path: root/binutils-2.25/gold/incremental.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'binutils-2.25/gold/incremental.h')
1 files changed, 2255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/binutils-2.25/gold/incremental.h b/binutils-2.25/gold/incremental.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..77803fc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/binutils-2.25/gold/incremental.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2255 @@
+// inremental.h -- incremental linking support for gold -*- C++ -*-
+// Copyright 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+// Written by Mikolaj Zalewski <>.
+// This file is part of gold.
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston,
+// MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include "elfcpp_file.h"
+#include "stringpool.h"
+#include "workqueue.h"
+#include "fileread.h"
+#include "output.h"
+#include "archive.h"
+namespace gold
+class Input_argument;
+class Incremental_inputs_checker;
+class Incremental_script_entry;
+class Incremental_object_entry;
+class Incremental_dynobj_entry;
+class Incremental_archive_entry;
+class Incremental_inputs;
+class Incremental_binary;
+class Incremental_library;
+class Object;
+// Incremental input type as stored in .gnu_incremental_inputs.
+enum Incremental_input_type
+// Incremental input file flags.
+// The input file type is stored in the lower eight bits.
+enum Incremental_input_flags
+// Symbol flags for the incremental symbol table.
+// These flags are stored in the top two bits of
+// the symbol index field.
+enum Incremental_shlib_symbol_flags
+ // Symbol is defined in this library.
+ // Symbol is defined in this library, with a COPY relocation.
+// Return TRUE if a section of type SH_TYPE can be updated in place
+// during an incremental update.
+can_incremental_update(unsigned int sh_type);
+// Create an Incremental_binary object for FILE. Returns NULL is this is not
+// possible, e.g. FILE is not an ELF file or has an unsupported target.
+open_incremental_binary(Output_file* file);
+// Base class for recording each input file.
+class Incremental_input_entry
+ public:
+ Incremental_input_entry(Stringpool::Key filename_key, unsigned int arg_serial,
+ Timespec mtime)
+ : filename_key_(filename_key), file_index_(0), offset_(0), info_offset_(0),
+ arg_serial_(arg_serial), mtime_(mtime), is_in_system_directory_(false),
+ as_needed_(false)
+ { }
+ virtual
+ ~Incremental_input_entry()
+ { }
+ // Return the type of input file.
+ Incremental_input_type
+ type() const
+ { return this->do_type(); }
+ // Set the index and section offset of this input file entry.
+ void
+ set_offset(unsigned int file_index, unsigned int offset)
+ {
+ this->file_index_ = file_index;
+ this->offset_ = offset;
+ }
+ // Set the section offset of the supplemental information for this entry.
+ void
+ set_info_offset(unsigned int info_offset)
+ { this->info_offset_ = info_offset; }
+ // Get the index of this input file entry.
+ unsigned int
+ get_file_index() const
+ { return this->file_index_; }
+ // Get the section offset of this input file entry.
+ unsigned int
+ get_offset() const
+ { return this->offset_; }
+ // Get the section offset of the supplemental information for this entry.
+ unsigned int
+ get_info_offset() const
+ { return this->info_offset_; }
+ // Get the stringpool key for the input filename.
+ Stringpool::Key
+ get_filename_key() const
+ { return this->filename_key_; }
+ // Get the serial number of the input file.
+ unsigned int
+ arg_serial() const
+ { return this->arg_serial_; }
+ // Get the modification time of the input file.
+ const Timespec&
+ get_mtime() const
+ { return this->mtime_; }
+ // Record that the file was found in a system directory.
+ void
+ set_is_in_system_directory()
+ { this->is_in_system_directory_ = true; }
+ // Return TRUE if the file was found in a system directory.
+ bool
+ is_in_system_directory() const
+ { return this->is_in_system_directory_; }
+ // Record that the file was linked with --as-needed.
+ void
+ set_as_needed()
+ { this->as_needed_ = true; }
+ // Return TRUE if the file was linked with --as-needed.
+ bool
+ as_needed() const
+ { return this->as_needed_; }
+ // Return a pointer to the derived Incremental_script_entry object.
+ // Return NULL for input entries that are not script files.
+ Incremental_script_entry*
+ script_entry()
+ { return this->do_script_entry(); }
+ // Return a pointer to the derived Incremental_object_entry object.
+ // Return NULL for input entries that are not object files.
+ Incremental_object_entry*
+ object_entry()
+ { return this->do_object_entry(); }
+ // Return a pointer to the derived Incremental_dynobj_entry object.
+ // Return NULL for input entries that are not shared object files.
+ Incremental_dynobj_entry*
+ dynobj_entry()
+ { return this->do_dynobj_entry(); }
+ // Return a pointer to the derived Incremental_archive_entry object.
+ // Return NULL for input entries that are not archive files.
+ Incremental_archive_entry*
+ archive_entry()
+ { return this->do_archive_entry(); }
+ protected:
+ // Return the type of input file.
+ virtual Incremental_input_type
+ do_type() const = 0;
+ // Return a pointer to the derived Incremental_script_entry object.
+ // Return NULL for input entries that are not script files.
+ virtual Incremental_script_entry*
+ do_script_entry()
+ { return NULL; }
+ // Return a pointer to the derived Incremental_object_entry object.
+ // Return NULL for input entries that are not object files.
+ virtual Incremental_object_entry*
+ do_object_entry()
+ { return NULL; }
+ // Return a pointer to the derived Incremental_dynobj_entry object.
+ // Return NULL for input entries that are not shared object files.
+ virtual Incremental_dynobj_entry*
+ do_dynobj_entry()
+ { return NULL; }
+ // Return a pointer to the derived Incremental_archive_entry object.
+ // Return NULL for input entries that are not archive files.
+ virtual Incremental_archive_entry*
+ do_archive_entry()
+ { return NULL; }
+ private:
+ // Key of the filename string in the section stringtable.
+ Stringpool::Key filename_key_;
+ // Index of the entry in the output section.
+ unsigned int file_index_;
+ // Offset of the entry in the output section.
+ unsigned int offset_;
+ // Offset of the extra information in the output section.
+ unsigned int info_offset_;
+ // Serial number of the file in the argument list.
+ unsigned int arg_serial_;
+ // Last modification time of the file.
+ Timespec mtime_;
+ // TRUE if the file was found in a system directory.
+ bool is_in_system_directory_;
+ // TRUE if the file was linked with --as-needed.
+ bool as_needed_;
+// Information about a script input that will persist during the whole linker
+// run. Needed only during an incremental build to retrieve the input files
+// added by this script.
+class Script_info
+ public:
+ Script_info(const std::string& filename)
+ : filename_(filename), input_file_index_(0),
+ incremental_script_entry_(NULL)
+ { }
+ Script_info(const std::string& filename, unsigned int input_file_index)
+ : filename_(filename), input_file_index_(input_file_index),
+ incremental_script_entry_(NULL)
+ { }
+ // Store a pointer to the incremental information for this script.
+ void
+ set_incremental_info(Incremental_script_entry* entry)
+ { this->incremental_script_entry_ = entry; }
+ // Return the filename.
+ const std::string&
+ filename() const
+ { return this->filename_; }
+ // Return the input file index.
+ unsigned int
+ input_file_index() const
+ { return this->input_file_index_; }
+ // Return the pointer to the incremental information for this script.
+ Incremental_script_entry*
+ incremental_info() const
+ { return this->incremental_script_entry_; }
+ private:
+ const std::string filename_;
+ unsigned int input_file_index_;
+ Incremental_script_entry* incremental_script_entry_;
+// Class for recording input scripts.
+class Incremental_script_entry : public Incremental_input_entry
+ public:
+ Incremental_script_entry(Stringpool::Key filename_key,
+ unsigned int arg_serial, Script_info* /*script*/,
+ Timespec mtime)
+ : Incremental_input_entry(filename_key, arg_serial, mtime),
+ objects_()
+ { }
+ // Add a member object to the archive.
+ void
+ add_object(Incremental_input_entry* obj_entry)
+ {
+ this->objects_.push_back(obj_entry);
+ }
+ // Return the number of objects included by this script.
+ unsigned int
+ get_object_count()
+ { return this->objects_.size(); }
+ // Return the Nth object.
+ Incremental_input_entry*
+ get_object(unsigned int n)
+ {
+ gold_assert(n < this->objects_.size());
+ return this->objects_[n];
+ }
+ protected:
+ virtual Incremental_input_type
+ do_type() const
+ // Return a pointer to the derived Incremental_script_entry object.
