path: root/src/smooth/ftsmooth.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/smooth/ftsmooth.c')
1 files changed, 3402 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/src/smooth/ftsmooth.c b/src/smooth/ftsmooth.c
index 00499cc..a628dff 100644
--- a/src/smooth/ftsmooth.c
+++ b/src/smooth/ftsmooth.c
@@ -26,6 +26,16 @@
#include "ftsmerrs.h"
+#include <math.h>
+#include "../../include/freetype/ftbitmap.h"
+#include "strings.h"
+#include "../autofit/aflatin.h"
+#include "../../include/freetype/ftoutln.h"
+#define verbose FALSE
+#define STVALUES if (verbose) printf ("scale:%f translate:%ld ", *scale_value, *translate_value);
/* initialize renderer -- init its raster */
static FT_Error
@@ -93,6 +103,2763 @@
FT_Outline_Get_CBox( &slot->outline, cbox );
+ static FT_Fixed FT_FixedFromFloat(float f)
+ {
+ short value = f;
+ unsigned short fract = (f - value) * 0xFFFF;
+ return (FT_Fixed)((long)value << 16 | (unsigned long)fract);
+ }
+ /* ChromeOS sharpening algorithm */
+ /* soften the sub-pixel anti-aliasing and sharpen */
+ static void
+ _ft_lcd_chromeos_sharpen( FT_Bitmap* bitmap,
+ FT_Render_Mode mode,
+ FT_Byte cutoff,
+ double gamma_value )
+ {
+ static FT_Bool initialized_gamma = FALSE;
+ static unsigned short gamma_ramp[256];
+ FT_UInt width = (FT_UInt)bitmap->width;
+ FT_UInt height = (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows;
+ int ii;
+ if (!initialized_gamma)
+ {
+ initialized_gamma = TRUE;
+ /* linear to voltage */
+ for ( ii = 0; ii < 256; ii++ )
+ {
+ gamma_ramp[ii] = (unsigned char)
+ ( pow( (double)ii/255.0, gamma_value ) * 255.0f );
+ if (gamma_ramp[ii] < cutoff) {
+ gamma_ramp[ii] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* horizontal in-place sub-pixel sharpening filter */
+ if ( mode == FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD)
+ {
+ FT_Byte* line = bitmap->buffer;
+ for ( ; height > 0; height--, line += bitmap->pitch )
+ {
+ FT_UInt xx;
+ for ( xx = 0; xx < width; xx++ )
+ {
+ line[xx] = gamma_ramp[line[xx]];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* simple linear scale to handle various sliding values */
+ float
+ sliding_scale ( int min_value,
+ int max_value,
+ float min_amount,
+ float max_amount,
+ int cur_value )
+ {
+ float m = (min_amount - max_amount) / (float)(min_value - max_value);
+ float result = (((float)cur_value * m) + (max_amount - max_value * m)) ;
+ if (min_amount < max_amount)
+ {
+ if (result < min_amount) return min_amount;
+ if (result > max_amount) return max_amount;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (result < max_amount) return max_amount;
+ if (result > min_amount) return min_amount;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /* brightness and contrast adjustment on the bitmap */
+ static FT_Bool
+ _ft_bitmap_bc ( FT_Bitmap* bitmap,
+ float brightness,
+ float contrast )
+ {
+ FT_UInt width = (FT_UInt)bitmap->width;
+ FT_UInt height = (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows;
+ FT_Byte* line = bitmap->buffer;
+ FT_UInt xx;
+ if ( brightness == 0 && contrast == 0 ) return FALSE;
+ for (height = (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows;
+ height > 0;
+ height--, line += bitmap->pitch )
+ {
+ for ( xx = 0; xx < width - 1; xx += 1 )
+ {
+ if ( line[xx] > 0)
+ {
+ float value = (float)(255 - line[xx]) / 256.0;
+ FT_Int result = 0;
+ if (brightness < 0.0) value = value * ( 1.0 + brightness);
+ else value = value + ((1.0 - value) * brightness);
+ value = (value - 0.5) * (tan ((contrast + 1.0) * 3.141592/4.0) ) + 0.5;
+ result = (FT_Int)(255.0 - (value) * 256.0);
+ if (result < 0) result = 0;
+ if (result > 255) result = 255;
+ line[xx] = result;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /* Filter to mimic Windows-style sharpening */
+ /* Determined via 100% experimentation. */
+ static void
+ _ft_lcd_windows_sharpen( FT_Bitmap* bitmap,
+ FT_Render_Mode mode,
+ FT_UInt strength,
+ FT_Library library )
+ {
+ FT_UInt width = (FT_UInt)bitmap->width;
+ FT_UInt height = (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows;
+ FT_Byte* new_line;
+ FT_Byte* line = bitmap->buffer;
+ FT_Bitmap new_bitmap;
+ FT_Bitmap_New(&new_bitmap);
+ FT_Bitmap_Copy(library, bitmap, &new_bitmap);
+ new_line = (&new_bitmap)->buffer;
+ if (strength > 0)
+ for (height = (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows;
+ height > 0;
+ height--, line += bitmap->pitch, new_line += bitmap->pitch )
+ {
+ FT_UInt xx, threshold = 128;
+ FT_Byte* prevline = line - bitmap->pitch;
+ FT_Byte* nextline = line + bitmap->pitch;
+ FT_Byte* new_prevline = new_line - bitmap->pitch;
+ FT_Byte* new_nextline = new_line + bitmap->pitch;
+ for ( xx = 1; xx < width - 1; xx += 1 )
+ {
+ /* subpixel grid sp11 sp21 sp31 */
+ /* where sp22 is sp12 sp22 sp32 */
+ /* current subpixel. sp13 sp23 sp33 */
+ FT_Int prevtotal, nexttotal, lefttotal, righttotal, sidesdiff,
+ prevdiff, nextdiff, sp11, sp21, sp31, sp12, sp22, sp32,
+ sp13, sp23, sp33;
+ sp12 = line [xx-1];
+ sp22 = line [xx];
+ sp32 = line [xx+1];
+ if (height == bitmap->rows)
+ {
+ prevtotal = sp11 = sp21 = sp31 = 0;
+ prevdiff = sp22;
+ lefttotal = sp12 + sp13;
+ righttotal = sp32 + sp33;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ prevtotal = prevline[xx-1] + prevline[xx] + prevline[xx+1];
+ sp11 = prevline [xx-1];
+ sp21 = prevline [xx];
+ sp31 = prevline [xx+1];
+ prevdiff = sp22 - sp21;
+ lefttotal = sp11 + sp12 + sp13;
+ righttotal = sp31 + sp32 + sp33;
+ }
+ if (height == 1)
+ {
+ nexttotal = sp13 = sp23 = sp33 = 0;
+ nextdiff = sp22;
+ lefttotal = sp11 + sp12;
+ righttotal = sp31 + sp32;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nexttotal = nextline[xx-1] + nextline[xx] + nextline[xx+1];
+ sp13 = nextline [xx-1];
+ sp23 = nextline [xx];
+ sp33 = nextline [xx+1];
+ nextdiff = sp23 - sp22;
+ lefttotal = sp11 + sp12 + sp13;
+ righttotal = sp31 + sp32 + sp33;
+ }
+ sidesdiff = lefttotal - righttotal;
+ if (sidesdiff < 0) sidesdiff *= -1;
+ if (prevdiff < 0) prevdiff *= -1;
+ if (nextdiff < 0) nextdiff *= -1;
+ /* if the current pixel is less than threshold, and greater than 0 */
+ if ( sp22 <= threshold && sp22 > 0 )
+ {
+ /* A pixel is horizontally isolated if: */
+ /* 1: All upper adjecent pixels are >= threshold */
+ if ( prevtotal >= nexttotal && abs (sp11 - sp12) > 5 && abs (sp21 - sp22) > 5 && abs (sp31 - sp32) > 5 /* not a vert stem end */
+ && sp11 >= threshold
+ && sp21 >= threshold
+ && sp31 >= threshold && abs (sp23 - sp22) > 15 /* not on a vert stem */
+ )
+ {
+ /* darken upper adjacent subpixel; lighten current */
+ if (height != (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows) new_prevline[xx] += ((255 - new_prevline[xx]) * strength) / 100 ;
+ new_line[xx] -= (new_line[xx] * strength) / 100;
+ if (height != 1 && height != (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows) if (new_nextline[xx] > 155 + (100 - strength)) new_prevline[xx] = 255;
+ }
+ else if ( nexttotal > prevtotal && abs (sp13 - sp12) > 5 && abs (sp23 - sp22) > 5 && abs (sp33 - sp32) > 5
+ /* 2: All lower adjecent pixels are >= threshold */
+ && sp13 >= threshold
+ && sp23 >= threshold
+ && sp33 >= threshold && abs (sp22 - sp21) > 15
+ )
+ {
+ /* darken lower adjacent subpixel; lighten current */
+ if (height != 1) new_nextline[xx] += (255 - new_nextline[xx]) * strength / 100 ;
+ new_line[xx] -= (new_line[xx] * strength) / 100;
+ if (height != 1) if (new_nextline[xx] > 155 + (100 - strength)) new_nextline[xx] = 255;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( sp22 > threshold && sp22 < 255 )
+ {
+ if ( sp11 <= threshold && abs (sp13 - sp12) > 5 && abs (sp23 - sp22) > 5 && abs (sp33 - sp32) > 5
+ && sp21 <= threshold
+ && sp31 <= threshold
+ && prevtotal <= nexttotal && abs (sp22 - sp21) > 15
+ )
+ {
+ /* bring this subpixel 1/3 of the way to 255 at 100% strength */
+ new_line[xx] += (strength * (255 - new_line[xx]))/100 ;
+ if (height != (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows) new_prevline[xx] -= (new_prevline[xx] * strength) / 300;
+ }
+ else if (
+ sp13 <= threshold && abs (sp11 - sp12) > 5 && abs (sp21 - sp22) > 5 && abs (sp31 - sp32) > 5
+ && sp23 <= threshold
+ && sp33 <= threshold &&
+ nexttotal < prevtotal && abs (sp23 - sp22) > 15
+ )
+ {
+ new_line[xx] += (strength * (255 - new_line[xx]))/100 ;
+ if (height != 1) new_nextline[xx] -= (new_nextline[xx] * strength) / 300;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FT_Bitmap_Copy(library, &new_bitmap, bitmap);
+ FT_Bitmap_Done(library, &new_bitmap);
+ }
+ static void
+ _ft_lcd_darken_x ( FT_Bitmap* bitmap,
+ FT_Render_Mode mode,
+ FT_UInt strength,
+ FT_Library library )
+ {
+ FT_UInt width = (FT_UInt)bitmap->width;
+ FT_UInt height = (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows;
+ FT_Byte* new_line;
+ FT_Byte* line = bitmap->buffer;
+ FT_Bitmap new_bitmap;
+ int factor1,factor2;
+ int bias = 0;
+ FT_Bitmap_New(&new_bitmap);
+ FT_Bitmap_Copy(library, bitmap, &new_bitmap);
+ new_line = (&new_bitmap)->buffer;
+ if (strength > 0)
+ for (height = (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows;
+ height > 0;
+ height--, line += bitmap->pitch, new_line += bitmap->pitch )
+ {
+ FT_UInt xx;
+ FT_Byte* prevline = line - bitmap->pitch;
+ FT_Byte* nextline = line + bitmap->pitch;
+ for ( xx = 1; xx < width - 1; xx += 1 )
+ {
+ /* subpixel grid sp11 sp21 sp31 */
+ /* where sp22 is sp12 sp22 sp32 */
+ /* current subpixel. sp13 sp23 sp33 */
+ FT_Int sp21, sp12, sp22, sp32, sp23;
+ sp12 = line [xx-1];
+ sp22 = line [xx];
+ sp32 = line [xx+1];
+ if (height == bitmap->rows)
+ {
+ sp21 = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sp21 = prevline [xx];
+ }
+ if (height == 1)
+ {
+ sp23 = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sp23 = nextline [xx];
+ }
+ /* darken subpixel if neighbor above and below are much less than */
+ /* safer but less effective */
+ factor1 = 5;
+ factor2 = 5;
+ /* make matches in the middle of glyph slightly darker */
+ /*if (height > 1 && height < (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows) bias = 1;*/
+ if ( sp22 > factor1 * sp21 && sp22 > factor1 * sp23 && sp22 > factor2 && sp12 > 16 && sp32 > 16 )
+ if (new_line[xx] < (strength * 255) / 100 )
+ new_line[xx] = (strength * 255) / 100 + bias * (255 - (strength * 255) / 100) / 3;
+ }
+ }
+ FT_Bitmap_Copy(library, &new_bitmap, bitmap);
+ FT_Bitmap_Done(library, &new_bitmap);
+ }
+ static void
+ _ft_lcd_darken_y ( FT_Bitmap* bitmap,
+ FT_Render_Mode mode,
+ FT_UInt strength,
+ FT_Library library )
+ {
+ FT_UInt width = (FT_UInt)bitmap->width;
+ FT_UInt height = (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows;
+ FT_Byte* new_line;
+ FT_Byte* line = bitmap->buffer;
+ FT_Bitmap new_bitmap;
+ FT_Bitmap_New(&new_bitmap);
+ FT_Bitmap_Copy(library, bitmap, &new_bitmap);
+ new_line = (&new_bitmap)->buffer;
+ if (strength > 0)
+ for (height = (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows;
+ height > 0;
+ height--, line += bitmap->pitch, new_line += bitmap->pitch )
+ {
+ FT_UInt xx;
+ for ( xx = 1; xx < width - 1; xx += 1 )
+ {
+ if (line[xx] > line[xx-1] && line[xx] > line[xx+1])
+ {
+ if (new_line[xx] > 0) new_line[xx] += (strength * (255 - new_line[xx])) / 100;
+ new_line[xx-1] += (strength * (255 - line[xx-1])) / 100;
+ new_line[xx+1] += (strength * (255 - line[xx+1])) / 100;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FT_Bitmap_Copy(library, &new_bitmap, bitmap);
+ FT_Bitmap_Done(library, &new_bitmap);
+ }
+ static void
+ _ft_bitmap_cap ( FT_Bitmap* bitmap,
+ FT_UInt strength,
+ FT_Library library )
+ {
+ FT_UInt width = (FT_UInt)bitmap->width;
+ FT_UInt height = (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows;
+ FT_Byte* new_line;
+ FT_Byte* line = bitmap->buffer;
+ FT_UInt cur_value = 0;
+ FT_Bitmap new_bitmap;
+ FT_Bitmap_New(&new_bitmap);
+ FT_Bitmap_Copy(library, bitmap, &new_bitmap);
+ new_line = (&new_bitmap)->buffer;
+ if (strength > 0)
+ for (height = (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows;
+ height > 0;
+ height--, line += bitmap->pitch, new_line += bitmap->pitch )
+ {
+ FT_UInt xx;
+ for ( xx = 1; xx < width - 1; xx += 1 )
+ {
+ cur_value = (new_line[xx-1] + new_line[xx] + new_line[xx+1]) / 3;
+ if (cur_value > (strength * 255) / 100 )
+ {
+ FT_UInt new_factor = (strength * 255) / 100;
+ new_line[xx] = (new_line[xx] * new_factor) / cur_value;
+ new_line[xx+1] = (new_line[xx+1] * new_factor) / cur_value;
+ new_line[xx-1] = (new_line[xx-1] * new_factor) / cur_value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FT_Bitmap_Copy(library, &new_bitmap, bitmap);
+ FT_Bitmap_Done(library, &new_bitmap);
+ }
+ int
+ gamma2 ( int val, float value )
+ {
+ return 256 * (1.0 - pow((1.0 - (float)val/ 256.0) , 1.0/value));
+ }
+ static void
+ _ft_bitmap_embolden ( FT_Bitmap* bitmap,
+ FT_UInt strength,
+ FT_Library library )
+ {
+ FT_UInt width = (FT_UInt)bitmap->width;
+ FT_UInt height = (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows;
+ FT_Byte* new_line;
+ FT_Byte* line = bitmap->buffer;
+ FT_Bitmap new_bitmap;
+ FT_UInt xx;
+ FT_Bitmap_New(&new_bitmap);
+ FT_Bitmap_Copy(library, bitmap, &new_bitmap);
+ new_line = (&new_bitmap)->buffer;
+ if (strength > 0)
+ for (height = (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows;
+ height > 0;
+ height--, line += bitmap->pitch, new_line += bitmap->pitch )
+ {
+ for ( xx = 1; xx < width - 1; xx += 1 )
+ {
+ FT_Int new_value = 0;
+ new_value = (strength * line [xx-1]) / 100 + gamma2(line [xx], .75) + (strength * line [xx+1]) / 100;
