/* Test AAPCS64 layout. Test some small structures that should be passed in GPRs. */ /* { dg-do run { target aarch64*-*-* } } */ #ifndef IN_FRAMEWORK #define TESTFILE "test_26.c" struct y0 { char ch; } c0 = { 'A' }; struct y2 { long long ll[2]; } c2 = { 0xDEADBEEF, 0xCAFEBABE }; struct y3 { int i[3]; } c3 = { 56789, 67890, 78901 }; typedef float vf2_t __attribute__((vector_size (8))); struct x0 { vf2_t v; } s0; typedef short vh4_t __attribute__((vector_size (8))); struct x1 { vh4_t v[2]; } s1; #define HAS_DATA_INIT_FUNC void init_data () { s0.v = (vf2_t){ 17.f, 18.f }; s1.v[0] = (vh4_t){ 345, 456, 567, 678 }; s1.v[1] = (vh4_t){ 789, 890, 901, 123 }; } #include "abitest.h" #else ARG (struct y0, c0, X0) ARG (struct y2, c2, X1) ARG (struct y3, c3, X3) ARG_NONFLAT (struct x0, s0, D0, f32in64) ARG (struct x1, s1, D1) LAST_ARG_NONFLAT (int, 89012, X5, i32in64) #endif