-- C433001.A -- Grant of Unlimited Rights -- -- The Ada Conformity Assessment Authority (ACAA) holds unlimited -- rights in the software and documentation contained herein. Unlimited -- rights are the same as those granted by the U.S. Government for older -- parts of the Ada Conformity Assessment Test Suite, and are defined -- in DFAR 252.227-7013(a)(19). By making this public release, the ACAA -- intends to confer upon all recipients unlimited rights equal to those -- held by the ACAA. These rights include rights to use, duplicate, -- release or disclose the released technical data and computer software -- in whole or in part, in any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and -- to have or permit others to do so. -- -- DISCLAIMER -- -- ALL MATERIALS OR INFORMATION HEREIN RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE OR -- DISCLOSED ARE AS IS. THE GOVERNMENT MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED -- WARRANTY AS TO ANY MATTER WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING THE CONDITIONS OF THE -- SOFTWARE, DOCUMENTATION OR OTHER INFORMATION RELEASED, MADE AVAILABLE -- OR DISCLOSED, OR THE OWNERSHIP, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF SAID MATERIAL. --* -- -- OBJECTIVE -- Check that an others choice is allowed in an array aggregate whose -- applicable index constraint is dynamic. (This was an extension to -- Ada 83). Check that index choices are within the applicable index -- constraint for array aggregates with others choices. -- -- TEST DESCRIPTION -- In this test, we declare several unconstrained array types, and -- several dynamic subtypes. We then test a variety of cases of using -- appropriate aggregates. Some cases expect to raise Constraint_Error. -- -- HISTORY: -- 16 DEC 1999 RLB Initial Version. with Report; procedure C433001 is type Color_Type is (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet); type Array_1 is array (Positive range <>) of Integer; subtype Sub_1_1 is Array_1 (Report.Ident_Int(1) .. Report.Ident_Int(3)); subtype Sub_1_2 is Array_1 (Report.Ident_Int(3) .. Report.Ident_Int(5)); subtype Sub_1_3 is Array_1 (Report.Ident_Int(5) .. Report.Ident_Int(9)); type Array_2 is array (Color_Type range <>) of Integer; subtype Sub_2_1 is Array_2 (Color_Type'Val(Report.Ident_Int(0)) .. Color_Type'Val(Report.Ident_Int(2))); -- Red .. Yellow subtype Sub_2_2 is Array_2 (Color_Type'Val(Report.Ident_Int(3)) .. Color_Type'Val(Report.Ident_Int(6))); -- Green .. Violet type Array_3 is array (Color_Type range <>, Positive range <>) of Integer; subtype Sub_3_1 is Array_3 (Color_Type'Val(Report.Ident_Int(0)) .. Color_Type'Val(Report.Ident_Int(2)), Report.Ident_Int(3) .. Report.Ident_Int(5)); -- Red .. Yellow, 3 .. 5 subtype Sub_3_2 is Array_3 (Color_Type'Val(Report.Ident_Int(1)) .. Color_Type'Val(Report.Ident_Int(3)), Report.Ident_Int(6) .. Report.Ident_Int(8)); -- Orange .. Green, 6 .. 8 procedure Check_1 (Obj : Array_1; Low, High : Integer; First_Component, Second_Component, Last_Component : Integer; Test_Case : Character) is begin if Obj'First /= Low then Report.Failed ("Low bound incorrect (" & Test_Case & ")"); end if; if Obj'Last /= High then Report.Failed ("High bound incorrect (" & Test_Case & ")"); end if; if Obj(Low) /= First_Component then Report.Failed ("First Component incorrect (" & Test_Case & ")"); end if; if Obj(Low+1) /= Second_Component then Report.Failed ("First Component incorrect (" & Test_Case & ")"); end if; if Obj(High) /= Last_Component then Report.Failed ("First Component incorrect (" & Test_Case & ")"); end if; end Check_1; procedure Check_2 (Obj : Array_2; Low, High : Color_Type; First_Component, Second_Component, Last_Component : Integer; Test_Case : Character) is begin if Obj'First /= Low then Report.Failed ("Low bound incorrect (" & Test_Case & ")"); end if; if Obj'Last /= High then Report.Failed ("High bound incorrect (" & Test_Case & ")"); end if; if Obj(Low) /= First_Component then Report.Failed ("First Component incorrect (" & Test_Case & ")"); end if; if Obj(Color_Type'Succ(Low)) /= Second_Component then Report.Failed ("First Component incorrect (" & Test_Case & ")"); end if; if Obj(High) /= Last_Component then Report.Failed ("First Component incorrect (" & Test_Case & ")"); end if; end Check_2; procedure Check_3 (Test_Obj, Check_Obj : Array_3; Low_1, High_1 : Color_Type; Low_2, High_2 : Integer; Test_Case : Character) is begin if Test_Obj'First(1) /= Low_1 then Report.Failed ("Low bound for dimension 1 incorrect (" & Test_Case & ")"); end if; if Test_Obj'Last(1) /= High_1 then Report.Failed ("High bound for dimension 1 incorrect (" & Test_Case & ")"); end if; if Test_Obj'First(2) /= Low_2 then Report.Failed ("Low bound for dimension 2 incorrect (" & Test_Case & ")"); end if; if Test_Obj'Last(2) /= High_2 then Report.Failed ("High bound for dimension 2 incorrect (" & Test_Case & ")"); end if; if Test_Obj /= Check_Obj then Report.Failed ("Components incorrect (" & Test_Case & ")"); end if; end Check_3; procedure Subtest_Check_1 (Obj : Sub_1_3; First_Component, Second_Component, Last_Component : Integer; Test_Case : Character) is begin Check_1 (Obj, 5, 9, First_Component, Second_Component, Last_Component, Test_Case); end Subtest_Check_1; procedure Subtest_Check_2 (Obj : Sub_2_2; First_Component, Second_Component, Last_Component : Integer; Test_Case : Character) is begin Check_2 (Obj, Green, Violet, First_Component, Second_Component, Last_Component, Test_Case); end Subtest_Check_2; procedure Subtest_Check_3 (Obj : Sub_3_2; Test_Case : Character) is begin Check_3 (Obj, Obj, Orange, Green, 6, 8, Test_Case); end Subtest_Check_3; begin Report.Test ("C433001", "Check that an others choice is allowed in an array " & "aggregate whose applicable index constraint is dynamic. " & "Also check index choices are within the applicable index " & "constraint for array aggregates with others choices"); -- Check with a qualified expression: Check_1 (Sub_1_1'(2, 3, others => 4), Low => 1, High => 3, First_Component => 2, Second_Component => 3, Last_Component => 4, Test_Case => 'A'); Check_2 (Sub_2_1'(1, others => Report.Ident_Int(6)), Low => Red, High => Yellow, First_Component => 1, Second_Component => 6, Last_Component => 6, Test_Case => 'B'); Check_3 (Sub_3_1'((1, others => 3), others => (2, 4, others => 6)), Check_Obj => ((1, 3, 3), (2, 4, 6), (2, 4, 6)), Low_1 => Red, High_1 => Yellow, Low_2 => 3, High_2 => 5, Test_Case => 'C'); -- Check that the others clause does not need to represent any components: Check_1 (Sub_1_2'(5, 6, 8, others => 10), Low => 3, High => 5, First_Component => 5, Second_Component => 6, Last_Component => 8, Test_Case => 'D'); -- Check named choices are allowed: Check_1 (Sub_1_1'(2 => Report.Ident_Int(-1), others => 8), Low => 1, High => 3, First_Component => 8, Second_Component => -1, Last_Component => 8, Test_Case => 'E'); -- Check named choices and formal parameters: Subtest_Check_1 ((6 => 4, 8 => 86, others => 1), First_Component => 1, Second_Component => 4, Last_Component => 1, Test_Case => 'F'); Subtest_Check_2 ((Green => Report.Ident_Int(88), Violet => 89, Indigo => Report.Ident_Int(42), Blue => 0, others => -1), First_Component => 88, Second_Component => 0, Last_Component => 89, Test_Case => 'G'); Subtest_Check_3 ((Yellow => (7 => 0, others => 10), others => (1, 2, 3)), Test_Case => 'H'); -- Check object declarations and assignment: declare Var : Sub_1_2 := (4, 36, others => 86); begin Check_1 (Var, Low => 3, High => 5, First_Component => 4, Second_Component => 36, Last_Component => 86, Test_Case => 'I'); Var := (5 => 415, others => Report.Ident_Int(1522)); Check_1 (Var, Low => 3, High => 5, First_Component => 1522, Second_Component => 1522, Last_Component => 415, Test_Case => 'J'); end; -- Check positional aggregates that are too long: begin Subtest_Check_2 ((Report.Ident_Int(88), 89, 90, 91, 92, others => 93), First_Component => 88, Second_Component => 89, Last_Component => 91, Test_Case => 'K'); Report.Failed ("Constraint_Error not raised by positional " & "aggregate with too many choices (K)"); exception when Constraint_Error => null; -- Expected exception. end; begin Subtest_Check_3 (((0, others => 10), (2, 3, others => 4), (5, 6, 8, others => 10), (1, 4, 7), others => (1, 2, 3)), Test_Case => 'L'); Report.Failed ("Constraint_Error not raised by positional " & "aggregate with too many choices (L)"); exception when Constraint_Error => null; -- Expected exception. end; -- Check named aggregates with choices in the index subtype but not in the -- applicable index constraint: begin Subtest_Check_1 ((5 => Report.Ident_Int(88), 8 => 89, 10 => 66, -- 10 not in applicable index constraint others => 93), First_Component => 88, Second_Component => 93, Last_Component => 93, Test_Case => 'M'); Report.Failed ("Constraint_Error not raised by aggregate choice " & "index outside of applicable index constraint (M)"); exception when Constraint_Error => null; -- Expected exception. end; begin Subtest_Check_2 ( (Yellow => 23, -- Yellow not in applicable index constraint. Blue => 16, others => 77), First_Component => 77, Second_Component => 16, Last_Component => 77, Test_Case => 'N'); Report.Failed ("Constraint_Error not raised by aggregate choice " & "index outside of applicable index constraint (N)"); exception when Constraint_Error => null; -- Expected exception. end; begin Subtest_Check_3 ((Orange => (0, others => 10), Blue => (2, 3, others => 4), -- Blue not in applicable index cons. others => (1, 2, 3)), Test_Case => 'P'); Report.Failed ("Constraint_Error not raised by aggregate choice " & "index outside of applicable index constraint (P)"); exception when Constraint_Error => null; -- Expected exception. end; begin Subtest_Check_3 ((Orange => (6 => 0, others => Report.Ident_Int(10)), Green => (8 => 2, 4 => 3, others => 7), -- 4 not in applicable index cons. others => (1, 2, 3, others => Report.Ident_Int(10))), Test_Case => 'Q'); Report.Failed ("Constraint_Error not raised by aggregate choice " & "index outside of applicable index constraint (Q)"); exception when Constraint_Error => null; -- Expected exception. end; Report.Result; end C433001;