path: root/identity/aidl/default
diff options
authorDavid Zeuthen <>2020-02-11 22:04:24 -0500
committerDavid Zeuthen <>2020-02-14 13:48:55 -0500
commit81603155a9582941cf558e840ffff0c90edaf330 (patch)
tree8951666994a7169ddc89e4a4c2a81207db974d89 /identity/aidl/default
parent25c2de29b9d41c6e1e2c12ba18cb0680023b9092 (diff)
Port IdentityCredential HAL to AIDL.
This includes add a partial types-only HAL for KeyMaster for HardwareAuthToken. Bug: 111446262 Test: atest Test: VtsHalIdentityTargetTest Test: android.hardware.identity-support-lib-test Change-Id: I7a6254d33200bfd62269aed1957cbb2a84b16272
Diffstat (limited to 'identity/aidl/default')
12 files changed, 1765 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/identity/aidl/default/Android.bp b/identity/aidl/default/Android.bp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2eb0faa034
--- /dev/null
+++ b/identity/aidl/default/Android.bp
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+cc_binary {
+ name: "android.hardware.identity-service.example",
+ relative_install_path: "hw",
+ init_rc: ["identity-default.rc"],
+ vintf_fragments: ["identity-default.xml"],
+ vendor: true,
+ cflags: [
+ "-Wall",
+ "-Wextra",
+ ],
+ shared_libs: [
+ "libbase",
+ "libbinder_ndk",
+ "libcppbor",
+ "libcrypto",
+ "liblog",
+ "libutils",
+ "android.hardware.identity-support-lib",
+ "android.hardware.identity-ndk_platform",
+ "android.hardware.keymaster-ndk_platform",
+ ],
+ srcs: [
+ "IdentityCredential.cpp",
+ "IdentityCredentialStore.cpp",
+ "WritableIdentityCredential.cpp",
+ "Util.cpp",
+ "service.cpp",
+ ],
diff --git a/identity/aidl/default/IdentityCredential.cpp b/identity/aidl/default/IdentityCredential.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5b3a0ffee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/identity/aidl/default/IdentityCredential.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,768 @@
+ * Copyright 2019, The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#define LOG_TAG "IdentityCredential"
+#include "IdentityCredential.h"
+#include "IdentityCredentialStore.h"
+#include "Util.h"
+#include <android/hardware/identity/support/IdentityCredentialSupport.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <android-base/logging.h>
+#include <cppbor.h>
+#include <cppbor_parse.h>
+namespace aidl::android::hardware::identity {
+using ::aidl::android::hardware::keymaster::Timestamp;
+using ::std::optional;
+using namespace ::android::hardware::identity;
+int IdentityCredential::initialize() {
+ auto [item, _, message] = cppbor::parse(credentialData_);
+ if (item == nullptr) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "CredentialData is not valid CBOR: " << message;
+ return IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA;
+ }
+ const cppbor::Array* arrayItem = item->asArray();
+ if (arrayItem == nullptr || arrayItem->size() != 3) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "CredentialData is not an array with three elements";
+ return IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA;
+ }
+ const cppbor::Tstr* docTypeItem = (*arrayItem)[0]->asTstr();
+ const cppbor::Bool* testCredentialItem =
+ ((*arrayItem)[1]->asSimple() != nullptr ? ((*arrayItem)[1]->asSimple()->asBool())
+ : nullptr);
+ const cppbor::Bstr* encryptedCredentialKeysItem = (*arrayItem)[2]->asBstr();
+ if (docTypeItem == nullptr || testCredentialItem == nullptr ||
+ encryptedCredentialKeysItem == nullptr) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "CredentialData unexpected item types";
+ return IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA;
+ }
+ docType_ = docTypeItem->value();
+ testCredential_ = testCredentialItem->value();
+ vector<uint8_t> hardwareBoundKey;
+ if (testCredential_) {
+ hardwareBoundKey = support::getTestHardwareBoundKey();
+ } else {
+ hardwareBoundKey = getHardwareBoundKey();
+ }
+ const vector<uint8_t>& encryptedCredentialKeys = encryptedCredentialKeysItem->value();
+ const vector<uint8_t> docTypeVec(docType_.begin(), docType_.end());
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> decryptedCredentialKeys =
+ support::decryptAes128Gcm(hardwareBoundKey, encryptedCredentialKeys, docTypeVec);
+ if (!decryptedCredentialKeys) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Error decrypting CredentialKeys";
+ return IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA;
+ }
+ auto [dckItem, dckPos, dckMessage] = cppbor::parse(decryptedCredentialKeys.value());
+ if (dckItem == nullptr) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Decrypted CredentialKeys is not valid CBOR: " << dckMessage;
+ return IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA;
+ }
+ const cppbor::Array* dckArrayItem = dckItem->asArray();
+ if (dckArrayItem == nullptr || dckArrayItem->size() != 2) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Decrypted CredentialKeys is not an array with two elements";
+ return IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA;
+ }
+ const cppbor::Bstr* storageKeyItem = (*dckArrayItem)[0]->asBstr();
+ const cppbor::Bstr* credentialPrivKeyItem = (*dckArrayItem)[1]->asBstr();
+ if (storageKeyItem == nullptr || credentialPrivKeyItem == nullptr) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "CredentialKeys unexpected item types";
+ return IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA;
+ }
+ storageKey_ = storageKeyItem->value();
+ credentialPrivKey_ = credentialPrivKeyItem->value();
+ return IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_OK;
+ndk::ScopedAStatus IdentityCredential::deleteCredential(
+ vector<int8_t>* outProofOfDeletionSignature) {
+ cppbor::Array array = {"ProofOfDeletion", docType_, testCredential_};
+ vector<uint8_t> proofOfDeletion = array.encode();
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> signature = support::coseSignEcDsa(credentialPrivKey_,
+ proofOfDeletion, // payload
+ {}, // additionalData
+ {}); // certificateChain
+ if (!signature) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_FAILED, "Error signing data"));
+ }
+ *outProofOfDeletionSignature = byteStringToSigned(signature.value());
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok();
+ndk::ScopedAStatus IdentityCredential::createEphemeralKeyPair(vector<int8_t>* outKeyPair) {
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> kp = support::createEcKeyPair();
+ if (!kp) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_FAILED, "Error creating ephemeral key pair"));
+ }
+ // Stash public key of this key-pair for later check in startRetrieval().
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> publicKey = support::ecKeyPairGetPublicKey(kp.value());
+ if (!publicKey) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_FAILED,
+ "Error getting public part of ephemeral key pair"));
+ }
+ ephemeralPublicKey_ = publicKey.value();
+ *outKeyPair = byteStringToSigned(kp.value());
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok();
+ndk::ScopedAStatus IdentityCredential::setReaderEphemeralPublicKey(
+ const vector<int8_t>& publicKey) {
+ readerPublicKey_ = byteStringToUnsigned(publicKey);
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok();
+ndk::ScopedAStatus IdentityCredential::createAuthChallenge(int64_t* outChallenge) {
+ uint64_t challenge = 0;
+ while (challenge == 0) {
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> bytes = support::getRandom(8);
+ if (!bytes) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_FAILED,
+ "Error getting random data for challenge"));
+ }
+ challenge = 0;
+ for (size_t n = 0; n < bytes.value().size(); n++) {
+ challenge |= ((bytes.value())[n] << (n * 8));
+ }
+ }
+ *outChallenge = challenge;
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok();
+// TODO: this could be a lot faster if we did all the splitting and pubkey extraction
+// ahead of time.
