diff options
2 files changed, 129 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/include/samsung-ipc.h b/include/samsung-ipc.h
index a706f97..e5f24d1 100644
--- a/include/samsung-ipc.h
+++ b/include/samsung-ipc.h
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ const char *ipc_request_type_string(unsigned char type);
const char *ipc_response_type_string(unsigned char type);
const char *ipc_command_string(unsigned short command);
-void ipc_hex_dump(struct ipc_client *client, const void *data, size_t size);
+int ipc_data_dump(struct ipc_client *client, const void *data, size_t size);
void ipc_client_log_send(struct ipc_client *client, struct ipc_message *message,
const char *prefix);
void ipc_client_log_recv(struct ipc_client *client, struct ipc_message *message,
diff --git a/samsung-ipc/ipc_utils.c b/samsung-ipc/ipc_utils.c
index 0538387..f6436f9 100644
--- a/samsung-ipc/ipc_utils.c
+++ b/samsung-ipc/ipc_utils.c
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ int ipc_seq_valid(unsigned char seq)
if (seq == 0x00 || seq == 0xff)
return 0;
- else
- return 1;
+ return 1;
const char *ipc_request_type_string(unsigned char type)
@@ -353,60 +353,128 @@ const char *ipc_command_string(unsigned short command)
-void ipc_hex_dump(struct ipc_client *client, const void *data, size_t size)
+int ipc_data_dump(struct ipc_client *client, const void *data, size_t size)
- /* dumps size bytes of *data to stdout. Looks like:
- * [0000] 75 6E 6B 6E 6F 77 6E 20
- * 30 FF 00 00 00 00 39 00 unknown 0.....9.
- * (in a single line of course)
- */
- unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) data;
- unsigned char c;
- size_t n;
- char bytestr[4] = {0};
- char addrstr[10] = {0};
- char hexstr[ 16*3 + 5] = {0};
- char charstr[16*1 + 5] = {0};
- for (n=1;n<=size;n++) {
- if (n%16 == 1) {
- /* store address for this line */
- unsigned int end = 0, start = 0;
- end = *((unsigned int*) p);
- start = *((unsigned int*) data);
- snprintf(addrstr, sizeof(addrstr), "%.4x", end - start);
+ unsigned int cols = 8;
+ unsigned int cols_count = 2;
+ int spacer;
+ char string[81];
+ size_t length;
+ char *print;
+ unsigned char *p;
+ unsigned int offset;
+ unsigned int rollback;
+ unsigned int i, j, k;
+ int rc;
+ if (data == NULL || size == 0)
+ return -1;
+ // spacer = string length - offset print length - data print length - ascii print length
+ spacer = (sizeof(string) - 1) - 6 - (3 * cols * cols_count - 1 + (cols_count - 1)) - (cols * cols_count + cols_count - 1);
+ // Need 3 spacers
+ spacer /= 3;
+ if (spacer <= 0)
+ return -1;
+ p = (unsigned char *) data;
+ offset = 0;
+ while (offset < size) {
+ rollback = 0;
+ print = (char *) &string;
+ length = sizeof(string);
+ // Offset print
+ rc = snprintf(print, length, "[%04x]", offset);
+ print += rc;
+ length -= rc;
+ // Spacer print
+ for (i = 0; i < (unsigned int) spacer; i++) {
+ *print++ = ' ';
+ length--;
+ }
+ // Data print
+ for (i = 0; i < cols_count; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
+ if (offset < size) {
+ rc = snprintf(print, length, "%02X", *p);
+ print += rc;
+ length -= rc;
+ p++;
+ offset++;
+ rollback++;
+ } else {
+ for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
+ *print++ = ' ';
+ length--;
+ }
+ }
+ if (j != (cols - 1)) {
+ *print++ = ' ';
+ length--;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i != (cols_count - 1)) {
+ for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
+ *print++ = ' ';
+ length--;
+ }
+ }
- c = *p;
- if (isalnum(c) == 0) {
- c = '.';
+ // Spacer print
+ for (i = 0; i < (unsigned int) spacer; i++) {
+ *print++ = ' ';
+ length--;
- /* store hex str (for left side) */
- snprintf(bytestr, sizeof(bytestr), "%02X ", *p);
- strncat(hexstr, bytestr, sizeof(hexstr)-strlen(hexstr)-1);
- /* store char str (for right side) */
- snprintf(bytestr, sizeof(bytestr), "%c", c);
- strncat(charstr, bytestr, sizeof(charstr)-strlen(charstr)-1);
- if (n%16 == 0) {
- /* line completed */
- ipc_client_log(client, "[%4.4s] %-50.50s %s", addrstr, hexstr, charstr);
- hexstr[0] = 0;
- charstr[0] = 0;
- } else if (n%8 == 0) {
- /* half line: add whitespaces */
- strncat(hexstr, " ", sizeof(hexstr)-strlen(hexstr)-1);
- strncat(charstr, " ", sizeof(charstr)-strlen(charstr)-1);
+ // ASCII print
+ p -= rollback;
+ offset -= rollback;
+ for (i = 0; i < cols_count; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
