path: root/lib/Analysis/IPA/Andersens.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Analysis/IPA/Andersens.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2868 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Analysis/IPA/Andersens.cpp b/lib/Analysis/IPA/Andersens.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 418020600d..0000000000
--- a/lib/Analysis/IPA/Andersens.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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-//===- Andersens.cpp - Andersen's Interprocedural Alias Analysis ----------===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-// This file defines an implementation of Andersen's interprocedural alias
-// analysis
-// In pointer analysis terms, this is a subset-based, flow-insensitive,
-// field-sensitive, and context-insensitive algorithm pointer algorithm.
-// This algorithm is implemented as three stages:
-// 1. Object identification.
-// 2. Inclusion constraint identification.
-// 3. Offline constraint graph optimization
-// 4. Inclusion constraint solving.
-// The object identification stage identifies all of the memory objects in the
-// program, which includes globals, heap allocated objects, and stack allocated
-// objects.
-// The inclusion constraint identification stage finds all inclusion constraints
-// in the program by scanning the program, looking for pointer assignments and
-// other statements that effect the points-to graph. For a statement like "A =
-// B", this statement is processed to indicate that A can point to anything that
-// B can point to. Constraints can handle copies, loads, and stores, and
-// address taking.
-// The offline constraint graph optimization portion includes offline variable
-// substitution algorithms intended to compute pointer and location
-// equivalences. Pointer equivalences are those pointers that will have the
-// same points-to sets, and location equivalences are those variables that
-// always appear together in points-to sets. It also includes an offline
-// cycle detection algorithm that allows cycles to be collapsed sooner
-// during solving.
-// The inclusion constraint solving phase iteratively propagates the inclusion
-// constraints until a fixed point is reached. This is an O(N^3) algorithm.
-// Function constraints are handled as if they were structs with X fields.
-// Thus, an access to argument X of function Y is an access to node index
-// getNode(Y) + X. This representation allows handling of indirect calls
-// without any issues. To wit, an indirect call Y(a,b) is equivalent to
-// *(Y + 1) = a, *(Y + 2) = b.
-// The return node for a function is always located at getNode(F) +
-// CallReturnPos. The arguments start at getNode(F) + CallArgPos.
-// Future Improvements:
-// Use of BDD's.
-#define DEBUG_TYPE "anders-aa"
-#include "llvm/Constants.h"
-#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
-#include "llvm/Instructions.h"
-#include "llvm/Module.h"
-#include "llvm/Pass.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/InstIterator.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/InstVisitor.h"
-#include "llvm/Analysis/AliasAnalysis.h"
-#include "llvm/Analysis/MemoryBuiltins.h"
-#include "llvm/Analysis/Passes.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
-#include "llvm/System/Atomic.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/SparseBitVector.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <set>
-#include <list>
-#include <map>
-#include <stack>
-#include <vector>
-#include <queue>
-// Determining the actual set of nodes the universal set can consist of is very
-// expensive because it means propagating around very large sets. We rely on
-// other analysis being able to determine which nodes can never be pointed to in
-// order to disambiguate further than "points-to anything".
-using namespace llvm;
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-STATISTIC(NumIters , "Number of iterations to reach convergence");
-STATISTIC(NumConstraints, "Number of constraints");
-STATISTIC(NumNodes , "Number of nodes");
-STATISTIC(NumUnified , "Number of variables unified");
-STATISTIC(NumErased , "Number of redundant constraints erased");
-static const unsigned SelfRep = (unsigned)-1;
-static const unsigned Unvisited = (unsigned)-1;
-// Position of the function return node relative to the function node.
-static const unsigned CallReturnPos = 1;
-// Position of the function call node relative to the function node.
-static const unsigned CallFirstArgPos = 2;
-namespace {
- struct BitmapKeyInfo {
- static inline SparseBitVector<> *getEmptyKey() {
- return reinterpret_cast<SparseBitVector<> *>(-1);
- }
- static inline SparseBitVector<> *getTombstoneKey() {
- return reinterpret_cast<SparseBitVector<> *>(-2);
- }
- static unsigned getHashValue(const SparseBitVector<> *bitmap) {
- return bitmap->getHashValue();
- }
- static bool isEqual(const SparseBitVector<> *LHS,
- const SparseBitVector<> *RHS) {
- if (LHS == RHS)
- return true;
- else if (LHS == getEmptyKey() || RHS == getEmptyKey()
- || LHS == getTombstoneKey() || RHS == getTombstoneKey())
- return false;
- return *LHS == *RHS;
- }
- };
- class Andersens : public ModulePass, public AliasAnalysis,
- private InstVisitor<Andersens> {
- struct Node;
- /// Constraint - Objects of this structure are used to represent the various
- /// constraints identified by the algorithm. The constraints are 'copy',
- /// for statements like "A = B", 'load' for statements like "A = *B",
- /// 'store' for statements like "*A = B", and AddressOf for statements like
- /// A = alloca; The Offset is applied as *(A + K) = B for stores,
- /// A = *(B + K) for loads, and A = B + K for copies. It is
- /// illegal on addressof constraints (because it is statically
- /// resolvable to A = &C where C = B + K)
- struct Constraint {
- enum ConstraintType { Copy, Load, Store, AddressOf } Type;
- unsigned Dest;
- unsigned Src;
- unsigned Offset;
- Constraint(ConstraintType Ty, unsigned D, unsigned S, unsigned O = 0)
- : Type(Ty), Dest(D), Src(S), Offset(O) {
- assert((Offset == 0 || Ty != AddressOf) &&
- "Offset is illegal on addressof constraints");
- }
- bool operator==(const Constraint &RHS) const {
- return RHS.Type == Type
- && RHS.Dest == Dest
- && RHS.Src == Src
- && RHS.Offset == Offset;
- }
- bool operator!=(const Constraint &RHS) const {
- return !(*this == RHS);
- }
- bool operator<(const Constraint &RHS) const {
- if (RHS.Type != Type)
- return RHS.Type < Type;
- else if (RHS.Dest != Dest)
- return RHS.Dest < Dest;
- else if (RHS.Src != Src)
- return RHS.Src < Src;
- return RHS.Offset < Offset;
- }
- };
- // Information DenseSet requires implemented in order to be able to do
- // it's thing
- struct PairKeyInfo {
- static inline std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> getEmptyKey() {
- return std::make_pair(~0U, ~0U);
- }
- static inline std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> getTombstoneKey() {
- return std::make_pair(~0U - 1, ~0U - 1);
- }
- static unsigned getHashValue(const std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> &P) {
- return P.first ^ P.second;
- }
- static unsigned isEqual(const std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> &LHS,
- const std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> &RHS) {
- return LHS == RHS;
- }
- };
- struct ConstraintKeyInfo {
- static inline Constraint getEmptyKey() {
- return Constraint(Constraint::Copy, ~0U, ~0U, ~0U);
- }
- static inline Constraint getTombstoneKey() {
- return Constraint(Constraint::Copy, ~0U - 1, ~0U - 1, ~0U - 1);
- }
- static unsigned getHashValue(const Constraint &C) {
- return C.Src ^ C.Dest ^ C.Type ^ C.Offset;
- }
- static bool isEqual(const Constraint &LHS,
- const Constraint &RHS) {
- return LHS.Type == RHS.Type && LHS.Dest == RHS.Dest
- && LHS.Src == RHS.Src && LHS.Offset == RHS.Offset;
- }
- };
- // Node class - This class is used to represent a node in the constraint
- // graph. Due to various optimizations, it is not always the case that
- // there is a mapping from a Node to a Value. In particular, we add
- // artificial Node's that represent the set of pointed-to variables shared
- // for each location equivalent Node.
- struct Node {
- private:
- static volatile sys::cas_flag Counter;
- public:
- Value *Val;
- SparseBitVector<> *Edges;
- SparseBitVector<> *PointsTo;
- SparseBitVector<> *OldPointsTo;
- std::list<Constraint> Constraints;
- // Pointer and location equivalence labels
- unsigned PointerEquivLabel;
- unsigned LocationEquivLabel;
- // Predecessor edges, both real and implicit
- SparseBitVector<> *PredEdges;
- SparseBitVector<> *ImplicitPredEdges;
- // Set of nodes that point to us, only use for location equivalence.
- SparseBitVector<> *PointedToBy;
- // Number of incoming edges, used during variable substitution to early
- // free the points-to sets
- unsigned NumInEdges;
- // True if our points-to set is in the Set2PEClass map
- bool StoredInHash;
- // True if our node has no indirect constraints (complex or otherwise)
- bool Direct;
- // True if the node is address taken, *or* it is part of a group of nodes
- // that must be kept together. This is set to true for functions and
- // their arg nodes, which must be kept at the same position relative to
- // their base function node.
- bool AddressTaken;
- // Nodes in cycles (or in equivalence classes) are united together using a
- // standard union-find representation with path compression. NodeRep
- // gives the index into GraphNodes for the representative Node.
- unsigned NodeRep;
- // Modification timestamp. Assigned from Counter.
- // Used for work list prioritization.
- unsigned Timestamp;
- explicit Node(bool direct = true) :
- Val(0), Edges(0), PointsTo(0), OldPointsTo(0),
- PointerEquivLabel(0), LocationEquivLabel(0), PredEdges(0),
- ImplicitPredEdges(0), PointedToBy(0), NumInEdges(0),
- StoredInHash(false), Direct(direct), AddressTaken(false),
- NodeRep(SelfRep), Timestamp(0) { }
- Node *setValue(Value *V) {
- assert(Val == 0 && "Value already set for this node!");
- Val = V;
- return this;
- }
- /// getValue - Return the LLVM value corresponding to this node.
- ///
- Value *getValue() const { return Val; }
- /// addPointerTo - Add a pointer to the list of pointees of this node,
- /// returning true if this caused a new pointer to be added, or false if
- /// we already knew about the points-to relation.
- bool addPointerTo(unsigned Node) {
- return PointsTo->test_and_set(Node);
- }
- /// intersects - Return true if the points-to set of this node intersects
- /// with the points-to set of the specified node.
- bool intersects(Node *N) const;
- /// intersectsIgnoring - Return true if the points-to set of this node
- /// intersects with the points-to set of the specified node on any nodes
- /// except for the specified node to ignore.
- bool intersectsIgnoring(Node *N, unsigned) const;
- // Timestamp a node (used for work list prioritization)
- void Stamp() {
- Timestamp = sys::AtomicIncrement(&Counter);
- --Timestamp;
- }
- bool isRep() const {
- return( (int) NodeRep < 0 );
- }
- };
- struct WorkListElement {
- Node* node;
- unsigned Timestamp;
- WorkListElement(Node* n, unsigned t) : node(n), Timestamp(t) {}
- // Note that we reverse the sense of the comparison because we
- // actually want to give low timestamps the priority over high,
- // whereas priority is typically interpreted as a greater value is
- // given high priority.
- bool operator<(const WorkListElement& that) const {
- return( this->Timestamp > that.Timestamp );
- }
- };
- // Priority-queue based work list specialized for Nodes.
- class WorkList {
- std::priority_queue<WorkListElement> Q;
- public:
- void insert(Node* n) {
- Q.push( WorkListElement(n, n->Timestamp) );
- }
- // We automatically discard non-representative nodes and nodes
- // that were in the work list twice (we keep a copy of the
- // timestamp in the work list so we can detect this situation by
- // comparing against the node's current timestamp).
- Node* pop() {
- while( !Q.empty() ) {
- WorkListElement x = Q.top(); Q.pop();
- Node* INode = x.node;
- if( INode->isRep() &&
- INode->Timestamp == x.Timestamp ) {
- return(x.node);
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }
- bool empty() {
- return Q.empty();
- }
- };
- /// GraphNodes - This vector is populated as part of the object
- /// identification stage of the analysis, which populates this vector with a
- /// node for each memory object and fills in the ValueNodes map.
- std::vector<Node> GraphNodes;
- /// ValueNodes - This map indicates the Node that a particular Value* is
- /// represented by. This contains entries for all pointers.
- DenseMap<Value*, unsigned> ValueNodes;
- /// ObjectNodes - This map contains entries for each memory object in the
- /// program: globals, alloca's and mallocs.
- DenseMap<Value*, unsigned> ObjectNodes;
- /// ReturnNodes - This map contains an entry for each function in the
- /// program that returns a value.
- DenseMap<Function*, unsigned> ReturnNodes;
- /// VarargNodes - This map contains the entry used to represent all pointers
- /// passed through the varargs portion of a function call for a particular
- /// function. An entry is not present in this map for functions that do not
- /// take variable arguments.
- DenseMap<Function*, unsigned> VarargNodes;
- /// Constraints - This vector contains a list of all of the constraints
- /// identified by the program.
- std::vector<Constraint> Constraints;
- // Map from graph node to maximum K value that is allowed (for functions,
- // this is equivalent to the number of arguments + CallFirstArgPos)
- std::map<unsigned, unsigned> MaxK;
- /// This enum defines the GraphNodes indices that correspond to important
- /// fixed sets.