+bool checkReaderAuthentication(const SecureAccessControlProfile& profile,
+ const vector<uint8_t>& readerCertificateChain) {
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> acpPubKey = support::certificateChainGetTopMostKey(
+ byteStringToUnsigned(profile.readerCertificate.encodedCertificate));
+ if (!acpPubKey) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Error extracting public key from readerCertificate in profile";
+ return false;
+ }
+ optional<vector<vector<uint8_t>>> certificatesInChain =
+ support::certificateChainSplit(readerCertificateChain);
+ if (!certificatesInChain) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Error splitting readerCertificateChain";
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (const vector<uint8_t>& certInChain : certificatesInChain.value()) {
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> certPubKey = support::certificateChainGetTopMostKey(certInChain);
+ if (!certPubKey) {
+ << "Error extracting public key from certificate in chain presented by reader";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (acpPubKey.value() == certPubKey.value()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+Timestamp clockGetTime() {
+ struct timespec time;
+ clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &time);
+ Timestamp ts;
+ ts.milliSeconds = time.tv_sec * 1000 + time.tv_nsec / 1000000;
+ return ts;
+bool checkUserAuthentication(const SecureAccessControlProfile& profile,
+ const HardwareAuthToken& authToken, uint64_t authChallenge) {
+ if (profile.secureUserId != authToken.userId) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "secureUserId in profile (" << profile.secureUserId
+ << ") differs from userId in authToken (" << authToken.userId << ")";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (profile.timeoutMillis == 0) {
+ if (authToken.challenge == 0) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "No challenge in authToken";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (authToken.challenge != int64_t(authChallenge)) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Challenge in authToken doesn't match the challenge we created";
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Note that the Epoch for timestamps in HardwareAuthToken is at the
+ // discretion of the vendor:
+ //
+ // "[...] since some starting point (generally the most recent device
+ // boot) which all of the applications within one secure environment
+ // must agree upon."
+ //
+ // Therefore, if this software implementation is used on a device which isn't
+ // the emulator then the assumption that the epoch is the same as used in
+ // clockGetTime above will not hold. This is OK as this software
+ // implementation should never be used on a real device.
+ //
+ Timestamp now = clockGetTime();
+ if (authToken.timestamp.milliSeconds > now.milliSeconds) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Timestamp in authToken (" << authToken.timestamp.milliSeconds
+ << ") is in the future (now: " << now.milliSeconds << ")";
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (now.milliSeconds > authToken.timestamp.milliSeconds + profile.timeoutMillis) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Deadline for authToken (" << authToken.timestamp.milliSeconds << " + "
+ << profile.timeoutMillis << " = "
+ << (authToken.timestamp.milliSeconds + profile.timeoutMillis)
+ << ") is in the past (now: " << now.milliSeconds << ")";
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ndk::ScopedAStatus IdentityCredential::startRetrieval(
+ const vector<SecureAccessControlProfile>& accessControlProfiles,
+ const HardwareAuthToken& authToken, const vector<int8_t>& itemsRequestS,
+ const vector<int8_t>& sessionTranscriptS, const vector<int8_t>& readerSignatureS,
+ const vector<int32_t>& requestCounts) {
+ auto sessionTranscript = byteStringToUnsigned(sessionTranscriptS);
+ auto itemsRequest = byteStringToUnsigned(itemsRequestS);
+ auto readerSignature = byteStringToUnsigned(readerSignatureS);
+ if (sessionTranscript.size() > 0) {
+ auto [item, _, message] = cppbor::parse(sessionTranscript);
+ if (item == nullptr) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA,
+ "SessionTranscript contains invalid CBOR"));
+ }
+ sessionTranscriptItem_ = std::move(item);
+ }
+ if (numStartRetrievalCalls_ > 0) {
+ if (sessionTranscript_ != sessionTranscript) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ "Passed-in SessionTranscript doesn't match previously used SessionTranscript"));
+ }
+ }
+ sessionTranscript_ = sessionTranscript;
+ // If there is a signature, validate that it was made with the top-most key in the
+ // certificate chain embedded in the COSE_Sign1 structure.
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> readerCertificateChain;
+ if (readerSignature.size() > 0) {
+ readerCertificateChain = support::coseSignGetX5Chain(readerSignature);
+ if (!readerCertificateChain) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ "Unable to get reader certificate chain from COSE_Sign1"));
+ }
+ if (!support::certificateChainValidate(readerCertificateChain.value())) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ "Error validating reader certificate chain"));
+ }
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> readerPublicKey =
+ support::certificateChainGetTopMostKey(readerCertificateChain.value());
+ if (!readerPublicKey) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ "Unable to get public key from reader certificate chain"));
+ }
+ const vector<uint8_t>& itemsRequestBytes = itemsRequest;
+ vector<uint8_t> dataThatWasSigned = cppbor::Array()
+ .add("ReaderAuthentication")
+ .add(sessionTranscriptItem_->clone())
+ .add(cppbor::Semantic(24, itemsRequestBytes))
+ .encode();
+ if (!support::coseCheckEcDsaSignature(readerSignature,
+ dataThatWasSigned, // detached content
+ readerPublicKey.value())) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ "readerSignature check failed"));
+ }
+ }
+ // Here's where we would validate the passed-in |authToken| to assure ourselves
+ // that it comes from the e.g. biometric hardware and wasn't made up by an attacker.
+ //
+ // However this involves calculating the MAC. However this requires access
+ // to the key needed to a pre-shared key which we don't have...
+ //
+ // To prevent replay-attacks, we check that the public part of the ephemeral
+ // key we previously created, is present in the DeviceEngagement part of
+ // SessionTranscript as a COSE_Key, in uncompressed form.
+ //
+ // We do this by just searching for the X and Y coordinates.
+ if (sessionTranscript.size() > 0) {
+ const cppbor::Array* array = sessionTranscriptItem_->asArray();
+ if (array == nullptr || array->size() != 2) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ "SessionTranscript is not an array with two items"));
+ }
+ const cppbor::Semantic* taggedEncodedDE = (*array)[0]->asSemantic();
+ if (taggedEncodedDE == nullptr || taggedEncodedDE->value() != 24) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ "First item in SessionTranscript array is not a "
+ "semantic with value 24"));
+ }
+ const cppbor::Bstr* encodedDE = (taggedEncodedDE->child())->asBstr();
+ if (encodedDE == nullptr) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ "Child of semantic in first item in SessionTranscript "
+ "array is not a bstr"));
+ }
+ const vector<uint8_t>& bytesDE = encodedDE->value();
+ auto [getXYSuccess, ePubX, ePubY] = support::ecPublicKeyGetXandY(ephemeralPublicKey_);
+ if (!getXYSuccess) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ "Error extracting X and Y from ePub"));
+ }
+ if (sessionTranscript.size() > 0 &&
+ !(memmem(, bytesDE.size(),, ePubX.size()) != nullptr &&
+ memmem(, bytesDE.size(),, ePubY.size()) != nullptr)) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ "Did not find ephemeral public key's X and Y coordinates in "
+ "SessionTranscript (make sure leading zeroes are not used)"));
+ }
+ }
+ // itemsRequest: If non-empty, contains request data that may be signed by the
+ // reader. The content can be defined in the way appropriate for the
+ // credential, but there are three requirements that must be met to work with
+ // this HAL:
+ if (itemsRequest.size() > 0) {
+ // 1. The content must be a CBOR-encoded structure.
+ auto [item, _, message] = cppbor::parse(itemsRequest);
+ if (item == nullptr) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ "Error decoding CBOR in itemsRequest"));
+ }
+ // 2. The CBOR structure must be a map.
