path: root/tests/src/com/android/mail/utils/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/src/com/android/mail/utils/')
1 files changed, 537 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/src/com/android/mail/utils/ b/tests/src/com/android/mail/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..578ce4ae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/src/com/android/mail/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
+import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest;
+ * These test cases verify the handling of more advanced cross-site scripting attacks.
+ */
+public class AdvancedHtmlSanitizerTest extends AndroidTestCase {
+ public void testSampleEmail() {
+ sanitize("<html>\n" +
+ "<head>\n" +
+ "<title>HTML E-mail</title>\n" +
+ "<script>\n" +
+ "alert(\"I am an alert box!\");\n" +
+ "</script>\n" +
+ "</head>\n" +
+ "<body>\n" +
+ "Body here\n" +
+ "<br />\n" +
+ "<a href=\"\">Link to Google Search!</a>\n" +
+ "<br />\n" +
+ "<br />\n" +
+ "<a onclick=\"alert('surprise!')\" href=\"#\">I am a link!</a>\n" +
+ "<br />\n" +
+ "Moar body here\n" +
+ "</body>\n" +
+ "</html>"
+ ,
+ "\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ "<div>\n" +
+ "Body here\n" +
+ "<br />\n" +
+ "<a href=\"\">Link to Google Search!</a>\n" +
+ "<br />\n" +
+ "<br />\n" +
+ "<a href=\"#\">I am a link!</a>\n" +
+ "<br />\n" +
+ "Moar body here\n" +
+ "</div>\n");
+ }
+ public void testXSS() {
+ sanitize("'';!--\"<XSS>=&{()}", "&#39;&#39;;!--&#34;&#61;&amp;{()}");
+ sanitize("<img src=javascript:alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83,83))>", "");
+ sanitize("\\\";alert('XSS');//", "\\&#34;;alert(&#39;XSS&#39;);//");
+ sanitize("<br size=\"&{alert('XSS')}\">", "<br />");
+ sanitize("<xss style=\"xss:expression(alert('XSS'))\">", "");
+ sanitize("<xss style=\"behavior: url(;\">", "");
+ sanitize("¼script¾alert(¢XSS¢)¼/script¾", "¼script¾alert(¢XSS¢)¼/script¾");
+ sanitize("<xml><i><b><img src=\"javas<!-- -->cript:alert('XSS')\"></b></i></xml>",
+ "<i><b></b></i>");
+ sanitize("<xml src=\"xsstest.xml\" id=I></xml>", "");
+ sanitize("<!--[if gte IE 4]>\n" +
+ " <SCRIPT>alert('XSS');</SCRIPT>\n" +
+ " <![endif]-->", "");
+ sanitize("<body>\n" +
+ "<?xml:namespace prefix=\"t\" ns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time\">\n" +
+ "<?import namespace=\"t\" implementation=\"#default#time2\">\n" +
+ "<t:set attributeName=\"innerHTML\" to=\"XSS<script defer>alert(\"XSS\")" +
+ "</script>\">\n" +
+ "</body></html>",
+ "<div>\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ "\n" +
+ "&#34;&gt;\n" +
+ "</div>");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Technically, RFC 2392 doesn't limit where CID urls may appear; they are accepted everywhere.