- enum {
- UniversalSet = 0,
- NullPtr = 1,
- NullObject = 2,
- NumberSpecialNodes
- };
- // Stack for Tarjan's
- std::stack<unsigned> SCCStack;
- // Map from Graph Node to DFS number
- std::vector<unsigned> Node2DFS;
- // Map from Graph Node to Deleted from graph.
- std::vector<bool> Node2Deleted;
- // Same as Node Maps, but implemented as std::map because it is faster to
- // clear
- std::map<unsigned, unsigned> Tarjan2DFS;
- std::map<unsigned, bool> Tarjan2Deleted;
- // Current DFS number
- unsigned DFSNumber;
- // Work lists.
- WorkList w1, w2;
- WorkList *CurrWL, *NextWL; // "current" and "next" work lists
- // Offline variable substitution related things
- // Temporary rep storage, used because we can't collapse SCC's in the
- // predecessor graph by uniting the variables permanently, we can only do so
- // for the successor graph.
- std::vector<unsigned> VSSCCRep;
- // Mapping from node to whether we have visited it during SCC finding yet.
- std::vector<bool> Node2Visited;
- // During variable substitution, we create unknowns to represent the unknown
- // value that is a dereference of a variable. These nodes are known as
- // "ref" nodes (since they represent the value of dereferences).
- unsigned FirstRefNode;
- // During HVN, we create represent address taken nodes as if they were
- // unknown (since HVN, unlike HU, does not evaluate unions).
- unsigned FirstAdrNode;
- // Current pointer equivalence class number
- unsigned PEClass;
- // Mapping from points-to sets to equivalence classes
- typedef DenseMap<SparseBitVector<> *, unsigned, BitmapKeyInfo> BitVectorMap;
- BitVectorMap Set2PEClass;
- // Mapping from pointer equivalences to the representative node. -1 if we
- // have no representative node for this pointer equivalence class yet.
- std::vector<int> PEClass2Node;
- // Mapping from pointer equivalences to representative node. This includes
- // pointer equivalent but not location equivalent variables. -1 if we have
- // no representative node for this pointer equivalence class yet.
- std::vector<int> PENLEClass2Node;
- // Union/Find for HCD
- std::vector<unsigned> HCDSCCRep;
- // HCD's offline-detected cycles; "Statically DeTected"
- // -1 if not part of such a cycle, otherwise a representative node.
- std::vector<int> SDT;
- // Whether to use SDT (UniteNodes can use it during solving, but not before)
- bool SDTActive;
- public:
- static char ID;
- Andersens() : ModulePass(&ID) {}
- bool runOnModule(Module &M) {
- InitializeAliasAnalysis(this);
- IdentifyObjects(M);
- CollectConstraints(M);
-#undef DEBUG_TYPE
-#define DEBUG_TYPE "anders-aa-constraints"
- DEBUG(PrintConstraints());
-#undef DEBUG_TYPE
-#define DEBUG_TYPE "anders-aa"
- SolveConstraints();
- DEBUG(PrintPointsToGraph());
- // Free the constraints list, as we don't need it to respond to alias
- // requests.
- std::vector<Constraint>().swap(Constraints);
- //These are needed for Print() (-analyze in opt)
- //ObjectNodes.clear();
- //ReturnNodes.clear();
- //VarargNodes.clear();
- return false;
- }
- void releaseMemory() {
- // FIXME: Until we have transitively required passes working correctly,
- // this cannot be enabled! Otherwise, using -count-aa with the pass
- // causes memory to be freed too early. :(
-#if 0
- // The memory objects and ValueNodes data structures at the only ones that
- // are still live after construction.
- std::vector<Node>().swap(GraphNodes);
- ValueNodes.clear();
- }
- virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
- AliasAnalysis::getAnalysisUsage(AU);
- AU.setPreservesAll(); // Does not transform code
- }
- /// getAdjustedAnalysisPointer - This method is used when a pass implements
- /// an analysis interface through multiple inheritance. If needed, it
- /// should override this to adjust the this pointer as needed for the
- /// specified pass info.
- virtual void *getAdjustedAnalysisPointer(const PassInfo *PI) {
- if (PI->isPassID(&AliasAnalysis::ID))
- return (AliasAnalysis*)this;
- return this;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------
- // Implement the AliasAnalysis API
- //
- AliasResult alias(const Value *V1, unsigned V1Size,
- const Value *V2, unsigned V2Size);
- virtual ModRefResult getModRefInfo(CallSite CS, Value *P, unsigned Size);
- virtual ModRefResult getModRefInfo(CallSite CS1, CallSite CS2);
- bool pointsToConstantMemory(const Value *P);
- virtual void deleteValue(Value *V) {
- ValueNodes.erase(V);
- getAnalysis<AliasAnalysis>().deleteValue(V);
- }
- virtual void copyValue(Value *From, Value *To) {
- ValueNodes[To] = ValueNodes[From];
- getAnalysis<AliasAnalysis>().copyValue(From, To);
- }
- private:
- /// getNode - Return the node corresponding to the specified pointer scalar.
- ///
- unsigned getNode(Value *V) {
- if (Constant *C = dyn_cast<Constant>(V))
- if (!isa<GlobalValue>(C))
- return getNodeForConstantPointer(C);
- DenseMap<Value*, unsigned>::iterator I = ValueNodes.find(V);
- if (I == ValueNodes.end()) {
-#ifndef NDEBUG
- V->dump();
- llvm_unreachable("Value does not have a node in the points-to graph!");
- }
- return I->second;
- }
- /// getObject - Return the node corresponding to the memory object for the
- /// specified global or allocation instruction.
- unsigned getObject(Value *V) const {
- DenseMap<Value*, unsigned>::const_iterator I = ObjectNodes.find(V);
- assert(I != ObjectNodes.end() &&
- "Value does not have an object in the points-to graph!");
- return I->second;
- }
- /// getReturnNode - Return the node representing the return value for the
- /// specified function.
- unsigned getReturnNode(Function *F) const {
- DenseMap<Function*, unsigned>::const_iterator I = ReturnNodes.find(F);
- assert(I != ReturnNodes.end() && "Function does not return a value!");
- return I->second;
- }
- /// getVarargNode - Return the node representing the variable arguments
- /// formal for the specified function.
- unsigned getVarargNode(Function *F) const {
- DenseMap<Function*, unsigned>::const_iterator I = VarargNodes.find(F);
- assert(I != VarargNodes.end() && "Function does not take var args!");
- return I->second;
- }
- /// getNodeValue - Get the node for the specified LLVM value and set the
- /// value for it to be the specified value.
- unsigned getNodeValue(Value &V) {
- unsigned Index = getNode(&V);
- GraphNodes[Index].setValue(&V);
- return Index;
- }
- unsigned UniteNodes(unsigned First, unsigned Second,
- bool UnionByRank = true);
- unsigned FindNode(unsigned Node);
- unsigned FindNode(unsigned Node) const;
- void IdentifyObjects(Module &M);
- void CollectConstraints(Module &M);
- bool AnalyzeUsesOfFunction(Value *);
- void CreateConstraintGraph();
- void OptimizeConstraints();
- unsigned FindEquivalentNode(unsigned, unsigned);
- void ClumpAddressTaken();
- void RewriteConstraints();
- void HU();
- void HVN();
- void HCD();
- void Search(unsigned Node);
- void UnitePointerEquivalences();
- void SolveConstraints();
- bool QueryNode(unsigned Node);
- void Condense(unsigned Node);
- void HUValNum(unsigned Node);
- void HVNValNum(unsigned Node);
- unsigned getNodeForConstantPointer(Constant *C);
- unsigned getNodeForConstantPointerTarget(Constant *C);
- void AddGlobalInitializerConstraints(unsigned, Constant *C);
- void AddConstraintsForNonInternalLinkage(Function *F);
- void AddConstraintsForCall(CallSite CS, Function *F);
- bool AddConstraintsForExternalCall(CallSite CS, Function *F);
- void PrintNode(const Node *N) const;
- void PrintConstraints() const ;
- void PrintConstraint(const Constraint &) const;
- void PrintLabels() const;
- void PrintPointsToGraph() const;
- //===------------------------------------------------------------------===//
- // Instruction visitation methods for adding constraints
- //
- friend class InstVisitor<Andersens>;
- void visitReturnInst(ReturnInst &RI);
- void visitInvokeInst(InvokeInst &II) { visitCallSite(CallSite(&II)); }
- void visitCallInst(CallInst &CI) {
- if (isMalloc(&CI)) visitAlloc(CI);
- else visitCallSite(CallSite(&CI));
- }
- void visitCallSite(CallSite CS);
- void visitAllocaInst(AllocaInst &I);
- void visitAlloc(Instruction &I);
- void visitLoadInst(LoadInst &LI);
- void visitStoreInst(StoreInst &SI);
- void visitGetElementPtrInst(GetElementPtrInst &GEP);
- void visitPHINode(PHINode &PN);
- void visitCastInst(CastInst &CI);
- void visitICmpInst(ICmpInst &ICI) {} // NOOP!
- void visitFCmpInst(FCmpInst &ICI) {} // NOOP!
- void visitSelectInst(SelectInst &SI);
- void visitVAArg(VAArgInst &I);
- void visitInstruction(Instruction &I);
- //===------------------------------------------------------------------===//
- // Implement Analyize interface
- //
- void print(raw_ostream &O, const Module*) const {
- PrintPointsToGraph();
- }
- };
-char Andersens::ID = 0;
-static RegisterPass<Andersens>
-X("anders-aa", "Andersen's Interprocedural Alias Analysis (experimental)",
- false, true);
-static RegisterAnalysisGroup<AliasAnalysis> Y(X);
-// Initialize Timestamp Counter (static).
-volatile llvm::sys::cas_flag Andersens::Node::Counter = 0;
-ModulePass *llvm::createAndersensPass() { return new Andersens(); }
-// AliasAnalysis Interface Implementation
-AliasAnalysis::AliasResult Andersens::alias(const Value *V1, unsigned V1Size,
- const Value *V2, unsigned V2Size) {
- Node *N1 = &GraphNodes[FindNode(getNode(const_cast<Value*>(V1)))];
- Node *N2 = &GraphNodes[FindNode(getNode(const_cast<Value*>(V2)))];
- // Check to see if the two pointers are known to not alias. They don't alias
- // if their points-to sets do not intersect.
- if (!N1->intersectsIgnoring(N2, NullObject))
- return NoAlias;
- return AliasAnalysis::alias(V1, V1Size, V2, V2Size);
-Andersens::getModRefInfo(CallSite CS, Value *P, unsigned Size) {
- // The only thing useful that we can contribute for mod/ref information is
- // when calling external function calls: if we know that memory never escapes
- // from the program, it cannot be modified by an external call.
- //
- // NOTE: This is not really safe, at least not when the entire program is not
- // available. The deal is that the external function could call back into the
- // program and modify stuff. We ignore this technical niggle for now. This
- // is, after all, a "research quality" implementation of Andersen's analysis.
- if (Function *F = CS.getCalledFunction())
- if (F->isDeclaration()) {
- Node *N1 = &GraphNodes[FindNode(getNode(P))];
- if (N1->PointsTo->empty())
- return NoModRef;
- if (!UniversalSet->PointsTo->test(FindNode(getNode(P))))
- return NoModRef; // Universal set does not contain P
- if (!N1->PointsTo->test(UniversalSet))
- return NoModRef; // P doesn't point to the universal set.
- }
- return AliasAnalysis::getModRefInfo(CS, P, Size);
-Andersens::getModRefInfo(CallSite CS1, CallSite CS2) {
- return AliasAnalysis::getModRefInfo(CS1,CS2);
-/// pointsToConstantMemory - If we can determine that this pointer only points
-/// to constant memory, return true. In practice, this means that if the
-/// pointer can only point to constant globals, functions, or the null pointer,
-/// return true.
-bool Andersens::pointsToConstantMemory(const Value *P) {
- Node *N = &GraphNodes[FindNode(getNode(const_cast<Value*>(P)))];
- unsigned i;
- for (SparseBitVector<>::iterator bi = N->PointsTo->begin();
- bi != N->PointsTo->end();
- ++bi) {
- i = *bi;
- Node *Pointee = &GraphNodes[i];
- if (Value *V = Pointee->getValue()) {
- if (!isa<GlobalValue>(V) || (isa<GlobalVariable>(V) &&
- !cast<GlobalVariable>(V)->isConstant()))
- return AliasAnalysis::pointsToConstantMemory(P);
- } else {
- if (i != NullObject)
- return AliasAnalysis::pointsToConstantMemory(P);
- }
- }
- return true;
-// Object Identification Phase
-/// IdentifyObjects - This stage scans the program, adding an entry to the
-/// GraphNodes list for each memory object in the program (global stack or
-/// heap), and populates the ValueNodes and ObjectNodes maps for these objects.
-void Andersens::IdentifyObjects(Module &M) {
- unsigned NumObjects = 0;
- // Object #0 is always the universal set: the object that we don't know
- // anything about.
- assert(NumObjects == UniversalSet && "Something changed!");
- ++NumObjects;
- // Object #1 always represents the null pointer.