+ const cppbor::Map* map = item->asMap();
+ if (map == nullptr) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ "itemsRequest is not a CBOR map"));
+ }
+ // 3. The map must contain a key "nameSpaces" whose value contains a map, as described in
+ // the example below.
+ //
+ // NameSpaces = {
+ // + NameSpace => DataElements ; Requested data elements for each NameSpace
+ // }
+ //
+ // NameSpace = tstr
+ //
+ // DataElements = {
+ // + DataElement => IntentToRetain
+ // }
+ //
+ // DataElement = tstr
+ // IntentToRetain = bool
+ //
+ // Here's an example of an |itemsRequest| CBOR value satisfying above requirements 1.
+ // through 3.:
+ //
+ // {
+ // 'docType' : 'org.iso.18013-5.2019',
+ // 'nameSpaces' : {
+ // 'org.iso.18013-5.2019' : {
+ // 'Last name' : false,
+ // 'Birth date' : false,
+ // 'First name' : false,
+ // 'Home address' : true
+ // },
+ // 'org.aamva.iso.18013-5.2019' : {
+ // 'Real Id' : false
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ //
+ const cppbor::Map* nsMap = nullptr;
+ for (size_t n = 0; n < map->size(); n++) {
+ const auto& [keyItem, valueItem] = (*map)[n];
+ if (keyItem->type() == cppbor::TSTR && keyItem->asTstr()->value() == "nameSpaces" &&
+ valueItem->type() == cppbor::MAP) {
+ nsMap = valueItem->asMap();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (nsMap == nullptr) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ "No nameSpaces map in top-most map"));
+ }
+ for (size_t n = 0; n < nsMap->size(); n++) {
+ auto [nsKeyItem, nsValueItem] = (*nsMap)[n];
+ const cppbor::Tstr* nsKey = nsKeyItem->asTstr();
+ const cppbor::Map* nsInnerMap = nsValueItem->asMap();
+ if (nsKey == nullptr || nsInnerMap == nullptr) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ "Type mismatch in nameSpaces map"));
+ }
+ string requestedNamespace = nsKey->value();
+ vector<string> requestedKeys;
+ for (size_t m = 0; m < nsInnerMap->size(); m++) {
+ const auto& [innerMapKeyItem, innerMapValueItem] = (*nsInnerMap)[m];
+ const cppbor::Tstr* nameItem = innerMapKeyItem->asTstr();
+ const cppbor::Simple* simple = innerMapValueItem->asSimple();
+ const cppbor::Bool* intentToRetainItem =
+ (simple != nullptr) ? simple->asBool() : nullptr;
+ if (nameItem == nullptr || intentToRetainItem == nullptr) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ "Type mismatch in value in nameSpaces map"));
+ }
+ requestedKeys.push_back(nameItem->value());
+ }
+ requestedNameSpacesAndNames_[requestedNamespace] = requestedKeys;
+ }
+ }
+ // Finally, validate all the access control profiles in the requestData.
+ bool haveAuthToken = (authToken.mac.size() > 0);
+ for (const auto& profile : accessControlProfiles) {
+ if (!secureAccessControlProfileCheckMac(profile, storageKey_)) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA,
+ "Error checking MAC for profile"));
+ }
+ int accessControlCheck = IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_OK;
+ if (profile.userAuthenticationRequired) {
+ if (!haveAuthToken || !checkUserAuthentication(profile, authToken, authChallenge_)) {
+ accessControlCheck = IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_USER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED;
+ }
+ } else if (profile.readerCertificate.encodedCertificate.size() > 0) {
+ if (!readerCertificateChain ||
+ !checkReaderAuthentication(profile, readerCertificateChain.value())) {
+ accessControlCheck = IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_READER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED;
+ }
+ }
+ profileIdToAccessCheckResult_[] = accessControlCheck;
+ }
+ deviceNameSpacesMap_ = cppbor::Map();
+ currentNameSpaceDeviceNameSpacesMap_ = cppbor::Map();
+ requestCountsRemaining_ = requestCounts;
+ currentNameSpace_ = "";
+ itemsRequest_ = itemsRequest;
+ numStartRetrievalCalls_ += 1;
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok();
+ndk::ScopedAStatus IdentityCredential::startRetrieveEntryValue(
+ const string& nameSpace, const string& name, int32_t entrySize,
+ const vector<int32_t>& accessControlProfileIds) {
+ if (name.empty()) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA, "Name cannot be empty"));
+ }
+ if (nameSpace.empty()) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA, "Name space cannot be empty"));
+ }
+ if (requestCountsRemaining_.size() == 0) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA,
+ "No more name spaces left to go through"));
+ }
+ if (currentNameSpace_ == "") {
+ // First call.
+ currentNameSpace_ = nameSpace;
+ }
+ if (nameSpace == currentNameSpace_) {
+ // Same namespace.
+ if (requestCountsRemaining_[0] == 0) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA,
+ "No more entries to be retrieved in current name space"));
+ }
+ requestCountsRemaining_[0] -= 1;
+ } else {
+ // New namespace.
+ if (requestCountsRemaining_[0] != 0) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA,
+ "Moved to new name space but one or more entries need to be retrieved "
+ "in current name space"));
+ }
+ if (currentNameSpaceDeviceNameSpacesMap_.size() > 0) {
+ deviceNameSpacesMap_.add(currentNameSpace_,
+ std::move(currentNameSpaceDeviceNameSpacesMap_));
+ }
+ currentNameSpaceDeviceNameSpacesMap_ = cppbor::Map();
+ requestCountsRemaining_.erase(requestCountsRemaining_.begin());
+ currentNameSpace_ = nameSpace;
+ }
+ // It's permissible to have an empty itemsRequest... but if non-empty you can
+ // only request what was specified in said itemsRequest. Enforce that.
+ if (itemsRequest_.size() > 0) {
+ const auto& it = requestedNameSpacesAndNames_.find(nameSpace);
+ if (it == requestedNameSpacesAndNames_.end()) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_NOT_IN_REQUEST_MESSAGE,
+ "Name space was not requested in startRetrieval"));
+ }
+ const auto& dataItemNames = it->second;
+ if (std::find(dataItemNames.begin(), dataItemNames.end(), name) == dataItemNames.end()) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_NOT_IN_REQUEST_MESSAGE,
+ "Data item name in name space was not requested in startRetrieval"));
+ }
+ }
+ // Enforce access control.
+ //
+ // Access is granted if at least one of the profiles grants access.
+ //
+ // If an item is configured without any profiles, access is denied.
