path: root/include/llvm/CodeGen/SlotIndexes.h
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1 files changed, 769 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/llvm/CodeGen/SlotIndexes.h b/include/llvm/CodeGen/SlotIndexes.h
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index 0000000000..dd4caba1e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/llvm/CodeGen/SlotIndexes.h
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+//===- llvm/CodeGen/SlotIndexes.h - Slot indexes representation -*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file implements SlotIndex and related classes. The purpuse of SlotIndex
+// is to describe a position at which a register can become live, or cease to
+// be live.
+// SlotIndex is mostly a proxy for entries of the SlotIndexList, a class which
+// is held is LiveIntervals and provides the real numbering. This allows
+// LiveIntervals to perform largely transparent renumbering. The SlotIndex
+// class does hold a PHI bit, which determines whether the index relates to a
+// PHI use or def point, or an actual instruction. See the SlotIndex class
+// description for futher information.
+#include "llvm/ADT/PointerIntPair.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineBasicBlock.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunctionPass.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineInstr.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
+namespace llvm {
+ /// This class represents an entry in the slot index list held in the
+ /// SlotIndexes pass. It should not be used directly. See the
+ /// SlotIndex & SlotIndexes classes for the public interface to this
+ /// information.
+ class IndexListEntry {
+ private:
+ static const unsigned EMPTY_KEY_INDEX = ~0U & ~3U,
+ IndexListEntry *next, *prev;
+ MachineInstr *mi;
+ unsigned index;
+ protected:
+ typedef enum { EMPTY_KEY, TOMBSTONE_KEY } ReservedEntryType;
+ // This constructor is only to be used by getEmptyKeyEntry
+ // & getTombstoneKeyEntry. It sets index to the given
+ // value and mi to zero.
+ IndexListEntry(ReservedEntryType r) : mi(0) {
+ switch(r) {
+ case EMPTY_KEY: index = EMPTY_KEY_INDEX; break;
+ default: assert(false && "Invalid value for constructor.");
+ }
+ next = this;
+ prev = this;
+ }
+ public:
+ IndexListEntry(MachineInstr *mi, unsigned index) : mi(mi), index(index) {
+ if (index == EMPTY_KEY_INDEX || index == TOMBSTONE_KEY_INDEX) {
+ llvm_report_error("Attempt to create invalid index. "
+ "Available indexes may have been exhausted?.");
+ }
+ }
+ bool isValid() const {
+ return (index != EMPTY_KEY_INDEX && index != TOMBSTONE_KEY_INDEX);
+ }
+ MachineInstr* getInstr() const { return mi; }
+ void setInstr(MachineInstr *mi) {
+ assert(isValid() && "Attempt to modify reserved index.");
+ this->mi = mi;
+ }
+ unsigned getIndex() const { return index; }
+ void setIndex(unsigned index) {
+ assert(index != EMPTY_KEY_INDEX && index != TOMBSTONE_KEY_INDEX &&
+ "Attempt to set index to invalid value.");
+ assert(isValid() && "Attempt to reset reserved index value.");
+ this->index = index;
+ }
+ IndexListEntry* getNext() { return next; }
+ const IndexListEntry* getNext() const { return next; }
+ void setNext(IndexListEntry *next) {
+ assert(isValid() && "Attempt to modify reserved index.");
+ this->next = next;
+ }
+ IndexListEntry* getPrev() { return prev; }
+ const IndexListEntry* getPrev() const { return prev; }
+ void setPrev(IndexListEntry *prev) {
+ assert(isValid() && "Attempt to modify reserved index.");
+ this->prev = prev;
+ }
+ // This function returns the index list entry that is to be used for empty
+ // SlotIndex keys.
+ static IndexListEntry* getEmptyKeyEntry();
+ // This function returns the index list entry that is to be used for
+ // tombstone SlotIndex keys.
+ static IndexListEntry* getTombstoneKeyEntry();
+ };
+ // Specialize PointerLikeTypeTraits for IndexListEntry.
