path: root/res/values-ast-rES
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'res/values-ast-rES')
3 files changed, 19 insertions, 400 deletions
diff --git a/res/values-ast-rES/arrays.xml b/res/values-ast-rES/arrays.xml
index 0aff882..61e1f99 100644
--- a/res/values-ast-rES/arrays.xml
+++ b/res/values-ast-rES/arrays.xml
@@ -19,23 +19,19 @@
<!-- String to match as no subject and filter out as a subject. For example, if the
subject string is "no subject", we won't display that. We'll pretend
no subject string was delivered. -->
- <string-array name="empty_subject_strings">
- <item>ensin asuntu</item>
- <item>Ensin asuntu</item>
- </string-array>
<!-- Choices for quick-reply to message notification. Users with an Android
Wear device (e.g. smartwatch) can reply to messages either by speaking their
response, or choosing one of these predefined options. -->
<string-array name="notification_reply_choices">
- <item>Sí</item>
- <item>Non</item>
- <item>Val</item>
- <item>Ḥeḥe</item>
- <item>Gracies</item>
- <item>Toi acordies</item>
- <item>Bien</item>
- <item>Al mio xeitu</item>
- <item>Val, déxame contestate más sero</item>
+ <item>Yes</item>
+ <item>No</item>
+ <item>ACEUTAR</item>
+ <item>Hehe</item>
+ <item>Thanks</item>
+ <item>I agree</item>
+ <item>Nice</item>
+ <item>On my way</item>
+ <item>OK, let me get back to you later</item>
diff --git a/res/values-ast-rES/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-ast-rES/cm_strings.xml
index bdced13..d742c6f 100644
--- a/res/values-ast-rES/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ast-rES/cm_strings.xml
@@ -37,100 +37,44 @@
<string name="pref_summary_mms_delivery_reports">Solicita un informe d\'entrega pa cada mensaxe qu\'unvies</string>
<string name="pref_summary_mms_read_reports">Solicita un informe de llectura pa cada mensaxe qu\'unvies</string>
<string name="delivery_reports_mms_pref_title">Informes d\'entrega</string>
- <string name="read_reports_mms_pref_title">Informes de llectura</string>
<string name="status_label">Estáu:\u0020</string>
- <string name="status_read">Lleíu</string>
<!-- Item Descriptions for MMS sending Priority -->
- <string name="priority_pref_title">Prioridá d\'unviu</string>
- <string name="priority_low">Baxa</string>
<string name="priority_normal">Normal</string>
- <string name="priority_high">Alta</string>
<!-- Storage specific Settings -->
<string name="sms_storage_pref_title">Almacenamientu</string>
- <string name="pref_summary_auto_delete">Desanicie mensaxes vieyos namái s\'algame la llende</string>
- <string name="auto_delete_pref_title">Desaniciar mensaxes vieyos</string>
<string name="pref_summary_delete_limit"><xliff:g id="count">%1$s</xliff:g> mensaxes per conversación</string>
- <string name="sms_delete_pref_title">Llende de mensaxes de testu</string>
- <string name="mms_delete_pref_title">Llende de mensaxes multimedia</string>
- <string name="set">Afitar</string>
<string name="no">Encaboxar</string>
- <string name="pref_messages_to_save">Afitar númberu de mensaxes pa guardar</string>
<!-- Swipe to delete conversation -->
- <string name="swipe_to_delete_conversation_pref_title">Eslizar pa desaniciar</string>
- <string name="swipe_to_delete_conversation_pref_summary">Esliza a la drecha pa desaniciar una conversación</string>
<!-- Preferences -->
- <string name="pref_quickmessage">Mensaxe rápidu</string>
- <string name="pref_quickmessage_title">Amosar mensaxe rápidu</string>
- <string name="pref_quickmessage_summary">Abrir automáticamente la rempuestá rápida pa los mensaxes SMS entrantes</string>
- <string name="pref_close_all_title">Zarrar too</string>
- <string name="pref_close_all_summary">Al pulsar Zarrar, van zarrase tolos mensaxes</string>
<string name="message_counter">%1$d de %2$d</string>
<!-- QM Dialog box buttons -->
<string name="button_close">Zarrar</string>
- <string name="button_view">Ver</string>
<string name="button_templates">Plantíes</string>
- <string name="qm_button_full_conversation">Conversación completa</string>
<!-- Hint text in message body field when keyboard is exposed -->
- <string name="type_to_reply_text_enter_to_send">Escribir mensaxe</string>
<!-- QM Toast -->
- <string name="toast_sending_message">Unviando mensaxe\u2026</string>
<!-- QM - Quick reply -->
- <string name="qm_quick_reply">Rempuesta rápida</string>
- <string name="send">Unviar</string>
- <string name="compose_message_hint_text">Introducir mensaxe</string>
<!-- Show emoticons -->
- <string name="show_emoticons_pref_title">Accesu a fustaxes</string>
- <string name="show_emoticons_pref_summary">Amuesa la tecla de fustaxes nel tecláu</string>
- <string name="select_phone_account_title">Unviar con</string>
<!-- Copy message to sim -->
<!-- Settings item for entering SIM card message screen -->
- <string name="pref_title_manage_sim_messages">Xestionar mensaxes de tarxeta SIM</string>
- <string name="pref_title_manage_sim_messages_slot1">Xestionar mensaxes de SIM 1</string>
- <string name="pref_title_manage_sim_messages_slot2">Xestionar mensaxes de SIM 2</string>
- <string name="copy_to_sim">Copiar mensaxes a tarxeta SIM</string>
- <string name="copy_to_sim_success"><xliff:g id="count">%1$d</xliff:g> of <xliff:g id="total">%2$d</xliff:g> mensaxe guardaos na tarxeta SIM.</string>
- <string name="copy_to_sim_fail">Nun pue guardase\'l mensaxe</string>
- <string name="copy_to_phone_success">Guardóse\'l mensaxe</string>
- <string name="copy_to_phone_fail">Nun pue guardase\'l mensaxe</string>
<!-- Message that appears on the "SMS messges on SIM card" screen when there are no messages on the SIM card -->
- <string name="sim_empty">Nun hai mensaxes na tarxeta SIM.</string>
<!-- Context menu item on an individual message for emailing the sender -->
- <string name="menu_send_email">Unviar corréu a <xliff:g id="name">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Context menu item on an individual message for dialing the sender's phone number -->
- <string name="menu_call_back">Llamar a <xliff:g id="name">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Menu shown in the context menu when long pressing on a message when the message contains
one or more phone numbers and/or email addresses and the number or email is new to
contacts. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
- <string name="menu_add_address_to_contacts">Amestar <xliff:g id="CONTACTEMAILORNUMBER">%s</xliff:g> a Xente</string>
- <string name="sim_capacity_title">Capacidá SIM</string>
- <string name="sim_capacity"><xliff:g id="used">%1$d</xliff:g> de <xliff:g id="total">%2$d</xliff:g> entraes de la tarxeta SIM n\'usu</string>
<!-- Confirm Delete -->
<!-- Delete confirmation dialog title -->
- <string name="confirm_dialog_title">¿Desaniciar?</string>
<!-- Title of screen displaying messages on SIM card -->
