path: root/res/values-nl/strings.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'res/values-nl/strings.xml')
1 files changed, 362 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/res/values-nl/strings.xml b/res/values-nl/strings.xml
index b3fa8e50..cb2c64f1 100644
--- a/res/values-nl/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-nl/strings.xml
@@ -16,130 +16,254 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
+ <!-- The name of the app -->
<string name="app_name">Bestanden</string>
+ <!-- The description of the app -->
<string name="app_description">Een bestandsbeheerder van CyanogenMod.</string>
+ <!-- Human readable sizes -->
<string name="size_bytes">B</string>
<string name="size_kilobytes">kB</string>
<string name="size_megabytes">MB</string>
<string name="size_gigabytes">GB</string>
+ <!-- Date/time format order (%1$s: date; %2$s: time) -->
<string name="datetime_format_order">%1$s %2$s</string>
+ <!-- Devices types -->
<string name="device_blockdevice">Blokapparaat</string>
<string name="device_characterdevice">Karakterapparaat</string>
<string name="device_namedpipe">Named pipe</string>
<string name="device_domainsocket">Domain socket</string>
+ <!-- Mount Point States -->
<string name="mount_point_readonly">RO</string>
<string name="mount_point_readwrite">RW</string>
+ <!-- Default buttons -->
<string name="yes">Ja</string>
<string name="no">Nee</string>
<string name="all">Alles</string>
<string name="overwrite">Overschrijven</string>
<string name="select">Selecteren</string>
+ <!-- The root directory name -->
<string name="root_directory_name"><![CDATA[<Hoofdmap>]]></string>
+ <!-- The search result name -->
<string name="search_result_name">Zoeken: <xliff:g id="terms">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!-- Loading waiting message -->
<string name="loading_message">Laden\u2026</string>
+ <!-- Computing message -->
+ <!-- Computing new line message -->
+ <!-- Cancelled message -->
<string name="cancelled_message">Geannuleerd</string>
+ <!-- Error message -->
<string name="error_message">Fout</string>
+ <!-- Copy text content description -->
<string name="copy_text_cd">Tik om tekst te kopiëren naar klembord</string>
+ <!-- Copy text content message -->
<string name="copy_text_msg">Tekst gekopieerd naar klembord</string>
+ <!-- Warning dialog title -->
<string name="warning_title">Let op</string>
+ <!-- Error dialog title -->
<string name="error_title">Fout</string>
+ <!-- Confirm operation dialog title -->
<string name="confirm_operation">Bewerken bevestigen</string>
+ <!-- Confirm overwrite dialog title -->
<string name="confirm_overwrite">Overschrijven bevestigen</string>
+ <!-- Confirm deletion dialog title -->
<string name="confirm_deletion">Verwijderen bevestigen</string>
+ <!-- A console couldn't be created - Ask the user to change the access mode - Dialog Title -->
<string name="msgs_change_to_prompt_access_mode_title">Schakelen bevestigen</string>
+ <!-- A console couldn't be created - Ask the user to change the access mode - Dialog Message -->
<string name="msgs_change_to_prompt_access_mode_msg">Kan geen roottoegang verkrijgen. Schakelen naar veilige modus.\n\nDeze wijziging toepassen?</string>
+ <!-- A console couldn't be created - Without privileges, the app won't work -->
<string name="msgs_cant_create_console">Kan de vereiste machtigingen niet verkrijgen.</string>
+ <!-- The message shown when an allocation of a privileged console fails, and a non
+ privileged is allocated -->
<string name="msgs_privileged_console_alloc_failed">Kan geen roottoegang verkrijgen. Schakelen naar veilige modus.</string>
+ <!-- The selected setting was not applied or stored -->
<string name="msgs_settings_save_failure">Kan de instellingen niet toepassen/opslaan.</string>
+ <!-- The initial directory has an invalid or inaccessible reference -->
<string name="msgs_settings_invalid_initial_directory">De eerste map \'<xliff:g id="initial_dir">%1$s</xliff:g>\' is ongeldig. Veranderen naar hoofdmap.</string>
+ <!-- Root is not available message -->
<string name="root_not_available_msg">Root is niet beschikbaar op dit apparaat. Kan deze bewerking niet uitvoeren.</string>
+ <!-- Success -->
<string name="msgs_success">Bewerking is voltooid</string>
+ <!-- Unknown error -->
<string name="msgs_unknown">Er is een fout opgetreden. De bewerking is mislukt.</string>
+ <!-- When an operation requires elevated privileged (normally caused for the use of a
+ non-privileged console) -->
<string name="msgs_insufficient_permissions">Deze bewerking heeft verhoogde machtigingen nodig. Probeer naar roottoegangsmodus te schakelen.</string>
+ <!-- When an operation fails because the device has run out of storage. -->
<string name="msgs_no_disk_space">Bewerking mislukt, er is geen ruimte meer op het apparaat.</string>
+ <!-- The file or directory was not found -->
<string name="msgs_file_not_found">Het bestand of de map is niet gevonden.</string>
+ <!-- The command reference couldn't be created (not found or invalid definition)
+ (normally caused by a development error) -->
<string name="msgs_command_not_found">Het bewerkingscommando is niet gevonden of is ongeldig.</string>
+ <!-- I/O exception -->
<string name="msgs_io_failed">Lees-/schrijffout.</string>
+ <!-- Operation timeout detected -->
<string name="msgs_operation_timeout">Bewerkingstime-out.</string>
+ <!-- The operation returns an invalid exit code -->
<string name="msgs_operation_failure">De bewerking is mislukt.</string>
+ <!-- A console couldn't be allocated -->
<string name="msgs_console_alloc_failure">Er is een interne fout opgetreden.</string>
+ <!-- An operation can't be cancelled -->
<string name="msgs_operation_can_not_be_cancelled">De bewerking kan niet worden geannuleerd.</string>
+ <!-- The operation requieres mount the file system prior to execute the command -->
<string name="msgs_read_only_filesystem">Het bestandssysteem is gekoppeld als alleen-lezen. Probeer het bestandssysteem als beschrijfbaar te koppelen alvorens de bewerking uit te voeren.</string>
+ <!-- Illegal argument (normally caused by a development error when calling internal api) -->
<string name="msgs_illegal_argument">Ongeldig argument. Activering mislukt.</string>
+ <!-- The operation will cause inconsistencies -->
<string name="msgs_unresolved_inconsistencies">Deze bewerking is niet toegestaan omdat het inconsistenties zal veroorzaken.</string>
+ <!-- Operation not permitted in the current directory -->
<string name="msgs_operation_not_allowed_in_current_directory">Doelmap kan niet hetzelfde zijn als de bron of een submap zijn van de bron.</string>
