path: root/brillo/dbus/data_serialization.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'brillo/dbus/data_serialization.h')
1 files changed, 886 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/brillo/dbus/data_serialization.h b/brillo/dbus/data_serialization.h
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index 0000000..dbd96ac
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+++ b/brillo/dbus/data_serialization.h
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+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// The main functionality provided by this header file is methods to serialize
+// native C++ data over D-Bus. This includes three major parts:
+// - Methods to get the D-Bus signature for a given C++ type:
+// std::string GetDBusSignature<T>();
+// - Methods to write arbitrary C++ data to D-Bus MessageWriter:
+// void AppendValueToWriter(dbus::MessageWriter* writer, const T& value);
+// void AppendValueToWriterAsVariant(dbus::MessageWriter*, const T&);
+// - Methods to read arbitrary C++ data from D-Bus MessageReader:
+// bool PopValueFromReader(dbus::MessageReader* reader, T* value);
+// bool PopVariantValueFromReader(dbus::MessageReader* reader, T* value);
+// There are a number of overloads to handle C++ equivalents of basic D-Bus
+// types:
+// D-Bus Type | D-Bus Signature | Native C++ type
+// --------------------------------------------------
+// BYTE | y | uint8_t
+// BOOL | b | bool
+// INT16 | n | int16_t
+// UINT16 | q | uint16_t
+// INT32 | i | int32_t (int)
+// UINT32 | u | uint32_t (unsigned)
+// INT64 | x | int64_t
+// UINT64 | t | uint64_t
+// DOUBLE | d | double
+// STRING | s | std::string
+// OBJECT_PATH | o | dbus::ObjectPath
+// ARRAY | aT | std::vector<T>
+// STRUCT | (UV) | std::pair<U,V>
+// | (UVW...) | std::tuple<U,V,W,...>
+// DICT | a{KV} | std::map<K,V>
+// VARIANT | v | brillo::Any
+// UNIX_FD | h | dbus::FileDescriptor
+// SIGNATURE | g | (unsupported)
+// Additional overloads/specialization can be provided for custom types.
+// In order to do that, provide overloads of AppendValueToWriter() and
+// PopValueFromReader() functions in brillo::dbus_utils namespace for the
+// CustomType. As well as a template specialization of DBusType<> for the same
+// CustomType. This specialization must provide three static functions:
+// - static std::string GetSignature();
+// - static void Write(dbus::MessageWriter* writer, const CustomType& value);
+// - static bool Read(dbus::MessageReader* reader, CustomType* value);
+// See an example in DBusUtils.CustomStruct unit test in
+// brillo/dbus/data_serialization_unittest.cc.
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <base/logging.h>
+#include <brillo/brillo_export.h>
+#include <brillo/type_name_undecorate.h>
+#include <dbus/message.h>
+namespace google {
+namespace protobuf {
+class MessageLite;
+} // namespace protobuf
+} // namespace google
+namespace brillo {
+// Forward-declare only. Can't include any.h right now because it needs
+// AppendValueToWriter() declared below.
+class Any;
+namespace dbus_utils {
+// Base class for DBusType<T> for T not supported by D-Bus. This used to
+// implement IsTypeSupported<> below.
+struct Unsupported {};
+// Generic definition of DBusType<T> which will be specialized for particular
+// types later.
+// The second template parameter is used only in SFINAE situations to resolve
+// class hierarchy chains for protobuf-derived classes. This type is defaulted
+// to be 'void' in all other cases and simply ignored.
+// See DBusType specialization for google::protobuf::MessageLite below for more
+// detailed information.
+template<typename T, typename = void>
+struct DBusType : public Unsupported {};
+// A helper type trait to determine if all of the types listed in Types... are
+// supported by D-Bus. This is a generic forward-declaration which will be
+// specialized for different type combinations.
+template<typename... Types>
+struct IsTypeSupported;
+// Both T and the Types... must be supported for the complete set to be
+// supported.
+template<typename T, typename... Types>
+struct IsTypeSupported<T, Types...>
+ : public std::integral_constant<
+ bool,
+ IsTypeSupported<T>::value && IsTypeSupported<Types...>::value> {};
+// For a single type T, check if DBusType<T> derives from Unsupported.