+ //
+ int accessControl = IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_NO_ACCESS_CONTROL_PROFILES;
+ for (auto id : accessControlProfileIds) {
+ auto search = profileIdToAccessCheckResult_.find(id);
+ if (search == profileIdToAccessCheckResult_.end()) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA,
+ "Requested entry with unvalidated profile id"));
+ }
+ int accessControlForProfile = search->second;
+ if (accessControlForProfile == IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_OK) {
+ accessControl = IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_OK;
+ break;
+ }
+ accessControl = accessControlForProfile;
+ }
+ if (accessControl != IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_OK) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ int(accessControl), "Access control check failed"));
+ }
+ entryAdditionalData_ = entryCreateAdditionalData(nameSpace, name, accessControlProfileIds);
+ currentName_ = name;
+ entryRemainingBytes_ = entrySize;
+ entryValue_.resize(0);
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok();
+ndk::ScopedAStatus IdentityCredential::retrieveEntryValue(const vector<int8_t>& encryptedContentS,
+ vector<int8_t>* outContent) {
+ auto encryptedContent = byteStringToUnsigned(encryptedContentS);
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> content =
+ support::decryptAes128Gcm(storageKey_, encryptedContent, entryAdditionalData_);
+ if (!content) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA, "Error decrypting data"));
+ }
+ size_t chunkSize = content.value().size();
+ if (chunkSize > entryRemainingBytes_) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Retrieved chunk of size " << chunkSize
+ << " is bigger than remaining space of size " << entryRemainingBytes_;
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA,
+ "Retrieved chunk is bigger than remaining space"));
+ }
+ entryRemainingBytes_ -= chunkSize;
+ if (entryRemainingBytes_ > 0) {
+ if (chunkSize != IdentityCredentialStore::kGcmChunkSize) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA,
+ "Retrieved non-final chunk of size which isn't kGcmChunkSize"));
+ }
+ }
+ entryValue_.insert(entryValue_.end(), content.value().begin(), content.value().end());
+ if (entryRemainingBytes_ == 0) {
+ auto [entryValueItem, _, message] = cppbor::parse(entryValue_);
+ if (entryValueItem == nullptr) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA,
+ "Retrieved data which is invalid CBOR"));
+ }
+ currentNameSpaceDeviceNameSpacesMap_.add(currentName_, std::move(entryValueItem));
+ }
+ *outContent = byteStringToSigned(content.value());
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok();
+ndk::ScopedAStatus IdentityCredential::finishRetrieval(const vector<int8_t>& signingKeyBlobS,
+ vector<int8_t>* outMac,
+ vector<int8_t>* outDeviceNameSpaces) {
+ auto signingKeyBlob = byteStringToUnsigned(signingKeyBlobS);
+ if (currentNameSpaceDeviceNameSpacesMap_.size() > 0) {
+ deviceNameSpacesMap_.add(currentNameSpace_,
+ std::move(currentNameSpaceDeviceNameSpacesMap_));
+ }
+ vector<uint8_t> encodedDeviceNameSpaces = deviceNameSpacesMap_.encode();
+ // If there's no signing key or no sessionTranscript or no reader ephemeral
+ // public key, we return the empty MAC.
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> mac;
+ if (signingKeyBlob.size() > 0 && sessionTranscript_.size() > 0 && readerPublicKey_.size() > 0) {
+ cppbor::Array array;
+ array.add("DeviceAuthentication");
+ array.add(sessionTranscriptItem_->clone());
+ array.add(docType_);
+ array.add(cppbor::Semantic(24, encodedDeviceNameSpaces));
+ vector<uint8_t> encodedDeviceAuthentication = array.encode();
+ vector<uint8_t> docTypeAsBlob(docType_.begin(), docType_.end());
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> signingKey =
+ support::decryptAes128Gcm(storageKey_, signingKeyBlob, docTypeAsBlob);
+ if (!signingKey) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA,
+ "Error decrypting signingKeyBlob"));
+ }
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> sharedSecret =
+ support::ecdh(readerPublicKey_, signingKey.value());
+ if (!sharedSecret) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_FAILED, "Error doing ECDH"));
+ }
+ vector<uint8_t> salt = {0x00};
+ vector<uint8_t> info = {};
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> derivedKey = support::hkdf(sharedSecret.value(), salt, info, 32);
+ if (!derivedKey) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_FAILED,
+ "Error deriving key from shared secret"));
+ }
+ mac = support::coseMac0(derivedKey.value(), {}, // payload
+ encodedDeviceAuthentication); // additionalData
+ if (!mac) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_FAILED, "Error MACing data"));
+ }
+ }
+ *outMac = byteStringToSigned(mac.value_or(vector<uint8_t>({})));
+ *outDeviceNameSpaces = byteStringToSigned(encodedDeviceNameSpaces);
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok();
+ndk::ScopedAStatus IdentityCredential::generateSigningKeyPair(
+ vector<int8_t>* outSigningKeyBlob, Certificate* outSigningKeyCertificate) {
+ string serialDecimal = "0"; // TODO: set serial to something unique
+ string issuer = "Android Open Source Project";
+ string subject = "Android IdentityCredential Reference Implementation";
+ time_t validityNotBefore = time(nullptr);
+ time_t validityNotAfter = validityNotBefore + 365 * 24 * 3600;
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> signingKeyPKCS8 = support::createEcKeyPair();
+ if (!signingKeyPKCS8) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_FAILED, "Error creating signingKey"));
+ }
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> signingPublicKey =
+ support::ecKeyPairGetPublicKey(signingKeyPKCS8.value());
+ if (!signingPublicKey) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_FAILED,
+ "Error getting public part of signingKey"));
+ }
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> signingKey = support::ecKeyPairGetPrivateKey(signingKeyPKCS8.value());
+ if (!signingKey) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_FAILED,
+ "Error getting private part of signingKey"));
+ }
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> certificate = support::ecPublicKeyGenerateCertificate(
+ signingPublicKey.value(), credentialPrivKey_, serialDecimal, issuer, subject,
+ validityNotBefore, validityNotAfter);
+ if (!certificate) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_FAILED, "Error creating signingKey"));
+ }
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> nonce = support::getRandom(12);
+ if (!nonce) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_FAILED, "Error getting random"));
+ }
+ vector<uint8_t> docTypeAsBlob(docType_.begin(), docType_.end());
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> encryptedSigningKey = support::encryptAes128Gcm(
+ storageKey_, nonce.value(), signingKey.value(), docTypeAsBlob);
+ if (!encryptedSigningKey) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_FAILED, "Error encrypting signingKey"));
+ }
+ *outSigningKeyBlob = byteStringToSigned(encryptedSigningKey.value());
+ *outSigningKeyCertificate = Certificate();
+ outSigningKeyCertificate->encodedCertificate = byteStringToSigned(certificate.value());
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok();
+} // namespace aidl::android::hardware::identity
diff --git a/identity/aidl/default/IdentityCredential.h b/identity/aidl/default/IdentityCredential.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49ed0d45b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/identity/aidl/default/IdentityCredential.h
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+ * Copyright 2019, The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <aidl/android/hardware/identity/BnIdentityCredential.h>
+#include <aidl/android/hardware/keymaster/HardwareAuthToken.h>
+#include <android/hardware/identity/support/IdentityCredentialSupport.h>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cppbor/cppbor.h>
+namespace aidl::android::hardware::identity {
+using ::aidl::android::hardware::keymaster::HardwareAuthToken;
+using ::std::map;
+using ::std::string;
+using ::std::vector;
+using MapStringToVectorOfStrings = map<string, vector<string>>;
+class IdentityCredential : public BnIdentityCredential {
+ public:
+ IdentityCredential(const vector<uint8_t>& credentialData)
+ : credentialData_(credentialData), numStartRetrievalCalls_(0), authChallenge_(0) {}
+ // Parses and decrypts credentialData_, return a status code from
+ // IIdentityCredentialStore. Must be called right after construction.
+ int initialize();
+ // Methods from IIdentityCredential follow.
