path: root/provider_src/com/android/email/provider/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'provider_src/com/android/email/provider/')
1 files changed, 311 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/provider_src/com/android/email/provider/ b/provider_src/com/android/email/provider/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8031f17c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/provider_src/com/android/email/provider/
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import android.accounts.AccountManager;
+import android.accounts.AccountManagerFuture;
+import android.accounts.AuthenticatorException;
+import android.accounts.OperationCanceledException;
+import android.content.ComponentName;
+import android.content.ContentResolver;
+import android.content.Context;
+import android.database.Cursor;
+import android.provider.CalendarContract;
+import android.provider.ContactsContract;
+import android.text.TextUtils;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
+import java.util.List;
+public class AccountReconciler {
+ /**
+ * Get all AccountManager accounts for all email types.
+ * @param context Our {@link Context}.
+ * @return A list of all {@link android.accounts.Account}s created by our app.
+ */
+ private static List<android.accounts.Account> getAllAmAccounts(final Context context) {
+ final AccountManager am = AccountManager.get(context);
+ // TODO: Consider getting the types programmatically, in case we add more types.
+ // Some Accounts types can be identical, the set de-duplicates.
+ final LinkedHashSet<String> accountTypes = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
+ accountTypes.add(context.getString(R.string.account_manager_type_legacy_imap));
+ accountTypes.add(context.getString(R.string.account_manager_type_pop3));
+ accountTypes.add(context.getString(R.string.account_manager_type_exchange));
+ final ImmutableList.Builder<android.accounts.Account> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
+ for (final String type : accountTypes) {
+ final android.accounts.Account[] accounts = am.getAccountsByType(type);
+ builder.add(accounts);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a all {@link Account} objects from the {@link EmailProvider}.
+ * @param context Our {@link Context}.
+ * @return A list of all {@link Account}s from the {@link EmailProvider}.
+ */
+ private static List<Account> getAllEmailProviderAccounts(final Context context) {
+ final Cursor c = context.getContentResolver().query(Account.CONTENT_URI,
+ Account.CONTENT_PROJECTION, null, null, null);
+ if (c == null) {
+ return Collections.emptyList();
+ }
+ final ImmutableList.Builder<Account> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
+ try {
+ while (c.moveToNext()) {
+ final Account account = new Account();
+ account.restore(c);
+ builder.add(account);
+ }
+ } finally {
+ c.close();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compare our account list (obtained from EmailProvider) with the account list owned by
+ * AccountManager. If there are any orphans (an account in one list without a corresponding
+ * account in the other list), delete the orphan, as these must remain in sync.
+ *
+ * Note that the duplication of account information is caused by the Email application's
+ * incomplete integration with AccountManager.
+ *
+ * This function may not be called from the main/UI thread, because it makes blocking calls
+ * into the account manager.
+ *
+ * @param context The context in which to operate
+ */
+ public static synchronized void reconcileAccounts(final Context context) {
+ final List<android.accounts.Account> amAccounts = getAllAmAccounts(context);
+ final List<Account> providerAccounts = getAllEmailProviderAccounts(context);
+ reconcileAccountsInternal(context, providerAccounts, amAccounts, true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if the AccountManager accounts list contains a specific account.
+ * @param accounts The list of {@link android.accounts.Account} objects.
+ * @param name The name of the account to find.
+ * @return Whether the account is in the list.
+ */
+ private static boolean hasAmAccount(final List<android.accounts.Account> accounts,
+ final String name, final String type) {
+ for (final android.accounts.Account account : accounts) {
+ if ( && account.type.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if the EmailProvider accounts list contains a specific account.
+ * @param accounts The list of {@link Account} objects.
+ * @param name The name of the account to find.
+ * @return Whether the account is in the list.
+ */
+ private static boolean hasEpAccount(final List<Account> accounts, final String name) {
+ for (final Account account : accounts) {
+ if (account.mEmailAddress.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Internal method to actually perform reconciliation, or simply check that it needs to be done
+ * and avoid doing any heavy work, depending on the value of the passed in
+ * {@code performReconciliation}.
+ */
+ private static boolean reconcileAccountsInternal(
+ final Context context,
+ final List<Account> emailProviderAccounts,
+ final List<android.accounts.Account> accountManagerAccounts,
+ final boolean performReconciliation) {
+ boolean needsReconciling = false;
+ int accountsDeleted = 0;
+ boolean exchangeAccountDeleted = false;
+ LogUtils.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, "reconcileAccountsInternal");
+ if (MigrationUtils.migrationInProgress()) {
+ LogUtils.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, "deferring reconciliation, migration in progress");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // See if we should have the Eas authenticators enabled.
+ if (!EmailServiceUtils.isServiceAvailable(context,
+ context.getString(R.string.protocol_eas))) {
+ EmailServiceUtils.disableExchangeComponents(context);
+ } else {
+ EmailServiceUtils.enableExchangeComponent(context);
+ }
+ // First, look through our EmailProvider accounts to make sure there's a corresponding
+ // AccountManager account
+ for (final Account providerAccount : emailProviderAccounts) {
+ final String providerAccountName = providerAccount.mEmailAddress;
+ final EmailServiceUtils.EmailServiceInfo infoForAccount = EmailServiceUtils
+ .getServiceInfoForAccount(context, providerAccount.mId);
+ // We want to delete the account if there is no matching Account Manager account for it
+ // unless it is flagged as incomplete. We also want to delete it if we can't find
+ // an accountInfo object for it.