- assert(NumObjects == NullPtr && "Something changed!");
- ++NumObjects;
- // Object #2 always represents the null object (the object pointed to by null)
- assert(NumObjects == NullObject && "Something changed!");
- ++NumObjects;
- // Add all the globals first.
- for (Module::global_iterator I = M.global_begin(), E = M.global_end();
- I != E; ++I) {
- ObjectNodes[I] = NumObjects++;
- ValueNodes[I] = NumObjects++;
- }
- // Add nodes for all of the functions and the instructions inside of them.
- for (Module::iterator F = M.begin(), E = M.end(); F != E; ++F) {
- // The function itself is a memory object.
- unsigned First = NumObjects;
- ValueNodes[F] = NumObjects++;
- if (isa<PointerType>(F->getFunctionType()->getReturnType()))
- ReturnNodes[F] = NumObjects++;
- if (F->getFunctionType()->isVarArg())
- VarargNodes[F] = NumObjects++;
- // Add nodes for all of the incoming pointer arguments.
- for (Function::arg_iterator I = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end();
- I != E; ++I)
- {
- if (isa<PointerType>(I->getType()))
- ValueNodes[I] = NumObjects++;
- }
- MaxK[First] = NumObjects - First;
- // Scan the function body, creating a memory object for each heap/stack
- // allocation in the body of the function and a node to represent all
- // pointer values defined by instructions and used as operands.
- for (inst_iterator II = inst_begin(F), E = inst_end(F); II != E; ++II) {
- // If this is an heap or stack allocation, create a node for the memory
- // object.
- if (isa<PointerType>(II->getType())) {
- ValueNodes[&*II] = NumObjects++;
- if (AllocaInst *AI = dyn_cast<AllocaInst>(&*II))
- ObjectNodes[AI] = NumObjects++;
- else if (isMalloc(&*II))
- ObjectNodes[&*II] = NumObjects++;
- }
- // Calls to inline asm need to be added as well because the callee isn't
- // referenced anywhere else.
- if (CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(&*II)) {
- Value *Callee = CI->getCalledValue();
- if (isa<InlineAsm>(Callee))
- ValueNodes[Callee] = NumObjects++;
- }
- }
- }
- // Now that we know how many objects to create, make them all now!
- GraphNodes.resize(NumObjects);
- NumNodes += NumObjects;
-// Constraint Identification Phase
-/// getNodeForConstantPointer - Return the node corresponding to the constant
-/// pointer itself.
-unsigned Andersens::getNodeForConstantPointer(Constant *C) {
- assert(isa<PointerType>(C->getType()) && "Not a constant pointer!");
- if (isa<ConstantPointerNull>(C) || isa<UndefValue>(C))
- return NullPtr;
- else if (GlobalValue *GV = dyn_cast<GlobalValue>(C))
- return getNode(GV);
- else if (ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(C)) {
- switch (CE->getOpcode()) {
- case Instruction::GetElementPtr:
- return getNodeForConstantPointer(CE->getOperand(0));
- case Instruction::IntToPtr:
- return UniversalSet;
- case Instruction::BitCast:
- return getNodeForConstantPointer(CE->getOperand(0));
- default:
- errs() << "Constant Expr not yet handled: " << *CE << "\n";
- llvm_unreachable(0);
- }
- } else {
- llvm_unreachable("Unknown constant pointer!");
- }
- return 0;
-/// getNodeForConstantPointerTarget - Return the node POINTED TO by the
-/// specified constant pointer.
-unsigned Andersens::getNodeForConstantPointerTarget(Constant *C) {
- assert(isa<PointerType>(C->getType()) && "Not a constant pointer!");
- if (isa<ConstantPointerNull>(C))
- return NullObject;
- else if (GlobalValue *GV = dyn_cast<GlobalValue>(C))
- return getObject(GV);
- else if (ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(C)) {
- switch (CE->getOpcode()) {
- case Instruction::GetElementPtr:
- return getNodeForConstantPointerTarget(CE->getOperand(0));
- case Instruction::IntToPtr:
- return UniversalSet;
- case Instruction::BitCast:
- return getNodeForConstantPointerTarget(CE->getOperand(0));
- default:
- errs() << "Constant Expr not yet handled: " << *CE << "\n";
- llvm_unreachable(0);
- }
- } else {
- llvm_unreachable("Unknown constant pointer!");
- }
- return 0;
-/// AddGlobalInitializerConstraints - Add inclusion constraints for the memory
-/// object N, which contains values indicated by C.
-void Andersens::AddGlobalInitializerConstraints(unsigned NodeIndex,
- Constant *C) {
- if (C->getType()->isSingleValueType()) {
- if (isa<PointerType>(C->getType()))
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy, NodeIndex,
- getNodeForConstantPointer(C)));
- } else if (C->isNullValue()) {
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy, NodeIndex,
- NullObject));
- return;
- } else if (!isa<UndefValue>(C)) {
- // If this is an array or struct, include constraints for each element.
- assert(isa<ConstantArray>(C) || isa<ConstantStruct>(C));
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = C->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i)
- AddGlobalInitializerConstraints(NodeIndex,
- cast<Constant>(C->getOperand(i)));
- }
-/// AddConstraintsForNonInternalLinkage - If this function does not have
-/// internal linkage, realize that we can't trust anything passed into or
-/// returned by this function.
-void Andersens::AddConstraintsForNonInternalLinkage(Function *F) {
- for (Function::arg_iterator I = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end(); I != E; ++I)
- if (isa<PointerType>(I->getType()))
- // If this is an argument of an externally accessible function, the
- // incoming pointer might point to anything.
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy, getNode(I),
- UniversalSet));
-/// AddConstraintsForCall - If this is a call to a "known" function, add the
-/// constraints and return true. If this is a call to an unknown function,
-/// return false.
-bool Andersens::AddConstraintsForExternalCall(CallSite CS, Function *F) {
- assert(F->isDeclaration() && "Not an external function!");
- // These functions don't induce any points-to constraints.
- if (F->getName() == "atoi" || F->getName() == "atof" ||
- F->getName() == "atol" || F->getName() == "atoll" ||
- F->getName() == "remove" || F->getName() == "unlink" ||
- F->getName() == "rename" || F->getName() == "memcmp" ||
- F->getName() == "llvm.memset" ||
- F->getName() == "strcmp" || F->getName() == "strncmp" ||
- F->getName() == "execl" || F->getName() == "execlp" ||
- F->getName() == "execle" || F->getName() == "execv" ||
- F->getName() == "execvp" || F->getName() == "chmod" ||
- F->getName() == "puts" || F->getName() == "write" ||
- F->getName() == "open" || F->getName() == "create" ||
- F->getName() == "truncate" || F->getName() == "chdir" ||
- F->getName() == "mkdir" || F->getName() == "rmdir" ||
- F->getName() == "read" || F->getName() == "pipe" ||
- F->getName() == "wait" || F->getName() == "time" ||
- F->getName() == "stat" || F->getName() == "fstat" ||
- F->getName() == "lstat" || F->getName() == "strtod" ||
- F->getName() == "strtof" || F->getName() == "strtold" ||
- F->getName() == "fopen" || F->getName() == "fdopen" ||
- F->getName() == "freopen" ||
- F->getName() == "fflush" || F->getName() == "feof" ||
- F->getName() == "fileno" || F->getName() == "clearerr" ||
- F->getName() == "rewind" || F->getName() == "ftell" ||
- F->getName() == "ferror" || F->getName() == "fgetc" ||
- F->getName() == "fgetc" || F->getName() == "_IO_getc" ||
- F->getName() == "fwrite" || F->getName() == "fread" ||
- F->getName() == "fgets" || F->getName() == "ungetc" ||
- F->getName() == "fputc" ||
- F->getName() == "fputs" || F->getName() == "putc" ||
- F->getName() == "ftell" || F->getName() == "rewind" ||
- F->getName() == "_IO_putc" || F->getName() == "fseek" ||
- F->getName() == "fgetpos" || F->getName() == "fsetpos" ||
- F->getName() == "printf" || F->getName() == "fprintf" ||
- F->getName() == "sprintf" || F->getName() == "vprintf" ||
- F->getName() == "vfprintf" || F->getName() == "vsprintf" ||
- F->getName() == "scanf" || F->getName() == "fscanf" ||
- F->getName() == "sscanf" || F->getName() == "__assert_fail" ||
- F->getName() == "modf")
- return true;
- // These functions do induce points-to edges.
- if (F->getName() == "llvm.memcpy" ||
- F->getName() == "llvm.memmove" ||
- F->getName() == "memmove") {
- const FunctionType *FTy = F->getFunctionType();
- if (FTy->getNumParams() > 1 &&
- isa<PointerType>(FTy->getParamType(0)) &&
- isa<PointerType>(FTy->getParamType(1))) {
- // *Dest = *Src, which requires an artificial graph node to represent the
- // constraint. It is broken up into *Dest = temp, temp = *Src
- unsigned FirstArg = getNode(CS.getArgument(0));
- unsigned SecondArg = getNode(CS.getArgument(1));
- unsigned TempArg = GraphNodes.size();
- GraphNodes.push_back(Node());
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Store,
- FirstArg, TempArg));
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Load,
- TempArg, SecondArg));
- // In addition, Dest = Src
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy,
- FirstArg, SecondArg));
- return true;
- }
- }
- // Result = Arg0
- if (F->getName() == "realloc" || F->getName() == "strchr" ||
- F->getName() == "strrchr" || F->getName() == "strstr" ||
- F->getName() == "strtok") {
- const FunctionType *FTy = F->getFunctionType();
- if (FTy->getNumParams() > 0 &&
- isa<PointerType>(FTy->getParamType(0))) {
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy,
- getNode(CS.getInstruction()),
- getNode(CS.getArgument(0))));
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-/// AnalyzeUsesOfFunction - Look at all of the users of the specified function.
-/// If this is used by anything complex (i.e., the address escapes), return
-/// true.
-bool Andersens::AnalyzeUsesOfFunction(Value *V) {
- if (!isa<PointerType>(V->getType())) return true;
- for (Value::use_iterator UI = V->use_begin(), E = V->use_end(); UI != E; ++UI)
- if (isa<LoadInst>(*UI)) {
- return false;
- } else if (StoreInst *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(*UI)) {
- if (V == SI->getOperand(1)) {
- return false;
- } else if (SI->getOperand(1)) {
- return true; // Storing the pointer
- }
- } else if (GetElementPtrInst *GEP = dyn_cast<GetElementPtrInst>(*UI)) {
- if (AnalyzeUsesOfFunction(GEP)) return true;
- } else if (isFreeCall(*UI)) {
- return false;
- } else if (CallInst *CI = dyn_cast<CallInst>(*UI)) {
- // Make sure that this is just the function being called, not that it is
- // passing into the function.
- for (unsigned i = 1, e = CI->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i)
- if (CI->getOperand(i) == V) return true;
- } else if (InvokeInst *II = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(*UI)) {
- // Make sure that this is just the function being called, not that it is
- // passing into the function.
- for (unsigned i = 3, e = II->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i)
- if (II->getOperand(i) == V) return true;
- } else if (ConstantExpr *CE = dyn_cast<ConstantExpr>(*UI)) {
- if (CE->getOpcode() == Instruction::GetElementPtr ||
- CE->getOpcode() == Instruction::BitCast) {
- if (AnalyzeUsesOfFunction(CE))
- return true;
- } else {
- return true;
- }
- } else if (ICmpInst *ICI = dyn_cast<ICmpInst>(*UI)) {
- if (!isa<ConstantPointerNull>(ICI->getOperand(1)))
- return true; // Allow comparison against null.
- } else {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-/// CollectConstraints - This stage scans the program, adding a constraint to
-/// the Constraints list for each instruction in the program that induces a
-/// constraint, and setting up the initial points-to graph.
-void Andersens::CollectConstraints(Module &M) {
- // First, the universal set points to itself.
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::AddressOf, UniversalSet,
- UniversalSet));
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Store, UniversalSet,
- UniversalSet));
- // Next, the null pointer points to the null object.
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::AddressOf, NullPtr, NullObject));
- // Next, add any constraints on global variables and their initializers.
- for (Module::global_iterator I = M.global_begin(), E = M.global_end();
- I != E; ++I) {
- // Associate the address of the global object as pointing to the memory for
- // the global: &G = <G memory>
- unsigned ObjectIndex = getObject(I);
- Node *Object = &GraphNodes[ObjectIndex];
- Object->setValue(I);
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::AddressOf, getNodeValue(*I),
- ObjectIndex));
- if (I->hasDefinitiveInitializer()) {
- AddGlobalInitializerConstraints(ObjectIndex, I->getInitializer());
- } else {
- // If it doesn't have an initializer (i.e. it's defined in another
- // translation unit), it points to the universal set.
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy, ObjectIndex,
- UniversalSet));
- }
- }
- for (Module::iterator F = M.begin(), E = M.end(); F != E; ++F) {
- // Set up the return value node.