+ template <>
+ class PointerLikeTypeTraits<IndexListEntry*> {
+ public:
+ static inline void* getAsVoidPointer(IndexListEntry *p) {
+ return p;
+ }
+ static inline IndexListEntry* getFromVoidPointer(void *p) {
+ return static_cast<IndexListEntry*>(p);
+ }
+ enum { NumLowBitsAvailable = 3 };
+ };
+ /// SlotIndex - An opaque wrapper around machine indexes.
+ class SlotIndex {
+ friend class SlotIndexes;
+ friend struct DenseMapInfo<SlotIndex>;
+ private:
+ static const unsigned PHI_BIT = 1 << 2;
+ PointerIntPair<IndexListEntry*, 3, unsigned> lie;
+ SlotIndex(IndexListEntry *entry, unsigned phiAndSlot)
+ : lie(entry, phiAndSlot) {
+ assert(entry != 0 && "Attempt to construct index with 0 pointer.");
+ }
+ IndexListEntry& entry() const {
+ return *lie.getPointer();
+ }
+ int getIndex() const {
+ return entry().getIndex() | getSlot();
+ }
+ static inline unsigned getHashValue(const SlotIndex &v) {
+ IndexListEntry *ptrVal = &v.entry();
+ return (unsigned((intptr_t)ptrVal) >> 4) ^
+ (unsigned((intptr_t)ptrVal) >> 9);
+ }
+ public:
+ // FIXME: Ugh. This is public because LiveIntervalAnalysis is still using it
+ // for some spill weight stuff. Fix that, then make this private.
+ enum Slot { LOAD, USE, DEF, STORE, NUM };
+ static inline SlotIndex getEmptyKey() {
+ return SlotIndex(IndexListEntry::getEmptyKeyEntry(), 0);
+ }
+ static inline SlotIndex getTombstoneKey() {
+ return SlotIndex(IndexListEntry::getTombstoneKeyEntry(), 0);
+ }
+ /// Construct an invalid index.
+ SlotIndex() : lie(IndexListEntry::getEmptyKeyEntry(), 0) {}
+ // Construct a new slot index from the given one, set the phi flag on the
+ // new index to the value of the phi parameter.
+ SlotIndex(const SlotIndex &li, bool phi)
+ : lie(&li.entry(), phi ? PHI_BIT | li.getSlot() : (unsigned)li.getSlot()){
+ assert(lie.getPointer() != 0 &&
+ "Attempt to construct index with 0 pointer.");
+ }
+ // Construct a new slot index from the given one, set the phi flag on the
+ // new index to the value of the phi parameter, and the slot to the new slot.
+ SlotIndex(const SlotIndex &li, bool phi, Slot s)
+ : lie(&li.entry(), phi ? PHI_BIT | s : (unsigned)s) {
+ assert(lie.getPointer() != 0 &&
+ "Attempt to construct index with 0 pointer.");
+ }
+ /// Returns true if this is a valid index. Invalid indicies do
+ /// not point into an index table, and cannot be compared.
+ bool isValid() const {
+ IndexListEntry *entry = lie.getPointer();
+ return ((entry!= 0) && (entry->isValid()));
+ }
+ /// Print this index to the given raw_ostream.
+ void print(raw_ostream &os) const;
+ /// Dump this index to stderr.
+ void dump() const;
+ /// Compare two SlotIndex objects for equality.
+ bool operator==(SlotIndex other) const {
+ return getIndex() == other.getIndex();
+ }
+ /// Compare two SlotIndex objects for inequality.
+ bool operator!=(SlotIndex other) const {
+ return getIndex() != other.getIndex();
+ }
+ /// Compare two SlotIndex objects. Return true if the first index
+ /// is strictly lower than the second.
+ bool operator<(SlotIndex other) const {
+ return getIndex() < other.getIndex();
+ }
+ /// Compare two SlotIndex objects. Return true if the first index
+ /// is lower than, or equal to, the second.