+// If it does, then the type is not supported by the D-Bus.
+template<typename T>
+struct IsTypeSupported<T>
+ : public std::integral_constant<
+ bool,
+ !std::is_base_of<Unsupported, DBusType<T>>::value> {};
+// Empty set is not supported.
+struct IsTypeSupported<> : public std::false_type {};
+// AppendValueToWriter<T>(dbus::MessageWriter* writer, const T& value)
+// Write the |value| of type T to D-Bus message.
+// Explicitly delete the overloads for scalar types that are not supported by
+// D-Bus.
+void AppendValueToWriter(dbus::MessageWriter* writer, char value) = delete;
+void AppendValueToWriter(dbus::MessageWriter* writer, float value) = delete;
+// PopValueFromReader<T>(dbus::MessageWriter* writer, T* value)
+// Reads the |value| of type T from D-Bus message.
+// Explicitly delete the overloads for scalar types that are not supported by
+// D-Bus.
+void PopValueFromReader(dbus::MessageReader* reader, char* value) = delete;
+void PopValueFromReader(dbus::MessageReader* reader, float* value) = delete;
+// Get D-Bus data signature from C++ data types.
+// Specializations of a generic GetDBusSignature<T>() provide signature strings
+// for native C++ types. This function is available only for type supported
+// by D-Bus.
+template<typename T>
+inline typename std::enable_if<IsTypeSupported<T>::value, std::string>::type
+GetDBusSignature() {
+ return DBusType<T>::GetSignature();
+namespace details {
+// Helper method used by the many overloads of PopValueFromReader().
+// If the current value in the reader is of Variant type, the method descends
+// into the Variant and updates the |*reader_ref| with the transient
+// |variant_reader| MessageReader instance passed in.
+// Returns false if it fails to descend into the Variant.
+inline bool DescendIntoVariantIfPresent(dbus::MessageReader** reader_ref,
+ dbus::MessageReader* variant_reader) {
+ if ((*reader_ref)->GetDataType() != dbus::Message::VARIANT)
+ return true;
+ if (!(*reader_ref)->PopVariant(variant_reader))
+ return false;
+ *reader_ref = variant_reader;
+ return true;
+// Helper method to format the type string of an array.
+// Essentially it adds "a" in front of |element_signature|.
+inline std::string GetArrayDBusSignature(const std::string& element_signature) {
+ return DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY_AS_STRING + element_signature;
+// Helper method to get a signature string for DICT_ENTRY.
+// Returns "{KV}", where "K" and "V" are the type signatures for types
+// KEY/VALUE. For example, GetDBusDictEntryType<std::string, int>() would return
+// "{si}".
+template<typename KEY, typename VALUE>
+inline std::string GetDBusDictEntryType() {
+ GetDBusSignature<KEY>() + GetDBusSignature<VALUE>() +
+} // namespace details
+// Specializations/overloads for AppendValueToWriter, PopValueFromReader and
+// DBusType<T> for various C++ types that can be serialized over D-Bus.
