! { dg-do compile } ! { dg-options "-std=f95" } ! Part II of the test of the IO constraints patch, which fixes PRs: ! PRs 25053, 25063, 25064, 25066, 25067, 25068, 25069, 25307 and 20862. ! Modified2006-07-08 to check the patch for PR20844. ! ! Contributed by Paul Thomas ! module global integer :: modvar namelist /NL/ modvar contains subroutine foo (i) integer :: i write (*, 100) i 100 format (1h , "i=", i6) ! { dg-warning "H format specifier" } end subroutine foo end module global use global integer :: a,b, c(20) integer(8) :: ierr character(80) :: buffer(3) ! Appending to a USE associated namelist is an extension. NAMELIST /NL/ a,b ! { dg-error "already is USE associated" } a=1 ; b=2 write(*, NML=NL) z ! { dg-error "followed by IO-list" } !Was correctly picked up before patch. print NL, z ! { dg-error "PRINT namelist at \\(1\\) is an extension" } ! ! Not allowed with internal unit !Was correctly picked up before patch. write(buffer, NML=NL) ! { dg-error "Internal file at \\(1\\) with namelist" } !Was correctly picked up before patch. write(buffer, fmt='(i6)', REC=10) a ! { dg-error "REC tag" } write(buffer, fmt='(i6)', END=10) a ! { dg-error "END tag" } ! Not allowed with REC= specifier !Was correctly picked up before patch. read(10, REC=10, END=100) ! { dg-error "END tag is not allowed" } write(*, *, REC=10) ! { dg-error "FMT=" } ! Not allowed with an ADVANCE=specifier READ(buffer, fmt='(i6)', advance='YES') a ! { dg-error "internal file" } READ(1, NML=NL, advance='YES') ! { dg-error "NAMELIST IO is not allowed" } READ(1, fmt='(i6)', advance='NO', size = ierr) ! { dg-error "requires default INTEGER" } READ(1, advance='YES') ! { dg-error "must appear with an explicit format" } write(1, fmt='(i6)', advance='YES', size = c(1)) a ! { dg-error "output" } write(1, fmt='(i6)', advance='YES', eor = 100) a ! { dg-error "output" } read(1, fmt='(i6)', advance='YES', size = c(1)) a ! { dg-error "ADVANCE = 'NO'" } read(1, fmt='(i6)', advance='YES', eor = 100) a ! { dg-error "ADVANCE = 'NO'" } READ(1, fmt='(i6)', advance='NO', size = buffer) a ! { dg-error "INTEGER" } !Was correctly picked up before patch. -correct syntax error READ(1, fmt='(i6)', advance='YES', size = 10) a ! { dg-error "Invalid value for SIZE specification" } READ(1, fmt='(i6)', advance='MAYBE') ! { dg-error "YES or NO" } 100 continue 200 format (2i6) END