path: root/NLnet/porting_replicant_to_android9/porting_replicant_to_android9.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'NLnet/porting_replicant_to_android9/porting_replicant_to_android9.tex')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/NLnet/porting_replicant_to_android9/porting_replicant_to_android9.tex b/NLnet/porting_replicant_to_android9/porting_replicant_to_android9.tex
index 21818f3..1b0d7ef 100644
--- a/NLnet/porting_replicant_to_android9/porting_replicant_to_android9.tex
+++ b/NLnet/porting_replicant_to_android9/porting_replicant_to_android9.tex
@@ -672,6 +672,72 @@ agree to the following:
XDC 2019
+ \hline
+ Cost estimation & Task & Comments \\
+ \hline
+ \hline
+ \fixedcost{18} &
+ 2 Replicant t-shirts &
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item The conference lasted 3 days and I had only 1 Replicant t-shirt
+ \item Wearing a Replicant t-shirt improves visibility and
+ helps starting more conversations about Replicant or Android
+ \end{itemize} \\
+ \hline
+ %% We were 4 people:
+ %% - Me
+ %% - David Ludovino
+ %% - Ricardo Cabrita
+ %% - Paul Kocialkowski (a Former Replicant developer who is still involved
+ %% indirectly in the project by contributing directly upstream)
+ %% The appartement rent costed 620.5 Euros, which divided by 4 is 155.13 Euros
+ %% so it's approximately 155 Euros
+ \fixedcost{155} &
+ Appartement rent &
+ It's cheaper, more convenient, and easier to sleep in than a hotel \\
+ \hline
+ %% Transportation:
+ %% - Plane to Montreal with Level: 181.98
+ %% - Plane to Paris with Norwegian: 139.90E
+ %% ------------------------------ 321.88
+ %% - Eta: ?
+ %% - Local transportation: 32.75 canadian dollars
+ \fixedcost{322} &
+ Transportation & \\
+ \hline
+ \fixedcost{92} & Insurance & \\
+ \hline
+ %% 29 September:
+ %% - depature from Paris
+ %% 30 September:
+ %% - Shopping for the apparment
+ %% 31 September:
+ %% - TODO
+ %% - XDC Bar event
+ %% 2 october to 4 October: XDC
+ %% 13 october: 1 day for the
+ %% plane and to sleep to recover
+ %% from the jetlag
+ \workdays{6} & Conference & \\
+ \hline
+ \hline
+ \subsectiontotal{3}
+ \hline