== Introduction == Different people have different preferences as for which tools they like to use. For instance, to send mails, some people like to use the command like, other like to use web interfaces, other like to use graphical mail clients, etc. It's good to have so many choices as it empower people to adapt technology to them instead of having to adapt to a single way of doing things, which cannot even work for everybody or every use case. For the review of patches, different people also have different preferences. Some people like to use git to download the patches and then review them on their local computer, other like to review them in a mail client, and other like to review them on a web interface. What is more practical for a given person can also change on the characteristics of patches like its size. While this script is made for people that like to send patches from the command line, it helps them generate mails that makes it easy for reviewers to use the tool of their choices to review patches. This way, when reviewers will read the patch serie, along with the patches, there will also be an URL to clone the patches, an URL to a web interface to view the patches, and a friendly message to make it more human. The text is expected to be copy-pasted as it empower users using this tool to easily change the text, and spot bugs if there are any. Both would not be possible if the tool was fully automatic. == Configuration == First copy the example configuration file in the configuration directory: $ cp replicant_prepare_patch.conf ~/.config/replicant/ Then modify the content of ~/.config/replicant/replicant_prepare_patch.conf to suit your needs. The configuration file path also follows the XDG Base Directory Specification which is available here: https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html == Usage == This tool expect you to setup a git remote that points to the repository you want to contribute to, in your namespace on the Replicant git server. For example I use GNUtoo as remote for the GNUtoo namespace: $ git remote get-url GNUtoo ssh://git@git.replicant.us/contrib/GNUtoo/vendor_replicant-scripts.git Unfortunately, at this time it's not possible to configure the name of that namespace for each individual repositories, as the code assume that it is always the same. Users using this script are expected to manually push the patch serie in the remote git repository, in any branch or tag they wish. This tool can then figure out where to find all the information it needs thanks to the git_remote setting that points to the name of the remote. As the git hash are used, it doesn't need to know in which branch or tags the code is pushed. Once everything is pushed, you can then use the script to generate the example mail text and the commands to send the mails. As we want to send only one patch starting from the current HEAD we can use this command: $ ./replicant_prepare_patch.py HEAD 1 patches: -------- 0001-Add-script-to-prepare-patches.patch git command: ------------ git send-email --compose --to=replicant@osuosl.org 0001-Add-script-to-prepare-patches.patch Cover mail: ----------- Hi, In addition to the patch that will follow in a response to this mail, here's an URL to the see the patch in a web interface: https://git.replicant.us/contrib/GNUtoo/vendor_replicant-scripts/commit/?id=5b6757fc6c6f852a4176bb7fc8f32e05c21f703f And here's how to get it in a git repository: git clone https://git.replicant.us/contrib/GNUtoo/vendor_replicant-scripts cd vendor_replicant-scripts git show 5b6757fc6c6f852a4176bb7fc8f32e05c21f703f Denis. We can then use the git command which will prompt you to write an email to introduce the patch serie, where you can paste and potentially modify the cover mail.