+ virtual Incremental_script_entry*
+ do_script_entry()
+ { return this; }
+ private:
+ // Objects that have been included by this script.
+ std::vector<Incremental_input_entry*> objects_;
+// Class for recording input object files.
+class Incremental_object_entry : public Incremental_input_entry
+ public:
+ Incremental_object_entry(Stringpool::Key filename_key, Object* obj,
+ unsigned int arg_serial, Timespec mtime)
+ : Incremental_input_entry(filename_key, arg_serial, mtime), obj_(obj),
+ is_member_(false), sections_(), groups_()
+ { this->sections_.reserve(obj->shnum()); }
+ // Get the object.
+ Object*
+ object() const
+ { return this->obj_; }
+ // Record that this object is an archive member.
+ void
+ set_is_member()
+ { this->is_member_ = true; }
+ // Return true if this object is an archive member.
+ bool
+ is_member() const
+ { return this->is_member_; }
+ // Add an input section.
+ void
+ add_input_section(unsigned int shndx, Stringpool::Key name_key, off_t sh_size)
+ { this->sections_.push_back(Input_section(shndx, name_key, sh_size)); }
+ // Return the number of input sections in this object.
+ unsigned int
+ get_input_section_count() const
+ { return this->sections_.size(); }
+ // Return the input section index for the Nth input section.
+ Stringpool::Key
+ get_input_section_index(unsigned int n) const
+ { return this->sections_[n].shndx_; }
+ // Return the stringpool key of the Nth input section.
+ Stringpool::Key
+ get_input_section_name_key(unsigned int n) const
+ { return this->sections_[n].name_key_; }
+ // Return the size of the Nth input section.
+ off_t
+ get_input_section_size(unsigned int n) const
+ { return this->sections_[n].sh_size_; }
+ // Add a kept COMDAT group.
+ void
+ add_comdat_group(Stringpool::Key signature_key)
+ { this->groups_.push_back(signature_key); }
+ // Return the number of COMDAT groups.
+ unsigned int
+ get_comdat_group_count() const
+ { return this->groups_.size(); }
+ // Return the stringpool key for the signature of the Nth comdat group.
+ Stringpool::Key
+ get_comdat_signature_key(unsigned int n) const
+ { return this->groups_[n]; }
+ protected:
+ virtual Incremental_input_type
+ do_type() const
+ {
+ return (this->is_member_
+ }
+ // Return a pointer to the derived Incremental_object_entry object.
+ virtual Incremental_object_entry*
+ do_object_entry()
+ { return this; }
+ private:
+ // The object file itself.
+ Object* obj_;
+ // Whether this object is an archive member.
+ bool is_member_;
+ // Input sections.
+ struct Input_section
+ {
+ Input_section(unsigned int shndx, Stringpool::Key name_key, off_t sh_size)
+ : shndx_(shndx), name_key_(name_key), sh_size_(sh_size)
+ { }
+ unsigned int shndx_;
+ Stringpool::Key name_key_;
+ off_t sh_size_;
+ };
+ std::vector<Input_section> sections_;
+ // COMDAT groups.
+ std::vector<Stringpool::Key> groups_;
+// Class for recording shared library input files.
+class Incremental_dynobj_entry : public Incremental_input_entry
+ public:
+ Incremental_dynobj_entry(Stringpool::Key filename_key,
+ Stringpool::Key soname_key, Object* obj,
+ unsigned int arg_serial, Timespec mtime)
+ : Incremental_input_entry(filename_key, arg_serial, mtime),
+ soname_key_(soname_key), obj_(obj)
+ { }
+ // Get the object.
+ Object*
+ object() const
+ { return this->obj_; }
+ // Get the stringpool key for the soname.
+ Stringpool::Key
+ get_soname_key() const
+ { return this->soname_key_; }
+ protected:
+ virtual Incremental_input_type
+ do_type() const
+ // Return a pointer to the derived Incremental_dynobj_entry object.
+ virtual Incremental_dynobj_entry*
+ do_dynobj_entry()
+ { return this; }
+ private:
+ // Key of the soname string in the section stringtable.
+ Stringpool::Key soname_key_;
+ // The object file itself.
+ Object* obj_;
+// Class for recording archive library input files.
+class Incremental_archive_entry : public Incremental_input_entry
+ public:
+ Incremental_archive_entry(Stringpool::Key filename_key,
+ unsigned int arg_serial, Timespec mtime)
+ : Incremental_input_entry(filename_key, arg_serial, mtime), members_(),
+ unused_syms_()
+ { }
+ // Add a member object to the archive.
+ void
+ add_object(Incremental_object_entry* obj_entry)
+ {
+ this->members_.push_back(obj_entry);
+ obj_entry->set_is_member();
+ }
+ // Add an unused global symbol to the archive.
+ void
+ add_unused_global_symbol(Stringpool::Key symbol_key)
+ { this->unused_syms_.push_back(symbol_key); }
+ // Return the number of member objects included in the link.
+ unsigned int
+ get_member_count()
+ { return this->members_.size(); }
+ // Return the Nth member object.
+ Incremental_object_entry*
+ get_member(unsigned int n)
+ { return this->members_[n]; }
+ // Return the number of unused global symbols in this archive.
+ unsigned int
+ get_unused_global_symbol_count()
+ { return this->unused_syms_.size(); }
+ // Return the Nth unused global symbol.
+ Stringpool::Key
+ get_unused_global_symbol(unsigned int n)
+ { return this->unused_syms_[n]; }
+ protected:
+ virtual Incremental_input_type
+ do_type() const
+ // Return a pointer to the derived Incremental_archive_entry object.
+ virtual Incremental_archive_entry*
+ do_archive_entry()
+ { return this; }
+ private:
+ // Members of the archive that have been included in the link.
+ std::vector<Incremental_object_entry*> members_;
+ // Unused global symbols from this archive.
+ std::vector<Stringpool::Key> unused_syms_;
+// This class contains the information needed during an incremental
+// build about the inputs necessary to build the .gnu_incremental_inputs.
+class Incremental_inputs
+ public:
+ typedef std::vector<Incremental_input_entry*> Input_list;
+ Incremental_inputs()
+ : inputs_(), command_line_(), command_line_key_(0),
+ strtab_(new Stringpool()), current_object_(NULL),
+ current_object_entry_(NULL), inputs_section_(NULL),
+ symtab_section_(NULL), relocs_section_(NULL),
+ reloc_count_(0)
+ { }
+ ~Incremental_inputs() { delete this->strtab_; }
+ // Record the command line.
+ void
+ report_command_line(int argc, const char* const* argv);
+ // Record the initial info for archive file ARCHIVE.
+ void
+ report_archive_begin(Library_base* arch, unsigned int arg_serial,
+ Script_info* script_info);
+ // Record the final info for archive file ARCHIVE.
+ void
+ report_archive_end(Library_base* arch);
+ // Record the info for object file OBJ. If ARCH is not NULL,
+ // attach the object file to the archive.
+ void
+ report_object(Object* obj, unsigned int arg_serial, Library_base* arch,
+ Script_info* script_info);
+ // Record an input section belonging to object file OBJ.
+ void
+ report_input_section(Object* obj, unsigned int shndx, const char* name,
+ off_t sh_size);
+ // Record a kept COMDAT group belonging to object file OBJ.
+ void
+ report_comdat_group(Object* obj, const char* name);
+ // Record the info for input script SCRIPT.
+ void
+ report_script(Script_info* script, unsigned int arg_serial,
+ Timespec mtime);
+ // Return the running count of incremental relocations.
+ unsigned int
+ get_reloc_count() const
+ { return this->reloc_count_; }
+ // Update the running count of incremental relocations.
+ void
+ set_reloc_count(unsigned int count)
+ { this->reloc_count_ = count; }
+ // Prepare for layout. Called from Layout::finalize.
+ void
+ finalize();
+ // Create the .gnu_incremental_inputs and related sections.
+ void
+ create_data_sections(Symbol_table* symtab);
+ // Return the .gnu_incremental_inputs section.
+ Output_section_data*
+ inputs_section() const
+ { return this->inputs_section_; }
+ // Return the .gnu_incremental_symtab section.
+ Output_data_space*
+ symtab_section() const
+ { return this->symtab_section_; }
+ // Return the .gnu_incremental_relocs section.
