diff options
authorDaniel Veillard <veillard@src.gnome.org>2002-10-01 13:37:48 +0000
committerDaniel Veillard <veillard@src.gnome.org>2002-10-01 13:37:48 +0000
commit3371ff8fe208e11aa2e89c2a2e1af9eeec3e4fc1 (patch)
parentad0ac02414a9b8ca68efd56aa55b8620d3d9adb6 (diff)
Added the indexing script use to fill up the MySQL DB with API indexes, Daniel
1 files changed, 554 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/index.py b/doc/index.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..474eb92f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/index.py
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
+#!/usr/bin/python -u
+# imports the API description and fills up a database with
+# name relevance to modules, functions or web pages
+import MySQLdb
+import libxml2
+import sys
+import string
+import os
+# The dictionnary of tables required and the SQL command needed
+# to create them
+ "symbols" : """CREATE TABLE symbols (
+ name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+ module varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+ type varchar(25) NOT NULL,
+ descr varchar(255),
+ UNIQUE KEY name (name),
+ KEY module (module))""",
+ "words" : """CREATE TABLE words (
+ name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
+ symbol varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+ relevance int,
+ KEY name (name),
+ KEY symbol (symbol),
+ UNIQUE KEY ID (name, symbol))""",
+# The XML API description file to parse
+# #
+# MySQL database interfaces #
+# #
+def createTable(db, name):
+ global TABLES
+ if db == None:
+ return -1
+ if name == None:
+ return -1
+ c = db.cursor()
+ ret = c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s" % (name))
+ if ret == 1:
+ print "Removed table %s" % (name)
+ print "Creating table %s" % (name)
+ try:
+ ret = c.execute(TABLES[name])
+ except:
+ print "Failed to create table %s" % (name)
+ return -1
+ return ret
+def checkTables(db):
+ global TABLES
+ if db == None:
+ return -1
+ c = db.cursor()
+ nbtables = c.execute("show tables")
+ print "Found %d tables" % (nbtables)
+ tables = {}
+ i = 0
+ while i < nbtables:
+ l = c.fetchone()
+ name = l[0]
+ tables[name] = {}
+ i = i + 1
+ for table in TABLES.keys():
+ if not tables.has_key(table):
+ print "table %s missing" % (table)
+ createTable(db, table)
+ print "checkTables finished"
+ # make sure apache can access the tables read-only
+ try:
+ ret = c.execute("GRANT SELECT ON xmlsoft.* TO nobody@localhost")
+ except:
+ pass
+ return 0
+def openMySQL(db="xmlsoft", passwd=None):
+ global DB
+ if passwd == None:
+ passwd = "ducon"
+ DB = MySQLdb.connect(passwd=passwd, db=db)
+ if DB == None:
+ return -1
+ ret = checkTables(DB)
+ return ret
+def updateWord(name, symbol, relevance):
+ global DB
+ if DB == None:
+ openMySQL()
+ if DB == None:
+ return -1
+ if name == None:
+ return -1
+ if symbol == None:
+ return -1
+ c = DB.cursor()
+ try:
+ ret = c.execute(
+"""INSERT INTO words (name, symbol, relevance) VALUES ('%s','%s', %d)""" %
+ (name, symbol, relevance))
+ except:
+ try:
+ ret = c.execute(
+ """UPDATE words SET relevance = %d where name = '%s' and symbol = '%s'""" %
+ (relevance, name, symbol))
+ except:
+ print "Update word (%s, %s, %s) failed command" % (name, symbol, relevance)
+ print "UPDATE words SET relevance = %d where name = '%s' and symbol = '%s'" % (relevance, name, symbol)
+ print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
+ return -1
+ return ret
+def updateSymbol(name, module, type, desc):
+ global DB
+ updateWord(name, name, 50)
+ if DB == None:
+ openMySQL()
+ if DB == None:
+ return -1
+ if name == None:
+ return -1
+ if module == None:
+ return -1
+ if type == None:
+ return -1
+ try:
+ desc = string.replace(desc, "'", " ")
+ l = string.split(desc, ".")
