/* ??? At the moment, lower-subreg.c decomposes the copy of the multiplication result to $2, which prevents the register allocators from storing the multiplication result in $2. */ /* { dg-options "-mips3 -mfix-r4000 -mgp64 -EL -fno-split-wide-types -dp" } */ /* { dg-skip-if "naming registers makes this a code quality test" { *-*-* } { "-O0" } { "" } } */ typedef unsigned long long uint64_t; typedef unsigned int uint128_t __attribute__((mode(TI))); NOMIPS16 uint128_t foo (uint64_t x, uint64_t y) { return (uint128_t) x * y; } /* { dg-final { scan-assembler "[concat {\tdmultu\t\$[45],\$[45][^\n]+umulditi3_r4000[^\n]+\n\tmflo\t\$2\n\tmfhi\t\$3\n}]" } } */