- if (isa<PointerType>(F->getFunctionType()->getReturnType()))
- GraphNodes[getReturnNode(F)].setValue(F);
- if (F->getFunctionType()->isVarArg())
- GraphNodes[getVarargNode(F)].setValue(F);
- // Set up incoming argument nodes.
- for (Function::arg_iterator I = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end();
- I != E; ++I)
- if (isa<PointerType>(I->getType()))
- getNodeValue(*I);
- // At some point we should just add constraints for the escaping functions
- // at solve time, but this slows down solving. For now, we simply mark
- // address taken functions as escaping and treat them as external.
- if (!F->hasLocalLinkage() || AnalyzeUsesOfFunction(F))
- AddConstraintsForNonInternalLinkage(F);
- if (!F->isDeclaration()) {
- // Scan the function body, creating a memory object for each heap/stack
- // allocation in the body of the function and a node to represent all
- // pointer values defined by instructions and used as operands.
- visit(F);
- } else {
- // External functions that return pointers return the universal set.
- if (isa<PointerType>(F->getFunctionType()->getReturnType()))
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy,
- getReturnNode(F),
- UniversalSet));
- // Any pointers that are passed into the function have the universal set
- // stored into them.
- for (Function::arg_iterator I = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end();
- I != E; ++I)
- if (isa<PointerType>(I->getType())) {
- // Pointers passed into external functions could have anything stored
- // through them.
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Store, getNode(I),
- UniversalSet));
- // Memory objects passed into external function calls can have the
- // universal set point to them.
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy,
- UniversalSet,
- getNode(I)));
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy,
- getNode(I),
- UniversalSet));
- }
- // If this is an external varargs function, it can also store pointers
- // into any pointers passed through the varargs section.
- if (F->getFunctionType()->isVarArg())
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Store, getVarargNode(F),
- UniversalSet));
- }
- }
- NumConstraints += Constraints.size();
-void Andersens::visitInstruction(Instruction &I) {
-#ifdef NDEBUG
- return; // This function is just a big assert.
- if (isa<BinaryOperator>(I))
- return;
- // Most instructions don't have any effect on pointer values.
- switch (I.getOpcode()) {
- case Instruction::Br:
- case Instruction::Switch:
- case Instruction::Unwind:
- case Instruction::Unreachable:
- case Instruction::ICmp:
- case Instruction::FCmp:
- return;
- default:
- // Is this something we aren't handling yet?
- errs() << "Unknown instruction: " << I;
- llvm_unreachable(0);
- }
-void Andersens::visitAllocaInst(AllocaInst &I) {
- visitAlloc(I);
-void Andersens::visitAlloc(Instruction &I) {
- unsigned ObjectIndex = getObject(&I);
- GraphNodes[ObjectIndex].setValue(&I);
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::AddressOf, getNodeValue(I),
- ObjectIndex));
-void Andersens::visitReturnInst(ReturnInst &RI) {
- if (RI.getNumOperands() && isa<PointerType>(RI.getOperand(0)->getType()))
- // return V --> <Copy/retval{F}/v>
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy,
- getReturnNode(RI.getParent()->getParent()),
- getNode(RI.getOperand(0))));
-void Andersens::visitLoadInst(LoadInst &LI) {
- if (isa<PointerType>(LI.getType()))
- // P1 = load P2 --> <Load/P1/P2>
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Load, getNodeValue(LI),
- getNode(LI.getOperand(0))));
-void Andersens::visitStoreInst(StoreInst &SI) {
- if (isa<PointerType>(SI.getOperand(0)->getType()))
- // store P1, P2 --> <Store/P2/P1>
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Store,
- getNode(SI.getOperand(1)),
- getNode(SI.getOperand(0))));
-void Andersens::visitGetElementPtrInst(GetElementPtrInst &GEP) {
- // P1 = getelementptr P2, ... --> <Copy/P1/P2>
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy, getNodeValue(GEP),
- getNode(GEP.getOperand(0))));
-void Andersens::visitPHINode(PHINode &PN) {
- if (isa<PointerType>(PN.getType())) {
- unsigned PNN = getNodeValue(PN);
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = PN.getNumIncomingValues(); i != e; ++i)
- // P1 = phi P2, P3 --> <Copy/P1/P2>, <Copy/P1/P3>, ...
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy, PNN,
- getNode(PN.getIncomingValue(i))));
- }
-void Andersens::visitCastInst(CastInst &CI) {
- Value *Op = CI.getOperand(0);
- if (isa<PointerType>(CI.getType())) {
- if (isa<PointerType>(Op->getType())) {
- // P1 = cast P2 --> <Copy/P1/P2>
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy, getNodeValue(CI),
- getNode(CI.getOperand(0))));
- } else {
- // P1 = cast int --> <Copy/P1/Univ>
-#if 0
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy, getNodeValue(CI),
- UniversalSet));
- getNodeValue(CI);
- }
- } else if (isa<PointerType>(Op->getType())) {
- // int = cast P1 --> <Copy/Univ/P1>
-#if 0
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy,
- UniversalSet,
- getNode(CI.getOperand(0))));
- getNode(CI.getOperand(0));
- }
-void Andersens::visitSelectInst(SelectInst &SI) {
- if (isa<PointerType>(SI.getType())) {
- unsigned SIN = getNodeValue(SI);
- // P1 = select C, P2, P3 ---> <Copy/P1/P2>, <Copy/P1/P3>
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy, SIN,
- getNode(SI.getOperand(1))));
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy, SIN,
- getNode(SI.getOperand(2))));
- }
-void Andersens::visitVAArg(VAArgInst &I) {
- llvm_unreachable("vaarg not handled yet!");
-/// AddConstraintsForCall - Add constraints for a call with actual arguments
-/// specified by CS to the function specified by F. Note that the types of
-/// arguments might not match up in the case where this is an indirect call and
-/// the function pointer has been casted. If this is the case, do something
-/// reasonable.
-void Andersens::AddConstraintsForCall(CallSite CS, Function *F) {
- Value *CallValue = CS.getCalledValue();
- bool IsDeref = F == NULL;
- // If this is a call to an external function, try to handle it directly to get
- // some taste of context sensitivity.
- if (F && F->isDeclaration() && AddConstraintsForExternalCall(CS, F))
- return;
- if (isa<PointerType>(CS.getType())) {
- unsigned CSN = getNode(CS.getInstruction());
- if (!F || isa<PointerType>(F->getFunctionType()->getReturnType())) {
- if (IsDeref)
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Load, CSN,
- getNode(CallValue), CallReturnPos));
- else
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy, CSN,
- getNode(CallValue) + CallReturnPos));
- } else {
- // If the function returns a non-pointer value, handle this just like we
- // treat a nonpointer cast to pointer.
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy, CSN,
- UniversalSet));
- }
- } else if (F && isa<PointerType>(F->getFunctionType()->getReturnType())) {
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy,
- UniversalSet,
- getNode(CallValue) + CallReturnPos));
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy,
- getNode(CallValue) + CallReturnPos,
- UniversalSet));
- }
- CallSite::arg_iterator ArgI = CS.arg_begin(), ArgE = CS.arg_end();
- bool external = !F || F->isDeclaration();
- if (F) {
- // Direct Call
- Function::arg_iterator AI = F->arg_begin(), AE = F->arg_end();
- for (; AI != AE && ArgI != ArgE; ++AI, ++ArgI)
- {
- if (external && isa<PointerType>((*ArgI)->getType()))
- {
- // Add constraint that ArgI can now point to anything due to
- // escaping, as can everything it points to. The second portion of
- // this should be taken care of by universal = *universal
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy,
- getNode(*ArgI),
- UniversalSet));
- }
- if (isa<PointerType>(AI->getType())) {
- if (isa<PointerType>((*ArgI)->getType())) {
- // Copy the actual argument into the formal argument.
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy, getNode(AI),
- getNode(*ArgI)));
- } else {
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy, getNode(AI),
- UniversalSet));
- }
- } else if (isa<PointerType>((*ArgI)->getType())) {
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy,
- UniversalSet,
- getNode(*ArgI)));
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy,
- getNode(*ArgI),
- UniversalSet));
- }
- }
- } else {
- //Indirect Call
- unsigned ArgPos = CallFirstArgPos;
- for (; ArgI != ArgE; ++ArgI) {
- if (isa<PointerType>((*ArgI)->getType())) {
- // Copy the actual argument into the formal argument.
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Store,
- getNode(CallValue),
- getNode(*ArgI), ArgPos++));
- } else {
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Store,
- getNode (CallValue),
- UniversalSet, ArgPos++));
- }
- }
- }
- // Copy all pointers passed through the varargs section to the varargs node.
- if (F && F->getFunctionType()->isVarArg())
- for (; ArgI != ArgE; ++ArgI)
- if (isa<PointerType>((*ArgI)->getType()))
- Constraints.push_back(Constraint(Constraint::Copy, getVarargNode(F),
- getNode(*ArgI)));
- // If more arguments are passed in than we track, just drop them on the floor.
-void Andersens::visitCallSite(CallSite CS) {
- if (isa<PointerType>(CS.getType()))
- getNodeValue(*CS.getInstruction());
- if (Function *F = CS.getCalledFunction()) {
- AddConstraintsForCall(CS, F);
- } else {
- AddConstraintsForCall(CS, NULL);
- }
-// Constraint Solving Phase
-/// intersects - Return true if the points-to set of this node intersects
-/// with the points-to set of the specified node.
-bool Andersens::Node::intersects(Node *N) const {
- return PointsTo->intersects(N->PointsTo);
-/// intersectsIgnoring - Return true if the points-to set of this node
-/// intersects with the points-to set of the specified node on any nodes
-/// except for the specified node to ignore.
-bool Andersens::Node::intersectsIgnoring(Node *N, unsigned Ignoring) const {
- // TODO: If we are only going to call this with the same value for Ignoring,
- // we should move the special values out of the points-to bitmap.
- bool WeHadIt = PointsTo->test(Ignoring);
- bool NHadIt = N->PointsTo->test(Ignoring);
- bool Result = false;
- if (WeHadIt)
- PointsTo->reset(Ignoring);
- if (NHadIt)
- N->PointsTo->reset(Ignoring);
- Result = PointsTo->intersects(N->PointsTo);
- if (WeHadIt)
- PointsTo->set(Ignoring);
- if (NHadIt)
- N->PointsTo->set(Ignoring);
- return Result;
-/// Clump together address taken variables so that the points-to sets use up
-/// less space and can be operated on faster.
-void Andersens::ClumpAddressTaken() {
-#undef DEBUG_TYPE
-#define DEBUG_TYPE "anders-aa-renumber"
- std::vector<unsigned> Translate;
- std::vector<Node> NewGraphNodes;
- Translate.resize(GraphNodes.size());
- unsigned NewPos = 0;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < Constraints.size(); ++i) {
- Constraint &C = Constraints[i];
- if (C.Type == Constraint::AddressOf) {
- GraphNodes[C.Src].AddressTaken = true;
- }
- }
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < NumberSpecialNodes; ++i) {
- unsigned Pos = NewPos++;
- Translate[i] = Pos;
- NewGraphNodes.push_back(GraphNodes[i]);
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "Renumbering node " << i << " to node " << Pos << "\n");
- }
- // I believe this ends up being faster than making two vectors and splicing
- // them.
- for (unsigned i = NumberSpecialNodes; i < GraphNodes.size(); ++i) {
- if (GraphNodes[i].AddressTaken) {
- unsigned Pos = NewPos++;
- Translate[i] = Pos;
- NewGraphNodes.push_back(GraphNodes[i]);
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "Renumbering node " << i << " to node " << Pos << "\n");
- }
- }
- for (unsigned i = NumberSpecialNodes; i < GraphNodes.size(); ++i) {
- if (!GraphNodes[i].AddressTaken) {
- unsigned Pos = NewPos++;
- Translate[i] = Pos;
- NewGraphNodes.push_back(GraphNodes[i]);
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "Renumbering node " << i << " to node " << Pos << "\n");
- }
- }
- for (DenseMap<Value*, unsigned>::iterator Iter = ValueNodes.begin();
- Iter != ValueNodes.end();
- ++Iter)
- Iter->second = Translate[Iter->second];
- for (DenseMap<Value*, unsigned>::iterator Iter = ObjectNodes.begin();
- Iter != ObjectNodes.end();
- ++Iter)
- Iter->second = Translate[Iter->second];
- for (DenseMap<Function*, unsigned>::iterator Iter = ReturnNodes.begin();
- Iter != ReturnNodes.end();
- ++Iter)
- Iter->second = Translate[Iter->second];
- for (DenseMap<Function*, unsigned>::iterator Iter = VarargNodes.begin();
- Iter != VarargNodes.end();
- ++Iter)
- Iter->second = Translate[Iter->second];
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < Constraints.size(); ++i) {
- Constraint &C = Constraints[i];
- C.Src = Translate[C.Src];
- C.Dest = Translate[C.Dest];
- }
- GraphNodes.swap(NewGraphNodes);
-#undef DEBUG_TYPE
-#define DEBUG_TYPE "anders-aa"
-/// The technique used here is described in "Exploiting Pointer and Location
-/// Equivalence to Optimize Pointer Analysis. In the 14th International Static
-/// Analysis Symposium (SAS), August 2007." It is known as the "HVN" algorithm,
-/// and is equivalent to value numbering the collapsed constraint graph without
-/// evaluating unions. This is used as a pre-pass to HU in order to resolve
-/// first order pointer dereferences and speed up/reduce memory usage of HU.