+ if (offset < size) {
+ if (isascii(*p) && isprint(*p))
+ *print = *p;
+ else
+ *print = '.';
+ print++;
+ length--;
+ p++;
+ offset++;
+ rollback++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i != (cols_count - 1) && offset < size) {
+ *print++ = ' ';
+ length--;
+ }
- p++; /* next byte */
- }
- if (strlen(hexstr) > 0) {
- /* print rest of buffer if not empty */
- ipc_client_log(client, "[%4.4s] %-50.50s %s\n", addrstr, hexstr, charstr);
+ *print = '\0';
+ ipc_client_log(client, string);
+ return 0;
void ipc_client_log_send(struct ipc_client *client, struct ipc_message *message,
@@ -421,9 +489,9 @@ void ipc_client_log_send(struct ipc_client *client, struct ipc_message *message,
ipc_client_log(client, "%s: Message: mseq=0x%02x, command=%s, type=%s, size=%d", prefix, message->mseq, ipc_command_string(message->command), ipc_request_type_string(message->type), message->size);
#ifdef DEBUG
if (message->size > 0) {
- ipc_client_log(client, "=============================== FMT data dump ================================");
- ipc_hex_dump(client, (void *) message->data, message->size > 0x100 ? 0x100 : message->size);
- ipc_client_log(client, "==============================================================================");
+ ipc_client_log(client, "================================= IPC FMT data =================================");
+ ipc_data_dump(client, (void *) message->data, message->size > 0x100 ? 0x100 : message->size);
+ ipc_client_log(client, "================================================================================");
@@ -432,9 +500,9 @@ void ipc_client_log_send(struct ipc_client *client, struct ipc_message *message,
ipc_client_log(client, "%s: Message: mseq=0x%02x, command=%s, size=%d", prefix, message->mseq, ipc_command_string(message->command), message->size);
#ifdef DEBUG
if (message->size > 0) {
- ipc_client_log(client, "=============================== RFS data dump ================================");
- ipc_hex_dump(client, (void *) message->data, message->size > 0x100 ? 0x100 : message->size);
- ipc_client_log(client, "==============================================================================");
+ ipc_client_log(client, "================================= IPC RFS data =================================");
+ ipc_data_dump(client, (void *) message->data, message->size > 0x100 ? 0x100 : message->size);
+ ipc_client_log(client, "================================================================================");
@@ -453,9 +521,9 @@ void ipc_client_log_recv(struct ipc_client *client, struct ipc_message *message,
ipc_client_log(client, "%s: Message: aseq=0x%02x, command=%s, type=%s, size=%d", prefix, message->aseq, ipc_command_string(message->command), ipc_response_type_string(message->type), message->size);
#ifdef DEBUG
if (message->size > 0) {
- ipc_client_log(client, "=============================== FMT data dump ================================");
- ipc_hex_dump(client, (void *) message->data, message->size > 0x100 ? 0x100 : message->size);
- ipc_client_log(client, "==============================================================================");
+ ipc_client_log(client, "================================= IPC FMT data =================================");
+ ipc_data_dump(client, (void *) message->data, message->size > 0x100 ? 0x100 : message->size);
+ ipc_client_log(client, "================================================================================");
@@ -464,9 +532,9 @@ void ipc_client_log_recv(struct ipc_client *client, struct ipc_message *message,
ipc_client_log(client, "%s: Message: aseq=0x%02x, command=%s, size=%d", prefix, message->aseq, ipc_command_string(message->command), message->size);
#ifdef DEBUG
if (message->size > 0) {
- ipc_client_log(client, "=============================== RFS data dump ================================");
- ipc_hex_dump(client, (void *) message->data, message->size > 0x100 ? 0x100 : message->size);
- ipc_client_log(client, "==============================================================================");
+ ipc_client_log(client, "================================= IPC RFS data =================================");
+ ipc_data_dump(client, (void *) message->data, message->size > 0x100 ? 0x100 : message->size);
+ ipc_client_log(client, "================================================================================");