+ */
+ public void testCIDurls() {
+ sanitize("<img src=\"\"/>",
+ "<img src=\"\" />");
+ sanitize("<img src=\"\"/>",
+ "<img src=\"\" />");
+ sanitize("<img src=\"cid:ii_145bda161daf6f9c\"/>",
+ "<img src=\"cid:ii_145bda161daf6f9c\" />");
+ sanitize("<a href=\"\"/>",
+ "<a href=\"\"></a>");
+ sanitize("<a href=\"\"/>",
+ "<a href=\"\"></a>");
+ sanitize("<a href=\"cid:ii_145bda161daf6f9c\"/>",
+ "<a href=\"cid:ii_145bda161daf6f9c\"></a>");
+ }
+ // todo the stock CssSchema in OWASP does NOT allow the float property; I experiment with adding
+ // todo it to see how much it beautifies HTML display (the risk seems to be that you can display
+ // todo content outside the bounds of your div and mislead the user with this technique)
+ public void testCSS_float() {
+ sanitize("<div style=\"float:none\"></div>", "<div style=\"float:none\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"float:left\"></div>", "<div style=\"float:left\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"float:right\"></div>", "<div style=\"float:right\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"float:inherit\"></div>", "<div style=\"float:inherit\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"float:initial\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"float:garbage\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ }
+ // todo the stock CssSchema in OWASP does NOT allow the display property; I experiment with
+ // todo adding it to see how much it beautifies HTML display (the risk seems to be that you can
+ // todo display content outside the bounds of your div and mislead the user with this technique)
+ public void testCSS_display() {
+ sanitize("<div style=\"display:inline\"></div>", "<div style=\"display:inline\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"display:block\"></div>", "<div style=\"display:block\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"display:flex\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"display:inline-block\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"display:inline-block\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"display:inline-flex\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"display:inline-table\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"display:inline-table\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"display:list-item\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"display:list-item\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"display:run-in\"></div>", "<div style=\"display:run-in\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"display:table\"></div>", "<div style=\"display:table\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"display:table-caption\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"display:table-caption\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"display:table-column-group\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"display:table-column-group\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"display:table-header-group\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"display:table-header-group\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"display:table-footer-group\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"display:table-footer-group\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"display:table-row-group\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"display:table-row-group\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"display:table-cell\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"display:table-cell\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"display:table-column\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"display:table-column\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"display:table-row\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"display:table-row\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"display:none\"></div>", "<div style=\"display:none\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"display:initial\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"display:inherit\"></div>", "<div style=\"display:inherit\"></div>");
+ }
+ public void testTrimmingUrls() {
+ // todo Gmail strips the leading space on this href
+// sanitize("<a href=\" \">Send mail</a>",
+// "<a href=\"\">Send mail</a>");
+ sanitize("<a href=\"\">Send mail</a>", "Send mail");
+ // todo Gmail strips the trailing space on this href
+// sanitize("<a href=\" \">Send mail</a> ",
+// "<a href=\"\">Send mail</a>");
+ sanitize("<a href=\" \">Send mail</a>",
+ "<a href=\" \">Send mail</a>");