- <string name="sim_manage_messages_title">Mensaxes de testu na tarxeta SIM</string>
<!-- Message that appears on screen while SIM card messages are retrieved -->
- <string name="refreshing">Refrescando\u2026</string>
- <string name="confirm_delete_selected_messages">Van desaniciase los mensaxes esbillaos.</string>
<!-- Delete button title -->
- <string name="delete">Desaniciar</string>
<!-- Context menu item on an individual message for forwarding it to another recipient -->
- <string name="menu_forward">Reunviar</string>
- <string name="menu_reply">Responder</string>
<!-- Menu title to copy a selected message from the SIM card to the phone. -->
<string name="sim_copy_to_phone_memory" product="tablet">Copiar a la memoria de la tableta</string>
<!-- Menu title to copy a selected message from the SIM card to the phone. -->
- <string name="sim_copy_to_phone_memory" product="default">Copiar a la memoria\'l teléfonu</string>
- <string name="selected_all">Esbillar too</string>
<string name="deselected_all">Nun esbillar nada</string>
- <string name="selected_count"><xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> esbillaos</string>
<!-- Text to be used for affirmative response button in dialog boxes -->
- <string name="yes">ACEUTAR</string>
<!-- Copy message to sim -->
- <string name="operation_to_card_memory">Copiar mensaxe a tarxeta SIM</string>
- <string name="slot1">SIM 1</string>
- <string name="slot2">SIM 2</string>
<!-- Audio Library Tab for MMS attachments -->
- <!-- Ride sharing -->
+ <string name="mediapicker_audio_list_item_unselected_content_description">Nun s\'esbilló l\'audiu.</string>
diff --git a/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml b/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml
index 03d56e6..e90acc7 100644
--- a/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ast-rES/strings.xml
@@ -17,298 +17,123 @@
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- The name of the application as it appears under the main Launcher icon and in various activity titles -->
- <string name="app_name">Mensaxes</string>
<!-- The name of the application as it appears in external share intent dialogs -->
- <string name="share_intent_label">Mensaxes</string>
<!-- The title when selecting a conversation to share to -->
- <string name="share_intent_activity_label">Esbillar la conversación</string>
<string name="action_settings">Axustes</string>
- <string name="sendButtonContentDescription">Unvia\'l mensaxe</string>
- <string name="attachMediaButtonContentDescription">Amiesta un axuntu</string>
- <string name="help_and_feedback_activity_label">Ayuda</string>
- <string name="welcome">Bienllegáu</string>
- <string name="skip">Saltar</string>
- <string name="next_with_arrow">Siguiente &gt;</string>
- <string name="next">Siguiente</string>
- <string name="exit">Colar</string>
<string name="settings_with_arrow">Axustes &gt;</string>
<string name="settings">Axustes</string>
<!-- Inform user of the names of permissions that are required to use the app -->
- <string name="required_permissions_promo">Mensaxes precisa\'l permisu de SMS, Teléfonu y Contautos.</string>
- <string name="enable_permission_procedure">Pues camudar los permisos n\'Axustes &gt; Aplicaciones &gt; Mensaxería &gt; Permisos.</string>
- <string name="enable_permission_procedure_description">Pues camudar los permisos n\'Axustes, Aplicaciones, Mensaxería, Permisos.</string>
<!-- The tab header for the frequently used contacts list -->
- <string name="contact_picker_frequents_tab_title">Frecuentes</string>
<!-- The tab header for all contacts list -->
- <string name="contact_picker_all_contacts_tab_title">Tolos contautos</string>
<!-- The text on the list item in the contact picker that allows a user to send an SMS directly
to a number that he/she typed. eg. "Send to 650-555-1234" -->
- <string name="contact_list_send_to_text">Unviar a <xliff:g id="destination">%s</xliff:g></string>
- <string name="mediapicker_cameraChooserDescription">Capturar imáxenes o videu</string>
- <string name="mediapicker_galleryChooserDescription">Escoyer imáxenes o vídeos d\'esti
- preséu</string>
- <string name="mediapicker_audioChooserDescription">Grabar audio</string>
- <string name="mediapicker_gallery_title">Esbillar semeya</string>
- <string name="mediapicker_gallery_item_selected_content_description">Esbillóse\'l mediu.</string>
- <string name="mediapicker_gallery_item_unselected_content_description">Nun s\'esbilló\'l mediu.</string>
- <string name="mediapicker_gallery_title_selection">Esbilláu: <xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g></string>
<!-- example: "image January 17 2015 1 59 pm" -->
- <string name="mediapicker_gallery_image_item_description">imaxe <xliff:g id="date">%1$tB %1$te %1$tY %1$tl %1$tM %1$tp</xliff:g></string>
- <string name="mediapicker_gallery_image_item_description_no_date">imaxe</string>
- <string name="mediapicker_audio_title">Grabar audio</string>
- <string name="action_share">Compartir</string>
- <string name="posted_just_now">"Xusto agora"</string>
- <string name="posted_now">"Agora"</string>
<!-- Abbreviated message to express that something occurred some number of minutes in the past (e.g., 5 minutes ago). -->
- <plurals name="num_minutes_ago">
- <item quantity="one"><xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> min</item>
- <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> mins</item>
- </plurals>
<!-- Abbreviated message to express that something occurred some number of hours in the past (e.g., 5 hours ago). -->
- <plurals name="num_hours_ago">
- <item quantity="one"><xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> hora</item>
- <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> hores</item>
- </plurals>
<!-- Abbreviated message to express that something occurred some number of days in the past (e.g., 5 days ago). -->
- <plurals name="num_days_ago">
- <item quantity="one"><xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> día</item>
- <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> díes</item>
- </plurals>
Plurals used for the duration in free sms storage action and confirm strings above
Example: "Delete messages older than a week"
- <plurals name="week_count">
- <!-- Singular case -->
- <item quantity="one">una selmana</item>
- <!-- Plural case -->
- <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> selmanes</item>
- </plurals>
- <plurals name="month_count">
- <!-- Singular case -->
- <item quantity="one">un mes</item>
- <!-- Plural case -->
- <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> meses</item>
- </plurals>
- <plurals name="year_count">
- <!-- Singular case -->
- <item quantity="one">un añu</item>
- <!-- Plural case -->
- <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> años</item>
- </plurals>