+// bool -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+BRILLO_EXPORT void AppendValueToWriter(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ bool value);
+BRILLO_EXPORT bool PopValueFromReader(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
+ bool* value);
+struct DBusType<bool> {
+ inline static std::string GetSignature() {
+ }
+ inline static void Write(dbus::MessageWriter* writer, bool value) {
+ AppendValueToWriter(writer, value);
+ }
+ inline static bool Read(dbus::MessageReader* reader, bool* value) {
+ return PopValueFromReader(reader, value);
+ }
+// uint8_t --------------------------------------------------------------------
+BRILLO_EXPORT void AppendValueToWriter(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ uint8_t value);
+BRILLO_EXPORT bool PopValueFromReader(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
+ uint8_t* value);
+struct DBusType<uint8_t> {
+ inline static std::string GetSignature() { return DBUS_TYPE_BYTE_AS_STRING; }
+ inline static void Write(dbus::MessageWriter* writer, uint8_t value) {
+ AppendValueToWriter(writer, value);
+ }
+ inline static bool Read(dbus::MessageReader* reader, uint8_t* value) {
+ return PopValueFromReader(reader, value);
+ }
+// int16_t --------------------------------------------------------------------
+BRILLO_EXPORT void AppendValueToWriter(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ int16_t value);
+BRILLO_EXPORT bool PopValueFromReader(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
+ int16_t* value);
+struct DBusType<int16_t> {
+ inline static std::string GetSignature() { return DBUS_TYPE_INT16_AS_STRING; }
+ inline static void Write(dbus::MessageWriter* writer, int16_t value) {
+ AppendValueToWriter(writer, value);
+ }
+ inline static bool Read(dbus::MessageReader* reader, int16_t* value) {
+ return PopValueFromReader(reader, value);
+ }
+// uint16_t -------------------------------------------------------------------
+BRILLO_EXPORT void AppendValueToWriter(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ uint16_t value);
+BRILLO_EXPORT bool PopValueFromReader(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
+ uint16_t* value);
+struct DBusType<uint16_t> {
+ inline static std::string GetSignature() {
+ }
+ inline static void Write(dbus::MessageWriter* writer, uint16_t value) {
+ AppendValueToWriter(writer, value);
+ }
+ inline static bool Read(dbus::MessageReader* reader, uint16_t* value) {
+ return PopValueFromReader(reader, value);
+ }
+// int32_t --------------------------------------------------------------------
+BRILLO_EXPORT void AppendValueToWriter(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ int32_t value);
+BRILLO_EXPORT bool PopValueFromReader(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
+ int32_t* value);
+struct DBusType<int32_t> {
+ inline static std::string GetSignature() { return DBUS_TYPE_INT32_AS_STRING; }
+ inline static void Write(dbus::MessageWriter* writer, int32_t value) {
+ AppendValueToWriter(writer, value);
+ }
+ inline static bool Read(dbus::MessageReader* reader, int32_t* value) {
+ return PopValueFromReader(reader, value);
+ }
+// uint32_t -------------------------------------------------------------------
+BRILLO_EXPORT void AppendValueToWriter(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ uint32_t value);
+BRILLO_EXPORT bool PopValueFromReader(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
+ uint32_t* value);
+struct DBusType<uint32_t> {
+ inline static std::string GetSignature() {
+ }
+ inline static void Write(dbus::MessageWriter* writer, uint32_t value) {
+ AppendValueToWriter(writer, value);
+ }
+ inline static bool Read(dbus::MessageReader* reader, uint32_t* value) {
+ return PopValueFromReader(reader, value);
+ }
+// int64_t --------------------------------------------------------------------
+BRILLO_EXPORT void AppendValueToWriter(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ int64_t value);
+BRILLO_EXPORT bool PopValueFromReader(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
+ int64_t* value);
+struct DBusType<int64_t> {
+ inline static std::string GetSignature() { return DBUS_TYPE_INT64_AS_STRING; }
+ inline static void Write(dbus::MessageWriter* writer, int64_t value) {
+ AppendValueToWriter(writer, value);
+ }
+ inline static bool Read(dbus::MessageReader* reader, int64_t* value) {
+ return PopValueFromReader(reader, value);
+ }
+// uint64_t -------------------------------------------------------------------
+BRILLO_EXPORT void AppendValueToWriter(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ uint64_t value);
+BRILLO_EXPORT bool PopValueFromReader(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
+ uint64_t* value);
+struct DBusType<uint64_t> {
+ inline static std::string GetSignature() {
+ }
+ inline static void Write(dbus::MessageWriter* writer, uint64_t value) {
+ AppendValueToWriter(writer, value);
+ }
+ inline static bool Read(dbus::MessageReader* reader, uint64_t* value) {
+ return PopValueFromReader(reader, value);
+ }
+// double ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+BRILLO_EXPORT void AppendValueToWriter(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ double value);
