path: root/jni/feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_metrics.h
diff options
authorAngus Kong <>2013-12-05 14:19:15 -0800
committerAngus Kong <>2013-12-05 14:24:16 -0800
commit4583f053f5f3205e6016e1cb6c2a5475e0588bdf (patch)
tree5e50a8de618e905ad4f5bd5f586975aa38e0e8ab /jni/feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_metrics.h
parentaeaef40c8285e5c2c0c5e13a8f8229cdb531836c (diff)
Remove build target and codes for legacy panorama.
bug:11811982 Change-Id: I733e80511d8eecdd1dbc90daf9b7f9fb709a2766
Diffstat (limited to 'jni/feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_metrics.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 408 deletions
diff --git a/jni/feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_metrics.h b/jni/feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_metrics.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b95458f1..000000000
--- a/jni/feature_stab/db_vlvm/db_metrics.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
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- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-/* $Id: db_metrics.h,v 1.3 2011/06/17 14:03:31 mbansal Exp $ */
-#ifndef DB_METRICS
-#define DB_METRICS
-* Lean and mean begins here *
-#include "db_utilities.h"
- * \defgroup LMMetrics (LM) Metrics
- */
-Compute function value fp and Jacobian J of robustifier given input value f*/
-inline void db_CauchyDerivative(double J[4],double fp[2],const double f[2],double one_over_scale2)
- double x2,y2,r,r2,r2s,one_over_r2,fu,r_fu,one_over_r_fu;
- double one_plus_r2s,half_dfu_dx,half_dfu_dy,coeff,coeff2,coeff3;
- int at_zero;
- /*The robustifier takes the input (x,y) and makes a new
- vector (xp,yp) where
- xp=sqrt(log(1+(x^2+y^2)*one_over_scale2))*x/sqrt(x^2+y^2)
- yp=sqrt(log(1+(x^2+y^2)*one_over_scale2))*y/sqrt(x^2+y^2)
- The new vector has the property
- xp^2+yp^2=log(1+(x^2+y^2)*one_over_scale2)
- i.e. when it is square-summed it gives the robust
- reprojection error
- Define
- r2=(x^2+y^2) and
- r2s=r2*one_over_scale2
- fu=log(1+r2s)/r2
- then
- xp=sqrt(fu)*x
- yp=sqrt(fu)*y
- and
- d(r2)/dx=2x
- d(r2)/dy=2y
- and
- dfu/dx=d(r2)/dx*(r2s/(1+r2s)-log(1+r2s))/(r2*r2)
- dfu/dy=d(r2)/dy*(r2s/(1+r2s)-log(1+r2s))/(r2*r2)
- and
- d(xp)/dx=1/(2sqrt(fu))*(dfu/dx)*x+sqrt(fu)
- d(xp)/dy=1/(2sqrt(fu))*(dfu/dy)*x
- d(yp)/dx=1/(2sqrt(fu))*(dfu/dx)*y
- d(yp)/dy=1/(2sqrt(fu))*(dfu/dy)*y+sqrt(fu)
- */
- x2=db_sqr(f[0]);
- y2=db_sqr(f[1]);
- r2=x2+y2;
- r=sqrt(r2);
- if(r2<=0.0) at_zero=1;
- else
- {
- one_over_r2=1.0/r2;
- r2s=r2*one_over_scale2;
- one_plus_r2s=1.0+r2s;
- fu=log(one_plus_r2s)*one_over_r2;
- r_fu=sqrt(fu);
- if(r_fu<=0.0) at_zero=1;
- else
- {