+ bool operator<=(SlotIndex other) const {
+ return getIndex() <= other.getIndex();
+ }
+ /// Compare two SlotIndex objects. Return true if the first index
+ /// is greater than the second.
+ bool operator>(SlotIndex other) const {
+ return getIndex() > other.getIndex();
+ }
+ /// Compare two SlotIndex objects. Return true if the first index
+ /// is greater than, or equal to, the second.
+ bool operator>=(SlotIndex other) const {
+ return getIndex() >= other.getIndex();
+ }
+ /// Return the distance from this index to the given one.
+ int distance(SlotIndex other) const {
+ return other.getIndex() - getIndex();
+ }
+ /// Returns the slot for this SlotIndex.
+ Slot getSlot() const {
+ return static_cast<Slot>(lie.getInt() & ~PHI_BIT);
+ }
+ /// Returns the state of the PHI bit.
+ bool isPHI() const {
+ return lie.getInt() & PHI_BIT;
+ }
+ /// Returns the base index for associated with this index. The base index
+ /// is the one associated with the LOAD slot for the instruction pointed to
+ /// by this index.
+ SlotIndex getBaseIndex() const {
+ return getLoadIndex();
+ }
+ /// Returns the boundary index for associated with this index. The boundary
+ /// index is the one associated with the LOAD slot for the instruction
+ /// pointed to by this index.
+ SlotIndex getBoundaryIndex() const {
+ return getStoreIndex();
+ }
+ /// Returns the index of the LOAD slot for the instruction pointed to by
+ /// this index.
+ SlotIndex getLoadIndex() const {
+ return SlotIndex(&entry(), SlotIndex::LOAD);
+ }
+ /// Returns the index of the USE slot for the instruction pointed to by
+ /// this index.
+ SlotIndex getUseIndex() const {
+ return SlotIndex(&entry(), SlotIndex::USE);
+ }
+ /// Returns the index of the DEF slot for the instruction pointed to by
+ /// this index.
+ SlotIndex getDefIndex() const {
+ return SlotIndex(&entry(), SlotIndex::DEF);
+ }
+ /// Returns the index of the STORE slot for the instruction pointed to by
+ /// this index.
+ SlotIndex getStoreIndex() const {
+ return SlotIndex(&entry(), SlotIndex::STORE);
+ }
+ /// Returns the next slot in the index list. This could be either the
+ /// next slot for the instruction pointed to by this index or, if this
+ /// index is a STORE, the first slot for the next instruction.
+ /// WARNING: This method is considerably more expensive than the methods
+ /// that return specific slots (getUseIndex(), etc). If you can - please
+ /// use one of those methods.
+ SlotIndex getNextSlot() const {
+ Slot s = getSlot();
+ if (s == SlotIndex::STORE) {
+ return SlotIndex(entry().getNext(), SlotIndex::LOAD);
+ }
+ return SlotIndex(&entry(), s + 1);
+ }
+ /// Returns the next index. This is the index corresponding to the this
+ /// index's slot, but for the next instruction.
+ SlotIndex getNextIndex() const {
+ return SlotIndex(entry().getNext(), getSlot());
+ }
+ /// Returns the previous slot in the index list. This could be either the
+ /// previous slot for the instruction pointed to by this index or, if this
+ /// index is a LOAD, the last slot for the previous instruction.
+ /// WARNING: This method is considerably more expensive than the methods
+ /// that return specific slots (getUseIndex(), etc). If you can - please
+ /// use one of those methods.
+ SlotIndex getPrevSlot() const {
+ Slot s = getSlot();
+ if (s == SlotIndex::LOAD) {
+ return SlotIndex(entry().getPrev(), SlotIndex::STORE);
+ }
+ return SlotIndex(&entry(), s - 1);
+ }
+ /// Returns the previous index. This is the index corresponding to this
+ /// index's slot, but for the previous instruction.