<!-- Title of the class-0 message activity. -->
- <string name="class_0_message_activity">Mensaxe clas 0</string>
<string name="save">Guardar</string>
<!-- Text for SMS storage low text, when auto delete is enabled -->
- <string name="sms_storage_low_auto_delete_enabled_dialog_text">El preséu tien pocu espaciu d\'almacenamientu. El Centru de Mensaxes va desaniciar automáticamente los mensaxes vieyos pa lliberar espaciu.</string>
<!-- Title for SMS storage low notification and dialog. Must match the framework's notification title, i.e. //frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/strings.xml#low_internal_storage_view_title -->
- <string name="sms_storage_low_title">Queda pocu espaciu d\'almacenamientu</string>
<!-- Text for SMS storage low notification and dialog -->
- <string name="sms_storage_low_text">Ye dable que\'l Centru de Mensaxes nun unvie nin reciba mensaxes hasta que se llibere más espaciu nel preséu.</string>
<!-- Ticker for SMS storage low notification -->
- <string name="sms_storage_low_notification_ticker">Pocu espaciu pa SMS. Seique tengas que desaniciar mensaxes.</string>
<!-- Title for asking the user to enter their phone number -->
- <string name="enter_phone_number_title">Confirmar númberu de teléfonu</string>
<!-- Text for asking the user to enter their phone number -->
- <string name="enter_phone_number_text">Esti pasu, que faise namái una vegada, va asegurar que\'l Centru de Mensaxes unvie los mensaxes grupales de mou correutu.</string>
<!-- EditText hint for asking the user to enter their phone number -->
- <string name="enter_phone_number_hint">Númberu de teléfonu</string>
<!-- Free SMS storage actions -->
- <string name="delete_all_media">Desaniciar tolos mensaxes con conteníu multimedia</string>
- <string name="delete_oldest_messages">Desaniciar mensaxes de más de <xliff:g id="duration">%s</xliff:g></string>
- <string name="auto_delete_oldest_messages">Desaniciar automáticamente mensaxes de más de <xliff:g id="duration">%s</xliff:g></string>
- <string name="ignore">Inorar</string>
<!-- Free SMS storage action confirm dialog message -->
- <string name="delete_all_media_confirmation">¿Desaniciar tolos mensaxes multimedia?</string>
- <string name="delete_oldest_messages_confirmation">¿Desaniciar mensaxes de más de <xliff:g id="duration">%s</xliff:g>?</string>
- <string name="auto_delete_oldest_messages_confirmation">¿Desaniciar mensaxes de más de <xliff:g id="duration">%s</xliff:g> y activar desaniciu automáticu?</string>
<!-- ####### Strings to support the mms/sms service ####### -->
<!-- Prefix for accessibility to indicate who the sender of a plain text message is. -->
- <string name="incoming_text_sender_content_description"><xliff:g id="sender">%s</xliff:g> dixo</string>
- <string name="outgoing_text_sender_content_description">Dixesti</string>
<!-- Prefix for accessibility to indicate who the sender of text with hyperlinks, an attachment, or yet-to-be-downloaded message is. -->
- <string name="incoming_sender_content_description">Mensaxe de <xliff:g id="sender">%s</xliff:g></string>
- <string name="outgoing_sender_content_description">Unviesti un mensaxe</string>
<!-- While sending a message display this message. -->
- <string name="message_status_sending">Unviando&#8230;</string>
<!-- When sending a message failed display this message. -->
- <string name="message_status_send_failed">Nun s\'unvió. Toca pa tentalo de nueves.</string>
<!-- When retrying sending for a message. -->
- <string name="message_status_send_retrying">Nun s\'unvió. Tentando de neves&#8230;</string>
<!-- When showing resend action display this message. -->
- <string name="message_status_resend">Reunviar o desaniciar</string>
<!-- When sending a message to an emergency number failed display this message in the conversation. -->
- <string name="message_status_send_failed_emergency_number">Por favor, fai una llamada de voz a los servicios d\'emerxencia. Nun pudo unviase\'l mensaxe de testu esta vegada.</string>
<!-- When showing resend action, display this message. -->
- <string name="message_status_failed">Fallu</string>
<!-- Title line for an MMS requiring manual download. -->
- <string name="message_title_manual_download">Mensaxe MMS nuevu pa baxar</string>
<!-- Title line for an MMS auto-downloading. -->
- <string name="message_title_downloading">Mensaxe nuevu MMS</string>
<!-- Title line for MMS which failed to download. -->
- <string name="message_title_download_failed">Nun pudo descargase</string>
<!-- Timestamp line for MMS which failed to download. -->
- <string name="message_status_download_failed">Toca pa volver a intentalo</string>
<!-- Timestamp line for MMS which failed to download. -->
- <string name="message_status_download">Toca pa descargar</string>
<!-- Timestamp line for MMS which is selected. -->
- <string name="message_status_download_action">Descargar o desaniciar</string>
<!-- Timestamp line to display while downloading a message. -->
- <string name="message_status_downloading">Descargando&#8230;</string>
<!-- Timestamp line for MMS for expired or invalid message. -->
- <string name="message_status_download_error">El mensaxe venció o nun ta disponible</string>
<!-- Display this info line with an MMS notification -->
- <string name="mms_info">tamañu: <xliff:g id="Messagesize">%1$s</xliff:g>; vencimientu: <xliff:g id="Messageexpire">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- While sending a message, if it has invalid recipient, display this message. -->
- <string name="invalid_destination">Nun pue unviase porque\'l destinatariu nun ye válidu.</string>
<!-- While sending a message, this error is expected to be generated when user does not have
MMS enabled on his account. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="service_not_activated">Nun s\'activó\'l serviciu na rede</string>
<!-- If a message can't be sent because of a MMSC network problem, show this toast. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="service_network_problem">Nun pudo unviase pola mor d\'un problea de rede</string>
<!-- If a message has expired and is no longer available on MMSC, show this toast. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
- <string name="service_message_not_found">El mensaxe caducó o nun ta disponible</string>
<!-- Download Manager -->
<!-- When an error occurs downloading a new message and a subject isn't available, substitute
this default subject. -->
- <string name="no_subject">(Ensin asuntu)</string>
<!-- When an error occurs downloading a new message and the sender is unknown, substitute
this default text. -->
- <string name="unknown_sender">Remitente desconocíu</string>
- <string name="delivered_status_content_description">Entregóse</string>
<!-- When an error occurs downloading a new message, display this message.
