path: root/tests/src/com/android/contacts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/src/com/android/contacts/')
1 files changed, 412 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/src/com/android/contacts/ b/tests/src/com/android/contacts/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80e4c2074
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/com/android/contacts/
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import static android.content.ContentProviderOperation.TYPE_ASSERT;
+import static android.content.ContentProviderOperation.TYPE_DELETE;
+import static android.content.ContentProviderOperation.TYPE_INSERT;
+import static android.content.ContentProviderOperation.TYPE_UPDATE;
+import android.content.ContentProviderOperation;
+import android.content.ContentProviderOperation.Builder;
+import android.content.ContentValues;
+import android.content.Context;
+import android.os.Parcel;
+import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone;
+import android.provider.ContactsContract.Data;
+import android.provider.ContactsContract.RawContacts;
+import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
+import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.LargeTest;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+ * Tests for {@link RawContactDelta} and {@link ValuesDelta}. These tests
+ * focus on passing changes across {@link Parcel}, and verifying that they
+ * correctly build expected "diff" operations.
+ */
+public class RawContactDeltaTests extends AndroidTestCase {
+ public static final String TAG = "EntityDeltaTests";
+ public static final long TEST_CONTACT_ID = 12;
+ public static final long TEST_PHONE_ID = 24;
+ public static final String TEST_PHONE_NUMBER_1 = "218-555-1111";
+ public static final String TEST_PHONE_NUMBER_2 = "218-555-2222";
+ public static final String TEST_ACCOUNT_NAME = "TEST";
+ public RawContactDeltaTests() {
+ super();
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setUp() {
+ mContext = getContext();
+ }
+ public static RawContact getRawContact(Context context, long contactId, long phoneId) {
+ // Build an existing contact read from database
+ final ContentValues contact = new ContentValues();
+ contact.put(RawContacts.VERSION, 43);
+ contact.put(RawContacts._ID, contactId);
+ final ContentValues phone = new ContentValues();
+ phone.put(Data._ID, phoneId);
+ phone.put(Data.MIMETYPE, Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE);
+ phone.put(Phone.NUMBER, TEST_PHONE_NUMBER_1);
+ phone.put(Phone.TYPE, Phone.TYPE_HOME);
+ final RawContact before = new RawContact(context, contact);
+ before.addDataItemValues(phone);
+ return before;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test that {@link RawContactDelta#mergeAfter(RawContactDelta)} correctly passes
+ * any changes through the {@link Parcel} object. This enforces that
+ * {@link RawContactDelta} should be identical when serialized against the same
+ * "before" {@link RawContact}.
+ */
+ public void testParcelChangesNone() {
+ final RawContact before = getRawContact(mContext, TEST_CONTACT_ID, TEST_PHONE_ID);
+ final RawContactDelta source = RawContactDelta.fromBefore(before);
+ final RawContactDelta dest = RawContactDelta.fromBefore(before);
+ // Merge modified values and assert they match
+ final RawContactDelta merged = RawContactDelta.mergeAfter(dest, source);
+ assertEquals("Unexpected change when merging", source, merged);
+ }
+ public void testParcelChangesInsert() {
+ final RawContact before = getRawContact(mContext, TEST_CONTACT_ID, TEST_PHONE_ID);
+ final RawContactDelta source = RawContactDelta.fromBefore(before);
+ final RawContactDelta dest = RawContactDelta.fromBefore(before);
+ // Add a new row and pass across parcel, should be same
+ final ContentValues phone = new ContentValues();
+ phone.put(Data.MIMETYPE, Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE);
+ phone.put(Phone.NUMBER, TEST_PHONE_NUMBER_2);
+ phone.put(Phone.TYPE, Phone.TYPE_WORK);
+ source.addEntry(ValuesDelta.fromAfter(phone));
+ // Merge modified values and assert they match
+ final RawContactDelta merged = RawContactDelta.mergeAfter(dest, source);
+ assertEquals("Unexpected change when merging", source, merged);
+ }
+ public void testParcelChangesUpdate() {
+ // Update existing row and pass across parcel, should be same
+ final RawContact before = getRawContact(mContext, TEST_CONTACT_ID, TEST_PHONE_ID);
+ final RawContactDelta source = RawContactDelta.fromBefore(before);
+ final RawContactDelta dest = RawContactDelta.fromBefore(before);
+ final ValuesDelta child = source.getEntry(TEST_PHONE_ID);
+ child.put(Phone.NUMBER, TEST_PHONE_NUMBER_2);
+ // Merge modified values and assert they match
+ final RawContactDelta merged = RawContactDelta.mergeAfter(dest, source);
+ assertEquals("Unexpected change when merging", source, merged);
+ }
+ public void testParcelChangesDelete() {
+ // Delete a row and pass across parcel, should be same
+ final RawContact before = getRawContact(mContext, TEST_CONTACT_ID, TEST_PHONE_ID);
+ final RawContactDelta source = RawContactDelta.fromBefore(before);
+ final RawContactDelta dest = RawContactDelta.fromBefore(before);
+ final ValuesDelta child = source.getEntry(TEST_PHONE_ID);
+ child.markDeleted();
+ // Merge modified values and assert they match
+ final RawContactDelta merged = RawContactDelta.mergeAfter(dest, source);
+ assertEquals("Unexpected change when merging", source, merged);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test that {@link ValuesDelta#buildDiff(} is correctly
+ * built for insert, update, and delete cases. Note this only tests behavior
+ * for individual {@link Data} rows.