-/// Running both is equivalent to HRU without the iteration
-/// HVN in more detail:
-/// Imagine the set of constraints was simply straight line code with no loops
-/// (we eliminate cycles, so there are no loops), such as:
-/// E = &D
-/// E = &C
-/// E = F
-/// F = G
-/// G = F
-/// Applying value numbering to this code tells us:
-/// G == F == E
-/// For HVN, this is as far as it goes. We assign new value numbers to every
-/// "address node", and every "reference node".
-/// To get the optimal result for this, we use a DFS + SCC (since all nodes in a
-/// cycle must have the same value number since the = operation is really
-/// inclusion, not overwrite), and value number nodes we receive points-to sets
-/// before we value our own node.
-/// The advantage of HU over HVN is that HU considers the inclusion property, so
-/// that if you have
-/// E = &D
-/// E = &C
-/// E = F
-/// F = G
-/// F = &D
-/// G = F
-/// HU will determine that G == F == E. HVN will not, because it cannot prove
-/// that the points to information ends up being the same because they all
-/// receive &D from E anyway.
-void Andersens::HVN() {
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "Beginning HVN\n");
- // Build a predecessor graph. This is like our constraint graph with the
- // edges going in the opposite direction, and there are edges for all the
- // constraints, instead of just copy constraints. We also build implicit
- // edges for constraints are implied but not explicit. I.E for the constraint
- // a = &b, we add implicit edges *a = b. This helps us capture more cycles
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = Constraints.size(); i != e; ++i) {
- Constraint &C = Constraints[i];
- if (C.Type == Constraint::AddressOf) {
- GraphNodes[C.Src].AddressTaken = true;
- GraphNodes[C.Src].Direct = false;
- // Dest = &src edge
- unsigned AdrNode = C.Src + FirstAdrNode;
- if (!GraphNodes[C.Dest].PredEdges)
- GraphNodes[C.Dest].PredEdges = new SparseBitVector<>;
- GraphNodes[C.Dest].PredEdges->set(AdrNode);
- // *Dest = src edge
- unsigned RefNode = C.Dest + FirstRefNode;
- if (!GraphNodes[RefNode].ImplicitPredEdges)
- GraphNodes[RefNode].ImplicitPredEdges = new SparseBitVector<>;
- GraphNodes[RefNode].ImplicitPredEdges->set(C.Src);
- } else if (C.Type == Constraint::Load) {
- if (C.Offset == 0) {
- // dest = *src edge
- if (!GraphNodes[C.Dest].PredEdges)
- GraphNodes[C.Dest].PredEdges = new SparseBitVector<>;
- GraphNodes[C.Dest].PredEdges->set(C.Src + FirstRefNode);
- } else {
- GraphNodes[C.Dest].Direct = false;
- }
- } else if (C.Type == Constraint::Store) {
- if (C.Offset == 0) {
- // *dest = src edge
- unsigned RefNode = C.Dest + FirstRefNode;
- if (!GraphNodes[RefNode].PredEdges)
- GraphNodes[RefNode].PredEdges = new SparseBitVector<>;
- GraphNodes[RefNode].PredEdges->set(C.Src);
- }
- } else {
- // Dest = Src edge and *Dest = *Src edge
- if (!GraphNodes[C.Dest].PredEdges)
- GraphNodes[C.Dest].PredEdges = new SparseBitVector<>;
- GraphNodes[C.Dest].PredEdges->set(C.Src);
- unsigned RefNode = C.Dest + FirstRefNode;
- if (!GraphNodes[RefNode].ImplicitPredEdges)
- GraphNodes[RefNode].ImplicitPredEdges = new SparseBitVector<>;
- GraphNodes[RefNode].ImplicitPredEdges->set(C.Src + FirstRefNode);
- }
- }
- PEClass = 1;
- // Do SCC finding first to condense our predecessor graph
- DFSNumber = 0;
- Node2DFS.insert(Node2DFS.begin(), GraphNodes.size(), 0);
- Node2Deleted.insert(Node2Deleted.begin(), GraphNodes.size(), false);
- Node2Visited.insert(Node2Visited.begin(), GraphNodes.size(), false);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < FirstRefNode; ++i) {
- unsigned Node = VSSCCRep[i];
- if (!Node2Visited[Node])
- HVNValNum(Node);
- }
- for (BitVectorMap::iterator Iter = Set2PEClass.begin();
- Iter != Set2PEClass.end();
- ++Iter)
- delete Iter->first;
- Set2PEClass.clear();
- Node2DFS.clear();
- Node2Deleted.clear();
- Node2Visited.clear();
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "Finished HVN\n");
-/// This is the workhorse of HVN value numbering. We combine SCC finding at the
-/// same time because it's easy.
-void Andersens::HVNValNum(unsigned NodeIndex) {
- unsigned MyDFS = DFSNumber++;
- Node *N = &GraphNodes[NodeIndex];
- Node2Visited[NodeIndex] = true;
- Node2DFS[NodeIndex] = MyDFS;
- // First process all our explicit edges
- if (N->PredEdges)
- for (SparseBitVector<>::iterator Iter = N->PredEdges->begin();
- Iter != N->PredEdges->end();
- ++Iter) {
- unsigned j = VSSCCRep[*Iter];
- if (!Node2Deleted[j]) {
- if (!Node2Visited[j])
- HVNValNum(j);
- if (Node2DFS[NodeIndex] > Node2DFS[j])
- Node2DFS[NodeIndex] = Node2DFS[j];
- }
- }
- // Now process all the implicit edges
- if (N->ImplicitPredEdges)
- for (SparseBitVector<>::iterator Iter = N->ImplicitPredEdges->begin();
- Iter != N->ImplicitPredEdges->end();
- ++Iter) {
- unsigned j = VSSCCRep[*Iter];
- if (!Node2Deleted[j]) {
- if (!Node2Visited[j])
- HVNValNum(j);
- if (Node2DFS[NodeIndex] > Node2DFS[j])
- Node2DFS[NodeIndex] = Node2DFS[j];
- }
- }
- // See if we found any cycles
- if (MyDFS == Node2DFS[NodeIndex]) {
- while (!SCCStack.empty() && Node2DFS[SCCStack.top()] >= MyDFS) {
- unsigned CycleNodeIndex = SCCStack.top();
- Node *CycleNode = &GraphNodes[CycleNodeIndex];
- VSSCCRep[CycleNodeIndex] = NodeIndex;
- // Unify the nodes
- N->Direct &= CycleNode->Direct;
- if (CycleNode->PredEdges) {
- if (!N->PredEdges)
- N->PredEdges = new SparseBitVector<>;
- *(N->PredEdges) |= CycleNode->PredEdges;
- delete CycleNode->PredEdges;
- CycleNode->PredEdges = NULL;
- }
- if (CycleNode->ImplicitPredEdges) {
- if (!N->ImplicitPredEdges)
- N->ImplicitPredEdges = new SparseBitVector<>;
- *(N->ImplicitPredEdges) |= CycleNode->ImplicitPredEdges;
- delete CycleNode->ImplicitPredEdges;
- CycleNode->ImplicitPredEdges = NULL;
- }
- SCCStack.pop();
- }
- Node2Deleted[NodeIndex] = true;
- if (!N->Direct) {
- GraphNodes[NodeIndex].PointerEquivLabel = PEClass++;
- return;
- }
- // Collect labels of successor nodes
- bool AllSame = true;
- unsigned First = ~0;
- SparseBitVector<> *Labels = new SparseBitVector<>;
- bool Used = false;
- if (N->PredEdges)
- for (SparseBitVector<>::iterator Iter = N->PredEdges->begin();
- Iter != N->PredEdges->end();
- ++Iter) {
- unsigned j = VSSCCRep[*Iter];
- unsigned Label = GraphNodes[j].PointerEquivLabel;
- // Ignore labels that are equal to us or non-pointers
- if (j == NodeIndex || Label == 0)
- continue;
- if (First == (unsigned)~0)
- First = Label;
- else if (First != Label)
- AllSame = false;
- Labels->set(Label);
- }
- // We either have a non-pointer, a copy of an existing node, or a new node.
- // Assign the appropriate pointer equivalence label.
- if (Labels->empty()) {
- GraphNodes[NodeIndex].PointerEquivLabel = 0;
- } else if (AllSame) {
- GraphNodes[NodeIndex].PointerEquivLabel = First;
- } else {
- GraphNodes[NodeIndex].PointerEquivLabel = Set2PEClass[Labels];
- if (GraphNodes[NodeIndex].PointerEquivLabel == 0) {
- unsigned EquivClass = PEClass++;
- Set2PEClass[Labels] = EquivClass;
- GraphNodes[NodeIndex].PointerEquivLabel = EquivClass;
- Used = true;
- }
- }
- if (!Used)
- delete Labels;
- } else {
- SCCStack.push(NodeIndex);
- }
-/// The technique used here is described in "Exploiting Pointer and Location
-/// Equivalence to Optimize Pointer Analysis. In the 14th International Static
-/// Analysis Symposium (SAS), August 2007." It is known as the "HU" algorithm,
-/// and is equivalent to value numbering the collapsed constraint graph
-/// including evaluating unions.
-void Andersens::HU() {
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "Beginning HU\n");
- // Build a predecessor graph. This is like our constraint graph with the
- // edges going in the opposite direction, and there are edges for all the
- // constraints, instead of just copy constraints. We also build implicit
- // edges for constraints are implied but not explicit. I.E for the constraint
- // a = &b, we add implicit edges *a = b. This helps us capture more cycles
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = Constraints.size(); i != e; ++i) {
- Constraint &C = Constraints[i];
- if (C.Type == Constraint::AddressOf) {
- GraphNodes[C.Src].AddressTaken = true;
- GraphNodes[C.Src].Direct = false;
- GraphNodes[C.Dest].PointsTo->set(C.Src);
- // *Dest = src edge
- unsigned RefNode = C.Dest + FirstRefNode;
- if (!GraphNodes[RefNode].ImplicitPredEdges)
- GraphNodes[RefNode].ImplicitPredEdges = new SparseBitVector<>;
- GraphNodes[RefNode].ImplicitPredEdges->set(C.Src);
- GraphNodes[C.Src].PointedToBy->set(C.Dest);
- } else if (C.Type == Constraint::Load) {
- if (C.Offset == 0) {
- // dest = *src edge
- if (!GraphNodes[C.Dest].PredEdges)
- GraphNodes[C.Dest].PredEdges = new SparseBitVector<>;
- GraphNodes[C.Dest].PredEdges->set(C.Src + FirstRefNode);
- } else {
- GraphNodes[C.Dest].Direct = false;
- }
- } else if (C.Type == Constraint::Store) {
- if (C.Offset == 0) {
- // *dest = src edge
- unsigned RefNode = C.Dest + FirstRefNode;
- if (!GraphNodes[RefNode].PredEdges)
- GraphNodes[RefNode].PredEdges = new SparseBitVector<>;
- GraphNodes[RefNode].PredEdges->set(C.Src);
- }
- } else {
- // Dest = Src edge and *Dest = *Src edg
- if (!GraphNodes[C.Dest].PredEdges)
- GraphNodes[C.Dest].PredEdges = new SparseBitVector<>;
- GraphNodes[C.Dest].PredEdges->set(C.Src);
- unsigned RefNode = C.Dest + FirstRefNode;
- if (!GraphNodes[RefNode].ImplicitPredEdges)
- GraphNodes[RefNode].ImplicitPredEdges = new SparseBitVector<>;
- GraphNodes[RefNode].ImplicitPredEdges->set(C.Src + FirstRefNode);
- }
- }
- PEClass = 1;
- // Do SCC finding first to condense our predecessor graph
- DFSNumber = 0;
- Node2DFS.insert(Node2DFS.begin(), GraphNodes.size(), 0);
- Node2Deleted.insert(Node2Deleted.begin(), GraphNodes.size(), false);
- Node2Visited.insert(Node2Visited.begin(), GraphNodes.size(), false);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < FirstRefNode; ++i) {
- if (FindNode(i) == i) {
- unsigned Node = VSSCCRep[i];
- if (!Node2Visited[Node])
- Condense(Node);
- }
- }
- // Reset tables for actual labeling
- Node2DFS.clear();
- Node2Visited.clear();
- Node2Deleted.clear();
- // Pre-grow our densemap so that we don't get really bad behavior
- Set2PEClass.resize(GraphNodes.size());
- // Visit the condensed graph and generate pointer equivalence labels.
- Node2Visited.insert(Node2Visited.begin(), GraphNodes.size(), false);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < FirstRefNode; ++i) {
- if (FindNode(i) == i) {
- unsigned Node = VSSCCRep[i];
- if (!Node2Visited[Node])
- HUValNum(Node);
- }
- }
- // PEClass nodes will be deleted by the deleting of N->PointsTo in our caller.