+ <!-- The advice message prior to exit the app -->
<string name="msgs_push_again_to_exit">Tik nogmaals om af te sluiten.</string>
+ <!-- There is no registered app that can handle the mime-type -->
<string name="msgs_not_registered_app">Er is geen app geïnstalleerd om het geselecteerde bestandstype te openen.</string>
+ <!-- Overwrite files? -->
<string name="msgs_overwrite_files">Een aantal bestanden bestaat al in de doelmap.\n\nOverschrijven?</string>
+ <!-- The association of an action to the app failed -->
<string name="msgs_action_association_failed">Koppelen van de actie aan de app is mislukt.</string>
+ <!-- An operation requires elevated privileged. Ask the user. -->
<string name="advise_insufficient_permissions">De bewerking vereist verhoogde machtigingen.\n\nWilt u naar roottoegangsmodus schakelen?</string>
+ <!-- The parent directory of the current directory in navigation view -->
<string name="parent_dir">Bovenliggende map</string>
+ <!-- External storage descripton -->
<string name="external_storage">Externe opslag</string>
+ <!-- Usb storage descripton -->
<string name="usb_storage">USB-opslag</string>
+ <!-- ActionBar Buttons - FileSystem -->
<string name="actionbar_button_filesystem_cd">Bestandssysteeminfo</string>
+ <!-- ActionBar Buttons - Sort Mode -->
<string name="actionbar_button_sort_mode_cd">Sortering</string>
+ <!-- ActionBar Buttons - Layout Mode -->
<string name="actionbar_button_layout_mode_cd">Indeling</string>
+ <!-- ActionBar Buttons - Other View Options -->
<string name="actionbar_button_other_view_options_cd">Andere beeldopties</string>
+ <!-- ActionBar Buttons - Done -->
<string name="actionbar_button_selection_done_cd">Gereed</string>
+ <!-- ActionBar Buttons - Actions -->
<string name="actionbar_button_actions_cd">Acties</string>
+ <!-- ActionBar Buttons - Search -->
<string name="actionbar_button_search_cd">Zoeken</string>
+ <!-- ActionBar Buttons - Overflow -->
<string name="actionbar_button_overflow_cd">Meer\u2026</string>
+ <!-- ActionBar Buttons - Storage volumes -->
<string name="actionbar_button_storage_cd">Opslagvolumes</string>
+ <!-- ActionBar Buttons - Save -->
<string name="actionbar_button_save_cd">Opslaan</string>
+ <!-- ActionBar Buttons - Print -->
<string name="actionbar_button_print_cd">Afdrukken</string>
+ <!-- Navigation View - Sort - Sort by name (ascending) -->
<string name="sort_by_name_asc">Op naam ▲</string>
+ <!-- Navigation View - Sort - Sort by name (descending) -->
<string name="sort_by_name_desc">Op naam ▼</string>
+ <!-- Navigation View - Sort - Sort by date (ascending) -->
<string name="sort_by_date_asc">Op datum ▲</string>
+ <!-- Navigation View - Sort - Sort by date (descending) -->
<string name="sort_by_date_desc">Op datum ▼</string>
+ <!-- Navigation View - Sort - Sort by size (ascending) -->
<string name="sort_by_size_asc">Op grootte \u25B2</string>
+ <!-- Navigation View - Sort - Sort by size (descending) -->
<string name="sort_by_size_desc">Op grootte \u25BC</string>
+ <!-- Navigation View - Sort - Sort by type (ascending) -->
<string name="sort_by_type_asc">Op type \u25B2</string>
+ <!-- Navigation View - Sort - Sort by type (descending) -->
<string name="sort_by_type_desc">Op type \u25BC</string>
+ <!-- Navigation View - Layout - Icons -->
<string name="layout_icons">Pictogrammen</string>
+ <!-- Navigation View - Layout - Simple -->
<string name="layout_simple">Eenvoudig</string>
+ <!-- Navigation View - Layout - Details -->
<string name="layout_details">Uitgebreid</string>
+ <!-- Navigation View - View - Show folders first -->
<string name="cm_filemanager_show_dirs_first">Mappen eerst</string>
+ <!-- Navigation View - View - Show hidden files option -->
<string name="cm_filemanager_show_hidden">Verborgen bestanden tonen</string>
+ <!-- Navigation View - View - Show system files option -->
<string name="cm_filemanager_show_system">Systeembestanden tonen</string>
+ <!-- Navigation View - View - Show symlinks option -->
<string name="cm_filemanager_show_symlinks">Symlinks tonen</string>
+ <!-- Filesystem Info (no data). Dialog title -->
<string name="filesystem_info_warning_title">Geen informatie</string>
+ <!-- Filesystem Info (no data). Dialog message -->
<string name="filesystem_info_warning_msg">Er is geen informatie beschikbaar over het bestandssysteem.</string>
+ <!-- Filesystem Info - Filesystem couldn't be mounted -->
<string name="filesystem_info_cant_be_mounted_msg">Het bestandssysteem kan niet worden gekoppeld/ontkoppeld.</string>
+ <!-- Filesystem Info - Not allowed message -->
<string name="filesystem_info_mount_not_allowed_msg">Koppelen van bestandssysteem is niet toegestaan in veilige modus. Tik om naar roottoegangsmodus te schakelen.</string>
+ <!-- Filesystem Info - Mount failed -->
<string name="filesystem_info_mount_failed_msg">Koppelen van het bestandssysteem mislukt. Sommige bestandssystemen, zoals op SD-kaarten, kunnen niet worden gekoppeld/ontkoppeld omdat het alleen-lezenbestandssystemen zijn.</string>
+ <!-- Filesystem Info Dialog - Title -->
<string name="filesystem_info_dialog_title">Bestandssysteeminfo</string>
+ <!-- Filesystem Info Dialog - Tab - Info -->
<string name="filesystem_info_dialog_tab_info">Informatie</string>
+ <!-- Filesystem Info Dialog - Tab - Disk Usage -->
<string name="filesystem_info_dialog_tab_disk_usage">Schijfgebruik</string>
+ <!-- Filesystem Info Dialog - Status Label -->
<string name="filesystem_info_dialog_status">Gekoppeld:</string>
+ <!-- Filesystem Info Dialog - Mount Point Label -->
<string name="filesystem_info_dialog_mount_point">Aankoppelingspad:</string>
+ <!-- Filesystem Info Dialog - Device Label -->
<string name="filesystem_info_dialog_device">Apparaat:</string>
+ <!-- Filesystem Info Dialog - Type Label -->
<string name="filesystem_info_dialog_type">Type:</string>
+ <!-- Filesystem Info Dialog - Options Label -->
<string name="filesystem_info_dialog_options">Opties:</string>
+ <!-- Filesystem Info Dialog - Dump/Pass Label -->
<string name="filesystem_info_dialog_dump_pass">Dump / Pass:</string>
+ <!-- Filesystem Info Dialog - Virtual Label -->
<string name="filesystem_info_dialog_virtual">Virtueel:</string>
+ <!-- Filesystem Info Dialog - Total Disk Usage -->
<string name="filesystem_info_dialog_total_disk_usage">Totaal:</string>
+ <!-- Filesystem Info Dialog - Used Disk Usage -->
<string name="filesystem_info_dialog_used_disk_usage">Gebruikt:</string>
+ <!-- Filesystem Info Dialog - Free Disk Usage -->
