path: root/host/include/libOpenglRender
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* intrusive refcount for encoders so we dont need cleanup callbackLingfeng Yang2020-08-271-0/+15
* Account for row slack in upload/download of texturesLingfeng Yang2020-06-121-1/+1
* Move IOStream_common.cpp to GLESv2_encRoman Kiryanov2020-05-111-0/+3
* Fix SkQP tests (android 10 cts r3)Lingfeng Yang2020-04-081-0/+1
* IOStream: allow subclasses of IOStream to influence how alloc() worksLingfeng Yang2019-10-151-13/+17
* [vulkan] Improve pipe performance on Fuchsia.David Reveman2019-06-281-1/+7
* WIP: Add virtio-gpu backend to OpenglSystem.Alistair Strachan2018-09-201-2/+2
* Fix glReadPixels when row length != 0pie-devLingfeng Yang2018-05-301-0/+2
* migrate opengl and system from development/toolskeunyoung2013-03-111-0/+102