+ ndk::ScopedAStatus deleteCredential(vector<int8_t>* outProofOfDeletionSignature) override;
+ ndk::ScopedAStatus createEphemeralKeyPair(vector<int8_t>* outKeyPair) override;
+ ndk::ScopedAStatus setReaderEphemeralPublicKey(const vector<int8_t>& publicKey) override;
+ ndk::ScopedAStatus createAuthChallenge(int64_t* outChallenge) override;
+ ndk::ScopedAStatus startRetrieval(
+ const vector<SecureAccessControlProfile>& accessControlProfiles,
+ const HardwareAuthToken& authToken, const vector<int8_t>& itemsRequest,
+ const vector<int8_t>& sessionTranscript, const vector<int8_t>& readerSignature,
+ const vector<int32_t>& requestCounts) override;
+ ndk::ScopedAStatus startRetrieveEntryValue(
+ const string& nameSpace, const string& name, int32_t entrySize,
+ const vector<int32_t>& accessControlProfileIds) override;
+ ndk::ScopedAStatus retrieveEntryValue(const vector<int8_t>& encryptedContent,
+ vector<int8_t>* outContent) override;
+ ndk::ScopedAStatus finishRetrieval(const vector<int8_t>& signingKeyBlob, vector<int8_t>* outMac,
+ vector<int8_t>* outDeviceNameSpaces) override;
+ ndk::ScopedAStatus generateSigningKeyPair(vector<int8_t>* outSigningKeyBlob,
+ Certificate* outSigningKeyCertificate) override;
+ private:
+ // Set by constructor
+ vector<uint8_t> credentialData_;
+ int numStartRetrievalCalls_;
+ // Set by initialize()
+ string docType_;
+ bool testCredential_;
+ vector<uint8_t> storageKey_;
+ vector<uint8_t> credentialPrivKey_;
+ // Set by createEphemeralKeyPair()
+ vector<uint8_t> ephemeralPublicKey_;
+ // Set by setReaderEphemeralPublicKey()
+ vector<uint8_t> readerPublicKey_;
+ // Set by createAuthChallenge()
+ uint64_t authChallenge_;
+ // Set at startRetrieval() time.
+ map<int32_t, int> profileIdToAccessCheckResult_;
+ vector<uint8_t> sessionTranscript_;
+ std::unique_ptr<cppbor::Item> sessionTranscriptItem_;
+ vector<uint8_t> itemsRequest_;
+ vector<int32_t> requestCountsRemaining_;
+ MapStringToVectorOfStrings requestedNameSpacesAndNames_;
+ cppbor::Map deviceNameSpacesMap_;
+ cppbor::Map currentNameSpaceDeviceNameSpacesMap_;
+ // Set at startRetrieveEntryValue() time.
+ string currentNameSpace_;
+ string currentName_;
+ size_t entryRemainingBytes_;
+ vector<uint8_t> entryValue_;
+ vector<uint8_t> entryAdditionalData_;
+} // namespace aidl::android::hardware::identity
diff --git a/identity/aidl/default/IdentityCredentialStore.cpp b/identity/aidl/default/IdentityCredentialStore.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1efb4b4937
--- /dev/null
+++ b/identity/aidl/default/IdentityCredentialStore.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ * Copyright 2019, The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#define LOG_TAG "IdentityCredentialStore"
+#include <android-base/logging.h>
+#include "IdentityCredential.h"
+#include "IdentityCredentialStore.h"
+#include "WritableIdentityCredential.h"
+namespace aidl::android::hardware::identity {
+ndk::ScopedAStatus IdentityCredentialStore::getHardwareInformation(
+ HardwareInformation* hardwareInformation) {
+ HardwareInformation hw;
+ hw.credentialStoreName = "Identity Credential Reference Implementation";
+ hw.credentialStoreAuthorName = "Google";
+ hw.dataChunkSize = kGcmChunkSize;
+ hw.isDirectAccess = false;
+ hw.supportedDocTypes = {};
+ *hardwareInformation = hw;
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok();
+ndk::ScopedAStatus IdentityCredentialStore::createCredential(
+ const string& docType, bool testCredential,
+ shared_ptr<IWritableIdentityCredential>* outWritableCredential) {
+ shared_ptr<WritableIdentityCredential> wc =
+ ndk::SharedRefBase::make<WritableIdentityCredential>(docType, testCredential);
+ if (!wc->initialize()) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_FAILED,
+ "Error initializing WritableIdentityCredential"));
+ }
+ *outWritableCredential = wc;
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok();
+ndk::ScopedAStatus IdentityCredentialStore::getCredential(
+ CipherSuite cipherSuite, const vector<int8_t>& credentialData,
+ shared_ptr<IIdentityCredential>* outCredential) {
+ // We only support CIPHERSUITE_ECDHE_HKDF_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA256 right now.
+ if (cipherSuite != CipherSuite::CIPHERSUITE_ECDHE_HKDF_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA256) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ "Unsupported cipher suite"));
+ }
+ vector<uint8_t> data = vector<uint8_t>(credentialData.begin(), credentialData.end());
+ shared_ptr<IdentityCredential> credential = ndk::SharedRefBase::make<IdentityCredential>(data);
+ auto ret = credential->initialize();
+ if (ret != IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_OK) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ int(ret), "Error initializing IdentityCredential"));
+ }
+ *outCredential = credential;
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok();
+} // namespace aidl::android::hardware::identity
diff --git a/identity/aidl/default/IdentityCredentialStore.h b/identity/aidl/default/IdentityCredentialStore.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a2051130b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/identity/aidl/default/IdentityCredentialStore.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * Copyright 2019, The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <aidl/android/hardware/identity/BnIdentityCredentialStore.h>
+namespace aidl::android::hardware::identity {
+using ::std::shared_ptr;
+using ::std::string;
+using ::std::vector;
+class IdentityCredentialStore : public BnIdentityCredentialStore {
+ public:
+ IdentityCredentialStore() {}
+ // The GCM chunk size used by this implementation is 64 KiB.
+ static constexpr size_t kGcmChunkSize = 64 * 1024;
+ // Methods from IIdentityCredentialStore follow.
+ ndk::ScopedAStatus getHardwareInformation(HardwareInformation* hardwareInformation) override;
+ ndk::ScopedAStatus createCredential(
+ const string& docType, bool testCredential,
+ shared_ptr<IWritableIdentityCredential>* outWritableCredential) override;
+ ndk::ScopedAStatus getCredential(CipherSuite cipherSuite, const vector<int8_t>& credentialData,
+ shared_ptr<IIdentityCredential>* outCredential) override;
+} // namespace aidl::android::hardware::identity
diff --git a/identity/aidl/default/Util.cpp b/identity/aidl/default/Util.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0f86bedcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/identity/aidl/default/Util.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+ * Copyright 2019, The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#define LOG_TAG "Util"
+#include "Util.h"
+#include <android/hardware/identity/support/IdentityCredentialSupport.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <android-base/logging.h>
+#include <cppbor.h>
+#include <cppbor_parse.h>
+namespace aidl::android::hardware::identity {
+using namespace ::android::hardware::identity;
+// This is not a very random HBK but that's OK because this is the SW
+// implementation where it can't be kept secret.