+ if (new_value > 255) new_value = 255;
+ new_line[xx] = new_value;
+ }
+ }
+ FT_Bitmap_Copy(library, &new_bitmap, bitmap);
+ FT_Bitmap_Done(library, &new_bitmap);
+ }
+ static void
+ _ft_bitmap_gamma ( FT_Bitmap* bitmap,
+ float strength )
+ {
+ FT_UInt width = (FT_UInt)bitmap->width;
+ FT_UInt height = (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows;
+ FT_Byte* line = bitmap->buffer;
+ FT_UInt xx;
+ if (strength > 0)
+ for (height = (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows;
+ height > 0;
+ height--, line += bitmap->pitch )
+ {
+ for ( xx = 1; xx < width - 1; xx += 1 )
+ {
+ if (abs(line[xx-1] - line[xx]) < 20 || abs(line[xx+1] - line[xx]) < 20)
+ line [xx] = gamma2(line [xx], strength) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Fringe filter */
+ static void
+ _ft_lcd_fringe_filter ( FT_Bitmap* bitmap,
+ FT_Render_Mode mode,
+ FT_UInt strength,
+ FT_Library library )
+ {
+ FT_UInt width = (FT_UInt)bitmap->width;
+ FT_UInt height = (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows;
+ FT_Byte* new_line;
+ FT_Byte* line = bitmap->buffer;
+ FT_Bitmap new_bitmap;
+ FT_Bitmap_New(&new_bitmap);
+ line = bitmap->buffer;
+ FT_Bitmap_Copy(library, bitmap, &new_bitmap);
+ new_line = (&new_bitmap)->buffer;
+ for (height = (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows ; height > 0; height--, line += bitmap->pitch, new_line += bitmap->pitch )
+ {
+ /* Threshold set to 1/2 pixel intensity */
+ FT_UInt xx, threshold = 128;
+ /* Hack to make this work when bitmap is at first or last line */
+ FT_Int fudge = bitmap->pitch * (height == (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows);
+ FT_Byte* prevline = line - bitmap->pitch + fudge;
+ FT_Byte* nextline = line + bitmap->pitch;
+ for ( xx = 1; xx < width - 1; xx += 1 )
+ {
+ /* subpixel grid sp11 sp21 sp31 */
+ /* where sp22 is sp12 sp22 sp32 */
+ /* current subpixel. sp13 sp23 sp33 */
+ FT_Int prevtotal, nexttotal, lefttotal, righttotal, sidesdiff,
+ leftdiff, rightdiff, prevdiff, nextdiff, sp11, sp21, sp31,
+ sp12, sp22, sp32, sp13, sp23, sp33;
+ sp12 = line [xx-1];
+ sp22 = line [xx];
+ sp32 = line [xx+1];
+ /* if at max height fake out some values */
+ if (height == (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows)
+ {
+ prevtotal = sp11 = sp21 = sp31 = 0;
+ prevdiff = sp22;
+ lefttotal = sp12 + sp13;
+ righttotal = sp32 + sp33;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ prevtotal = prevline[xx-1] + prevline[xx] + prevline[xx+1];
+ sp11 = prevline [xx-1];
+ sp21 = prevline [xx];
+ sp31 = prevline [xx+1];
+ prevdiff = sp22 - sp21;
+ lefttotal = sp11 + sp12 + sp13;
+ righttotal = sp31 + sp32 + sp33;
+ }
+ /* if at min height fake out some values */
+ if (height == 1)
+ {
+ nexttotal = sp13 = sp23 = sp33 = 0;
+ nextdiff = sp22;
+ lefttotal = sp11 + sp12;
+ righttotal = sp31 + sp32;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nexttotal = nextline[xx-1] + nextline[xx] + nextline[xx+1];
+ sp13 = nextline [xx-1];
+ sp23 = nextline [xx];
+ sp33 = nextline [xx+1];
+ nextdiff = sp23 - sp22;
+ lefttotal = sp11 + sp12 + sp13;
+ righttotal = sp31 + sp32 + sp33;
+ }
+ sidesdiff = lefttotal - righttotal;
+ leftdiff = sp22 - sp12;
+ rightdiff = sp32 - sp22;
+ if (sidesdiff < 0) sidesdiff *= -1;
+ if (prevdiff < 0) prevdiff *= -1;
+ if (nextdiff < 0) nextdiff *= -1;
+ if (leftdiff < 0) leftdiff *= -1;
+ if (rightdiff < 0) rightdiff *= -1;
+ /* if the current subpixel is less than threshold, and varies only
+ slightly to left or right, lighten it */
+ if ( sp22 <= threshold && sp22 > 0 && (leftdiff < 10 || rightdiff < 10 ) )
+ {
+ /* A pixel is horizontally isolated if: */
+ /* 1: All upper adjecent subpixels are >= threshold and all lower
+ adjacent ones are essentially white */
+ if ( prevtotal >= nexttotal
+ && sp11 >= threshold
+ && sp21 >= threshold
+ && sp31 >= threshold
+ && sp13 < 2
+ && sp23 < 2
+ && sp33 < 2
+ )
+ {
+ new_line[xx] -= (new_line[xx] * strength) / 100;
+ if (leftdiff < 10) new_line[xx-1] -= (new_line[xx-1] * strength) / 200; /* OPPORTUNITY FOR IMPROVEMENT - keep going left until 255? */
+ if (rightdiff < 10) new_line[xx+1] -= (new_line[xx+1] * strength) / 200; /* OPPORTUNITY FOR IMPROVEMENT */
+ }
+ else if ( nexttotal > prevtotal
+ /* 2: the inverse of above */
+ && sp13 >= threshold
+ && sp23 >= threshold
+ && sp33 >= threshold
+ && sp11 < 2
+ && sp21 < 2
+ && sp31 < 2
+ )
+ {
+ new_line[xx] -= (new_line[xx] * strength) / 100;
+ if (leftdiff < 10) new_line[xx-1] -= (new_line[xx-1] * strength) / 200; /* OPPORTUNITY FOR IMPROVEMENT - keep going left until 255? */
+ if (rightdiff < 10) new_line[xx+1] -= (new_line[xx+1] * strength) / 200; /* OPPORTUNITY FOR IMPROVEMENT */
+ }
+ }
+ /* otherwise if the current subpixel is more than threshold, and varies
+ slightly to left or right, darken it */
+ else if ( sp22 > threshold && sp22 < 255 && (leftdiff < 10 || rightdiff < 10 ) )
+ {
+ if ( sp11 <= 2
+ && sp21 <= 2
+ && sp31 <= 2
+ && sp13 >= threshold
+ && sp23 >= threshold
+ && sp33 >= threshold
+ &&
+ prevtotal < nexttotal
+ )
+ {
+ new_line[xx] += ((255 - new_line[xx]) * strength) / 100;
+ }
+ else if (
+ sp13 <= 2
+ && sp23 <= 2
+ && sp33 <= 2 &&
+ nexttotal < prevtotal
+ && sp11 >= threshold
+ && sp21 >= threshold
+ && sp31 >= threshold
+ )
+ {
+ new_line[xx] += ((255 - new_line[xx]) * strength) / 100;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FT_Bitmap_Copy(library, &new_bitmap, bitmap);
+ FT_Bitmap_Done(library, &new_bitmap);
+ }
+ /* Grayscale filter */
+ static void
+ _ft_lcd_grayscale_filter ( FT_Bitmap* bitmap,
+ FT_Render_Mode mode,
+ FT_UInt strength,
+ FT_Library library )
+ {
+ FT_UInt width = (FT_UInt)bitmap->width;
+ FT_UInt height = (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows;
+ FT_Byte* line = bitmap->buffer;
+ for (height = (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows; height > 0; height--, line += bitmap->pitch )
+ {
+ FT_UInt xx;
+ for ( xx = 0; xx < width - 1; xx += 3 )
+ {
+ FT_UInt total = line [xx] + line [xx + 1] + line [xx + 2];
+ line[xx] = ( (100-strength) * line[xx] + strength * (total / 3) ) / 100;
+ line[xx+1] = ( (100-strength) * line[xx+1] + strength * (total / 3) ) / 100;
+ line[xx+2] = ( (100-strength) * line[xx+2] + strength * (total / 3) ) / 100;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* */
+ /* */
+ /* */
+ /* */
+ /* */
+ typedef struct SA_Rule_
+ {
+ const char family[32];
+ const int ppem[5];
+ } SA_Rule;
+#define STEM_WIDTH_2_PPEM 18
+#define MAX_PPEM 100
+/* "Font name", {ppem where stem width becomes 1,
+ * ppem where stem width becomes 2... etc.} */
+/* 100 means auto-calculate */
+ {
+ { "Andale Mono", {10, 21, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM} },
+ { "Arial Narrow", {10, 21, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM} },
+ { "Calibri", {10, 19, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM} },
+ { "Cantarell", {10, 22, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM} },
+ { "Century Gothic", {10, 22, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM} },
+ { "Comfortaa", {10, 19, 22, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM} },
+ { "Consolas", {10, 20, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM} },
+ { "Corbel", {10, 21, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM} },
+ { "Futura", {10, 14, STEM_WIDTH_2_PPEM, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM} },
+ { "Gill Sans", {10, 17, STEM_WIDTH_2_PPEM, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM} },
+ { "Helvetica CY", {10, 23, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM} },
+ { "Inconsolata", {10, 23, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM} },
+ { "Liberation Sans Narrow", {10, 22, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM} },
+ { "Liberation Sans", {10, 19, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM} },
+ { "Lucida Grande", {10, 16, STEM_WIDTH_2_PPEM, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM} },
+ { "Lucida Sans Unicode", {10, 16, STEM_WIDTH_2_PPEM, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM} },
+ { "Luxi Sans", {10, 17, STEM_WIDTH_2_PPEM, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM} },
+ { "Open Sans", {10, 20, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM} },
+ { "Rokkitt", {10, 21, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM} },
+ { "Segoe UI", {10, 23, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM} },
+ { "Trebuchet MS", {10, 17, STEM_WIDTH_2_PPEM, MAX_PPEM, MAX_PPEM} },
+ };
+/* "Font name", {ppem, scale_up=1|scale_down=0} */
+ {
+ { "Andale Mono", {11, 1,} },
+ { "Bitstream Vera Sans", {12, 1,} },
+ { "Calibri", {15, 1,} },
+ { "Calibri", {17, 1,} },
+ { "Calibri", {18, 1,} },
+ { "Candara", {14, 1,} },
+ { "Candara", {17, 1,} },
+ { "Canwell", {13, 0,} },
+ { "Comfortaa", {11, 0,} },
+ { "Consolas", {11, 1,} },
+ { "DejaVu Sans", {12, 1,} },
+ { "Freesans", {16, 0,} },
+ { "Freeserif", {13, 1,} },
+ { "Freeserif", {17, 1,} },
+ { "Inconsolata", {12, 1,} },
+ { "Inconsolata", {15, 1,} },
+ { "Lucida Grande", {13, 1,} },
+ { "Myriad Pro", {14, 1,} },
+ { "Myriad Pro", {17, 1,} },
+ { "Nina", {11, 0,} },
+ { "Nina", {12, 0,} },
+ { "Nina", {13, 0,} },
+ { "Optima", {17, 1,} },
+ { "Raleway", {15, 0,} },
+ { "Samba", {11, 0,} },
+ { "Times New Roman", {17, 1,} },
+ { "Trebuchet MS", {17, 0,} },
+ { "Trebuchet MS", {13, 0,} },
+ { "Trebuchet MS", {20, 1,} },
+ { "Verdana", {12, 1,} },
+ { "Verdana", {15, 1,} },
+ };
+/* "Font name", {ppem, scale_up=1|scale_down=0} */
+ SA_Rule SNAPPING_M_Rules
+ {
+ { "Courier New", {13, 1,} },
+ { "Courier New", {14, 1,} },
+ { "Courier", {13, 1,} },
+ { "Courier", {14, 1,} },
+ { "Droid Sans Mono", {12, 0,} },
+ { "Bitstream Vera Sans", {12, 0,} },
+ { "DejaVu Sans", {12, 0,} },
+ { "Essential PragmataPro", {13, 0,} },
+ { "Essential PragmataPro", {14, 0,} },
+ };
+/* "Font name", {ppem, ppem} */
+ {
+ { "---", {13, 13,} },
+ };
+/* "Font name", {ppem, ppem} */
+ {
+ { "Times New Roman", {0, 100,} },
+ };
+/* "Font name", {ppem, ppem} */
+ {
+ { "Tahoma", {11, 11,} },
+ { "Courier New", {10, 12,} },
+ { "Arial", {11, 11,} },
+ { "Arial", {13, 13,} },
+ { "Liberation Sans", {11, 11,} },
+ { "FreeSans", {11, 11,} },
+ { "FreeSans", {13, 13,} },
+ { "Palatino Linotype", {0, 100,} },
+ };
+/* "Font name", {ppem, translate_value} */
+ {
+ { "Arial", {11, 32,} },
+ { "Arial Unicode MS", {11, 32,} },
+ { "FreeSans", {11, 32,} },
+ { "Arimo", {11, 32,} },
+ { "Liberation Sans", {11, 32,} },
+ { "Tahoma", {11, 32,} },
+ };
+/* "Font name", {ppem, translate_value} */
+ {
+ { "Arial Unicode MS", {10, 16,} },
+ { "Arial Unicode MS", {8, 32,} },
+ { "Arial Unicode MS", {9, 32,} },
+ { "Arial", {10, 16,} },
+ { "Arial", {8, 32,} },
+ { "Arial", {9, 32,} },
+ { "Arial", {16, -24,} },
+ { "Arimo", {10, 8,} },
+ { "Arimo", {8, 32,} },
+ { "Arimo", {9, 32,} },
+ { "Bitstream Vera Sans", {8, 16,} },
+ { "Calibri", {10, 16,} },
+ { "Calibri", {15, 0,} },
+ { "Candara", {10, 16,} },
+ { "Cantarell", {11, 0} },
+ { "Cantarell", {12, 0} },
+ { "Consolas", {8, 32,} },
+ { "Consolas", {9, 32,} },
+ { "Corbel", {10, 16,} },
+ { "Courier", {13, 16,} },
+ { "Courier", {15, 0,} },
+ { "Dejavu Sans Mono", {7, 16,} },
+ { "Dejavu Sans Mono", {8, 32,} },
+ { "Dejavu Sans Mono", {9, 16,} },
+ { "Dejavu Sans", {8, 16,} },
+ { "Dejavu Sans", {15, -20,} },
+ { "Droid Sans", {8, 16,} },
+ { "Droid Sans", {9, 16,} },
+ { "Freesans", {10, 16,} },
+ { "Freesans", {9, 8,} },
+ { "Georgia", {13, 16,} },
+ { "Georgia", {14, 16,} },
+ { "Georgia", {15, 0,} },
+ { "Inconsolata", {10, 24,} },
+ { "Inconsolata", {9, 32,} },
+ { "Liberation Sans", {10, 8,} },
+ { "Liberation Sans", {8, 32,} },
+ { "Liberation Sans", {9, 32,} },
+ { "Lucida Grande", {13, 24,} },
+ { "Lucida Grande", {14, 24,} },
+ { "Lucida Grande", {8, 16,} },
+ { "Lucida Grande", {9, 16,} },
+ { "Lucida Sans Unicode", {13, 24,} },
+ { "Lucida Sans Unicode", {14, 24,} },
+ { "Lucida Sans Unicode", {8, 16,} },
+ { "Lucida Sans Unicode", {9, 16,} },
+ { "Microsoft Sans Serif", {10, 16,} },
+ { "Microsoft Sans Serif", {8, 32,} },
+ { "Microsoft Sans Serif", {9, 32,} },
+ { "Myriad Pro", {10, 16,} },
+ { "Myriad Pro", {11, 0,} },
+ { "Myriad Pro", {9, 16,} },
+ { "Open Sans", {10, 16,} },
+ { "Open Sans", {9, 16,} },
+ { "Optima", {10, 0} },
+ { "Optima", {11, 0} },
+ { "Optima", {12, 0} },
+ { "Segoe UI", {10, 0,} },
+ { "Segoe UI", {7, 32,} },
+ { "Segoe UI", {8, 16,} },
+ { "Segoe UI", {9, 24,} },
+ { "Tahoma", {7, 32,} },
+ { "Tahoma", {8, 32,} },
+ { "Tahoma", {9, 32,} },
+ { "Times New Roman", {17, 8,} },
+ { "Trebuchet MS", {10, 16,} },
+ { "Trebuchet MS", {11, 0,} },
+ { "Trebuchet MS", {8, 32,} },
+ { "Trebuchet MS", {9, 32,} },
+ { "Verdana", {8, 16,} },
+ { "Verdana", {15, 16,} },
+ { "Verdana", {14, 32,} },
+ { "Verdana", {18, 32,} },
+ { "Verdana", {19, 24,} },
+ };
+/* "Font name", {start ppem, end ppem} */
+#define ALWAYS_USE_100_RULES_SIZE 46
+ SA_Rule ALWAYS_USE_100_Rules
+ {
+ { "Andale Mono", {0, MAX_PPEM,} },
+ { "Arial Unicode MS", {0, MAX_PPEM,} },
+ { "Arial", {0, MAX_PPEM,} },
+ { "Arimo", {0, MAX_PPEM,} },
+ { "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", {0, MAX_PPEM,} },
+ { "Bitstream Vera Sans", {10, 14,} },
+ { "Bitstream Vera Sans", {16, 17,} },
+ { "Calibri", {23, MAX_PPEM,} },
+ { "Consolas", {0, MAX_PPEM,} },
+ { "Courier New", {12, 12,} },
+ { "Courier", {0, MAX_PPEM,} },
