// Origin: abbott@dima.unige.it // PR c/5120 extern void * malloc (__SIZE_TYPE__); extern void * calloc (__SIZE_TYPE__, __SIZE_TYPE__); typedef unsigned int FFelem; FFelem FFmul(const FFelem x, const FFelem y) { return x; } struct DUPFFstruct { int maxdeg; int deg; FFelem *coeffs; }; typedef struct DUPFFstruct *DUPFF; int DUPFFdeg(const DUPFF f) { return f->deg; } DUPFF DUPFFnew(const int maxdeg) { DUPFF ans = (DUPFF)malloc(sizeof(struct DUPFFstruct)); ans->coeffs = 0; if (maxdeg >= 0) ans->coeffs = (FFelem*)calloc(maxdeg+1,sizeof(FFelem)); ans->maxdeg = maxdeg; ans->deg = -1; return ans; } void DUPFFfree(DUPFF x) { } void DUPFFswap(DUPFF x, DUPFF y) { } DUPFF DUPFFcopy(const DUPFF x) { return x; } void DUPFFshift_add(DUPFF f, const DUPFF g, int deg, const FFelem coeff) { } DUPFF DUPFFexgcd(DUPFF *fcofac, DUPFF *gcofac, const DUPFF f, const DUPFF g) { DUPFF u, v, uf, ug, vf, vg; FFelem q, lcu, lcvrecip, p; int df, dg, du, dv; printf("DUPFFexgcd called on degrees %d and %d\n", DUPFFdeg(f), DUPFFdeg(g)); if (DUPFFdeg(f) < DUPFFdeg(g)) return DUPFFexgcd(gcofac, fcofac, g, f); /*** BUG IN THIS LINE ***/ if (DUPFFdeg(f) != 2 || DUPFFdeg(g) != 1) abort(); if (f->coeffs[0] == 0) return f; /****** NEVER REACH HERE IN THE EXAMPLE ******/ p = 2; df = DUPFFdeg(f); if (df < 0) df = 0; /* both inputs are zero */ dg = DUPFFdeg(g); if (dg < 0) dg = 0; /* one input is zero */ u = DUPFFcopy(f); v = DUPFFcopy(g); uf = DUPFFnew(dg); uf->coeffs[0] = 1; uf->deg = 0; ug = DUPFFnew(df); vf = DUPFFnew(dg); vg = DUPFFnew(df); vg->coeffs[0] = 1; vg->deg = 0; while (DUPFFdeg(v) > 0) { dv = DUPFFdeg(v); lcvrecip = FFmul(1, v->coeffs[dv]); while (DUPFFdeg(u) >= dv) { du = DUPFFdeg(u); lcu = u->coeffs[du]; q = FFmul(lcu, lcvrecip); DUPFFshift_add(u, v, du-dv, p-q); DUPFFshift_add(uf, vf, du-dv, p-q); DUPFFshift_add(ug, vg, du-dv, p-q); } DUPFFswap(u, v); DUPFFswap(uf, vf); DUPFFswap(ug, vg); } if (DUPFFdeg(v) == 0) { DUPFFswap(u, v); DUPFFswap(uf, vf); DUPFFswap(ug, vg); } DUPFFfree(vf); DUPFFfree(vg); DUPFFfree(v); *fcofac = uf; *gcofac = ug; return u; } int main() { DUPFF f, g, cf, cg, h; f = DUPFFnew(1); f->coeffs[1] = 1; f->deg = 1; g = DUPFFnew(2); g->coeffs[2] = 1; g->deg = 2; printf("calling DUPFFexgcd on degrees %d and %d\n", DUPFFdeg(f), DUPFFdeg(g)) ; h = DUPFFexgcd(&cf, &cg, f, g); return 0; }