An example: Download of message Wanna get pizza from dorkman was unsuccessful. -->
- <string name="dl_failure_notification">Nun pudo baxase\'l mensaxe <xliff:g id="subject">%1$s</xliff:g> de <xliff:g id="from">%2$s</xliff:g>.</string>
<!-- When a database error occurs due to low memory this toast is shown. -->
- <string name="low_memory">Nun pudo completase la operación de la base de datos pola mor de memoria baxa</string>
<!-- notification line 1 for "there are some failed messages" -->
- <string name="notification_send_failures_line1_singular">Nun s\'unvió\'l mensaxe</string>
<!-- notification line 1 for "there are some failed messages" -->
- <string name="notification_send_failures_line1_plural">Nun s\'unviaron dellos mensaxes en Mensaxería</string>
- <plurals name="notification_send_failures">
- <item quantity="one"><xliff:g id="messages">%d</xliff:g> mensaxes nuna conversación</item>
- <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="messages">%d</xliff:g> mensaxes en <xliff:g id="conversations">%d</xliff:g> conversaciones</item>
- </plurals>
<!-- notification line 1 for download failed -->
- <string name="notification_download_failures_line1_singular">Nun se baxo\'l mensaxe</string>
<!-- notification line 1 for multiple downloads failed -->
- <string name="notification_download_failures_line1_plural">Nun se baxaron dellos mensaxes en Mensaxería</string>
- <plurals name="notification_download_failures">
- <item quantity="one"><xliff:g id="messages">%d</xliff:g> mensaxes nuna conversación</item>
- <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="messages">%d</xliff:g> mensaxes en <xliff:g id="conversations">%d</xliff:g> conversaciones</item>
- </plurals>
<!-- Notification title when emergency SMS (e.g. to 911) fails to send -->
- <string name="notification_emergency_send_failure_line1">Nun s\'unvió\'l mensaxe a <xliff:g id="number">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Notification content when emergency SMS fails to send -->
- <string name="notification_emergency_send_failure_line2">
- Por favor, fai una llamada de voz a los servicios d\'emerxencia. Nun pudo
- unviase\'l mensaxe de testu a <xliff:g id="number">%1$s</xliff:g> esta vegada.
- </string>
<!-- notification line 1 for new message notification on the lock screen -->
- <plurals name="notification_new_messages">
- <item quantity="one">Mensaxe nuevu</item>
- <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="messages">%d</xliff:g> mensaxes nuevos</item>
- </plurals>
<!-- Text for starting a new conversation button in the compose UI -->
- <string name="start_conversation">Aniciar</string>
<string name="camera_error_opening">Cámara non disponible</string>
<string name="camera_error_unknown">Cámara non disponible</string>
- <string name="camera_error_video_init_fail">Captura de videu non disponible</string>
<!-- Error message when we are unable to write a picture or video file because of an error writing to storage (usually because insufficient space) -->
- <string name="camera_error_storage_fail">Nun pue guardase\'l conteníu multimedia</string>
- <string name="camera_error_failure_taking_picture">Nun puen facese semeyes</string>
<!-- Content description text for Back button on the action bar -->
- <string name="back">Atrás</string>
<!-- Action menu title for showing archived conversations -->
- <string name="action_menu_show_archived">Archivóse</string>
<!-- Action menu title for deleting selected conversations in conversation list -->
- <string name="action_delete">Desaniciar</string>
<!-- Action menu title for archiving selected conversations in conversation list -->
- <string name="action_archive">Archivu</string>
<!-- Action menu title for unarchiving selected conversations in conversation list -->
- <string name="action_unarchive">Desaniciar del archivu</string>
<!-- Action menu title for turning off notification for the selected conversations in conversation list -->
- <string name="action_notification_off">Desactivar notificaciones</string>
<!-- Action menu title for turning on notification for the selected conversations in conversation list -->
- <string name="action_notification_on">Activar notificaciones</string>
<!-- Action menu title for adding the contacts for the selected conversations in conversation list -->
- <string name="action_add_contact">Amestar contautu</string>
<!-- Action menu title for downloading failed message selected in conversation -->
- <string name="action_download">Descargar</string>
<!-- Action menu title for sending failed message selected in conversation -->
- <string name="action_send">Unviar</string>
<!-- Action menu title for deleting failed message selected in conversation -->
- <string name="action_delete_message">Desaniciar</string>
- <string name="delete_message_confirmation_dialog_title">¿Desaniciar esti mensaxe?</string>
- <string name="delete_message_confirmation_dialog_text">Esta operación nun pue desfacese.</string>
- <string name="delete_message_confirmation_button">Desaniciar</string>
<!-- Alert dialog title to accept or decline deleting conversation(s). -->
- <plurals name="delete_conversations_confirmation_dialog_title">
- <item quantity="one">¿Desaniciar esta conversación?</item>
- <item quantity="other">¿Desaniciar estes conversaciones?</item>
- </plurals>
<!-- Alert dialog accept deleting this conversation button. -->
- <string name="delete_conversation_confirmation_button">Desaniciar</string>
<!-- Alert dialog decline deleting this conversation button. -->
<string name="delete_conversation_decline_button">Encaboxar</string>
<!-- Hint text for the recipient chips text box when it's empty -->
- <string name="recipient_hint">Pa</string>
<!-- Action menu title for multiple selection in gallery image picker -->
- <string name="action_multiselect">Esbillar delles imáxenes</string>
<!-- Action menu title for confirming multiple selection in gallery image picker -->
- <string name="action_confirm_multiselect">Confirmar esbilla</string>
<!-- Text for showing there are more items in the attachments than is shown (e.g. "+2") -->
- <string name="attachment_more_items">+<xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Failed to start recording audio -->
- <string name="audio_recording_start_failed">Nun pue grabase audiu. Vuelvi tentalo.</string>
<!-- Failed to replay recorded audio -->
- <string name="audio_recording_replay_failed">Nun pue reproducise audiu. Vuelvi tentalo.</string>
<!-- Error occurred while recording audio -->
- <string name="audio_recording_error"> Nun pue guardase l\'audiu. Vuelvi tentalo.</string>
<!-- Hint text on the audio recorder that instructs user how to start recording -->
- <string name="audio_picker_hint_text">Caltener primío</string>
<!-- An enumeration comma for separating multiple names in notifications. [CHAR LIMIT=2] -->
- <string name="enumeration_comma">,\u0020</string>
<!-- Separator between parts of a notification in each line of an inboxStyle notification. [CHAR LIMIT=2] -->
- <string name="notification_separator">\u0020\u0020</string>
<!-- Separator between title and content in notification ticker -->
- <string name="notification_ticker_separator">:\u0020</string>
<!-- Separator between title and content in notifications -->
- <string name="notification_space_separator">\u0020\u0020</string>
<!-- Shown in notifications when there's a picture. [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="notification_picture">Imaxe</string>
<!-- Shown in notifications when there's an audio clip. [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="notification_audio">Clip d\'audiu</string>
<!-- Shown in notifications when there's a video. [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="notification_video">Videu</string>
<!-- Shown in notifications when there's a vcard. [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="notification_vcard">Tarxeta de contautu</string>
<!-- Notification action label for download MMS when set to manual downloads. [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
- <string name="notification_download_mms">Descargar</string>
<!-- Notification action label for SMS reply (visible on wearable device only). [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
- <string name="notification_reply_via_sms">Responder con SMS</string>
+ <string name="notification_reply_via_sms">Responder per SMS</string>
<!-- Notification action label for MMS reply (visible on wearable device only). [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
<string name="notification_reply_via_mms">Responder per MMS</string>
<!-- Notification voice reply prompt (visible on wearable device only). [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
- <string name="notification_reply_prompt">Responder</string>
<!-- The bottom line on a wearable notification that shows how many participants in the conversation -->
- <plurals name="wearable_participant_count">
- <item quantity="one"><xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> participante</item>
- <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> participantes</item>
- </plurals>
<!-- Shown in the Android Wear conversation log as the sender for outgoing messages,
when we don't know the user's real name (e.g. no "Me" contact on the phone). -->
- <string name="unknown_self_participant">Yo</string>
<!-- The text of the toast/snack message shown when a contact is blocked -->
- <string name="blocked_toast_message">Contautu bloquiáu y archiváu</string>
<!-- The text of the toast/snack message shown when a contact is unblocked -->
- <string name="unblocked_toast_message">Contautu desbloquiáu y ensin archivar</string>
<!-- The text of the toast/snack message shown when the selected conversation(s) are archived.