+BRILLO_EXPORT bool PopValueFromReader(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
+ double* value);
+struct DBusType<double> {
+ inline static std::string GetSignature() {
+ }
+ inline static void Write(dbus::MessageWriter* writer, double value) {
+ AppendValueToWriter(writer, value);
+ }
+ inline static bool Read(dbus::MessageReader* reader, double* value) {
+ return PopValueFromReader(reader, value);
+ }
+// std::string ----------------------------------------------------------------
+BRILLO_EXPORT void AppendValueToWriter(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ const std::string& value);
+BRILLO_EXPORT bool PopValueFromReader(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
+ std::string* value);
+struct DBusType<std::string> {
+ inline static std::string GetSignature() {
+ }
+ inline static void Write(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ const std::string& value) {
+ AppendValueToWriter(writer, value);
+ }
+ inline static bool Read(dbus::MessageReader* reader, std::string* value) {
+ return PopValueFromReader(reader, value);
+ }
+// const char*
+BRILLO_EXPORT void AppendValueToWriter(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ const char* value);
+struct DBusType<const char*> {
+ inline static std::string GetSignature() {
+ }
+ inline static void Write(dbus::MessageWriter* writer, const char* value) {
+ AppendValueToWriter(writer, value);
+ }
+// const char[]
+struct DBusType<const char[]> {
+ inline static std::string GetSignature() {
+ }
+ inline static void Write(dbus::MessageWriter* writer, const char* value) {
+ AppendValueToWriter(writer, value);
+ }
+// dbus::ObjectPath -----------------------------------------------------------
+BRILLO_EXPORT void AppendValueToWriter(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ const dbus::ObjectPath& value);
+BRILLO_EXPORT bool PopValueFromReader(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
+ dbus::ObjectPath* value);
+struct DBusType<dbus::ObjectPath> {
+ inline static std::string GetSignature() {
+ }
+ inline static void Write(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ const dbus::ObjectPath& value) {
+ AppendValueToWriter(writer, value);
+ }
+ inline static bool Read(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
+ dbus::ObjectPath* value) {
+ return PopValueFromReader(reader, value);
+ }
+// dbus::FileDescriptor -------------------------------------------------------
+BRILLO_EXPORT void AppendValueToWriter(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ const dbus::FileDescriptor& value);
+BRILLO_EXPORT bool PopValueFromReader(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
+ dbus::FileDescriptor* value);
+struct DBusType<dbus::FileDescriptor> {
+ inline static std::string GetSignature() {
+ }
+ inline static void Write(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ const dbus::FileDescriptor& value) {
+ AppendValueToWriter(writer, value);
+ }
+ inline static bool Read(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
+ dbus::FileDescriptor* value) {
+ return PopValueFromReader(reader, value);
+ }
+// brillo::Any --------------------------------------------------------------
+BRILLO_EXPORT void AppendValueToWriter(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ const brillo::Any& value);
+BRILLO_EXPORT bool PopValueFromReader(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
+ brillo::Any* value);
+struct DBusType<brillo::Any> {
+ inline static std::string GetSignature() {
+ }
+ inline static void Write(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ const brillo::Any& value) {
+ AppendValueToWriter(writer, value);
+ }
+ inline static bool Read(dbus::MessageReader* reader, brillo::Any* value) {
+ return PopValueFromReader(reader, value);
+ }
+// std::vector = D-Bus ARRAY. -------------------------------------------------
+template<typename T, typename ALLOC>
+typename std::enable_if<IsTypeSupported<T>::value>::type AppendValueToWriter(
+ dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ const std::vector<T, ALLOC>& value) {
+ dbus::MessageWriter array_writer(nullptr);
+ writer->OpenArray(GetDBusSignature<T>(), &array_writer);
+ for (const auto& element : value) {
+ // Use DBusType<T>::Write() instead of AppendValueToWriter() to delay
+ // binding to AppendValueToWriter() to the point of instantiation of this
+ // template.
+ DBusType<T>::Write(&array_writer, element);
+ }
+ writer->CloseContainer(&array_writer);
+template<typename T, typename ALLOC>
+typename std::enable_if<IsTypeSupported<T>::value, bool>::type
+PopValueFromReader(dbus::MessageReader* reader, std::vector<T, ALLOC>* value) {
+ dbus::MessageReader variant_reader(nullptr);
+ dbus::MessageReader array_reader(nullptr);
+ if (!details::DescendIntoVariantIfPresent(&reader, &variant_reader) ||
+ !reader->PopArray(&array_reader))
+ return false;
+ value->clear();
+ while (array_reader.HasMoreData()) {
+ T data;
+ // Use DBusType<T>::Read() instead of PopValueFromReader() to delay
+ // binding to PopValueFromReader() to the point of instantiation of this
+ // template.