+vector<uint8_t> hardwareBoundKey = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15};
+const vector<uint8_t>& getHardwareBoundKey() {
+ return hardwareBoundKey;
+vector<uint8_t> byteStringToUnsigned(const vector<int8_t>& value) {
+ return vector<uint8_t>(value.begin(), value.end());
+vector<int8_t> byteStringToSigned(const vector<uint8_t>& value) {
+ return vector<int8_t>(value.begin(), value.end());
+vector<uint8_t> secureAccessControlProfileEncodeCbor(const SecureAccessControlProfile& profile) {
+ cppbor::Map map;
+ map.add("id",;
+ if (profile.readerCertificate.encodedCertificate.size() > 0) {
+ map.add("readerCertificate",
+ cppbor::Bstr(byteStringToUnsigned(profile.readerCertificate.encodedCertificate)));
+ }
+ if (profile.userAuthenticationRequired) {
+ map.add("userAuthenticationRequired", profile.userAuthenticationRequired);
+ map.add("timeoutMillis", profile.timeoutMillis);
+ map.add("secureUserId", profile.secureUserId);
+ }
+ return map.encode();
+optional<vector<uint8_t>> secureAccessControlProfileCalcMac(
+ const SecureAccessControlProfile& profile, const vector<uint8_t>& storageKey) {
+ vector<uint8_t> cborData = secureAccessControlProfileEncodeCbor(profile);
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> nonce = support::getRandom(12);
+ if (!nonce) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> macO =
+ support::encryptAes128Gcm(storageKey, nonce.value(), {}, cborData);
+ if (!macO) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ return macO.value();
+bool secureAccessControlProfileCheckMac(const SecureAccessControlProfile& profile,
+ const vector<uint8_t>& storageKey) {
+ vector<uint8_t> cborData = secureAccessControlProfileEncodeCbor(profile);
+ if (profile.mac.size() < support::kAesGcmIvSize) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ vector<uint8_t> nonce =
+ vector<uint8_t>(profile.mac.begin(), profile.mac.begin() + support::kAesGcmIvSize);
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> mac = support::encryptAes128Gcm(storageKey, nonce, {}, cborData);
+ if (!mac) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (mac.value() != byteStringToUnsigned(profile.mac)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+vector<uint8_t> entryCreateAdditionalData(const string& nameSpace, const string& name,
+ const vector<int32_t> accessControlProfileIds) {
+ cppbor::Map map;
+ map.add("Namespace", nameSpace);
+ map.add("Name", name);
+ cppbor::Array acpIds;
+ for (auto id : accessControlProfileIds) {
+ acpIds.add(id);
+ }
+ map.add("AccessControlProfileIds", std::move(acpIds));
+ return map.encode();
+} // namespace aidl::android::hardware::identity
diff --git a/identity/aidl/default/Util.h b/identity/aidl/default/Util.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee41ad1aac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/identity/aidl/default/Util.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ * Copyright 2019, The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <aidl/android/hardware/identity/BnIdentityCredential.h>
+#include <android/hardware/identity/support/IdentityCredentialSupport.h>
+#include <map>
+#include <optional>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cppbor/cppbor.h>
+namespace aidl::android::hardware::identity {
+using ::std::optional;
+using ::std::string;
+using ::std::vector;
+// Returns the hardware-bound AES-128 key.
+const vector<uint8_t>& getHardwareBoundKey();
+// Calculates the MAC for |profile| using |storageKey|.
+optional<vector<uint8_t>> secureAccessControlProfileCalcMac(
+ const SecureAccessControlProfile& profile, const vector<uint8_t>& storageKey);
+// Checks authenticity of the MAC in |profile| using |storageKey|.
+bool secureAccessControlProfileCheckMac(const SecureAccessControlProfile& profile,
+ const vector<uint8_t>& storageKey);
+// Creates the AdditionalData CBOR used in the addEntryValue() HIDL method.
+vector<uint8_t> entryCreateAdditionalData(const string& nameSpace, const string& name,
+ const vector<int32_t> accessControlProfileIds);
+vector<uint8_t> byteStringToUnsigned(const vector<int8_t>& value);
+vector<int8_t> byteStringToSigned(const vector<uint8_t>& value);
+} // namespace aidl::android::hardware::identity
diff --git a/identity/aidl/default/WritableIdentityCredential.cpp b/identity/aidl/default/WritableIdentityCredential.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ba2062d7c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/identity/aidl/default/WritableIdentityCredential.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+ * Copyright 2019, The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#define LOG_TAG "WritableIdentityCredential"
+#include <android/hardware/identity/support/IdentityCredentialSupport.h>
+#include <android-base/logging.h>
+#include <cppbor/cppbor.h>
+#include <cppbor/cppbor_parse.h>
+#include "IdentityCredentialStore.h"
+#include "Util.h"
+#include "WritableIdentityCredential.h"
+namespace aidl::android::hardware::identity {
+using ::std::optional;
+using namespace ::android::hardware::identity;
+bool WritableIdentityCredential::initialize() {
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> keyPair = support::createEcKeyPair();
+ if (!keyPair) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Error creating credentialKey";
+ return false;
+ }
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> pubKey = support::ecKeyPairGetPublicKey(keyPair.value());
+ if (!pubKey) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Error getting public part of credentialKey";
+ return false;
+ }
+ credentialPubKey_ = pubKey.value();
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> privKey = support::ecKeyPairGetPrivateKey(keyPair.value());
+ if (!privKey) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Error getting private part of credentialKey";
+ return false;
+ }
+ credentialPrivKey_ = privKey.value();
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> random = support::getRandom(16);
+ if (!random) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Error creating storageKey";
+ return false;
+ }
+ storageKey_ = random.value();
+ return true;
+// TODO: use |attestationApplicationId| and |attestationChallenge| and also
+// ensure the returned certificate chain satisfy the requirements listed in
+// the docs for IWritableIdentityCredential::getAttestationCertificate()
+ndk::ScopedAStatus WritableIdentityCredential::getAttestationCertificate(
+ const vector<int8_t>& /*attestationApplicationId*/,
+ const vector<int8_t>& /*attestationChallenge*/, vector<Certificate>* outCertificateChain) {
+ // For now, we dynamically generate an attestion key on each and every
+ // request and use that to sign CredentialKey. In a real implementation this
+ // would look very differently.
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> attestationKeyPair = support::createEcKeyPair();
+ if (!attestationKeyPair) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_FAILED, "Error creating attestationKey"));
+ }
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> attestationPubKey =
+ support::ecKeyPairGetPublicKey(attestationKeyPair.value());
+ if (!attestationPubKey) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_FAILED,
+ "Error getting public part of attestationKey"));
+ }
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> attestationPrivKey =
+ support::ecKeyPairGetPrivateKey(attestationKeyPair.value());
+ if (!attestationPrivKey) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_FAILED,
+ "Error getting private part of attestationKey"));
+ }
+ string serialDecimal;
+ string issuer;
+ string subject;
+ time_t validityNotBefore = time(nullptr);
+ time_t validityNotAfter = validityNotBefore + 365 * 24 * 3600;
+ // First create a certificate for |credentialPubKey| which is signed by
+ // |attestationPrivKey|.
+ //
+ serialDecimal = "0"; // TODO: set serial to |attestationChallenge|
+ issuer = "Android Open Source Project";
+ subject = "Android IdentityCredential CredentialKey";
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> credentialPubKeyCertificate = support::ecPublicKeyGenerateCertificate(
+ credentialPubKey_, attestationPrivKey.value(), serialDecimal, issuer, subject,
+ validityNotBefore, validityNotAfter);
+ if (!credentialPubKeyCertificate) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_FAILED,
+ "Error creating certificate for credentialPubKey"));
+ }
+ // This is followed by a certificate for |attestationPubKey| self-signed by
+ // |attestationPrivKey|.
+ serialDecimal = "0"; // TODO: set serial
+ issuer = "Android Open Source Project";
+ subject = "Android IdentityCredential AttestationKey";
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> attestationKeyCertificate = support::ecPublicKeyGenerateCertificate(
+ attestationPubKey.value(), attestationPrivKey.value(), serialDecimal, issuer, subject,
+ validityNotBefore, validityNotAfter);
+ if (!attestationKeyCertificate) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_FAILED,
+ "Error creating certificate for attestationPubKey"));
+ }
+ // Concatenate the certificates to form the chain.