+ desc = l[0]
+ desc = desc[0:99]
+ except:
+ desc = ""
+ c = DB.cursor()
+ try:
+ ret = c.execute(
+"""INSERT INTO symbols (name, module, type, descr) VALUES ('%s','%s', '%s', '%s')""" %
+ (name, module, type, desc))
+ except:
+ try:
+ ret = c.execute(
+"""UPDATE symbols SET module='%s', type='%s', descr='%s' where name='%s'""" %
+ (module, type, desc, name))
+ except:
+ print "Update symbol (%s, %s, %s) failed command" % (name, module, type)
+ print """UPDATE symbols SET module='%s', type='%s', descr='%s' where name='%s'""" % (module, type, desc, name)
+ print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
+ return -1
+ return ret
+def addFunction(name, module, desc = ""):
+ return updateSymbol(name, module, 'function', desc)
+def addMacro(name, module, desc = ""):
+ return updateSymbol(name, module, 'macro', desc)
+def addEnum(name, module, desc = ""):
+ return updateSymbol(name, module, 'enum', desc)
+def addStruct(name, module, desc = ""):
+ return updateSymbol(name, module, 'struct', desc)
+def addConst(name, module, desc = ""):
+ return updateSymbol(name, module, 'const', desc)
+def addType(name, module, desc = ""):
+ return updateSymbol(name, module, 'type', desc)
+def addFunctype(name, module, desc = ""):
+ return updateSymbol(name, module, 'functype', desc)
+# #
+# Word dictionnary and analysis routines #
+# #
+wordsDict = {}
+def splitIdentifier(str):
+ ret = []
+ while str != "":
+ cur = string.lower(str[0])
+ str = str[1:]
+ if ((cur < 'a') or (cur > 'z')):
+ continue
+ while (str != "") and (str[0] >= 'A') and (str[0] <= 'Z'):
+ cur = cur + string.lower(str[0])
+ str = str[1:]
+ while (str != "") and (str[0] >= 'a') and (str[0] <= 'z'):
+ cur = cur + str[0]
+ str = str[1:]
+ while (str != "") and (str[0] >= '0') and (str[0] <= '9'):
+ str = str[1:]
+ ret.append(cur)
+ return ret
+def addWord(word, module, symbol, relevance):
+ global wordsDict
+ if word == None or len(word) < 3:
+ return -1
+ if module == None or symbol == None:
+ return -1
+ if wordsDict.has_key(word):
+ d = wordsDict[word]
+ if d == None:
+ return 0
+ if len(d) > 500:
+ wordsDict[word] = None
+ return 0
+ try:
+ relevance = relevance + d[(module, symbol)]
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ wordsDict[word] = {}
+ wordsDict[word][(module, symbol)] = relevance
+ return relevance
+def addString(str, module, symbol, relevance):
+ if str == None or len(str) < 3:
+ return -1
+ ret = 0
+ str = string.replace(str, ".", " ")
+ str = string.replace(str, ",", " ")
+ str = string.replace(str, "'", " ")
+ str = string.replace(str, '"', " ")
+ str = string.replace(str, ";", " ")
+ str = string.replace(str, "-", " ")
+ l = string.split(str)
+ for word in l:
+ if len(word) > 2:
+ ret = ret + addWord(word, module, symbol, 5)
+ return ret
+# #
+# XML API description analysis #
+# #
+def loadAPI(filename):
+ doc = libxml2.parseFile(filename)
+ print "loaded %s" % (filename)
+ return doc
+def foundExport(file, symbol):
+ if file == None:
+ return 0
+ if symbol == None:
+ return 0
+ addFunction(symbol, file)
+ l = splitIdentifier(symbol)
+ for word in l:
+ addWord(word, file, symbol, 10)
+ return 1
+def analyzeAPIFile(top):
+ count = 0
+ name = top.prop("name")
+ cur = top.children
+ while cur != None:
+ if cur.type == 'text':
+ cur = cur.next
+ continue
+ if cur.name == "exports":
+ count = count + foundExport(name, cur.prop("symbol"))
+ else:
+ print "unexpected element %s in API doc <file name='%s'>" % (name)
+ cur = cur.next
+ return count
+def analyzeAPIFiles(top):
+ count = 0
+ cur = top.children
+ while cur != None:
+ if cur.type == 'text':
+ cur = cur.next
+ continue
+ if cur.name == "file":
+ count = count + analyzeAPIFile(cur)
+ else:
+ print "unexpected element %s in API doc <files>" % (cur.name)
+ cur = cur.next
+ return count
+def analyzeAPIEnum(top):
+ file = top.prop("file")
+ if file == None:
+ return 0
+ symbol = top.prop("name")
+ if symbol == None:
+ return 0
+ addEnum(symbol, file)
+ l = splitIdentifier(symbol)
+ for word in l:
+ addWord(word, file, symbol, 10)
+ return 1
+def analyzeAPIConst(top):
+ file = top.prop("file")
+ if file == None:
+ return 0
+ symbol = top.prop("name")
+ if symbol == None:
+ return 0
+ addConst(symbol, file)
+ l = splitIdentifier(symbol)
+ for word in l:
+ addWord(word, file, symbol, 10)
+ return 1
+def analyzeAPIType(top):
+ file = top.prop("file")
+ if file == None:
