== Introduction == This python library can be used to do automatic installations of Replicant and/or do some automatic tests on the supported smartphones and tablets. There are some example python scripts that shows how these libraries can be used. == Configuration == Using theses libraries requires some configuration. To create that configuration, you can first copy the example configuration file in the configuration directory: $ cp replicant_tests.conf ~/.config/replicant/ Then you can modify the content of ~/.config/replicant/replicant_tests.conf to suit your needs. The configuration file path also follows the XDG Base Directory Specification which is available here: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html == Usage == This tool expect you to setup a directory with the Replicant images you will use in your tests. For now it follows the same structure than the release directories in https://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/replicant/. So for instance if you are installing Replicant 6.0 0003 on a Galaxy SIII (GT-I9300), and that you used ~/work/releases/replicant/images in your replicant_tests.conf configuration file, when installing the recovery, the library will look for the recovery image in the following location: ~/work/releases/replicant/images/replicant-6.0/0003/images/i9300/recovery-i9300.img