+ if (!DBusType<T>::Read(&array_reader, &data))
+ return false;
+ value->push_back(std::move(data));
+ }
+ return true;
+namespace details {
+// DBusArrayType<> is a helper base class for DBusType<vector<T>> that provides
+// GetSignature/Write/Read methods for T types that are supported by D-Bus
+// and not having those methods for types that are not supported by D-Bus.
+template<bool inner_type_supported, typename T, typename ALLOC>
+struct DBusArrayType {
+ // Returns "aT", where "T" is the signature string for type T.
+ inline static std::string GetSignature() {
+ return GetArrayDBusSignature(GetDBusSignature<T>());
+ }
+ inline static void Write(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ const std::vector<T, ALLOC>& value) {
+ AppendValueToWriter(writer, value);
+ }
+ inline static bool Read(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
+ std::vector<T, ALLOC>* value) {
+ return PopValueFromReader(reader, value);
+ }
+// Explicit specialization for unsupported type T.
+template<typename T, typename ALLOC>
+struct DBusArrayType<false, T, ALLOC> : public Unsupported {};
+} // namespace details
+template<typename T, typename ALLOC>
+struct DBusType<std::vector<T, ALLOC>>
+ : public details::DBusArrayType<IsTypeSupported<T>::value, T, ALLOC> {};
+// std::pair = D-Bus STRUCT with two elements. --------------------------------
+namespace details {
+// Helper class to get a D-Bus signature of a list of types.
+// For example, TupleTraits<int32_t, bool, std::string>::GetSignature() will
+// return "ibs".
+template<typename... Types>
+struct TupleTraits;
+template<typename FirstType, typename... RestOfTypes>
+struct TupleTraits<FirstType, RestOfTypes...> {
+ static std::string GetSignature() {
+ return GetDBusSignature<FirstType>() +
+ TupleTraits<RestOfTypes...>::GetSignature();
+ }
+struct TupleTraits<> {
+ static std::string GetSignature() { return std::string{}; }
+} // namespace details
+template<typename... Types>
+inline std::string GetStructDBusSignature() {
+ // Returns "(T...)", where "T..." is the signature strings for types T...
+ details::TupleTraits<Types...>::GetSignature() +
+template<typename U, typename V>
+typename std::enable_if<IsTypeSupported<U, V>::value>::type AppendValueToWriter(
+ dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ const std::pair<U, V>& value) {
+ dbus::MessageWriter struct_writer(nullptr);
+ writer->OpenStruct(&struct_writer);
+ // Use DBusType<T>::Write() instead of AppendValueToWriter() to delay
+ // binding to AppendValueToWriter() to the point of instantiation of this
+ // template.
+ DBusType<U>::Write(&struct_writer, value.first);
+ DBusType<V>::Write(&struct_writer, value.second);
+ writer->CloseContainer(&struct_writer);
+template<typename U, typename V>
+typename std::enable_if<IsTypeSupported<U, V>::value, bool>::type
+PopValueFromReader(dbus::MessageReader* reader, std::pair<U, V>* value) {
+ dbus::MessageReader variant_reader(nullptr);
+ dbus::MessageReader struct_reader(nullptr);
+ if (!details::DescendIntoVariantIfPresent(&reader, &variant_reader) ||
+ !reader->PopStruct(&struct_reader))
+ return false;
+ // Use DBusType<T>::Read() instead of PopValueFromReader() to delay
+ // binding to PopValueFromReader() to the point of instantiation of this
+ // template.
+ return DBusType<U>::Read(&struct_reader, &value->first) &&
+ DBusType<V>::Read(&struct_reader, &value->second);
+namespace details {
+// DBusArrayType<> is a helper base class for DBusType<pair<U, V>> that provides
+// GetSignature/Write/Read methods for types that are supported by D-Bus
+// and not having those methods for types that are not supported by D-Bus.
+template<bool inner_type_supported, typename U, typename V>
+struct DBusPairType {
+ // Returns "(UV)", where "U" and "V" are the signature strings for types U, V.