Displays the number of converstions archived -->
- <string name="archived_toast_message"><xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> archivaes</string>
<!-- The text of the toast/snack message shown when the selected conversation(s) are unarchived.
Displays the number of conversations unarchived -->
- <string name="unarchived_toast_message"><xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> non archivaes</string>
<!-- The text of the toast/snack message shown when a notifications turned off for selected conversations -->
<!-- The text of the toast/snack message shown when a notifications turned on for selected conversations -->
<!-- Toast shown when the user tries to send a message, and then sets Bugle as the default SMS app. -->
@@ -325,9 +150,7 @@
<string name="settings_activity_title">Axustes</string>
<!-- Title for the archived conversations activity -->
<!-- Action title: Close -->
- <string name="action_close">Zarrar</string>
<!-- Preference category: MMS messaging -->
- <string name="mms_messaging_category_pref_title">MMS</string>
<!-- Preference category: Advanced -->
<string name="advanced_category_pref_title">Avanzao</string>
<!-- Preference category: Debug -->
@@ -337,97 +160,51 @@
<string name="notification_sound_pref_title">Soníu</string>
<!-- What to display in the settings screen for Ringtone when the user chooses "silent" [CHAR LIMIT=100]-->
<!-- Title for the preference for whether or not to vibrate with notifications -->
- <string name="blocked_pref_title">Bloquiáu</string>
<!-- Title for the preference for whether or not to request/show delivery reports for SMS -->
- <string name="delivery_reports_pref_title">Informes d\'entrega de SMS</string>
- <string name="delivery_reports_pref_summary">Solicitar un informe d\'entrega al unviar un SMS</string>
- <string name="auto_retrieve_mms_pref_title">Recuperación automática</string>
- <string name="auto_retrieve_mms_pref_summary">Recuperar mensaxes MMS automáticamente</string>
<!-- Title for the preference for whether or not to auto-retrieve MMS when roaming -->
- <string name="auto_retrieve_mms_when_roaming_pref_title">Recuperación automática en roaming</string>
- <string name="auto_retrieve_mms_when_roaming_pref_summary">Recuperar MMS automáticamente en roaming</string>
- <string name="group_mms_pref_title">Mensaxes grupales</string>
- <string name="group_mms_pref_summary">Usa MMS pa unviar un mesmu mensaxe a dellos destinatarios</string>
<!-- Preference title: SMS disabled (Messaging is not default SMS app) -->
- <string name="sms_disabled_pref_title">App de SMS predeterminada</string>
<!-- Preference title: SMS enabled (Messaging is the default SMS app) -->
- <string name="sms_enabled_pref_title">App de SMS predeterminada</string>
<!-- Preference summary: Current default SMS app -->
- <string name="default_sms_app"><xliff:g id="app_name">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Preference title: MMS phone number -->
- <string name="mms_phone_number_pref_title">El to númberu de teléfonu</string>
<!-- Display text for phone number preference when the number is unknown -->
- <string name="unknown_phone_number_pref_display_value">Desconocíu</string>
<!-- Title for the preference for playing a message send sound -->
- <string name="send_sound_pref_title">Soníos de mensaxe saliente</string>
- <string name="dump_sms_pref_title">Volcar SMS</string>
- <string name="dump_sms_pref_summary">Volcar datos ensin procesar de SMS nel ficheru d\'almacenamientu esternu</string>
- <string name="dump_mms_pref_title">Volcar MMS</string>
- <string name="dump_mms_pref_summary">Volcar datos ensin procesar de MMS recibíos nun ficheru d\'almacenamientu esternu</string>
<!-- Strings for dump sms/mms dialog -->
<string name="wireless_alerts_title">Alertes inalámbriques</string>
<!-- Title of long press menu on an individual message. -->
- <string name="message_context_menu_title">Opciones de mensaxe</string>
<!-- Menu item to copy message text -->
- <string name="message_context_menu_copy_text">Copiar el testu</string>
<!-- Title of long press menu for details about an individual message. -->
- <string name="message_context_menu_view_details">Ver detalles</string>
<!-- Title of long press menu for deleting an individual message. -->
- <string name="message_context_menu_delete_message">Desaniciar</string>
<!-- Title of long press menu for forwarding an individual message. -->
- <string name="message_context_menu_forward_message">Reunviar</string>
<!-- Title of "Message details" dialog -->
- <string name="message_details_title">Detalles del mensaxe</string>
<!-- Label in "Message details" dialog -->
- <string name="message_type_label">Tipu:\u0020</string>
<!-- "Type" value in "Message details" dialog -->
- <string name="text_message">Mensaxe de testu</string>
<!-- "Type" value in "Message details" dialog -->
- <string name="multimedia_message">Mensaxe multimedia</string>
<!-- Label in "Message details" dialog showing who sent the message. -->
- <string name="from_label">De:\u0020</string>
<!-- Label in "Message details" dialog -->
- <string name="to_address_label">Pa:\u0020</string>
<!-- Label in "Message details" dialog -->
- <string name="sent_label">Unviáu:\u0020</string>
<!-- Label in "Message details" dialog -->
- <string name="received_label">Recibíu:\u0020</string>
<!-- Label in "Message details" dialog -->
- <string name="subject_label">Asuntu:\u0020</string>
<!-- Label in "Message details" dialog -->
- <string name="message_size_label">Tamañu:\u0020</string>
<!-- Label in "Message details" dialog -->
- <string name="priority_label">Prioridá:\u0020</string>
<!-- Label in "Message details" dialog -->
- <string name="sim_label">SIM:\u0020</string>
<!-- "Priority" value in "Message details" dialog -->
- <string name="priority_high">Alta</string>
<!-- "Priority" value in "Message details" dialog -->
<string name="priority_normal">Normal</string>
<!-- "Priority" value in "Message details" dialog -->
- <string name="priority_low">Baxa</string>
<!-- SIM identified using the slot number. e.g. SIM 1 -->
- <string name="sim_slot_identifier">SIM <xliff:g id="sim_slot_number">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Sender to be used if the sender address has been hidden -->
- <string name="hidden_sender_address">Direición de remitente tapecida</string>
<!-- Shows when the user attempts to send message while some attachment(s) haven't finished loading -->
- <string name="cant_send_message_while_loading_attachments">Nun puen unviase mensaxe mentanto se carguen axuntos.</string>
<!-- Notifies the user when an attachment fails to load -->
- <string name="fail_to_load_attachment">Nun pue cargase l\'axuntu. Vuelvi intentalo.</string>
<!-- Shows when the user attempts to send message when there is no active subscription -->
- <string name="cant_send_message_without_active_subscription">La rede nun ta llista. Vuelvi intentalo.</string>
- <string name="chips_text_delete_button_content_description">Desaniciar testu</string>
- <string name="numeric_text_keyboard_toggle_button_content_description">Camudar ente ingresar testu y númberos</string>