<string name="filesystem_info_dialog_free_disk_usage">Beschikbaar:</string>
+ <!-- Fso Properties - Not allowed message -->
<string name="fso_properties_permissions_not_allowed_msg">Machtigingsbewerking is niet toegestaan in veilige modus. Tik om naar roottoegangsmodus te schakelen.</string>
+ <!-- Fso Properties - Failed to change owner to fso -->
<string name="fso_properties_failed_to_change_owner_msg">Het wijzigen van eigenaar is mislukt.\n\nOm veiligheidsredenen staan sommige bestandssystemen, zoals op SD-kaarten, een eigenaarswijziging niet toe.</string>
+ <!-- Fso Properties - Failed to change group to fso -->
<string name="fso_properties_failed_to_change_group_msg">Het wijzigen van groep is mislukt.\n\nOm veiligheidsredenen staan sommige bestandssystemen, zoals op SD-kaarten, een groepswijziging niet toe.</string>
+ <!-- Fso Properties - Failed to change group to fso -->
<string name="fso_properties_failed_to_change_permission_msg">Het wijzigen van machtigingen is mislukt.\n\nOm veiligheidsredenen staan sommige bestandssystemen, zoals op SD-kaarten, een wijziging van rechten niet toe.</string>
+ <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Title -->
<string name="fso_properties_dialog_title">Eigenschappen</string>
+ <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Tab - Info -->
<string name="fso_properties_dialog_tab_info">Info</string>
+ <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Tab - Permissions -->
<string name="fso_properties_dialog_tab_permissions">Machtigingen</string>
+ <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Name Label -->
<string name="fso_properties_dialog_name">Naam:</string>
+ <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Parent Folder Label -->
<string name="fso_properties_dialog_parent">Bovenliggend:</string>
+ <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Type Label -->
<string name="fso_properties_dialog_type">Type:</string>
+ <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Category Label -->
<string name="fso_properties_dialog_category">Categorie:</string>
+ <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Link Label -->
<string name="fso_properties_dialog_link">Verwijst naar:</string>
+ <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Size Label -->
<string name="fso_properties_dialog_size">Grootte:</string>
+ <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Contains Label -->
<string name="fso_properties_dialog_contains">Inhoud:</string>
+ <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Last Accessed Time Label -->
<string name="fso_properties_dialog_last_accessed_date">Geopend:</string>
+ <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Last Modified Time Label -->
<string name="fso_properties_dialog_last_modified_date">Bewerkt:</string>
+ <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Last Changed Time -->
<string name="fso_properties_dialog_last_changed_date">Gewijzigd:</string>
+ <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Owner Label -->
<string name="fso_properties_dialog_owner">Eigenaar:</string>
+ <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Group Label -->
<string name="fso_properties_dialog_group">Groep:</string>
+ <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Others Label -->
<string name="fso_properties_dialog_others">Andere:</string>
+ <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Special Label -->
+ <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Read Label -->
+ <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Write Label -->
+ <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Execute Label -->
+ <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Execute Label -->
+ <!-- Fso Properties Dialog - Skip media scan -->
<string name="fso_properties_dialog_include_in_media_scan">Mediascan overslaan:</string>
<string name="fso_failed_to_allow_media_scan">Kan mediascan niet toestaan</string>
<string name="fso_failed_to_prevent_media_scan">Kan mediascan niet blokkeren</string>
@@ -147,130 +271,254 @@
<string name="fso_delete_nomedia_dir_body">Deze map bevat een .nomedia-map.\n\nWeet u zeker dat u deze, en de inhoud ervan, wilt verwijderen?</string>
<string name="fso_delete_nomedia_non_empty_title">.nomedia-bestand verwijderen</string>
<string name="fso_delete_nomedia_non_empty_body">Deze map bevat een .nomedia-bestand dat niet leeg is.\n\nWeet u zeker dat u het wilt verwijderen?</string>
+ <!-- History - History activity title -->
<string name="history">Geschiedenis</string>
+ <!-- History - The history is empty -->
<string name="msgs_history_empty">Geschiedenis is leeg.</string>
+ <!-- History - The history reference is not in the actual history list -->
<string name="msgs_history_unknown">Onbekend geschiedenisitem.</string>
+ <!-- Search - Search activity title -->
<string name="search">Zoekresultaten</string>
+ <!-- Search - Search hint message -->
<string name="search_hint">Typ zoekopdracht</string>
+ <!-- Search - Voice search hint message -->
<string name="search_voice_hint">Spreek zoekopdracht</string>
+ <!-- Search - Search error message -->
<string name="search_error_msg">Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het zoeken. Geen resultaten gevonden.</string>
+ <!-- Search - Search no results message -->
<string name="search_no_results_msg">Geen resultaten gevonden.</string>
+ <!-- Search - Number of items found in directory -->
<string name="search_found_items_in_directory"><xliff:g id="items">%1$s</xliff:g> in <xliff:g id="path">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!-- Search - Search query terms -->
<string name="search_terms"><![CDATA[<b>Termen:</b>]]> <xliff:g id="terms">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!-- Search - Confirm search -->
<string name="search_few_characters_title">Zoeken bevestigen</string>
+ <!-- Search - Some terms of the search are too small. The operation could be very costly -->
<string name="search_few_characters_msg">Sommige zoektermen hebben een klein aantal karakters. De bewerking zou te veel tijd of systeembronnen in beslag kunnen nemen.\n\nWeet u zeker dat u door wilt gaan?</string>
+ <!-- Search - Searching dialog title -->
<string name="searching">Even geduld\u2026</string>
+ <!-- Search - Searching label -->
<string name="searching_action_label">Bezig met zoeken</string>
+ <!-- Picker Activity -->
+ <!-- Picker Activity - Dialog title -->
<string name="picker_title">Kies een bestand</string>
<string name="directory_picker_title">Kies een map</string>
+ <!-- Editor - Editor activity title -->