+ { "Cousine", {0, MAX_PPEM,} },
+ { "DejaVu Sans Mono", {0, MAX_PPEM,} },
+ { "DejaVu Sans", {10, 14,} },
+ { "DejaVu Sans", {16, 17,} },
+ { "Droid Sans", {12, 12,} },
+ { "Droid Sans", {15, 15,} },
+ { "FreeMono", {0, MAX_PPEM,} },
+ { "FreeSans", {0, MAX_PPEM,} },
+ { "Liberation Mono", {0, MAX_PPEM,} },
+ { "Lucida Console", {0, MAX_PPEM,} },
+ { "Luxi Sans", {13, 13,} },
+ { "Microsoft Sans Serif", {0, MAX_PPEM,} },
+ { "Monaco", {0, MAX_PPEM,} },
+ { "Segoe UI", {11, 12,} },
+ { "Segoe UI", {14, 14,} },
+ { "Tahoma", {11, 11,} },
+ { "Tahoma", {14, MAX_PPEM,} },
+ { "Times New Roman", {14, 14,} },
+ { "Times New Roman", {16, 16,} },
+ { "Trebuchet MS", {13, 13,} },
+ { "Ubuntu", {12, 13,} },
+ { "Ubuntu", {15, 15,} },
+ { "Verdana", {0, 14,} },
+ { "Verdana", {16, MAX_PPEM,} },
+ { "Pragmata", {0, MAX_PPEM,} },
+ { "Essential PragmataPro", {0, MAX_PPEM,} },
+ };
+ {
+ { "Baskerville", {0, -20,} },
+ { "Garamond", {0, -20,} },
+ { "Optima", {0, -20,} },
+ };
+ SA_Rule CONTRAST_Rules
+ {
+ { "Baskerville", {0, 25,} },
+ { "Garamond", {0, 25,} },
+ { "Optima", {0, 25,} },
+ };
+#if 0
+ {
+ { "Tahoma", {10, 12, 18, 18, 30} },
+ { "Arial", {10, 11, 23, 25, 30} },
+ { "Freesans", {10, 12, 18, 18, 30} },
+ };
+ SA_Rule STEM_START_Rules
+ {
+ { "Tahoma", {14, 17, 30, 100, 100} },
+ { "Arial", {11, 18, 23, 30, 30} },
+ { "Freesans", {10, 18, 18, 25, 30} },
+ };
+ typedef struct Stem_Data_
+ {
+ FT_Int stem_width;
+ FT_Int stem_spacing;
+ FT_Int stem_start;
+ FT_Int stem_scaling;
+ FT_Int stem_translating_only;
+ FT_Int stem_translating;
+ FT_Int brightness;
+ FT_Int contrast;
+ FT_Bool use_100;
+ FT_Bool synth_stems;
+ FT_Bool edge_detection;
+ FT_Bool bearing_correction;
+ FT_Int m;
+ } Stem_Data;
+ typedef struct Stem_Segment_
+ {
+ FT_Long x1;
+ FT_Long x2;
+ FT_Int y;
+ } Stem_Segment;
+ typedef struct Stem_Center_
+ {
+ FT_Long x;
+ FT_Long y;
+ FT_Long w;
+ FT_Long x1;
+ FT_Long x2;
+ } Stem_Center;
+ typedef struct Stem_
+ {
+ FT_Long center;
+ FT_Long count;
+ FT_Long rcount; /* used to count within a range in possible stems */
+ FT_Long width;
+ FT_Long height;
+ FT_Short zone; /* 1 2 or 3 */
+ FT_Bool generated;
+ } Stem;
+ static void
+ swap_stem ( Stem* s1, Stem* s2 )
+ {
+ Stem s;
+ = s1->center;
+ s.count = s1->count;
+ s.rcount = s1->rcount;
+ s.width = s1->width;
+ = s1->zone;
+ s.generated = s1->generated;
+ s1->center = s2->center;
+ s1->count = s2->count;
+ s1->rcount = s2->rcount;
+ s1->width = s2->width;
+ s1->zone = s2->zone;
+ s1->generated = s2->generated;
+ s2->center =;
+ s2->count = s.count;
+ s2->rcount = s.rcount;
+ s2->width = s.width;
+ s2->zone =;
+ s2->generated = s.generated;
+ }
+ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
+ sa_fill_known_stem_values (
+ FT_String* family,
+ int ppem,
+ FT_String* style,
+ FT_UInt num_stems,
+ Stem_Data* known_stem_values )
+ {
+ FT_Int i, j;
+ if (verbose) printf("%s ", family);
+ i = 0;
+ {
+ if ( family &&
+ ( strcasecmp( SNAPPING_STEM_WIDTHS_Rules[i].family, family ) == 0 ) )
+ {
+ j = 0;
+ known_stem_values->stem_width = 1;
+ while (j < 4)
+ {
+ if (SNAPPING_STEM_WIDTHS_Rules[i].ppem[j] == MAX_PPEM )
+ {
+ known_stem_values->stem_width = -1; /* use default */
+ j = 5;
+ }
+ else if (ppem < SNAPPING_STEM_WIDTHS_Rules[i].ppem[j])
+ {
+ known_stem_values->stem_width = j;
+ j = 5;
+ }
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ {
+ if ( family &&
+ ( strcasecmp( SNAPPING_STEM_SCALING_Rules[i].family, family ) == 0 ) )
+ {
+ known_stem_values->stem_scaling = -1; /* default */
+ if (ppem == SNAPPING_STEM_SCALING_Rules[i].ppem[0])
+ {
+ known_stem_values->stem_scaling = SNAPPING_STEM_SCALING_Rules[i].ppem[1];
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ while ( i < SNAPPING_M_RULES_SIZE )
+ {
+ if ( family &&
+ ( strcasecmp( SNAPPING_M_Rules[i].family, family ) == 0 ) )
+ {
+ known_stem_values->m = -1; /* default */
+ if (ppem == SNAPPING_M_Rules[i].ppem[0])
+ {
+ known_stem_values->m = SNAPPING_M_Rules[i].ppem[1];
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ {
+ if ( family &&
+ ( strcasecmp( SNAPPING_STEM_TRANSLATING_ONLY_Rules[i].family, family ) == 0 ) )
+ {
+ known_stem_values->stem_translating_only = -1024; /* default */
+ if (ppem == SNAPPING_STEM_TRANSLATING_ONLY_Rules[i].ppem[0]
+ || SNAPPING_STEM_TRANSLATING_ONLY_Rules[i].ppem[0] == 0)
+ {
+ known_stem_values->stem_translating_only = SNAPPING_STEM_TRANSLATING_ONLY_Rules[i].ppem[1];
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ {
+ if ( family &&
+ ( strcasecmp( SNAPPING_STEM_TRANSLATING_Rules[i].family, family ) == 0 ) )
+ {
+ known_stem_values->stem_translating = 0; /* default */
+ if (ppem == SNAPPING_STEM_TRANSLATING_Rules[i].ppem[0]
+ || SNAPPING_STEM_TRANSLATING_Rules[i].ppem[0] == 0)
+ {
+ known_stem_values->stem_translating = SNAPPING_STEM_TRANSLATING_Rules[i].ppem[1];
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ while ( i < ALWAYS_USE_100_RULES_SIZE )
+ {
+ if ( family &&
+ ( strcasecmp( ALWAYS_USE_100_Rules[i].family, family ) == 0 ) )
+ {
+ known_stem_values->use_100 = FALSE; /* default */
+ if (ppem >= ALWAYS_USE_100_Rules[i].ppem[0] && ppem <= ALWAYS_USE_100_Rules[i].ppem[1] )
+ {
+ known_stem_values->use_100 = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ {
+ if ( family &&
+ ( strcasecmp( SNAPPING_SYNTHESIZE_STEMS_Rules[i].family, family ) == 0 ) )
+ {
+ known_stem_values->synth_stems = FALSE; /* default */
+ if (ppem >= SNAPPING_SYNTHESIZE_STEMS_Rules[i].ppem[0] && ppem <= SNAPPING_SYNTHESIZE_STEMS_Rules[i].ppem[1] )
+ {
+ known_stem_values->synth_stems = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ {
+ if ( family &&
+ ( strcasecmp( SNAPPING_EDGE_DETECTION_Rules[i].family, family ) == 0 ) )
+ {
+ known_stem_values->edge_detection = FALSE; /* default */
+ if (ppem >= SNAPPING_EDGE_DETECTION_Rules[i].ppem[0] && ppem <= SNAPPING_EDGE_DETECTION_Rules[i].ppem[1] )
+ {
+ known_stem_values->edge_detection = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ {
+ if ( family &&
+ ( strcasecmp( SNAPPING_NO_BEARING_CORRECTION_Rules[i].family, family ) == 0 ) )
+ {
+ known_stem_values->bearing_correction = TRUE; /* default */
+ if (ppem >= SNAPPING_NO_BEARING_CORRECTION_Rules[i].ppem[0] && ppem <= SNAPPING_NO_BEARING_CORRECTION_Rules[i].ppem[1] )
+ {
+ known_stem_values->bearing_correction = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+#if 0
+ i = 0;
+ {
+ if ( family &&
+ ( strcasecmp( BRIGHTNESS_Rules[i].family, family ) == 0 ) )
+ {
+ known_stem_values->brightness = 0.0;
+ if (ppem == BRIGHTNESS_Rules[i].ppem[0] || BRIGHTNESS_Rules[i].ppem[0] == 0)
+ {
+ known_stem_values->brightness = BRIGHTNESS_Rules[i].ppem[1];
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ {
+ if ( family &&
+ ( strcasecmp( CONTRAST_Rules[i].family, family ) == 0 ) )
+ {
+ known_stem_values->contrast = 0.0;
+ if (ppem == CONTRAST_Rules[i].ppem[0] || CONTRAST_Rules[i].ppem[0] == 0)
+ {
+ known_stem_values->contrast = CONTRAST_Rules[i].ppem[1];
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ for ( i = 0; i <= STEM_SPACING_RULES_SIZE; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( family &&
+ ( strcasecmp( STEM_SPACING_Rules[i].family, family ) == 0 ) )
+ {
+ j = 0;
+ known_stem_values->stem_spacing = 2; /* default */
+ while (j < 4)
+ {
+ if (ppem < STEM_SPACING_Rules[i].ppem[j])
+ {
+ known_stem_values->stem_spacing = j;
+ j = 5;
+ }
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for ( i = 0; i <= STEM_START_RULES_SIZE; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( family &&
+ ( strcasecmp( STEM_START_Rules[i].family, family ) == 0 ) )
+ {
+ j = 0;
+ known_stem_values->stem_start = 1; /* default */
+ while (j < 4)
+ {
+ if (ppem < STEM_START_Rules[i].ppem[j])
+ {
+ known_stem_values->stem_start = j;
+ j = 5;
+ }
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ get_contrast (
+ FT_String* family,
+ int ppem)
+ {
+ FT_Int i;
+ if (verbose) printf("%s ", family);
+ i = 0;
+ {
+ if ( family &&
+ ( strcasecmp( CONTRAST_Rules[i].family, family ) == 0 ) )
+ {
+ if (ppem == CONTRAST_Rules[i].ppem[0] || CONTRAST_Rules[i].ppem[0] == 0)
+ {
+ return CONTRAST_Rules[i].ppem[1];
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ get_brightness (
+ FT_String* family,
+ int ppem)
+ {
+ FT_Int i;
+ if (verbose) printf("%s ", family);
+ i = 0;
+ {
+ if ( family &&
+ ( strcasecmp( BRIGHTNESS_Rules[i].family, family ) == 0 ) )
+ {
+ if (ppem == BRIGHTNESS_Rules[i].ppem[0] || BRIGHTNESS_Rules[i].ppem[0] == 0)
+ {
+ return BRIGHTNESS_Rules[i].ppem[1];
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Stem alignment for bitmaps; A hack with very nice results */
+ /* Ideally this could be implemented on the outline, prior to
+ * rasterization. Possible future enhancement is to use the
+ * warper code to achieve this */
+ static void
+ _lcd_stem_align ( FT_Bitmap* bitmap,
+ FT_Render_Mode mode,
+ FT_GlyphSlot slot,
+ FT_Long* translate_value,
+ float* scale_value,
+ FT_UInt alignment_strength,
+ FT_UInt fitting_strength,
+ float* embolden_value
+ )
+ {
+ FT_UInt width = (FT_UInt)bitmap->width;
+ FT_UInt height = (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows;
+ Stem_Segment* segments;
+ Stem_Segment* leftmost_segment;
+ Stem_Segment* rightmost_segment;
+ Stem_Segment* leftmost_segment_not_extrema;
+ Stem_Segment* rightmost_segment_not_extrema;
+ Stem* stems;
+ Stem* possible_stems;
+ Stem* leftmost_stem;
+ Stem* rightmost_stem;
+ Stem_Data* known_stem_values;
+ Stem_Center* centers;
+ FT_Long leftmost_point = width * 256;
+ FT_Long rightmost_point = 0;
+ FT_Long leftmost_point_not_extrema = width * 256;
+ FT_Long rightmost_point_not_extrema = 0;
+ FT_Long num_segments = 0;
+ FT_Long num_centers = 0;
+ FT_Long stem_centers[width * 256];
+ FT_UInt h;
+ FT_ULong valid_stems = 0, valid_possible_stems = 0;
+ FT_Long center, stem_matches, stem_matches_ledge;
+ FT_Long stem_matches_redge, next_center, last_matching_center;
+ FT_Long last_matching_ledge, last_matching_redge, this_center;
+ FT_Int max_strength;
+ FT_Byte* line = bitmap->buffer;
+ FT_UInt current_value = 0;
+ FT_UInt xx;
+ FT_Long linearHoriAdvance = slot->linearHoriAdvance >> 10;
+ FT_Int m_horiBearingX = slot->metrics.horiBearingX;
+ FT_Int m_horiAdvance = slot->metrics.horiAdvance;
+ FT_Int m_width = slot->metrics.width;
+ FT_Pos one_pixel = 768;
+ FT_Pos one_third_pixel = 256;
+ FT_Int columns_per_pixel = 3;
+ /*FT_Int extra_columns = 6;*/
+ /* on / off flags for testing different features */
+ FT_Bool strategy_translate_using_closest_stem = TRUE;
+ FT_Bool strategy_scale_to_closest_centers = FALSE;
+ FT_Bool strategy_scale_to_closest_centers_up_only = FALSE;
+ FT_Bool strategy_always_use_distance_ceiling = FALSE;
+ FT_Bool strategy_auto_change_center_offset = TRUE;
+ FT_Bool strategy_use_m_control = FALSE;
+ FT_Bool strategy_correct_out_of_bounds_outlines = FALSE; /*this needs work.. breaks some glyphs like verdana 12 */
+ FT_Bool strategy_also_use_edge_detection_for_stems = FALSE;
+ FT_Bool strategy_use_strengths = TRUE;
+ FT_Bool strategy_synthesize_stems = FALSE;
+ FT_Bool strategy_bearing_correction = TRUE;
+ FT_Bool strategy_use_d_correction = TRUE;
+ FT_Bool strategy_fit_to_width = FALSE;
+ /*FT_Bool strategy_center_glyph = FALSE;*/
+ FT_Bool strategy_use_verdana_12_hack = FALSE; /* not necessary anymore... maybe */
+ FT_Bool has_serifs = FALSE;
+ FT_Bool autohinted = FALSE;
+ const FT_Int MIN_PPEM = 7;
+ /*const FT_Int MAX_PPEM = 100;*/
+ const FT_Int MAX_STEMS = 3;
+ FT_Int ppem = 0;
+ int checked_use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts_env = 0;
+ FT_Bool use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts = FALSE;
+ int cur_width;
+ char *cur_width_env = getenv( "CUR_WIDTH" );
+ if ( cur_width_env != NULL ){
+ sscanf ( cur_width_env, "%d", &cur_width );
+ if (cur_width != 0) autohinted = TRUE;
+ }
+ /* An incoming scale value of 1.1 indicates to do certain things */
+ /*if (*scale_value == 1.1) strategy_use_verdana_12_hack = TRUE;*/
+ /* reset to default */
+ *scale_value = 1.0;
+ if ( checked_use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts_env == 0 )
+ {
+ char *use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts_env = getenv( "INFINALITY_FT_USE_KNOWN_SETTINGS_ON_SELECTED_FONTS" );
+ if ( use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts_env != NULL )
+ {
+ if ( strcasecmp(use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts_env, "default" ) != 0 )
+ {
+ if ( strcasecmp(use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts_env, "true") == 0)
+ use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts = TRUE;
+ else if ( strcasecmp(use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts_env, "1") == 0)
+ use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts = TRUE;
+ else if ( strcasecmp(use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts_env, "on") == 0)
+ use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts = TRUE;
+ else if ( strcasecmp(use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts_env, "yes") == 0)
+ use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ checked_use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts_env = 1;
+ }
+ /* Simply return in odd cases where these don't seem to be set */
+ /* Flash and some pdf viewers will crash otherwise */
+ if ( !slot->face || !slot->face->size || !slot->face->size->metrics.x_ppem )
+ return;
+ if ( slot->face->size->metrics.x_ppem > MAX_PPEM ) return;
+ /*if ( width < 4 ) return;*/