+ // todo Gmail strips the leading and trailing spaces on this href
+// sanitize("<a href=\" \">Send mail</a> ",
+// "<a href=\"\">Send mail</a>");
+ sanitize("<a href=\" \">Send mail</a>", "Send mail");
+ }
+ public void testDangerousHtml() {
+ // body tag is translated to div tag
+ sanitize("<body dir=\"rtl\" onMouseOVer=\"alert(document.cookie)\">arr</body>",
+ "<div dir=\"rtl\">arr</div>");
+ sanitize("<DIV ONCLICK=alert(document.cookie) style=color:red>arr</DIV>",
+ "<div style=\"color:red\">arr</div>");
+ sanitize("<b style=position:absolute;left:0;top:0>arr</b>", "<b>arr</b>");
+ // mailto: URLs on images are too easy to turn into DOS attacks
+ sanitize("<img src=\"mailto:\">", "");
+ sanitize("<img src=\"\">", "");
+ sanitize("<img src=\"\">", "");
+ sanitize("<img src=\"\">", "");
+ sanitize("<img src=\"m&#x61;\">", "");
+ sanitize("<img src=\"m&#x0D;\">", "");
+ // todo Gmail doesn't escape the @ sign; OWASP does by default
+// sanitize("<a href=\"\">Send mail </a>",
+// "<a href=\"\">Send mail </a>");
+ sanitize("<a href=\"\">Send mail </a>",
+ "<a href=\"mailto:hcnidumolu&#64;\">Send mail </a>");
+ }
+ public void testSanitizingImgsWithoutSchemes() {
+ sanitize("<img src=\"//" +
+ "url=*\">",
+// "<img src=\"//" +
+// "url=;container=gm&amp;gadget=" +
+// "a&amp;rewriteMime=image/*\">"); // todo Gmail doesn't escape the = signs
+ "<img src=\"//" +
+ "url&#61;;container&#61;gm&amp;gadget&#61;" +
+ "a&amp;rewriteMime&#61;image/*\" />");
+ }
+ public void testAdditionalURISchemes() {
+ // todo Gmail keeps a destinationless link; OWASP strips the a link completely
+// sanitize("<a href=\"foo:bar\" target=\"_blank\">link1</a>", "<a>link1</a>");
+ sanitize("<a href=\"foo:bar\" target=\"_blank\">link1</a>", "link1");
+ // todo Gmail keeps a destinationless a link; OWASP strips the a link completely
+// sanitize("<a href=\"\">link2</a>", "<a>link2</a>");
+ sanitize("<a href=\"\">link2</a>", "link2");
+ }
+ public void testBackgroundAttribute() {
+ sanitize("<div background=\"\">stuff</div><div>more stuff</div>",
+ "<div background=\"\">stuff</div><div>more stuff</div>");
+ }
+ public void testInputImage() {
+ sanitize("<input type=\"image\" src=\"\">",
+ "<input type=\"image\" src=\"\" />");
+ }
+ public void testImplicitInputImage() {
+ // In HTML 4.01, src attribute has meaning only when type="image" (which
+ // is not the default), but this happens in real life.
+ sanitize("<input src=\"\">",
+ "<input src=\"\" />");
+ }
+ public void testSerialization() {
+ // N.B. (literal) newlines must not occur in CSS strings.
+ // todo Gmail leaves this CSS style in place and escapes it; OWASP removes it all
+// sanitize("<a href=\"\" style=\"font-family: 'expression; " +
+// "\\a color:red;\\a font-family: completely unsanitized =(;' ;\">asdf</a>",
+// "<a href=\"\" style=\"font-family:&#39;expression; " +
+// "\\00000acolor:red;\\00000afont-family: completely unsanitized " +
+// "=(;&#39;\">asdf</a>");
+ sanitize("<a href=\"\" style=\"font-family: 'expression; " +
+ "\\a color:red;\\a font-family: completely unsanitized =(;' ;\">asdf</a>",
+ "<a href=\"\">asdf</a>");
+ }
+ public void testNoJS() {
+ // todo Gmail leaves this CSS in place and escapes it; OWASP removes it all
+// sanitize("<a href=\"\" style=\"background-image: " +
+// "url('javascript:alert(1)')\"></a>",
+// "<a href=\"\" style=\"background-image:" +
+// "url(&#39;&#39;)\"></a>");
+ sanitize("<a href=\"\" style=\"background-image: " +
+ "url('javascript:alert(1)')\"></a>",
+ "<a href=\"\"></a>");
+ }
+ public void testNoStyleElementByDefault() {
+ sanitize("<head><style type='text/css'>verboten { color: red; }</style></head>" +
+ "<body><p>test</p>",
+ "<div><p>test</p></div>");
+ }
+ public void testMessageFormation() {
+ sanitize("<table><tr><td><b>This is a simple message</b></td></tr></table>",
+ "<table><tr><td><b>This is a simple message</b></td></tr></table>");
+ sanitize("<table><tr><td><b>This is a simple message",
+ "<table><tr><td><b>This is a simple message</b></td></tr></table>");
+ sanitize("<table><tr>This is a simple message</b></td></tr></table>",
+ "<table><tr><td>This is a simple message</td></tr></table>");
+ sanitize("This is a simple message</b></td></tr></table>", "This is a simple message");
+ }
+ public void testViolatingTags() {
+ sanitize("<html><head><title>html to ruin your site</title>"
+ + "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"5\" />"
+ + "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"some site\"/>"
+ + "<style type=\"text/css\"> h1 {color: red}</style>"
+ + "</head><body><script>some script to run</script>"
+ + "<noscript>Please enable Javascript and reload this page."