<string name="editor">Bewerker</string>
+ <!-- Editor - Invalid file message -->
<string name="editor_invalid_file_msg">Ongeldig bestand.</string>
+ <!-- Editor - File not found message -->
<string name="editor_file_not_found_msg">Bestand niet gevonden.</string>
+ <!-- Editor - File size exceed the limit -->
<string name="editor_file_exceed_size_msg">Het bestand is te groot om te openen op het apparaat.</string>
+ <!-- Editor - Editor is dirty, ask the user - Dialog title -->
<string name="editor_dirty_ask_title">Afsluiten bevestigen</string>
+ <!-- Editor - Editor is dirty, ask the user - Dialog message -->
<string name="editor_dirty_ask_msg">Het bestand is gewijzigd.\n\nAfsluiten zonder opslaan?</string>
+ <!-- Editor - Save operation success -->
<string name="editor_successfully_saved">Het bestand is succesvol opgeslagen.</string>
+ <!-- Editor - Read-only file mode -->
<string name="editor_read_only_mode">Het bestand is geopend als alleen-lezen.</string>
+ <!-- Editor - Dumping message -->
<string name="dumping_message">Hex-dump genereren\u2026</string>
+ <!-- Editor - Displaying -->
<string name="displaying_message">Weergeven\u2026</string>
+ <!-- Bookmarks - Bookmarks activity title -->
<string name="bookmarks">Favorieten</string>
+ <!-- Bookmarks - Bookmark name - Home -->
<string name="bookmarks_home">Thuis</string>
+ <!-- Bookmarks - Bookmark name - Root folder -->
<string name="bookmarks_root_folder">Hoofdmap</string>
+ <!-- Bookmarks - Bookmark name - System folder -->
<string name="bookmarks_system_folder">Systeemmap</string>
+ <!-- Bookmarks - Bookmark name - Secure storage -->
<string name="bookmarks_secure">Beveiligde opslag</string>
+ <!-- Bookmarks - Bookmark name - Remote storage -->
<string name="bookmarks_remote">Externe opslag</string>
+ <!-- Bookmarks - Bookmark name - Button - Initial directory content description -->
<string name="bookmarks_button_config_cd">Kies de beginmap.</string>
+ <!-- Bookmarks - Bookmark name - Button - Remove bookmark content description -->
<string name="bookmarks_button_remove_bookmark_cd">Favoriet verwijderen.</string>
+ <!-- Bookmarks - Bookmarks - Actions - Bookmark successfully added -->
<string name="bookmarks_msgs_add_success">Favoriet succesvol aangemaakt.</string>
+ <!-- Bookmarks - Bookmarks - Actions - Bookmark already exists -->
<string name="bookmarks_msgs_add_exists">Favoriet bestaat al.</string>
+ <!-- Initial directory dialog title -->
<string name="initial_directory_dialog_title">Beginmap</string>
+ <!-- Initial directory label -->
<string name="initial_directory_label">Kies de beginmap:</string>
+ <!-- Initial directory is relative -->
<string name="initial_directory_relative_msg">Paden moeten beginnen met een slash.</string>
+ <!-- Initial directory error message -->
<string name="initial_directory_error_msg">Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het opslaan van de beginmap.</string>
+ <!-- Menu - Navigation - Search -->
<string name="menu_search">Zoeken</string>
+ <!-- Menu - Navigation - Settings -->
<string name="menu_settings">Instellingen</string>
+ <!-- Menu - History - Clear history -->
<string name="menu_clear_history">Geschiedenis wissen</string>
+ <!-- Menu - Editor - No suggestions -->
<string name="menu_no_suggestions">Geen suggesties</string>
+ <!-- Menu - Editor - Word wrap -->
<string name="menu_word_wrap">Automatische terugloop</string>
+ <!-- Menu - Editor - Sintax highlight -->
<string name="menu_syntax_highlight">Syntaxiskleuring</string>
+ <!-- Regular expression for create copy action -->
<string name="create_copy_regexp"><xliff:g id="name">%1$s</xliff:g> - kopie<xliff:g id="extension">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!-- Regular expression for new compressed file -->
<string name="create_new_compress_file_regexp"><xliff:g id="name">%1$s</xliff:g> - nieuw<xliff:g id="extension">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!-- Waiting dialog - Performing operation message -->
<string name="waiting_dialog_msg">Bewerkingen uitvoeren\u2026</string>
+ <!-- Waiting dialog - Copying title -->
<string name="waiting_dialog_copying_title">Kopiëren\u2026</string>
+ <!-- Waiting dialog - Copying message -->
<string name="waiting_dialog_copying_msg"><![CDATA[<b>Van</b>]]> <xliff:g id="from">%1$s</xliff:g><![CDATA[<br/><b>Naar</b>]]> <xliff:g id="to">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!-- Waiting dialog - Moving title -->
<string name="waiting_dialog_moving_title">Verplaatsen\u2026</string>
+ <!-- Waiting dialog - Moving message -->
<string name="waiting_dialog_moving_msg"><![CDATA[<b>Van</b>]]> <xliff:g id="from">%1$s</xliff:g><![CDATA[<br/><b>Naar</b>]]> <xliff:g id="to">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!-- Waiting dialog - Deleting title -->
<string name="waiting_dialog_deleting_title">Verwijderen\u2026</string>
+ <!-- Waiting dialog - Deleting message -->
<string name="waiting_dialog_deleting_msg"><![CDATA[<b>Bestand</b>]]> <xliff:g id="file">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!-- Waiting dialog - Extracting title -->
<string name="waiting_dialog_extracting_title">Uitpakken\u2026</string>
+ <!-- Waiting dialog - Extracting message -->
<string name="waiting_dialog_extracting_msg"><![CDATA[<b>Bestand</b>]]> <xliff:g id="file">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!-- Waiting dialog - Extracting title -->
<string name="waiting_dialog_compressing_title">Comprimeren\u2026</string>
+ <!-- Waiting dialog - Extracting message -->
<string name="waiting_dialog_compressing_msg"><![CDATA[<b>Bestand</b>]]> <xliff:g id="file">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!-- Waiting dialog - Initializing the dialog -->
<string name="waiting_dialog_analizing_msg"><![CDATA[<b>Analyseren\u2026</b>]]></string>
+ <!-- Extracting - Success message -->
<string name="msgs_extracting_success">Het uitpakken is succesvol voltooid. De gegevens zijn uitgepakt naar <xliff:g id="destination">%1$s</xliff:g>.</string>
+ <!-- Compressing - Success message -->
<string name="msgs_compressing_success">Het comprimeren is succesvol voltooid. De gegevens zijn gecomprimeerd naar <xliff:g id="destination">%1$s</xliff:g>.</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Title -->
<string name="actions_dialog_title">Acties</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Properties of current folder -->
<string name="actions_menu_properties_current_folder">Eigenschappen</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Refresh -->
