p --
- ----------------
- function vcmpgtsw_p (A : c_int; B : LL_VSI; C : LL_VSI) return c_int is
- D : LL_VSI;
- begin
- D := vcmpgtsw (B, C);
- return LL_VSI_Operations.Check_CR6 (A, To_View (D).Values);
- end vcmpgtsw_p;
- ----------------
- -- vcmpgefp_p --
- ----------------
- function vcmpgefp_p (A : c_int; B : LL_VF; C : LL_VF) return c_int is
- D : LL_VSI;
- begin
- D := vcmpgefp (B, C);
- return LL_VSI_Operations.Check_CR6 (A, To_View (D).Values);
- end vcmpgefp_p;
- ----------------
- -- vcmpgtfp_p --
- ----------------
- function vcmpgtfp_p (A : c_int; B : LL_VF; C : LL_VF) return c_int is
- D : LL_VSI;
- begin
- D := vcmpgtfp (B, C);
- return LL_VSI_Operations.Check_CR6 (A, To_View (D).Values);
- end vcmpgtfp_p;
- ----------------
- -- vcmpbfp_p --
- ----------------
- function vcmpbfp_p (A : c_int; B : LL_VF; C : LL_VF) return c_int is
- D : VSI_View;
- begin
- D := To_View (vcmpbfp (B, C));
- for J in Vint_Range'Range loop
- -- vcmpbfp is not returning the usual bool vector; do the conversion
- if D.Values (J) = 0 then
- D.Values (J) := Signed_Bool_False;
- else
- D.Values (J) := Signed_Bool_True;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return LL_VSI_Operations.Check_CR6 (A, D.Values);
- end vcmpbfp_p;
-end GNAT.Altivec.Low_Level_Vectors;