+ + "Good things abound!</noscript>"
+ + "<noframes>This page requires frames!</noframes>"
+ + "<frameset cols = \"25%, 25%,*\">"
+ + "<frame src=\"site1.htm\" />"
+ + "<frame src=\"site2.htm\" />"
+ + "<frame src=\"site3.htm\" /> "
+ + "</frameset>"
+ + "<table><tr><td>"
+ + "Execute this <applet code=\"some evil site\"></td>"
+ + "</tr></table></body></html>"
+ ,
+ "<div>"
+ + "<table><tr><td>"
+ + "Execute this </td>"
+ + "</tr></table></div>"
+ );
+ sanitize("Include this:<br/>"
+ + "<object classid=\"clsid:FOOBAR\" id=\"Slider1\""
+ + "declare=\"declare\">"
+ + "<param name=\"some param\" value=\"1\" />"
+ + "</object><br/>"
+ + "<form method=\"POST\" action=\"\""
+ + "onsubmit=\"run some script\">"
+ + "<input type=\"text\" onclick=\"run some script\" id=\"input\"/>"
+ + "<input type=\"submit\" onfocus=\"run some script\" value=\"submit\"/>"
+ + "</form>"
+ ,
+ "Include this:<br />"
+ + "<br />"
+ + "<form method=\"POST\" action=\"\">"
+ + "<input type=\"text\" />"
+ + "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"submit\" />"
+ + "</form>"
+ );
+ }
+ public void testLinks() {
+ sanitize("<a href=\"\" target=\"_self\" "
+ + "onclick=\"run some script\" onmouseover=\"run some script\">"
+ + "click here</a>"
+ + "<a href=\"javascript:run some script\">here</a>"
+ + "<a href=\"someinternalpage.htm\">or here</a>"
+ ,
+ "<a href=\"\">"
+ + "click here</a>"
+ + "here"
+ + "<a href=\"someinternalpage.htm\">or here</a>"
+ );
+ }
+ public void testExternalLinks() {
+ sanitize("This is a test <a href=>here</a> "
+ + "<img src=\"\">"
+ + "<img src=\"//\">"
+ + "<img src=\"\">"
+ + "<script>Hello</script> "
+ + "<frameset><frame src=foo name=onlyFrame>hey</frame></frameset>"
+ ,
+ "This is a test <a href=\"\">here</a> "
+ + "<img src=\"\" />"
+ + "<img src=\"//\" />"
+ + "<img src=\"\" /> "
+ );
+ }
+ public void testNewHtmlWhitelist() {
+ sanitize("<a href=>link</a>"
+ + "<b>BOLD</b>"
+ + "<i>italics</i>"
+ + "<u>underlined</u>"
+ + "<br/>break<br>break"
+ + "<font size=+1>Big_font_gone</font>"
+ ,
+ "<a href=\"\">link</a>"
+ + "<b>BOLD</b>"
+ + "<i>italics</i>"
+ + "<u>underlined</u>"
+ + "<br />break<br />break"
+ + "<font size=\"&#43;1\">Big_font_gone</font>"
+ );
+ }
+ public void testRemoveBackticksInAttributes() {
+ // IE treats backticks as quotes when re-serializing, but not when parsing
+ sanitize("<img alt=\"``onload=alert(1)\">",
+ "<img alt=\"&#96;&#96;onload&#61;alert(1) \" />");
+ sanitize("<img alt=\"'``onload=alert(1)'\">",
+ "<img alt=\"&#39;&#96;&#96;onload&#61;alert(1)&#39; \" />");
+ sanitize("<img alt=``onload=alert(1)\">", "<img alt=\"&#96;&#96;onload&#61;alert(1) \" />");
+ // Make sure we're not fooled by escaped backticks
+ sanitize("<img alt=\"&#96;&#x0060;onload=alert(1)\">",
+ "<img alt=\"&#96;&#96;onload&#61;alert(1) \" />");
+ sanitize("<img alt=\"&#x000060;&#x000060;onload=alert(1)\">",
+ "<img alt=\"&#96;&#96;onload&#61;alert(1) \" />");
+ // Misc. dangerous cases:
+ sanitize("<img alt=`x`onload=alert(1)>", "<img alt=\"&#96;x&#96;onload&#61;alert(1) \" />");
+ sanitize("<img alt=foo`x`onload=alert(1)>",
+ "<img alt=\"foo&#96;x&#96;onload&#61;alert(1) \" />");
+ sanitize("<img alt=\"`whatever\">Hello world ` onload=alert(1) <br>",
+ "<img alt=\"&#96;whatever \" />Hello world &#96; onload&#61;alert(1) <br />");
+ // The tokenizer doesn't see these as entities because they lack a trailing semicolon, so it
+ // escapes the leading ampersands.