- Set2PEClass.clear();
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "Finished HU\n");
-/// Implementation of standard Tarjan SCC algorithm as modified by Nuutilla.
-void Andersens::Condense(unsigned NodeIndex) {
- unsigned MyDFS = DFSNumber++;
- Node *N = &GraphNodes[NodeIndex];
- Node2Visited[NodeIndex] = true;
- Node2DFS[NodeIndex] = MyDFS;
- // First process all our explicit edges
- if (N->PredEdges)
- for (SparseBitVector<>::iterator Iter = N->PredEdges->begin();
- Iter != N->PredEdges->end();
- ++Iter) {
- unsigned j = VSSCCRep[*Iter];
- if (!Node2Deleted[j]) {
- if (!Node2Visited[j])
- Condense(j);
- if (Node2DFS[NodeIndex] > Node2DFS[j])
- Node2DFS[NodeIndex] = Node2DFS[j];
- }
- }
- // Now process all the implicit edges
- if (N->ImplicitPredEdges)
- for (SparseBitVector<>::iterator Iter = N->ImplicitPredEdges->begin();
- Iter != N->ImplicitPredEdges->end();
- ++Iter) {
- unsigned j = VSSCCRep[*Iter];
- if (!Node2Deleted[j]) {
- if (!Node2Visited[j])
- Condense(j);
- if (Node2DFS[NodeIndex] > Node2DFS[j])
- Node2DFS[NodeIndex] = Node2DFS[j];
- }
- }
- // See if we found any cycles
- if (MyDFS == Node2DFS[NodeIndex]) {
- while (!SCCStack.empty() && Node2DFS[SCCStack.top()] >= MyDFS) {
- unsigned CycleNodeIndex = SCCStack.top();
- Node *CycleNode = &GraphNodes[CycleNodeIndex];
- VSSCCRep[CycleNodeIndex] = NodeIndex;
- // Unify the nodes
- N->Direct &= CycleNode->Direct;
- *(N->PointsTo) |= CycleNode->PointsTo;
- delete CycleNode->PointsTo;
- CycleNode->PointsTo = NULL;
- if (CycleNode->PredEdges) {
- if (!N->PredEdges)
- N->PredEdges = new SparseBitVector<>;
- *(N->PredEdges) |= CycleNode->PredEdges;
- delete CycleNode->PredEdges;
- CycleNode->PredEdges = NULL;
- }
- if (CycleNode->ImplicitPredEdges) {
- if (!N->ImplicitPredEdges)
- N->ImplicitPredEdges = new SparseBitVector<>;
- *(N->ImplicitPredEdges) |= CycleNode->ImplicitPredEdges;
- delete CycleNode->ImplicitPredEdges;
- CycleNode->ImplicitPredEdges = NULL;
- }
- SCCStack.pop();
- }
- Node2Deleted[NodeIndex] = true;
- // Set up number of incoming edges for other nodes
- if (N->PredEdges)
- for (SparseBitVector<>::iterator Iter = N->PredEdges->begin();
- Iter != N->PredEdges->end();
- ++Iter)
- ++GraphNodes[VSSCCRep[*Iter]].NumInEdges;
- } else {
- SCCStack.push(NodeIndex);
- }
-void Andersens::HUValNum(unsigned NodeIndex) {
- Node *N = &GraphNodes[NodeIndex];
- Node2Visited[NodeIndex] = true;
- // Eliminate dereferences of non-pointers for those non-pointers we have
- // already identified. These are ref nodes whose non-ref node:
- // 1. Has already been visited determined to point to nothing (and thus, a
- // dereference of it must point to nothing)
- // 2. Any direct node with no predecessor edges in our graph and with no
- // points-to set (since it can't point to anything either, being that it
- // receives no points-to sets and has none).
- if (NodeIndex >= FirstRefNode) {
- unsigned j = VSSCCRep[FindNode(NodeIndex - FirstRefNode)];
- if ((Node2Visited[j] && !GraphNodes[j].PointerEquivLabel)
- || (GraphNodes[j].Direct && !GraphNodes[j].PredEdges
- && GraphNodes[j].PointsTo->empty())){
- return;
- }
- }
- // Process all our explicit edges
- if (N->PredEdges)
- for (SparseBitVector<>::iterator Iter = N->PredEdges->begin();
- Iter != N->PredEdges->end();
- ++Iter) {
- unsigned j = VSSCCRep[*Iter];
- if (!Node2Visited[j])
- HUValNum(j);
- // If this edge turned out to be the same as us, or got no pointer
- // equivalence label (and thus points to nothing) , just decrement our
- // incoming edges and continue.
- if (j == NodeIndex || GraphNodes[j].PointerEquivLabel == 0) {
- --GraphNodes[j].NumInEdges;
- continue;
- }
- *(N->PointsTo) |= GraphNodes[j].PointsTo;
- // If we didn't end up storing this in the hash, and we're done with all
- // the edges, we don't need the points-to set anymore.
- --GraphNodes[j].NumInEdges;
- if (!GraphNodes[j].NumInEdges && !GraphNodes[j].StoredInHash) {
- delete GraphNodes[j].PointsTo;
- GraphNodes[j].PointsTo = NULL;
- }
- }
- // If this isn't a direct node, generate a fresh variable.
- if (!N->Direct) {
- N->PointsTo->set(FirstRefNode + NodeIndex);
- }
- // See If we have something equivalent to us, if not, generate a new
- // equivalence class.
- if (N->PointsTo->empty()) {
- delete N->PointsTo;
- N->PointsTo = NULL;
- } else {
- if (N->Direct) {
- N->PointerEquivLabel = Set2PEClass[N->PointsTo];
- if (N->PointerEquivLabel == 0) {
- unsigned EquivClass = PEClass++;
- N->StoredInHash = true;
- Set2PEClass[N->PointsTo] = EquivClass;
- N->PointerEquivLabel = EquivClass;
- }
- } else {
- N->PointerEquivLabel = PEClass++;
- }
- }
-/// Rewrite our list of constraints so that pointer equivalent nodes are
-/// replaced by their the pointer equivalence class representative.
-void Andersens::RewriteConstraints() {
- std::vector<Constraint> NewConstraints;
- DenseSet<Constraint, ConstraintKeyInfo> Seen;
- PEClass2Node.clear();
- PENLEClass2Node.clear();
- // We may have from 1 to Graphnodes + 1 equivalence classes.
- PEClass2Node.insert(PEClass2Node.begin(), GraphNodes.size() + 1, -1);
- PENLEClass2Node.insert(PENLEClass2Node.begin(), GraphNodes.size() + 1, -1);
- // Rewrite constraints, ignoring non-pointer constraints, uniting equivalent
- // nodes, and rewriting constraints to use the representative nodes.
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = Constraints.size(); i != e; ++i) {
- Constraint &C = Constraints[i];
- unsigned RHSNode = FindNode(C.Src);
- unsigned LHSNode = FindNode(C.Dest);
- unsigned RHSLabel = GraphNodes[VSSCCRep[RHSNode]].PointerEquivLabel;
- unsigned LHSLabel = GraphNodes[VSSCCRep[LHSNode]].PointerEquivLabel;
- // First we try to eliminate constraints for things we can prove don't point
- // to anything.
- if (LHSLabel == 0) {
- DEBUG(PrintNode(&GraphNodes[LHSNode]));
- DEBUG(dbgs() << " is a non-pointer, ignoring constraint.\n");
- continue;
- }
- if (RHSLabel == 0) {
- DEBUG(PrintNode(&GraphNodes[RHSNode]));
- DEBUG(dbgs() << " is a non-pointer, ignoring constraint.\n");
- continue;
- }
- // This constraint may be useless, and it may become useless as we translate
- // it.
- if (C.Src == C.Dest && C.Type == Constraint::Copy)
- continue;
- C.Src = FindEquivalentNode(RHSNode, RHSLabel);
- C.Dest = FindEquivalentNode(FindNode(LHSNode), LHSLabel);
- if ((C.Src == C.Dest && C.Type == Constraint::Copy)
- || Seen.count(C))
- continue;
- Seen.insert(C);
- NewConstraints.push_back(C);
- }
- Constraints.swap(NewConstraints);
- PEClass2Node.clear();
-/// See if we have a node that is pointer equivalent to the one being asked
-/// about, and if so, unite them and return the equivalent node. Otherwise,
-/// return the original node.
-unsigned Andersens::FindEquivalentNode(unsigned NodeIndex,
- unsigned NodeLabel) {
- if (!GraphNodes[NodeIndex].AddressTaken) {
- if (PEClass2Node[NodeLabel] != -1) {
- // We found an existing node with the same pointer label, so unify them.
- // We specifically request that Union-By-Rank not be used so that
- // PEClass2Node[NodeLabel] U= NodeIndex and not the other way around.
- return UniteNodes(PEClass2Node[NodeLabel], NodeIndex, false);
- } else {
- PEClass2Node[NodeLabel] = NodeIndex;
- PENLEClass2Node[NodeLabel] = NodeIndex;
- }
- } else if (PENLEClass2Node[NodeLabel] == -1) {
- PENLEClass2Node[NodeLabel] = NodeIndex;
- }
- return NodeIndex;
-void Andersens::PrintLabels() const {
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < GraphNodes.size(); ++i) {
- if (i < FirstRefNode) {
- PrintNode(&GraphNodes[i]);
- } else if (i < FirstAdrNode) {
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "REF(");
- PrintNode(&GraphNodes[i-FirstRefNode]);
- DEBUG(dbgs() <<")");
- } else {
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "ADR(");
- PrintNode(&GraphNodes[i-FirstAdrNode]);
- DEBUG(dbgs() <<")");
- }
- DEBUG(dbgs() << " has pointer label " << GraphNodes[i].PointerEquivLabel
- << " and SCC rep " << VSSCCRep[i]
- << " and is " << (GraphNodes[i].Direct ? "Direct" : "Not direct")
- << "\n");
- }
-/// The technique used here is described in "The Ant and the
-/// Grasshopper: Fast and Accurate Pointer Analysis for Millions of
-/// Lines of Code. In Programming Language Design and Implementation
-/// (PLDI), June 2007." It is known as the "HCD" (Hybrid Cycle
-/// Detection) algorithm. It is called a hybrid because it performs an
-/// offline analysis and uses its results during the solving (online)
-/// phase. This is just the offline portion; the results of this
-/// operation are stored in SDT and are later used in SolveContraints()
-/// and UniteNodes().
-void Andersens::HCD() {
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "Starting HCD.\n");
- HCDSCCRep.resize(GraphNodes.size());
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < GraphNodes.size(); ++i) {
- GraphNodes[i].Edges = new SparseBitVector<>;
- HCDSCCRep[i] = i;
- }
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = Constraints.size(); i != e; ++i) {
- Constraint &C = Constraints[i];
- assert (C.Src < GraphNodes.size() && C.Dest < GraphNodes.size());
- if (C.Type == Constraint::AddressOf) {
- continue;
- } else if (C.Type == Constraint::Load) {
- if( C.Offset == 0 )
- GraphNodes[C.Dest].Edges->set(C.Src + FirstRefNode);
- } else if (C.Type == Constraint::Store) {
- if( C.Offset == 0 )
- GraphNodes[C.Dest + FirstRefNode].Edges->set(C.Src);
- } else {
- GraphNodes[C.Dest].Edges->set(C.Src);
- }
- }
- Node2DFS.insert(Node2DFS.begin(), GraphNodes.size(), 0);
- Node2Deleted.insert(Node2Deleted.begin(), GraphNodes.size(), false);
- Node2Visited.insert(Node2Visited.begin(), GraphNodes.size(), false);
- SDT.insert(SDT.begin(), GraphNodes.size() / 2, -1);
- DFSNumber = 0;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < GraphNodes.size(); ++i) {
- unsigned Node = HCDSCCRep[i];
- if (!Node2Deleted[Node])
- Search(Node);
- }
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < GraphNodes.size(); ++i)
- if (GraphNodes[i].Edges != NULL) {
- delete GraphNodes[i].Edges;
- GraphNodes[i].Edges = NULL;
- }
- while( !SCCStack.empty() )
- SCCStack.pop();
- Node2DFS.clear();
- Node2Visited.clear();
- Node2Deleted.clear();
- HCDSCCRep.clear();
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "HCD complete.\n");
-// Component of HCD:
-// Use Nuutila's variant of Tarjan's algorithm to detect
-// Strongly-Connected Components (SCCs). For non-trivial SCCs
-// containing ref nodes, insert the appropriate information in SDT.
-void Andersens::Search(unsigned Node) {
- unsigned MyDFS = DFSNumber++;
- Node2Visited[Node] = true;
- Node2DFS[Node] = MyDFS;
- for (SparseBitVector<>::iterator Iter = GraphNodes[Node].Edges->begin(),
- End = GraphNodes[Node].Edges->end();
- Iter != End;
- ++Iter) {
- unsigned J = HCDSCCRep[*Iter];
- assert(GraphNodes[J].isRep() && "Debug check; must be representative");
- if (!Node2Deleted[J]) {
- if (!Node2Visited[J])
- Search(J);
- if (Node2DFS[Node] > Node2DFS[J])
- Node2DFS[Node] = Node2DFS[J];
- }
- }
- if( MyDFS != Node2DFS[Node] ) {
- SCCStack.push(Node);
- return;
- }
- // This node is the root of a SCC, so process it.