<string name="actions_menu_refresh">Vernieuwen</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - New directory -->
<string name="actions_menu_new_directory">Nieuwe map</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - New file -->
<string name="actions_menu_new_file">Nieuw bestand</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Select all -->
<string name="actions_menu_select_all">Alles selecteren</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Deselect all -->
<string name="actions_menu_deselect_all">Alles deselecteren</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Select -->
<string name="actions_menu_select">Selecteren</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Deselect -->
<string name="actions_menu_deselect">Deselecteren</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Copy/Paste selection -->
<string name="actions_menu_paste_selection">Hier kopiëren (selectie)</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Move selection -->
<string name="actions_menu_move_selection">Hier verplaatsen (selectie)</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Delete selection -->
<string name="actions_menu_delete_selection">Verwijderen (selectie)</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Compress selection -->
<string name="actions_menu_compress_selection">Comprimeren (selectie)</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Create link -->
<string name="actions_menu_create_link">Symlink maken</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Open -->
<string name="actions_menu_open">Openen</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Open with -->
<string name="actions_menu_open_with">Openen met</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Execute -->
<string name="actions_menu_execute">Uitvoeren</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Send -->
<string name="actions_menu_send">Verzenden</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Send selection -->
<string name="actions_menu_send_selection">Verzenden (selectie)</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Compress -->
<string name="actions_menu_compress">Comprimeren</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Extract -->
<string name="actions_menu_extract">Uitpakken</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Delete -->
<string name="actions_menu_delete">Verwijderen</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Rename -->
<string name="actions_menu_rename">Naam wijzigen</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Create copy -->
<string name="actions_menu_create_copy">Kopie maken</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Properties -->
<string name="actions_menu_properties">Eigenschappen</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Add to bookmarks -->
<string name="actions_menu_add_to_bookmarks">Favoriet maken</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Add shortcut -->
<string name="actions_menu_add_shortcut">Snelkoppeling maken</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Open parent folder -->
<string name="actions_menu_open_parent_folder">Bovenliggende map openen</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Compute checksum -->
<string name="actions_menu_compute_checksum">Checksum berekenen</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Print -->
<string name="actions_menu_print">Afdrukken</string>
+ <!-- Actions Dialog - Menu - Set as home -->
<string name="actions_menu_set_as_home">Als start instellen</string>
+ <!-- Actions - Ask user prior to do an undone operation. Dialog message -->
<string name="actions_ask_undone_operation_msg">Deze actie kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt. Weet u zeker dat u door wilt gaan?</string>
+ <!-- Enter Name Dialog - Label -->
<string name="input_name_dialog_label">Naam:</string>
+ <!-- Enter Name Dialog - Message - Empty name -->
<string name="input_name_dialog_message_empty_name">De naam kan niet leeg zijn.</string>
+ <!-- Enter Name Dialog - Message - Invalid name -->
<string name="input_name_dialog_message_invalid_path_name">Ongeldige naam. De karakters \'<xliff:g id="invalid_characters">%1$s</xliff:g>\' zijn niet toegestaan.</string>
+ <!-- Enter Name Dialog - Message - Invalid name length -->
<string name="input_name_dialog_message_invalid_name_length">Maximale tekenlimiet bereikt.</string>
+ <!-- Enter Name Dialog - Message - Invalid name -->
<string name="input_name_dialog_message_invalid_name">Ongeldige naam. De namen \'.\' en \'..\' zijn niet toegestaan.</string>
+ <!-- Enter Name Dialog - Message - Name exists -->
<string name="input_name_dialog_message_name_exists">Deze naam bestaat al.</string>
+ <!-- Associations Dialog - Title -->
<string name="associations_dialog_title">Gekoppelde apps</string>
+ <!-- Associations Dialog - Remember the user action -->
<string name="associations_dialog_remember">Keuze onthouden</string>
+ <!-- Associations Dialog - Open with Title -->
<string name="associations_dialog_openwith_title">Openen met</string>
+ <!-- Associations Dialog - Open action (button title) -->
<string name="associations_dialog_openwith_action">Openen</string>
+ <!-- Associations Dialog - Send with Title -->
<string name="associations_dialog_sendwith_title">Verzenden met</string>
+ <!-- Associations Dialog - Send action (button title) -->
<string name="associations_dialog_sendwith_action">Verzenden</string>
+ <!-- Inline Autocomplete Widget - Tab message nothing to complete -->
<string name="inline_autocomplete_tab_nothing_to_complete_msg">Niets af te ronden.</string>
+ <!-- Execution console - Title -->
<string name="execution_console_title">Console</string>
+ <!-- Execution console - The script name label -->
<string name="execution_console_script_name_label">Script:</string>
+ <!-- Execution console - The script execution time label -->
<string name="execution_console_script_execution_time_label">Tijd:</string>
+ <!-- Execution console - The script exit code label -->
<string name="execution_console_script_exitcode_label">Afsluitcode:</string>
+ <!-- Execution console - The script execution time seconds string -->
<string name="execution_console_script_execution_time_text"><xliff:g id="seconds">%1$s</xliff:g> sec.</string>
+ <!-- Compute checksum - Title -->
<string name="compute_checksum_title">Checksum berekenen</string>
+ <!-- Compute checksum - The file name label -->
<string name="compute_checksum_filename_label">Bestand:</string>
+ <!-- Compute checksum - The MD5 label -->
+ <!-- Compute checksum - The SHA1 label -->
+ <!-- Compute checksum - The computing checksum message-->