+ if ( slot->face->size->metrics.x_ppem < MIN_PPEM ) return;
+ if ( !FT_IS_SCALABLE( slot->face ) ) return;
+ ppem = slot->face->size->metrics.x_ppem;
+ /* only perform alignment on styles we know, that aren't bold or italic */
+ /* perhaps detection could be added on those that are not set? */
+ /* Require certain ppems for narrow and light fonts */
+ if( slot->face->style_name )
+ {
+ if ( strcasestr(slot->face->style_name, "Italic")
+ || strcasestr(slot->face->style_name, "Oblique")
+ || strcasestr(slot->face->style_name, "Script")
+ || strcasestr(slot->face->style_name, "Handwriting")
+ || strcasestr(slot->face->style_name, "Bold")
+ || strcasestr(slot->face->style_name, "Black")
+ || ( ( strcasestr(slot->face->style_name, "Extra Thin")
+ || strcasestr(slot->face->style_name, "Extra Light") )
+ && ppem < 10 )
+ || ( strcasestr(slot->face->style_name, "Thin")
+ && ppem < 10 )
+ || ( strcasestr(slot->face->style_name, "Light")
+ && ppem < 10 )
+ || ( strcasestr(slot->face->style_name, "Narrow")
+ && ppem < 15 )
+ || ( strcasestr(slot->face->style_name, "Condensed")
+ && ppem < 20 ) )
+ return;
+ }
+ if( slot->face->family_name )
+ {
+ if ( strcasestr(slot->face->family_name, "Italic")
+ || strcasestr(slot->face->family_name, "Oblique")
+ || strcasestr(slot->face->family_name, "Script")
+ || strcasestr(slot->face->family_name, "Handwriting")
+ || strcasestr(slot->face->family_name, "Bold")
+ || strcasestr(slot->face->family_name, "Black")
+ || ( ( strcasestr(slot->face->family_name, "Extra Thin")
+ || strcasestr(slot->face->family_name, "Extra Light") )
+ && ppem < 10 )
+ || ( strcasestr(slot->face->family_name, "Thin")
+ && ppem < 10 )
+ || ( strcasestr(slot->face->family_name, "Light")
+ && ppem < 10 )
+ || ( strcasestr(slot->face->family_name, "Narrow")
+ && ppem < 15 )
+ || ( strcasestr(slot->face->family_name, "Condensed")
+ && ppem < 20 ) )
+ return;
+ }
+ else if ( slot->face->style_flags )
+ {
+ if ( slot->face->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC
+ || slot->face->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD
+ || FT_IS_TRICKY( slot->face ) )
+ return;
+ }
+ else return;
+ if( slot->face->family_name )
+ {
+ if ( strcasestr(slot->face->family_name, "Courier")
+ || strcasestr(slot->face->family_name, "Serif")
+ || strcasestr(slot->face->family_name, "Times"))
+ has_serifs = TRUE;
+ }
+ if ( mode != FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD )
+ {
+ columns_per_pixel = 1;
+ one_pixel = 256;
+ one_third_pixel = 85;
+ /*extra_columns = 0;*/
+ /* until this can be figured out just return */
+ /* There are issues with missing glyphs */
+ return;
+ }
+ known_stem_values = (Stem_Data*) malloc (columns_per_pixel * sizeof(Stem_Data)); /* only look at top 3 for now */
+ known_stem_values->stem_spacing = -1;
+ known_stem_values->stem_width = -1;
+ known_stem_values->stem_start = -1;
+ known_stem_values->stem_scaling = -1;
+ known_stem_values->stem_translating_only = -1024;
+ known_stem_values->stem_translating = 0;
+ known_stem_values->brightness = 0;
+ known_stem_values->contrast = 0;
+ known_stem_values->use_100 = FALSE;
+ known_stem_values->m = -1;
+ known_stem_values->synth_stems = FALSE;
+ known_stem_values->bearing_correction = TRUE;
+ if (use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts)
+ {
+ sa_fill_known_stem_values ( slot->face->family_name,
+ ppem, slot->face->style_name,
+ valid_stems, known_stem_values );
+ if (verbose)
+ printf ("width:%d,spacing:%d,start:%d,scaling:%d,translate:%d ",
+ known_stem_values->stem_width, known_stem_values->stem_spacing,
+ known_stem_values->stem_start, known_stem_values->stem_scaling,
+ known_stem_values->stem_translating_only) ;
+ }
+ /* translate value may be set for < 10 */
+ if (use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts && known_stem_values->stem_translating_only > -1024 )
+ {
+ *translate_value = known_stem_values->stem_translating_only;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts && known_stem_values->bearing_correction == FALSE )
+ {
+ strategy_bearing_correction = FALSE;
+ }
+ if ( known_stem_values->use_100 || known_stem_values->m >= 0)
+ {
+ alignment_strength = fitting_strength = 100;
+ strategy_use_m_control = TRUE;
+ }
+ if ( known_stem_values->edge_detection )
+ {
+ strategy_also_use_edge_detection_for_stems = TRUE;
+ }
+ if ( ppem < 9 ) return;
+ if ( ppem > 20 ) strategy_use_m_control = TRUE;
+ /* Allocate */
+ segments = (Stem_Segment*) malloc( (1) * sizeof (Stem_Segment));
+ leftmost_segment = (Stem_Segment*) malloc( sizeof (Stem_Segment));
+ leftmost_segment_not_extrema = (Stem_Segment*) malloc( sizeof (Stem_Segment));
+ rightmost_segment = (Stem_Segment*) malloc( sizeof (Stem_Segment));
+ rightmost_segment_not_extrema = (Stem_Segment*) malloc( sizeof (Stem_Segment));
+ stems = (Stem*) malloc (MAX_STEMS * sizeof(Stem));
+ possible_stems = (Stem*) malloc (MAX_STEMS * sizeof(Stem));
+ leftmost_stem = (Stem*) malloc ( sizeof(Stem));
+ rightmost_stem = (Stem*) malloc ( sizeof(Stem));
+ centers = (Stem_Center*) malloc ( (1) * sizeof(Stem_Center));
+ if (verbose) printf("\n");
+ /* Initialize */
+ for ( xx = 0; xx < width * 256; xx += 1 )
+ {
+ stem_centers[xx] = 0;
+ }
+ for ( xx = 0; xx < num_segments; xx += 1 )
+ {
+ segments[xx].x1 = 0;
+ segments[xx].x2 = 0;
+ segments[xx].y = 0;
+ }
+ rightmost_segment->x1 = 0;
+ rightmost_segment->x2 = 0;
+ rightmost_segment->y = 0;
+ leftmost_segment->x1 = 99999999;
+ leftmost_segment->x2 = 0;
+ leftmost_segment->y = 0;
+ rightmost_segment_not_extrema->x1 = 0;
+ rightmost_segment_not_extrema->x2 = 0;
+ rightmost_segment_not_extrema->y = 0;
+ leftmost_segment_not_extrema->x1 = 99999999;
+ leftmost_segment_not_extrema->x2 = 0;
+ leftmost_segment_not_extrema->y = 0;
+ /* Locate stem centers for later processing */
+ for ( h = (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows; h > 0; h--, line += bitmap->pitch )
+ {
+ current_value = 0;
+ /* Calculate various sums and stem widths of glyph */
+ for ( xx = 0; xx < width; xx += 1 )
+ {
+ /* Reallocate */
+ segments = (Stem_Segment*) realloc( segments, (num_segments + 1) * sizeof (Stem_Segment));
+ /* if line is white, and now has color, it's the start of a stem */
+ if (current_value == 0 && line[xx] > 0)
+ {
+ /* start of stem */
+ segments[num_segments].x1 = 256 * (xx) + (255 - line[xx]);
+ segments[num_segments].y = h;
+ }
+ /* otherwise, if it's currently black and the new value is 0, it's the end of a stem */
+ else if ( ( current_value > 0 && line[xx] == 0 )
+ || ( current_value > 0 && xx == width - 1 ) )
+ {
+ FT_Long stem_center_x/*, stem_width*/;
+ segments[num_segments].x2 = 256 * (xx-1) + line[xx-1];
+ if (xx == width - 1) segments[num_segments].x2 += line[xx];
+ /*stem center is average of start and end of stem */
+ stem_center_x = (segments[num_segments].x2 + segments[num_segments].x1) / 2;
+ /*stem_width = segments[num_segments].x2 - segments[num_segments].x1;*/
+ /* Reallocate */
+ centers = (Stem_Center*) realloc ( centers, (num_centers + 1) * sizeof(Stem_Center));
+ centers[num_centers].x = stem_center_x;
+ centers[num_centers].y = h;
+ centers[num_centers].x1 = segments[num_segments].x1;
+ centers[num_centers].x2 = segments[num_segments].x2;
+ num_centers++;
+ stem_centers[stem_center_x] += 1;
+ /* Find left and rightmost points for later calculations */
+ /* OR - Favor ones that aren't on the top or bottom if possible to prevent v and w from getting caught later */
+ if ( segments[num_segments].x1 < leftmost_segment->x1
+ || ( segments[num_segments].y > 1 && segments[num_segments].y < height
+ && segments[num_segments].x1 == leftmost_segment->x1 ) )
+ {
+ leftmost_segment->x1 = segments[num_segments].x1;
+ leftmost_segment->x2 = segments[num_segments].x2;
+ leftmost_segment->y = h;
+ }
+ if (segments[num_segments].x2 > rightmost_segment->x2
+ || ( segments[num_segments].y > 1 && segments[num_segments].y < height
+ && segments[num_segments].x1 == rightmost_segment->x1 ) )
+ {
+ rightmost_segment->x1 = segments[num_segments].x1;
+ rightmost_segment->x2 = segments[num_segments].x2;
+ rightmost_segment->y = h;
+ }
+ if (segments[num_segments].x1 < leftmost_segment_not_extrema->x1
+ || ( segments[num_segments].y > 1 && segments[num_segments].y < height
+ && segments[num_segments].x1 == leftmost_segment_not_extrema->x1
+ && h < (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows && h > 0 ) )
+ {
+ leftmost_segment_not_extrema->x1 = segments[num_segments].x1;
+ leftmost_segment_not_extrema->x2 = segments[num_segments].x2;
+ leftmost_segment_not_extrema->y = h;
+ }
+ if (segments[num_segments].x2 > rightmost_segment_not_extrema->x2
+ || ( segments[num_segments].y > 1 && segments[num_segments].y < height
+ && segments[num_segments].x1 == rightmost_segment_not_extrema->x1
+ && h < (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows && h > 0 ) )
+ {
+ rightmost_segment_not_extrema->x1 = segments[num_segments].x1;
+ rightmost_segment_not_extrema->x2 = segments[num_segments].x2;
+ rightmost_segment_not_extrema->y = h;
+ }
+ if (segments[num_segments].x1 < leftmost_point)
+ {
+ leftmost_point = segments[num_segments].x1;
+ }
+ if (segments[num_segments].x2 > rightmost_point)
+ {
+ rightmost_point = segments[num_segments].x2;
+ }
+ if (segments[num_segments].x1 < leftmost_point_not_extrema
+ && h < (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows && h > 0)
+ {
+ leftmost_point_not_extrema = segments[num_segments].x1;
+ }
+ if (segments[num_segments].x2 > rightmost_point_not_extrema
+ && h < (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows && h > 0)
+ {
+ rightmost_point_not_extrema = segments[num_segments].x2;
+ }
+ num_segments++;
+ }
+ /* else - other conditions - need some error checking here */
+ current_value = line[xx];
+ }
+ }
+ /* initialize */
+ for ( xx = 0; xx < MAX_STEMS; xx +=1 )
+ {
+ stems[xx].center = 0;
+ stems[xx].count = 0;
+ stems[xx].width = 0;
+ stems[xx].height = 0;
+ possible_stems[xx].center = 0;
+ possible_stems[xx].count = 0;
+ possible_stems[xx].width = 0;
+ possible_stems[xx].height = 0;
+ }
+ valid_stems = 0;
+ valid_possible_stems = 0;
+ /* Determine which centers belong to stems */
+ center = 0;
+ while ( center < num_centers )
+ {
+ /* slope at within which to consider a point part of a stem */
+ /*const FT_UInt slope = 1;
+ const FT_UInt topslope = (256 * 3) / 10; */
+ FT_Int deviation1 = 5; /* 10 to 20 wiith 4 matches seems good, but 1 or 2 with 3 stems needs to somehow get included */
+ FT_Int deviation2=-1, requirement1 = 4, stem_match_requirement = 3;
+ FT_Int best_height = 0, center_difference_in_height;
+ FT_Int center_difference_in_width, valid_center_average;
+ FT_Int smallest_width_ledge, smallest_width_redge;
+ FT_Int x1_difference_in_width, x2_difference_in_width;
+ FT_Bool large_gap_found = FALSE, no_gap_found = FALSE;
+ FT_Bool large_gap_found_ledge = FALSE, no_gap_found_ledge = FALSE;
+ FT_Bool large_gap_found_redge = FALSE, no_gap_found_redge = FALSE;
+ FT_Bool stem_detected = FALSE;
+ FT_Int set_width_to, set_center_to;
+ /* seems to not do damage */
+ /* May not be effective */
+ requirement1 = height / 4;
+ if (requirement1 < 5) requirement1 = 5;
+ deviation1 = 20;
+ deviation2 = 20;
+ if (columns_per_pixel == 1)
+ {
+ deviation1 = deviation2 = 10;
+ }
+ if ((FT_Int)bitmap->rows <= 6) deviation1 = 25;
+ if ((FT_Int)bitmap->rows <= 6) deviation2 = 25;
+ if (columns_per_pixel == 1 && (FT_Int)bitmap->rows <= 6)
+ {
+ deviation1 = deviation2 = 12;
+ }
+ /*requirement2 = height / 5;
+ if (requirement2 < 3) requirement2 = 3;
+ deviation2 = 1 ;*/
+ valid_center_average = 0;
+ /* if (deviation2 < 1) deviation2 = 1;*/
+ large_gap_found = large_gap_found_ledge = large_gap_found_redge = FALSE;
+ no_gap_found = no_gap_found_ledge = no_gap_found_redge = FALSE;
+ stem_detected = FALSE;
+ if (ppem < 11)
+ {
+ requirement1 = 4;
+ }
+ if (ppem > 18 )
+ {
+ stem_match_requirement = height / 4;
+ if (stem_match_requirement < 3) stem_match_requirement = 3;
+ }
+ smallest_width_ledge = smallest_width_redge = width * 256;
+ stem_matches = 0;
+ stem_matches_ledge = 0;
+ stem_matches_redge = 0;
+ last_matching_center = -1;
+ last_matching_ledge = -1;
+ last_matching_redge = -1;
+ /* set currently looked at center to center value */
+ this_center = center;
+ next_center = 0;
+ /* For each center, compare with all other centers to see if others match the properties of this one */
+ while ( next_center < num_centers )
+ {
+ /* calculate differences */
+ center_difference_in_width = abs (centers[this_center].x - centers[next_center].x);
+ center_difference_in_height = abs (centers[this_center].y - centers[next_center].y);
+ x1_difference_in_width = abs (centers[this_center].x1 - centers[next_center].x1);
+ x2_difference_in_width = abs (centers[this_center].x2 - centers[next_center].x2);
+ /* property - stem center points that align */
+ /* if the center is within range, the center is less than 1/2 the height away, and at least one edge is also within range */
+ if ( center_difference_in_width < center_difference_in_height * deviation1
+ && center_difference_in_height <= (FT_Int)bitmap->rows / 2
+ /* prevents w from getting caught ---- but also kills m */
+ && (x1_difference_in_width < center_difference_in_height * deviation2
+ || x2_difference_in_width < center_difference_in_height * deviation2 )
+ )
+ {
+ stem_matches += 1;
+ valid_center_average += centers[next_center].x;
+ /* try to find where the matching centers are far apart */
