path: root/drivers/misc/uid_cputime.c
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* uid_cputime: fix mismergeJin Qian2015-12-051-3/+5
* uid_cputime: don't use task->power as it is not available in 3.0Michael Gernoth2015-12-021-0/+6
* uid_cputime: Iterates over all the threads instead of processes.Ruchi Kandoi2015-12-021-3/+3
* uid_cputime: fix overflow when printing cputimeJin Qian2015-12-021-1/+1
* uid_cputime: Fixes double accounting race condition on task exit.Ruchi Kandoi2015-12-021-0/+5
* uid_cputime: Extends the cputime functionality to report power per uidRuchi Kandoi2015-12-021-2/+10
* proc: uid_cputime: fix show_uid_stat permissionJin Qian2015-12-021-1/+1
* proc: uid: Changes the thread notifier to profile event notifier.Ruchi Kandoi2015-12-021-33/+18
* proc: uid: Adds accounting for the cputimes per uid.jinqian2015-12-021-0/+253