- one_over_r_fu=1.0/r_fu;
- fp[0]=r_fu*f[0];
- fp[1]=r_fu*f[1];
- /*r2s is always >= 0*/
- coeff=(r2s/one_plus_r2s*one_over_r2-fu)*one_over_r2;
- half_dfu_dx=f[0]*coeff;
- half_dfu_dy=f[1]*coeff;
- coeff2=one_over_r_fu*half_dfu_dx;
- coeff3=one_over_r_fu*half_dfu_dy;
- J[0]=coeff2*f[0]+r_fu;
- J[1]=coeff3*f[0];
- J[2]=coeff2*f[1];
- J[3]=coeff3*f[1]+r_fu;
- at_zero=0;
- }
- }
- if(at_zero)
- {
- /*Close to zero the robustifying mapping
- becomes identity*sqrt(one_over_scale2)*/
- fp[0]=0.0;
- fp[1]=0.0;
- J[0]=sqrt(one_over_scale2);
- J[1]=0.0;
- J[2]=0.0;
- J[3]=J[0];
- }
-inline double db_SquaredReprojectionErrorHomography(const double y[2],const double H[9],const double x[3])
- double x0,x1,x2,mult;
- double sd;
- x0=H[0]*x[0]+H[1]*x[1]+H[2]*x[2];
- x1=H[3]*x[0]+H[4]*x[1]+H[5]*x[2];
- x2=H[6]*x[0]+H[7]*x[1]+H[8]*x[2];
- mult=1.0/((x2!=0.0)?x2:1.0);
- sd=db_sqr((y[0]-x0*mult))+db_sqr((y[1]-x1*mult));
- return(sd);
-inline double db_SquaredInhomogenousHomographyError(const double y[2],const double H[9],const double x[2])
- double x0,x1,x2,mult;
- double sd;
- x0=H[0]*x[0]+H[1]*x[1]+H[2];
- x1=H[3]*x[0]+H[4]*x[1]+H[5];
- x2=H[6]*x[0]+H[7]*x[1]+H[8];
- mult=1.0/((x2!=0.0)?x2:1.0);
- sd=db_sqr((y[0]-x0*mult))+db_sqr((y[1]-x1*mult));
- return(sd);
-Return a constant divided by likelihood of a Cauchy distributed
-reprojection error given the image point y, homography H, image point
-point x and the squared scale coefficient one_over_scale2=1.0/(scale*scale)
-where scale is the half width at half maximum (hWahM) of the
-Cauchy distribution*/
-inline double db_ExpCauchyInhomogenousHomographyError(const double y[2],const double H[9],const double x[2],
- double one_over_scale2)
- double sd;
- sd=db_SquaredInhomogenousHomographyError(y,H,x);
- return(1.0+sd*one_over_scale2);
-Compute residual vector f between image point y and homography Hx of
-image point x. Also compute Jacobian of f with respect
-to an update dx of H*/
-inline void db_DerivativeInhomHomographyError(double Jf_dx[18],double f[2],const double y[2],const double H[9],
- const double x[2])
- double xh,yh,zh,mult,mult2,xh_mult2,yh_mult2;
- /*The Jacobian of the inhomogenous coordinates with respect to
- the homogenous is
- [1/zh 0 -xh/(zh*zh)]
- [ 0 1/zh -yh/(zh*zh)]
- The Jacobian of the homogenous coordinates with respect to dH is
- [x0 x1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0]
- [ 0 0 0 x0 x1 1 0 0 0]
- [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 x0 x1 1]
- The output Jacobian is minus their product, i.e.
- [-x0/zh -x1/zh -1/zh 0 0 0 x0*xh/(zh*zh) x1*xh/(zh*zh) xh/(zh*zh)]
- [ 0 0 0 -x0/zh -x1/zh -1/zh x0*yh/(zh*zh) x1*yh/(zh*zh) yh/(zh*zh)]*/
- /*Compute warped point, which is the same as
