path: root/docs/Packaging.html
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+ <title>Advice on Packaging LLVM</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="llvm.css" type="text/css">
+<div class="doc_title">Advice on Packaging LLVM</div>
+ <li><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#compilation">Compile Flags</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#cxx-features">C++ Features</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#shared-library">Shared Library</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#deps">Dependencies</a></li>
+<div class="doc_section"><a name="overview">Overview</a></div>
+<div class="doc_text">
+<p>LLVM sets certain default configure options to make sure our developers don't
+break things for constrained platforms. These settings are not optimal for most
+desktop systems, and we hope that packagers (e.g., Redhat, Debian, MacPorts,
+etc.) will tweak them. This document lists settings we suggest you tweak.
+<p>LLVM's API changes with each release, so users are likely to want, for
+example, both LLVM-2.6 and LLVM-2.7 installed at the same time to support apps
+developed against each.
+<div class="doc_section"><a name="compilation">Compile Flags</a></div>
+<div class="doc_text">
+<p>LLVM runs much more quickly when it's optimized and assertions are removed.
+However, such a build is currently incompatible with users who build without
+defining NDEBUG, and the lack of assertions makes it hard to debug problems in
+user code. We recommend allowing users to install both optimized and debug
+versions of LLVM in parallel. The following configure flags are relevant:
+ <dt><tt>--disable-assertions</tt></dt><dd>Builds LLVM with <tt>NDEBUG</tt>
+ defined. Changes the LLVM ABI. Also available by setting
+ <tt>DISABLE_ASSERTIONS=0|1</tt> in <tt>make</tt>'s environment. This defaults
+ to enabled regardless of the optimization setting, but it slows things
+ down.</dd>
+ <dt><tt>--enable-debug-symbols</tt></dt><dd>Builds LLVM with <tt>-g</tt>.
+ Also available by setting <tt>DEBUG_SYMBOLS=0|1</tt> in <tt>make</tt>'s
+ environment. This defaults to disabled when optimizing, so you should turn it
+ back on to let users debug their programs.</dd>
+ <dt><tt>--enable-optimized</tt></dt><dd>(For svn checkouts) Builds LLVM with
+ <tt>-O2</tt> and, by default, turns off debug symbols. Also available by
+ setting <tt>ENABLE_OPTIMIZED=0|1</tt> in <tt>make</tt>'s environment. This
+ defaults to enabled when not in a checkout.</dd>
+<div class="doc_section"><a name="cxx-features">C++ Features</a></div>
+<div class="doc_text">
+ <dt>RTTI</dt><dd>LLVM disables RTTI by default. Add <tt>REQUIRES_RTTI=1</tt>
+ to your environment while running <tt>make</tt> to re-enable it. This will
+ allow users to build with RTTI enabled and still inherit from LLVM
+ classes.</dd>
+<div class="doc_section"><a name="shared-library">Shared Library</a></div>
+<div class="doc_text">
+<p>Configure with <tt>--enable-shared</tt> to build
+<tt>libLLVM-<var>major</var>.<var>minor</var>.(so|dylib)</tt> and link the tools
+against it. This saves lots of binary size at the cost of some startup time.
+<div class="doc_section"><a name="deps">Dependencies</a></div>
+<div class="doc_text">
+<dt><tt>--enable-libffi</tt></dt><dd>Depend on <a
+href="http://sources.redhat.com/libffi/">libffi</a> to allow the LLVM
+interpreter to call external functions.</dd>
+<dt><tt>--with-oprofile</tt></dt><dd>Depend on <a
+(>=version 0.9.4) to let the LLVM JIT tell oprofile about function addresses and
+line numbers.</dd>
+<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
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+ <a href="http://llvm.org">The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure</a><br>
+ Last modified: $Date: 2010-02-27 06:25:06 +0800 (六, 27 2月 2010) $