+ sanitize("<img alt=\"&#x000060&#x000060onload=alert(1)\">",
+ "<img alt=\"&#96;&amp;#x000060onload&#61;alert(1) \" />");
+ // Here there are no actual backticks, though there would be if we (or IE) did repeated
+ // unescaping.
+ sanitize("<img alt=\"&amp;#x000060&amp;#x000060onload=alert(2)\">",
+ "<img alt=\"&amp;#x000060&amp;#x000060onload&#61;alert(2)\" />");
+ sanitize("<img alt=\"&amp;amp;#x000060&amp;amp;#x000060onload=alert(2)\">",
+ "<img alt=\"&amp;amp;#x000060&amp;amp;#x000060onload&#61;alert(2)\" />");
+ }
+ public void testMakeSafeStyle() {
+ sanitize("<div style=\"color:red\"></div>", "<div style=\"color:red\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"color:r\\ne\\t d d\\r\\n\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"font-size:13.5pt; color:#804000 \"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"font-size:13.5pt;color:#804000\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"color:red;color\"></div>", "<div style=\"color:red\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"color:red;color:a:b\"></div>", "<div style=\"color:red\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"color:url(foo)\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"color:white; list-style:url(foo.gif);\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"color:white\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"color:rgb(255, 0, 0)\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"color:rgb( 255 , 0 , 0 )\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"background-color:rgb(80%,92%,18%)\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"background-color:rgb( 80% , 92% , 18% )\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"border-left:1px rgb(0,255,0) solid\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"border-left:1px rgb( 0 , 255 , 0 ) solid\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"background:rgb(0,255,0) url(foo) no-repeat top\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"background:rgb( 0 , 255 , 0 ) no-repeat top\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"display:none; border-color: #ffeeff \"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"display:none;border-color:#ffeeff\"></div>");
+ // check for CSS3 border-radius
+ sanitize("<div style=\"border-radius:10px\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"border-radius:10px\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"border-bottom-left-radius:10px\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"border-bottom-left-radius:10px\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"border-bottom-right-radius:10px\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"border-bottom-right-radius:10px\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"border-top-left-radius:10px\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"border-top-left-radius:10px\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"border-top-right-radius:10px\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"border-top-right-radius:10px\"></div>");
+ // allow positive margins
+ sanitize("<div style=\"margin:10 0 10 0\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"margin:10 0 10 0\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"margin-left:40px\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"margin-left:40px\"></div>");
+ // negative margin would allow it to slip out of the box
+ sanitize("<div style=\"margin-left:-10\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ // allow positive text-ident
+ sanitize("<div style=\"text-indent:10\"></div>", "<div style=\"text-indent:10\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"text-indent:0\"></div>", "<div style=\"text-indent:0\"></div>");
+ // todo Gmail disallows negative text-indents; OWASP is fine with them
+ // negative text-indent would allow it to slip out of the box
+// sanitize("<div style=\"text-indent:-10\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"text-indent:-10\"></div>", "<div style=\"text-indent:-10\"></div>");
+ }
+ public void testMakeSafeStyleWithQuotedStrings() {
+ sanitize("<div style=\"font-family:'courier new',monospace;font-size:x-small\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"font-family:&#39;courier new&#39; , monospace;font-size:x-small\">" +
+ "</div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"font-family:\"courier new\",monospace\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"font-family:''\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"font-family:a,''\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"font-family:&#39;a&#39; ,\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"font-family:'',a,\"\",b\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"font-family:, &#39;a&#39; ,\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"font-family:'\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"font-family: 'courier new\",monospace;'\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"font-family: \"courier new',monospace;\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ }
+ public void testSeriouslyNoBackgroundImages() {
+ sanitize("<div style=\"background:url('')\"></div>",
+ "<div></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"background-image:url('')\"></div>",
+ "<div></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"background:url('javascript:evil()')\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"background-image:url('javascript:evil()')\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ }
+ public void testExpression() {
+ sanitize("<div style=\"width: expression(alert(1))\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ }
+ public void testStrayUrlConsideredHarmful() {
+ sanitize("<div style=\"float:url(\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"float:\\075\\0072\\006C\\0028\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ }
+ public void testObjectionableFunctions() {
+ sanitize("<div style=\"ex\\pression(123)\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"_expression(123)\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"expression(123)\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"funkyFunction(123)\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"color:expression(alert('xss'))\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"color:expression(alert\\000028\\000027xss\\000027\\000029)\"></div>",
+ "<div></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"color:expression\\000028alert\\000028\\000027xss\\000027" +
+ "\\000029\\000029\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"color:expressio\\00006E\\000028alert\\000028\\000027xss\\000027" +
+ "\\000029\\000029\"\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"color:expression\\(alert\\)\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ }
+ public void testAbsolutePositionBanned() {
+ sanitize("<div style=\"position: absolute\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ }
+ public void testNoTextShadow() {
+ // todo Gmail disallows this text-shadow; OWASP is fine with it
+// sanitize("<div style=\"text-shadow: red -50px -100px 0px\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"text-shadow: red -50px -100px 0px\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"text-shadow:red -50px -100px 0px\"></div>");
+ }
+ public void testToStyle() {
+ sanitize("<div style=\"color:red\"></div>", "<div style=\"color:red\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"color: red\"></div>", "<div style=\"color:red\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"color :red\"></div>", "<div style=\"color:red\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"color :red; font-size:13.5pt;\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"color:red;font-size:13.5pt\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"content:'\"'\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ }
+ public void testNoColorStrings() {
+ sanitize("<div style=\"color: 'red';\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ }
+ public void testTolerateMalformedBorder() {
+ sanitize("<div style=\"border-left-: solid thin red\"></div>", "<div></div>");
+ }
+ public void testRgba() {
+ sanitize("<div style=\"color:rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"color:rgba( 255 , 0 , 0 , 0.5 )\"></div>");
+ }
+ public void testFontStyle() {
+ // todo Gmail accepts !important while OWASP discards it; this is only beauty, not security
+// sanitize("<div style=\"font-style:normal!important\"></div>",
+// "<div style=\"font-style:normal!important\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"font-style:normal!important\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"font-style:normal\"></div>");
+ // todo Gmail accepts !important while OWASP discards it; this is only beauty, not security
+// sanitize("<div style=\"font-style:oblique !important\"></div>",
+// "<div style=\"font-style:oblique!important\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"font-style:oblique !important\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"font-style:oblique\"></div>");
+ sanitize("<div style=\"font-style:italic\"></div>",
+ "<div style=\"font-style:italic\"></div>");
+ }
+ private void sanitize(String dirtyHTML, String expectedHTML) {
+ final String cleansedHTML = HtmlSanitizer.sanitizeHtml(dirtyHTML);
+ assertEquals(expectedHTML, cleansedHTML);
+ }