- //
- // If the SCC is "non-trivial" (not a singleton) and contains a reference
- // node, we place this SCC into SDT. We unite the nodes in any case.
- if (!SCCStack.empty() && Node2DFS[SCCStack.top()] >= MyDFS) {
- SparseBitVector<> SCC;
- SCC.set(Node);
- bool Ref = (Node >= FirstRefNode);
- Node2Deleted[Node] = true;
- do {
- unsigned P = SCCStack.top(); SCCStack.pop();
- Ref |= (P >= FirstRefNode);
- SCC.set(P);
- HCDSCCRep[P] = Node;
- } while (!SCCStack.empty() && Node2DFS[SCCStack.top()] >= MyDFS);
- if (Ref) {
- unsigned Rep = SCC.find_first();
- assert(Rep < FirstRefNode && "The SCC didn't have a non-Ref node!");
- SparseBitVector<>::iterator i = SCC.begin();
- // Skip over the non-ref nodes
- while( *i < FirstRefNode )
- ++i;
- while( i != SCC.end() )
- SDT[ (*i++) - FirstRefNode ] = Rep;
- }
- }
-/// Optimize the constraints by performing offline variable substitution and
-/// other optimizations.
-void Andersens::OptimizeConstraints() {
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "Beginning constraint optimization\n");
- SDTActive = false;
- // Function related nodes need to stay in the same relative position and can't
- // be location equivalent.
- for (std::map<unsigned, unsigned>::iterator Iter = MaxK.begin();
- Iter != MaxK.end();
- ++Iter) {
- for (unsigned i = Iter->first;
- i != Iter->first + Iter->second;
- ++i) {
- GraphNodes[i].AddressTaken = true;
- GraphNodes[i].Direct = false;
- }
- }
- ClumpAddressTaken();
- FirstRefNode = GraphNodes.size();
- FirstAdrNode = FirstRefNode + GraphNodes.size();
- GraphNodes.insert(GraphNodes.end(), 2 * GraphNodes.size(),
- Node(false));
- VSSCCRep.resize(GraphNodes.size());
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < GraphNodes.size(); ++i) {
- VSSCCRep[i] = i;
- }
- HVN();
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < GraphNodes.size(); ++i) {
- Node *N = &GraphNodes[i];
- delete N->PredEdges;
- N->PredEdges = NULL;
- delete N->ImplicitPredEdges;
- N->ImplicitPredEdges = NULL;
- }
-#undef DEBUG_TYPE
-#define DEBUG_TYPE "anders-aa-labels"
- DEBUG(PrintLabels());
-#undef DEBUG_TYPE
-#define DEBUG_TYPE "anders-aa"
- RewriteConstraints();
- // Delete the adr nodes.
- GraphNodes.resize(FirstRefNode * 2);
- // Now perform HU
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < GraphNodes.size(); ++i) {
- Node *N = &GraphNodes[i];
- if (FindNode(i) == i) {
- N->PointsTo = new SparseBitVector<>;
- N->PointedToBy = new SparseBitVector<>;
- // Reset our labels
- }
- VSSCCRep[i] = i;
- N->PointerEquivLabel = 0;
- }
- HU();
-#undef DEBUG_TYPE
-#define DEBUG_TYPE "anders-aa-labels"
- DEBUG(PrintLabels());
-#undef DEBUG_TYPE
-#define DEBUG_TYPE "anders-aa"
- RewriteConstraints();
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < GraphNodes.size(); ++i) {
- if (FindNode(i) == i) {
- Node *N = &GraphNodes[i];
- delete N->PointsTo;
- N->PointsTo = NULL;
- delete N->PredEdges;
- N->PredEdges = NULL;
- delete N->ImplicitPredEdges;
- N->ImplicitPredEdges = NULL;
- delete N->PointedToBy;
- N->PointedToBy = NULL;
- }
- }
- // perform Hybrid Cycle Detection (HCD)
- HCD();
- SDTActive = true;
- // No longer any need for the upper half of GraphNodes (for ref nodes).
- GraphNodes.erase(GraphNodes.begin() + FirstRefNode, GraphNodes.end());
- // HCD complete.
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "Finished constraint optimization\n");
- FirstRefNode = 0;
- FirstAdrNode = 0;
-/// Unite pointer but not location equivalent variables, now that the constraint
-/// graph is built.
-void Andersens::UnitePointerEquivalences() {
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "Uniting remaining pointer equivalences\n");
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < GraphNodes.size(); ++i) {
- if (GraphNodes[i].AddressTaken && GraphNodes[i].isRep()) {
- unsigned Label = GraphNodes[i].PointerEquivLabel;
- if (Label && PENLEClass2Node[Label] != -1)
- UniteNodes(i, PENLEClass2Node[Label]);
- }
- }
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "Finished remaining pointer equivalences\n");
- PENLEClass2Node.clear();
-/// Create the constraint graph used for solving points-to analysis.
-void Andersens::CreateConstraintGraph() {
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = Constraints.size(); i != e; ++i) {
- Constraint &C = Constraints[i];
- assert (C.Src < GraphNodes.size() && C.Dest < GraphNodes.size());
- if (C.Type == Constraint::AddressOf)
- GraphNodes[C.Dest].PointsTo->set(C.Src);
- else if (C.Type == Constraint::Load)
- GraphNodes[C.Src].Constraints.push_back(C);
- else if (C.Type == Constraint::Store)
- GraphNodes[C.Dest].Constraints.push_back(C);
- else if (C.Offset != 0)
- GraphNodes[C.Src].Constraints.push_back(C);
- else
- GraphNodes[C.Src].Edges->set(C.Dest);
- }
-// Perform DFS and cycle detection.
-bool Andersens::QueryNode(unsigned Node) {
- assert(GraphNodes[Node].isRep() && "Querying a non-rep node");
- unsigned OurDFS = ++DFSNumber;
- SparseBitVector<> ToErase;
- SparseBitVector<> NewEdges;
- Tarjan2DFS[Node] = OurDFS;
- // Changed denotes a change from a recursive call that we will bubble up.
- // Merged is set if we actually merge a node ourselves.
- bool Changed = false, Merged = false;
- for (SparseBitVector<>::iterator bi = GraphNodes[Node].Edges->begin();
- bi != GraphNodes[Node].Edges->end();
- ++bi) {
- unsigned RepNode = FindNode(*bi);
- // If this edge points to a non-representative node but we are
- // already planning to add an edge to its representative, we have no
- // need for this edge anymore.
- if (RepNode != *bi && NewEdges.test(RepNode)){
- ToErase.set(*bi);
- continue;
- }
- // Continue about our DFS.
- if (!Tarjan2Deleted[RepNode]){
- if (Tarjan2DFS[RepNode] == 0) {
- Changed |= QueryNode(RepNode);
- // May have been changed by QueryNode
- RepNode = FindNode(RepNode);
- }
- if (Tarjan2DFS[RepNode] < Tarjan2DFS[Node])
- Tarjan2DFS[Node] = Tarjan2DFS[RepNode];
- }
- // We may have just discovered that this node is part of a cycle, in
- // which case we can also erase it.
- if (RepNode != *bi) {
- ToErase.set(*bi);
- NewEdges.set(RepNode);
- }
- }
- GraphNodes[Node].Edges->intersectWithComplement(ToErase);
- GraphNodes[Node].Edges |= NewEdges;
- // If this node is a root of a non-trivial SCC, place it on our
- // worklist to be processed.
- if (OurDFS == Tarjan2DFS[Node]) {
- while (!SCCStack.empty() && Tarjan2DFS[SCCStack.top()] >= OurDFS) {
- Node = UniteNodes(Node, SCCStack.top());
- SCCStack.pop();
- Merged = true;
- }
- Tarjan2Deleted[Node] = true;
- if (Merged)
- NextWL->insert(&GraphNodes[Node]);
- } else {
- SCCStack.push(Node);
- }
- return(Changed | Merged);
-/// SolveConstraints - This stage iteratively processes the constraints list
-/// propagating constraints (adding edges to the Nodes in the points-to graph)
-/// until a fixed point is reached.
-/// We use a variant of the technique called "Lazy Cycle Detection", which is
-/// described in "The Ant and the Grasshopper: Fast and Accurate Pointer
-/// Analysis for Millions of Lines of Code. In Programming Language Design and
-/// Implementation (PLDI), June 2007."
-/// The paper describes performing cycle detection one node at a time, which can
-/// be expensive if there are no cycles, but there are long chains of nodes that
-/// it heuristically believes are cycles (because it will DFS from each node
-/// without state from previous nodes).
-/// Instead, we use the heuristic to build a worklist of nodes to check, then
-/// cycle detect them all at the same time to do this more cheaply. This
-/// catches cycles slightly later than the original technique did, but does it
-/// make significantly cheaper.
-void Andersens::SolveConstraints() {
- CurrWL = &w1;
- NextWL = &w2;
- OptimizeConstraints();
-#undef DEBUG_TYPE
-#define DEBUG_TYPE "anders-aa-constraints"
- DEBUG(PrintConstraints());
-#undef DEBUG_TYPE
-#define DEBUG_TYPE "anders-aa"
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < GraphNodes.size(); ++i) {
- Node *N = &GraphNodes[i];
- N->PointsTo = new SparseBitVector<>;
- N->OldPointsTo = new SparseBitVector<>;
- N->Edges = new SparseBitVector<>;
- }
- CreateConstraintGraph();
- UnitePointerEquivalences();
- assert(SCCStack.empty() && "SCC Stack should be empty by now!");
- Node2DFS.clear();
- Node2Deleted.clear();
- Node2DFS.insert(Node2DFS.begin(), GraphNodes.size(), 0);
- Node2Deleted.insert(Node2Deleted.begin(), GraphNodes.size(), false);
- DFSNumber = 0;
- DenseSet<Constraint, ConstraintKeyInfo> Seen;
- DenseSet<std::pair<unsigned,unsigned>, PairKeyInfo> EdgesChecked;
- // Order graph and add initial nodes to work list.
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < GraphNodes.size(); ++i) {
- Node *INode = &GraphNodes[i];
- // Add to work list if it's a representative and can contribute to the
- // calculation right now.
- if (INode->isRep() && !INode->PointsTo->empty()
- && (!INode->Edges->empty() || !INode->Constraints.empty())) {
- INode->Stamp();
- CurrWL->insert(INode);
- }
- }
- std::queue<unsigned int> TarjanWL;
- // "Rep and special variables" - in order for HCD to maintain conservative
- // results when !FULL_UNIVERSAL, we need to treat the special variables in
- // the same way that the !FULL_UNIVERSAL tweak does throughout the rest of
- // the analysis - it's ok to add edges from the special nodes, but never
- // *to* the special nodes.
- std::vector<unsigned int> RSV;
- while( !CurrWL->empty() ) {
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "Starting iteration #" << ++NumIters << "\n");
- Node* CurrNode;
- unsigned CurrNodeIndex;
- // Actual cycle checking code. We cycle check all of the lazy cycle
- // candidates from the last iteration in one go.
- if (!TarjanWL.empty()) {
- DFSNumber = 0;
- Tarjan2DFS.clear();
- Tarjan2Deleted.clear();
- while (!TarjanWL.empty()) {
- unsigned int ToTarjan = TarjanWL.front();
- TarjanWL.pop();
- if (!Tarjan2Deleted[ToTarjan]
- && GraphNodes[ToTarjan].isRep()
- && Tarjan2DFS[ToTarjan] == 0)
- QueryNode(ToTarjan);
- }
- }
- // Add to work list if it's a representative and can contribute to the
- // calculation right now.
- while( (CurrNode = CurrWL->pop()) != NULL ) {
- CurrNodeIndex = CurrNode - &GraphNodes[0];
- CurrNode->Stamp();
- // Figure out the changed points to bits
- SparseBitVector<> CurrPointsTo;
- CurrPointsTo.intersectWithComplement(CurrNode->PointsTo,
- CurrNode->OldPointsTo);
- if (CurrPointsTo.empty())
- continue;
- *(CurrNode->OldPointsTo) |= CurrPointsTo;
- // Check the offline-computed equivalencies from HCD.
