! { dg-do run } ! PR48705 - ALLOCATE with class function expression for SOURCE failed. ! This is the original test in the PR. ! ! Reported by Tobias Burnus ! module generic_deferred implicit none type, abstract :: addable contains private procedure(add), deferred :: a generic, public :: operator(+) => a end type addable abstract interface function add(x, y) result(res) import :: addable class(addable), intent(in) :: x, y class(addable), allocatable :: res end function add end interface type, extends(addable) :: vec integer :: i(2) contains procedure :: a => a_vec end type contains function a_vec(x, y) result(res) class(vec), intent(in) :: x class(addable), intent(in) :: y class(addable), allocatable :: res integer :: ii(2) select type(y) class is (vec) ii = y%i end select allocate(vec :: res) select type(res) type is (vec) res%i = x%i + ii end select end function end module generic_deferred program prog use generic_deferred implicit none type(vec) :: x, y class(addable), allocatable :: z ! x = vec( (/1,2/) ); y = vec( (/2,-2/) ) x%i = (/1,2/); y%i = (/2,-2/) allocate(z, source= x + y) select type(z) type is(vec) if (z%i(1) /= 3 .or. z%i(2) /= 0) then write(*,*) 'FAIL' else write(*,*) 'OK' end if end select end program prog