+ Output_data_space*
+ relocs_section() const
+ { return this->relocs_section_; }
+ // Return the .gnu_incremental_got_plt section.
+ Output_data_space*
+ got_plt_section() const
+ { return this->got_plt_section_; }
+ // Return the .gnu_incremental_strtab stringpool.
+ Stringpool*
+ get_stringpool() const
+ { return this->strtab_; }
+ // Return the canonical form of the command line, as will be stored in
+ // .gnu_incremental_strtab.
+ const std::string&
+ command_line() const
+ { return this->command_line_; }
+ // Return the stringpool key of the command line.
+ Stringpool::Key
+ command_line_key() const
+ { return this->command_line_key_; }
+ // Return the number of input files.
+ int
+ input_file_count() const
+ { return this->inputs_.size(); }
+ // Return the input files.
+ const Input_list&
+ input_files() const
+ { return this->inputs_; }
+ // Return the sh_entsize value for the .gnu_incremental_relocs section.
+ unsigned int
+ relocs_entsize() const;
+ private:
+ // The list of input files.
+ Input_list inputs_;
+ // Canonical form of the command line, as will be stored in
+ // .gnu_incremental_strtab.
+ std::string command_line_;
+ // The key of the command line string in the string pool.
+ Stringpool::Key command_line_key_;
+ // The .gnu_incremental_strtab string pool associated with the
+ // .gnu_incremental_inputs.
+ Stringpool* strtab_;
+ // Keep track of the object currently being processed.
+ Object* current_object_;
+ Incremental_object_entry* current_object_entry_;
+ // The .gnu_incremental_inputs section.
+ Output_section_data* inputs_section_;
+ // The .gnu_incremental_symtab section.
+ Output_data_space* symtab_section_;
+ // The .gnu_incremental_relocs section.
+ Output_data_space* relocs_section_;
+ // The .gnu_incremental_got_plt section.
+ Output_data_space* got_plt_section_;
+ // Total count of incremental relocations. Updated during Scan_relocs
+ // phase at the completion of each object file.
+ unsigned int reloc_count_;
+// Reader class for global symbol info from an object file entry in
+// the .gnu_incremental_inputs section.
+template<bool big_endian>
+class Incremental_global_symbol_reader
+ private:
+ typedef elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian> Swap32;
+ public:
+ Incremental_global_symbol_reader(const unsigned char* p)
+ : p_(p)
+ { }
+ unsigned int
+ output_symndx() const
+ { return Swap32::readval(this->p_); }
+ unsigned int
+ shndx() const
+ { return Swap32::readval(this->p_ + 4); }
+ unsigned int
+ next_offset() const
+ { return Swap32::readval(this->p_ + 8); }
+ unsigned int
+ reloc_count() const
+ { return Swap32::readval(this->p_ + 12); }
+ unsigned int
+ reloc_offset() const
+ { return Swap32::readval(this->p_ + 16); }
+ private:
+ // Base address of the symbol entry.
+ const unsigned char* p_;
+// Reader class for .gnu_incremental_inputs section.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+class Incremental_inputs_reader
+ private:
+ typedef elfcpp::Swap<size, big_endian> Swap;
+ typedef elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian> Swap16;
+ typedef elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian> Swap32;
+ typedef elfcpp::Swap<64, big_endian> Swap64;
+ public:
+ // Size of the .gnu_incremental_inputs header.
+ // (3 x 4-byte fields, plus 4 bytes padding.)
+ static const unsigned int header_size = 16;
+ // Size of an input file entry.
+ // (2 x 4-byte fields, 1 x 12-byte field, 2 x 2-byte fields.)
+ static const unsigned int input_entry_size = 24;
+ // Size of the first part of the supplemental info block for
+ // relocatable objects and archive members.
+ // (7 x 4-byte fields, plus 4 bytes padding.)
+ static const unsigned int object_info_size = 32;
+ // Size of an input section entry.
+ // (2 x 4-byte fields, 2 x address-sized fields.)
+ static const unsigned int input_section_entry_size = 8 + 2 * size / 8;
+ // Size of a global symbol entry in the supplemental info block.
+ // (5 x 4-byte fields.)
+ static const unsigned int global_sym_entry_size = 20;
+ Incremental_inputs_reader()
+ : p_(NULL), strtab_(NULL, 0), input_file_count_(0)
+ { }
+ Incremental_inputs_reader(const unsigned char* p,
+ const elfcpp::Elf_strtab& strtab)
+ : p_(p), strtab_(strtab)
+ { this->input_file_count_ = Swap32::readval(this->p_ + 4); }
+ // Return the version number.
+ unsigned int
+ version() const
+ { return Swap32::readval(this->p_); }
+ // Return the count of input file entries.
+ unsigned int
+ input_file_count() const
+ { return this->input_file_count_; }
+ // Return the command line.
+ const char*
+ command_line() const
+ {
+ unsigned int offset = Swap32::readval(this->p_ + 8);
+ return this->get_string(offset);
+ }
+ // Reader class for an input file entry and its supplemental info.
+ class Incremental_input_entry_reader
+ {
+ private:
+ static const unsigned int object_info_size =
+ Incremental_inputs_reader<size, big_endian>::object_info_size;
+ static const unsigned int input_section_entry_size =
+ Incremental_inputs_reader<size, big_endian>::input_section_entry_size;
+ static const unsigned int global_sym_entry_size =
+ Incremental_inputs_reader<size, big_endian>::global_sym_entry_size;
+ public:
+ Incremental_input_entry_reader(const Incremental_inputs_reader* inputs,
+ unsigned int offset)
+ : inputs_(inputs), offset_(offset)
+ {
+ this->info_offset_ = Swap32::readval(inputs->p_ + offset + 4);
+ this->flags_ = Swap16::readval(this->inputs_->p_ + offset + 20);
+ }
+ // Return the filename.
+ const char*
+ filename() const
+ {
+ unsigned int offset = Swap32::readval(this->inputs_->p_ + this->offset_);
+ return this->inputs_->get_string(offset);
+ }
+ // Return the argument serial number.
+ unsigned int
+ arg_serial() const
+ {
+ return Swap16::readval(this->inputs_->p_ + this->offset_ + 22);
+ }
+ // Return the timestamp.
+ Timespec
+ get_mtime() const
+ {
+ Timespec t;
+ const unsigned char* p = this->inputs_->p_ + this->offset_ + 8;
+ t.seconds = Swap64::readval(p);
+ t.nanoseconds = Swap32::readval(p+8);
+ return t;
+ }
+ // Return the type of input file.
+ Incremental_input_type
+ type() const
+ { return static_cast<Incremental_input_type>(this->flags_ & 0xff); }
+ // Return TRUE if the file was found in a system directory.
+ bool
+ is_in_system_directory() const
+ { return (this->flags_ & INCREMENTAL_INPUT_IN_SYSTEM_DIR) != 0; }
+ // Return TRUE if the file was linked with --as-needed.
+ bool
+ as_needed() const
+ { return (this->flags_ & INCREMENTAL_INPUT_AS_NEEDED) != 0; }
+ // Return the input section count -- for objects only.
+ unsigned int
+ get_input_section_count() const
+ {
+ gold_assert(this->type() == INCREMENTAL_INPUT_OBJECT
+ return Swap32::readval(this->inputs_->p_ + this->info_offset_);
+ }
+ // Return the soname -- for shared libraries only.
+ const char*
+ get_soname() const
+ {
+ gold_assert(this->type() == INCREMENTAL_INPUT_SHARED_LIBRARY);
+ unsigned int offset = Swap32::readval(this->inputs_->p_
+ + this->info_offset_);
+ return this->inputs_->get_string(offset);
+ }
+ // Return the offset of the supplemental info for symbol SYMNDX --
+ // for objects only.
+ unsigned int
+ get_symbol_offset(unsigned int symndx) const
+ {
+ gold_assert(this->type() == INCREMENTAL_INPUT_OBJECT
+ unsigned int section_count = this->get_input_section_count();
+ return (this->info_offset_
+ + this->object_info_size
+ + section_count * this->input_section_entry_size
+ + symndx * this->global_sym_entry_size);
+ }
+ // Return the global symbol count -- for objects & shared libraries only.