- homogenous coordinates of reprojection*/
- xh=H[0]*x[0]+H[1]*x[1]+H[2];
- yh=H[3]*x[0]+H[4]*x[1]+H[5];
- zh=H[6]*x[0]+H[7]*x[1]+H[8];
- mult=1.0/((zh!=0.0)?zh:1.0);
- /*Compute inhomogenous residual*/
- f[0]=y[0]-xh*mult;
- f[1]=y[1]-yh*mult;
- /*Compute Jacobian*/
- mult2=mult*mult;
- xh_mult2=xh*mult2;
- yh_mult2=yh*mult2;
- Jf_dx[0]= -x[0]*mult;
- Jf_dx[1]= -x[1]*mult;
- Jf_dx[2]= -mult;
- Jf_dx[3]=0;
- Jf_dx[4]=0;
- Jf_dx[5]=0;
- Jf_dx[6]=x[0]*xh_mult2;
- Jf_dx[7]=x[1]*xh_mult2;
- Jf_dx[8]=xh_mult2;
- Jf_dx[9]=0;
- Jf_dx[10]=0;
- Jf_dx[11]=0;
- Jf_dx[12]=Jf_dx[0];
- Jf_dx[13]=Jf_dx[1];
- Jf_dx[14]=Jf_dx[2];
- Jf_dx[15]=x[0]*yh_mult2;
- Jf_dx[16]=x[1]*yh_mult2;
- Jf_dx[17]=yh_mult2;
-Compute robust residual vector f between image point y and homography Hx of
-image point x. Also compute Jacobian of f with respect
-to an update dH of H*/
-inline void db_DerivativeCauchyInhomHomographyReprojection(double Jf_dx[18],double f[2],const double y[2],const double H[9],
- const double x[2],double one_over_scale2)
- double Jf_dx_loc[18],f_loc[2];
- double J[4],J0,J1,J2,J3;
- /*Compute reprojection Jacobian*/
- db_DerivativeInhomHomographyError(Jf_dx_loc,f_loc,y,H,x);
- /*Compute robustifier Jacobian*/
- db_CauchyDerivative(J,f,f_loc,one_over_scale2);
- /*Multiply the robustifier Jacobian with
- the reprojection Jacobian*/
- J0=J[0];J1=J[1];J2=J[2];J3=J[3];
- Jf_dx[0]=J0*Jf_dx_loc[0];
- Jf_dx[1]=J0*Jf_dx_loc[1];
- Jf_dx[2]=J0*Jf_dx_loc[2];
- Jf_dx[3]= J1*Jf_dx_loc[12];
- Jf_dx[4]= J1*Jf_dx_loc[13];
- Jf_dx[5]= J1*Jf_dx_loc[14];
- Jf_dx[6]=J0*Jf_dx_loc[6]+J1*Jf_dx_loc[15];
- Jf_dx[7]=J0*Jf_dx_loc[7]+J1*Jf_dx_loc[16];
- Jf_dx[8]=J0*Jf_dx_loc[8]+J1*Jf_dx_loc[17];
- Jf_dx[9]= J2*Jf_dx_loc[0];
- Jf_dx[10]=J2*Jf_dx_loc[1];
- Jf_dx[11]=J2*Jf_dx_loc[2];
- Jf_dx[12]= J3*Jf_dx_loc[12];
- Jf_dx[13]= J3*Jf_dx_loc[13];
- Jf_dx[14]= J3*Jf_dx_loc[14];
- Jf_dx[15]=J2*Jf_dx_loc[6]+J3*Jf_dx_loc[15];
- Jf_dx[16]=J2*Jf_dx_loc[7]+J3*Jf_dx_loc[16];
- Jf_dx[17]=J2*Jf_dx_loc[8]+J3*Jf_dx_loc[17];
-Compute residual vector f between image point y and rotation of
-image point x by R. Also compute Jacobian of f with respect
-to an update dx of R*/
-inline void db_DerivativeInhomRotationReprojection(double Jf_dx[6],double f[2],const double y[2],const double R[9],
- const double x[2])
- double xh,yh,zh,mult,mult2,xh_mult2,yh_mult2;
- /*The Jacobian of the inhomogenous coordinates with respect to
- the homogenous is
- [1/zh 0 -xh/(zh*zh)]
- [ 0 1/zh -yh/(zh*zh)]
- The Jacobian at zero of the homogenous coordinates with respect to
- [sin(phi) sin(ohm) sin(kap)] is
- [-rx2 0 rx1 ]
- [ 0 rx2 -rx0 ]
- [ rx0 -rx1 0 ]
- The output Jacobian is minus their product, i.e.