- <string name="add_more_participants_button_content_description">Amestar más participantes</string>
- <string name="confrim_participants_button_content_description">Confirmar participantes</string>
- <string name="start_new_conversation">Entamar una conversación nueva</string>
<!-- Content description for the checkbox when selecting an item in the gallery -->
<!-- Option menu item in the conversation view that lets user view list of conversation participants and change options -->
+ <string name="action_people_and_options">Xente y opciones</string>
<!-- Option menu item in the conversation list view and conversation view that shows debug menu -->
<!-- Title for the "People and Options" activity -->
+ <string name="people_and_options_activity_title">Xente y opciones</string>
<!-- Title for the general settings section in the "People and options" activity -->
+ <string name="general_settings_title">Xeneral</string>
<!-- Title for the list of participants in the "People and options" activity -->
- <string name="participant_list_title">Xente nesta conversación</string>
<!-- Title for the phone call button in the action bar that lets the user call a participant in an SMS conversation -->
<!-- The hint text shown in the message compose input box prompting the user to send a message -->
<!-- The hint text shown in the message compose input box prompting the user to send a message when there are multiple SIMs. -->
@@ -441,39 +218,28 @@
<!-- Action menu title in the HelpAndFeedbackFragment to let users view the app in the Google Play Store -->
<!-- Action menu title in the HelpAndFeedbackFragment to let users view the version of Bugle -->
<!-- The format of the subtitle of the help activity. -->
- <string name="subtitle_format_for_version_number">Versión %1$s</string>
<!-- Action menu title to let users view open source license -->
- <string name="menu_license">Llicencies de códigu abiertu</string>
<!-- Title for the per-conversation preference for whether or to notify the user of new messages -->
<string name="notifications_enabled_conversation_pref_title">Avisos</string>
<!-- Reached MMS message attachment limit -->
<!-- Message attachment load failed -->
- <string name="mms_attachment_load_failed">Fallu al cargar l\'axuntu.</string>
<!-- Alert dialog title to accept or decline adding the given phone number to your contacts. -->
- <string name="add_contact_confirmation_dialog_title">¿Amestar a Contautos?</string>
<!-- Alert dialog accept adding the given phone number to your contacts button. -->
<!-- The text shown as a label before the message subject input box -->
- <string name="compose_message_view_subject_hint_text">Asuntu</string>
<!-- The text shown as a label before the message subject input box -->
- <string name="conversation_message_view_subject_text">Asuntu:\u0020</string>
<!-- When there's a subject in an mms, the subject + message are shown in a notification -->
+ <string name="notification_subject"><xliff:g id="subject_label">%s</xliff:g><xliff:g id="messageText">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Text shown on contact VCard when it's being loaded -->
<!-- Text shown on contact VCard when it failed to load -->
<!-- Text shown on contact VCard promping the user to tap to view the contact -->
<!-- VCard display name for when there's more than one contact, e.g. "2 contact cards" -->
<!-- Title for the activity that shows details of VCards -->
- <string name="vcard_detail_activity_title">Tarxetes de contautos</string>
<!-- VCard label for displaying birthdays -->
- <string name="vcard_detail_birthday_label">Aniversariu</string>
<!-- VCard label for describing the Notes field of a contact. -->
- <string name="vcard_detail_notes_label">Notes</string>
<!-- Title for the message forwarding dialog -->
<!-- Title for the message reply dialog -->
- <string name="reply_activity_title">Responder</string>
<!-- String to show when eliding the number of participants in a conversation due to length (used when there is one extra) -->
- <string name="plus_one">+1</string>
<!-- String to show when eliding the number of participants in a conversation due to length (used when there is more than one extra) -->
- <string name="plus_n">+%d</string>
<!-- Toast error shown when SMS functionality is disabled -->
<!-- Snackbar message that indicates users must set Messaging as their
default SMS application in order to send messages -->
@@ -487,214 +253,127 @@
<!-- Dialog button text that closes the application. -->
<string name="requires_sms_permissions_close_button">ACEUTAR</string>
<!-- Toast text when creating a conversation with more participants than MMS/SMS config permits -->
- <string name="too_many_participants">Milenta participantes nuna conversación</string>
<!-- Toast text when creating a conversation with an invalid participant -->
- <plurals name="add_invalid_contact_error">
- <item quantity="one">Contautu non válidu</item>
- <item quantity="other">Contautos non válidos</item>
- </plurals>
<!-- Error toast message shown when a camera image failed to attach to the message -->
- <string name="camera_media_failure">Nun pudo cargase la imaxe de la cámara</string>
<!-- A message prefix to indicate the message was sent by the user. -->
- <string name="conversation_list_item_view_sent_from_you_prefix">Tú:\u0020</string>
<!-- A message prefix to indicate the message was sent by another user in a group conversation. -->
<string name="conversation_list_item_view_sent_from_other_prefix"><xliff:g id="firstNameOfSender">%s</xliff:g>:\u0020</string>
<!-- A message in conversation list view to indicate that the snipit text and preview is from an unsent draft. -->
- <string name="conversation_list_item_view_draft_message">Borrador</string>
<!-- String to show in the conversation list view when there are no messages. -->
- <string name="conversation_list_empty_text">Namái qu\'anicies una conversación nueva, verásla llistada equí</string>
<!-- String to show in the archived conversation list view when there are no messages. -->
- <string name="archived_conversation_list_empty_text">Equí apaecerán les conversaciones archivaes</string>
<!-- String to show in the conversation list view when we haven't synchronized the SMS database yet -->
- <string name="conversation_list_first_sync_text">Cargando conversaciones&#8230;</string>
<!-- Shown in conversation as the snippet when there is no text and an attached picture. [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="conversation_list_snippet_picture">Imaxe</string>
<!-- Shown in conversation as the snippet when there is no text and an attached audio clip. [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="conversation_list_snippet_audio_clip">Clip d\'audiu</string>
<!-- Shown in conversation as the snippet when there is no text and an attached video. [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="conversation_list_snippet_video">Videu</string>
<!-- Shown in conversation as the snippet when there is no text and an attached vcard. [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
- <string name="conversation_list_snippet_vcard">Tarxeta de contautu</string>