+ */
+ public void testValuesDiffNone() {
+ final ContentValues before = new ContentValues();
+ before.put(Data._ID, TEST_PHONE_ID);
+ before.put(Phone.NUMBER, TEST_PHONE_NUMBER_1);
+ final ValuesDelta values = ValuesDelta.fromBefore(before);
+ // None action shouldn't produce a builder
+ final Builder builder = values.buildDiff(Data.CONTENT_URI);
+ assertNull("None action produced a builder", builder);
+ }
+ public void testValuesDiffInsert() {
+ final ContentValues after = new ContentValues();
+ after.put(Phone.NUMBER, TEST_PHONE_NUMBER_2);
+ final ValuesDelta values = ValuesDelta.fromAfter(after);
+ // Should produce an insert action
+ final Builder builder = values.buildDiff(Data.CONTENT_URI);
+ final int type =;
+ assertEquals("Didn't produce insert action", TYPE_INSERT, type);
+ }
+ public void testValuesDiffUpdate() {
+ final ContentValues before = new ContentValues();
+ before.put(Data._ID, TEST_PHONE_ID);
+ before.put(Phone.NUMBER, TEST_PHONE_NUMBER_1);
+ final ValuesDelta values = ValuesDelta.fromBefore(before);
+ values.put(Phone.NUMBER, TEST_PHONE_NUMBER_2);
+ // Should produce an update action
+ final Builder builder = values.buildDiff(Data.CONTENT_URI);
+ final int type =;
+ assertEquals("Didn't produce update action", TYPE_UPDATE, type);
+ }
+ public void testValuesDiffDelete() {
+ final ContentValues before = new ContentValues();
+ before.put(Data._ID, TEST_PHONE_ID);
+ before.put(Phone.NUMBER, TEST_PHONE_NUMBER_1);
+ final ValuesDelta values = ValuesDelta.fromBefore(before);
+ values.markDeleted();
+ // Should produce a delete action
+ final Builder builder = values.buildDiff(Data.CONTENT_URI);
+ final int type =;
+ assertEquals("Didn't produce delete action", TYPE_DELETE, type);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test that {@link RawContactDelta#buildDiff(ArrayList)} is correctly built for
+ * insert, update, and delete cases. This only tests a subset of possible
+ * {@link Data} row changes.
