diff options
6 files changed, 400 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..387d55f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+cc_library_static {
+ name: "libaom",
+ vendor_available: true,
+ cflags: [
+ "-O3",
+ ],
+ export_include_dirs: [
+ "libaom",
+ ],
+ local_include_dirs: [
+ "libaom/third_party/libwebm/",
+ ],
+ arch: {
+ arm64: {
+ local_include_dirs: [
+ "config/arm64/",
+ ],
+ srcs: libaom_arm64_c_srcs,
+ },
+ arm: {
+ local_include_dirs: [
+ "config/arm/",
+ ],
+ srcs: libaom_arm_c_srcs,
+ },
+ x86_64: {
+ local_include_dirs: [
+ "config/x86_64/",
+ ],
+ srcs: libaom_x86_c_srcs,
+ },
+ x86: {
+ local_include_dirs: [
+ "config/x86/",
+ ],
+ srcs: libaom_x86_64_c_srcs,
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..612c879
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+#Empty to shadow third_party/libwebm/
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f36ce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Name: libaom
+Version: v1.0.0
+License: BSD
+License File: libaom/LICENSE
+See README.updating to learn how to pull in upstream updates
+Note that we should NOT be modifying the ./libaom subdirectory as it will
+be overwritten with the next execution of this script.
+Below this line is automatically generated. Do not test your luck.
diff --git a/README.updating b/README.updating
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41ada56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.updating
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+Contains the sources used to compile libaom.
+The libaom source is from
+Notes on updating libaom source code:
+Please follow these steps to update libvpx source code:
+1. Update libaom source tree. Look for "Current HEAD: <hash>" output to update
+ Look for "git log from upstream: <git log>" output to add
+ to the commit message.
+ ./ [branch name]
+ [the script will automatically update with the git HEAD information
+ and will also prepare a commit message for your use in a file "commit-message-yyyymmdd.hhmmss"
+2. Generate updated config files.
+ ./
+ This requires some local x86, x86_64, arm, and arm64 tools.
+ The x86 and x86_64 tools are generally present on our development machines
+ The arm and arm64 tools can be installed with apt-get (Note that these
+ are just generic arm and arm64 tools, not the android-specific tools)
+ apt-get install g++-arm-linux-gnueabihf
+ apt-get install g++-aarch64-linux-gnu
+3. Update file with any Version, Date, Branch, or Commit changes. The
+ version is in the file source/config/aom_version.h
+ [the Date, Branch, and Commit information is automatically updated in as
+ part of the script you ran in step #1]
+4. Commit the changes. The commit message should look like this and is printed
+ by
+ libaom: Pull from upstream
+ Current HEAD: <hash>
+ git log from upstream:
+ a6b2070 <git commit message 1>
+ 08dabbc <git commit message 2>
+ c29fb02 <git commit message 3>
+ [A commit message will be present in a file "commit-message-yyyymmdd.hhmmss" after
+ you run the command]
+Tools needed to build libaom:
+Generate config files that contain the source list for each platform.
+Configuration for the build is taken from aom_config.h for each platform.
+- arm and arm64 GNU compilation tools; the apt-get install lines are listed in step #2 above.
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7eb77b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+#Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
+#Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#limitations under the License.
+# This script is used to generate files in the <platform> directories needed to
+# build libaom. Every time libaom source code is updated run this script.
+# $ ./
+# And this will update all the config files needed.
+# Clean files from previous make.
+function make_clean {
+ make clean > /dev/null
+ rm -f libaom_srcs.txt
+# Extract a list of C sources from a libaom_srcs.txt file
+# $1 - path to libaom_srcs.txt
+function libaom_srcs_txt_to_c_srcs {
+ ##grep "CMakeFiles" $1 | grep -v "aom_config.c"| grep -v "gen_src" | grep -v "encoder" | grep -v "mkvmuxer" | grep -v "hdr_util" | sed 's/.*dir/"libaom/' | sed 's/.o$/",/' | sort
+ grep "CMakeFiles" $1 | grep -v "aom_config.c"| grep -v "gen_src" | grep -v "encoder" | grep -v "mkvmuxer" | grep -v "hdr_util" | sed 's/.*dir/ "libaom/' | sed 's/.o$/",/' | sort
+# Convert a list of sources to a blueprint file containing a variable
+# assignment.
+# $1 - arch type
+function gen_bp_srcs {
+ (
+ varprefix=libaom_${1//-/_}
+ echo "${varprefix}_c_srcs = ["
+ libaom_srcs_txt_to_c_srcs libaom_srcs_$1.txt
+ echo "\"$LIBAOM_CONFIG_DIR/$1/$LIBAOM_CONFIG_DIR/aom_config.c\","
+ echo "]"
+ echo
+ ) > $BASE_DIR/$TEMP_DIR/config_$1.bp
+# Generate and copy config folder to $BASE_DIR/$LIBAOM_CONFIG_DIR/$1/$LIBAOM_CONFIG_DIR
+# $1 - arch type
+function libaom_gen_config {
+ mkdir $TEMP_DIR/$1/
+ cd $TEMP_DIR/$1/
+ if [ $1 == $ARCH_x86_64 ]; then
+ make aom aom_common_app_util aom_decoder_app_util > libaom_srcs_$1.txt
+ elif [ $1 == $ARCH_x86 ]; then
+ make aom aom_common_app_util aom_decoder_app_util > libaom_srcs_$1.txt
+ elif [ $1 == $ARCH_ARM ]; then
+ make aom aom_common_app_util aom_decoder_app_util webm > libaom_srcs_$1.txt
+ elif [ $1 == $ARCH_ARM_64 ]; then
+ make aom aom_common_app_util aom_decoder_app_util webm > libaom_srcs_$1.txt
+ else
+ echo "Architecture not supported."
