/* Contributed by Nicola Pero , December 2010. */ /* { dg-do compile } */ /* Test errors when extending a property in a class extension. */ #include #include @interface MyRootClass { Class isa; } @property (readonly, retain) id property1; /* { dg-message "originally specified here" } */ @property (readonly) int property2; /* { dg-message "originally specified here" } */ @property (readonly, getter=y) int property3; /* { dg-message "originally specified here" } */ @property (readonly) int property4; /* Ok */ @property (readonly) int property5; /* { dg-message "originally specified here" } */ @end @interface MyRootClass () @property (readwrite, copy) id property1; /* { dg-warning "assign semantics attributes of property .property1. conflict with previous declaration" } */ @property (readwrite, nonatomic) int property2; /* { dg-warning ".nonatomic. attribute of property .property2. conflicts with previous declaration" } */ @property (readwrite, getter=x) int property3; /* { dg-warning ".getter. attribute of property .property3. conflicts with previous declaration" } */ @property (readwrite) int property4; /* Ok */ @property (readwrite) float property5; /* { dg-warning "type of property .property5. conflicts with previous declaration" } */ @end