+ inline static std::string GetSignature() {
+ return GetStructDBusSignature<U, V>();
+ }
+ inline static void Write(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ const std::pair<U, V>& value) {
+ AppendValueToWriter(writer, value);
+ }
+ inline static bool Read(dbus::MessageReader* reader, std::pair<U, V>* value) {
+ return PopValueFromReader(reader, value);
+ }
+// Either U, or V, or both are not supported by D-Bus.
+template<typename U, typename V>
+struct DBusPairType<false, U, V> : public Unsupported {};
+} // namespace details
+template<typename U, typename V>
+struct DBusType<std::pair<U, V>>
+ : public details::DBusPairType<IsTypeSupported<U, V>::value, U, V> {};
+// std::tuple = D-Bus STRUCT with arbitrary number of members. ----------------
+namespace details {
+// TupleIterator<I, N, T...> is a helper class to iterate over all the elements
+// of a tuple<T...> from index I to N. TupleIterator<>::Read and ::Write methods
+// are called for each element of the tuple and iteration continues until I == N
+// in which case the specialization for I==N below stops the recursion.
+template<size_t I, size_t N, typename... T>
+struct TupleIterator {
+ // Tuple is just a convenience alias to a tuple containing elements of type T.
+ using Tuple = std::tuple<T...>;
+ // ValueType is the type of the element at index I.
+ using ValueType = typename std::tuple_element<I, Tuple>::type;
+ // Write the tuple element at index I to D-Bus message.
+ static void Write(dbus::MessageWriter* writer, const Tuple& value) {
+ // Use DBusType<T>::Write() instead of AppendValueToWriter() to delay
+ // binding to AppendValueToWriter() to the point of instantiation of this
+ // template.
+ DBusType<ValueType>::Write(writer, std::get<I>(value));
+ TupleIterator<I + 1, N, T...>::Write(writer, value);
+ }
+ // Read the tuple element at index I from D-Bus message.
+ static bool Read(dbus::MessageReader* reader, Tuple* value) {
+ // Use DBusType<T>::Read() instead of PopValueFromReader() to delay
+ // binding to PopValueFromReader() to the point of instantiation of this
+ // template.
+ return DBusType<ValueType>::Read(reader, &std::get<I>(*value)) &&
+ TupleIterator<I + 1, N, T...>::Read(reader, value);
+ }
+// Specialization to end the iteration when the index reaches the last element.
+template<size_t N, typename... T>
+struct TupleIterator<N, N, T...> {
+ using Tuple = std::tuple<T...>;
+ static void Write(dbus::MessageWriter* writer, const Tuple& value) {}
+ static bool Read(dbus::MessageReader* reader, Tuple* value) { return true; }
+} // namespace details
+template<typename... T>
+typename std::enable_if<IsTypeSupported<T...>::value>::type AppendValueToWriter(
+ dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ const std::tuple<T...>& value) {
+ dbus::MessageWriter struct_writer(nullptr);
+ writer->OpenStruct(&struct_writer);
+ details::TupleIterator<0, sizeof...(T), T...>::Write(&struct_writer, value);
+ writer->CloseContainer(&struct_writer);
+template<typename... T>
+typename std::enable_if<IsTypeSupported<T...>::value, bool>::type
+PopValueFromReader(dbus::MessageReader* reader, std::tuple<T...>* value) {
+ dbus::MessageReader variant_reader(nullptr);
+ dbus::MessageReader struct_reader(nullptr);
+ if (!details::DescendIntoVariantIfPresent(&reader, &variant_reader) ||
+ !reader->PopStruct(&struct_reader))
+ return false;
+ return details::TupleIterator<0, sizeof...(T), T...>::Read(&struct_reader,
+ value);
+namespace details {
+// DBusTupleType<> is a helper base class for DBusType<tuple<T...>> that
+// provides GetSignature/Write/Read methods for types that are supported by
+// D-Bus and not having those methods for types that are not supported by D-Bus.
+template<bool inner_type_supported, typename... T>
+struct DBusTupleType {
+ // Returns "(T...)", where "T..." are the signature strings for types T...