+ */
+ public void testEntityDiffNone() {
+ final RawContact before = getRawContact(mContext, TEST_CONTACT_ID, TEST_PHONE_ID);
+ final RawContactDelta source = RawContactDelta.fromBefore(before);
+ // Assert that writing unchanged produces few operations
+ final ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> diff = Lists.newArrayList();
+ source.buildDiff(diff);
+ assertTrue("Created changes when none needed", (diff.size() == 0));
+ }
+ public void testEntityDiffNoneInsert() {
+ final RawContact before = getRawContact(mContext, TEST_CONTACT_ID, TEST_PHONE_ID);
+ final RawContactDelta source = RawContactDelta.fromBefore(before);
+ // Insert a new phone number
+ final ContentValues phone = new ContentValues();
+ phone.put(Data.MIMETYPE, Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE);
+ phone.put(Phone.NUMBER, TEST_PHONE_NUMBER_2);
+ phone.put(Phone.TYPE, Phone.TYPE_WORK);
+ source.addEntry(ValuesDelta.fromAfter(phone));
+ // Assert two operations: insert Data row and enforce version
+ final ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> diff = Lists.newArrayList();
+ source.buildAssert(diff);
+ source.buildDiff(diff);
+ assertEquals("Unexpected operations", 4, diff.size());
+ {
+ final ContentProviderOperation oper = diff.get(0);
+ assertEquals("Expected version enforcement", TYPE_ASSERT, oper.getType());
+ }
+ {
+ final ContentProviderOperation oper = diff.get(1);
+ assertEquals("Expected aggregation mode change", TYPE_UPDATE, oper.getType());
+ assertEquals("Incorrect target", RawContacts.CONTENT_URI, oper.getUri());
+ }
+ {
+ final ContentProviderOperation oper = diff.get(2);
+ assertEquals("Incorrect type", TYPE_INSERT, oper.getType());
+ assertEquals("Incorrect target", Data.CONTENT_URI, oper.getUri());
+ }
+ {
+ final ContentProviderOperation oper = diff.get(3);
+ assertEquals("Expected aggregation mode change", TYPE_UPDATE, oper.getType());
+ assertEquals("Incorrect target", RawContacts.CONTENT_URI, oper.getUri());
+ }
+ }
+ public void testEntityDiffUpdateInsert() {
+ final RawContact before = getRawContact(mContext, TEST_CONTACT_ID, TEST_PHONE_ID);
+ final RawContactDelta source = RawContactDelta.fromBefore(before);
+ // Update parent contact values
+ source.getValues().put(RawContacts.AGGREGATION_MODE, RawContacts.AGGREGATION_MODE_DISABLED);
+ // Insert a new phone number
+ final ContentValues phone = new ContentValues();
+ phone.put(Data.MIMETYPE, Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE);
+ phone.put(Phone.NUMBER, TEST_PHONE_NUMBER_2);
+ phone.put(Phone.TYPE, Phone.TYPE_WORK);
+ source.addEntry(ValuesDelta.fromAfter(phone));
+ // Assert three operations: update Contact, insert Data row, enforce version
+ final ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> diff = Lists.newArrayList();
+ source.buildAssert(diff);
+ source.buildDiff(diff);
+ assertEquals("Unexpected operations", 5, diff.size());
+ {
+ final ContentProviderOperation oper = diff.get(0);
+ assertEquals("Expected version enforcement", TYPE_ASSERT, oper.getType());
+ }
+ {
+ final ContentProviderOperation oper = diff.get(1);
+ assertEquals("Expected aggregation mode change", TYPE_UPDATE, oper.getType());
+ assertEquals("Incorrect target", RawContacts.CONTENT_URI, oper.getUri());
+ }
+ {
+ final ContentProviderOperation oper = diff.get(2);
+ assertEquals("Incorrect type", TYPE_UPDATE, oper.getType());
+ assertEquals("Incorrect target", RawContacts.CONTENT_URI, oper.getUri());
+ }
+ {
+ final ContentProviderOperation oper = diff.get(3);
+ assertEquals("Incorrect type", TYPE_INSERT, oper.getType());
+ assertEquals("Incorrect target", Data.CONTENT_URI, oper.getUri());
+ }
+ {
+ final ContentProviderOperation oper = diff.get(4);
+ assertEquals("Expected aggregation mode change", TYPE_UPDATE, oper.getType());
+ assertEquals("Incorrect target", RawContacts.CONTENT_URI, oper.getUri());
+ }
+ }
+ public void testEntityDiffNoneUpdate() {
+ final RawContact before = getRawContact(mContext, TEST_CONTACT_ID, TEST_PHONE_ID);
+ final RawContactDelta source = RawContactDelta.fromBefore(before);
+ // Update existing phone number
+ final ValuesDelta child = source.getEntry(TEST_PHONE_ID);