+ unsigned int
+ get_global_symbol_count() const
+ {
+ gold_assert(this->type() == INCREMENTAL_INPUT_OBJECT
+ return Swap32::readval(this->inputs_->p_ + this->info_offset_ + 4);
+ }
+ // Return the offset of the first local symbol -- for objects only.
+ unsigned int
+ get_local_symbol_offset() const
+ {
+ gold_assert(this->type() == INCREMENTAL_INPUT_OBJECT
+ return Swap32::readval(this->inputs_->p_ + this->info_offset_ + 8);
+ }
+ // Return the local symbol count -- for objects only.
+ unsigned int
+ get_local_symbol_count() const
+ {
+ gold_assert(this->type() == INCREMENTAL_INPUT_OBJECT
+ return Swap32::readval(this->inputs_->p_ + this->info_offset_ + 12);
+ }
+ // Return the index of the first dynamic relocation -- for objects only.
+ unsigned int
+ get_first_dyn_reloc() const
+ {
+ gold_assert(this->type() == INCREMENTAL_INPUT_OBJECT
+ return Swap32::readval(this->inputs_->p_ + this->info_offset_ + 16);
+ }
+ // Return the dynamic relocation count -- for objects only.
+ unsigned int
+ get_dyn_reloc_count() const
+ {
+ gold_assert(this->type() == INCREMENTAL_INPUT_OBJECT
+ return Swap32::readval(this->inputs_->p_ + this->info_offset_ + 20);
+ }
+ // Return the COMDAT group count -- for objects only.
+ unsigned int
+ get_comdat_group_count() const
+ {
+ gold_assert(this->type() == INCREMENTAL_INPUT_OBJECT
+ return Swap32::readval(this->inputs_->p_ + this->info_offset_ + 24);
+ }
+ // Return the object count -- for scripts only.
+ unsigned int
+ get_object_count() const
+ {
+ gold_assert(this->type() == INCREMENTAL_INPUT_SCRIPT);
+ return Swap32::readval(this->inputs_->p_ + this->info_offset_);
+ }
+ // Return the input file offset for object N -- for scripts only.
+ unsigned int
+ get_object_offset(unsigned int n) const
+ {
+ gold_assert(this->type() == INCREMENTAL_INPUT_SCRIPT);
+ return Swap32::readval(this->inputs_->p_ + this->info_offset_
+ + 4 + n * 4);
+ }
+ // Return the member count -- for archives only.
+ unsigned int
+ get_member_count() const
+ {
+ gold_assert(this->type() == INCREMENTAL_INPUT_ARCHIVE);
+ return Swap32::readval(this->inputs_->p_ + this->info_offset_);
+ }
+ // Return the unused symbol count -- for archives only.
+ unsigned int
+ get_unused_symbol_count() const
+ {
+ gold_assert(this->type() == INCREMENTAL_INPUT_ARCHIVE);
+ return Swap32::readval(this->inputs_->p_ + this->info_offset_ + 4);
+ }
+ // Return the input file offset for archive member N -- for archives only.
+ unsigned int
+ get_member_offset(unsigned int n) const
+ {
+ gold_assert(this->type() == INCREMENTAL_INPUT_ARCHIVE);
+ return Swap32::readval(this->inputs_->p_ + this->info_offset_
+ + 8 + n * 4);
+ }
+ // Return the Nth unused global symbol -- for archives only.
+ const char*
+ get_unused_symbol(unsigned int n) const
+ {
+ gold_assert(this->type() == INCREMENTAL_INPUT_ARCHIVE);
+ unsigned int member_count = this->get_member_count();
+ unsigned int offset = Swap32::readval(this->inputs_->p_
+ + this->info_offset_ + 8
+ + member_count * 4
+ + n * 4);
+ return this->inputs_->get_string(offset);
+ }
+ // Information about an input section.
+ struct Input_section_info
+ {
+ const char* name;
+ unsigned int output_shndx;
+ off_t sh_offset;
+ off_t sh_size;
+ };
+ // Return info about the Nth input section -- for objects only.
+ Input_section_info
+ get_input_section(unsigned int n) const
+ {
+ Input_section_info info;
+ const unsigned char* p = (this->inputs_->p_
+ + this->info_offset_
+ + this->object_info_size
+ + n * this->input_section_entry_size);
+ unsigned int name_offset = Swap32::readval(p);
+ = this->inputs_->get_string(name_offset);
+ info.output_shndx = Swap32::readval(p + 4);
+ info.sh_offset = Swap::readval(p + 8);
+ info.sh_size = Swap::readval(p + 8 + size / 8);
+ return info;
+ }
+ // Return info about the Nth global symbol -- for objects only.
+ Incremental_global_symbol_reader<big_endian>
+ get_global_symbol_reader(unsigned int n) const
+ {
+ gold_assert(this->type() == INCREMENTAL_INPUT_OBJECT
+ unsigned int section_count = this->get_input_section_count();
+ const unsigned char* p = (this->inputs_->p_
+ + this->info_offset_
+ + this->object_info_size
+ + section_count * this->input_section_entry_size
+ + n * this->global_sym_entry_size);
+ return Incremental_global_symbol_reader<big_endian>(p);
+ }
+ // Return the signature of the Nth comdat group -- for objects only.
+ const char*
+ get_comdat_group_signature(unsigned int n) const
+ {
+ unsigned int section_count = this->get_input_section_count();
+ unsigned int symbol_count = this->get_global_symbol_count();
+ const unsigned char* p = (this->inputs_->p_
+ + this->info_offset_
+ + this->object_info_size
+ + section_count * this->input_section_entry_size
+ + symbol_count * this->global_sym_entry_size
+ + n * 4);
+ unsigned int name_offset = Swap32::readval(p);
+ return this->inputs_->get_string(name_offset);
+ }
+ // Return the output symbol index for the Nth global symbol -- for shared
+ // libraries only. Sets *IS_DEF to TRUE if the symbol is defined in this
+ // input file. Sets *IS_COPY to TRUE if the symbol was copied from this
+ // input file with a COPY relocation.
+ unsigned int
+ get_output_symbol_index(unsigned int n, bool* is_def, bool* is_copy)
+ {
+ gold_assert(this->type() == INCREMENTAL_INPUT_SHARED_LIBRARY);
+ const unsigned char* p = (this->inputs_->p_
+ + this->info_offset_ + 8
+ + n * 4);
+ unsigned int output_symndx = Swap32::readval(p);
+ unsigned int flags = output_symndx >> INCREMENTAL_SHLIB_SYM_FLAGS_SHIFT;
+ output_symndx &= ((1U << INCREMENTAL_SHLIB_SYM_FLAGS_SHIFT) - 1);
+ switch (flags)
+ {
+ *is_def = true;
+ *is_copy = false;
+ break;
+ *is_def = true;
+ *is_copy = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ *is_def = false;
+ *is_copy = false;
+ }
+ return output_symndx;
+ }
+ private:
+ // The reader instance for the containing section.
+ const Incremental_inputs_reader* inputs_;
+ // The flags, including the type of input file.
+ unsigned int flags_;
+ // Section offset to the input file entry.
+ unsigned int offset_;
+ // Section offset to the supplemental info for the input file.
+ unsigned int info_offset_;
+ };
+ // Return the offset of an input file entry given its index N.
+ unsigned int
+ input_file_offset(unsigned int n) const
+ {
+ gold_assert(n < this->input_file_count_);
+ return this->header_size + n * this->input_entry_size;
+ }
+ // Return the index of an input file entry given its OFFSET.
+ unsigned int
+ input_file_index(unsigned int offset) const
+ {
+ int n = ((offset - this->header_size) / this->input_entry_size);
+ gold_assert(input_file_offset(n) == offset);
+ return n;
+ }
+ // Return a reader for the Nth input file entry.
+ Incremental_input_entry_reader
+ input_file(unsigned int n) const
+ { return Incremental_input_entry_reader(this, this->input_file_offset(n)); }
+ // Return a reader for the input file entry at OFFSET.
+ Incremental_input_entry_reader
+ input_file_at_offset(unsigned int offset) const
+ {
+ gold_assert(offset < (this->header_size
+ + this->input_file_count_ * this->input_entry_size));
+ return Incremental_input_entry_reader(this, offset);
+ }
+ // Return a reader for the global symbol info at OFFSET.
+ Incremental_global_symbol_reader<big_endian>
+ global_symbol_reader_at_offset(unsigned int offset) const
+ {
+ const unsigned char* p = this->p_ + offset;
+ return Incremental_global_symbol_reader<big_endian>(p);
+ }
+ private:
+ // Lookup a string in the ELF string table.