+ inline static std::string GetSignature() {
+ return GetStructDBusSignature<T...>();
+ }
+ inline static void Write(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ const std::tuple<T...>& value) {
+ AppendValueToWriter(writer, value);
+ }
+ inline static bool Read(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
+ std::tuple<T...>* value) {
+ return PopValueFromReader(reader, value);
+ }
+// Some/all of types T... are not supported by D-Bus.
+template<typename... T>
+struct DBusTupleType<false, T...> : public Unsupported {};
+} // namespace details
+template<typename... T>
+struct DBusType<std::tuple<T...>>
+ : public details::DBusTupleType<IsTypeSupported<T...>::value, T...> {};
+// std::map = D-Bus ARRAY of DICT_ENTRY. --------------------------------------
+template<typename KEY, typename VALUE, typename PRED, typename ALLOC>
+typename std::enable_if<IsTypeSupported<KEY, VALUE>::value>::type
+AppendValueToWriter(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ const std::map<KEY, VALUE, PRED, ALLOC>& value) {
+ dbus::MessageWriter dict_writer(nullptr);
+ writer->OpenArray(details::GetDBusDictEntryType<KEY, VALUE>(), &dict_writer);
+ for (const auto& pair : value) {
+ dbus::MessageWriter entry_writer(nullptr);
+ dict_writer.OpenDictEntry(&entry_writer);
+ // Use DBusType<T>::Write() instead of AppendValueToWriter() to delay
+ // binding to AppendValueToWriter() to the point of instantiation of this
+ // template.
+ DBusType<KEY>::Write(&entry_writer, pair.first);
+ DBusType<VALUE>::Write(&entry_writer, pair.second);
+ dict_writer.CloseContainer(&entry_writer);
+ }
+ writer->CloseContainer(&dict_writer);
+template<typename KEY, typename VALUE, typename PRED, typename ALLOC>
+typename std::enable_if<IsTypeSupported<KEY, VALUE>::value, bool>::type
+PopValueFromReader(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
+ std::map<KEY, VALUE, PRED, ALLOC>* value) {
+ dbus::MessageReader variant_reader(nullptr);
+ dbus::MessageReader array_reader(nullptr);
+ if (!details::DescendIntoVariantIfPresent(&reader, &variant_reader) ||
+ !reader->PopArray(&array_reader))
+ return false;
+ value->clear();
+ while (array_reader.HasMoreData()) {
+ dbus::MessageReader dict_entry_reader(nullptr);
+ if (!array_reader.PopDictEntry(&dict_entry_reader))
+ return false;
+ KEY key;
+ VALUE data;
+ // Use DBusType<T>::Read() instead of PopValueFromReader() to delay
+ // binding to PopValueFromReader() to the point of instantiation of this
+ // template.
+ if (!DBusType<KEY>::Read(&dict_entry_reader, &key) ||
+ !DBusType<VALUE>::Read(&dict_entry_reader, &data))
+ return false;
+ value->emplace(std::move(key), std::move(data));
+ }
+ return true;
+namespace details {
+// DBusArrayType<> is a helper base class for DBusType<map<K, V>> that provides
+// GetSignature/Write/Read methods for T types that are supported by D-Bus
+// and not having those methods for types that are not supported by D-Bus.
+template<bool inner_types_supported,
+ typename KEY,
+ typename VALUE,
+ typename PRED,
+ typename ALLOC>
+struct DBusMapType {
+ // Returns "a{KV}", where "K" and "V" are the signature strings for types
+ inline static std::string GetSignature() {
+ return GetArrayDBusSignature(GetDBusDictEntryType<KEY, VALUE>());
+ }
+ inline static void Write(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ const std::map<KEY, VALUE, PRED, ALLOC>& value) {
+ AppendValueToWriter(writer, value);
+ }
+ inline static bool Read(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
+ std::map<KEY, VALUE, PRED, ALLOC>* value) {
+ return PopValueFromReader(reader, value);
+ }
+// Types KEY, VALUE or both are not supported by D-Bus.
