// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // +build freebsd dragonfly darwin linux netbsd openbsd // This file tests that some basic syscalls are consistent across // all Unixes. package syscall_test import "syscall" // {Set,Get}priority and needed constants for them func _() { var ( _ func(int, int, int) error = syscall.Setpriority _ func(int, int) (int, error) = syscall.Getpriority ) const ( _ int = syscall.PRIO_USER _ int = syscall.PRIO_PROCESS _ int = syscall.PRIO_PGRP ) } // termios functions and constants func _() { const ( _ int = syscall.TCIFLUSH _ int = syscall.TCIOFLUSH _ int = syscall.TCOFLUSH ) }