+ return 0
+ symbol = top.prop("name")
+ if symbol == None:
+ return 0
+ addType(symbol, file)
+ l = splitIdentifier(symbol)
+ for word in l:
+ addWord(word, file, symbol, 10)
+ return 1
+def analyzeAPIFunctype(top):
+ file = top.prop("file")
+ if file == None:
+ return 0
+ symbol = top.prop("name")
+ if symbol == None:
+ return 0
+ addFunctype(symbol, file)
+ l = splitIdentifier(symbol)
+ for word in l:
+ addWord(word, file, symbol, 10)
+ return 1
+def analyzeAPIStruct(top):
+ file = top.prop("file")
+ if file == None:
+ return 0
+ symbol = top.prop("name")
+ if symbol == None:
+ return 0
+ addStruct(symbol, file)
+ l = splitIdentifier(symbol)
+ for word in l:
+ addWord(word, file, symbol, 10)
+ info = top.prop("info")
+ if info != None:
+ l = string.split(info)
+ for word in l:
+ if len(word) > 2:
+ addWord(word, file, symbol, 5)
+ return 1
+def analyzeAPIMacro(top):
+ file = top.prop("file")
+ if file == None:
+ return 0
+ symbol = top.prop("name")
+ if symbol == None:
+ return 0
+ info = None
+ cur = top.children
+ while cur != None:
+ if cur.type == 'text':
+ cur = cur.next
+ continue
+ if cur.name == "info":
+ info = cur.content
+ break
+ cur = cur.next
+ l = splitIdentifier(symbol)
+ for word in l:
+ addWord(word, file, symbol, 10)
+ if info == None:
+ addMacro(symbol, file)
+ print "Macro %s description has no <info>" % (symbol)
+ return 0
+ addMacro(symbol, file, info)
+ l = string.split(info)
+ for word in l:
+ if len(word) > 2:
+ addWord(word, file, symbol, 5)
+ return 1
+def analyzeAPIFunction(top):
+ file = top.prop("file")
+ if file == None:
+ return 0
+ symbol = top.prop("name")
+ if symbol == None:
+ return 0
+ info = None
+ cur = top.children
+ while cur != None:
+ if cur.type == 'text':
+ cur = cur.next
+ continue
+ if cur.name == "info":
+ info = cur.content
+ elif cur.name == "return":
+ rinfo = cur.prop("info")
+ if rinfo != None:
+ addString(rinfo, file, symbol, 7)
+ elif cur.name == "arg":
+ ainfo = cur.prop("info")
+ if rinfo != None:
+ addString(ainfo, file, symbol, 5)
+ name = cur.prop("name")
+ if name != None:
+ addWord(name, file, symbol, 7)
+ cur = cur.next
+ if info == None:
+ print "Function %s description has no <info>" % (symbol)
+ addFunction(symbol, file, "")
+ else:
+ addFunction(symbol, file, info)
+ addString(info, file, symbol, 5)
+ l = splitIdentifier(symbol)
+ for word in l:
+ addWord(word, file, symbol, 10)
+ return 1
+def analyzeAPISymbols(top):
+ count = 0
+ cur = top.children
+ while cur != None:
+ if cur.type == 'text':
+ cur = cur.next
+ continue
+ if cur.name == "macro":
+ count = count + analyzeAPIMacro(cur)
+ elif cur.name == "function":
+ count = count + analyzeAPIFunction(cur)
+ elif cur.name == "const":
+ count = count + analyzeAPIConst(cur)
+ elif cur.name == "typedef":
+ count = count + analyzeAPIType(cur)
+ elif cur.name == "struct":
+ count = count + analyzeAPIStruct(cur)
+ elif cur.name == "enum":
+ count = count + analyzeAPIEnum(cur)
+ elif cur.name == "functype":
+ count = count + analyzeAPIFunctype(cur)
+ else:
+ print "unexpected element %s in API doc <files>" % (cur.name)
+ cur = cur.next
+ return count
+def analyzeAPI(doc):
+ count = 0
+ if doc == None:
+ return -1
+ root = doc.getRootElement()
+ if root.name != "api":
+ print "Unexpected root name"
+ return -1
+ cur = root.children
+ while cur != None:
+ if cur.type == 'text':
+ cur = cur.next
+ continue
+ if cur.name == "files":
+ pass
+# count = count + analyzeAPIFiles(cur)
+ elif cur.name == "symbols":
+ count = count + analyzeAPISymbols(cur)
+ else:
+ print "unexpected element %s in API doc" % (cur.name)
+ cur = cur.next
+ return count
+# #
+# Main code: open the DB, the API XML and analyze it #
+# #
+ openMySQL()
+ print "Failed to open the database"
+ print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
+ sys.exit(1)
+ doc = loadAPI(API)
+ ret = analyzeAPI(doc)
+ print "Analyzed %d blocs" % (ret)
+ doc.freeDoc()
+ print "Failed to parse and analyze %s" % (API)
+ print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
+ sys.exit(1)
+print "Indexed %d words" % (len(wordsDict))
+i = 0
+skipped = 0
+for word in wordsDict.keys():
+ refs = wordsDict[word]
+ if refs == None:
+ skipped = skipped + 1
+ continue;
+ for (module, symbol) in refs.keys():
+ updateWord(word, symbol, refs[(module, symbol)])
+ i = i + 1
+print "Found %d associations, skipped %d words" % (i, skipped)