+template<typename KEY, typename VALUE, typename PRED, typename ALLOC>
+struct DBusMapType<false, KEY, VALUE, PRED, ALLOC> : public Unsupported {};
+} // namespace details
+template<typename KEY, typename VALUE, typename PRED, typename ALLOC>
+struct DBusType<std::map<KEY, VALUE, PRED, ALLOC>>
+ : public details::DBusMapType<IsTypeSupported<KEY, VALUE>::value,
+ KEY,
+ ALLOC> {};
+// google::protobuf::MessageLite = D-Bus ARRAY of BYTE ------------------------
+inline void AppendValueToWriter(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ const google::protobuf::MessageLite& value) {
+ writer->AppendProtoAsArrayOfBytes(value);
+inline bool PopValueFromReader(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
+ google::protobuf::MessageLite* value) {
+ return reader->PopArrayOfBytesAsProto(value);
+// is_protobuf_t<T> is a helper type trait to determine if type T derives from
+// google::protobuf::MessageLite.
+template<typename T>
+using is_protobuf = std::is_base_of<google::protobuf::MessageLite, T>;
+// Specialize DBusType<T> for classes that derive from protobuf::MessageLite.
+// Here we perform a partial specialization of DBusType<T> only for types
+// that derive from google::protobuf::MessageLite. This is done by employing
+// the second template parameter in DBusType and this basically relies on C++
+// SFINAE rules. "typename std::enable_if<is_protobuf<T>::value>::type" will
+// evaluate to "void" for classes T that descend from MessageLite and will be
+// an invalid construct for other types/classes which will automatically
+// remove this particular specialization from name resolution context.
+template<typename T>
+struct DBusType<T, typename std::enable_if<is_protobuf<T>::value>::type> {
+ inline static std::string GetSignature() {
+ return GetDBusSignature<std::vector<uint8_t>>();
+ }
+ inline static void Write(dbus::MessageWriter* writer, const T& value) {
+ AppendValueToWriter(writer, value);
+ }
+ inline static bool Read(dbus::MessageReader* reader, T* value) {
+ return PopValueFromReader(reader, value);
+ }
+// AppendValueToWriterAsVariant<T>(dbus::MessageWriter* writer, const T& value)
+// Write the |value| of type T to D-Bus message as a VARIANT.
+// This overload is provided only if T is supported by D-Bus.
+template<typename T>
+typename std::enable_if<IsTypeSupported<T>::value>::type
+AppendValueToWriterAsVariant(dbus::MessageWriter* writer, const T& value) {
+ std::string data_type = GetDBusSignature<T>();
+ dbus::MessageWriter variant_writer(nullptr);
+ writer->OpenVariant(data_type, &variant_writer);
+ // Use DBusType<T>::Write() instead of AppendValueToWriter() to delay
+ // binding to AppendValueToWriter() to the point of instantiation of this
+ // template.
+ DBusType<T>::Write(&variant_writer, value);
+ writer->CloseContainer(&variant_writer);
+// Special case: do not allow to write a Variant containing a Variant.
+// Just redirect to normal AppendValueToWriter().
+inline void AppendValueToWriterAsVariant(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
+ const brillo::Any& value) {
+ return AppendValueToWriter(writer, value);
+// PopVariantValueFromReader<T>(dbus::MessageWriter* writer, T* value)
+// Reads a Variant containing the |value| of type T from D-Bus message.
+// Note that the generic PopValueFromReader<T>(...) can do this too.
+// This method is provided for two reasons:
+// 1. For API symmetry with AppendValueToWriter/AppendValueToWriterAsVariant.
+// 2. To be used when it is important to assert that the data was sent
+// specifically as a Variant.
+// This overload is provided only if T is supported by D-Bus.
+template<typename T>
+typename std::enable_if<IsTypeSupported<T>::value, bool>::type
+PopVariantValueFromReader(dbus::MessageReader* reader, T* value) {
+ dbus::MessageReader variant_reader(nullptr);
+ if (!reader->PopVariant(&variant_reader))
+ return false;
+ // Use DBusType<T>::Read() instead of PopValueFromReader() to delay
+ // binding to PopValueFromReader() to the point of instantiation of this
+ // template.
+ return DBusType<T>::Read(&variant_reader, value);
+// Special handling of request to read a Variant of Variant.
+inline bool PopVariantValueFromReader(dbus::MessageReader* reader, Any* value) {
+ return PopValueFromReader(reader, value);
+} // namespace dbus_utils
+} // namespace brillo