+ if (last_matching_center >= 0
+ && abs(centers[last_matching_center].y - centers[next_center].y) >= (FT_Int)bitmap->rows / 2)
+ large_gap_found = TRUE;
+ /* try to find where matching centers are next to each other */
+ if (last_matching_center >= 0
+ && abs(centers[last_matching_center].y - centers[next_center].y) == 1)
+ no_gap_found = TRUE;
+ last_matching_center = next_center;
+ }
+ if (strategy_also_use_edge_detection_for_stems){
+ /* property - stem left edge points that align */
+ /* if the center is within range, the center is less than 1/2 the height away */
+ if ( x1_difference_in_width < center_difference_in_height * deviation1
+ && center_difference_in_height <= (FT_Int)bitmap->rows / 2 )
+ {
+ stem_matches_ledge += 1;
+ /* may not need for edges */
+ /*valid_center_average += centers[next_center].x; */
+ if (centers[next_center].x2 - centers[next_center].x1 < smallest_width_ledge )
+ smallest_width_ledge = centers[next_center].x2 - centers[next_center].x1;
+ /* try to find where the matching centers are far apart */
+ if (last_matching_ledge >= 0
+ && abs(centers[last_matching_ledge].y - centers[next_center].y) >= (FT_Int)bitmap->rows / 2)
+ large_gap_found_ledge = TRUE;
+ /* try to find where matching centers are next to each other */
+ if (last_matching_ledge >= 0
+ && abs(centers[last_matching_ledge].y - centers[next_center].y) == 1)
+ no_gap_found_ledge = TRUE;
+ last_matching_ledge = next_center;
+ }
+ }
+ if (strategy_also_use_edge_detection_for_stems){
+ /* property - stem right edge points that align */
+ /* if the center is within range, the center is less than 1/2 the height away */
+ if ( x2_difference_in_width < center_difference_in_height * deviation1
+ && center_difference_in_height <= (FT_Int)bitmap->rows / 2 )
+ {
+ stem_matches_redge += 1;
+ /* may not need for edges */
+ /*valid_center_average += centers[next_center].x; */
+ if (centers[next_center].x2 - centers[next_center].x1 < smallest_width_redge )
+ smallest_width_redge = centers[next_center].x2 - centers[next_center].x1;
+ /* try to find where the matching centers are far apart */
+ if (last_matching_redge >= 0
+ && abs(centers[last_matching_redge].y - centers[next_center].y) >= (FT_Int)bitmap->rows / 2)
+ large_gap_found_redge = TRUE;
+ /* try to find where matching centers are next to each other */
+ if (last_matching_redge >= 0
+ && abs(centers[last_matching_redge].y - centers[next_center].y) == 1)
+ no_gap_found_redge = TRUE;
+ last_matching_redge = next_center;
+ }
+ }
+ next_center++;
+ }
+ if (stem_matches > 0 ) valid_center_average /= stem_matches;
+ best_height = stem_matches;
+ /* new version */
+ if ( ( stem_matches >= stem_match_requirement
+ || ( ( (FT_Int)bitmap->rows <= 6 || ppem < 11)
+ && stem_matches >= 2
+ && abs(valid_center_average - centers[center].x) < deviation1 /2 )
+ /* try to catch tightly aligned stuff where the matching centers are next to each other only */
+ || ( stem_matches == 2
+ && abs(valid_center_average - centers[center].x) <= deviation1 /2
+ && no_gap_found && ppem < 18 ) /* catches things like times 16 u but gets a lot of w's too */
+ /* stem width is less than 1/3 of the bitmap width, or bitmap_width is small */
+ )
+ &&
+ ( centers[center].x2 - centers[center].x1 < (m_horiAdvance * 12) / 2
+ || m_horiAdvance * 12 <= columns_per_pixel * one_pixel ) )
+ {
+ stem_detected = TRUE;
+ set_width_to = centers[center].x2 - centers[center].x1;
+ best_height = stem_matches;
+ set_center_to = centers[center].x;
+ }
+ /* see if edges found anything */
+ if (strategy_also_use_edge_detection_for_stems && !stem_detected)
+ {
+ if ((
+ /* Require no gap for edges */
+ stem_matches_ledge >= stem_match_requirement && no_gap_found_ledge
+ /* stem width is less than 1/3 of the bitmap width, or bitmap_width is small */
+ ) && ( centers[center].x2 - centers[center].x1 < (m_horiAdvance * 12) / 2
+ || m_horiAdvance * 12 <= columns_per_pixel * one_pixel)
+ /* The stem occurs on the left side of glyph only */
+ && centers[center].x < (m_horiAdvance * 12) / 2
+ )
+ {
+ stem_detected = TRUE;
+ set_width_to = smallest_width_ledge;
+ best_height = stem_matches_ledge;
+ set_center_to = centers[center].x1 + set_width_to / 2;
+ stem_matches = stem_matches_ledge;
+ }
+ else if ((
+ /* Require no gap for edges */
+ stem_matches_redge >= stem_match_requirement && no_gap_found_redge
+ /* stem width is less than 1/3 of the bitmap width, or bitmap_width is small */
+ ) && ( centers[center].x2 - centers[center].x1 < (m_horiAdvance * 12) / 2
+ || m_horiAdvance * 12 <= columns_per_pixel * one_pixel)
+ /* The stem occurs on the right side of glyph only */
+ && centers[center].x > (m_horiAdvance * 12) / 2
+ )
+ {
+ stem_detected = TRUE;
+ set_width_to = smallest_width_redge;
+ best_height = stem_matches_redge;
+ set_center_to = centers[center].x2 - set_width_to / 2;
+ stem_matches = stem_matches_redge;
+ }
+ }
+ /*store and/or replace highest occurrences with 3 or more centers */
+ /* because this matched, it will become the top dog regardless */
+ if ( stem_detected )
+ if ( stem_matches > possible_stems[0].height )
+ {
+ /* if this is the first stem just go ahead */
+ if (valid_possible_stems == 0)
+ {
+ valid_possible_stems = 1;
+ possible_stems[0].center = set_center_to;
+ possible_stems[0].count = stem_matches;
+ possible_stems[0].width = set_width_to;
+ possible_stems[0].height = stem_matches;
+ }
+ /* otherwise, if there is already a stem */
+ else if (valid_possible_stems == 1 )
+ {
+ /* if the stem is within the range of existing one, replace existing one */
+ /* if the stem isn't within the range of this one swap it with next one first */
+ if (abs(set_center_to - possible_stems[0].center) >= one_pixel * 2)
+ {
+ swap_stem ( &possible_stems[0], &possible_stems[1] );
+ valid_possible_stems = 2;
+ }
+ possible_stems[0].center = set_center_to;
+ possible_stems[0].count = stem_matches;
+ possible_stems[0].width = set_width_to;
+ possible_stems[0].height = stem_matches;
+ }
+ /* otherwise if there are already 2 stems */
+ else if (valid_possible_stems >= 2 )
+ {
+ /* if the stem is within the range of existing one, replace existing one */
+ if ( abs(set_center_to - possible_stems[0].center) <= one_pixel * 2)
+ {
+ possible_stems[0].center = set_center_to;
+ possible_stems[0].count = stem_matches;
+ possible_stems[0].width = set_width_to;
+ possible_stems[0].height = stem_matches;
+ }
+ /* if the stem isn't within the range of this one */
+ else
+ {
+ /* see if within range of next one and swap if so and proceed overwriting it */
+ if ( abs(set_center_to - possible_stems[1].center) <= one_pixel * 2)
+ {
+ swap_stem ( &possible_stems[0], &possible_stems[1] );
+ }
+ /* otherwise see if in range of third one */
+ else if ( abs(set_center_to - possible_stems[2].center) <= one_pixel * 2)
+ {
+ swap_stem ( &possible_stems[0], &possible_stems[2] );
+ }
+ /* otherwise this is the new top dog, so demote everything */
+ else
+ {
+ swap_stem ( &possible_stems[1], &possible_stems[2] );
+ swap_stem ( &possible_stems[0], &possible_stems[1] );
+ valid_possible_stems += 1;
+ }
+ possible_stems[0].center = set_center_to;
+ possible_stems[0].count = stem_matches;
+ possible_stems[0].width = set_width_to;
+ possible_stems[0].height = stem_matches;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( stem_matches > possible_stems[1].height && set_center_to != 0)
+ {
+ /* make sure it doesn't match the first stem */
+ if ( abs(set_center_to - possible_stems[0].center) >= one_pixel * 2 )
+ {
+ /* if this is the second stem */
+ if (valid_possible_stems == 1) valid_possible_stems = 2;
+ /* otherwise if there is already a stem here */
+ else if (valid_possible_stems >= 2 )
+ {
+ /* if it doesn't match the second stem, proceed to swap out with the third */
+ /* if it does, replace it */
+ if ( abs(set_center_to - possible_stems[1].center) >= one_pixel * 2 )
+ {
+ swap_stem ( &possible_stems[1], &possible_stems[2] );
+ valid_possible_stems +=1;
+ }
+ }
+ possible_stems[1].center = set_center_to;
+ possible_stems[1].count = stem_matches;
+ possible_stems[1].width = set_width_to;
+ possible_stems[1].height = stem_matches;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( stem_matches > possible_stems[2].height && set_center_to != 0)
+ {
+ /* if it doesn't match the first or second one */
+ if ( abs(set_center_to - possible_stems[0].center) >= one_pixel * 2
+ && abs(set_center_to - possible_stems[1].center) >= one_pixel * 2)
+ {
+ if (valid_possible_stems == 2)
+ {
+ valid_possible_stems += 1;
+ }
+ possible_stems[2].center = set_center_to;
+ possible_stems[2].count = stem_matches;
+ possible_stems[2].width = set_width_to;
+ possible_stems[1].height = stem_matches;
+ }
+ }
+ if (valid_possible_stems > 3) valid_possible_stems = 3;
+ center++;
+ }
+ /* promote to stem */
+ if (valid_possible_stems > 0)
+ {
+ stems[0].center = possible_stems[0].center;
+ stems[0].count = possible_stems[0].count;
+ stems[0].width = possible_stems[0].width;
+ stems[0].height = possible_stems[0].height;
+ stems[0].generated = FALSE;
+ valid_stems++;
+ }
+ if (valid_stems == 1 && valid_possible_stems > 1)
+ {
+ stems[1].center = possible_stems[1].center;
+ stems[1].count = possible_stems[1].count;
+ stems[1].width = possible_stems[1].width;
+ stems[1].height = possible_stems[1].height;
+ stems[1].generated = FALSE;
+ valid_stems++;
+ }
+ if (valid_stems == 2 && valid_possible_stems > 2 && possible_stems[2].center != 0 )
+ {
+ stems[2].center = possible_stems[2].center;
+ stems[2].count = possible_stems[2].count;
+ stems[2].width = possible_stems[2].width;
+ stems[2].height = possible_stems[2].height;
+ stems[2].generated = FALSE;
+ valid_stems++;
+ }
+ /* sort stems in x direction */
+ if ( valid_stems == 3)
+ {
+ if (stems[0].center > stems[1].center)
+ swap_stem ( &stems[0], &stems[1] );
+ if (stems[0].center > stems[2].center)
+ swap_stem ( &stems[1], &stems[2] );
+ if (stems[1].center > stems[2].center)
+ swap_stem ( &stems[1], &stems[2] );
+ if (stems[0].center > stems[1].center)
+ swap_stem ( &stems[0], &stems[1] );
+ /* only look at first and last stem for now */
+ swap_stem ( &stems[1], &stems[2] );
+ }
+ if (strategy_use_verdana_12_hack
+ && strcasestr(slot->face->family_name, "Verdana")
+ && ppem == 12
+ && valid_stems == 1
+ && (stems[0].center + m_horiBearingX * 12 - one_pixel < m_horiAdvance * 4
+ ||stems[0].center + m_horiBearingX * 12 - one_pixel > m_horiAdvance * 8) )
+ {
+ if (stems[0].center + m_horiBearingX * 12 - one_pixel < m_horiAdvance * 4)
+ {
+ stems[1].center = rightmost_point - one_pixel / 2;
+ stems[1].width = 1;
+ stems[1].generated = TRUE;
+ valid_stems += 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stems[1].center = leftmost_point + one_pixel / 2;
+ stems[1].width = 1;
+ stems[1].generated = TRUE;
+ valid_stems += 1;
+ }
+ strategy_always_use_distance_ceiling = TRUE;
+ }
+ /* synthesize stems - Works, but needs work */
+ if ( (strategy_synthesize_stems || known_stem_values->synth_stems) && valid_stems == 0 && ppem > 10 )
+ {
+ /* if the leftmost segment's leftmost point is the same as the glyph's leftmost point, and it is of reasonable width, and is not on the top or bottom of the bitmap */
+ if (leftmost_segment_not_extrema->x1 == leftmost_point_not_extrema
+ && abs(leftmost_segment_not_extrema->x2 - leftmost_segment_not_extrema->x1)
+ < (rightmost_point_not_extrema - leftmost_point_not_extrema)/3
+ && leftmost_segment_not_extrema->y
+ < height && leftmost_segment_not_extrema->y > 1 )
+ {
+ stems[valid_stems].center = (leftmost_segment_not_extrema->x2 + leftmost_segment_not_extrema->x1) / 2;
+ stems[valid_stems].width = leftmost_segment_not_extrema->x2 - leftmost_segment_not_extrema->x1;
+ stems[valid_stems].generated = TRUE;
+ valid_stems += 1;
+ }
+ if (rightmost_segment_not_extrema->x2 == rightmost_point_not_extrema
+ && abs(rightmost_segment_not_extrema->x2 - rightmost_segment_not_extrema->x1)
+ < (rightmost_point_not_extrema - leftmost_point_not_extrema)/3
+ && rightmost_segment_not_extrema->y < height && rightmost_segment_not_extrema->y > 1 )
+ {
+ stems[valid_stems].center = (rightmost_segment_not_extrema->x2 + rightmost_segment_not_extrema->x1) / 2;
+ stems[valid_stems].width = rightmost_segment_not_extrema->x2 - rightmost_segment_not_extrema->x1;
+ stems[valid_stems].generated = TRUE;
+ valid_stems += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* sort stems in x direction */
+ if (valid_stems > 1 && stems[0].center > stems[1].center)
+ swap_stem ( &stems[0], &stems[1] );
+ if ( valid_stems == 0 && known_stem_values->stem_translating != 0 )
+ {
+ *translate_value += known_stem_values->stem_translating;
+ if (strategy_use_strengths )
+ {
+ /* consider 1/2 pixel the max when strength is at 100%, unless translate is already greater than that */
+ FT_Int strength_cutoff = 32;
+ if (abs(*translate_value) > strength_cutoff) strength_cutoff = *translate_value;
+ max_strength = (strength_cutoff * alignment_strength) / 100;
+ if (*translate_value < -max_strength) *translate_value = -max_strength;
+ else if (*translate_value > max_strength) *translate_value = max_strength;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ /* Start snapping */
+ {
+ FT_Int center_offset;
+ FT_Int modulus;
+ FT_Int delta, delta2;
+ FT_Long stem_distance = 1, new_distance = 1;
+ FT_Int distance_floor, distance_ceiling;
+ FT_Int translate_value2 = 0;
+ FT_Int main_stem = 0;
+ FT_Int lbearing = m_horiBearingX * 12;