+ SlotIndex getPrevIndex() const {
+ return SlotIndex(entry().getPrev(), getSlot());
+ }
+ };
+ /// DenseMapInfo specialization for SlotIndex.
+ template <>
+ struct DenseMapInfo<SlotIndex> {
+ static inline SlotIndex getEmptyKey() {
+ return SlotIndex::getEmptyKey();
+ }
+ static inline SlotIndex getTombstoneKey() {
+ return SlotIndex::getTombstoneKey();
+ }
+ static inline unsigned getHashValue(const SlotIndex &v) {
+ return SlotIndex::getHashValue(v);
+ }
+ static inline bool isEqual(const SlotIndex &LHS, const SlotIndex &RHS) {
+ return (LHS == RHS);
+ }
+ };
+ template <> struct isPodLike<SlotIndex> { static const bool value = true; };
+ inline raw_ostream& operator<<(raw_ostream &os, SlotIndex li) {
+ li.print(os);
+ return os;
+ }
+ typedef std::pair<SlotIndex, MachineBasicBlock*> IdxMBBPair;
+ inline bool operator<(SlotIndex V, const IdxMBBPair &IM) {
+ return V < IM.first;
+ }
+ inline bool operator<(const IdxMBBPair &IM, SlotIndex V) {
+ return IM.first < V;
+ }
+ struct Idx2MBBCompare {
+ bool operator()(const IdxMBBPair &LHS, const IdxMBBPair &RHS) const {
+ return LHS.first < RHS.first;
+ }
+ };
+ /// SlotIndexes pass.
+ ///
+ /// This pass assigns indexes to each instruction.
+ class SlotIndexes : public MachineFunctionPass {
+ private:
+ MachineFunction *mf;
+ IndexListEntry *indexListHead;
+ unsigned functionSize;
+ typedef DenseMap<const MachineInstr*, SlotIndex> Mi2IndexMap;
+ Mi2IndexMap mi2iMap;
+ /// MBB2IdxMap - The indexes of the first and last instructions in the
+ /// specified basic block.
+ typedef DenseMap<const MachineBasicBlock*,
+ std::pair<SlotIndex, SlotIndex> > MBB2IdxMap;
+ MBB2IdxMap mbb2IdxMap;
+ /// Idx2MBBMap - Sorted list of pairs of index of first instruction
+ /// and MBB id.
+ std::vector<IdxMBBPair> idx2MBBMap;
+ typedef DenseMap<const MachineBasicBlock*, SlotIndex> TerminatorGapsMap;
+ TerminatorGapsMap terminatorGaps;
+ // IndexListEntry allocator.
+ BumpPtrAllocator ileAllocator;
+ IndexListEntry* createEntry(MachineInstr *mi, unsigned index) {
+ IndexListEntry *entry =
+ static_cast<IndexListEntry*>(
+ ileAllocator.Allocate(sizeof(IndexListEntry),
+ alignof<IndexListEntry>()));
+ new (entry) IndexListEntry(mi, index);
+ return entry;
+ }
+ void initList() {
+ assert(indexListHead == 0 && "Zero entry non-null at initialisation.");
+ indexListHead = createEntry(0, ~0U);
+ indexListHead->setNext(0);
+ indexListHead->setPrev(indexListHead);
+ }
+ void clearList() {
+ indexListHead = 0;
+ ileAllocator.Reset();
+ }
+ IndexListEntry* getTail() {
+ assert(indexListHead != 0 && "Call to getTail on uninitialized list.");
+ return indexListHead->getPrev();
+ }
+ const IndexListEntry* getTail() const {
+ assert(indexListHead != 0 && "Call to getTail on uninitialized list.");
+ return indexListHead->getPrev();
+ }
+ // Returns true if the index list is empty.
