path: root/res/values-en-rGB/cm_strings.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'res/values-en-rGB/cm_strings.xml')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/res/values-en-rGB/cm_strings.xml b/res/values-en-rGB/cm_strings.xml
index 3c11100..31c1659 100644
--- a/res/values-en-rGB/cm_strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-en-rGB/cm_strings.xml
@@ -16,36 +16,127 @@
limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
+ <string name="report_as_spam_to">Report as spam to %s</string>
<!-- Strip unicode -->
+ <string name="unicode_stripping_pref_title">Strip unicode</string>
+ <string name="pref_unicode_stripping_leave_intact">Leave characters intact</string>
+ <string name="pref_unicode_stripping_non_encodable">Strip non-encodable characters</string>
+ <string name="pref_unicode_stripping_all">Strip all unicode characters</string>
<!-- Settings item description for SMS and MMS Validity period -->
+ <string name="validity_period_pref_title">Validity period</string>
+ <string name="validity_period_slot1_pref_title">Validity period for SIM 1</string>
+ <string name="validity_period_slot2_pref_title">Validity period for SIM 2</string>
+ <string name="sms_validity_period_not_set">Not set</string>
+ <string name="sms_validity_period_one_hour">1 hour</string>
+ <string name="sms_validity_period_six_hours">6 hours</string>
+ <string name="sms_validity_period_twelve_hours">12 hours</string>
+ <string name="sms_validity_period_one_day">1 day</string>
+ <string name="mms_validity_period_two_days">2 days</string>
+ <string name="mms_validity_period_one_week">1 week</string>
+ <string name="validity_period_maximum">Maximum</string>
+ <string name="pref_summary_mms_delivery_reports">Request a delivery report for each message you send</string>
+ <string name="pref_summary_mms_read_reports">Request a read report for each message you send</string>
+ <string name="delivery_reports_mms_pref_title">Delivery reports</string>
+ <string name="read_reports_mms_pref_title">Read reports</string>
+ <string name="status_label">Status:\u0020</string>
+ <string name="status_read">Read</string>
<!-- Item Descriptions for MMS sending Priority -->
+ <string name="priority_pref_title">Sending priority</string>
+ <string name="priority_low">Low</string>
+ <string name="priority_normal">Normal</string>
+ <string name="priority_high">High</string>
<!-- Storage specific Settings -->
+ <string name="sms_storage_pref_title">Storage</string>
+ <string name="pref_summary_auto_delete">Delete old messages as limits are reached</string>
+ <string name="auto_delete_pref_title">Delete old messages</string>
+ <string name="pref_summary_delete_limit"><xliff:g id="count">%1$s</xliff:g> messages per conversation</string>
+ <string name="sms_delete_pref_title">Text message limit</string>
+ <string name="mms_delete_pref_title">Multimedia message limit</string>
+ <string name="set">Set</string>
+ <string name="no">Cancel</string>
+ <string name="pref_messages_to_save">Set number of messages to save</string>
<!-- Swipe to delete conversation -->
+ <string name="swipe_to_delete_conversation_pref_title">Swipe to delete</string>
+ <string name="swipe_to_delete_conversation_pref_summary">Swipe to the right to delete a conversation</string>
<!-- Preferences -->
+ <string name="pref_quickmessage">QuickMessage and Reply</string>
+ <string name="pref_quickmessage_title">Show QuickMessage</string>
+ <string name="pref_quickmessage_summary">Automatically open the QuickMessage pop-up for incoming SMS messages</string>
+ <string name="pref_close_all_title">Close all</string>
+ <string name="pref_close_all_summary">Close button closes all messages</string>
+ <string name="message_counter">%1$d of %2$d</string>
<!-- QM Dialog box buttons -->
+ <string name="button_close">Close</string>
+ <string name="button_view">View</string>
+ <string name="button_templates">Templates</string>
+ <string name="qm_button_full_conversation">Full conversation</string>
<!-- Hint text in message body field when keyboard is exposed -->
+ <string name="type_to_reply_text_enter_to_send">Type to reply</string>
<!-- QM Toast -->
+ <string name="toast_sending_message">Sending message\u2026</string>
<!-- QM - Quick reply -->
+ <string name="qm_quick_reply">Quick reply</string>
+ <string name="send">Send</string>
+ <string name="compose_message_hint_text">Enter message</string>
<!-- Show emoticons -->