+ const char* get_string(unsigned int offset) const
+ {
+ const char* s;
+ if (this->strtab_.get_c_string(offset, &s))
+ return s;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Base address of the .gnu_incremental_inputs section.
+ const unsigned char* p_;
+ // The associated ELF string table.
+ elfcpp::Elf_strtab strtab_;
+ // The number of input file entries in this section.
+ unsigned int input_file_count_;
+// Reader class for the .gnu_incremental_symtab section.
+template<bool big_endian>
+class Incremental_symtab_reader
+ public:
+ Incremental_symtab_reader()
+ : p_(NULL), len_(0)
+ { }
+ Incremental_symtab_reader(const unsigned char* p, off_t len)
+ : p_(p), len_(len)
+ { }
+ // Return the count of symbols in this section.
+ unsigned int
+ symbol_count() const
+ { return static_cast<unsigned int>(this->len_ / 4); }
+ // Return the list head for symbol table entry N.
+ unsigned int
+ get_list_head(unsigned int n) const
+ { return elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::readval(this->p_ + 4 * n); }
+ private:
+ // Base address of the .gnu_incremental_relocs section.
+ const unsigned char* p_;
+ // Size of the section.
+ off_t len_;
+// Reader class for the .gnu_incremental_relocs section.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+class Incremental_relocs_reader
+ private:
+ // Size of each field.
+ static const unsigned int field_size = size / 8;
+ public:
+ typedef typename elfcpp::Elf_types<size>::Elf_Addr Address;
+ typedef typename elfcpp::Elf_types<size>::Elf_Swxword Addend;
+ // Size of each entry.
+ static const unsigned int reloc_size = 8 + 2 * field_size;
+ Incremental_relocs_reader()
+ : p_(NULL), len_(0)
+ { }
+ Incremental_relocs_reader(const unsigned char* p, off_t len)
+ : p_(p), len_(len)
+ { }
+ // Return the count of relocations in this section.
+ unsigned int
+ reloc_count() const
+ { return static_cast<unsigned int>(this->len_ / reloc_size); }
+ // Return the relocation type for relocation entry at offset OFF.
+ unsigned int
+ get_r_type(unsigned int off) const
+ { return elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::readval(this->p_ + off); }
+ // Return the output section index for relocation entry at offset OFF.
+ unsigned int
+ get_r_shndx(unsigned int off) const
+ { return elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::readval(this->p_ + off + 4); }
+ // Return the output section offset for relocation entry at offset OFF.
+ Address
+ get_r_offset(unsigned int off) const
+ { return elfcpp::Swap<size, big_endian>::readval(this->p_ + off + 8); }
+ // Return the addend for relocation entry at offset OFF.
+ Addend
+ get_r_addend(unsigned int off) const
+ {
+ return elfcpp::Swap<size, big_endian>::readval(this->p_ + off + 8
+ + this->field_size);
+ }
+ // Return a pointer to the relocation entry at offset OFF.
+ const unsigned char*
+ data(unsigned int off) const
+ { return this->p_ + off; }
+ private:
+ // Base address of the .gnu_incremental_relocs section.
+ const unsigned char* p_;
+ // Size of the section.
+ off_t len_;
+// Reader class for the .gnu_incremental_got_plt section.
+template<bool big_endian>
+class Incremental_got_plt_reader
+ public:
+ Incremental_got_plt_reader()
+ : p_(NULL), got_count_(0), got_desc_p_(NULL), plt_desc_p_(NULL)
+ { }
+ Incremental_got_plt_reader(const unsigned char* p) : p_(p)
+ {
+ this->got_count_ = elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::readval(p);
+ this->got_desc_p_ = p + 8 + ((this->got_count_ + 3) & ~3);
+ this->plt_desc_p_ = this->got_desc_p_ + this->got_count_ * 8;
+ }
+ // Return the GOT entry count.
+ unsigned int
+ get_got_entry_count() const
+ {
+ return this->got_count_;
+ }
+ // Return the PLT entry count.
+ unsigned int
+ get_plt_entry_count() const
+ {
+ return elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::readval(this->p_ + 4);
+ }
+ // Return the GOT type for GOT entry N.
+ unsigned int
+ get_got_type(unsigned int n)
+ {
+ return this->p_[8 + n];
+ }
+ // Return the symbol index for GOT entry N.
+ unsigned int
+ get_got_symndx(unsigned int n)
+ {
+ return elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::readval(this->got_desc_p_ + n * 8);
+ }
+ // Return the input file index for GOT entry N.
+ unsigned int
+ get_got_input_index(unsigned int n)
+ {
+ return elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::readval(this->got_desc_p_ + n * 8 + 4);
+ }
+ // Return the PLT descriptor for PLT entry N.
+ unsigned int
+ get_plt_desc(unsigned int n)
+ {
+ return elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::readval(this->plt_desc_p_ + n * 4);
+ }
+ private:
+ // Base address of the .gnu_incremental_got_plt section.
+ const unsigned char* p_;
+ // GOT entry count.
+ unsigned int got_count_;
+ // Base address of the GOT descriptor array.
+ const unsigned char* got_desc_p_;
+ // Base address of the PLT descriptor array.
+ const unsigned char* plt_desc_p_;
+// An object representing the ELF file we edit during an incremental build.
+// Similar to Object or Dynobj, but operates on Output_file and contains
+// methods to support incremental updating. This is the abstract parent class
+// implemented in Sized_incremental_binary<size, big_endian> for a specific
+// endianness and size.
+class Incremental_binary
+ public:
+ Incremental_binary(Output_file* output, Target* /*target*/)
+ : input_args_map_(), library_map_(), script_map_(),
+ output_(output)
+ { }
+ virtual
+ ~Incremental_binary()
+ { }
+ // Check the .gnu_incremental_inputs section to see whether an incremental
+ // build is possible.
+ bool
+ check_inputs(const Command_line& cmdline,
+ Incremental_inputs* incremental_inputs)
+ { return this->do_check_inputs(cmdline, incremental_inputs); }
+ // Report an error.
+ void
+ error(const char* format, ...) const ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF_2;
+ // Proxy class for a sized Incremental_input_entry_reader.
+ class Input_reader
+ {
+ public:
+ Input_reader()
+ { }
+ virtual
+ ~Input_reader()
+ { }
+ const char*
+ filename() const
+ { return this->do_filename(); }
+ Timespec
+ get_mtime() const
+ { return this->do_get_mtime(); }
+ Incremental_input_type
+ type() const
+ { return this->do_type(); }
+ unsigned int
+ arg_serial() const
+ { return this->do_arg_serial(); }
+ unsigned int
+ get_unused_symbol_count() const
+ { return this->do_get_unused_symbol_count(); }
+ const char*
+ get_unused_symbol(unsigned int n) const
+ { return this->do_get_unused_symbol(n); }
+ protected:
+ virtual const char*
+ do_filename() const = 0;
+ virtual Timespec
+ do_get_mtime() const = 0;
+ virtual Incremental_input_type
+ do_type() const = 0;
+ virtual unsigned int
+ do_arg_serial() const = 0;
+ virtual unsigned int
+ do_get_unused_symbol_count() const = 0;
+ virtual const char*
+ do_get_unused_symbol(unsigned int n) const = 0;
+ };
+ // Return the number of input files.
+ unsigned int
+ input_file_count() const
+ { return this->do_input_file_count(); }
+ // Return an Input_reader for input file N.
+ const Input_reader*
+ get_input_reader(unsigned int n) const
+ { return this->do_get_input_reader(n); }
+ // Return TRUE if the input file N has changed since the last link.
+ bool
+ file_has_changed(unsigned int n) const
+ { return this->do_file_has_changed(n); }
+ // Return the Input_argument for input file N. Returns NULL if
+ // the Input_argument is not available.
+ const Input_argument*
+ get_input_argument(unsigned int n) const
+ {
+ const Input_reader* input_file = this->do_get_input_reader(n);
+ unsigned int arg_serial = input_file->arg_serial();
+ if (arg_serial == 0 || arg_serial > this->input_args_map_.size())
+ return NULL;
+ return this->input_args_map_[arg_serial - 1];
+ }
+ // Return an Incremental_library for the given input file.
