! { dg-do compile } ! Test fix for PR54286. ! ! Contributed by Janus Weil ! Module 'm' added later because original fix missed possibility of ! null interfaces - thanks to Dominique Dhumieres ! module m type :: foobar real, pointer :: array(:) procedure (), pointer, nopass :: f end type contains elemental subroutine fooAssgn (a1, a2) type(foobar), intent(out) :: a1 type(foobar), intent(in) :: a2 allocate (a1%array(size(a2%array))) a1%array = a2%array a1%f => a2%f end subroutine end module m implicit integer (a) type :: t procedure(a), pointer, nopass :: p end type type(t) :: x procedure(iabs), pointer :: pp procedure(foo), pointer :: pp1 x%p => a ! ok if (x%p(0) .ne. loc(foo)) call abort if (x%p(1) .ne. loc(iabs)) call abort x%p => a(1) ! { dg-error "PROCEDURE POINTER mismatch in function result" } pp => a(1) ! ok if (pp(-99) .ne. iabs(-99)) call abort pp1 => a(2) ! ok if (pp1(-99) .ne. -iabs(-99)) call abort pp => a ! { dg-error "PROCEDURE POINTER mismatch in function result" } contains function a (c) result (b) integer, intent(in) :: c procedure(iabs), pointer :: b if (c .eq. 1) then b => iabs else b => foo end if end function integer function foo (arg) integer, intent (in) :: arg foo = -iabs(arg) end function end