- [1+xh*xh/(zh*zh) -xh*yh/(zh*zh) -yh/zh]
- [xh*yh/(zh*zh) -1-yh*yh/(zh*zh) xh/zh]*/
- /*Compute rotated point, which is the same as
- homogenous coordinates of reprojection*/
- xh=R[0]*x[0]+R[1]*x[1]+R[2];
- yh=R[3]*x[0]+R[4]*x[1]+R[5];
- zh=R[6]*x[0]+R[7]*x[1]+R[8];
- mult=1.0/((zh!=0.0)?zh:1.0);
- /*Compute inhomogenous residual*/
- f[0]=y[0]-xh*mult;
- f[1]=y[1]-yh*mult;
- /*Compute Jacobian*/
- mult2=mult*mult;
- xh_mult2=xh*mult2;
- yh_mult2=yh*mult2;
- Jf_dx[0]= 1.0+xh*xh_mult2;
- Jf_dx[1]= -yh*xh_mult2;
- Jf_dx[2]= -yh*mult;
- Jf_dx[3]= -Jf_dx[1];
- Jf_dx[4]= -1-yh*yh_mult2;
- Jf_dx[5]= xh*mult;
-Compute robust residual vector f between image point y and rotation of
-image point x by R. Also compute Jacobian of f with respect
-to an update dx of R*/
-inline void db_DerivativeCauchyInhomRotationReprojection(double Jf_dx[6],double f[2],const double y[2],const double R[9],
- const double x[2],double one_over_scale2)
- double Jf_dx_loc[6],f_loc[2];
- double J[4],J0,J1,J2,J3;
- /*Compute reprojection Jacobian*/
- db_DerivativeInhomRotationReprojection(Jf_dx_loc,f_loc,y,R,x);
- /*Compute robustifier Jacobian*/
- db_CauchyDerivative(J,f,f_loc,one_over_scale2);
- /*Multiply the robustifier Jacobian with
- the reprojection Jacobian*/
- J0=J[0];J1=J[1];J2=J[2];J3=J[3];
- Jf_dx[0]=J0*Jf_dx_loc[0]+J1*Jf_dx_loc[3];
- Jf_dx[1]=J0*Jf_dx_loc[1]+J1*Jf_dx_loc[4];
- Jf_dx[2]=J0*Jf_dx_loc[2]+J1*Jf_dx_loc[5];
- Jf_dx[3]=J2*Jf_dx_loc[0]+J3*Jf_dx_loc[3];
- Jf_dx[4]=J2*Jf_dx_loc[1]+J3*Jf_dx_loc[4];
- Jf_dx[5]=J2*Jf_dx_loc[2]+J3*Jf_dx_loc[5];
-// remove the outliers whose projection error is larger than pre-defined
-inline int db_RemoveOutliers_Homography(const double H[9], double *x_i,double *xp_i, double *wp,double *im, double *im_p, double *im_r, double *im_raw,double *im_raw_p,int point_count,double scale, double thresh=DB_OUTLIER_THRESHOLD)
- double temp_valueE, t2;
- int c;
- int k1=0;
- int k2=0;
- int k3=0;
- int numinliers=0;
- int ind1;
- int ind2;
- int ind3;
- int isinlier;
- // experimentally determined
- t2=1.0/(thresh*thresh*thresh*thresh);
- // count the inliers
- for(c=0;c<point_count;c++)
- {
- ind1=c<<1;
- ind2=c<<2;
- ind3=3*c;
- temp_valueE=db_SquaredInhomogenousHomographyError(im_p+ind3,H,im+ind3);
- isinlier=((temp_valueE<=t2)?1:0);
- // if it is inlier, then copy the 3d and 2d correspondences
- if (isinlier)
- {
- numinliers++;
- x_i[k1]=x_i[ind1];
- x_i[k1+1]=x_i[ind1+1];
- xp_i[k1]=xp_i[ind1];
- xp_i[k1+1]=xp_i[ind1+1];
- k1=k1+2;
- // original normalized pixel coordinates
- im[k3]=im[ind3];
- im[k3+1]=im[ind3+1];
- im[k3+2]=im[ind3+2];
- im_r[k3]=im_r[ind3];
- im_r[k3+1]=im_r[ind3+1];
- im_r[k3+2]=im_r[ind3+2];
- im_p[k3]=im_p[ind3];
- im_p[k3+1]=im_p[ind3+1];
- im_p[k3+2]=im_p[ind3+2];
- // left and right raw pixel coordinates
- im_raw[k3] = im_raw[ind3];
- im_raw[k3+1] = im_raw[ind3+1];
- im_raw[k3+2] = im_raw[ind3+2]; // the index
- im_raw_p[k3] = im_raw_p[ind3];
- im_raw_p[k3+1] = im_raw_p[ind3+1];
- im_raw_p[k3+2] = im_raw_p[ind3+2]; // the index
- k3=k3+3;
- // 3D coordinates
- wp[k2]=wp[ind2];
- wp[k2+1]=wp[ind2+1];
- wp[k2+2]=wp[ind2+2];
- wp[k2+3]=wp[ind2+3];
- k2=k2+4;
- }
- }
- return numinliers;
-#endif /* DB_METRICS */