+ vector<uint8_t> certificateChain;
+ certificateChain.insert(certificateChain.end(), credentialPubKeyCertificate.value().begin(),
+ credentialPubKeyCertificate.value().end());
+ certificateChain.insert(certificateChain.end(), attestationKeyCertificate.value().begin(),
+ attestationKeyCertificate.value().end());
+ optional<vector<vector<uint8_t>>> splitCertChain =
+ support::certificateChainSplit(certificateChain);
+ if (!splitCertChain) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_FAILED, "Error splitting certificate chain"));
+ }
+ *outCertificateChain = vector<Certificate>();
+ for (const vector<uint8_t>& cert : splitCertChain.value()) {
+ Certificate c = Certificate();
+ c.encodedCertificate = byteStringToSigned(cert);
+ outCertificateChain->push_back(std::move(c));
+ }
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok();
+ndk::ScopedAStatus WritableIdentityCredential::startPersonalization(
+ int32_t accessControlProfileCount, const vector<int32_t>& entryCounts) {
+ numAccessControlProfileRemaining_ = accessControlProfileCount;
+ remainingEntryCounts_ = entryCounts;
+ entryNameSpace_ = "";
+ signedDataAccessControlProfiles_ = cppbor::Array();
+ signedDataNamespaces_ = cppbor::Map();
+ signedDataCurrentNamespace_ = cppbor::Array();
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok();
+ndk::ScopedAStatus WritableIdentityCredential::addAccessControlProfile(
+ int32_t id, const Certificate& readerCertificate, bool userAuthenticationRequired,
+ int64_t timeoutMillis, int64_t secureUserId,
+ SecureAccessControlProfile* outSecureAccessControlProfile) {
+ SecureAccessControlProfile profile;
+ if (numAccessControlProfileRemaining_ == 0) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA,
+ "numAccessControlProfileRemaining_ is 0 and expected non-zero"));
+ }
+ // Spec requires if |userAuthenticationRequired| is false, then |timeoutMillis| must also
+ // be zero.
+ if (!userAuthenticationRequired && timeoutMillis != 0) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA,
+ "userAuthenticationRequired is false but timeout is non-zero"));
+ }
+ = id;
+ profile.readerCertificate = readerCertificate;
+ profile.userAuthenticationRequired = userAuthenticationRequired;
+ profile.timeoutMillis = timeoutMillis;
+ profile.secureUserId = secureUserId;
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> mac = secureAccessControlProfileCalcMac(profile, storageKey_);
+ if (!mac) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_FAILED, "Error calculating MAC for profile"));
+ }
+ profile.mac = byteStringToSigned(mac.value());
+ cppbor::Map profileMap;
+ profileMap.add("id",;
+ if (profile.readerCertificate.encodedCertificate.size() > 0) {
+ profileMap.add(
+ "readerCertificate",
+ cppbor::Bstr(byteStringToUnsigned(profile.readerCertificate.encodedCertificate)));
+ }
+ if (profile.userAuthenticationRequired) {
+ profileMap.add("userAuthenticationRequired", profile.userAuthenticationRequired);
+ profileMap.add("timeoutMillis", profile.timeoutMillis);
+ }
+ signedDataAccessControlProfiles_.add(std::move(profileMap));
+ numAccessControlProfileRemaining_--;
+ *outSecureAccessControlProfile = profile;
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok();
+ndk::ScopedAStatus WritableIdentityCredential::beginAddEntry(
+ const vector<int32_t>& accessControlProfileIds, const string& nameSpace, const string& name,
+ int32_t entrySize) {
+ if (numAccessControlProfileRemaining_ != 0) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "numAccessControlProfileRemaining_ is " << numAccessControlProfileRemaining_
+ << " and expected zero";
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA,
+ "numAccessControlProfileRemaining_ is not zero"));
+ }
+ if (remainingEntryCounts_.size() == 0) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA, "No more namespaces to add to"));
+ }
+ // Handle initial beginEntry() call.
+ if (entryNameSpace_ == "") {
+ entryNameSpace_ = nameSpace;
+ }
+ // If the namespace changed...
+ if (nameSpace != entryNameSpace_) {
+ // Then check that all entries in the previous namespace have been added..
+ if (remainingEntryCounts_[0] != 0) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA,
+ "New namespace but a non-zero number of entries remain to be added"));
+ }
+ remainingEntryCounts_.erase(remainingEntryCounts_.begin());
+ if (signedDataCurrentNamespace_.size() > 0) {
+ signedDataNamespaces_.add(entryNameSpace_, std::move(signedDataCurrentNamespace_));
+ signedDataCurrentNamespace_ = cppbor::Array();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Same namespace...
+ if (remainingEntryCounts_[0] == 0) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA,
+ "Same namespace but no entries remain to be added"));
+ }
+ remainingEntryCounts_[0] -= 1;
+ }
+ entryAdditionalData_ = entryCreateAdditionalData(nameSpace, name, accessControlProfileIds);
+ entryRemainingBytes_ = entrySize;
+ entryNameSpace_ = nameSpace;
+ entryName_ = name;
+ entryAccessControlProfileIds_ = accessControlProfileIds;
+ entryBytes_.resize(0);
+ // LOG(INFO) << "name=" << name << " entrySize=" << entrySize;
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok();
+ndk::ScopedAStatus WritableIdentityCredential::addEntryValue(const vector<int8_t>& contentS,
+ vector<int8_t>* outEncryptedContent) {
+ auto content = byteStringToUnsigned(contentS);
+ size_t contentSize = content.size();
+ if (contentSize > IdentityCredentialStore::kGcmChunkSize) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA,
+ "Passed in chunk of is bigger than kGcmChunkSize"));
+ }
+ if (contentSize > entryRemainingBytes_) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA,
+ "Passed in chunk is bigger than remaining space"));
+ }
+ entryBytes_.insert(entryBytes_.end(), content.begin(), content.end());
+ entryRemainingBytes_ -= contentSize;
+ if (entryRemainingBytes_ > 0) {
+ if (contentSize != IdentityCredentialStore::kGcmChunkSize) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA,
+ "Retrieved non-final chunk which isn't kGcmChunkSize"));
+ }
+ }
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> nonce = support::getRandom(12);
+ if (!nonce) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_FAILED, "Error getting nonce"));
+ }
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> encryptedContent =
+ support::encryptAes128Gcm(storageKey_, nonce.value(), content, entryAdditionalData_);
+ if (!encryptedContent) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_FAILED, "Error encrypting content"));
+ }
+ if (entryRemainingBytes_ == 0) {
+ // TODO: ideally do do this without parsing the data (but still validate data is valid
+ // CBOR).
+ auto [item, _, message] = cppbor::parse(entryBytes_);
+ if (item == nullptr) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_INVALID_DATA, "Data is not valid CBOR"));
+ }
+ cppbor::Map entryMap;
+ entryMap.add("name", entryName_);
+ entryMap.add("value", std::move(item));
+ cppbor::Array profileIdArray;
+ for (auto id : entryAccessControlProfileIds_) {
+ profileIdArray.add(id);
+ }
+ entryMap.add("accessControlProfiles", std::move(profileIdArray));
+ signedDataCurrentNamespace_.add(std::move(entryMap));
+ }
+ *outEncryptedContent = byteStringToSigned(encryptedContent.value());
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok();
+// Writes CBOR-encoded structure to |credentialKeys| containing |storageKey| and
+// |credentialPrivKey|.
+static bool generateCredentialKeys(const vector<uint8_t>& storageKey,
+ const vector<uint8_t>& credentialPrivKey,
+ vector<uint8_t>& credentialKeys) {
+ if (storageKey.size() != 16) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Size of storageKey is not 16";
+ return false;
+ }
+ cppbor::Array array;
+ array.add(cppbor::Bstr(storageKey));
+ array.add(cppbor::Bstr(credentialPrivKey));
+ credentialKeys = array.encode();
+ return true;
+// Writes CBOR-encoded structure to |credentialData| containing |docType|,
+// |testCredential| and |credentialKeys|. The latter element will be stored in
+// encrypted form, using |hardwareBoundKey| as the encryption key.