+ Incremental_library*
+ get_library(unsigned int n) const
+ { return this->library_map_[n]; }
+ // Return a Script_info for the given input file.
+ Script_info*
+ get_script_info(unsigned int n) const
+ { return this->script_map_[n]; }
+ // Initialize the layout of the output file based on the existing
+ // output file.
+ void
+ init_layout(Layout* layout)
+ { this->do_init_layout(layout); }
+ // Mark regions of the input file that must be kept unchanged.
+ void
+ reserve_layout(unsigned int input_file_index)
+ { this->do_reserve_layout(input_file_index); }
+ // Process the GOT and PLT entries from the existing output file.
+ void
+ process_got_plt(Symbol_table* symtab, Layout* layout)
+ { this->do_process_got_plt(symtab, layout); }
+ // Emit COPY relocations from the existing output file.
+ void
+ emit_copy_relocs(Symbol_table* symtab)
+ { this->do_emit_copy_relocs(symtab); }
+ // Apply incremental relocations for symbols whose values have changed.
+ void
+ apply_incremental_relocs(const Symbol_table* symtab, Layout* layout,
+ Output_file* of)
+ { this->do_apply_incremental_relocs(symtab, layout, of); }
+ // Functions and types for the elfcpp::Elf_file interface. This
+ // permit us to use Incremental_binary as the File template parameter for
+ // elfcpp::Elf_file.
+ // The View class is returned by view. It must support a single
+ // method, data(). This is trivial, because Output_file::get_output_view
+ // does what we need.
+ class View
+ {
+ public:
+ View(const unsigned char* p)
+ : p_(p)
+ { }
+ const unsigned char*
+ data() const
+ { return this->p_; }
+ private:
+ const unsigned char* p_;
+ };
+ // Return a View.
+ View
+ view(off_t file_offset, section_size_type data_size)
+ { return View(this->output_->get_input_view(file_offset, data_size)); }
+ // A location in the file.
+ struct Location
+ {
+ off_t file_offset;
+ off_t data_size;
+ Location(off_t fo, section_size_type ds)
+ : file_offset(fo), data_size(ds)
+ { }
+ Location()
+ : file_offset(0), data_size(0)
+ { }
+ };
+ // Get a View given a Location.
+ View
+ view(Location loc)
+ { return View(this->view(loc.file_offset, loc.data_size)); }
+ // Return the Output_file.
+ Output_file*
+ output_file()
+ { return this->output_; }
+ protected:
+ // Check the .gnu_incremental_inputs section to see whether an incremental
+ // build is possible.
+ virtual bool
+ do_check_inputs(const Command_line& cmdline,
+ Incremental_inputs* incremental_inputs) = 0;
+ // Return TRUE if input file N has changed since the last incremental link.
+ virtual bool
+ do_file_has_changed(unsigned int n) const = 0;
+ // Initialize the layout of the output file based on the existing
+ // output file.
+ virtual void
+ do_init_layout(Layout* layout) = 0;
+ // Mark regions of the input file that must be kept unchanged.
+ virtual void
+ do_reserve_layout(unsigned int input_file_index) = 0;
+ // Process the GOT and PLT entries from the existing output file.
+ virtual void
+ do_process_got_plt(Symbol_table* symtab, Layout* layout) = 0;
+ // Emit COPY relocations from the existing output file.
+ virtual void
+ do_emit_copy_relocs(Symbol_table* symtab) = 0;
+ // Apply incremental relocations for symbols whose values have changed.
+ virtual void
+ do_apply_incremental_relocs(const Symbol_table*, Layout*, Output_file*) = 0;
+ virtual unsigned int
+ do_input_file_count() const = 0;
+ virtual const Input_reader*
+ do_get_input_reader(unsigned int) const = 0;
+ // Map from input file index to Input_argument.
+ std::vector<const Input_argument*> input_args_map_;
+ // Map from an input file index to an Incremental_library.
+ std::vector<Incremental_library*> library_map_;
+ // Map from an input file index to a Script_info.
+ std::vector<Script_info*> script_map_;
+ private:
+ // Edited output file object.
+ Output_file* output_;
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+class Sized_relobj_incr;
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+class Sized_incremental_binary : public Incremental_binary
+ public:
+ Sized_incremental_binary(Output_file* output,
+ const elfcpp::Ehdr<size, big_endian>& ehdr,
+ Target* target)
+ : Incremental_binary(output, target), elf_file_(this, ehdr),
+ input_objects_(), section_map_(), symbol_map_(), copy_relocs_(),
+ main_symtab_loc_(), main_strtab_loc_(), has_incremental_info_(false),
+ inputs_reader_(), symtab_reader_(), relocs_reader_(), got_plt_reader_(),
+ input_entry_readers_()
+ { this->setup_readers(); }
+ // Returns TRUE if the file contains incremental info.
+ bool
+ has_incremental_info() const
+ { return this->has_incremental_info_; }
+ // Record a pointer to the object for input file N.
+ void
+ set_input_object(unsigned int n,
+ Sized_relobj_incr<size, big_endian>* obj)
+ { this->input_objects_[n] = obj; }
+ // Return a pointer to the object for input file N.
+ Sized_relobj_incr<size, big_endian>*
+ input_object(unsigned int n) const
+ {
+ gold_assert(n < this->input_objects_.size());
+ return this->input_objects_[n];
+ }
+ // Return the Output_section for section index SHNDX.
+ Output_section*
+ output_section(unsigned int shndx)
+ { return this->section_map_[shndx]; }
+ // Map a symbol table entry from the base file to the output symbol table.
+ // SYMNDX is relative to the first forced-local or global symbol in the
+ // input file symbol table.
+ void
+ add_global_symbol(unsigned int symndx, Symbol* gsym)
+ { this->symbol_map_[symndx] = gsym; }
+ // Map a symbol table entry from the base file to the output symbol table.
+ // SYMNDX is relative to the first forced-local or global symbol in the
+ // input file symbol table.
+ Symbol*
+ global_symbol(unsigned int symndx) const
+ { return this->symbol_map_[symndx]; }
+ // Add a COPY relocation for a global symbol.
+ void
+ add_copy_reloc(Symbol* gsym, Output_section* os, off_t offset)
+ { this->copy_relocs_.push_back(Copy_reloc(gsym, os, offset)); }
+ // Readers for the incremental info sections.
+ const Incremental_inputs_reader<size, big_endian>&
+ inputs_reader() const
+ { return this->inputs_reader_; }
+ const Incremental_symtab_reader<big_endian>&
+ symtab_reader() const
+ { return this->symtab_reader_; }
+ const Incremental_relocs_reader<size, big_endian>&
+ relocs_reader() const
+ { return this->relocs_reader_; }
+ const Incremental_got_plt_reader<big_endian>&
+ got_plt_reader() const
+ { return this->got_plt_reader_; }
+ void
+ get_symtab_view(View* symtab_view, unsigned int* sym_count,
+ elfcpp::Elf_strtab* strtab);
+ protected:
+ typedef Incremental_inputs_reader<size, big_endian> Inputs_reader;
+ typedef typename Inputs_reader::Incremental_input_entry_reader
+ Input_entry_reader;
+ virtual bool
+ do_check_inputs(const Command_line& cmdline,
+ Incremental_inputs* incremental_inputs);
+ // Return TRUE if input file N has changed since the last incremental link.
+ virtual bool
+ do_file_has_changed(unsigned int n) const;
+ // Initialize the layout of the output file based on the existing
+ // output file.
+ virtual void
+ do_init_layout(Layout* layout);
+ // Mark regions of the input file that must be kept unchanged.
+ virtual void
+ do_reserve_layout(unsigned int input_file_index);
+ // Process the GOT and PLT entries from the existing output file.
+ virtual void
+ do_process_got_plt(Symbol_table* symtab, Layout* layout);
+ // Emit COPY relocations from the existing output file.
+ virtual void
+ do_emit_copy_relocs(Symbol_table* symtab);
+ // Apply incremental relocations for symbols whose values have changed.
+ virtual void
+ do_apply_incremental_relocs(const Symbol_table* symtab, Layout* layout,
+ Output_file* of);
+ // Proxy class for a sized Incremental_input_entry_reader.