<string name="compute_checksum_computing_checksum_msg">Checksum berekenen\u2026</string>
+ <!-- Mime/Types - Folder -->
<string name="mime_folder">Map</string>
+ <!-- Mime/Types - Symlink -->
<string name="mime_symlink">Symlink</string>
+ <!-- Mime/Types - Unknown -->
<string name="mime_unknown">Onbekend</string>
+ <!-- Filetime formats -->
<string name="filetime_format_mode_system">Systeeminstelling</string>
<string name="filetime_format_mode_locale">Regionale instelling</string>
<string name="filetime_format_mode_ddMMyyyy_HHmmss">dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss</string>
<string name="filetime_format_mode_MMddyyyy_HHmmss">mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss</string>
<string name="filetime_format_mode_yyyyMMdd_HHmmss">yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss</string>
+ <!-- Selection -->
+ <!-- For example "2 folders and 1 file selected." -->
<string name="selection_folders_and_files"><xliff:g id="folders">%1$s</xliff:g> en <xliff:g id="files">%2$s</xliff:g> geselecteerd.</string>
+ <!-- Category descriptions -->
<string name="category_system">SYSTEEM</string>
<string name="category_app">APP</string>
<string name="category_binary">BINAIR</string>
@@ -287,86 +535,170 @@
<string name="category_video">VIDEO</string>
<string name="category_security">BEVEILIGING</string>
<string name="category_all">ALLES</string>
+ <!-- Compression - Compression modes dialog title -->
<string name="compression_mode_title">Comprimeermodus</string>
+ <!-- Compression - Supported archive and compression modes -->
+ <!-- Shortcut. Failed to handle the shortcut -->
<string name="shortcut_failed_msg">Snelkoppeling behandelen mislukt.</string>
+ <!-- Shortcut. The shortcut was created -->
<string name="shortcut_creation_success_msg">Snelkoppeling succesvol aangemaakt.</string>
+ <!-- Shortcut. The shortcut wasn't created -->
<string name="shortcut_creation_failed_msg">Snelkoppeling maken mislukt.</string>
+ <!-- Preferences title -->
<string name="pref">Instellingen</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - General title -->
<string name="pref_general">Algemeen</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Search title -->
<string name="pref_search">Zoeken</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Storage title -->
<string name="pref_storage">Opslag</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Editor title -->
<string name="pref_editor">Bewerker</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Themes title -->
<string name="pref_themes">Thema\'s</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - About title -->
<string name="pref_about">Over</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - General - Behaviour category -->
<string name="pref_general_behaviour_category">Algemeen</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - General - Case sensitive sort and navigating title -->
<string name="pref_case_sensitive_sort">Hoofdlettergevoelig</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - General - Case sensitive sort and navigating summary -->
<string name="pref_case_sensitive_sort_summary">Inhoud en zoekresultaten hoofdlettergevoelig sorteren</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - General - Filetime format mode title -->
<string name="pref_filetime_format_mode">Datum-/tijdnotatie</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - General -Disk usage warning level title -->
<string name="pref_disk_usage_warning_level">Schijfgebruikwaarschuwing</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - General - Disk usage warning level summary -->
+ <!-- FIXME Use "percent" instead of "%" symbol, because it make crash the app on getSummary
+ of ListPreference. This should be fixed in frameworks base prior to be added here. -->
<string name="pref_disk_usage_warning_level_summary" formatted="false">Andere kleur voor schijfgebruikwidgets tonen wanneer ze <xliff:g id="level">%1$s</xliff:g> procent vrije ruimte bereiken</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - General - Compute folder statistics title -->
<string name="pref_compute_folder_statistics">Mapstatistieken berekenen</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - General - Compute folder statistics summary on -->
<string name="pref_compute_folder_statistics_on">Let op: het berekenen van mapstatistieken kost tijd en systeembronnen</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - General - Display thumbs -->
<string name="pref_display_thumbs">Voorbeeld</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - General - Display thumbs summary -->
<string name="pref_display_thumbs_summary">Voorbeeldweergave voor afbeeldingen, video\'s, muziek en apps</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - General - Use flinger detection -->
<string name="pref_use_flinger">Veeggebaren</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - General - Use flinger detection summary -->
<string name="pref_use_flinger_summary">Vegen van links naar rechts om bestanden of mappen te verwijderen</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - General - Advanced settings category -->
<string name="pref_general_advanced_settings_category">Geavanceerd</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - General - Access mode -->
<string name="pref_access_mode">Toegangsmodus</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - General - Safe mode -->
<string name="pref_access_mode_safe">Veilige modus</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - General - Safe mode summary -->
<string name="pref_access_mode_safe_summary">Veilige modus\n\nDe app werkt zonder machtigingen en alleen opslagvolumes (SD-kaart en USB) zijn toegankelijk</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - General - Prompt user mode -->
<string name="pref_access_mode_prompt">Vragen naar toegangsmodus</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - General - Prompt user mode summary -->
<string name="pref_access_mode_prompt_summary">Vragen naar toegangsmodus\n\nDe app heeft volledige toegang tot het bestandssysteem, maar zal toestemming vragen voor bewerkingen waarvoor machtigingen nodig zijn</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - General - Root access mode -->
<string name="pref_access_mode_root">Roottoegangsmodus</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - General - Root access mode summary -->
