path: root/tasks/release.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tasks/release.py')
1 files changed, 226 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tasks/release.py b/tasks/release.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bea347e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/release.py
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+Tasks for releasing this project.
+Normal steps::
+ python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
+ twine register dist/{project}-{version}.tar.gz
+ twine upload dist/*
+ twine upload --skip-existing dist/*
+ python setup.py upload
+ # -- DEPRECATED: No longer supported -> Use RTD instead
+ # -- DEPRECATED: python setup.py upload_docs
+pypi repositories:
+ * https://pypi.python.org/pypi
+ * https://testpypi.python.org/pypi (not working anymore)
+ * https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ (not working anymore)
+Configuration file for pypi repositories:
+.. code-block:: init
+ # -- FILE: $HOME/.pypirc
+ [distutils]
+ index-servers =
+ pypi
+ testpypi
+ [pypi]
+ # DEPRECATED: repository = https://pypi.python.org/pypi
+ username = __USERNAME_HERE__
+ password:
+ [testpypi]
+ # DEPRECATED: repository = https://test.pypi.org/legacy
+ username = __USERNAME_HERE__
+ password:
+.. seealso::
+ * https://packaging.python.org/
+ * https://packaging.python.org/guides/
+ * https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/distributing-packages/
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
+from invoke import Collection, task
+from ._tasklet_cleanup import path_glob
+from ._dry_run import DryRunContext
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def checklist(ctx=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+ """Checklist for releasing this project."""
+ checklist_text = """PRE-RELEASE CHECKLIST:
+[ ] Everything is checked in
+[ ] All tests pass w/ tox
+[{x1}] Bump version to new-version and tag repository (via bump_version)
+[{x2}] Build packages (sdist, bdist_wheel via prepare)
+[{x3}] Register and upload packages to testpypi repository (first)
+[{x4}] Verify release is OK and packages from testpypi are usable
+[{x5}] Register and upload packages to pypi repository
+[{x6}] Push last changes to Github repository
+[ ] Bump version to new-develop-version (via bump_version)
+[ ] Adapt CHANGES (if necessary)
+[ ] Commit latest changes to Github repository
+ steps = dict(x1=None, x2=None, x3=None, x4=None, x5=None, x6=None)
+ yesno_map = {True: "x", False: "_", None: " "}
+ answers = {name: yesno_map[value]
+ for name, value in steps.items()}
+ print(checklist_text.format(**answers))
+def bump_version(ctx, new_version, version_part=None, dry_run=False):
+ """Bump version (to prepare a new release)."""
+ version_part = version_part or "minor"
+ if dry_run:
+ ctx = DryRunContext(ctx)
+ ctx.run("bumpversion --new-version={} {}".format(new_version,
+ version_part))
+@task(name="build", aliases=["build_packages"])
+def build_packages(ctx, hide=False):
+ """Build packages for this release."""
+ print("build_packages:")
+ ctx.run("python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel", echo=True, hide=hide)
+def prepare(ctx, new_version=None, version_part=None, hide=True,
+ dry_run=False):
+ """Prepare the release: bump version, build packages, ..."""
+ if new_version is not None:
+ bump_version(ctx, new_version, version_part=version_part,
+ dry_run=dry_run)
+ build_packages(ctx, hide=hide)
+ packages = ensure_packages_exist(ctx, check_only=True)
+ print_packages(packages)
+# @task(name="register")
+# def register_packages(ctx, repo=None, dry_run=False):
+# """Register release (packages) in artifact-store/repository."""
+# original_ctx = ctx
+# if repo is None:
+# repo = ctx.project.repo or "pypi"
+# if dry_run:
+# ctx = DryRunContext(ctx)
+# packages = ensure_packages_exist(original_ctx)
+# print_packages(packages)
+# for artifact in packages:
+# ctx.run("twine register --repository={repo} {artifact}".format(
+# artifact=artifact, repo=repo))
+def upload(ctx, repo=None, repo_url=None, dry_run=False,
+ skip_existing=False, verbose=False):
+ """Upload release packages to repository (artifact-store)."""
+ if repo is None:
+ repo = ctx.project.repo or "pypi"
+ if repo_url is None:
+ repo_url = ctx.project.repo_url or None
+ original_ctx = ctx
+ if dry_run:
+ ctx = DryRunContext(ctx)
+ # -- OPTIONS:
+ opts = []
+ if repo_url:
+ opts.append("--repository-url={0}".format(repo_url))
+ elif repo:
+ opts.append("--repository={0}".format(repo))
+ if skip_existing:
+ opts.append("--skip-existing")
+ if verbose:
+ opts.append("--verbose")
+ packages = ensure_packages_exist(original_ctx)
+ print_packages(packages)
+ ctx.run("twine upload {opts} dist/*".format(opts=" ".join(opts)))
+ # ctx.run("twine upload --repository={repo} dist/*".format(repo=repo))
+ # 2018-05-05 WORK-AROUND for new https://pypi.org/:
+ # twine upload --repository-url=https://upload.pypi.org/legacy /dist/*
+ # NOT-WORKING: repo_url = "https://upload.pypi.org/simple/"
+ #
+ # ctx.run("twine upload --repository-url={repo_url} {opts} dist/*".format(
+ # repo_url=repo_url, opts=" ".join(opts)))
+ # ctx.run("twine upload --repository={repo} {opts} dist/*".format(
+ # repo=repo, opts=" ".join(opts)))
+# -- DEPRECATED: Use RTD instead
+# @task(name="upload_docs")
+# def upload_docs(ctx, repo=None, dry_run=False):
+# """Upload and publish docs.
+# NOTE: Docs are built first.
+# """
+# if repo is None:
+# repo = ctx.project.repo or "pypi"
+# if dry_run:
+# ctx = DryRunContext(ctx)
+# ctx.run("python setup.py upload_docs")
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def print_packages(packages):
+ print("PACKAGES[%d]:" % len(packages))
+ for package in packages:
+ package_size = package.stat().st_size
+ package_time = package.stat().st_mtime
+ print(" - %s (size=%s)" % (package, package_size))
+def ensure_packages_exist(ctx, pattern=None, check_only=False):
+ if pattern is None:
+ project_name = ctx.project.name
+ project_prefix = project_name.replace("_", "-").split("-")[0]
+ pattern = "dist/%s*" % project_prefix
+ packages = list(path_glob(pattern, current_dir="."))
+ if not packages:
+ if check_only:
+ message = "No artifacts found: pattern=%s" % pattern
+ raise RuntimeError(message)
+ else:
+ print("NO-PACKAGES-FOUND: Build packages first ...")
+ build_packages(ctx, hide=True)
+ packages = ensure_packages_exist(ctx, pattern,
+ check_only=True)
+ return packages
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# DISABLED: register_packages
+namespace = Collection(bump_version, checklist, prepare, build_packages, upload)
+ "project": {
+ "repo": "pypi",
+ "repo_url": None,
+ }