+ FT_Int bitmap_stem_location = stems[0].center;
+ FT_Int advance_stem_location = bitmap_stem_location + lbearing - one_pixel;
+ FT_Int advance_width = m_horiAdvance * 12;
+ FT_Int original_advance_width = 12 * (slot->linearHoriAdvance >> 10);
+ FT_Int glyph_width = rightmost_point - leftmost_point;
+ FT_Int stem_width = stems[0].width;
+ FT_Int advance_leftmost_location = leftmost_point + lbearing - one_pixel;
+ FT_Int advance_rightmost_location = rightmost_point + lbearing - one_pixel;
+#define proposed_transformed_point(point) \
+ point * (float)(new_distance) / (float)(stem_distance) \
+ + *translate_value * 12 - ( stems[main_stem].center * (float)(new_distance) \
+ / (float)(stem_distance) - stems[main_stem].center)
+#define proposed_translated_point(point) point + *translate_value * 12
+ center_offset = one_pixel / 2; /* half pixel */
+ modulus = one_pixel; /* whole pixel */
+ /* Determine center_offset via known values */
+ if (known_stem_values->stem_width >= 0)
+ {
+ if (known_stem_values->stem_width % 2 == 0)
+ {
+ center_offset = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ center_offset = one_pixel / 2;
+ }
+ }
+ /* otherwise do intelligent guessing, if set */
+ else if ( strategy_auto_change_center_offset
+ && ppem >= STEM_WIDTH_2_PPEM
+ && stems[0].width < one_pixel * 1.45)
+ {
+ center_offset = one_pixel / 2;
+ }
+ else if ( strategy_auto_change_center_offset
+ && ppem >= STEM_WIDTH_2_PPEM
+ && stems[0].width >= one_pixel * 1.45
+ && stems[0].width < one_pixel * 2.6)
+ {
+ center_offset = 0;
+ }
+ else if ( strategy_auto_change_center_offset
+ && ppem >= STEM_WIDTH_2_PPEM
+ && stems[0].width >= one_pixel * 2.6
+ && stems[0].width < one_pixel * 3.6)
+ {
+ center_offset = one_pixel / 2;
+ }
+ else if ( strategy_auto_change_center_offset && ppem >= STEM_WIDTH_2_PPEM )
+ center_offset = (one_pixel * ((((int)(stems[0].width + one_pixel / 2)) / one_pixel ) % 2) ) / 2;
+ /* Snap to closest translate and scale values by default */
+ if (valid_stems >= 1)
+ {
+ /* closest snapping point for stem 0 */
+ delta = (stems[0].center + center_offset) % (modulus);
+ if (delta < modulus / 2 ) *translate_value = ( - delta ) / (columns_per_pixel * 4); /* snap left */
+ else *translate_value = (modulus -delta) / (columns_per_pixel * 4); /* snap right */
+ }
+ if (strategy_use_d_correction)
+ {
+ /* if the only stem is in the last 1/3 of glyph width, the advance is
+ * 6 pixels, the ppem 11, and doing so doesn't violate bitmap boundaries,
+ * force it to snap right */
+ if (valid_stems == 1 && advance_stem_location > (advance_width * 2) / 3
+ && advance_width == 6 * one_pixel
+ && rightmost_point + modulus - delta <= ( width - (columns_per_pixel * 2) / 3) * 256
+ && ppem == 11
+ )
+ *translate_value = (modulus -delta) / (columns_per_pixel * 4);
+ }
+ if (strategy_use_strengths )
+ {
+ /* consider 1/2 pixel the max when strength is at 100%, unless translate is already greater than that */
+ FT_Int strength_cutoff = 32;
+ if (abs(*translate_value) > strength_cutoff) strength_cutoff = *translate_value;
+ max_strength = (strength_cutoff * alignment_strength) / 100;
+ if (*translate_value < -max_strength) *translate_value = -max_strength;
+ else if (*translate_value > max_strength) *translate_value = max_strength;
+ }
+ /* If 2 stems is detected, scale distance between in order to land on pixels */
+ if ( valid_stems >= 2)
+ {
+ stem_distance = abs(stems[1].center - stems[0].center);
+ delta = stem_distance % ( modulus );
+ new_distance = stem_distance - delta;
+ distance_floor = stem_distance - delta;
+ distance_ceiling = stem_distance + (modulus - delta);
+ if (delta < modulus / 2 ) new_distance = distance_floor;
+ else new_distance = distance_ceiling;
+ if ( columns_per_pixel == 3 && valid_stems == 3 && strategy_use_m_control && valid_stems == 3
+ && (width - 2 * columns_per_pixel) > 6 * columns_per_pixel
+ && ppem > 8
+ && (advance_stem_location - advance_leftmost_location) < stems[main_stem].width * 2 )
+ {
+ FT_Int mod_factor = 2; /*Possibly use 2 only when compatible widths is on? */
+ if (verbose) printf ("USING M CONTROL ");
+ distance_floor = stem_distance - stem_distance % ( modulus * mod_factor) ;
+ distance_ceiling = distance_floor + modulus * mod_factor;
+ new_distance = distance_ceiling;
+ /* force certain ideal situations */
+ /* these 2 are mostly safe to do */
+ if (distance_ceiling + one_pixel * columns_per_pixel == advance_width
+ && (stem_width < one_pixel * 1.25 ))
+ new_distance = distance_ceiling;
+ else if (stem_distance + one_pixel * 2.6 >= advance_width
+ && (stem_width < one_pixel * 1.25 ))
+ new_distance = distance_ceiling;
+ if (proposed_transformed_point(leftmost_point) < one_third_pixel * 2
+ || proposed_transformed_point(rightmost_point) > (width -2 ) * one_third_pixel)
+ new_distance = distance_floor;
+ /* perhaps check bitmap boundaries instead??? */
+ if (strategy_bearing_correction && new_distance == distance_ceiling)
+ {
+ /* Correct if bearings are made substantially worse (more than 1/3 a pixel beyond advance) */
+ if (proposed_transformed_point(advance_rightmost_location) > advance_width + one_third_pixel
+ && proposed_transformed_point(advance_rightmost_location) > advance_rightmost_location
+ && -proposed_transformed_point(advance_leftmost_location ) < advance_rightmost_location - advance_width
+ )
+ new_distance = distance_floor;
+ }
+ if ( known_stem_values->m >= 0 )
+ {
+ if ( known_stem_values->m == 0 ) new_distance = distance_floor;
+ else new_distance = distance_ceiling;
+ }
+ if ( (rightmost_point - leftmost_point) - ((rightmost_point * *scale_value) - (leftmost_point * *scale_value)) >= one_pixel * 1.5 )
+ {
+ *scale_value = 1.0;
+ *translate_value = 0;
+ goto Exit;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( columns_per_pixel == 1 && valid_stems == 3 && strategy_use_m_control && valid_stems == 3
+ && width >= 6 * columns_per_pixel
+ && ppem > 8
+ && (advance_stem_location - advance_leftmost_location) < stems[main_stem].width * 2 )
+ {
+ FT_Int mod_factor = 2; /*Possibly use 2 only when compatible widths is on? */
+ if (verbose) printf ("USING M CONTROL ");
+ distance_floor = stem_distance - stem_distance % ( modulus * mod_factor) ;
+ distance_ceiling = distance_floor + modulus * mod_factor;
+ new_distance = distance_ceiling;
+ /* force certain ideal situations */
+ /* these 2 are mostly safe to do */
+ if (distance_ceiling + one_pixel * columns_per_pixel == advance_width
+ && (stem_width < one_pixel * 1.25 )) new_distance = distance_ceiling;
+ else if (stem_distance + one_pixel * 2.6 >= advance_width
+ && (stem_width < one_pixel * 1.25 ))
+ new_distance = distance_ceiling;
+ if (proposed_transformed_point(leftmost_point) < 0
+ || proposed_transformed_point(rightmost_point) > (width) * one_pixel - 2*one_third_pixel)
+ new_distance = distance_floor;
+ /* perhaps check bitmap boundaries instead??? */
+ if (strategy_bearing_correction && new_distance == distance_ceiling)
+ {
+ /* Correct if bearings are made substantially worse (more than 1/3 a pixel beyond advance) */
+ if (proposed_transformed_point(advance_rightmost_location) > advance_width + one_third_pixel
+ && proposed_transformed_point(advance_rightmost_location) > advance_rightmost_location
+ && -proposed_transformed_point(advance_leftmost_location ) < advance_rightmost_location - advance_width
+ )
+ new_distance = distance_floor;
+ }
+ if ( known_stem_values->m >= 0 )
+ {
+ if ( known_stem_values->m == 0 ) new_distance = distance_floor;
+ else new_distance = distance_ceiling;
+ }
+ if ( (rightmost_point - leftmost_point) - ((rightmost_point * *scale_value) - (leftmost_point * *scale_value)) >= one_pixel * 1.5 )
+ {
+ *scale_value = 1.0;
+ *translate_value = 0;
+ goto Exit;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (strategy_fit_to_width)
+ {
+ new_distance = advance_width - 3 * one_pixel;
+ }
+ else if (known_stem_values->stem_scaling >= 0)
+ {
+ if (known_stem_values->stem_scaling > 0) new_distance = distance_ceiling;
+ else new_distance = distance_floor;
+ /* enforce advance width boundaries */
+ if ( proposed_transformed_point(advance_rightmost_location) >= advance_width
+ || proposed_transformed_point(advance_leftmost_location) <= 0
+ ) new_distance = distance_floor;
+ /* enforce literal bitmap boundaries if there is no translate room */
+ if ( ( proposed_transformed_point(rightmost_point) >= width * 256
+ || proposed_transformed_point(leftmost_point ) <= one_pixel )
+ && new_distance + one_pixel * 3 > advance_width )
+ new_distance = distance_floor;
+ }
+ else if (strategy_translate_using_closest_stem)
+ {
+ /* closest snapping point for stem 1 */
+ delta2 = (stems[1].center + center_offset) % (modulus);
+ if (delta2 < modulus / 2 ) translate_value2 = ( - delta2 ) / (columns_per_pixel * 4); /* snap left */
+ else translate_value2 = (modulus -delta2) / (columns_per_pixel * 4); /* snap right */
+ if (abs(translate_value2) < abs(*translate_value))
+ {
+ *translate_value = translate_value2;
+ main_stem = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (strategy_scale_to_closest_centers)
+ {
+ /* closest snapping point for stem 0 */
+ delta = (stems[0].center + center_offset) % (modulus);
+ delta2 = (stems[1].center + center_offset) % (modulus);
+ if (delta < modulus / 2 ) new_distance = delta + stem_distance; /* stretch left */
+ else new_distance = delta - modulus + stem_distance; /* stretch right */
+ if (delta2 < modulus / 2 ) new_distance -= delta2; /* stretch left */
+ else new_distance += modulus - delta2; /* stretch right */
+ }
+ else if (strategy_scale_to_closest_centers_up_only)
+ {
+ FT_Int net_change = 0;
+ /* closest snapping point for stem 0 */
+ delta = (stems[0].center + center_offset) % (modulus);
+ delta2 = (stems[1].center + center_offset) % (modulus);
+ if (delta < modulus / 2 ) net_change = delta; /* stretch left */
+ else net_change = -(modulus - delta); /* stretch right */
+ if (delta2 < modulus / 2 ) net_change -= delta2; /* stretch left */
+ else net_change += modulus - delta2; /* stretch right */
+ if (net_change > 0
+ && proposed_transformed_point(advance_rightmost_location) < advance_width
+ && proposed_transformed_point(advance_leftmost_location) > 0
+ ) new_distance = distance_ceiling;
+ }
+ else if (strategy_always_use_distance_ceiling)
+ {
+ if ( proposed_transformed_point(advance_rightmost_location) < advance_width
+ && proposed_transformed_point(advance_leftmost_location) > 0
+ )
+ new_distance = distance_ceiling;
+ }
+ }
+ if (strategy_use_strengths)
+ {
+ FT_Int strength_cutoff = center_offset;
+ delta2 = new_distance - stem_distance;
+ if (abs(delta2) > strength_cutoff) strength_cutoff = delta2;
+ max_strength = (strength_cutoff * fitting_strength) / 100;
+ if (delta2 < -max_strength ) new_distance = stem_distance - max_strength;
+ else if (delta2 > max_strength) new_distance = stem_distance + max_strength;
+ }
+ *scale_value = (float)(new_distance + 0) / (float)(stem_distance + 0 );
+ *translate_value = *translate_value - ((float)(stems[main_stem].center * (float)new_distance) / (float)stem_distance - stems[main_stem].center) / 12;
+ if (valid_stems == 2) *embolden_value = (64.0 / *scale_value - 64.0);
+ if (valid_stems == 3) *embolden_value = (64.0 / *scale_value - 64.0) / 1.5;
+ }
+ if (verbose) printf ("%lu stems:", valid_stems);
+ if (valid_stems == 1 && verbose)
+ printf ("1 stem: bitmapwidth:%d glyphwidth:%f glyph_width:%f center:%f bearing:%f advance:%f lhadvance:%f stemwidth:%f %d %d",
+ (width - 6) / columns_per_pixel,
+ (float)m_width / 64.0,
+ (float)glyph_width / (float)one_pixel,
+ (float)((float)advance_stem_location) / (float)one_pixel,
+ (float)m_horiBearingX / 64.0,
+ (float)m_horiAdvance / 64.0,
+ (float)linearHoriAdvance / 64.0,
+ (float)stems[0].width / (float)one_pixel,
+ advance_width, original_advance_width
+ );
+ else if (valid_stems >= 2 && verbose)
+ printf ("%lu stems: bitmapwidth:%d center1:%f center2:%f difference:%f bearing:%f advance:%f advstemloc:%f ",
+ valid_stems,
+ (width - 6) / columns_per_pixel,
+ ((float)advance_stem_location) / (float)one_pixel,
+ ((float)advance_stem_location + (float)abs(stems[1].center - stems[0].center)) / (float)one_pixel,
+ ((float)abs(stems[1].center - stems[0].center)) / (float)one_pixel,
+ (float)m_horiBearingX / 64.0,
+ (float)m_horiAdvance / 64.0,
+ (float)advance_stem_location / (float)one_pixel);
+ if (strategy_bearing_correction)
+ {
+ /* Correct if negative bearings are made substantially worse (more than 1/3 a pixel) */
+ if (proposed_transformed_point(advance_rightmost_location) > advance_width
+ && proposed_transformed_point(advance_rightmost_location) > advance_rightmost_location
+ && -proposed_transformed_point(advance_leftmost_location ) < advance_rightmost_location - advance_width
+ && *translate_value > one_third_pixel / (columns_per_pixel * 4) )
+ {
+ *translate_value -=64 ;
+ if (verbose) printf ("TRANSLATING -64 ");
+ }
+ }
+ if ( strategy_use_verdana_12_hack
+ && strcasestr(slot->face->family_name, "Verdana")
+ && ppem == 12
+ && *scale_value == 1.0 && valid_stems == 0
+ && height < 8
+ && advance_rightmost_location * 1.1 < advance_width )
+ *scale_value = 1.1;
+ goto Exit;
+ }
+ Exit:
+#define transformed_point( point ) point * *scale_value + *translate_value * 12
+ if (strategy_correct_out_of_bounds_outlines)
+ {
+ /* Correct if outside bitmap */
+ if (transformed_point(rightmost_point) >= width * 256 - 2 * one_third_pixel
