! { dg-do run } ! { dg-additional-sources bind_c_dts_driver.c } module bind_c_dts use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding implicit none type, bind(c) :: MYFTYPE_1 integer(c_int) :: i, j real(c_float) :: s end type MYFTYPE_1 TYPE, BIND(C) :: particle REAL(C_DOUBLE) :: x,vx REAL(C_DOUBLE) :: y,vy REAL(C_DOUBLE) :: z,vz REAL(C_DOUBLE) :: m END TYPE particle type(myftype_1), bind(c, name="myDerived") :: myDerived contains subroutine types_test(my_particles, num_particles) bind(c) integer(c_int), value :: num_particles type(particle), dimension(num_particles) :: my_particles integer :: i ! going to set the particle in the middle of the list i = num_particles / 2; my_particles(i)%x = my_particles(i)%x + .2d0 my_particles(i)%vx = my_particles(i)%vx + .2d0 my_particles(i)%y = my_particles(i)%y + .2d0 my_particles(i)%vy = my_particles(i)%vy + .2d0 my_particles(i)%z = my_particles(i)%z + .2d0 my_particles(i)%vz = my_particles(i)%vz + .2d0 my_particles(i)%m = my_particles(i)%m + .2d0 myDerived%i = myDerived%i + 1 myDerived%j = myDerived%j + 1 myDerived%s = myDerived%s + 1.0; end subroutine types_test end module bind_c_dts