<!-- Indicates that the current message will be sent via MMS -->
- <string name="mms_text">MMS</string>
<!-- The string we display with the snack bar notification (very similar to toast) to undo the action that the notification is about. -->
- <string name="snack_bar_undo">Desfacer</string>
- <string name="snack_bar_retry">Reintentar</string>
<!-- Hint text shown on the contact list when there's no contacts -->
<!-- Action menu title for blocking and archiving selected conversations in conversation list -->
- <string name="action_block">Bloquiar</string>
<!-- Label of block contact item in People & Options for 1:1 conversation -->
- <string name="block_contact_title">Bloquiar <xliff:g id="destination">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Label of unblock contact item in People & Options for 1:1 conversation -->
- <string name="unblock_contact_title">Desbloquiar <xliff:g id="destination">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Title of block confirmation dialog -->
- <string name="block_confirmation_title">¿Bloquiar <xliff:g id="destination">%s</xliff:g>?</string>
<!-- Text describing what happens when user is blocked via the block actionbar action -->
<!-- The title of the list of blocked contacts -->
<!-- The message in a blocked contact item which indicates tapping will unblock -->
- <string name="tap_to_unblock_message">DESBLOQUIAR</string>
<!-- Action menu title for viewing the list of blocked contacts -->
- <string name="view_blocked_contacts_title">Contautos bloquiaos</string>
<!-- Content description for the button in gallery media picker to pick an image from the document library -->
<!-- Accessibility toast shown when a message is sending. -->
- <string name="sending_message">Unviando mensaxe</string>
<!-- Accessibility toast shown when a message is sent. -->
- <string name="send_message_success">Unvióse\'l mensaxe</string>
<!-- Error toast shown when an MMS could not be sent because mobile data was disabled. -->
<!-- Error toast shown when a message could not be sent because of airplane mode. -->
- <string name="send_message_failure_airplane_mode">Nun puen unviase mensaxes nel Mou Avión</string>
<!-- Error toast shown when a message could not be sent because of unspecified error. -->
- <string name="send_message_failure">Nun pudo unviase\'l mensaxe</string>
<!-- Accessibility toast shown when an MMS is downloaded. -->
<!-- Error toast shown when an MMS could not be downloaded because mobile data was disabled. -->
<!-- Error toast shown when a message could not be downloaded because of airplane mode. -->
<!-- Error toast shown when a message could not be downloaded because of unspecified error. -->
- <string name="download_message_failure">Nun pudo baxase\'l mensaxe</string>
<!-- Accessibility : content description for numbers -->
- <string name="content_description_for_number_zero">Cero</string>
- <string name="content_description_for_number_one">Uno</string>
- <string name="content_description_for_number_two">Dos</string>
- <string name="content_description_for_number_three">Tres</string>
- <string name="content_description_for_number_four">Cuatro</string>
- <string name="content_description_for_number_five">Cinco</string>
- <string name="content_description_for_number_six">Seis</string>
- <string name="content_description_for_number_seven">Siete</string>
- <string name="content_description_for_number_eight">Ocho</string>
- <string name="content_description_for_number_nine">Nueve</string>
<!-- Error message which shows the user a carrier specific error code such as "Unable to send message: xxxxx error 97" -->
- <string name="carrier_send_error">Nun pue unviase\'l mensaxe con <xliff:g id="carrierName">%1$s</xliff:g>, fallu <xliff:g id="errorCode">%2$d</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Text prepended to the subject of a forwarded message -->
<!-- Detailed MMS failure strings, may need to be adjusted per carrier for TA -->
<!-- The notification toast text and action button label shown at bottom of screen, for when a new message comes in while the user
is in that conversation, but the message list is not scrolled to the bottom -->
- <string name="in_conversation_notify_new_message_text">Mensaxe nuevu</string>
- <string name="in_conversation_notify_new_message_action">Ver</string>
<!-- Content description for the message images in a conversation or for the image preview in the conversation list if the lastest message in that conversation contains an image-->
- <string name="message_image_content_description">Imaxe</string>
<!-- Text for a toast message notifying the user that we can't find an appropriate application to handle their request -->
+ <string name="activity_not_found_message">Nun pudo alcontrase una aplicación afayadiza</string>
<!-- Accessibility : Content description for deleting a recipient chip. -->
<!-- Label for new message button in share intent dialog -->
- <string name="share_new_message">Mensaxe nuevu</string>
<!-- Label for new message button in share intent dialog -->
<string name="share_cancel">Encaboxar</string>
<!-- Screen title after user selects APNs setting option -->
<!-- Edit access point label summary text when no value has been set -->
<!-- Edit access point labels: A label the user can give to the APN to allow him to differentiate it from the others -->
- <string name="apn_name">Nome</string>
<!-- Edit access point labels: The actual access point name-->
- <string name="apn_apn">APN</string>
<!-- Edit access point labels: -->
- <string name="apn_mmsc">MMSC</string>
<!-- Edit access point labels: The proxy to use for MMS (multimedia messages)-->
- <string name="apn_mms_proxy">Proxy MMS</string>
<!-- Edit access point labels: The port on the proxy used for MMS-->
- <string name="apn_mms_port">Puertu MMS</string>
<!-- Edit access point labels: -->
- <string name="apn_mcc">MCC</string>
<!-- Edit access point labels: -->
- <string name="apn_mnc">MNC</string>
<!-- Edit access point labels: The type of APN -->
- <string name="apn_type">Triba d\'APN</string>
<!-- Edit access point screen menu option to delete this APN -->
- <string name="menu_delete_apn">Desaniciar APN</string>
<!-- APNs screen menu option to create a brand spanking new APN -->
- <string name="menu_new_apn">APN nueva</string>
<!-- Edit access point screen menu option to save the user's changes for this APN to the persistent storage -->
- <string name="menu_save_apn">Guardar</string>
<!-- Edit access point screen menu option to discard the user's changes for this APN -->
- <string name="menu_discard_apn_change">Descartar</string>
+ <string name="menu_discard_apn_change">Escartar</string>
<!-- APN error dialog messages: -->
<!-- APN error dialog messages: -->
+ <string name="error_apn_empty">L\'APN nun pue tar balera.</string>
<!-- APN error dialog messages: -->
<!-- APN error dialog messages: -->
<!-- The message of dialog indicated restoring default APN settings in progress -->
<!-- APNs screen menu option to reset default APN settings -->
<!-- APNs screen toast message to inform reset default APN settings is completed -->
<!-- Name to assign to a Network Access Point that was saved without a name -->