+ <string name="show_emoticons_pref_title">Emoticons access</string>
+ <string name="show_emoticons_pref_summary">Show the emoticons key on the keyboard</string>
+ <string name="select_phone_account_title">Send with</string>
<!-- Copy message to sim -->
<!-- Settings item for entering SIM card message screen -->
+ <string name="pref_title_manage_sim_messages">Manage SIM card messages</string>
+ <string name="pref_title_manage_sim_messages_slot1">Manage SIM 1 messages</string>
+ <string name="pref_title_manage_sim_messages_slot2">Manage SIM 2 messages</string>
+ <string name="copy_to_sim">Copy message to SIM card</string>
+ <string name="copy_to_sim_success"><xliff:g id="count">%1$d</xliff:g> of <xliff:g id="total">%2$d</xliff:g> messages saved to SIM card.</string>
+ <string name="copy_to_sim_fail">Unable to save message</string>
+ <string name="copy_to_phone_success">Message saved</string>
+ <string name="copy_to_phone_fail">Unable to save message</string>
<!-- Message that appears on the "SMS messges on SIM card" screen when there are no messages on the SIM card -->
+ <string name="sim_empty">No messages on SIM card.</string>
<!-- Context menu item on an individual message for emailing the sender -->
+ <string name="menu_send_email">Send email to <xliff:g id="name">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Context menu item on an individual message for dialing the sender's phone number -->
+ <string name="menu_call_back">Call <xliff:g id="name">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Menu shown in the context menu when long pressing on a message when the message contains
one or more phone numbers and/or email addresses and the number or email is new to
contacts. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
+ <string name="menu_add_address_to_contacts">Add <xliff:g id="contactEmailOrNumber">%s</xliff:g> to People</string>
+ <string name="sim_capacity_title">SIM capacity</string>
+ <string name="sim_capacity"><xliff:g id="used">%1$d</xliff:g> of <xliff:g id="total">%2$d</xliff:g> SIM card entries are used</string>
<!-- Confirm Delete -->
<!-- Delete confirmation dialog title -->
+ <string name="confirm_dialog_title">Delete?</string>
<!-- Title of screen displaying messages on SIM card -->
+ <string name="sim_manage_messages_title">Text messages on SIM card</string>
<!-- Message that appears on screen while SIM card messages are retrieved -->
+ <string name="refreshing">Refreshing\u2026</string>
+ <string name="confirm_delete_selected_messages">Selected message will be deleted.</string>
<!-- Delete button title -->
+ <string name="delete">Delete</string>
<!-- Context menu item on an individual message for forwarding it to another recipient -->
+ <string name="menu_forward">Forward</string>
+ <string name="menu_reply">Reply </string>
<!-- Menu title to copy a selected message from the SIM card to the phone. -->
+ <string name="sim_copy_to_phone_memory" product="tablet">Copy to tablet memory</string>
<!-- Menu title to copy a selected message from the SIM card to the phone. -->
+ <string name="sim_copy_to_phone_memory" product="default">Copy to phone memory</string>
+ <string name="selected_all">Select all</string>
+ <string name="deselected_all">Deselect all</string>
+ <string name="selected_count"><xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> selected</string>
<!-- Text to be used for affirmative response button in dialog boxes -->
+ <string name="yes">OK</string>
<!-- Copy message to sim -->
+ <string name="operation_to_card_memory">Copy message to SIM card</string>
+ <string name="slot1">SIM 1</string>
+ <string name="slot2">SIM 2</string>
<!-- Audio Library Tab for MMS attachments -->
- <!-- Ride sharing -->
+ <string name="mediapicker_galleryChooserDescription_cm">Choose images or videos from this device</string>
+ <string name="mediapicker_audioListChooserDescription">Choose audio files from this device</string>
+ <string name="mediapicker_gallery_image_item_attachment_too_large">Can\'t attach video. Max message size exceeded.</string>
+ <string name="mediapicker_audio_list_title">Choose audio</string>
+ <string name="mediapicker_audio_list_item_selected_content_description">The audio is selected.</string>
+ <string name="mediapicker_audio_list_item_unselected_content_description">The audio is unselected.</string>
+ <string name="mediapicker_audio_list_title_selection"><xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> selected</string>