+bool generateCredentialData(const vector<uint8_t>& hardwareBoundKey, const string& docType,
+ bool testCredential, const vector<uint8_t>& credentialKeys,
+ vector<uint8_t>& credentialData) {
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> nonce = support::getRandom(12);
+ if (!nonce) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Error getting random";
+ return false;
+ }
+ vector<uint8_t> docTypeAsVec(docType.begin(), docType.end());
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> credentialBlob = support::encryptAes128Gcm(
+ hardwareBoundKey, nonce.value(), credentialKeys, docTypeAsVec);
+ if (!credentialBlob) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Error encrypting CredentialKeys blob";
+ return false;
+ }
+ cppbor::Array array;
+ array.add(docType);
+ array.add(testCredential);
+ array.add(cppbor::Bstr(credentialBlob.value()));
+ credentialData = array.encode();
+ return true;
+ndk::ScopedAStatus WritableIdentityCredential::finishAddingEntries(
+ vector<int8_t>* outCredentialData, vector<int8_t>* outProofOfProvisioningSignature) {
+ if (signedDataCurrentNamespace_.size() > 0) {
+ signedDataNamespaces_.add(entryNameSpace_, std::move(signedDataCurrentNamespace_));
+ }
+ cppbor::Array popArray;
+ popArray.add("ProofOfProvisioning")
+ .add(docType_)
+ .add(std::move(signedDataAccessControlProfiles_))
+ .add(std::move(signedDataNamespaces_))
+ .add(testCredential_);
+ vector<uint8_t> encodedCbor = popArray.encode();
+ optional<vector<uint8_t>> signature = support::coseSignEcDsa(credentialPrivKey_,
+ encodedCbor, // payload
+ {}, // additionalData
+ {}); // certificateChain
+ if (!signature) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_FAILED, "Error signing data"));
+ }
+ vector<uint8_t> credentialKeys;
+ if (!generateCredentialKeys(storageKey_, credentialPrivKey_, credentialKeys)) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_FAILED, "Error generating CredentialKeys"));
+ }
+ vector<uint8_t> credentialData;
+ if (!generateCredentialData(
+ testCredential_ ? support::getTestHardwareBoundKey() : getHardwareBoundKey(),
+ docType_, testCredential_, credentialKeys, credentialData)) {
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus(AStatus_fromServiceSpecificErrorWithMessage(
+ IIdentityCredentialStore::STATUS_FAILED, "Error generating CredentialData"));
+ }
+ *outCredentialData = byteStringToSigned(credentialData);
+ *outProofOfProvisioningSignature = byteStringToSigned(signature.value());
+ return ndk::ScopedAStatus::ok();
+} // namespace aidl::android::hardware::identity
diff --git a/identity/aidl/default/WritableIdentityCredential.h b/identity/aidl/default/WritableIdentityCredential.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b380f897a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/identity/aidl/default/WritableIdentityCredential.h
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ * Copyright 2019, The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <aidl/android/hardware/identity/BnWritableIdentityCredential.h>
+#include <android/hardware/identity/support/IdentityCredentialSupport.h>
+#include <cppbor.h>
+namespace aidl::android::hardware::identity {
+using ::std::string;
+using ::std::vector;
+class WritableIdentityCredential : public BnWritableIdentityCredential {
+ public:
+ WritableIdentityCredential(const string& docType, bool testCredential)
+ : docType_(docType), testCredential_(testCredential) {}
+ // Creates the Credential Key. Returns false on failure. Must be called
+ // right after construction.
+ bool initialize();
+ // Methods from IWritableIdentityCredential follow.
+ ndk::ScopedAStatus getAttestationCertificate(const vector<int8_t>& attestationApplicationId,
+ const vector<int8_t>& attestationChallenge,
+ vector<Certificate>* outCertificateChain) override;
+ ndk::ScopedAStatus startPersonalization(int32_t accessControlProfileCount,
+ const vector<int32_t>& entryCounts) override;
+ ndk::ScopedAStatus addAccessControlProfile(
+ int32_t id, const Certificate& readerCertificate, bool userAuthenticationRequired,
+ int64_t timeoutMillis, int64_t secureUserId,
+ SecureAccessControlProfile* outSecureAccessControlProfile) override;
+ ndk::ScopedAStatus beginAddEntry(const vector<int32_t>& accessControlProfileIds,
+ const string& nameSpace, const string& name,
+ int32_t entrySize) override;
+ ndk::ScopedAStatus addEntryValue(const vector<int8_t>& content,
+ vector<int8_t>* outEncryptedContent) override;
+ ndk::ScopedAStatus finishAddingEntries(
+ vector<int8_t>* outCredentialData,
+ vector<int8_t>* outProofOfProvisioningSignature) override;
+ // private:
+ string docType_;
+ bool testCredential_;
+ // These are set in initialize().
+ vector<uint8_t> storageKey_;
+ vector<uint8_t> credentialPrivKey_;
+ vector<uint8_t> credentialPubKey_;
+ // These fields are initialized during startPersonalization()
+ size_t numAccessControlProfileRemaining_;
+ vector<int32_t> remainingEntryCounts_;
+ cppbor::Array signedDataAccessControlProfiles_;
+ cppbor::Map signedDataNamespaces_;
+ cppbor::Array signedDataCurrentNamespace_;
+ // These fields are initialized during beginAddEntry()
+ size_t entryRemainingBytes_;
+ vector<uint8_t> entryAdditionalData_;
+ string entryNameSpace_;
+ string entryName_;
+ vector<int32_t> entryAccessControlProfileIds_;
+ vector<uint8_t> entryBytes_;
+} // namespace aidl::android::hardware::identity
diff --git a/identity/aidl/default/identity-default.rc b/identity/aidl/default/identity-default.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3b62c1042
--- /dev/null
+++ b/identity/aidl/default/identity-default.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+service vendor.identity-default /vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.identity-service.example
+ class hal
+ user nobody
diff --git a/identity/aidl/default/identity-default.xml b/identity/aidl/default/identity-default.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a47d354ce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/identity/aidl/default/identity-default.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<manifest version="1.0" type="device">
+ <hal format="aidl">
+ <name>android.hardware.identity</name>
+ <interface>
+ <name>IIdentityCredentialStore</name>
+ <instance>default</instance>
+ </interface>
+ </hal>
diff --git a/identity/aidl/default/service.cpp b/identity/aidl/default/service.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f05c615001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/identity/aidl/default/service.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * Copyright 2019, The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#define LOG_TAG "android.hardware.identity-service"
+#include <android-base/logging.h>
+#include <android/binder_manager.h>
+#include <android/binder_process.h>
+#include "IdentityCredentialStore.h"
+using aidl::android::hardware::identity::IdentityCredentialStore;
+int main() {
+ ABinderProcess_setThreadPoolMaxThreadCount(0);
+ std::shared_ptr<IdentityCredentialStore> store =
+ ndk::SharedRefBase::make<IdentityCredentialStore>();
+ const std::string instance = std::string() + IdentityCredentialStore::descriptor + "/default";
+ LOG(INFO) << "instance: " << instance;
+ binder_status_t status = AServiceManager_addService(store->asBinder().get(), instance.c_str());
+ CHECK(status == STATUS_OK);
+ ABinderProcess_joinThreadPool();
+ return EXIT_FAILURE; // should not reach