/* Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation. Test that optimizing ((c>=1) && (c<=127)) into (signed char)c < 0 doesn't cause any problems for the compiler and behaves correctly. Written by Roger Sayle, 8th May 2002. */ #include extern void abort (void); void testc (unsigned char c, int ok) { if ((c>=1) && (c<=SCHAR_MAX)) { if (!ok) abort (); } else if (ok) abort (); } void tests (unsigned short s, int ok) { if ((s>=1) && (s<=SHRT_MAX)) { if (!ok) abort (); } else if (ok) abort (); } void testi (unsigned int i, int ok) { if ((i>=1) && (i<=INT_MAX)) { if (!ok) abort (); } else if (ok) abort (); } void testl (unsigned long l, int ok) { if ((l>=1) && (l<=LONG_MAX)) { if (!ok) abort (); } else if (ok) abort (); } int main () { testc (0, 0); testc (1, 1); testc (SCHAR_MAX, 1); testc (SCHAR_MAX+1, 0); testc (UCHAR_MAX, 0); tests (0, 0); tests (1, 1); tests (SHRT_MAX, 1); tests (SHRT_MAX+1, 0); tests (USHRT_MAX, 0); testi (0, 0); testi (1, 1); testi (INT_MAX, 1); testi (INT_MAX+1U, 0); testi (UINT_MAX, 0); testl (0, 0); testl (1, 1); testl (LONG_MAX, 1); testl (LONG_MAX+1UL, 0); testl (ULONG_MAX, 0); return 0; }