- bool SCC = false;
- unsigned Rep;
- if (SDT[CurrNodeIndex] >= 0) {
- SCC = true;
- Rep = FindNode(SDT[CurrNodeIndex]);
- RSV.clear();
- for (SparseBitVector<>::iterator bi = CurrPointsTo.begin();
- bi != CurrPointsTo.end(); ++bi) {
- unsigned Node = FindNode(*bi);
- if (Node < NumberSpecialNodes) {
- RSV.push_back(Node);
- continue;
- }
- Rep = UniteNodes(Rep,Node);
- }
- RSV.push_back(Rep);
- NextWL->insert(&GraphNodes[Rep]);
- if ( ! CurrNode->isRep() )
- continue;
- }
- Seen.clear();
- /* Now process the constraints for this node. */
- for (std::list<Constraint>::iterator li = CurrNode->Constraints.begin();
- li != CurrNode->Constraints.end(); ) {
- li->Src = FindNode(li->Src);
- li->Dest = FindNode(li->Dest);
- // Delete redundant constraints
- if( Seen.count(*li) ) {
- std::list<Constraint>::iterator lk = li; li++;
- CurrNode->Constraints.erase(lk);
- ++NumErased;
- continue;
- }
- Seen.insert(*li);
- // Src and Dest will be the vars we are going to process.
- // This may look a bit ugly, but what it does is allow us to process
- // both store and load constraints with the same code.
- // Load constraints say that every member of our RHS solution has K
- // added to it, and that variable gets an edge to LHS. We also union
- // RHS+K's solution into the LHS solution.
- // Store constraints say that every member of our LHS solution has K
- // added to it, and that variable gets an edge from RHS. We also union
- // RHS's solution into the LHS+K solution.
- unsigned *Src;
- unsigned *Dest;
- unsigned K = li->Offset;
- unsigned CurrMember;
- if (li->Type == Constraint::Load) {
- Src = &CurrMember;
- Dest = &li->Dest;
- } else if (li->Type == Constraint::Store) {
- Src = &li->Src;
- Dest = &CurrMember;
- } else {
- // TODO Handle offseted copy constraint
- li++;
- continue;
- }
- // See if we can use Hybrid Cycle Detection (that is, check
- // if it was a statically detected offline equivalence that
- // involves pointers; if so, remove the redundant constraints).
- if( SCC && K == 0 ) {
- CurrMember = Rep;
- if (GraphNodes[*Src].Edges->test_and_set(*Dest))
- if (GraphNodes[*Dest].PointsTo |= *(GraphNodes[*Src].PointsTo))
- NextWL->insert(&GraphNodes[*Dest]);
- for (unsigned i=0; i < RSV.size(); ++i) {
- CurrMember = RSV[i];
- if (*Dest < NumberSpecialNodes)
- continue;
- if (GraphNodes[*Src].Edges->test_and_set(*Dest))
- if (GraphNodes[*Dest].PointsTo |= *(GraphNodes[*Src].PointsTo))
- NextWL->insert(&GraphNodes[*Dest]);
- }
- // since all future elements of the points-to set will be
- // equivalent to the current ones, the complex constraints
- // become redundant.
- //
- std::list<Constraint>::iterator lk = li; li++;
- // In this case, we can still erase the constraints when the
- // elements of the points-to sets are referenced by *Dest,
- // but not when they are referenced by *Src (i.e. for a Load
- // constraint). This is because if another special variable is
- // put into the points-to set later, we still need to add the
- // new edge from that special variable.
- if( lk->Type != Constraint::Load)
- GraphNodes[CurrNodeIndex].Constraints.erase(lk);
- } else {
- const SparseBitVector<> &Solution = CurrPointsTo;
- for (SparseBitVector<>::iterator bi = Solution.begin();
- bi != Solution.end();
- ++bi) {
- CurrMember = *bi;
- // Need to increment the member by K since that is where we are
- // supposed to copy to/from. Note that in positive weight cycles,
- // which occur in address taking of fields, K can go past
- // MaxK[CurrMember] elements, even though that is all it could point
- // to.
- if (K > 0 && K > MaxK[CurrMember])
- continue;
- else
- CurrMember = FindNode(CurrMember + K);
- // Add an edge to the graph, so we can just do regular
- // bitmap ior next time. It may also let us notice a cycle.
- if (*Dest < NumberSpecialNodes)
- continue;
- if (GraphNodes[*Src].Edges->test_and_set(*Dest))
- if (GraphNodes[*Dest].PointsTo |= *(GraphNodes[*Src].PointsTo))
- NextWL->insert(&GraphNodes[*Dest]);
- }
- li++;
- }
- }
- SparseBitVector<> NewEdges;
- SparseBitVector<> ToErase;
- // Now all we have left to do is propagate points-to info along the
- // edges, erasing the redundant edges.
- for (SparseBitVector<>::iterator bi = CurrNode->Edges->begin();
- bi != CurrNode->Edges->end();
- ++bi) {
- unsigned DestVar = *bi;
- unsigned Rep = FindNode(DestVar);
- // If we ended up with this node as our destination, or we've already
- // got an edge for the representative, delete the current edge.
- if (Rep == CurrNodeIndex ||
- (Rep != DestVar && NewEdges.test(Rep))) {
- ToErase.set(DestVar);
- continue;
- }
- std::pair<unsigned,unsigned> edge(CurrNodeIndex,Rep);
- // This is where we do lazy cycle detection.
- // If this is a cycle candidate (equal points-to sets and this
- // particular edge has not been cycle-checked previously), add to the
- // list to check for cycles on the next iteration.
- if (!EdgesChecked.count(edge) &&
- *(GraphNodes[Rep].PointsTo) == *(CurrNode->PointsTo)) {
- EdgesChecked.insert(edge);
- TarjanWL.push(Rep);
- }
- // Union the points-to sets into the dest
- if (Rep >= NumberSpecialNodes)
- if (GraphNodes[Rep].PointsTo |= CurrPointsTo) {
- NextWL->insert(&GraphNodes[Rep]);
- }
- // If this edge's destination was collapsed, rewrite the edge.
- if (Rep != DestVar) {
- ToErase.set(DestVar);
- NewEdges.set(Rep);
- }
- }
- CurrNode->Edges->intersectWithComplement(ToErase);
- CurrNode->Edges |= NewEdges;
- }
- // Switch to other work list.
- WorkList* t = CurrWL; CurrWL = NextWL; NextWL = t;
- }
- Node2DFS.clear();
- Node2Deleted.clear();
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < GraphNodes.size(); ++i) {
- Node *N = &GraphNodes[i];
- delete N->OldPointsTo;
- delete N->Edges;
- }
- SDTActive = false;
- SDT.clear();
-// Union-Find
-// Unite nodes First and Second, returning the one which is now the
-// representative node. First and Second are indexes into GraphNodes
-unsigned Andersens::UniteNodes(unsigned First, unsigned Second,
- bool UnionByRank) {
- assert (First < GraphNodes.size() && Second < GraphNodes.size() &&
- "Attempting to merge nodes that don't exist");
- Node *FirstNode = &GraphNodes[First];
- Node *SecondNode = &GraphNodes[Second];
- assert (SecondNode->isRep() && FirstNode->isRep() &&
- "Trying to unite two non-representative nodes!");
- if (First == Second)
- return First;
- if (UnionByRank) {
- int RankFirst = (int) FirstNode ->NodeRep;
- int RankSecond = (int) SecondNode->NodeRep;
- // Rank starts at -1 and gets decremented as it increases.
- // Translation: higher rank, lower NodeRep value, which is always negative.
- if (RankFirst > RankSecond) {
- unsigned t = First; First = Second; Second = t;
- Node* tp = FirstNode; FirstNode = SecondNode; SecondNode = tp;
- } else if (RankFirst == RankSecond) {
- FirstNode->NodeRep = (unsigned) (RankFirst - 1);
- }
- }
- SecondNode->NodeRep = First;
- if (First >= NumberSpecialNodes)
- if (FirstNode->PointsTo && SecondNode->PointsTo)
- FirstNode->PointsTo |= *(SecondNode->PointsTo);
- if (FirstNode->Edges && SecondNode->Edges)
- FirstNode->Edges |= *(SecondNode->Edges);
- if (!SecondNode->Constraints.empty())
- FirstNode->Constraints.splice(FirstNode->Constraints.begin(),
- SecondNode->Constraints);
- if (FirstNode->OldPointsTo) {
- delete FirstNode->OldPointsTo;
- FirstNode->OldPointsTo = new SparseBitVector<>;
- }
- // Destroy interesting parts of the merged-from node.
- delete SecondNode->OldPointsTo;
- delete SecondNode->Edges;
- delete SecondNode->PointsTo;
- SecondNode->Edges = NULL;
- SecondNode->PointsTo = NULL;
- SecondNode->OldPointsTo = NULL;
- NumUnified++;
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "Unified Node ");
- DEBUG(PrintNode(FirstNode));
- DEBUG(dbgs() << " and Node ");
- DEBUG(PrintNode(SecondNode));
- DEBUG(dbgs() << "\n");
- if (SDTActive)
- if (SDT[Second] >= 0) {
- if (SDT[First] < 0)
- SDT[First] = SDT[Second];
- else {
- UniteNodes( FindNode(SDT[First]), FindNode(SDT[Second]) );
- First = FindNode(First);
- }
- }
- return First;
-// Find the index into GraphNodes of the node representing Node, performing
-// path compression along the way
-unsigned Andersens::FindNode(unsigned NodeIndex) {
- assert (NodeIndex < GraphNodes.size()
- && "Attempting to find a node that can't exist");
- Node *N = &GraphNodes[NodeIndex];
- if (N->isRep())
- return NodeIndex;
- else
- return (N->NodeRep = FindNode(N->NodeRep));
-// Find the index into GraphNodes of the node representing Node,
-// don't perform path compression along the way (for Print)
-unsigned Andersens::FindNode(unsigned NodeIndex) const {
- assert (NodeIndex < GraphNodes.size()
- && "Attempting to find a node that can't exist");
- const Node *N = &GraphNodes[NodeIndex];
- if (N->isRep())
- return NodeIndex;
- else
- return FindNode(N->NodeRep);
-// Debugging Output
-void Andersens::PrintNode(const Node *N) const {
- if (N == &GraphNodes[UniversalSet]) {
- dbgs() << "<universal>";
- return;
- } else if (N == &GraphNodes[NullPtr]) {
- dbgs() << "<nullptr>";
- return;
- } else if (N == &GraphNodes[NullObject]) {
- dbgs() << "<null>";
- return;
- }
- if (!N->getValue()) {
- dbgs() << "artificial" << (intptr_t) N;
- return;
- }
- assert(N->getValue() != 0 && "Never set node label!");
- Value *V = N->getValue();
- if (Function *F = dyn_cast<Function>(V)) {
- if (isa<PointerType>(F->getFunctionType()->getReturnType()) &&
- N == &GraphNodes[getReturnNode(F)]) {
- dbgs() << F->getName() << ":retval";
- return;
- } else if (F->getFunctionType()->isVarArg() &&
- N == &GraphNodes[getVarargNode(F)]) {
- dbgs() << F->getName() << ":vararg";
- return;
- }
- }
- if (Instruction *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(V))
- dbgs() << I->getParent()->getParent()->getName() << ":";
- else if (Argument *Arg = dyn_cast<Argument>(V))
- dbgs() << Arg->getParent()->getName() << ":";
- if (V->hasName())
- dbgs() << V->getName();
- else
- dbgs() << "(unnamed)";
- if (isa<GlobalValue>(V) || isa<AllocaInst>(V) || isMalloc(V))
- if (N == &GraphNodes[getObject(V)])
- dbgs() << "<mem>";
-void Andersens::PrintConstraint(const Constraint &C) const {
- if (C.Type == Constraint::Store) {
- dbgs() << "*";
- if (C.Offset != 0)
- dbgs() << "(";
- }
- PrintNode(&GraphNodes[C.Dest]);
- if (C.Type == Constraint::Store && C.Offset != 0)
- dbgs() << " + " << C.Offset << ")";
- dbgs() << " = ";
- if (C.Type == Constraint::Load) {
- dbgs() << "*";
- if (C.Offset != 0)
- dbgs() << "(";
- }
- else if (C.Type == Constraint::AddressOf)
- dbgs() << "&";
- PrintNode(&GraphNodes[C.Src]);
- if (C.Offset != 0 && C.Type != Constraint::Store)
- dbgs() << " + " << C.Offset;
- if (C.Type == Constraint::Load && C.Offset != 0)
- dbgs() << ")";
- dbgs() << "\n";
-void Andersens::PrintConstraints() const {
- dbgs() << "Constraints:\n";
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = Constraints.size(); i != e; ++i)
- PrintConstraint(Constraints[i]);
-void Andersens::PrintPointsToGraph() const {
- dbgs() << "Points-to graph:\n";
- for (unsigned i = 0, e = GraphNodes.size(); i != e; ++i) {
- const Node *N = &GraphNodes[i];
- if (FindNode(i) != i) {
- PrintNode(N);
- dbgs() << "\t--> same as ";
- PrintNode(&GraphNodes[FindNode(i)]);
- dbgs() << "\n";
- } else {
- dbgs() << "[" << (N->PointsTo->count()) << "] ";
- PrintNode(N);
- dbgs() << "\t--> ";
- bool first = true;
- for (SparseBitVector<>::iterator bi = N->PointsTo->begin();
- bi != N->PointsTo->end();
- ++bi) {
- if (!first)
- dbgs() << ", ";
- PrintNode(&GraphNodes[*bi]);
- first = false;
- }
- dbgs() << "\n";
- }
- }