- <string name="untitled_apn">Ensin títulu</string>
<!-- Title for Access Point Names settings -->
- <string name="sms_apns_title">Nomes de puntu d\'accesu</string>
<!-- Title for Access Point Names settings activity -->
- <string name="apn_settings">APNs</string>
<!-- APNs screen menu option to create a brand spanking new APN -->
- <string name="menu_new">APN Nuevu</string>
<!-- Error message for users that aren't allowed to modify Access Point Names settings [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
- <string name="apn_settings_not_available">Los axustes del nome del puntu d\'accesu nun tán disponibles pa esti usuariu</string>
<!-- Alert dialog title to copy information displayed in dialog to system clipboard. -->
- <string name="copy_to_clipboard_dialog_title">¿Copiar al cartafueyu?</string>
<!-- Alert dialog accept to copy information displayed in dialog to system clipboard. -->
- <string name="copy_to_clipboard">Copiar</string>
<!-- SIM name incoming message bubbles indicating which SIM the message was delivered to -->
- <string name="incoming_sim_name_text">a <xliff:g id="sim_name">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- The title for general settings section in the settings activity -->
- <string name="general_settings">Xeneral</string>
<!-- The title for advanced settings section in the settings activity -->
- <string name="advanced_settings">Avanzaos</string>
+ <string name="advanced_settings">Avanzao</string>
<!-- The title for general settings activity -->
<string name="general_settings_activity_title">Axustes xenerales</string>
<!-- The title for advanced settings activity -->
<string name="advanced_settings_activity_title">Axustes avanzaos</string>
<!-- The title for sim_specific settings -->
- <string name="sim_specific_settings">\"<xliff:g id="sim_name">%s</xliff:g>\" SIM</string>
<!-- The group MMS choices in settings -->
<!-- SIM number shown in the settings when the number is not known -->
- <string name="sim_settings_unknown_number">Númberu desconocíu</string>
<!-- Notification title for incoming sms/mms message for secondary user -->
- <string name="secondary_user_new_message_title">Mensaxe nuevu</string>
<!-- Ticker for notification for incoming sms/mms message for secondary user -->
- <string name="secondary_user_new_message_ticker">Mensaxe nuevu.</string>
<!-- Content description for the SIM selector button in the conversation -->
- <string name="sim_selector_button_content_description">Seleutor de SIM</string>
<!-- Content description for the SIM selector button with selected sim name -->
<!-- Custom TalkBack description for send button long click event when there's no SIM selector, i.e. edit subject -->
- <string name="send_button_long_click_description_no_sim_selector">Editar asuntu</string>
<!-- Custom TalkBack description for send button long click event when there is SIM selector -->
<!-- Content description for the audio record view -->
<!-- Content description for new conversation button in desktop widget -->
<!-- Content description for widget title -->
- <string name="widget_title_content_description">Mensaxería</string>
<!-- Displayed name of the desktop widget that shows the list of conversations-->
<!-- Displayed name of the desktop widget that shows a single conversation-->
- <string name="widget_conversation_name">Mensaxería</string>
<!-- Content description for new message button in desktop widget -->
- <string name="widget_new_message_content_description">Mensaxe nuevu</string>
<!-- Content description for conversation list button in desktop widget -->
- <string name="widget_conversation_list_content_description">Llista de conversaciones</string>
<!-- Shown when loading conversations in the widget -->
- <string name="loading_conversations">Cargando conversaciones</string>
<!-- Shown when loading messages in the widget -->
- <string name="loading_messages">Cargando mensaxes</string>
<!-- Displayed at the end of the conversation list in the widget. Tapping on this will open bugle home activity. [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
- <string name="view_more_conversations">Ver más conversaciones</string>
<!-- Displayed at the beginning of the message list in the widget. Tapping on this will open bugle home activity. [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
- <string name="view_more_messages">Ver más mensaxes</string>
<!-- Toast message telling the user a conversation has been deleted -->
- <string name="conversation_deleted">Conversación desaniciada</string>
<!-- Displayed when user adds a new conversation widget. Tapping on the widget in this
mode will bring user to the conversation selection screen -->
- <string name="tap_to_configure">Conversación desaniciada. Toca p\'amosar otra conversación de Centru de Mensaxes</string>
<!-- Toast message telling the user that someone was blocked -->
- <string name="update_destination_blocked">Bloquiáu</string>
<!-- Toast message telling the user that someone was unblocked -->
- <string name="update_destination_unblocked">Desbloquiáu</string>
<!-- Title for attachment chooser activity -->
<!-- Action menu title for confirming attachment selection in the attachment chooser -->
<!-- Shows the number of selected attachments in the attachment chooser activity -->
<!-- The dialog message content for when the message is over the attachment limit when composing the message -->
- <string name="attachment_limit_reached_dialog_message_when_composing">Desanicia ún o más axuntos y vuelvi tentalo, por favor.</string>
<!-- The dialog message content for when the message is over the attachment limit when sending the message -->
- <string name="attachment_limit_reached_dialog_message_when_sending">Pues tentar d\'unviar el to mensaxe pero quiciabes nun s\'entregue a nun ser que desanicies ún o más axuntos.</string>
<!-- The dialog message content for when the message is over the attachment limit when sending the message -->
- <string name="video_attachment_limit_exceeded_when_sending">Namái pues unviar un videu per mensaxe. Desanicia vídeos adicionales y volvi tentalo, por favor.</string>
<!-- The dialog message content for when the message load failed -->
- <string name="attachment_load_failed_dialog_message">Mensaxería falló al cargar l\'axuntu.</string>
<!-- The option to send the message anyway when the user is presented with the warning that the attachment size might be over limit -->
- <string name="attachment_limit_reached_send_anyway">Unviar de toes toes</string>
<!-- Toast message telling the user a conversation with a recipient could not be found or created -->
- <string name="conversation_creation_failure">Nun pudo aniciase la conversación</string>
<!-- When converting html to text link urls are inlined. This specifies how the link should be
displayed. For example, a link "click here" which navigates to "" would have
text="click here" and url="", using the below format to create "click here (" -->
- <string name="link_display_format"><xliff:g id="text">%1$s</xliff:g> (<xliff:g id="url">%2$s</xliff:g>)</string>
<!-- The accessibility text read when the sim chooser pops up to read the current selected sim -->