+ child.put(Phone.NUMBER, TEST_PHONE_NUMBER_2);
+ // Assert that version is enforced
+ final ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> diff = Lists.newArrayList();
+ source.buildAssert(diff);
+ source.buildDiff(diff);
+ assertEquals("Unexpected operations", 4, diff.size());
+ {
+ final ContentProviderOperation oper = diff.get(0);
+ assertEquals("Expected version enforcement", TYPE_ASSERT, oper.getType());
+ }
+ {
+ final ContentProviderOperation oper = diff.get(1);
+ assertEquals("Expected aggregation mode change", TYPE_UPDATE, oper.getType());
+ assertEquals("Incorrect target", RawContacts.CONTENT_URI, oper.getUri());
+ }
+ {
+ final ContentProviderOperation oper = diff.get(2);
+ assertEquals("Incorrect type", TYPE_UPDATE, oper.getType());
+ assertEquals("Incorrect target", Data.CONTENT_URI, oper.getUri());
+ }
+ {
+ final ContentProviderOperation oper = diff.get(3);
+ assertEquals("Expected aggregation mode change", TYPE_UPDATE, oper.getType());
+ assertEquals("Incorrect target", RawContacts.CONTENT_URI, oper.getUri());
+ }
+ }
+ public void testEntityDiffDelete() {
+ final RawContact before = getRawContact(mContext, TEST_CONTACT_ID, TEST_PHONE_ID);
+ final RawContactDelta source = RawContactDelta.fromBefore(before);
+ // Delete entire entity
+ source.getValues().markDeleted();
+ // Assert two operations: delete Contact and enforce version
+ final ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> diff = Lists.newArrayList();
+ source.buildAssert(diff);
+ source.buildDiff(diff);
+ assertEquals("Unexpected operations", 2, diff.size());
+ {
+ final ContentProviderOperation oper = diff.get(0);
+ assertEquals("Expected version enforcement", TYPE_ASSERT, oper.getType());
+ }
+ {
+ final ContentProviderOperation oper = diff.get(1);
+ assertEquals("Incorrect type", TYPE_DELETE, oper.getType());
+ assertEquals("Incorrect target", RawContacts.CONTENT_URI, oper.getUri());
+ }
+ }
+ public void testEntityDiffInsert() {
+ // Insert a RawContact
+ final ContentValues after = new ContentValues();
+ after.put(RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME, TEST_ACCOUNT_NAME);
+ after.put(RawContacts.SEND_TO_VOICEMAIL, 1);
+ final ValuesDelta values = ValuesDelta.fromAfter(after);
+ final RawContactDelta source = new RawContactDelta(values);
+ // Assert two operations: delete Contact and enforce version
+ final ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> diff = Lists.newArrayList();
+ source.buildAssert(diff);
+ source.buildDiff(diff);
+ assertEquals("Unexpected operations", 2, diff.size());
+ {
+ final ContentProviderOperation oper = diff.get(0);
+ assertEquals("Incorrect type", TYPE_INSERT, oper.getType());
+ assertEquals("Incorrect target", RawContacts.CONTENT_URI, oper.getUri());
+ }
+ }
+ public void testEntityDiffInsertInsert() {
+ // Insert a RawContact
+ final ContentValues after = new ContentValues();
+ after.put(RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME, TEST_ACCOUNT_NAME);
+ after.put(RawContacts.SEND_TO_VOICEMAIL, 1);
+ final ValuesDelta values = ValuesDelta.fromAfter(after);
+ final RawContactDelta source = new RawContactDelta(values);
+ // Insert a new phone number
+ final ContentValues phone = new ContentValues();
+ phone.put(Data.MIMETYPE, Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE);
+ phone.put(Phone.NUMBER, TEST_PHONE_NUMBER_2);
+ phone.put(Phone.TYPE, Phone.TYPE_WORK);
+ source.addEntry(ValuesDelta.fromAfter(phone));
+ // Assert two operations: delete Contact and enforce version
+ final ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> diff = Lists.newArrayList();
+ source.buildAssert(diff);
+ source.buildDiff(diff);
+ assertEquals("Unexpected operations", 3, diff.size());
+ {
+ final ContentProviderOperation oper = diff.get(0);
+ assertEquals("Incorrect type", TYPE_INSERT, oper.getType());
+ assertEquals("Incorrect target", RawContacts.CONTENT_URI, oper.getUri());
+ }
+ {
+ final ContentProviderOperation oper = diff.get(1);
+ assertEquals("Incorrect type", TYPE_INSERT, oper.getType());
+ assertEquals("Incorrect target", Data.CONTENT_URI, oper.getUri());
+ }
+ }