+ && transformed_point(leftmost_point ) > one_pixel + 2 * one_third_pixel )
+ {
+ *translate_value -=64 ;
+ }
+ else if (transformed_point(leftmost_point) <= one_pixel / 2
+ && transformed_point(rightmost_point ) <= width * 256 -(one_pixel + one_pixel / 2) )
+ {
+ *translate_value += 64;
+ }
+ }
+ free(segments);
+ free(leftmost_segment);
+ free(rightmost_segment);
+ free(known_stem_values);
+ free(stems);
+ free(possible_stems);
+ free(leftmost_stem);
+ free(rightmost_stem);
+ free(centers);
+ }
+ /* Gamma correction */
+ static void
+ _ft_lcd_gamma_correction_correction ( FT_Bitmap* bitmap,
+ FT_Render_Mode mode,
+ FT_GlyphSlot slot,
+ float gamma_correction_lt,
+ float gamma_correction_value)
+ {
+ if ( gamma_correction_value != 1.0 )
+ {
+ FT_UInt width = (FT_UInt)bitmap->width;
+ FT_UInt height = (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows;
+ FT_Byte* line = bitmap->buffer;
+ float ppem = (float)slot->face->size->metrics.x_ppem;
+ if ( !slot->face || !slot->face->size ) return;
+ if (ppem >= 5 )
+ for (height = (FT_UInt)bitmap->rows; height > 0; height--, line += bitmap->pitch )
+ {
+ FT_UInt xx;
+ for ( xx = 0; xx < width; xx += 1 )
+ {
+ /*normal*/
+ /*line[xx] = gamma2 ( line[xx], gamma_correction_value );*/
+ /* sloped */
+ /*line[xx] = gamma2 ( line[xx], gamma_correction_value - 5
+ * (1-gamma_correction_value)/(gamma_correction_lt -5)
+ + ((1-gamma_correction_value)/(gamma_correction_lt -5)) * ppem );*/
+ /* 1/3-sloped */
+ line[xx] = gamma2 ( line[xx], gamma_correction_value - 5
+ * ((1-gamma_correction_value)/(3*(gamma_correction_lt -5)))
+ * + ((1-gamma_correction_value)/(3*(gamma_correction_lt -5))) * ppem );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
/* convert a slot's glyph image into a bitmap */
static FT_Error
@@ -104,19 +2871,406 @@
FT_Error error;
FT_Outline* outline = NULL;
+ FT_Outline* outline_orig = NULL;
FT_BBox cbox;
- FT_Pos width, height, pitch;
+ FT_Pos width=0, height=0, pitch=0, ppem;
FT_Pos height_org, width_org;
- FT_Bitmap* bitmap;
- FT_Memory memory;
+ FT_Bitmap* bitmap = 0;
+ FT_Memory memory = 0;
FT_Int hmul = mode == FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD;
FT_Int vmul = mode == FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD_V;
- FT_Pos x_shift, y_shift, x_left, y_top;
+ FT_Pos x_shift = 0, y_shift = 0, x_left = 0, y_top = 0;
FT_Raster_Params params;
+ FT_Matrix scaleMat;
+ FT_Long translate_value = 0;
+ float scale_value = 1.0;
+ FT_Int align_called = 0;
+ int chromeos_style_sharpening_strength = 0;
+ int checked_chromeos_style_sharpening_strength = 0;
+ int alignment_strength = 0;
+ int fitting_strength = 0;
+ FT_UInt checked_alignment_strength = 0;
+ FT_UInt checked_fitting_strength = 0;
+ FT_UInt checked_fringe_filter_strength = 0;
+ int fringe_filter_strength = 0;
+ FT_UInt checked_grayscale_filter_strength = 0;
+ int grayscale_filter_strength = 0;
+ FT_UInt checked_autohint_horizontal_stem_darken_strength = 0;
+ int autohint_horizontal_stem_darken_strength = 0;
+ FT_UInt checked_autohint_vertical_stem_darken_strength = 0;
+ int autohint_vertical_stem_darken_strength = 0;
+ int windows_style_sharpening_strength = 0;
+ FT_UInt checked_windows_style_sharpening_strength = 0;
+ float gamma_correction_value = 1;
+ float gamma_correction_lt = 0;
+ FT_UInt checked_gamma_correction_value = 0;
+ FT_Int brightness_value = 0.0;
+ FT_UInt checked_brightness_value = 0;
+ FT_Int contrast_value = 0.0;
+ FT_UInt checked_contrast_value = 0;
+ FT_Int snapping_sliding_scale_value = 0;
+ FT_UInt checked_snapping_sliding_scale_value = 0;
+ FT_Int global_embolden_x_value = 0;
+ FT_UInt checked_global_embolden_x_value = 0;
+ FT_Int global_embolden_y_value = 0;
+ FT_UInt checked_global_embolden_y_value = 0;
+ FT_Int bold_embolden_x_value = 0;
+ FT_UInt checked_bold_embolden_x_value = 0;
+ FT_Int bold_embolden_y_value = 0;
+ FT_UInt checked_bold_embolden_y_value = 0;
+ FT_Byte chromeos_cutoff;
+ double chromeos_gamma_value;
+ float embolden_value = 0.0;
+ FT_Bool autohinted = FALSE;
+ FT_UInt autohint_minimum_stem_height = 0;
+ FT_UInt checked_autohint_minimum_stem_height = 0;
+ int checked_use_various_tweaks_env = 0;
+ FT_Bool use_various_tweaks = FALSE;
+ int cur_width;
+ char *cur_width_env = getenv( "CUR_WIDTH" );
+ const FT_Int MIN_PPEM = 1;
+ /*const FT_Int MAX_PPEM = 100; */
+ int checked_use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts_env = 0;
+ FT_Bool use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts = FALSE;
+ if ( slot->face && slot->face->size && slot->face->size->metrics.x_ppem )
+ ppem = slot->face->size->metrics.x_ppem;
+ else ppem = 0;
+ if ( cur_width_env != NULL ){
+ sscanf ( cur_width_env, "%d", &cur_width );
+ if (cur_width != 0) autohinted = TRUE;
+ }
+ if ( checked_use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts_env == 0 )
+ {
+ char *use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts_env = getenv( "INFINALITY_FT_USE_KNOWN_SETTINGS_ON_SELECTED_FONTS" );
+ if ( use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts_env != NULL )
+ {
+ if ( strcasecmp(use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts_env, "default" ) != 0 )
+ {
+ if ( strcasecmp(use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts_env, "true") == 0)
+ use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts = TRUE;
+ else if ( strcasecmp(use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts_env, "1") == 0)
+ use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts = TRUE;
+ else if ( strcasecmp(use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts_env, "on") == 0)
+ use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts = TRUE;
+ else if ( strcasecmp(use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts_env, "yes") == 0)
+ use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ checked_use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts_env = 1;
+ }
+ if ( checked_use_various_tweaks_env == 0 )
+ {
+ char *use_various_tweaks_env = getenv( "INFINALITY_FT_USE_VARIOUS_TWEAKS" );
+ if ( use_various_tweaks_env != NULL )
+ {
+ if ( strcasecmp(use_various_tweaks_env, "default" ) != 0 )
+ {
+ if ( strcasecmp(use_various_tweaks_env, "true") == 0)
+ use_various_tweaks = TRUE;
+ else if ( strcasecmp(use_various_tweaks_env, "1") == 0)
+ use_various_tweaks = TRUE;
+ else if ( strcasecmp(use_various_tweaks_env, "on") == 0)
+ use_various_tweaks = TRUE;
+ else if ( strcasecmp(use_various_tweaks_env, "yes") == 0)
+ use_various_tweaks = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ checked_use_various_tweaks_env = 1;
+ }
+ if ( checked_autohint_minimum_stem_height == 0)
+ {
+ char *autohint_minimum_stem_height_env = getenv( "INFINALITY_FT_AUTOHINT_MINIMUM_STEM_WIDTH" );
+ if ( autohint_minimum_stem_height_env != NULL )
+ {
+ sscanf ( autohint_minimum_stem_height_env, "%u", &autohint_minimum_stem_height );
+ if (autohint_minimum_stem_height > 100 ) autohint_minimum_stem_height = 100;
+ else if (autohint_minimum_stem_height < 0 ) autohint_minimum_stem_height = 0;
+ }
+ checked_autohint_minimum_stem_height = 1;
+ }
+ if ( checked_snapping_sliding_scale_value == 0)
+ {
+ char *snapping_sliding_scale_env = getenv ( "INFINALITY_FT_STEM_SNAPPING_SLIDING_SCALE" );
+ if ( snapping_sliding_scale_env != NULL )
+ {
+ sscanf ( snapping_sliding_scale_env, "%d", &snapping_sliding_scale_value );
+ if (snapping_sliding_scale_value > MAX_PPEM ) snapping_sliding_scale_value = 0;
+ else if (snapping_sliding_scale_value < 0 ) snapping_sliding_scale_value = 0;
+ if (snapping_sliding_scale_value < 11 && snapping_sliding_scale_value > 0 ) snapping_sliding_scale_value = 11;
+ }
+ checked_snapping_sliding_scale_value = 1;
+ }
+ if ( checked_alignment_strength == 0)
+ {
+ char *alignment_strength_env = getenv ( "INFINALITY_FT_STEM_ALIGNMENT_STRENGTH" );
+ if ( alignment_strength_env != NULL )
+ {
+ sscanf ( alignment_strength_env, "%d", &alignment_strength );
+ if (alignment_strength > 100 ) alignment_strength = 100;
+ else if (alignment_strength < 0 ) alignment_strength = 0;
+ }
+ if (alignment_strength > 100 ) alignment_strength = 100;
+ checked_alignment_strength = 1;
+ if (snapping_sliding_scale_value != 0)
+ alignment_strength = sliding_scale ( 10, snapping_sliding_scale_value, alignment_strength, 100, ppem);
+ }
+ if ( checked_fitting_strength == 0)
+ {
+ char *fitting_strength_env = getenv( "INFINALITY_FT_STEM_FITTING_STRENGTH" );
+ if ( fitting_strength_env != NULL )
+ {
+ sscanf ( fitting_strength_env, "%d", &fitting_strength );
+ if (fitting_strength > 100 ) fitting_strength = 100;
+ else if (fitting_strength < 0 ) fitting_strength = 0;
+ }
+ if (fitting_strength > 100 ) fitting_strength = 100;
+ checked_fitting_strength = 1;
+ if (snapping_sliding_scale_value != 0)
+ fitting_strength = sliding_scale ( 10, snapping_sliding_scale_value, fitting_strength, 100, ppem);
+ }
+ if ( checked_chromeos_style_sharpening_strength == 0)
+ {
+ char *chromeos_style_sharpening_strength_env = getenv( "INFINALITY_FT_CHROMEOS_STYLE_SHARPENING_STRENGTH" );
+ if ( chromeos_style_sharpening_strength_env != NULL )
+ {
+ sscanf ( chromeos_style_sharpening_strength_env, "%d", &chromeos_style_sharpening_strength );
+ if (chromeos_style_sharpening_strength > 100 )
+ chromeos_style_sharpening_strength = 100;
+ else if (chromeos_style_sharpening_strength < 0 )
+ chromeos_style_sharpening_strength = 0;
+ }
+ if (ppem > 10)
+ chromeos_style_sharpening_strength =
+ (chromeos_style_sharpening_strength * ppem) / 10;
+ if (chromeos_style_sharpening_strength > 100 )
+ chromeos_style_sharpening_strength = 100;
+ checked_chromeos_style_sharpening_strength = 1;
+ }
+ if ( checked_brightness_value == 0)
+ {
+ char *brightness_env = getenv( "INFINALITY_FT_BRIGHTNESS" );
+ if ( brightness_env != NULL )
+ {
+ sscanf ( brightness_env, "%d", &brightness_value );
+ if (brightness_value > 100 )
+ brightness_value = 100;
+ else if (brightness_value < -100 )
+ brightness_value = 0;
+ }
+ checked_brightness_value = 1;
+ }
+ if ( checked_contrast_value == 0)
+ {
+ char *contrast_env = getenv( "INFINALITY_FT_CONTRAST" );
+ if ( contrast_env != NULL )
+ {
+ sscanf ( contrast_env, "%d", &contrast_value );
+ if (contrast_value > 100 )
+ contrast_value = 100;
+ else if (contrast_value < -100 )
+ contrast_value = 100;
+ }
+ checked_contrast_value = 1;
+ }
+ if ( checked_windows_style_sharpening_strength == 0)
+ {
+ char *windows_style_sharpening_strength_env = getenv( "INFINALITY_FT_WINDOWS_STYLE_SHARPENING_STRENGTH" );
+ if ( windows_style_sharpening_strength_env != NULL )
+ {
+ sscanf ( windows_style_sharpening_strength_env, "%d", &windows_style_sharpening_strength );
+ if (windows_style_sharpening_strength > 100 ) windows_style_sharpening_strength = 100;
+ else if (windows_style_sharpening_strength < 0 ) windows_style_sharpening_strength = 0;
+ }
+ /* Decrease the effect slightly in order to have a more linear increase in sharpness */
+ windows_style_sharpening_strength =
+ (( windows_style_sharpening_strength * windows_style_sharpening_strength ) / 100 + windows_style_sharpening_strength) / 2;
+ checked_windows_style_sharpening_strength = 1;
+ }
+ if ( checked_gamma_correction_value == 0 )
+ {
+ char *gamma_correction_value_env = getenv( "INFINALITY_FT_GAMMA_CORRECTION" );
+ if ( gamma_correction_value_env != NULL )
+ {
+ float f1, f2;
+ if ( strcasecmp(gamma_correction_value_env, "default" ) != 0)
+ {
+ sscanf ( gamma_correction_value_env, "%f %f", &f1, &f2 );
+ gamma_correction_lt = f1;
+ gamma_correction_value = f2 / 100.0;
+ }
+ if ( gamma_correction_value < .01 ) gamma_correction_value = 1.0;
+ }
+ checked_gamma_correction_value = 1;
+ }
+ /* set gamma value to 1 if out of range */
+ if ( slot->face && slot->face->size && slot->face->size->metrics.x_ppem )
+ {
+ if ( slot->face->size->metrics.x_ppem >= gamma_correction_lt )
+ {
+ gamma_correction_value = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else gamma_correction_value = 1;
+ if ( checked_fringe_filter_strength == 0)
+ {
+ char *fringe_filter_strength_env = getenv( "INFINALITY_FT_FRINGE_FILTER_STRENGTH" );
+ if ( fringe_filter_strength_env != NULL )
+ {
+ sscanf ( fringe_filter_strength_env, "%d", &fringe_filter_strength );
+ if (fringe_filter_strength > 100 ) fringe_filter_strength = 100;
+ else if (fringe_filter_strength < 0 ) fringe_filter_strength = 0;
+ }
+ checked_fringe_filter_strength = 1;
+ }
+ if ( checked_grayscale_filter_strength == 0)
+ {
+ char *grayscale_filter_strength_env = getenv( "INFINALITY_FT_GRAYSCALE_FILTER_STRENGTH" );
+ if ( grayscale_filter_strength_env != NULL )
+ {
+ sscanf ( grayscale_filter_strength_env, "%d", &grayscale_filter_strength );
+ if (grayscale_filter_strength > 100 ) grayscale_filter_strength = 100;
+ else if (grayscale_filter_strength < 0 ) grayscale_filter_strength = 0;
+ }
+ checked_grayscale_filter_strength = 1;
+ }
+ if ( checked_autohint_horizontal_stem_darken_strength == 0)
+ {
+ char *autohint_horizontal_stem_darken_strength_env = getenv( "INFINALITY_FT_AUTOHINT_HORIZONTAL_STEM_DARKEN_STRENGTH" );
+ if ( autohint_horizontal_stem_darken_strength_env != NULL )
+ {
+ sscanf ( autohint_horizontal_stem_darken_strength_env, "%d", &autohint_horizontal_stem_darken_strength );
+ if (autohint_horizontal_stem_darken_strength > 100 ) autohint_horizontal_stem_darken_strength = 100;
+ else if (autohint_horizontal_stem_darken_strength < 0 ) autohint_horizontal_stem_darken_strength = 0;
+ }
+ checked_autohint_horizontal_stem_darken_strength = 1;
+ }