+ bool empty() const { return (indexListHead == getTail()); }
+ IndexListEntry* front() {
+ assert(!empty() && "front() called on empty index list.");
+ return indexListHead;
+ }
+ const IndexListEntry* front() const {
+ assert(!empty() && "front() called on empty index list.");
+ return indexListHead;
+ }
+ IndexListEntry* back() {
+ assert(!empty() && "back() called on empty index list.");
+ return getTail()->getPrev();
+ }
+ const IndexListEntry* back() const {
+ assert(!empty() && "back() called on empty index list.");
+ return getTail()->getPrev();
+ }
+ /// Insert a new entry before itr.
+ void insert(IndexListEntry *itr, IndexListEntry *val) {
+ assert(itr != 0 && "itr should not be null.");
+ IndexListEntry *prev = itr->getPrev();
+ val->setNext(itr);
+ val->setPrev(prev);
+ if (itr != indexListHead) {
+ prev->setNext(val);
+ }
+ else {
+ indexListHead = val;
+ }
+ itr->setPrev(val);
+ }
+ /// Push a new entry on to the end of the list.
+ void push_back(IndexListEntry *val) {
+ insert(getTail(), val);
+ }
+ public:
+ static char ID;
+ SlotIndexes() : MachineFunctionPass(&ID), indexListHead(0) {}
+ virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &au) const;
+ virtual void releaseMemory();
+ virtual bool runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction &fn);
+ /// Dump the indexes.
+ void dump() const;
+ /// Renumber the index list, providing space for new instructions.
+ void renumberIndexes();
+ /// Returns the zero index for this analysis.
+ SlotIndex getZeroIndex() {
+ assert(front()->getIndex() == 0 && "First index is not 0?");
+ return SlotIndex(front(), 0);
+ }
+ /// Returns the invalid index marker for this analysis.
+ SlotIndex getInvalidIndex() {
+ return getZeroIndex();
+ }
+ /// Returns the distance between the highest and lowest indexes allocated
+ /// so far.
+ unsigned getIndexesLength() const {
+ assert(front()->getIndex() == 0 &&
+ "Initial index isn't zero?");
+ return back()->getIndex();
+ }
+ /// Returns the number of instructions in the function.
+ unsigned getFunctionSize() const {
+ return functionSize;
+ }
+ /// Returns true if the given machine instr is mapped to an index,
+ /// otherwise returns false.
+ bool hasIndex(const MachineInstr *instr) const {
+ return (mi2iMap.find(instr) != mi2iMap.end());
+ }
+ /// Returns the base index for the given instruction.
+ SlotIndex getInstructionIndex(const MachineInstr *instr) const {
+ Mi2IndexMap::const_iterator itr = mi2iMap.find(instr);
+ assert(itr != mi2iMap.end() && "Instruction not found in maps.");
+ return itr->second;
+ }
+ /// Returns the instruction for the given index, or null if the given
+ /// index has no instruction associated with it.
+ MachineInstr* getInstructionFromIndex(SlotIndex index) const {
+ return index.entry().getInstr();
+ }
+ /// Returns the next non-null index.
+ SlotIndex getNextNonNullIndex(SlotIndex index) {
+ SlotIndex nextNonNull = index.getNextIndex();
+ while (&nextNonNull.entry() != getTail() &&
+ getInstructionFromIndex(nextNonNull) == 0) {
+ nextNonNull = nextNonNull.getNextIndex();
+ }
+ return nextNonNull;
+ }
+ /// Returns the first index in the given basic block.
+ SlotIndex getMBBStartIdx(const MachineBasicBlock *mbb) const {
+ MBB2IdxMap::const_iterator itr = mbb2IdxMap.find(mbb);
+ assert(itr != mbb2IdxMap.end() && "MBB not found in maps.");
+ return itr->second.first;
+ }
+ /// Returns the last index in the given basic block.
+ SlotIndex getMBBEndIdx(const MachineBasicBlock *mbb) const {
+ MBB2IdxMap::const_iterator itr = mbb2IdxMap.find(mbb);
+ assert(itr != mbb2IdxMap.end() && "MBB not found in maps.");
+ return itr->second.second;
+ }
+ /// Returns the terminator gap for the given index.