<string name="pref_access_mode_root_summary">Roottoegangsmodus\n\nLet op! Deze modus staat bewerkingen toe die het apparaat kunnen beschadingen. Het is uw eigen verantwoordelijkheid om te zorgen dat een bewerking veilig is</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - General - Restrict secondary users access title -->
<string name="pref_restrict_secondary_users_access_title">Gebruikers toegang beperken</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - General - Restrict secondary users access summary -->
<string name="pref_restrict_secondary_users_access_summary">Toegang tot het complete systeem beperken voor secundaire gebruikers</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Search - Results category -->
<string name="pref_search_results_category">Resultaten</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Search - Show relevance widget -->
<string name="pref_show_relevance_widget">Relevantiepictogram tonen</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Search - Highlight search terms -->
<string name="pref_highlight_terms">Zoektermen markeren</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Search - Sort results mode -->
<string name="pref_sort_search_results_mode">Resultaten sorteren</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Search - Sort results mode. None -->
<string name="pref_sort_search_results_mode_none">Niet sorteren</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Search - Sort results mode. None -->
<string name="pref_sort_search_results_mode_name">Op naam</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Search - Sort results mode. Relevance -->
<string name="pref_sort_search_results_mode_relevance">Op relevantie</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Search - Privacity category -->
<string name="pref_search_privacity_category">Privacy</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Search - Save search terms -->
<string name="pref_save_search_terms">Zoektermen opslaan</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Search - Save search terms summary on -->
<string name="pref_save_search_terms_on">Zoektermen worden opgeslagen en gebruikt als suggesties voor toekomstige zoekopdrachten</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Search - Save search terms summary off -->
<string name="pref_save_search_terms_off">Zoektermen worden niet opgeslagen</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Search - Remove saved search terms -->
<string name="pref_remove_saved_search_terms">Opgeslagen zoektermen verwijderen</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Search - Remove saved search terms summary -->
<string name="pref_remove_saved_search_terms_summary">Tik om alle opgeslagen zoektermen te verwijderen</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Search - Suggestions were truncated -->
<string name="pref_remove_saved_search_terms_msg">Alle opgeslagen zoektermen zijn verwijderd</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Storage - Secure Storage category -->
<string name="pref_secure_storage_category">Beveiligde opslag</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Storage - Secure Storage - Delayed sync title -->
<string name="pref_secure_storage_delayed_sync_title">Vertraagde synchronisatie</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Storage - Secure Storage - Delayed sync summary -->
<string name="pref_secure_storage_delayed_sync_summary">Synchronisatie van beveiligde opslagsystemen kan een grote impact hebben op het systeem. Door deze optie in te schakelen krijgt u snellere responstijden, doordat het bestandssysteem pas gesynchroniseerd wordt wanneer het niet in gebruik is, maar kunnen gegevens verloren gaan wanneer de app crasht voordat synchronisatie heeft plaatsgevonden.</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Storage - Secure Storage - Change password title -->
<string name="pref_secure_storage_reset_password_title">Wachtwoord wijzigen</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Storage - Secure Storage - Delete storage title -->
<string name="pref_secure_storage_delete_storage_title">Opslag verwijderen</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Editor - Behaviour category -->
<string name="pref_editor_behaviour_category">Gedrag</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Editor - No suggestions -->
<string name="pref_no_suggestions">Geen suggesties</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Editor - No suggestions summary -->
<string name="pref_no_suggestions_desc">Woordenboeksuggesties verbergen tijdens het bewerken van een bestand</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Editor - Word wrap -->
<string name="pref_word_wrap">Automatische terugloop</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Editor - Hex dump -->
<string name="pref_hexdump">Hex-dump</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Editor - Hex dump desc -->
<string name="pref_hexdump_desc">Hex-dump genereren bij openen binair bestand en deze openen in hex-viewer</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Editor - Syntax highlight category -->
<string name="pref_editor_syntax_highlight_category">Syntaxiskleuring</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Editor - Syntax highlight -->
<string name="pref_syntax_highlight">Syntaxiskleuring</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Editor - Syntax highlight summary -->
<string name="pref_syntax_highlight_desc">Syntaxiskleuring inschakelen in de bewerker indien mogelijk</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Editor - Syntax highlight color scheme -->
<string name="pref_syntax_highlight_color_scheme">Kleurenschema</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Editor - Syntax highlight color scheme summary -->
<string name="pref_syntax_highlight_color_scheme_desc">Kleurenschema voor syntaxiskleuring instellen</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Editor - Syntax highlight - Color Scheme -->
<string name="pref_syntax_sh_use_theme_default">Themastandaard</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Editor - Syntax highlight -Color Scheme summary -->
<string name="pref_syntax_sh_use_theme_default_desc">Standaardkleurenschema gebruiken van huidig thema</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Editor - Syntax highlight - Color Scheme - Items category -->
<string name="pref_editor_sh_item_category">Items</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Themes - Themes selection category -->
<string name="pref_themes_selection_category">Thema\'s</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Themes - Set theme button -->