+ if ( checked_autohint_vertical_stem_darken_strength == 0)
+ {
+ char *autohint_vertical_stem_darken_strength_env = getenv( "INFINALITY_FT_AUTOHINT_VERTICAL_STEM_DARKEN_STRENGTH" );
+ if ( autohint_vertical_stem_darken_strength_env != NULL )
+ {
+ sscanf ( autohint_vertical_stem_darken_strength_env, "%d", &autohint_vertical_stem_darken_strength );
+ if (autohint_vertical_stem_darken_strength > 100 ) autohint_vertical_stem_darken_strength = 100;
+ else if (autohint_horizontal_stem_darken_strength < 0 ) autohint_vertical_stem_darken_strength = 0;
+ }
+ checked_autohint_vertical_stem_darken_strength = 1;
+ }
+ if ( checked_global_embolden_x_value == 0)
+ {
+ char *global_embolden_x_env = getenv ( "INFINALITY_FT_GLOBAL_EMBOLDEN_X_VALUE" );
+ if ( global_embolden_x_env != NULL )
+ {
+ sscanf ( global_embolden_x_env, "%d", &global_embolden_x_value );
+ if (global_embolden_x_value > 128 ) global_embolden_x_value = 128;
+ else if (global_embolden_x_value < -128 ) global_embolden_x_value = -128;
+ }
+ checked_global_embolden_x_value = 1;
+ }
+ if ( checked_global_embolden_y_value == 0)
+ {
+ char *global_embolden_y_env = getenv ( "INFINALITY_FT_GLOBAL_EMBOLDEN_Y_VALUE" );
+ if ( global_embolden_y_env != NULL )
+ {
+ sscanf ( global_embolden_y_env, "%d", &global_embolden_y_value );
+ if (global_embolden_y_value > 128 ) global_embolden_y_value = 128;
+ else if (global_embolden_y_value < -128 ) global_embolden_y_value = -128;
+ }
+ checked_global_embolden_y_value = 1;
+ }
+ if ( checked_bold_embolden_x_value == 0)
+ {
+ char *bold_embolden_x_env = getenv ( "INFINALITY_FT_BOLD_EMBOLDEN_X_VALUE" );
+ if ( bold_embolden_x_env != NULL )
+ {
+ sscanf ( bold_embolden_x_env, "%d", &bold_embolden_x_value );
+ if (bold_embolden_x_value > 128 ) bold_embolden_x_value = 128;
+ else if (bold_embolden_x_value < -128 ) bold_embolden_x_value = -128;
+ }
+ checked_bold_embolden_x_value = 1;
+ }
+ if ( checked_bold_embolden_y_value == 0)
+ {
+ char *bold_embolden_y_env = getenv ( "INFINALITY_FT_BOLD_EMBOLDEN_Y_VALUE" );
+ if ( bold_embolden_y_env != NULL )
+ {
+ sscanf ( bold_embolden_y_env, "%d", &bold_embolden_y_value );
+ if (bold_embolden_y_value > 128 ) bold_embolden_y_value = 128;
+ else if (bold_embolden_y_value < -128 ) bold_embolden_y_value = -128;
+ }
+ checked_bold_embolden_y_value = 1;
+ }
+ if( use_various_tweaks && slot->face && slot->face->style_name )
+ {
+ /* needs to also check for artifical italics */
+ if ( strcasestr(slot->face->style_name, "Italic")
+ || strcasestr(slot->face->style_name, "Oblique") )
+ {
+ windows_style_sharpening_strength = 0;
+ chromeos_style_sharpening_strength = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /*if (fitting_strength == 100) scale_value = 1.1;*/
/* check glyph image format */
if ( slot->format != render->glyph_format )
@@ -129,92 +3283,174 @@
if ( mode != required_mode )
return Smooth_Err_Cannot_Render_Glyph;
- outline = &slot->outline;
+ if (align_called == 1){
- /* translate the outline to the new origin if needed */
- if ( origin )
- FT_Outline_Translate( outline, origin->x, origin->y );
+ scaleMat.xx = FT_FixedFromFloat(scale_value);
+ scaleMat.xy = 0;
+ scaleMat.yx = 0;
+ scaleMat.yy = (1 << 16);
- /* compute the control box, and grid fit it */
- FT_Outline_Get_CBox( outline, &cbox );
+ FT_Outline_Copy(outline_orig, outline);
- cbox.xMin = FT_PIX_FLOOR( cbox.xMin );
- cbox.yMin = FT_PIX_FLOOR( cbox.yMin );
- cbox.xMax = FT_PIX_CEIL( cbox.xMax );
- cbox.yMax = FT_PIX_CEIL( cbox.yMax );
+ if (scale_value != 1.0)
+ FT_Outline_Transform( outline, &scaleMat );
- if ( cbox.xMin < 0 && cbox.xMax > FT_INT_MAX + cbox.xMin )
- {
- FT_ERROR(( "ft_smooth_render_generic: glyph too large:"
- " xMin = %d, xMax = %d\n",
- cbox.xMin >> 6, cbox.xMax >> 6 ));
- return Smooth_Err_Raster_Overflow;
+ FT_Outline_Translate( outline, translate_value+0, 0 );
+ FT_Outline_EmboldenXY( outline, embolden_value, 0 );
- width = ( cbox.xMax - cbox.xMin ) >> 6;
- if ( cbox.yMin < 0 && cbox.yMax > FT_INT_MAX + cbox.yMin )
- FT_ERROR(( "ft_smooth_render_generic: glyph too large:"
- " yMin = %d, yMax = %d\n",
- cbox.yMin >> 6, cbox.yMax >> 6 ));
- return Smooth_Err_Raster_Overflow;
+ outline = &slot->outline;
+ /* Need to get this PRIOR to embolden, otherwise bad things happen */
+ FT_Outline_Get_CBox( outline, &cbox );
+ /* Various hacks that need to be turned into a new rule set */
+ /*if ( !autohinted
+ && use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts
+ && mode == FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD && slot->face->family_name && slot->face->style_name
+ && ( strcasestr(slot->face->family_name, "Courier New" )
+ && ( strcasestr(slot->face->style_name, "Regular" )
+ || strcasestr(slot->face->style_name, "Italic" ) ) ) )
+ FT_Outline_Embolden( outline, 24 );*/
+ if (!autohinted
+ && use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts
+ && mode == FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD && slot->face->family_name && slot->face->style_name
+ && strcasestr(slot->face->family_name, "Times New Roman" )
+ && strcasestr(slot->face->style_name, "Italic" ) )
+ FT_Outline_EmboldenXY( outline, 12, 0 );
+ if ( use_known_settings_on_selected_fonts
+ && autohinted && mode == FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD && slot->face->family_name && slot->face->style_name
+ && strcasestr(slot->face->family_name, "FreeSerif" )
+ && strcasestr(slot->face->style_name, "Italic" ) )
+ FT_Outline_EmboldenXY( outline, 8, 0 );
+ if( global_embolden_x_value != 0 || global_embolden_y_value != 0 )
+ FT_Outline_EmboldenXY( outline, global_embolden_x_value, global_embolden_y_value );
+ if( (bold_embolden_x_value != 0 || bold_embolden_y_value != 0)
+ && (slot->face->style_name
+ && ( strcasestr(slot->face->style_name, "Bold")
+ || strcasestr(slot->face->style_name, "Black") )
+ || ( slot->face->style_flags
+ && slot->face->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD ) ) )
+ FT_Outline_EmboldenXY( outline, bold_embolden_x_value, bold_embolden_y_value );
+ FT_Outline_Copy(outline, outline_orig);
- else
- height = ( cbox.yMax - cbox.yMin ) >> 6;
- bitmap = &slot->bitmap;
- memory = render->root.memory;
+ /* translate the outline to the new origin if needed */
+ if (align_called == 0)
+ {
+ FT_Pos enlarge_cbox = 0;
- width_org = width;
- height_org = height;
+ /* enlarge for grayscale rendering */
+ if ( mode == FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL ) enlarge_cbox = 64;
- /* release old bitmap buffer */
- if ( slot->internal->flags & FT_GLYPH_OWN_BITMAP )
- {
- FT_FREE( bitmap->buffer );
- slot->internal->flags &= ~FT_GLYPH_OWN_BITMAP;
- }
+ if ( origin )
+ FT_Outline_Translate( outline, origin->x, origin->y );
- /* allocate new one */
- pitch = width;
- if ( hmul )
- {
- width = width * 3;
- pitch = FT_PAD_CEIL( width, 4 );
- }
+ /* compute the control box, and grid fit it */
+ /*FT_Outline_Get_CBox( outline, &cbox );*/
- if ( vmul )
- height *= 3;
+ cbox.xMin = FT_PIX_FLOOR( cbox.xMin - enlarge_cbox );
+ cbox.yMin = FT_PIX_FLOOR( cbox.yMin );
+ cbox.xMax = FT_PIX_CEIL( cbox.xMax + enlarge_cbox );
+ cbox.yMax = FT_PIX_CEIL( cbox.yMax );
+ if ( origin )
+ FT_Outline_Translate( outline, origin->x, origin->y );
- x_shift = (FT_Int) cbox.xMin;
- y_shift = (FT_Int) cbox.yMin;
- x_left = (FT_Int)( cbox.xMin >> 6 );
- y_top = (FT_Int)( cbox.yMax >> 6 );
+ /* compute the control box, and grid fit it */
+ FT_Outline_Get_CBox( outline, &cbox );
+ cbox.xMin = FT_PIX_FLOOR( cbox.xMin );
+ cbox.yMin = FT_PIX_FLOOR( cbox.yMin );
+ cbox.xMax = FT_PIX_CEIL( cbox.xMax );
+ cbox.yMax = FT_PIX_CEIL( cbox.yMax );
- if ( slot->library->lcd_filter_func )
- {
- FT_Int extra = slot->library->lcd_extra;
+ if ( cbox.xMin < 0 && cbox.xMax > FT_INT_MAX + cbox.xMin )
+ {
+ FT_ERROR(( "ft_smooth_render_generic: glyph too large:"
+ " xMin = %d, xMax = %d\n",
+ cbox.xMin >> 6, cbox.xMax >> 6 ));
+ return Smooth_Err_Raster_Overflow;
+ }
+ else
+ width = (FT_UInt)( ( cbox.xMax - cbox.xMin ) >> 6 );
+ if ( cbox.yMin < 0 && cbox.yMax > FT_INT_MAX + cbox.yMin )
+ {
+ FT_ERROR(( "ft_smooth_render_generic: glyph too large:"
+ " yMin = %d, yMax = %d\n",
+ cbox.yMin >> 6, cbox.yMax >> 6 ));
+ return Smooth_Err_Raster_Overflow;
+ }
+ else
+ height = (FT_UInt)( ( cbox.yMax - cbox.yMin ) >> 6 );
+ bitmap = &slot->bitmap;
+ memory = render->root.memory;
+ width_org = width;
+ height_org = height;
+ /* release old bitmap buffer */
+ if ( slot->internal->flags & FT_GLYPH_OWN_BITMAP )
+ {
+ FT_FREE( bitmap->buffer );
+ slot->internal->flags &= ~FT_GLYPH_OWN_BITMAP;
+ }
+ /* allocate new one */
+ pitch = width;
if ( hmul )
- x_shift -= 64 * ( extra >> 1 );
- width += 3 * extra;
- pitch = FT_PAD_CEIL( width, 4 );
- x_left -= extra >> 1;
+ width = width * 3;
+ pitch = FT_PAD_CEIL( width, 4 );
if ( vmul )
+ height *= 3;
+ x_shift = (FT_Int) cbox.xMin;
+ y_shift = (FT_Int) cbox.yMin;
+ x_left = (FT_Int)( cbox.xMin >> 6 );
+ y_top = (FT_Int)( cbox.yMax >> 6 );
+ if ( slot->library->lcd_filter_func )
- y_shift -= 64 * ( extra >> 1 );
- height += 3 * extra;
- y_top += extra >> 1;
+ FT_Int extra = slot->library->lcd_extra;
+ if ( hmul )
+ {
+ x_shift -= 64 * ( extra >> 1 );
+ width += 3 * extra;
+ pitch = FT_PAD_CEIL( width, 4 );
+ x_left -= extra >> 1;
+ }
+ if ( vmul )
+ {
+ y_shift -= 64 * ( extra >> 1 );
+ height += 3 * extra;
+ y_top += extra >> 1;
+ }
@@ -239,6 +3475,9 @@
bitmap->pitch = pitch;
/* translate outline to render it into the bitmap */
+ if (align_called == 0)
FT_Outline_Translate( outline, -x_shift, -y_shift );
if ( FT_ALLOC( bitmap->buffer, (FT_ULong)pitch * height ) )
@@ -288,9 +3527,107 @@
vec->y /= 3;
+ if ( ppem <= MAX_PPEM && ppem >= MIN_PPEM )
+ {
+ if ( align_called == 0 && (alignment_strength > 0 || fitting_strength > 0))
+ _lcd_stem_align ( bitmap, mode, slot, &translate_value, &scale_value,
+ alignment_strength, fitting_strength, &embolden_value );
+ if ((translate_value != 0 || scale_value != 1.0) && align_called == 0)
+ {
+ align_called = 1;
+ goto RERENDER;
+ }
+ if ( mode == FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD )
+ {
+ if (fringe_filter_strength > 0 /*&& autohinted*/)
+ _ft_lcd_fringe_filter( bitmap, mode, fringe_filter_strength, slot->library );
+ /*if (autohinted)
+ _ft_lcd_stem_end_filter( bitmap, mode, 100, slot->library );*/
+ if ( gamma_correction_lt > 0 && gamma_correction_value != 1.0 )
+ _ft_lcd_gamma_correction_correction( bitmap, mode, slot, gamma_correction_lt, gamma_correction_value );
+ chromeos_cutoff = (FT_Byte)(0.5 * 255.0) * (chromeos_style_sharpening_strength / 100.0);
+ chromeos_gamma_value = 1;
+ if (chromeos_style_sharpening_strength > 0)
+ _ft_lcd_chromeos_sharpen( bitmap, mode, chromeos_cutoff, chromeos_gamma_value );
+ if (ppem > 8)
+ if (windows_style_sharpening_strength > 0)
+ _ft_lcd_windows_sharpen( bitmap, mode, windows_style_sharpening_strength, slot->library );
+ if (autohinted && (cur_width * 100) / 64 > autohint_horizontal_stem_darken_strength
+ && autohint_horizontal_stem_darken_strength != 0)
+ autohint_horizontal_stem_darken_strength = (cur_width * 100) / 64;
+ if (autohint_horizontal_stem_darken_strength > 100)
+ autohint_horizontal_stem_darken_strength = 100;
+ /* only do on autohinted fonts */
+ /* Necessary to do on some non-thin fonts, which is why it is outside */
+ /* of the below conditional */
+ if (autohint_horizontal_stem_darken_strength > 0 && autohinted )
+ _ft_lcd_darken_x ( bitmap, mode, autohint_horizontal_stem_darken_strength, slot->library );
+ /* Enhance thin fonts */
+ if (autohinted)
+ {
+ /* if forcibly set use that, otherwise make a good estimate */
+ if ( !_ft_bitmap_bc ( bitmap, (float)get_brightness(slot->face->family_name, ppem) / 300.0,
+ (float)get_contrast(slot->face->family_name, ppem) / 300.0))
+ {
+ FT_Bool is_fixed_name = FALSE;
+ if ( slot->face->family_name
+ && strcasestr(slot->face->family_name, "Mono") )
+ is_fixed_name = TRUE;
+ /* Darken vertical stems */
+ _ft_lcd_darken_y ( bitmap, mode, autohint_vertical_stem_darken_strength, slot->library);
+ /* Adjust brightness and contrast automatically based on stem width */
+ if (cur_width != 0 && cur_width < 30 ) cur_width = 30;
+ if (cur_width >= 30 && cur_width <= 60 )
+ {
+ float ppem_factor = sliding_scale ( 5, 11, 0.0, 1.0, ppem);
+ float brightness_factor = sliding_scale ( 30, 52, -.3, 0.0, cur_width);
+ float contrast_factor = sliding_scale ( 30, 52, .45, 0.0, cur_width);
+ _ft_bitmap_bc ( bitmap, ppem_factor * brightness_factor, ppem_factor * contrast_factor);
+ /* Only cap variable width thin-stemmed fonts */
+ if (!FT_IS_FIXED_WIDTH( slot->face ) && !is_fixed_name)
+ _ft_bitmap_cap ( bitmap, (cur_width * 150) / 64, slot->library );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( slot->library->lcd_filter_func )
+ slot->library->lcd_filter_func( bitmap, mode, slot->library );
+ if (grayscale_filter_strength > 0)
+ _ft_lcd_grayscale_filter( bitmap, mode, grayscale_filter_strength, slot->library );
+ }
+ /* Global values */
+ if (brightness_value != 0 || contrast_value != 0)
+ _ft_bitmap_bc ( bitmap, (float)brightness_value / 300.0, (float)contrast_value / 300.0);
+ FT_Outline_Done( slot->library, outline_orig );
+ }
+ else if ( mode == FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD && slot->library->lcd_filter_func )
+ slot->library->lcd_filter_func( bitmap, mode, slot->library );
if ( slot->library->lcd_filter_func )
slot->library->lcd_filter_func( bitmap, mode, slot->library );
/* render outline into bitmap */