+ SlotIndex getTerminatorGap(const MachineBasicBlock *mbb) {
+ TerminatorGapsMap::iterator itr = terminatorGaps.find(mbb);
+ assert(itr != terminatorGaps.end() &&
+ "All MBBs should have terminator gaps in their indexes.");
+ return itr->second;
+ }
+ /// Returns the basic block which the given index falls in.
+ MachineBasicBlock* getMBBFromIndex(SlotIndex index) const {
+ std::vector<IdxMBBPair>::const_iterator I =
+ std::lower_bound(idx2MBBMap.begin(), idx2MBBMap.end(), index);
+ // Take the pair containing the index
+ std::vector<IdxMBBPair>::const_iterator J =
+ ((I != idx2MBBMap.end() && I->first > index) ||
+ (I == idx2MBBMap.end() && idx2MBBMap.size()>0)) ? (I-1): I;
+ assert(J != idx2MBBMap.end() && J->first <= index &&
+ index < getMBBEndIdx(J->second) &&
+ "index does not correspond to an MBB");
+ return J->second;
+ }
+ bool findLiveInMBBs(SlotIndex start, SlotIndex end,
+ SmallVectorImpl<MachineBasicBlock*> &mbbs) const {
+ std::vector<IdxMBBPair>::const_iterator itr =
+ std::lower_bound(idx2MBBMap.begin(), idx2MBBMap.end(), start);
+ bool resVal = false;
+ while (itr != idx2MBBMap.end()) {
+ if (itr->first >= end)
+ break;
+ mbbs.push_back(itr->second);
+ resVal = true;
+ ++itr;
+ }
+ return resVal;
+ }
+ /// Return a list of MBBs that can be reach via any branches or
+ /// fall-throughs.
+ bool findReachableMBBs(SlotIndex start, SlotIndex end,
+ SmallVectorImpl<MachineBasicBlock*> &mbbs) const {
+ std::vector<IdxMBBPair>::const_iterator itr =
+ std::lower_bound(idx2MBBMap.begin(), idx2MBBMap.end(), start);
+ bool resVal = false;
+ while (itr != idx2MBBMap.end()) {
+ if (itr->first > end)
+ break;
+ MachineBasicBlock *mbb = itr->second;
+ if (getMBBEndIdx(mbb) > end)
+ break;
+ for (MachineBasicBlock::succ_iterator si = mbb->succ_begin(),
+ se = mbb->succ_end(); si != se; ++si)
+ mbbs.push_back(*si);
+ resVal = true;
+ ++itr;
+ }
+ return resVal;
+ }
+ /// Returns the MBB covering the given range, or null if the range covers
+ /// more than one basic block.
+ MachineBasicBlock* getMBBCoveringRange(SlotIndex start, SlotIndex end) const {
+ assert(start < end && "Backwards ranges not allowed.");
+ std::vector<IdxMBBPair>::const_iterator itr =
+ std::lower_bound(idx2MBBMap.begin(), idx2MBBMap.end(), start);
+ if (itr == idx2MBBMap.end()) {
+ itr = prior(itr);
+ return itr->second;
+ }
+ // Check that we don't cross the boundary into this block.
+ if (itr->first < end)
+ return 0;
+ itr = prior(itr);
+ if (itr->first <= start)
+ return itr->second;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /// Insert the given machine instruction into the mapping. Returns the
+ /// assigned index.
+ SlotIndex insertMachineInstrInMaps(MachineInstr *mi,
+ bool *deferredRenumber = 0) {
+ assert(mi2iMap.find(mi) == mi2iMap.end() && "Instr already indexed.");
+ MachineBasicBlock *mbb = mi->getParent();
+ assert(mbb != 0 && "Instr must be added to function.");
+ MBB2IdxMap::iterator mbbRangeItr = mbb2IdxMap.find(mbb);
+ assert(mbbRangeItr != mbb2IdxMap.end() &&
+ "Instruction's parent MBB has not been added to SlotIndexes.");
+ MachineBasicBlock::iterator miItr(mi);
+ bool needRenumber = false;
+ IndexListEntry *newEntry;
+ IndexListEntry *prevEntry;
+ if (miItr == mbb->begin()) {
+ // If mi is at the mbb beginning, get the prev index from the mbb.