<string name="pref_themes_set_theme">Thema instellen</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Themes - Confirmation message -->
<string name="pref_themes_confirmation">Thema succesvol toegepast</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Themes - Theme not found message -->
<string name="pref_themes_not_found">Kan thema niet vinden</string>
+ <!-- Preferences - Debug - Capture debug traces -->
<string name="pref_debug_traces">Foutopsporingsmodus</string>
+ <!-- Themes - Default theme name -->
<string name="theme_default_name">Licht thema</string>
+ <!-- Themes - Default theme description -->
<string name="theme_default_description">Lichte kleuren voor de bestandsbeheerder</string>
+ <!-- Themes - Default theme author -->
<string name="themes_author">CyanogenMod</string>
+ <!-- Navigation drawer -->
<string name="drawer_open">Navigatiemenu openen</string>
<string name="drawer_close">Navigatiemenu sluiten</string>
+ <!-- ColorPickerDialog -->
+ <!-- The text of the alpha slider control -->
<string name="color_picker_alpha_slider_text">Transparantie</string>
+ <!-- The label of the current color panel -->
<string name="color_picker_current_text">Huidig:</string>
+ <!-- The label of the new color panel -->
<string name="color_picker_new_text">Nieuw:</string>
+ <!-- The label of the color input -->
<string name="color_picker_color">Kleur:</string>
+ <!-- Android Syntax Highlight -->
<string name="ash_reset_color_scheme">Standaardkleurenschema herstellen</string>
<string name="ash_text">Tekst</string>
<string name="ash_assignment">Toewijzing</string>
@@ -375,33 +707,63 @@
<string name="ash_keyword">Sleutelwoord</string>
<string name="ash_quoted_string">Quoted string</string>
<string name="ash_variable">Variabele</string>
+ <!-- Secure Storage -->
+ <!-- Secure Storage dialog title - Unlock -->
<string name="secure_storage_unlock_title">Beveiligde opslag ontgrendelen</string>
+ <!-- Secure Storage dialog title - Create -->
<string name="secure_storage_create_title">Beveiligde opslag aanmaken</string>
+ <!-- Secure Storage dialog title - Reset -->
<string name="secure_storage_reset_title">Wachtwoord opnieuw instellen</string>
+ <!-- Secure Storage dialog title - Delete -->
<string name="secure_storage_delete_title">Beveiligde opslag verwijderen</string>
+ <!-- Secure Storage unlock dialog message (secure storage exists) -->
<string name="secure_storage_unlock_key_prompt_msg">Typ het wachtwoord om het beveiligde opslagsysteem te ontgrendelen.</string>
+ <!-- Secure Storage unlock dialog message (new secure storage) -->
<string name="secure_storage_unlock_key_new_msg">Typ een wachtwoord om het beveiligde opslagsysteem te beschermen.</string>
+ <!-- Secure Storage unlock dialog message (reset the current password) -->
<string name="secure_storage_unlock_key_reset_msg">Typ het huidige en nieuwe wachtwoord om het beveiligde opslagsysteem opnieuw in te stellen.</string>
+ <!-- Secure Storage unlock dialog message (delete the secure storage) -->
<string name="secure_storage_unlock_key_delete_msg">Typ het huidige wachtwoord om het beveiligde opslagsysteem te verwijderen.</string>
+ <!-- Secure Storage unlock dialog old key title -->
<string name="secure_storage_unlock_old_key_title">Oud wachtwoord:</string>
+ <!-- Secure Storage unlock dialog key title -->
<string name="secure_storage_unlock_new_key_title">Nieuw wachtwoord:</string>
+ <!-- Secure Storage unlock dialog key title -->
<string name="secure_storage_unlock_key_title">Wachtwoord:</string>
+ <!-- Secure Storage unlock dialog repeat key title-->
<string name="secure_storage_unlock_repeat_title">Wachtwoord herhalen:</string>
+ <!-- Secure Storage create button -->
<string name="secure_storage_create_button">Aanmaken</string>
+ <!-- Secure Storage unlock button -->
<string name="secure_storage_unlock_button">Ontgrendelen</string>
+ <!-- Secure Storage reset button -->
<string name="secure_storage_reset_button">Opnieuw instellen</string>
+ <!-- Secure Storage delete button -->
<string name="secure_storage_delete_button">Verwijderen</string>
+ <!-- Secure Storage unlock failed toast -->
<string name="secure_storage_unlock_failed">Kan opslag niet ontgrendelen</string>
+ <!-- Secure Storage unlock validation, length -->
<string name="secure_storage_unlock_validation_length">Password moeten minstens <xliff:g id="characters">%1$d</xliff:g> tekens lang zijn.</string>
+ <!-- Secure Storage unlock validation, equal -->
<string name="secure_storage_unlock_validation_equals">Wachtwoorden komen niet overeen.</string>
+ <!-- Secure storage open file warning -->
<string name="secure_storage_open_file_warning">Het bestand wordt gekopieerd naar een tijdelijke onversleutelde locatie. Deze wordt na een uur gewist.</string>
+ <!-- Print messages -->
+ <!-- Unsupported document format -->
<string name="print_unsupported_document">Niet-ondersteunde documentindeling</string>
+ <!-- Unsupported image format -->
<string name="print_unsupported_image">Niet-ondersteunde afbeeldingsindeling</string>
+ <!-- Print header -->
<string name="print_document_header">Document: <xliff:g id="document_name">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!-- Print footer -->
<string name="print_document_footer">Pagina <xliff:g id="page_number">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
+ <!-- Security - Extract relative or absolute files -->
<string name="security_warning_extract">Let op:\n\nHet uitpakken van een gecomprimeerd bestand met relatieve/absolute paden kan systeembestanden overschrijven en daardoor schadelijk zijn voor uw apparaat.\n\nWeet u zeker dat u wilt doorgaan?</string>
+ <!-- ChangeLog - Dialog title -->
<string name="changelog_title">Changelog</string>
+ <!-- Welcome Dialog - Title -->
<string name="welcome_title">Welkom</string>
+ <!-- Welcome Dialog - Message -->
<string name="welcome_msg">Welkom bij de bestandsbeheerder van CyanogenMod\n\nHiermee kunt u uw bestandssysteem bekijken en bewerkingen uitvoeren die schadelijk kunnen zijn voor uw apparaat. Om dit te voorkomen opent de app in een veilige modus zonder machtigingen.\n\nU kunt naar de geavanceerde modus met volledige machtigingen gaan via Instellingen. De bewerkingen die u uitvoert gebeuren op eigen verantwoordelijkheid.\n\nHet CyanogenMod-project\n</string>
<string name="activity_not_found_exception">Kan geen app vinden om dit bestand te openen</string>
<string name="storage_permissions_denied">Bestandsbeheerder vereist machtiging voor opslag om bestanden te kunnen bekijken.</string>