+ class Sized_input_reader : public Input_reader
+ {
+ public:
+ Sized_input_reader(Input_entry_reader r)
+ : Input_reader(), reader_(r)
+ { }
+ virtual
+ ~Sized_input_reader()
+ { }
+ private:
+ const char*
+ do_filename() const
+ { return this->reader_.filename(); }
+ Timespec
+ do_get_mtime() const
+ { return this->reader_.get_mtime(); }
+ Incremental_input_type
+ do_type() const
+ { return this->reader_.type(); }
+ unsigned int
+ do_arg_serial() const
+ { return this->reader_.arg_serial(); }
+ unsigned int
+ do_get_unused_symbol_count() const
+ { return this->reader_.get_unused_symbol_count(); }
+ const char*
+ do_get_unused_symbol(unsigned int n) const
+ { return this->reader_.get_unused_symbol(n); }
+ Input_entry_reader reader_;
+ };
+ virtual unsigned int
+ do_input_file_count() const
+ { return this->inputs_reader_.input_file_count(); }
+ virtual const Input_reader*
+ do_get_input_reader(unsigned int n) const
+ {
+ gold_assert(n < this->input_entry_readers_.size());
+ return &this->input_entry_readers_[n];
+ }
+ private:
+ // List of symbols that need COPY relocations.
+ struct Copy_reloc
+ {
+ Copy_reloc(Symbol* sym, Output_section* os, off_t off)
+ : symbol(sym), output_section(os), offset(off)
+ { }
+ // The global symbol to copy.
+ Symbol* symbol;
+ // The output section into which the symbol was copied.
+ Output_section* output_section;
+ // The offset within that output section.
+ off_t offset;
+ };
+ typedef std::vector<Copy_reloc> Copy_relocs;
+ bool
+ find_incremental_inputs_sections(unsigned int* p_inputs_shndx,
+ unsigned int* p_symtab_shndx,
+ unsigned int* p_relocs_shndx,
+ unsigned int* p_got_plt_shndx,
+ unsigned int* p_strtab_shndx);
+ void
+ setup_readers();
+ // Output as an ELF file.
+ elfcpp::Elf_file<size, big_endian, Incremental_binary> elf_file_;
+ // Vector of pointers to the input objects for the unchanged files.
+ // For replaced files, the corresponding pointer is NULL.
+ std::vector<Sized_relobj_incr<size, big_endian>*> input_objects_;
+ // Map section index to an Output_section in the updated layout.
+ std::vector<Output_section*> section_map_;
+ // Map global symbols from the input file to the symbol table.
+ std::vector<Symbol*> symbol_map_;
+ // List of symbols that need COPY relocations.
+ Copy_relocs copy_relocs_;
+ // Locations of the main symbol table and symbol string table.
+ Location main_symtab_loc_;
+ Location main_strtab_loc_;
+ // Readers for the incremental info sections.
+ bool has_incremental_info_;
+ Incremental_inputs_reader<size, big_endian> inputs_reader_;
+ Incremental_symtab_reader<big_endian> symtab_reader_;
+ Incremental_relocs_reader<size, big_endian> relocs_reader_;
+ Incremental_got_plt_reader<big_endian> got_plt_reader_;
+ std::vector<Sized_input_reader> input_entry_readers_;
+// An incremental Relobj. This class represents a relocatable object
+// that has not changed since the last incremental link, and whose contents
+// can be used directly from the base file.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+class Sized_relobj_incr : public Sized_relobj<size, big_endian>
+ public:
+ typedef typename elfcpp::Elf_types<size>::Elf_Addr Address;
+ typedef typename Sized_relobj<size, big_endian>::Symbols Symbols;
+ Sized_relobj_incr(const std::string& name,
+ Sized_incremental_binary<size, big_endian>* ibase,
+ unsigned int input_file_index);
+ private:
+ // For convenience.
+ typedef Sized_relobj_incr<size, big_endian> This;
+ static const int sym_size = elfcpp::Elf_sizes<size>::sym_size;
+ typedef typename Sized_relobj<size, big_endian>::Output_sections
+ Output_sections;
+ typedef Incremental_inputs_reader<size, big_endian> Inputs_reader;
+ typedef typename Inputs_reader::Incremental_input_entry_reader
+ Input_entry_reader;
+ // A local symbol.
+ struct Local_symbol
+ {
+ Local_symbol(const char* name_, Address value_, unsigned int size_,
+ unsigned int shndx_, unsigned int type_,
+ bool needs_dynsym_entry_)
+ : st_value(value_), name(name_), st_size(size_), st_shndx(shndx_),
+ st_type(type_), output_dynsym_index(0),
+ needs_dynsym_entry(needs_dynsym_entry_)
+ { }
+ // The symbol value.
+ Address st_value;
+ // The symbol name. This points to the stringpool entry.
+ const char* name;
+ // The symbol size.
+ unsigned int st_size;
+ // The output section index.
+ unsigned int st_shndx : 28;
+ // The symbol type.
+ unsigned int st_type : 4;
+ // The index of the symbol in the output dynamic symbol table.
+ unsigned int output_dynsym_index : 31;
+ // TRUE if the symbol needs to appear in the dynamic symbol table.
+ unsigned int needs_dynsym_entry : 1;
+ };
+ // Return TRUE if this is an incremental (unchanged) input file.
+ bool
+ do_is_incremental() const
+ { return true; }
+ // Return the last modified time of the file.
+ Timespec
+ do_get_mtime()
+ { return this->input_reader_.get_mtime(); }
+ // Read the symbols.
+ void
+ do_read_symbols(Read_symbols_data*);
+ // Lay out the input sections.
+ void
+ do_layout(Symbol_table*, Layout*, Read_symbols_data*);
+ // Layout sections whose layout was deferred while waiting for
+ // input files from a plugin.
+ void
+ do_layout_deferred_sections(Layout*);
+ // Add the symbols to the symbol table.
+ void
+ do_add_symbols(Symbol_table*, Read_symbols_data*, Layout*);
+ Archive::Should_include
+ do_should_include_member(Symbol_table* symtab, Layout*, Read_symbols_data*,
+ std::string* why);
+ // Iterate over global symbols, calling a visitor class V for each.
+ void
+ do_for_all_global_symbols(Read_symbols_data* sd,
+ Library_base::Symbol_visitor_base* v);
+ // Get the size of a section.
+ uint64_t
+ do_section_size(unsigned int shndx);
+ // Get the name of a section.
+ std::string
+ do_section_name(unsigned int shndx);
+ // Return a view of the contents of a section.
+ const unsigned char*
+ do_section_contents(unsigned int shndx, section_size_type* plen,
+ bool cache);
+ // Return section flags.
+ uint64_t
+ do_section_flags(unsigned int shndx);
+ // Return section entsize.
+ uint64_t
+ do_section_entsize(unsigned int shndx);
+ // Return section address.
+ uint64_t
+ do_section_address(unsigned int shndx);
+ // Return section type.
+ unsigned int
+ do_section_type(unsigned int shndx);
+ // Return the section link field.
+ unsigned int
+ do_section_link(unsigned int shndx);
+ // Return the section link field.
+ unsigned int
+ do_section_info(unsigned int shndx);
+ // Return the section alignment.
+ uint64_t
+ do_section_addralign(unsigned int shndx);
+ // Return the Xindex structure to use.
+ Xindex*
+ do_initialize_xindex();
+ // Get symbol counts.
+ void
+ do_get_global_symbol_counts(const Symbol_table*, size_t*, size_t*) const;
+ // Get global symbols.
+ const Symbols*
+ do_get_global_symbols() const
+ { return &this->symbols_; }
+ // Return the value of a local symbol.
+ uint64_t
+ do_local_symbol_value(unsigned int, uint64_t) const
+ { gold_unreachable(); }
+ unsigned int
+ do_local_plt_offset(unsigned int) const
+ { gold_unreachable(); }
+ bool
+ do_local_is_tls(unsigned int) const
+ { gold_unreachable(); }
+ // Return the number of local symbols.
+ unsigned int
+ do_local_symbol_count() const
+ { return this->local_symbol_count_; }
+ // Return the number of local symbols in the output symbol table.
+ unsigned int
+ do_output_local_symbol_count() const
+ { return this->local_symbol_count_; }
+ // Return the file offset for local symbols in the output symbol table.
+ off_t
+ do_local_symbol_offset() const
+ { return this->local_symbol_offset_; }
+ // Read the relocs.
+ void
+ do_read_relocs(Read_relocs_data*);
+ // Process the relocs to find list of referenced sections. Used only
+ // during garbage collection.