+ prevEntry = &mbbRangeItr->second.first.entry();
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise get it from the previous instr.
+ MachineBasicBlock::iterator pItr(prior(miItr));
+ prevEntry = &getInstructionIndex(pItr).entry();
+ }
+ // Get next entry from previous entry.
+ IndexListEntry *nextEntry = prevEntry->getNext();
+ // Get a number for the new instr, or 0 if there's no room currently.
+ // In the latter case we'll force a renumber later.
+ unsigned dist = nextEntry->getIndex() - prevEntry->getIndex();
+ unsigned newNumber = dist > SlotIndex::NUM ?
+ prevEntry->getIndex() + ((dist >> 1) & ~3U) : 0;
+ if (newNumber == 0) {
+ needRenumber = true;
+ }
+ // Insert a new list entry for mi.
+ newEntry = createEntry(mi, newNumber);
+ insert(nextEntry, newEntry);
+ SlotIndex newIndex(newEntry, SlotIndex::LOAD);
+ mi2iMap.insert(std::make_pair(mi, newIndex));
+ if (miItr == mbb->end()) {
+ // If this is the last instr in the MBB then we need to fix up the bb
+ // range:
+ mbbRangeItr->second.second = SlotIndex(newEntry, SlotIndex::STORE);
+ }
+ // Renumber if we need to.
+ if (needRenumber) {
+ if (deferredRenumber == 0)
+ renumberIndexes();
+ else
+ *deferredRenumber = true;
+ }
+ return newIndex;
+ }
+ /// Add all instructions in the vector to the index list. This method will
+ /// defer renumbering until all instrs have been added, and should be
+ /// preferred when adding multiple instrs.
+ void insertMachineInstrsInMaps(SmallVectorImpl<MachineInstr*> &mis) {
+ bool renumber = false;
+ for (SmallVectorImpl<MachineInstr*>::iterator
+ miItr = mis.begin(), miEnd = mis.end();
+ miItr != miEnd; ++miItr) {
+ insertMachineInstrInMaps(*miItr, &renumber);
+ }
+ if (renumber)
+ renumberIndexes();
+ }
+ /// Remove the given machine instruction from the mapping.
+ void removeMachineInstrFromMaps(MachineInstr *mi) {
+ // remove index -> MachineInstr and
+ // MachineInstr -> index mappings
+ Mi2IndexMap::iterator mi2iItr = mi2iMap.find(mi);
+ if (mi2iItr != mi2iMap.end()) {
+ IndexListEntry *miEntry(&mi2iItr->second.entry());
+ assert(miEntry->getInstr() == mi && "Instruction indexes broken.");
+ // FIXME: Eventually we want to actually delete these indexes.
+ miEntry->setInstr(0);
+ mi2iMap.erase(mi2iItr);
+ }
+ }
+ /// ReplaceMachineInstrInMaps - Replacing a machine instr with a new one in
+ /// maps used by register allocator.
+ void replaceMachineInstrInMaps(MachineInstr *mi, MachineInstr *newMI) {
+ Mi2IndexMap::iterator mi2iItr = mi2iMap.find(mi);
+ if (mi2iItr == mi2iMap.end())
+ return;
+ SlotIndex replaceBaseIndex = mi2iItr->second;
+ IndexListEntry *miEntry(&replaceBaseIndex.entry());
+ assert(miEntry->getInstr() == mi &&
+ "Mismatched instruction in index tables.");
+ miEntry->setInstr(newMI);
+ mi2iMap.erase(mi2iItr);
+ mi2iMap.insert(std::make_pair(newMI, replaceBaseIndex));
+ }
+ };