;; DFA-based pipeline description for P5600. ;; ;; Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; ;; This file is part of GCC. ;; ;; GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ;; by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your ;; option) any later version. ;; GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public ;; License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see ;; . (define_automaton "p5600_agen_pipe, p5600_alu_pipe, p5600_fpu_pipe") ;; The address generation queue (AGQ) has AL2, CTISTD and LDSTA pipes (define_cpu_unit "p5600_agq, p5600_al2, p5600_ctistd, p5600_ldsta, p5600_gpdiv" "p5600_agen_pipe") ;; The arithmetic-logic-unit queue (ALQ) has ALU pipe (define_cpu_unit "p5600_alq, p5600_alu" "p5600_alu_pipe") ;; The floating-point-unit queue (FPQ) has short and long pipes (define_cpu_unit "p5600_fpu_short, p5600_fpu_long" "p5600_fpu_pipe") ;; Short FPU pipeline. (define_cpu_unit "p5600_fpu_intadd, p5600_fpu_cmp, p5600_fpu_float, p5600_fpu_logic_a, p5600_fpu_logic_b, p5600_fpu_div, p5600_fpu_store" "p5600_fpu_pipe") ;; Long FPU pipeline. (define_cpu_unit "p5600_fpu_logic, p5600_fpu_float_a, p5600_fpu_float_b, p5600_fpu_float_c, p5600_fpu_float_d" "p5600_fpu_pipe") (define_cpu_unit "p5600_fpu_mult, p5600_fpu_fdiv, p5600_fpu_load, p5600_fpu_apu" "p5600_fpu_pipe") (define_reservation "p5600_agq_al2" "p5600_agq, p5600_al2") (define_reservation "p5600_agq_ctistd" "p5600_agq, p5600_ctistd") (define_reservation "p5600_agq_ldsta" "p5600_agq, p5600_ldsta") (define_reservation "p5600_alq_alu" "p5600_alq, p5600_alu") ;; ;; FPU-MSA pipe ;; ;; Arithmetic ;; add, hadd, sub, hsub, average, min, max, compare (define_insn_reservation "msa_short_int_add" 2 (eq_attr "msa_execunit" "msa_eu_int_add") "p5600_fpu_short, p5600_fpu_intadd") ;; Bitwise Instructions ;; and, or, xor, bit-clear, leading-bits-count, shift, shuffle (define_insn_reservation "msa_short_logic" 2 (eq_attr "msa_execunit" "msa_eu_logic") "p5600_fpu_short, p5600_fpu_logic_a") ;; move.v (define_insn_reservation "msa_short_logic_move_v" 2 (and (eq_attr "type" "fmove") (eq_attr "mode" "TI")) "p5600_fpu_short, p5600_fpu_logic_a") ;; Float compare (define_insn_reservation "msa_short_cmp" 2 (eq_attr "msa_execunit" "msa_eu_cmp") "p5600_fpu_short, p5600_fpu_cmp") ;; Float exp2, min, max (define_insn_reservation "msa_short_float2" 2 (eq_attr "msa_execunit" "msa_eu_float2") "p5600_fpu_short, p5600_fpu_float") ;; Vector sat (define_insn_reservation "msa_short_logic3" 3 (eq_attr "msa_execunit" "msa_eu_logic3") "p5600_fpu_short, p5600_fpu_logic_a, p5600_fpu_logic_b") ;; Vector copy, bz, bnz (define_insn_reservation "msa_short_store4" 4 (eq_attr "msa_execunit" "msa_eu_store4") "p5600_fpu_short, p5600_fpu_store") ;; Vector load (define_insn_reservation "msa_long_load" 10 (and (eq_attr "type" "fpload") (eq_attr "mode" "TI")) "p5600_fpu_long, p5600_fpu_load") ;; Vector store (define_insn_reservation "msa_short_store" 2 (and (eq_attr "type" "fpstore") (eq_attr "mode" "TI")) "p5600_fpu_short, p5600_fpu_store") ;; binsl, binsr, insert, vshf, sld (define_insn_reservation "msa_long_logic" 2 (eq_attr "msa_execunit" "msa_eu_logic_l") "p5600_fpu_long, p5600_fpu_logic") ;; Float fclass, flog2 (define_insn_reservation "msa_long_float2" 2 (eq_attr "msa_execunit" "msa_eu_float2_l") "p5600_fpu_long, p5600_fpu_float_a") ;; fadd, fsub (define_insn_reservation "msa_long_float4" 4 (eq_attr "msa_execunit" "msa_eu_float4") "p5600_fpu_long, p5600_fpu_float_a, p5600_fpu_float_b") ;; fmul (define_insn_reservation "msa_long_float5" 5 (eq_attr "msa_execunit" "msa_eu_float5") "p5600_fpu_long, p5600_fpu_float_a, p5600_fpu_float_b, p5600_fpu_float_c") ;; fmadd, fmsub (define_insn_reservation "msa_long_float8" 8 (eq_attr "msa_execunit" "msa_eu_float8") "p5600_fpu_long, p5600_fpu_float_a, p5600_fpu_float_b, p5600_fpu_float_c, p5600_fpu_float_d") ;; Vector mul, dotp, madd, msub (define_insn_reservation "msa_long_mult" 5 (eq_attr "msa_execunit" "msa_eu_mult") "p5600_fpu_long, p5600_fpu_mult") ;; fdiv, fmod (semi-pipelined) (define_insn_reservation "msa_long_fdiv" 10 (eq_attr "msa_execunit" "msa_eu_fdiv") "p5600_fpu_long, nothing, nothing, p5600_fpu_fdiv*8") ;; div, mod (non-pipelined) (define_insn_reservation "msa_long_div" 10 (eq_attr "msa_execunit" "msa_eu_div") "p5600_fpu_long, p5600_fpu_div*9, p5600_fpu_div + p5600_fpu_logic_a") ;; ;; FPU pipe ;; ;; fadd, fsub (define_insn_reservation "p5600_fpu_fadd" 4 (eq_attr "type" "fadd,fabs,fneg") "p5600_fpu_long, p5600_fpu_apu") ;; fabs, fneg, fcmp (define_insn_reservation "p5600_fpu_fabs" 2 (eq_attr "type" "fabs,fneg,fcmp,fmove") "p5600_fpu_short, p5600_fpu_apu") ;; fload (define_insn_reservation "p5600_fpu_fload" 8 (eq_attr "type" "fpload,fpidxload") "p5600_fpu_long, p5600_fpu_apu") ;; fstore (define_insn_reservation "p5600_fpu_fstore" 1 (eq_attr "type" "fpstore,fpidxstore") "p5600_fpu_short, p5600_fpu_apu") ;; fmadd (define_insn_reservation "p5600_fpu_fmadd" 9 (eq_attr "type" "fmadd") "p5600_fpu_long, p5600_fpu_apu") ;; fmul (define_insn_reservation "p5600_fpu_fmul" 5 (eq_attr "type" "fmul") "p5600_fpu_long, p5600_fpu_apu") ;; fdiv, fsqrt (define_insn_reservation "p5600_fpu_div" 17 (eq_attr "type" "fdiv,frdiv,fsqrt,frsqrt") "p5600_fpu_long, p5600_fpu_apu*17") ;; fcvt (define_insn_reservation "p5600_fpu_fcvt" 4 (eq_attr "type" "fcvt") "p5600_fpu_long, p5600_fpu_apu") ;; mtc (define_insn_reservation "p5600_fpu_fmtc" 7 (eq_attr "type" "mtc") "p5600_fpu_short, p5600_fpu_store") ;; mfc (define_insn_reservation "p5600_fpu_fmfc" 4 (eq_attr "type" "mfc") "p5600_fpu_short, p5600_fpu_store") ;; madd/msub feeding into the add source ;; madd.fmt dst, x, y, z -> madd.fmt a, dst, b, c 5 cycles (define_bypass 5 "p5600_fpu_fmadd" "p5600_fpu_fmadd" "mips_fmadd_bypass") ;; ;; Integer pipe ;; ;; and (define_insn_reservation "p5600_int_and" 1 (eq_attr "move_type" "logical") "p5600_alq_alu") ;; lui (define_insn_reservation "p5600_int_lui" 1 (eq_attr "move_type" "const") "p5600_alq_alu") ;; Load lb, lbu, lh, lhu, lq, lw, lw_i2f, lwxs (define_insn_reservation "p5600_int_load" 4 (eq_attr "move_type" "load") "p5600_agq_ldsta") ;; store (define_insn_reservation "p5600_int_store" 3 (eq_attr "move_type" "store") "p5600_agq_ldsta") ;; andi, sll, srl, seb, seh (define_insn_reservation "p5600_int_arith_1" 1 (eq_attr "move_type" "andi,sll0,signext") "p5600_agq_al2 | p5600_alq_alu") ;; addi, addiu, ori, xori, add, addu (define_insn_reservation "p5600_int_arith_2" 1 (eq_attr "alu_type" "add,or,xor") "p5600_agq_al2 | p5600_alq_alu") ;; nor, sub (define_insn_reservation "p5600_int_arith_3" 1 (eq_attr "alu_type" "nor,sub") "p5600_alq_alu") ;; srl, sra, rotr, slt, sllv, srlv (define_insn_reservation "p5600_int_arith_4" 1 (eq_attr "type" "shift,slt,move") "p5600_agq_al2 | p5600_alq_alu") ;; nop (define_insn_reservation "p5600_int_nop" 0 (eq_attr "type" "nop") "p5600_agq_al2") ;; clo, clz (define_insn_reservation "p5600_int_countbits" 1 (eq_attr "type" "clz") "p5600_agq_al2") ;; Conditional moves (define_insn_reservation "p5600_int_condmove" 1 (eq_attr "type" "condmove") "p5600_agq_al2") ;; madd, msub (define_insn_reservation "p5600_dsp_mac" 5 (eq_attr "type" "imadd") "p5600_agq_al2") ;; mfhi/lo (define_insn_reservation "p5600_dsp_mfhilo" 1 (eq_attr "type" "mfhi,mflo") "p5600_agq_al2") ;; mthi/lo (define_insn_reservation "p5600_dsp_mthilo" 5 (eq_attr "type" "mthi,mtlo") "p5600_agq_al2") ;; mult, multu, mul (define_insn_reservation "p5600_dsp_mult" 5 (eq_attr "type" "imul3,imul") "p5600_agq_al2") ;; branch and jump (define_insn_reservation "p5600_int_branch" 1 (eq_attr "type" "branch,jump") "p5600_agq_ctistd") ;; prefetch (define_insn_reservation "p5600_int_prefetch" 3 (eq_attr "type" "prefetch,prefetchx") "p5600_agq_ldsta") ;; divide (define_insn_reservation "p5600_int_div" 8 (eq_attr "type" "idiv") "p5600_agq_al2+p5600_gpdiv*8") ;; arith (define_insn_reservation "p5600_int_arith_5" 2 (eq_attr "type" "arith") "p5600_agq_al2") ;; call (define_insn_reservation "p5600_int_call" 2 (eq_attr "jal" "indirect,direct") "p5600_agq_ctistd")