+ if (infoForAccount == null || !hasAmAccount(
+ accountManagerAccounts, providerAccountName, infoForAccount.accountType)) {
+ if (infoForAccount != null &&
+ (providerAccount.mFlags & Account.FLAGS_INCOMPLETE) != 0) {
+ LogUtils.w(Logging.LOG_TAG,
+ "Account reconciler noticed incomplete account; ignoring");
+ continue;
+ }
+ needsReconciling = true;
+ if (performReconciliation) {
+ // This account has been deleted in the AccountManager!
+ LogUtils.d(Logging.LOG_TAG,
+ "Account deleted in AccountManager; deleting from provider: " +
+ providerAccountName);
+ // See if this is an exchange account
+ final HostAuth auth = providerAccount.getOrCreateHostAuthRecv(context);
+ LogUtils.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, "deleted account with hostAuth " + auth);
+ if (auth != null && TextUtils.equals(auth.mProtocol,
+ context.getString(R.string.protocol_eas))) {
+ exchangeAccountDeleted = true;
+ }
+ // Cancel all notifications for this account
+ final NotificationController nc =
+ NotificationControllerCreatorHolder.getInstance(context);
+ if (nc != null) {
+ nc.cancelNotifications(context, providerAccount);
+ }
+ context.getContentResolver().delete(
+ EmailProvider.uiUri("uiaccount", providerAccount.mId), null, null);
+ accountsDeleted++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Now, look through AccountManager accounts to make sure we have a corresponding cached EAS
+ // account from EmailProvider
+ boolean needsPolicyUpdate = false;
+ for (final android.accounts.Account accountManagerAccount : accountManagerAccounts) {
+ final String accountManagerAccountName =;
+ if (!hasEpAccount(emailProviderAccounts, accountManagerAccountName)) {
+ // This account has been deleted from the EmailProvider database
+ needsReconciling = true;
+ if (performReconciliation) {
+ LogUtils.d(Logging.LOG_TAG,
+ "Account deleted from provider; deleting from AccountManager: " +
+ accountManagerAccountName);
+ // Delete the account
+ AccountManagerFuture<Boolean> blockingResult = AccountManager.get(context)
+ .removeAccount(accountManagerAccount, null, null);
+ try {
+ // Note: All of the potential errors from removeAccount() are simply logged
+ // here, as there is nothing to actually do about them.
+ blockingResult.getResult();
+ } catch (OperationCanceledException e) {
+ LogUtils.w(Logging.LOG_TAG, e.toString());
+ } catch (AuthenticatorException e) {
+ LogUtils.w(Logging.LOG_TAG, e.toString());
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ LogUtils.w(Logging.LOG_TAG, e.toString());
+ }
+ // Just set a flag that our policies need to be updated with device
+ // So we can do the update, one time, at a later point in time.
+ needsPolicyUpdate = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Fix up the Calendar and Contacts syncing. It used to be possible for IMAP and
+ // POP accounts to get calendar and contacts syncing enabled.
+ // See b/11818312
+ final String accountType = accountManagerAccount.type;
+ final String protocol = EmailServiceUtils.getProtocolFromAccountType(
+ context, accountType);
+ final EmailServiceInfo info = EmailServiceUtils.getServiceInfo(context, protocol);
+ if (info == null || !info.syncCalendar) {
+ ContentResolver.setIsSyncable(accountManagerAccount,
+ CalendarContract.AUTHORITY, 0);
+ }
+ if (info == null || !info.syncContacts) {
+ ContentResolver.setIsSyncable(accountManagerAccount,
+ ContactsContract.AUTHORITY, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (needsPolicyUpdate) {
+ // We have removed accounts from the AccountManager, let's make sure that
+ // our policies are up to date.
+ SecurityPolicy.getInstance(context).policiesUpdated();
+ }
+ final String composeActivityName =
+ context.getString(R.string.reconciliation_compose_activity_name);
+ if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(composeActivityName)) {
+ // If there are no accounts remaining after reconciliation, disable the compose activity
+ final boolean enableCompose = emailProviderAccounts.size() - accountsDeleted > 0;
+ final ComponentName componentName = new ComponentName(context, composeActivityName);
+ context.getPackageManager().setComponentEnabledSetting(componentName,
+ enableCompose ? PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_ENABLED :
+ PackageManager.DONT_KILL_APP);
+ LogUtils.d(LogUtils.TAG, "Setting compose activity to "
+ + (enableCompose ? "enabled" : "disabled"));
+ }
+ // If an account has been deleted, the simplest thing is just to kill our process.
+ // Otherwise we might have a service running trying to do something for the account
+ // which has been deleted, which can get NPEs. It's not as clean is it could be, but
+ // it still works pretty well because there is nowhere in the email app to delete the
+ // account. You have to go to Settings, so it's not user visible that the Email app
+ // has been killed.
+ if (accountsDeleted > 0) {
+ LogUtils.i(Logging.LOG_TAG, "Restarting because account deleted");
+ if (exchangeAccountDeleted) {
+ EmailServiceUtils.killService(context, context.getString(R.string.protocol_eas));
+ }
+ System.exit(-1);
+ }
+ return needsReconciling;
+ }