+ void
+ do_gc_process_relocs(Symbol_table*, Layout*, Read_relocs_data*);
+ // Scan the relocs and adjust the symbol table.
+ void
+ do_scan_relocs(Symbol_table*, Layout*, Read_relocs_data*);
+ // Count the local symbols.
+ void
+ do_count_local_symbols(Stringpool_template<char>*,
+ Stringpool_template<char>*);
+ // Finalize the local symbols.
+ unsigned int
+ do_finalize_local_symbols(unsigned int, off_t, Symbol_table*);
+ // Set the offset where local dynamic symbol information will be stored.
+ unsigned int
+ do_set_local_dynsym_indexes(unsigned int);
+ // Set the offset where local dynamic symbol information will be stored.
+ unsigned int
+ do_set_local_dynsym_offset(off_t);
+ // Relocate the input sections and write out the local symbols.
+ void
+ do_relocate(const Symbol_table* symtab, const Layout*, Output_file* of);
+ // Set the offset of a section.
+ void
+ do_set_section_offset(unsigned int shndx, uint64_t off);
+ // The Incremental_binary base file.
+ Sized_incremental_binary<size, big_endian>* ibase_;
+ // The index of the object in the input file list.
+ unsigned int input_file_index_;
+ // The reader for the input file.
+ Input_entry_reader input_reader_;
+ // The number of local symbols.
+ unsigned int local_symbol_count_;
+ // The number of local symbols which go into the output file's dynamic
+ // symbol table.
+ unsigned int output_local_dynsym_count_;
+ // This starting symbol index in the output symbol table.
+ unsigned int local_symbol_index_;
+ // The file offset for local symbols in the output symbol table.
+ unsigned int local_symbol_offset_;
+ // The file offset for local symbols in the output symbol table.
+ unsigned int local_dynsym_offset_;
+ // The entries in the symbol table for the external symbols.
+ Symbols symbols_;
+ // Number of symbols defined in object file itself.
+ size_t defined_count_;
+ // The offset of the first incremental relocation for this object.
+ unsigned int incr_reloc_offset_;
+ // The number of incremental relocations for this object.
+ unsigned int incr_reloc_count_;
+ // The index of the first incremental relocation for this object in the
+ // updated output file.
+ unsigned int incr_reloc_output_index_;
+ // A copy of the incremental relocations from this object.
+ unsigned char* incr_relocs_;
+ // The local symbols.
+ std::vector<Local_symbol> local_symbols_;
+// An incremental Dynobj. This class represents a shared object that has
+// not changed since the last incremental link, and whose contents can be
+// used directly from the base file.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+class Sized_incr_dynobj : public Dynobj
+ public:
+ typedef typename elfcpp::Elf_types<size>::Elf_Addr Address;
+ static const Address invalid_address = static_cast<Address>(0) - 1;
+ Sized_incr_dynobj(const std::string& name,
+ Sized_incremental_binary<size, big_endian>* ibase,
+ unsigned int input_file_index);
+ private:
+ typedef Incremental_inputs_reader<size, big_endian> Inputs_reader;
+ typedef typename Inputs_reader::Incremental_input_entry_reader
+ Input_entry_reader;
+ // Return TRUE if this is an incremental (unchanged) input file.
+ bool
+ do_is_incremental() const
+ { return true; }
+ // Return the last modified time of the file.
+ Timespec
+ do_get_mtime()
+ { return this->input_reader_.get_mtime(); }
+ // Read the symbols.
+ void
+ do_read_symbols(Read_symbols_data*);
+ // Lay out the input sections.
+ void
+ do_layout(Symbol_table*, Layout*, Read_symbols_data*);
+ // Add the symbols to the symbol table.
+ void
+ do_add_symbols(Symbol_table*, Read_symbols_data*, Layout*);
+ Archive::Should_include
+ do_should_include_member(Symbol_table* symtab, Layout*, Read_symbols_data*,
+ std::string* why);
+ // Iterate over global symbols, calling a visitor class V for each.
+ void
+ do_for_all_global_symbols(Read_symbols_data* sd,
+ Library_base::Symbol_visitor_base* v);
+ // Iterate over local symbols, calling a visitor class V for each GOT offset
+ // associated with a local symbol.
+ void
+ do_for_all_local_got_entries(Got_offset_list::Visitor* v) const;
+ // Get the size of a section.
+ uint64_t
+ do_section_size(unsigned int shndx);
+ // Get the name of a section.
+ std::string
+ do_section_name(unsigned int shndx);
+ // Return a view of the contents of a section.
+ const unsigned char*
+ do_section_contents(unsigned int shndx, section_size_type* plen,
+ bool cache);
+ // Return section flags.
+ uint64_t
+ do_section_flags(unsigned int shndx);
+ // Return section entsize.
+ uint64_t
+ do_section_entsize(unsigned int shndx);
+ // Return section address.
+ uint64_t
+ do_section_address(unsigned int shndx);
+ // Return section type.
+ unsigned int
+ do_section_type(unsigned int shndx);
+ // Return the section link field.
+ unsigned int
+ do_section_link(unsigned int shndx);
+ // Return the section link field.
+ unsigned int
+ do_section_info(unsigned int shndx);
+ // Return the section alignment.
+ uint64_t
+ do_section_addralign(unsigned int shndx);
+ // Return the Xindex structure to use.
+ Xindex*
+ do_initialize_xindex();
+ // Get symbol counts.
+ void
+ do_get_global_symbol_counts(const Symbol_table*, size_t*, size_t*) const;
+ // Get global symbols.
+ const Symbols*
+ do_get_global_symbols() const
+ { return &this->symbols_; }
+ // The Incremental_binary base file.
+ Sized_incremental_binary<size, big_endian>* ibase_;
+ // The index of the object in the input file list.
+ unsigned int input_file_index_;
+ // The reader for the input file.
+ Input_entry_reader input_reader_;
+ // The entries in the symbol table for the external symbols.
+ Symbols symbols_;
+ // Number of symbols defined in object file itself.
+ size_t defined_count_;
+// Allocate an incremental object of the appropriate size and endianness.
+extern Object*
+ Incremental_binary* base,
+ unsigned int input_file_index,
+ Incremental_input_type input_type,
+ const Incremental_binary::Input_reader* input_reader);
+// This class represents an Archive library (or --start-lib/--end-lib group)
+// that has not changed since the last incremental link. Its contents come
+// from the incremental inputs entry in the base file.
+class Incremental_library : public Library_base
+ public:
+ Incremental_library(const char* filename, unsigned int input_file_index,
+ const Incremental_binary::Input_reader* input_reader)
+ : Library_base(NULL), filename_(filename),
+ input_file_index_(input_file_index), input_reader_(input_reader),
+ unused_symbols_(), is_reported_(false)
+ { }
+ // Return the input file index.
+ unsigned int
+ input_file_index() const
+ { return this->input_file_index_; }
+ // Return the serial number of the input file.
+ unsigned int
+ arg_serial() const
+ { return this->input_reader_->arg_serial(); }
+ // Copy the unused symbols from the incremental input info.
+ // We need to do this because we may be overwriting the incremental
+ // input info in the base file before we write the new incremental
+ // info.
+ void
+ copy_unused_symbols();
+ // Return FALSE on the first call to indicate that the library needs
+ // to be recorded; return TRUE subsequently.
+ bool
+ is_reported()
+ {
+ bool was_reported = this->is_reported_;
+ is_reported_ = true;
+ return was_reported;
+ }
+ private:
+ typedef std::vector<std::string> Symbol_list;
+ // The file name.
+ const std::string&
+ do_filename() const
+ { return this->filename_; }
+ // Return the modification time of the archive file.
+ Timespec
+ do_get_mtime()
+ { return this->input_reader_->get_mtime(); }
+ // Iterator for unused global symbols in the library.
+ void
+ do_for_all_unused_symbols(Symbol_visitor_base* v) const;
+ // The name of the library.
+ std::string filename_;
+ // The input file index of this library.
+ unsigned int input_file_index_;
+ // A reader for the incremental input information.
+ const Incremental_binary::Input_reader* input_reader_;
+ // List of unused symbols defined in this library.
+ Symbol_list unused_symbols_;
+ // TRUE when this library has been reported to the new incremental info.
+ bool is_reported_;
+} // End namespace gold.
+#endif // !defined(GOLD_INCREMENTAL_H)