+ fi
+ gen_bp_srcs $1
+ rm $LIBAOM_CONFIG_DIR/*.cmake
+ cd $BASE_DIR
+# Remove the temporary directory in case it already exists and create a new temporary diretory.
+if [ -d "$TEMP_DIR" ]; then
+ rm -rf $TEMP_DIR
+mkdir $TEMP_DIR
+# Remove the config folder in case it already exists and create a new config folder.
+if [ -d "$LIBAOM_CONFIG_DIR" ]; then
+libaom_gen_config $ARCH_ARM_64
+libaom_gen_config $ARCH_ARM
+libaom_gen_config $ARCH_x86_64
+libaom_gen_config $ARCH_x86
+ echo "// Generated from, run ./ to regenerate"
+ echo
+ cat config_*.bp
+ cat $BASE_DIR/
+) > $BASE_DIR/Android.bp
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..69fa6db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# This tool is used to update libaom source code to a revision of the upstream
+# repository.
+# Usage:
+# $ ./ [branch | revision | file or url containing a revision]
+# When specifying a branch it may be necessary to prefix with origin/
+# Tools required for running this tool:
+# 1. Linux / Mac
+# 2. git
+export LC_ALL=C
+# Location for the remote git repository.
+# Update to TOT by default.
+# Relative path of target checkout.
+if [ -n "$1" ]; then
+ if [ -f "$1" ]; then
+ GIT_BRANCH=$(<"$1")
+ elif [[ $1 = http* ]]; then
+ GIT_BRANCH=`curl $1`
+ fi
+prev_hash="$(egrep "^Commit: [[:alnum:]]" | awk '{ print $2 }')"
+echo "prev_hash:$prev_hash"
+# be robust in the face of errors (meaning don't overwrite the wrong place)
+mkdir $LIBAOM_SRC_DIR || exit 1
+cd $LIBAOM_SRC_DIR || exit 1
+# Start a local git repo.
+git clone $GIT_REPO .
+# Switch the content to the desired revision.
+git checkout -b tot $GIT_BRANCH
+add="$(git diff-index --diff-filter=A $prev_hash | \
+tr -s [:blank:] ' ' | cut -f6 -d\ )"
+delete="$(git diff-index --diff-filter=D $prev_hash | \
+tr -s [:blank:] ' ' | cut -f6 -d\ )"
+# Get the current commit hash.
+hash=$(git log -1 --format="%H")
+# README reminder.
+ # keep meta info / header
+ sed -n '0,/^====/p' < ../
+ # sed kept it in there
+ #echo "========"
+ echo "Date: $(date +"%A %B %d %Y")"
+ echo "Branch: $GIT_BRANCH"
+ echo "Commit: $hash"
+ echo ""
+) > ../update.$$
+cat ../update.$$
+mv ../update.$$ ../
+# Commit message header.
+COMMIT_MSG=../commit-message-`date +"%Y%m%d.%H%M%S"`
+ echo "libaom: Pull from upstream"
+ echo ""
+ # Output the current commit hash.
+ echo "Prev HEAD: $prev_hash"
+ echo "New HEAD: $hash"
+ echo ""
+ # Output log for upstream from current hash.
+ if [ -n "$prev_hash" ]; then
+ echo "git log from upstream:"
+ pretty_git_log="$(git log \
+ --no-merges \
+ --topo-order \
+ --pretty="%h %s" \
+ --max-count=20 \
+ $prev_hash..$hash)"
+ if [ -z "$pretty_git_log" ]; then
+ echo "No log found. Checking for reverts."
+ pretty_git_log="$(git log \
+ --no-merges \
+ --topo-order \
+ --pretty="%h %s" \
+ --max-count=20 \
+ $hash..$prev_hash)"
+ fi
+ echo "$pretty_git_log"
+ # If it makes it to 20 then it's probably skipping even more.
+ if [ `echo "$pretty_git_log" | wc -l` -eq 20 ]; then
+ echo "<...>"
+ fi
+ else
+ # no previous hash
+ echo "git log from upstream:"
+ pretty_git_log="$(git log \
+ --no-merges \
+ --topo-order \
+ --pretty="%h %s" \
+ --max-count=20)"
+ if [ -z "$pretty_git_log" ]; then
+ echo "No log found. Checking for reverts."
+ fi
+ echo "$pretty_git_log"
+ # If it makes it to 20 then it's probably skipping even more.
+ if [ `echo "$pretty_git_log" | wc -l` -eq 20 ]; then
+ echo "<...>"
+ fi
+ fi
+) > ${COMMIT_MSG}
+# Tell user about it
+echo "Commit message: (stored in ./${COMMIT_MSG})"
+echo "==============="
+cat ${COMMIT_MSG}
+echo ""
+echo "==============="
+# Git is useless now, remove the local git repo.
+rm -rf .git .gitignore .gitattributes
+# Add and remove files.
+echo "$add" | xargs -I {} git add {}
+echo "$delete" | xargs -I {} git rm --ignore-unmatch {}
+# Find empty directories and remove them.
+find . -type d -empty -exec git rm {} \;
+chmod 755 build/cmake/*.sh build/cmake/*.pl
+# not even sure why we're doing a chdir here as the last thing in the script
+# it isn't going to make any difference semantically.
+cd $BASE_DIR || exit 1